BBCOFCOM has asked broadcasters to stick to the broadcasting guidelines in the run up to the General Election. How can the BBC do that ? It gives unopposed airtime to those it ‘approves ‘ – rarely have opposing views with adequate time and generally promotes its’ favoured views – eg human cause warming or how great Islam is .
Weekend 27th April 2024
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For the last forty years or more give or take I have been to ar least one prom concert every season. I took my son from the age of 6, not to the more recently introduced special children’s prom. Many years ago I would buy a season ticket, turning up every night. It was where I learned that I liked Monteverdi, where I realised that Wagner was much more ‘accessible’ than I realised, and that I really really didn’t like Berg. I had the pleasure of hearing Strauss’s Zarathustra with the musicians placed in the gods and Shostakovich’s version of Tea for Two.
Will I be applying for tickets for Sam Smith at the proms? What unexpected pleasure do I think I will gain. But there are other venues, offering other classical music surprises, who are not subsidised by the BBC. I think it is time I tried them and boycott the proms.
Right from its beginnings in the late nineteenth century, the Proms have always had a good policy of presenting not just classic works but new works, experimental works, neglected works, and popular, accessible works.
There have always been presentations that seemed designed to shock the bourgeoisie. But many music lovers like me, while they may have been socially conservative, in the area of music have always been open to new experiences. I have loved hearing Stockhausen, jazz, Indian ragas, the progressive rock of Soft Machine, and many other unusual acts at the Proms.
However, like you, Deborah, I draw the line at Sam Smith. Even though they say his performance will be an an entirely appropriate orchestral reimagining of his first album, I don’t think this vulgar, satanic, anal sex-simulating, non-binary weirdo should be anywhere near the Proms. They have finally succeeded in shocking this bourgeois.
The Proms have been becoming more woke and anti-British in recent years, but there comes a point in the descent into decadence when you can’t get any lower and recovery is impossible. Sam Smith’s “work” is not innovation, or a pushing of artistic boundaries, or even an exploration of an interesting musical byway. He, or “they” as I believe he prefers to be called, is simply a filthy artist only there because he makes headlines and appeals to huge numbers of decadent people in these decadent times. In my opinion, his appearance signals the beginning of the end for the Proms as a great classical music festival.
Thank you Z. After Deborah’s post I thought that I should look up who this Sam Smith is and what he , I assume he is male , does . After reading your post I won’t bother.
Zelazek, you explained better than I what the problem with Sam Smith is. I was going to type ‘he’ and not ‘they’ but I fear Biased BBC could easily become vulnerable to the on line harms brigade and I keep in mind that I don’t want the site closed down. So, I will say the video I saw of Sam Smith was sordid, exactly the sort of thing an online harms bill (or parents) should protect children from. The BBC? The BBC obviously doesn’t see a problem with Sam Smith.
Thank you, Deborah. Yes, I must always bear in mind the possible danger to this site that posting forthright opinions might bring. I sometimes forget about that. I know that Maxincony has a very thick dossier on me and my posts. I hate to think that it may one day be used in evidence against me or, even worse, this precious site.
Discussing BBC bias often brings up the broader topic of free speech. I see the contributors to this site as being a unit of soldiers in this grand war to save free speech. And these days we find ourselves in the strange position, unthinkable even a few short years ago, of defending not only the right to express outlandish or offensive opinions, but even the right to just utter incontrovertible facts.
Would I throw petrol on the fire by asking what ‘Sam smith ‘is ?i guess it’s a singer if it’s gonna do what used to be the proms …
Sam Smith claims to be neither male or female. Sam Smith is rather large which hasn’t stopped the person in question making a video wearing only sparkly swimming trunks, licking lavisciously the supporting dancers and cavorting in what one might imagine a Roman orgy looked like.
I don’t know who this Sam person is or what this person does or why this person is involved in the Proms , it could be as a wind player for all I know.
With this profound lack of knowledge about this person I suppose I could use the full range of possible pronouns via the acronym, SHIT ( she, he, it, they) when addressing them.
Excellent post Debs.
beat me to it
From the DT – the BBC v GbNews
STARTS watched the action unfurl, my heart in my mouth. Spooked by an ugly noise, the beast seemed out of control. Would he be caught and calmed and order restored?
I’m talking of Nick Robinson, of course. The poor chap has been frothing and squirming, apoplectic and bewildered at the sight of that irritant GB News, those rascals who run and present shows on the channel, getting away with it, week in, week out. Incredulous is Robinson that no one is stopping it and shutting it down. The “no one”, specifically, being the chief executive of Ofcom, Dame Melanie Dawes, who was interviewed this week on the BBC’s Today programme, by Robinson’s colleague Justin Webb.
“We’ve put them on notice,” she said. “Notice of what?” asked Webb. “That fines and sanctions may follow.” But, Webb pointed out, there have been 11 rulings thus far, yet no sanctions or fines have been administered.
When the chief executive of GB News, Angelos Frangopoulos, was on the Today programme himself last September, I could hear Robinson and his other colleague, Amol Rajan, scoffing at the absurdity of this interloper. Yet, still the channel broadcasts, night after night, its shows fronted by the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nigel Farage. And if it sounds fishy that Right-wing Rees-Mogg interviews other Right-wingers, including his sister Annunziata, Ofcom has actually sent warnings when the likes of Rees-Mogg actually break the Ofcom code and read the news.
Robinson has been fuming on Twitter, wailing like Job in his sackcloth, and screaming things like: “So Nigel Farage can present an ‘impartial’ programme on a TV ‘news’ channel during the general election according to the broadcasting regulator Ofcom.” He was hoping to stir them into a response, but they ignored him. So back he came: “Dear Ofcom, for clarity can you confirm that other politicians like Nigel Farage who are not candidates can present ‘impartial’ programmes on ‘news’ channels during an election?”
Again they ignored him. So he took up the subject on The Today Podcast (paid for by the BBC licence-fee payer and promoted on Twitter, it is a podcast in which Robinson has a habit of quoting himself from his show and reading extracts of stuff he has written in his books).
