It seems the Director General of the BBC is consulting on future financing of the BBC . Consultation traditionally comprises a tick box disregard of unapproved comments or views – so our long war to end the Far Left Anti British BBC is a long long fight .
Midweek 27th March 2024
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oh noes… the ‘orrible jooze is crushing sunflowers
I was given the impression from the photos and all the news reporting that Gaza was basically a prison camp and that 2 million people were squashed into a tiny space in high rise apartments and there were no green spaces, the only unbuilt land being the beach and cemetaries.
With all the scooritee barriers appearing in UK supermarkets – all too easy to imagine that we’ll have to swipe debit cards on entry and the automatic barriers will like some crazy pinball game eject you onto the pavement should you be deemed to have inadequate funds to participate?
tomo, too good an opportunity to miss:
Sadly, that sort of contemporary music is not made any more.
Citizen Assemblies are a fraud
“Nudge Unit”
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavirus
11 MAR 2020
Behavioural Insights Team is now independent of the UK government
At BIT, we improve lives and communities by helping all levels of government, private sector and philanthropy businesses tackle their biggest challenges.
We offer a selection of behavioural science consultancy and services to help clients across multiple sectors to gain an understanding of their audience and create strategies that will help them to scale their business effectively.
Discover how giving your clients a gentle nudge using research and data focused on human behaviour can help your business to scale within your industry thanks to The Behavioural Insights Team.
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
AP,’s decision to award the top photojournalism prize to a photo taken by a Muslim of the stripped dead body of an Israeli girl on the back of a pick-up demonstrates how all manner of institutions are now infected with an utterly nasty pernicious bunch of activists.
Today is Good Friday the day our Saviour Jesus Christ was Crucified after being tortured so that we might enter heaven.
This hymn is posted in respect of that sacrifice:
A record collection from the congregation I heard….
It would dispense with a lot of messing about and put the “executives” in a less iniquitous situation than the postmasters were actually put in…
I’m sorry but as one affected by this I am boiling mad at the way the establishment has completely exhonerated all the political elites who knew exactly what was going on and tacitly approved of it. Every single government minister from 1997 to date should also be imprisoned.
The whole attack on the Sub-Postmasters was in my opinion as close to the Nazi holocaust as we have ever seen since that time. Individuals were singled out on the basis that they invested their capital and their work in the state, and the state then sought to deprive them of all their worldly goods through direct misuse of the legal system, (another pillar the establishment has sought to protect at all costs).
The victims were often wrongly imprisoned, nearly all suffered severe mental health consequences and were deprived of the ability to earn a living, some of them lost their lives as a result.
Whilst I am in no way suggesting it was as bad as the holocaust, the mindset which drove it was the same. They didn’t execute the sub postmasters because they had no mechanism by which to do so, but if they had then I think they would have done so.
Jordan Peterson often talks about how easy it is for people to fall into this mindset and how they can commit acts of incredible evil without a qualm.
But they could only do this with the full knowledge and support of central government.
All state owned businesses have a shareholder representative on the board. The job of this person is not to provide any executive input, but to report back to central government what is going on within the business, and therefore the cabinet of the government had full cognition of what was happening and approved of it.
We know for certain Ed Davey knew and approved, because his brother worked for Cartwright King the law firm wrongly prosecuting sub postmasters, and we know how dismissive he was about meeting Alan Bates. We also know he was corruptly given a consultancy at over £900 an hour for his deceitful and evil cover up.
Today the corrupt and evil Ed Davey is lobbying for Thames Water to be nationalised. I ask how much money is he expecting to get out of that?
Up to date as far as I am aware no compensation has been paid and none is being offered. A sum is allegedly being proffered as restitution (note the difference between restitutioni and compensation) but in most cases it amounts to nothing as the conditions applied to acceptance mean the govenment will claw it all back.
It’s a sickening situation to watch the establishment perform actions purely for PR whilst doing absolutely nothing, or the bare minimum to put things right.
It’s often said no one is owed a living, well I think that’s no longer true and the state owes everyone of the postmasters affected a living.
Just listened to Desert Island Discs with Alice Roberts. I had to because I have always been intrigued, not by her, but by my own puzzling reaction to her.
Although most viewers seem to really like her and she appears to have a charming screen presence, for some reason I have always intensely disliked her. I could never work out why.
In this programme we learned that she was bullied in primary school. She had strict, religious, emotionally unavailable parents. She became estranged from her mother in later life.
Her choice of music was surprisingly raucous. The Pixies and stuff like that. She seemed stuck in her adolescence.
