Sadiq Khan couldn't care less that a working mother already had zero disposable income, and clearly stated that he implemented his billionaire green blob agenda during a cost of living crisis. Then he doubled down on his false arithmetic about the scrappage scheme.
Surprise surprise !! So it wasn’t John Smith ? Or David Jones? Wonder if the story will still be on the BBC website tomorrow? ( actually maybe it will be as victim was a black child, had it been a white victim it definitely wouldn’t be )
You just know that the bBBC will claim that Monzo turned into a murderer because he felt alienated by racist whiteys, so the blood of this poor black kid is on *our* hands.
Once the weather improves we will see the “Mass invasion” of Great Britain, all under the Tory Government !
Change the government , vote for The Reform Party . See –
Interesting that the Serbian Muslim theory was so ‘off ‘ – but I suppose that’s par for the course … wonder if we ll find out whether he was ‘Legal ‘ or not ….
As for what happened … 7am? Van into house ? Stabs man trying to help ? Stabs boy – attacks plod …. And this ‘character ‘ lives in Newham – a bit of a way from Hainault ….. what will the story be ….?
Tomorrow is local election voting day, and Friday could see the Tories looking to replace the utterly useless Rishi Washee, although with whom remains to be seen, probably the achingly woke Penny Mourdant just to put the final nail in their coffin.
It’s too late though because by the time the selection process has wound its way to conclusion, the general election will be upon us. On top of that Rishi Washee threatened to call that election as soon as his position was threatned.
It might be a Summer General Election.- place your bets.
We should have a sweepstake as to how many council seats the Tories will lose 426 is my estimate (could be wildly adrift though).
So EXACTLY as predicted, the entire story about the man who attacked people with a sword was dropped for a couple of days because it turns out he is not a hated English whitey.
Contrast that with how eager they all were to show us his video the moment the story broke.
And even now, the BBC only tell us his name. Not that he is Spanish-Brazilian. And more : they don’t even show us his picture again. They show us another one of the small black ‘victim’ he murdered to try and use empathy again to change our emotion from anger to sympathy.
No vigils and female MP’s demanding the laws are changed to stop this happening again for this one. It’s going straight under the carpet ASAP. Because if they make a big deal about this murder, they open a big can of worms for all the others where the murderer is most definitely not white.
And then they blame us for causing divisions in society.
Fox news:
‘Riot police at UCLA campus close in after night of violent anti-Israel clashes’
The BBC report is biased in the extreme : you would think the whole thing is just nasty Israelis attacking peaceful Palestinian protestors.
There is far more to this story than the BBC are telling us. These ‘counter-protestors’ have come in from outside to confront these people who are supporting the terrorists who butchered 1200 people in their country. They are not ‘counter protestors’.
Here are other headlines not seen on the BBC:
‘Officers in riot gear tear down encampment at anti-Israel demonstration’. 19 arrested.
‘NYPD clears anti-Israel encampment at Fordham University/ 15 arrested.’
‘Anti-Israel protesters taunt Fordham University administrators, police during demonstration’
‘House votes to expand definition of antisemitism amid anti-Israel demonstrations across US’
‘NYC Mayor Eric Adams slams universities for letting Palestinian flag fly: ‘despicable”
‘Group of 10 anti-Israel protesters arrested at University of South Florida, including one with gun
‘NYPD bus splattered with red paint outside Fordham as anti-Israel demonstrations heat up’
And they are still at it: this is the latest BBC ‘live update’:
‘Dov Waxman, a professor of Israel studies at UCLA, was sickened by the scenes on his campus last night – when a violent pro-Israeli group attacked a pro-Palestinian protest camp with no apparent police intervention.’
Note how they have switched the wording from ‘counter-protestors’ they used earlier. No doubt instructed by a memo disseminated from the commissars to all the quota clones.
These are ‘outside agitators’ who have had enough.
This is a picture the BBC use of a noble woman Muslim:
But look at the placard in the background : ‘All the walls will fall’. That is obviously the new phrase to replace ‘from the land to the sea’ which they aren’t allowed to use.
Goodness me, the BBC are absolutely desperate to make a big story out of these protests and the police breaking them up. Just look at this one from ‘Phil McCausland’. This is world news apparently:
‘Students who remained said they were left mystified about plans for their finals and even whether dining services would be brought back fully.’
Even ‘dining services’ BBC ?. Is that really world newsworthy ?.
‘One unidentified speaker at the protest said she was at Hamilton Hall when police “ambushed us. We were tackled and beaten, and my hands were handcuffed so tightly that even lifting my pinky caused extreme harm and excruciating pain”.’
Beaten ?. Any evidence BBC ?. Extreme harm ???. Did her finger fall off ?. What nonsense – why are the BBC writing emotive rubbish like this ?.
‘Meghnad Bose, a 31-year-old journalism graduate student at Columbia University, witnessed the NYPD raid on Tuesday night and said police acted “rough and aggressive” with the protesters.’
‘Meghnad’ ??. And another impartial witness from the BBC given a soapbox to the world.
And look at this:
‘He had been barred from leaving the building during the raid, which meant he was unable to get home and finish a term paper.’
‘He had left campus to eat, and was not sure when he would eventually write that paper.’
It’s pure nonsense again. He was barred during the raid maybe, but not at any other time. And if he had left campus, why didn’t he just go home and write ‘that paper’ ??.
These kind of reports are purely to generate anti-police sentiment among like-minded idiots. It’s utterly irresponsible for the BBC to publish things like this on the world-news front page.
We do get a rare picture of a group of these protestors. here they are:
A bit of a commen theme there I think. Not a single one will ever be of use in the real world I’ll wager.
And here’s the author:
Phil is clearly a supporter of Reddit. Reddit is an extreme left-wing forum which is basically full of arrogant, spiteful students who all think they are cleverer than everybody else. Exactly like the troll farm comments any political HYS on the BBC gets flooded with.
Here’s what one person wrote:
‘Saying anything about Trump or Republicans are good would get you downvoted to hell and banned form a subreddit’
Here are the replies:
‘This question seriously comes up on this subreddit weekly and it’s always by some disgruntled conservative user who got downvoted for some shitty opinion. If Reddit is so left wing, they can leave lol’
‘Another MAGA dope who doesn’t understand what free speech is. Reddit is a private website. Nobody owes you a voice on reddit just like you don’t owe me a voice in your own home.’
Says all we need to know about him and them.
This whole article is intended to discredit the police and intimidate them into not taking action in future. We MUST defund these activist BBC scum.
‘The number of BBC World Service journalists working in exile is estimated to have nearly doubled, to 310, since 2020.’
‘”We’ve got near record number of journalists in jail, the killing of journalists has reached a high not seen since 2015,” she adds.’
The reason for this is obvious for anyone with an inclination to look. As we have seen in Afghanistan, Gaza, Ukraine and everywhere else the BBC decide to focus on, they don’t report the news : they are always left-wing activists who shape the narrative to try and socially engineer a country to become left-wing. And surprise surprise, their governments don’t like it because their public bodies are not infested by the leftist cancer.
As all the bias in the stories above about the terrorist supporting, racist students show beyond doubt.
I wonder how many women have been arrested and beaten in Afghanistan and other Muslim countries after the BBC spate of extreme feminism was encouraging them to speak out. I notice now they’ve been thrown under a bus and the BBC don’t care one bit. They have been shoved aside by more juicy agenda topics.
I’m surprised anyone even speaks to the BBC any more. It seems Israel don’t and I often wonder why the Conservatives keep doing so just to allow the extremly unpleasant Keunssberg to snap at them and keep interrupting/talking over them. And then see their negative quotations completely without context in BBC headlines the next day as a result of deliberately leading questions by Kuenssberg.
The ‘Tethered Goat of Pakistan/Afghanistan’ would be an interesting case to find out more about.
A schoolgirl put on a pedestal by no doubt western feminised security services she then gets shot by the ragheads and then bingo a magic carpet to a world where expenses are lavished on her:
Medical treatment in UK
Oxbridge education
Close protection 24/7 security
Valuable book contracts
Speaking tours
Nobel Peace prize
The true price of this feminist colonialism must be astronomic. But we now have Saint Malalah. Praise be.
So the bbc stirs it, for only “possible” war crime
Remember as a kid when the bbc stood for something, now it just supports all the wrong causes
Even the stupid bbc have a film of 1 of them “holding something in there hand” – appears to me this could easily appear like a hand grenade, but the bbc probably think its a fluffy toy!
Another BBC free day – are they still running that obscene propaganda piece about the dead 7 year old – killed in France – and its faultless third world ‘dad’?
Anyway – election predictions
1 a lot of ‘postal votes ‘ particularly the Galloway party and labour as a rehearsal for the General Election
2 a lot of Muslim ‘winners’
3 Reform will do well
4 for some reason some fools will still vote ‘Conservative ‘
5 bbc will rejoice in hundreds of sacked Tory councillors
6 londonistan emir re elected with Hamas votes
7 starmer will be all smiles and demand an election now
8 rishi will do a ‘we are listening ‘ lie and says ‘our policies are working ‘ another lie ….
9 predicted Red Labour General Election majority of 150
It wasn’t ’north west London ‘ – I understand that even BBC londonistan doesn’t know where Hainault is …. White flight from londonistan is only gonna speed up … including me ….
Nothing to see here – watch Netflix – recycle your tubs – “The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites.”
And there is this…
‘ Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; ’
NooNooLabor Keircult Version are planning the forced billeting of our oh so welcome enrichers on those who, until now, are fortunate to have spare bedrooms.
