344 Responses to Midweek 3rd April 2024

  1. Thoughtful says:


    It would appear there is a campaign to get rid of the 10 least Tory Tories, with some party members realising far too late what has happened to their party.

    The campaign is being run by “Conservative Post” owned by Lord Cruddas who claims central office has been selecting ‘dripping wets’ and rejecting genuine conservatives.

    Conservative Home is on the dripping wet end of the spectrum, and Cruddas is a stauch Boris supporter begging the question just how centre right he really is.


    • Doublethinker says:

      The mention of Boris now gives me the same , or worse , feelings of revulsion that mention of Blair does and Cameron is close behind.
      I knew at the time that New Labour was the very last thing that Britain needed but it is only with the passing of time that I fully realise how destructive the New Labour years were.
      But Cameron and particularly Boris betrayed us big time. Obviously Cameron thought that the referendum was just a ruse to torpedo Ukip, his piece of paper saying it was the voters choice and that the government would faithfully implement our decision , turned out to be on a par with Neville Chamberlin’s bit of paper on his return from Munich, not worth the paper it was written on.
      But Boris stitched us up right and proper . Having got us probably the best Brexit deal he could given Remainerdom opposition,he then cynically reverted to his globalist instincts and massively increased immigration , knowing that was exactly what Leavers didn’t want , and the brought forward Net Zero targets , and left the BBC alone.
      All three should burn in hell !


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        I can’t disagree with any of that.

        Why anyone vaguely conservative would want the left liberal Boris Johnson back amazes me. He had his chance, and we saw what he did with it. As soon as he came out with his “Saudi Arabia of wind” bollocks he was dead to me.

        As to “Lord” Cameron, it interests me as to why Rishi the Unready brought him back into government. What problem was it meant to solve? Are there not enough ultra woke remainers in the cabinet? Did it need just one more? What pressure was put on Sunak to do this? That’s the question.


        • MarkyMark says:

          I am proud to have discharged the promises I made my party when you were kind enough to choose me,

          winning the biggest majority since 1987 and the biggest share of the vote since 1979.

          delivering Brexit

          delivering our manifesto commitments – including social care

          helping people up and down the country

          ensuring that Britain is once again standing tall in the world

          speaking with clarity and authority

          from Ukraine to the AUKUS pact with America and Australia

          Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street and The Rt Hon Boris Johnson
          6 September 2022



        • Fedup2 says:

          Rob – I think even the outgoing ‘pm’ realised that Andy plebage Mitchell was so far left that even the densest of remaining Conservative Party members would notice – presumably Cameron knows where plenty of skeletons are buried … not that it matters – they’ll all be dead soon anyway ….

          2nd May local elections coming – I got a leaflet from the emir ( in Engleesh) telling me to only vote blue or red …. I can’t see any londistan councils staying ‘blue ‘ …. So they’ll be a few more blue labour MPs ‘standing down ‘ before we kill them out at the election …


        • Thoughtful says:

          To be fair I think we should remember that the election of Boris Johnson was down to the unacceptability of Jeremy Corbyn, and the brilliance of Dominic Cummings.

          Whilst Cummings was there those of us of conservative mind saw a ray of sunlight, but it ended with Boris’s failure to control that between his legs and allowed his leftie liberal wife to run number 10

          Rishi Washee brought Cameron in because he is utterly clueless and doesn’t know what he’s doing. He brought Cameron in because he had experience as PM. (In my opinion of course I don’t have insider knowledge!)


        • G says:

          “What pressure was put on Sunak……”. Importantly, by who?


  2. Eddy Booth says:

    “The BBC has been able to establish that the names of the three British aid workers killed in the Israeli air strike on a Gaza aid convoy are John Chapman, James Henderson and James Kirby.”

    You might, like me, have imagined them as kitchen workers stirring a big pot of cooking food.
    But according to Daily Mirror:
    they were “former military heroes”
    “three British security operatives ”
    One “a member of the Royal Marines”

    Puts a slightly different light on it.
    Were they armed?
    Some say a drone attacked the vehicle,
    The operator might have noticed their military like movements getting into the car or whatever…


    • JohnC says:

      Sounds a LOT like some of those were there for more than just delivering food : I’m sure our government are doing everything they can to know the truth of what is going on – especially around the hostages – as you cannot trust the native Muslims one bit. However they cannot tell us the real truth as everyone in the West is scared of Muslim terrorism these days. Just imagine what the protests in London would be like if the government Hamas were protrayed as the evil scum they are.

      Of course the BBC would be the major instigator of unrest if that happened.

      I just searched for this story with google and dozens of news website have it simultaneously. This is exactly what the BBC’s ‘TNI’ was intended for : to swamp the internet with agenda stories.

      Two things stand out to me for this:

      To date, 203 aid workers have been killed in Gaza. How many pf their stories can you remember reading about ?. Then all of a sudden when the unholy Red-Green alliance get this one AFTER finally getting the UN vote demanding a ceasefire, it’s suddenly an absolutely massive story.

      Second there have been many reports of Hamas terrorist using ambulances etc to move around the country. I am absolutely certain they will use aid agency vehicles. This is not mentioned anywhere. As usual when it’s for their agenda, the Leftist MSM are not balancing the story with any information like that.

      There are a LOT of questions about why this vehicle was targeted. And you can be quite sure none of those which don’t support their agenda will be asked. And if Israel tells us the answer, they will be buried halfway down the article after ‘Israel claims …’. The difference between Israel and Hamas is that Israel don’t kill people like this on purpose. Despite what the BBC try to infer.

      I have zero trust in our media now. They are 100% left-wing activists.


      • Guest Who says:

        “Lord Ricketts, former national security adviser, tells #R4Today ‘we’ve reached the point’ for the UK to no longer sell arms or trade with Israel, after seven aid workers, including three British citizens, were killed by an Israeli strike in Gaza.”

        The tedious inevitability of the bbc going out to find a tame former who gives them what they need to quote is wearing thin.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Eddy, John & Guest, the ex-UK forces personnel, as I have been led to understand it by the BBC (yes, dodgy I know) and newspapers, were providing security for the four ‘civilians’ that were also killed.

