It seems the Director General of the BBC is consulting on future financing of the BBC . Consultation traditionally comprises a tick box disregard of unapproved comments or views – so our long war to end the Far Left Anti British BBC is a long long fight .
Midweek 27th March 2024
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Name of donor: Lord Wajid Khan of Burnley
Address of donor: private
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights £2,400; hotel £1,100; total value £3,500
Destination of visit: Pakistan
. . . . .
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
This article is more than 6 years old
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
. . . .
Name of donor: Manchester United Foundation
Address of donor: 26 Sir Matt Busby Way, Old Trafford, Stretford, Manchester M16 0RA
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets with hospitality for the Legends Game held at Old Trafford – Manchester United Legends V Liverpool Legends, total value £400
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. { aug2015}”
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
… my head is spinning …
In case anyone is still in the slightest doubt that we are facing nothing less than a takeover of our country by muslims, here they are openly admitting to it and planning the mechanisms for the overthrow, including the infiltration of our military and other institutions, and and the pressurised conversion of our children in our schools.
Dahwah, by the way, means ‘invitation’ or ‘summons’, i.e. conversion to islam.
I am educated by the UK and taxpayer.
I use tolerance and freedom to spread hatred of the UK.
I go on the welfare system whilst I hate the UK, being paid by the taxpayer.
I tell BBC’s Stacey Dooley I will not follow UK laws.
I get 2 years and 6 months being looked after by prison guards, paid by the taxpayer.
I get released 2 and a half years early for hating the UK.
The UK taxpayer pays £2 million to watch me with 23K other terrorists.
If you disagree you are Islamophobic and Sajid Javid will arrest you.
.. Anjem Choudary mocks the tolerance of the West ..
People like it. The bribing of the low paid political elites in this country means that they can keep paying them the lowest salaries in the Western world, and that is what matters more to them.
Give people a chance pay politicians the going rate or allow others to do so and Islamise the country they will choose Islamisation every time.
Don’t forget he who pays the piper calls the tune!
Are you saying that the politicians who get paid today are better than the unpaid ones of yesteryear who ran a quarter of the world ?
Unpaid ones of yesteryear? How far back are you going? To the time of King John?
The first Prime Minister Rober Walpole in 1721 was able to build this substantial pile with his earnings:
Subsequent PMs were equally well rewarded in fact I cannot recall a time in the past 300 years when they were not and that covers the time of the British Empire.
The current PM useless as he is, is paid just 1/3rd of what Winston Churchill received, that I think puts in in persective, and when you consider it’s about the same as the salary of the DG of the BBC 1/3rd as much.
MPs didn’t get a wage until 1911 .
Now they also receive generous pensions , allowance and expenses .
If the office of Prime Minister were to be given the renumeration that you propose , who would you say would take the job ?
Well in 2017 Douglas Murray brought out his book The Strange Death of Europe, and it was a very enlightening read. He was on the
money in saying we were sleep walking into becoming an Islamic country along with the rest of Europe.
Can’t say we weren’t warned !!
It’s what the scum facilitating the scam here want to do
Turn migrants into citizens! Easy!
President Joe Biden is currently considering granting amnesty to illegal migrants in a bid to act on the worsening immigration crisis, according to Politico.
Biden and his administration are weighing several ideas to take a tougher stance on the southern border crisis and illegal immigration amid criticisms he has thus far failed to act on either. The administration could start dolling out green cards to illegal immigrants who have long stayed inside the United States, thereby giving them amnesty to stay in the country, three people familiar with the planning told Politico.
Full article:
“green cards to illegal immigrants”
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held a US green card – allowing permanent residence in that country – while he was chancellor, his spokeswoman has said. He returned it in October last year, ahead of his first American trip as a UK government minister.8 Apr 2022
And making them lifelong Democrat voters, Biden hopes.
Do you think Biden’s mental state is capable of sustaining “hope” for more than a few seconds?
Hope for who? China Russia and the BRICS nations for sure !
@tomo – By ‘Biden’, I mean Obama.
