Another possible bit of BBC trickery was a flashback to 21/08/2017 when then President Trump was shown looking, very briefly, at another US eclipse – without filters. The literal and subliminal message was to not do what Trump did; but, really, you won’t go blind from a quick look like that, as anyone knows who has come out of a south-facing building around noon on a sunny day and been slightly dazzled by the light for a moment or two before looking away.
Habibur Masum the Bradford knife murderer is a Banglafeshi national
is 2 years into a student visa
“Masters in Digital Marketing” “Bedfordshire university”
He’d already been chrged with threatening to kill the oman, but the WokeSupremacist judge gave him bail
Perhaps if our racist police and MSM had released the CCTV pictures of him straight away instead of waiting the usual 2 days for the story to die down because he is a Muslim, he might have been caught by now.
So after we witnessed the UN show it’s true anti-semetic colours and pushed the shithole known as South Africa – with it’s extreme murder and crime rate by the blacks – into accusing Israel of Genocide, another country is so outraged, they have now gone to the UN to accuse Germany of Genocide by helping them.
And what country do you think would be so outraged to do this ?.
Would you believe it – another corrupt shithole. Nicaragua.
The UN has turned into a complete corrupt farce. But of course as it’s line with the anti-semetic unholy BBC-Muslim alliance, they go right along with it. One might ask the questions why this South American country would be so upset.
What stands out the most is that these Leftist institutions are so confident they will be supported and protected by the Leftists MSM, they are getting more and more blatant in what they are confident to do.
What is so ridiculous is that the charge here is for aiding alleged genocide. They are accused of helping someone commit a crime they haven’t even been found guilty of committing.
I really hope Trump gets in and drains this UN swamp.
I started reading it and immediately learn a Judge has dismissed his attempt to postpone the trial. And as usual I looked to see if I am told the political affiliation of the Judge who did it. And of course I am not.
So rather than just assume the BBC are withholding such important information on purpose in this clear politically motivated prosecution, I geared up with google and went to find out.
And sure enough she is a Democrat. But it took some finding because none of the MSM are telling us when this is the case for these trials – but of course we know the BBC are quick to tell us in every article if a judge is a Republican. Elected in 2015. Democrat.
And when you look at all the others in that election, you realise Trump has no chance of a fair trial in that state. But that’s exactly what the BBC and the Leftist MSM want – so they will keep it under the carpet.
Does anyone know what Farage is doing ? He craves publicity – got a TV show – writes in national papers – pops up for interviews ….
… yet he shows no sign of engaging in politics – in becoming an MP – or leading Reform …. So what’s going on . ?
Today he writes about the degenerate blue labour MP called ‘Wragg ‘ or ‘rag ‘ … who still hasn’t resigned from parliament and that is apparently okay for the outgoing rubbish in number 10 ….
Elsewhere in the DT some oxbridge type calls for a reset of standards in parliament . Some hope …. I reckon we are witnessing the immoral fag end of the current corrupt regime and the prelude to an even worse one – with hundreds of multi coloured red labour kidults fighting to get their snouts in the trough …. We need a Revolution – a reset …. Maybe Putin can help … 77 brigade to note …
Let’s move to Disney town that demands less knowledge of the dictionary edition
We commence our informal guerilla survey of this morning’s mainstream headlines with the BBC at its most didactic: Post Office inquiry begins – here’s what to know
To say that our BBC has gone a tad overboard with their solar eclispe reporting… well that would be lunacy of stella proportions:
North America awed by total solar eclipse (BBC)
Spectacular images of solar eclipse that transfixed North America (BBC)
Path of darkness – scroll every mile of total eclipse (BBC)
A look inside the Nasa jet chasing the solar eclipse (BBC)
Oh, by the way…
You are now seeing top stores for England (BBC)
The eclipse at Niagra Falls ‘Wow! Spectacular’ (BBC)
Teen flies almost 4,000 miles for solar eclipse (BBC) – almost?
‘It’s just amazing’ BBC reporter stunned by eclipse over Texas (BBC) – there’s today’s calm down dear! – and we’re not done yet…
Cloudy skies scupper UK hopes of partial eclipse (BBC)
Texas the first to get under moon’s shadow (BBC)
The print press are not immune to this contemporary expression of almost childlike awe.
One has previously noted the phenomenon whereby the direction of travel of our formerly patriotic Times of London newspaper moves into conjunction with the orbit of the left-leaning body which is the Manchester Guardian – so as display for observers an almost sychronised inseparable single entity…
People wearing special protective glasses watch as a total eclipse passes over Mazatlan, Mexico (Guardian) – always keen to note the health & safety aspect.
And in the Guardian’s shadow…
The total solar eclipse yesterday, seen from Mazatlan, Mexico, where crowds massed on a beach (Times) – let’s hope those Mexicans don’t start dragging one another up a pyramid and doing human sacrifice all over again
Bruce Forsyth used to challenge contestants to guess either higher or lower? (Play Your Cards Right, ITV)
Noel Edmunds asked the question Deal or No Deal (Channel 4)
Let’s play guess the frontpage headlines – Times or Guardian?
Labour set to close non-dom loopholes… £2bn more sought for schools and NHS
Housing crisis spreads to Rwanda as homes for migrants are sold
Bigger cars leave us less room to manoeuvre
Let’s move to Disney town! The $1m homes rising in the desert
Ha! Tricked you! They’re all Times headlines (except that last one of the four which was from the Guardian). So much for what BBC types brand the Tory Press.
In case your were wondering here’s the day’s Guardian top headlines: Starmer told to resurrect Sure Start to help poorest; Palestinians return to a devastated Khan Younis; Calls to axe cruel fines levied on unpaid carers
Sometimes Mr AsI considers the total eclipse of conservative expression in our mainstream media is already upon us and is now blatantly apparent, that his work hereabouts is almost done – however…
Dyed-in-the-wool Beeboid and Guardianista Michael Palin insists: ‘You’ve got to keep doing things’ (Guardian)
Universally challenged
The left-leaning poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper celebrates Amol Rajan presenting: Cool for kids: University Challenge bounces back
Meanwhile the mildly conservative Telegraph takes a deep sigh and impotently observes: Scrabble updated for less wordy players… to make gameplay more accessible for anyone who finds word games intimidating… The classic board will now be sold with a simpler version of the game printed on its underside that demands less knowledge of the dictionary – what next… one dimentional chess?
Our police hand out some good advice for once: I reported my stalker to the police – they told me to delete Instagram – the ‘i’ newspaper don’t seem happy about that response
Perhaps the cops have got rather a lot on at the moment: Scottish police cannot cope with hate reports… About 8,000 hate crime reports have been made in the first week (Telegraph)
Our mate Matt in the Telegraph reports for duty sketching a copper confronting a young boy: ‘Scottish police have received reports of a hate crime. You made some comments about broccoli at supper’
The Daily Mail asks us to: Meet the growing army of British women preppers readying themselves for doomsday – an interesting social phenomenon and more power to the ladies I say – so long as it doesn’t simply mean filling their homes with multiple packets of pasta and loo roll (like the last time). If only there were some form of public inquiry that might look into that (sorry, but I have to keep plugging away at that one – Michael Palin says so) Top of my pre-apocalypse shopping list would be Krugerrands and a handgun.
Partners to be quizzed in new gun licence screening… Domestic abuse survivor Rhiannon Bragg helped police design the questionaire (Kathryn Stanczyszyn, BBC) – in other words, let’s just ban the men from having firearms.
Bad gag of the day – what does a women get when she marries a Polish man.. that’s long and hard? A surname.
There is a conspiracy postulation that Britain is being gradually colonised by the middle east… you may think that… as Francis Urquart of House of Cards fame was wont to remark…
Oxford Uni eggheads predict camels could replace mooers because they fart a lot less… Boffs give cows the right hump… Cows may one day be replaced by camels because they guff less and could help save the planet (Daily Star)
Asiseeit – traditionally total solar eclipse foretell terrible things – such as a 200 majority labour government or the end of times … well bring it on … at least nuclear conflagration will be a real democracy – every goes – even Elon in his bunker – stuck there for life –
The last entry on the BBC website – before the EMP fries everything – will be a demand for an inquiry into price increases in nail bars …( whatever they are ) …
Meanwhile …. Dave Cameron touring the US touting for bungs /‘jobs ‘ for when he is kicked out of his unelected job in 6 months – … but he will still be a peer … £ – apparently the UK isn’t very corrupt ….
