BBCOFCOM has asked broadcasters to stick to the broadcasting guidelines in the run up to the General Election. How can the BBC do that ? It gives unopposed airtime to those it ‘approves ‘ – rarely have opposing views with adequate time and generally promotes its’ favoured views – eg human cause warming or how great Islam is .
Weekend 27th April 2024
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“I don’t know what they’re talking about… safer for what?”
Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi disagrees with former UK PMs Boris Johnson and Liz Truss that the world was “safer” when Donald Trump was US President
The slack jawed blonde just gurns as the walking corpse with the lovely hair and an amazing share portfolio gibbers away.
And that is what the BBC prints.
How many wars under Trump? Maybe US based Mike Wendling could ask his audience of two?
The politico media estate is beyond hope.
The Police Are No Longer On Our Side (New Culture Forum Conference 2024 – Peter Whittle)
“our country now exists in
a state of
emergency the decline and Decay is all
us millions of us been have been reduced
to observers watching as the ground
beneath our feet visibly gives
way there is an increasing and
realization that our political and
cultural Elites work continuously
against our
interests there is no longer even the
pretense that the views and beliefs of
the majority of us are
valued indeed they are actively ignored
demonized free speech is in Britain is
now just a
term no wonder that that everyday saying
that you always used to hear it’s a free
country has virtually disappeared”
Full transcript …
Sadly all too true – the future is very dark …
I daren’t say anything nowadays. It doesn’t stop me saying stuff. Am I a radical? Or a subversive?
Oh, I know! I’m far right!
Exclusive: Disinformation & far-Left conspiracy theories inside the BBC
Leaked internal messages from BBC staff include claims Rishi Sunak is a “fascist” who plans to “cancel the election” using a war scare with Russia and describe Tories as “the devil”.
Nock me darn wiv a fevver
Guest, I laughed when Conservative MP defector, Dan Poulter described his Party as being on the Right or Far Right. For years the Conservative Party and its PMs have been cosying up to the Left or even the Far Left, trying to win the Yoof vote of the Greta Thunbergs of JSO, the Climate Cultists who have an inclination to vote Green.
To what end? If you try to please every young adult, you end up pleasing no-one.
And you end up alienating your core supporters along the way. Insane!
Poulter must be desperate for a safe labour seat ( even if he says he won’t contest the next election ) . Why cross the floor now ?after deceiving his party and voters for years ?
And if the blue Labour Party was of the Right Reform wouldn’t be doing so well . Maybe he’s got mental issues from his patients ….
He must have thought a move to the right was a vote winner, after all being on the far Left of politics and realising no one will vote for you must be a salutory lesson to have to learn.
Just a quickie, and a question for the techies on here. How can an email address without the @ symbol work. GBNews now have a contact of …
gbnews/yoursay, but when I’ve tried to use it, I’m told it’s not a recognised email address..
Contact via that webpage on their website
if you type in to a web browser:
Then this comes up with a gbnews webpage where you can see various comments.
If you omit the .com then the browser just takes you to a google search page.
Pug – with a bit of luck Eire will be caught by the ECHR … maybe they’ll pull out of it before anyone else – particularly since it is always claimed to have been drafted by Britain …
Steve Baker Government minister
Some bad language.
A personal SOS device just for MPs?
How does that work with the ‘without fear or favour’ oath of allegiance that they took when they entered parliament?
The correct solution is to remove all personal protection from MPs so that they all experience the same risks as we all do.
As the Home Office goes about (with total zeal) disarming ‘whitey’ of whatever they may use to protect themselves.
@ Marky Mark (that’s a first)
” The Police Are No Longer On Our Side (New Culture Forum Conference 2024 – Peter Whittle)”
My Irish acquaintances were always very critical and sniffy about our ‘racist’ attitudes to foreigners and migrants.
Now that they’re at the receiving end of all the enrichment, they’re not quite so tolerant and welcoming anymore.
Met two charming black people as posted before, both threatening me
its c@nts like these that create this violence
I ponder what her income is, as a victim. also calls herslf a “doctor”
YouTuber John Campbell gets away with it, so why not 🙂
This person, who makes a point of calling herself a doctor, talks a lot without any simple understanding of the difference between racism and tribalism
which was explained to me in detail my my college friend from Zimbabwe
her problem is a hatred of white people :
you cannot pronounce my surname? : that is your problem, not mine
Now there is that person being racist, live on TV attacking an interviewer
“In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Dr Dan Poulter said he could not look his NHS colleagues and patients in the eye and stay on as a Conservative MP.”
. . . ..
“Michael Gove, MP for Surrey Heath, has welcomed the Government’s announcement that hundreds of thousands of patients will have more choice in their own care as those who have been waiting the longest for treatment will be offered the opportunity to travel to a different hospital, if it means they could be seen sooner. ”
Hospitals in RWANDA?