That’ll be the end of him and his party for many years. The Demonrats are like Labour here, run and supported by crazy wealthy out of touch liberals and voted for by the working class and poor deceived into believing that the party represents them.
Giving the unskilled migrants green cards to take other peoples jobs is pretty much what happened in Britain when the EU opened the borders to Eastern Europeans. They took many of the jobs and people quickly resented it, Brexit was the result of stupid liberal do gooding and it will be no different here.
I wonder if any of Khant’s erstwhile colleagues are already filling in legal aid applications?
I reviewed the video footage of the usual suspect with the huge knife, and I am struck by the utter stupidity of people.
The nearest to him is a young Black male who is more interested in spectating than getting out of the way.
There is a brain dead bald White male trying to ignore the whole thing, but there is plenty of room and time for him to get up and move to a safer place. What was he waiting for? His turn because he wouldn’t have been able to defend himself if the Black had decided no witnesses.
Then there’s the screaming woman who was the only one to intervene albeit by screaming at him to stop and then phoning the Gestapo at the top of her lungs, apparantly the thought the Black might have been incentivised to come and stop her never entered into her mind!
Then there’s the unseen loon videoing the whole ghastly incident on his phone, at least he’s a good way back and using the zoom, but again he is a prime target as a witness gathering evidence which could be used as evidence.
What is wrong with people? It’s said the vaccine and lock down wiped around 40 points off their IQ and it’s apparant when walking around anywhere people are thick!
That would put many people into a single figure IQ.
Those for whom velcro shoes saves 20 minutes a day ?
I’ve got a pair of boots, in addition to the laces theres a zip up the side.
Recommended 👍
“Climate change could affect timekeeping, study says”
Does anyone believe this ?
Again they include that word “Could”.
The MoJ have something like a blanket exemption from FoI….
Fury as Home Office loses track of almost 6,000 asylum seekers who are now roaming Britain in immigration farce branded ‘shocking’ by Labour
Home Office is taking steps to urgently re-establish contact with the migrants
Labour said it showed ‘the mismanagement and chaos’ in asylum system
PUBLISHED: 19:39, 18 January 2024 | UPDATED: 20:48, 18 January 2024
Nudge Unit Pravda at Six final item
“Oh look here’s a black female Country Music group”
…long item #PRasNews
Nudge Unit Pravda at Five Radio item
“Here we are in India, Muslims are victims… Islamophobia.. boo hoo”
@Stew Green
“black female country group” the only country group singing a sad song when the kids’ father returns.
What happens when you play a country and western LP backwards ?
The wife returns and the dog comes to life again.
Ha ha ha!
But shed a tear here…
Love them, never heard this one !
If we were nearer we could have a great time swapping stuff, did you see the Pat Metheney video I posted in reply to you, with an orchestra backing him ?
Just listening to Nursery Cryme and others I have in my piles of CDs on the shelf for my new commute, all onto USB
And close to you (Canterbury) and wonderful… Caravan, not listened to for years…why not I ask myself..
Rock is no good on a winding 10 mile B road, too tempted to try overtaking farmer Palmer and his tractor and trailer full of inbred chickens and turkeys fighting each other on a 5 ton pile of manure pouring slowly out the back.
Still faster than the A1 (M) though.
Just been back and watched that, Zeps!
Fabulous rendition – thank you!
As for Canterbury, that’s the home of Soft Machine, which can sometimes be brilliant too!
I’m sure good people here are able to help, but what is the consensus, (not the ‘science’ or the ‘agenda’), of Times Radio?
I’ve listened to a few bits from there, and generally think that there’s something of interest to hear, but have I just been lucky?
Naturally I apply the First Law of Scrobs to the awful Beeboid detritus, (always believe the opposite), but occasionally, while I’m potting up the tomato plants or geraniums, I like to listen to something easier on the mind, especially as O’Brien’s stuff makes the seedlings bend over and die within a few minutes…
posted before, the best radio station, no account needed and no registering: 1970s selection here
If this is the “Times Radio” which interviews people and then posts the pieces on You tube then it is the most ridiculously blatant lying piece of government propaganda I’ve ever come across. From Peter Hitchins to Admiral Lord West I’ve never heard such falsehoods come out of peoples mouths.