“I quit”
-Turns around and stomps away like a spiteful schoolboy with his bottom lip stuck out. No doubt kicking the dog as he walked past –
Theresa May tried to outdo him though : after giving us a long list about how great she was then resigning because she was rubbish, she had spite in her voice which gave Dave a good run for his money. I really thought she might say ‘so fuck you’ at the end.
Dave is getting the last laugh though : by convincing Sunak to give him a job despite being completely unelected, he is helping Sunak to get the No1 spot for looking like a complete arse after the next election.
Gordon Brown will be loving it. Since May, he’s no longer the worst PM of all time.
UKWORLDPOLITICSROYALUSWEATHERSCIENCEHIDavid Cameron to suffer massive pay cut as he agrees to sacrifice Lords expenses
The former Prime Minister’s pay arrangement has been confirmed by the Prime Minister’s spokesman.
By CHRISTIAN CALGIE, Senior Political Correspondent
17:40, Mon, Nov 13, 2023 | UPDATED: 17:45, Mon, Nov 13, 2023
It seems an Islamic terrorist grouping has finally admitted that it was responsible for a missile attack on a hospital in Gaza which the bbc couldn’t wait to blame Israel for .
I’m sure this news will feature high in the bbc running order and ‘verify ‘ Will be all over it ….. or maybe the BBC won’t report it at all – my source is in the DT …. Which I tend to believe a bit more ]
Keep going IDF – go to the next stage while you can ..
Comrade Robinson chats with the new chancellor – our Rachel – ( she used to work in the Bank of England ) … Labour loves breakfast clubs – she mentioned them 4 times . Breakfast clubs are going to turn round the economy – those ‘mums ‘ sitting in front of ‘this morning ‘ in the ‘nightmare ‘ Will free up growth … all hail the breakfast club …
Nicky sez the NHS costs £ 182 billion a year – not enough – are you gonna give it more . Rachel sez £2 billion . Not enough sez nick – that’s a ‘rounding error ‘ …
You see the problem ? Once numbers like £182 billion gets mentioned all value is lost…. And even that amount of dosh still leaves millions on long waiting lists and unwell people on corridors … or dead
I do wonder how all those millions of labour postal voters are going to feel after – say – 4 years when nothing has improved despite ‘emergency taxes ‘ not mentioned in manifestos – eg increased VAT / income tax / council tax …. Which to me seems a certainty
It’s a shame that meteorite didn’t take out the landmass known as the U.K., from all I read the U.K. is responsible for all the world’s ills from the Industrial Revolution to slavery to climate change. So if there was no U.K. the whole world would be isolationist, no need for oilfields so the desert tribes would be just that and it would be a utopia. Rant over.
A new series looks at when British Asians fought back against racist violence in 1976-1981.
Actor Riz Ahmed, who co-produced Defiance – Fighting the Far Right, talks to @MishalHusain about the ‘eye-opening’ events.
Click below to listen to his #R4Today interview ⬇️
Or, don’t.
14 comments in 20 hrs suggests another niche bbc stirring job for the bubble.
The racists really enjoyed the last trailer for our upcoming Ramadan documentary on ITV – SOO we made another promo!!
If you want to make a racist cry, share it far and wide!
Because the Khans are so underrepresented in this country in politics and media.
I think the official view of the Left is that whenever BAME are racist, it’s only because they are responding to whitey who was racist first – and so it’s OK.
The hypocrisy is right up there with the one I commented on the other day where misandry was justified as it was in fact just ‘anti-misogyny’.
TOADY Watch #1 – you would repeat that nonsense, wouldn’t you BBC?
More Global Warming & Climate Change rubbish from the EU and the BBC. My main thermostat does not lie nor does the heat applied to heat water for the bathroom. As reputable scientists know: heat energy in = warmth of water coming out. I haven’t yet changed the duration of the heating applied to my hot water, I am waiting for the weather to warm up first; BBC and the EU’s Copernicus, please note! Therefore the March just ended has not been the “hottest evvah” as stated by Copernicus and the BBC.
Rather seduced still by a Netflix series called ‘3 Body Problem’; has a character called Copernicus.
So far, so still watching, despite those geezers from League of Gentlemen turning up to gurn briefly.
We’ll see. Seems very Asian, but in a not BBC way. Riz and Mishal will be offended. There are quite a lot of hot and cold global extinctions so the signs are worrying…
3 body problem is wonderful. Finished in a few days. Cannot wait for the next season. Still some touches of DEI/Wokery but on the whole excellent. God knows what the bBBC would have done to it if they had the money.
ajs, how can they do that? Do you not have to have the equivalent of a UK National Insurance number in the country where you claim? Are you saying that there are European countries that are a ‘softer touch’ than the UK?
Ah yes – those laws of thermodynamics and Entropy – no wonder the kids’ heads are fried ( mental illness ) when the BBC is telling them every day is a catastrophy …
… maybe the global can tell us every time china opens a new coal power station – a heart warming story ….
Is it sexist to have a green man at pedestrian crossings?
@Kevin_Maguire has revealed in a new article that he’s on a mission to make crossings gender-neutral.
Do you agree?
Saira Khan | @theJeremyVine | #JeremyVine
A Vile
A Maguire and,
A Khan, inevitably, but likely something rainbow.
All wars have ended! We must now purge the lights and make them rainbow!
“Police horses in London are undergoing special training to cross LGBT rainbow junctions as the colourful road markings spook the animals. In a tweet posted by the Metropolitan Police today, officers were pictured training some of their horses to get them “used to” to the signs “before riding them out in public”.31 Mar 2022″
Just reading Paul O’Grady’s second autobiography book and he describes in some detail what a completely different life to the rest of us the gay/trans community lead. And not in a good way at all. He was one of the very few who had the wit to lift themselves above it.
I’ve also got a friend I go walking with who has a stepson who is gay and has in now living in community care since living in the Manchester gay scene and after basically having a mental breakdown and nearly drinking himself to death at 24. One example he told me is that some live for free with other gays as sex slaves and have no rights whatsoever. Apparently you can spot them out and about because they wear a collar. His stepson was drugged up and used in gay porn by one of the several people he shared a flat with. Never read about that on the BBC do you.
I wonder how many of these idiots who got us into this ridiculous situation with rainbows actually know what they are talking about and how many are just activists who would be campaigning for something else if they didn’t have this.
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
Guest, if you think the world can not become any more insane apparently some indigenous groups in New Zealand wish to grant the equivalent of human rights to whales!
I love it, Google maps is getting as cynical as me, plotting a route to a hospital appt today and the comment attached to the route in Google maps:
“Some traffic, as usual”
Maybe Google maps can remember, as I do, when the roads went significantly quieter after 9 AM ?
Looking forward to further Google maps comments such as:
“delays today, probably because more dingheys arrived, coutesy of the bloody RNLI”
“Significant tailbacks on the A1(M) due to purple haired wokes gluing themselves to the road, police didn’t have a problem with the anti Khan ULEZ protestors yesterday though, two tier policing at it’s best”
Currently, from Reeves to Rayner, climate to US jollies, diversity benefits to more diversity benefits, NGOs and media and Media citing NGOs are alive with #editorialbyomission that is universally going shape of the pear.
Here’s a lesser graphic reply to Amnesty’s latest punt about a sadistic killer.
I’m going to cut the BBC some slack for once, because in the grand scheme of things they are just one cog in a deteriorating machine. Last night I decided to watch the eclipse on Nasa’s website. Their reporter in the field had ‘indigenous astronomer’ Dr. David Begay on hand, and asked him: “When people think about science, they might be thinking of western science… David how does that relate to indigenous science…?”
I’m not sure you can decolonise a solar eclipse, but they are trying. So I looked up David’s bio: “David Begay is a member of the Navajo Nation. He received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Arizona, Tucson, in Political Science with a concentration in Policy Analysis and Indian Policy and Law Studies. He received his Ph.D. […] with a concentration in Indigenous Education and Application of Traditional Knowledge […] David is a cultural consultant to many organizations and corporations both in the United States and internationally. He is raised with the deep cultural knowledge, tradition, and language of his people.”
There should be room to explore different systems of knowledge. In fact there’s a dire need to look at the remit of science (especially over the last 4 yrs when many have been crying out for it). Some scientists already do this, and others have gone much further in assessing the truth claims of research programmes with great diligence. But such analyses won’t get airtime. Instead ’cultural consultants’ get to spew forth, the only tool allowed is one that somehow ‘decenters’ the subject from the white man’s influence, and the world gets dumber by the week.
The BBC play their part of course but blimey the west is in a mess.
