Over to you thank you for all your comments – and if you are a ‘read only ‘ type – why not Chuck in a view ( on the BBC ) but please cancel your licence …
Musk said, “The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal. 𝕏 did not.” : https://www.malone.news/p/big-brother-is-watching-you-so-where
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
More from the BBC:
‘Senator JD Vance, who is thought to be on the shortlist to become Trump’s vice-presidential candidate, said the rhetoric from the Biden campaign led directly to this incident.
Other Republican politicians are saying similar things, which will almost certainly be condemned by their opponents as incendiary at a dangerous time in American politics.’
WHAT ??? – since when was it the BBC’s job to add their own opinion to an article – specifically to criticise statements by right-wing politicians ???.
Not as incendiary as trying to assasinate him Sarah Smith of the BBC. Should everyone just keep quiet about it ?. Like you and the Democrats did about Jan 06 ?. This is 100 times worse.
There is no evidence the “deep state” is involved.
The attempt on Donald Trump’s life is not a coup; he is not currently president.
“False flags” don’t happen like this.
This is meant to whip people up into a frenzy and create a self-fulfilling prophecy
No one appears to give a rats what the propaganda shill thinks.
FULL INTERVIEW with a witness, talking to @BBCNews, who says he saw a man with a gun on a building roof firing shots.
Donald Trump was rushed off stage during a rally in Pennsylvania after gun shots were heard.
He talked to @BBCBlindGazza – more information @BBCNews
If you can catch it, there is a video of a BBC warrior laying prone on the grass completely in the open ‘taking cover’ while everybody else is walking around normally. It was posted at 4:11am if you need to scroll down.
It’s worth a look because he is 100% BBC : posh speaking and very, very obviously is one of those people in life who is completely useless at anything practical. A clear class-1 pr1ck. I think he’s talking to a worm he found.
Must have been on Jezzer Bowen’s survival training course.
John you do know the BBC reporter is blind?
So for him to be still on the floor in the video, that’s perfectly rational
“Gary O’Donoghue is a British journalist, currently working for BBC News in Washington, D.C. as their North America chief political correspondents. He is one of the most prominent blind correspondents in British media”
(I didn’t know he was blind until this morning, then it’s in a reply under his interview with roof man)
Oops … anyway – I suppose the news upto 8pm will be –
1 who was the shooter ( was it really him ?)
2 what was the motive -( got to be approved )
3 who are the victims ?
4 what will president trump say ?
5 – tricky – will there be a Biden – trump press conference ?
6 will the families of those KSI be supported -?although I understand there’s already a fund ..
Ok – when my radio told me president trump had been shot I assumed he was either dead or serious – and my mind ran the ramifications …..
But once I’d got an internet connection the whole situation changed ….. I really hope Donald Trump uses what happened well …
I wonder when the BBC said anything positive about President Trump …..?
Biden refuses to allow the SS to protect Kennedy from assassination, because Biden wants to win at all costs. So if we look at the Kennedy assassination, then the man on the roof was an SS useful idiot called Oswald. Oswald shot at the presidents ear. The SS shot from behind the president but missed and killed a woman. Jack then shot Oswald dead. Also, someone was injured by the same bullet that exited the presidents ear.
Shayan’s tweet quotes a tweet
that says “Do you think the Trump shooting was staged?”
Then says “No”
Fact is that on Social Media accounts like meme artists and Alex Jones constantly spend their time being hyperbolic
Si it’s no great public service for Shayan and Wendling to spend their time shouting “Alex Jones said something hyperbolic”
..Their office door might as well say “full time PR operation against Republic/MAGA memes”
I suppose Trump’s wound could be from a secondary item
eg flying glass or plastic after the bullet hit that first
If it was a bullet , he is very blessed
‘This legislation is co-sponsored by Reps. Troy A. Carter Sr., Barbara Lee, Frederica Wilson, Yvette D. Clarke, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jasmine Crockett, Joyce Beatty, and Steve Cohen.’
All of them Democrats.
As I checked them with Google, I see every one I looked at has posted a message condemning the assasination attempt. It’s hypocrisy on an epic scale.
Even in ‘straight ‘ reporting the BBC attempts to minimise the attempted murder -by saying ‘president trump was shot in the ear ‘ . The truth is he was shot in the head – and only millimetres away from death .
I wrote here yesterday about the irrational hatred for trump – well now we see it . Thank God he survived . I really hope he now handles what happened in the right way .
For years, the “liberal” media such as the BBC have been hysterically demonising Trump – or giving a platform to those who do – even comparing him to Hitler and calling him an existential threat to democracy etc.
Now they shed crocodile tears and ask “how could this happen”?
YOU MADE IT HAPPEN and you should be held accountable.
Will this attempted murder take the attention off Biden ? Or will the msm question his comments about putting a bullseye on President Trump ?
The BBC is certain to want to deflect attention from the US – presumably using the trivial footy win / loss to do it .
Starmer will fully exploit any win / loss ….
BTW – it seems the campaign line about reducing the voting age to 10 or 16 is being left out of the kings speech – maybe the reds have realised a lot of kids are attracted to Reform because the red/blues are destroying their future …
After an appropriate period of ‘shock horror’, we can expect the BBC to gradually shift the narrative to: “Trump is divisive and inflammatory (so he sort of had it coming)”.
Of course, the lofty BBC won’t stoop so low; they’ll let their carefully chosen studio guests do it.