Have a listen by all means but don’t set much store by it unless you believe everything which comes out of Tory central office !
It’s this one, Thoughtful…
But yes, YouTube seems to be another outlet, so thank you!
Great interview by Mark Steyn with Conrad Black on the dirty stinking rotten corrupt US justice system:
Not pulling any punches!
Funny but when the BBC and others were having a go at Prince Andrew, that was one of the reasons given as to why he settled the case rather than going to trial.
Just in case anyone is interested there is a BBC Concert from Kings tommorow for Easter. Not a religious service, but music inspired by Easter.
2.5 hours long, begins at 7.30 pm 19:30 on Radio 3
Daniel Hyde, Director of Music at King’s College, conducts the BBC Concert Orchestra and The Bach Choir live from Cambridge, in music by Parry and Vaughan Williams. On the centenary of his death the main focus of the programme is Stanford’s Stabat Mater, written in 1906.
Presented by Martin Handley.
Vaughan Williams Heroic Elegy and Triumphal Epilogue
Stanford Justorum animae
Parry There is an old belief
Stanford Stabat Mater
Eleanor Dennis (soprano)
Jennifer Johnston (mezzo)
Sam Furness (tenor)
James Platt (bass)
The Bach Choir
Chorus Master David Hill
Paul Greally (King’s organ scholar)
BBC Concert Orchestra
conductor Daniel Hyde
Some good old British (English) composers and music there for anyone with a classical bent.
Only in England, can we have your wonderful Easter concert notification, followed by
“Christ on a bike”
I suspect most on here realise how often we are being outright lied to by the bbc, both directly and by obvious omission.
Mr Marky “Deja Vu” Mark posted a video from Jordan Peterson that was a repeat that I posted a while ago, no problem there, it is worth the re listen, further to that I urge all on here to give this a listen:
This man talks sense
Mark Twain Quote: If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.
p.s. love the new name
Mr Marky “Deja Vu” Mark
Swedish nut
Coal power in China is electricity generated from coal in China and is distributed by the State Power Grid Corporation. It is a big source of greenhouse gas emissions by China.
China’s installed coal-based power generation capacity was 1080 GW in 2021,[1] about half the total installed capacity of power stations in China.[2] Coal-fired power stations generated 57% of electricity in 2020.[3] Over half the world’s coal-fired power is generated in China.[4] 5 GW of new coal power was approved in the first half of 2021.[2] Quotas force utility companies to buy coal power over cheaper renewable power.[5] Carbon Tracker estimated in 2020 that the average coal fleet loss was about 4 USD/MWh and that about 60% of power stations were cashflow negative in 2018 and 2019.[6] According to 2020 analysis by Energy Foundation China, to keep warming to 1.5 degrees C all China’s coal power without carbon capture must be phased out by 2045.[7] But in 2023 many new coal power stations were approved.[8] Coal power stations receive payments for their capacity.[9]
Retirement and addition of coal-fired power capacity
The annual amount of coal plant capacity being retired increased into the mid-2010s.[10] However, the rate of retirement has since stalled,[10] and global coal phase-out is not yet compatible with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.[11]
In parallel with retirement of some coal plant capacity, other coal plants are still being added, though the annual amount of added capacity has been declining since the 2010s.[12]
Coal is the main source of electricity but its share is declining
China is the largest producer and consumer of coal in the world and is the largest user of coal-derived electricity. Despite China (like other G20 countries) pledging in 2009 to end inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, as of 2020 there are direct subsidies and the main way coal power is favoured is by the rules guaranteeing its purchase – so dispatch order is not merit order.[13]
To curtail the continued rapid construction of coal fired power plants, strong action was taken in April 2016 by the National Energy Administration (NEA), which issued a directive curbing construction in many parts of the country.[14] This was followed up in January 2017 when the NEA canceled a further 103 coal power plants, eliminating 120 GW of future coal-fired capacity, despite the resistance of local authorities mindful of the need to create jobs.[15] The decreasing rate of construction is due to the realization that too many power plants had been built and some existing plants were being used far below capacity.[16] In 2020 over 40% of plants were estimated to be running at a net loss and new plants may become stranded assets.[13] In 2021 some plants were reported close to bankruptcy due to being forbidden to raise electricity prices in line with high coal prices.[17]