“Right-wingers set it up, Right-wingers fund it, the presenters are Right wing,” he moaned. “A politician interviewing a politician isn’t journalism,” he went on. And then he got Rajan – presumably trying to take a break from Robinson – to record his thoughts in between changing nappies at home.
“GB News, and the way it has transformed broadcasting in this country, has happened without a debate,” said Rajan. That’s right, no proper debate, hosted by proper journalists such as Rajan and Robinson, before and after which the likes of Rees-Mogg must walk the gauntlet of the BBC news studio, like Indiana Jones venturing through the Temple of Doom, trying not to step on the hissing snakes.
Robinson and Rajan, in their passionate quest to be impartial (clearly anything but when it comes to podcasts slamming GB News), may actually be right. Maybe there is an Ofcom breach when double-barrelled Right-wing politicians quiz their double-barrelled Right-wing sisters on the infallibility of the Pope or how climate change policies are making people cold and poor, or whatever else Rees-Mogg bangs on about in his opening “Moggalogues”.
But while the existence of GB News so riles the Today gang, perhaps they ought to step back, take a long sniff of the coffee and realise that the reason GB News exists is because of their ilk.
I’ve listened to the Today programme and observed the BBC’s news coverage in general over the years, so I get why the likes of Paul Marshall, the hedge-fund-millionaire backer of GB News decided to launch, and continues to support, the eye-wateringly-loss-making channel.
And it’s that strong whiff of institutionalised bias, of Left-wing consensus, that emanates from the BBC; such a strong whiff that not only led to the launch of the channel, but saw audiences flock to it – and continue to do so in such numbers as to have seen off its rival Talk TV, run by News UK, which is biting the dust as I write.
What, you might wonder, kept the fledgling GB News going in the latter stages of 2021, after its launch in June of that year? It was the most chaotic start. Its star frontman, Andrew Neil, had quit, and technical glitches made it look like the calamitous dress rehearsal of a nativity play. Yet it was the BBC itself that encouraged it onwards. I’m thinking particularly of Robinson himself on October 5 2021 when, while interviewing Boris Johnson, he told the then-PM: “Prime Minister, you are going to pause. Prime Minister, stop talking.”
It was a moment that represented the very essence of why GB News had been created. In the words of one of the current presenters, Albie Amankona: “[GB News was] set up to challenge what happens in traditional media outlets and that’s what we do every day – challenge a liberal metropolitan consensus and give under-represented voices a way to speak to the nation in a different way.”
Or rather, when, for example, interviewing the British prime minister, to show them a modicum of courtesy in respect of the job. A job that, with my peculiar views, I think should come with free babysitting, housekeeping, food and drink, and whatever else it takes to help the person do the best job possible.
Another example came this week when the BBC Politics Twitter account repeated an allegation made on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg by eco-warrior Chris Packham that journalist and free-speech campaigner Toby Young’s blog, The Daily Sceptic, was “put together by a bunch of professionals with close affiliation with the fossil-fuel industry”, which Young calls “false and defamatory”.
That air of disdain to PMs and broadcasting interlopers sustains as if they are like the Collins English dictionary: a benign and righteous breath of official, correct air. And when things don’t go their way, they are like the Manchester City football manager, Pep Guardiola, complaining that the fixture list is demanding, the breaks between seasons are too short and if his team loses, it’s because the pitch wasn’t flat.
Now this is all sweet agony for me, as I’m a Today addict. I can shout at the radio, but I can’t give it up. And if Labour win the general election this year, I’ll be listening very carefully to see what kind of ride they’ll give Starmer and co.
And like that result, Labour will win because of the Tories in the same way that GB News exists because of the BBC.ENDS
I used to listen to Today when Monty Modlin did the humorous segments. It wasn’t easy to give up for the first week (Classic FM instead), perhaps the first month. Then if I was in the car for a short journey I might give Today the occasional 5 minute chance. It was always either an attack on the Tories, or climate change, or sympathy for the boat people. Then GB News became available on the radio and I now never watch or listen to the BBC.
I watch quite a lot of GBNews but sorry they didn’t support Mark Steyn or Dan Wooten. I read Conservative Woman, Spiked and the Daily Sceptic. I don’t miss the BBC at all.
Your short journey in the car might have turned into the fastest lap on a race-track when Jack De Manio was presenting ‘Today’ back in the sixties…
He was forever getting the time wrong, which caused much consternation when citizens needed to get to work or school on time!
Like you, I don’t miss the BBC at all, as there’s much more real news out there which tells me as it is, not what the ‘agenda’ chants in its Choran…
Have you completed the cure by not watching or listening to any form of BBC output? None of their so called entertainment or documentaries?
The full physical and mental health benefits of the cure can only gained from complete abstinence.
Additionally, if you stop paying the License Fee you will get a warm feeling of satisfaction every time you remember that you aren’t supporting the foul corporation . This feeling is heightened when you receive one of their threatening reminders that you haven’t paid.
It is the only we have of fighting back. Please cancel your DD today.
Probably a live attendance at a prom was probably a last vestige of my use of the BBC and I am seriously questioning whether I will apply for a ticket.
Some JS Bach for the weekend – from the creative 1960s
The Swingle Singers providing the vocals
alongside Johann himself on the rhythm section..
I am going to repeat some of my posts as they seem to get lost when Fed changes to a new one:
Lucy posted something from Twitter regarding the hamas nominally, (for the moment) in charge of the SNP:
SG responnse:
Calvin did a sorry not sorry apology 30 mins after Lucy posted
but Lucy was bad cos multiple replies to Calvin had called out the story as being false almost as soon as Calvin originally tweeted
which was much earlier around 10am
Goodness sake SG I would rather call Lucy an optimist, and in the near future maybe a close rival to Mystic Meg.
If she is proven to be right, a career as the Biased bbc astrologist might be appropriate>
A separate thread could be a possibility there Fed, with predictions on Scrobs tomato harvest and the next time Marky Mark shows a purple boat in London and his three other pictures.
