Ooooer…. Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking… just noticed on C4 hunted that there are lots of effnic competitors but all the chasers are nasty middle aged white blokes who look like ex bent coppers….plus a sprinkling of thick dizzy blondes….
We all know why the “right on” producers want it to look this way so needs no explanation….
Cops nasty white right wing baddies… effnics cuddly oppressed citizens…
It’s bloody relentless…..and sooner or later it will implode as normal white citizens get totally pissed of with always drawing the short strawnfrom the corrupt media.
Naming of Parts (1942)
Today we have naming of parts. Yesterday,
We had daily cleaning. And tomorrow morning,
We shall have what to do after firing. But to-day,
Today we have naming of parts. Japonica
Glistens like coral in all of the neighbouring gardens,
And today we have naming of parts.
This is the lower sling swivel. And this
Is the upper sling swivel, whose use you will see,
When you are given your slings. And this is the piling swivel,
Which in your case you have not got. The branches
Hold in the gardens their silent, eloquent gestures,
Which in our case we have not got.
This is the safety-catch, which is always released
With an easy flick of the thumb. And please do not let me
See anyone using his finger. You can do it quite easy
If you have any strength in your thumb. The blossoms
Are fragile and motionless, never letting anyone see
Any of them using their finger.
And this you can see is the bolt. The purpose of this
Is to open the breech, as you see. We can slide it
Rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this
Easing the spring. And rapidly backwards and forwards
The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers:
They call it easing the Spring.
They call it easing the Spring: it is perfectly easy
If you have any strength in your thumb: like the bolt,
And the breech, and the cocking-piece, and the point of balance,
Which in our case we have not got; and the almond-blossom
Silent in all of the gardens and the bees going backwards and forwards,
For today we have naming of parts.
Fed, was a science buff when I was doing exams at Secondary School. Pupils were not allowed to mix Science and Arts subjects, the only exception being Pure Mathematics.
It’s someone called Henry Reed who I believe was some dreamy eyed youth in an admin role like the pay corp, but the giveaway was 1942 Owens and Sassoon were WWI poets not WWII
Thoughtful – im a smart ass – you knew that but was teasing because wilf Owen is always the fall back – if I recall the joe Stalin who was my eng lit teacher made us learn it and read a different poem out every lesson – enough to put you off engleesh for life … innit …
“Mr Masum has been pictured on CCTV wearing a duffle coat with three large horizontal lines of grey, white and black.”
Hey I used to have a duffel coat just like that, except mine was, one colour, made of wool with toggle fasteners.
Nylon with a zip..? 😀
You can’t get thicker than a BBC reporter
But there is a photo of the local priest who said mosques and churches would be open in the area if people wished to mourn, say a prayer, light a candle or grieve in public. That, to me suggests the woman was maybe a Muslim or maybe not. A chronic lack of real journalism from the BBC there!
lol, I was so close with my original comment on this yesterday it’s almost like they read our posts.
The BBC have only shown the picture because West Yorkshire police released it. And a day and a half late to get any description at all – despite how may people witnessed it. Just enough for the story to die down a bit.
I also mentioned how the BBC hid the brutality of the stabbing. Now we get this (carefully worded and only because the police released it):
‘Det Ch Insp Atkinson said the death of a young woman in “such shocking circumstances” has caused “considerable concern” in the community’. That simple sentence is covering up a truly barbaric and savage murder. Up close and personal with a knife.
Once again this article is basic facts only from the BBC. No embellishment, no wider commentry on how evil such men are and no links to other articles about similar murders.
No night time vigils by the hypocrite misandrist activists for this woman. He has to be white for that.
These stories always make me wonder what the decision making process looks like in the BBC office where it’s done. Who decides what gets made into the big story demanding government action and what gets buried in small articles like this to protect the people who did it.
It’s clear to me now that the BBC have some kind of ‘elite’ team of political commisars who direct the clones on what to report and how.
A note for the Tories . And intellectuals , Labour , LibDims , Foreign Office , Ex Conservative ministers interviewed by the BBC , Newspaper editors , charities , celebrities , Judges , Matrix chambers , university lecturers , human rights groups , so called vox pops interviewed in the street by the BBC , Muslim Council of Britain , Archbishop Welby , hippies and any other 0.5% of the population .
We dont care about your view of Britain in the world .
We care about Britain in Britain .
Your view about Britian in the world is laughed at by those who take advantage of your gullibility .
Our view is respected . By the people you want to impress .
So BBC types , take a cold shower , hit your head with a mallet and say to yourselves ; i`m going to think in a normal way .
Another totally slanted pice of Leftist bilge from the grubby Jonathan Head in Bangkok. It’s th eusual 100% empathy, 100% lopsided agenda rubbish we’ve come to expect.
What is apparent to me is that like the Muslims in Gaza, NOBODY wants the Rohingyas. It seems the bring trouble and violence wherever they go. In Myanmar it was because they were trying to set up Muslim only parts of the country using terrorism (though the BBC won’t tell you that). Perhaps an article about ‘Why does everybody hate some specific types of Muslim’ would be a good idea.
But the most amusing part in this typical activist rhetoric is:
‘All their names have been changed to protect them.’
‘”I was frightened, but I had to go,” says Mohammed, a 31-year-old Rohingya man’
Really Jonathan ?. What was his real name ?. Mohammad ?.
Head is the worst kind of BBC journalist and absolutely typical of what they are. He’s right down in the gutter with the snakes. He doesn’t care what he does or writes.
Front page headline:
‘The International Energy Alliance warns Russia and Ukraine not to to attack nuclear facilities.’
We then get another desperate article from the BBC trying very hard to make us think Russia might have done it but without giving a single reason why they might.
So as well as blowing up their own pipleline – which makes no sense at all – they are now saying Russia is attacking it’s own Nuclear powerplant with drones – which doesn’t make any sense either.
Meanwhile the best the BBC has got to offer is how Arsenal’s ‘Oleksandr Zinchenko’ would go and fight if he got called up. Another extremely poor quality BBC article with rhetoric that belongs in North Korea.
What speaks volumes about the BBC Ukraine war page is how it’s full of article like this instead of anything about the actual war. And the reason is that Ukraine are now losing at an increasing rate. Russia have perfected some large glide bombs (bombs dropped way beyond Ukraine air defenses which glide to the target using GPS) and are launching thousands of them at the Ukranian army. Something the BBC clearly don’t want us to know.
This is a time to get worried. Ukraine are getting desperate and the USA have to choose between escalation or try and stop it before it all collapses.
Someone should let Paul know that the self-loathing Leftist Western media don’t give a shit how many black people die or how many got taken into slavery unless they can blame white males for doing it.
“The idea you can clean out Hamas and then we all live happily ever after is nonsense.”
@Guto_Harri adds that “we are breeding people who will devote their lives to revenge for the deaths of their children”.
He’s right on the first, but way off afterwards. The attackers of Oct 7 were bred decades ago.
This was after Berlin was reduced to rubble defended by kids with Panzerfausts until the old men in bunkers were dead or scarpered.
And two cities’ worth of civilians were vapourised.
All out war against fanatical foes, yet eventually conclusions reached and honoured.
Korea, even Vietnam… once a bitter end had been capped off, it was accepted and folk moved on. Hard to see the ‘losers’ ended up suffering subsequently as they were pragmatic in defeat.
Now… it’s death cult ideology in black, white and red, constantly. All in HD. Eliot Carver is real.
Bill Clinton in 2016: “I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state. I had a deal they turned down that would have given them all of Gaza… between 96%-97% of the West Bank, compensating land in Israel, you name it.”
“Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket Israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals, in the schools, in the highly populous areas, and they are smart. They said they try to put the Israelis in a position of either not defending themselves or killing innocents. They’re good at it. They’re smart. They’ve been doing this a long time.”
Not smart; cynical nut jobs. The only clever bit is using the credulity of media, plus complicity, and the new crop of idiot pols now, to profit personally from endless conflict.
Of course, the West was not utterly dedicated to self immolation from within.
Should the Foreign Office be abolished?
Moazzam Malik, its former director general, is among a group of senior diplomats and officials calling for the FCO to be replaced by a new Department for International Affairs with ‘fewer colonial era pictures on the wall’.
Fury as Scotland’s new Hate Police ‘tell woman they are discarding her complaint about a Star of David merged with a Swastika in Facebook post made by SNP minister’s relative – because she isn’t Jewish’
Fury as Scotland’s new Hate Police ‘tell woman they are discarding her complaint about a Star of David merged with a Swastika in Facebook post made by SNP minister’s relative – because she isn’t Jewish’
that funnys because in the dankula case police scotland touted his video around some jews till they could find one that was offended.
Guest someone last week posted a clip of a Jordan Peterson interview I think on R4. Peterson was commenting on how women manifest aggression in different ways to men… and the incredulity of the interviewer spoke volumes. That women could also harbour aggression simply wasn’t a possibility.
Too many now in postitions of power unable to see anything but goodness amongst groups with protected characteristics. A one-dimensional Disneyland of the human psyche which is dragging us all down.
Nobody here – or elsewhere could remember her name, TM, so presumably, as they knew that he would tear any ‘seasoned’ lefty Beeboid to shreds, and make themselves an even bigger laughing stock, they chose someone who was a nonentity to take the flak.
Someone in the comments said she was from ‘The Economist’, so then, it could be any airhead!
