Goodness me. ‘BBC Verify’ are like shoolchildren playing a game. The narrater (another female of course) sounds like an 8 year old reading aloud to the rest of the class.
All they are doing is taking video which nobody doubts and where they have been told where it was taken and trying to be the ‘authority’ on truth. Basically by looking on google maps and matching buildings.
But the best thing about this one is they say they did it ‘by matching the outlines of trees’. Absolute 100% nonsense. You couldn’t possibly match a ground view outline of trees from a google-maps satellite view and claim it provides proof. At best they’ve seen some trees on maps and seen some which roughly match in relation to the only thing they really use : other buildings.
It’s a sign of how bad BBC staff are now that they think ‘Verify’ is some sort of serious reference for the truth. The kidults doing it absolutely believe it. Of course it’s all just part of the bigger agenda trying to build up the ‘BBC Verify’ brand ready for when it matters.
What also amazes me is how all the other Leftists media treat it all as if it is indeed the gold-standard ‘reference’. I’m still not sure if they are the same types of idiots at the BBC or they are just more hypocrites who are cheerleading the BBC’s plot.
It’s the same is Biden’s totally inappropriate and nasty insults aimed at Trump at the press dinner yesterday. They were simply not funny and almost entirely deviod of actual wit. Yet it’s been plastered everywhere that he ‘roasted’ Trump. Yes : in the same a 10 year old would.
What I did notice though was all the journalists laughing as if he said the funniest thing they ever heard. Like Baldwins Trump impersonation on SNL, they were laughing and applauding for the worst possible reason. Hate.
.. and what picture do you think the BBC chose to head this article ?.
‘Local officials said Israel carried out further deadly air strikes overnight in the southern Gaza town of Rafah’
A 100% empathy picture meant to make us think the baby is being cared for after one of Israels air strikes.
But as usual it makes no sense. Was the baby sleeping like that ?. Is she going to change it’s nappy without making a clear area ?. What has just that corner been cleared of debris and why is the actual mattress it was on totally clear ?.
It’s 100 staged. They’ve got that old woman to hold the baby with it’s head on the corner of a cushion so we can see all the scattered breeze blocks around it and a ‘journalist’ has just happened to be stood at the perfect angle to take a picture.
So I read this report on the BBC and am left with the distinct impression the Burkina Faso government just murders civilians.
My suspicions are further aroused by ‘Human Rights Watch’ who are the most blatant of far-Left activists who totally ignore anything which doesn’t suit their agenda.
And sure enough a little research tells me all I need to know. They are fighting Muslim terrorists who this BBC report tries to ignore other than referencing some unidentified ‘Islamists’.
‘International and human rights groups, including the European Union and UN, have accused Burkina Faso of serious human rights violations in its fight against Islamists, including the indiscriminate killings and forced disappearances of dozens of civilians.’
No mention anywhere of what these ‘Islamists’ have done to provoke it. The BBC only link to this:
‘Burkina Faso army massacred 223 villagers in revenge attack, says HRW’
They don’t link to the terrorist massacre of 170 which caused it where:
‘Survivors of the attacks told news agency AFP that dozens of women and young children were among the victims.’
A search of google for ‘burkino faso terrorist attacks’ provides the side of the story the BBC are hiding.
What has happened to the world ?. The UN has turned into a left-wing activist farce just like the BBC and all these ‘aid’ organisations are doing everything they can to protect Muslim terrorists. I am now presuming it’s simply because those who stand up to them tend to be on the Right so they are useful as political weapons in articles like this.
Here is the author. Exactly what you would expect. A blank sheet of paper who will accept whatever she is told to write by the senior BBC commissars because she realise just how lucky she is to have even got that job.
These articles just confirm to me yet again that the BBC don’t care one bit who dies or how horribly. Their corpses are only useful if they can be used for the far-Left agenda.
You'll not see this happening in Scotland, my brother in law has worked on two building sites where houses are being built in the Glasgow area, hundreds of houses just for economic migrants
Those houses were fitted out down to teaspoons, it's wrong migrants are before everyone…
Well, all I can say is that some of those Irish have more in common with those who eat at Alans Snackbar than anyone else. It’s easy to see how they can be terrorists. And I also have to add that I’ve seen a bit of that kind of madness in all those I have worked with when they got angry.
But the BBC love them all because they love anyone who hates the colonial, racist, oppressive British Whitey. It’s interesting to see the tide changing and their anger now being directed at immigrants.
And while I’m on the subject, the Irish also got that ‘racist favouritism’ that the Muslim staff got in all the big companies I worked at. I could tell everyone was being specially nice to them to avoid being called a racist. It was very obvious to me. I’ve learned that many people in life don’t notice much at all unless it’s pointed out to them.
It’s also very obvious that the Irish are just as white as the English. They are of the same race too, like the Welsh and the Scots. And they are no more angry about mass immigration into their country than the English are.
I’m just pointing these things out.
I’m at the @wef to back UK security and prosperity, make progress on getting aid into Gaza and continue building towards a permanent, sustainable ceasefire.
The UK and Saudi Arabia are working together to tackle these issues and other priorities like energy and climate change.
Lets just hope a proper Conservative party will rise from the ashes. Though I fully expect the BBC will assasinate the career of anyone in it they judge to be too right-wing.
“I’m at the @wef to back UK security and prosperity, make progress on getting aid into Gaza and continue building towards a permanent, sustainable ceasefire.
The UK and Saudi Arabia are working together to tackle these issues and other priorities like energy and climate change.”
. . . . . . .
“I will back the people’s decision” Cameron Brexit 2016
“I quit” Cameron Brexit 2016
. . . . .
“£9m pro-EU leaflet is necessary and right, says Cameron”
I like the sentiments and the energy but it why is it sung in American? Also to catch on around the country it needs a chorus to which people can join with gusto. And the line “We Want Our Country Back!” should ring across the land. (Imho that is)
I’m not much of a music person I admit so I can’t rate how good it actually is, however, the fact that these songs are appearing a lot on YT shows that the Brits are beginning to wake up and the fightback is imminent.
(I’m wondering if there is any chance this is could be sung at the BBC Proms?)
‘All the incidents involved took place outside of Gaza before the current war.’
‘Israel took corrective action in four units, giving “additional information” on the fifth, the department says.’
‘This means all the units remain eligible for US military assistance.’
The rest of this fairly lengthy piece is 100% BBC Panorama style selective information without context and rhetoric trying to imply guilt and is of no relevance to the actual story.
Meanwhile nothing whatsoever about the bad things Hamas have always done and are still doing. Have they not violated any humans rights at all BBC ?. Does arbitrary murder count ?. Or using civilians as human shields on a vast scale ?.
It’s this total lopsided agenda-based bias which makes everything the BBC report worthless. You have to go elsewhere if you want more than carefully selected and worded ‘truths’.
“Cluster munitions from the US arrive in Ukraine
This article is more than 9 months old
The bombs, which open in air to deploy scores of deadly bomblets, are banned in 120 countries, but not in the US, Ukraine or Russia”
No picture of the man who did it and who the entire article is about. That’s because he is black and the racist BBC agenda doesn’t want you to associate black people with this kind of barbarism. Even though they DO commit these savage murders FAR more than white people relative to their percentage of the population.
Her he is. Picture freely available across the internet. The BBC have CHOSEN not to show it.
No ‘today ‘ as I know it will be a 3 hour party political for the Scottish nazi party ….
So I was looking at stuff on YouTube …. Up pops a
‘Targeted ‘ ad from some woman who apparently is the blue labour candidate for the mayor of londonistan ….
… her big thing is about the emirs ‘ excellent plan to bring in ‘per mile ‘ Road use . I think this is a great idea … she will reverse it – but doesn’t say she ll reverse the ULEZ which made me sell my perfectly good car ..
The lady will get her political oblivion on Friday – I’ve already voted Reform anyway – the nearest thing to a Right wing party – but not Right enough for me ….