Yeh, bet his lessons are a scream at astronomical and planetary science lectures:
“The Old Man, known as Waziya, lived beneath the earth with his wife, and they had a daughter. Their daughter married the wind and had four sons: North, East, South, and West. The sun, moon and winds then ruled the universe together.”
“Many years ago, the Great Spirit gave the Shawnee, Sauk, Fox, and other peoples maize or corn. This gift arrived when a beautiful woman appeared from the sky. She was fed by two hunters, and in return she gave them, after one year, maize, beans, and tobacco. “We thank the Great Spirit for all the benefits he has conferred upon us. For myself, I never take a drink of water from a spring, without being mindful of his goodness.”
Yes, this tick box policy infests everything now. Even crosswords and quizzes in the DT. Forget conspiracy theories – just assess the evidence logically – there is an agenda here. For example:
So, uk pharma companies advised to make less drugs to improve their green credentials- and arms companies threatened with illegality of supplying Israel…there’s two industries to go bust/move out of the country and make us all poorer.
We will own nothing and be happy?? More like miserable and sick.
So she is pledging to investigate tax avoiders/evaders but not if they are her friends and colleagues. She will just trust them that they are being honest. 👀
The media do realise Labour is dragging them over the cliff too?
The BBC’s new Religion Editor has expressed his hopes for the role, saying he is “pushing at an open door” when it comes to pitching faith-based news stories.
Andy – one of the more attractive things about the RC church – doesnt bend to the latest evil – although it has sinned in failing to control the sexual assaults of kids … but the devil is always there …
These hobby protestors who go around destroying paintings, statues and covering property in paint.
Does anything happen to them.
The cost of the labour building must be many tens of thousands, restoring a vandalised old painting must also cost a huge amount.
The first thing to happen is to make them pay in full for every part of the cost including the police and court time.
They then must be sent to prison.
Apparently getting into prison is harder than getting out of it unless it’s a serious crime like being a serial killer or misgendering someone. There’s no places.
Why not copy the much lauded (by Tories) Rwanda scheme and have these hobby protestor prisoners put in a prison overseas rented out by our government.
Maybe some prison in Russia, Venezuela or Yemen.
When these hobby protestors return maybe they will think twice before damaging other peoples property for a few likes on Facebook.
The problem with blind rabid nationalism is you land up with someone like hamza yoosef… whose brother in law has today been charged with very serious crimes – including abduction .
No doubt if said brother in law is convicted it will make no difference to the blind belief in the SNP leader – same with krankie and husband if they ever grip the rail ….
Ah so you know about the Braveheart effect on Scottish nationalism. Might I suggest you expand on this because there will be a majority of people unaware of what happened with making of this film in Glasgow. If memory serves it was the making of it and the extras used more even than the film itself and they were holding LARPing weekends afterwards too.
Also the hate goes back a long time, the Scots apparantly chose the Unicorn as an national creature because it was the enemy of the Lion of the English.
The lion and the unicorn
Were fighting for the crown
The lion beat the unicorn
All around the town.
Some gave them white bread,
And some gave them brown;
Some gave them plum cake
and drummed them out of town.
And when he had beat him out,
He beat him in again;
He beat him three times over,
His power to maintain.
Thoughtful – that film is a pretty powerful anti English propaganda – so loved of mr Gibson … but if everyone refused to let go of ancient history where would we be ?
For instance – the Norman class of 1066 which decimated England after the invasion … do the ‘true English’ kill everyone with a French name …. ? ( this comment is made without reference to either the Middle East or Eastern Europe )
OOOoooo you should be careful Fed! Any reference using humour with regard to Scortland could see you extradited under the “you’re ‘aving a larf” legislation and imprisoned in some dank Scortich Castle dungeon for life – or longer if they choose to forget you!
My understanding of the Braveheart nationalism issue, is that it is now very strong in the sectarian city of Glasgow, and the film was made using extas from that city who loved a bit of dressing up and re-enactment. In fact they loved it so much they carried on doing it, and encouraged others to join them.
So it wasn’t so much the film itself, although that clearly did have an effect, but the strongest was in Glasgow and caused by it’s being made there abouts.
The Norman conquest had a massive effect on England which lasted well beyond what might have been expected. For the whole of the medieval period the ruling aristocracy didn’t speak English and it caused the Us & Them the Left are still moaning about!
It probably didn’t end until the 1980s I can remember shop floor and management being pretty similar.
Mrs Loather watched University Challenge last night, and insisted I watch the last few minutes later. The segment with Tom Stoppard at the end, filmed on a windy rooftop somewhere. “What was that all about?”, she asked. My response was that Rajan, a cameraman, a sound man and a director all got a very nice lunch out of it – on expenses.
Teachers going on strike and we get this sort of thing.
T H I C K: Scrabble to change for first time in its 75-year history and become double-sided as part of a new ‘inclusive’ drive to deter people who find words ‘intimidating’ from abandoning the game
Scrabble is set to change for the first time in its 75-year history as part of a new ‘inclusivity’ drive to deter those who find the word game too ‘intimidating’ from abandoning the game.
The much-loved board game will now be printed with a simpler version on the back of the original board for those whose knowledge of dictionaries and thesauruses are limited.
The new game from its owners Mattel is called Scrabble Together and will feature a second side ‘to make gameplay more accessible for anyone who finds word games intimidating’.
The decision to unveil a new twist on the classic game came after research by Scrabble found that 75 per cent of those aged between 25 and 34 had to look up if certain words were real while playing the game.
Almost half of Scrabble players have also tried to make up words, a poll of 2,000 adults also found.
Research also found that a third of Britons think that baby boomers are the most competitive generation, followed by millennials and then Gen Z.
And in a world increasingly becoming more digital, the research showed the importance of switching off, with more than half claiming board games help them unwind.
The new game has been designed for those aged eight and over as it is set to be a family-friendly game that can be shorter than the original head scratcher.
Said to be designed with ‘inclusivity and collaboration in mind’, Scrabble Together will allow players to work as a team to complete ‘goal cards’. Different levels can be used and a simpler scoring system will be used.
It means participants will not be competing to get the highest score by placing their tiles in strategically placed positions.
Brett Smitheram, current UK number 1 and 2016 World Scrabble Champion who said of the new game: ‘The game speaks to a trend in younger people who want to avoid competitive games and sense of losing, instead favouring teamwork and collaboration working towards a fun goal together.’
Ray Adler, Vice President, Global Head of Games, Mattel, said: ‘Scrabble has truly stood the test of time as one of the most popular board games in history, and we want to ensure the game continues to be inclusive for all players.
‘For anyone who’s ever thought, ‘word games aren’t for me’, or felt a little intimidated by the Classic game, Scrabble Together Mode is an ideal option.
‘With team based and faster gameplay, Scrabble Together Mode continues to celebrate the wonder of words just as the Classic version does, but thanks to its exciting new co-operative and dynamic gameplay, it’s more accessible and brings people together.
As a complete Sudoku addict, I guess that soon the figure ‘6’ will have to be obselete, as it depicts a pregnant woman. a ‘9’ will depict an Afro fat-stupid-hedgy haircut, a ‘1’ will be a female dick, a ‘2’ will be someone with a bad back, so verboten, and I’m sure all the lbgte6ryyfuhh bunch of losers will make up reasons to ban the whole bloody issue…
(I’m on ‘Expert/Super-bastard-fiendish’, and never write in the possibles – it’s all done in my grey head, so eventually, I’ll be able to fathom out how in Catch 22, Milo Minderbinder managed to buy cotton at 5 cents, then sell it at a profit at 3 cents, rather like the loopy Sunak and his nutter Chancer (sic) is doing now)!
Now hearing the idiotic Janet Yellen has been threatening to weaponise the Dollar against China if they refuse to bow to her commands, in possibly the most insane move she could possibly have made.
The US can’t force countries to buy their bonds and now China and most of the BRICS world will abandon what was once seen as a safe haven asset.
As countries increase the pace they are abandoning the USD the Fedral reserve will be forced to buy the unsold bonds, which is known as Quantitative Easing (money printing).
This inevitably will lead to great inflation and the inevitably collapse of the fiat currency.
Who would want to own a stake in a country which migh capriciously sieze your investments simply because you don’t want to do what they are telling to?
It gets worse for the EU as it’s been said for a long time the Euro is going to collapse and with the whole bloc in a real financial mess the amazingly stupid Ursual Von Der Braindead is hoping to sieze Russian assets to money launder them rebuilding Ukraine.
If she can seize a countries assets then what is to stop her siezing the ordinary peoples?
The West is finished. You can protect yourself to a greater ot lesser degree but the country and the continent is in for some very hard times indeed.
