Over to you thank you for all your comments – and if you are a ‘read only ‘ type – why not Chuck in a view ( on the BBC ) but please cancel your licence …
Lucy – bet they will on Sunday – although paddy power doesn’t include it in the betbuilder. I notice the camera cuts away quickly when a player makes the sign of the cross – let’s not upset the heathens eh ? Come on Spain ….
Not a Soccer supporter-having played Rugby from 13-22 that’s my sport-far more interesting a game. However what upsets me apart from the massive propaganda that, has and is continuing to surround this boring game (sorry) is that the Newly appointed Prime Minister has stated that if England were to win the match against Spain, he would give the country a Bank Holiday ! Then why not for Rugby Six Nations, why not for all the other Sports, Cricket, Hockey, Athletics et al. Is it that the amount of obscene money Soccer has attracted, some amount might reach the Labour coffers? Just too much publicity in every way and about every player.
tarien, I think that Sir Establishment Keir was pushing for a Bank Holiday to celebrate the English Women winning the Euro final in 2022 while leader of the opposition. He is less equivocal now that he is Prime Minister and he needs every penny of GDP to guarantee the triple lock on the state salaried pension.
Indeed and to safe guard his own pension, which he will be happy to receive along with the PM benefits, which will come sooner than he thinks. As the system of planned corporate control, known as ‘Globalisation’ created by use of deception and stealth.
Brissles I could not believe my luck. Just posted on the last thread that I had been ‘goal hanging’ for a couple of hours and up comes the new thread before I had even found the off button. Gary would have been proud.
Indigenous declining birthrate yet record waiting lists for hospitals, weeks to see a GP, no social housing for our kids, roads gridlocked, record violent crime, schools in desperate need of teachers and now prisons so full the authorities have to release criminals early. The MSM can’t for the life of them say why this is happening. It’s a real mystery.
In the case of over crowded prisons-bring back Capital Punishment, that would clear quite a few dangerous, evil, disgusting individuals. As for Rape- castration. In this case of a Muslim being castrated, likely its Mosque would deny the individual entrance-out cast.
Below is a piece by the esteemed Charlie Charles Moore on the conservatives – it’s got nothing to do with the BBC – but it highlights the disconnect between people who would usually have been expected to vote blue ‘Conservative’ and those who voted Reform – which he doesn’t mention until the end .
Poor Charlie thinks his party can be resussed – being someone who has done a couple of unsuccessful resusses ( inc my next door dead neighbour – yuk ) I can tell Charlie that his party is deceased …. He is so indoctrinated by a glorious past that he can’t see it …
( glorious in destroying the USSR but not much more Moore )
The correct phrase to be used is ‘Reborn’. I would much rather the Conservatives do that than Reform take over the Right wing representation.
But nothing can be done until the BBC bias is sorted out. They now simply abuse their huge power to assasinate those who are a threat. They are even using it on the American President now !!.
I detect their uncomfortable position on Biden against the backdrop of most other Marxist media ‘club’ members not afraid to suggest Biden is well past it and needs replacing. No, not for the BBC.
For the BBC’s hero, the only one who has contributed totally to the Marxist plan of importing millions to destroy the US,
they must only be seen to partly join the medias position. That’s why I detect BBC reporting on Biden is very half-hearted. “Kicking and screaming” if you will. Thats why the BBC’s emphasis is always on Biden’s denials.
BBC staff love using LICENCE PAYER’s money to make shows that are all about BBC staff What the heck is going on with @BBCNewsnight ?
Why the hagiography of @KirstyWark ?
It’s embarrassing, is this fluff what Newsnight is all about now?
Climate extremists in their various guises, BLM, transgender, Gaza, Stop the War, add CND for old time’s sake,
All different buttocks on the same Socialist Workers Party Far Left Marxist a***.
Carbon Dioxide does not cause global warming. There is no evidence that it does. Carbon dioxide is an invisible gas. Almost all of it in the atmosphere is natural. It is breathed in by humans and animals and absorbed by plants and trees which would die without it. Also absorbed and outgassed by the oceans.
‘Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza’.
On the BBC this morning, they were reporting how well sleepy Joe had done in his cherry-picked news conference and NATO speech, with just a couple of minor errors, naming Putin and Trump instead of Zelensky and Harris. Well, anyone could have done it.
But on ITV news at ten, the gaffes were really focussed on, and the news conference coverage consisted of questions about Joe’s age and (in)competency. Or was it incontinency?
Did the MSM line change during the day? Or is this another example of BBC pro Biden pro Democrat bias, peddling an ‘impartial’ line which it turns out no-one else can support?
I think the BBC (and MSM in general) are in a mad panic. They desperately want us to think Joe is basically fine, but also desperately want him to step down gracefully (but quickly) otherwise Trump is going to win.
Their dilemma is that if they tell the full truth and the nasty old coot won’t step down, Trump will win by a lot and no amount of cheating can stop it.
The stand-out thing here is how it happened overnight. And it’s the one question they will not go near as it highlights the shameful bias of the MSM.
Let’s see the list of headlines they are running for this one:
‘House Democrat Cori Bush: ‘100%’ of calls are asking for Biden ‘to step out”
Michigan voter says: ‘Pass the torch, Joe’
One of those tricks where the BBC focus on a single person who is repesented as if they are the majority opinion.
‘Voters have mixed feelings about Biden right now’
Voters have mixed feelings about everything. That’s why we have elections. What a meaningless headline.
But the cherry on the cake is this one:
‘Watch: Key Biden moments from Nato, press conference’
Totally unrelated to the story : they just added it here again to reinforce the agenda.
Thsi si a very odd situation. It’s allowing the BBC to give huge coverage to the Biden campaign. Where is Trump ?. I see from google he held a rally in Florida 2 days ago. I never even saw it on the BBC so I used google to see their coverage. Here’s a brand new article ! – buried somewhere:
First we have the worst picture of Trump they could find. A standard trick they use on Farage every time.
So after Joe called Kalama Harris ‘vice-president Trump’ he wrote:
‘”Great job, Joe!” he wrote.’
And what do the BBC say:
‘It was the kind of reaction voters have come to expect from Trump, who has spent years insulting the president, 81.’
What ??. That’s not an insult. All the insults I have seen have been by Joe, promoted by the likes of the BBC. This article spends the first half attacking Trump then morphs into more of the same about Biden.
And what picture do they use for this article about Trump ?
‘Republicans would need a new strategy if Kamala Harris, 59, became the nominee’
The BBC really are flapping around in a panic at the moment. They desperately want Biden to step aside as quickly as possible so he can be instantly forgotten and they can promote the new condidate. Hence the massive pressure they are trying to assert. They have to saw the leg off without anesthetic before it can be bandaged up. Meanwhile the negative coverage means Trump is getting more and more support and it’s driving them mad. That’s why they have this intense campaign (paid for by us remember) to make Biden quit.
Just like they never questioned how Hamas built bases and tunnels on every UN base, nobody is asking how Joes condition got this bad before anybody noticed. Because the answer to both questions is the same : they knew full well and hid it because of their political bias.
That’s how rotten the MSM is and only Trump will do anything about it.
So I just ordered another crate of popcorn to eat while I watch this farce continue. The best part will be the riots if Trump wins. After all this hate and division the Democrats and their MSM activist reporters have created, they are going to be huge.
Here’s what money get’s you in the ‘Land of the Free’.
‘Their motion to dismiss set off a remarkable set of events, with one of the two special prosecutors leading the case resigning, and Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer dismissing the jury to hear from multiple witnesses.’
‘Prosecutors will not be able to lodge the charge against Baldwin again, as the judge did not rule the case a mistrial, but instead outright dismissed it with prejudice.’
‘”It was the nuclear option. The case is over,” Los Angeles criminal defence lawyer Joshua Ritter told the BBC.’
No question at all about this judgement from the BBC. No soapboxes for people to criticise the decision here. That’s because they like Baldwin : he’s a nasty far-Left activist who hates Trump. Just like they are.
I was somewhat stunned by this article. It turns out it’s a list written by some 3rd party and has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump. The BBC have written with the implication it is some sort of election manifesto. It is not !. It’s absolutely irrelevant and basically ‘fake-news’ but they still put a picture of Trump in there so you associate it directly with him.
‘Democrats have highlighted Project 2025’s more controversial proposals, and called the document a blueprint for a second Trump term in office. ‘
Once again the BBC quote someone else who is heavily biased to say what the BBC want to say but can’t because of their rules.
This is another outrageous article by the BBC using trickery to smear Trump. Well done ‘Mike Wendling’ of the BBC. You are gutter-press slime.
The Project 25 vs 47 media deception explained.
X link at bottom if anyone prefers to read it there.