She had a strange ambition to be buried in such a way that it would confuse archaeologists a thousand years hence.
Having learned a bit about her, I think I might now understand my negative reaction to her. Her on-screen persona, with her flirtatious smiles, head tilts, and hair flips, is fundamentally false. She isn’t warm at all. Her superficial personality promises to lead you to a pure land of bliss, but actually she can only take you to a cold ground full of lifeless bones.
Keir Starmer says that in the future archaeologists will know that a man is woman who was a man that had a penis removed due to their belief in being a woman.
BBC Verified Labour fact!
BBC presenter Alice Roberts in ‘battle’ with her mother over campaign against faith schools
Robert Mendick,
18 November 2018 • 6:21pm
She started out as the punk pink haired student in the Time Team trench, talking about bones.
In December 1988 as a 15 yo she was on the cover of the Radio Times
(winner of the BBC1 Blue Peter Young Artists competition)
In 2001 she gone from medical docotor to anatomy lecturer, only in 2007 did she qualify as a paleontologist
started on Time Team in 2001
I have loathed the “queen of woke” Roberts for a while. Every utterance she makes is clouded with pathetic wokeness. She had some nonsense program a while back and everything bad was due to slavery or colonialism. Perfect for employment by the bBBC.
Forensic! HA HA H A!
“Bombastic Boris meets his match in forensic Starmer at PMQs” … The PM gets the first taste of a dogged cross-examination so clinical he can’t hide behind his characteristic bluster
cervixes aren’t the only thing he struggles with
In the vid Starmer doesn’t seem a good speaker
However I get what he is saying
If you are middle class you expect to go to university etc,
If you are working class getting to university feels like an big step up
Sure middle class do aspire to work hard an get on, however they start with a level of expectation”
I’d not want to employ him as a lawyer on that performance….
Pretty lame, shallow identity politics stuff – where’s the Hovis bicycle advert with the brass band?
He probably went into working for the Ministry of Justice because he was a crap Barrister. He couldn’t hack it as a self employed Barrister so decided to work for a easy public sector job instead. After all there’s no shortage of crime to prosecute and who’s going to complain if prosecutions fail? The Judge, Jury Witnesses, Police and evidence can be blamed. He can choose the cases to go forward and reject prosecution cases that won’t succeed, a very easy job if you ask me.
@GBnews water disinformation via 2 hyperbolic presenters and an expert guest who is really a Labour anti-privatisation activist (Marxist ?)
.. @NwogboJohnbosco who by the way is a recent student visa immigrant to the UK.
Personally I don’t think the UK has a huge problem with sewage in rivers
To show impact the “show me the bodies rule” applies
And there simply isn’t a big pile of dead bodies
There are every so often swimmers or triathlon athletes who have had a dodgy stomach for a day or so, due to something they picked up from the water
.. some of that caused by algae, some of that caused by sewage.
That happens across the world and in the 3 parts of the UK where water IS CURRENTLY nationalised
And in England particularly things don’t stand still, rather you have to spend billions per year just to stay steady, cos old Victorian pipes need replacing at the same time there is an immigration boom.
But media like to say everything is a CRISIS
@benleo444 did introduce @NwogboJohnbosco as “Lead Campaigner at @We_ownit”
but then treated him as if he was a water scientist
(He’s not he’s a Momentum anti-Tory activist on a work visa after his student visa)
Then presenter @DawnNeesom came in with her bit which was almost entirely misleading
“You have been campaigning about this for a long while (no he’s been in the job 3 years)
why hasn’t ANYTHING been done ? (Water corps spend hundreds of millions every year on this)
every year the situation has got worse (That is only true for last year, over the decades it’s been getting better)
The government do NOTHING, OFWAT do NOTHING” (neither true)
A question which lines up the activist
He replies “well look over there, they have an “ideological obsession with privatisation”
FFS He’s an actual ACTIVIST with an “ideological obsession”
He goes into his nationalisation rant, without mentioning that water is already NATIONALISED in 3 states of the UK ..and their pollution is worse !
Nothing to see here
muzzies are always victims…
untiil I protest at my coffee shop today with ther muzzie mass rapiist promoting poster
Bbc 1 news on tv advertising a bbc prog by the maker of peaky blinders . How is this news,
Wife insists on watching this crap
Repetition is key here because this is how the subconscious mind gets programmed. Engage in daily breathwork to calm your nervous system, then after doing this listen to the beliefs you want to reprogram and start to repeat them to yourselves.25 Jan 2024
you know the rest.
