Are you an April Fool for still paying for the anti British Far Left BBC ? Cancel your licence .it went up by 6.6% to £169.50 now ….. Save your £169.50 ….
I would like to understand exactly what The BBC and The Guardian have got against Thames Water. It does not seem to come across as a concern over water quality but more a political attack triggered by the usual bunch of looney lefty activists. Has Thames Water got some key Tories on the board or something?
I don’t believe that the Thames water is any more polluted than it was twenty years ago or maybe it’s all the thousands of more bums on toilets flowing into the Country and thus into the sewers what dun it?
I strongly suspect that the boat race no dunking story was rooted in a PR campaign by activists
And that the Thames was not any more dangerous on this years Boat Race day than in most previous years
Yes on some days in some specific localities I bet there are high sewage counts
but not generally on most days.
I think the biggest polutant in the Thames recently was the body of Ezedi the acid thrower. It will take 10 years for the Thames to be clear of that foulness.
Many years ago, if you fell in the River Thames and swallowed some water, upon rescue you were taken to hospital to have your stomach pumped. Much more recently, Thames river water was clean enough for salmon both to inhabit the Thames and spawn in the upper reaches of the River Thames. I have actually seen rod fishermen standing on the sand and gravel at low tide and casting into the deeper water in the centre to see what they could catch.
Isn’t the boat race along a tidal stretch of the Thames? So pollutants could be washed IN as well as OUT depending on tides etc.
So Thames Water, and I’m not a fan btw, COULD have very little skin in the game, yes?
I am not saying this IS the case but it could be the case. But in BBCLand, the narrative is what matters and little things like facts or alternative scenarios might be an unwelcome distraction.
Sluff, the whole of the River Thames is tidal. I used work alongside it and would walk across London Bridge unless it was raining hard and I remained on the Underground train to London Bridge station. It was interesting that HMS Belfast, the battleship, moored on the south bank remained upright at very low tide.
It was important that the river was dredged from time to time both to provide a central channel for R.Thames ‘traffic’ and to create space for the water which had been threatening to overtop the banks at high tide. The Thames Flood barrier is essential for protecting London.
“Thames Water.” – Thames Water’s nine shareholders include Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, the UK’s Universities Superannuation Scheme, a unit of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and the China Investment Corporation.4 days ago
I love how they keep repeating the problem without any technical explanation, how long it’s been going on for or what it would take to fix it. It’s amazing how dumb the BBC can be when it wants’ to be.
I have just watched an advert for WeAre8 between segments of Allo, Allo. I think I am stuck in the last century as WeAre8’s concept is beyond me.
Apparently WeAre8 inspires and unites people in support of the planet, bringing together individuals, brands, and charities by sharing revenue for watching ads, while inspiring people with their power to change the world.
I think WeAre8 pays people to play videos although Trust Pilot reviews suggest the videos are coming through at midnight and have to be watched straightaway.
Is this the government’s push unit, Gates or Soros? It all seems very weird. I would even be pleased if the clocks could be turned back to a time of BBC1, 2 and ITV only as long as there would have been no mention of Climate Change.
They tried something with Rio Ferdinand a year ago
That didn’t really take off
And since then their Twitter impact is super low .. 20 Likes woul be a good score for them
Thanks Stew, it shouldn’t have surprised me. All these things like 15 minute cities, travalyst, etc, etc all seem linked and are all Far Left and the BBC fits their agenda.
You can bet your life that the BBC is paying for promoting its causes, climate armegeddon, bad Israel and multi-culti Utopia. All unbiased and non-hate filled.
WeAre8 Is a Legit Platform
WeAre8 is a legit company. In the UK, the site is operated by WeAre8 Media Ltd. WeAre8 Media is a registered company with the number 12470936. On Trustpilot, WeAre8 has an average score of 2.8 out of 5.0. Overall, 61% of users rated the app as bad or poor. Common complaints include:
Payout issues
Security concerns
Ads not fitting the company’s image
Low amount of ads per day.
Personally, I received my payout without issues and didn’t have security problems. I do agree that some ads are questionable. I don’t see how promoting beer can help to improve the world. I didn’t get many ads either, but WeAre8 stated that they are working on getting more partners.
What Is Trustpilot?
Trustpilot is an independent consumer review platform. It has no affiliation with the sites mentioned in this post. On Trustpilot, users can anonymously rate and review companies they have used.
Overall, there are over 150 million reviews on Trustpilot. You can generally get a good understanding of the legitimacy and customer-friendliness of a company.
Delivering on Their Promise: WeAre8 Really Pays out
I accumulated £1.03 in my WeAre8 account and requested a payout. The money was in my PayPal account a day later. Below, you can see a screenshot of the transaction. The app took £0.05 as payment fees. Since watching ads pays poorly, I essentially watched two extra ads just to cover these fees.
How Does WeAre8 Work? Exploring the Concept Behind the App
WeAre8 works similarly to other social media platforms. You can sign up for free, post status updates, and connect with friends. From time to time, WeAre8 invites you to watch ads.
Each ad is up to 30 seconds long, and you get £0.01-0.10 if you watch it. WeAre8 also makes a charity donation if you watch an ad. You can see how much you earn and donate before watching an ad
After watching 25 ads, I made £1.03, reaching the minimum payout threshold of £1. Then, I had to wait 30 days for the money to become payable. Cashing out on WeAre8 is easy. Go to “Wallet” and select “Pay Me Now”. As PayPal is the only withdrawal option, you need a PayPal account.
Social credit score goes up – clap on Thursday – kneel on Friday to end racism and pray to allah …
“Each ad is up to 30 seconds long, and you get £0.01-0.10 if you watch it. WeAre8 also makes a charity donation if you watch an ad. You can see how much you earn and donate before watching an ad”
WeAre8 is all about making a BIG impact on the world through small daily actions! Connect with your friends, share pictures and vids and follow inspiring creators who are changing the game. Plus, you can earn rewards for watching videos that support social and environmental causes.
What are you waiting for? Join the WeAre8 community and share the love. Let’s make a real difference in the world!
Enter the number of followers you have on other social media platforms to see how much impact you could create on the world if your community joined WeAre8 and watched a couple of minutes of adverts a day.
I will probably have to go to a funeral in Oxford at some stage in the near future. It’ll be for a dear friend, but like London under the ridiculous Mare Khan, there’s an unpleasantness prevalent in the place, so I may save the petrol and give the money to someone who really needs it.
I missed the end of their skit about the holy World Service with the usual – great for our “ soft power “ etc . The old We Must Have Influence [ to do what I ask ] .
Well if we must ,,MUST have soft power and influence then there’s a cheaper way to have it and earn a bit .
The Royal Yacht Britannia .
Whether King Charles could make a success of it as the late Queen did I don’t know .
But it’s interesting to see the dichotomous mind of the BBC .
What institutions and traditions they want to keep and which ones they traduce to make ultimately crumble away .
And which institutions and traditions the rest of the world wish Britain would keep.
Just spent some time in Texas. OMG. What a contrast from woke Leftoid eco-loon England.
First. It was great to talk to a friend based in Houston. He is solidly, unapologetically Republican. All the Leftoid garbage about Trump just washes over him like water off a duck’s back. The BBC would have apoplexy.
Next. Climate crisis. In Texas there isn’t one. There are however a few home truths. Over in Austin, a museum board cheerfully points out that 96% of all manufactured products contain petrochemical derived material. How is St Greta of Thunberg going to live using only 4% of the products that normal people use routinely?
Next up. Oil and Gas. No worries about that. The top floor of a local museum is entirely devoted to oil exploration, production, mid stream, refining, and petrochemical. No apologies. Instead a celebration of what makes the modern world tick, and a great advocacy of future careers for the kids. Fracking? No problem. No issue. JFDI. They have done. The green lobby would have an apoplectic meltdown over in Texas. As for the Guardianistas, Labour, and the BBC, words fail me. Their jaws would be on the ground as Justin Rowlatt tries and fails to confront reality.
Meanwhile, just remind me of the economic growth numbers in the UK?
Go woke. Go broke. Oh, we are.
Thank you I lived there when I was 22 came back at 23 . The Inland Revenue wanted to know what I was doing because of course they want money . I told them I’d retired. No money given .
None wasted.
More on our recent visit to Texas.
Where a friend regrettably had a stroke while visiting, and we detoured to see said friend.
Now the BBC, Guardian, and Labour always but always counter any attacks on the saintly NHS in the style of ‘we wouldn’t want an American system’.
Wouldn’t we?
Our friend’s son drove her to the nearest emergency/ A and E facility. She was taken in immediately, within 10 minutes she was having a CT scan and at about the same time she was infused with blood thinning / clot buster drugs. It’s generally known that fast action on stroke victims can have huge impacts.
The amazing result is that after 3 days our friend’s speech was back, it was fine and they could move all their limbs, left side and right side, her brain is fine, memory etc.
Maybe our friend had a lucky escape. But I can’t help feeling the strong chance that in the NHS they would have been on a trolley in an A and E corridor awaiting triage and would now be permanently paralysed. And the brainwashed relatives would have been thanking the wonderful nurses.
So maybe the American system isn’t that bad after all.
But whisper it quietly.
Lovely that your friend is doing well. I take it the clinicians could communicate in understandable English, unlike here where “sorry ?” and “pardon ? ” are the norm..
My local surgery is now under investigation due to the amount of complaints. We’ve no chance if the rumours are true that it’s been taken over by a company owned by 2 Asians. Perhaps the reception area will be piled high with toilet rolls, plastic buckets, mobile phone covers and bright red faux flowers !
My daughter tore a toe nail off in an accident in California, we went to the local community medical centre in Oakhirst. We were seen immediately by a doctor, the toe was treated and dressed and we were out in an hour heading for the pizza factory. Frankly, we just couldn’t belive it was done so quickly.