          You are right to be a bit suspicious because what is not made known by the BBC is that Hamas fighters want to control the people living in the entire Gaza strip and that means that Hamas want to grab food, water & fuel supplies arriving from aid agencies.

          They can then distribute it and enhance the standing of Hamas in the eyes of their own Palestinian civilian people. It also means that Hamas creates moral pressure on civilians, especially boys, to become Hamas fighters when they are old enough.

          That is why the UK ex-forces personnel were providing security for their charity colleagues.


          • Guest Who says:

            Thank you.

            Given the nature of the conflict, the risk reward ratio appears unfavourable to a level hard to comprehend.

            Is the director of the charity paid Miliband rates?

            Whatever those poor sods got, it was clearly not enough.


      • G says:

        I wonder what the Scottish Pol Pot and his Stasi associates have to say about it.


        After all, his current wife is, of partial Palestinian descent. And he was regularly in touch earlier in the conflict. His current wife was in Palestine at the time so closely connected.


    • Guest Who says:

      Certainly look unlike most aid workers.


      Security detail?


      • JohnC says:


        yup : 4 idiots from the rest of the world and 3 from the UK as their security team.

        Because these people would quite probably be murdered by the people they are helping if they got caught somewhere alone.

        I wonder if these three were there as an excuse and are working for our government to watch what is going on.

        Same as Iraq where if a white person went out alone at night, he would almost certainly get murdered. But the BBC don’t talk about things like that.


        • andyjsnape says:

          Hello JohnC

          I looked at the website for world centre kitchen “charity” and meet the team, maybe a front in the name of charity

          I wonder how much the “Directors” earn, before a penny goes to the end user


          • JohnC says:

            I’ve had a bit of exposure to these ‘disaster management’ groups in the past – and one thing they all have in common is that the guy in charge always has lots of experience chasing government grants.

            And I’m sure they also have lots of ways of getting that money out. I wonder how much the idiots in that group got paid.


        • Thoughtful says:

          I don’t think we yet know enough to pass any kind of judgement, but what I would like to know is why was a food delivery convoy out at midnight or later because that’s not a conventional time people are needing food supplies, or are even available to accept it for the following day.

          Either way it’s another massive PR disaster not helped by the CinC.


          • Guest Who says:

            It was in the dark?

            A lot of coverage has made much of the rather complicated logo emblazoned for id.

            Do night viz systems pick up such detail?


          • Fedup2 says:

            Thoughtful -You passed judgement yeserday ‘ murder ‘ was what you wrote . There s even evidence on this site of that – since you are so eager to bully other posters with whom you do not agree .

            The bbc remains in full flood over this ‘incident ‘ – it’s a war – stuff happens – people get KSI ….

            I wonder if the press will do much digging into the backgrounds of those killed ?( murdered ?) .. or because of their ‘backgrounds ‘ the likes of the BBC will be asked to move on as there are other ‘protection teams ‘ in that war zone ?

            Those who support what is happening will continue to do so – those who don’t – won’t …

            Keep going IDF …

            It’s a good distraction to the Iranian Islamic ‘murder ‘/ stabbing squad to attacked in londonistan last week and went straight to Heathrow ….
            Doesn’t seem so much manufacturer outrage about that …..


            • Thoughtful says:

              It’s not me bullying, I would suggest it’s the other way around with all the Gish Galloping.

              This comes from a US made drone we learn. They have sophisticated optics and night vision., We know from the IDF that they claim they had intelligence a terrorist was in one of the vehicles.

              They were obviously able to identify these vehicles and attack them with precision munitions, they knew that the people in those vehicles were aid workers and yet because they thought there was a single terrorist it was justification to destroy all three vehicles. So Yes I think murder is the appropriate word there. It’s made worse by the fact there wasn’t even a terrorist in there – and that’s if you believe the assertion they had ‘intelligence’.

              In other news and more breaking of international law, the Israeli air force decided an incursion into Neutral Jordanian airspace was reasonable as they went to destroy the Iranian consulate in Damascus. They did this to avoid Russian S300 & S400 air defence systems, but it’s absolutely illegal under international law.

              Israel isn’t yet at war with Iran and it could not win that war, but Netanyahu is determined to drag the USA into a regional war which would inevitably excalate into WWIII.

              Now I don’t want to die for any country especially not one which appears to be totally out of control and attacking almost all its neighbours at the same time!

              So Fed if you are so supportive of the IDF why don’t you go join up and help them out? I know several Jews who went over for the Yom Kippur war and they did jobs like moving ammunition driving transports etc not front line fighting, but if you feel so strongly what’s stopping you doing your bit?


              • Up2snuff says:

                T, no but you have insulted me in your posts. At least Stew Green is polite!


                • Thoughtful says:

                  I have not insulted you in anyway what so ever. I told you that if you failed to produce evidence to support your assertion that both Egypt and Jordan, long term allies of Israel wanted to destroy the state of Israel that I would call you a blowhard.

                  You chose not to provide any evidence because there isn’t to produce and you failed to apologise or admit you were wrong.

                  Therefore it’s not an insult it is an accurate description! When I made an error I admitted it and came clean about it.

                  Are you prepared to do so now or are you still accurately described as a blowhard?


                  • Up2snuff says:

                    T, I have explained to you over and over again that Hamas seek to destroy Israel, Fatah (in the West Bank) seek to destroy Israel, Hezbollah (in Lebanon) seek to destroy Israel and that the Muslim Brotherhood cause problems for the Egyptian (and other Middle East nations) and seek to destroy Israel.

                    Jordan may well have a current Treaty with Israel but that didn’t do much good in the Six Day War (1960s) or the Yom Kippur War (1970s). Indeed, Saudi Arabia was about to sign a Treaty with Israel and some think that that may have triggered the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7th.

                    Basically, all the Muslim nations, especially Iran, would like to see Israel wiped from the map, including the Houthis in Yemen. There is big trouble coming and you can read the prophecy about it in the Bible in Matthew ch.24, Mark ch.13 and Luke ch.21.

                    You, and the BBC especially, need to understand the concept of ‘taqqiya’.