The think tank Carbon Tracker estimated the average loss was about US$4/MWh and that about 60% of power stations were cashflow negative in 2018 and 2019.[18] In 2020 Carbon Tracker estimated that 43% of coal-fired plants were already more expensive than new renewables and that 94% would be by 2025.[19] According to a 2020 analysis by Energy Foundation China, in order to keep warming to 1.5 degrees C coal plants without carbon capture must be phased out by 2045.[20] A 2021 study estimated that all coal power plants could be shut down by 2040, by retiring them at the end of their financial lifetime.[21]
In 2023 the Economist magazine wrote that ‘ Building a coal plant, whether it is needed or not, is also a common way for local governments to boost economic growth.’ and that ‘ They don’t like depending on each other for energy. So, for example, a province might prefer to use its own coal plant rather than a cleaner energy source located elsewhere.’[22]
Anothe cognitive miss by thoughtful, respect for your opinion, but Peter Hitchens, oft quoted, is not in government :
” blatant lying piece of government propaganda I’ve ever come across. From Peter Hitchins to Admiral Lord West I’ve never heard such falsehoods come out of peoples mouths.”
“I love the two party system and I love first past the post”
“The Brexit referendum was a dangerous mistake” i.e we should still be in the EU
There’s also the possibility of a [sic] Trumpoid development as people vote for someone completely outrageous because there’s no one left to vote for.
I don’t think Nigel Farage is a conservative, Thatcherite but not a conservative.
You get a revolt of a Trump kind
Immigration is easily exploitable by bigotts
Brexit was a referendum on immigration
We are all one race, the human race and there isn’t any difference between us.
British people are now by and large pretty much unemployable and we need immmigrants to do the jobs they won’t do.
Germany is a happier country than Britain
That’s just a few of the quotes from this interview and I can tell you that these differ markedly from Hitchens often expressed views, and these accord with that of the government and the Time interviewer who reminds me of Kathy Newman with her ill disguised smirk when she thinks she’s asked a ‘gotcha’ question.
I haven’t had a chance to ask Peter why he gave such a different set of answers to his normal ones in this interview but I do intend to ask him when I next talk to him.
The eve of the Easter Weekend and the corrupt unelected PM hands out ‘honours ‘ – including a Mohammed who bunged the blue Labour Party £8 million …. Quite cheap really ,,,,,
The sooner the green card PM and his dirty failed party leave – the better – angee seems more honest in her tax avoidance / alleged fraud …
Lets get one thing straight, no one elects a PM, in my area Oliver Heald (conservative) s unlikely to lose, simply because he does his job
Russian network that ‘paid European politicians’ busted, authorities claim
Oh dear BBC, your head seems to be permanently wedged up your own backside these days.
The story here is not a propaganda network offering to pay people to help. You use those all the time via the far-Left troll-farm who swamp every major story I see in our media with childlike spiteful anti-Russian/pro-Left propaganda and you do nothing about it.
The REAL story is the dirty b@stard European politicians who took it. But somehow they are being portrayed as victims here !!!.
Qatargate is an ongoing political scandal, involving allegations that European Parliament officials, lobbyists and their families have been influenced by the governments of Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania, engaging in corruption, money laundering, and organized crime.[1] Law enforcement authorities in Belgium, Italy and Greece seized €1.5 million in cash, confiscated computers and mobile phones, and charged four individuals with the alleged offences.[2][3][4][5]
€1.5 million in cash
€1.5 million in cash
€1.5 million in cash
€1.5 million in cash
I keep checking that one Marky.
It’s a huge story going right to the heart of curruption at the highest level in the EU. And you can be 100% certain it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
But the BBC swept it right under the carpet because it’s against their pro-Eu agenda. IIRC it disappeared from the front page after a day. And if I search for it on Google, I only get 2 BBC articles.