An Israel TV correspondent (Ariella) based in Londonistan gives a rather depressing but truthful evaluation of the anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli marches in our fallen capital. This is 19:29 minutes into this clip:
There are IMHO important omissions. She fails to talk about:
How the wet police themselves engaged in removing posters of the Israeli missing hostages.
How Londonistan is ruled by the emir the little khant.
How the UK has literally been invaded by people who do not share our values.
How a far hard left minority support the invaders and who never talk about releasing the hostages or of the atrocities that hamas commits
Atlas – thanks -Glad she picked up on the swastika context plod – who might were nazi uniform when off duty …I think if I was a dual nationality Israeli / British – I’d be planning to options to leave …we are lost –
Fed, you might be interested in a ….
TWatO Watch #1 – Jonny Dymond in charge again
He interviews a Palestinian ‘journalist’ about thhe Al-Shifa Hospital. Jonny appears to believe every word the Palestinian ‘journalist’ says. Needless to say he presented the most awful picture of Israeli ‘atrocities’. Next up was Lt.Col. Peter Werner of the IDF. He said that Hamas terrorists were arrested, weapons and intelligence found. I got the impression that Jonny did not believe Lt.Col. Werner. Instead this is the BBC’s prefered narrative: The BBC appear to be completely oblivious to the concept of taqqiya.
To me – it’s pretty simple – Gaza is a Hamas operation – everything done there is done with their consent . The hospitals – Hamas hospitals – ideal places to hide because any challenge sets the western media off .
Footage coming out of Gaza is engineered by Hamas – yet the media never challenges it . Fortunately – since it was shown that the UN was subverted by Hamas we don’t hear those Australian useful idiots bleating about ‘humanitarian crises ‘ every day ….
And the west is still supplying Hamas with ‘aid ‘…
I had to laugh at her quote “The UK is struggling with [Islamic] extremism” On the contrary the Marxist Tories are absolutely loving it and encouraging it as much as they possibly can! They are even bringing in more extremists as fast as possible to bolster the numbers and protecting them from criticism by beinging in new laws they call ‘Islamophobia’.
I see this child-like, empathy laden BBC attempt to make a big story from a non-story is STILL on the world news front page.
I started a comment on it yesterday but just got so bogged down while writing it, I just closed it and went for a cup of tea. I’ll try again:
The BBC female is desperate to shoehorn as much empathy and ‘feeling’ into is as she can. And it’s obvious she has few journalistic ethics as she’s obviously stretching and rewriting ‘quoations’ to make the story she wants, not the story it is.
It’s basically a tale of Islamic barbarity from start to finish. A tale which I’m certain is repeated countless times across all the other countries where Allah is in charge.
It’s full of things like this:
‘parents worry that the children who play on the execution ground risk being shot when someone is put to death.’
So do the children play around the prisoners while they are tied up and the soldiers try to miss them ?.
‘”I struggle to sleep at night and feel acutely anxious all the time,” admits Faduma Abdullahi Qasim’
“I try to keep my children indoors all the time. We are sad and inactive. I hate going outside and seeing blood seeping into the sand beside me.”
For context, they executed one person every 15 days last year. And they always do it at 6am in the morning.
Reading between the lines, it seems the reason for it is as a deterrent to others because that place is full of primitive savages much like the one the BBC tried to cover up on that train last week. Most are terrorists. Here’s what the last one was shot for:
‘locking his wife, Lul Abdiaziz, in a room and setting it on fire. He said he had burned her alive because she had asked for a divorce.’
The article goes on and on with the same fake quotations written or very heavily edited by Naima herself.
I think the reason her article is pushed so hard by the BBC is right at the bottom:
‘Naima Said Salah is a journalist with Somalia’s only all-women media house, Bilan Media.’ who’s list of credits on their website from all around the world seem to be mainly the BBC and The Guardian.
Good luck to them – but shame on you BBC for pushing their poor quality stories with UK lincense fee money for your own agenda.
Oh – and this is Naima’s ‘football pitch’ where all the children play and that woman and her children never go out any more because of blood soaking into sand all day:
Another article by the BBC’s awful Sarah Rainsford which tells us the real news by deliberately not mentioning it.
Ukraine are losing. Everything we have been told by the BBC around this war has been a lie. The cluster bombs haven’t shortened the war, they’ve extended it. Russia aren’t running out of missiles or shells – Ukraine are. It’s now becoming a slow, torturous war of attrition which Ukraine cannot win. Meanwhile the BBC don’t tell us of the REAL horrific circumstances for all the young men being blown to pieces all along the front. It puts Sarahs ‘news’ that a salon must use a generator to stay open firmly into perspective.
How long before the narrative changes to how the war might be ended ?. I find it very interesting how the Left can change from ‘jaw jaw’ to ‘war war’ at the drop of a hat when it fits the bigger agenda of globalist expansion into Ukraine.
Biden said it would be a war crime if Russia used cluster bombs, but then when they ran out of conventional artillery sent those. He also sent the stockpiles in Israel as well, which have been consumed.
What they also aren’t telling is that the Ukrainians are using scarce ammunition to shell civilian areas in Russia speaking towns and cities which have absolutely zero military value, and then moaning they don’t have enough to defend the front line!
How long before the narrative changes? Oceania is at war with Eurasia and has always been at war with them.
A police source this morning tells Wings that by just 8am on Day 1, a single division has already received more than a dozen Hate Crime complaints about Humza Yousaf’s “WHITE!” speech 😄
Have you ever been treated differently? (They include times they have been left out because of their race or gender.)
What does diversity mean to you?
Is it good to be different?
What would you do if someone was being nasty to someone else because they looked different?
The corrupt, biased, pro-Democrat, Trump-hating BBC won’t tell you any of this…
Marjorie Taylor Greene asserts that Pelosi and fellow Democrats WANTED a riot on January 6th.
She also raises the shameful treatment of the many hundreds of protestors still rotting in jail, PRE-TRIAL!
Biden is all fake smiles on the outside, but vindictive and vicious as hell on the inside. And Obama too, of course, who is pulling his strings.
Clearly she is anti Semitic as all of the people she has identified just happen to be Jewish – couldn’t be at all possible that these are the corrupt individuals profitting from the Ukraine war as well could it?
Vlad – I think they knew what the response to the election theft would be . Part of the excellent plan was to embed federal agents in trump supporting groups and incite that response – it didn’t take much .
What must have surprised the obama gang was the lack of response – the Capitol wasn’t destroyed – yet those arrested have been shown no mercy in Stalinist show trials and sentences ….
As part of the smoke screen over the election theft the demonstrations have repeatedly been used as an ‘ attack on democracy ‘ when of course they were the reverse ….
I do wonder if Obama really can pull of the theft again .? – but I guess all the ingredients are in place – with the addition of the corrupt legal system to kill trump …
And it was never, ever, remotely an insurrection.
At most, a show of strength by frustrated Trump supporters who knew they were being shafted by the system and by the media which always avoided showing their true numbers.
So they came out in numbers.
Outrage that Germany is invoking a law to stop foreign footballers resident in Germany playing for their national teams . This is targeted at Harry Kane …. I understand the German ambo has been called in and rishi is to make a statement outside number 10 Mohammed street …
( this story must be true cos it’s in the telegraph )
Ah, they weren’t always so fussy. Nearly half the forces fighting for the Germans at Stalingrad were Romanians, and 250,000 Ukrainians were happy to serve, rather enthusiastically when it came to rounding up their own countrymen and putting Babi Yar on the map.
Now that midday has passed – I would like to correct some misinformation before some troll reports me to me ( as moderator ) – this news item was an ‘April fool ‘ – although it’s very tricky to work out what is and isn’t …..
.. I’ve not seen any other April fools today – but there was one last week where a council ‘Road gang ‘ put a white line over a pot hole – without filling it in or otherwise marking it … although I suspect that was Real Life ….
I think you are right. The “insurrection” was undoubtedly instigated by agents provocateurs from the Feds. What they did not expect was the fundamental decency of the Trump supporters. They did not trash the Capitol, or attack the police. There was nothing much more than trespassing at most. But the narrative of “insurrection” had already been set up, so it had to be used. The Left imagined that the Trump supporters would behave like the BLM scum, and were surprised when they didn’t.
Thousands welcome Hamas to be elected GOV! HA HA HA HAH A!
Hamas won the January 25, 2006 elections in Palestine, winning 42.9 % of the vote (with 77 percent voter turnout), giving it a parliamentary majority with 74 of the 132 seats.
The sad thing is that despite the fact of voter intimidation it’s probably a more free and fair election than is going to be run on November 5th in the USA.
Certainly more free and fair than the UK can run with it’s postal voting fraud delivering Galloway more votes percentage than Kim Jong Un.
I think along with others that we shall vote for George Galloway to be mayor of Manchester, it’s probably the only way to get rid of the revolting Burnham as no one else stands a chance.
I wonder how many non Labour voters would vote for Galloway if he stood in London against Khan ?
Today I dipped in and out of R5Dead. This station really should be renamed BBC Radio Hammas. The bias today plumbed new depths. In each programme, not once was there a report asking the question of Hammas -‘how do you propose to end the fighting?’ Just the usual appalling one way coverage. We are accustomed to this approach, but for once, just once, would they change the bleeding heart agenda? Of course not … putrid bbc …
After spending 14 years dismantling one of the most successful and stable electricity grids on the planet the Tories are now worried that Labour might bugger it up even more
BBC pay 2022-2023: The full list of star salaries
The BBC has published the salaries of its highest-paid stars as part of its annual report.
➤ Gary Lineker – £1,350,000-£1,354,999.
➤ Zoe Ball – £980,000-£984,999.
▼ Alan Shearer – £445,000-£449,999.
▲ Huw Edwards – £435,000-£439,999.
▼ Stephen Nolan – £400,000-£404,999.
“Scotland’s new hate crime law comes into force”
Do we have the beginnings of a “thought police”?
