Are you an April Fool for still paying for the anti British Far Left BBC ? Cancel your licence .it went up by 6.6% to £169.50 now ….. Save your £169.50 ….
Police Scotland says the “Hate Monster” is most likely to lurk in young men with “deep-rooted feelings of being socially and economically disadvantaged, combined with ideas about white-male entitlement.” This sounds to me quite hateful/insulting/abusive about a section of society which doesn’t have much going for it. Can I report Police Scotland to Police Scotland under the new Hate Crime Act? Section 4 would seem to cover it.
250 unnecessary deaths per week down to the NHS, but at least the diversity officers will ensure the correct pronouns are on the death certificates. Apologies if this directly effects you.
Front Row : National Gallery special
about 10 mins after i started listening we heard an extensive item from some woman who looks for oppression of blacks in paintings
She made a point of saying it’s like life today.
As ever it was the usual London Supremacist Guardian supremacist bubble
“It’s diversity great ?
Isn’t it great the gallery is free and so we can all pop in
Doh ..the vast majority of UK hardly go to London
London isn’t Britain etc,
As ever what is the point of doing visual art on the RADIO ?
Can’t have been many listeners .. not many tweets
This was one listener
15 mins into @BBCRadio4 Front Row just now, which I generally avoid, Turner’s Fighting Temeraire was described by (I think) the Director of the @NationalGallery as ‘a picture that speaks of the end of empire.’
In 1839?
Does that make any historical sense?
London has remained the region with both the largest proportion of people born outside the UK and the largest proportion of people with non-UK passports. In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (40.6%) usual residents in London were non-UK born, and more than 1 in 5 (23.3%) had a non-UK passport.2 Nov 2022
It seems that the BBC run a propaganda show called ‘hard talk’ . It is ‘hosted ‘ by a repulsive character called Steven Sackur .
I’ve just watched a bit involving baby killing in America. . The aggression he uses against a ‘right to life ‘ representative is quite appalling . Sackur will answer for his evil support of child killing – which he calls ‘abortion ‘.
But ‘hard talk’ represents a pure exhibition of approved BBC thought – and Sackur aggressively reflects it . Truly appalling . How BBCOFCOM allows this is beyond me – but maybe the term BBCOFCOM is a bit of a clue .
At last, a clergymen (ex) willing to tell it like it is.
Gavin Ashenden, former Anglican Bishop and Chaplain to the Queen, states squarely that Christianity (what’s left of it) is under mortal threat from two dark forces: cultural Marxism (or progressive secularism) on the one hand, and Islam on the other.
“We are surrounded by two particular forms of Darkness that are coming upon us… they’re both competitors to Christianity, they’re both ruthless and they’re both determined to suppress it and wipe it out, and they are of course on one side the Religion of Peace and on the other this great utopian Crusade from the left of cultural Marxism or a form of progressive secularism. Both of them literally hate Christianity, both of them hate Christ… We are dealing with perverted, distorted, dark, evil ideologies that are essentially Spirits; this is a spiritual conflict…
It is quite incredible to me the way in which these two competitors are closing in on the faith in the West and there’s a great danger I think in the next few years of a complete collapse of Christianity partly because no one’s fighting back…”
What on earth are you talking about? No comparison: the first is a clear and present danger, an existential threat to our way of life, our freedoms and beliefs, here in the UK, now.
The second is a minor street altercation between a couple of hotheads – at a time of high tension and volatility – in a faraway land, that affects us not at all here.
Leaving aside politics and theology and even ethics, if only out of self-interest, we should pay heed to Dr. Ashenden’s warnings.
We are at war, and we should focus on self preservation.
Thoughtful* is ignorant and refuses to look at the evidence that I have provided. I am seriously tempted to give up on this site – it would save a lot of my time – Thoughtful, Stew and maxi, too, are just too much to take. Time for a real hard think on my part.
I’m sorry I seem to have missed your evidence that the prophet Zechariah was Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, and your explanation from scripture of the “10th Red Heifer” [Numbers ch 19], my bracket. Would you be kind enough to provide them again, please?
Just for the record, Christian evangelist and apologist David Wood just returned from Israel where he proudly wore his cross, and was met with nothing but respect, friendliness, tolerance and acceptance.
The only trouble he had was with… muslims.
One final footnote from Wood and that’s all I have to say on the matter. Endless discussion achieves nothing. Ashenden’s point stands. Israel / Gaza is a separate issue.
Most of the Israelis are fine decent upstanding people and 97% of them are opposed to Netanyahus murderous genocidal policies which risk destroying the entire country.
As I have said here many times I support the existence of the state of Israel and its right to exist. Like many Jews though I stand against the genocidal Netanyahu and his far right government, and believe he is a criminal who belongs in prison.
Up2, I appreciate your input. I don’t engage with those whose minds I cannot turn. Stew can be very good at finding confirmation for things I have noticed, for example Stew delved much deeper into those money for watching adverts org. than I would possibly have done.
Yes I think of dumping this site too . You might not have noticed – but one troll is – hopefully – no longer with us as I killed it a couple of weeks ago .- I suspect it will come back with another name ..
As for thoughtful – I wish it would still to the BBC type stuff and stop fighting the Gaza war on this site . There is an acid tone with a dash of anti semitism thrown in ….
But the fight against the bbc is a long hard one ….
As you know Fed I post on some of the Left wing forums, and it is dissappointing to find similar techniques of false argument used there also appearing here.
I always back up my posts with hard facts, I try not to use ad hominems, I wish the same respect was returned but alas it is not.
It’s very easy to throw the isms and the fake phobias around but I put it to you that you cannot support your assertion with any evidence and I will raise you racism and Islamophobia are more evident in many posts here, but I never stoop to using those words.
Double standards are absolutely evident, if the Gaza situation were reversed and it were Muslims killing Jews there I very much doubt the same gung ho attitudes would be on show.
Today we have just heard the IDF have murdered three British aid workers in Gaza travelling in a clearly marked car.
What I post is truth evidenced by fact. I have nothing against any Jews only those who I feel are threatening the lives of their fellows and potentially the whole world.
You sling the word ‘evidence ‘ around and have that frightening certainty of being right and every one else is wrong . So – you already say 5 aid workers were ‘murdered ‘ . Where s your evidence for that assertion ? Are you a propagandist for Islamic hamas? Are you a useful idiot ?
It’s a war – people die – the good and the bad – maybe they were correctly targeted – maybe it was a mistake . They knew the risks either way .
Considering they are operating in a Hamas controlled Gaza – and not taken hostage like those suffering Israelis – I have my own view .
Don’t throw ‘Islamophobia ‘ about . Islam is evil – alien – and our betters have imported it – and we suffer the consequences – the challenge to our way of life – so sure – call that Islamophobia if you want .
I repeat to you . If you want to fight views about that war – maybe best do it some where else – this site is meant to be about the bias of the BBC and not you stamping your superior view on everyone else .
Keep going IDF – and damn the Islamic far left BBC – supporter of the 2 evils in our world …
Fed, the fight against the BBC is indeed a long hard one but there are some signs that we might be winning. The current messing about with the R4 schedules may drive away some more people who pay the LF and watch TV as well.
Up2 – yes – it seems the BBC ‘managers ‘ have a knack of changing things for the sake of it leading to a gradual – or increasing number of ‘switch offs ‘ – it will be the punters’ fault of course – never the BBC …
So is the second or like most have you no clue as to what is going on in the Middle East?
The incident is just one of several of far right Jews in Israel being emboldened by the ultra far right in Netanyahus coalition. These are the people who suggested using a nuclear bomb in Gaza and had to be silenced quickly as Israel does not admit to having the technology.
How ironis it is you make reference to Neville Chamberlains Faraway Land quote which led to world war II and of course the holocaust.
You fail to see the tides of war which could easily lead to expansion of that to engulf the whole world in nuclear conflagration. These people spitting regularly on Christians are the ones driving the Genocide in Gaza, and are looking for an expansion of that war into Lebanon and ultimately to Iran.
These absolute nutters believe that if they begin this war America will have to come to their aid and begin a war with every Muslim country in the Middle East including Turkey and Egypt.
And don’t think this is just me saying this, it’s supported by such august commentators as Colonel Douglas MacGregor and Lt Col Scott Ritter.
The Muslims might well be a creeping danger – and you should blame our Marxist MPs for that but the Israelis are an existential threat to life on this planet and are a far more immediate danger.
I have zero respect or anyone who thinks there is a genocide in Gaza. Even by Hamas’s bullshit figures, about 1% of the population have been killed. Some “genocide”.
Activists mostly left wing have realised that one of the most useful weapons in their goody bag are trigger words which can be rolled out to underpin their ideology and silence other opinions at any given time, particularly if adopted without question by the media and especially the likes of the BBC.