TikTok Creator Told To Read Agenda 47 By Commenters Trying To Bash Trump. Video Accidentally Blows Up Approaching 100k Likes & Everyone In The Comments Says They Can’t Believe They Just Became Donald Trump Supporters
“I was told in my live this morning that I need to go read Agenda 47 because I stated that Trump does not endorse Project 2025, but agenda 47 is a cliff notes version. So I went and I read it:
– First up, ending homelessness in veterans, which will be taking the funding away from the housing for the immigrants that are coming in illegally over our border and putting that funding into housing for our homeless veterans
– Also giving funding to the VA
– Ending the war in Ukraine on day 1. News flash, Putin, about a week ago, said that he would be okay with this.
– It talks about lessening low income housing and using that money to help Americans who want to purchase homes. Instead of putting that money into rentals and low income housing, it would put together programs so you can be in the best financial position to purchase a home
– Hiring a 100 new prosecutors and firing the ones that George Soros hired
– Ending the source of drug addiction in America, and funding better programs for people who are addicted to drugs. That funding would also come from the housing that is for the illegal immigrants crossing our border
– If you come over to the United States illegally right now but give birth to a child in the United States, that child is automatically a US citizen. This is going to stop that from happening.
– The rise in childhood chronic illnesses, we are going to start incentivizing looking for the root cause of those illnesses instead of just shelling out the medication to these children, not just putting a Band Aid on it and calling in a day
– Building the military and giving monetary incentives to join the military, but also changing the way that the military does things, re reconstructing the military
– Returning jobs back to the United States that are currently being done overseas so that we can further an economic boom.
– If you are caught human trafficking or drug trafficking and you are convicted, you could get the penalty.
– Using gas cars instead of electric cars, making America energy independent again, drill, baby, drill.
– People that homeschool will get a check from the government every month just like the public school system does.
– Taking that funding from the Department of Education and putting it back in the hands of the parents, giving the parents back that power, and also holding teachers and faculty accountable for talking about their sexual preferences or the sexual preferences of a child, setting children up for success before they graduate
– And stopping welfare for the people who are coming into this country illegally.
Where’s the problem with all of that? I don’t really know, but I read it. Those are some of the key points. If y’all wanna go and read it for yourselves, please do. Stop listening to the media. Have a nice day.”
lol, isn’t it amazing how the BBC summarise it as:
‘the sacking of thousands of civil servants, expanding the power of the president, dismantling the Department of Education, sweeping tax cuts, a ban on pornography, halting sales of the abortion pill’
The whole article is political fearmongering and 100% what the BBC is NOT supposed to do. But it seems they can get away with anything these days.
100% correct Pug. Number one rule of gun handling : always check if a weapon is loaded when someone gives it to you.
This stinks to high heaven and shows just how much the rule of law really means. It’s a black day for the American legal system. But they are having a few of those recently.
When people cannot rely on the law, it leads to anarchy. And the USA is not far from that now. I am wondering what will happen if Trump wins the election. The people in power will let the rioters do what they want.
‘The company is one of the world’s biggest producers of ammunition and has become key to supplying Ukraine with arms, armoured vehicles and other military equipment.’
‘Rheinmetall recently opened a tank repair plant in western Ukraine. Last month, it signed an agreement with Ukraine to expand co-operation in the coming years, including a joint venture to produce artillery shells.’
‘Mr Papperger said at the time his company wanted to hand over the first Lynx infantry fighting vehicles later this year and to start producing them in Ukraine soon.’
‘Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said “we are taking very seriously the significantly heightened threat of Russian aggression”.’
Eh ?.
‘”We have seen that there have been attacks on factories, and that again underlines that, together, we as Europeans must protect ourselves as best we can and not be naive,” Ms Baerbock told reporters.’
‘In early May, a building complex owned by the Diehl Metall firm went up in flames in south-west Berlin. Although a technical fault was blamed for the fire, sabotage has not been ruled out. Suspicious fires have also been reported in Poland and Lithuania.’
Eh ?. Not Russia then. What’s it doing here ?.
‘Last April, Mr Papperger’s garden house was set alight at Hermannsburg in northern Germany, although there has been no evidence of a Russian link.’
Eh ?.
‘The fire was quickly brought under control and a rambling, anonymous confession purportedly from leftist militants appeared on activist network Indymedia.’
Oh. Not Russia then.
‘Leading conservative figure Roderich Kiesewetter said the chancellor should come clean with the German population about how great the threat from Russia really was.’
Not much according to the evidence.
‘Michael Roth, who chairs Germany’s foreign affairs committee told Bild newspaper that Vladimir Putin was waging a “war of extermination not only against Ukraine, but against its supporters and our values”.’
What ??.
Another ridiculous BBC article.
I wonder if the BBC’s ‘Paul Kirby’ came up with this article himself or was instructed to produce an anti-Russia piece by the commissars. Either way, it’s almost 100% rambling nonsense.
So Somerset police have finally released a picture of the suspect – with the now standard 48 hour delay for the story to die down in cases like this. They knew who he was from the start. Here’s why:
But what is extremely unusual about this article is this:
‘He said that the two men – one black and one white – were accompanied by a white woman.’
The BBC NEVER include such descriptions unless it’s a white person doing something to a black person. I can only assume they have done it here because the main suspect is black and they want us to know white people are involved too. I guarantee 100% if the other two were also black, it would not be mentioned.
As usual with the BBC, when something is a bit unusual it’s ALWAYS because of their racist and sexist agenda or something they don’t want us to know. They are very good at it : sometimes you have to work out why they did it by checking the story with others.
From The Gusrdian – the reds love the BBC – so there is a reward for loyalty ….
STARTS Labour will support the BBC licence fee, Keir Starmer has pledged, in stark contrast to the years of Conservative opposition to the funding model.
The levy of £159 a year on households with a television used to receive live broadcasts (or watch BBC iPlayer) raises £3.2bn annually for the BBC and the Welsh channel S4C.
The number of households that pay the fee is declining and countries around the world are phasing out their television licence fees. Conservative ministers have spent the past 14 years reducing the broadcaster’s licence fee income, which resulted in a 30% budget cut in real terms. As culture secretary, Nadine Dorries sought to abolish the licence fee entirely when the broadcaster’s royal charter expires in 2027.
“We are committed in our manifesto to the BBC and to the licensing scheme,” the prime minister said. “There’s going to be some more thought between now and [2027], but we are committed.”
The Conservative government and the BBC agreed on a six-year deal that froze the licence fee for two years with annual increases set to follow inflation from 2024 until March 2028 – a deal Tories reneged on in December when it cut the planned inflation-linked rise.
To compensate for this two-year freeze, the BBC had to make severe cuts to its programming to shore up the £500m in annual savings needed, which included limiting the current affairs programme Newsnight to “interview and debate” and reducing its running time to 30 minutes.
“For years, the BBC has lived with uncertainty and barely veiled threats about its future from successive Conservative prime ministers dog-whistling to their base,” said Steven Barnett, professor of communications at the University of Westminster. “For Sir Keir to give such an early and unequivocal statement of support for both the BBC as an institution as well its public funding is a huge step forward.”
While Barnett said the public must “wait and see whether this support extends to the level of funding required to keep the BBC as a valued, trusted and universal British institution”, he said the prime minister’s statement of was a “breath of fresh air compared to the last 14 years of deep funding cuts accompanied by barely concealed hostility”.ENDS
Fed Up 2, ‘more thought’ into the issue may signal a licence on the rates. It is only a matter of time for the BBC headline starting ‘Mounting Pressure’.
Non – I think the reds won’t want to harm relations with the BBC through interference with solid compulsory income from the taxpayer –
The big danger is for a rapid reduction in thr number of licences – but if I remember its dropping at about 200 000 a year but the total number of licences is around 21 million … so a long way to go .
Why anyone still pays it is beyond me ….. fear I suppose …. But at least no prison eh ?
Good news. I was worried that they would move to general taxation where it would be unavoidable. If they really do leave it as is people should treat it as a purely voluntary donation to a leftist globalist broadcaster.
God Rot the BBC.
Trusted? Becoming less so by the day-they the BBC are under the veiled control of the Globalists-the BBC are told how they want it to be told to us the fee paying public. With a growing older population the numbers who will be over the age to pay is and will increase.
From Rishi lackey loyalist to Southgate cringing toady, the Daily Express catches the eye of the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff for their top spot in the Saturday online press line-up: Win or lose, arise Sir Gareth but please win! England fans want Gareth Southgate knighted – none that I’m aware of… and as for football fans who would want him managing their favourite club side…? No thank you, Sir!
Regardless of the result fans agree it would be a fitting honour… (Express)
Fans agree, do they? Fact check please…
Chris Kamara wants Gareth Southgate knighted (Star)
Greg Smith MP for Mid-Bucks said: “Gareth has definitely rejuvenated the team and if we go ahead to victory a knighthood would be an appropriate reward.”(Express); So sez gob for hire virtue-signaller Tory MP: I’ve long championed synthetic fuels as a key solution to a fossil fuel-free future, so was delighted to join @p1fuels for their exciting announcement about scaling production of their fuel in the UK (Greg Smith Twitter X)
The Express has launched a petition for Gareth, 53, to be knighted no matter what the result but along with millions of fans we are praying for a win. YOU CAN SIGN THE PETITION BY CLICKING HERE NOW. – I think that’s what’s known as astroturfing a campaign… the Express, you’ll recall, is fresh from banging the drum for Esther Rantzen’s big euthenasia push
If England does it this time, joy will be unconfined across class and ethnicity (Patrick O’Flynn Express) – ahhh, they just had to bring race into the sport.