Reagrding Mr Hamas, nominally in charge of the SNP at the moment at least,
I am surpirised there is no pastiche on his “white ” speech..
so many possibilities there:
Ann Boleyn black
sofa ads Black
Christmas families in the UK black
white wives partners in the bbc black
The majority of stabbers in London black
children rape gangs in every city in the UK black
County lines drug gangs black
etc etc
@Zephir there was rather large omission in your post
(I) SG did not reply to Lucy
Rather SG (I) turned up at the end of the day to reply to @Fedup who HAD replied to Lucy 6 hours earlier , by saying
direct link to that conversation
I was only replying to the phrase “Lucy was bad”
Some semantics involved there, but not knowing her personally would still never assume that
Zephir – apologies about the timing of putting up a new thread – i often put it up before noo noo time – between you and me I’d rather leave threads to run until maybe 500 comments but they can get a bit long – particularly if there are pictures ….
Sorry again
No need to apologise Fed, it was not a criticism, more to do with my lack of timing
Friiday night, after a week of working and having to self monitor my speech (especially now we have two “work experience” teenagers present) can be challenging.
Still wondering if my comment to a colleague about George Micheal, after his shenanigans on Hampstead Heath in various public toilets, and the German football manager attempting to recruit him at the time as he had heard that Geeorge could lob Seamen from ten yards away will be reported.
Zephir – terrible thing isn’t it ? I sometimes worked in a very political environment – I developed a sort of 3 second delay speaking in order to ‘pre vet ‘ and comment at any time –
I’m glad I don’t need to do that any more …. But I used to identify those looking for ‘evidence ‘ in order to support their plan of the free money from a Tribunal …. Or defence against being sacked …
@ Fedup2
Yes. I was talking to a South African colleage at work the other day and for some reson we were talking about venomous snakes, he was insistent they were largely harrmless. (good luck with that)
I took out my phone and showed him a victim reported in the Daily Mail
then listened to a rant by him about why I took information fron that newspaper (Daily Mail)
1) It was a true story
2) I recieve information from a wide range of sources as you can see from my links, especially that the supposed and oft quoted unbiased bbc choose to ignore or hide in local news
3) who owns the “independent ? one a Russian oligarch and the other a Saudi arabian
“The newspaper was controlled by Tony O’Reilly’s Irish Independent News Media from 1997 until it was sold to the Russian oligarch and former KGB Officer Alexander Lebedev in 2010
Lebedev also co-owned Novaya Gazeta alongside Mikhail Gorbachev until the latter’s death on 30 August 2022.In 2017, Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel bought a 30% stake in The Independent.
Go figure, as they say
He prefers Information from a KGB officer and a Saudi Muslim.
I would like to end by saying he got bitten by an adder, but he got sacked ladst week anyway so I will never find out.
As a South African though, and I have met a few, he did have a dietery preference that would make a vegan have an apoplectic fit, which was a positive.
If you wanted a salad he would direct you to the chicken table .
Update : Sadiq apologised to Chief Rabbi after Mehdi Hasan interview backlash
seems Sorry Not Sorry
“I have been in contact with the Chief Rabbi to apologise for my comments, which I deeply regret.
“He has, along with other Jewish leaders, been a friend to me, and we have worked hard together to unite our city and celebrate our diversity.
“At times it is clear to me, and others, that as a mayor of London of Islamic faith, I am held to a different standard and that can be frustrating – particularly during a divisive election campaign.
(oh he reckons he’s a special victim)
“But, it wasn’t fair of me to have levelled that frustration at the Chief Rabbi.
I am sorry for any hurt this has caused and will continue working with Jewish leaders to build a safer London for everyone.”
Just wondering how far we are away from witch ducking
it’s working well on twitter in a digital form.
Maybe that is why the far left are so keen on rewilding and the environment, more ponds and lakes and citizens bureaus.
I am just keeping a keen eye on those purple haired pierced woodworkers on the tv and check they are not making guillotines.
The BBC has admitted that its reporting of “civilian” casualties in Gaza was inaccurate and its figure also included the deaths of Hamas fighters.
A complaint against BBC One’s News at Ten bulletin on January 14 was upheld by the corporation this week. In the BBC report, journalist Wyre Davies said: “And the number of civilians killed in Gaza has been huge – very nearly 24,000 dead, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, many of them women and children.”
After watching the live broadcast, viewer Miriam Rich filed a complaint with the corporation and now, three months later, the editorial complaints unit (ECU) has concluded that the report “fell below the BBC’s standards of accuracy”
Seems there is another Al on the block.
Who really owns the Jewish Chronicle? Why the total secrecy? And how can Robbie Gibb reconcile being a BBC director with being nominal “owner” of the @JewishChron, which thinks the BBC hates Israel? My column
Another BBC friend. And equally nasty.
Palestine marches in London spring to mind
Front rank, fire!
Rear rank, fire!
Repeat as necessary.
Despite all that I would not try and confront and kill a male lion armed with just a homemade wooden spear to prove your manhood rather than taking the 11 plus exam.
Just handling the cat when it needs medication is enough for a post mediication visit to A and E for stitches and injections and finding a clothes bank for ripped T shirts, trousers etc
Probably was the the Masai Mara, but does make an impressive comparison with their African brothers from their descendents shoplifting and fighting with minimum wage security guards in the Stotfold Co Op
@ Eddy Booth
I love classical music and also love it when used in other ways.
Some not so much, I recall a friend who was of the opinion, quite forcefully expressed at times, that anything after 1750 was a cacophony.
Whilst he would enthuse about the mathematical perfection of Bach this does not often make music preferable to me necessarily.
He did like to indulge in certian strong beverages and if too much I would just put on some gentle Pink Floyd and that was enough to make him run for the hills to the nearest off license.
Although after the loss of a close friend of his we found an unused piano in an empty church or cathedrral somewhere and he perfectly played Air on a G String in his deceased friends memory which I will always remember. I think it was at Ely.