Think global warming, climate change, fossil fuels, Islamaphobia, misogeny, transphobia, far-right, CIS etc. the list goes on and comes straight from 1984, winding people up to 5 minutes of hate etc.
Genocide is just another word tool that once created can be applied to inject the right tone to any discussion on Gaza and Israel.
The media however love these sticky notes that can be attached to any story to imbue it with the Company approved tone. The BBC are regular trigger word users.
There are however some trigger words that the media fight shy of, hostages, rape, Honor killings etc. come to mind!
Diverse design update and how to solve a problem like Bibi edition
It’s a ladies day today in the press – as is often the case these days.
They tell us that we live in a patriarchy – in fact it feels as though it’s more of a matriarchy – but without much of the motherliness apsect on show: ‘I just want my baby to go to sleep’ (Telegraph)
The stand out press headline of the day is: Arrest me: JK Rowling challenges police over hate speech law (Times); JK Rowling in challenge over Scotland’s hate speech law (‘i’); JK Rowling dares cops in row over hate speech law (Metro); JK to cops: Arrest me (The Sun) – plus further minor variations on the theme.
‘Charismatic birds deserve our respect’ – sorry folks, that one is from the jokey blokey Daily Star frontpage report on seagulls
As much as Mr AsI would like to lend his support as an ally (as they say) for safe spaces, women-only places for women – it seems to be a one way street: Garrick Club asked to consider membership for seven leading women… A group of men at the club who hope the male-only rule will change have nominated a set of possible new members Cathy Newman, Amber Rudd, Ayesha Hazarika, Mary Beard, Juliet Stevenson and Margaret Casely-Hayford. (The Guardian/Getty)
Expecto Media Hypocrisium! As Harry Potter might have spelled
Groucho Marx of course famously quipped: “I refuse to join any club that would have me…”
The JK Rowling story is practically universal frontpage fodder – Not so for the gynaeceum that is our BBC staff press pickers – where foreign bang-bang and pot shots at Rishi’s holed-beneath-the-waterline immigration controls are the order of the day: Newspaper headlines: ‘Iran general killed’ and ‘record boat arrivals’ (The Papers – By BBC News Staff)
The formerly patriotic, formerly serious, Times provides the Israeli response critical headline, winning that title top spot in the BBC press line-up: Iranian general killed as ‘Israel bombs consulate’
Scare quotes are the order of the day there as the Times endeavors to scare us: Attack threatens to escalate Middle East crisis
It’s rarely on the frontpages these days yet apparently that Ukraine war can escalate and it’s no biggie.
The earliest known world maps date to classical antiquity, the oldest examples of the 6th to 5th centuries BCE still based on the flat Earth paradigm. (Thank you, Wiki) – just a smidgeon less ancient than those classical efforts by Strabo’s Geographica and the Hereford Mappa Mundi – is the BBC’s Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia (Last updated 21 February By the Visual Journalism Team BBC News)
Of course, we can’t get enough of the Middle East conflict where our BBC follows No10 policy, which follows the Biden White House policy which is to back Israel with cash for munitions but go gunning for Netanyahu: Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu protests put political divides back on show (BBC) – he’s a bit ‘far-right’, doncha know?
By all means bomb Gaza to buggery – but let’s have more rainbow zebra crossings painted in downtown Tel Aviv: …thousands of protesters are once again on Israel’s streets… The war has turbocharged their determination to unseat Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. (BBC)
How to solve a problem like Bibi?
Rabbi Glick said… “I think he’s very popular. And that’s what aggravates these people. I think these people, are not willing to forgive the fact that for so long they’ve been demonstrating against him and he’s still in power.” (BBC)
Tell you what… how about these lefty Israelis organise a peace and love music festival close to the Lebanon border? And tell the army to keep well away.
But we digress… where were we? Ah, yes… ladies day
Why it’s time to eat like the Portugese Sophie Morris follows the Atlantic diet (‘i’)
Oikophobia is the Fear of Home Surroundings… and also a tendency to criticize or reject one’s own culture and praise other cultures (Thank you, Wiki… Part of a series on Discrimination)
Sometimes these segueways write themselves
After England kit… UNION JOKE… Red, White, Blue axed… Sports fans hit out after Team GB’s Union Jack turned pink and purple. Anger at the flag’s “diverse design” update (The Sun)
More from The Sun: Dua and Cal voted hottest new pair – whereas the typical pictorial couple for the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper are of course him black and her white: Staying married Making it 25 years… despite arguing – ahh, our left-leaning socially liberal media – where marriage can be promoted – just so long as it’s gay or miscegenation
Cultural appropriation anyone?
Culture The Beauty of Beyoncé remaking Dolly Parton (‘i’)
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you
A Palestinian woman mourns near the remains of al-Shifa hospital (Guardian) – of course our late Queen Elizabeth was probably the last British woman to regularly wear a headscarf
A key lesson we should all take from the increasingly hateful comments from JK Rowling is that no-one is immune to online radicalisation. No matter your thoughts on her work, she was once a widely respected author – now she spends her time writing unhinged rants about a minority.
Amazingly, in the bio…. A bbc panellist. What… were the odds?
BBC ignores World Cup opening ceremony in favour of Qatar criticism
This article is more than 1 year old
Coverage kicks off with focus on treatment of migrant workers and gay people, and corruption at Fifa
So EV car sales are struggling.
Despite 100% of car manufacturers advertising budget is spent on electric.
Me thinks it isn’t going to end well.
Sit back and enjoy.
I thought the story about the number 44 German footy team being banned was an April fools joke – apparently it looks like the SS symbol – but it’s all ‘context ‘ isn’t it … ?
Ever since the BBC TV London programme were eulogizing
about the Tottenham gangster Mark Duggan who was
shot dead by the police in 2011. All that was missing in the
studio was a statue of Duggan.
It has gone from bad to worse since then. With the anarchist
Marxist editors, sub editors, researchers . Having their bidding
done for them by the likes of Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad, Alice
Bhanhukravi, etc aping their political views on the autocues.
To be honest the Metropolitan Police deserve some of the
vitriol spat at them ,day after day, after day, after day, after day.
Yes I know I am being facetious . But as soon as the programme starts, which is FOUR times a day. I say ” The police”
Being very often the opening of the programme first words.
Appertaining to the fact or fiction that they are responsible
for some misdemeanour against a drugs gang. Or some youth
has been stopped and searched and “the filth” have discovered
a machete. And the mother tells us that it was planted on him.
And they he loves playing football.
The big problem now is that this Socialist Workers paradise
of a TV regional programme has morphed into mainstream
BBC news coverage. And the anarchist Marxists are slowly
bit surely taking control of the BBC national news.
These folk in charge of news output are by their political
outlook institutionally anti-Semitic. And even Karl Marx who
was born Jewish finished up being an anti-Semite. Their doctrine
being that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And that it why
they support Hamas. so at every opportunity you will see on TV
or on line headlines emanating from Hamas , and taken as
gospel by the BBC that Israel has committed this or that atrocity. Yes the BBC does apologise in small print a few days
later when they are fact checked and found to be wrong.
But by then the damage has been done. And more and more
damage is being done.
Does the BBC want the Jews in the UK to leave the UK through
intimidation. Or do they think in time that what happened in
Arabic countries when the Jews were expelled in the late 1940’s . Will happen in time in the UK?
Apparantly Ramadan ends soon and the Church of Socialism will be enraptured.
I have a question however. If Allah dictated the Qur’an to a man who couldn’t read or write (you would have thought he would have made a better choice than that!) Why did the God who created the Earth and everything in it not know the accurate time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?
A taxi driver today admitted murdering a Muslim shopkeeper who hours before had wished Christians a “very happy Easter”. Asad Shah, 40, who ran a convenience store in Glasgow, was fatally stabbed by Tanveer Ahmed, 32, on March 24.7 Jul 2016
“So let me get this straight: God gave all the oil to the Arabs, and to us He gave… circumcision ?!”
PS: That joke is neither antisemitic or Islamophobic, and anyone who finds it offensive should get a job at the BBC and move to Scotland where they’ll fit right in.
When Parvez Sharma, a New York-based documentary film maker made his first film, “A Jihad for Love,” his declaration as a gay Muslim made him a marked man throughout the Islamic world.
What do you do for an encore? For Sharma, there was only one other challenge left.
To test his own faith, Sharma embarked on a hajj, the once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage made by the most devout Muslims to Mecca, knowing full well that filming would be prohibited and that being gay would be considered a sin punishable by death.
He spent under one month in Saudi Arabia, shooting much of his documentary secretly with an iPhone 4s.
The above article mentions that Mecca is being massively ‘re-landscaped’, covered in cement and concrete.
There is a theory that this is to prevent any archeological digs that would reveal… absolutely nothing.