All fiat systems collapse as they always end up being centrally controlled by an elite group of criminal banksters who can control the money supply and hence the economies that rely on them. If they want to crash the US and Europe what better way than to simply print endless currency to produce Weimar-type consequences? You realize in 2019 the banks are about to collapse and the sheep might realize it’s your fault? Why not organize a plandemic, get everyone to stay at home, and drastically reduce the velocity of money whilst printing trillions more debt under the pretext of keeping the economy on life support? The catastrophic inflation that will inevitably come down the road will be a mystery to the sheep, who are so dumb they will start blaming things like the Brexit that never even happened. The sheep don’t understand the consequences down the line. They don’t even know where their money comes from. Simultaneously you can fool billions of them to line up and kill themselves. Two birds with one stone. As bonds become difficult to sell, interest rates will need to be increased and this death spiral will continue until the interest on the national debt in the US exceeds all tax revenues for one year. We probably won’t get this far before we are hit by a series of poly-crises – plandemic 2.0 , a hot war with Russia, civil war on our streets, cyber attacks, etc – the list of possibilities is endless when you control it all. It was designed in 1913 to fail. Over that time thanks to things like the Cantillon effect the elites have purchased everything of value. They are now building luxury homes on remote islands with bunkers. Who would have thought the swivel-eyes, nutjob preppers were right all along? You have to laugh.
“The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change” – guess they could just stay in doors!
Perhaps this is ancient news, but I’ve just heard it…
The brother-in-law of Useless Yousaf, Scotland’s Hate Crime Commissar, has just been charged with abduction and extortion, after a man died after falling from a Dundee tower block.
This sounds like an extremely serious crime, almost certainly culminating in manslaughter.
The Jock police should forget about unpleasant Tweets, nasty comments at the meal table and what JK Rowling thinks about some tranny in a dodgy wig and ill-fitting stilettoes. Gawd, with my size ten plates of meat, they don’t half pinch.
Is it sexist to have a green man at pedestrian crossings? @Kevin_Maguire has revealed in a new article that he's on a mission to make crossings gender-neutral.
“Campervan at the centre of SNP fraud probe into missing donations was a cash purchase
The £110,000 Niesmann+ Bischoff vehicle sat outside the home of Nicola Sturgeon’s mother-in-law for two years.”
This is kind of a bbs bias issue, regarding their choice of top news item. I’ve checked and searched, and I cannot find a 5hit to give about the post office story. Unfortunate for those involved, sure, but they are going on and on about it as though it’s the great train robbery. Actually, they probably did that story to death too; no blacks you see.
I will teach you how to tell a joke. Pls bid so I don’t have to bid myself. All funds go to @MedicalAidPal – thanks to @Cinema4Gaza – this is truly the only circumstance I would do this in.
What was it that first attracted the BBC to nuts leftie Mason?
In How To Stop Fascism I outlined the thought architecture of modern fascism – encompassing r/w conservatism, r/w populism and fascism… ppl assume Tories may baulk at the objective – tonight’s @hopenothate scoop shows: sometimes not when they’re anonymous 👇🏽
Its about time the Home Office “stopped the boats”. The mass Invasion is placing the people of Great Britain in danger.
How about it Rishi ? It may be Stop the Tories next ?
As an avid reader of the alternative press, i.e. here of course, established sites like Guido, and many more different places with a far better perspective than the boring, dreadfully leftie biased BBC and the generally dull MSM, and, by reading much better journalism, it’s gratifying to notice that in recent weeks, there has been a response system where other citizens respond even several days after one has made a comment, and not just bunged in an ‘uptick’…
I don’t know if friends here like Vuukle, but it does temper some hotheads and trolls, it keeps the nutters from spouting their Beeboid bile – and possibly/hopefully, the rabid lefties as well – who knows, but I often get email alerts saying that so-and-so like (or disliked, ahem [bastard]) a comment, which I’d made some days ago – even a couple of weeks in one case!
Is the ‘alternative’ press like here gaining more traction than is actually being realised?
Personally, I think it is, and while more daily rags like the Mail etc., start fiddling about with their absurd paywalls, most citizens will just tell them to ‘Sod orff’, and read information here – and elswhere if they have to…
If people want to read more about the stupid Ginge and Minge, then that’s fine, but when the important facts really matter, it may be that serious alternatives to the toss-slots are going to be a much better bet in the future!
Keep going Fed, et al, we’re here for the long run!
Billy Wragg has finally given up the blue labour whip ( no pictures ) … do you think those MPs are so amoral – so indecent – that they see nothing wrong with either their conduct or behaviour when they get caught .?
Collectively – they truly disgust me . Is there any Blue Labour Mp worth their rations / expenses / bribes ? I can’t think of one . Even my own Mp cares more for Chinese Muslims than his own constituency … vote reform
I still have a sealed envelope response of our replies to our T.Wells MP as to what our votes will bring!
I rather like staring at it, and letting them sweat…
Luckily, we don’t have too many foreigners around here, but I won’t hold my breath for the distant future, but hey, that’s for the snowflakes to worry about – I’m in my 77th year!
Every single one who brought this case and the judges should be forced to live without electricity and gas. They care so much about the planet, let them lead by example.
— Trailer Swift (Original Recording) (@Trailer_Swift69) April 9, 2024
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
I’ve also been trawling through the BBC eclipse page and have drawn an important conclusion.
Almost no indigenous white Americans saw it.
I hadn’t picked up the gay agenda but somehow I’m not at all surprised.
The BBC. An alternative minority agenda-driven view of all cosmic reality. Guaranteed.
Another possible bit of BBC trickery was a flashback to 21/08/2017 when then President Trump was shown looking, very briefly, at another US eclipse – without filters. The literal and subliminal message was to not do what Trump did; but, really, you won’t go blind from a quick look like that, as anyone knows who has come out of a south-facing building around noon on a sunny day and been slightly dazzled by the light for a moment or two before looking away.
Habibur Masum the Bradford knife murderer is a Banglafeshi national
is 2 years into a student visa
“Masters in Digital Marketing” “Bedfordshire university”
He’d already been chrged with threatening to kill the oman, but the WokeSupremacist judge gave him bail
Perhaps if our racist police and MSM had released the CCTV pictures of him straight away instead of waiting the usual 2 days for the story to die down because he is a Muslim, he might have been caught by now.
Emotional, whooping, screaming …… and that was just an American news reporter, for an eclipse of the sun.
I can’t remember everyone going that barmy here in 1999. Only in America ……
Hello, all. Long time no see.
Good to see your name in lights again! Last time was a chat on Guido!
Hello Dover – welcome back – we need ‘new blood ‘… as this site is being distracted by endless bitter arguments about Gaza – I’m Fedup …
Total solar eclipse brings darkness to millions as it sweeps North America
As we saw in the UK the other day, it seems the majority of people who watch solar eclipses in the USA are also black.
Well, according to the RACISTS at the BBC anyway.
Germany faces genocide case over Israel weapon sales
So after we witnessed the UN show it’s true anti-semetic colours and pushed the shithole known as South Africa – with it’s extreme murder and crime rate by the blacks – into accusing Israel of Genocide, another country is so outraged, they have now gone to the UN to accuse Germany of Genocide by helping them.
And what country do you think would be so outraged to do this ?.
Would you believe it – another corrupt shithole. Nicaragua.
The UN has turned into a complete corrupt farce. But of course as it’s line with the anti-semetic unholy BBC-Muslim alliance, they go right along with it. One might ask the questions why this South American country would be so upset.
What stands out the most is that these Leftist institutions are so confident they will be supported and protected by the Leftists MSM, they are getting more and more blatant in what they are confident to do.
What is so ridiculous is that the charge here is for aiding alleged genocide. They are accused of helping someone commit a crime they haven’t even been found guilty of committing.
I really hope Trump gets in and drains this UN swamp.
bbc promotion for the labour party:-
Labour vows to fund NHS pledges by tackling tax dodgers
“Labour is pledging to fund policies on the NHS and school breakfast clubs” and School Breakfast Clubs – wow they get my vote!
So I see the BBC are in full anti-Trump mode again.
Jury questionnaire in Donald Trump hush money trial released
I started reading it and immediately learn a Judge has dismissed his attempt to postpone the trial. And as usual I looked to see if I am told the political affiliation of the Judge who did it. And of course I am not.
So rather than just assume the BBC are withholding such important information on purpose in this clear politically motivated prosecution, I geared up with google and went to find out.
And sure enough she is a Democrat. But it took some finding because none of the MSM are telling us when this is the case for these trials – but of course we know the BBC are quick to tell us in every article if a judge is a Republican. Elected in 2015. Democrat.