Mr AsI admires a good tabloid headline. It’s something of lost art these days. The truly concise witty and memorable mottos once found on our frontpages now appear few and far between.
The advertising freesheet the Metro somewhat restores our faith in the genre this morning as they go with the resignation of the SNP’s First Minister: You’ve only got Yousaf to blame… SNP in crisis as leader quits in tears
There’s a popular saying that all political careers end in tears
Enoch Powell is credited with the quote: All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.
And as we say a fond farewell to our Humza, going the way of many a failed politician of late, we may now wish him a happy retirement in which he can spend more time with his family… in Gaza
Andrew Neil in the Mail attempts to speak tabloid as he observes: The fall of Humza Useless means independence is dead for a generation – I thought the Scots had had their referendum that already decided that?
Madcap absurdist comic Harry Hill was wont to complain that the two elderly ladies in the Cancer Research shop never seemed to be doing any cancer research whenever he visited. You won’t find the cure in the pockets of that old pair of second hand trousers.
Meanwhile Channel 4 TV comedy Peep Show featured the drug addled insights of the free spirited popular character Simon ‘Super Hans’ – refered to in certain literary quarters as a deuteragonist – meaning a secondary main character of a narrative – the viewing audience enjoyed cameos such as his refusal to have a logo drawn in the froth of his pint of Guinness – “That would be like drinking an advert”. At the mention of the disease cancer Super Hans would reasonably complain “They should find a cure for that”
In our latest great leap forward in medical science: Sex is a biological fact, NHS declares (Telegraph)
Economic greap leap forward
Net zero risks crushing buisinesses, warns minister as she rails against eco targets (Telegraph) – blimey, have these Tories simply not noticed they’ve been in power for the last 14 years?
Spanish practices
Our media can easily slant a narrative by way of the wording of a headline, giving alternate emphasis to certain of the facts of a story
Rugby star Billy ‘slapped cop in bar’ (giveaway Metro); Rugby star Vinipola tasered in Spanish bar (Telegraph)
Back at work Sánchez ends days of suspense after deciding to stay on as Spanish leader… Condemning attacks on his family, by rightwing forces… conservative opponents… who have already accused him of degrading Spain’s institutions… Sánchez said that he was the victim of a campaign of “harassment and destruction” involving opposition parties, the judiciary and rightwing media (FT)
Let’s hope we’ve really seen the back of Humza Yousaf and he doesn’t do a dirty Sánchez come back on us
Dirty Sanchez was a British stunt and prank TV series featuring a group of three Welshmen and one Englishman harming themselves, and each other, through dangerous stunts, which ran from 2003 until 2007 (Thank you Wiki)
.. then watch how quickly the EU decide they CAN just be sent back to where they came from when it suits them.
But some ECHR technicality will mean WE will still have to keep them all from France.
And even if we didn’t, we have such a large number of Leftist activists and imported enrichment that they would assault Londonistan with protests again if we tried – with the full support of the BBC.
It’s a shame a ‘policy’ of locating the invaders to Northern Ireland know full well they ‘migrate ‘ to the land of even better welfare …. And get an EU passport – if France dumps them on us – we should dump them back in the EU …
It’s a real popcorn job – especially as the more sane ( less woke ) Irish see their country being destroyed by the invaders ….
After all – the Irish didn’t want a solid border ….
AISI, “Mr AsI admires a good tabloid headline.” ah but, yes but, no but, do you admire the picture juxtaposition on the front page of the Daily Mail which appears to show Megan applauding the resignation of Humza Yousaf.
Like the station master at Sloane Square tube in the sixties!
He was always immaculately uniformed, and stood to attention while he bawled passenger instructions at extra-violent decibel level. It was a deafening performance!
And I used to hear it all from sitting inside the Earls Court train, so what happened to all the Sloanies cowering on the platform, God only knows!
My answer to the string question has always been ‘twice the distance from the middle to one end’. It usually brings any conversation to an instant halt.
Or it could have been one of those rarities, ‘A piece of string with a hole in it’!
(Coupled with a ‘Photograph of the death of Nelson’, my late lamented FIL would mention these absurdities to anyone who would listen, and we always loved it…)
Japan’s Most Senior Oncologist Condemns mRNA Vaccines as “Evil Practices of Science”
🚨🚨🚨 Japan's Most Senior Oncologist, Prof. Fukushima Condemns mRNA Vaccines as 'Evil Practices of Science'
Highlights I am the most senior medical oncologist in Japan. I was the first to open a cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University, and before that, in Kyoto…
‘Japan’s Most Senior Oncologist, Prof. Fukushima Condemns mRNA Vaccines as ‘Evil Practices of Science”
If only we had some form of official public inquiry that could look into that.
After months of fretting over ministers’ WhatsApp texts, perhaps they’ll now call for them all to hand over their Grindr histories? That would seem to be the social media platform of choice for our politicians these days.
Frankly, I worry about the state of our NHS. I haven’t seen nurses doing a good TikTok dance routine for ages now.
Do you still watch QT -?here’s a piece about in the DT by Charlie Moore ….
STARTS Last Thursday, I appeared on BBC Question Time. On being told, when invited, that the venue would be the Bernie Grant Arts Centre in Tottenham, I had asked how the studio audience would be selected.
Bernie Grant was the local Labour council leader in 1985 when rioters in Broadwater Farm, Tottenham, murdered a policeman, Pc Keith Blakelock. He declared that “the youth think they gave the police a bloody good hiding”. The area retains its reputation for militancy. The balance of the studio audience is often a problem with Question Time. I suspected it would be particularly so in Tottenham.
The BBC reassured me: “There is an audience producer and 2 audience researchers whose role is to speak to and vet every member of the audience including in-depth social media checks to ensure that they are who they say they are and hold the views which they claim (which includes excluding extremist views). This … should mean the audience is more representative than your last appearance.”
Arriving, we were greeted by a small but noisy mob of pro-Gaza activists, who targeted a fellow-panellist, Wes Streeting. He and I arrived together, and security moved us fast to the door, but not before the apparent ringleader, a man with an enormously loud voice, yelled at Mr Streeting for supporting “genocide” and being a traitor to his gay sexuality (on the trans issue, I think). Mr Streeting remained calm and we passed inside. The beating of protesters’ drums outside continued through the evening.
The panel was as respectable as Mr Streeting – a Liberal Democrat MP, Munira Wilson, the policing minister, Chris Philp, and the amusing Lord Adebowale, chairman of the NHS Confederation. Fiona Bruce, 60 that day, presided pleasantly. There was no disorder.
What there was, however, was the most unrepresentative audience unanimity. About 30 people, plus the three whose questions were called, must have spoken on air. Without, I think, a single exception, they all expressed Left-wing views.
For them, everything was the Government’s fault for not spending enough money. Rishi Sunak was a billionaire (he isn’t, actually) and so understands nothing. There should be no illegal immigration controls, let alone sending people to Rwanda. Everyone who wants a sick note should have one. The place was almost literally an echo chamber.
I was not personally ill-treated, but I did find it uphill work. The audience was so sure of its views that it was not interested in discussion. On rents, for example, I pointed out that if no-fault evictions are banned (the current crazy plan of Michael Gove), many landlords will leave the market, so rents will rise. This obvious truth seemed part-repulsive, part-incomprehensible to those present.
The main victim was not me, but the audience back home. Presumably they want a neutral atmosphere in which to hear a range of views. Most will be unpolitical and therefore uninterested in electioneering and slogans.
When I complained afterwards to the friendly staff, it was explained that the majority of those chosen had told the audience selectors they had voted Tory at the 2019 election. This prompts two questions. One is, “If they were a majority, why did you choose them? I thought you wanted party balance, not a one-party majority.” The other is, “Do you think they were telling the truth? If you cannot tell, don’t you need better methods of selection?”