Mecca is a relatively new city that did not exist at the time of Moohammad, that was not on the so-called trade routes as claimed, that (pre desalination plants) had no water and therefore no agriculture and therefore could barely sustain a hamlet let alone a civilisation. It is a fiction.
Dr Jay Smith has addressed the subject at length.
Other scholars like Patricia Crone likewise, most of whom were hounded out of Academia for daring to express doubts about the standard narrative of Islam.
Crone found no evidence of Mecca being an important trading center in late antiquity of 6th and 7th century CE:
-Mecca was not on the overland trade route from Southern Arabia to Syria.
-Even if it had been, the overland trade route from Southern Arabia to Syria was not very important compared to the maritime trade route.
You are right, the big secret about Mecca is that there is no archeology. Therefore the Saudis have to make sure this fact is suppressed, as it calls into question the whole basis of their “religion”.
There is more than this, because the claim made in the Qur’an is that the Kaaba was there from the time of Abraham however it clearly was not built at the time Mohammed claimed it to be.
In fact lots of places were called Mecca and there is little proof to support that the one they chose was the one referred to in the Qur’an, and more evidence it was in fact Petra in Jordan.
This graffiti on a rock above Mecca is very important as it proves the Qur’an to be wrong.
Jail toilets face away from Mecca
Facilities in a prison are being built so Muslim inmates do not have to face Mecca while sitting on the toilet.
The Home Office said two new toilet blocks are being installed as part of a refurbishment at Brixton jail in south London.
Faith leaders had told prison bosses it was unacceptable for Muslim inmates to face Mecca while using the toilet.
“The refurbishment has been carried out with due consideration for all faiths”, a Home Office spokeswoman said.
Just seen the BBC headlines making a mountain the size of Everest about the ‘Food Kitchen’ workers who have been killed by an Israeli air strike.
Before I start throwing mud at anybody, I want to know one thing : were the IDF being fired upon by Hamas from that location. Unfortunately it seems nobody else wants to know that first. It seems it’s Israels fault no matter who did what.
This article interested me because I had thought to myself earlier how we are not being shown any of the actual fighting for the hospital. It’s all about wreckage and poor Palestinians wandering around telling us how many doctors and babies died.
So I thought I’d check around and straight away I found one which was hsowing how the IDF are using decoy tricks. In one example from a terrorist video, a tank drives right across the front at high speed and he shoots at it with an RPG. The camera also catches another tank positioned at the side which was waiting for him to do it.
This would be an excellent video for ‘BBC Verify’ to prove that Hamas are fighting from inside the hospital. They would be very excited as they browsed google maps trying to match up buildings. And there must be many witnesses from all the reporters around there to add to the proof.
But of course they won’t because nobody in charge at the BBC wants them to. They want to keep it as ‘Israel claims …’ so we think they might be lying.
I find it very hard to remain objective about this and the war in Ukraine when it’s so obvious to me that I am being lied to on an epic scale by the BBC and my own government.
Israel is really losing the PR war for Gaza, well aided and abetted by the BBC. I can assure readers of this site, not all Israelis want to see the Netanyahu government fail in spite of what all the Far Left media claim.
I don’t know what happened to cause the deaths of these aid workers. Have we names yet? I could believe Hamas would sacrifice foreign do-gooders to ramp up anti-Israel feeling; it could have been how John C suggests and there was good reason for the Israelis to attack them; it could have been pure error on the Israeli part. Mistakes happen in war. What I won’t believe is that Israel deliberately attacked aid workers for no reason.
Remember the hospital that Hamas claimed had been bombed by the Israelis and how quick the BBC were to believe Hamas? If the story isn’t quite as being told now, the explanation will not be given much media coverage.
Deborah – I agree about the PR war . The mix of far left / Muslims with power in the BBC see to it that assertions by Islamic Hamas – a terrorist group – are fully set out without question here .
The ‘murder ‘ of these ‘ aid workers ‘ – already being chirped even here – will stick even if Israel shows they were working for Hamas ….
I just hope Israel stands firm and gets as near to exterminating Islamic Hamas as it can … and yes I know it will grow again afterwards … but after what it did … it deserves destruction. …
It would appear then we are pretty much in agreement then and this is what I have been saying from the get go.
Israel is losing the PR war because of the way the war is being prosecuted and for that the commander in chief has to take responsibility.
Soon you will likely see incursions into Southern Lebanon by the IDF because backing down will cause loss of face.
It appears you think I am someone who knows nothing of the situation on the ground and how this is likely to go.
I am desperately not wanting this to expand because I feel it has a greater potential to cause WWIII than the Ukraine conflict does.
HAMAS everyone agrees needs to be destroyed, but HAMAS is an idea and you can’t destroy an idea with bullets. Worse still is that now aside from both HAMAS and Hezbollah being in Centralk America, thanks to the open border policy both of them are active in the USA itself.
They really do need exterminating there and there should be no innocent civilians to worry about.
Iran is certainly arming HAMAS, Qatar is probably financing them along with the activities in Central America which are made possible by the bent Biden administration.
The IDF cannot destroy HAMAS in Mexico and the Mexican government have refused to take action against them – Bidens mob have also done very little.
There are so many questions unanswered though regarding how those tunnels were built, who trained HAMAS why did the IDF let it happen ?
Since 2008, the UK has licenced arms worth over £574 million to Israel, according to analysis of Government export data by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), a UK based pressure group that seeks an end to the global arms trade.20 Feb 2024
Who is the largest supplier of weapons to Israel?
the U.S.
Israel imports its weapons from the U.S. (69%) and Germany (30%), while also buying 0.9% from Italy.11 Mar 2024
On the 23rd April it is the start of Passover and all UK train stations will be celebrating this on their notice boards and playing a Rabbi reading a prayer.
Rishi’s stepped in to the Scotland hate crime furore —
“The prime minister has said people should not be criminalised ‘for stating simple facts on biology’, as he backed JK Rowling in her criticism of new hate crime laws […] Rishi Sunak said his party would ‘always protect’ free speech.”
A Hindu US resident prime minister and a Pakistani Muslim first minister arguing whether the state has the power to prosecute the inventor of Hogwarts for calling a pretend woman a bloke.
BBC News — “Bangladeshi women left ‘suicidal’ by TikTok troll”
A Bangladeshi nutjob living in Paris has a TikTok channel promoting his personal brand identity, which appears to involve threatening to hang Bangladeshi women and rape kids, amongst other jollities.
It’s all the fault of tech companies, the French police (underfunded) and islamophobia, because although Kamrul in the UK is taking legal action, his “surname being Islam could be blocking the case”.
One reading of this mess of an article would be to not let Bangladeshi nutjobs into Europe. But of course that’s not an option so the BBC want Ofcom to increase their powers to censor online spaces.
“BBC Verify has been studying images of three heavily-damaged vehicles. The geolocation was done by matching scenes in the photos with satellite images.”
It’s a targetted airstrike on a clearly marked vehicle. Rishi Washee says he wants answers but none will be forthcomming because the whole world knows he’s completely spineless and won’t do anything if nothing is done.
Probably not so clear when you’re high up in the air.
No great loss anyway, some virtue signalling retards
working for a globalist NWO acroymn.
Let Egypt open their gates and the Gazans can move to the Siani.
Because the islamists have never used ambulances to get around their sh!tole before, and anyway it looks like it’s been hit with a RPG, a Hamas RPG, anything from a fighter jet would not have made a hole that small but blown the car to smitherines. There is plenty of video evidence when the IAF have done this in the past. But the damage to Israel is done just like the lies about the hospital.
“Because the islamists have never used ambulances to get around their sh!tole before, and anyway it looks like it’s been hit with a RPG, a Hamas RPG, anything from a fighter jet would not have made a hole that small but blown the car to smitherines”
You need to get in touch with Benjamin Netanyahu. He seems to think Israelis were responsible.
So UNWRA used to gove out aid
but half of their staff were Hamas , so they couldn’t be trusted.
So foreign aid agencies set up on the ground with foreign workers.
Of course Hamas are going to hide behind them etc.
Dunno maybe Hamas would engineer a situation , where they fire on foreigners and get the Israelis blamed.
Or con the Israelis into firing on an aid truck. etc.
every single chicken in Britain has to be geolocated
The same government that hasn't a clue how many foreigners are in Britain, and isn't all that interested in finding out, now wants to keep a register of every single chicken that is owned in Britain.
To keep details of each UK chicken , you’d need a big notebook
” In 2023, over 1.1 billion broilers, 39 million boiling fowl, and about 8.6 million turkeys were slaughtered in the UK”
Now then… much as I detest the fake conservatives….
Comrades, I have a plan to totally finish poverty. We simply tax everyone at 50%, borrow billions and print billions more. Nothing can go wrong.