That clip is a great masterclass on how to deal with shallow and immature interviewers, and should be watched by every stupid politician before they get in front of the cameras! The thicker ones should see it several times to let it sink in!
The BBC appear to be adopting the role of cheerleaders for the Sub Postmasters involved in the Horizon goings on.
I would have thought that with the investigation still ongoing, whoever turns out to be at fault wouldn’t it be wise to wait until formal proceedings have established the full facts rather than run with the sort of heart string tugs we are getting as it is built up into a media circus while the investigation is apparently still underway?
Digg – but that’s the problem – plod wants to wait until the public inquiry is finished ( 2 years ?) those guilty will refuse to answer questions in the inquiry because of self incrimination and will try abuse of process when plod finally interviews under caution with a whole list of charges thereafter .
To me – it’s simple – if it can be shown senior managers knew those prosecutions were going ahead whilst they new the technology was defective – and didn’t say – they perverted justice and need to do big time …. As well as serious fines …. Civil and criminal …
Confession – I exposed my self to 20 minutes of ;today ‘… and heard the leader of ‘reform ‘ Dickie tice being ambushed by meesh …
It was awful – tice had about 3 minutes to go through all of reforms ‘ policies – but meesh wanted to spank him on the NHS .
Reform wants to kill waiting lists in 2 years – dump the £40 billion green crap taxes to do it … meesh went straight for nhs staffing – tice said reform would allow foreign medics into the UK to help achieve the nhs target – meesh wanted to hit him – but the interview was so short there was no time .
Tice is no great communicator – but reform is the best we have ..imagine a party promising tax relief on private health insurance – a true conservative policy – it gets my vote ….
BTW – I’m not sure how the bbc is going to treat REFORM – its’ default is to regard it as the 3rd Reich in waiting – full of nut jobs .
But it is the only opposition to the one party state – and deep down the bbc knows it …..
Meesh asked tice about the people – candidates – who have been deselected – and ‘vetting failure ‘ bit rich compared to tax dodging angie and a truly thick Lammy – soon to be cabinet ministers …
“In April 2020, the Health Secretary announced that over £13bn of NHS debt would be written off and converted to public dividend capital (PDC). This was part of a wide range of financial measures the Government brought in for health and social care during the current pandemic.”
But surely the BBC would love to be the fully fledged, government approved ( as long as it was a government that they approved of) Ministry of Truth. Democracy is only useful as a tool to impose the BBC hyperglobalist creed on everyone . Once that has been achieved democracy could be dangerous and must be quietly abolished.
Home Office figures showed 401 people crossed the Channel on Monday, taking the total for the year so far to 2,983. It followed the arrival of 327 people on Sunday, the first group to arrive in March. The previous highest daily figure for 2024 was set on 17 January when 358 people were brought ashore in Dover.5 Mar 2024
🌍 UN climate advisor Ayisha Siddiqa sparks controversy, attributing natural disasters to "White men." While climate change's impact is undeniable, such divisive rhetoric detracts from collaborative efforts needed for global solutions. #ClimateAction#UnityNeeded 🌐🤝
“UN climate advisor Ayisha Siddiqa (also Time Mag’s 2023 Woman of the Year): “The climate crisis is manmade. And it’s not just manmade, it’s white manmade. (applause)
It is a result of capitalism, years of colonialism, years of racial oppression. And so if you want to get involved, the way that we save our planet is when we protect the most vulnerable communities among us. And this includes black trans women. This includes indigenous people. This is why it includes children and young people because when we protect them we can protect everybody else.””
“The Xinjiang coalfield fire area ranks No. 1 in the world in terms of its area, and it has been burning for nearly a thousand years. According to the results of the fifth coalfield fire area survey in Xinjiang, the 40 untreated fire areas in Xinjiang cover a total area of 4.7773 million m2 by the end of 20198.26 Feb 2024”
Hardine conservative Ecuadorian cops lift a wanted man out of Mexican territory, plenty of totty for all tastes, pet health issues, plus cheap Brazilian bum-lifts in this covering all bases international edition
Our press have something of a transcontinental flavour news day for us today.
Russell cook, 27, from Worthing West Sussex became the first person to run the full length of Africa… arriving at the continent’s northern most tip in Tunisia yesterday (Times) – whereas increasing numbers of young African chaps have for years now been making a similar journey, arriving daily on our Kent and Sussex coasts
Our BBC – apparently blind to the irony – went big on this story: Russ Cook: The Hardest Geezer who ran the length of Africa… After ticking off South Africa and Namibia in 50 days, Mr Cook encountered his first major setback – an armed robbery. He and his support team had cameras, phones, cash, passports and visas stolen in Angola on 24 June. (BBC) – moving quickly on…
…in true Hardest Geezer style, he was not to be stopped… Joined by supporters from across the world for the final marathon, Mr Cook completed the challenge… He claims to be the first person to have ever run the full length of the continent (BBC)
‘I’m a little tired’ British athlete first to run full length of Africa (Guardian)
Opinions do differ…
Hardest Geezer’s run record questioned… thrown into doubt by the World Runners Assiciation which claims Danish athlete Jesper Olsen had achieved the feat in 2010 (The Telegraph there with what logicians term an appeal to authority)
Out of Africa and off we go to South of the Border Down Mexico Way (Frank Sinatra, 1959; Patsy Cline, 1961; etc, etc.)
Oh Ambassador, you’re really spoiling us!
Embassy raid Ecuador and Mexico at odds… police stormed Mexico’s embassy in Quito and arrested Jorge Glas, Ecaudor’s former vice-president who had been sheltering in the mission… Video posted on social media showed two police jeeps… with sirens wailing as Mexico’s acting ambassador… was wrestled to the ground by police (Financial Times)
Our globalist FT takes care to categorise and differentiate for us what our old wild west movies would have termed the baddies or black hats, as opposed to the goodie white hats…
Ecuador’s President Daniel Noboa’s hardline conservative government… Mexico’s leftwing administration granted asylum to Glas… (FT)
The pink paper taking a ‘hardline’ on the conservative tendency there.
Previously, in Ecuador…
Ecuador arrests 6,000 people in month-long gang crackdown. President Daniel Noboa escalates ‘internal armed conflict’ as violence continues to roil Andean country (FT)
Nearly one-sixth of Ecuador’s prison inmates haven’t been sentenced… About 16% of all prisoners were either convicted but not sentenced or held in prison pending trial, with President Guillermo Lasso saying it should be a cause for concern – frets the left-leaning NBC News
Guillermo Alberto Santiago Lasso Mendoza is an Ecuadorian businessman, banker and politician… president of Ecuador from 2021 to 2023. He was the country’s first conservative president in nearly two decades, marking a shift in the country’s electorate. (Thank you Wiki)
Why do Latin-Americans have so many multiple names?
Daniel Roy Gilchrist Noboa Azín is an Ecuadorian politician and businessman currently serving since 23 November 2023 as the 48th president of Ecuador… His political ideology has been described as both centrist and centre-right… Noboa supports LGBT rights and denounced discrimination. He has condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Thank you again, Wiki) – clearly the left-leaning Financial Times isn’t impressed despite him appearing pretty centerist to me. But I don’t think our Daniel is quite on-message enough for the FT.
Meanwhile, news of the British crackdown against crime: Payback Time? What payback time? Punishment isn’t working… 280,000 hours of community service written off, Labour says… Thousands of criminals ordered to do unpaid work such as cleaning graffiti get away without finishing it (giveaway Metro)
Today’s outbreak of hypochondria comes, as ever, from the youth-oriented poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper: Modern life fuelling tinnitus crisis
The mildly conservative Telegraph seem alert to the problem: Hypochondria How therapy eased 20 years of suffering
Our BBC goes of alarming at a health issue: Spire Healthcare: Death of NHS-funded private patient raises safety concerns
And nary a word of criticism of the NHS as an institution per se
Rise of the 24-hour wait for a bed in A&E… Tenfold increase in longest delays since 2019 (Times) – Gosh, I wonder what change in health policy might have occurred at around about the year 2020?
If only there were some form of an official public inquiry that could look into that.
The Times comes very close to naming the major public health policy misstep: Official figures show that almost 40,000 patients a month now wait 12 hours… a 50-fold increase on numbers before the pandemic – but, as we might expect, our formerly serious Times newspaper falls into the typically mainstream trap. Let Mr AsI perform a quick and simple emergency procedure on this report – this may hurt just a little: almost 40,000 patients a month now wait 12 hours… a 50-fold increase on numbers before the pandemic Lockdown policy decision
Totty watch
Scandily-clad pin-up Lily James, actress, 34, graces the cover of the Daily Mail: Lily’s D&G dolce vita in Milan – the Mail delivering a rich double helping of sauce this dull Monday morning: Surprising signs your partner’s having an affair by the infidelity coach who tells men how to cheat
Sparkling Helen is putting on the glitz – that’s Helen Mirren, veteran actress, 78, pinned-up for the Daily Express front cover – I know the newspaper reading demographic is ageing rapidly – but moving quickly on…
One supposes beauty be in the eye of the beholder: Wedding TV’s Gema Collins and fiance Rami… all white in OK! mag photoshoot… Rami only got down on one knee last month to ask The Only Way is Essex star the big question (Mirror) – and there’s no getting around it – she is a big girl.