Our Pat waxes poetical: The celebrated poet TS Eliot created a character who lamented, “I have measured out my life in coffee spoons”, a metaphor for lost opportunities and what-might-have-beens. A century or so later and many English men and women of a certain age feel we have measured out ours via the tournament exits of England football teams.
For better or worse your very own Mr AsI tends to measure his daily lost opportunities and what-might-have-beens not in coffee spoons but in frontpage press reviews. Oh how he counted the days the Daily Express kept the faith ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ boldly hoist on their masthead – only to drop that motto quietly like a thief in the night.
Speaking of which: With thousands to be freed, minister’s extraordinary claim… Looters ‘could run amok’ if we don’t release prisoners… Justice secretary… Shabana Mahmood… (Daily Mail)
Shabana Mahmood… I’m oddly nostalgically reminded of Shabba Ranks and his 1988 hit Mr Loverman and the closely related track by Shaggy Mr Fanatstic from 1995 and how Mr AsI used to mash up (there’s one for the teenagers) the original lyrics to mock the grooming gangs scandal.
Now that’s all forgotten…
She call me Mr. Boombastic, tell me fantastic
Touch me inna me back, she say I’m Mr. Ro-mantic
Back to the football – but first – this could be a good day to bury bad news (TM Spin doctor Jo Moore and transport department press chief Martin Sixsmith, quit since sending an e-mail as New York’s twin towers burned, suggesting that 11 September was a good day to “bury” bad news)
BBC licence fee saved: Tory death threat lifted after 7 days (‘i’) – our BBC was under death threat, really? After 14 years stay of execution?
Soon there will be focus on the international rugby and the All Blacks – but meanwhile it’s our blacks against their blacks: Youthful battle: England’s Jude Bellingham… and Spain’s Lamine Yamal… (FT)
While we’re dishing out the honours to some of our own: Brave Holly’s Hell (Star)
I was really looking forward to the footy – but it’s been mostly grim – with the number of decent moments countable on one hand .
So I’ll be so pleased when it’s done and Spain lift the cup . That idiot who is the woke manager will get his gong – no doubt … but The Olympics in Paris starting on the 26th ? Ending 11th august ? Not for me …. And then back to The Prem… 17th August … bread and circuses ….
Here we have the BBC dragging up a murder of a black man by white men 65 years ago. And the entire point of the whole lengthy article seems to be to claim that it WAS racist when the police said it wasn’t.
Not now and not when it happened as far as I can tell.
Perhaps this is why:
I might venture that the second story is far, far more relevant to society than the one from 65 years ago.
It seems the BBC are determined to pick at the racism scab to make sure they keep a solid divide between left and right. They truly do peddle the politics of hate. They should look in a mirror before they go accusing everyone else of being racist.
That meeting was about as unnatural and uncomfortable as you can get. No chemistry whatsoever.
Starmer is devoid of personality and charisma and I suspect Joe was doped up.
4 more years of this ?. A truly terrible prospect for the country. And all because the BBC (with support from the civil service) assasinated all the right-wing Tories. Aided and abetted by the greediest, lowest dregs of the Tory party such as Gove, Sunak and Savid Javid who would have given his daughter to ISIS to be PM.
YouTube tries to tempt me with stuff . Today it’s the spectator trying to figure out why the blues lost the election ….rees mogg was there … no change …. No admission of their lost way .
Any reform voter could tell the blues in about 12 words why they are toast and another 12 words how they can survive . In facf – 2 words – become Reform …
Misread a headline – final ‘newsnight ‘ last night ….? Oh it’s just a presenter whose production company has been paying her dividends for 30 years … I wonder if it was one where the viewing figures were so low as to be uncountable …
… meanwhile – Farage returns to GBNews 7pm? Tuesday …
Prior to and during the election the BBC has focussed on sewage. The narrative appears to be private utility companies bad, sewage spills bad, paying dividends while making spills very bad, join the dots, renationalise. The first head on the block will be Thames.
What is interesting is that they have exclusively focussed on the English utility companies. Here is a snip from PR24 (OFWATs new pricing structure which was released this week):
“Companies operating mainly in England should reach an average of 16 spills by 2029. While Welsh companies
currently have significantly higher average spill levels than English companies, we expect Dŵr Cymru and
Hafren Dyfrdwy to put forward more ambitious proposals ahead of our final decisions. These companies
propose to reduce spills from an average of 44 in 2025 to 37 in 2029.”
Luckily Welsh Water do not pay dividends because they are publicly owned, but why are they allowed to make 130% more spills than an English company. Anecdotal evidence suggests that N Irish Water and Scottish Water are as bad as Welsh Water.
Does Ed Milligram have a free pass to do anything he wants.
These headlines we are getting like the stopping our North Sea Oil appear to suggest that he can.
Isn’t there some kind of procedure for such a huge change.
As for the Tories.
You are now two Parties in one.
The wets should join the libdems and the real Tories should join Reform.
This ‘broadchurch’ rut you’re stuck in appeals to nobody.
Promising everything to everybody means you satisfy nobody.
It’s like somebody being for and against the death penalty, you don’t know where they stand on the issue so you avoid them.
I have a theory – that once electricity gets rationed in the winter of @2027 the reds might mind their green crap a little bit unpopular ….
By then they won’t be able to blame the blues or anyone else ….. not a single nuclear power station will have been started – there just won’t be enough jouice – and if Europeans have their own troubles they won’t be exporting theirs ….
Full on BBC diversity global warrior woman wants to get into Australia – needed a visa – has a kid with Down’s syndrome . Australia doesn’t import the disabled – it says it’s not fair on the Aussie health system – seems fair to me
Maybe here we can have dinghies adapted for wheel chairs ..…
.. but oh no … this entitled rubbish demands entry for ‘diversity ‘ … sadly she got her temporary visa – if I’d been the Aussie immigration people I’d have banned her ….very bbc though …
BBC Hates X (formerly Twitter). They are still fuming that Trump used it to communicate directly to the public. Farage did the same thing this year with X and other social media.
I found 4 online BBC articles this morning rubbishing the X platform. All accusing X of being a misinformation & disinformation centre with false advertising. And get this, a terror support base. BBC are hypocrites to the end. The truth is they are using their powerful media outlet to try to take down alternatives. Because they can’t tolerate competition that stops them from controlling the narrative.
Elon Musk today –
“The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us.The other platforms accepted that deal.
𝕏 did not.” https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1811783320839008381
The rotten BBC claims to value diversity, but not apparently diversity of sources of information, hence the attacks on ‘X’, etc.
An interesting statement of this sort of thinking came on the ‘Today’ prog’ on Friday (after 8 a.m., I think). Rory Stewart was trailing a new series, with the provocative theme/title “Ignorance is Bliss”, which he’s doing on R4.
He asked whether it’s possible to have too much information. A fair point, when we are bombarded with news and celebrity trivia virtually 24/7. Yet that seemed not to be his main point.
He cited a conversation with a Covid-19 vaccine sceptic where, surprise surprise, his interlocutor was far from ignorant (as Stewart expected) and actually knew rather more than he did. Now we come to the key part.
Stewart clearly considered that the other man had got incorrect info’ from somewhere (the big, bad uncensored internet, for instance). The man had more knowledge than Stewart, yet Stewart could still confidently state that it was wrong. How does he know? The man might be wrong, of course, but then so might Stewart if he’s stupid enough to trust the BBC and MSM generally.
Without putting words into Stewart’s mouth, it seemed to me that he was advocating for less access to information (i.e. censorship) and more reliance on trusted sources (cough!) to do our thinking for us. Sources like the dear old BBC, for instance.
So, in summary, aware that they are losing control of the narrative because of technological developments creating increased media pluralism, Stewart, the BBC and company are now encouraging people not to search for themselves but let certain approved sources do the work for them.
Almost Spring-like (or should that be “Springian”?!)
Let me rewrite that, as errors in the Graun are, well, not unknown:
“After years of obstructing the government, we civil servants can breathe again under Labour. Colleagues say they agree with Keir Starmer’s policies and expect fewer clashes with him. There is a profound sense of relief: the collectivists and statists are back in the room.”
TOADY Watch #1 – so that is “All right, all right, all right” (after all)
Joe Biden has held an election rally in a hall packed, some might say ‘stuffed to the rafters’, with Democratic Party supporters who, not unlike a football crowd, chant when directed “Don’t quit now” and “Four more years” in unison. The BBC are relaxing now having chewed ‘their fingernails down to the quick’, everything is going to be all right now. Biden will beat the former President, the BBC will have a cure for their TDS.