And when you look at all the others in that election, you realise Trump has no chance of a fair trial in that state. But that’s exactly what the BBC and the Leftist MSM want – so they will keep it under the carpet.
Not the BBC
Does anyone know what Farage is doing ? He craves publicity – got a TV show – writes in national papers – pops up for interviews ….
… yet he shows no sign of engaging in politics – in becoming an MP – or leading Reform …. So what’s going on . ?
Today he writes about the degenerate blue labour MP called ‘Wragg ‘ or ‘rag ‘ … who still hasn’t resigned from parliament and that is apparently okay for the outgoing rubbish in number 10 ….
Elsewhere in the DT some oxbridge type calls for a reset of standards in parliament . Some hope …. I reckon we are witnessing the immoral fag end of the current corrupt regime and the prelude to an even worse one – with hundreds of multi coloured red labour kidults fighting to get their snouts in the trough …. We need a Revolution – a reset …. Maybe Putin can help … 77 brigade to note …
Let’s move to Disney town that demands less knowledge of the dictionary edition
We commence our informal guerilla survey of this morning’s mainstream headlines with the BBC at its most didactic: Post Office inquiry begins – here’s what to know
To say that our BBC has gone a tad overboard with their solar eclispe reporting… well that would be lunacy of stella proportions:
North America awed by total solar eclipse (BBC)
Spectacular images of solar eclipse that transfixed North America (BBC)
Path of darkness – scroll every mile of total eclipse (BBC)
A look inside the Nasa jet chasing the solar eclipse (BBC)
Oh, by the way…
You are now seeing top stores for England (BBC)
The eclipse at Niagra Falls ‘Wow! Spectacular’ (BBC)
Teen flies almost 4,000 miles for solar eclipse (BBC) – almost?
‘It’s just amazing’ BBC reporter stunned by eclipse over Texas (BBC) – there’s today’s calm down dear! – and we’re not done yet…
Cloudy skies scupper UK hopes of partial eclipse (BBC)
Texas the first to get under moon’s shadow (BBC)
The print press are not immune to this contemporary expression of almost childlike awe.
One has previously noted the phenomenon whereby the direction of travel of our formerly patriotic Times of London newspaper moves into conjunction with the orbit of the left-leaning body which is the Manchester Guardian – so as display for observers an almost sychronised inseparable single entity…
People wearing special protective glasses watch as a total eclipse passes over Mazatlan, Mexico (Guardian) – always keen to note the health & safety aspect.
And in the Guardian’s shadow…
The total solar eclipse yesterday, seen from Mazatlan, Mexico, where crowds massed on a beach (Times) – let’s hope those Mexicans don’t start dragging one another up a pyramid and doing human sacrifice all over again
Bruce Forsyth used to challenge contestants to guess either higher or lower? (Play Your Cards Right, ITV)
Noel Edmunds asked the question Deal or No Deal (Channel 4)
Let’s play guess the frontpage headlines – Times or Guardian?
Labour set to close non-dom loopholes… £2bn more sought for schools and NHS
Housing crisis spreads to Rwanda as homes for migrants are sold
Bigger cars leave us less room to manoeuvre
Let’s move to Disney town! The $1m homes rising in the desert
Ha! Tricked you! They’re all Times headlines (except that last one of the four which was from the Guardian). So much for what BBC types brand the Tory Press.
In case your were wondering here’s the day’s Guardian top headlines: Starmer told to resurrect Sure Start to help poorest; Palestinians return to a devastated Khan Younis; Calls to axe cruel fines levied on unpaid carers
Sometimes Mr AsI considers the total eclipse of conservative expression in our mainstream media is already upon us and is now blatantly apparent, that his work hereabouts is almost done – however…
Dyed-in-the-wool Beeboid and Guardianista Michael Palin insists: ‘You’ve got to keep doing things’ (Guardian)
Universally challenged
The left-leaning poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper celebrates Amol Rajan presenting: Cool for kids: University Challenge bounces back
Meanwhile the mildly conservative Telegraph takes a deep sigh and impotently observes: Scrabble updated for less wordy players… to make gameplay more accessible for anyone who finds word games intimidating… The classic board will now be sold with a simpler version of the game printed on its underside that demands less knowledge of the dictionary – what next… one dimentional chess?
Our police hand out some good advice for once: I reported my stalker to the police – they told me to delete Instagram – the ‘i’ newspaper don’t seem happy about that response
Perhaps the cops have got rather a lot on at the moment: Scottish police cannot cope with hate reports… About 8,000 hate crime reports have been made in the first week (Telegraph)
Our mate Matt in the Telegraph reports for duty sketching a copper confronting a young boy: ‘Scottish police have received reports of a hate crime. You made some comments about broccoli at supper’
The Daily Mail asks us to: Meet the growing army of British women preppers readying themselves for doomsday – an interesting social phenomenon and more power to the ladies I say – so long as it doesn’t simply mean filling their homes with multiple packets of pasta and loo roll (like the last time). If only there were some form of public inquiry that might look into that (sorry, but I have to keep plugging away at that one – Michael Palin says so) Top of my pre-apocalypse shopping list would be Krugerrands and a handgun.
Partners to be quizzed in new gun licence screening… Domestic abuse survivor Rhiannon Bragg helped police design the questionaire (Kathryn Stanczyszyn, BBC) – in other words, let’s just ban the men from having firearms.
Bad gag of the day – what does a women get when she marries a Polish man.. that’s long and hard? A surname.
There is a conspiracy postulation that Britain is being gradually colonised by the middle east… you may think that… as Francis Urquart of House of Cards fame was wont to remark…
Oxford Uni eggheads predict camels could replace mooers because they fart a lot less… Boffs give cows the right hump… Cows may one day be replaced by camels because they guff less and could help save the planet (Daily Star)
Asiseeit – traditionally total solar eclipse foretell terrible things – such as a 200 majority labour government or the end of times … well bring it on … at least nuclear conflagration will be a real democracy – every goes – even Elon in his bunker – stuck there for life –
The last entry on the BBC website – before the EMP fries everything – will be a demand for an inquiry into price increases in nail bars …( whatever they are ) …
BBC Hypocrisy:
1) Send a huge team off to North America to gawp at the Solar Eclipse, while having a jolly at tourist sites. Celebrate the wealthy jet setters that have jetted around the world to see numerous solar eclipses.
2) Post this article today:
“Climate change: ‘Uncharted territory’ fears after record hot March”
Meanwhile …. Dave Cameron touring the US touting for bungs /‘jobs ‘ for when he is kicked out of his unelected job in 6 months – … but he will still be a peer … £ – apparently the UK isn’t very corrupt ….
Cameron – gay marriage and vat off tampons and “I will back whatever you decide. I quit”
“I quit”
-Turns around and stomps away like a spiteful schoolboy with his bottom lip stuck out. No doubt kicking the dog as he walked past –
Theresa May tried to outdo him though : after giving us a long list about how great she was then resigning because she was rubbish, she had spite in her voice which gave Dave a good run for his money. I really thought she might say ‘so fuck you’ at the end.
Dave is getting the last laugh though : by convincing Sunak to give him a job despite being completely unelected, he is helping Sunak to get the No1 spot for looking like a complete arse after the next election.
Gordon Brown will be loving it. Since May, he’s no longer the worst PM of all time.
They are paid regardless ….
UKWORLDPOLITICSROYALUSWEATHERSCIENCEHIDavid Cameron to suffer massive pay cut as he agrees to sacrifice Lords expenses
The former Prime Minister’s pay arrangement has been confirmed by the Prime Minister’s spokesman.
By CHRISTIAN CALGIE, Senior Political Correspondent
17:40, Mon, Nov 13, 2023 | UPDATED: 17:45, Mon, Nov 13, 2023
It seems an Islamic terrorist grouping has finally admitted that it was responsible for a missile attack on a hospital in Gaza which the bbc couldn’t wait to blame Israel for .
I’m sure this news will feature high in the bbc running order and ‘verify ‘ Will be all over it ….. or maybe the BBC won’t report it at all – my source is in the DT …. Which I tend to believe a bit more ]
Keep going IDF – go to the next stage while you can ..
😂 Climate Change could move into UNCHARTED TERRITORY!
How long before we see a new term?
I’ve already seen Climate Breakdown, what next?
Climate Catastrophe? Climate Armageddon?
NO climate? 😱😱😱…
Maybe Anita can ‘report’, wearing her ‘Bama beanie?
Yeah – warm it up – burn that coal ….