Ali-G’s ex is the pin-up for The Sun: Isla’s secret divorce talks – Is it ‘cos I is ginger?
Since we’re covering all bases this morning – totty-wise – let’s not forget to include something for the gays: Don’t date Tories? You might be missing out (‘i’)
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – Britain is not a pillar of democracy (‘i’) – that’s right luv, our unelected Rishi Sunak acts more like a plank of democracy than a pillar
‘Deadly Ops’ on sale in UK hotels (The Sun) – I know we’re fretting today about the growth of the private health sector (and the NHS is just begging for someone to do an Esther Rantzen-endorsed operation on it – just to put it out of its lingering terminal misery) but this could be taking the Bupa-style option a bit far: Roadshow flogs bum-lifts in Turkey… cut-price ops including Brazilian bum lifts (The Sun)
Similar story but think of the… pets…?
Turkey ‘vet and a nose job’ package… Brits offered cosmetic ops as they travel for cheaper pet health… snapped up due to soaring vet costs here. One clinic has cat care and a nose job for £4,500, which could cost up to £9,000 in the UK… Surgery tourism exclusive (Daily Mirror) – er… not so very exclusive, was it?
If you follow these daily reviews closely you’ll know Mr AsI had a win at the roulette wheel of guess the ethnicity of the criminal offender with a little flutter he made yesterday. Trouble is the odds are so narrow he’ll never make his fortune that way. This one was hardly an outside stab in the dark was it?
Borrowing two disparate news recipe ingredients already mentioned above – pets and Esther Rantzen – here’s one for the teenagers to round off this press review for the day…
Esther reveals all… Sausage dodgy… the TV dog who growled “sausages” was fake (Daily Star) – Gosh, just look what our BBC used to be able to get away with before Marianna Spring sprang into action and BBC Verify were on the scene!
That’s Life!
Sausages? That was a porkie… The owner got the sound by squeezing his throat (Star)
PLUNDER THE KNIFE Turkish docs caught pushing ‘deadly’ bum lift operations on vulnerable Brits at UK hotels in Sun Investigation
Our undercover reporter was pressured into signing up for potentially deadly £5,000 surgery following a disturbing hotel consultation.
She was urged to agree to the “Russian roulette” Brazilian bum-lift — and offered discounts of hundreds of pounds — after seeing a Turkish doctor with limited English.
A legal expert said his hastily-conducted examination amounted to “serious clinical misconduct”.
Red Stella Creasy MP really doesnt like babies . She wants to decriminalise abortion . Excellent . Cut abortion costs .get it done at Tescos or specsavers ? Amazon DIY kit .
But why stop at birth . Gor a kid you dont like / want any more ? Kill it – legalise post birth abortion … right Stella?
I can almost agree with proactive abortion, there’s a few I can think of that are suitable candidates. Starmer, channel hoppers, Rachel Ragland and her handbag carrier, Recall me Dave and Treason May . The list gets longer the more I think about it.
On the day that all the benefits go up – maybe mrs ranzens idea of culling the over 67s makes economic sense .. frees up the housing market – saves air pollution – whats not to like ..?
TOADY Watch #1 – oooh Wes! I think Rachel Reeves may have something to say about that
Wes Streeting (Labour Shadow for Health) won the coveted runner-up prize of the ‘ten-to-eight Interview’ and he had plans to fix the NHS. Apparently he has written an article in the Sun newspaper, dreadful rag that it is, (my personal view) but considered by the BBC to be a far, far, Hard Right newspaper which could be why the BBC choose to omit it from their newspaper Blog so often.
Labour are apparently very at ease (echoes of Mandelson) with private healthcare and may well use it to ease the ‘NHS backlog’. How much is that going to cost? Mishal did not ask that. Labour may also want to fix the care home crisis but I seem to recall, when Boris Johnson fixed it with a massive NI increase, the Labour Party and the Left generally, including the BBC, were up in arms about it despite Bojo making the NI increase very progressive.
Apparently our NHS is not hi-tech enough so Labour are going to invest in scanners and computer operated surgery. How much is that going to cost and will they be available for malign states ‘to hack’ are the two questions that come immediately to mind? Apparently they did not occur to our Mishal, who also did not raise the current favourite BBC ‘bogeyman’; of AI becoming out of control
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
Can you imagine the sort of reception dave cameron is going to get in the US when he ‘warns ‘ them not to send any more stuff to Ukraine to sell on ?
Dave – what you gonna do when you guys get thrown out in 6 months? Hedge £ fund £ ‘manager ‘ – chinese bungs ?
David Cameron to suggest that China make all weapons for UK! HA HA HAHA HA!
. . . . . . . .
British Navy drops custom of employing Chinese servants on warships over fears they may spy for Beijing
It comes after MI5 spy chief warned China is trying to steal Britain’s nuclear technology secrets from Britain
PUBLISHED: 01:11, 23 October 2023 | UPDATED: 01:53, 23 October 2023
This is utter nonsense from the IQ challenged Cameron. Doubt China are even interested in the UK capability given the shambolic procurement policy of the MOD unless its to have a laugh at how useless we are.
The case of Wragg the blackmailed MP
OK so you get sucked into being blackmailed
What happens next ?
Surely you go to the party authorities and they take control and tell you to keep playing along and thus entrap those who are trying to blackmail you .
Why is it different this time, that Wragg comes out blubbing?
“People will use this legislation for their own means and that is not an effective use of police time.”
Chair of the Scottish Police Federation David Threadgold tells #R4Today that officers ‘cannot cope’ with the number of complaints under the new hate crime law.
Mel Stride MP, Secretary of State for Work & Pensions, was the Big Interview victim for Mishal Husain. Mishal asked about those ‘economically inactives’ due to being troubled by their ‘mental elf’ who presumably sits on their shoulder and whispers BBC fear news in one of their ears. They form a significant of the UK workforce, the majority of whom are young. Two worrying signs from Mel Stride: he used a lot of New Labour language (just like Wes Streeting, Health Shadow) from 1997-2010 and he promised to spend more money – that we haven’t got – fixing the problem.
R5 just now had an hour on skin cancer. At the weekend on the website they find someone diagnosed in 2018: “Teen cancer survivor: ‘The radiographer started crying during my scan'”. There’s a new podcast to promote also — “It is a group of young people having a chat and saying ‘me too’.”
Not much chat about UK excess deaths now the ONS are fiddling the books. Nor anything about the pharma watchdog PMCPA recently finding Pfizer in breach of regulations, including omitting info about vaccine safety and mention of adverse events. ‘Trust the experts’.
The BBC do love their stories and Take-A-Break style emotions though. And anything with a ‘me too’ will surely get ample time to explore. Proper analysis, not so much.
NHS care delays in England harmed 8,000 people and caused 112 deaths last year. Almost 8,000 people were harmed and 112 died last year as a direct result of enduring long waits for an ambulance or surgery, prompting warnings that NHS care delays are “a disaster”.26 Nov 2023
The most chilling legislation to threaten the freedom of the Great British Jester in decades came into force this April Fool’s Day. For those in my chosen trade, live comedy, Scotland’s Hate Crime Act is like a python that has already encircled us, slowly threatening to squeeze and throttle us for good.
It is no coincidence that the image of Hamlet addressing the skull of Yorick, his former friend and father figure, is the single most iconic in world theatre. Harold Bloom asserted that, with Hamlet’s soliloquies, Shakespeare effectively ‘invented’ the human. When the SNP says that it wants to know what you are thinking when you are sitting at home alone, to purge every last bit of hate in your heart, it is your very humanity that is at stake.
… . .. .. . ..
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused. Thirty people were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man, Giles Corey, died under torture after refusing to enter a plea, and at least five people died in jail.[1]
In America, Salem’s events have been used in political rhetoric and popular literature as a vivid cautionary tale about the dangers of isolation, religious extremism, false accusations, and lapses in due process.
It’s far from dumb, it’s extremely sinister, authoratarian, oppressive and shows their true nature of wanting to silence all criticism and opposition.
We already had mad prosecutions such a a guy who taught his dog to lift a paw in what was supposedly a Socialist salute. He didn’t even upload the video to the internet, but he still went to prison for it, in a prosecution widely condemned as ridiculous.
Even before this foreign visitors to Scotland were issued warnings, the kind of which are issued for visitors to extreme Left wing states about being careful what they said as the Stasi might arrest and prosecute them.
Labour Scotland are supposedly attempting to get themselves back to a place where they are electable, so what have they been saying about these laws? I’ve heard plenty from ordinary people but precious little from the main parties.
… There is no NHS without fat people! En marche! Forward!
The analysis found 25.1% of nurses were obese compared with 14.4% of “other healthcare professionals”, which included doctors and dentists. Unregistered care workers had the highest prevalence of obesity at 31.9%. These figures compared to an obesity rate of 23.5% among the general working population.5 Dec 2017
I did hear aright Radio4 Today plugging a programme by Chanel 4 about ethnic groups fighting the extreme right ?
I think there are two reasons for this .
1; nothing racist has happened lately and the BBC does love a good racist incident . If nothing today trawl the archives for something historical. Mustn’t let racism go extinct or some buddies might lose their meal ticket .
2; don’t they all want to be on the virtuous side and it’s hard if there’s no slavery / genocide / discrimination to portray themselves as fighting the good fight . They really secretly wish slavery / genocide wasn’t abolished so they could be the angels fighting it and films would be made about them , like Schindler’s List .