But a story in a paper today about a plan to build a tunnel between Africa and europistan – Morocco to Spain . You might guess what the comments say …..the train will be called ‘the dinghy express ‘…
Fomenting dissent, organizing activists through social media, promoting student movements, and unleashing domestic unrest on the streets – more of all that later…
In a rather peculiar sideways thinking showy act of late-in-the-day supposed political balance, our BBC shuns its usual online line-up of the morning’s newspaper frontpages – possibly (as they like to say of Israeli war crimes). Which only serves to stymie Mr AsI’s headline review efforts hereabouts.
So there’s no minority interest Guardian cover story topping the BBC press pile – with its estimated one third of the circulation of the Times or Telegraph and less than nine per cent of The Sun (Press Gazette’s monthly analysis of ABC national newspaper circulation figures, April 2024)
But let’s take a look at the Guardian online. What do we know about the Gruan? Well, it’s a very left-leaning organ that acts primarily as a public sector staff moans notice board. The tone is that of the modern left – managerial, highly legalistic and process-obsessed.
Not for nothing does the sister media our BBC constantly explore the legal possibilities: Israel accused of possible war crime over killing of West Bank boy
The Guardian online today leads with a doozy of a legalistic process headline: Trawl for unsafe criminal convictions in UK being done by interns – suffice to say the Gruan here ain’t celebrating the job opportunities for junior lawyers.
Meanwhile, are we possibly falling out of love with the Zelenskiy regime in Ukraine?
The fight for full press freedom in Ukraine: ‘We can write what we want, but bad actors try to intimidate us’… Rudenko is speaking out against a clumsy campaign of intimidation of journalists that began last autumn, in which staff at the English-language title have been subject, she says, to “undue interest” from the country’s SBU intelligence service… SBU officers had placed hidden cameras in hotel rooms to covertly record journalists at a New Year party. Some reporters had discussed buying drugs and were taking cannabis and MDMA; the footage was released in a smear video… Earlier this month, Yevhen Shulhat, an investigative journalist from, who was investigating the purchase of a luxury flat by the wife of an SBU cybersecurity chief, was served with enlistment papers while he was shopping at a supermarket one evening (Guardian)
Don’t you know there’s a war on? – as characters used to say in the popular BBC TV comedy Dad’s Army. In one memorable scene during an amusing altercation between Captain Mainwaring and the obnoxious air raid warden Hodges, young Private Pike had the classic line: “Shoot him, Captain Mainwaring, you’ve got the right”
… a man in plain clothes, tentatively identified as working for the SBU, appearing to direct two soldiers who approached Shulhat. “This is using mobilisation as a death sentence for journalists,” Rudenko says. (Guardian) – we take it from that the war’s not going too well then – and fighting age Ukrainian journos would prefer to keep out of it?
I’m inevitably put in mind of classic world war two movies where Fritz says to Heinz “I hear zee vor is going badly for zee Führer” and Heinz says to Fritz “Shussssh, talk like zat vill get us both sent to zee Russian front”
The Kyiv Independent was founded in November 2021… Emergency funding of $100,000 was obtained from the European Foundation for Democracy (Guardian)
The European Foundation for Democracy is a policy centre and a registered EU lobbyist organization based in Brussels, Belgium. Its activities focus on counter-radicalisation, security and the promotion of the European values of democracy and individual freedoms. (Thank you Wiki)
What 10 Years of U.S. Meddling in Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy) (Real Clear Investigations)
The Color Revolution is restless. Beginning in the former Soviet republics in the early 2000s, it moved along the coast of North Africa with the so-called Arab Spring in the 2010s, and, into the current decade, has spread further. The ostensible purpose of Color Revolutions—named after the Rose Revolution, Orange Revolution, and Tulip Revolution in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, respectively—is to replace authoritarian regimes with Western liberal democracies. American and European intelligence services are often heavily involved in these revolutions, with ambitions not only to spread modern ideologies but also to undermine geopolitical opponents… The West’s favored methods of supporting Color Revolutions include fomenting dissent, organizing activists through social media, promoting student movements, and unleashing domestic unrest on the streets. (City Journal)
AISI, the number of pictures of the newspaper front pages has fallen to an all time low. I am used to the BBC excluding the Sun (too Far Right for the BBC?) and they have forgotten today to include the Blog.
I wonder if the BBC will celebrate Bin Ladin Day ? They certainly mentioned that this is the anniversary of his alleged death …..
I bet there wil be a March – with Hamas Flags ….
Currently the hi-profile Conmunity of Color on Twitter is angling for a Vile gig based on a few folk not extending condolences to the latest single black victim of knife crime in London.
It was tragic, but so is inferring that this poor kid was perhaps an innocent bystander.
The phone in the propaganda illustration photograph is not actually an iPhone. It’s elongated nature suggests a 21:9 screen form factor, which no iPhone has ever had. Send for BBC Verify immediately!
On a day When I think discussing politics is not allowed I wondered what ‘today ‘wouid go with for the 0810 piece – answer – hippy drugs . The bbc reverts to its hippy self with a serious discussion about using drugs for medical purposes –
Yeah right – the same stuff being rolled out to justify cannabis use – you – know – that drug which screws people up … off switch after 30 seconds …
Fed, “On a day When I think discussing politics is not allowed” Have a notion that that rule only applies to General Election day. I could be wrong, of course.
From the BBC web-site at the last General Election:
“The BBC, like other broadcasters, is not allowed to report details of campaigning or election issues while the polls are open on Thursday for elections in Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland.
The BBC is required by electoral law to adopt a code of practice, ensuring fairness between candidates, and that is particularly important on polling day.
The code of practice is contained in more detailed election guidelines which are written and published for each election, and they include guidance about polling day.
On polling day, the BBC does not report on any of the election campaigns from 00:30 BST until polls close at 22:00 BST on TV, radio or, or on social media and other channels.
However, online sites do not have to remove archived reports, including, for instance, programmes on iPlayer. Any lists of candidates and the guide to parties’ policies remain available online during polling day.
• How to follow the local election results
Coverage of what is happening on the day is usually restricted to uncontroversial factual accounts, such as the appearance of politicians at polling stations, or the weather.
It tends to focus on giving information that will help voters with the process of going to polling stations.
Subjects which have been at issue or part of the campaign – or other controversial matters relating to the election – must not be covered on polling day itself; it’s important that the BBC’s output cannot be seen to be directly influencing the ballot while the polls are open.
The BBC, however, is still able to report on other political events and stories which are not directly related to the elections.
No opinion poll on any issue relating to politics or the election can be published until after the polls have closed.
While the polls are open, it is a criminal offence to publish anything about the way in which people have voted in that election.
From 22:00 BST normal reporting of the election resumes.”
Righto – in the future there will be no discussion of politics – just the approved view ….. self censorship will have won … and echoing 1984 – the people won’t even know it or complain as long as there is bread and circuses …
This makes me laugh –
“Look on the wall over there that surrounds (protects/stops people entering who have not paid) this wonderful festival (Glastonbury) …. there’s a message on that wall for President Donald Trump .. it says build bridges not walls (message is on a wall protecting those inside).”
” BIG BROTHER here- I want this collateral damage in
Hainault off the front page on the BBC Internet news
page. The suspect is of Spanish Brazilian extraction and
not one of Tommy Robinson’s mates as we hoped.
Find some Jew story . I think an atrocity happened
last November when a 14 year old boy was shot and
killed by an Israeli soldier. Get that Jordanian journalest
Sara Obeidat and some of her mates on it I reiterate ,we
have already covered this Hainault business enough.”
How convenient that the suspect, Mr Monzo, is of Spanish Brazilian extraction. Not Islamic, not far right and not a Pally. Anyone in the media care to doubt this? Unlikely, end of story.
“We remind all concerned that criminal proceedings against the defendant are active and that they have a right to a fair trial.”
Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo [DOB: 11/04/1988] has been charged with the murder of Daniel Anjorin, two counts of attempted murder, two counts of grievous bodily harm, aggravated burglary, and possession of a bladed article.
Murder charge?
What? after the Home Office (the Muslim Corps) spent years producing legislation banning all sorts of knives and as I recall, swords as well. Did they publicise that legislation in a ‘thousand-and-one’ languages so as to make sure every one understood?
Currently the Muslim Corps of the Home Office are working assiduously to ban or heavily control Crossbows. The Minister for “Safeguarding” (I kid you not !) said,
“Safeguarding Minister, Laura Farris said:
Crossbows are used rarely in violent crime in this country but they can be highly dangerous.
We’re doing all we can to ensure we have the appropriate measures in place against any risks these potentially dangerous weapons may pose.
I encourage the public and those in the industry to come forward to share their views so we can have the most accurate picture and take any necessary action to keep our streets safe.
Whilst crossbow incidents are rare – there were fewer than 10 homicides by crossbow between 2011 and 2021 – it is clear that when used as a weapon, crossbows do pose a risk and the government is determined to ensure any needed safeguards are in place to keep the public safe.”
Utter nonsense. And I have told them so in no uncertain terms. I asked them why not ban chainsaws, extendable wheel wrenches doubling up as a baton etc etc. I don’t expect a direct answer.
It proves to me that Muslim Corps Home Office legislation is simply designed for themselves needing no or little positive resistance when they take the country over.
No, Minister for Safeguarding, you abuse that title as you abuse the indigenous population of the UK
“don’t say “sharper” say “ability to take an edge”. Sharpness is a measure of how much you exploited that edge.
Obsidian scalpels are used, as said below, the one molecule edge. You can’t get better than that edge. Plus it is hard. You can put an edge on copper, but it is soft and the edge will roll Even steel can roll. That is what the sharpening stick is for. It isn’t sharpening the knife, it is getting rid of the rolled edge.
Just found out we are meant to go and vote for a police commissioner today.
Not a peep locally. Not even the usual trots on Facebook. I need to find my passport.