                    I understand ‘blowhard’ to be an insult.


                    • Thoughtful says:

                      You said that both Jordan (now a neutral country) and Egypt both currently wanted to see the destruction of the state of Israel and no amount of weasel words will change that.

                      I knew of the concept of Taqqieh probably long before you’d even heard of it.

                      If you believe that I hold views similar to the BBC then you probably believe that Candace Owens is a far Left extremist, and that Colonel Douglas MacGregor (advisor to Donald Trump) is too.

                      Now today even Bidens White House is having to distance itself from from Netanyahus lunacy after his attack on Iran.

                      I would like to see the state of Israel to exist in peace for many years to come, and that appeared possible until late last year. Like that anti Semite Chuck Schumer, I believe Netanyahu is causing irreperable harm to the state of Israel which might end in WWIII.

                      BTW calling someone ignorant or anti Semitic IS an insult when it’s not the case, alas it is some what the form used by the apologists for the Israeli warmonger, but it’s pretty old hat and like the lefties, it’s become such an overused word it’s losing its meaning.


        • MarkyMark says:

          David Lammy – we don’t need w***e saviours!


    • markh says:

      The first eight words of the BBC’s sentence are irrelevant to everything. The BBC do love to pat themselves on the back.


  3. Thoughtful says:

    Apparantly someone had grafittied F*** Islam F*** Humza on a wall within 10 miles of the sensitive little flower and that was the trigger today.



    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Convenient timing. The day after he introduced the hate bollocks.


  4. tomo says:


  5. JohnC says:

    The truth of it all is that it’s the trans activists who are being threatening and abusive. They are the nastiest people on the Left : nothing less than ruining the one they hate is good enough – they even go after people’s employers with threats to force the victims to be sacked.

    If that doesn’t cause causing fear and alarm, I don’t know what does. Certainly not referring to a man dressed up as woman as ‘he’.

    But of course that is relevant. We are living in an age of left-wing fascism and it will keep getting worse until Bukaroo finally bucks. Meanwhile the ideological persecution of people they don’t like will continue. The Left absolutely are the new Nazis – with the BBC leading the charge.


  6. Scroblene says:

    From the country which gave us ‘The Glasgow Handshake’, I cannot believe that some Scots have even considered dreaming up such a ridiculous chunk of ‘law’, which bans hurty-werty words and name-calling!

    I think when Strummer, Crayons and Reveals are all in Downing street, I’m going to –

    “Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
    Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
    Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
    Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. “,

    …and that includes avoiding all the MSM, especially the BBC, which will become absolutely insufferable for the forseeable future!

    (Ok, I’ll come here as usual, but won’t know what I’m talking about – so no change there…;0)


  7. andyjsnape says:

    Baltimore bridge collapse: What will happen to the 21 sailors stranded on the Dali?

    “They didn’t have WiFi until Saturday and they didn’t really know what the perception of the rest of the world was. They weren’t sure if they were being blamed, or demonised. They just didn’t know what to expect.” honestly!

    Who knows, but a whole page of “news” for this. Perhaps they would just be flown off bbc, end of


    • Kaiser says:

      im sure roger the cabin boy isnt to worried and unless all 21 were holding the wheel I doubt many others will be either


  8. NameNotNumber says:

    I’m not over fond of the presenter and presentation (and for ‘African President’ read ‘Guyanan President’ : Dr Mohammed Irfaan Ali) but with regard to views on BBC condescension, patronising superiority, et al – striking nail on the head comes to mind.



  9. AsISeeIt says:

    Three UK forces veterans killed by Israeli airstrike (Daily Mail); SBS hero killed in Gaza air strike (The Sun)

    So our western charities (in reality state-funded NGOs?) are now recruiting from the same pool of potential employees as the likes of Putin’s Wagner Group? Next time I’m on Oxford Street and get approched by some character in a brightly coloured charity logo emblazoned tabard, who asks for my direct debit details, I’ll be somewhat more polite.

    Thinking back, I may have had a narrow escape from a ‘double tap’ to the head, or at best a quick lesson in the art of Krav Maga right there on the pavement, when asked by a chugger from some eco charity “Do you have one minute to save the planet?” and I rushed past hurrying away while rudely replying “No!”

    I think I’ll pop round to the pets charity thrift shop in my high street this morning and thank that elderly lady behind the counter for her service – you never know, she might have just retired from a stella career as a Bletchley Park level cypher breaker for MI6.

    I jest of course and extend sympathy and condolences to all concerned.

    Not that our western authorities would ever dream of concealing any arms-length deniable (direct) military involvement around the world’s hotspots from us. But having said that: Ukraine lowers combat call-up age to boost numbers… Kyiv has faced heavy losses on the battlefield after two years of war (BBC) – and yet not a single Nato active serviceman has been reported as caught in the crossfire – despite all our various US and European governments rather keen commitment to that war.

    The figure of the homeless individual – or as we used to say the hobo – has been romanticised as a subject of comic parody in popular culture from Charlie Chaplin’s legendary Little Tramp to Dick Emery’s well educated now fallen on hard times elegant tramp creation College with his derelict sidekick Droopy.

    Smells of homeless could bring fines – explains the Telegraph, rather delicately

    This stinks… Rough sleepers face arrest if they smell – The Daily Star puts it bluntly.

    Mr AsI likes to quip how just as a tramp by definition has no fixed abode, so the left have no fixed principles. Whatever the issue may be the left will find some line of argument to rationalise their point of of view. And so it is this morning by pure coincidence that the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper asks: Soap and glory… Is it really necessary to shower every day?

    Yesterday, regarding our mainstream media, we speculated how we lived not so much under a patriarchy as a matriarchy – without very much of the motherly aspect.

    The left-leaning ‘i’ confirms our line of thinking with their obvious enthusiasm for: Labour commits to 30 free hours of childcare – the doublethink (TM George Orwell) here is that will be 30 hours mothers don’t need to care for their child.

    Then we wonder do the likes of those Guardianista sisters – unlikely as it seems – perhaps take prompts from our recent discussion of patriarchy as opposed to matriarchy?

