Weekend 30th March 2024

The forces of darkness – such as the BBC – do their best to expunge Easter . They won’t win . They are Damned . Refuse to pay your TV Licence . …

As with many corrupt practices – Easter is used to ‘bury’ bad things – such as a dodgy PM giving gongs for money – or the BBC publishing a 96 page ‘annual plan’ which can find free on the internet . Apparently there are going to be ‘cut backs ‘. So a bit of Good News . Happy Easter .

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231 Responses to Weekend 30th March 2024

  1. Northern Voter says:

    Was watching the boat race yesterday, men’s edition, have enough rows with Mrs V, anyway there they were, bloody Palestinian flags everywhere, they must have been cos Al Beeb seemed to find them everytime.

    Also today, Mrs V was watching Gareth Malone attempting to get another choir off the ground, one of the choir was partially sighted, and had to have a large tablet so that he could see his music. Fair enough, but he was more camp than Butlins.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Just so much happening – arguments here about Gaza – ideal for Easter … but … tomorrow is the 1st of April – the price of power goes down – but the standard charges go up – water bills go up – community theft /charge goes up – maybe 5% to 8% or more if a worst council …
    The above can’t really be avoided – but there is one increase which you can avoid . It’s the 8? % increase in the BBC tax . You will save yourself around £180 a year – but even more important – your conscience will feel better – you will not be supporting an enemy within .

    The new thread goes up at 2100 – or is it 2200 ?


    • Thoughtful says:

      I do hope they are discussion as opposed to arguments and that we are able to have those in the way the Left are incapable of doing.
      That we remain civil and respecful of the beliefs of others however misguided we might believe them to be, and still come away as repectful and friendly as before.

      This is something we should be pleased with not concerned about.


      • Up2snuff says:

        You think describing another poster as a ‘blowhard’ is “civil and respectful” and is merely a discussion term? I am amazed!


        • Fedup2 says:

          Blowhard is one of those words I don’t understand – others include – meme – gaslighting – zero sum game – it is what it is …


          • Foscari says:

            Fedup- Gas lighting is something I am afraid is something
            that many of us suffer from. It originates from a 1940’s film
            starring Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer. Charles Boyer
            is after his wives wealth . And he is very nearly successful
            in getting her to believe she is going mad. She can see the
            gaslight in her house flickering. And her husband tells her
            she is imaging it. Until she does think she is imaging.
            Up to date – The BBC in particular gaslights into
            believing that “whitie” is responsible for all the knife crime
            because we have deprived the poor black drug gangs of
            what we owe them over the centuries, with our white
            privilege. And many such as Guardian readers and in fact
            more than just the liberal bigots are gas lighted into believing
            this as well.
            But an even more simple explanation. Is when your wife
            tells you forgot to turn the light off when you went to bed.
            And you believe her. Although she forgot to turn it off !! You
            were already fast asleep !!!


            • Fedup2 says:

              Foscari -thank you – so gaslighting = telling lies ? Can’t see why they don’t use plain language …


              • Eddy Booth says:

                Isn’t it more like manipulating people into believing the lies they’re fed.


  3. Guest Who says:

    Lest doubt remain that bbc staffing over holiday periods is even less competent than usual.

    Nephew inspired by pioneering police officer


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Ok ok – I’m coming out of the Easter weekend – the RC Tridium – a lot of time in church ( spotting the Muslims- I counted 6 – they never know when to kneel ) … but I’m bugged … why does the BBC still cover the Boat Race ? It goes against their entire political / cultural stance .

    I don’t watch it – but if it’s going to involve racing through human excreter ( sponsored by Thames Water ©️) it might be worth a watch …. Maybe they can set up post race triage for those vomiting / dying of various water borne disease … Thames puts their bills up by 8% tomorrow – gotta pay those overseas dividends ….


    • Thoughtful says:

      One great leftie burke by the name of Walliams tried to swim in the Thames and – enjoyed the after effects as I recall


  5. StewGreen says:

    Jess Phillips saw Liz Truss had tweeted an Easter church photo
    so sneered
    “Is the a famous Pre-Raphaelite painting that looks just like this,
    I’m sure my nan had is on her wall, a print, not the original, obviously.
    Is that what she was going for?”

    She got ratioed

    and then came back after someone quoted the Labour Party Easter tweet which virtue signals about trans
    .. “You are right Liz definitely would struggle to hold two thoughts in her very narrow mind.”

    The #BeKind Party


    • Northern Voter says:

      If Jess Phillips had 2 brains, one of them would be lonely.


    • StewGreen says:

      I looked up Jess Phillips cos she is on ITV right now , on Tipping Point

      It must be a repeat from 6 months ago


    • StewGreen says:

      Oh Jess Phillips it seems it was a group sneer at Liz Truss by the #BeKind Party
      Chris Bryant sneered
      .. and got the obvious response.. which was how can Bryant mock, when he himself sends naked selfies.
      .. oh we are lucky Twitter is refusing to embed that photo

      Here’s Bryant’s tweet alone


  6. Northern Voter says:

    The bbc still covers the boat race because like their output the Thames is full of sh1t.


  7. StewGreen says:

    Earlier on R4 Feedback
    #1 when they scrapped Law In Action, they didn’t tell the staff. They found out from the schedule pages
    (They’ve replaced it with a 12 times a year podcast, which will be made with the same producer)
    Same for changes in other progs ..staff were not told

    #2 The prog asks listeners to email in on the future of BBC funding


  8. MarkyMark says:


    order-order.com comment


    • Fedup2 says:

      It’s gratifying to see the Met police go from some ineffective social workers to Hard / Far / Extreme Right …. It’s all a matter of context ….
      I bet we won’t hear a work about that disgrace from either the Muslim commissioner or the Muslim mayor …. Seig heil eh guys ? – it’s all in the context …