“The Taoiseach (Irish prime minister) Simon Harris has asked Ireland’s justice minister to bring legislation to cabinet to enable asylum seekers to be sent back to the UK.
Helen McEntee has revealed that 80% of recent arrivals to the Republic came from the UK across the Irish border.”
Saudis’ Newest Horror Involves Shooting, Shelling Migrants at the Border
Published in:
The Hill
Bill Frelick
Director, Refugee and Migrant Rights Division,They%20are%20unarmed.
the paddys are in the EU , send them back to france
Bit late but …
Radio 4 news
Paraphrasing: the body that represents the haulage industry is calling for clarification about imports from the EU .
You’re not right BBC .
That organisation is called Logistics UK , a silly name for what they were called before : the Freight Transport Association, which mainly represents businesses that utilise lorries eg a supermarket or oil company .
The organisation that represents many hauliers is called the Road Haulage Association. These are the businesses that are in the Hire and Reward sector, their business are lorries and driving .
The full picture, BBC , is that thanks to senior civil servants there is no British international road haulage , the lorries that will be held up at the ports will be foreign mainly EU .
Do the whole truth , BBC .
My paricular delight with Tory Ministers resides with Dennis Howell.
Appointed to sort out the 1976 drought,
In the last week of August 1976, during Britain’s driest summer in over 200 years, he was made Minister for Drought, but nicknamed ‘Minister for Rain’
Howell was charged by the Prime Minister with the task of persuading the nation to use less water, and was even ordered by No.10 to do a rain dance on behalf of the nation.
Howell responded by inviting reporters to his home in Moseley in Birmingham, where he revealed he was doing his bit to help water rationing by sharing baths with his wife, Brenda.
Days later, heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding, and he became known as “Minister for Floods”.
Life can be cruel sometimes, whatever you do, you can’t bloody win.
.But I am pretty sure Brenda’s life improved.
The BBC reports that ‘Australians call for tougher laws on violence against women after killings’ and that ‘Demonstrators want gender-based violence to be declared a national emergency and stricter laws put in place to stop it.’ Nobody would condone some of the events which have occurred there recently, but needless to say, the BBC is somewhat selective in its reporting, having switched on its ‘lying by omission’ mode. So let’s look at some facts.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there were 322 victims of homicide and related offences in 2022. Of these, 69% were male, meaning men are more than twice as likely to be victims as women. This year, according to the BBC report, ‘in Australia, a woman has been killed on average every four days so far this year’. If that statistic is maintained, that will equate to about 92 female victims this year. If the total homicide rate stays the same as 2022, the male victims would be 230, or 71%. So, the ratios are fairly constant and men are still more than twice as likely to be murdered as women. Don’t expect the BBC to be arguing for equality of outcome…
Now let’s look into another statistic the BBC does not care to mention. According to this report in The Guardian, ‘(the)Murder rate of First Nations women eight times higher than for non-Indigenous counterparts’. What does that mean in English? It means that male aborigines are much keener on killing their women than Europeans are. Why doesn’t the BBC mention that? It could just be ignorance, a characteristic of BBC reporters. But it could be because people might start to think that Aborigines (brown people) are a bit, well, you know, and that would never do.
BBC.. lies, hypocrisy, distortion, misandry, hatred… it’s in their DNA.
I will state fact, not an opinion:
Happened to me , hammering at the door repeatededly , arrested by five officers,arms resterained for no valid reason, handcuffed, marched dowwn the road in front of neighbours, , accuses of numerous charges, (including the worst a man can be accused of, not once but over 10 years)
shoes, belt taken away put in a cell for 8 hours, questioned by two “sex crime” officers, not even charged. photos taken DNA and fingerprinted, house searched,
6 f ‘cking months awaiting the fact that I could be been jailed for many years
phone and computers confiiscated, no access to email adresses etc
and the end result:
no further action,investgation dropped
All on the words of a woman, nothing more, just words
Urgent changes needed to the law:
7. The accuser and accused shall always appear face to face before any officer, that both sides may be heard, and no wrong to either party.
9. He who raises an accusation against any man, and cannot prove it, shall suffer the same punishment the other should, if proved. An accusation is when one man complains of another to an officer, all other accusations the law takes no notice of.
Gerald Winstanley The Law of Freedom 1652
“One in three BBC journalism scheme trainees are white Britons.”
If you’re white male and native British, forget applying to the BBC… they don’t really want you.
That high? Are they trying to get Sangita back too?
Something for consideration, if you are on a marriage visa, and you seperate,
the visais no longer valid
you can get a police conviction for domestic voilence or other chaeges
then you can stay in this country forever
My recent conversation with the immigration police about this and mentioning that:their response ?