    Why can’t the wallygarchy fix our filthy rivers? Marina Hyde, Guardian – taking care not to misgender our water bosses

    Royal Mail’s next chief… has appointed Heathrow airport’s chief operating officer Emma Gilthorpe to run the group (FT) – so there’ll be no more blaming ‘The Man‘ for any cock-ups under her watch – JK Rowling… calm down dear – we all know women can’t have a penis.

    Mind you, if your Royal Mail postie now requires you to collect your own parcels from a big conveyor belt carousel down at the sorting office – you’ll know Heathrow Emma is running the show.

    Royal Mail probes barcode stamps that show as counterfeit (Telegraph) – blimey, how much does a stamp cost these days to make criminals think it’s worth going to the trouble of forging stamps?

    Handy tip for you – now that they’re all barcoded – go back to the old trick of steaming them off the envelopes

    BoE aims to sharpen vision after forceasting failures (FT) – translated from the pink paper’s peculiar cryptic crossword-style headline form this report says the Bank of England missed all the rather obvious signs prior to our recent inflation spike: failure to predict the jump in inflation after the pandemic (FT) – will they never learn? failure to predict the jump in inflation after the pandemic Lockdown of our economy – if only there were some official inquiry that could look into that sort of thing.

    Economics 101 – money pumped into the economy chasing fewer goods and services due to economic non-activity = inflation.

    Back to our main headline of the day

    Three Britons killed on Gaza mercy mission – were helping deliver food (Express) – and it turns out we sent our A-Team – round my way we get our food delivered by a bloke in a little van with big pictures of fruit painted on the side – I don’t know about wartorn downtown Gaza – our bloke won’t even deliver above the second floor.

    And finally a word from Rishi Sunak: PM demands answers after Israel air strike kills Britons (Telegraph)

    Ah, our very own Rishi Sunak… why am I always reminded of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody?

    I see a little silhouetto of a man…


    • Foscari says:

      AsIseeit- In my opinion one of your very best contributions.
      And there have been many. Your use of the the only word
      in the English language where the five vowels follow each
      other really made me smile today.” Collecting our own
      parcels from the PO carousel !” Maybe Paula Vennells will
      finish up sowing Royal Mail sacks if she ever gets her just


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        He’s just being facetious.


      • Terminal Moraine says:

        AISI, I still use ‘Swindon Regional Manager’ for Sunak which is the best & most accurate description I’ve heard.


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Asiseeit – thanks as always – …it’s good to see Cameron getting ‘angry ‘ about something in the dying days of his tenure…he must see himself as very important – a sort of `lord Gray – whereas the world must see him as a seat warmer for Dave Lammy … imagine … cue the mastermind …

    I’m not watching or listening to the BBC – but judging by the website it really is whipping up the anti Israel feeling – the weekend Hamas March will be full on – in ‘context’…


  11. G.W.F. says:

    BBC retains staff who expressed support for the Oct 7th massacre.
    From United with Israel.

    The BBC has for many decades been notoriously anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian in its Middle East coverage.

    Among the main offenders there was the execrable John Simpson, who for years was in charge of all foreign broadcasts as head of BBC World Services; there was Jeremy Bowen, who for years was the BBC’s Middle East Editor, and there is Lyse Doucet, now the BBC’s senior foreign correspondent, based in the Middle East, whose antipathy to Israel, and identification with the Palestinian cause, is palpable.

    There is Barbara Plett, who wept on camera about the “frail old man” while reporting on the death of Yassir Arafat. Orla Guerin and Yvonne Knell bring up the rear of this unappetizing parade.



    • Scroblene says:

      I seem to remember that when Gerald Seymour used to work for ITN, his research and delivery was excellent, and streets ahead of the sort of stuff churned out these days! I can remember being pretty chilled at his views and truthful, unbiased reporting!

      Of course, his superb novels reflected his real experiences, not the puffed up self-eulogies by the bunch the Beeboid Cubiclists these days.


  12. Althepalerp says:

    Could it be the 3 ex special forces killed in Gaza were in fact operatives for MI6?


  13. Althepalerp says:

    And why do 2 Million Palestinians need someone else to cook food for them?


    • Thoughtful says:

      So far as I am aware they have no water and no power making cooking a virtual impossibility.


      • Scroblene says:

        Isn’t it something to do with Ramadan, and not eating during the day?

        I bet Uber have a field day, (field night), in Londonistan!


      • Guest Who says:

        So these vehicles are carrying gas cylinders?

        I might stick with sarnies.


  14. digg says:

    BBC Mothership, The Guardian going for another 5 minutes of hate against anything privatised….



  15. MarkyMark says:

    The SNP’s Hate Crime and Public Order Act is generating the expected consequences – persecution of innocent, humourous, or satirical speech. One such man who Guido thought would be safe from that is Humza Yousaf…




  16. MarkyMark says:

    “Right now, my heart, my soul is saying I want to be a hijabi.”

    Ramadan: Asian Network’s Nadia Ali opens up about wearing a hijab

    2 hours ago

    . . . . . . .



  17. Terminal Moraine says:

    The Newsagents: “Do we always need the force of law to police what society deems acceptable?”

    Re: the Scottish law… they’re not sure that totalitarianism should be enforced by the government. Too much state. Their preferred mechanism for policing thought is good old fashioned peer pressure and psychological manipulation… “that social reaction, that social censure, sometimes — lets call it cancel culture — can be a very useful thing…”

    Goodall’s polo neck suggests they want to refashion themselves as serious thinkers who’ve just discovered some hitherto unknown principle of moral philosophy.

    Give it another ten years and they might discover why people in the UK are utterly fed up.


  18. MarkyMark says:

    “and the reason we will have those funds now and in the future is because we Conservatives understand the vital symmetry between government action”



  19. MarkyMark says:

    “making streets safer – neighbourhood crime down 38 per cent in the last three years”



  20. MarkyMark says:

    “And like Cincinnatus I am returning to my plough

    and I will be offering this government nothing but the most fervent support”



  21. Flotsam says:

    Eamonn Holmes on GBNews was spot on when he described SNP Leader Humza Yousaf as having “………..a chip on both shoulders”.
    What an odious little prick Yousaf is, in a hate filled recent speech he said he wanted to “make Scotland Tory Free”.