Never mind the victims.
Well I suppose we should be grateful she didn’t spend the money on the things intended, but it does show how gulible feeble minded and easily led the Left are with such causes.
TOADY Watch #3 – the BBC apparently want to make the Government waste more money!
H/T to Nibor’s post at 11.23 p.m.. Apparently some group or other (former senior diplomats) wants to refurbish or even demolish the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office because there are ‘Imperial portraits’ on the walls there. The BBC got so excited about this idea to push taxation even higher (and scupper Labour’s chance of winning the next General Election) that they have published an article about it and made it second or third item in the news after Gaza.
Raids have taken place in Oldham, where Ms Akter and Mr Masum were both from
The alleged killer was from Oldham, eh? Would that be the Oldham near Dhaka or the Oldham near Sylhet? Because according to other media outlets, the suspect is from Bangladesh and entered the UK on a student visa a couple of years ago, to study a mickey mouse course at one of the country’s worst performing ‘universities’.
“The fact the biography is called ‘Red Queen’ tells you how Angela Rayner is perceived in some Tory circles – somewhere between a commoner and a temptress.”
Are complaints about the Shadow Deputy PM rooted in classism?
I recall photographing the 1999 partial eclipse (apparently – thanks duckduck go) with a South Korean friend in a garden in London. There was much talk back then about clouds obscuring the view. In the event we got lucky and I watched a piece of black card with the eclipse happening on it, a reflection of the viewfinder ‘view’ on the card. We had been warned not to look at the sun directly or through a SLR camera.
Zephir, SK friend was using a Canon SLR, an EOS 3 but I was using an Olympus SLR designed by Yoshihisa Maitani-san, camera also known as an ‘Orympus’ in Japan. 😉 🙂 PS: The Friend is a Japanese camera.
It’s the old joke about the Irish space agency sending a mission to land a spacecraft on the sun.
When. It was pointed out that they will burn up, the crew replied, “ don’t worry we’re going at night time”
“BBC spends £400,000 on school fees for just 20 children of foreign-based journalists in latest row over use of licence fee funds.
New figures show BBC has spent nearly £750,000 on school fees over two years
The corporation has spent £50,000 more this financial year than last on the fees. The figures show a total of £398,307 was spent on these children’s education”
Millions of stargazers are gathering in North America to see the total eclipse.
Anita Anand is in Niagara Falls which is one of the best spots to see the cosmic event.
It’s just been p*****g down with rain here in Kent, and the last thing I want to see is some blasted lights go out in the US or some other place!
Anyway, we all know that eclipses are caused by globule worming, the poll tax, fat politicians getting caught with their pants down, cubiclists in W1AA, orange growlers, second homes in Tuscany, Dave Cameron, the Aga Khaaaan, Rayburn Khaaan, (his third cousin by marriage, twice removed by proxy), and two unknown people called Sopeless and Maitel…
We can’t risk offending him with “stop and search” can we Mayor Khan ?
“‘You’re weak, pathetic cowards’: Mother of footballer Cody Fisher who was knifed to death on nightclub dancefloor in Boxing Day ‘revenge’ attack calls for tougher knife crime sentences after her son’s killers are jailed for 25 and 26 years”
Mr Fisher was attacked after one of his killers found him on Snapchat and vowed ‘revenge’ for accidentally touching him on the back during a night out two days earlier.
People that monitor the BBC will have noticed the wall to wall pre-coverage and coverage of the latest solar eclipse – which the BBC is bigging up as the most important solar eclipse since ever (or at least the last time it could be viewed from America) – to justify the BBC sending an absolutely enormous BBC team on a jolly to Mexico City, New York, Niagara Falls, Los Angeles, Washington, Lake Erie (Ohio) other nice places in continental America and the Caribbean….
Much as the liars at the BBC would have you believe otherwise, the notion that there is a ‘moderate islam’ of the majority, as opposed to a ‘radical islam’ of a tiny minority, is a lie.
Islam is a continuum, with no clear separation between the radicals and the moderates. In fact, islam is radical and militant at its core.
So these findings should not be surprising, except to the liars and idiots at the BBC.
“Almost Half Of UK Muslims Declared As Radical Islamists”
1 – The BBC framing classes Yousaf’s “white” rant as “powerful”
2 – This behaviour by the BBC is typical of their deeply ingrained bias
3 – ZERO push back came on the disgusting “far right” smear
Extremism is the promotion or advancement of an ideology[footnote 3] based on violence, hatred or intolerance[footnote 4], that aims to:
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms[footnote 5] of others; or
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy[footnote 6] and democratic rights[footnote 7]; or
intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).
The types of behaviour below are indicative of the kind of promotion or advancement which may be relevant to the definition, and are an important guide to its application. The further context below is also an essential part of the definition.
The Trump Campaign must immediately hire Maxine Waters’ daughter as a spokesperson. No one has ever made Trump sound more fucking based.
I found this video and couldn’t believe it – look at everyone else’s faces.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
BBC’s US total eclipse update at 17:43 BST (page 3 of the Science and Environment pages):
“A wedding of cosmic proportions
By Nada Tawfik reporting from Niagara Falls, New York State
We’re still hours away from the moment of totality at Niagara Falls, but already Robert Wiltshire and David Blazina experienced a life-changing moment.
The New York City residents chose to get married on what they deemed the “perfect day” with their immediate family in tow.
They said they decided to push back their big day one week so it could coincide with this cosmic event.
“It makes it extra special and very memorable,” Robert said.
“People will ask where were you on your wedding day and you can say at Niagara Falls for the solar eclipse.””
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Ooooer…. Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking… just noticed on C4 hunted that there are lots of effnic competitors but all the chasers are nasty middle aged white blokes who look like ex bent coppers….plus a sprinkling of thick dizzy blondes….
We all know why the “right on” producers want it to look this way so needs no explanation….
Cops nasty white right wing baddies… effnics cuddly oppressed citizens…
It’s bloody relentless…..and sooner or later it will implode as normal white citizens get totally pissed of with always drawing the short strawnfrom the corrupt media.
Naming of Parts (1942)
Today we have naming of parts. Yesterday,
We had daily cleaning. And tomorrow morning,
We shall have what to do after firing. But to-day,
Today we have naming of parts. Japonica
Glistens like coral in all of the neighbouring gardens,
And today we have naming of parts.
This is the lower sling swivel. And this
Is the upper sling swivel, whose use you will see,
When you are given your slings. And this is the piling swivel,
Which in your case you have not got. The branches
Hold in the gardens their silent, eloquent gestures,
Which in our case we have not got.
This is the safety-catch, which is always released
With an easy flick of the thumb. And please do not let me
See anyone using his finger. You can do it quite easy
If you have any strength in your thumb. The blossoms
Are fragile and motionless, never letting anyone see
Any of them using their finger.
And this you can see is the bolt. The purpose of this
Is to open the breech, as you see. We can slide it
Rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this
Easing the spring. And rapidly backwards and forwards
The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers:
They call it easing the Spring.
They call it easing the Spring: it is perfectly easy
If you have any strength in your thumb: like the bolt,
And the breech, and the cocking-piece, and the point of balance,
Which in our case we have not got; and the almond-blossom
Silent in all of the gardens and the bees going backwards and forwards,
For today we have naming of parts.
T, author?
Wilfred bloody owen or sassoon – bloody a level english bloody lit …
Fed, was a science buff when I was doing exams at Secondary School. Pupils were not allowed to mix Science and Arts subjects, the only exception being Pure Mathematics.
It’s someone called Henry Reed who I believe was some dreamy eyed youth in an admin role like the pay corp, but the giveaway was 1942 Owens and Sassoon were WWI poets not WWII
Thoughtful – im a smart ass – you knew that but was teasing because wilf Owen is always the fall back – if I recall the joe Stalin who was my eng lit teacher made us learn it and read a different poem out every lesson – enough to put you off engleesh for life … innit …
‘stani hunt underway. 👀
“Bradford stabbing: Manhunt after mum pushing baby in pram killed”
Unusually a photo provided..
“Mr Masum has been pictured on CCTV wearing a duffle coat with three large horizontal lines of grey, white and black.”
Hey I used to have a duffel coat just like that, except mine was, one colour, made of wool with toggle fasteners.
Nylon with a zip..? 😀
You can’t get thicker than a BBC reporter
You’re right that is not a Duffel coat.
A donkey jacket ?He`s wearing an animal skin coat ?
Eddy, BoBotC and Nibor, very strange that the woman is unnamed and there is no picture of her on the BBC web-site:
But there is a photo of the local priest who said mosques and churches would be open in the area if people wished to mourn, say a prayer, light a candle or grieve in public. That, to me suggests the woman was maybe a Muslim or maybe not. A chronic lack of real journalism from the BBC there!
lol, I was so close with my original comment on this yesterday it’s almost like they read our posts.
The BBC have only shown the picture because West Yorkshire police released it. And a day and a half late to get any description at all – despite how may people witnessed it. Just enough for the story to die down a bit.
I also mentioned how the BBC hid the brutality of the stabbing. Now we get this (carefully worded and only because the police released it):
‘Det Ch Insp Atkinson said the death of a young woman in “such shocking circumstances” has caused “considerable concern” in the community’. That simple sentence is covering up a truly barbaric and savage murder. Up close and personal with a knife.