Unfortunately, studio audiences today are the real-life equivalent of the Twittersphere – a space dominated by politicised people who want a fight. People of more small-c conservative views are usually shyer than the Left, certainly in the politically skewed BBC milieu. Which small-c conservative person would want to pipe up in a studio audience like last week’s? The problem reinforces itself.
This issue will become hotter in the coming general election debates as party supporters try to pack the audiences. If studio audiences are unrepresentative, how can the BBC perform its impartiality function? Should we opt for French-style election debates with no studio audience, or select to get a balance of views rather than nominal party allegiance?
It wasn’t like that in Sir Robin’s day
Before coming to Tottenham, I checked, and found that I first appeared on Question Time in 1987. I tried to compare then and now.
Then, there were only four panellists and far fewer audience interventions. Now there are five, and so much audience participation that the number of subjects covered falls (only three last week). The old show was pacier.
Forty years ago, panellists had dinner together beforehand, as still happens on Radio 4’s Any Questions? This made us feel friendly and relaxed. Now it is just a dreary snack, sometimes not even seated.
At that time, the presenter, Sir Robin Day, would sit with the guests at dinner and jolly us along. Now no one really acts as host or introduces panellists to one another. After the show, Robin Day would ring up or write to thank panellists. Today, nothing like that happens and you barely meet the chairman off air.
As the programme’s audiences have fallen, it has degenerated. Nowadays, the most important public figures do not want to take part.
One thing, however, has not changed in nearly 40 years – the fee. I think I got £150 then. I get £150 now, which works out, given the hours of preparation and travelling involved, at roughly the minimum wage. Not much for quite a bleak experience. ENDS
Such a disappointment to see Eddy degenerate into a left-wing activist who clearly is unable to carry out any civilised debate. Totally consumed by emotion. Facts and real life are optional. Just like the reports the BBC cloners churn out these days.
Like many comedians Zephir, they are great while they are acting. Once they think they are famous enough such that their own opinions are more important than anybody elses, they get vocal and we learn what they are really like.
And then we are reminded what unpleasant people showbusiness is actually full of. And it’s exactly the same in the BBC. A real nest of vipers.
Steve Coogan is another one who springs to mind. Funny in character and a complete tw@t in real life.
ARTRIDGE IN A PAY FREEZE Millionaire comic Steve Coogan blasted after he furloughs gardener and housekeeper at £4million estate
Ben Leo
Published: 21:30, 20 May 2020Updated: 9:54, 21 May 2020
Nothing to worry about … “Chinese companies now control an estimated 33% of the lithium at projects currently producing the mineral or those under construction.”
The BBC are in full on firefighting mode this morning, desperately trying to bolster the credibility of both The SNP and Yusaf.
Along the lines of – this is just a blip and nothing to do with the appalling record of the SNP and normal SNP services will resume as soon as possible.
There is absolutely no way they will allow any positive views of possible opponents including most of all The Conservatives.
The BBC can only be viewed as a political propaganda machine for anything left of centre everywhere in the World.
A Chinese airline has reportedly warned passengers that “precautions” should be taken when visiting areas in London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.
I started to write about this last night on the website and
then took it off . To think more about it . Because it is
worrying. And I thought I must not be my usual l sarcastic self.
I am reading a book ” We Fight Fascists by Daniel Sonabend.
This is a factual book about the period just after the Second
World War.
It is said that history repeats itself. I just hope that if this book
is factual, and in fact a friend of mine who’s dad was involved
in the “action” and is prominently mentioned in the book
told me that the book is accurate,
Of course I knew about Oswald Mosley and his black shirts
who were defeated in the battle of Cable Street in 1936.
What I didn’t know the rampant anti Semitism that still
existed in the UK AFTER the war.
A lot of it was latent . But even MSM were capable of expressing even more than than latency . Similar to the BBC of
today. Something important to know is that quite a fair
proportion although a minority of Jewish activists had at the very least sympathy feelings for the Communist cause.
Because the Jews and Communists had stood shoulder to shoulder in their fight against Mosley and his black shirts.
Here is an open letter written in October 1946 by a Mr Orman
a local to Home Secretary Chuter Ede.
! suppose it is perfectly in order for a lousy swine like Jeffrey
Hamm to get up on a street corner in the East End of London and
shout ” Down with the Jews. Burn the synagogues. Kill the Aliens, ” and he gets away with it. But if a person tries to pull him up, what happens? The so-called keepers of law and order, go up to this person and tell him he’d better move away before he gets hurt.
The next part of the letter I will not expose. May I suggest that
some of you read this book . ” Back to the future” springs to mind. If in a different context.
Yes Doobster- You can imagine BIG BROTHER from the
Diversity Dept. Insisting that this one in at least 10
occasions that its a whitie . It gets absolute prominence. Even
if its Caucasia from as far away as the Caucasus mountains.
“1992 Committee Chair Graham Brady has accidentally said the quiet part out loud: that Tory members are too insane to be allowed pick their leader when the party is in government. Because the parliamentary party has a much better record, not…”
Marky – as I understand it membership of the Conservative Party is in terminal decline – and they keep on putting up the fees ….
Just like the TV licence …
“Halve inflation. Grow the economy. Reduce Debt. Cut waiting lists. Stop the boats. These are our priorities. If they’re yours too, then join us and help get them done. ”
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Peter Doshi, an editor at the BMJ pointed out in Oct 2020 before rollout that the vaccine trials weren’t set up to evaluate reduced deaths or serious illness. The studies were designed to show effect on infection (via lab test) and symptoms of mild illness only.
They weren’t looking for effect on transmission or on deaths and they weren’t necessary to get approval. In contrast to the marketing campaign by gov and media which made ridiculous claims of efficacy.
BBC on safe ground with Hainault – white – non Muslim for a change – picture on the site do doubt …. The more detail / prominence the story gets the less coloured / Muslim those involved are …
Helps with the whataboutery the next time third worlder Muslims do what they do ….
LMAO, he’s white so they have video up of him straight away.
Contrast that with when they refuse to release details and tell the public not to speculate or share anything on social media.
I’ve NEVER seen the BBC use video from social media when it’s enrichment. The nearest they go is take a still from the video then blur out his face so we can’t tell he is black.
It will all be quickly dropped of course if it turns out he is an immigrant.
The BBC have wet their panties and are making a complete meal of it – with the Home Secretary demanding to know what has happened already. What a shame they don’t get so interested for all the black murders which the BBC often don’t even report.
Maybe is Scotland gets independence England ( londonistan ) can ship a few hundred thousand ‘welcome ‘ invaders north of the border to pump the population up ….
“What put a mark on her back was her view, shared by a majority of people and enshrined in law, that whether someone is male or female is a matter of reality, not belief, and that someone’s gender identity, or belief about their sex, cannot supersede their actual sex for all purposes in society. That’s what paved the way for her fellow academics to miscast the harassed as harasser, and for her university’s management to delude themselves that by turning a blind eye to bullying they were protecting free expression, when they were really undermining Phoenix’s ability to exercise just that.”
Can’t be said of NHS Scotland. I learn today the practice and individuals pushing it are still promoting ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’ to children aged 4… And BBC Scotland would probably approve (as they do everywhere else in ‘programming’ the nation.
Madley's cross examination of Starmer sees him blink 14 times in 17 seconds. Starmer tries to fob him off with the excuse of legal confidentiality, Madley ain't having it. He had Starmer bang to rights and Starmer shows it. Masterful interviewing from Madley.
I was watching Starmer’s veins throbbing in his neck. Boy was he nervous of this interview. Towards the end the pulse was less prominent, I assume he thought he had got away with it and relaxed.
Pay us 25% of the increase in the value of your house NOW, or we’ll seize it…
= pitchfork territory…?
Joe Biden agrees with me, or sees it the same way at least – we should tax money made with money the same way we do money made with a pair of hands – aka tax capital gains at income tax rates (not a super low rate).