But nothing new there : they don’t report any troubles in the EU – whether it’s violence from immigrants or mass protests in cities which go on for months. They consider that rejoining the EU (or any other agenda topic) justifies their lies by omission.
And of course OFCOM ignore it because they agree with it. They are the REAL scumbags in this story.
EU – corruption for all! Lazy national politicians! Win win!
Yes but it couldn’t possibly happen here could it? All our political elites are complete angels and would never accept any kind of inducement because they are in it for the public good and their low salaries is proof of that !
Beckenham: Train passengers pleaded with knifeman during attack
I’ve noticed a trend at the BBC where the headline no longer represents the inconvenient story. Sometimes they prefer to soften the reader with empathy to set their mood before they get the actual story. This one should be ‘Black teenager charged with attempted murder after train attack’.
And as an indicator of just how infantile and ridiculous the latest generation of BBC news staff have become, just look at how far they are going to prevent people seeing what they don’t want them to see:
The caption is:
‘An image from a video on social media shows a man holding a blade (which has been blurred by the BBC)’
Why ?. Don’t they want the public to see such a blade next to a very blurred black hand ?. Or might the delicate snowflakes be shocked at the sight of it ?. What ridiculous directive do the BBC have now which made the idiot clone do that ?.
And what a terrible picture to choose compared to all the others in the news (like I linked earlier) which ‘capture the sentiment’ much better. It’s such a contrast, it’s definitely on purpose.
And a drum roll for clone ‘Jess Warren’ who churned this out:

Henry Kissinger was once a board member at Elizabeth Holmes’ failed blood-testing venture Theranos and was influential in recruiting other big donors for the startup. Getty Images/AP
Why is Bill Clinton and Obama trending ?
Bill Clinton admits to having inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky
As you know, in a deposition in January, I was asked questions about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information.
Indeed, I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.
But I told the grand jury today and I say to you now that at no time did I ask anyone to lie, to hide or destroy evidence or to take any other unlawful action.
“Why so many Russians voted for Putin”
Basically argues he puts the Russian people first ..
“The Russian people know that their President opposes mass immigration, supranational powers like the EU and the West’s ‘new world order’, is supportive of his country’s sovereignty, domestic industry and jobs, the traditional family and marriage, protecting children from sexual abuse, the Christian religion (building hundreds of churches), low taxes, generous social support and a ‘multi-polar’ world order.”
Manages the economy well
“The Financial Times noted that Russia saw a remarkable 3.6 per cent economic growth in 2023, positioning itself as the foremost economy in Europe and the fifth globally, with Russians experiencing a 5.4 per cent increase in real disposable income, and unemployment at a record low.
Even with the blatant theft by Nato/EU of some $300billion of Russian foreign exchange reserves, the country has moved up to 6th place in the global table with reserves of $442billion.”
For those feted by the bbc et al
that’s relevant to that do not cast
pearls before swine and what that means
is that if people are not listening to
you stop talking to them and that’s
really that is the best piece of advice
that I can give you and what happens is
is that if you stop talking to people
who aren’t listening to you and start
watching them instead they will tell you
what they’re up to but so if you have
things to say you say them but you find
people that will listen talk to them the
ones who aren’t listening pull back
because you’re you’re devaluing what you
have to say by offering it to an
audience that does nothing but reject it
and that’s a good guideline to life in
5.58 minutes in
What Jordan misses is the power of peer pressure, with a child, once that changes, all changes
Classic bbc lying muzzes at their best:
Jewish victims, never to be seen on the muslim bbc
And US universities showing just how depraved they’ve become
If that is valid, well …
This is what is overseeing the holding to account of politicians using a raft of meaningless slogans for bbc sound bites.
Deborah Turness, BBC News CEO, has told staff again this morning that her focus is on ‘courage, fairness and respect’ to ‘build truth and trust’.
On sex and gender, there’s been no courage, no respect for women, and no fairness: the truth is punishable and trust has withered.
Islam is right about women? BBC Verified!