Once again this article is basic facts only from the BBC. No embellishment, no wider commentry on how evil such men are and no links to other articles about similar murders.
No night time vigils by the hypocrite misandrist activists for this woman. He has to be white for that.
These stories always make me wonder what the decision making process looks like in the BBC office where it’s done. Who decides what gets made into the big story demanding government action and what gets buried in small articles like this to protect the people who did it.
It’s clear to me now that the BBC have some kind of ‘elite’ team of political commisars who direct the clones on what to report and how.
He’ll be long gone by the time it was released, back off to ‘stan on a relative’s passport.
“I’m not a monster and have bad fashion sense” BBC’s new blog.
My two-pennyworth:
Crossbows & Asians? The start of a trend?
really BBC ?
Dodgy in Blackpool these days.
A note for the Tories . And intellectuals , Labour , LibDims , Foreign Office , Ex Conservative ministers interviewed by the BBC , Newspaper editors , charities , celebrities , Judges , Matrix chambers , university lecturers , human rights groups , so called vox pops interviewed in the street by the BBC , Muslim Council of Britain , Archbishop Welby , hippies and any other 0.5% of the population .
We dont care about your view of Britain in the world .
We care about Britain in Britain .
Your view about Britian in the world is laughed at by those who take advantage of your gullibility .
Our view is respected . By the people you want to impress .
So BBC types , take a cold shower , hit your head with a mallet and say to yourselves ; i`m going to think in a normal way .
Myanmar’s army massacred Rohingyas. Now it wants their help
Another totally slanted pice of Leftist bilge from the grubby Jonathan Head in Bangkok. It’s th eusual 100% empathy, 100% lopsided agenda rubbish we’ve come to expect.
What is apparent to me is that like the Muslims in Gaza, NOBODY wants the Rohingyas. It seems the bring trouble and violence wherever they go. In Myanmar it was because they were trying to set up Muslim only parts of the country using terrorism (though the BBC won’t tell you that). Perhaps an article about ‘Why does everybody hate some specific types of Muslim’ would be a good idea.
But the most amusing part in this typical activist rhetoric is:
‘All their names have been changed to protect them.’
‘”I was frightened, but I had to go,” says Mohammed, a 31-year-old Rohingya man’
Really Jonathan ?. What was his real name ?. Mohammad ?.
Head is the worst kind of BBC journalist and absolutely typical of what they are. He’s right down in the gutter with the snakes. He doesn’t care what he does or writes.
Ukraine war: UN body urges restraint after Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant hit
Front page headline:
‘The International Energy Alliance warns Russia and Ukraine not to to attack nuclear facilities.’
We then get another desperate article from the BBC trying very hard to make us think Russia might have done it but without giving a single reason why they might.
So as well as blowing up their own pipleline – which makes no sense at all – they are now saying Russia is attacking it’s own Nuclear powerplant with drones – which doesn’t make any sense either.
Meanwhile the best the BBC has got to offer is how Arsenal’s ‘Oleksandr Zinchenko’ would go and fight if he got called up. Another extremely poor quality BBC article with rhetoric that belongs in North Korea.
What speaks volumes about the BBC Ukraine war page is how it’s full of article like this instead of anything about the actual war. And the reason is that Ukraine are now losing at an increasing rate. Russia have perfected some large glide bombs (bombs dropped way beyond Ukraine air defenses which glide to the target using GPS) and are launching thousands of them at the Ukranian army. Something the BBC clearly don’t want us to know.
This is a time to get worried. Ukraine are getting desperate and the USA have to choose between escalation or try and stop it before it all collapses.
Rwanda genocide: World failed us in 1994, President Paul Kagame says
Someone should let Paul know that the self-loathing Leftist Western media don’t give a shit how many black people die or how many got taken into slavery unless they can blame white males for doing it.
So nothing to do with Rwanda and it’s people? HA HA HA HA HA!
. . . . . .
Paul Kagame re-elected president with 99% of vote in Rwanda election
This article is more than 6 years old
Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term
Six months on, how close is Israel to eliminating Hamas?
No not 6 months on but “It has been nearly six months since Hamas fighters..”
its a bbc verify, so must be true 🙁 even the heading telling us it is 6 months isn’t correct, didn’t bother reading anymore
The media is infested with idiots.
“The idea you can clean out Hamas and then we all live happily ever after is nonsense.”
@Guto_Harri adds that “we are breeding people who will devote their lives to revenge for the deaths of their children”.
He’s right on the first, but way off afterwards. The attackers of Oct 7 were bred decades ago.
This was after Berlin was reduced to rubble defended by kids with Panzerfausts until the old men in bunkers were dead or scarpered.
And two cities’ worth of civilians were vapourised.
All out war against fanatical foes, yet eventually conclusions reached and honoured.
Korea, even Vietnam… once a bitter end had been capped off, it was accepted and folk moved on. Hard to see the ‘losers’ ended up suffering subsequently as they were pragmatic in defeat.
Now… it’s death cult ideology in black, white and red, constantly. All in HD. Eliot Carver is real.
Bill Clinton in 2016: “I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state. I had a deal they turned down that would have given them all of Gaza… between 96%-97% of the West Bank, compensating land in Israel, you name it.”
“Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket Israel, they insinuate themselves in the hospitals, in the schools, in the highly populous areas, and they are smart. They said they try to put the Israelis in a position of either not defending themselves or killing innocents. They’re good at it. They’re smart. They’ve been doing this a long time.”
Not smart; cynical nut jobs. The only clever bit is using the credulity of media, plus complicity, and the new crop of idiot pols now, to profit personally from endless conflict.
Of course, the West was not utterly dedicated to self immolation from within.
Should the Foreign Office be abolished?
Moazzam Malik, its former director general, is among a group of senior diplomats and officials calling for the FCO to be replaced by a new Department for International Affairs with ‘fewer colonial era pictures on the wall’.
Fury as Scotland’s new Hate Police ‘tell woman they are discarding her complaint about a Star of David merged with a Swastika in Facebook post made by SNP minister’s relative – because she isn’t Jewish’
Islam is about conquest, so it can’t be a permanent peace with none Islamic countries because they need to be conquered and turn Islamic
Held to account by compromised ideologues like JezBo, or ratings junkies like…
Fury as Scotland’s new Hate Police ‘tell woman they are discarding her complaint about a Star of David merged with a Swastika in Facebook post made by SNP minister’s relative – because she isn’t Jewish’
that funnys because in the dankula case police scotland touted his video around some jews till they could find one that was offended.
Guest someone last week posted a clip of a Jordan Peterson interview I think on R4. Peterson was commenting on how women manifest aggression in different ways to men… and the incredulity of the interviewer spoke volumes. That women could also harbour aggression simply wasn’t a possibility.
Too many now in postitions of power unable to see anything but goodness amongst groups with protected characteristics. A one-dimensional Disneyland of the human psyche which is dragging us all down.
Nobody here – or elsewhere could remember her name, TM, so presumably, as they knew that he would tear any ‘seasoned’ lefty Beeboid to shreds, and make themselves an even bigger laughing stock, they chose someone who was a nonentity to take the flak.
Someone in the comments said she was from ‘The Economist’, so then, it could be any airhead!
That clip is a great masterclass on how to deal with shallow and immature interviewers, and should be watched by every stupid politician before they get in front of the cameras! The thicker ones should see it several times to let it sink in!
Laura Kuenssberg: West facing ‘authoritarian’ alliance, says Nato chief
Firstly, something smug about how kuenssberg stands in her pictures, secondly get “verify” to check Nato is actually NATO
Oh yes, for sure, an “authoritarian alliance”, we see it every week in exercising it’s intolerance:
An alliance of racist, sexist, homophobic, anti semitic muslims, just stop oil and the far left, with the bbc at the vanguard.
The BBC appear to be adopting the role of cheerleaders for the Sub Postmasters involved in the Horizon goings on.
I would have thought that with the investigation still ongoing, whoever turns out to be at fault wouldn’t it be wise to wait until formal proceedings have established the full facts rather than run with the sort of heart string tugs we are getting as it is built up into a media circus while the investigation is apparently still underway?
Digg – but that’s the problem – plod wants to wait until the public inquiry is finished ( 2 years ?) those guilty will refuse to answer questions in the inquiry because of self incrimination and will try abuse of process when plod finally interviews under caution with a whole list of charges thereafter .
To me – it’s simple – if it can be shown senior managers knew those prosecutions were going ahead whilst they new the technology was defective – and didn’t say – they perverted justice and need to do big time …. As well as serious fines …. Civil and criminal …
Confession – I exposed my self to 20 minutes of ;today ‘… and heard the leader of ‘reform ‘ Dickie tice being ambushed by meesh …
It was awful – tice had about 3 minutes to go through all of reforms ‘ policies – but meesh wanted to spank him on the NHS .
Reform wants to kill waiting lists in 2 years – dump the £40 billion green crap taxes to do it … meesh went straight for nhs staffing – tice said reform would allow foreign medics into the UK to help achieve the nhs target – meesh wanted to hit him – but the interview was so short there was no time .
Tice is no great communicator – but reform is the best we have ..imagine a party promising tax relief on private health insurance – a true conservative policy – it gets my vote ….