— Mike SJW ☭ 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 🇷🇼 🇵🇸 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🇮🇱 (@mikesjw1) April 1, 2024
It is said that in courts today there are hours wasted pre hearing trying to settle on the definitions of words.
So what is ‘poverty’ well according to the Left they have decided it is one pound more than the benefits people would receive so, if benefits were raised to £10K per week anyone receiving less than £10 001 per week would be deemed to be in ‘poverty’.
Clearly this is ridiculous and it is better to talk about relative poverty because poverty in the real sense does not exist in Britain any more.
Let the Purge of 2018 begin … Douglas Murray starts with placing memories to expunge in front of all to see …
But the law in modern Britain — specifically modern Scotland — does not abide by this principle. Having solved all burglaries, muggings, rapes, and parking offenses in the nation, the Scottish police decided that it was necessary to arrest and charge Count Dankula. The authorities then chose to prosecute him. – Douglas Murray
“Thames Water is £18.3 billion underwater in debts”
Ask the owners to pump more money in ha ha ha – does the UK own any Chinese Land? NOPE!
Around 10% of the shares are owned by a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund, which is owned by the Abu Dhabi Government, and China’s sovereign wealth fund owns a little under 9%.29 Jun 2023
The Blue Labour government is Marxist, and wants to privatise Thames water for nothing – or very little. To that end it used the regulator to force investment when interest rates were low, now they are high it is unsustainable, but as investors are proposing a rescue package the government is again using the regulator to set conditions making it uninvestable.
Just listening to talk today from some financial / economist who said the people in charge of the West appear to be mad, and have no concern over whether their actions lead to a nuclear war in fact they appear to be embracing it.
This above is billed as an attempt to “Trump Proof” NATO, although the money is for Ukraine!
I don’t know how rebuilding Ukraine post war is going to anything other than lining their own pockets, but NATO is supposed to be a defence organisation not a building company!
Nothing on the BBC as yet, they don’t appear to cover much of the NATO ramblings though
I only checked in to see how the ridiculous Beeboid ‘news-trashers’ had done more to hurt UK Inc, but it’s not that nice to read so much about foreigners…
Scroblene – just too much off subject – and too much focus on Gaza . It’s just not acceptable and I ask contributors for more focus on BBC relevant issues – otherwise I’m gonna start deleting as I as effing Fedup .
The ultra-woke BBC must be very disappointed that Rowling will not be arrested after all, for her terrible hurty hate crime.
Of course it was obvious all along that the police would not court the massive amount of ridicule they’d have incurred had they pressed charges against one so famous and so admired.
The other fallout must be that they will find it very difficult to prosecute others, now that a precedent has been set, without being accused of ‘one rule for the rich and famous, another for the poor’.
Time for the Scottish Jihadi to resign, surely.
Following the tragic incident involving 7 humanitarian aid workers ( including 3 uk nationals) killed in Gaza, and the IDF starting a transparent investigation,
I am troubled by the video being promoted by the BBC and mainstream media.
This is a screenshot captured from the video.
Can anybody explain how the signs that appear to have been deliberately cut out with an oxyacetylene torch, ended up being carefully placed inside the vehicle?
Looking at more pictures this morning,
They appear to be the front covers of paper work, files etc.
But nevertheless, still strategically placed for maximum impact..
It strikes me (as common sense) that working where they are working – that their best defence is *visibility* and that their vehicles should literally shout their identity – prominent numbers on the roof and unequivocally loud and unmistakable large graphics on the rest of the vehicle body.
A real time vehicle tracker web site would likely offer another level of visibility. Target (mis)identification in a war zone is an important consideration.
Ukraine has sent a drone the furthest ever into Russian territory. What the BBC article doesn’t say is the blackmail Zelensky is pulling on the US.
Biden told Zelensky not to target Russia refineries and infrastructure, because the Democrats do not want the cost of oil to rise in an election causing inflation to rise, and also interest rates.
Zelensky has turned round and threatened to attack refineries gas facilities, and worse still nuclear weapons facilities unless they are given the funding Biden promised.
The long range drone attack which did little damage, appears to be some sort of a demonstration of capability, a threat to Biden more than to Russia.
Over the years I’ve lost two friends, one Palestinian and one Lebanese, and nearly lost a third, a French cameraman, to the willingness of IDF soldiers to open fire even though they knew perfectly well who they were. But they felt sure their superiors would protect them.
However it is no surprise none in his acquaintance seem to have been raped and beheaded to start media wars.
In passing, this effort comes across as anything but impartial.
So JK Rowlings comments have backfired spectacularly
No criminality in her tweet says Police Scotland which proves her fears with the Hate bill were unfounded
Red faced and embarrassed – go back to writing kids books and leave legislation to grown ups
‘At the heart of criticism of the hate crime law is the fact that it does not include biological sex as a protected characteristic.’
Why on earth would the BBC say this? No one says this – it’s fully untrue 🤡 @BBCScotlandNews why make stuff up?
Hey @newswatchbbc @SamiraAhmedUK
Why is the BBC, the supposed ‘last bastion of accuracy’ being so inaccurate?
The BBC getting Community Noted should be embarrassing for the BBC (as long as the Community Note is accurate).
Almost as if….
Just to remind people that Hamas killed many British civilians in Israel on 7/10. Has the report into that atrocity been released yet?
— Justine Carroll 🇬🇧 🇮🇱 (@JustineClaire65) April 3, 2024
“Asylum seekers” in UK are very angry because they no longer want to stay in luxury hotel for free but they want house for free. Beyond imagination.
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
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Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Andrew Neil on twitter
Police Scotland says the “Hate Monster” is most likely to lurk in young men with “deep-rooted feelings of being socially and economically disadvantaged, combined with ideas about white-male entitlement.” This sounds to me quite hateful/insulting/abusive about a section of society which doesn’t have much going for it. Can I report Police Scotland to Police Scotland under the new Hate Crime Act? Section 4 would seem to cover it.
250 unnecessary deaths per week down to the NHS, but at least the diversity officers will ensure the correct pronouns are on the death certificates. Apologies if this directly effects you.
Harry – if you add the killings and negligence and misdiagnosis to it I reckon they kill 2000 a week or more …. And omerta rules
Front Row : National Gallery special
about 10 mins after i started listening we heard an extensive item from some woman who looks for oppression of blacks in paintings
She made a point of saying it’s like life today.
As ever it was the usual London Supremacist Guardian supremacist bubble
“It’s diversity great ?
Isn’t it great the gallery is free and so we can all pop in
Doh ..the vast majority of UK hardly go to London
London isn’t Britain etc,
As ever what is the point of doing visual art on the RADIO ?
Can’t have been many listeners .. not many tweets
This was one listener
15 mins into @BBCRadio4 Front Row just now, which I generally avoid, Turner’s Fighting Temeraire was described by (I think) the Director of the @NationalGallery as ‘a picture that speaks of the end of empire.’
In 1839?
Does that make any historical sense?
Not only is London not Britain, I’d say you could argue that it’s no longer even British.
London has remained the region with both the largest proportion of people born outside the UK and the largest proportion of people with non-UK passports. In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (40.6%) usual residents in London were non-UK born, and more than 1 in 5 (23.3%) had a non-UK passport.2 Nov 2022
It seems that the BBC run a propaganda show called ‘hard talk’ . It is ‘hosted ‘ by a repulsive character called Steven Sackur .
I’ve just watched a bit involving baby killing in America. . The aggression he uses against a ‘right to life ‘ representative is quite appalling . Sackur will answer for his evil support of child killing – which he calls ‘abortion ‘.
But ‘hard talk’ represents a pure exhibition of approved BBC thought – and Sackur aggressively reflects it . Truly appalling . How BBCOFCOM allows this is beyond me – but maybe the term BBCOFCOM is a bit of a clue .
The right to life representative put up a bloody good fight and IMHO she won game set and match.
At every wot-a-bout he put up she was able to put in the context and to give accurate details and correct his bBC misinformation.
Even more surprising she was from California. Things are changing in the US and I hope and pray they will be able to pull back from the brink.
At last, a clergymen (ex) willing to tell it like it is.
Gavin Ashenden, former Anglican Bishop and Chaplain to the Queen, states squarely that Christianity (what’s left of it) is under mortal threat from two dark forces: cultural Marxism (or progressive secularism) on the one hand, and Islam on the other.
“We are surrounded by two particular forms of Darkness that are coming upon us… they’re both competitors to Christianity, they’re both ruthless and they’re both determined to suppress it and wipe it out, and they are of course on one side the Religion of Peace and on the other this great utopian Crusade from the left of cultural Marxism or a form of progressive secularism. Both of them literally hate Christianity, both of them hate Christ… We are dealing with perverted, distorted, dark, evil ideologies that are essentially Spirits; this is a spiritual conflict…
It is quite incredible to me the way in which these two competitors are closing in on the faith in the West and there’s a great danger I think in the next few years of a complete collapse of Christianity partly because no one’s fighting back…”
A Christian with balls, now there’s a change.