Scottish comedians beware, because your jokes may cause offence ?
Illegal material could be in words, pictures, videos, and even music and could include;
messages calling for racial or religious violence
web pages with pictures, videos or descriptions that glorify violence against anyone due to their race, religion, disability,
sexual orientation or because they are transgender.
chat forums where people encourage other people to commit hate crimes
encourage other people to commit hate crimes
encourage other people to commit hate crimes
The trial heard Osborne became “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the attack, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal.
“encourage other people to commit hate crimes”
having watched the BBC drama Three Girls
“encourage other people to commit hate crimes”
having watched the BBC drama Three Girls
I was thinking – you know – that plod telling a lady that displaying the swastika at an Islamic Hamas demo is okay because it is ‘context ‘- he probably is a graduate entry on an accelerated promotion .
Tricky for him – unless he can’ identify ‘as some queer variant – because the ranks must be filling up with female queers and Muslims put in to run corruption operations – like ‘unauthorised access ‘ to police databases … which seems a very common crime by plod – so common the dismissals don’t really get a comment – too many drugs and rape cases for that….
If I go to a WWII museum, I expect to see a swastika in some part of their display. If I went into Sainsbury’s and see a swastika hanging over the kosher food, I would see it as an antisemitic event.
Probably a holocaust denier – good for a career in the Met these days ….
Ironically the BBC news channel runs a propaganda programme called ‘the context’ …. Heil – context ….. I’m fuming ….
Keep going IDF
Btw – they are called ‘Hamas operatives ‘ by the BBC now … beats ‘freedom fighters ‘ I suppose …
Funny because the left cannot see the contradiction they have trying to make their ridiculous diversity fantasy work.
By taking the overtly gay approach they have given grave and deep offence to the majority of the world, and now Doctor Who which was once a succesful sales export for the BBC is virtually unsaleable, save to North America and the antipodes.
In many countries now it is absolutely banned because of the offensive content.
It seems that once again, it’s OK when the Left gravely offend, but it’s only wrong when they say it is!
More that the BBC won’t tell you.
The impressive Senator Hawley reveals the extraordinary financial corruption of Biden as well as the shocking politicisation and weaponisation of the FBI against not just Republicans but even mildly conservative parents.
Nothing on the BBC (but a full article on the nothing-story of a video clip showing Biden hogtied.)
“In total, there have been 10 buyers of the art, who have paid a sum of $1.5 million. Under their agreement, the gallerist received 40 percent of the sales while Biden took 60 percent. Three of the buyers have been identified, while the other seven remain anonymous.23 Jan 2024”
Hats off to the Biden crime family, this is a genius way to launder money. There was once a piece of “modern art” which was literally cans of the artist’s shit. Hunter’s “art” seems to be in the same category. To think Donald Trump had to go to the trouble of setting up Truth Social and then floating on the stock exchange. What an amateur! If you want to know how to make quick money, follow the Bidens.
Italian artist sells ‘invisible’ sculpture for more than £12,000
The sculpture doesn’t physically exist, artist claims, ‘it’s in the mind of the creator’
How about corruption closer to home with this covert recording that unelected Foreign Secretary David Cameron has received legal advice which should have proscribed weapons export, and that the government is therefore behaving in a criminal manner.
If this is true then it should be a resignation issue not just for Cameron, but for Rishi Washee too.
Listen to what the Tory MP says in the audio, it’s quite astonishing the media haven’t picked up on this especially the BBC.
One has to wonder at *who* provided that advice and in what context?
The present judiciary seem about as unbiased as the present Metropolitan Police and there is no shortage of self appointed grandiosly titled “Independent SAGE” style outfits purporting to be authoritative, “UN body” or whatever, usually cited by the BBC or Guardian. It’s normally the name of the organisation that’s attached to the opinion and not the name of the person that gave the advice, I mean, heaven forbid that a fox battering barrister with a record of judicial incompetence get a camera in the face or a microphone up the nose?
I’m no fan of Cameron or the present “Conservative” crew but so many of these revelations seem contrived and fall away unremarked after 24hours
The revelations don’t normally come from your own side though, and legal advice is usually from an independant barrister not a judge.
I’m always cagey about judicial bias, with the media being as bent as it is, anxious to exhonerate the Marxist Tories and blame someone else.
The point of posting this is that clearly questions need to be asked and they aren’t being. Why that is we don’t know, perhaps it will be revealed at a later date.
You might have a point, but normally a political party would use its own people to give the advice needed and they would have to put their name to any formal advice given to ministers, after all it could later form the basis of a court hearing against a minister.
Trouble is at the present time we just don’t know enough to be sure.
Trouble is at the present time we just don’t know enough to be sure.
so FUD from a “Cornish” lefty ?
– quoting a woman who was a member of the UK Youth Parliament, an Amnesty campaigner under the latest manifestation of that broken charity and serial PR parasite.
I’m pretty sure Alicia Alexandra Martha Kearns isn’t a Conservative.
Immediately prior to her election to parliament, Kearns was directing counter-terrorism, counter disinformation and hybrid warfare interventions in Lebanon, Morocco and the Western Balkans.
When people see the anti Netanyahu demonstrations in Israel, they should remember that they were happening before October 7th. Like in the US, this is about the Left not accepting Right wing democratically elected governments. The people attending the peace party in the desert or living on the Negev kibbutz settlements were never Netanyahu supporters. Like America this is the Left dismantling democracy. I can guess how it is presented on the BBC.
What’s the point of April Fool’s day now because nothing they can come up with can better the woke, daft and barmy rubbish we are getting all the time (like wimmin with willies)
“A segment of a speech about diversity by Scottish health minister Humza Yousaf is being misrepresented online by those suggesting it shows the Scottish National Party (SNP) politician arguing that Scotland contains too many white people. One Facebook user uploaded the 55-second clip on Feb.23 Feb 2023”
H&M Apologizes for ‘Monkey’ Image Featuring Black Child
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
HA HA HAH AHA! My aching April Fools sides are splitting.
Jo Brand to face no further action over battery acid joke
April 26, 2014 … A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
@SadiqKhan is now dealing with the PA Ambassador Husam Zomlot who’s boss at the Palestinian Authority, just a few weeks ago said “we announce unity with Hamas”
Is it any wonder why London has been announced the most Hostile place for Jews to live in the West by the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs?
When we have also seen Sadiq Khan smiling in a picture with Pro Hamas “advisor” to the Met Police Mohammad Kozbar.
As Thoughtful has advised, this was allowed on the Conservative’s watch.
Worked a night shift in my local hospital this Easter weekend. Our NHS is filled with heroes – on my shift, I saw our dedicated nurses, doctors and porters giving up their Bank Holiday weekend to provide the compassionate and quality care that everyone deserves.
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
So this was the SNP’s Siobhian Brown trying to defend the HCA to Justin’s extremely rational, highly skillful and fatally polite questions at 0820 this morning
These are questions we all want answering, these are the right questions
‘It’s not twitter police, it’s not activists, it’s not the media… It will be the police to investigate whether a crime has been committed.’
First Minister @HumzaYousaf addresses concerns around Scotland’s controversial new hate crime laws
And the police, especially Police Scotland, is full of activists, you clown.
Just checking on the BBC website the last few weeks and doing a compare / contrast:
Ramadan is a holy month, with many religious codes around praying and fasting, all of which bring people together. Ramadan intensifies faith and reflection. It makes communities stronger, and it’s a month that is holy. Ramadan is a holy month. It’s holy.
Easter is something about a long weekend with big traffic jams and delays on the trains. And people eat chocolate.
Not news to anyone on this site of course but the difference in treatment is impossible to ignore.
Not BBC but Richard Dawkins on LBC today outed himself as a cultural Christian. Will be interesting to see the reaction to him calling out Islam as not a decent religion. In other news Salman Rushdie’s book “Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder” is out in a couple of weeks.
I imagine the BBC response will be to skip over them both as they’re too cowardly to go there.
WHAT THE HELL — using a drone for today’s early cycle ride, and it got taken out by a hawk or red kite in HYDE PARK FFS. Smashed to bits, £400 gone in a second 🤬🤬🤬
Because I’ve now apparently been reported to the Met,
, the
, I should clarify that I was NOT flying a drone and no wildlife was involved. It was just an
camera. I wasn’t ready for the level of flag-related anger.
These are the MPs BBC, LBC, etc cannot get into the studio quick enough.
Labour MP @ApsanaBegumMP joined feminist @DrProudman to complain at the men only policy at the Garrick Club. Alas, at Ms Begum’s mosque there are separate entrances for men & women & they pray on different floors.
In fact why are there even womens and mens prisons?
They’ve thought of that. There have been several campaigns over the years to stop women being imprisoned, plus a fairly recent one to stop building more places for them.
Note the cute phrase “Building more prison places will only shatter more lives and unnecessarily separate families.“. Er no, it’s the women committing serious crimes which is doing that, athough it is recognised that some women are imprisoned for committing non-crimes. Such as being unable to pay the fine for not having a TV licence. Here’s looking at you, BBC and Crapita…
Some years ago, when we used to watch some of the the Beeb stuff, any article or item concerning overcrowding in prisons was accompanied by a somewhat surreal view of prisoners shuffling along a corridor with their backs to the camera.
The camera was set up on the floor, and the image was slightly blurred, but I’ll always remember that the same shot was used on every prison story, and that the feet and lower legs of the ‘prisoners’, were all wearing those peculiar foreign sandals, and some sort of ‘male’ dress, which seems to be a sartorial style of people who are certainly not indigenous British Cirizens.
I wonder is there are any VHS tapes lurking around with copies of these snapshots, or are they maybe stashed away in Verifunny’s vaults…
I’m not so sure I do hold the same opinion I don’t know what the career ending pressure might be.
I didn’t think Netanyahu took any notice of anyone or anything, even the courts in Israel !