BTW – I’m not sure how the bbc is going to treat REFORM – its’ default is to regard it as the 3rd Reich in waiting – full of nut jobs .
But it is the only opposition to the one party state – and deep down the bbc knows it …..
Meesh asked tice about the people – candidates – who have been deselected – and ‘vetting failure ‘ bit rich compared to tax dodging angie and a truly thick Lammy – soon to be cabinet ministers …
“In April 2020, the Health Secretary announced that over £13bn of NHS debt would be written off and converted to public dividend capital (PDC). This was part of a wide range of financial measures the Government brought in for health and social care during the current pandemic.”
But surely the BBC would love to be the fully fledged, government approved ( as long as it was a government that they approved of) Ministry of Truth. Democracy is only useful as a tool to impose the BBC hyperglobalist creed on everyone . Once that has been achieved democracy could be dangerous and must be quietly abolished.
Policymakers in New Zealand have warned that the flood of new arrivals are pushing up rents and house prices, adding to inflation pressures
Home Office figures showed 401 people crossed the Channel on Monday, taking the total for the year so far to 2,983. It followed the arrival of 327 people on Sunday, the first group to arrive in March. The previous highest daily figure for 2024 was set on 17 January when 358 people were brought ashore in Dover.5 Mar 2024
Not too much financials but a lot of Geo politics looked at with risks to markets discussed:
World War II – the war to end all wars!
wimmin of the year:
Ayisha Siddiqa
“UN climate advisor Ayisha Siddiqa (also Time Mag’s 2023 Woman of the Year): “The climate crisis is manmade. And it’s not just manmade, it’s white manmade. (applause)
It is a result of capitalism, years of colonialism, years of racial oppression. And so if you want to get involved, the way that we save our planet is when we protect the most vulnerable communities among us. And this includes black trans women. This includes indigenous people. This is why it includes children and young people because when we protect them we can protect everybody else.””
Central Africa’s Agricultural Fires Span the Continent
“The Xinjiang coalfield fire area ranks No. 1 in the world in terms of its area, and it has been burning for nearly a thousand years. According to the results of the fifth coalfield fire area survey in Xinjiang, the 40 untreated fire areas in Xinjiang cover a total area of 4.7773 million m2 by the end of 20198.26 Feb 2024”
bbc promotion for price increases, of all things they need to worry about is Nails..
Nail technicians join forces to raise prices
Hardine conservative Ecuadorian cops lift a wanted man out of Mexican territory, plenty of totty for all tastes, pet health issues, plus cheap Brazilian bum-lifts in this covering all bases international edition
Our press have something of a transcontinental flavour news day for us today.
Russell cook, 27, from Worthing West Sussex became the first person to run the full length of Africa… arriving at the continent’s northern most tip in Tunisia yesterday (Times) – whereas increasing numbers of young African chaps have for years now been making a similar journey, arriving daily on our Kent and Sussex coasts
Our BBC – apparently blind to the irony – went big on this story: Russ Cook: The Hardest Geezer who ran the length of Africa… After ticking off South Africa and Namibia in 50 days, Mr Cook encountered his first major setback – an armed robbery. He and his support team had cameras, phones, cash, passports and visas stolen in Angola on 24 June. (BBC) – moving quickly on…
…in true Hardest Geezer style, he was not to be stopped… Joined by supporters from across the world for the final marathon, Mr Cook completed the challenge… He claims to be the first person to have ever run the full length of the continent (BBC)
‘I’m a little tired’ British athlete first to run full length of Africa (Guardian)
Opinions do differ…
Hardest Geezer’s run record questioned… thrown into doubt by the World Runners Assiciation which claims Danish athlete Jesper Olsen had achieved the feat in 2010 (The Telegraph there with what logicians term an appeal to authority)
Out of Africa and off we go to South of the Border Down Mexico Way (Frank Sinatra, 1959; Patsy Cline, 1961; etc, etc.)
Oh Ambassador, you’re really spoiling us!
Embassy raid Ecuador and Mexico at odds… police stormed Mexico’s embassy in Quito and arrested Jorge Glas, Ecaudor’s former vice-president who had been sheltering in the mission… Video posted on social media showed two police jeeps… with sirens wailing as Mexico’s acting ambassador… was wrestled to the ground by police (Financial Times)
Our globalist FT takes care to categorise and differentiate for us what our old wild west movies would have termed the baddies or black hats, as opposed to the goodie white hats…
Ecuador’s President Daniel Noboa’s hardline conservative government… Mexico’s leftwing administration granted asylum to Glas… (FT)
The pink paper taking a ‘hardline’ on the conservative tendency there.
Previously, in Ecuador…
Ecuador arrests 6,000 people in month-long gang crackdown. President Daniel Noboa escalates ‘internal armed conflict’ as violence continues to roil Andean country (FT)
Nearly one-sixth of Ecuador’s prison inmates haven’t been sentenced… About 16% of all prisoners were either convicted but not sentenced or held in prison pending trial, with President Guillermo Lasso saying it should be a cause for concern – frets the left-leaning NBC News
Guillermo Alberto Santiago Lasso Mendoza is an Ecuadorian businessman, banker and politician… president of Ecuador from 2021 to 2023. He was the country’s first conservative president in nearly two decades, marking a shift in the country’s electorate. (Thank you Wiki)
Why do Latin-Americans have so many multiple names?
Daniel Roy Gilchrist Noboa Azín is an Ecuadorian politician and businessman currently serving since 23 November 2023 as the 48th president of Ecuador… His political ideology has been described as both centrist and centre-right… Noboa supports LGBT rights and denounced discrimination. He has condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Thank you again, Wiki) – clearly the left-leaning Financial Times isn’t impressed despite him appearing pretty centerist to me. But I don’t think our Daniel is quite on-message enough for the FT.
Meanwhile, news of the British crackdown against crime: Payback Time? What payback time? Punishment isn’t working… 280,000 hours of community service written off, Labour says… Thousands of criminals ordered to do unpaid work such as cleaning graffiti get away without finishing it (giveaway Metro)
Today’s outbreak of hypochondria comes, as ever, from the youth-oriented poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper: Modern life fuelling tinnitus crisis
The mildly conservative Telegraph seem alert to the problem: Hypochondria How therapy eased 20 years of suffering
Our BBC goes of alarming at a health issue: Spire Healthcare: Death of NHS-funded private patient raises safety concerns
And nary a word of criticism of the NHS as an institution per se
Rise of the 24-hour wait for a bed in A&E… Tenfold increase in longest delays since 2019 (Times) – Gosh, I wonder what change in health policy might have occurred at around about the year 2020?
If only there were some form of an official public inquiry that could look into that.
The Times comes very close to naming the major public health policy misstep: Official figures show that almost 40,000 patients a month now wait 12 hours… a 50-fold increase on numbers before the pandemic – but, as we might expect, our formerly serious Times newspaper falls into the typically mainstream trap. Let Mr AsI perform a quick and simple emergency procedure on this report – this may hurt just a little: almost 40,000 patients a month now wait 12 hours… a 50-fold increase on numbers before the
pandemicLockdown policy decisionTotty watch
Scandily-clad pin-up Lily James, actress, 34, graces the cover of the Daily Mail: Lily’s D&G dolce vita in Milan – the Mail delivering a rich double helping of sauce this dull Monday morning: Surprising signs your partner’s having an affair by the infidelity coach who tells men how to cheat
Sparkling Helen is putting on the glitz – that’s Helen Mirren, veteran actress, 78, pinned-up for the Daily Express front cover – I know the newspaper reading demographic is ageing rapidly – but moving quickly on…
One supposes beauty be in the eye of the beholder: Wedding TV’s Gema Collins and fiance Rami… all white in OK! mag photoshoot… Rami only got down on one knee last month to ask The Only Way is Essex star the big question (Mirror) – and there’s no getting around it – she is a big girl.
Ali-G’s ex is the pin-up for The Sun: Isla’s secret divorce talks – Is it ‘cos I is ginger?
Since we’re covering all bases this morning – totty-wise – let’s not forget to include something for the gays: Don’t date Tories? You might be missing out (‘i’)
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – Britain is not a pillar of democracy (‘i’) – that’s right luv, our unelected Rishi Sunak acts more like a plank of democracy than a pillar
‘Deadly Ops’ on sale in UK hotels (The Sun) – I know we’re fretting today about the growth of the private health sector (and the NHS is just begging for someone to do an Esther Rantzen-endorsed operation on it – just to put it out of its lingering terminal misery) but this could be taking the Bupa-style option a bit far: Roadshow flogs bum-lifts in Turkey… cut-price ops including Brazilian bum lifts (The Sun)
Similar story but think of the… pets…?
Turkey ‘vet and a nose job’ package… Brits offered cosmetic ops as they travel for cheaper pet health… snapped up due to soaring vet costs here. One clinic has cat care and a nose job for £4,500, which could cost up to £9,000 in the UK… Surgery tourism exclusive (Daily Mirror) – er… not so very exclusive, was it?
If you follow these daily reviews closely you’ll know Mr AsI had a win at the roulette wheel of guess the ethnicity of the criminal offender with a little flutter he made yesterday. Trouble is the odds are so narrow he’ll never make his fortune that way. This one was hardly an outside stab in the dark was it?
