Start the Week 15th July 2024

The 14th of July saw the attempted murder of President Trump after an onslaught of hate by the mass media – including the BBC. There might have been one shooter – but a lot of ‘journalists’ had their finger on the trigger . Nothing will change – the BBC will be unable to see its’ culpability . And a lot of the Far Left will be wishing President Trump had been killed .

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256 Responses to Start the Week 15th July 2024

  1. Lucy Pevensey says:


    Above the man who was murdered at Trump’s rally.

    Corey Comperatore, a retired firefighter. Governor Josh Shapiro said he spoke to Comperatore’s wife who wanted the public to know he “died a hero.”

    “Corey dove on his family to protect them last night at this rally,” Shapiro said at a news conference Sunday.
    “Corey was the very best of us. May his memory be a blessing.”


    • Scroblene says:

      Beeboids rather like prattling about the football than about real issues, Lucy!

      They always try to divert the scene to their woke agenda.


  2. StewGreen says:

    “Nigel Farage SLAMS BBC mocking attacks after Trump shooting – ‘When it’s me it’s funny!’”

    “Yet again this week I was attacked by having a drink thrown at me.. I tend not to publicise these attacks”


    • StewGreen says:

      Anne Widdecombe’s take … “The UK is much calmer”
      Hmm maybe she is doing a tactical thing of not stirring
      .. since it’s not just the 2 dead MPs and the dead Parliamment policemen who have been attacked


    • JohnC says:

      I’ve said it many times : throwing a liquid over a public figure should classed as terrorism. The victim has no idea if it has acid in it or not until it’s too late. And whoever does it should get a mandatory 6 months in jail.

      Which of course if the ‘far-right’ were doing it to the Left, it would be.

      Which sums up how far down the route to a new fascist Nazi state we are.


      • StewGreen says:

        Yes, the liquid throwing is INTIMIDATION.
        The top Reform politicians are mostly men as if the INTIMIDATION has kept women away.


      • tarien says:

        Six month jail sentence? Such a crime should be a Capital Punishment sentence-execution. Some may disagree that Capital Punishment should be returned, then what is the answer? Just keep filing the Prisons with such vermin? Time and pressure will brought down upon the heads of the Government. We all now, well most, live in an overcrowded nation, that will and does bring with it the introduction of premeditated crimes, and that will have to call for the most stringent punishments.


    • taffman says:

      Scrap the Biased BBC.


  3. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Number One 🏆


    • Fedup2 says:

      Well done you – I thought I’d sneak the thread out whilst Spain showed woke United how to play football .. all my bets came in and I’m a happy chappy …

      Irrespective of the result the woke team will still get the number 10 treatment for being losers with gongs all round … sir Gareth will become .. sir Gareth for sticking with the so poor Harry ….

      Lots of woke red tweets for the outplayed losers – who can’t even blame the French referee ….


  4. BRISSLES says:

    Of course you are Luce ! And a poignant but tragic story to begin with.


  5. StewGreen says:

    GBNews : One of the Reform MP’s is an ex-con he went to prison for domestic violence incident 20 years ago

    Benjamin Butterworth gave a surprising reply

    He said “Well, both of my parents have been in prison, my mother was a heroin addict”


  6. popeye says:

    BBC website “Trump, who says he was shot in the ear, calls on Americans to “stand united” after the attack”

    Trump says?????

    The whole world says he was shot in the ear!!!!


    • Fedup2 says:

      He wasn’t really ‘shot ‘ he was just ‘grazed ‘ … and it was a set up for the press pictures – …. The msm will try to consign this attempted murder to just another trump ego trip – until they successfully kill him next time – with Obama plotting away …


    • Lucy Pevensey says:



  7. StewGreen says:

    Mr WGAPs video :
    includes this bit ‘LBC brought the sleazy Brendan Cox to victim blame Trump’


  8. Doublethinker says:

    I have been astonished by the way many outlets of the MSM have covered the attempted assassination of President Trump. I knew they had severe TDS but some of stuff they have come out with is truly disgusting. Their hatred of Trump knows no bounds .
    Even when they grudgingly concede that he showed great physical courage , a true leader of men ( sorry ladies but I can’t think how else to say it ) they can’t resist pointing out that a political leader needs moral courage and of course they then go on to say that this is a quality which Trump lacks. You will all know the endless cases , mostly fabricated ones, they cite as justification for that assertion.
    I think that the MSM is beyond redemption . TDS has proved fatal for them. We can only hope that more and more people desert the MSM and get their news and comment from the web where there is at least a higher proportion of outlets free from TDS.