“we get a lot of this”
so, when I hear about “more power to women” well , it makes me think
I would urge all here to look at the attached video
There is a video within the attached, that will never in a hundred years be shown on the bbc, but, having been throught this, and luckily with the support of close friends got through it.
I am sharing this here as I now have a deep mistrtust of the justice system and police.
Sometimes, people are lucky and, my friend I referred to earllier from Zimbabwe is now a Barrister at inns of court in London and will help me for free, I helped him at times and there we go.
Will BBC Verify’s 60 reporters debunk their colleagues’ far-Left conspiracies posted on the BBC’s platforms? The messages are visible to all staff, including editors, journalists, & producers.
Maybe I should make a 10-part podcast? There are certainly more revelations to come.
One imagines they are now busy digging up anything they can on Steve, like they do with Musk.
Springster’s tea boy is reduced to dredging up folk whose tweets he likes.
It seems that Astra Zenica is now admitting that its’ ‘perfect ‘ covid vaccine causes harm … in court papers submitted in a case involving victims ..
Cue all those bits of video saying how the vaccine is harmless ….
Thought emergency clearance, at the time, made the vaccine peddlers not liable to any court action ?
Eddy – yes that’s what I thought – but it seems some victims are trying – maybe the state will have to pick up the tab …
DEC 23 2020 …. Under the PREP Act, companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
A little-known government program provides benefits to people who can prove they suffered serious injury from a vaccine.
That program rarely pays, covering just 29 claims over the last decade.
> It seems that Astra Zenica is now admitting that its’ ‘perfect ‘ covid vaccine causes harm
Even more surprising MSM are reporting this. This is now headlined in the DT.
If the bBC also report this I will eat my old hat!
Why are we in the UK such pussies!
The National American Renaissance Movement has presented an 82 page Grand Jury Petition with Exhibits and an Executive Summary to the Governor of New Jersey, his Attorney General and twenty-one county Prosecutors requesting a criminal investigations into the crimes of Covid-19.
Numerous crimes are cited and commented on. They include:
State crimes: Racketeering, Murder, Conspiracy, Aggravated Assault, Domestic Terrorism, Fraud, Official Misconduct, Corporate Misconduct, Producing or Possessing chemical weapons and biological agents.
Federal crimes incorporating the State crimes previously listed and to include Bioweapons violations, Gain of Function Violations, Treason, Misprision of Treason, Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and False Information and Hoaxes.
More here:
TWoTWeee Watch #1 & #2 – The people the BBC absolutely hate absolutely – Narendra Modi and Donald Trump
They both received a ‘dissing’ from Jonny Dymond (see I can do ‘yoof speak’!) during the programme today. What more can I say? It will be great if both win their respective Ellections this year, if only to truly put the BBC’s ‘nose out of joint’ for another four or five years.
Edit facility not working – I do know how to spell Elections.
It could have been worse. You could have been Japanese and trying to say ‘election’.
Election imminent. But is it? The calls for war increase and if we are involved then expect a postponement of any election and a wartime coalition of politicians who basically share the same views on everything.
GWF – I can’t see a real war coming – but if there is one – I don’t see the election being suspended because Labour know they are certain to win …. I really hope sunak doesn’t put British military officially into Ukraine or Gaza – I can’t think of any good reason for doing so
Meanwhile blue labour is falling apart at an increasing pace and maybe a summer election is becoming more likely . A bail out of Thames Water is more likely by the day which is going to screw government finances even more . I wonder if it will mean higher interest rates in order for the government to be able to borrow even more money ….
Time for the new thread …
“Thames Water” – Chinese companies were already playing an important part in the Thames Water fiasco: China Investment Corporation owns 9% of the shares.
This is another worrying aspect of the global reach of China’s financial institutions. It’s very unhealthy that a major British utility company could be beholden to a power like China, where we know that they pose a very serious threat to our security.
There are plenty of examples overseas where they have lent to infrastructure projects up to the eyeballs only for them to go bust.
London Election Hustings: Howard Cox (Reform), Laurence Fox (Reclaim), Amy Gallagher (SDP)
“We extended an invitation to Susan Hall, the Conservative Party candidate for the London mayoralty but she was unable to attend. “
BBC1 6 pm news.
BBC manage to miss a key mass immigration issue yet again.
Two young teenagers are on trial for murder.
They murdered a 19 year old who was from Anguilla.
But get this. He was over in the UK to get treatment for cataracts.
Was he getting private healthcare?
Or was he using the NHS?
Is this another example of the International Health Service paid for by UK taxpayers?
I think we should be told. Will the BBC tell us?
The murdered boys’ parents are over from Anguilla for the trial so it doesn’t sound like they have any allegiance to this country.
Answers please !