Anyway, sometimes when classical people and electronica come together it can work, you may or may not like the attached but it is interesting:
Zephir-Yes interesting. I myself am an an 1887 man .
two of the greatest musical works
composed. Verdi’s Otello and Bruckner’s 8 . Bringing
the BBC into the equation . I wonder how long it will be
before in the name of diversity they will decide to omit
any white composer with the initial B from the Proms !!
But back to your contribution. However being much more
How many film blockbuster film scores have been influenced
ay the very least by Bruckner’s 6th symphony. ? I would like at
least four. And for me the chorale coda ending the first
movement is just heavenly. As an atheist this
is a paradox. But Bruckner’s devotion to his
God through his music. Gives me doubt.
And of copurse Rachmaninovs concertos…and Mahlers no 5
And Harry Nillson vs Rachamaninov…
Classic FM often plays a turn of century nautical piece that incorporates Rule Britannia but also seems to have the Close Encounters opening too.
Ham and Evans 1970 – Badfinger…. Didn’t end well …
Well the name wasn’t a good a start before they even tried
I suspect it would not go down well in classical circles
although one guitarist did rather well with only two fingers left
For artists like Stevie Wonder, Django Reinhardt, disability became a catalyst for musical innovation
In some cases it gave birth to new styles of play, influencing countless musicians that came after
Jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt was badly injured in a 1928 fire that left 2 of the fingers on his fretting hand fused together and curled inward. The injury gave his playing an identifiable sound that was ahead of its time harmonically. (William P. Gottlieb/Ira and Leonore S. Gershwin Fund Collection, Music Division, Library of Congress)
Agency failures contributed to park deaths – coroner
These articles make my blood boil. The BBC take great delight in using quotes like this:
‘Dr David Wails’ brother Andrew said: “The failings of the state exposed by this inquest sicken and disgust me, those who failed in their duties are responsible for David, James and Joe’s deaths.’
The most outrageous and disgusting thing he (and the BBC) could say. Islam and a brainwashed savage with a knife killed them you utter cretin.
This idiots brother was murdered because a Muslim terrorist with a knife was living among them. OK the extremists are a small percentage but when you import millions of them from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afgahnistan etc etc, you have hundreds of these time-bombs just waiting to be triggered.
THAT is what killed your brother Andrew. Globalist, left-wing immigration policy. Shame on you : are you after compensation or something ?.
As Khan rightly said, people being murdered by Muslim terrorists is just something we should expect nowadays. We simply cannot prevent it. That’s what the coroner’s summary should have been.
The BBC used to love Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf especially for his diversity, his Palestinian in-laws, his hatred of Israel, his claim of growing and deep rooted Islamophobia in the UK and Scotland, his claim the Conservatives were institutionally Islamophobic, his passing of the new blasphemy law ….
However recently the BBC seem to be very unhappy with him for splitting up with The Scottish Green Party and reneging on the various “green” targets he had promised with them. So over the past week and especially over the past few days the BBC have been running article after article doubting whether he will survive as Scottish First Minister.
Not to mention how they loved his anti-white racism.
Quite how a BAME can make such a huge deal of the fact that the vast majority of the business leaders in Scotland are white in a country which is over 95% white and NOT be called a racist is beyond me.
But of course the simple fact he got selected as their leader when only 1.4% of Scotland is Muslim is a clear indicator the whole f*cking lot are anti-white, self-loathing Lefty racists.
Few are more ruthless when one of their own looks like screwing the narrative.
Remember when they Ernst Rohmed Corbyn?
BBC removes Laura Kuenssberg episode after complaint over Chris Packham comments
‘He alleged that the website “is basically put together by a bunch of professionals with close affiliations to the fossil fuel industry”.’
‘The comments went unchallenged by Kuenssberg, who later tweeted the clip from her X account. The BBC Politics account also shared it, and at the last count it had been viewed more than 845,000 times.’
It was of course a complete lie.
Another BBC agenda farce with the vile Kuenssberg in the middle. A million people have seen that clip : how many will see a BBC apology and total retraction of the statement ?.
Will Kuenssberg face any disciplinary action over this gross BBC abuse of power ?. Dan Wootan got fired for simply not being offended enough : this is out and out slanderous lies she left unchallenged. At th every least, she should read out an apology at the start of her next show.
The answers to my questions are : not many and of course not.
Isn’t it great when you can be judge and jury about yourself like the BBC can ?.
Got a speedy… template response to Nick just being Nick when he said something on air that he did not mean was from him or the BBC.
Case closed.
Judge, jury and editor and deleter of archives.
insider trading
“‘A deceptive tactic’: Nancy Pelosi disclosed a 7-figure bet on NVIDIA over the Christmas holidays — despite recent efforts to ‘permanently ban’ lawmakers from trading stocks.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her venture capitalist husband reportedly bet millions on technology giant Nvidia (NVDA) late last year — despite immense scrutiny and backlash against congressional stock trading.
The former house speaker bought Nvidia call options on Nov. 22 — her largest stock purchase in the last three years, according to stock trading news site Unusual Whales.”
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has accrued millions from husband’s trades: report”
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who has opposed new legislation banning members of Congress from trading individual stocks, signaled Thursday she is open to advancing it — if it has the support of her caucus.
“I just don’t buy into it, but if members want to do that I’m OK with that,” Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference.
The speaker said she didn’t believe the step was necessary because she trusted her colleagues and that existing laws currently require regular disclosure. “I have great confidence in the integrity of my members,” Pelosi said. ”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who has opposed new legislation banning members of Congress from trading individual stocks, signaled Thursday she is open to advancing it — if it has the support of her caucus.
“I just don’t buy into it, but if members want to do that I’m OK with that,” Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference.
The speaker said she didn’t believe the step was necessary because she trusted her colleagues and that existing laws currently require regular disclosure. “I have great confidence in the integrity of my members,” Pelosi said. ”
It’s legal when they do it. If Trump drops a sweet wrapper it’s a felony.
Vile taking over from Sopes?