Boris to pick up an AK47 and defend his £350K for speaking at a USA bank conference>?!
I’d pay to see BoJo in a Donbas front line trench
“I was reminded of this when a Ukrainian friend recently told me about the growing problem of press gangs there.
Not too long ago, he and some friends got off at Kyiv train station and were immediately swarmed by a mob of masked soldiers checking the documents of all military-aged males and hauling off those without the necessary exemptions (these include being unfit to serve on health grounds, those in certain types of study, and those who have lost family members during military service) to various army facilities.
Many will almost certainly end up on the front, unwilling and undertrained.”
The Russian Orthodox Church is also recognising that Bidens Socialist government is indeed Satanic as I have been telling people.
The kids are under 20? Some of these kids aren’t even 15 ! That is reminiscent of what happened in the last days of Nazi Germany!
2 interesting things about the Rakeen Thomas December court case
When I check tweets
#1 Seems zero reporting by MSM
Yet sites like Lotus Eaters did report it
and numerous individual retweeted the police tweet
#2 The way it was spelled Rackeen Thomas then and Rakeen Thomas now
I have this with quite a few foreign name court cases
like one time the first name comes first then in the next case it’s used as a surname
I wonder if it’s a deliberate lawyer’s ploy to obscure things.
Why was he not deported? He could have been but weak Marxist government means serious criminals never are.
Is he deportable?
Got a link?
dont you need a 12 month sentence to even be considered for deportation
That is policy and it’s currently two years but it just shows the weakness of the government. Germany went to the European court and won when they deported a criminal born of a migrant in Germany, the criminal claimed the fact he was born in Germany meant he couldn’t be deported.
The court found only those born in Germany of parents born in Germany were safe from deportations, and the offspring of migrants can be deported.
Any one can be deported for any reason the government chooses, it’s only weak government which sets a 24 month sentence and then fails to adhere even to that high bar. So yes, he is absolutely deportable.
Here is an insight into the world teetering on the precipice of WWIII and where the danger lies and what can be done to stop that.
via TSC
Britain’s Knife Epidemic: Man Charged in Kennington Underground Station Incident
35-year-old Nicholas Orlando Green, of Kennington Park Road, faces two counts of attempted murder, possession of a bladed article, and one count of sexual assault.
Sajjad Hussain, a 50-year-old resident of Galloway Street, Wavertree, has been handed a 14-year and two-month prison sentence for a series of heinous crimes, including rape, sexual assault, battery, assault, and controlling and coercive behaviour.
another pervy politician?
Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), has announced his immediate resignation. The decision follows allegations of a historical nature that have recently come to light.
Mail : BBC Look East is slammed for having ‘all-white’ production team despite corporation spending £600,000 last year on ‘diversity and inclusion’ staff
A few days ago (possibly on this particular thread) I posted a theory that the covid vaccine had made people more stupid wiping a possible 40 points of their IQ score.
Well right on cue as if someone had been quietly listening in the Mail publishes this:
MICHAEL MOSLEY: The test that reveals Covid has made us more stupid… and what you can do about it
Of course they aren’t allowed to blame the vaccine directly but I’m sure most are able to read between the lines, unless they’ve been vaccinated and lost the ability to read of course!
I never even had COVID but I definitely feel more stupid.
@MartinDaubney tweetd Mar 27
Here’s the moment “Christian” chemical attacker Abdul Ezedi gets a Muslim funeral
This makes a total mockery of the UK’s bogus “pray to stay” asylum racket. The world is laughing at us
(video was on BBC)
I think the media have blown this up out of proportion. Most immigration judges are wise to the scam, it’s the Church of Satanic Socialism where the problem lies.
There’s another problem with people who have come from Afghanistan, how do you get them back there? There are no direct flights as far as I know and legally you can’t send someone back to their death, and given the state of the Taleban, it’s difficult to know for certain who lives and who dies.
That’s the bigger problem, not the so called pray to stay.
Put the Afghans in prison work camps, untill they decide to leave the country themselves.
pakistan just sent 1.5m back , no ECHR judges involved , less fuss than trying to deport one sex offender from britain
Dawn demonstrates dimness
train guards were supposed to check tickets and make sure it was safe for the train to pull away , not act like a member of the sas in each carriage
Dawn Butler is quote tweeting herself and got ratioed
Her first tweet isn’t ratioed ..why’s that ?
“Who can reply?
Accounts @DawnButlerBrent mentioned can reply”
she turned off replies
You’d have to be an idiot to pay that. £7.50 for something which is only 64% butter and, by the way, only costs £5 at Asda for the same size.