The Guardian Sunday service, which is the Observer, delivers a cri du cœur on behalf of the official trades union of lefty comics and amalgamated right-on satirists: over to our chief convenor and top shop steward, Stewart: The Tories have gone, and my jokes have gone with them. Won’t someone think of the satirists? Stewart Lee’s life changes
Turns out Starmer’s election as PM was what they call in the trade a mike drop moment – well, you can’t go ripping the piss out of the side you support
Not that this prohibition will prevent Mr AsI having a good old chuckle at the expence of our Gareth Southgate’s diversity wanderers united and the Daily Star on Sunday’s lame mane giveaway for would-be three lions supporters: Free mane for every reader! Fur we go! Grab your Three Lions mane inside this paper and show your pride in England’s hairos…
And remember folks, if we win… celebrate the diversity – but if our black kids fluff it – well, you’ve been warned: Media criticised for use of Saka image in England defeat… Football journalist Darren Lewis, who is assistant editor of the Daily Mirror and president of the Sports Journalists’ Association… “It is a reminder that we need to think about everything put into the public domain.” (BBC, June 2024)
But back to the funny stuff. For no particular reason our in-house cartoonists presume to link US president Biden’s evident senility (suddenly emerging as a story in the mainstream) with the european soccer final. Our mate Matt in the Telegraph does a Harry Kane and uncharateristically shoots wide of the mark today and deserves to get it in the ear from Mr AsI (just like the Pennsylvania Trump rally shooter – too soon?) – Matt sketches England fans on the sofa in front of their tv as one supporter remarks: “I feel like I age ten years every time England play football. I hope president Biden isn’t watching”
Likewise left-leaning Newman in the Sunday Times reaches for that old comic trick of combining two news lines hopefully into one gag line. He has our captain Harry Kane reading a note to his team mates in the dressing room: “It’s a message from President Biden”– message reads: Good luck Russia X
Given the huge latino vote in the US and his Irish roots, I’m guessing Joe would be supporting the other team – as our own Andy Murray would say – anyone but England. But nevermind, the game will be on well past Biden’s bedtime.
Calm down dear
Amanda Abbington ‘It’s been really brutal since Strictly’ (Sunday Times)
Track and trace
Truant register to save Covid lost generation… Labour’s first King’s Speech will include a legal duty on councils to keep track of pupils (Sunday Times) – just the usual little editorial correction required there: Truant register to save CovidLockdown (which was a policy choice) lost generation
Asiseeit – yes – too soon . But by the end of the day the conspiracy theories will be in full flow – I could run them now – particularly that the secret service / FBI wants president trump ‘gone ‘….
For me there’s an interesting piece in the DT about the Scottish hatred of England – highlighting an interview with 2 villa players who play for England and Scotland respectively – the Scot player – when asked – says ‘anyone but England ‘ whereas the English player is shocked and says he’d always support Scotland ….
Anyway – for the next 24 hours wars and killings will be forgotten as that ridiculous collective ritual national England pride takes over …
AsIseeit correctly identifies the Nuuuu liebour ‘register’. This is explicitly designed to ‘register’ all children who are being home schooled so that the local authorities can go round and persecute the parents.
The cover story is to ensure all children get an ‘education’. By this they mean: lesbian parenting classes, drag-queen story time, teachers on strike, DEI, PSHE, DIY jacking up classes etc etc.
Many parents are realising that nowdays you send children to school to make them stupid, and so they are voting with their feet.
With our economy teetering nuu liebour have the persecution of parents as a top priority.
OK I do get what you are saying about the flag
The videos I watched didn’t show a flag, it must be a special angle
so the BBC image seems representative to me.
but I have to admit that the BBCnews 2 pages, where I said they used the iconic raised fist image ..have now been changed and now use uglier images.
This page still uses it : https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0359j43d78o
Whilst Wendling and Shayan spend their time sneering at Twitter and asserting that MSM is way superior to Twitter for news, Twitter shows the early MSM stories were inferior as they are based in anti Trump bubbleworld so used phrases like ‘Trump fell, when he heard loud noises’ etc.
I see ‘BBC Verify’ are desperately attempting to grab some credit after this assasination attempt. As usual they’ve copied it from somewhere else I saw hours ago. But here’s what the master sleuths got from Google:
Now looking at that roof position and the fact the Secret Service allowed someone to climb up there with a rifle and get 4 or 5 shots off, the question I am asking myself is how it could possibly happen without someone deliberately leaving that door open. And how did the shooter know that particular roof would be clear for him to use ?. After all, you can’t just walk around with a rifle looking for somewhere.
These questions and many others like it will not be asked by the BBC.
This is Labour-supporting, friend of Carol Vorderman Tan Smith celebrating the assassination attempt on Donald Trump tonight. British Leftists want Donald Trump dead. They are sick. The BBC did NOTHING when their presenter David Aaronovitch called on Biden to shoot Trump. pic.twitter.com/0jhL9YN1rM
You would think that these vile people who have been (jokingly?) calling for Trump to be assassinated would be hanging their heads in shame. There’s a very long list of repulsive luvvies that have made some extraordinary comments. Incitement is only the start…
However, Tan Smith, whoever the fxxx she is, is something else altogether. This ghastly creature is clearly so full of self-righteous bile that nothing will give her pause for thought.
I have little doubt that her Twitter bio has a “Be Kind” motif next to it.
I bet Beadyglasses is sighing with relief now that he can squirt out yet another bombshell on the British public. They love finding ‘good days’ like that. Beeboids won’t be looking very hard.
The Tories shorted UK Inc. a few weeks ago, and will lick their scratches with pride.
Cubiclists have just a few hours to get their crackpot ideas into place.
Some of the comments written by Americans in the online DM beggar belief. One said Trump had been shot by glass, others have said it was Trump theatre and faked. So I suppose the grieving families are weeping over mannequins then.
I don’t know what they are being taught in American schools, but the ritual of paying Allegiance with hand on heart isn’t working.