There are different types & sizes of swords. I would consider that common knowledge. Until we have a name- we cannot know. The age of the man was publicised but not a name.
I have read rumours that he is Albanian or Eastern European. I emphasise that is only rumour at this stage.
Carmel O’Grady
BBC News
Victoria Park-Froud
BBC Verify
In it’s personal independence payment (PIP) welfare campaign, the BBC has dug up 3 more retards :
A 71 year old , whose being claiming it for 8 years.
Post pension age people can’t claim it, but can keep receiving it. BBC don’t bother mentioning that.
I’m sure there’s numerous pensioners with worst arthritis than her, who get nothing, but naturally she doesn’t give a toss about them.
Anyway she needs PIP money to collect her prescriptions from the pharmacy…
Second up a 34 year old autistic kidult, whose in the application stage.
He wants help to buy things like noise cancelling headphones.
Apparently works full time as a creative designer despite:
“Sam does not drive because he has problems with depth perception and physical co-ordination, so he has to use public transport.”
Third up unemployed Vicky with-
“bipolar and post-traumatic stress disorders, says the idea of changing the current system was worrying.”
claiming £283 a month in PIP, a nice top up on her other benefits.
And yet again they are all White and the BBC and government are directing hate against them.
Surely Eddie you must see you are being played? Where are the thousands of boat people, the illegal migrants who have pushed up the numbers so high there’s a 12 month backlog on claims?
Of course there are no Pakistani kids with conditions brought about by in breeding and arranged marriages with cousins either.
This is classic BBC anti White race hate, time to put the blame where it really lies and stop illegals claiming disability benefits.
So some MP’s are calling for illegal immigrants or “asylum seekers” as they prefer to call them for obvious reasons to be given the right to work after 6 months.
These MP’s are obviously so away with the fairies that they cannot see the obvious consequences.
1. The majority will end up either on social security or working in the black economy for less than standard wages and thus undermining jobs that should be going to people born and living legally in this country who otherwise will be thrown out of work.
2. If this were to be put in place as standard it would signal the biggest clarion call invitation to literally millions and millions of people in shithole third world countries in Africa and the Middle and Far East telling them that they will find paradise in the UK, they only need to get here and they are rewarded. They will come in such massive numbers that the boat people will look like a scouting party.
It may even attract millions from some of the South American basket case countries who would bring all their drug-dealing and gang violence paraphernalia with them.
This will end up driving this country deeper into the crap and closer to ending up as a third world shithole as well. We are well on the way there now!
Do these politicians have absolutely no common sense or thought process beyond stupid virtue signalling for brownie points?
Hainault Horror ( it’s down the road from me ) – a local news story made big in the absence of anything else – and the BBC got bored with the SNP ….
…-anyways – as a kid who had the misfortune to grow up in the 1970s there was Saville and Gary glitter . Now at the time I thought both of these characters were weird – saville especially he never communicated ‘normally ‘ – and Glitter ? What a horror …
They run documentaries of them now – ITV have just one on Glitter – all very well now – but not so much then ….
Nowadays I suppose it’s footballers and their young fans ….
I’d say the only hope we have is the political ‘elite’ getting a swift taste of the shit they have inflicted on the rest of us. Sadly, I think they will be too well protected and they really don’t care about us. At all. Until election time. I’m done with them.
Funny – I was trying to think what blue labour has achieved in the last 12 ? Years …. I cannot think of one positive thing they have done ( for me ) – and I think the UK couldn’t be in a worse state than what they have done ….
For instance – we have expensive power – expensive water – expensive petrol – expensive food – high taxes – high borrowing and overwhelmed public services cause by huge uncontrolled foreign population growth ….
They deserve the absolute worst ..
I’m much easier these days, denigrating the Conservreds and the BBC, to any of my chums, and it’s apparent that at first, they look at me somewhat sideways, then start to agree, then get better at it, then we’re all in the pub with pints and a great Hey-Ho!
Rishi really has to go, and quickly!
Normal Citizens have had anough of foreign influences getting in the way of true British values, and when he’s gone, we’ll have a few years of Kia and Crayons, but after that, I’ll be nearly eighty, so will probably vote for next-door’s cat…
Scroblene – what I wrote I really meant . I just cannot think of anything they have achieved – all they have done is accelerate the decline ….
… for instance – rolls Royce announced the other day that they are slowing down the development of those promised nuclear power stations – it wasn’t really picked up – but in a few years time ( @ 2027?we won’t be able to produce enough power and will be regularly dependent on foreign imports ) – and if those countries don’t deliver – we will be in the dark – another Tory failure ….
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
BBC Verify examines reported strikes on Russian oil depots
Goodness me. ‘BBC Verify’ are like shoolchildren playing a game. The narrater (another female of course) sounds like an 8 year old reading aloud to the rest of the class.
All they are doing is taking video which nobody doubts and where they have been told where it was taken and trying to be the ‘authority’ on truth. Basically by looking on google maps and matching buildings.
But the best thing about this one is they say they did it ‘by matching the outlines of trees’. Absolute 100% nonsense. You couldn’t possibly match a ground view outline of trees from a google-maps satellite view and claim it provides proof. At best they’ve seen some trees on maps and seen some which roughly match in relation to the only thing they really use : other buildings.
It’s a sign of how bad BBC staff are now that they think ‘Verify’ is some sort of serious reference for the truth. The kidults doing it absolutely believe it. Of course it’s all just part of the bigger agenda trying to build up the ‘BBC Verify’ brand ready for when it matters.
What also amazes me is how all the other Leftists media treat it all as if it is indeed the gold-standard ‘reference’. I’m still not sure if they are the same types of idiots at the BBC or they are just more hypocrites who are cheerleading the BBC’s plot.
It’s the same is Biden’s totally inappropriate and nasty insults aimed at Trump at the press dinner yesterday. They were simply not funny and almost entirely deviod of actual wit. Yet it’s been plastered everywhere that he ‘roasted’ Trump. Yes : in the same a 10 year old would.
What I did notice though was all the journalists laughing as if he said the funniest thing they ever heard. Like Baldwins Trump impersonation on SNL, they were laughing and applauding for the worst possible reason. Hate.
Gaza war: US ‘hopeful’ Hamas will accept Israel’s new ceasefire offer
.. and what picture do you think the BBC chose to head this article ?.
‘Local officials said Israel carried out further deadly air strikes overnight in the southern Gaza town of Rafah’
A 100% empathy picture meant to make us think the baby is being cared for after one of Israels air strikes.
But as usual it makes no sense. Was the baby sleeping like that ?. Is she going to change it’s nappy without making a clear area ?. What has just that corner been cleared of debris and why is the actual mattress it was on totally clear ?.
It’s 100 staged. They’ve got that old woman to hold the baby with it’s head on the corner of a cushion so we can see all the scattered breeze blocks around it and a ‘journalist’ has just happened to be stood at the perfect angle to take a picture.
Burkina Faso bans more foreign media over Human Rights Watch massacre report
So I read this report on the BBC and am left with the distinct impression the Burkina Faso government just murders civilians.
My suspicions are further aroused by ‘Human Rights Watch’ who are the most blatant of far-Left activists who totally ignore anything which doesn’t suit their agenda.
And sure enough a little research tells me all I need to know. They are fighting Muslim terrorists who this BBC report tries to ignore other than referencing some unidentified ‘Islamists’.
‘International and human rights groups, including the European Union and UN, have accused Burkina Faso of serious human rights violations in its fight against Islamists, including the indiscriminate killings and forced disappearances of dozens of civilians.’
No mention anywhere of what these ‘Islamists’ have done to provoke it. The BBC only link to this:
‘Burkina Faso army massacred 223 villagers in revenge attack, says HRW’
They don’t link to the terrorist massacre of 170 which caused it where:
‘Survivors of the attacks told news agency AFP that dozens of women and young children were among the victims.’