750g is a very large packet ..400g is normal £3
and there is a 250g packet for £2.25
Stew, you might want to check the ASDA w-s before posting:
750g is the cheapest of all the Lurpak spreads, especially as it is now on special offer, for £5. Lurpak 250g is the most expensive of all, at £10 per kilo! Lurpak 400g undercuts that at £9.38 kilo. There is another size of Lurpak available: 600g for for £5.60 ie. £9.33 per kilo.
However, the superior, imv, Country Life spread at £4.95 for 750g beats the Lurpak special offer and works out at £6.60 per kilo.
I avoid spreads and buy Asda unsalted butter at £1.69 per 250g. Pure cow juice. Churned.
@Up2snuff, I didn’t need to check the Asda website , cos @moggiemoo had already posted that that size pack is £5 at Asda
i merely added the NEW info that smaller packs are available
so the photo was cherrypicking when it used the large pricey pack which needs a security tag
smaller packs don’t need a security tag
This has got nothing to do with the WEF and I can prove it!
Klaus Schwab stole the phrase great reset from Willem Middelkoop (the oracle of Amsterdam) who wrote a book called the Big Reset, a copy of which I own and which concerns the inevitable and unavoidable failure of all fiat currencies. Schwabs theft of the idea and title is his acceptance that this is going to happen at some point and the West should be ready for it.
Build Back Better on the other hand is a phrase taken directly from early Marxist writings and beliefs and all of the people above being themselves extreme Left wingers (especially Johnson) .
The Phrase although slightly altered started off as destroy the old to build the new, condensed into the catchier build back better.
This dates back to 1951 and a booklet entitled “The British Road to Socialism”
“The British Road to Socialism was first published in 1951. Since then it has been re-drafted, but it still retains those ideas which provoked such controversy when it first appeared. In this programme the main break with earlier Marxist thought lies in the claim that it is now possible for the working-class to win control over the capitalist state in Britain, by constitutional means, and then transform this capitalist state into one which will meet the needs of the working-class.
“What is the real secret of a new year? Its real secret lies in that we know nothing at all about it. All we know is bad, therefore we try to comfort ourselves by looking to what is unknown and by fondly imagining that it must be brighter and better. Then listen to it as it talks about its schemes and plans for the uplift of mankind. All it can tell you is that it is trying to make a better world for its children, trying to build for the future and for posterity. Always in the future! It can do nothing for itself, it can only hope to make things better for those who are yet unborn. And the longer it goes on talking about that and trying to do it, the more hesitant does it become.”
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, excerpt from a sermon at Aberavon, 6th January 1935
yep keep your legs closed on ther train
Me : Is the BBC biased ?
ChatGPT“The perception of bias in the BBC is a topic of debate and criticism among various groups and individuals.
Some people argue that the BBC exhibits bias in its reporting, while others believe it maintains a relatively impartial stance.
Here are some points to consider: …”
Me : That’s spin isn’t it ?
ChatGPT “As an AI language model, I don’t engage in spin or bias intentionally. My goal is ..
Me : you know GIGO ?
ChatGPTChatGPT “Yes, ..”
Me: Google AI has been shown to have programmed bias within it, hasn’t it ?
ChatGPT” Concerns about bias in artificial intelligence (AI) systems, including those developed by Google, have indeed been raised in various contexts. Bias can manifest in AI systems due to several factors, including biased training data, ..”
Me : So “biased training data” can cause AI to output spin ?
ChatGPT ChatGPT ” Biased training data can indeed lead to biased or skewed outcomes from AI systems.
Me : So you do outout spin ??
“… I must acknowledge that my responses are based on the data and patterns present in the text I’ve been trained on. ..”
If that’s genuine then AI shows far more self-awareness than the BBC, msm or politicians.
Genuine, I have screenshots
Oh, I believe it alright. AI will shortly be programmed to lie through it’s teeth. Like all MSM.
Microsoft Co-pilot
“If you are a reader of the right end of the British press, you might be familiar with stories claiming that the BBC has a liberal, left-wing bias.
However, let’s delve into the available evidence to understand the situation better.
1. Content Analysis by Cardiff University:
A major content analysis of BBC coverage conducted by …
2. Public Perception:
According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, 42% of the British public considers the BBC to be biased
3. Specific Instances:
A 2018 report analyzed BBC output and found speaker ratios as high as 5:1 (and never less than 2:1) in favor of the Remain campaign
In summary, while the BBC strives for impartiality, public perception and specific instances suggest that biases may exist. As with any media organization, critical analysis is essential to understand “
Me : Do you know the Cardiff University journalism department that produced that report has a relationship with the BBC ?