Comrade Robinson chats with the new chancellor – our Rachel – ( she used to work in the Bank of England ) … Labour loves breakfast clubs – she mentioned them 4 times . Breakfast clubs are going to turn round the economy – those ‘mums ‘ sitting in front of ‘this morning ‘ in the ‘nightmare ‘ Will free up growth … all hail the breakfast club …
Nicky sez the NHS costs £ 182 billion a year – not enough – are you gonna give it more . Rachel sez £2 billion . Not enough sez nick – that’s a ‘rounding error ‘ …
You see the problem ? Once numbers like £182 billion gets mentioned all value is lost…. And even that amount of dosh still leaves millions on long waiting lists and unwell people on corridors … or dead
I do wonder how all those millions of labour postal voters are going to feel after – say – 4 years when nothing has improved despite ‘emergency taxes ‘ not mentioned in manifestos – eg increased VAT / income tax / council tax …. Which to me seems a certainty
Climate Grift?
It’s a shame that meteorite didn’t take out the landmass known as the U.K., from all I read the U.K. is responsible for all the world’s ills from the Industrial Revolution to slavery to climate change. So if there was no U.K. the whole world would be isolationist, no need for oilfields so the desert tribes would be just that and it would be a utopia. Rant over.
Climate change: ‘Uncharted territory’ fears after record hot March
“limate change could move “into uncharted territory” if temperatures don’t fall by the end of the year, a leading scientist has told the BBC”
IF, so just speculation
Yesterday I heard somebody say it was the wettest March on record. It always has to be the something-est, even when it’s not true.
A new series looks at when British Asians fought back against racist violence in 1976-1981.
Actor Riz Ahmed, who co-produced Defiance – Fighting the Far Right, talks to @MishalHusain about the ‘eye-opening’ events.
Click below to listen to his #R4Today interview ⬇️
Or, don’t.
14 comments in 20 hrs suggests another niche bbc stirring job for the bubble.
The usual obsessively self regarding wankers at Radio 4
Then there’s this to complement Billy Riz.
The racists really enjoyed the last trailer for our upcoming Ramadan documentary on ITV – SOO we made another promo!!
If you want to make a racist cry, share it far and wide!
Because the Khans are so underrepresented in this country in politics and media.
I think the official view of the Left is that whenever BAME are racist, it’s only because they are responding to whitey who was racist first – and so it’s OK.
The hypocrisy is right up there with the one I commented on the other day where misandry was justified as it was in fact just ‘anti-misogyny’.
TOADY Watch #1 – you would repeat that nonsense, wouldn’t you BBC?
More Global Warming & Climate Change rubbish from the EU and the BBC. My main thermostat does not lie nor does the heat applied to heat water for the bathroom. As reputable scientists know: heat energy in = warmth of water coming out. I haven’t yet changed the duration of the heating applied to my hot water, I am waiting for the weather to warm up first; BBC and the EU’s Copernicus, please note! Therefore the March just ended has not been the “hottest evvah” as stated by Copernicus and the BBC.
Rather seduced still by a Netflix series called ‘3 Body Problem’; has a character called Copernicus.
So far, so still watching, despite those geezers from League of Gentlemen turning up to gurn briefly.
We’ll see. Seems very Asian, but in a not BBC way. Riz and Mishal will be offended. There are quite a lot of hot and cold global extinctions so the signs are worrying…
3 body problem is wonderful. Finished in a few days. Cannot wait for the next season. Still some touches of DEI/Wokery but on the whole excellent. God knows what the bBBC would have done to it if they had the money.
I wonder if Labour will do anything about stuff like this?
Of course not.
Yes I know it’s Ireland – but if you think it’s exclusively an Irish problem I’ve a bridge for sale.
Hello Tomo
Also traveling around Europe claiming benefits in different countries
ajs, how can they do that? Do you not have to have the equivalent of a UK National Insurance number in the country where you claim? Are you saying that there are European countries that are a ‘softer touch’ than the UK?
Ah yes – those laws of thermodynamics and Entropy – no wonder the kids’ heads are fried ( mental illness ) when the BBC is telling them every day is a catastrophy …
… maybe the global can tell us every time china opens a new coal power station – a heart warming story ….
The vast majority of those telling us the catastrophy will be here soon depend on it for their income and career.
Yes! End of days! All the sons of media align!
Is it sexist to have a green man at pedestrian crossings?
@Kevin_Maguire has revealed in a new article that he’s on a mission to make crossings gender-neutral.
Do you agree?
Saira Khan | @theJeremyVine | #JeremyVine
A Vile
A Maguire and,
A Khan, inevitably, but likely something rainbow.
All wars have ended! We must now purge the lights and make them rainbow!
“Police horses in London are undergoing special training to cross LGBT rainbow junctions as the colourful road markings spook the animals. In a tweet posted by the Metropolitan Police today, officers were pictured training some of their horses to get them “used to” to the signs “before riding them out in public”.31 Mar 2022″
special training! Horses are transphobe!
Just reading Paul O’Grady’s second autobiography book and he describes in some detail what a completely different life to the rest of us the gay/trans community lead. And not in a good way at all. He was one of the very few who had the wit to lift themselves above it.
I’ve also got a friend I go walking with who has a stepson who is gay and has in now living in community care since living in the Manchester gay scene and after basically having a mental breakdown and nearly drinking himself to death at 24. One example he told me is that some live for free with other gays as sex slaves and have no rights whatsoever. Apparently you can spot them out and about because they wear a collar. His stepson was drugged up and used in gay porn by one of the several people he shared a flat with. Never read about that on the BBC do you.
I wonder how many of these idiots who got us into this ridiculous situation with rainbows actually know what they are talking about and how many are just activists who would be campaigning for something else if they didn’t have this.
NHS can help – for free!,case%20then%20there%20is%20help.
What is chemsex?
Chemsex can be described as sex under the influence of drugs. The most frequently reported drugs used during Chemsex are Mephedrone, GHB/GBL and Crystal Methamphetamine(tina). Chemsex, Chems and Alcohol are manageable for some but if that is no longer the case then there is help.
@MarkrMark. 9.12 Ilooked at the date and realised what the next date was, then thought no it’s so mad it’s probably true.
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
Guest, if you think the world can not become any more insane apparently some indigenous groups in New Zealand wish to grant the equivalent of human rights to whales!
I love it, Google maps is getting as cynical as me, plotting a route to a hospital appt today and the comment attached to the route in Google maps:
“Some traffic, as usual”
Maybe Google maps can remember, as I do, when the roads went significantly quieter after 9 AM ?
Looking forward to further Google maps comments such as:
“delays today, probably because more dingheys arrived, coutesy of the bloody RNLI”
“Significant tailbacks on the A1(M) due to purple haired wokes gluing themselves to the road, police didn’t have a problem with the anti Khan ULEZ protestors yesterday though, two tier policing at it’s best”
Cheshire romance fraud victim speaks out after losing £50k
The fraudster lived some of the time in Manchester the victim from Cheshire – could have popped to see him only up the road?
Currently, from Reeves to Rayner, climate to US jollies, diversity benefits to more diversity benefits, NGOs and media and Media citing NGOs are alive with #editorialbyomission that is universally going shape of the pear.
Here’s a lesser graphic reply to Amnesty’s latest punt about a sadistic killer.
His imprisonment was so cruel he managed to have a 4 year daughter? Are you on glue?
Luckily #1degreeofseparation media are on the good stuff so can get in folk to ramp it up more.
Vile nutjob Narinder Khan has clearly seen a dip in ratings and is plumbing greater depths hourly.
I’m going to cut the BBC some slack for once, because in the grand scheme of things they are just one cog in a deteriorating machine. Last night I decided to watch the eclipse on Nasa’s website. Their reporter in the field had ‘indigenous astronomer’ Dr. David Begay on hand, and asked him: “When people think about science, they might be thinking of western science… David how does that relate to indigenous science…?”
I’m not sure you can decolonise a solar eclipse, but they are trying. So I looked up David’s bio: “David Begay is a member of the Navajo Nation. He received his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Arizona, Tucson, in Political Science with a concentration in Policy Analysis and Indian Policy and Law Studies. He received his Ph.D. […] with a concentration in Indigenous Education and Application of Traditional Knowledge […] David is a cultural consultant to many organizations and corporations both in the United States and internationally. He is raised with the deep cultural knowledge, tradition, and language of his people.”
There should be room to explore different systems of knowledge. In fact there’s a dire need to look at the remit of science (especially over the last 4 yrs when many have been crying out for it). Some scientists already do this, and others have gone much further in assessing the truth claims of research programmes with great diligence. But such analyses won’t get airtime. Instead ’cultural consultants’ get to spew forth, the only tool allowed is one that somehow ‘decenters’ the subject from the white man’s influence, and the world gets dumber by the week.