In the UK, if you walked outside an active court case in which you were the defendant and called it a “rigged trial” like this, your feet wouldn’t even touch the ground on the way to jail
Vine’s sneer at Trump got ratioed 5.2K to 3.7K
One reply got more like’s than Vine
“I’d trust trump about one million times more than I’d trust you”
The rest of the replies are a goldmine of ideas against Vine
eg 1″Yep. You are not free in the Uk.” 3.8K Likes
eg 2 “I love how you say that as though it were a good thing.” 2.7K Likes
eg3 “Your country taxes television. Stfu.”
Oh the quote tweets
“In the US, we stopped giving a shit what you think nearly 250 years ago. :)” 7.5K Likes
In which the typically ludicrous Maher compares student protesters against genocide on campuses to Trump (!), asks why they aren’t protesting North Korea (maybe because we aren’t funding North Korea?), and then cruelly mocks the late Aaron Bushnell.
And his audience claps.
Mehdi Hasan keeps popping back up. Remember when he was across the BBC like a rash? Then the cattle/kuffar videos surfaced. He seems curiously well funded.
I think the English have had the fight knocked out of them. The Irish at least seem to have retained a spirit of rebelliousness.
All to do with density?
UK- 780 people per sq Km.
Eire- 73.88 people per sq Km.
Small increase in Ireland is clearly noticed whereas, massive increase in UK is hidden amongst more population.
possibly but…
The Music Lovers
Don’t drink the water.
Was that before or after he got arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela?
1930s Germany re invented in 2024
In my opinion, the police are admiting
1) they are allowing an openly racist demonstration
2) they are unable to control the racists
bbc ? love racist stories, but this one is missing
(do a bbc news site search on racist and racism and see what comes up, hundreds of them, sometimes 3 a week, but never this one paraded on their front page, but Dame lord CBE OBE Mrs Larewnce, who tragcally lost her son to violence gets a lot of mentions)
blimey, it’s coming thick + fast this morning
There used to be an old joke that Labour stands with the Gay ‘community’ because it daren’t bend down !
Including their support for trans women who are lesbians and if lesbians don’t agree they’re transphobic. You can only wrap your head around that concept if you’re drunk.
Any muslim’s out there with a camera – recording for posterity and future ‘reference’?
This one ? not a mention, ever apart from the bare facts hidden in local news:
is his mother a dame or a lord ?
“Three jailed for life for race murder of schoolboy
This article is more than 17 years old
· Asian gang members set fire to innocent youth, 15
· Revenge attack sparked upsurge in racial tension
Severin Carrell, Scotland correspondent
Thu 9 Nov 2006 00.01 GMT
Three Asian gang members were jailed for life yesterday for the “savage and barbaric” racially motivated murder of a schoolboy in Glasgow who had been singled out because he was white.
Kriss Donald, 15, from Pollokshields, was abducted, stabbed repeatedly and then doused in petrol and burned to death by five men of Pakistani descent in March 2004, apparently in revenge for an earlier incident at a city centre nightclub.
The judge, Lord Uist, told Imran Shahid, 29, his brother Zeeshan, 28, and Mohammed Mushtaq, 27, that their “pre-meditated, cold-blooded execution … truly was an abomination”.
As he sentenced the men to minimum sentences of 25, 22, and 23 years respectively, the schoolboy’s mother, Angela, shouted out: “You bastards!”
During the six-week trial the high court in Edinburgh heard graphic and often harrowing testimony from forensic experts that the victim was probably alive when he was set on fire, and had tried vainly to douse the flames by rolling on the ground.
His charred and semi-clothed body was found in the foetal position the following day, on a walkway on the bank of the Clyde. Prosecutors said the murder was “one of the worst and most appalling crimes of inhumanity against an effectively defenceless boy”.
The killing horrified white and Asian Glaswegians alike, exposing a seam of criminality and gang culture among some young Pakistani Scots in the city, and causing an upsurge in racial tensions in the area.
The jury of nine women and six men heard that Mr Donald had been singled out by Imran Shahid, 29, known as “Baldy”, after Shahid had been hit with a bottle or glass at Victoria’s nightclub on Sauchiehall Street in central Glasgow the previous evening.
Shahid, a bodybuilder who at the time sported a distinctive part-shaven, bleached-blond haircut, had pledged to seek revenge for the assault, which he blamed on a rival gang. “Boys from McCulloch Street” had attacked him, the court heard, and he wanted to know which “white bastards” had injured his pride.
Shahid and his four friends set out in a stolen silver Mercedes, cruising the streets of Pollokshaws with a knife, hammer and screwdriver; they came across Kriss Donald, who was a friend of the white men being sought but who was unconnected with the nightclub incident.
The prosecution said the car contained Imran Shahid, his brother, Zeeshan Shahid, nicknamed “Crazy” who was driving, their cousin Daanish Zahid, Mohammed “Becks” Mustaq and Zahid Mohammed.
Their victim was first thrown into the rear footwell of the car despite his vain attempts to grab hold of the car doorframe, and threatened with a knife, punched and kicked, as Imran Shahid shouted: “I’m Baldy, nobody fucks with me.”
A friend who narrowly escaped from the gang, Jamie Wallace, said the schoolboy cried out: “I’m only 15, what did I do?”
The prosecution said four of the men then drove their captive on a 200-mile journey via Motherwell and Dundee, phoning friends and underworld associates for advice about what to do next; their journey was traced for the court by tracking some 200 mobile telephone calls.
Eventually they drove back to Glasgow after a white associate suggested that the Clyde walkway was a quiet spot useful for “sorting” someone out.
At the riverside, it was alleged, the 15-year-old was held down, stabbed 13 times and set alight.
The men’s mobiles had fallen silent just after 7pm, and started up again about 20 minutes later, when the Mercedes was driven to a back lane near Glasgow University and set on fire.
Later that evening clothes from the attack were burned in another alley by Mushtaq and Zeehan Shahid. The wreckage of the Mercedes held vital forensic evidence, the court heard, including traces of Kriss Donald’s blood and one of his trainers, and Imran Shahid’s leather jacket, which had been preserved only because firecrews had arrived in time to prevent the car being destroyed by the fire.