Seems that the White House press nonsense has finally broken because the tame journos have been ordered to question Biden and his dementia – the tick box coloured mouth can’t handle it …..
Anyone who makes a living from crime – such as emptying shops while people watch on – will be enthused by the emptying of prisons – with judges being told not to send the guilty to prison terms unless people are watching …..
“Davie also set out an “ambitious” plan that he said focused on three roles – “pursue truth with no agenda, back British storytelling and bring people together.””
You could not make this bollox up. I suppose that you could confuse British storytelling with Labour Party narrative.
It’s safe to say no one here is a Starmer fan but this is really out of order. BBC and it’s nasty, deviant culture exposed again.
Peter Cardwell reveals the shocking news of a BBC Radio 4 programme attacking Keir Starmer’s late mother, who suffered from Still’s disease, with the words ‘your mother sucks c**ks in hell’ taken from a clip of the Exorcist film.
Former Ofcom non-executive director Barnie Choudhury says a BBC programme attacking Keir Starmer’s dead mother, reminds him of Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross prank-calling Andrew Sachs.
“They have failed abjectly to even think about what the outcome of this is going to be.”
Barnie adds “there is no way on earth that you can defend this”, and calls for Ofcom to investigate.
Broadcaster and journalist Michael Crick has also accused the BBC of “gross stupidity” after a Radio 4 programme made a sick attack on Keir Starmer’s dead mother.
Certainly – names should be named – and it would be interesting to know what those involved do for the rest of their careers …
BBC lost its moral compass long ago …. Probably at the time of Mrs Thatcher – when the hate really set in – and transfers from one figure to the next – eg currently President Trump where the hate is just beyond rational ….maybe it’s just the result of a perverted generation ..
Times Radio reporting that President Trump has been shot/shot at in one of his rallies. He was rushed off-stage out of the rally and appears to been gesturing to the crowd maybe that he was OK.
BBC News channel already asking the question “will there be retaliation by Trump supporters or Republicans ?” whilst not mentioning actual far left violence.
So predictable.
It seems the shooter was a man on a roof with a rifle. And has been conveniently shot dead.
Now I see the BBC’s main concern is to tell us not to believe anything we read on the internet about who did it.
‘Beware of rumours and wild speculation’
A rather strange request while the story is breaking.
And they are VERY quick to put statements by Biden, Pelosi and other Democrats into the headlines condemning the attack. 100% to make us think they are not behind it.
But it’s all far too convenient. All the other attempts to stop Trump in the courts have failed and they are now in crisis because Joes dementia is now out but he is refusing to quit.
Of course they are behind it.
I now confidently predict the BBC will elevate the story to be about political violence in general : especially by the Right. Lets see how long before they mention Jan 06.
This is exactly what we predicted was going to happen when they got desperate.
I wonder what the response to this is going to be.
Straight from the horses mouth. ‘by making sure he does not become the next President again.’
Complete with awkward moment after he said it.
The decline of Joe’s condition in such a short time is very noticeable.
Not a chance they are going to let him run.
This is the absolute worst case for the BBC now. Trump survived with a war-injury and the violent Left have tried to assasinate him.
I am expecting their bias to become even more extreme in their desperation.
Let’s see what President Trump’s political opponents have been saying about this assassination attempt.
Biden: “There’s no place for this kind of violence in America.”
Obama: “There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy.”
Harris: “Violence such as this has no place in our nation.”
Pelosi: “I know first-hand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society.”
Schumer: “Political violence has no place in our country.”
Even his so-called allies are parroting the same tepid response.
McConnell: “Violence has no place in our politics.”
Even our own newly-installed PM has received the copy-and-paste statement.
Starmer: “Political violence in any form has no place in our societies…”
None of these hypocrites denounce political violence when it comes from the left, as it invariably does. How many of them have condemned BLM or Antifa?
The whole coverage by the BBC seems to have become an attempt to bolster the reputation of the Democrats by giving them centre-stage to express their outrage.
And of course it’s a chance to push their preferred replacement:
It’s not even her making the statement : it’s a stock picture from Getty showing her at her most magnificent. A picture which has no place in this article : the Mirror used it 3 days ago. https://www.themirror.com/news/politics/trump-says-biden-case-trump-587058
I wonder if the BBC will be writing articles about who has said what to create this amount of hatred.
Actually I don’t wonder at all. They won’t.
“A witness to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump revealed he warned Secret Service agents about a man with a rifle on a nearby roof minutes before they opened fire.
The shaken witness, named only as Greg, told the BBC that he saw the suspected gunman climb onto a rooftop outside the event in Butler, Pennsylvania, and was bewildered by the lack of action from agents.
‘I’m thinking to myself ‘Why is Trump still speaking, why have they not pulled him off the stage,” he said. ‘The next thing you know, five shots ring out.’
I find it amazing that a man can climb onto a rooftop 60 meters away with a rifle and get some shots off at Trump without any of the security seeing him.
Particulary as we all saw it coming. No doubt the BBC will be asking those questions.
Sorry, I meant ‘No chance’, not ‘No doubt’.
Video of the witness saying it was a Secret Service FAIL
#1 They allowed the vulnerable roof to be unpoliced
#2 When warned by the crowd a rifleman was crawling on the roof
They failed to remove Trump from the stage
And by 5 minutes the shooter started and shot 5 bullets.
Only then did the SS move in both locations
Stage : swarmed around Trump
Roof : blew the guy’s head off
This is the most INSANE interview with bystander who witnessed the shooting.
“Immediately after the shooting, the Trump supporter told the BBC how he saw the shooter prepare to assassinate the former president, and said rally attendees saw him on the roof for three or four minutes with no action.
He said: ‘We noticed a guy crawling, you know army, bear crawling up the roof of the building 50ft away from us.
‘So we are standing there pointing at the guy crawling up the roof, he had a rifle, we could clearly see he had a rifle.”
‘We are like we can see him right here on the roof he’s crawling. The next thing you know, I am like why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage?
‘I’m standing there pointing at him for two-three minutes, the secret service is looking at us from the top of the barn – I’m pointing at that roof.
If the available info is accurate: Shot taken about 80m distance; No mention of shooter wearing any cam – easily spotted on the roof. A rifle. 5 shots taken. Nothing to suggest any professionalism. At that distance………….
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0q1pl1eldno Just look at the length of the article the…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Do they still do the BLM worship ritual before the games?
Lucy – bet they will on Sunday – although paddy power doesn’t include it in the betbuilder. I notice the camera cuts away quickly when a player makes the sign of the cross – let’s not upset the heathens eh ? Come on Spain ….
Not a Soccer supporter-having played Rugby from 13-22 that’s my sport-far more interesting a game. However what upsets me apart from the massive propaganda that, has and is continuing to surround this boring game (sorry) is that the Newly appointed Prime Minister has stated that if England were to win the match against Spain, he would give the country a Bank Holiday ! Then why not for Rugby Six Nations, why not for all the other Sports, Cricket, Hockey, Athletics et al. Is it that the amount of obscene money Soccer has attracted, some amount might reach the Labour coffers? Just too much publicity in every way and about every player.
tarien, I think that Sir Establishment Keir was pushing for a Bank Holiday to celebrate the English Women winning the Euro final in 2022 while leader of the opposition. He is less equivocal now that he is Prime Minister and he needs every penny of GDP to guarantee the triple lock on the state salaried pension.
Indeed and to safe guard his own pension, which he will be happy to receive along with the PM benefits, which will come sooner than he thinks. As the system of planned corporate control, known as ‘Globalisation’ created by use of deception and stealth.
Yeah, but it might be disallowed by VAR.
Back of the net N-L !
Brissles I could not believe my luck. Just posted on the last thread that I had been ‘goal hanging’ for a couple of hours and up comes the new thread before I had even found the off button. Gary would have been proud.
Non – I feel a lot betterer now 😎
Indigenous declining birthrate yet record waiting lists for hospitals, weeks to see a GP, no social housing for our kids, roads gridlocked, record violent crime, schools in desperate need of teachers and now prisons so full the authorities have to release criminals early. The MSM can’t for the life of them say why this is happening. It’s a real mystery.
The price of Gammon is going down down down.
… They are fried
I still find it highly amusing that a phrase used to insult people based on their skin colour is miraculously not considered racist by the Left.
‘Chocolate drop’ for example is far less offensive. I wonder if they consider that to be racist.
It’s these shameless double-standards which are why I have no respect for them at all. None.
In the case of over crowded prisons-bring back Capital Punishment, that would clear quite a few dangerous, evil, disgusting individuals. As for Rape- castration. In this case of a Muslim being castrated, likely its Mosque would deny the individual entrance-out cast.
Below is a piece by the esteemed Charlie Charles Moore on the conservatives – it’s got nothing to do with the BBC – but it highlights the disconnect between people who would usually have been expected to vote blue ‘Conservative’ and those who voted Reform – which he doesn’t mention until the end .