The BBC play their part of course but blimey the west is in a mess.
Yeh, bet his lessons are a scream at astronomical and planetary science lectures:
“The Old Man, known as Waziya, lived beneath the earth with his wife, and they had a daughter. Their daughter married the wind and had four sons: North, East, South, and West. The sun, moon and winds then ruled the universe together.”
His anthopology lectures must also be renouned:
“Many years ago, the Great Spirit gave the Shawnee, Sauk, Fox, and other peoples maize or corn. This gift arrived when a beautiful woman appeared from the sky. She was fed by two hunters, and in return she gave them, after one year, maize, beans, and tobacco. “We thank the Great Spirit for all the benefits he has conferred upon us. For myself, I never take a drink of water from a spring, without being mindful of his goodness.”
Yes, this tick box policy infests everything now. Even crosswords and quizzes in the DT. Forget conspiracy theories – just assess the evidence logically – there is an agenda here. For example:
So, uk pharma companies advised to make less drugs to improve their green credentials- and arms companies threatened with illegality of supplying Israel…there’s two industries to go bust/move out of the country and make us all poorer.
We will own nothing and be happy?? More like miserable and sick.
Have a nice day!
How much longer can the BBC,and the entire msm, steer around the fact their lads are even worse?
@RachelReevesMP has just said that she hasn’t asked to look at @AngelaRayner’s tax details saying you need to trust your friends and colleagues on @GMB
So she is pledging to investigate tax avoiders/evaders but not if they are her friends and colleagues. She will just trust them that they are being honest. 👀
The media do realise Labour is dragging them over the cliff too?
“lads” ?
pearls clutched and a fit of the vapours at the bbc.
Stani caught
“Bradford stabbing: Man arrested on suspicion of killing Kulsuma Akter”
New style mug shot?
No reports of vigils or demands the law is changed to protect women like Kulsuma from similar attacks in the future of course.
Targeted stop and search would be a good start.
The hypocrite feminist misandrists only care when the guy who did it is white.
Was he at the airport ?
Fed, apprehended back in Bedfordshire, according to TWatO.
Man sends dic pic to Westminister.
Hello MarkyMark
Would this look different to the other 650 in Westminster
Hi andyjsnape- Different profile – same thinking! HA HA HA!
Vatican stands firm on social issues like sex change and surrogacy
By Aleem Maqbool, BBC religion editor, A Muslim to comment and report on the Vatican
Introducing Aleem Maqbool, the BBC’s new Religion Editor
The BBC’s new Religion Editor has expressed his hopes for the role, saying he is “pushing at an open door” when it comes to pitching faith-based news stories.
. . . . .
Long wait for a BBC religion editor is over
Andy – one of the more attractive things about the RC church – doesnt bend to the latest evil – although it has sinned in failing to control the sexual assaults of kids … but the devil is always there …
These hobby protestors who go around destroying paintings, statues and covering property in paint.
Does anything happen to them.
The cost of the labour building must be many tens of thousands, restoring a vandalised old painting must also cost a huge amount.
The first thing to happen is to make them pay in full for every part of the cost including the police and court time.
They then must be sent to prison.
Apparently getting into prison is harder than getting out of it unless it’s a serious crime like being a serial killer or misgendering someone. There’s no places.
Why not copy the much lauded (by Tories) Rwanda scheme and have these hobby protestor prisoners put in a prison overseas rented out by our government.
Maybe some prison in Russia, Venezuela or Yemen.
When these hobby protestors return maybe they will think twice before damaging other peoples property for a few likes on Facebook.
The problem with blind rabid nationalism is you land up with someone like hamza yoosef… whose brother in law has today been charged with very serious crimes – including abduction .
No doubt if said brother in law is convicted it will make no difference to the blind belief in the SNP leader – same with krankie and husband if they ever grip the rail ….
That braveheart film did so much damage ….
Humza Useless uber scottish nationalist = oxymoron
Ah so you know about the Braveheart effect on Scottish nationalism. Might I suggest you expand on this because there will be a majority of people unaware of what happened with making of this film in Glasgow. If memory serves it was the making of it and the extras used more even than the film itself and they were holding LARPing weekends afterwards too.
Also the hate goes back a long time, the Scots apparantly chose the Unicorn as an national creature because it was the enemy of the Lion of the English.
The lion and the unicorn
Were fighting for the crown
The lion beat the unicorn
All around the town.
Some gave them white bread,
And some gave them brown;
Some gave them plum cake
and drummed them out of town.
And when he had beat him out,
He beat him in again;
He beat him three times over,
His power to maintain.
Thoughtful – that film is a pretty powerful anti English propaganda – so loved of mr Gibson … but if everyone refused to let go of ancient history where would we be ?
For instance – the Norman class of 1066 which decimated England after the invasion … do the ‘true English’ kill everyone with a French name …. ? ( this comment is made without reference to either the Middle East or Eastern Europe )
OOOoooo you should be careful Fed! Any reference using humour with regard to Scortland could see you extradited under the “you’re ‘aving a larf” legislation and imprisoned in some dank Scortich Castle dungeon for life – or longer if they choose to forget you!
My understanding of the Braveheart nationalism issue, is that it is now very strong in the sectarian city of Glasgow, and the film was made using extas from that city who loved a bit of dressing up and re-enactment. In fact they loved it so much they carried on doing it, and encouraged others to join them.
So it wasn’t so much the film itself, although that clearly did have an effect, but the strongest was in Glasgow and caused by it’s being made there abouts.
The Norman conquest had a massive effect on England which lasted well beyond what might have been expected. For the whole of the medieval period the ruling aristocracy didn’t speak English and it caused the Us & Them the Left are still moaning about!
It probably didn’t end until the 1980s I can remember shop floor and management being pretty similar.
That’s interesting Fed!
In our churchyard, there are several gravestones marking local citizens named Jewhurst.
I’ve often wondered if that name was transformed into Dewhurst over the years…
Mrs Loather watched University Challenge last night, and insisted I watch the last few minutes later. The segment with Tom Stoppard at the end, filmed on a windy rooftop somewhere. “What was that all about?”, she asked. My response was that Rajan, a cameraman, a sound man and a director all got a very nice lunch out of it – on expenses.
Teachers going on strike and we get this sort of thing.
T H I C K: Scrabble to change for first time in its 75-year history and become double-sided as part of a new ‘inclusive’ drive to deter people who find words ‘intimidating’ from abandoning the game
Scrabble is set to change for the first time in its 75-year history as part of a new ‘inclusivity’ drive to deter those who find the word game too ‘intimidating’ from abandoning the game.
The much-loved board game will now be printed with a simpler version on the back of the original board for those whose knowledge of dictionaries and thesauruses are limited.
The new game from its owners Mattel is called Scrabble Together and will feature a second side ‘to make gameplay more accessible for anyone who finds word games intimidating’.
The decision to unveil a new twist on the classic game came after research by Scrabble found that 75 per cent of those aged between 25 and 34 had to look up if certain words were real while playing the game.
Almost half of Scrabble players have also tried to make up words, a poll of 2,000 adults also found.
Research also found that a third of Britons think that baby boomers are the most competitive generation, followed by millennials and then Gen Z.
And in a world increasingly becoming more digital, the research showed the importance of switching off, with more than half claiming board games help them unwind.
The new game has been designed for those aged eight and over as it is set to be a family-friendly game that can be shorter than the original head scratcher.
Said to be designed with ‘inclusivity and collaboration in mind’, Scrabble Together will allow players to work as a team to complete ‘goal cards’. Different levels can be used and a simpler scoring system will be used.
It means participants will not be competing to get the highest score by placing their tiles in strategically placed positions.
Brett Smitheram, current UK number 1 and 2016 World Scrabble Champion who said of the new game: ‘The game speaks to a trend in younger people who want to avoid competitive games and sense of losing, instead favouring teamwork and collaboration working towards a fun goal together.’
Ray Adler, Vice President, Global Head of Games, Mattel, said: ‘Scrabble has truly stood the test of time as one of the most popular board games in history, and we want to ensure the game continues to be inclusive for all players.
‘For anyone who’s ever thought, ‘word games aren’t for me’, or felt a little intimidated by the Classic game, Scrabble Together Mode is an ideal option.
‘With team based and faster gameplay, Scrabble Together Mode continues to celebrate the wonder of words just as the Classic version does, but thanks to its exciting new co-operative and dynamic gameplay, it’s more accessible and brings people together.