Co-pilot : “Indeed, the Cardiff University journalism department’s connection with the BBC has been a topic of scrutiny.
Some key points to consider:
1. Research Independence:
While Cardiff University’s research is conducted independently, it’s essential to acknowledge that funding and collaborations can influence research outcomes. ..“
Foreign immigrants like Jian Wen bring a lot of wealth to the UK
2.5 billion Bitcoin apparently (stolen in China)
reporting of her recent conviction for 2018 crime seems low key
Intel Slava Z
“🇷🇺 Operation Anti-migrant is currently underway in St. Petersburg
There are a lot of police on the streets; they stop almost all the cars to check documents. Raids are also carried out in apartments and dormitories. They pay the most attention to beards without mustaches.”
Wahabi Muslims?,
what’s not to like👍
I didn’t intend to post over Easter – because I treat it as a period of deep Christian religion – but below is a cut and paste from the DT showing that the state broadcaster denies the state religion – although the head of states ‘Christianity might be .. weak – or non existent
BEGINS The BBC has been accused of turning its back on Britain’s Christian faith after scrapping its broadcast of the traditional Easter service from King’s College, Cambridge.
The programme has been dropped in favour of religious coverage elsewhere across the corporation’s platforms.
It comes after the BBC decided to invite “confirmed atheist” and humanist campaigner Alice Roberts on the Good Friday edition of Desert Island Discs rather than a Christian figure.
Ms Roberts, the professor of public engagement in science at the University of Birmingham and vice-president of the charity Humanists UK, refused the Desert Island Discs tradition of taking a Bible with her, alongside the Complete Works of Shakespeare.
Critics have said the BBC appeared to be deliberately abandoning the part of its audience that professed the Christian faith.
Andrea Williams, the chief executive of Christian Concern, said: “The BBC’s motto, ‘Nation shall speak peace unto nation’, is Biblical in origin. The more the BBC seeks to forget and minimise the primary role of the Christian faith shaping this nation, the darker all things will become. Easter reminds us of Christ’s victory over death, which is a good-news message for us all.”
But the BBC has rejected claims that it is ignoring the role of Christianity and religion in general after dropping the King’s College Easter service, which was shown on BBC Two last year and had been on television since 2010.
‘Vibrant mix of programmes’
It said its Faith and Hope for Spring 2024 season will “showcase a vibrant mix of programmes across TV and radio channels, shining a spotlight on faith at a time when many of the major religions are marking key moments in the calendar”.
The season includes a special performance of Bach’s St John Passion from Cardiff on BBC One on Easter Sunday, to be led by Gareth Malone, the acclaimed choirmaster and broadcaster, marking the 300th anniversary of its first performance.
Pope Francis’s Easter message and blessing, Urbi et Orbi, will be live from the Vatican and a special edition of Songs of Praise comes from Canterbury, presented by Aled Jones.
On Radio 2, Rev Kate Bottley will celebrate Easter Sunday with the Archbishop of York, and Choral Evensong comes live from Canterbury Cathedral on Radio 3. Radio 4 will also have a Sunrise Service from Durham Cathedral and Easter Sunday Worship from Canterbury Cathedral.
‘Diverse range of content’
There is also the new series of Pilgrimage on BBC Two and Easter-themed episodes of JoJo & Gran Gran and Bluey on CBeebies.
Daisy Scalchi, the head of religion and ethics on BBC Television, said: “This is such a special time of year and we’re delighted to work across our networks to bring viewers a diverse range of content that brings faith, belief and spirituality into focus.”
Tim Pemberton, the head of religion and ethics on BBC Audio, said: “I’m delighted to be bringing listeners such a wide range of special programming, with opportunities for worship and reflection, as well as some wonderful music.”ENDS
Fed, the BBC appear to have separate heads of religion and ethics for TV and radio, maybe with both answering to the Editor for Religion, Aleem Maqbool. That appears to be a very good example of ‘overmanning’ at the BBC and a waste of the TV Licence Fee. Poor budgetry control by the D-G, Tim Davie.
Religion is the opium of the masses – Karl Marx
Marx is burning in Hell – God
Time for the new thread .
I was under the impression we are now an Islamic country. Certainly the Muslims are. Oh, and the government. Oh, and the Met. And the MSM. Anybody I’ve missed?