He’s a great man. It’s a shame the pope is about as wet as the archbishop of Canterbury.
Correct: two woke peas in a wet pod.
Just when the world needs a robust, muscular Christianity like never before.
As if the far Right Jews in Israel many here defend are any better.
What on earth are you talking about? No comparison: the first is a clear and present danger, an existential threat to our way of life, our freedoms and beliefs, here in the UK, now.
The second is a minor street altercation between a couple of hotheads – at a time of high tension and volatility – in a faraway land, that affects us not at all here.
Leaving aside politics and theology and even ethics, if only out of self-interest, we should pay heed to Dr. Ashenden’s warnings.
We are at war, and we should focus on self preservation.
Thoughtful* is ignorant and refuses to look at the evidence that I have provided. I am seriously tempted to give up on this site – it would save a lot of my time – Thoughtful, Stew and maxi, too, are just too much to take. Time for a real hard think on my part.
* may be anti-semitic, too.
Ah the blowhard who makes wild claims and then when pressed fails to support them with evidence!
I’m sorry I seem to have missed your evidence that the prophet Zechariah was Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, and your explanation from scripture of the “10th Red Heifer” [Numbers ch 19], my bracket. Would you be kind enough to provide them again, please?
I’m afraid having had a drink that evening and the film Mary Magdalene on TV I had conflated the two.
The 10th Red Heifer:
Here you are and a statement from a HAMAS spokesman that this was the reason for their October 7th attack.
T, you have the evidence in Scripture but do you accept it?
Just for the record, Christian evangelist and apologist David Wood just returned from Israel where he proudly wore his cross, and was met with nothing but respect, friendliness, tolerance and acceptance.
The only trouble he had was with… muslims.
One final footnote from Wood and that’s all I have to say on the matter. Endless discussion achieves nothing. Ashenden’s point stands. Israel / Gaza is a separate issue.
Most of the Israelis are fine decent upstanding people and 97% of them are opposed to Netanyahus murderous genocidal policies which risk destroying the entire country.
As I have said here many times I support the existence of the state of Israel and its right to exist. Like many Jews though I stand against the genocidal Netanyahu and his far right government, and believe he is a criminal who belongs in prison.
BTW David Woods must have known Jerusalem is divided into 4 quarters and that non Muslims are not allowed near the al Aqsa Mosque.
Up2, I appreciate your input. I don’t engage with those whose minds I cannot turn. Stew can be very good at finding confirmation for things I have noticed, for example Stew delved much deeper into those money for watching adverts org. than I would possibly have done.
Yes I think of dumping this site too . You might not have noticed – but one troll is – hopefully – no longer with us as I killed it a couple of weeks ago .- I suspect it will come back with another name ..
As for thoughtful – I wish it would still to the BBC type stuff and stop fighting the Gaza war on this site . There is an acid tone with a dash of anti semitism thrown in ….
But the fight against the bbc is a long hard one ….
As you know Fed I post on some of the Left wing forums, and it is dissappointing to find similar techniques of false argument used there also appearing here.
I always back up my posts with hard facts, I try not to use ad hominems, I wish the same respect was returned but alas it is not.
It’s very easy to throw the isms and the fake phobias around but I put it to you that you cannot support your assertion with any evidence and I will raise you racism and Islamophobia are more evident in many posts here, but I never stoop to using those words.
Double standards are absolutely evident, if the Gaza situation were reversed and it were Muslims killing Jews there I very much doubt the same gung ho attitudes would be on show.
Today we have just heard the IDF have murdered three British aid workers in Gaza travelling in a clearly marked car.
What I post is truth evidenced by fact. I have nothing against any Jews only those who I feel are threatening the lives of their fellows and potentially the whole world.
So where is your evidence to show I am wrong ?
You sling the word ‘evidence ‘ around and have that frightening certainty of being right and every one else is wrong . So – you already say 5 aid workers were ‘murdered ‘ . Where s your evidence for that assertion ? Are you a propagandist for Islamic hamas? Are you a useful idiot ?
It’s a war – people die – the good and the bad – maybe they were correctly targeted – maybe it was a mistake . They knew the risks either way .
Considering they are operating in a Hamas controlled Gaza – and not taken hostage like those suffering Israelis – I have my own view .
Don’t throw ‘Islamophobia ‘ about . Islam is evil – alien – and our betters have imported it – and we suffer the consequences – the challenge to our way of life – so sure – call that Islamophobia if you want .
I repeat to you . If you want to fight views about that war – maybe best do it some where else – this site is meant to be about the bias of the BBC and not you stamping your superior view on everyone else .
Keep going IDF – and damn the Islamic far left BBC – supporter of the 2 evils in our world …
Fed, the fight against the BBC is indeed a long hard one but there are some signs that we might be winning. The current messing about with the R4 schedules may drive away some more people who pay the LF and watch TV as well.
Up2 – yes – it seems the BBC ‘managers ‘ have a knack of changing things for the sake of it leading to a gradual – or increasing number of ‘switch offs ‘ – it will be the punters’ fault of course – never the BBC …
Plod on Up2snuff. Your country needs you!
I thought maxincony had been elimnated ?
Thanks & Hats off everyone to Up2snuff
So is the second or like most have you no clue as to what is going on in the Middle East?
The incident is just one of several of far right Jews in Israel being emboldened by the ultra far right in Netanyahus coalition. These are the people who suggested using a nuclear bomb in Gaza and had to be silenced quickly as Israel does not admit to having the technology.
How ironis it is you make reference to Neville Chamberlains Faraway Land quote which led to world war II and of course the holocaust.
You fail to see the tides of war which could easily lead to expansion of that to engulf the whole world in nuclear conflagration. These people spitting regularly on Christians are the ones driving the Genocide in Gaza, and are looking for an expansion of that war into Lebanon and ultimately to Iran.
These absolute nutters believe that if they begin this war America will have to come to their aid and begin a war with every Muslim country in the Middle East including Turkey and Egypt.
And don’t think this is just me saying this, it’s supported by such august commentators as Colonel Douglas MacGregor and Lt Col Scott Ritter.
The Muslims might well be a creeping danger – and you should blame our Marxist MPs for that but the Israelis are an existential threat to life on this planet and are a far more immediate danger.
I have zero respect or anyone who thinks there is a genocide in Gaza. Even by Hamas’s bullshit figures, about 1% of the population have been killed. Some “genocide”.
Yes Rob – it’s the sort of word used by those supporting Islamic Hamas …
Keep Going IDF ..
Activists mostly left wing have realised that one of the most useful weapons in their goody bag are trigger words which can be rolled out to underpin their ideology and silence other opinions at any given time, particularly if adopted without question by the media and especially the likes of the BBC.
Think global warming, climate change, fossil fuels, Islamaphobia, misogeny, transphobia, far-right, CIS etc. the list goes on and comes straight from 1984, winding people up to 5 minutes of hate etc.
Genocide is just another word tool that once created can be applied to inject the right tone to any discussion on Gaza and Israel.
The media however love these sticky notes that can be attached to any story to imbue it with the Company approved tone. The BBC are regular trigger word users.
There are however some trigger words that the media fight shy of, hostages, rape, Honor killings etc. come to mind!
Diverse design update and how to solve a problem like Bibi edition
It’s a ladies day today in the press – as is often the case these days.
They tell us that we live in a patriarchy – in fact it feels as though it’s more of a matriarchy – but without much of the motherliness apsect on show: ‘I just want my baby to go to sleep’ (Telegraph)
The stand out press headline of the day is: Arrest me: JK Rowling challenges police over hate speech law (Times); JK Rowling in challenge over Scotland’s hate speech law (‘i’); JK Rowling dares cops in row over hate speech law (Metro); JK to cops: Arrest me (The Sun) – plus further minor variations on the theme.