    What on earth is going on in Scotland?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Braveheart fetishism …. Taken over the evil religion …


    • MarkyMark says:

      “make Scotland Scottish Free! Import Gaza”.


    • digg says:

      First they came for Scotland, then they will come for Wales and Ireland and finally England. Only the Tories stand in their way.


      • Up2snuff says:

        digg, right on. Be careful who you vote for.


      • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

        “Only the Tories stand in their way” Thanks for the laugh!

        If the Tories knew that they would grovel and apologise and promptly move out of the way.
        They couldn’t bar the way of a dead vole!


  22. tomo says:



    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Tomo

      Breaking wind okay in Scotland?


      • Scroblene says:

        Good point Andy – uptick many, many times…

        Depending on the fart’s ‘general direction’, well, yes, and no…


      • tomo says:


        Seems permitted at Holyrood, even if the flatulence is coming out their cakeholes rather than their bottoms?


    • Kaiser says:


      och aye the noo, Humza longshanks trans-women are offended , RUN FER YOUR LIVES


    • Lunchtime Loather says:

      I live in Wales and have a good friend who is a Scot and also lives in Wales. He told me last night that he did not like the music I had on in the car. Can I have him arrested?


      • Scroblene says:

        Er, not if he’s both deaf and dumb, and therefore an ardent fan of Bananarama…

        H/T Rowan Atkinson.


  23. atlas_shrugged says:

    Mathew Goodwin – The radicalisation of the elites:

    He may even walk on water.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Thomas Sowell – The Vision of the Anointed

      Perhaps more relevant than ever before. From a 1995 interview with author/commentator Ben Wattenburg, Thomas Sowell provides insight as to how ruling class elites use the perception of crisis to increase their powers and promote their self-interests.


  24. MarkyMark says:

    THEY WORK FOR YOU – maybe not!

    Guido hears the new Welsh Labour leader Vaughan Gething popped off to Spain for a holiday without even spending a full day in the office or holding a first meeting of his cabinet. Firmly raising the eyebrows of ministers and officials…



    • Scroblene says:

      …small explosion in Taffman’s house, not many hurt, thank goodness…


  25. MarkyMark says:

    MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL … oh wait …
    “Her home nation Australia was set to host a first Women’s World Cup less than two years later but Gorry was prepared to give up a lifelong dream to become a mother.”



  26. digg says:

    I am curious about the message being put out by the BBC on the sad deaths of the people in the vehicle apparently hit by an Israeli drone in Gaza.

    The rolling news reports describe them as “aid workers” yet a quick Google shows they seemed to have been employed by an international private security company specialising especially in Cyber Security threat management.

    So what were these employees actually doing in a war zone and who commissioned their recruitment would be interesting questions which I don’t expect to ever be asked by the media.


    • MarkyMark says:

      The Corbyn defense …. Jeremy Corbyn wreath-laying. What is the controversy about? Jeremy Corbyn has said that he was present but not involved at a wreath-laying for people behind the group that carried out the Munich Olympics massacre.13 Aug 2018


  27. Fedup2 says:

    Seems that a leading BBC cricket person is ‘stepping back ‘from commentating . Surely good news for us as more ‘devoted listeners ‘ switch the bbc off … surely the replacement will be a coloured girl who has never played mens’ cricket ? – perhaps a football type who cannot speak engleesh ( never a ‘gee’ at the end – innit ) …


    • Scroblene says:

      One of my best experiences from driving long distances in the ‘old days’, was having a decent Test Match to listen to! The miles would just fly by, with Christopher Martin-Jenkins, Jonathan Agnew, and of course, Johnners all making the long drive home an absolute idyll, and sometimes, I didn’t want to stop listening when I got home!

      Can’t stand the screeching rubbish churned out these days, even though a few good blokes’ names are still around. It’s YouTube in the evenings with a single malt by my side, watching fabulous cricket from all those years ago…

      What could be better than the Willis/Botham match with Richie Benaud describing the action…


  28. MarkyMark says:

    1Xtra Comedy Gala: ‘There is space for black women in comedy’
    1 day ago
    . . . . .

    Ola Labib worked as an NHS pharmacist before launching her comedy career

    But actually, it’s jokes about Lord of the Rings which have become her calling card.

    She’s a practicing Muslim with Sudanese heritage and says before she started out in stand-up, she’d never been to a pub.

    “The first time I ever went into a pub was when I did an open mic,” says Ola.



  29. MarkyMark says:

    Any one dying in Yemen during Ramadan?


    “Yemeni media: American-British bombing targets Houthi sites in the Yemeni capital and Hodeidah”


  30. MarkyMark says:

    China to send aid to Taiwan by building land bridge from China to Taiwain and then to unite the country with China!


  31. Eddy Booth says:

    “James Kirby was ‘buzzing’ to go to Gaza, his cousins say”


    “The BBC has spoken to the cousins of killed aid worker James Kirby, who they describe as “completely selfless” – the reason which they say he wanted to go to Gaza.”

    “I only knew he was going because the last conversation I had with him, he said he wanted to take his mum on a cruise when he got back,”


    BBC love this story…
    just report it as it is – he was there for the cash, they might get retard westerners volunteering, but these ex army mercenary /security type guys are very well paid.

    Like the clash sang in Tommy gun:

    “An’ we can watch you make it
    On the nine o’clock news
    Standing there in Palestine lighting the fuse
    Whatever you want, you’re gonna get it”


    • Docmarooned says:

      Its a war zone you brain dead moron! Highly likely anyone going there is going to get killed. As you say they are well paid so must accept the risk.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Doc – I’ve known a few involved in the overseas private security game – every one knows the risk – the contracts include provisions for the body should you get dead . There’s excitement – glamour – status – risk – it’s part of the business ….
        It will happen again … it’s a war … if it’s not the final war – there will be another one – humanity doesn’t learn – I think there will be an ‘end ‘ war – whether it’s our time remains to be seen …
        I’m more concerned about my variable tarif …


      • Up2snuff says:

        Doc, it is a dirty war zone. Hamas do not observe the niceties of The Geneva Convention or anything like that, and to echo Fedup2, I would say “Go, IDF and get ’em”.