Poor Charlie thinks his party can be resussed – being someone who has done a couple of unsuccessful resusses ( inc my next door dead neighbour – yuk ) I can tell Charlie that his party is deceased …. He is so indoctrinated by a glorious past that he can’t see it …
( glorious in destroying the USSR but not much more Moore )
The Conservative Party
We’re missing the ‘below’ bit Fed.
The correct phrase to be used is ‘Reborn’. I would much rather the Conservatives do that than Reform take over the Right wing representation.
But nothing can be done until the BBC bias is sorted out. They now simply abuse their huge power to assasinate those who are a threat. They are even using it on the American President now !!.
I detect their uncomfortable position on Biden against the backdrop of most other Marxist media ‘club’ members not afraid to suggest Biden is well past it and needs replacing. No, not for the BBC.
For the BBC’s hero, the only one who has contributed totally to the Marxist plan of importing millions to destroy the US,
they must only be seen to partly join the medias position. That’s why I detect BBC reporting on Biden is very half-hearted. “Kicking and screaming” if you will. Thats why the BBC’s emphasis is always on Biden’s denials.
BBC staff love using LICENCE PAYER’s money to make shows that are all about BBC staff
What the heck is going on with @BBCNewsnight ?
Why the hagiography of @KirstyWark ?
It’s embarrassing, is this fluff what Newsnight is all about now?
I guess they are under the illusion that they are interesting.
Newsnight a few days ago
Climate extremists in their various guises, BLM, transgender, Gaza, Stop the War, add CND for old time’s sake,
All different buttocks on the same Socialist Workers Party Far Left Marxist a***.
Carbon Dioxide does not cause global warming. There is no evidence that it does. Carbon dioxide is an invisible gas. Almost all of it in the atmosphere is natural. It is breathed in by humans and animals and absorbed by plants and trees which would die without it. Also absorbed and outgassed by the oceans.
Well, there is a surprise.
Keir Starmer commits to keeping BBC licence fee after years of Tory hostility
Payback. The grownups know who to keep sweet.
Graun grown ups.
Stand by for a proper minister for Culture – and for a radical reassessment of the BBC. My piece on what @lisanandy could mean for culture, media and sport
So far, she posts selfies at footy matches and has given the bbc a free pass.
Great news isn’t it?
Elections have consequences.
Loach? Not Leech?
Nothing she said was inaccurate:
‘Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza’.
On the BBC this morning, they were reporting how well sleepy Joe had done in his cherry-picked news conference and NATO speech, with just a couple of minor errors, naming Putin and Trump instead of Zelensky and Harris. Well, anyone could have done it.
But on ITV news at ten, the gaffes were really focussed on, and the news conference coverage consisted of questions about Joe’s age and (in)competency. Or was it incontinency?
Did the MSM line change during the day? Or is this another example of BBC pro Biden pro Democrat bias, peddling an ‘impartial’ line which it turns out no-one else can support?
Answers on a postcard please.
I think the BBC (and MSM in general) are in a mad panic. They desperately want us to think Joe is basically fine, but also desperately want him to step down gracefully (but quickly) otherwise Trump is going to win.
Their dilemma is that if they tell the full truth and the nasty old coot won’t step down, Trump will win by a lot and no amount of cheating can stop it.
The stand-out thing here is how it happened overnight. And it’s the one question they will not go near as it highlights the shameful bias of the MSM.
Biden holding Michigan rally as Democratic fears deepen
… and ANOTHER ‘live update’ stream from the BBC.
Let’s see the list of headlines they are running for this one:
‘House Democrat Cori Bush: ‘100%’ of calls are asking for Biden ‘to step out”
Michigan voter says: ‘Pass the torch, Joe’
One of those tricks where the BBC focus on a single person who is repesented as if they are the majority opinion.
‘Voters have mixed feelings about Biden right now’
Voters have mixed feelings about everything. That’s why we have elections. What a meaningless headline.
But the cherry on the cake is this one:
‘Watch: Key Biden moments from Nato, press conference’
Totally unrelated to the story : they just added it here again to reinforce the agenda.
Thsi si a very odd situation. It’s allowing the BBC to give huge coverage to the Biden campaign. Where is Trump ?. I see from google he held a rally in Florida 2 days ago. I never even saw it on the BBC so I used google to see their coverage. Here’s a brand new article ! – buried somewhere:
Biden is teetering. Trump’s plan? Let it happen
First we have the worst picture of Trump they could find. A standard trick they use on Farage every time.
So after Joe called Kalama Harris ‘vice-president Trump’ he wrote:
‘”Great job, Joe!” he wrote.’
And what do the BBC say:
‘It was the kind of reaction voters have come to expect from Trump, who has spent years insulting the president, 81.’
What ??. That’s not an insult. All the insults I have seen have been by Joe, promoted by the likes of the BBC. This article spends the first half attacking Trump then morphs into more of the same about Biden.
And what picture do they use for this article about Trump ?

‘Republicans would need a new strategy if Kamala Harris, 59, became the nominee’
The BBC really are flapping around in a panic at the moment. They desperately want Biden to step aside as quickly as possible so he can be instantly forgotten and they can promote the new condidate. Hence the massive pressure they are trying to assert. They have to saw the leg off without anesthetic before it can be bandaged up. Meanwhile the negative coverage means Trump is getting more and more support and it’s driving them mad. That’s why they have this intense campaign (paid for by us remember) to make Biden quit.
Just like they never questioned how Hamas built bases and tunnels on every UN base, nobody is asking how Joes condition got this bad before anybody noticed. Because the answer to both questions is the same : they knew full well and hid it because of their political bias.
That’s how rotten the MSM is and only Trump will do anything about it.
So I just ordered another crate of popcorn to eat while I watch this farce continue. The best part will be the riots if Trump wins. After all this hate and division the Democrats and their MSM activist reporters have created, they are going to be huge.
Nice photo: she’s sure looking more haggish than when taking up the role.
Alec Baldwin’s Rust trial dismissed over hidden evidence
Here’s what money get’s you in the ‘Land of the Free’.
‘Their motion to dismiss set off a remarkable set of events, with one of the two special prosecutors leading the case resigning, and Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer dismissing the jury to hear from multiple witnesses.’
‘Prosecutors will not be able to lodge the charge against Baldwin again, as the judge did not rule the case a mistrial, but instead outright dismissed it with prejudice.’
‘”It was the nuclear option. The case is over,” Los Angeles criminal defence lawyer Joshua Ritter told the BBC.’
No question at all about this judgement from the BBC. No soapboxes for people to criticise the decision here. That’s because they like Baldwin : he’s a nasty far-Left activist who hates Trump. Just like they are.
Project 2025: A wish list for a Trump presidency, explained
With picture:

I was somewhat stunned by this article. It turns out it’s a list written by some 3rd party and has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump. The BBC have written with the implication it is some sort of election manifesto. It is not !. It’s absolutely irrelevant and basically ‘fake-news’ but they still put a picture of Trump in there so you associate it directly with him.
‘Democrats have highlighted Project 2025’s more controversial proposals, and called the document a blueprint for a second Trump term in office. ‘
Once again the BBC quote someone else who is heavily biased to say what the BBC want to say but can’t because of their rules.
This is another outrageous article by the BBC using trickery to smear Trump. Well done ‘Mike Wendling’ of the BBC. You are gutter-press slime.
The Project 25 vs 47 media deception explained.
X link at bottom if anyone prefers to read it there.
TikTok Creator Told To Read Agenda 47 By Commenters Trying To Bash Trump. Video Accidentally Blows Up Approaching 100k Likes & Everyone In The Comments Says They Can’t Believe They Just Became Donald Trump Supporters
“I was told in my live this morning that I need to go read Agenda 47 because I stated that Trump does not endorse Project 2025, but agenda 47 is a cliff notes version. So I went and I read it:
– First up, ending homelessness in veterans, which will be taking the funding away from the housing for the immigrants that are coming in illegally over our border and putting that funding into housing for our homeless veterans
– Also giving funding to the VA
– Ending the war in Ukraine on day 1. News flash, Putin, about a week ago, said that he would be okay with this.
– It talks about lessening low income housing and using that money to help Americans who want to purchase homes. Instead of putting that money into rentals and low income housing, it would put together programs so you can be in the best financial position to purchase a home
– Hiring a 100 new prosecutors and firing the ones that George Soros hired
– Ending the source of drug addiction in America, and funding better programs for people who are addicted to drugs. That funding would also come from the housing that is for the illegal immigrants crossing our border
– If you come over to the United States illegally right now but give birth to a child in the United States, that child is automatically a US citizen. This is going to stop that from happening.
– The rise in childhood chronic illnesses, we are going to start incentivizing looking for the root cause of those illnesses instead of just shelling out the medication to these children, not just putting a Band Aid on it and calling in a day
– Building the military and giving monetary incentives to join the military, but also changing the way that the military does things, re reconstructing the military
– Returning jobs back to the United States that are currently being done overseas so that we can further an economic boom.