Speaking of trots:
Succinct. Another way of describing “diagonal” is red-brown. He’s in good company with Dugin and sadly there are growing number of National Bolsheviks around the fringes of the left who will have no problem with this 👇🏽
James Meadway
This is a calculated move. Galloway chose Novara to deliver this message because he wants a security lock against left joining WPB – he needs clarity on his strategy, which is to find the populist “diagonal” between left and right and build an oppositional movement on that line.
This is what happens when media and politics become interchangeable, as one.
Police commissioner who says he needs more money and resources and does nothing.
. . . . .
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Yes, this day. The first day where no one but no one has made any attempt to convince me to vote for any one candidate. Nothing in the post, no tap on the door zero, zilch. The first in my life where I will go to vote and scrawl across the paper, “Spoilt Ballot”. I have taken out my black permanent marker pen for the purpose so no one counter can be mistaken. I’ll look forward to doing same later in the year.
Sorry Taffman. I cannot and will not vote Reform. I have repeatedly asked what legislation they would abolish if in power. Not one hint of a reply but for the public consumption? ‘We will stop the boats’, ‘we will exit the ECHR’. But no mention whatever of the necessity to repeal the Human Rights Act 1998 as a first step. No. Farage? – Talks a good talk. Is good grandstanding with the public; Talks tough. But what of the man? Mr Whishy-Whasshy. Utterly indecisive. “Will he, won’t he” resume politics? Imaging that indecision as a PM figure? – should I stop the boats or should I follow my predecessors and lie about stopping them……………
These days, a Corporal Frazer would not utter those immortal words, “We’re Doomed”. No a 2024 character would say, “We are totally f*c*ed”. That’s the truth of the matter.
“I rarely drive when dark but the other day did a journey to Birmingham at about 430am ( M6 then the M42 )
I thought at that time it would be nice and quiet but I was evidently wrong, it was very busy — not only that but hammering it down with rain.
One thing I noticed on the M6 is the lack of lighting. Did some googling and found statistically more accidents have occurred since removing the lights.
What’s more important, the budget or peoples lives ?! Surely they should light up the motorways, not be removing them”
Can’t move for confused bats on the M25 at 11 pm, what we did find when the bbc asked to do a film docucumentary about the limited green verges on the M25 was a plethora of cannibis farms.
Documentary cancelled, wonder why the bats get confused
Just thought of a genius solution to your no lighting on motorways issue.
Our village is about to get the barking WEF 15 minute neighbourhood treatment: 20mph, throttle-points, speed-humps, tactile paving etc etc.
‘pparently each speed hump has to have a new street light so drivers can see the hump.
So there you are, campaign for speed humps on motorways and you will get your lighting! Even more comically the highway authorities will probably go and do it!
Almost genius there, until you you find a lack of speed humps on the M6 and M25 etc.
psychotic transit drivers and polish lorry divers after a bottle of shnapps would probably be spending most of their time at weekend garages getting their suspension and wheels replaced, so a posive ther maybe
My paticular concern is those who apporach a slip road at 70 or 80 mph and expect those on the main road to expect the give way sign in the road to apply to those on the motorway, disregrding the no chance of moving aside whiste being overtaken on the overtasking lane.
Zeph it was the middle of winter and I was driving home on the A14 in the dark. Right in front of me a Polish lorry driver left hooked a BMW and swiped him off the road. The car went up in the air and somersaulted before crashing down into a culvert. There was no hard shoulder. The lorry driver stopped down the road and like a mad fool I stopped behind him with hazards on.
I ran back to the BMW car expecting to find dead occupants. I found the driver unconscious slumped over the wheel. As my eyes grew used to the dark I then noticed a baby in the front in a rear facing child seat apparently asleep. I then needed to work out how to undo the child seat harness in a hurry. I was worried about a fire and I opened the passenger door.
After a while the driver stirred much to my relief. It was then that I noticed another child in the back, eyes wide open, I will never forget the look of terror on his face.
Eventually the police arrived after my call and I left them my phone number as a witness. They never did call me.
“statistically more accidents have occurred since removing the lights.”
What about persuading the Home Office to legislate against removing lights? What about our “Safeguarding Minister” who said,
“I encourage the public and those in the industry to come forward to share their views so we can have the most accurate picture and take any necessary action to keep our streets safe.”
No need to apologise. Just read their policies on ” BORDER CONTROL & NET ZERO IMMIGRATION” .
Yes, you are sounding like Corporal Frazer. UKIP is another alternative ………
Under “Immigration” in their “Contract” it states: “Leave the European Convention on Human Rights…”. I’ve been continually asking about the Bliar Governments Human Rights Act 1998 and importantly others including banning anything connected to ‘Hate Crimes’ et al. and all the rest this Marxist Government has put in place over the past few years. No responses…………
UKIP? As one of the first local ‘Members’, it was the continual bitching and arguing that eventually got to me. Are you suggesting that the jockeying for positions and/or power has ceased?
Problem is though – there is no one else to vote for – it’s the nearest to a Right wing out fit we have – I won’t say ‘Party’ because it just seems like an amorphous group of ‘characters ‘
Maybe success at the local elections will attract more recognisable people …. And policies …
We need to bring back the rotten boroughs. This is so folks can register to vote there, even fick Ange. Once more than 50,000 folk have registered then there can be an MP. The MP is not allowed to belong to any political party.
– USA: Select subcommittee into C19 calls for criminal investigations into Dr. Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance for violating their remit and working on dangerous gain of function viruses in Wuhan
– UK: Court documents show Astra Zeneca admit their product can cause blood clots
– France: 29yr old footballer is taking Pfizer/BioNTech and the French Football Federation to court over potential vaccine injury
So what’s the BBC’s ‘senior health reporter’ investigating?
They really are a waste of space.
No matter how long I live, whenever I catch a cold I will always without fail Google 'how to get rid of a cold fast', just on the off chance the internet is hiding a secret + amazing scientific development that isn't drink fluids and rest
Google hacked to replace white people – project gemini – google used to censorship of chinese people – project dragonfly – google DO NO EVIL! HA HA HA HA!
. . . . .
Rachel Schraer
Senior reporter for
covering health, misinformation & internet culture. Making radio for
. ✍ uk
Debunk bed April 2012
3,454 Following
Exactly right Johnda : they want UK students to do the same to pressure the government. The coverage of that will be even more extreme.
They are blatant with their activism now because they know they will get away with it. They have abused their power to get rid of all those on the Right who would stand against them.
I just literally just asked the new ‘co-pilot’ AI which has appeared on my desktop to give me a picture of English students and this is what it gave me:
AI is how they will brainwash the population from birth. It’s as bent as BBC Verify.
It’s when you get eaten second to last it really stings.
I’m coming off Twitter until the aggressive ill informed claptrap about my and my colleague’s professionalism fizzles out, as mad stuff generally does. It’s so mind numbingly dull and ignorant. Live from 1pm for those with working brains.
Still struggling with grammar?
Simpo, meanwhile, has now joined BBC Blocking Corps
Do gooders stop coach in Peckham picking up so called Asylum Seekers to be moved to the Bibby Stockholm.
Pathetic police give in, don’t arrest anyone, even though one of the coaches tyres are slashed and there is a obvious breach of the peace. Obstruction of the KIng’s highway is illegal. Two tier policing again.
Contrast with the stirring up of trouble with St Georges Day revellers just two weeks back.
Shame on them all.
I quite like this song, based on supposed racial injustice against a boxer, koowns commonly as “Hurricane” real name Carter.
Util you read further, into the ins and out of the facts. Then it becomes more confusing.
Carter was born in Clifton, New Jersey in 1937, the fourth of seven children.[3] He later admitted to a troubled relationship with his father, a strict disciplinarian; at the age of eleven, he was sentenced to a juvenile reformatory for assault, having stabbed a man who he alleged had tried to sexually assault him.[4] Carter escaped from the reformatory in 1954 and joined the United States Army.[3] A few months after completing basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, he was sent to West Germany.[5] While in Germany, Carter began to box for the Army.[5] He was discharged in 1956 as unfit for service, after four courts-martial.[6] Shortly after his discharge, he returned home to New Jersey, was convicted of two muggings and sent to prison.[7]
“Of course filmmakers have always taken dramatic license, simplifying history and conflating characters and events for narrative purposes. They defend their interpretations by emphasizing that their films are not documentaries but vivid adaptations of complex stories that retain the essence if not the literal truth of important events that would otherwise be unknown to the huge audiences that movies attract.
Whatever its intentions, ”The Hurricane” falls into the category of history contorted for dramatic effect.
A major fabrication is the creation of a racist Javert-type detective who hounds Mr. Carter from the age of 11 until he finally ensnares him in the triple homicide. The film brands the phantom detective as primarily responsible for framing Mr. Carter.
The actual story is more harrowing because it exposes an underlying frailty in a criminal-justice system that convicted Mr. Carter, not once but twice. The convictions were obtained not by a lone, malevolent investigator but by a network of detectives, prosecutors and judges who countenanced the suppression and tainting of evidence and the injection of racial bias into the courtroom.
The film also sterilizes Mr. Carter’s history before his arrest for murder. He is characterized as a nearly model citizen who overcame persecution as a juvenile and remade himself as a boxer and civil rights advocate. What is omitted is that Mr. Carter served four years in prison as an adult for three muggings, crimes that later tarnished him as potentially violent and damaged his cause in the murder case.
And while the film would have audiences believe that Mr. Carter was a teetotaler, he never denied taking part in an occasional pub crawl and, although married, having a romantic fling. One of those night owl excursions enmeshed him in the murders, a fact obscured in the movie.”