However just because someone is a Lefty doesn’t mean they are incapable of telling the truth or that their analysis is wrong.
2+2 = 4 regardless of someones political bias.
The Daily Mail has been a staunch supporter of Netanyahu and the IDF over the past month so if they are both saying the same thing there’s a pretty good chance it’s true.
The most senior Jewish person in the US is Chuck Schumer, and he’s also saying Netanyahu is doing more harm than good.
Can everybody be wrong? Where is your evidence to show a different point of view?
Happy 3️⃣0️⃣th. Just listened to a riveting extended @BowenBBC discussion with @TherealNihal. The space to fully explore complex issues… THAT happens on @bbc5live. #ProudToHaveBeenAtTheBirth of the station. Thanks for the memories. Keep up the brilliance📻🎤🗣️💪🙌.
JK Rowling has challenged Scotland’s new hate crime law in a series of social media posts – inviting police to arrest her if they believe she has committed an offence
Hold onto your Penis! Hold the line!
A disabled grandfather has been sacked by Asda for sharing a Billy Connolly sketch about religion on his Facebook page. Till worker Brian Leach, 54, was let go by the supermarket after seven colleagues complained that the comments in the skit were anti-Islamic.24 Jun 2019
I warned everyone about ASDA a few months ago. ASDA is owned by Two Pakistanis who also own the EG group of eye wateringly expensive filling stations. EG has a significant presence on major A and trunk roads to the extent that the market price for fuel on those roads is very high. ASDA used to be quite cheap for fuel, it any more though.
I wonder if and how much ASDA and EG money is sent to Pakistan and used for what purpose?
They are highly suspicious, and highly leveraged but they are in partnership with a venture capital company. They have defaulted on one major loan already despite the fact they locked in the low interest rates for a five year period. Once the higher rates kick in they will undoubtedly fail.
They have loaded ASDA with debt which no doubt one day they will sell for £1.
One of them abandoned his wife and ran off with one of the senior employees and now the family won’t talk to him.
To my mind it’s always been an incredibly shady operation with no real explanation as to how they went from owning a single petrol station to where they are now. Especially when those independent garages everwhere else where going bust.
And in our local station, they never say ‘please’ or’thank you’, so that’s my few quid a month going to much better filling stations!
BTW, it’s interesting to note that there aren’t any supermarkets mentioned on MM’s pic above. I remember Sainsbury’s trying on that sort of waycist claptrap with their customers, but seem to have quietly dropped their views that if we don’t like their ‘ethnic stance’, then we can go elsewhere for groceries!
Whether it is stand up clapping in the Canadian parliament for Ukrainian Nazis or murdering its own citizens, the parallels with 1930s Germany are becoming startling.
Doctor Who is one of the BBC’s most popular programmes
From 1 April, the cost will go up by 6.6% to £169.50, after being frozen for two years. The increase is based on the inflation figure for September 2023.
How many people are prosecuted for not paying the licence fee?
If you do not pay the licence fee, you can be taken to court.
In 2022, there were 40,220 convictions for licence fee evasion, with an average fine of £202.
You cannot be sent to prison for licence fee evasion, but you can be imprisoned for failing to pay the resulting fine.
Jeremy Bowen and Lucy Williamson doing a double act for Iran/ Hamas . Bad day for both . Iranian general zapped by Israel – a Hamas building pretending to be a hospital zapped – with a claimed body count of 200 Hamas freedom fighters …
Isn’t it just amazing that despite all those reporters recording every hungry child for Getty, there has not been a single report to confirm that Hamas are fighting from UN camp, UN schools and UN hospitals.
Could it be because they are all Hamas-supporting Muslims (especially those from Jazeera) who would be in great danger if they weren’t ?.
But the really dirty part is how the MSM – especially the BBC – pretend they are all fine unbiased journalists whose word can be trusted implicitly and never mention their religious bias (which is extreme in the case of Islam) or the environment they are in.
With everything they are reporting (or not reporting) about Gaza, Trump, illegal immigrants, and their fascist removal of key right-wing politicians as soon as they become a threat : I struggle to think how my opinion of the BBC could be any lower than it is now.
Good for Rowling for challenging Scotland’s tyrannical hate crime laws over trannies, but we know who muslim Humza Haroon Yousaf is really gunning for and trying to silence, don’t we?
Sit back and enjoy the BBC getting hammered from all quarters, over the price of the extortion tax, the value for money, the quality of the programming, the woke politics, its hegemonistic Empire-building tendency, its suffocating effect on independent local media, and more.
Funnily enough,
The next punter showed another antiques expert a small cup used as a shaving mug by his late father.
Our expert candidly announced. ‘It was made in the late 17th century by a local pottery, hand painted by child Labour.. No outrage or upset whatsoever.
Many years ago someone on this site, repeated what a family member who worked for the BBC said, ‘nothing happens on the BBC by chance’. Worth remembering when watching ‘innocent’ programmes like Antiques Roadshow, Repair Shop or any cookery show. (Expensive organic eggs in a strongly flavoured dish for example – organic cannot make any difference to taste or texture).
Debs, a friend did some still photography work for a well-known BBC TV Programme (no names, no pack drill but I think Amstrad Alan may have been involved) and my friend confirmed like a lot of the celebrity shows it was all faked and hyped up.
The bias is worse than you think because the area is ‘scouted’ before the show is filmed, and artifacts are selected and researched prior to the face to face.
So the BBC seelcted this piece deliberately knowing exactly what it was and they might have even planted it deliberately.
I still have two carved ebony heads of a Nigerian man and woman, from my dad’s stint with The Royal Engineers in Nigeria at the end of WW2.
They are on my wall here, and a reminder of one of the statements he wrote on the back of a photograph of one of the National soldiers there, “(name), The best soldier I have ever met”!
They’d get a couple of quid on Ebay, but why sell them?
Much discussion about the new Scottish Hate Crime Law on TOADY. Misogyny was mentioned a lot but not Misandry. Why? Is there not equality under the eyes of the Law? Apparently, not.
I suppose if the new law in Scotland is shown to ‘work ‘ Red labour will adopt it for the rest of England and wales … although I suppose Northern Ireland will have its’ own ideas ….
Blue Labour could have quashed it, and I seem to remember they did so with an earlier outrageous affront to decency they planned, but they haven’t with this which indicates to me they support it too.
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JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
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Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
BBC’s ‘Local Democracy Service’ broadens mass media cartel’s monopolistic network
I would like to understand exactly what The BBC and The Guardian have got against Thames Water. It does not seem to come across as a concern over water quality but more a political attack triggered by the usual bunch of looney lefty activists. Has Thames Water got some key Tories on the board or something?
I don’t believe that the Thames water is any more polluted than it was twenty years ago or maybe it’s all the thousands of more bums on toilets flowing into the Country and thus into the sewers what dun it?
They want it re-nationalised, a key Socialist agenda. An admission privatisation and the free market has failed.
They are not being honest as usual as the problem lies in the regulator and this is not true privatisation / free market.
I strongly suspect that the boat race no dunking story was rooted in a PR campaign by activists
And that the Thames was not any more dangerous on this years Boat Race day than in most previous years
Yes on some days in some specific localities I bet there are high sewage counts
but not generally on most days.
I think the biggest polutant in the Thames recently was the body of Ezedi the acid thrower. It will take 10 years for the Thames to be clear of that foulness.
Many years ago, if you fell in the River Thames and swallowed some water, upon rescue you were taken to hospital to have your stomach pumped. Much more recently, Thames river water was clean enough for salmon both to inhabit the Thames and spawn in the upper reaches of the River Thames. I have actually seen rod fishermen standing on the sand and gravel at low tide and casting into the deeper water in the centre to see what they could catch.
Isn’t the boat race along a tidal stretch of the Thames? So pollutants could be washed IN as well as OUT depending on tides etc.
So Thames Water, and I’m not a fan btw, COULD have very little skin in the game, yes?
I am not saying this IS the case but it could be the case. But in BBCLand, the narrative is what matters and little things like facts or alternative scenarios might be an unwelcome distraction.
Sluff, the whole of the River Thames is tidal. I used work alongside it and would walk across London Bridge unless it was raining hard and I remained on the Underground train to London Bridge station. It was interesting that HMS Belfast, the battleship, moored on the south bank remained upright at very low tide.
It was important that the river was dredged from time to time both to provide a central channel for R.Thames ‘traffic’ and to create space for the water which had been threatening to overtop the banks at high tide. The Thames Flood barrier is essential for protecting London.
“Thames Water.” – Thames Water’s nine shareholders include Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, the UK’s Universities Superannuation Scheme, a unit of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and the China Investment Corporation.4 days ago
I love how they keep repeating the problem without any technical explanation, how long it’s been going on for or what it would take to fix it. It’s amazing how dumb the BBC can be when it wants’ to be.
The Boat Race
Isis wins by a head over the Afghanis
Explosive results.
I have just watched an advert for WeAre8 between segments of Allo, Allo. I think I am stuck in the last century as WeAre8’s concept is beyond me.
Apparently WeAre8 inspires and unites people in support of the planet, bringing together individuals, brands, and charities by sharing revenue for watching ads, while inspiring people with their power to change the world.
I think WeAre8 pays people to play videos although Trust Pilot reviews suggest the videos are coming through at midnight and have to be watched straightaway.
Is this the government’s push unit, Gates or Soros? It all seems very weird. I would even be pleased if the clocks could be turned back to a time of BBC1, 2 and ITV only as long as there would have been no mention of Climate Change.
Demons work together
BBC and WeAre8
That tweet got 8 whole Likes
They tried something with Rio Ferdinand a year ago
That didn’t really take off
And since then their Twitter impact is super low .. 20 Likes woul be a good score for them
Thanks Stew, it shouldn’t have surprised me. All these things like 15 minute cities, travalyst, etc, etc all seem linked and are all Far Left and the BBC fits their agenda.