Borrowing two disparate news recipe ingredients already mentioned above – pets and Esther Rantzen – here’s one for the teenagers to round off this press review for the day…
Esther reveals all… Sausage dodgy… the TV dog who growled “sausages” was fake (Daily Star) – Gosh, just look what our BBC used to be able to get away with before Marianna Spring sprang into action and BBC Verify were on the scene!
That’s Life!
Sausages? That was a porkie… The owner got the sound by squeezing his throat (Star)
PLUNDER THE KNIFE Turkish docs caught pushing ‘deadly’ bum lift operations on vulnerable Brits at UK hotels in Sun Investigation
Our undercover reporter was pressured into signing up for potentially deadly £5,000 surgery following a disturbing hotel consultation.
She was urged to agree to the “Russian roulette” Brazilian bum-lift — and offered discounts of hundreds of pounds — after seeing a Turkish doctor with limited English.
A legal expert said his hastily-conducted examination amounted to “serious clinical misconduct”.
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the start of the week:
– TV Licensing Disproportionately Targeting Women
– Surveillance Regulator: BBC TV Detection Methods “Struggling to Keep Up with Technology”
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
Red Stella Creasy MP really doesnt like babies . She wants to decriminalise abortion . Excellent . Cut abortion costs .get it done at Tescos or specsavers ? Amazon DIY kit .
But why stop at birth . Gor a kid you dont like / want any more ? Kill it – legalise post birth abortion … right Stella?
I can almost agree with proactive abortion, there’s a few I can think of that are suitable candidates. Starmer, channel hoppers, Rachel Ragland and her handbag carrier, Recall me Dave and Treason May . The list gets longer the more I think about it.
Mrs K
On the day that all the benefits go up – maybe mrs ranzens idea of culling the over 67s makes economic sense .. frees up the housing market – saves air pollution – whats not to like ..?
TOADY Watch #1 – oooh Wes! I think Rachel Reeves may have something to say about that
Wes Streeting (Labour Shadow for Health) won the coveted runner-up prize of the ‘ten-to-eight Interview’ and he had plans to fix the NHS. Apparently he has written an article in the Sun newspaper, dreadful rag that it is, (my personal view) but considered by the BBC to be a far, far, Hard Right newspaper which could be why the BBC choose to omit it from their newspaper Blog so often.
Labour are apparently very at ease (echoes of Mandelson) with private healthcare and may well use it to ease the ‘NHS backlog’. How much is that going to cost? Mishal did not ask that. Labour may also want to fix the care home crisis but I seem to recall, when Boris Johnson fixed it with a massive NI increase, the Labour Party and the Left generally, including the BBC, were up in arms about it despite Bojo making the NI increase very progressive.
Apparently our NHS is not hi-tech enough so Labour are going to invest in scanners and computer operated surgery. How much is that going to cost and will they be available for malign states ‘to hack’ are the two questions that come immediately to mind? Apparently they did not occur to our Mishal, who also did not raise the current favourite BBC ‘bogeyman’; of AI becoming out of control
Red labour to buy the NHS top range fax machines …
Fed, and a brand new computer system that can be hacked.
3rd World countries to pay UK for using industrialised technology.
China to owe UK 3 trillion!
** UK can make up any amount it wants and change it daily!
NZ tightens visa rules amid ‘unsustainable’ migration
“Policymakers in New Zealand have warned that the flood of new arrivals are pushing up rents and house prices, adding to inflation pressures”
Reminds me of another country, maybe the bbc could do some investigation
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
Or any of the countries run by the globalist party: flood the place with immigrants, pretend you’re trying to stop it.
Gang member Japan seems to be the exception, it’s unclear why.
Can you imagine the sort of reception dave cameron is going to get in the US when he ‘warns ‘ them not to send any more stuff to Ukraine to sell on ?
Dave – what you gonna do when you guys get thrown out in 6 months? Hedge £ fund £ ‘manager ‘ – chinese bungs ?
Now go home dave – you txxxer
David Cameron to suggest that China make all weapons for UK! HA HA HAHA HA!
. . . . . . . .
British Navy drops custom of employing Chinese servants on warships over fears they may spy for Beijing
It comes after MI5 spy chief warned China is trying to steal Britain’s nuclear technology secrets from Britain
PUBLISHED: 01:11, 23 October 2023 | UPDATED: 01:53, 23 October 2023
This is utter nonsense from the IQ challenged Cameron. Doubt China are even interested in the UK capability given the shambolic procurement policy of the MOD unless its to have a laugh at how useless we are.
The case of Wragg the blackmailed MP
OK so you get sucked into being blackmailed
What happens next ?
Surely you go to the party authorities and they take control and tell you to keep playing along and thus entrap those who are trying to blackmail you .
Why is it different this time, that Wragg comes out blubbing?
BTW note that most MPs act as if they being blackmailed by anti-British powers all the time.
The sucking part sounds about right, not sure if it involved a black male.
“People will use this legislation for their own means and that is not an effective use of police time.”
Chair of the Scottish Police Federation David Threadgold tells #R4Today that officers ‘cannot cope’ with the number of complaints under the new hate crime law.
7 minutes in, nothing. The bbc is pointless.
If i commit a ‘hate crime’ in england can i get extradited to Scotland?
…. Stop press Bbcofcom investigating LBC over politician acting as broadcaster – in this can D Lammy .
But what about jounos acting as politicians ? The house style of the BBC . ?
TOADY Watch #2 – sounds very new Labour to me
Mel Stride MP, Secretary of State for Work & Pensions, was the Big Interview victim for Mishal Husain. Mishal asked about those ‘economically inactives’ due to being troubled by their ‘mental elf’ who presumably sits on their shoulder and whispers BBC fear news in one of their ears. They form a significant of the UK workforce, the majority of whom are young. Two worrying signs from Mel Stride: he used a lot of New Labour language (just like Wes Streeting, Health Shadow) from 1997-2010 and he promised to spend more money – that we haven’t got – fixing the problem.
Oh dear!
I think the mental health crisis is caused by the thought of feckless having to work for a living …
If you dont wanna work get a job with the HMRC , DWP, ONS, land Registry , NHS , teaching , train driving… BBC website …
If we redefine NOT working as working we can change the stats and everyone is happy! YEAH!
R5 just now had an hour on skin cancer. At the weekend on the website they find someone diagnosed in 2018: “Teen cancer survivor: ‘The radiographer started crying during my scan'”. There’s a new podcast to promote also — “It is a group of young people having a chat and saying ‘me too’.”
Not much chat about UK excess deaths now the ONS are fiddling the books. Nor anything about the pharma watchdog PMCPA recently finding Pfizer in breach of regulations, including omitting info about vaccine safety and mention of adverse events. ‘Trust the experts’.
The BBC do love their stories and Take-A-Break style emotions though. And anything with a ‘me too’ will surely get ample time to explore. Proper analysis, not so much.
NHS care delays in England harmed 8,000 people and caused 112 deaths last year. Almost 8,000 people were harmed and 112 died last year as a direct result of enduring long waits for an ambulance or surgery, prompting warnings that NHS care delays are “a disaster”.26 Nov 2023
This is absolute crap. Highly doubt any radiographer would cry during a scan unless it was because of the dreadful quality of the equipment.
Can the Edinburgh Fringe survive the Hate Crime Act?
Comedy cannot exist without a frisson of darkness.
The most chilling legislation to threaten the freedom of the Great British Jester in decades came into force this April Fool’s Day. For those in my chosen trade, live comedy, Scotland’s Hate Crime Act is like a python that has already encircled us, slowly threatening to squeeze and throttle us for good.
It is no coincidence that the image of Hamlet addressing the skull of Yorick, his former friend and father figure, is the single most iconic in world theatre. Harold Bloom asserted that, with Hamlet’s soliloquies, Shakespeare effectively ‘invented’ the human. When the SNP says that it wants to know what you are thinking when you are sitting at home alone, to purge every last bit of hate in your heart, it is your very humanity that is at stake.
… . .. .. . ..
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, 1984
It’s so important on so many levels that the nonsense Scottish Muslim law is shown to be just dumb . Is it the high spot of woke ?( please let it be )
Can we have some mad prosecutions for hate crime ? How will judges decide / sentence ?
Will it turn out to be secret courts giving secret decisions and secret sentences ?
Welcome to the Reich ….
The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused. Thirty people were found guilty, nineteen of whom were executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man, Giles Corey, died under torture after refusing to enter a plea, and at least five people died in jail.[1]
In America, Salem’s events have been used in political rhetoric and popular literature as a vivid cautionary tale about the dangers of isolation, religious extremism, false accusations, and lapses in due process.
It’s far from dumb, it’s extremely sinister, authoratarian, oppressive and shows their true nature of wanting to silence all criticism and opposition.
We already had mad prosecutions such a a guy who taught his dog to lift a paw in what was supposedly a Socialist salute. He didn’t even upload the video to the internet, but he still went to prison for it, in a prosecution widely condemned as ridiculous.
Even before this foreign visitors to Scotland were issued warnings, the kind of which are issued for visitors to extreme Left wing states about being careful what they said as the Stasi might arrest and prosecute them.
Labour Scotland are supposedly attempting to get themselves back to a place where they are electable, so what have they been saying about these laws? I’ve heard plenty from ordinary people but precious little from the main parties.
Jeremy Vine creates HATE CRIMES against NHS on Radio 2.
meanwhile …
“‘There’s no Gavin and Stacey without Fat Friends'”
… There is no NHS without fat people! En marche! Forward!