If some people find word games intimidating, perhaps don’t play word games? It’s why, at 60, I don’t run marathons or indulge in MMA.
Perhaps – to be more …. ‘Inclusive ‘( I hate that word ) monopoly will become polypoly( spell check banned me )..
..or because I believe everything goes around comes around …. Rollypoly…?
( too much caffeine )
As a complete Sudoku addict, I guess that soon the figure ‘6’ will have to be obselete, as it depicts a pregnant woman. a ‘9’ will depict an Afro fat-stupid-hedgy haircut, a ‘1’ will be a female dick, a ‘2’ will be someone with a bad back, so verboten, and I’m sure all the lbgte6ryyfuhh bunch of losers will make up reasons to ban the whole bloody issue…
(I’m on ‘Expert/Super-bastard-fiendish’, and never write in the possibles – it’s all done in my grey head, so eventually, I’ll be able to fathom out how in Catch 22, Milo Minderbinder managed to buy cotton at 5 cents, then sell it at a profit at 3 cents, rather like the loopy Sunak and his nutter Chancer (sic) is doing now)!
JK Rowling – condemned for saying men are not women.
Roman Polanski – stunning and brave and 100% supported by celebrities.
Seems the Reform party is continuing to grow in support – despite being without Farage as the leader ….vote reform .
“A 25 year old man from Oldham”………………..
Well, that’s all right then.
99% pakistan?
He’s a Bangi apparantly
Now hearing the idiotic Janet Yellen has been threatening to weaponise the Dollar against China if they refuse to bow to her commands, in possibly the most insane move she could possibly have made.
The US can’t force countries to buy their bonds and now China and most of the BRICS world will abandon what was once seen as a safe haven asset.
As countries increase the pace they are abandoning the USD the Fedral reserve will be forced to buy the unsold bonds, which is known as Quantitative Easing (money printing).
This inevitably will lead to great inflation and the inevitably collapse of the fiat currency.
Who would want to own a stake in a country which migh capriciously sieze your investments simply because you don’t want to do what they are telling to?
It gets worse for the EU as it’s been said for a long time the Euro is going to collapse and with the whole bloc in a real financial mess the amazingly stupid Ursual Von Der Braindead is hoping to sieze Russian assets to money launder them rebuilding Ukraine.
If she can seize a countries assets then what is to stop her siezing the ordinary peoples?
The West is finished. You can protect yourself to a greater ot lesser degree but the country and the continent is in for some very hard times indeed.
All fiat systems collapse as they always end up being centrally controlled by an elite group of criminal banksters who can control the money supply and hence the economies that rely on them. If they want to crash the US and Europe what better way than to simply print endless currency to produce Weimar-type consequences? You realize in 2019 the banks are about to collapse and the sheep might realize it’s your fault? Why not organize a plandemic, get everyone to stay at home, and drastically reduce the velocity of money whilst printing trillions more debt under the pretext of keeping the economy on life support? The catastrophic inflation that will inevitably come down the road will be a mystery to the sheep, who are so dumb they will start blaming things like the Brexit that never even happened. The sheep don’t understand the consequences down the line. They don’t even know where their money comes from. Simultaneously you can fool billions of them to line up and kill themselves. Two birds with one stone. As bonds become difficult to sell, interest rates will need to be increased and this death spiral will continue until the interest on the national debt in the US exceeds all tax revenues for one year. We probably won’t get this far before we are hit by a series of poly-crises – plandemic 2.0 , a hot war with Russia, civil war on our streets, cyber attacks, etc – the list of possibilities is endless when you control it all. It was designed in 1913 to fail. Over that time thanks to things like the Cantillon effect the elites have purchased everything of value. They are now building luxury homes on remote islands with bunkers. Who would have thought the swivel-eyes, nutjob preppers were right all along? You have to laugh.
“European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction”
“Georgina Rannard
BBC climate reporter”
So what does this all mean?
No idea, some backward retard wrote the article.
Hello Eddy
Was just reading the same report
“The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change” – guess they could just stay in doors!
That law follows the science in bowing to the climate scam
HRT? Ban chemicals! Demand natural remidies!
Mentally challenged ‘judges ‘…
Stop breathing to stop climate change! David Cameron says do it now!
Perhaps this is ancient news, but I’ve just heard it…
The brother-in-law of Useless Yousaf, Scotland’s Hate Crime Commissar, has just been charged with abduction and extortion, after a man died after falling from a Dundee tower block.
This sounds like an extremely serious crime, almost certainly culminating in manslaughter.
The Jock police should forget about unpleasant Tweets, nasty comments at the meal table and what JK Rowling thinks about some tranny in a dodgy wig and ill-fitting stilettoes. Gawd, with my size ten plates of meat, they don’t half pinch.
Someone has died.
This really is a hate crime…
Did he really cry about Alex Bellfield?
Pink! Pink men with no Penis! It’s only fair!
Maybe just have a ‘light’ ?
BBC cover CalMac ferry launch, with smashing whisky bottles and bagpipes.
Absolutely no mention of the cost or the SNP
Plenty of fuel in it?
“Campervan at the centre of SNP fraud probe into missing donations was a cash purchase
The £110,000 Niesmann+ Bischoff vehicle sat outside the home of Nicola Sturgeon’s mother-in-law for two years.”
Omission is the greatest lie!
JK Rowling should post every day that men have a penis! HA HA HA HA HAHAH! Every day’s a hate day!
Evenin’ all (Probably can’t say that now either).
This is kind of a bbs bias issue, regarding their choice of top news item. I’ve checked and searched, and I cannot find a 5hit to give about the post office story. Unfortunate for those involved, sure, but they are going on and on about it as though it’s the great train robbery. Actually, they probably did that story to death too; no blacks you see.
On what planet is this deemed journalism?
‘NHS must understand black people’s experience’
That poor black guy, he’s been waiting six months to have that chip surgically removed from his shoulder.
Guest Who
bit of a ratio there
Try this.
I will teach you how to tell a joke. Pls bid so I don’t have to bid myself. All funds go to @MedicalAidPal – thanks to @Cinema4Gaza – this is truly the only circumstance I would do this in.
What was it that first attracted the BBC to nuts leftie Mason?
In How To Stop Fascism I outlined the thought architecture of modern fascism – encompassing r/w conservatism, r/w populism and fascism… ppl assume Tories may baulk at the objective – tonight’s @hopenothate scoop shows: sometimes not when they’re anonymous 👇🏽
Its about time the Home Office “stopped the boats”. The mass Invasion is placing the people of Great Britain in danger.
How about it Rishi ? It may be Stop the Tories next ?
As an avid reader of the alternative press, i.e. here of course, established sites like Guido, and many more different places with a far better perspective than the boring, dreadfully leftie biased BBC and the generally dull MSM, and, by reading much better journalism, it’s gratifying to notice that in recent weeks, there has been a response system where other citizens respond even several days after one has made a comment, and not just bunged in an ‘uptick’…
I don’t know if friends here like Vuukle, but it does temper some hotheads and trolls, it keeps the nutters from spouting their Beeboid bile – and possibly/hopefully, the rabid lefties as well – who knows, but I often get email alerts saying that so-and-so like (or disliked, ahem [bastard]) a comment, which I’d made some days ago – even a couple of weeks in one case!
Is the ‘alternative’ press like here gaining more traction than is actually being realised?
Personally, I think it is, and while more daily rags like the Mail etc., start fiddling about with their absurd paywalls, most citizens will just tell them to ‘Sod orff’, and read information here – and elswhere if they have to…
If people want to read more about the stupid Ginge and Minge, then that’s fine, but when the important facts really matter, it may be that serious alternatives to the toss-slots are going to be a much better bet in the future!
Keep going Fed, et al, we’re here for the long run!
Scroblene – yes it’s a very long war …..
Billy Wragg has finally given up the blue labour whip ( no pictures ) … do you think those MPs are so amoral – so indecent – that they see nothing wrong with either their conduct or behaviour when they get caught .?
Collectively – they truly disgust me . Is there any Blue Labour Mp worth their rations / expenses / bribes ? I can’t think of one . Even my own Mp cares more for Chinese Muslims than his own constituency … vote reform
You’re absolutely right Fed!
I still have a sealed envelope response of our replies to our T.Wells MP as to what our votes will bring!
I rather like staring at it, and letting them sweat…
Luckily, we don’t have too many foreigners around here, but I won’t hold my breath for the distant future, but hey, that’s for the snowflakes to worry about – I’m in my 77th year!
Farage just had this item