You can bet your life that the BBC is paying for promoting its causes, climate armegeddon, bad Israel and multi-culti Utopia. All unbiased and non-hate filled.
WeAre8 Is a Legit Platform
WeAre8 is a legit company. In the UK, the site is operated by WeAre8 Media Ltd. WeAre8 Media is a registered company with the number 12470936. On Trustpilot, WeAre8 has an average score of 2.8 out of 5.0. Overall, 61% of users rated the app as bad or poor. Common complaints include:
Payout issues
Security concerns
Ads not fitting the company’s image
Low amount of ads per day.
Personally, I received my payout without issues and didn’t have security problems. I do agree that some ads are questionable. I don’t see how promoting beer can help to improve the world. I didn’t get many ads either, but WeAre8 stated that they are working on getting more partners.
What Is Trustpilot?
Trustpilot is an independent consumer review platform. It has no affiliation with the sites mentioned in this post. On Trustpilot, users can anonymously rate and review companies they have used.
Overall, there are over 150 million reviews on Trustpilot. You can generally get a good understanding of the legitimacy and customer-friendliness of a company.
Delivering on Their Promise: WeAre8 Really Pays out
I accumulated £1.03 in my WeAre8 account and requested a payout. The money was in my PayPal account a day later. Below, you can see a screenshot of the transaction. The app took £0.05 as payment fees. Since watching ads pays poorly, I essentially watched two extra ads just to cover these fees.
How Does WeAre8 Work? Exploring the Concept Behind the App
WeAre8 works similarly to other social media platforms. You can sign up for free, post status updates, and connect with friends. From time to time, WeAre8 invites you to watch ads.
Each ad is up to 30 seconds long, and you get £0.01-0.10 if you watch it. WeAre8 also makes a charity donation if you watch an ad. You can see how much you earn and donate before watching an ad
After watching 25 ads, I made £1.03, reaching the minimum payout threshold of £1. Then, I had to wait 30 days for the money to become payable. Cashing out on WeAre8 is easy. Go to “Wallet” and select “Pay Me Now”. As PayPal is the only withdrawal option, you need a PayPal account.
Social credit score goes up – clap on Thursday – kneel on Friday to end racism and pray to allah …
“Each ad is up to 30 seconds long, and you get £0.01-0.10 if you watch it. WeAre8 also makes a charity donation if you watch an ad. You can see how much you earn and donate before watching an ad”
WeAre8 is all about making a BIG impact on the world through small daily actions! Connect with your friends, share pictures and vids and follow inspiring creators who are changing the game. Plus, you can earn rewards for watching videos that support social and environmental causes.
What are you waiting for? Join the WeAre8 community and share the love. Let’s make a real difference in the world!
Enter the number of followers you have on other social media platforms to see how much impact you could create on the world if your community joined WeAre8 and watched a couple of minutes of adverts a day.
We’re dancing with Greta, for our planet.
I will probably have to go to a funeral in Oxford at some stage in the near future. It’ll be for a dear friend, but like London under the ridiculous Mare Khan, there’s an unpleasantness prevalent in the place, so I may save the petrol and give the money to someone who really needs it.
Radio 4 News lunchtime .
I missed the end of their skit about the holy World Service with the usual – great for our “ soft power “ etc . The old We Must Have Influence [ to do what I ask ] .
Well if we must ,,MUST have soft power and influence then there’s a cheaper way to have it and earn a bit .
The Royal Yacht Britannia .
Whether King Charles could make a success of it as the late Queen did I don’t know .
But it’s interesting to see the dichotomous mind of the BBC .
What institutions and traditions they want to keep and which ones they traduce to make ultimately crumble away .
And which institutions and traditions the rest of the world wish Britain would keep.
Howdee y’all.
Just spent some time in Texas. OMG. What a contrast from woke Leftoid eco-loon England.
First. It was great to talk to a friend based in Houston. He is solidly, unapologetically Republican. All the Leftoid garbage about Trump just washes over him like water off a duck’s back. The BBC would have apoplexy.
Next. Climate crisis. In Texas there isn’t one. There are however a few home truths. Over in Austin, a museum board cheerfully points out that 96% of all manufactured products contain petrochemical derived material. How is St Greta of Thunberg going to live using only 4% of the products that normal people use routinely?
Next up. Oil and Gas. No worries about that. The top floor of a local museum is entirely devoted to oil exploration, production, mid stream, refining, and petrochemical. No apologies. Instead a celebration of what makes the modern world tick, and a great advocacy of future careers for the kids. Fracking? No problem. No issue. JFDI. They have done. The green lobby would have an apoplectic meltdown over in Texas. As for the Guardianistas, Labour, and the BBC, words fail me. Their jaws would be on the ground as Justin Rowlatt tries and fails to confront reality.
Meanwhile, just remind me of the economic growth numbers in the UK?
Go woke. Go broke. Oh, we are.
Stuff ,
Thank you I lived there when I was 22 came back at 23 . The Inland Revenue wanted to know what I was doing because of course they want money . I told them I’d retired. No money given .
None wasted.
How many people have died from fracking ?
Where are the bodies ?
The activists GAS-LlT us like crazy telling UK UK fracking would kill lots.
So no we import fracked gas from Texas at great cost and waste.
More on our recent visit to Texas.
Where a friend regrettably had a stroke while visiting, and we detoured to see said friend.
Now the BBC, Guardian, and Labour always but always counter any attacks on the saintly NHS in the style of ‘we wouldn’t want an American system’.
Wouldn’t we?
Our friend’s son drove her to the nearest emergency/ A and E facility. She was taken in immediately, within 10 minutes she was having a CT scan and at about the same time she was infused with blood thinning / clot buster drugs. It’s generally known that fast action on stroke victims can have huge impacts.
The amazing result is that after 3 days our friend’s speech was back, it was fine and they could move all their limbs, left side and right side, her brain is fine, memory etc.
Maybe our friend had a lucky escape. But I can’t help feeling the strong chance that in the NHS they would have been on a trolley in an A and E corridor awaiting triage and would now be permanently paralysed. And the brainwashed relatives would have been thanking the wonderful nurses.
So maybe the American system isn’t that bad after all.
But whisper it quietly.
Lovely that your friend is doing well. I take it the clinicians could communicate in understandable English, unlike here where “sorry ?” and “pardon ? ” are the norm..
My local surgery is now under investigation due to the amount of complaints. We’ve no chance if the rumours are true that it’s been taken over by a company owned by 2 Asians. Perhaps the reception area will be piled high with toilet rolls, plastic buckets, mobile phone covers and bright red faux flowers !
My daughter tore a toe nail off in an accident in California, we went to the local community medical centre in Oakhirst. We were seen immediately by a doctor, the toe was treated and dressed and we were out in an hour heading for the pizza factory. Frankly, we just couldn’t belive it was done so quickly.
An Israel TV correspondent (Ariella) based in Londonistan gives a rather depressing but truthful evaluation of the anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli marches in our fallen capital. This is 19:29 minutes into this clip:
There are IMHO important omissions. She fails to talk about:
How the wet police themselves engaged in removing posters of the Israeli missing hostages.
How Londonistan is ruled by the emir the little khant.
How the UK has literally been invaded by people who do not share our values.
How a far hard left minority support the invaders and who never talk about releasing the hostages or of the atrocities that hamas commits
Atlas – thanks -Glad she picked up on the swastika context plod – who might were nazi uniform when off duty …I think if I was a dual nationality Israeli / British – I’d be planning to options to leave …we are lost –
Keep going IDF …
Fed, you might be interested in a ….
TWatO Watch #1 – Jonny Dymond in charge again
He interviews a Palestinian ‘journalist’ about thhe Al-Shifa Hospital. Jonny appears to believe every word the Palestinian ‘journalist’ says. Needless to say he presented the most awful picture of Israeli ‘atrocities’. Next up was Lt.Col. Peter Werner of the IDF. He said that Hamas terrorists were arrested, weapons and intelligence found. I got the impression that Jonny did not believe Lt.Col. Werner. Instead this is the BBC’s prefered narrative: The BBC appear to be completely oblivious to the concept of taqqiya.
To me – it’s pretty simple – Gaza is a Hamas operation – everything done there is done with their consent . The hospitals – Hamas hospitals – ideal places to hide because any challenge sets the western media off .
Footage coming out of Gaza is engineered by Hamas – yet the media never challenges it . Fortunately – since it was shown that the UN was subverted by Hamas we don’t hear those Australian useful idiots bleating about ‘humanitarian crises ‘ every day ….
And the west is still supplying Hamas with ‘aid ‘…
I had to laugh at her quote “The UK is struggling with [Islamic] extremism” On the contrary the Marxist Tories are absolutely loving it and encouraging it as much as they possibly can! They are even bringing in more extremists as fast as possible to bolster the numbers and protecting them from criticism by beinging in new laws they call ‘Islamophobia’.
Somalia’s football pitch that doubles as an execution ground
I see this child-like, empathy laden BBC attempt to make a big story from a non-story is STILL on the world news front page.
I started a comment on it yesterday but just got so bogged down while writing it, I just closed it and went for a cup of tea. I’ll try again:
The BBC female is desperate to shoehorn as much empathy and ‘feeling’ into is as she can. And it’s obvious she has few journalistic ethics as she’s obviously stretching and rewriting ‘quoations’ to make the story she wants, not the story it is.
It’s basically a tale of Islamic barbarity from start to finish. A tale which I’m certain is repeated countless times across all the other countries where Allah is in charge.
It’s full of things like this:
‘parents worry that the children who play on the execution ground risk being shot when someone is put to death.’
So do the children play around the prisoners while they are tied up and the soldiers try to miss them ?.
‘”I struggle to sleep at night and feel acutely anxious all the time,” admits Faduma Abdullahi Qasim’
“I try to keep my children indoors all the time. We are sad and inactive. I hate going outside and seeing blood seeping into the sand beside me.”