– If you are caught human trafficking or drug trafficking and you are convicted, you could get the penalty.
– Using gas cars instead of electric cars, making America energy independent again, drill, baby, drill.
– People that homeschool will get a check from the government every month just like the public school system does.
– Taking that funding from the Department of Education and putting it back in the hands of the parents, giving the parents back that power, and also holding teachers and faculty accountable for talking about their sexual preferences or the sexual preferences of a child, setting children up for success before they graduate
– And stopping welfare for the people who are coming into this country illegally.
Where’s the problem with all of that? I don’t really know, but I read it. Those are some of the key points. If y’all wanna go and read it for yourselves, please do. Stop listening to the media. Have a nice day.”
lol, isn’t it amazing how the BBC summarise it as:
‘the sacking of thousands of civil servants, expanding the power of the president, dismantling the Department of Education, sweeping tax cuts, a ban on pornography, halting sales of the abortion pill’
The whole article is political fearmongering and 100% what the BBC is NOT supposed to do. But it seems they can get away with anything these days.
Compare with the O J Simpson case.
100% correct Pug. Number one rule of gun handling : always check if a weapon is loaded when someone gives it to you.
This stinks to high heaven and shows just how much the rule of law really means. It’s a black day for the American legal system. But they are having a few of those recently.
When people cannot rely on the law, it leads to anarchy. And the USA is not far from that now. I am wondering what will happen if Trump wins the election. The people in power will let the rioters do what they want.
Not sure why he/you would want to disown it. This is who they are.
German shock at reported Russian assassination plot
Those nasty Russians. How could they ?.
‘The company is one of the world’s biggest producers of ammunition and has become key to supplying Ukraine with arms, armoured vehicles and other military equipment.’
‘Rheinmetall recently opened a tank repair plant in western Ukraine. Last month, it signed an agreement with Ukraine to expand co-operation in the coming years, including a joint venture to produce artillery shells.’
‘Mr Papperger said at the time his company wanted to hand over the first Lynx infantry fighting vehicles later this year and to start producing them in Ukraine soon.’
‘Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said “we are taking very seriously the significantly heightened threat of Russian aggression”.’
Eh ?.
‘”We have seen that there have been attacks on factories, and that again underlines that, together, we as Europeans must protect ourselves as best we can and not be naive,” Ms Baerbock told reporters.’
‘In early May, a building complex owned by the Diehl Metall firm went up in flames in south-west Berlin. Although a technical fault was blamed for the fire, sabotage has not been ruled out. Suspicious fires have also been reported in Poland and Lithuania.’
Eh ?. Not Russia then. What’s it doing here ?.
‘Last April, Mr Papperger’s garden house was set alight at Hermannsburg in northern Germany, although there has been no evidence of a Russian link.’
Eh ?.
‘The fire was quickly brought under control and a rambling, anonymous confession purportedly from leftist militants appeared on activist network Indymedia.’
Oh. Not Russia then.
‘Leading conservative figure Roderich Kiesewetter said the chancellor should come clean with the German population about how great the threat from Russia really was.’
Not much according to the evidence.
‘Michael Roth, who chairs Germany’s foreign affairs committee told Bild newspaper that Vladimir Putin was waging a “war of extermination not only against Ukraine, but against its supporters and our values”.’
What ??.
Another ridiculous BBC article.
I wonder if the BBC’s ‘Paul Kirby’ came up with this article himself or was instructed to produce an anti-Russia piece by the commissars. Either way, it’s almost 100% rambling nonsense.
More human remains found as police name suspect
So Somerset police have finally released a picture of the suspect – with the now standard 48 hour delay for the story to die down in cases like this. They knew who he was from the start. Here’s why:
But what is extremely unusual about this article is this:
‘He said that the two men – one black and one white – were accompanied by a white woman.’
The BBC NEVER include such descriptions unless it’s a white person doing something to a black person. I can only assume they have done it here because the main suspect is black and they want us to know white people are involved too. I guarantee 100% if the other two were also black, it would not be mentioned.
As usual with the BBC, when something is a bit unusual it’s ALWAYS because of their racist and sexist agenda or something they don’t want us to know. They are very good at it : sometimes you have to work out why they did it by checking the story with others.
From The Gusrdian – the reds love the BBC – so there is a reward for loyalty ….
STARTS Labour will support the BBC licence fee, Keir Starmer has pledged, in stark contrast to the years of Conservative opposition to the funding model.
The levy of £159 a year on households with a television used to receive live broadcasts (or watch BBC iPlayer) raises £3.2bn annually for the BBC and the Welsh channel S4C.
The number of households that pay the fee is declining and countries around the world are phasing out their television licence fees. Conservative ministers have spent the past 14 years reducing the broadcaster’s licence fee income, which resulted in a 30% budget cut in real terms. As culture secretary, Nadine Dorries sought to abolish the licence fee entirely when the broadcaster’s royal charter expires in 2027.
“We are committed in our manifesto to the BBC and to the licensing scheme,” the prime minister said. “There’s going to be some more thought between now and [2027], but we are committed.”
The Conservative government and the BBC agreed on a six-year deal that froze the licence fee for two years with annual increases set to follow inflation from 2024 until March 2028 – a deal Tories reneged on in December when it cut the planned inflation-linked rise.
To compensate for this two-year freeze, the BBC had to make severe cuts to its programming to shore up the £500m in annual savings needed, which included limiting the current affairs programme Newsnight to “interview and debate” and reducing its running time to 30 minutes.
“For years, the BBC has lived with uncertainty and barely veiled threats about its future from successive Conservative prime ministers dog-whistling to their base,” said Steven Barnett, professor of communications at the University of Westminster. “For Sir Keir to give such an early and unequivocal statement of support for both the BBC as an institution as well its public funding is a huge step forward.”
While Barnett said the public must “wait and see whether this support extends to the level of funding required to keep the BBC as a valued, trusted and universal British institution”, he said the prime minister’s statement of was a “breath of fresh air compared to the last 14 years of deep funding cuts accompanied by barely concealed hostility”.ENDS
The blues had the chance – and blew it …
Fed Up 2, ‘more thought’ into the issue may signal a licence on the rates. It is only a matter of time for the BBC headline starting ‘Mounting Pressure’.
Non – I think the reds won’t want to harm relations with the BBC through interference with solid compulsory income from the taxpayer –
The big danger is for a rapid reduction in thr number of licences – but if I remember its dropping at about 200 000 a year but the total number of licences is around 21 million … so a long way to go .
Why anyone still pays it is beyond me ….. fear I suppose …. But at least no prison eh ?
Good news. I was worried that they would move to general taxation where it would be unavoidable. If they really do leave it as is people should treat it as a purely voluntary donation to a leftist globalist broadcaster.
God Rot the BBC.
The Reds didn’t win. The Blues committed suicide.
Trusted? Becoming less so by the day-they the BBC are under the veiled control of the Globalists-the BBC are told how they want it to be told to us the fee paying public. With a growing older population the numbers who will be over the age to pay is and will increase.
Ed Miliband-
“We are on a mission for clean power by 2030, to lower bills and make Britain energy independent.”
Read the comments
From Rishi lackey loyalist to Southgate cringing toady, the Daily Express catches the eye of the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff for their top spot in the Saturday online press line-up: Win or lose, arise Sir Gareth but please win! England fans want Gareth Southgate knighted – none that I’m aware of… and as for football fans who would want him managing their favourite club side…? No thank you, Sir!
Regardless of the result fans agree it would be a fitting honour… (Express)
Fans agree, do they? Fact check please…
Chris Kamara wants Gareth Southgate knighted (Star)
Greg Smith MP for Mid-Bucks said: “Gareth has definitely rejuvenated the team and if we go ahead to victory a knighthood would be an appropriate reward.”(Express); So sez gob for hire virtue-signaller Tory MP: I’ve long championed synthetic fuels as a key solution to a fossil fuel-free future, so was delighted to join @p1fuels for their exciting announcement about scaling production of their fuel in the UK (Greg Smith Twitter X)
The Express has launched a petition for Gareth, 53, to be knighted no matter what the result but along with millions of fans we are praying for a win. YOU CAN SIGN THE PETITION BY CLICKING HERE NOW. – I think that’s what’s known as astroturfing a campaign… the Express, you’ll recall, is fresh from banging the drum for Esther Rantzen’s big euthenasia push
If England does it this time, joy will be unconfined across class and ethnicity (Patrick O’Flynn Express) – ahhh, they just had to bring race into the sport.
Our Pat waxes poetical: The celebrated poet TS Eliot created a character who lamented, “I have measured out my life in coffee spoons”, a metaphor for lost opportunities and what-might-have-beens. A century or so later and many English men and women of a certain age feel we have measured out ours via the tournament exits of England football teams.
For better or worse your very own Mr AsI tends to measure his daily lost opportunities and what-might-have-beens not in coffee spoons but in frontpage press reviews. Oh how he counted the days the Daily Express kept the faith ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ boldly hoist on their masthead – only to drop that motto quietly like a thief in the night.