A keen sence of humour and irony helps well, also talent beyond most’s comrehension
5 years too old, after sent to jail for refusing to serve in Vitenam then returns to fight the strongest fighter in the country and wins agains all odds. bieng beaten to hell for many rounds, beinng urged by his corner to stand up then at
They shold do a film about the bus driver getting sick of blacks and whites fighting and arguing on his double decker bus, so he stops the bus and anounced,
“Evreyone on my bus, I’ve had enough of this every day, week after bloody week.
So, Let’s ALL just imagine, we are all blue.
They all thought about this for a while and, eventually everyone started smiling and shaking hands.
Use a black and white TV for cheaper BBC TV Tax and less drama!
“Why are the BBC weather maps on fire? Is it none too subtle climate propaganda?
Today’s forecasts make me pine for the days of black and white television and monochrome, magnetic symbols”
I used to think it worked for black and white dogs as well in the hope the license was cheaper.
Gven up on dalmations after finding out the truth.
Black and white snooker was also a bit of a trial. although the commentator did his best.
“Lowe uttered the occasional on-air gaffe, one of his most famous quotes being, “and for those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green.”
The BBC have a reporter on the spot for live rolling footage of the idiots camping out on UCLA Uni lawns complete with flags and barricades.
In my view giving this endless footage of the “brave” protestors being nabbed by the cops will be the biggest encouragement for loads of other idiots to turn up and get their 5 minutes of fame while enjoying a “Glastonbury” experience and is highly dangerous to all concerned including the fools with their tea towel scarves.
The footage show youngsters being pulled from the mob and they mainly seem to be girls around 18 years old and probably only there to sample the atmosphere and get some vibes with no real understanding of what they are supporting.
Shame on you BBC for what comes across as tacit support. Global coverage is exactly what these idiots are seeking in their unholy grail.
“Russian tanks have taken heavy losses in Ukraine. Countless images of decapitated turrets and burnt-out wrecks have made headlines around the world with some proclaiming the death of the tank altogether. They argue that the threat of artillery, drones, and man portable anti-tank missiles makes them extra vulnerable on the modern battlefield and an unsustainable risk to their crews. But is that really true? It turns out that, rather than the tank itself, Russia’s tactics may be to blame for these losses.”
“In November 2013, a wave of large-scale protests known as “Euromaidan” began in response to President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia. Earlier that year the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) had overwhelmingly approved finalizing the agreement;[”
Successive Ukrainian governments in the 2000s sought a closer relationship with the European Union (EU).[47][48] The government of President Viktor Yanukovych had been negotiating an association agreement with the European Union since 2012.[49] Such a comprehensive trade agreement with the EU would have impacted Ukraine’s trade agreements with Russia, the latter being Ukraine’s biggest trade partner at the time.
The EU was willing to offer €610 million ($838 million) in loans,[55] but Russia was willing to offer $15 billion,[55] as well as cheaper gas prices.[55] In addition, the EU demanded major changes to Ukraine’s regulations and laws, but Russia did not stipulate regulatory or legal adjustment of such nature or scale.[54] Russia also applied economic pressure on Ukraine and launched a propaganda campaign against the EU deal.
Zephir, Euromaidan was helpfully stoked by Baroness Cathy Ashton, EU Commissioner for something or other in, iirc, 2014. Our Baroness fanned the flames so successfully that Russia made a grab for Crimea in 2014.
” The Covert Operation to Back Ukrainian Independence that Haunts the CIA
After WWII, officials in Washington sent scores of agents to their deaths in a misguided effort to create an uprising against Moscow.
Now, nearly 75 years later, Ukraine burns once again. With Russia’s invasion dragging into its third month, eyes have begun turning to what may come next. It’s clear by now that there’s no returning to status quo ante. Despite Ukraine’s remarkable showing thus far, it appears that a new dividing line will sever part of the country yet again. A new Iron Curtain has already descended. All that remains is to discern the actual dividing line.”
In yesterday’s European Scrutiny Committee meeting in Westminster, it was revealed that the Schengen limit of 90 out of 180 days will likely apply to British citizens visiting Gibraltar should a treaty be agreed. Furthermore, the Schengen controls at the airport could result in the denial of access to Gibraltar of British citizens byFrontex officials, although residents and military personnel may have different rights. In a ninety minute meeting chaired by Sir Bill Cash, David Rutley MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Americas, Caribbean and the Overseas Territories), Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Robbie Bulloch, Director Gibraltar Negotiations Taskforce, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office were grilled on the as yet to be agreed, terms of the impending treaty.
BBC verify that BBC are not verifying their own headlines and send Marianne Spring to Hawaii to investigate with Gary Lineker who says Qatar is safe for gays.
“Home Secretary James Cleverly said in a post on X: “Housing migrants in hotels costs the British taxpayer millions of pounds every day.”
Thanks to The Home office , Border Force and a weak government. All very good reasons to change the government when the next general election comes.
“Stop the Boats” Rushi !
Any tax payers reading this ?
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
New word! “Malfeasance is an act that is illegal and causes physical or monetary harm to someone else. Malfeasance is intentional conduct that is wrongful or unlawful, especially by officials or public employees.”
This completely reverses their previous advice. We are in ‘safe hands’ with the WHO. It means all the stuff about keep 1m distance was complete warlocks.
TWatO Watch #1 – clear evidence of BBC Bias and BBC ‘over-manning’
Little bits and pieces are let slip by Beeboids that conclusively prove that they are biased as well as having too many personnel on the payroll. James Cook let slip that he and John Swinney wre teenage members of the Scottish Nationalist Party. You will not find that in James Cook’s Wiki page!
Then there is the overmanning issue. More evidence provided courtesy of James Cook, Calum Watson and Humza Yousaf here: Far too many people on the BBC payroll. They could cut staff, at a guess, by twenty-five to thirty-three per cent. Viewers and listeners probably would not notice but Faisal Islam [BBC Economics Editor] would have to turn up for work a bit more.
“A judge has dismissed a harassment charge against an activist after his accuser decided to stay away from court to scatter her mother’s ashes in Greece.
Raja Miah, 50, had pleaded not guilty to a single charge of harassment without violence, namely that on four occasions he posted derogatory online comments about Gail Hadfield-Grainger between October 18, 2020, and November 11, 2021.”
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:08 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
Are they practicing for Glastonbury?
Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo, 36, A ‘Brazilian / Spaniard ?’ Charged with murder in Hainault – will it try the ‘diminished ‘ trick and evade justice ?
Surprise surprise !! So it wasn’t John Smith ? Or David Jones? Wonder if the story will still be on the BBC website tomorrow? ( actually maybe it will be as victim was a black child, had it been a white victim it definitely wouldn’t be )
You just know that the bBBC will claim that Monzo turned into a murderer because he felt alienated by racist whiteys, so the blood of this poor black kid is on *our* hands.
“We let anybody in”. Especially the world’s criminals and unskilled wasters that are a drain on society that my taxes pay for.
And, it seems, washed up, one trick sci fi actors.
Being a Spaniard in Brazil must be rare.
Guest, ‘illegal’ immigration from Argentina?
Once the weather improves we will see the “Mass invasion” of Great Britain, all under the Tory Government !
Change the government , vote for The Reform Party . See –
Interesting that the Serbian Muslim theory was so ‘off ‘ – but I suppose that’s par for the course … wonder if we ll find out whether he was ‘Legal ‘ or not ….
As for what happened … 7am? Van into house ? Stabs man trying to help ? Stabs boy – attacks plod …. And this ‘character ‘ lives in Newham – a bit of a way from Hainault ….. what will the story be ….?
Guess it sub jobby now that he is charged ….
Tomorrow is local election voting day, and Friday could see the Tories looking to replace the utterly useless Rishi Washee, although with whom remains to be seen, probably the achingly woke Penny Mourdant just to put the final nail in their coffin.
It’s too late though because by the time the selection process has wound its way to conclusion, the general election will be upon us. On top of that Rishi Washee threatened to call that election as soon as his position was threatned.
It might be a Summer General Election.- place your bets.
We should have a sweepstake as to how many council seats the Tories will lose 426 is my estimate (could be wildly adrift though).
Daniel Anjorin: Man charged with murdering boy in sword attack
So EXACTLY as predicted, the entire story about the man who attacked people with a sword was dropped for a couple of days because it turns out he is not a hated English whitey.
Contrast that with how eager they all were to show us his video the moment the story broke.
And even now, the BBC only tell us his name. Not that he is Spanish-Brazilian. And more : they don’t even show us his picture again. They show us another one of the small black ‘victim’ he murdered to try and use empathy again to change our emotion from anger to sympathy.
No vigils and female MP’s demanding the laws are changed to stop this happening again for this one. It’s going straight under the carpet ASAP. Because if they make a big deal about this murder, they open a big can of worms for all the others where the murderer is most definitely not white.
And then they blame us for causing divisions in society.
Here’s a bit of troublemaking from ‘the UK’s first race correspondent’:
Notice the use of capitalisation for the darker colour, as Black always triumphs white/
Getty do the same. It’s 100% racist – inferring blacks are more important.
Mostly hair related
BBC headline:
”Horrific’ violence at UCLA after counter-protesters attack pro-Palestinian camp’
Fox news:
‘Riot police at UCLA campus close in after night of violent anti-Israel clashes’
The BBC report is biased in the extreme : you would think the whole thing is just nasty Israelis attacking peaceful Palestinian protestors.
There is far more to this story than the BBC are telling us. These ‘counter-protestors’ have come in from outside to confront these people who are supporting the terrorists who butchered 1200 people in their country. They are not ‘counter protestors’.
Here are other headlines not seen on the BBC:
‘Officers in riot gear tear down encampment at anti-Israel demonstration’. 19 arrested.
‘NYPD clears anti-Israel encampment at Fordham University/ 15 arrested.’