For context, they executed one person every 15 days last year. And they always do it at 6am in the morning.
Reading between the lines, it seems the reason for it is as a deterrent to others because that place is full of primitive savages much like the one the BBC tried to cover up on that train last week. Most are terrorists. Here’s what the last one was shot for:
‘locking his wife, Lul Abdiaziz, in a room and setting it on fire. He said he had burned her alive because she had asked for a divorce.’
The article goes on and on with the same fake quotations written or very heavily edited by Naima herself.
I think the reason her article is pushed so hard by the BBC is right at the bottom:
‘Naima Said Salah is a journalist with Somalia’s only all-women media house, Bilan Media.’ who’s list of credits on their website from all around the world seem to be mainly the BBC and The Guardian.
Good luck to them – but shame on you BBC for pushing their poor quality stories with UK lincense fee money for your own agenda.
Oh – and this is Naima’s ‘football pitch’ where all the children play and that woman and her children never go out any more because of blood soaking into sand all day:

It will also serve to warn the match referees to make the ‘right’ decisions.
Barrage of Russian attacks aims to cut Ukraine’s lights
Another article by the BBC’s awful Sarah Rainsford which tells us the real news by deliberately not mentioning it.
Ukraine are losing. Everything we have been told by the BBC around this war has been a lie. The cluster bombs haven’t shortened the war, they’ve extended it. Russia aren’t running out of missiles or shells – Ukraine are. It’s now becoming a slow, torturous war of attrition which Ukraine cannot win. Meanwhile the BBC don’t tell us of the REAL horrific circumstances for all the young men being blown to pieces all along the front. It puts Sarahs ‘news’ that a salon must use a generator to stay open firmly into perspective.
How long before the narrative changes to how the war might be ended ?. I find it very interesting how the Left can change from ‘jaw jaw’ to ‘war war’ at the drop of a hat when it fits the bigger agenda of globalist expansion into Ukraine.
Omission? Or, cherry picking as it is sometimes known.
Biden said it would be a war crime if Russia used cluster bombs, but then when they ran out of conventional artillery sent those. He also sent the stockpiles in Israel as well, which have been consumed.
What they also aren’t telling is that the Ukrainians are using scarce ammunition to shell civilian areas in Russia speaking towns and cities which have absolutely zero military value, and then moaning they don’t have enough to defend the front line!
How long before the narrative changes? Oceania is at war with Eurasia and has always been at war with them.
A police source this morning tells Wings that by just 8am on Day 1, a single division has already received more than a dozen Hate Crime complaints about Humza Yousaf’s “WHITE!” speech 😄
I remember sending a HATE CRIME report when Stormzy sang to burn Theresa May’s house down! HA HA HA HA HAH!
Hate crimes can include:
threatening behaviour
damage to property
inciting others to commit hate crimes
online abuse
True Vision has been developed so that you can report hate crimes online – you do not have to visit a police station to report.
Inciting hatred
In England and Wales it can be an offence to stir up hatred on the grounds of:
Sexual Orientation.
(There is no similar offence relating to disability or transgender)
UK GOV replacing it’s population – HATE CRIME – report RISHI today – STOP the BOATS by stopping RISHI
Closely followed by…
Rather funny, in an ironic way. Though this comment brings reality back.
Phillip Bratby
Well done Paul. I expect you’ll get the usual response, i.e. the BBC will decide that the BBC is right.
Seems the BBC will need to rebrand to the Mistrusted News Initiative
As of today, I am resigning from TRIGGERnometry. The opportunity to join the BBC as Chief Diversity Officer is an opportunity I simply couldn’t turn down.
Seems OFCOM have snagged Dan Wotton too.
Konstantin Kisin
Politically Non-Binary Satirist
London, Englandkonstantinkisin.comJoined June 2013
1,522 Following
. . . . . . .. .
During the video the pupils answer the following questions:
Have you ever been treated differently? (They include times they have been left out because of their race or gender.)
What does diversity mean to you?
Is it good to be different?
What would you do if someone was being nasty to someone else because they looked different?
The corrupt, biased, pro-Democrat, Trump-hating BBC won’t tell you any of this…
Marjorie Taylor Greene asserts that Pelosi and fellow Democrats WANTED a riot on January 6th.
She also raises the shameful treatment of the many hundreds of protestors still rotting in jail, PRE-TRIAL!
Biden is all fake smiles on the outside, but vindictive and vicious as hell on the inside. And Obama too, of course, who is pulling his strings.
Clearly she is anti Semitic as all of the people she has identified just happen to be Jewish – couldn’t be at all possible that these are the corrupt individuals profitting from the Ukraine war as well could it?
Vlad – I think they knew what the response to the election theft would be . Part of the excellent plan was to embed federal agents in trump supporting groups and incite that response – it didn’t take much .
What must have surprised the obama gang was the lack of response – the Capitol wasn’t destroyed – yet those arrested have been shown no mercy in Stalinist show trials and sentences ….
As part of the smoke screen over the election theft the demonstrations have repeatedly been used as an ‘ attack on democracy ‘ when of course they were the reverse ….
I do wonder if Obama really can pull of the theft again .? – but I guess all the ingredients are in place – with the addition of the corrupt legal system to kill trump …
And it was never, ever, remotely an insurrection.
At most, a show of strength by frustrated Trump supporters who knew they were being shafted by the system and by the media which always avoided showing their true numbers.
So they came out in numbers.
Outrage that Germany is invoking a law to stop foreign footballers resident in Germany playing for their national teams . This is targeted at Harry Kane …. I understand the German ambo has been called in and rishi is to make a statement outside number 10 Mohammed street …
( this story must be true cos it’s in the telegraph )
BIZARRE: Merkel embarrassed by German flag at rally
Ah, they weren’t always so fussy. Nearly half the forces fighting for the Germans at Stalingrad were Romanians, and 250,000 Ukrainians were happy to serve, rather enthusiastically when it came to rounding up their own countrymen and putting Babi Yar on the map.
Now that midday has passed – I would like to correct some misinformation before some troll reports me to me ( as moderator ) – this news item was an ‘April fool ‘ – although it’s very tricky to work out what is and isn’t …..
.. I’ve not seen any other April fools today – but there was one last week where a council ‘Road gang ‘ put a white line over a pot hole – without filling it in or otherwise marking it … although I suspect that was Real Life ….
I think you are right. The “insurrection” was undoubtedly instigated by agents provocateurs from the Feds. What they did not expect was the fundamental decency of the Trump supporters. They did not trash the Capitol, or attack the police. There was nothing much more than trespassing at most. But the narrative of “insurrection” had already been set up, so it had to be used. The Left imagined that the Trump supporters would behave like the BLM scum, and were surprised when they didn’t.
VD likely to invite one poster from here on the show?
Israel: thousands protest against their PM Benjamin Netanyahu
Subtle, VD… subtle.
Thousands welcome Hamas to be elected GOV! HA HA HA HAH A!
Hamas won the January 25, 2006 elections in Palestine, winning 42.9 % of the vote (with 77 percent voter turnout), giving it a parliamentary majority with 74 of the 132 seats.
The sad thing is that despite the fact of voter intimidation it’s probably a more free and fair election than is going to be run on November 5th in the USA.
Certainly more free and fair than the UK can run with it’s postal voting fraud delivering Galloway more votes percentage than Kim Jong Un.
And blue labour has done nothing about postal fraud because they haven’t the will to look – it should be banned – or made really difficult – …
an act of blue labour self harm not fixing it …I really hope they get less than a 100 – there will be panic after May 2 …
I think along with others that we shall vote for George Galloway to be mayor of Manchester, it’s probably the only way to get rid of the revolting Burnham as no one else stands a chance.
I wonder how many non Labour voters would vote for Galloway if he stood in London against Khan ?
Today I dipped in and out of R5Dead. This station really should be renamed BBC Radio Hammas. The bias today plumbed new depths. In each programme, not once was there a report asking the question of Hammas -‘how do you propose to end the fighting?’ Just the usual appalling one way coverage. We are accustomed to this approach, but for once, just once, would they change the bleeding heart agenda? Of course not … putrid bbc …
In news not dated 1-Apr another footballer collapses on the pitch:
Vote for me because after 13 years we can change something – STOP THE BOATS = NET ZERO STOPPED
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the start of the week:
– Massive TV Licensing Price Hike from Today
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
Blog thanks
Your licence went UP TODAY – WHY NOT CANCEL IT ?
BBC pay 2022-2023: The full list of star salaries
The BBC has published the salaries of its highest-paid stars as part of its annual report.
➤ Gary Lineker – £1,350,000-£1,354,999.
➤ Zoe Ball – £980,000-£984,999.
▼ Alan Shearer – £445,000-£449,999.
▲ Huw Edwards – £435,000-£439,999.
▼ Stephen Nolan – £400,000-£404,999.
“Scotland’s new hate crime law comes into force”
Do we have the beginnings of a “thought police”?
Scottish comedians beware, because your jokes may cause offence ?
2017 … Hate crime trial of YouTube user over video of dog ‘taught to do Nazi salute’
Telegraph Reporters
12 September 2017 • 9:24am
But it’s ’context ‘….
Illegal material could be in words, pictures, videos, and even music and could include;
messages calling for racial or religious violence
web pages with pictures, videos or descriptions that glorify violence against anyone due to their race, religion, disability,
sexual orientation or because they are transgender.
chat forums where people encourage other people to commit hate crimes
encourage other people to commit hate crimes
encourage other people to commit hate crimes
The trial heard Osborne became “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the attack, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal.
“encourage other people to commit hate crimes”
having watched the BBC drama Three Girls
“encourage other people to commit hate crimes”
having watched the BBC drama Three Girls
I was thinking – you know – that plod telling a lady that displaying the swastika at an Islamic Hamas demo is okay because it is ‘context ‘- he probably is a graduate entry on an accelerated promotion .