‘Charismatic birds deserve our respect’ – sorry folks, that one is from the jokey blokey Daily Star frontpage report on seagulls
As much as Mr AsI would like to lend his support as an ally (as they say) for safe spaces, women-only places for women – it seems to be a one way street: Garrick Club asked to consider membership for seven leading women… A group of men at the club who hope the male-only rule will change have nominated a set of possible new members Cathy Newman, Amber Rudd, Ayesha Hazarika, Mary Beard, Juliet Stevenson and Margaret Casely-Hayford. (The Guardian/Getty)
Expecto Media Hypocrisium! As Harry Potter might have spelled
Groucho Marx of course famously quipped: “I refuse to join any club that would have me…”
The JK Rowling story is practically universal frontpage fodder – Not so for the gynaeceum that is our BBC staff press pickers – where foreign bang-bang and pot shots at Rishi’s holed-beneath-the-waterline immigration controls are the order of the day: Newspaper headlines: ‘Iran general killed’ and ‘record boat arrivals’ (The Papers – By BBC News Staff)
The formerly patriotic, formerly serious, Times provides the Israeli response critical headline, winning that title top spot in the BBC press line-up: Iranian general killed as ‘Israel bombs consulate’
Scare quotes are the order of the day there as the Times endeavors to scare us: Attack threatens to escalate Middle East crisis
It’s rarely on the frontpages these days yet apparently that Ukraine war can escalate and it’s no biggie.
The earliest known world maps date to classical antiquity, the oldest examples of the 6th to 5th centuries BCE still based on the flat Earth paradigm. (Thank you, Wiki) – just a smidgeon less ancient than those classical efforts by Strabo’s Geographica and the Hereford Mappa Mundi – is the BBC’s Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia (Last updated 21 February By the Visual Journalism Team BBC News)
Of course, we can’t get enough of the Middle East conflict where our BBC follows No10 policy, which follows the Biden White House policy which is to back Israel with cash for munitions but go gunning for Netanyahu: Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu protests put political divides back on show (BBC) – he’s a bit ‘far-right’, doncha know?
By all means bomb Gaza to buggery – but let’s have more rainbow zebra crossings painted in downtown Tel Aviv: …thousands of protesters are once again on Israel’s streets… The war has turbocharged their determination to unseat Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. (BBC)
How to solve a problem like Bibi?
Rabbi Glick said… “I think he’s very popular. And that’s what aggravates these people. I think these people, are not willing to forgive the fact that for so long they’ve been demonstrating against him and he’s still in power.” (BBC)
Tell you what… how about these lefty Israelis organise a peace and love music festival close to the Lebanon border? And tell the army to keep well away.
But we digress… where were we? Ah, yes… ladies day
Why it’s time to eat like the Portugese Sophie Morris follows the Atlantic diet (‘i’)
Oikophobia is the Fear of Home Surroundings… and also a tendency to criticize or reject one’s own culture and praise other cultures (Thank you, Wiki… Part of a series on Discrimination)
Sometimes these segueways write themselves
After England kit… UNION JOKE… Red, White, Blue axed… Sports fans hit out after Team GB’s Union Jack turned pink and purple. Anger at the flag’s “diverse design” update (The Sun)
More from The Sun: Dua and Cal voted hottest new pair – whereas the typical pictorial couple for the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper are of course him black and her white: Staying married Making it 25 years… despite arguing – ahh, our left-leaning socially liberal media – where marriage can be promoted – just so long as it’s gay or miscegenation
Cultural appropriation anyone?
Culture The Beauty of Beyoncé remaking Dolly Parton (‘i’)
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you
A Palestinian woman mourns near the remains of al-Shifa hospital (Guardian) – of course our late Queen Elizabeth was probably the last British woman to regularly wear a headscarf
A key lesson we should all take from the increasingly hateful comments from JK Rowling is that no-one is immune to online radicalisation. No matter your thoughts on her work, she was once a widely respected author – now she spends her time writing unhinged rants about a minority.
Amazingly, in the bio…. A bbc panellist. What… were the odds?
BBC ignores World Cup opening ceremony in favour of Qatar criticism
This article is more than 1 year old
Coverage kicks off with focus on treatment of migrant workers and gay people, and corruption at Fifa
J K Rowling is clearly unhinged. She does not believe women can have a penis. That’s just deranged. Perhaps she can be sectioned for her own good?
A penis in the hand is worth two in the bush!
** hate crime jokes will not be tolerated.
So EV car sales are struggling.
Despite 100% of car manufacturers advertising budget is spent on electric.
Me thinks it isn’t going to end well.
Sit back and enjoy.
EV >> You can use it to power your house!
Cadogan does “Vehicle to Grid”
It doesn’t go particularly well….
I thought the story about the number 44 German footy team being banned was an April fools joke – apparently it looks like the SS symbol – but it’s all ‘context ‘ isn’t it … ?
Mohammed loved kids so much he married one – it’s just context (c) Met Police
The “context” is that the police are scared when there are 200,000 Hamas supporters on the streets.
not sure anyone has ever worn th 44 shirt for germany
seems like some german fans may have a sense of humour after all
I presume you can order them with any combination of 1 or 2 numbers on
Gaza: Video shows World Central Kitchen vehicles destroyed in air strike
From above, certainly.
I know modern boom boom tech is sophisticated but that is next level.
Some have questions.
Luckily for Hamas, the bbc is already sure. As they have been before.
Can we see the bombs being dropped in Kiev (KEV) and Yemen?
Hamas / bbc extracting maximum propaganda over ‘foreign aid workers ‘ being killed by the IDF – pictures provided by Hamas ©️
Ever since the BBC TV London programme were eulogizing
about the Tottenham gangster Mark Duggan who was
shot dead by the police in 2011. All that was missing in the
studio was a statue of Duggan.
It has gone from bad to worse since then. With the anarchist
Marxist editors, sub editors, researchers . Having their bidding
done for them by the likes of Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad, Alice
Bhanhukravi, etc aping their political views on the autocues.
To be honest the Metropolitan Police deserve some of the
vitriol spat at them ,day after day, after day, after day, after day.
Yes I know I am being facetious . But as soon as the programme starts, which is FOUR times a day. I say ” The police”
Being very often the opening of the programme first words.
Appertaining to the fact or fiction that they are responsible
for some misdemeanour against a drugs gang. Or some youth
has been stopped and searched and “the filth” have discovered
a machete. And the mother tells us that it was planted on him.
And they he loves playing football.
The big problem now is that this Socialist Workers paradise
of a TV regional programme has morphed into mainstream
BBC news coverage. And the anarchist Marxists are slowly
bit surely taking control of the BBC national news.
These folk in charge of news output are by their political
outlook institutionally anti-Semitic. And even Karl Marx who
was born Jewish finished up being an anti-Semite. Their doctrine
being that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And that it why
they support Hamas. so at every opportunity you will see on TV
or on line headlines emanating from Hamas , and taken as
gospel by the BBC that Israel has committed this or that atrocity. Yes the BBC does apologise in small print a few days
later when they are fact checked and found to be wrong.
But by then the damage has been done. And more and more
damage is being done.
Does the BBC want the Jews in the UK to leave the UK through
intimidation. Or do they think in time that what happened in
Arabic countries when the Jews were expelled in the late 1940’s . Will happen in time in the UK?
Apparantly Ramadan ends soon and the Church of Socialism will be enraptured.
I have a question however. If Allah dictated the Qur’an to a man who couldn’t read or write (you would have thought he would have made a better choice than that!) Why did the God who created the Earth and everything in it not know the accurate time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?
Row over Muslim scholar’s invitation to preach at Anglican service
This article is more than 5 years old
Blog claims sermon by imam at Oxford church contrary to ‘sacred act of divine worship’ in keeping with C of E rites
. . . . . . .
A taxi driver today admitted murdering a Muslim shopkeeper who hours before had wished Christians a “very happy Easter”. Asad Shah, 40, who ran a convenience store in Glasgow, was fatally stabbed by Tanveer Ahmed, 32, on March 24.7 Jul 2016
Allah said do not use the black stuff under the sand as it is poison!
Old Jewish joke.
“So let me get this straight: God gave all the oil to the Arabs, and to us He gave… circumcision ?!”
PS: That joke is neither antisemitic or Islamophobic, and anyone who finds it offensive should get a job at the BBC and move to Scotland where they’ll fit right in.
God HID all the oil FROM the Arabs – ha ha ha – all seeing future God says sleep with a kid aged 6 – no problems in the future!
I know it that Israel got the oranges.
When Parvez Sharma, a New York-based documentary film maker made his first film, “A Jihad for Love,” his declaration as a gay Muslim made him a marked man throughout the Islamic world.
What do you do for an encore? For Sharma, there was only one other challenge left.
To test his own faith, Sharma embarked on a hajj, the once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage made by the most devout Muslims to Mecca, knowing full well that filming would be prohibited and that being gay would be considered a sin punishable by death.
He spent under one month in Saudi Arabia, shooting much of his documentary secretly with an iPhone 4s.
The above article mentions that Mecca is being massively ‘re-landscaped’, covered in cement and concrete.
There is a theory that this is to prevent any archeological digs that would reveal… absolutely nothing.
Mecca is a relatively new city that did not exist at the time of Moohammad, that was not on the so-called trade routes as claimed, that (pre desalination plants) had no water and therefore no agriculture and therefore could barely sustain a hamlet let alone a civilisation. It is a fiction.