‘Anti-Israel protesters taunt Fordham University administrators, police during demonstration’
‘House votes to expand definition of antisemitism amid anti-Israel demonstrations across US’
‘NYC Mayor Eric Adams slams universities for letting Palestinian flag fly: ‘despicable”
‘Group of 10 anti-Israel protesters arrested at University of South Florida, including one with gun
‘NYPD bus splattered with red paint outside Fordham as anti-Israel demonstrations heat up’
And they are still at it: this is the latest BBC ‘live update’:
‘Dov Waxman, a professor of Israel studies at UCLA, was sickened by the scenes on his campus last night – when a violent pro-Israeli group attacked a pro-Palestinian protest camp with no apparent police intervention.’
Note how they have switched the wording from ‘counter-protestors’ they used earlier. No doubt instructed by a memo disseminated from the commissars to all the quota clones.
These are ‘outside agitators’ who have had enough.
This is a picture the BBC use of a noble woman Muslim:

But look at the placard in the background : ‘All the walls will fall’. That is obviously the new phrase to replace ‘from the land to the sea’ which they aren’t allowed to use.
Columbia University community ‘shattered’ after police raid
Goodness me, the BBC are absolutely desperate to make a big story out of these protests and the police breaking them up. Just look at this one from ‘Phil McCausland’. This is world news apparently:
‘Students who remained said they were left mystified about plans for their finals and even whether dining services would be brought back fully.’
Even ‘dining services’ BBC ?. Is that really world newsworthy ?.
‘One unidentified speaker at the protest said she was at Hamilton Hall when police “ambushed us. We were tackled and beaten, and my hands were handcuffed so tightly that even lifting my pinky caused extreme harm and excruciating pain”.’
Beaten ?. Any evidence BBC ?. Extreme harm ???. Did her finger fall off ?. What nonsense – why are the BBC writing emotive rubbish like this ?.
‘Meghnad Bose, a 31-year-old journalism graduate student at Columbia University, witnessed the NYPD raid on Tuesday night and said police acted “rough and aggressive” with the protesters.’
‘Meghnad’ ??. And another impartial witness from the BBC given a soapbox to the world.
And look at this:
‘He had been barred from leaving the building during the raid, which meant he was unable to get home and finish a term paper.’
‘He had left campus to eat, and was not sure when he would eventually write that paper.’
It’s pure nonsense again. He was barred during the raid maybe, but not at any other time. And if he had left campus, why didn’t he just go home and write ‘that paper’ ??.
These kind of reports are purely to generate anti-police sentiment among like-minded idiots. It’s utterly irresponsible for the BBC to publish things like this on the world-news front page.
We do get a rare picture of a group of these protestors. here they are:

A bit of a commen theme there I think. Not a single one will ever be of use in the real world I’ll wager.
And here’s the author:

Phil is clearly a supporter of Reddit. Reddit is an extreme left-wing forum which is basically full of arrogant, spiteful students who all think they are cleverer than everybody else. Exactly like the troll farm comments any political HYS on the BBC gets flooded with.
Here’s what one person wrote:
‘Saying anything about Trump or Republicans are good would get you downvoted to hell and banned form a subreddit’
Here are the replies:
‘This question seriously comes up on this subreddit weekly and it’s always by some disgruntled conservative user who got downvoted for some shitty opinion. If Reddit is so left wing, they can leave lol’
‘Another MAGA dope who doesn’t understand what free speech is. Reddit is a private website. Nobody owes you a voice on reddit just like you don’t owe me a voice in your own home.’
Says all we need to know about him and them.
This whole article is intended to discredit the police and intimidate them into not taking action in future. We MUST defund these activist BBC scum.
The more common theme, in my assessment, why are they all hiding their faces ?
Ashamed of their extremist opinions / actions or legality ?
Or more likely their chance of hanging on to a UK passport or visa maybe
‘I watch my back’: Spike in BBC World Service journalists working in exile
‘The number of BBC World Service journalists working in exile is estimated to have nearly doubled, to 310, since 2020.’
‘”We’ve got near record number of journalists in jail, the killing of journalists has reached a high not seen since 2015,” she adds.’
The reason for this is obvious for anyone with an inclination to look. As we have seen in Afghanistan, Gaza, Ukraine and everywhere else the BBC decide to focus on, they don’t report the news : they are always left-wing activists who shape the narrative to try and socially engineer a country to become left-wing. And surprise surprise, their governments don’t like it because their public bodies are not infested by the leftist cancer.
As all the bias in the stories above about the terrorist supporting, racist students show beyond doubt.
I wonder how many women have been arrested and beaten in Afghanistan and other Muslim countries after the BBC spate of extreme feminism was encouraging them to speak out. I notice now they’ve been thrown under a bus and the BBC don’t care one bit. They have been shoved aside by more juicy agenda topics.
I’m surprised anyone even speaks to the BBC any more. It seems Israel don’t and I often wonder why the Conservatives keep doing so just to allow the extremly unpleasant Keunssberg to snap at them and keep interrupting/talking over them. And then see their negative quotations completely without context in BBC headlines the next day as a result of deliberately leading questions by Kuenssberg.
The ‘Tethered Goat of Pakistan/Afghanistan’ would be an interesting case to find out more about.
A schoolgirl put on a pedestal by no doubt western feminised security services she then gets shot by the ragheads and then bingo a magic carpet to a world where expenses are lavished on her:
Medical treatment in UK
Oxbridge education
Close protection 24/7 security
Valuable book contracts
Speaking tours
Nobel Peace prize
The true price of this feminist colonialism must be astronomic. But we now have Saint Malalah. Praise be.
Israel accused of “possible” war crime over killing of West Bank boy
So the bbc stirs it, for only “possible” war crime
Remember as a kid when the bbc stood for something, now it just supports all the wrong causes
Even the stupid bbc have a film of 1 of them “holding something in there hand” – appears to me this could easily appear like a hand grenade, but the bbc probably think its a fluffy toy!
Yet the recent videos of hostages by Hamas was a definite war crime. Period.
Amazing how the BBC didn’t mention that. It seems they can get away with anything these days.
BBC – The Art of the Possible
Seems #couldfiles are failing to convince
Another BBC free day – are they still running that obscene propaganda piece about the dead 7 year old – killed in France – and its faultless third world ‘dad’?
Anyway – election predictions
1 a lot of ‘postal votes ‘ particularly the Galloway party and labour as a rehearsal for the General Election
2 a lot of Muslim ‘winners’
3 Reform will do well
4 for some reason some fools will still vote ‘Conservative ‘
5 bbc will rejoice in hundreds of sacked Tory councillors
6 londonistan emir re elected with Hamas votes
7 starmer will be all smiles and demand an election now
8 rishi will do a ‘we are listening ‘ lie and says ‘our policies are working ‘ another lie ….
9 predicted Red Labour General Election majority of 150
10 non postal turnout low – weather to blame
We will see …
I think you might need a seperate local elections thread as there is bound to untrammeled glee at the BBC.
Remember the couldn’t move for champagne bottles quote last time Labour won ?
Good morning Fed
About sums it up, but..
11) Vote Reform, at the moment this is allowed/approved (tolerated) by the bbc
The Left always get nasty very quickly and play the man, not the ball. As maxi demonstrates every time he posts.
But it’s Trump and the Right who are causing all the divisions in society. According to the left anyway.
I don’t have the words to describe just how much these Lefty hypocrites disgust me. They are lower than snakes.
Absolutely unconnected
Kick all 70% out of the NHS plus the 25% that are obese!
If we re-label machete’s as small knifes we can end the crime!
The Labour Left have an answer ….
Stormzy? Real name Michael Ebenezer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Jr. Feel free to add ‘Yaxley-Lennon’ to it in true BBC style.
It wasn’t ’north west London ‘ – I understand that even BBC londonistan doesn’t know where Hainault is …. White flight from londonistan is only gonna speed up … including me ….
Nothing to see here – watch Netflix – recycle your tubs – “The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites.”
And there is this…
‘ Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; ’
NooNooLabor Keircult Version are planning the forced billeting of our oh so welcome enrichers on those who, until now, are fortunate to have spare bedrooms.
Not the BBC
But a story in a paper today about a plan to build a tunnel between Africa and europistan – Morocco to Spain . You might guess what the comments say …..the train will be called ‘the dinghy express ‘…
Africa to Saudi?
“Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report
21 August 2023”
Saudi border guards are accused of the mass killing of migrants along the Yemeni border in a new report by Human Rights Watch.
Fomenting dissent, organizing activists through social media, promoting student movements, and unleashing domestic unrest on the streets – more of all that later…
In a rather peculiar sideways thinking showy act of late-in-the-day supposed political balance, our BBC shuns its usual online line-up of the morning’s newspaper frontpages – possibly (as they like to say of Israeli war crimes). Which only serves to stymie Mr AsI’s headline review efforts hereabouts.
So there’s no minority interest Guardian cover story topping the BBC press pile – with its estimated one third of the circulation of the Times or Telegraph and less than nine per cent of The Sun (Press Gazette’s monthly analysis of ABC national newspaper circulation figures, April 2024)
But let’s take a look at the Guardian online. What do we know about the Gruan? Well, it’s a very left-leaning organ that acts primarily as a public sector staff moans notice board. The tone is that of the modern left – managerial, highly legalistic and process-obsessed.
Not for nothing does the sister media our BBC constantly explore the legal possibilities: Israel accused of possible war crime over killing of West Bank boy
The Guardian online today leads with a doozy of a legalistic process headline: Trawl for unsafe criminal convictions in UK being done by interns – suffice to say the Gruan here ain’t celebrating the job opportunities for junior lawyers.
Meanwhile, are we possibly falling out of love with the Zelenskiy regime in Ukraine?