I was looking at such a list. It’s long. The number of lefty celebrities, actors, pop groups, etc., who have called for violence against Trump is like a Who’s Who of showbusiness. Madonna, Bette Midler, Robert De Niro, Kathy Griffin, Pearl Jam, Marilyn Manson, Johnny Depp (at least he apologised). Not to mention Biden’s “bullseye” comment. Or even, as Pug reminded us, David Attenborough! There are many others.
Even if the “Deep State” isn’t directly behind the shooting, this explicit Democrat wish for Trump to be assassinated has produced an atmosphere in which the attempt was inevitable.
These death threats are a characteristic of the American left. Conservative supporters don’t do this.
The picture of a defiant Trump, with its resonance of Iwo Jima, will live long in the memory. Trump will now win by a landslide. Unless they try again.
Toady on Sunday. The reliable bellweather of the BBC mindset.
First article.The religious spread of new MPs. Surely, I thought, they would mention the new racist sectarian, pro Hamas Muslim MPs? Of course not. They interviewed a Sikh woman MP who I suggest is not at the top of our worry list. After all, as we all know, negative stories about Muslims are banned on the BBC.
Next up, LGBT stuff. First a black gospel preacher who has come out as gay. This migrated quickly into the usual negative stories about Christianity. So next we had the gayness schism in the Church of England featuring a prominent pro LGBTQIAqwerty spokesperson. Next the demise of the Soul Survivor movement as one of the leaders is, disgustingly, a kiddie fiddler.
Totally execrable and yet totally predictable agenda from the BBC.
Allahu Akbar!
Get ready for the ‘hilarious’ jokes about the Trump shooting/assassination attempt from the BBC’s favourite lefty ‘comedians’ enjoyed by a carefully selected ‘impartial’ audience.
‘I’ve killed him’: David Amess murder was last act of two-year plot
This article is more than 2 years old
Ali Harbi Ali had long been looking for an MP to assassinate before stabbing Amess at church surgery
As our prisons are too full and no government will be building new ones why not try something like the Rwanda plan.
I’m sure that if we were to outsource our prison population, currently costing £50,000 per year per prison place, to say Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Siberia or somewhere similar, they could do it for less than £10,000 per prisoner year.
The prisoners could serve their full terms instead of a fraction of the sentence.
One big bonus is that the prisoners would be very unlikely to do something which would return them to prison.
It would also deter a huge number of criminals from breaking the law.
Massive savings.
Stopping reoffending.
Deterring lawbreakers.
No need to build more prisons.
Unbelievable piece in The Guardian trying to reduce the negative to the Dems effect of the Trump assassination attempt with that phrase they love to use for everything they disagree with…..”disinformation” .
Home Secretary Jack Straw says the English had used their “propensity to violence to subjugate Ireland, Wales and Scotland” on the Radio 4 programme Brits. The broadcast is examining what it now means to be British.
Mr Straw will describe the English as “potentially very aggressive, very violent” and will “increasingly articulate their Englishness following devolution.”
Pug mentioned that the BBC article doesn’t mention the obvious past attempt from 2016
British guy Michael Sandford had practiced shooting the day before
Gone to the Trump event and spotted the police officers gun holster was not locked so made a grab for it
Had the gun not stuck in the holster
there was a strong chance he would had a shot Trump who was speaking 30 feet away
but there were other attempts
Michael Sandford: In 2016, a British man named Michael Sandford attempted to grab a police officer’s gun at a Trump rally in Las Vegas. He later claimed he wanted to kill Trump. Sandford was arrested and sentenced to one year in prison.
Gregory Lee Leingang: In 2017, Gregory Lee Leingang stole a forklift and attempted to drive it toward Trump’s motorcade while Trump was visiting North Dakota. He was arrested and charged with one count of attempting to enter or remain in a restricted building and on grounds while using a dangerous weapon.
William Clyde Allen III: In 2018, William Clyde Allen III was arrested and charged with one count of mailing a threat against the president and five counts of mailing threatening communications to an officer or an employee of the United States. He had mailed letters containing ricin to Trump and other government officials.
Barry Croft Jr.: In 2020, Barry Croft Jr., a Delaware man who was arrested for his involvement in a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, included Trump in a list of politicians he wanted to hang.
Looking at the DT – as I do – I notice the comments even there are infantile – eg ‘2 cm to the right and there’d be 2 US presidents without a brain ‘…I mean – on a Sunday morning in telegraph comments –
Now I don’t comment anywhere apart from here – as my 77 brigade file will attest ( right chaps ?) but I do wonder about thought levels in comments …
Is it a kidult thing ? A sort of school playground ? Where we can all hide our true identities …? Is there a need to express hate ?
I’m sure that if that shooting had been as successful as the secret service hoped for they’d be dancing in the street like they did when Margaret thatcher died ….
As I write it’s the middle of the night in the west coast and the east coast is waking up soon …. How will America deal with it?
Normally I don’t mind the Michael Portillo show on GBN as he does cover a wide range intellectually, but I’m sick to death of listening to some Greek tart giving her arm waving opinions on our British politics in strangulated English ! Sod off Stella.
Helen Joanne Cox[2] (née Leadbeater; 22 June 1974 – 16 June 2016) was a British politician who served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Batley and Spen from May 2015 until her murder in June 2016.
On 14 May 2010, Stephen Timms, the Labour MP for East Ham, was suddenly stabbed whilst holding a constituency surgery by Roshonara Choudhry, a 21-year-old British student and an Islamic extremist, in an attempt to kill him. She was found guilty of attempted murder and jailed for life with a minimum term of 15 years. Choudhry was the first Al-Qaeda sympathiser to attempt an assassination in Britain.[1]
The back-to-Africa movement was a political movement in the 19th and 20th centuries advocating for a return of the descendants of African American slaves to the African continent. The movement originated from a widespread belief among some European Americans in the 18th and 19th century United States that African Americans would want to return to the continent of Africa
Questions are being asked about (not by the biased BBC, of course) about a possible leak in the US Secret Services.