Tricky for him – unless he can’ identify ‘as some queer variant – because the ranks must be filling up with female queers and Muslims put in to run corruption operations – like ‘unauthorised access ‘ to police databases … which seems a very common crime by plod – so common the dismissals don’t really get a comment – too many drugs and rape cases for that….
If I go to a WWII museum, I expect to see a swastika in some part of their display. If I went into Sainsbury’s and see a swastika hanging over the kosher food, I would see it as an antisemitic event.
Context, perhaps the policeman didn’t understand.
Probably a holocaust denier – good for a career in the Met these days ….
Ironically the BBC news channel runs a propaganda programme called ‘the context’ …. Heil – context ….. I’m fuming ….
Keep going IDF
Btw – they are called ‘Hamas operatives ‘ by the BBC now … beats ‘freedom fighters ‘ I suppose …
Doctor Who – Watch the new trailer for Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson’s first season
You ready for this?
You ready for this?
You ready for this?
You ready for this?
Ncuti’s 15th Doctor is unapologetically and vocally queer
After David Tennant’s 14th Doctor expressed his attraction to Isaac Newton during the 60th anniversary special, we all knew it was heading this way. From the get-go, Gatwa’s 15th Doctor has proven that he is not shying away from his LGBTQ+ identity as a genderfluid, queer Time Lord.
Funny because the left cannot see the contradiction they have trying to make their ridiculous diversity fantasy work.
By taking the overtly gay approach they have given grave and deep offence to the majority of the world, and now Doctor Who which was once a succesful sales export for the BBC is virtually unsaleable, save to North America and the antipodes.
In many countries now it is absolutely banned because of the offensive content.
It seems that once again, it’s OK when the Left gravely offend, but it’s only wrong when they say it is!
Anyone who watches this crap must also like hitting themselves in the head with a frying pan. Which is probably less painful.
More that the BBC won’t tell you.
The impressive Senator Hawley reveals the extraordinary financial corruption of Biden as well as the shocking politicisation and weaponisation of the FBI against not just Republicans but even mildly conservative parents.
Nothing on the BBC (but a full article on the nothing-story of a video clip showing Biden hogtied.)
“In total, there have been 10 buyers of the art, who have paid a sum of $1.5 million. Under their agreement, the gallerist received 40 percent of the sales while Biden took 60 percent. Three of the buyers have been identified, while the other seven remain anonymous.23 Jan 2024”
Hats off to the Biden crime family, this is a genius way to launder money. There was once a piece of “modern art” which was literally cans of the artist’s shit. Hunter’s “art” seems to be in the same category. To think Donald Trump had to go to the trouble of setting up Truth Social and then floating on the stock exchange. What an amateur! If you want to know how to make quick money, follow the Bidens.
Italian artist sells ‘invisible’ sculpture for more than £12,000
The sculpture doesn’t physically exist, artist claims, ‘it’s in the mind of the creator’
Peony Hirwani
Friday 04 June 2021 14:32 BST
How about corruption closer to home with this covert recording that unelected Foreign Secretary David Cameron has received legal advice which should have proscribed weapons export, and that the government is therefore behaving in a criminal manner.
If this is true then it should be a resignation issue not just for Cameron, but for Rishi Washee too.
Listen to what the Tory MP says in the audio, it’s quite astonishing the media haven’t picked up on this especially the BBC.
“Legal Advice” eh?
One has to wonder at *who* provided that advice and in what context?
The present judiciary seem about as unbiased as the present Metropolitan Police and there is no shortage of self appointed grandiosly titled “Independent SAGE” style outfits purporting to be authoritative, “UN body” or whatever, usually cited by the BBC or Guardian. It’s normally the name of the organisation that’s attached to the opinion and not the name of the person that gave the advice, I mean, heaven forbid that a fox battering barrister with a record of judicial incompetence get a camera in the face or a microphone up the nose?
I’m no fan of Cameron or the present “Conservative” crew but so many of these revelations seem contrived and fall away unremarked after 24hours
The revelations don’t normally come from your own side though, and legal advice is usually from an independant barrister not a judge.
I’m always cagey about judicial bias, with the media being as bent as it is, anxious to exhonerate the Marxist Tories and blame someone else.
The point of posting this is that clearly questions need to be asked and they aren’t being. Why that is we don’t know, perhaps it will be revealed at a later date.
I have a serious problem with “independent” barristers – particularly anonymous items…
If they are prepared to write up and cite detailed impact of legal provisions and principles, and put their name to it. – fair enough.
Barristers are hired hands.
Lawfare *is* a thing – and the methods are diverse… FUD and intimidation are usually the first couple of tactics out of the box.
You might have a point, but normally a political party would use its own people to give the advice needed and they would have to put their name to any formal advice given to ministers, after all it could later form the basis of a court hearing against a minister.
Trouble is at the present time we just don’t know enough to be sure.
so FUD from a “Cornish” lefty ?
– quoting a woman who was a member of the UK Youth Parliament, an Amnesty campaigner under the latest manifestation of that broken charity and serial PR parasite.
I’m pretty sure Alicia Alexandra Martha Kearns isn’t a Conservative.
Immediately prior to her election to parliament, Kearns was directing counter-terrorism, counter disinformation and hybrid warfare interventions in Lebanon, Morocco and the Western Balkans.
– so she’s an SIS / Vauxhall Cross babe then ?
When people see the anti Netanyahu demonstrations in Israel, they should remember that they were happening before October 7th. Like in the US, this is about the Left not accepting Right wing democratically elected governments. The people attending the peace party in the desert or living on the Negev kibbutz settlements were never Netanyahu supporters. Like America this is the Left dismantling democracy. I can guess how it is presented on the BBC.
What’s the point of April Fool’s day now because nothing they can come up with can better the woke, daft and barmy rubbish we are getting all the time (like wimmin with willies)
I have reported you to Police Scotland for that hate crime!
I have reported you for not reporting him earlier!
We are all guilty!
I’m Brian and so is my wife!
“Suck It Up! Suck It Up!” – Anna Soubry @9:43
April Fools! Oh wait … “Scotland’s new hate crime law comes into force”
“A segment of a speech about diversity by Scottish health minister Humza Yousaf is being misrepresented online by those suggesting it shows the Scottish National Party (SNP) politician arguing that Scotland contains too many white people. One Facebook user uploaded the 55-second clip on Feb.23 Feb 2023”
H&M Apologizes for ‘Monkey’ Image Featuring Black Child
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
HA HA HAH AHA! My aching April Fools sides are splitting.
Jo Brand to face no further action over battery acid joke
So, Khan’s cops aren’t sure if the Swastika paraded at the latest Leftist / Islamofascist demo is antisemitic and racist.
Somehow, I suspect there’d be much less equivocation if it had been shown at a Tommy Robinson march.
April 26, 2014 … A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
And the BBC don’t seem too concerned about Swastikas at marches – at least not when it’s their side.
Look at Sadiq Khan’s post below. Tag who you think might be relevant. News groups etc
@SadiqKhan is now dealing with the PA Ambassador Husam Zomlot who’s boss at the Palestinian Authority, just a few weeks ago said “we announce unity with Hamas”
Is it any wonder why London has been announced the most Hostile place for Jews to live in the West by the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs?
When we have also seen Sadiq Khan smiling in a picture with Pro Hamas “advisor” to the Met Police Mohammad Kozbar.
As Thoughtful has advised, this was allowed on the Conservative’s watch.
Needs dealing with, along with them.
There are ratios, and activist Labour MP ratios.
Worked a night shift in my local hospital this Easter weekend. Our NHS is filled with heroes – on my shift, I saw our dedicated nurses, doctors and porters giving up their Bank Holiday weekend to provide the compassionate and quality care that everyone deserves.
And get paid triple time, with 3 days off in lieu. Let’s all clap.
2024 “But the Scottish government insists the law provides protection from hate and prejudice without stifling individual expression.”
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
A rare bouquet.
So this was the SNP’s Siobhian Brown trying to defend the HCA to Justin’s extremely rational, highly skillful and fatally polite questions at 0820 this morning
These are questions we all want answering, these are the right questions
Too polite maybe. Woman is clearly another idiot.
Austin Powers – Man baby
Sky is utterly compromised.
‘It’s not twitter police, it’s not activists, it’s not the media… It will be the police to investigate whether a crime has been committed.’
First Minister @HumzaYousaf addresses concerns around Scotland’s controversial new hate crime laws
And the police, especially Police Scotland, is full of activists, you clown.
The pothole signs that put Daventry in the spotlight
8 hours ago
Just checking on the BBC website the last few weeks and doing a compare / contrast:
Ramadan is a holy month, with many religious codes around praying and fasting, all of which bring people together. Ramadan intensifies faith and reflection. It makes communities stronger, and it’s a month that is holy. Ramadan is a holy month. It’s holy.
Easter is something about a long weekend with big traffic jams and delays on the trains. And people eat chocolate.
Not news to anyone on this site of course but the difference in treatment is impossible to ignore.
Shhhh … don’t mention the E word … “Man admits murdering Muslim shopkeeper who wished Christians ‘happy Easter’”
Not BBC but Richard Dawkins on LBC today outed himself as a cultural Christian. Will be interesting to see the reaction to him calling out Islam as not a decent religion. In other news Salman Rushdie’s book “Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder” is out in a couple of weeks.
I imagine the BBC response will be to skip over them both as they’re too cowardly to go there.
“doctrines of Islam the Hadith and the
and the Quran it’s fundamentally um
hostile to women hostile to gays”
Please let it not be an AF.
Have you seen this, @MPSRoyal_Parks? I thought flying a drone in the Royal Parks was massively illegal and I remember reading about a £1,500 plus fine for someone who flew down North Carriage Drive?
WHAT THE HELL — using a drone for today’s early cycle ride, and it got taken out by a hawk or red kite in HYDE PARK FFS. Smashed to bits, £400 gone in a second 🤬🤬🤬
It is… was.