The fight for full press freedom in Ukraine: ‘We can write what we want, but bad actors try to intimidate us’… Rudenko is speaking out against a clumsy campaign of intimidation of journalists that began last autumn, in which staff at the English-language title have been subject, she says, to “undue interest” from the country’s SBU intelligence service… SBU officers had placed hidden cameras in hotel rooms to covertly record journalists at a New Year party. Some reporters had discussed buying drugs and were taking cannabis and MDMA; the footage was released in a smear video… Earlier this month, Yevhen Shulhat, an investigative journalist from, who was investigating the purchase of a luxury flat by the wife of an SBU cybersecurity chief, was served with enlistment papers while he was shopping at a supermarket one evening (Guardian)
Don’t you know there’s a war on? – as characters used to say in the popular BBC TV comedy Dad’s Army. In one memorable scene during an amusing altercation between Captain Mainwaring and the obnoxious air raid warden Hodges, young Private Pike had the classic line: “Shoot him, Captain Mainwaring, you’ve got the right”
… a man in plain clothes, tentatively identified as working for the SBU, appearing to direct two soldiers who approached Shulhat. “This is using mobilisation as a death sentence for journalists,” Rudenko says. (Guardian) – we take it from that the war’s not going too well then – and fighting age Ukrainian journos would prefer to keep out of it?
I’m inevitably put in mind of classic world war two movies where Fritz says to Heinz “I hear zee vor is going badly for zee Führer” and Heinz says to Fritz “Shussssh, talk like zat vill get us both sent to zee Russian front”
The Kyiv Independent was founded in November 2021… Emergency funding of $100,000 was obtained from the European Foundation for Democracy (Guardian)
The European Foundation for Democracy is a policy centre and a registered EU lobbyist organization based in Brussels, Belgium. Its activities focus on counter-radicalisation, security and the promotion of the European values of democracy and individual freedoms. (Thank you Wiki)
What 10 Years of U.S. Meddling in Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy) (Real Clear Investigations)
The Color Revolution is restless. Beginning in the former Soviet republics in the early 2000s, it moved along the coast of North Africa with the so-called Arab Spring in the 2010s, and, into the current decade, has spread further. The ostensible purpose of Color Revolutions—named after the Rose Revolution, Orange Revolution, and Tulip Revolution in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, respectively—is to replace authoritarian regimes with Western liberal democracies. American and European intelligence services are often heavily involved in these revolutions, with ambitions not only to spread modern ideologies but also to undermine geopolitical opponents… The West’s favored methods of supporting Color Revolutions include fomenting dissent, organizing activists through social media, promoting student movements, and unleashing domestic unrest on the streets. (City Journal)
AISI, the number of pictures of the newspaper front pages has fallen to an all time low. I am used to the BBC excluding the Sun (too Far Right for the BBC?) and they have forgotten today to include the Blog.
Perhaps the BBC is on the point of failure?
bbc worries about this:-
Apple working to fix alarming iPhone issue
Maybe the bbc doesn’t need 22,000 staff and could just do “news”
Bad Getty Hair Day issues?
I wonder if the BBC will celebrate Bin Ladin Day ? They certainly mentioned that this is the anniversary of his alleged death …..
I bet there wil be a March – with Hamas Flags ….
The BBC is pretty ‘big’ on days… in or out.
They need an Outrage No Matter What Editor.
Currently the hi-profile Conmunity of Color on Twitter is angling for a Vile gig based on a few folk not extending condolences to the latest single black victim of knife crime in London.
It was tragic, but so is inferring that this poor kid was perhaps an innocent bystander.
Don’t allow racists to win the London mayoral race today. Hit ‘em where it hurts…the ballot box.
Vote Race Based [X]
Guest, “They need an Outrage No Matter What Editor”
“Oh no, what? Not another one!” © Brenda in Bristol
The phone in the
propaganda illustrationphotograph is not actually an iPhone. It’s elongated nature suggests a 21:9 screen form factor, which no iPhone has ever had. Send for BBC Verify immediately!On a day When I think discussing politics is not allowed I wondered what ‘today ‘wouid go with for the 0810 piece – answer – hippy drugs . The bbc reverts to its hippy self with a serious discussion about using drugs for medical purposes –
Yeah right – the same stuff being rolled out to justify cannabis use – you – know – that drug which screws people up … off switch after 30 seconds …
Vote reform
Fed, “On a day When I think discussing politics is not allowed” Have a notion that that rule only applies to General Election day. I could be wrong, of course.
From the BBC web-site at the last General Election:
“The BBC, like other broadcasters, is not allowed to report details of campaigning or election issues while the polls are open on Thursday for elections in Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland.
The BBC is required by electoral law to adopt a code of practice, ensuring fairness between candidates, and that is particularly important on polling day.
The code of practice is contained in more detailed election guidelines which are written and published for each election, and they include guidance about polling day.
On polling day, the BBC does not report on any of the election campaigns from 00:30 BST until polls close at 22:00 BST on TV, radio or, or on social media and other channels.
However, online sites do not have to remove archived reports, including, for instance, programmes on iPlayer. Any lists of candidates and the guide to parties’ policies remain available online during polling day.
• How to follow the local election results
Coverage of what is happening on the day is usually restricted to uncontroversial factual accounts, such as the appearance of politicians at polling stations, or the weather.
It tends to focus on giving information that will help voters with the process of going to polling stations.
Subjects which have been at issue or part of the campaign – or other controversial matters relating to the election – must not be covered on polling day itself; it’s important that the BBC’s output cannot be seen to be directly influencing the ballot while the polls are open.
The BBC, however, is still able to report on other political events and stories which are not directly related to the elections.
No opinion poll on any issue relating to politics or the election can be published until after the polls have closed.
While the polls are open, it is a criminal offence to publish anything about the way in which people have voted in that election.
From 22:00 BST normal reporting of the election resumes.”
Righto – in the future there will be no discussion of politics – just the approved view ….. self censorship will have won … and echoing 1984 – the people won’t even know it or complain as long as there is bread and circuses …
Brick by Brick – Island by Island – China is winning hearts and minds (using loans and debt).
“Pro-China candidate wins Solomon Islands PM vote”
The Solomon Island’s people don’t know what contracts he created or signed with China but vote anyway – ha ha ha ha! Cameron to invest using Greensill
David Cameron’s $1bn China fund hits investment wall
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The 2021 takeover of Newcastle United F.C. by a consortium of the Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF)
This makes me laugh –
“Look on the wall over there that surrounds (protects/stops people entering who have not paid) this wonderful festival (Glastonbury) …. there’s a message on that wall for President Donald Trump .. it says build bridges not walls (message is on a wall protecting those inside).”
” BIG BROTHER here- I want this collateral damage in
Hainault off the front page on the BBC Internet news
page. The suspect is of Spanish Brazilian extraction and
not one of Tommy Robinson’s mates as we hoped.
Find some Jew story . I think an atrocity happened
last November when a 14 year old boy was shot and
killed by an Israeli soldier. Get that Jordanian journalest
Sara Obeidat and some of her mates on it I reiterate ,we
have already covered this Hainault business enough.”
Judging by the way the US lefty college campus stuff has been reported – the bbc is trying to get the same nonsense here …..
Apparently it’s already started in Leicester.
How convenient that the suspect, Mr Monzo, is of Spanish Brazilian extraction. Not Islamic, not far right and not a Pally. Anyone in the media care to doubt this? Unlikely, end of story.
British-Spanish with Male White Privilege.**
** do not kneel
“CPS authorises murder charges after death of 14-year-old boy in random Hainault attacks”
“We remind all concerned that criminal proceedings against the defendant are active and that they have a right to a fair trial.”
Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo [DOB: 11/04/1988] has been charged with the murder of Daniel Anjorin, two counts of attempted murder, two counts of grievous bodily harm, aggravated burglary, and possession of a bladed article.
Murder charge?
What? after the Home Office (the Muslim Corps) spent years producing legislation banning all sorts of knives and as I recall, swords as well. Did they publicise that legislation in a ‘thousand-and-one’ languages so as to make sure every one understood?
Currently the Muslim Corps of the Home Office are working assiduously to ban or heavily control Crossbows. The Minister for “Safeguarding” (I kid you not !) said,
“Safeguarding Minister, Laura Farris said:
Crossbows are used rarely in violent crime in this country but they can be highly dangerous.
We’re doing all we can to ensure we have the appropriate measures in place against any risks these potentially dangerous weapons may pose.
I encourage the public and those in the industry to come forward to share their views so we can have the most accurate picture and take any necessary action to keep our streets safe.
Whilst crossbow incidents are rare – there were fewer than 10 homicides by crossbow between 2011 and 2021 – it is clear that when used as a weapon, crossbows do pose a risk and the government is determined to ensure any needed safeguards are in place to keep the public safe.”
Utter nonsense. And I have told them so in no uncertain terms. I asked them why not ban chainsaws, extendable wheel wrenches doubling up as a baton etc etc. I don’t expect a direct answer.
It proves to me that Muslim Corps Home Office legislation is simply designed for themselves needing no or little positive resistance when they take the country over.
No, Minister for Safeguarding, you abuse that title as you abuse the indigenous population of the UK
Shame they don’t ban catapults, it would save animals from feral kids plaguing towns and villages.
They must ban paper.
I’ve seen some nasty paper cuts in my time and if a sheet of A4 gets into the wrong hands who knows what might happen.
I found this interesting:
“don’t say “sharper” say “ability to take an edge”. Sharpness is a measure of how much you exploited that edge.
Obsidian scalpels are used, as said below, the one molecule edge. You can’t get better than that edge. Plus it is hard. You can put an edge on copper, but it is soft and the edge will roll Even steel can roll. That is what the sharpening stick is for. It isn’t sharpening the knife, it is getting rid of the rolled edge.