Speaking of which: With thousands to be freed, minister’s extraordinary claim… Looters ‘could run amok’ if we don’t release prisoners… Justice secretary… Shabana Mahmood… (Daily Mail)
Shabana Mahmood… I’m oddly nostalgically reminded of Shabba Ranks and his 1988 hit Mr Loverman and the closely related track by Shaggy Mr Fanatstic from 1995 and how Mr AsI used to mash up (there’s one for the teenagers) the original lyrics to mock the grooming gangs scandal.
Now that’s all forgotten…
She call me Mr. Boombastic, tell me fantastic
Touch me inna me back, she say I’m Mr. Ro-mantic
Back to the football – but first – this could be a good day to bury bad news (TM Spin doctor Jo Moore and transport department press chief Martin Sixsmith, quit since sending an e-mail as New York’s twin towers burned, suggesting that 11 September was a good day to “bury” bad news)
BBC licence fee saved: Tory death threat lifted after 7 days (‘i’) – our BBC was under death threat, really? After 14 years stay of execution?
Soon there will be focus on the international rugby and the All Blacks – but meanwhile it’s our blacks against their blacks: Youthful battle: England’s Jude Bellingham… and Spain’s Lamine Yamal… (FT)
While we’re dishing out the honours to some of our own: Brave Holly’s Hell (Star)
AISI, the Grauniad was missing from the BBC’s Blog of the Front Pages but there was a copy in BH or Salford Quays because it is mentioned in the Blog.
Guardian & Mirror = BBC House Magazines.
I was really looking forward to the footy – but it’s been mostly grim – with the number of decent moments countable on one hand .
So I’ll be so pleased when it’s done and Spain lift the cup . That idiot who is the woke manager will get his gong – no doubt … but The Olympics in Paris starting on the 26th ? Ending 11th august ? Not for me …. And then back to The Prem… 17th August … bread and circuses ….
Police knew murder suspect intended to kill a black man
Here we have the BBC dragging up a murder of a black man by white men 65 years ago. And the entire point of the whole lengthy article seems to be to claim that it WAS racist when the police said it wasn’t.
Meanwhile this story was not even reported by the BBC:
Fake groom jailed for life for murder in sham marriages scam
Not now and not when it happened as far as I can tell.
Perhaps this is why:

I might venture that the second story is far, far more relevant to society than the one from 65 years ago.
It seems the BBC are determined to pick at the racism scab to make sure they keep a solid divide between left and right. They truly do peddle the politics of hate. They should look in a mirror before they go accusing everyone else of being racist.
That meeting was about as unnatural and uncomfortable as you can get. No chemistry whatsoever.
Starmer is devoid of personality and charisma and I suspect Joe was doped up.
4 more years of this ?. A truly terrible prospect for the country. And all because the BBC (with support from the civil service) assasinated all the right-wing Tories. Aided and abetted by the greediest, lowest dregs of the Tory party such as Gove, Sunak and Savid Javid who would have given his daughter to ISIS to be PM.
Those specs make Surkeer look much more interesting and intelligent according to his PR grooming team?
Works for bbc talking heads.
Specs are a clear cause of interest and intelligence.
The state of @BethRigby & @ChrisMasonBBC here 😆😂
You think these fawning clowns are going to hold a Labour Govt to account ?💀
Certainly on par with Milipede’s Greta gawp.
Its love
The comments.
Beff, in particular, comes out well.
YouTube tries to tempt me with stuff . Today it’s the spectator trying to figure out why the blues lost the election ….rees mogg was there … no change …. No admission of their lost way .
Any reform voter could tell the blues in about 12 words why they are toast and another 12 words how they can survive . In facf – 2 words – become Reform …
Or: Be Conservative.
An alien notion to many of them.
The BBC must be so very, very disappointed not to get even a mention – fancy losing out to arch-rivals Sky News when it comes to pro-Labour bias!:
Misread a headline – final ‘newsnight ‘ last night ….? Oh it’s just a presenter whose production company has been paying her dividends for 30 years … I wonder if it was one where the viewing figures were so low as to be uncountable …
… meanwhile – Farage returns to GBNews 7pm? Tuesday …
Prior to and during the election the BBC has focussed on sewage. The narrative appears to be private utility companies bad, sewage spills bad, paying dividends while making spills very bad, join the dots, renationalise. The first head on the block will be Thames.
What is interesting is that they have exclusively focussed on the English utility companies. Here is a snip from PR24 (OFWATs new pricing structure which was released this week):
“Companies operating mainly in England should reach an average of 16 spills by 2029. While Welsh companies
currently have significantly higher average spill levels than English companies, we expect Dŵr Cymru and
Hafren Dyfrdwy to put forward more ambitious proposals ahead of our final decisions. These companies
propose to reduce spills from an average of 44 in 2025 to 37 in 2029.”
Luckily Welsh Water do not pay dividends because they are publicly owned, but why are they allowed to make 130% more spills than an English company. Anecdotal evidence suggests that N Irish Water and Scottish Water are as bad as Welsh Water.
Bias by omission.
Does Ed Milligram have a free pass to do anything he wants.
These headlines we are getting like the stopping our North Sea Oil appear to suggest that he can.
Isn’t there some kind of procedure for such a huge change.
As for the Tories.
You are now two Parties in one.
The wets should join the libdems and the real Tories should join Reform.
This ‘broadchurch’ rut you’re stuck in appeals to nobody.
Promising everything to everybody means you satisfy nobody.
It’s like somebody being for and against the death penalty, you don’t know where they stand on the issue so you avoid them.
EG, Ed Milligram !
I have a theory – that once electricity gets rationed in the winter of @2027 the reds might mind their green crap a little bit unpopular ….
By then they won’t be able to blame the blues or anyone else ….. not a single nuclear power station will have been started – there just won’t be enough jouice – and if Europeans have their own troubles they won’t be exporting theirs ….
From our own correspondent
Full on BBC diversity global warrior woman wants to get into Australia – needed a visa – has a kid with Down’s syndrome . Australia doesn’t import the disabled – it says it’s not fair on the Aussie health system – seems fair to me
Maybe here we can have dinghies adapted for wheel chairs ..…
.. but oh no … this entitled rubbish demands entry for ‘diversity ‘ … sadly she got her temporary visa – if I’d been the Aussie immigration people I’d have banned her ….very bbc though …
BBC Hates X (formerly Twitter). They are still fuming that Trump used it to communicate directly to the public. Farage did the same thing this year with X and other social media.
I found 4 online BBC articles this morning rubbishing the X platform. All accusing X of being a misinformation & disinformation centre with false advertising. And get this, a terror support base. BBC are hypocrites to the end. The truth is they are using their powerful media outlet to try to take down alternatives. Because they can’t tolerate competition that stops them from controlling the narrative.
Elon Musk today –
“The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us.The other platforms accepted that deal.
𝕏 did not.”
BBC today
“EU says X’s blue tick accounts deceive users”
BBC – who has little to no regulation is rubbing it’s filthy hands together in glee at the idea of X and other platforms being censored.
The rotten BBC claims to value diversity, but not apparently diversity of sources of information, hence the attacks on ‘X’, etc.
An interesting statement of this sort of thinking came on the ‘Today’ prog’ on Friday (after 8 a.m., I think). Rory Stewart was trailing a new series, with the provocative theme/title “Ignorance is Bliss”, which he’s doing on R4.
He asked whether it’s possible to have too much information. A fair point, when we are bombarded with news and celebrity trivia virtually 24/7. Yet that seemed not to be his main point.
He cited a conversation with a Covid-19 vaccine sceptic where, surprise surprise, his interlocutor was far from ignorant (as Stewart expected) and actually knew rather more than he did. Now we come to the key part.
Stewart clearly considered that the other man had got incorrect info’ from somewhere (the big, bad uncensored internet, for instance). The man had more knowledge than Stewart, yet Stewart could still confidently state that it was wrong. How does he know? The man might be wrong, of course, but then so might Stewart if he’s stupid enough to trust the BBC and MSM generally.
Without putting words into Stewart’s mouth, it seemed to me that he was advocating for less access to information (i.e. censorship) and more reliance on trusted sources (cough!) to do our thinking for us. Sources like the dear old BBC, for instance.
So, in summary, aware that they are losing control of the narrative because of technological developments creating increased media pluralism, Stewart, the BBC and company are now encouraging people not to search for themselves but let certain approved sources do the work for them.
Almost Spring-like (or should that be “Springian”?!)
Not partisan at all. The Gruaniad;
♦ The author works for the UK civil service
“After years of being gaslit by government, we civil servants can breathe again under Labour
The civil servant
Colleagues say they value Keir Starmer’s promise to treat us with respect. There is a profound sense of relief: the adults are back in the room”
The first significant policy issue he mentions is ‘the nettle of Gaza’.