But he got all the attention he wanted by stirring things up.
Bet what is left of credible police forces the length and breadth of the country are thrilled at the calibre of politicians and media out there now.
Because I’ve now apparently been reported to the Met,
, the
, I should clarify that I was NOT flying a drone and no wildlife was involved. It was just an
camera. I wasn’t ready for the level of flag-related anger.
These are the MPs BBC, LBC, etc cannot get into the studio quick enough.
Labour MP @ApsanaBegumMP joined feminist @DrProudman to complain at the men only policy at the Garrick Club. Alas, at Ms Begum’s mosque there are separate entrances for men & women & they pray on different floors.
And at the same time they are complaining about the need for women only spaces!
If you don’t want single sex spaces that works both ways and you can’t then complain about trannies in womens prisons.
In fact why are there even womens and mens prisons?
In fact why are there even womens and mens prisons?
They’ve thought of that. There have been several campaigns over the years to stop women being imprisoned, plus a fairly recent one to stop building more places for them.
Note the cute phrase “Building more prison places will only shatter more lives and unnecessarily separate families.“. Er no, it’s the women committing serious crimes which is doing that, athough it is recognised that some women are imprisoned for committing non-crimes. Such as being unable to pay the fine for not having a TV licence. Here’s looking at you, BBC and Crapita…
Some years ago, when we used to watch some of the the Beeb stuff, any article or item concerning overcrowding in prisons was accompanied by a somewhat surreal view of prisoners shuffling along a corridor with their backs to the camera.
The camera was set up on the floor, and the image was slightly blurred, but I’ll always remember that the same shot was used on every prison story, and that the feet and lower legs of the ‘prisoners’, were all wearing those peculiar foreign sandals, and some sort of ‘male’ dress, which seems to be a sartorial style of people who are certainly not indigenous British Cirizens.
I wonder is there are any VHS tapes lurking around with copies of these snapshots, or are they maybe stashed away in Verifunny’s vaults…
Netanyahu excercising his right to defend himself against his Israeli critics and detractors by beating them into submission
“Jeremy Bowen: Career-ending pressure on Netanyahu grows”
How does it feel to share the same opinion as Jeremy Bowen ?
It’d be enough to make me reanalyse 🙂
I’m not so sure I do hold the same opinion I don’t know what the career ending pressure might be.
I didn’t think Netanyahu took any notice of anyone or anything, even the courts in Israel !
However just because someone is a Lefty doesn’t mean they are incapable of telling the truth or that their analysis is wrong.
2+2 = 4 regardless of someones political bias.
The Daily Mail has been a staunch supporter of Netanyahu and the IDF over the past month so if they are both saying the same thing there’s a pretty good chance it’s true.
The most senior Jewish person in the US is Chuck Schumer, and he’s also saying Netanyahu is doing more harm than good.
Can everybody be wrong? Where is your evidence to show a different point of view?
Seems he shares much with noted non racist Nihal.
Happy 3️⃣0️⃣th. Just listened to a riveting extended @BowenBBC discussion with @TherealNihal. The space to fully explore complex issues… THAT happens on @bbc5live. #ProudToHaveBeenAtTheBirth of the station. Thanks for the memories. Keep up the brilliance📻🎤🗣️💪🙌.
Exploring complex issues. Apparently.
And, as ever, all reeling in the audiences.
Oh, btw, JezBo has a book out.
So lucky he managed to find a broadcaster keen to share.
‘Windrush compensation scheme has failed us’
JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over hate crime law
JK Rowling has challenged Scotland’s new hate crime law in a series of social media posts – inviting police to arrest her if they believe she has committed an offence
Hold onto your Penis! Hold the line!
A disabled grandfather has been sacked by Asda for sharing a Billy Connolly sketch about religion on his Facebook page. Till worker Brian Leach, 54, was let go by the supermarket after seven colleagues complained that the comments in the skit were anti-Islamic.24 Jun 2019
No more Asda for me, then.
Time we started a bit of boycotting ourselves, or exercising consumer power.
I warned everyone about ASDA a few months ago. ASDA is owned by Two Pakistanis who also own the EG group of eye wateringly expensive filling stations. EG has a significant presence on major A and trunk roads to the extent that the market price for fuel on those roads is very high. ASDA used to be quite cheap for fuel, it any more though.
I wonder if and how much ASDA and EG money is sent to Pakistan and used for what purpose?
They’re actually Indian !
They are highly suspicious, and highly leveraged but they are in partnership with a venture capital company. They have defaulted on one major loan already despite the fact they locked in the low interest rates for a five year period. Once the higher rates kick in they will undoubtedly fail.
They have loaded ASDA with debt which no doubt one day they will sell for £1.
One of them abandoned his wife and ran off with one of the senior employees and now the family won’t talk to him.
To my mind it’s always been an incredibly shady operation with no real explanation as to how they went from owning a single petrol station to where they are now. Especially when those independent garages everwhere else where going bust.
I owe them an apology for calling them Pakistanis. I always thought they were.
Usually the importation of ‘commodities ‘….
And in our local station, they never say ‘please’ or’thank you’, so that’s my few quid a month going to much better filling stations!
BTW, it’s interesting to note that there aren’t any supermarkets mentioned on MM’s pic above. I remember Sainsbury’s trying on that sort of waycist claptrap with their customers, but seem to have quietly dropped their views that if we don’t like their ‘ethnic stance’, then we can go elsewhere for groceries!
So we did – as did many others…!
Whether it is stand up clapping in the Canadian parliament for Ukrainian Nazis or murdering its own citizens, the parallels with 1930s Germany are becoming startling.
Net Zero means no Gas for the chambers **
** Scottish Police Warn this might be a hate crime. Please, if you cry report me ASAP.
You missed another mass extinction – BBC viewing figures 🤪
BBC TV licence fee: How much is it and what does it pay for?
6 days ago
Doctor Who is one of the BBC’s most popular programmes
From 1 April, the cost will go up by 6.6% to £169.50, after being frozen for two years. The increase is based on the inflation figure for September 2023.
How many people are prosecuted for not paying the licence fee?
If you do not pay the licence fee, you can be taken to court.
In 2022, there were 40,220 convictions for licence fee evasion, with an average fine of £202.
You cannot be sent to prison for licence fee evasion, but you can be imprisoned for failing to pay the resulting fine.
Jeremy Bowen and Lucy Williamson doing a double act for Iran/ Hamas . Bad day for both . Iranian general zapped by Israel – a Hamas building pretending to be a hospital zapped – with a claimed body count of 200 Hamas freedom fighters …
Bad day for the baddies – including the BBC …
Isn’t it just amazing that despite all those reporters recording every hungry child for Getty, there has not been a single report to confirm that Hamas are fighting from UN camp, UN schools and UN hospitals.
Could it be because they are all Hamas-supporting Muslims (especially those from Jazeera) who would be in great danger if they weren’t ?.
But the really dirty part is how the MSM – especially the BBC – pretend they are all fine unbiased journalists whose word can be trusted implicitly and never mention their religious bias (which is extreme in the case of Islam) or the environment they are in.
With everything they are reporting (or not reporting) about Gaza, Trump, illegal immigrants, and their fascist removal of key right-wing politicians as soon as they become a threat : I struggle to think how my opinion of the BBC could be any lower than it is now.
Good for Rowling for challenging Scotland’s tyrannical hate crime laws over trannies, but we know who muslim Humza Haroon Yousaf is really gunning for and trying to silence, don’t we?
Maybe next time the guest could hand him a still bloodied zombie knife and then ask whether he wants to put a price on that…….
Sit back and enjoy the BBC getting hammered from all quarters, over the price of the extortion tax, the value for money, the quality of the programming, the woke politics, its hegemonistic Empire-building tendency, its suffocating effect on independent local media, and more.
Funnily enough,
The next punter showed another antiques expert a small cup used as a shaving mug by his late father.
Our expert candidly announced. ‘It was made in the late 17th century by a local pottery, hand painted by child Labour.. No outrage or upset whatsoever.
Obviously white slaves don’t matter…
Amazing how any format / show – can be manipulated for the approved message … Goebells really would be proud …
Many years ago someone on this site, repeated what a family member who worked for the BBC said, ‘nothing happens on the BBC by chance’. Worth remembering when watching ‘innocent’ programmes like Antiques Roadshow, Repair Shop or any cookery show. (Expensive organic eggs in a strongly flavoured dish for example – organic cannot make any difference to taste or texture).
Debs, a friend did some still photography work for a well-known BBC TV Programme (no names, no pack drill but I think Amstrad Alan may have been involved) and my friend confirmed like a lot of the celebrity shows it was all faked and hyped up.
The bias is worse than you think because the area is ‘scouted’ before the show is filmed, and artifacts are selected and researched prior to the face to face.
So the BBC seelcted this piece deliberately knowing exactly what it was and they might have even planted it deliberately.
I still have two carved ebony heads of a Nigerian man and woman, from my dad’s stint with The Royal Engineers in Nigeria at the end of WW2.
They are on my wall here, and a reminder of one of the statements he wrote on the back of a photograph of one of the National soldiers there, “(name), The best soldier I have ever met”!
They’d get a couple of quid on Ebay, but why sell them?
TOADY Watch #1 – but what about the Equality Act?
Much discussion about the new Scottish Hate Crime Law on TOADY. Misogyny was mentioned a lot but not Misandry. Why? Is there not equality under the eyes of the Law? Apparently, not.
I suppose if the new law in Scotland is shown to ‘work ‘ Red labour will adopt it for the rest of England and wales … although I suppose Northern Ireland will have its’ own ideas ….
Blue Labour could have quashed it, and I seem to remember they did so with an earlier outrageous affront to decency they planned, but they haven’t with this which indicates to me they support it too.
Fed, true equality goes out the window when ‘legislation’ gets involved.