Just found out we are meant to go and vote for a police commissioner today.
Not a peep locally. Not even the usual trots on Facebook. I need to find my passport.
Speaking of trots:
Succinct. Another way of describing “diagonal” is red-brown. He’s in good company with Dugin and sadly there are growing number of National Bolsheviks around the fringes of the left who will have no problem with this 👇🏽
James Meadway
This is a calculated move. Galloway chose Novara to deliver this message because he wants a security lock against left joining WPB – he needs clarity on his strategy, which is to find the populist “diagonal” between left and right and build an oppositional movement on that line.
This is what happens when media and politics become interchangeable, as one.
Police commissioner who says he needs more money and resources and does nothing.
. . . . .
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Yes, this day. The first day where no one but no one has made any attempt to convince me to vote for any one candidate. Nothing in the post, no tap on the door zero, zilch. The first in my life where I will go to vote and scrawl across the paper, “Spoilt Ballot”. I have taken out my black permanent marker pen for the purpose so no one counter can be mistaken. I’ll look forward to doing same later in the year.
Sorry Taffman. I cannot and will not vote Reform. I have repeatedly asked what legislation they would abolish if in power. Not one hint of a reply but for the public consumption? ‘We will stop the boats’, ‘we will exit the ECHR’. But no mention whatever of the necessity to repeal the Human Rights Act 1998 as a first step. No. Farage? – Talks a good talk. Is good grandstanding with the public; Talks tough. But what of the man? Mr Whishy-Whasshy. Utterly indecisive. “Will he, won’t he” resume politics? Imaging that indecision as a PM figure? – should I stop the boats or should I follow my predecessors and lie about stopping them……………
These days, a Corporal Frazer would not utter those immortal words, “We’re Doomed”. No a 2024 character would say, “We are totally f*c*ed”. That’s the truth of the matter.
Vote for “More Potholes and stabbings”
And no lights on motorways and A roads anymore
“I rarely drive when dark but the other day did a journey to Birmingham at about 430am ( M6 then the M42 )
I thought at that time it would be nice and quiet but I was evidently wrong, it was very busy — not only that but hammering it down with rain.
One thing I noticed on the M6 is the lack of lighting. Did some googling and found statistically more accidents have occurred since removing the lights.
What’s more important, the budget or peoples lives ?! Surely they should light up the motorways, not be removing them”
Re motorway lighting:
> What’s more important, the budget or peoples lives ?
But Zephir
Think about all the bats!
Glad to have been able to correct your thinking.
Can’t move for confused bats on the M25 at 11 pm, what we did find when the bbc asked to do a film docucumentary about the limited green verges on the M25 was a plethora of cannibis farms.
Documentary cancelled, wonder why the bats get confused
Just thought of a genius solution to your no lighting on motorways issue.
Our village is about to get the barking WEF 15 minute neighbourhood treatment: 20mph, throttle-points, speed-humps, tactile paving etc etc.
‘pparently each speed hump has to have a new street light so drivers can see the hump.
So there you are, campaign for speed humps on motorways and you will get your lighting! Even more comically the highway authorities will probably go and do it!
Almost genius there, until you you find a lack of speed humps on the M6 and M25 etc.
psychotic transit drivers and polish lorry divers after a bottle of shnapps would probably be spending most of their time at weekend garages getting their suspension and wheels replaced, so a posive ther maybe
My paticular concern is those who apporach a slip road at 70 or 80 mph and expect those on the main road to expect the give way sign in the road to apply to those on the motorway, disregrding the no chance of moving aside whiste being overtaken on the overtasking lane.
Zeph it was the middle of winter and I was driving home on the A14 in the dark. Right in front of me a Polish lorry driver left hooked a BMW and swiped him off the road. The car went up in the air and somersaulted before crashing down into a culvert. There was no hard shoulder. The lorry driver stopped down the road and like a mad fool I stopped behind him with hazards on.
I ran back to the BMW car expecting to find dead occupants. I found the driver unconscious slumped over the wheel. As my eyes grew used to the dark I then noticed a baby in the front in a rear facing child seat apparently asleep. I then needed to work out how to undo the child seat harness in a hurry. I was worried about a fire and I opened the passenger door.
After a while the driver stirred much to my relief. It was then that I noticed another child in the back, eyes wide open, I will never forget the look of terror on his face.
Eventually the police arrived after my call and I left them my phone number as a witness. They never did call me.
“statistically more accidents have occurred since removing the lights.”
What about persuading the Home Office to legislate against removing lights? What about our “Safeguarding Minister” who said,
“I encourage the public and those in the industry to come forward to share their views so we can have the most accurate picture and take any necessary action to keep our streets safe.”
“Keep the streets safe” Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Blind drivers demand equality?! HA H AHA!
“Meet the new Boss” ……..
You all know the rest.
Words of wisdom.
No need to apologise. Just read their policies on ” BORDER CONTROL & NET ZERO IMMIGRATION” .
Yes, you are sounding like Corporal Frazer. UKIP is another alternative ………
Under “Immigration” in their “Contract” it states: “Leave the European Convention on Human Rights…”. I’ve been continually asking about the Bliar Governments Human Rights Act 1998 and importantly others including banning anything connected to ‘Hate Crimes’ et al. and all the rest this Marxist Government has put in place over the past few years. No responses…………
UKIP? As one of the first local ‘Members’, it was the continual bitching and arguing that eventually got to me. Are you suggesting that the jockeying for positions and/or power has ceased?
Problem is though – there is no one else to vote for – it’s the nearest to a Right wing out fit we have – I won’t say ‘Party’ because it just seems like an amorphous group of ‘characters ‘
Maybe success at the local elections will attract more recognisable people …. And policies …
We need to bring back the rotten boroughs. This is so folks can register to vote there, even fick Ange. Once more than 50,000 folk have registered then there can be an MP. The MP is not allowed to belong to any political party.
In the last week:
– USA: Select subcommittee into C19 calls for criminal investigations into Dr. Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance for violating their remit and working on dangerous gain of function viruses in Wuhan
– UK: Court documents show Astra Zeneca admit their product can cause blood clots
– France: 29yr old footballer is taking Pfizer/BioNTech and the French Football Federation to court over potential vaccine injury
So what’s the BBC’s ‘senior health reporter’ investigating?
They really are a waste of space.
Google hacked to replace white people – project gemini – google used to censorship of chinese people – project dragonfly – google DO NO EVIL! HA HA HA HA!
. . . . .
Rachel Schraer
Senior reporter for
covering health, misinformation & internet culture. Making radio for
. ✍ uk
Debunk bed April 2012
3,454 Following
BBC news on bbc2 continuos coverage of UCLA protest. Obviously they believe it’s correct and want it to come here. Gaza promotion in full swing
Exactly right Johnda : they want UK students to do the same to pressure the government. The coverage of that will be even more extreme.
They are blatant with their activism now because they know they will get away with it. They have abused their power to get rid of all those on the Right who would stand against them.
Alexa, show me a gormless berk
Google, show me some UK students
I just literally just asked the new ‘co-pilot’ AI which has appeared on my desktop to give me a picture of English students and this is what it gave me:
AI is how they will brainwash the population from birth. It’s as bent as BBC Verify.
Getty images, English students
Perhaps they could start with what an English or UK flag is ?
An invasion in all but name,
maybe the trans and LGBT lobby could try wallkng down that road and see what happens.
Media and cultural elite and hypocrisy…
It’s when you get eaten second to last it really stings.
I’m coming off Twitter until the aggressive ill informed claptrap about my and my colleague’s professionalism fizzles out, as mad stuff generally does. It’s so mind numbingly dull and ignorant. Live from 1pm for those with working brains.
Still struggling with grammar?
Simpo, meanwhile, has now joined BBC Blocking Corps
Shelagh Fogarty
1-4pm weekdays, writer, event host, podcasts Contact
UK Joined December 2009
6,376 Following
Loose Women show to have more trans men?
Double standards by any defenition of the phrase
“Loose Women’s Linda Robson slaps male stripper’s bum as she ‘really goes for it’ on night out with Brenda Edwards”
Can you imagine London run by a Trump supporter? Me neither – get out the vote today for @SadiqKhan
Thought the media Labour loons had sorted it for Khan ages ago.
This is plain desperate.
Imagine anyone outside Sopes’ shrinks’ waiting room giving a flying hoot about Trump?
I supect GW it would go a bit like this:
Do gooders stop coach in Peckham picking up so called Asylum Seekers to be moved to the Bibby Stockholm.
Pathetic police give in, don’t arrest anyone, even though one of the coaches tyres are slashed and there is a obvious breach of the peace. Obstruction of the KIng’s highway is illegal. Two tier policing again.
Contrast with the stirring up of trouble with St Georges Day revellers just two weeks back.
Shame on them all.
Plus ca change, ….
I quite like this song, based on supposed racial injustice against a boxer, koowns commonly as “Hurricane” real name Carter.
Util you read further, into the ins and out of the facts. Then it becomes more confusing.
Carter was born in Clifton, New Jersey in 1937, the fourth of seven children.[3] He later admitted to a troubled relationship with his father, a strict disciplinarian; at the age of eleven, he was sentenced to a juvenile reformatory for assault, having stabbed a man who he alleged had tried to sexually assault him.[4] Carter escaped from the reformatory in 1954 and joined the United States Army.[3] A few months after completing basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, he was sent to West Germany.[5] While in Germany, Carter began to box for the Army.[5] He was discharged in 1956 as unfit for service, after four courts-martial.[6] Shortly after his discharge, he returned home to New Jersey, was convicted of two muggings and sent to prison.[7]
“Of course filmmakers have always taken dramatic license, simplifying history and conflating characters and events for narrative purposes. They defend their interpretations by emphasizing that their films are not documentaries but vivid adaptations of complex stories that retain the essence if not the literal truth of important events that would otherwise be unknown to the huge audiences that movies attract.