        • Docmarooned says:

          I agree guys. The bBBC make it sound as if they were tourists on a jolly – Like you UP2 I say – go IDF. Wipe the Hamas scum off the face of the earth.


  32. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – a true ‘Nelson Muntz’ moment*

    If I recall correctly Sarah Montague stated that the most complaints received by the police under the new Scottish Hate Crime legislation (about 2000!) were about a speech made by Humza Yousef, the First Minister, himself last month. The polis have decided that the legislation does not apply retrospectively and so the FM will not be prosecuted.

    * the character in The Simpsons cartoon that says “Ha ha!”


  33. Flotsam says:

    Rishi’s protests to Israel regarding the three dead British aid workers/mercenaries seems completely inappropriate to me. Gaza is a war zone, anyone going there is taking a big risk, the fact they were soldiers would mean they were under no illusion. They were supposed to be there as “security”, how on earth could they perform any sort of security without weapons?
    It’s very likely they were performing some information gathering even if only on an ad hoc basis.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has told the BBC that Iran forced her to sign a false confession before allowing her to fly home to the UK.

      She was freed in March, along with fellow British-Iranian national Anoosheh Ashoori, six years after being arrested on spying charges.



    • Eddy Booth says:

      Is it a fact they didn’t have weapons?
      Media tell us little as usual.
      Was it dark?
      Were the 3 vehicles initially together and split up after getting attacked or just traveling separately ?
      Why were the cars so poorly marked – that little pan logo on the top – you could mistake that for a sun roof, or something on a roof rack etc, probably couldn’t see it from the side either.


    • Thoughtful says:

      The whole world has been outraged by this, including America which is unusual. Gaza is not a war zone in the conventional sense because HAMAS are not an organised army / Navy / Air Force.

      The IDF are extremely trigger happy, if you remember earlier in this freed Israeli hostages ran towards IDF soldiers thinking they would be safe, and the IDF shot them dead. It’s not just aid workers journalists and medics, the IDF aren’t discriminating, they’ll shoot dead anything that moves including their fellow Israelis.

      Perhaps you would be good enough to provide some links to show they were providing “security” ? The Aussie killed was a woman with no military background.

      The thing I do find odd is that the kitchen thing was supposed to have moved 100 Tonnes of aid from a ship, but how do you do that with a 4×4 packed with people and no trailer? How do you deliver cooked food to numerous people in that kind of vehicle and why do you need to do that at midnight?


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Obviously, whatever they were doing, they were not delivering food. Why they needed to travel by night is another question. It seems like a very dangerous thing to do, as was proven.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Flotsam, there is something strange about that whole affair. The security had military experience. Apparently according to Mishal Husain on TOADY this morning, one vehicle was hit by a gun shot/missile from the drone. No details about occupants of vehicle. At that point, someone radio’d the IDF “Don’t shoot we are an aid convoy.”

      The security team – the three Brits – did not, apparently tell everyone “Get out of the vehicles and take cover.” Why not? As a result, all seven were killed with three missiles.


  34. Thoughtful says:

    I have to day with JK Rowling, safe in the North of Scotland or somewhere abroad, failing to see what is going on in real life, believing everything she sees in the papers and failing to recognise where the real danger to women is comming from because the media especially the Left wing media like the BBC will not report the truth because it shows them and their favourites in a bad light:


  35. MarkyMark says:

    The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.

    The report found: “Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I wouldn’t wish any of that on anyone, though for Lilly Allen I might be willing to make an exception.

      This comment should not be read in Scotland.


    • tomo says:

      Be good to have those managers names and ban the assholes from further public employ.

      Remember how rapidly the poisonous Joyce Thacker disappeared from view once her antics were associated with her name.


  36. Philip_2 says:

    BBC adores ‘multi-culturalism’ in all its dynamic forms: They are responsible for promoting an alien culture and low pay for all (except them) and how equal we all are (except them), and how Labour assume Mulsims will vote for them (they will) until they have an advantage (Then they vote for themselves). A unique Labour ‘problem’.

    So, can it get any worse?, the rubber boats, the BBC denials, the total denial of any ‘problems’ anywhere, and the BBC standard claim that we are all ‘racists’ (in the same vanes as Gordon Brown when he was asked about the sudden influx of strangers to our shores). Brown, like Blair encouraged this immigration. It has kept them in power last time and will do so again. They claim victory already.

    Worth re-quoting what’s being said now in Telegraph in Comments section. (JF).
    “Effectively migration from Asia and Africa of over 10 million in a generation has swamped the NHS, overwhelmed schools, increased violent crime, collapsed our balanced housing programmes and stretched our public services so they are not fit for purpose. Multiculturalism doesn’t work and this is why everyone lives in silos in the UK. Time for a complete rethink”. –

    How true.
    In another part of the paper, prisons are full up with the above cultures, many of which have formed Muslim gangs and overall now control prison gang culture as well.

    “Muslims have won power battle between prison gangs, says hero of London Bridge attack-
    – Convicted murderer who tackled terrorist says Islamists orchestrated shift through violence and religious conversions”

    …”Against a backdrop of a growing number of convicted and suspected Islamist terrorists being sent to jail, Mr Gallant said the “balance of power” shifted to Muslim gangs. “As the Islamists started to grow in number and in strength, the balance of power changed,” he said.”


    BBC is part of the wider problem, but behind the BBC we have the dark side of the civil service who control, everything and are accountable to no-one and exist whoever is voted in office, they remain in destroying what we have left here in the UK. SNP being a prime example , Wales is a basket case, London already ha Muslim Mayer that can not be removed. Muslims only vote for Muslims (is well known) in London’s Tower Hamlets, for example. Threats and intimidation are the ‘normal’ cultural life — and that is a built in 40% vote for Khan in London, come the next London Mayor election. Sadiq Khan is clearly the worst Mayor for London, ever, but he still has the Muslim vote. Benefits for Muslims. That is all that matters to the BBC. It saves Labour for another few years, perhaps – not the country, nor London which is falling apart.