At least the likes of Owen Jones and Ash Sarkar are honest
about their Marxist political views . What I find despicable
is how many of the BBC news editors in particular on
the internet news pages of the BBC , but also on TV and
radio hide behind the umbrella of the so called unbiased BBC.
When in reality a lot of them would of at least got
interviews to work on Julius Stericher’s Die Stuermer in another
Time for a BBC compliment for Farming Today on Radio 4 this a.m. You can listen against on BBC Sounds if you missed it. At least they did not dismiss/complain/moan about the UK leaving the EU as they did yesterday. And there was almost a Christian element to Framing Today. It provoked recall of the early verses of the gospel of John chapter 10.
We investigate the media from No7 to No10, Banquo’s ghost to Beyoncé, as the nation says come in Number 10, your time is up edition
He may be little more than a seat-warmer for Starmer: …the Tories slumped to a 21-point deficit in an exclusive poll for The Sun’s new Never Mind The Ballots politics show (The Sun)
But our first PM of Indian heritage, despite his diminiative stature – and his suits apparently borrowed either from a fellow manlet-style mate or perhaps some even shorter younger brother – our brahmin caste Sunak does seem to be making a mark of sorts on our British institutions…
15 sick after suspected poisoning in prison… prisoners and staff were taken ill after eating curry (Telegraph) – so what was wrong with the ancient British jail house penetentiary menu of bread and water? I jest of course.
The jokey blokey working man’s Daily Star advertises Boots the chemist in their prime frontpage, just to the right of the red top masthead, top spot: Free full-sized face cream when you spend £20 on No7 at Boots – enticing special offer copy accompanied by a neat pack shot (as they term it in the ad trade) of Boots own brand No7 Derm Solutions
But goodness gracious me… what’s this? The mid-market midwit Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express (long time but no longer United with the people of Ukraine on their masthead) sells the same prime frontpage top right hand corner ad spot to Boots with the identical offer: Free No7 face cream when you spend £20 – yet this time illustrated, not with the pack shot as on the Daily Star cover, but with a female model using their skin cream and she’s of obviously south asian heritage.
Oh dear, can you imagine old Mother Sunak’s disappointment when little Rishi gave up her hopes for him in a steady career in pharmacy only to be office boy at Goldman Sachs – then took a heart-breaking big pay cut to temp as British PM as a holiday job.
Was that a little hat-tip perhaps to their hero? As the Daily Express obsequiously tows the Number 10 Tory line of the day – which goes something along the lines of “don’t blame us gov, for broken Britain, we’ve only been your governors for the last decade and a half”: ‘Disgrace!’ Fat cat water bosses under fire
What have those Wet Tories ever done for us? Privatised, apparently unregulated and mismanaged water supply, sewerage, irrigation…? – came the Pythonesque reply.
Clean your own mess, Thames Water told (Times)
Thames Water on track for renationalisation (Guardian) – a positive outcome gifting upteen new civil service regulatory managerial public sector quango jobs for the Karens – no wonder the Guardian readership are licking their lips
If they do pull that off that renationalisation outcome prior to the general election it will be a Tory policy to make even Jeremy Corbyn – presently semi-retired from Bolshevik politics down on his allotment – throw his prize marrow in air, whistle The Internationale and jump for joy.
Taxpayers may be forced to bail out Thames water as customers face 40% hike in bills (‘i’) – taxpayers, what taxpayers, we don’t pay no tax?! So say the illiterate student readership of the poundshop junior Guardian which is the ‘i’ newspaper.
In the small print: bills will need to rise by 2030 (‘i’) – hang on… real terms unofficial inflation looks set to go on at an annual rate of at least 5% per year, so at compound interest, we’ll likely be paying that much more in six years time anyway.