1) How did the sniper get so close with a clear line of sight to Trump?
2) How come the public saw him before the police and Secret Service did?
3) Once he’d been spotted, why was Trump allowed to continue his rally, so exposed?
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to realise that the Democrats/ the Swamp/ the Deep State/ the Loony Left / the Globalists / the Establishment would do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to get rid of him.
They’ve tried every dirty trick in the book for many years. Now, after Lawfare, it’s Warfare.
Aaronovitch on bbc on Twitter said “if I was Biden I would hurry up and have trump murdered on the basis that he is a treat to America’s security “
He should be sacked now .
Mind you I’ve never heard of him.
If bbc don’t sack then they are complicit
The awful anti trump naughtie sounding depressed that trump isn’t dead – and guess what – they roll out a Clinton poodle to mouth off against trump and back on ‘gun control ‘ inevitable
‘ The chief Inciter of political violence in the US ‘ says the Clinton poodle – naughtie didn’t challenge it – the creature was ‘Sidney bloomenthal’ – astonishing ..
Earlier in the day coonsburg – another trump hater – got ready to have a go at Farage but didn’t have the wit for it …..
Which red mp is gonna be first to say they wished president trump dead ?
I personally know many people who are delighted at the assassination attempt and whose only regret is that he missed.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the BBC is stuffed full of such people. They will put on their solemn faces for the camera but inside they’re doing cartwheels.
I read one chap’s summary; “Hitler had an assassination attempt on him, but when it failed it only convinced him of his invincibility. We’ll have to see which path Donald takes.”
Lefty insanity knows no bounds. Throw in a comparison to Hitler. (how ever erroneous & far-fetched) So that you can get people linking Hitler & Trump in their imagination.
Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 years old. I’m expecting a front page & headline plastering of the white guy’s face & name on BBC News. Unless he is a Democrat supporter of course. What will they do? They’ve been after Trump since 2016. Stirring up hatred against him almost daily. They won’t own up to that despite the evidence plastered all over every form of media known to man.
They’ll be searching frantically to link the guy to the “far right” somehow. But then they have another problem. If the attempted assassin is “far right” and he wanted to kill Trump, how can Trump be “far-right”? Oh dear!
He’s a registered Republican, but 9 months after he declared that he donated to the Demonrats. Great cover!
How did Lee Harvey Oswald vote, I ponder. Strange that both failed to survive their assassination attempts, although LHO did get his man, of course, allegedly.
The counter snipers positioned on a roof behind President Trump can’t be very good at their job. Despite being professionals they only managed to take Crooks out after he had nearly killed Trump. If you watch the videos Trump turned leftwards towards the audience a split second before the one shot tore his right ear. That split second earlier was an eye shot for sure, and certain brain damage if not fatal for Trump.
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Marc Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Musk said, “The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal. 𝕏 did not.” : https://www.malone.news/p/big-brother-is-watching-you-so-where
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
More from the BBC:
‘Senator JD Vance, who is thought to be on the shortlist to become Trump’s vice-presidential candidate, said the rhetoric from the Biden campaign led directly to this incident.
Other Republican politicians are saying similar things, which will almost certainly be condemned by their opponents as incendiary at a dangerous time in American politics.’
WHAT ??? – since when was it the BBC’s job to add their own opinion to an article – specifically to criticise statements by right-wing politicians ???.
Not as incendiary as trying to assasinate him Sarah Smith of the BBC. Should everyone just keep quiet about it ?. Like you and the Democrats did about Jan 06 ?. This is 100 times worse.
Wendy is on it.
There is no evidence the “deep state” is involved.
The attempt on Donald Trump’s life is not a coup; he is not currently president.
“False flags” don’t happen like this.
This is meant to whip people up into a frenzy and create a self-fulfilling prophecy
No one appears to give a rats what the propaganda shill thinks.
“So, Mr. Wonder, they’ll me what you saw”.
FULL INTERVIEW with a witness, talking to @BBCNews, who says he saw a man with a gun on a building roof firing shots.
Donald Trump was rushed off stage during a rally in Pennsylvania after gun shots were heard.
He talked to @BBCBlindGazza – more information @BBCNews
Wait until Frank rolls up.
If you can catch it, there is a video of a BBC warrior laying prone on the grass completely in the open ‘taking cover’ while everybody else is walking around normally. It was posted at 4:11am if you need to scroll down.
It’s worth a look because he is 100% BBC : posh speaking and very, very obviously is one of those people in life who is completely useless at anything practical. A clear class-1 pr1ck. I think he’s talking to a worm he found.
Must have been on Jezzer Bowen’s survival training course.
John you do know the BBC reporter is blind?
So for him to be still on the floor in the video, that’s perfectly rational
“Gary O’Donoghue is a British journalist, currently working for BBC News in Washington, D.C. as their North America chief political correspondents. He is one of the most prominent blind correspondents in British media”
(I didn’t know he was blind until this morning, then it’s in a reply under his interview with roof man)
No I didn’t Stew.
I would not have made such comments had I known …
Oops … anyway – I suppose the news upto 8pm will be –
1 who was the shooter ( was it really him ?)
2 what was the motive -( got to be approved )
3 who are the victims ?
4 what will president trump say ?
5 – tricky – will there be a Biden – trump press conference ?
6 will the families of those KSI be supported -?although I understand there’s already a fund ..