Let me rewrite that, as errors in the Graun are, well, not unknown:
“After years of obstructing the government, we civil servants can breathe again under Labour. Colleagues say they agree with Keir Starmer’s policies and expect fewer clashes with him. There is a profound sense of relief: the collectivists and statists are back in the room.”
TOADY Watch #1 – so that is “All right, all right, all right” (after all)
Joe Biden has held an election rally in a hall packed, some might say ‘stuffed to the rafters’, with Democratic Party supporters who, not unlike a football crowd, chant when directed “Don’t quit now” and “Four more years” in unison. The BBC are relaxing now having chewed ‘their fingernails down to the quick’, everything is going to be all right now. Biden will beat the former President, the BBC will have a cure for their TDS.
Bit embarrassing to stage a rally with a bunch of paid democrats to turn up – not exactly queuing around the block Trump style …
And they have even deployed a Biden grand child called ‘navy’? Or is she called ‘army ‘? Or is it ‘Amy?…
Seems that the White House press nonsense has finally broken because the tame journos have been ordered to question Biden and his dementia – the tick box coloured mouth can’t handle it …..
“Starmer commits to BBC licence fee”
Scrap both !
Anyone who makes a living from crime – such as emptying shops while people watch on – will be enthused by the emptying of prisons – with judges being told not to send the guilty to prison terms unless people are watching …..
Just noticed this on the bBC webshite:
“Davie also set out an “ambitious” plan that he said focused on three roles – “pursue truth with no agenda, back British storytelling and bring people together.””
You could not make this bollox up. I suppose that you could confuse British storytelling with Labour Party narrative.
Democracy and the bBC are incompatible.
It’s safe to say no one here is a Starmer fan but this is really out of order. BBC and it’s nasty, deviant culture exposed again.
Peter Cardwell reveals the shocking news of a BBC Radio 4 programme attacking Keir Starmer’s late mother, who suffered from Still’s disease, with the words ‘your mother sucks c**ks in hell’ taken from a clip of the Exorcist film.
Former Ofcom non-executive director Barnie Choudhury says a BBC programme attacking Keir Starmer’s dead mother, reminds him of Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross prank-calling Andrew Sachs.
“They have failed abjectly to even think about what the outcome of this is going to be.”
Barnie adds “there is no way on earth that you can defend this”, and calls for Ofcom to investigate.
Broadcaster and journalist Michael Crick has also accused the BBC of “gross stupidity” after a Radio 4 programme made a sick attack on Keir Starmer’s dead mother.
Certainly – names should be named – and it would be interesting to know what those involved do for the rest of their careers …
BBC lost its moral compass long ago …. Probably at the time of Mrs Thatcher – when the hate really set in – and transfers from one figure to the next – eg currently President Trump where the hate is just beyond rational ….maybe it’s just the result of a perverted generation ..
Lucy, that is vile, whoever did it and if it was the BBC it should be closed down.
One of the shining lights in Reform was Ben Habib. Here he is being interviewed by Together before the election:
I for one am very sad that he did not get elected and hope that Reform treasure this person.
Times Radio reporting that President Trump has been shot/shot at in one of his rallies. He was rushed off-stage out of the rally and appears to been gesturing to the crowd maybe that he was OK.
Yep, all over news channels now.
Americans and their guns eh ?
The state of our country, Nigel had better be extra careful.
It appears a bullet grazed his ear. He is safe.
Tell us who is peddling the politics of hate and division now BBC.
Whats the chances the shooter got away ?. This is a massive, massive story. It appears their assasination attempt has failed.
And it’s still buried in ‘US & Canada’ on the BBC web site. This is exactly what we predicted was going to happen.
BBC News channel already asking the question “will there be retaliation by Trump supporters or Republicans ?” whilst not mentioning actual far left violence.
So predictable.
It seems the shooter was a man on a roof with a rifle. And has been conveniently shot dead.
Now I see the BBC’s main concern is to tell us not to believe anything we read on the internet about who did it.
‘Beware of rumours and wild speculation’
A rather strange request while the story is breaking.
And they are VERY quick to put statements by Biden, Pelosi and other Democrats into the headlines condemning the attack. 100% to make us think they are not behind it.
But it’s all far too convenient. All the other attempts to stop Trump in the courts have failed and they are now in crisis because Joes dementia is now out but he is refusing to quit.
Of course they are behind it.
I now confidently predict the BBC will elevate the story to be about political violence in general : especially by the Right. Lets see how long before they mention Jan 06.
This is exactly what we predicted was going to happen when they got desperate.
I wonder what the response to this is going to be.
And BBC continues with it’s HAMAS headlines
“90 killed and 300 injured” in Israeli strike on Gaza “humanitarian area” | BBC News
“according to the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza.”
Sky News-
“Trump shooting latest: ‘Shooter and audience member dead’ – as bloodied Trump tells supporters to ‘fight’ after suspected assassination attempt”
Hatey BBC
BBC “bangs” “loud noises”
I am sure they’ll explain how ‘loud noises’ ended up with people dead.
I’m sure BBC ‘verify’ will be all over it.
If you’re wondering what Biden’s remarks are on the attempt on Trump’s life, here they are.
Sopes ‘analysing’ the footage as we speak?
Straight from the horses mouth. ‘by making sure he does not become the next President again.’
Complete with awkward moment after he said it.
The decline of Joe’s condition in such a short time is very noticeable.
Not a chance they are going to let him run.
This is the absolute worst case for the BBC now. Trump survived with a war-injury and the violent Left have tried to assasinate him.
I am expecting their bias to become even more extreme in their desperation.
Let’s see what President Trump’s political opponents have been saying about this assassination attempt.
Biden: “There’s no place for this kind of violence in America.”
Obama: “There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy.”
Harris: “Violence such as this has no place in our nation.”
Pelosi: “I know first-hand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society.”
Schumer: “Political violence has no place in our country.”
Even his so-called allies are parroting the same tepid response.
McConnell: “Violence has no place in our politics.”
Even our own newly-installed PM has received the copy-and-paste statement.
Starmer: “Political violence in any form has no place in our societies…”
None of these hypocrites denounce political violence when it comes from the left, as it invariably does. How many of them have condemned BLM or Antifa?
May God protect President Trump.
The whole coverage by the BBC seems to have become an attempt to bolster the reputation of the Democrats by giving them centre-stage to express their outrage.
And of course it’s a chance to push their preferred replacement:

It’s not even her making the statement : it’s a stock picture from Getty showing her at her most magnificent. A picture which has no place in this article : the Mirror used it 3 days ago.
I wonder if the BBC will be writing articles about who has said what to create this amount of hatred.
Actually I don’t wonder at all. They won’t.
Starmer: “Political violence in any form has no place in our societies…”
My heartfelt condolences to all staff and their families and colleagues at the bbc.
Trump is alive.
“Lessons learned”…?
maybe poison next time…
“A witness to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump revealed he warned Secret Service agents about a man with a rifle on a nearby roof minutes before they opened fire.
The shaken witness, named only as Greg, told the BBC that he saw the suspected gunman climb onto a rooftop outside the event in Butler, Pennsylvania, and was bewildered by the lack of action from agents.
‘I’m thinking to myself ‘Why is Trump still speaking, why have they not pulled him off the stage,” he said. ‘The next thing you know, five shots ring out.’
I find it amazing that a man can climb onto a rooftop 60 meters away with a rifle and get some shots off at Trump without any of the security seeing him.
Particulary as we all saw it coming. No doubt the BBC will be asking those questions.
Sorry, I meant ‘No chance’, not ‘No doubt’.
And lets not forget this:
House Democrat introduces bill aimed at Trump that would strip Secret Service protection from felons
It was all going so well up until the Supreme Court put a spanner in the works. No wonder the BBC were so upset about it.
Video of the witness saying it was a Secret Service FAIL
#1 They allowed the vulnerable roof to be unpoliced
#2 When warned by the crowd a rifleman was crawling on the roof
They failed to remove Trump from the stage
And by 5 minutes the shooter started and shot 5 bullets.
Only then did the SS move in both locations
Stage : swarmed around Trump
Roof : blew the guy’s head off
“Immediately after the shooting, the Trump supporter told the BBC how he saw the shooter prepare to assassinate the former president, and said rally attendees saw him on the roof for three or four minutes with no action.
He said: ‘We noticed a guy crawling, you know army, bear crawling up the roof of the building 50ft away from us.
‘So we are standing there pointing at the guy crawling up the roof, he had a rifle, we could clearly see he had a rifle.”
‘We are like we can see him right here on the roof he’s crawling. The next thing you know, I am like why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage?
‘I’m standing there pointing at him for two-three minutes, the secret service is looking at us from the top of the barn – I’m pointing at that roof.
‘And next thing you know – five shots rang out.’
Let’s see.
If the available info is accurate: Shot taken about 80m distance; No mention of shooter wearing any cam – easily spotted on the roof. A rifle. 5 shots taken. Nothing to suggest any professionalism. At that distance………….
Sounds like a nutter to me.