  37. Loobyloo says:

    Off topic but saw this in the telegraph


    Mother fighting courts against enforced covid vaccination of her mentally disabled son. He has a heart defect!


  38. StewGreen says:

    6:55pm Labour PPB
    Tony Robinson started with a list
    “People are having to pay £224 per month more on their mortgage cos the interest rates rose cos the Tories crashed the economy
    people are having to wait …”

    FFS it’s perfectly possible to be honourable and support the Labour Party and to make a PPB for them

    but Tony’s script was gaslighting
    .. Russia invaded Ukraine , world oil prices rose, that caused inflation, the bank of England raised rates to push inflation down etc.


    • Thoughtful says:

      Err Sorry Stew that’s not what happened. Both Biden and Boris printed far too much money for covid which caused inflation.

      Biden and Scholtz destroyed the Nordstream pipeline which forced energy prices to rise like a rocket.

      The Pootin did it excuse is a favourite of the left in America to cover up their own disasters.

      Also the economy hasn’t crashed – yet. Interest rates go up because an economy generally is doing well and people are spending too much.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I would always vote whichever way Baldrick told me to.


  39. Fedup2 says:

    I wonder how long the BBC will be running the aid worker story ? I suppose the repatriation / funerals will be the opportunity to fire up the Hamas supporters again – with the constant anti Israel theme …

    Keep going IDF …

    The bbc blahs about a ‘possible turning point ‘ – I some how think public opinion in Israel is a bit tougher than that – unlike the bbc – they haven’t forgotten the hostages …. There’s no ‘daily count ‘. Or details of exactly who they are because to Hamas bbc – they don’t matter ….


    • tomo says:

      I wonder how long the BBC will be running the aid worker story ?

      Until the ‘scoority peep’s Washington DC payslips leak?


      • Fedup2 says:

        Various politicians using the death of 4 aid workers and x3 security staff to pressure Israel into surrendering before Islamic Hamas is sufficiently killed. Unfortunately the IDF won’t be able to kill them all – but it will be a long dirty war – or a very short one is the bomb gets deployed by someone – in a way -as yet -unforceable … as I’ve written here before – if it comes – I hope it’s quick …( but let’s not think about it )


        • Lucy Pevensey says:

          God forgive me but I sometimes think that being finished off quickly and totally would be preferable to the death-by-a-thousand-cuts method our lunatic establishment are using.

          It can be difficult to hold on to hope in these dark days.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Lucy – there’s a hell of a lot of evil about . Sometimes I try to work through options on the future – which is stupid – so I go back to trying to figure out the nature of God . But I think the fact that we are limited humans disqualifies us from an answer – should there be one …


            • Thoughtful says:

              Fed, If can suggest, you start researching the Red Heifer. All the Muslims I know are talking about this, they have some kind of anti Christ type figure called Dajjal they claim is comming in the next 3 years.

              One of the Hamas leaders has claimed the October 7th attacks were motivated by it.

              It is one of the few eshcatalogical events shared by all three Abrahamic religions

              Few Christians appear to be aware of what is going on in the Middle East as regard this.

              As for lunatics leading us, I think this is true of the entire West, the elites appear to be completely insane.


              • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

                Some of you will know that a total solar eclipse will cross parts of Mexico, USA and Canada on April 8th. This is not particularly unusual, as there is on average one somewhere on Earth every 18 months or so. The USA had a total eclipse as recently as 21/08/2017.

                An omen may be found in the “writing” of an Aleph sign over the USA, if you plot the tracks of the shadows of 2017 and 2024 plus that of an annular eclipse in October 2023. Aleph is, IIRC, derived from an inverted ox-head and so looks like ‘A’. The first two total ones form a Tav or cross, like ‘X’. These two letters are the first and last in some alphabets, like our ‘A’ and ‘Z’.

                Have a look on eclipsewitness.com for more on this and see for yourself. It’s intriguing … but I’m not claiming any special significance for the Aleph pattern.

                A Tav cross may be more common than people imagine: off the top of my head, I can think of two in Britain alone in the last 400 years, being 1652 & 1654 (NE Scotland) and then 1715 & 1724 (SW England). Another thing to bear in mind is the 18.03-year cycle after which eclipses repeat but ~ 116 degrees west of the previous one and a little north or south. This means that the supposed cross will likely repeat too but shifted westwards.


            • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

              Fed, Here is some info about the dreaded red heifers that Thoughtful is going on about. Make of it what you will.


              • Fedup2 says:

                12 minutes of evidence of the current mental disorder of certain types of ‘end of time ‘ loons . I’d suggest there is always a group thinking the end of the world is coming – I’m sure the Lord won’t be using red Texan cows as a requirement for the return of The Boss .

                So passover is 22 April – 8th April is a total eclipse over America …. So maybe it will all be over by the end of April …
                .. on the upside there’ll no need to pay your TV licence because there’ll be no BBC …

                As for citing Matthew – from my read of the gospels – they thought Jesus would return a lot sooner than 2024 years after the resurrection / ascension …. Amen …


                • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

                  I was born and grew up in Devon. I seem to remember there were loads of red heifers in the fields around us. Maybe Devon was supposed to be a sort of rival to Temple mount. Anyway, nobody told us.
                  I thought you might find it amusing, Fed. Surely I deserved an uptick for that post? No?


                  • Fedup2 says:

                    Yasser – yes have an uptick or 2 – no doubt when money is done away with upticks will be ‘monitised’ – whatever that is …when I grow up I wanna be an ‘influencer ‘ ….

                    The red cow thing looks good for selling t shirts though ..


        • Thoughtful says:

          I would have expected much more coverage of the attack on the Iranian Consulate in Damascus which is massively more important.

          Even the Biden Whitehouse has distanced itself from the attack and directly been in contact with the Mullahs to say they had no prior knowledge it was going to happen.

          Attacking an Embassy or a consulate is a big no no, it’s simply not done. It can never be a legitimate military target, it’s a direct attack on a government, an act of war by one country against another.

          That is the thing I am so afraid of, and escalation which brings in other players and potentially ends in WWIII which I for one don’t particularly want.