Ok – when my radio told me president trump had been shot I assumed he was either dead or serious – and my mind ran the ramifications …..
But once I’d got an internet connection the whole situation changed ….. I really hope Donald Trump uses what happened well …
I wonder when the BBC said anything positive about President Trump …..?
Biden refuses to allow the SS to protect Kennedy from assassination, because Biden wants to win at all costs. So if we look at the Kennedy assassination, then the man on the roof was an SS useful idiot called Oswald. Oswald shot at the presidents ear. The SS shot from behind the president but missed and killed a woman. Jack then shot Oswald dead. Also, someone was injured by the same bullet that exited the presidents ear.
The tragic collateral says no too, but…
How does he know anything, then?
Or what constitutes staging?
Shayan’s tweet quotes a tweet
that says “Do you think the Trump shooting was staged?”
Then says “No”
Fact is that on Social Media accounts like meme artists and Alex Jones constantly spend their time being hyperbolic
Si it’s no great public service for Shayan and Wendling to spend their time shouting “Alex Jones said something hyperbolic”
..Their office door might as well say “full time PR operation against Republic/MAGA memes”
Best video so far of stage
It’s possible one of the bullets hit a fork lifts hydraulic line causing the spurt of fluid
I posted the other video at the top of this page
.. guy who warned police he could see a shooter going up onto roof
Admittedly Kennedy’s assassin was a previously trained sniper, but fatal hits on a moving target with a .22 at range is a comparison.
Ref:Zapruder footage
Useful thread has geolocation of the building
And ties videos together
I suppose Trump’s wound could be from a secondary item
eg flying glass or plastic after the bullet hit that first
If it was a bullet , he is very blessed
The biased BBC webshte makes no mention of Biden’s recent statement to donors that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
Crooked Joe should be arrested and tried for incitement to murder.
Matt Talibi says Politico should release the audio of Boden speaking.
Given the spotlight is shifting to the secret service by the BBC, this would be absolutely relevant for them to include in the reports.
A bill introduced in April specifically intended to remove protection for Trump. For only reason I can think of : to make assasination easier.
‘This legislation is co-sponsored by Reps. Troy A. Carter Sr., Barbara Lee, Frederica Wilson, Yvette D. Clarke, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jasmine Crockett, Joyce Beatty, and Steve Cohen.’
All of them Democrats.
As I checked them with Google, I see every one I looked at has posted a message condemning the assasination attempt. It’s hypocrisy on an epic scale.
Even in ‘straight ‘ reporting the BBC attempts to minimise the attempted murder -by saying ‘president trump was shot in the ear ‘ . The truth is he was shot in the head – and only millimetres away from death .
I wrote here yesterday about the irrational hatred for trump – well now we see it . Thank God he survived . I really hope he now handles what happened in the right way .
And prayers for the dead .
Sept. 1, 2023 NBC
starts Tucker Carlson stokes conspiracies,
claims U.S. is ‘speeding towards’ assassination of Trump
The comments, presented without evidence, have been picked up by other media personalities on the far-right, including conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and former Fox News host Dan Bongino.
For years, the “liberal” media such as the BBC have been hysterically demonising Trump – or giving a platform to those who do – even comparing him to Hitler and calling him an existential threat to democracy etc.
Now they shed crocodile tears and ask “how could this happen”?
YOU MADE IT HAPPEN and you should be held accountable.
Media name shooter as Thomas Matthew Crooks
20 yo from Pennsylvania
Too young to be former military I guess
Remember anyone could put on a wig and make videos pretending that they are him.
@JewGazing did that, and has now closed his account
The New York Post named him at 4:40am
That’s 2 hours before the FBI did
Other claims about his politics could be fake
Sad that the FBI can’t be trusted …
Will the BBC use this photo of a heroically defiant Trump? I doubt it.
Will this attempted murder take the attention off Biden ? Or will the msm question his comments about putting a bullseye on President Trump ?
The BBC is certain to want to deflect attention from the US – presumably using the trivial footy win / loss to do it .
Starmer will fully exploit any win / loss ….
BTW – it seems the campaign line about reducing the voting age to 10 or 16 is being left out of the kings speech – maybe the reds have realised a lot of kids are attracted to Reform because the red/blues are destroying their future …
That’s optimistic. I can’t see there being a non-Labour mayor of London in the coming years
Not until the Islam Party takes over.
Vlad you could have checked the BBC page
It is actually headed by the iconic image.
Completely different image. Not nearly as glorious and heroic.
No flag, not nearly as patriotic.
Doesn’t have resonances of Iwo Jima
You useless condescending fact checker!
This cartoonist gets it: it’s Trump holding the flag!
After an appropriate period of ‘shock horror’, we can expect the BBC to gradually shift the narrative to: “Trump is divisive and inflammatory (so he sort of had it coming)”.
Of course, the lofty BBC won’t stoop so low; they’ll let their carefully chosen studio guests do it.