Community leaders were extremely worried about the risks of an explosion of racial violence, with accusations that the British National party was stoking up tensions. Mrs Donald intervened with an appeal for calm, stating: “It doesn’t matter to my family what colour these men are. Kriss is gone because of gangs, not just in Pollokshields but every area of our communities.”
It emerged yesterday that Mohammed Sarwar, the Pakistani-born MP who represents the Pollokshields area, had played a pivotal role in bringing the three men to justice, backed-up by the then foreign secretary Jack Straw.
Mr Sarwar lobbied the Pakistani president, Pervez Musharaff, to introduce a one-off extradition treaty to secure the men’s return. One meeting took place at the funeral in Cairo of the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat. The three eventually agreed to return voluntarily in October last year.
But the role in the trial of the crown’s key prosecution witness, Zahid “Ziggy” Mohammed, led to defence accusations of a “fit-up”. Mohammed, 22, had been tried and convicted two years earlier on a much-reduced charge of assault and perverting the course of justice, after agreeing to give evidence against his co-accused, Daanish Zahid, 22, who was found guilty in 2004 of Kriss Donald’s murder, and against the three men convicted yesterday. Mohammed served half his five-year sentence, becoming a crucial witness in the latest trial on the first day of his release.
David Burns QC, the advocate for Imran Shahid, said Mohammed was a “proven liar … he has got away with murder”. Donald Findlay QC, for Mushtaq, said Mohammed had also supplied the Mercedes and probable murder weapon. Daanish Zahid also gave evidence in the latest trial and claimed: “You have got the wrong men.” During the trial Zeeshan Shahid took the stand to deny any involvement in the murder and insisted he had travelled to Pakistan on business.
However, the court heard for the first time yesterday that all three defendants had long criminal histories. Imran Shahid and Mushtaq had numerous previous convictions for violent assaults, while Zeeshan Shahid had convictions for a series of minor offences.
After the jury’s verdict Mrs Donald stood outside the court surrounded by family and friends, and said simply : “Justice has been done. It is over.”
Stephen Lawrence, it’s never over
An order of magnitude more nasty, more racist and more significant than the Lawrence case.
But with three orders of magnitude less reporting.
bbc ? nope
“Kriss Donald’s racist killer could go free later this year
One of the racist killers of Kriss Donald could go free from prison later this year.
Daanish Zahid could get parole soon despite his earliest date of release being 2027.
The 40-year-old has spent half his life in prison after being part of the gang that brutally murdered the Glasgow schoolboy in 2004.
The innocent 15-year-old was abducted, stabbed 13 times, covered in petrol and set alight as part of a revenge plot 20 years ago today. ”
I’m sure he will go on to be a useful member of society. These pieces of shit should have got whole life sentences, they got let off very lightly.
If there was true justice they would have been hanged.
I live in hope that they still might be.
Expelled from Columbia internet sensation Khymani James decided to explain “going out and murdering Zionists” statement. Apparently, Khymani was “unusually upset” and “misspoke in the heat of the moment”. Understandable… Should we pity poor Khymani?
Happens a lot. Khan, Yousef, Toenails… all one way though.
But at least their apologies appear acceptable.
Who are Labour?
Did he sail to New York with St Greta of Thunberg?
Nope, thought not.
They both arrived on magic carpets.
Lammy could have got Baerbock to be his girlfriend at the conference who is much more beautiful.
Unfortunately Annalena could not make it because her Guberment plane kept on developing a fault and having to dump 100,000 litres of fuel shortly after taking off. After five attempts the plane returned to Germany.
bBC Verified Fact
What, are they remaking the movie ‘Dumb and Dumber’?
The judiciary and the BBC. Two buttocks on the same a***.
A dodgy asylum seeker arrives from Libya in 2012. He is an extremist. But the lily livered authorities, back by the Leftoid pro-immigration fanatics, allow him to stay. He is subsequently jailed for offences and has the usual ‘mental health issues’ but cannot be deported back to Libya because his Yuman Rights are of course paramount and Libya has a civil war.
So in 2020 he murders three men in Forbury Gardens, Reading. Ironically this is right next to the Crown Court there.
He is convicted and locked up in a UK prison.
A mere 4 years later, an enquiry into the case concludes that the murders were avoidable and the fault lies entirely with public authorities (police, social services, probation, health) for not being joined up. It appears even after all of the above we just did not spend enough taxpayers money on him. Whether this entitles the families of those murdered to seek compensation is another matter.
I have another suggestion. The fault lies entirely with the Leftoids, the Refugee pressure groups, and the Home Office and our useless laws. They failed to protect the British public and the interests of its taxpayers because they did not immediately deport him, placing his rights ahead of those of indigenous citizens.
How difficult is that? An option missing of course from both the enquiry conclusions and the BBC coverage.
And we wonder why our public services have all gone to rat s***.
A further disturbing thought on the above.
Do you remember a rather good book and film called ‘Minority Report’. Set in the not-too-far future the story revolves round a crack police team who can prevent crime by stopping for example a murder or rape by knowing it is about to happen and getting there in the nick of time. The assailant is charged with ‘Precrime’.
We are increasingly getting enquiries where deaths were ‘avoidable’. In other words could have been prevented. Are we on the verge of fantasy transitioning into reality?
Sluff, also he threatened a local Marks & Sparks security guard with a knife ( also just a few hundred yards from the murder scene) when confronted for shoplifting a bottle of alcohol, got kicked out of many free houses/flats because of his behaviour and sold cannabis as a sideline and threatened to kill professionals who were trying to help him. A
horrible b45tard.
I think the term ‘probably aviodable’ is the understatement of the year.
He should be given a choice, sky diving over Tripoli, either with or without a parachute.