A search of google for ‘burkino faso terrorist attacks’ provides the side of the story the BBC are hiding.
What has happened to the world ?. The UN has turned into a left-wing activist farce just like the BBC and all these ‘aid’ organisations are doing everything they can to protect Muslim terrorists. I am now presuming it’s simply because those who stand up to them tend to be on the Right so they are useful as political weapons in articles like this.
Here is the author. Exactly what you would expect. A blank sheet of paper who will accept whatever she is told to write by the senior BBC commissars because she realise just how lucky she is to have even got that job.

These articles just confirm to me yet again that the BBC don’t care one bit who dies or how horribly. Their corpses are only useful if they can be used for the far-Left agenda.
I wonder how many migrants are identifying as transgender? (Could be a spoof)
The India Willoughby post is supposed to have been a wry observation that so many trannies are unemployed that they receive that amount.
However if you look underneath it’s from an account which is suspended.
So no, there’s no truth to there being some kind of specific benefit for trannies.
Well, all I can say is that some of those Irish have more in common with those who eat at Alans Snackbar than anyone else. It’s easy to see how they can be terrorists. And I also have to add that I’ve seen a bit of that kind of madness in all those I have worked with when they got angry.
But the BBC love them all because they love anyone who hates the colonial, racist, oppressive British Whitey. It’s interesting to see the tide changing and their anger now being directed at immigrants.
And while I’m on the subject, the Irish also got that ‘racist favouritism’ that the Muslim staff got in all the big companies I worked at. I could tell everyone was being specially nice to them to avoid being called a racist. It was very obvious to me. I’ve learned that many people in life don’t notice much at all unless it’s pointed out to them.
It’s also very obvious that the Irish are just as white as the English. They are of the same race too, like the Welsh and the Scots. And they are no more angry about mass immigration into their country than the English are.
I’m just pointing these things out.
f’d aren’t we?
Good riddance to him and Sunak.
Lets just hope a proper Conservative party will rise from the ashes. Though I fully expect the BBC will assasinate the career of anyone in it they judge to be too right-wing.
“proper Conservative party”

On 4 January 2023, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak set out his five priorities.
“I fully expect you to hold my government and I to account on delivering those goals,” (RISHI) he said.
Dave’s after the big bungs before it’s back to the garden shed and another book no one will read ..
Perhaps he’ll be another cardscratcher, Fed!
There’ll be quite a few after Kia Strummer gets to No. 10…
(Note to red wall supermarkets and garages – ‘Stock up now while the going’s good’).
“I’m at the @wef to back UK security and prosperity, make progress on getting aid into Gaza and continue building towards a permanent, sustainable ceasefire.
The UK and Saudi Arabia are working together to tackle these issues and other priorities like energy and climate change.”
. . . . . . .
“I will back the people’s decision” Cameron Brexit 2016
“I quit” Cameron Brexit 2016
. . . . .
“£9m pro-EU leaflet is necessary and right, says Cameron”
. . . . .
Has anybody seen this or similar on YT?
I like the sentiments and the energy but it why is it sung in American? Also to catch on around the country it needs a chorus to which people can join with gusto. And the line “We Want Our Country Back!” should ring across the land. (Imho that is)
I’m not much of a music person I admit so I can’t rate how good it actually is, however, the fact that these songs are appearing a lot on YT shows that the Brits are beginning to wake up and the fightback is imminent.
(I’m wondering if there is any chance this is could be sung at the BBC Proms?)
US says Israeli army units violated human rights
Just picking out the relevant parts:
‘All the incidents involved took place outside of Gaza before the current war.’
‘Israel took corrective action in four units, giving “additional information” on the fifth, the department says.’
‘This means all the units remain eligible for US military assistance.’
The rest of this fairly lengthy piece is 100% BBC Panorama style selective information without context and rhetoric trying to imply guilt and is of no relevance to the actual story.
Meanwhile nothing whatsoever about the bad things Hamas have always done and are still doing. Have they not violated any humans rights at all BBC ?. Does arbitrary murder count ?. Or using civilians as human shields on a vast scale ?.
It’s this total lopsided agenda-based bias which makes everything the BBC report worthless. You have to go elsewhere if you want more than carefully selected and worded ‘truths’.
“Cluster munitions from the US arrive in Ukraine
This article is more than 9 months old
The bombs, which open in air to deploy scores of deadly bomblets, are banned in 120 countries, but not in the US, Ukraine or Russia”
London stabbing: Man admits killing mobility scooter rider Thomas O’Halloran
Big picture of the elderly white victim.
No picture of the man who did it and who the entire article is about. That’s because he is black and the racist BBC agenda doesn’t want you to associate black people with this kind of barbarism. Even though they DO commit these savage murders FAR more than white people relative to their percentage of the population.
Her he is. Picture freely available across the internet. The BBC have CHOSEN not to show it.

Aisle of Plenty
Great track on a superb album, Zep!
No ‘today ‘ as I know it will be a 3 hour party political for the Scottish nazi party ….
So I was looking at stuff on YouTube …. Up pops a
‘Targeted ‘ ad from some woman who apparently is the blue labour candidate for the mayor of londonistan ….
… her big thing is about the emirs ‘ excellent plan to bring in ‘per mile ‘ Road use . I think this is a great idea … she will reverse it – but doesn’t say she ll reverse the ULEZ which made me sell my perfectly good car ..
The lady will get her political oblivion on Friday – I’ve already voted Reform anyway – the nearest thing to a Right wing party – but not Right enough for me ….
Now back to the SNP funeral
Mr AsI admires a good tabloid headline. It’s something of lost art these days. The truly concise witty and memorable mottos once found on our frontpages now appear few and far between.
The advertising freesheet the Metro somewhat restores our faith in the genre this morning as they go with the resignation of the SNP’s First Minister: You’ve only got Yousaf to blame… SNP in crisis as leader quits in tears
There’s a popular saying that all political careers end in tears
Enoch Powell is credited with the quote: All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.
And as we say a fond farewell to our Humza, going the way of many a failed politician of late, we may now wish him a happy retirement in which he can spend more time with his family… in Gaza
Andrew Neil in the Mail attempts to speak tabloid as he observes: The fall of Humza Useless means independence is dead for a generation – I thought the Scots had had their referendum that already decided that?
Madcap absurdist comic Harry Hill was wont to complain that the two elderly ladies in the Cancer Research shop never seemed to be doing any cancer research whenever he visited. You won’t find the cure in the pockets of that old pair of second hand trousers.
Meanwhile Channel 4 TV comedy Peep Show featured the drug addled insights of the free spirited popular character Simon ‘Super Hans’ – refered to in certain literary quarters as a deuteragonist – meaning a secondary main character of a narrative – the viewing audience enjoyed cameos such as his refusal to have a logo drawn in the froth of his pint of Guinness – “That would be like drinking an advert”. At the mention of the disease cancer Super Hans would reasonably complain “They should find a cure for that”
In our latest great leap forward in medical science: Sex is a biological fact, NHS declares (Telegraph)
Economic greap leap forward
Net zero risks crushing buisinesses, warns minister as she rails against eco targets (Telegraph) – blimey, have these Tories simply not noticed they’ve been in power for the last 14 years?
Spanish practices
Our media can easily slant a narrative by way of the wording of a headline, giving alternate emphasis to certain of the facts of a story
Rugby star Billy ‘slapped cop in bar’ (giveaway Metro); Rugby star Vinipola tasered in Spanish bar (Telegraph)
Back at work Sánchez ends days of suspense after deciding to stay on as Spanish leader… Condemning attacks on his family, by rightwing forces… conservative opponents… who have already accused him of degrading Spain’s institutions… Sánchez said that he was the victim of a campaign of “harassment and destruction” involving opposition parties, the judiciary and rightwing media (FT)
Let’s hope we’ve really seen the back of Humza Yousaf and he doesn’t do a dirty Sánchez come back on us
Dirty Sanchez was a British stunt and prank TV series featuring a group of three Welshmen and one Englishman harming themselves, and each other, through dangerous stunts, which ran from 2003 until 2007 (Thank you Wiki)
Yeah yeah Asiseeit – but what about the coming war between the EU ( Eire ) and Blighty over that non border ….?