Now everyone is a budding Zapruder
The Guardian Sunday service, which is the Observer, delivers a cri du cœur on behalf of the official trades union of lefty comics and amalgamated right-on satirists: over to our chief convenor and top shop steward, Stewart: The Tories have gone, and my jokes have gone with them. Won’t someone think of the satirists? Stewart Lee’s life changes
Turns out Starmer’s election as PM was what they call in the trade a mike drop moment – well, you can’t go ripping the piss out of the side you support
Not that this prohibition will prevent Mr AsI having a good old chuckle at the expence of our Gareth Southgate’s diversity wanderers united and the Daily Star on Sunday’s lame mane giveaway for would-be three lions supporters: Free mane for every reader! Fur we go! Grab your Three Lions mane inside this paper and show your pride in England’s hairos…
The Observer writes tomorrow’s preordained headline today: England’s identity; Spain’s wonderkids
And remember folks, if we win… celebrate the diversity – but if our black kids fluff it – well, you’ve been warned: Media criticised for use of Saka image in England defeat… Football journalist Darren Lewis, who is assistant editor of the Daily Mirror and president of the Sports Journalists’ Association… “It is a reminder that we need to think about everything put into the public domain.” (BBC, June 2024)
But back to the funny stuff. For no particular reason our in-house cartoonists presume to link US president Biden’s evident senility (suddenly emerging as a story in the mainstream) with the european soccer final. Our mate Matt in the Telegraph does a Harry Kane and uncharateristically shoots wide of the mark today and deserves to get it in the ear from Mr AsI (just like the Pennsylvania Trump rally shooter – too soon?) – Matt sketches England fans on the sofa in front of their tv as one supporter remarks: “I feel like I age ten years every time England play football. I hope president Biden isn’t watching”
Likewise left-leaning Newman in the Sunday Times reaches for that old comic trick of combining two news lines hopefully into one gag line. He has our captain Harry Kane reading a note to his team mates in the dressing room: “It’s a message from President Biden”– message reads: Good luck Russia X
Given the huge latino vote in the US and his Irish roots, I’m guessing Joe would be supporting the other team – as our own Andy Murray would say – anyone but England. But nevermind, the game will be on well past Biden’s bedtime.
Calm down dear
Amanda Abbington ‘It’s been really brutal since Strictly’ (Sunday Times)
Track and trace
Truant register to save Covid lost generation… Labour’s first King’s Speech will include a legal duty on councils to keep track of pupils (Sunday Times) – just the usual little editorial correction required there: Truant register to save
CovidLockdown (which was a policy choice) lost generationAsiseeit – yes – too soon . But by the end of the day the conspiracy theories will be in full flow – I could run them now – particularly that the secret service / FBI wants president trump ‘gone ‘….
For me there’s an interesting piece in the DT about the Scottish hatred of England – highlighting an interview with 2 villa players who play for England and Scotland respectively – the Scot player – when asked – says ‘anyone but England ‘ whereas the English player is shocked and says he’d always support Scotland ….
Anyway – for the next 24 hours wars and killings will be forgotten as that ridiculous collective ritual national England pride takes over …
‘the English player is shocked and says he’d always support Scotland’
Given the Barnett formula – now likely to be supercharged by Labour – all we English tend to support the Scots
AsIseeit correctly identifies the Nuuuu liebour ‘register’. This is explicitly designed to ‘register’ all children who are being home schooled so that the local authorities can go round and persecute the parents.
The cover story is to ensure all children get an ‘education’. By this they mean: lesbian parenting classes, drag-queen story time, teachers on strike, DEI, PSHE, DIY jacking up classes etc etc.
Many parents are realising that nowdays you send children to school to make them stupid, and so they are voting with their feet.
With our economy teetering nuu liebour have the persecution of parents as a top priority.
Dear UK Gov – your schools are shite!
ASI – the players were olly Watkins and John McGinn….
…. I’m sure the Scots will all be supporting the right team tonight … or more likely the ‘braveheart ‘ dvd will be getting an outing …
As for the reds and Scotland – destroy the oil industry and throw money to buy votes next time …
The BBC live page is in fact headed by that iconic image
Tweets show it has been for some time
The main BBC news page is also now headed by that image.
Pug, This is a screenshot of the BBC page
This doesn’t look a bland image, it seems iconic
Me ? I try to keep up the integrity of this site/discussion
BBC could headed with a worse pic
An ugly face image they used as the thumbnail for their video
The video itself is quite good
OK I do get what you are saying about the flag
The videos I watched didn’t show a flag, it must be a special angle
so the BBC image seems representative to me.
but I have to admit that the BBCnews 2 pages, where I said they used the iconic raised fist image ..have now been changed and now use uglier images.
This page still uses it : https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0359j43d78o
Strangely there is a new BBC page about TRump images
IT DOES FEATURE the iconic fist/flag image but buried halfway down the page
Pug – with you on that – how any news outlet could not use that picture .. but .. wait ..the bbc is a propaganda operation …
Whilst Wendling and Shayan spend their time sneering at Twitter and asserting that MSM is way superior to Twitter for news, Twitter shows the early MSM stories were inferior as they are based in anti Trump bubbleworld so used phrases like ‘Trump fell, when he heard loud noises’ etc.
SkyNews does victim blaming
MO they use a question to create a leading headline
Classic technique. They are paying for it.
I see ‘BBC Verify’ are desperately attempting to grab some credit after this assasination attempt. As usual they’ve copied it from somewhere else I saw hours ago. But here’s what the master sleuths got from Google:
Now looking at that roof position and the fact the Secret Service allowed someone to climb up there with a rifle and get 4 or 5 shots off, the question I am asking myself is how it could possibly happen without someone deliberately leaving that door open. And how did the shooter know that particular roof would be clear for him to use ?. After all, you can’t just walk around with a rifle looking for somewhere.
These questions and many others like it will not be asked by the BBC.
Methinks the federal SS will hope they get president trump next time …
HATEY medialand
You would think that these vile people who have been (jokingly?) calling for Trump to be assassinated would be hanging their heads in shame. There’s a very long list of repulsive luvvies that have made some extraordinary comments. Incitement is only the start…
However, Tan Smith, whoever the fxxx she is, is something else altogether. This ghastly creature is clearly so full of self-righteous bile that nothing will give her pause for thought.
I have little doubt that her Twitter bio has a “Be Kind” motif next to it.
Yeah, of course…
She Shouldn’t have had the second bottle …. Never go on the net when drunk …or mad …
I bet Beadyglasses is sighing with relief now that he can squirt out yet another bombshell on the British public. They love finding ‘good days’ like that. Beeboids won’t be looking very hard.