Saturday edition in which our BBC learns to love the bombs, the Guardian acts as a public sector staff notice board, while the FT and the i cast thinly veiled aspersions, and the Daily Star dresses a teddy bear as though he were a South Korean schoolgirl visiting the Tower of London
Ever since our government’s number one policy priority was to force the healthy to unduly fret about their health – if only there were an official public inquiry that could look into that – our media has enthusiastically mined the rich seam of health concern paydirt
Of course beset by a failing premiership, seemingly impotent to address issues – economic, cultural, or societal – in any way approaching a conservative manner – our Rishi is nothing but the temporary manager of a Tory team cabal consisting of a few blow hard do nothings, a rump of Net Zero rentiers, plus a seemingly endless cast of embarrassing oddballs and rent boy enthusiasts… I wonder whether the not-so honourable gentleman Mark Menzies MP ever looked in the mirror and regarded he himself as a member of the ‘nasty party’ when he: …demanded campaign cash to pay ‘bad people’, MP for Fylde, used thousands of pounds raised by donors for private expenses (Times)
According to an account given to the Times by a source close to Menzies, he asked for the money after meeting a man he connected with on a dating website. The source said Menzies had gone to the man’s flat, before going with another man to a second address, where he continued drinking. People at the address falsely claimed he had been sick and demanded £5,000 for cleaning and other expenses (Guardian) – I guess few of us ordinary folk could honestly assert we’ve never in our lives been on at least one embarrassing bender.
So our Rishi… I See A Little Silhouetto of A Man – must be somewhat relieved to see the double whammy of health and royalty making the top story on 6 out of 10 of the frontpages in our national titles today – and perhaps he will credit the gynaeceum that is the BBC staff for relegating to bottom of their online press pile those four organs that neglect to give the news top billing: Smiles that say King is going back to work (Daily Mail); His Majesty, 75… was given green light to resume official duties (The Sun)
Charles rather puts to shame: WFH civil servants are refusing to comply with instruction to come back to the office just two days a week – as statistics staff prepare to go on strike… The union said that from May 8 members will not comply with the instruction (Mail Online)
Even the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror can’t help itself but tug its forelock: Royal recovery update… Fit for a King… Charles to return to duties
The formerly serious, formerly patriotic, formerly newspaper of record, the Times, on this occasion apes its former character in terms of a quasi Court circular: King returns to public life
The mildy conservative Telegraph makes the announcement in terms reminiscent of a strap line for a sequel on a movie cinema hoarding: The return of the King
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was a 2003 epic high fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson
So who would dare step out of line of our mainstream and not take full advantage of the – presumably not photoshopped – right royal New picture released (The Sun) [photo credit Millie Pilkington/Buckingham Palace]
Well, there’s the Guardian (natch). The Graun goes with: Scale of teacher shortage crisis in schools revealed
Bearing in mind the propensity of public sector workers to crave WFH and to shy away from attendance at the office – one suspects this may be a significant factor here. The Guardian – despite a little misdirection – tends to confirm Mr AsI’s suspicions: Hundreds of thousands of pupils in England and Wales are being educated “on the cheap” by low-paid teaching assistants (TAs) covering lessons for teachers who are off sick or have quit
If we’re paying for both a qualified teacher to be off sick, plus a ‘low-paid teaching assistant’, to do the same job – well that’s not exactly “on the cheap”, is it?
This is pure public sector in-house staff notice board moaning from the Gruan. You can but admire the Karen’s (sorry, Sally Weale, Education correspondent) propensity to deploy the approved staff room jargon: TAs and SENs [Children with special educational needs – in case you were wondering or taking notes] and then does that at one remove slight of hand, with appeal to bogus authority: …according to new research… unions say…
We’ve heard all about: Cow burps are a major contributor to climate change… produce 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions (PBS News Hour)
Now we have: Toxic gas surge from US-style chicken farms supplying UK supermarkets – frets the left-leaning i newspaper
“There’s another cause for concern” – as my old mum used to say when she watched the TV news
I’m picking up a definite negative vibe from the term: US-style chicken farms – funny how US-led Nato can nudge us into a prolonged bloody proxy war on our european continent, killing thousands and financing billions of dollars worth of those nasty depleted uranium warheads and cluster weapons – but take your dirty Yankee hands off our chickens, eh?
Pentagon to ‘rush’ Patriot missiles to Ukraine in $6bn package – our BBC there voicing a Strangelove for those bombs – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, eh BBC?
FT Weekend mixes corporate news with an almost morbidly dedicated globalist interest in other people’s elections: India decides… Second phase of crucial vote – but unlike the track tips and commentary from the likes of the Racing Post the FT’s favourites and disapproved outsiders – like the ladies in the Rajastan ballot casting queue pictured frontapage – are thinly veiled: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is seeking a third term… Hindu nationalism
Our own local Indian premier will be lucky if he completes two years of his first term.
Backing the winner
The FT signals ‘come in number 10, your time is up’ – over to you, Mr Starmer: Ticket rush for business day at Labour conference has echoes of Glastonbury… sold out… in less than 24 hours… 500 top executives pay £3,000 each for a ticket – hush… don’t let those Jeremy Corbynites hear the phrase ‘sold out’
And finally, Mr AsI admires the jokey blokey Daily Star for putting a smile on his face with a picture of a toy teddy bear with a Lockdown era-style face mask on his little furry face: Lock up your teddies… Mr Snuggles blamed for hay fever pollen blitz
Hey, Winnie-the-Pooh… Stay Home / Protect the NHS
Racist or what?
In Scotland in a pub the other day and a quiz was announced.
Teams had to choose a team name and it was announced that the most ‘Scottish’ sounding name would win bonus points.
We considered entering as ‘Murrell’s Motorhomes’ which sounded as Scottish as Scottish could be to us but decided we wanted to get out alive.
Just imagine a pub quiz in England giving a prize for the most ‘English’ sounding team name? The Leftoid nationalists would be all over it and the BBC would have it on the main news.
Apparently a tick box autocue reader called ‘rageh ‘ had an ‘event whilst reading the 10pm ITV news – I don’t know if he is in the Huw Edwards ward …..
Thoughts and ..whatever / stuff
“Somali-born British journalist Rageh Omaar and his ITV colleague Ranvir Singh join comedians like Sanjeev Bhaskar, Asim Chaudhry, and Ranganathan to debunk common vaccine misinformation and misconceptions.”
We swivel-eyed conspiracy loons call this karma. You would be foolish to ignore our advice. Meanwhile, something we loons have known about since 2020 is being to go mainstream.