Dr Jay Smith has addressed the subject at length.
Other scholars like Patricia Crone likewise, most of whom were hounded out of Academia for daring to express doubts about the standard narrative of Islam.
Crone found no evidence of Mecca being an important trading center in late antiquity of 6th and 7th century CE:
-Mecca was not on the overland trade route from Southern Arabia to Syria.
-Even if it had been, the overland trade route from Southern Arabia to Syria was not very important compared to the maritime trade route.
I thought Macca was from Liverpool
You are right, the big secret about Mecca is that there is no archeology. Therefore the Saudis have to make sure this fact is suppressed, as it calls into question the whole basis of their “religion”.
There is more than this, because the claim made in the Qur’an is that the Kaaba was there from the time of Abraham however it clearly was not built at the time Mohammed claimed it to be.
In fact lots of places were called Mecca and there is little proof to support that the one they chose was the one referred to in the Qur’an, and more evidence it was in fact Petra in Jordan.
This graffiti on a rock above Mecca is very important as it proves the Qur’an to be wrong.
Jail toilets face away from Mecca
Facilities in a prison are being built so Muslim inmates do not have to face Mecca while sitting on the toilet.
The Home Office said two new toilet blocks are being installed as part of a refurbishment at Brixton jail in south London.
Faith leaders had told prison bosses it was unacceptable for Muslim inmates to face Mecca while using the toilet.
“The refurbishment has been carried out with due consideration for all faiths”, a Home Office spokeswoman said.
Just seen the BBC headlines making a mountain the size of Everest about the ‘Food Kitchen’ workers who have been killed by an Israeli air strike.
Before I start throwing mud at anybody, I want to know one thing : were the IDF being fired upon by Hamas from that location. Unfortunately it seems nobody else wants to know that first. It seems it’s Israels fault no matter who did what.
This article interested me because I had thought to myself earlier how we are not being shown any of the actual fighting for the hospital. It’s all about wreckage and poor Palestinians wandering around telling us how many doctors and babies died.
So I thought I’d check around and straight away I found one which was hsowing how the IDF are using decoy tricks. In one example from a terrorist video, a tank drives right across the front at high speed and he shoots at it with an RPG. The camera also catches another tank positioned at the side which was waiting for him to do it.
This would be an excellent video for ‘BBC Verify’ to prove that Hamas are fighting from inside the hospital. They would be very excited as they browsed google maps trying to match up buildings. And there must be many witnesses from all the reporters around there to add to the proof.
But of course they won’t because nobody in charge at the BBC wants them to. They want to keep it as ‘Israel claims …’ so we think they might be lying.
I find it very hard to remain objective about this and the war in Ukraine when it’s so obvious to me that I am being lied to on an epic scale by the BBC and my own government.
The BBC reports that the IDF has been fighting in the hospital for two weeks. They never ask who they were fighting.
Israel is really losing the PR war for Gaza, well aided and abetted by the BBC. I can assure readers of this site, not all Israelis want to see the Netanyahu government fail in spite of what all the Far Left media claim.
I don’t know what happened to cause the deaths of these aid workers. Have we names yet? I could believe Hamas would sacrifice foreign do-gooders to ramp up anti-Israel feeling; it could have been how John C suggests and there was good reason for the Israelis to attack them; it could have been pure error on the Israeli part. Mistakes happen in war. What I won’t believe is that Israel deliberately attacked aid workers for no reason.
Remember the hospital that Hamas claimed had been bombed by the Israelis and how quick the BBC were to believe Hamas? If the story isn’t quite as being told now, the explanation will not be given much media coverage.
Deborah – I agree about the PR war . The mix of far left / Muslims with power in the BBC see to it that assertions by Islamic Hamas – a terrorist group – are fully set out without question here .
The ‘murder ‘ of these ‘ aid workers ‘ – already being chirped even here – will stick even if Israel shows they were working for Hamas ….
I just hope Israel stands firm and gets as near to exterminating Islamic Hamas as it can … and yes I know it will grow again afterwards … but after what it did … it deserves destruction. …
Keep Going IDF …
It would appear then we are pretty much in agreement then and this is what I have been saying from the get go.
Israel is losing the PR war because of the way the war is being prosecuted and for that the commander in chief has to take responsibility.
Soon you will likely see incursions into Southern Lebanon by the IDF because backing down will cause loss of face.
It appears you think I am someone who knows nothing of the situation on the ground and how this is likely to go.
I am desperately not wanting this to expand because I feel it has a greater potential to cause WWIII than the Ukraine conflict does.
HAMAS everyone agrees needs to be destroyed, but HAMAS is an idea and you can’t destroy an idea with bullets. Worse still is that now aside from both HAMAS and Hezbollah being in Centralk America, thanks to the open border policy both of them are active in the USA itself.
They really do need exterminating there and there should be no innocent civilians to worry about.
Iran is certainly arming HAMAS, Qatar is probably financing them along with the activities in Central America which are made possible by the bent Biden administration.
The IDF cannot destroy HAMAS in Mexico and the Mexican government have refused to take action against them – Bidens mob have also done very little.
There are so many questions unanswered though regarding how those tunnels were built, who trained HAMAS why did the IDF let it happen ?
Je Suis Hamas!
Since 2008, the UK has licenced arms worth over £574 million to Israel, according to analysis of Government export data by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), a UK based pressure group that seeks an end to the global arms trade.20 Feb 2024
Who is the largest supplier of weapons to Israel?
the U.S.
Israel imports its weapons from the U.S. (69%) and Germany (30%), while also buying 0.9% from Italy.11 Mar 2024
On the 23rd April it is the start of Passover and all UK train stations will be celebrating this on their notice boards and playing a Rabbi reading a prayer.
Oh drat I thought today was 1-Apr!
Rishi’s stepped in to the Scotland hate crime furore —
“The prime minister has said people should not be criminalised ‘for stating simple facts on biology’, as he backed JK Rowling in her criticism of new hate crime laws […] Rishi Sunak said his party would ‘always protect’ free speech.”
A Hindu US resident prime minister and a Pakistani Muslim first minister arguing whether the state has the power to prosecute the inventor of Hogwarts for calling a pretend woman a bloke.
Britain’s in great shape.
The BBC should be held accountable, jointly and severally, as also politicians who forced lockdown on the UK:
BBC News — “Bangladeshi women left ‘suicidal’ by TikTok troll”
A Bangladeshi nutjob living in Paris has a TikTok channel promoting his personal brand identity, which appears to involve threatening to hang Bangladeshi women and rape kids, amongst other jollities.
It’s all the fault of tech companies, the French police (underfunded) and islamophobia, because although Kamrul in the UK is taking legal action, his “surname being Islam could be blocking the case”.
One reading of this mess of an article would be to not let Bangladeshi nutjobs into Europe. But of course that’s not an option so the BBC want Ofcom to increase their powers to censor online spaces.

“The WCK says its convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse”
What kind of convoy is spread out like that?
“BBC Verify has been studying images of three heavily-damaged vehicles. The geolocation was done by matching scenes in the photos with satellite images.”
I sense a dotted line incoming.
It’s a targetted airstrike on a clearly marked vehicle. Rishi Washee says he wants answers but none will be forthcomming because the whole world knows he’s completely spineless and won’t do anything if nothing is done.
Probably not so clear when you’re high up in the air.
No great loss anyway, some virtue signalling retards
working for a globalist NWO acroymn.
Let Egypt open their gates and the Gazans can move to the Siani.
“No great loss anyway, some virtue signalling retards
working for a globalist NWO acroymn.” (Sic)
It’s good to see this website is maintaining its usual high standards.
Because the islamists have never used ambulances to get around their sh!tole before, and anyway it looks like it’s been hit with a RPG, a Hamas RPG, anything from a fighter jet would not have made a hole that small but blown the car to smitherines. There is plenty of video evidence when the IAF have done this in the past. But the damage to Israel is done just like the lies about the hospital.
“Because the islamists have never used ambulances to get around their sh!tole before, and anyway it looks like it’s been hit with a RPG, a Hamas RPG, anything from a fighter jet would not have made a hole that small but blown the car to smitherines”
You need to get in touch with Benjamin Netanyahu. He seems to think Israelis were responsible.
You can see them all wandering off to find something more suited to their miniscule abilities, like a hurty word crime.
Tell them an offensive JOKE ! HA HA HA HAHA!
What do you call a boy with no penis?
A Labour voter!
How dare you!!!! In the van!!!
Does he live in Palestine?
So UNWRA used to gove out aid
but half of their staff were Hamas , so they couldn’t be trusted.
So foreign aid agencies set up on the ground with foreign workers.
Of course Hamas are going to hide behind them etc.
Dunno maybe Hamas would engineer a situation , where they fire on foreigners and get the Israelis blamed.