The Tories shorted UK Inc. a few weeks ago, and will lick their scratches with pride.
Cubiclists have just a few hours to get their crackpot ideas into place.
Some of the comments written by Americans in the online DM beggar belief. One said Trump had been shot by glass, others have said it was Trump theatre and faked. So I suppose the grieving families are weeping over mannequins then.
I don’t know what they are being taught in American schools, but the ritual of paying Allegiance with hand on heart isn’t working.
Someone should make a list of all those who have called for the assassination of Trump and prosecute them for incitement to murder.
I was looking at such a list. It’s long. The number of lefty celebrities, actors, pop groups, etc., who have called for violence against Trump is like a Who’s Who of showbusiness. Madonna, Bette Midler, Robert De Niro, Kathy Griffin, Pearl Jam, Marilyn Manson, Johnny Depp (at least he apologised). Not to mention Biden’s “bullseye” comment. Or even, as Pug reminded us, David Attenborough! There are many others.
Even if the “Deep State” isn’t directly behind the shooting, this explicit Democrat wish for Trump to be assassinated has produced an atmosphere in which the attempt was inevitable.
These death threats are a characteristic of the American left. Conservative supporters don’t do this.
The picture of a defiant Trump, with its resonance of Iwo Jima, will live long in the memory. Trump will now win by a landslide. Unless they try again.
Agree with all you say.
Team Trump should make that photo their campaign poster!
You’re right, it would be long indeed.
How’s the “mostly peaceful bangs and noises in Pennsylvania” going for you bbc and the red army ?
Sick Bstards.
Meanwhile closer to home……
Toady on Sunday. The reliable bellweather of the BBC mindset.
First article.The religious spread of new MPs. Surely, I thought, they would mention the new racist sectarian, pro Hamas Muslim MPs? Of course not. They interviewed a Sikh woman MP who I suggest is not at the top of our worry list. After all, as we all know, negative stories about Muslims are banned on the BBC.
Next up, LGBT stuff. First a black gospel preacher who has come out as gay. This migrated quickly into the usual negative stories about Christianity. So next we had the gayness schism in the Church of England featuring a prominent pro LGBTQIAqwerty spokesperson. Next the demise of the Soul Survivor movement as one of the leaders is, disgustingly, a kiddie fiddler.
Totally execrable and yet totally predictable agenda from the BBC.
Allahu Akbar!
Get ready for the ‘hilarious’ jokes about the Trump shooting/assassination attempt from the BBC’s favourite lefty ‘comedians’ enjoyed by a carefully selected ‘impartial’ audience.
‘He missed’ (Uproarious laughter)
Something fishy about this story
Newt Gingrich says what needs to be said:
“they are willing to do virtually anything”
Always worth recommending that in all this Far Left nonsense that is happening , and there is a bloody lot of it ….
Rishi Sunak took the time to get the Lectern outside No10 not long ago to tell us we all have to be care of The Far Right !!!!!!!
The good old mythical Far Right !!! Causing so much trouble around the UK and World at the moment aren’t they !!!!
They must be amazing at it since you never see any of them.
Farage Should Up His Security After Trump Assassination Attempt.
Hateful BBC employees included.
Farage has just said he will soon get on a plane to visit Trump
BTW an incitement to murder Farage tweet crossed my eye today
.. wouldn’t surprise me if an 8 year old wrote it.
‘I’ve killed him’: David Amess murder was last act of two-year plot
This article is more than 2 years old
Ali Harbi Ali had long been looking for an MP to assassinate before stabbing Amess at church surgery
It’s still there
As our prisons are too full and no government will be building new ones why not try something like the Rwanda plan.
I’m sure that if we were to outsource our prison population, currently costing £50,000 per year per prison place, to say Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Siberia or somewhere similar, they could do it for less than £10,000 per prisoner year.
The prisoners could serve their full terms instead of a fraction of the sentence.
One big bonus is that the prisoners would be very unlikely to do something which would return them to prison.
It would also deter a huge number of criminals from breaking the law.
Massive savings.
Stopping reoffending.
Deterring lawbreakers.
No need to build more prisons.
What’s not to like.
*So glad Trump is ok.
Unbelievable piece in The Guardian trying to reduce the negative to the Dems effect of the Trump assassination attempt with that phrase they love to use for everything they disagree with…..”disinformation” .
Absolute gutter snipe pseudo-press activist aresoles!
video : In 1980, Donald Trump was asked why he would ‘t run for president during an interview :
“Because I think it’s a very mean life”.
He was sure right about that.
.. https://twitter.com/MmisterNobody/status/1812299043818659904
Home Secretary Jack Straw says the English had used their “propensity to violence to subjugate Ireland, Wales and Scotland” on the Radio 4 programme Brits. The broadcast is examining what it now means to be British.
Mr Straw will describe the English as “potentially very aggressive, very violent” and will “increasingly articulate their Englishness following devolution.”
Pug mentioned that the BBC article doesn’t mention the obvious past attempt from 2016
British guy Michael Sandford had practiced shooting the day before
Gone to the Trump event and spotted the police officers gun holster was not locked so made a grab for it
Had the gun not stuck in the holster
there was a strong chance he would had a shot Trump who was speaking 30 feet away
but there were other attempts
Michael Sandford: In 2016, a British man named Michael Sandford attempted to grab a police officer’s gun at a Trump rally in Las Vegas. He later claimed he wanted to kill Trump. Sandford was arrested and sentenced to one year in prison.