The analysis found 25.1% of nurses were obese compared with 14.4% of “other healthcare professionals”, which included doctors and dentists. Unregistered care workers had the highest prevalence of obesity at 31.9%. These figures compared to an obesity rate of 23.5% among the general working population.5 Dec 2017
I did hear aright Radio4 Today plugging a programme by Chanel 4 about ethnic groups fighting the extreme right ?
I think there are two reasons for this .
1; nothing racist has happened lately and the BBC does love a good racist incident . If nothing today trawl the archives for something historical. Mustn’t let racism go extinct or some buddies might lose their meal ticket .
2; don’t they all want to be on the virtuous side and it’s hard if there’s no slavery / genocide / discrimination to portray themselves as fighting the good fight . They really secretly wish slavery / genocide wasn’t abolished so they could be the angels fighting it and films would be made about them , like Schindler’s List .
Never mind the victims.
And finally BBC Breaking news 25 hours after it happend.
Quite quick for Breaking. Think of all the departments involved on lines to take.
Why do all the evil bastards dress up like that?
tomo, looks a bit like Klaus Schwab. Has Klaus Schwab been cloned?
BLM get a free pass from the judiciary…. I wonder if that’s a recent, post court pic?
British Law Matters NOT!
Well I suppose we should be grateful she didn’t spend the money on the things intended, but it does show how gulible feeble minded and easily led the Left are with such causes.
TOADY Watch #3 – the BBC apparently want to make the Government waste more money!
H/T to Nibor’s post at 11.23 p.m.. Apparently some group or other (former senior diplomats) wants to refurbish or even demolish the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office because there are ‘Imperial portraits’ on the walls there. The BBC got so excited about this idea to push taxation even higher (and scupper Labour’s chance of winning the next General Election) that they have published an article about it and made it second or third item in the news after Gaza.
Note to BBC: be careful what you wish for!
Kulsama Akter: Bradford stab victim named as Habibur Masum manhunt continues”
“A mother who was fatally stabbed to death while pushing her baby in a pram in Bradford has been named as 27-year-old Kulsama Akter from Oldham.”
I got laughed at recently for using the “Victorian word” pram, and told they’re called buggys.
Raids have taken place in Oldham, where Ms Akter and Mr Masum were both from
The alleged killer was from Oldham, eh? Would that be the Oldham near Dhaka or the Oldham near Sylhet? Because according to other media outlets, the suspect is from Bangladesh and entered the UK on a student visa a couple of years ago, to study a mickey mouse course at one of the country’s worst performing ‘universities’.
IR, shades of Clapham Common but with deadlier results?
Is he
1 in Pakistan
2 floating in the river
3 being sheltered by the ‘community ‘
4 with his ‘legal team ‘
If caught he can plead ‘diminished ‘ and be out in 2 years – granted asylum despite being – it seems – an illegal …
“The fact the biography is called ‘Red Queen’ tells you how Angela Rayner is perceived in some Tory circles – somewhere between a commoner and a temptress.”
Are complaints about the Shadow Deputy PM rooted in classism?
They know temptresses.
Just checked the clock, Guest!
Yup, it’s half-past-six!
For those looking for the total loony eclipse in the UK – it will be just after midnight … yawn …
Well that means you don’t need eye protection.
It’ll be dark….
don’t think that is right, davy. I seem to recall that is the corona or ‘ring’ that damages the eye. I am not sure about clouds disappearing, either.
I recall photographing the 1999 partial eclipse (apparently – thanks duckduck go) with a South Korean friend in a garden in London. There was much talk back then about clouds obscuring the view. In the event we got lucky and I watched a piece of black card with the eclipse happening on it, a reflection of the viewfinder ‘view’ on the card. We had been warned not to look at the sun directly or through a SLR camera.
So you used a “South Korean Friend” camera ?
I never got the hang of those SKF cameras and I wouldn’t trust it taking a picture of a puppy.
Zephir, SK friend was using a Canon SLR, an EOS 3 but I was using an Olympus SLR designed by Yoshihisa Maitani-san, camera also known as an ‘Orympus’ in Japan. 😉 🙂 PS: The Friend is a Japanese camera.
It’s the old joke about the Irish space agency sending a mission to land a spacecraft on the sun.
When. It was pointed out that they will burn up, the crew replied, “ don’t worry we’re going at night time”
davylars, that is an 🙂 x10!
davylars, too good an apportunity to miss: Second verse/bridge is the one that mentions clouds. Song written by Joni Mitchell.
Up2…. Much prefer this version.
Love the two chords..
Davylars, that’s not for me. Judy Collins voice is bell like. Prefer her version.
With you there, Uppers!
All-time favourite by her is here…
Steven Stills adding those tiny but beautiful riffs, presumably while they were an ‘item’?
“BBC spends £400,000 on school fees for just 20 children of foreign-based journalists in latest row over use of licence fee funds.
New figures show BBC has spent nearly £750,000 on school fees over two years
The corporation has spent £50,000 more this financial year than last on the fees. The figures show a total of £398,307 was spent on these children’s education”
This… is soooo sweet.
Millions of stargazers are gathering in North America to see the total eclipse.
Anita Anand is in Niagara Falls which is one of the best spots to see the cosmic event.
‘We’? Anita noticed anything about the sky?
It’s just been p*****g down with rain here in Kent, and the last thing I want to see is some blasted lights go out in the US or some other place!
Anyway, we all know that eclipses are caused by globule worming, the poll tax, fat politicians getting caught with their pants down, cubiclists in W1AA, orange growlers, second homes in Tuscany, Dave Cameron, the Aga Khaaaan, Rayburn Khaaan, (his third cousin by marriage, twice removed by proxy), and two unknown people called Sopeless and Maitel…
Guest, BBC not really believing their “CO2 is causing Global Warming & Climate Change” propaganda, then
BBCnewsroom after latest IDF offensive:
Keep going IDF – ….
Which part of Oldham is depicted here, Z?
We can’t risk offending him with “stop and search” can we Mayor Khan ?
“‘You’re weak, pathetic cowards’: Mother of footballer Cody Fisher who was knifed to death on nightclub dancefloor in Boxing Day ‘revenge’ attack calls for tougher knife crime sentences after her son’s killers are jailed for 25 and 26 years”
All scumbags
Mr Fisher was attacked after one of his killers found him on Snapchat and vowed ‘revenge’ for accidentally touching him on the back during a night out two days earlier.
People that monitor the BBC will have noticed the wall to wall pre-coverage and coverage of the latest solar eclipse – which the BBC is bigging up as the most important solar eclipse since ever (or at least the last time it could be viewed from America) – to justify the BBC sending an absolutely enormous BBC team on a jolly to Mexico City, New York, Niagara Falls, Los Angeles, Washington, Lake Erie (Ohio) other nice places in continental America and the Caribbean….
I’ll just watch Steve from walk on a widside on you tube in Texas on a budget, more in depth at a fraction of the price
And, apropos of nothing, some light relief..SNP investigating ?
End with a quip “Next week we;ll be at the South Of England economic migrant trials”
.. would they dare do that joke on the BBC these days ?
Much as the liars at the BBC would have you believe otherwise, the notion that there is a ‘moderate islam’ of the majority, as opposed to a ‘radical islam’ of a tiny minority, is a lie.
Islam is a continuum, with no clear separation between the radicals and the moderates. In fact, islam is radical and militant at its core.
So these findings should not be surprising, except to the liars and idiots at the BBC.
“Almost Half Of UK Muslims Declared As Radical Islamists”
Certainly Stevo and his mate are well chummy.
Not to be missed.
The @bbc performing felatio on the virulent racist @HumzaYousaf
The casual waving off of the police is especially sweet.
The far right basically means “outgroup”. No relation to reality, just insult. This is dangerous and irresponsible.
Things not to miss here
1 – The BBC framing classes Yousaf’s “white” rant as “powerful”
2 – This behaviour by the BBC is typical of their deeply ingrained bias
3 – ZERO push back came on the disgusting “far right” smear
2. The definition
Extremism is the promotion or advancement of an ideology[footnote 3] based on violence, hatred or intolerance[footnote 4], that aims to:
negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms[footnote 5] of others; or
undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy[footnote 6] and democratic rights[footnote 7]; or
intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).
The types of behaviour below are indicative of the kind of promotion or advancement which may be relevant to the definition, and are an important guide to its application. The further context below is also an essential part of the definition.
Democratic Congressional Representative Maxine Waters’ daughter?
well her mum is known as mad maxine
must be genetic
I found this video and couldn’t believe it – look at everyone else’s faces.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
BBC’s US total eclipse update at 17:43 BST (page 3 of the Science and Environment pages):
“A wedding of cosmic proportions
By Nada Tawfik reporting from Niagara Falls, New York State
We’re still hours away from the moment of totality at Niagara Falls, but already Robert Wiltshire and David Blazina experienced a life-changing moment.
The New York City residents chose to get married on what they deemed the “perfect day” with their immediate family in tow.
They said they decided to push back their big day one week so it could coincide with this cosmic event.
“It makes it extra special and very memorable,” Robert said.
“People will ask where were you on your wedding day and you can say at Niagara Falls for the solar eclipse.””
[The agenda-pushing is relentless!]