Whatever its intentions, ”The Hurricane” falls into the category of history contorted for dramatic effect.
A major fabrication is the creation of a racist Javert-type detective who hounds Mr. Carter from the age of 11 until he finally ensnares him in the triple homicide. The film brands the phantom detective as primarily responsible for framing Mr. Carter.
The actual story is more harrowing because it exposes an underlying frailty in a criminal-justice system that convicted Mr. Carter, not once but twice. The convictions were obtained not by a lone, malevolent investigator but by a network of detectives, prosecutors and judges who countenanced the suppression and tainting of evidence and the injection of racial bias into the courtroom.
The film also sterilizes Mr. Carter’s history before his arrest for murder. He is characterized as a nearly model citizen who overcame persecution as a juvenile and remade himself as a boxer and civil rights advocate. What is omitted is that Mr. Carter served four years in prison as an adult for three muggings, crimes that later tarnished him as potentially violent and damaged his cause in the murder case.
And while the film would have audiences believe that Mr. Carter was a teetotaler, he never denied taking part in an occasional pub crawl and, although married, having a romantic fling. One of those night owl excursions enmeshed him in the murders, a fact obscured in the movie.”
Explore your favourite “based on a true story” films scene-by-scene, beat-by-beat and test their veracity on a data level.
Rearding black boxers, oft regarded as the best
A keen sence of humour and irony helps well, also talent beyond most’s comrehension
5 years too old, after sent to jail for refusing to serve in Vitenam then returns to fight the strongest fighter in the country and wins agains all odds. bieng beaten to hell for many rounds, beinng urged by his corner to stand up then at
Further to the above foreman in training
They shold do a film about the bus driver getting sick of blacks and whites fighting and arguing on his double decker bus, so he stops the bus and anounced,
“Evreyone on my bus, I’ve had enough of this every day, week after bloody week.
So, Let’s ALL just imagine, we are all blue.
They all thought about this for a while and, eventually everyone started smiling and shaking hands.
“Now, he said, all dark blues, move upstairs.”
BBC pushing the climate agenda
Use a black and white TV for cheaper BBC TV Tax and less drama!
“Why are the BBC weather maps on fire? Is it none too subtle climate propaganda?
Today’s forecasts make me pine for the days of black and white television and monochrome, magnetic symbols”
I used to think it worked for black and white dogs as well in the hope the license was cheaper.
Gven up on dalmations after finding out the truth.
Black and white snooker was also a bit of a trial. although the commentator did his best.
“Lowe uttered the occasional on-air gaffe, one of his most famous quotes being, “and for those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green.”
The BBC have a reporter on the spot for live rolling footage of the idiots camping out on UCLA Uni lawns complete with flags and barricades.
In my view giving this endless footage of the “brave” protestors being nabbed by the cops will be the biggest encouragement for loads of other idiots to turn up and get their 5 minutes of fame while enjoying a “Glastonbury” experience and is highly dangerous to all concerned including the fools with their tea towel scarves.
The footage show youngsters being pulled from the mob and they mainly seem to be girls around 18 years old and probably only there to sample the atmosphere and get some vibes with no real understanding of what they are supporting.
Shame on you BBC for what comes across as tacit support. Global coverage is exactly what these idiots are seeking in their unholy grail.
BBC report from Moscow….
Only one captured UK supplied vehicle? –
“Russian tanks have taken heavy losses in Ukraine. Countless images of decapitated turrets and burnt-out wrecks have made headlines around the world with some proclaiming the death of the tank altogether. They argue that the threat of artillery, drones, and man portable anti-tank missiles makes them extra vulnerable on the modern battlefield and an unsustainable risk to their crews. But is that really true? It turns out that, rather than the tank itself, Russia’s tactics may be to blame for these losses.”
Do the BBC have a “Lord Haw Haw” working for them?
We were warned quite a while ago
“In November 2013, a wave of large-scale protests known as “Euromaidan” began in response to President Yanukovych’s decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia. Earlier that year the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) had overwhelmingly approved finalizing the agreement;[”
Successive Ukrainian governments in the 2000s sought a closer relationship with the European Union (EU).[47][48] The government of President Viktor Yanukovych had been negotiating an association agreement with the European Union since 2012.[49] Such a comprehensive trade agreement with the EU would have impacted Ukraine’s trade agreements with Russia, the latter being Ukraine’s biggest trade partner at the time.
The EU was willing to offer €610 million ($838 million) in loans,[55] but Russia was willing to offer $15 billion,[55] as well as cheaper gas prices.[55] In addition, the EU demanded major changes to Ukraine’s regulations and laws, but Russia did not stipulate regulatory or legal adjustment of such nature or scale.[54] Russia also applied economic pressure on Ukraine and launched a propaganda campaign against the EU deal.
Zephir, Euromaidan was helpfully stoked by Baroness Cathy Ashton, EU Commissioner for something or other in, iirc, 2014. Our Baroness fanned the flames so successfully that Russia made a grab for Crimea in 2014.
” The Covert Operation to Back Ukrainian Independence that Haunts the CIA
After WWII, officials in Washington sent scores of agents to their deaths in a misguided effort to create an uprising against Moscow.
Now, nearly 75 years later, Ukraine burns once again. With Russia’s invasion dragging into its third month, eyes have begun turning to what may come next. It’s clear by now that there’s no returning to status quo ante. Despite Ukraine’s remarkable showing thus far, it appears that a new dividing line will sever part of the country yet again. A new Iron Curtain has already descended. All that remains is to discern the actual dividing line.”
In yesterday’s European Scrutiny Committee meeting in Westminster, it was revealed that the Schengen limit of 90 out of 180 days will likely apply to British citizens visiting Gibraltar should a treaty be agreed. Furthermore, the Schengen controls at the airport could result in the denial of access to Gibraltar of British citizens byFrontex officials, although residents and military personnel may have different rights. In a ninety minute meeting chaired by Sir Bill Cash, David Rutley MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Americas, Caribbean and the Overseas Territories), Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Robbie Bulloch, Director Gibraltar Negotiations Taskforce, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office were grilled on the as yet to be agreed, terms of the impending treaty.
BBC verify that BBC are not verifying their own headlines and send Marianne Spring to Hawaii to investigate with Gary Lineker who says Qatar is safe for gays.
Blocking of road by protesters:
A surprise appearance of Marxi’s brother. He seems such a lovely man. Nothing to do with the protest of course.
None of this activity is paid for by outside malicious agents such as Saint Soros.
These are all lovely people including the ones who slashed the tyres of the coach.
Just one thing. Would it not be easier to stop the boats on the French coast in the first place to avoid this circus.
Remember Andrew Breitbart disbanding a crowd …Andrew Breitbart Confronts Hateful Protesters At Right Nation 2010
1 bullet 1 deflated dinghy 1 less child death
“Home Secretary James Cleverly said in a post on X: “Housing migrants in hotels costs the British taxpayer millions of pounds every day.”
Thanks to The Home office , Border Force and a weak government. All very good reasons to change the government when the next general election comes.
“Stop the Boats” Rushi !
Any tax payers reading this ?
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
Malfeasance in office
New word! “Malfeasance is an act that is illegal and causes physical or monetary harm to someone else. Malfeasance is intentional conduct that is wrongful or unlawful, especially by officials or public employees.”
The geniuses at the WHO have just decided that Covid is spread through the air in a new report:
Colds, Flu and Covid Are Mainly Spread Through the Air, WHO Report Finds
This completely reverses their previous advice. We are in ‘safe hands’ with the WHO. It means all the stuff about keep 1m distance was complete warlocks.
“Peckham: Protesters block coach over asylum seeker transfer”
asylum seeker transfer to live with protesters – baby sit their kids?
TWatO Watch #1 – clear evidence of BBC Bias and BBC ‘over-manning’
Little bits and pieces are let slip by Beeboids that conclusively prove that they are biased as well as having too many personnel on the payroll. James Cook let slip that he and John Swinney wre teenage members of the Scottish Nationalist Party. You will not find that in James Cook’s Wiki page!
Then there is the overmanning issue. More evidence provided courtesy of James Cook, Calum Watson and Humza Yousaf here: Far too many people on the BBC payroll. They could cut staff, at a guess, by twenty-five to thirty-three per cent. Viewers and listeners probably would not notice but Faisal Islam [BBC Economics Editor] would have to turn up for work a bit more.
Any comment from BBC?
BBC box ticker “comedian” issues death threat on social media.
One of the fun parts of the case of the missing Myska is again the activist crowd noting colleague support, or in hers again lack of.
Seems Gary got the love as she gets the shaft.
Maybe it’s a BBC thing.
Certainly Andrew is a rare voice to call out what does seem very extreme behaviour being at the least tolerated.
Sometimes you just need to sit back a let things unfurl.
Another politcally motivated prosecution, this time of Raja Miah a critic of a Labour Council, islamo panderers, and Muslims.
It was headline news earlier but has quickly been relegated.
“A judge has dismissed a harassment charge against an activist after his accuser decided to stay away from court to scatter her mother’s ashes in Greece.
Raja Miah, 50, had pleaded not guilty to a single charge of harassment without violence, namely that on four occasions he posted derogatory online comments about Gail Hadfield-Grainger between October 18, 2020, and November 11, 2021.”
@ Astal_Strugged
thety do liked ther drums on their protest marches
some practice would be in order maybe
Brilliant display!
They always seem glued to each others’ drum kit, and anything live by those two is always fantastic!
‘Squonk’once came up in a ‘Balderdash’ word game!
Got that one right for a change, even beating my daughter who is a Genesis expert!