Gregory Lee Leingang: In 2017, Gregory Lee Leingang stole a forklift and attempted to drive it toward Trump’s motorcade while Trump was visiting North Dakota. He was arrested and charged with one count of attempting to enter or remain in a restricted building and on grounds while using a dangerous weapon.
William Clyde Allen III: In 2018, William Clyde Allen III was arrested and charged with one count of mailing a threat against the president and five counts of mailing threatening communications to an officer or an employee of the United States. He had mailed letters containing ricin to Trump and other government officials.
Barry Croft Jr.: In 2020, Barry Croft Jr., a Delaware man who was arrested for his involvement in a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, included Trump in a list of politicians he wanted to hang.
Looking at the DT – as I do – I notice the comments even there are infantile – eg ‘2 cm to the right and there’d be 2 US presidents without a brain ‘…I mean – on a Sunday morning in telegraph comments –
Now I don’t comment anywhere apart from here – as my 77 brigade file will attest ( right chaps ?) but I do wonder about thought levels in comments …
Is it a kidult thing ? A sort of school playground ? Where we can all hide our true identities …? Is there a need to express hate ?
I’m sure that if that shooting had been as successful as the secret service hoped for they’d be dancing in the street like they did when Margaret thatcher died ….
As I write it’s the middle of the night in the west coast and the east coast is waking up soon …. How will America deal with it?
Normally I don’t mind the Michael Portillo show on GBN as he does cover a wide range intellectually, but I’m sick to death of listening to some Greek tart giving her arm waving opinions on our British politics in strangulated English ! Sod off Stella.
Ku×#sberg v Farage.
3 teachers hide in Batley.
Sir David Amess murder: Ali Harbi Ali given whole-life sentence
Published 13 April 2022
Helen Joanne Cox[2] (née Leadbeater; 22 June 1974 – 16 June 2016) was a British politician who served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Batley and Spen from May 2015 until her murder in June 2016.
On 14 May 2010, Stephen Timms, the Labour MP for East Ham, was suddenly stabbed whilst holding a constituency surgery by Roshonara Choudhry, a 21-year-old British student and an Islamic extremist, in an attempt to kill him. She was found guilty of attempted murder and jailed for life with a minimum term of 15 years. Choudhry was the first Al-Qaeda sympathiser to attempt an assassination in Britain.[1]
** as mentioned on order-order.com
The back-to-Africa movement was a political movement in the 19th and 20th centuries advocating for a return of the descendants of African American slaves to the African continent. The movement originated from a widespread belief among some European Americans in the 18th and 19th century United States that African Americans would want to return to the continent of Africa
…., but few actually left the United States.
Biden says “No one should be allowed to attack my Vice President Trump.”
original https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/03/19/01/40661066-0-image-a-22_1616116113600.jpg
Questions are being asked about (not by the biased BBC, of course) about a possible leak in the US Secret Services.
1) How did the sniper get so close with a clear line of sight to Trump?
2) How come the public saw him before the police and Secret Service did?
3) Once he’d been spotted, why was Trump allowed to continue his rally, so exposed?
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to realise that the Democrats/ the Swamp/ the Deep State/ the Loony Left / the Globalists / the Establishment would do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to get rid of him.
They’ve tried every dirty trick in the book for many years. Now, after Lawfare, it’s Warfare.
Proper channel 👍
Aaronovitch on bbc on Twitter said “if I was Biden I would hurry up and have trump murdered on the basis that he is a treat to America’s security “
He should be sacked now .
Mind you I’ve never heard of him.
If bbc don’t sack then they are complicit
Absolutely right. Spot on.
Report to police ? incitement to murder ?
World at one
The awful anti trump naughtie sounding depressed that trump isn’t dead – and guess what – they roll out a Clinton poodle to mouth off against trump and back on ‘gun control ‘ inevitable
‘ The chief Inciter of political violence in the US ‘ says the Clinton poodle – naughtie didn’t challenge it – the creature was ‘Sidney bloomenthal’ – astonishing ..
Earlier in the day coonsburg – another trump hater – got ready to have a go at Farage but didn’t have the wit for it …..
Which red mp is gonna be first to say they wished president trump dead ?
Khan’t. (Pronounced Khunt.)
But he’s too sly to say it.
I personally know many people who are delighted at the assassination attempt and whose only regret is that he missed.
You can bet your bottom dollar that the BBC is stuffed full of such people. They will put on their solemn faces for the camera but inside they’re doing cartwheels.
I read one chap’s summary; “Hitler had an assassination attempt on him, but when it failed it only convinced him of his invincibility. We’ll have to see which path Donald takes.”
Lefty insanity knows no bounds. Throw in a comparison to Hitler. (how ever erroneous & far-fetched) So that you can get people linking Hitler & Trump in their imagination.
Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 years old. I’m expecting a front page & headline plastering of the white guy’s face & name on BBC News. Unless he is a Democrat supporter of course. What will they do? They’ve been after Trump since 2016. Stirring up hatred against him almost daily. They won’t own up to that despite the evidence plastered all over every form of media known to man.
They’ll be searching frantically to link the guy to the “far right” somehow. But then they have another problem. If the attempted assassin is “far right” and he wanted to kill Trump, how can Trump be “far-right”? Oh dear!
He’s a registered Republican, but 9 months after he declared that he donated to the Demonrats. Great cover!
How did Lee Harvey Oswald vote, I ponder. Strange that both failed to survive their assassination attempts, although LHO did get his man, of course, allegedly.
The counter snipers positioned on a roof behind President Trump can’t be very good at their job. Despite being professionals they only managed to take Crooks out after he had nearly killed Trump. If you watch the videos Trump turned leftwards towards the audience a split second before the one shot tore his right ear. That split second earlier was an eye shot for sure, and certain brain damage if not fatal for Trump.