Midazolam deaths – Dr. John Campbell
The plan was simple. Get old people into the homes and administer midazolam and morphine to them pronto to get the required numbers. I would keep you out of any hospital if you are a) uninjected and b) suffering from a respiratory illness. If both apply your odds of coming out alive are zero.
The proof is out there if you want to find it. There was never a virus.
The emir of londonistan has apologised to the Chief Rabbi for existing …. Not much coverage by Hamas TV it seems
“Rageh Omaar: ITV host receiving medical care after becoming unwell live on air”
Article provides a long CV of his career, but being the BBC neglects to mention his medical / jab history, or how his family broke into Britain from Somalia.
Now where have I heard this before? Catch phrases –
“…..with tens of millions of people from various cultures and beliefs being imported into the country over the past few decades. This transformation raises a critical question: Can a nation survive such a significant demographic change and remain united? The answer, as history has shown, is unequivocally no….”;
“More recently, the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of failing to address the cultural and ideological differences within a multi-cultural nation. The country’s diverse population, consisting of various ethnic and religious groups, was unable to find common ground, leading to a series of brutal conflicts and the eventual breakup of the country into several smaller, more homogenous states.” That’s the US –
The UK version? Well, add in unwanted legislation & harsh penalties, forcing the white population to integrate with those intentionally imported and you have an even more explosive situation in my view.
I still may, within my remaining years, witness the erection and use of gallows on Parliament Square to deal with those responsible for decades of mismanagement aka what it really is, Treason.
Yes, the gallows will be for the ‘far right’ or anybody to the right of marxism. Normal people, in other words.
An interesting example from history is Robespierre. He started out as a lawyer who was opposed to the death penalty. (Very progressive for his time.) But he changed his mind once he had gained power during the French Revolution. (Beware of lefty lawyers.) He went crazy with paranoia and introduced absurd new offences. My favourite is “Hatred of Paris” – very modern-sounding, isn’t it? – a crime for which people could be and actually were guillotined.
The lesson I draw is that progressive politicians, no matter how woke and compassionate and cuddly they claim to be, will, if they form authoritarian regimes that do not tolerate dissent, inevitably forget any abolitionist principles they previously had and introduce the death penalty.
In effect, all ‘Liberals’ eat themselves eventually.
BBC removes Laura Kuenssberg episode after complaint about Chris Packham comments
An episode of Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg has been removed from iPlayer by the BBC after a complaint about Chris Packham’s view of a blog. Journalist Toby Young has claimed Mr Packham had made “false and defamatory” allegations about him during a panel debate about carbon emissions and extreme weather.
The Springwatch presenter dubbed Mr Young’s Daily Sceptic blog as the “Daily Septic” and alleged the website is “put together by a bunch of professionals with close affiliations to the fossil fuel industry”.
Ms Kuenssberg didn’t challenge the comments, with both she and BBC Politics tweeting a clip of the exchange on their X accounts. According to Mr Young, the BBC Politics’ clip was viewed more than 845,000 times.
Mr Young, writing in The Spectator, said the people who put the Daily Sceptic together “have no connections to the fossil fuel industry” and accused Mr Packham “and his allies” of inventing reasons to discredit opponents.He added: “I can’t help thinking Packham’s ‘devastating put-down’ would have been more effective if it had been true.”
The journalist complained to the BBC that neither he nor any of the other people who put the blog together have any affiliations to the fossil fuel industry, “close or otherwise”. He called the allegation “serious and damaging”, according to the Telegraph.
Mr Packham was debating climate change with Lib Dem MP Layla Moran and the former chair of Pizza Express, Luke Johnson, described by Mr Young as a “climate contrarian”.
So LK facilitated he Chris Packham’s defamation of the Daily sceptic
Then she and the BBC AMPLIFIED it by tweeting the video clip
.. Now they have deleted the episode from Iplayer that makes it OK ?
Those tweets don’t show up immediately on a Twitter search so have perhaps been deleted.
Any BS in FooC ?
India : James Coomarasamy anti-Modi
He chose to highlight a hyped digital payment village only 50% success
Laura Bicker : “The Chinese government is focused on green growth..” That’s almost certainly not true
Belgium : Beth Timmins.
The Royal Museum for Central Africa is not apologising enough
BiasedBBC , they’re hatey, they’re hatey, they’re very very hatey,
BBC R4 “comedy” Dead Ringers started with a huge nasty sneer at Liz Truss for not being in the same Guardianland gang as they are
Stew – I salute your fortitude in actually being able to tolerate this shit on our behalf. I cannot remember the last time I ever listened to the garbage on R4 – at least 15 years ago.
There are different ways of taking Andrew Neil in this video
The video maker seems to be anti-GBnews ideas
Yet I read it that Andrew Neil has changed and is giving an establishmet view
and that GBnews itself within the Ofcom prison is often forced to be establishment
Simon Webb on the Moroccan illegal Ahmed Alid stabbing his housemate and then a passerby
Diversity and inclusion:
“Stabbing housemates and murdering pensioners is our strength”
Ref. Rageh Omaar.
We were watching that bulletin live. Not BBC, you see.
From the off, he seemed to have trouble reading the autocue. But he was more fluent talking to his studio guests. So our initial money was on a dodgy autocue.
Back on the autocue, more stumbling over words. Mrs S noticed a possible droopy eye so we did have him down for a possible stroke. On the other hand he might just have had a few too many sherberts beforehand. How is anyone to know. And it’s the media. The show must go on and all that.
I hope he is OK. Period. But I mention all the above possibilities in case he is very ill and the TV producers in the gallery are held accountable. It all rather chimes with my earlier post about ‘avoidable’ things like murders by asylum seekers if not on the same scale. Get ready for a demand for a full enquiry into Mr Omaar’s‘ avoidable illness’.
Remember. Where there’s blame there’s a claim.
Sluff – I recall him being proper chippy on the BBC – a Blighty hater – so he fitted in well on the ITV – never a shortage of autocue readers …..job for myrie ?