Rishi Sunak can check my maths
Economically folks, I’m afraid we’re stuck in a form of time loop – condemned to repeat the same currency debasing unfunded ballooning sovereign debt mistakes over and over again – I refer of course to the BBC online press line-up where yesterday’s Financial Times frontpage makes a unwelcome encore returning like Banquo’s ghost to the feast: Thursday 28th March 2024 – No new FT, no new comment
And what with Net Zero and all this global warming to factor in by 2030…
Easily sled… Harvey Campbell enjoys his sledge in the snow on Dartmore after fresh falls in south-west England and Wales yesterday (Telegraph)
Never Mind The Ballots
Mr AsI admits to having been a bit of a new wave & punk rock fan in his time and he’s reminded of Manchester’s irrespresible nonconformists The Fall (RIP Mark E Smith)
Extracts from the lyrics of the track Tempo House from the 1983 album Perverted by Language
Snow on Easter Sunday
Jesus Christ in reverse!
Winston Churchill had a speech imp-p-p-pediment
And look what he did
He razed half of London
Illness, pollution, should be encouraged and let loose
Then maybe some would have a genuine grouse
Speaking of alternative cultural takes on the music scene
How Beyoncé became the queen of county (Times) – country album… well Yee·Haw!
Beyoncé Her ecletic new album reviewed (Guardian) – eclectic album… well La-di-da!
“How Beyoncé became the queen of county ”
YET …..
Jamie Oliver’s ‘jerk rice’ accused of cultural appropriation
21 August 2018
“The Lesser-Known History of African-American Cowboys”
“One in four cowboys was black. So why aren’t they more present in popular culture?”
(Smithonian Magazine – Katie Nodjimbadem) – I guess we’ll have to take her word for it.
What is the demographic for the NBA?
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2021 was composed of 73.2 percent black players, 16.8 percent white players, 3.1 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players.
AsISeelt ,
Must be true as in Blazing Saddles….the Sheriff is a ☆igger …Classic Film still makes me chuckle now .
Just imagine if the BBC did a remake of that !
And to all like minded on here a Happy Easter 🐣
Blazing Saddles
“I can only tell you I was motivated by many factors. First, by a desire to protect myself from the embarrassment of my own conduct.”
They had two children, Debbie and Susie. Currie and her husband separated in 1997, but did not finalise their divorce until 2001. During that marriage, between 1984 and 1988, Currie had a four-year affair with John Major, later Prime Minister, which she revealed in September 2002.
….. And in UK Conservative Gov … HA HA HA HA ….
Back to Basics attempted to relaunch the government of John Major (pictured). Though it was intended as a nostalgic appeal to traditional values such as “neighbourliness, decency, courtesy”, the campaign was widely interpreted in the media as a campaign for socially conservative causes such as the traditional family.
Lies. In lies. With lies.
A lot of very fed up farmers in London on 25=Mar-24:
Obviously not of interest to the bBC.
Hummer turning Bute House into a mosque, and then…
Richard Taylor, the father of murdered Damilola Taylor, has died this week aged 75.
Actor John Boyega, who rarely discusses his childhood friendship with Damilola, tells @johnwilson14 on Last Word he remembers the 10-year-old as being ‘flamboyant and charismatic’.
1hr, 2 comments.
Interesting stuff North of the border.
Fury as Gaza war surgeon who hailed terrorist behind murder of Israeli rabbi as a ‘hero’ is elected rector of the University of Glasgow
Muslims break their fast at sunset with the call to prayer. Today, Sheikh Rabbani performed the call to prayer in Bute House with friends from across different faith communities.
Quite possibly the first time the Islamic call to prayer has been performed in Bute House!
Kneel for BLM.
Die for Islam.
There is a story today of Thames Water and its financial difficulties, and having followed the story of this for some time now I’m in a position to recognise when others are misrepresenting the truth about the situation.
The clueless Michael Gove an extreme Left winger who started off as a Labour party member until he met the equally far Left Boris Johnson at Oxford, went on to try to get a job at a Tory think tank which refused him on the grounds of being insufficiently political and not a conservative. Back then the Tories still had some vestage of conservatism.
Foggy Moggy is equally clueless when it comes to business with his Somerset capital unbelievably losing clients money in a bull market – that takes a special kind of incompetence and now the taxpayer are having to bail it’s investors out!
I shall attempt to sum up the problems in Thames Water so readers can tell when the media is trying to deceive them.
The basic thrust is that the far Left want Water services re-nationalised and are attacking the problems at Thames Water as being greed on behalf of management and shareholders – this is a lie.