Instead of sending vermin we can’t find to Rwanda – just ship them to the Irish border and send them into peaceful Eire ?
After all – they’ve all come from an EU country so they can go to another one ….
.. then watch how quickly the EU decide they CAN just be sent back to where they came from when it suits them.
But some ECHR technicality will mean WE will still have to keep them all from France.
And even if we didn’t, we have such a large number of Leftist activists and imported enrichment that they would assault Londonistan with protests again if we tried – with the full support of the BBC.
It’s a shame a ‘policy’ of locating the invaders to Northern Ireland know full well they ‘migrate ‘ to the land of even better welfare …. And get an EU passport – if France dumps them on us – we should dump them back in the EU …
It’s a real popcorn job – especially as the more sane ( less woke ) Irish see their country being destroyed by the invaders ….
After all – the Irish didn’t want a solid border ….
AISI, “Mr AsI admires a good tabloid headline.” ah but, yes but, no but, do you admire the picture juxtaposition on the front page of the Daily Mail which appears to show Megan applauding the resignation of Humza Yousaf.
Train drivers overwhelmingly middle-aged white men
Trained by Boeing?
We used to have wonderful Station Master at our local train station.
If one ever dared to ask when the next train was due, he would respond “how long’s a piece of string?”
And he did love his whistle, especially standing right next to you, as close a possible to your ear.
Like the station master at Sloane Square tube in the sixties!
He was always immaculately uniformed, and stood to attention while he bawled passenger instructions at extra-violent decibel level. It was a deafening performance!
And I used to hear it all from sitting inside the Earls Court train, so what happened to all the Sloanies cowering on the platform, God only knows!
I was much younger then
Now, if asked about the string I would likely respond
“what’s the diameter of your neck?
My answer to the string question has always been ‘twice the distance from the middle to one end’. It usually brings any conversation to an instant halt.
Ha ha ha!
Or it could have been one of those rarities, ‘A piece of string with a hole in it’!
(Coupled with a ‘Photograph of the death of Nelson’, my late lamented FIL would mention these absurdities to anyone who would listen, and we always loved it…)
Vile’s race baiting bimbo competition hots up.
I worked for TfL for a while, dealing with complaints,
the number of complaints about racist afro caribbean, particularly African, both male and female employees dealing with the public would shock you.
they were disgusting, varying from Chinese students asking for information and being told “are you stupid or something?
to various sexual comments and harrassment which I will not share here.
Not only would it not shock me, it would be what I expect.
Japan’s Most Senior Oncologist Condemns mRNA Vaccines as “Evil Practices of Science”
So we can not expect Prof Fukushima to be interviewed by the lying bBC!
‘Japan’s Most Senior Oncologist, Prof. Fukushima Condemns mRNA Vaccines as ‘Evil Practices of Science”
If only we had some form of official public inquiry that could look into that.
After months of fretting over ministers’ WhatsApp texts, perhaps they’ll now call for them all to hand over their Grindr histories? That would seem to be the social media platform of choice for our politicians these days.
Frankly, I worry about the state of our NHS. I haven’t seen nurses doing a good TikTok dance routine for ages now.
I’m more interested in, who is Shima and what did she do to upset him so much ?
Thinking of changing my name to Professor Fuckumrschin
Did you ever meet any members of the Fukarwe tribe, Zep?
They were very short, so had to jump up and down in the long grass, yelling ‘where the f**k are we…’
Bets on that he meets an untimely end
Do you still watch QT -?here’s a piece about in the DT by Charlie Moore ….
STARTS Last Thursday, I appeared on BBC Question Time. On being told, when invited, that the venue would be the Bernie Grant Arts Centre in Tottenham, I had asked how the studio audience would be selected.
Bernie Grant was the local Labour council leader in 1985 when rioters in Broadwater Farm, Tottenham, murdered a policeman, Pc Keith Blakelock. He declared that “the youth think they gave the police a bloody good hiding”. The area retains its reputation for militancy. The balance of the studio audience is often a problem with Question Time. I suspected it would be particularly so in Tottenham.
The BBC reassured me: “There is an audience producer and 2 audience researchers whose role is to speak to and vet every member of the audience including in-depth social media checks to ensure that they are who they say they are and hold the views which they claim (which includes excluding extremist views). This … should mean the audience is more representative than your last appearance.”
Arriving, we were greeted by a small but noisy mob of pro-Gaza activists, who targeted a fellow-panellist, Wes Streeting. He and I arrived together, and security moved us fast to the door, but not before the apparent ringleader, a man with an enormously loud voice, yelled at Mr Streeting for supporting “genocide” and being a traitor to his gay sexuality (on the trans issue, I think). Mr Streeting remained calm and we passed inside. The beating of protesters’ drums outside continued through the evening.
The panel was as respectable as Mr Streeting – a Liberal Democrat MP, Munira Wilson, the policing minister, Chris Philp, and the amusing Lord Adebowale, chairman of the NHS Confederation. Fiona Bruce, 60 that day, presided pleasantly. There was no disorder.
What there was, however, was the most unrepresentative audience unanimity. About 30 people, plus the three whose questions were called, must have spoken on air. Without, I think, a single exception, they all expressed Left-wing views.
For them, everything was the Government’s fault for not spending enough money. Rishi Sunak was a billionaire (he isn’t, actually) and so understands nothing. There should be no illegal immigration controls, let alone sending people to Rwanda. Everyone who wants a sick note should have one. The place was almost literally an echo chamber.
I was not personally ill-treated, but I did find it uphill work. The audience was so sure of its views that it was not interested in discussion. On rents, for example, I pointed out that if no-fault evictions are banned (the current crazy plan of Michael Gove), many landlords will leave the market, so rents will rise. This obvious truth seemed part-repulsive, part-incomprehensible to those present.
The main victim was not me, but the audience back home. Presumably they want a neutral atmosphere in which to hear a range of views. Most will be unpolitical and therefore uninterested in electioneering and slogans.
When I complained afterwards to the friendly staff, it was explained that the majority of those chosen had told the audience selectors they had voted Tory at the 2019 election. This prompts two questions. One is, “If they were a majority, why did you choose them? I thought you wanted party balance, not a one-party majority.” The other is, “Do you think they were telling the truth? If you cannot tell, don’t you need better methods of selection?”
Unfortunately, studio audiences today are the real-life equivalent of the Twittersphere – a space dominated by politicised people who want a fight. People of more small-c conservative views are usually shyer than the Left, certainly in the politically skewed BBC milieu. Which small-c conservative person would want to pipe up in a studio audience like last week’s? The problem reinforces itself.
This issue will become hotter in the coming general election debates as party supporters try to pack the audiences. If studio audiences are unrepresentative, how can the BBC perform its impartiality function? Should we opt for French-style election debates with no studio audience, or select to get a balance of views rather than nominal party allegiance?
It wasn’t like that in Sir Robin’s day
Before coming to Tottenham, I checked, and found that I first appeared on Question Time in 1987. I tried to compare then and now.
Then, there were only four panellists and far fewer audience interventions. Now there are five, and so much audience participation that the number of subjects covered falls (only three last week). The old show was pacier.
Forty years ago, panellists had dinner together beforehand, as still happens on Radio 4’s Any Questions? This made us feel friendly and relaxed. Now it is just a dreary snack, sometimes not even seated.
At that time, the presenter, Sir Robin Day, would sit with the guests at dinner and jolly us along. Now no one really acts as host or introduces panellists to one another. After the show, Robin Day would ring up or write to thank panellists. Today, nothing like that happens and you barely meet the chairman off air.