Or con the Israelis into firing on an aid truck. etc.
every single chicken in Britain has to be geolocated
Dinghy Chicken?
Stop the Boats!
Stop the Tories ! Simples.
So simple an idea. So complex the solutions!
To keep details of each UK chicken , you’d need a big notebook
” In 2023, over 1.1 billion broilers, 39 million boiling fowl, and about 8.6 million turkeys were slaughtered in the UK”
ie 11 billion per decade
Now then… much as I detest the fake conservatives….
It is said that in courts today there are hours wasted pre hearing trying to settle on the definitions of words.
So what is ‘poverty’ well according to the Left they have decided it is one pound more than the benefits people would receive so, if benefits were raised to £10K per week anyone receiving less than £10 001 per week would be deemed to be in ‘poverty’.
Clearly this is ridiculous and it is better to talk about relative poverty because poverty in the real sense does not exist in Britain any more.
Death by taxes ….
Anjem Choudary sentenced: judge challenges Islamist extremists who live on benefits while claiming to ‘despise’ the West
Ben Farmer
Kate McCann,
6 September 2016 • 10:00pm
April Fool!
Pandemic of …?
Let the Purge of 2018 begin … Douglas Murray starts with placing memories to expunge in front of all to see …
But the law in modern Britain — specifically modern Scotland — does not abide by this principle. Having solved all burglaries, muggings, rapes, and parking offenses in the nation, the Scottish police decided that it was necessary to arrest and charge Count Dankula. The authorities then chose to prosecute him. – Douglas Murray
. . .2018 … now 2024!!!!
1400 raped kids day?
Is it panto season already?
Why become a fat unattractive woman?
Likely not a satire….
Must be a spoof. Anyone that stupid needs psychiatric supervision but not at NHS expense I hope. Needs locked away.
In related news .. .
Japan nappy maker shifts from babies to adults
6 days ago
“Thames Water is £18.3 billion underwater in debts”
Ask the owners to pump more money in ha ha ha – does the UK own any Chinese Land? NOPE!
Around 10% of the shares are owned by a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund, which is owned by the Abu Dhabi Government, and China’s sovereign wealth fund owns a little under 9%.29 Jun 2023
Does the UK own any UK land?
The government has the crown estates which manage a huge amount of UK land
Is that where they’ll be building 100s of 1000s of houses for our invaders? Or will they just take ours?
The Blue Labour government is Marxist, and wants to privatise Thames water for nothing – or very little. To that end it used the regulator to force investment when interest rates were low, now they are high it is unsustainable, but as investors are proposing a rescue package the government is again using the regulator to set conditions making it uninvestable.
Why do the Palestinians need charities to cook for them?
Allah willing!
This article is more than 5 years old
‘White saviour’ row: David Lammy denies snubbing Comic Relief
This article is more than 5 years old
Labour MP in social media spat with Stacey Dooley over trip to Uganda for Red Nose Day
“What you need to know so far”
‘Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has said the convoy was hit “unintentionally” ‘
Random picture of a team of men and boy rubble inspectors.
“According to the NGO, three British civilians were among the seven killed”
They’re keeping us in suspense on the identity of the far left clowns, who went over there to take selfies feeding the animals..
Just listening to talk today from some financial / economist who said the people in charge of the West appear to be mad, and have no concern over whether their actions lead to a nuclear war in fact they appear to be embracing it.
This above is billed as an attempt to “Trump Proof” NATO, although the money is for Ukraine!
I don’t know how rebuilding Ukraine post war is going to anything other than lining their own pockets, but NATO is supposed to be a defence organisation not a building company!
Nothing on the BBC as yet, they don’t appear to cover much of the NATO ramblings though
Blimey, it’s all got a bit nasty here today!
I only checked in to see how the ridiculous Beeboid ‘news-trashers’ had done more to hurt UK Inc, but it’s not that nice to read so much about foreigners…
Perhaps I’m getting too old now.
Scroblene – just too much off subject – and too much focus on Gaza . It’s just not acceptable and I ask contributors for more focus on BBC relevant issues – otherwise I’m gonna start deleting as I as effing Fedup .
“. On Tuesday morning 04/02/2024 the Trump Media & Technology share started trading at the price of $47.20”
The current share price is $52.60
What headline are the BBC and the rest of the school bully pack running with ?
The FT which is notoriously Left wing called the web site the “saddest place on the internet” and hasn’t really run a positive story about it.
The ultra-woke BBC must be very disappointed that Rowling will not be arrested after all, for her terrible hurty hate crime.
Of course it was obvious all along that the police would not court the massive amount of ridicule they’d have incurred had they pressed charges against one so famous and so admired.
The other fallout must be that they will find it very difficult to prosecute others, now that a precedent has been set, without being accused of ‘one rule for the rich and famous, another for the poor’.
Time for the Scottish Jihadi to resign, surely.
Following the tragic incident involving 7 humanitarian aid workers ( including 3 uk nationals) killed in Gaza, and the IDF starting a transparent investigation,
I am troubled by the video being promoted by the BBC and mainstream media.
This is a screenshot captured from the video.
Can anybody explain how the signs that appear to have been deliberately cut out with an oxyacetylene torch, ended up being carefully placed inside the vehicle?
Well spotted.
Dimbles setting the scene.
Looking at more pictures this morning,
They appear to be the front covers of paper work, files etc.
But nevertheless, still strategically placed for maximum impact..
It strikes me (as common sense) that working where they are working – that their best defence is *visibility* and that their vehicles should literally shout their identity – prominent numbers on the roof and unequivocally loud and unmistakable large graphics on the rest of the vehicle body.
A real time vehicle tracker web site would likely offer another level of visibility. Target (mis)identification in a war zone is an important consideration.
Boy on a beach!
Ukraine has sent a drone the furthest ever into Russian territory. What the BBC article doesn’t say is the blackmail Zelensky is pulling on the US.
Biden told Zelensky not to target Russia refineries and infrastructure, because the Democrats do not want the cost of oil to rise in an election causing inflation to rise, and also interest rates.
Zelensky has turned round and threatened to attack refineries gas facilities, and worse still nuclear weapons facilities unless they are given the funding Biden promised.
The long range drone attack which did little damage, appears to be some sort of a demonstration of capability, a threat to Biden more than to Russia.
It strikes me as extremely likely that “foreign assets” are involved in tactical targeting and tech that enables that.
Revealing how closely the Ukrainian’s military are supervised is haram.
That Simpo has any friends is debatable.
Over the years I’ve lost two friends, one Palestinian and one Lebanese, and nearly lost a third, a French cameraman, to the willingness of IDF soldiers to open fire even though they knew perfectly well who they were. But they felt sure their superiors would protect them.
However it is no surprise none in his acquaintance seem to have been raped and beheaded to start media wars.
In passing, this effort comes across as anything but impartial.
Or none ‘fallen’ to their deaths from high buildings either.
Quotation marks would be helpful!
Al has promise as a bbc editor.
So JK Rowlings comments have backfired spectacularly
No criminality in her tweet says Police Scotland which proves her fears with the Hate bill were unfounded
Red faced and embarrassed – go back to writing kids books and leave legislation to grown ups
Let’s apply it retrospectively …
Disabled grandfather who was sacked by Asda after sharing an ‘anti-Islamic’ Billy Connolly sketch on his Facebook page wins his job back
Envy of the werlllld.
JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal, police say
‘At the heart of criticism of the hate crime law is the fact that it does not include biological sex as a protected characteristic.’
Why on earth would the BBC say this? No one says this – it’s fully untrue 🤡 @BBCScotlandNews why make stuff up?
Hey @newswatchbbc @SamiraAhmedUK
Why is the BBC, the supposed ‘last bastion of accuracy’ being so inaccurate?
The BBC getting Community Noted should be embarrassing for the BBC (as long as the Community Note is accurate).
Almost as if….
The story shifted, the BBC no longer interested…
Amber Rudd report on Saudi to be released soon – ha ha ha ha ha!
The government said the fees would pay for “world-class border facilities”.
“world-class border facilities”
“world-class border facilities”
“world-class border facilities”
Send them home with some bricks to rebuild Wa(n)kanda in Africa! HA HA HA HAHA HHAHA!
Given the amounts of money fired at Rwanda scheme, maybe HMG might consider awarding a Rwanda accommodation contract to Centre Parks?
Give them King Charles’s home! HA HA HA HAHA!
Give them Owen Jone’s home!
Give them Gary Lineker’s Caribbean holiday home!
Could climate change lead to more volcanic eruptions?
HA HA HA HA! Throw kids into the volcanoes and pay more volcano taxes! HA HA HA HAH!
Lame BBC fractional wits try to dress up a jolly to Kiwi-land ….
It’s “science”