The problems originate as the often do from the Marxist Tories and their proxy Ofwat. The ecouraged / forced the management of Thames water to invest in new infrastructure and plant for cleaner waste and tap water, which was fine when interest rates were at an all time low, but they would not allow the bills to rise to cover the cost of all this investment (in the fantasy socialist mind money is illusory).
This was all fine and dandy and Thames Water could afford the interest repayments, but then interest rates rose at a very fast pace, and what was once affordable became unaffordable.
So when you hear the lies from the Marxist Tories and the media that this is the result of free enterprise and Water needs to be re-nationalised, remember this.
It was not free enterprise when government controlled profit margins and forced investment decisions on management. It was not free enterprise when government controlled the amount which could be charged to customers and refused to even allow investment to be repaid.
It is not the fault of greedy capitalists or hedge fund managers, most of the investors are pension funds and soverign wealth funds.
The fault here lies entirely with incompetent far Left government not understanding business and their proxies in the regulation companies such as Ofwat. In addition the massive influx of people due to mass immigration has led to increased demand on the infrastructure without any more income being allowed.
In short it is the story of the failure of Socialism once again.
And as a postscript a £750 Million bail out package from investors has failed as the Marxist Tories and Ofwat have intervened to make it unworkable owing to restrictions and new regulations they have placed on the deal. This situation is being deliberately manipulated so the government can force Thames Water into bankruptcy.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – And now a complaint about the non-Christian BBC. The BBC appear to have forgotten that Good Friday is a holy day as well as a holiday day. The Stock Exchange in London is closed. There is no trading there and the Financial Times is normally not published today. So why have the BBC included yesterday’s edition in their Blog?!
An Irish Grandad Opines
tomo, I recall enforced secondary smoking where I was in a public place with smokers and had to be there for some reason, leisure purposes or work-related gatherings. I remember going home with my suit stinking of smoke, and quickly changing to leisure clothes and then taking the suit worn at the business reception and hanging it out in the garage until the day after the day following the event. I am as you might have guessed a non-smoker. Since the smoking ban in enclosed spaces, I find I am finding it unpleasant to smell cigarette or vape smoke out on the street.
Well, the latest train stabbing, enriching scumbag has been named…and his name is…drumroll…Rakeem Thomas.
You know, Rakeem sounds a bit…Hmm…
And there was me thinking it would be a bloke called Joe Bloggs.
It looks like the BBC have got a tad bored with this story.
They’re more interested in the Damilola Taylor case…
It could be he’d just got out of jail for carrying a knife on a train
This guy is 19, the name “Rakeem Thomas” appears in other court cases but too old to be him
Hower just before Christmas a man called “Rakeem Thomas”who was 18 was jailed for 6 months .. i almost surely has to be him
Strange that only obscure blogs report this stuff
but here’s a sceond contemporary source
Brick by brick the progressives work to destroy Great Britain….
So the Muslims in Afghanistan are to restore the practice of stoning women to death whenever they feel like it.
Will there be crowds of human rights flag wavers and chanters protesting in London? Will Biden say stop it? Will the UN have a special resolution?
Not a snowflake’s chance in hell!
Two-faced twats!
GBnews page is offering Netfix plus Sky for £19/month
(Sky movies and Sky sports are not in the package)
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.
— Philip K. Dick
This Is Belonging 2018 – TV – Keeping my Faith – This is Belonging – Army Jobs
According to eyewitnesses, Hasan then went around behind the desk and bowed his head for several seconds, before he suddenly stood up, shouted “Allahu Akbar !” and opened fire.[18][19][20] Witnesses said Hasan initially “sprayed bullets at soldiers in a fanlike motion” before taking aim at individual soldiers.[21] Eyewitness SGT Michael Davis said: “The rate of fire was pretty much constant shooting. When I initially heard it, it sounded like an M16.”[22]
I’ve often wondered how a camouflage helmet can accommodate a Sikh turban (!)
tomo, iirc, beards have always been possible in the Royal Navy, but you had to have a ‘full set’ ie. beard and mustache.
Tiktok videos?