As the programme’s audiences have fallen, it has degenerated. Nowadays, the most important public figures do not want to take part.
One thing, however, has not changed in nearly 40 years – the fee. I think I got £150 then. I get £150 now, which works out, given the hours of preparation and travelling involved, at roughly the minimum wage. Not much for quite a bleak experience. ENDS
Such a disappointment to see Eddy degenerate into a left-wing activist who clearly is unable to carry out any civilised debate. Totally consumed by emotion. Facts and real life are optional. Just like the reports the BBC cloners churn out these days.
No wonder nobody wants ‘it’ as a politician.
Having spent some time in in France I did enjoy his French stuff when he was a little more normal:
Like many comedians Zephir, they are great while they are acting. Once they think they are famous enough such that their own opinions are more important than anybody elses, they get vocal and we learn what they are really like.
And then we are reminded what unpleasant people showbusiness is actually full of. And it’s exactly the same in the BBC. A real nest of vipers.
Steve Coogan is another one who springs to mind. Funny in character and a complete tw@t in real life.
Yes, agree entirely
Still tempted to bring a monkey To Paris though
although will not be going again, it’s Morroco / Algeria in all but name
ARTRIDGE IN A PAY FREEZE Millionaire comic Steve Coogan blasted after he furloughs gardener and housekeeper at £4million estate
Ben Leo
Published: 21:30, 20 May 2020Updated: 9:54, 21 May 2020
Nothing to worry about … “Chinese companies now control an estimated 33% of the lithium at projects currently producing the mineral or those under construction.”
The BBC are in full on firefighting mode this morning, desperately trying to bolster the credibility of both The SNP and Yusaf.
Along the lines of – this is just a blip and nothing to do with the appalling record of the SNP and normal SNP services will resume as soon as possible.
There is absolutely no way they will allow any positive views of possible opponents including most of all The Conservatives.
The BBC can only be viewed as a political propaganda machine for anything left of centre everywhere in the World.
The UN – WEF must be well pleased!
Another day another multiple stabbing in Londonistan
Another ‘man’ has been arrested.
A Chinese airline has reportedly warned passengers that “precautions” should be taken when visiting areas in London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.
Home Office denies losing thousands of asylum seekers slated for Rwanda deportation
Home Office loses track of nearly 6,000 failed asylum seekers Jan 2024
UK minister admits 200 asylum-seeking children have gone missing 2023
Liverpool ‘child asylum seekers’ found to be adults
Published 8 December 2018
A man with knife:
I started to write about this last night on the website and
then took it off . To think more about it . Because it is
worrying. And I thought I must not be my usual l sarcastic self.
I am reading a book ” We Fight Fascists by Daniel Sonabend.
This is a factual book about the period just after the Second
World War.
It is said that history repeats itself. I just hope that if this book
is factual, and in fact a friend of mine who’s dad was involved
in the “action” and is prominently mentioned in the book
told me that the book is accurate,
Of course I knew about Oswald Mosley and his black shirts
who were defeated in the battle of Cable Street in 1936.
What I didn’t know the rampant anti Semitism that still
existed in the UK AFTER the war.
A lot of it was latent . But even MSM were capable of expressing even more than than latency . Similar to the BBC of
today. Something important to know is that quite a fair
proportion although a minority of Jewish activists had at the very least sympathy feelings for the Communist cause.
Because the Jews and Communists had stood shoulder to shoulder in their fight against Mosley and his black shirts.
Here is an open letter written in October 1946 by a Mr Orman
a local to Home Secretary Chuter Ede.
! suppose it is perfectly in order for a lousy swine like Jeffrey
Hamm to get up on a street corner in the East End of London and
shout ” Down with the Jews. Burn the synagogues. Kill the Aliens, ” and he gets away with it. But if a person tries to pull him up, what happens? The so-called keepers of law and order, go up to this person and tell him he’d better move away before he gets hurt.
The next part of the letter I will not expose. May I suggest that
some of you read this book . ” Back to the future” springs to mind. If in a different context.
South China Sea: BBC on board Philippine ship hit by Chinese water cannon
Should have ‘in disputed waters’ at the end to give it a bit of context.
Grubby Leftist BBC ‘journalist’ Jonathan Head finally got a good wash.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Race begins to replace Humza Yousaf as Scotland’s first minister
I wonder what they will do with the prayer room at Holroyd, maybe it could become a storeroom again
Notice how the BBC can’t get pictures out quick enough as the sword attacker is WHITE.
It’s DAYS before we see any pics / footage if it’s the WRONG colour for the BBC 👍
I’m still amused by Yousaf shouting ‘WHITE’ because everyone he saw in the meetings was white.
In fact, unless there were like 70 or more people there, his own presence took the quota of Muslims above the Scottish national average.
Luckily for him, BAME cannot be racist according to the BBC hypocrites. Only white people.
Yes Doobster- You can imagine BIG BROTHER from the
Diversity Dept. Insisting that this one in at least 10
occasions that its a whitie . It gets absolute prominence. Even
if its Caucasia from as far away as the Caucasus mountains.
bbc is upset:-
Migrants hit by high fees to send money home
Maybe bbc verify could look at how much wealth is leaving the UK??
Avoiding tax and NHS?
“Migrant workers send home £8bn to families
Published 20 November 2018 ”,the%20United%20Nations'%20education%20agency.
“1992 Committee Chair Graham Brady has accidentally said the quiet part out loud: that Tory members are too insane to be allowed pick their leader when the party is in government. Because the parliamentary party has a much better record, not…”
Democracy is dead! Long live democracy!
Marky – as I understand it membership of the Conservative Party is in terminal decline – and they keep on putting up the fees ….
Just like the TV licence …
Here is an advert …
“Halve inflation. Grow the economy. Reduce Debt. Cut waiting lists. Stop the boats. These are our priorities. If they’re yours too, then join us and help get them done. ”
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now, if we can get him to a live fire situation in Donbas, I’d pay to watch.
Judging by his “competency” in everything to do with running a party and a Government, that is pointing directly at the Conservatives.
100% zero efficiency – BBC report
I guess that reads as Net Zero for the BBC (meaning project accomplished). Euthanasia by another name if it ever worked as intended. mRNA is a dangerous route to go down, even if it does work the side affects are ALREADY Heart problems and early deaths of children (who were told they were immune from COVID).
Peter Doshi, an editor at the BMJ pointed out in Oct 2020 before rollout that the vaccine trials weren’t set up to evaluate reduced deaths or serious illness. The studies were designed to show effect on infection (via lab test) and symptoms of mild illness only.
They weren’t looking for effect on transmission or on deaths and they weren’t necessary to get approval. In contrast to the marketing campaign by gov and media which made ridiculous claims of efficacy.
BBC on safe ground with Hainault – white – non Muslim for a change – picture on the site do doubt …. The more detail / prominence the story gets the less coloured / Muslim those involved are …
Helps with the whataboutery the next time third worlder Muslims do what they do ….
Several people, including two police officers, have been attacked by a man with a sword in east London
Five people have been taken to hospital, the ambulance service says
Police say they were called to reports of a vehicle driven into a house at Hainault shortly before 07:00 BST
The suspect went on to attack “other members of the public and two officers”
A 36-year-old man is in custody and police say the incident is not terror-related
London Mayor Sadiq Khan praises police and emergency services for “running towards danger to protect others”
Mayor of London hails police ‘running towards danger to protect others’
LMAO, he’s white so they have video up of him straight away.
Contrast that with when they refuse to release details and tell the public not to speculate or share anything on social media.
I’ve NEVER seen the BBC use video from social media when it’s enrichment. The nearest they go is take a still from the video then blur out his face so we can’t tell he is black.
It will all be quickly dropped of course if it turns out he is an immigrant.