          If Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt Lebanon Iraq decide they are going to make a surprise attack on Israel how long do you think it would take for the USA to get military support to the area? Given that last time it was two months and they couldn’t get any closer than Sicily I have a feeling it might just be too late


          • Up2snuff says:

            T, there is something strange about that Iranian embassy attack. Syria, as you should know but may not, is a war-zone with IS and others fighting for control of Syria and to depose President Assad. The Iranians have immediately accused Israel but it could have been IS or numerous others having a ‘beef’ with Iran over some slight or disagreement or something.


            • Thoughtful says:

              It was an airstrike and unles ISIS or others have acquired F35s it had to be Israel. ISIS don’t even have the air attack capability. The only ones who do are the Iranians, The Russians and Israel.

              AP News Reuters, and CNN are all reporting it to have been Israel so I think it’s pretty much in agreement it was.

              Netanyahu is goading Iran, because he wants an escalation which drags the USA into a war with Iran. This is was America could not win. I recall back at the time of the gulf war talking with an Orthodox Jew who worked in military intelligence the Western forces couldn’t take on Iran back then, now they are far far weaker and Iran is far stronger.

              If you want an overview of the spectaular failures of the CIA (the worst intelligence service the world has ever seen) they backed the wrong horse yet again in the Shah. He wound up his people until led by the Ayatollah given asylum by the lunatics running France, we ended up with the revolution.

              The saddest thing of all is that the Iranian ordinary people are really nice and friendly, it’s the ones at the top the Basij the revolutionary guard who are the problem. They should never have been allowed to gain power. Again though the global thug Americas use of force seems to be all they understand. They could do far better supporting a counter revolution, they could support the anti hijab movement, make it popular etc

              One thing however is for certain Turkey Russia and China are not going to stand idly by while the global thug destroys Iran, and that means WWIII.


  40. tomo says:


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Nothing says “feminine” like a full beard. Zhe really needs to invest in a razor.


      • Docmarooned says:

        Wow what a looker. Maybe the Sun will start a new page 3 mullahs!


      • Philip_2 says:

        I was wondering if it looks like a false beard? Could be soon all the rage at BBC fawlty towers. I wonder if he/she shaves her/ his/ Its legs. Or just one side perhaps? We shall never know (or care) sadly. A very sad case to be sure.


      • Thoughtful says:

        polycystic ovaries she should see a doctor before her voice drops too.


  41. Guest Who says:

    Labour commits to full Conservative childcare expansion plan

    Clearly a London school. Getty again? Speaking of…

    Sadiq Khan’s Party Election Broadcast Video Features Fake Headlines

    BBC’s finest doubtless all over…. Oo, loook… squirrel!


  42. Thoughtful says:


    Pensioner, 69, must pay £1,300 after daubing ‘LIARS’ in red paint on BBC Wales HQ in Gaza protest

    Odd how when the government approves of an activist they pay nothing in damages, such as toppling a statue, throwing paint over a famous painting, damaging a building – providing the cause is ‘right’

    But attack the BBC in a similar manner and you’ll have to pay them damages.
    The woman in question is BTW a left wing lunatic who deserved everything she got and more, but some protests are more favoured than others.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      In a related topic it is of interest that the protected spoilt brat with her designer backpack who vandalised the Lord Balfour painting at Trinity College has not been named, identified, or had a photo released. Neither has the camera UnderBrat who was making the video for public release.

      This area of Cranebridge literally is bristling with video CATV cameras.


  43. Thoughtful says:

    Have a read of this report in the Labour supporting Mirror group owned Manchester Evening News.

    It’s about a ‘man’ applying for a street traders licence and being turned down because he was a threat to women and children after he said he would only sell a 17 year old girl ice cream if he showed him her boobs or nipples.

    It’s an object lesson in failing to name him or describe him, but I can bet everyone reading it can come to the same conclusion as to who he is.



  44. tomo says:


    • andyjsnape says:

      Savages, and hopefully police charges were brought against them


    • G says:


      When this claimed ‘Religion of Peace’ is fully integrated into the UK way of life, whitey can expect the same treatment.


  45. tomo says:

    The Green Taliban are out and about too.


  46. tomo says:

    Inconvenient climate, NOT on the BBC


  47. tomo says:


  48. Richard Pinder says:

    The leader of the hideously white Scottish National Socialist Party, hates “Often Being the Only Non-White Person in the Room”.

    This hatred of “Often Being the Only Non-White Person in the Room” violates the Scottish Nazi Party ‘Hate Law’ brought in on April Fools Day.


  49. JohnC says:

    Just searching for something specific and this came up in my youtube suggested videos. And of course I could not resist giving it a look:

    Though I think it’s a few years old, it absolutely 100% sums up what the BBC has become. She is non-stop trying to interrupt him and throw all her group-think buzzwords and arguments at him and his face clearly shows he can’t believe he has to talk with this complete imbecile. He totally makes her look stupid and she’s too stupid to realise.

    Maitlis is the extreme form of this stupid woman and is what a career in the BBC bubble produces. Exactly the same behaviour, but not quite so stupid. Shes a complete misandrist.

    I presume this is something on the modern radio 4 and others here may know who she is. For some reason the article doesn’t tell me.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Her problem is that she behaves like she is at some( Islington ) dinner party rather than asking an intelligent question and listening to the answer .
      Her conduct repeats the attitude shown in the Cathy Newman interview …- and generally – like so many wokes – she’s a shallow waste of space …


    • MarkyMark says:



  50. andyjsnape says:

    Years later, the ex British broadcaster still stirring it

    Food price fears as Brexit import charges revealed

    bbc get over it, we left, you lost

    “subject to fees of up to £145” – £1 maybe, upto £145 maybe on 15 tonnes – a very small amount

    Dont forget to open this to a “have your say” – oww you have, wouldn’t want the losers to keep giving them hope and never move on


    • Scroblene says:

      Perhaps the Beeboids could then explain how British food producers then get a bit of a boost, you know, gee them all up a bit and make them feel wanted?

      Can’t ever see that happening, as they’re always anti-farming…