The BBC have wet their panties and are making a complete meal of it – with the Home Secretary demanding to know what has happened already. What a shame they don’t get so interested for all the black murders which the BBC often don’t even report.
What a complete farce this is.
If this is a White person or not a member of the Religion of Peace ™, then he should be prosecuted for cultural appropriation…
Just heard on R5 that police have asked us not to speculate, and that Verify have verified something.
Please everyone don’t jump to conclusions until they’ve got the felt pens out.
Reefer madness is my wild speculation.
For the millionth time in a row, the police loudly screaming at a suspect fails to calm him down.
Were the correct personal pronouns used?
dunno…. looks like a dangerous ginger to me
Maybe is Scotland gets independence England ( londonistan ) can ship a few hundred thousand ‘welcome ‘ invaders north of the border to pump the population up ….
Vindictive, cowardly leaders bowed to the gender bullies and failed Jo Phoenix
This article is more than 3 months oldSonia Sodha
“What put a mark on her back was her view, shared by a majority of people and enshrined in law, that whether someone is male or female is a matter of reality, not belief, and that someone’s gender identity, or belief about their sex, cannot supersede their actual sex for all purposes in society. That’s what paved the way for her fellow academics to miscast the harassed as harasser, and for her university’s management to delude themselves that by turning a blind eye to bullying they were protecting free expression, when they were really undermining Phoenix’s ability to exercise just that.”
Can’t be said of NHS Scotland. I learn today the practice and individuals pushing it are still promoting ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’ to children aged 4… And BBC Scotland would probably approve (as they do everywhere else in ‘programming’ the nation.
“Scottish primary schools appoint children as ‘LGBT champions’ and are being encouraged to ‘ask pupils if they are gay, lesbian or trans’:
[Daily Mail]
Petition running here;
bbc verify on the case:-
Asylum homelessness rises as refugees told to leave accommodation
oww well, hopefully it saves the tax payer some money
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
I was watching Starmer’s veins throbbing in his neck. Boy was he nervous of this interview. Towards the end the pulse was less prominent, I assume he thought he had got away with it and relaxed.
Pay us 25% of the increase in the value of your house NOW, or we’ll seize it…
= pitchfork territory…?
“Why would anyone pay $500,000 for a painting by Hunter Biden?
This article is more than 2 years oldArwa Mahdawi”
It’s fine to take capital gain – unrealised, but are they going to be giving people tax refunds when the housing market collapses?
bbc find more negatives in Brexit:-
‘Brexit trade checks will cost me £200,000 a year’
Before I die, I wonder if the bbc will ever speak positively of Brexit!
The telly struck quack Sara Kayat should be reminded daily…
Sadly, sword victim, 13, dies in Hainault.
How the police can say it wasn’t terror related is beyond comprehension. Bet the poor lad was terrified.
Firstly it wasn’t a sword, they are twice as long as this, secondly I am as yet unaware of who the man is or any connections he might have.
If there is something you know then please do share it.
There are different types & sizes of swords. I would consider that common knowledge. Until we have a name- we cannot know. The age of the man was publicised but not a name.
I have read rumours that he is Albanian or Eastern European. I emphasise that is only rumour at this stage.
Not going to be on the BBC is it?
Paris was more fun in the late 70s
“PIP benefit changes: ‘I want to keep my dignity’ ”
2 different bbc staff from the last rant
Carmel O’Grady
BBC News
Victoria Park-Froud
BBC Verify
In it’s personal independence payment (PIP) welfare campaign, the BBC has dug up 3 more retards :
A 71 year old , whose being claiming it for 8 years.
Post pension age people can’t claim it, but can keep receiving it. BBC don’t bother mentioning that.
I’m sure there’s numerous pensioners with worst arthritis than her, who get nothing, but naturally she doesn’t give a toss about them.
Anyway she needs PIP money to collect her prescriptions from the pharmacy…
Second up a 34 year old autistic kidult, whose in the application stage.
He wants help to buy things like noise cancelling headphones.
Apparently works full time as a creative designer despite:
“Sam does not drive because he has problems with depth perception and physical co-ordination, so he has to use public transport.”
Third up unemployed Vicky with-
“bipolar and post-traumatic stress disorders, says the idea of changing the current system was worrying.”
claiming £283 a month in PIP, a nice top up on her other benefits.
And yet again they are all White and the BBC and government are directing hate against them.
Surely Eddie you must see you are being played? Where are the thousands of boat people, the illegal migrants who have pushed up the numbers so high there’s a 12 month backlog on claims?
Of course there are no Pakistani kids with conditions brought about by in breeding and arranged marriages with cousins either.
This is classic BBC anti White race hate, time to put the blame where it really lies and stop illegals claiming disability benefits.
More black train drivers demanded by the bbc
I see that there are two people being charged over the Sycamore Gap tree which was cut down.
What they should do now is install a huge wind turbine in its place.
So some MP’s are calling for illegal immigrants or “asylum seekers” as they prefer to call them for obvious reasons to be given the right to work after 6 months.
These MP’s are obviously so away with the fairies that they cannot see the obvious consequences.
1. The majority will end up either on social security or working in the black economy for less than standard wages and thus undermining jobs that should be going to people born and living legally in this country who otherwise will be thrown out of work.
2. If this were to be put in place as standard it would signal the biggest clarion call invitation to literally millions and millions of people in shithole third world countries in Africa and the Middle and Far East telling them that they will find paradise in the UK, they only need to get here and they are rewarded. They will come in such massive numbers that the boat people will look like a scouting party.
It may even attract millions from some of the South American basket case countries who would bring all their drug-dealing and gang violence paraphernalia with them.
This will end up driving this country deeper into the crap and closer to ending up as a third world shithole as well. We are well on the way there now!
Do these politicians have absolutely no common sense or thought process beyond stupid virtue signalling for brownie points?
Hainault Horror ( it’s down the road from me ) – a local news story made big in the absence of anything else – and the BBC got bored with the SNP ….
…-anyways – as a kid who had the misfortune to grow up in the 1970s there was Saville and Gary glitter . Now at the time I thought both of these characters were weird – saville especially he never communicated ‘normally ‘ – and Glitter ? What a horror …
They run documentaries of them now – ITV have just one on Glitter – all very well now – but not so much then ….
Nowadays I suppose it’s footballers and their young fans ….
I’d say the only hope we have is the political ‘elite’ getting a swift taste of the shit they have inflicted on the rest of us. Sadly, I think they will be too well protected and they really don’t care about us. At all. Until election time. I’m done with them.
Funny – I was trying to think what blue labour has achieved in the last 12 ? Years …. I cannot think of one positive thing they have done ( for me ) – and I think the UK couldn’t be in a worse state than what they have done ….
For instance – we have expensive power – expensive water – expensive petrol – expensive food – high taxes – high borrowing and overwhelmed public services cause by huge uncontrolled foreign population growth ….
They deserve the absolute worst ..
They’re going to get it – in spades Fed!
I’m much easier these days, denigrating the Conservreds and the BBC, to any of my chums, and it’s apparent that at first, they look at me somewhat sideways, then start to agree, then get better at it, then we’re all in the pub with pints and a great Hey-Ho!
Rishi really has to go, and quickly!
Normal Citizens have had anough of foreign influences getting in the way of true British values, and when he’s gone, we’ll have a few years of Kia and Crayons, but after that, I’ll be nearly eighty, so will probably vote for next-door’s cat…
Next time vote for The Reform Party .
Yes of course – it will be interesting the outcome of 2 may elections …
Scroblene – what I wrote I really meant . I just cannot think of anything they have achieved – all they have done is accelerate the decline ….
… for instance – rolls Royce announced the other day that they are slowing down the development of those promised nuclear power stations – it wasn’t really picked up – but in a few years time ( @ 2027?we won’t be able to produce enough power and will be regularly dependent on foreign imports ) – and if those countries don’t deliver – we will be in the dark – another Tory failure ….