    • Fedup2 says:

      But double – it wasn’t really an attempt at murder – it was just an expression caused by the hate of president trump – who was responsible for the attack or helped plan it .. in order to .. er .. take attention from the dementia of the democrat false president …
      If Obama can’t kill mr trump in court – he ll kill him on stage … perhaps someone will ‘off ‘ Obama ,.,


      • JohnC says:

        In some ways, the graze on the ear was perfect as it proves absolutely conclusively that it was not staged. No marksman in the world could have shot with that accuracy over that distance at a target constantly moving – let alone a 20 year old.

        I see Marianna has done a full article describing all the conspiracy theories. What is the point of that other than to make sure that everybody knows them ?.

        The only ‘theory’ which makes any sense at this point is that the Security Services were in some way complicit to allow that obvious rooftop to be used. That’s the one part of all of this which makes no sense. We’ve already seen what the FBI have tried to do to Trump so this time ‘deep state’ involvement does sound credible.

        Contrast it with how they never reported all the theories about the election fraud – especially the ‘2000 mules’ video. They made sure as few people as possible found out about them.

        At the moment they are just flapping in a panic until they can tell us the shooter was a lone wolf with mental issues and definitely not linked to the Democrats.


        • Doublethinker says:

          They may have a second assassin lined up. There are just too many powerful people with too much to lose if Trump wins in November for them to allow him a second term in the White House.
          It’s not just those who orchestrated The Russia Hoax , the 2020 Election Fix , the failed impeachments etc who will be in the frame and held accountable for their wrong doing. The entire Globalist project will be at risk if Trump is re elected. They simply can’t allow the American voter to make the wrong choice!


        • Deborah says:

          But a suggestion I heard yesterday was that he wasn’t shot at all, it was a blood capsule released as he was taken down by the security people. It was obviously not real because the female was placed to allow him to be photographed for maximum publicity. See how the Left works?


  9. Fedup2 says:

    Isn’t it great ? Woke United beaten by a national team …


  10. JohnC says:

    UK politicians react with shock to attack on Trump

    So a few new BBC ‘tactics’ are coming to light. The first is to reference someone they want to promote then instead of showing a picture of them doing what they are being reported for,the BBC are picking the most ‘stately’ and complimentary picture they can find. In this case one of Starmer which I found in an article form a few days ago. They did exactly the same for Kamal Harris yesterday.

    Seems like they are using the attention of this Trump story to give favourable press to their agenda favourties. As well as a picture of Starmer we get one of ‘Kim Ledbeater’ with the caption:
    Labour MP Kim Leadbeater, whose sister Jo Cox MP was murdered at work in her constituency eight years ago, was asked about the attack by Ms Kuenssberg.

    What ???. Why is her opinion suddenly so valuable BBC ?. She is nobody. More from the gutter by the awful Kuenssberg.

    And I see they also give Lammy a line who said “condemns all forms of political violence in the strongest terms”. Meaning of course ‘not this one specifically’.

    We can spot the far-Left scum in this because they cannot bring themselves to mention Trump specifically. All those who only say generalisations like Lammy just did should be called out for it.

    I wonder if the BBC even realise they are one of the major players who have encouraged this hate for Trump by only ever running negative stories.

    There is an interesting article about the shooter here:
    Suspect came within inches of killing Trump, but left few clues as to why

    This again fuels the ‘conspiracy theory’. He’s a classic ‘blank sheet of paper’. A quiet nobody. Could someone really be so fuelled by hate to do this and not brag or write about it anywhere to get the credit ?.


  11. JohnC says:

    Thomas Matthew Crooks: What we know about the Trump attacker

    As always with the BBC, it’s the big things disguised as little things and hidden somewhere in the middle.
    They tell us:
    ‘He is also reported to have donated $15 to liberal campaign group ActBlue in 2021.’

    Here’s how others say it:
    ‘Pennsylvania voter registration and Federal Election Commission data shows Crooks was a registered Republican, but donated $15 through ActBlue, the Democratic-allied organization, in 2021.’
    And from their own front page:
    ‘That’s why we’ve built a powerful online fundraising platform for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot’

    A clear deliberate attempt by the BBC to cover up the link to the Democrats. I mentioned the other day in a comment how they have started to use the word ‘liberal’ instead of ‘left’ to hide the significance of certain acts.

    It indicates beyond reasonable doubt that he registered as a Republican as a way to sabotage the vote. Many of them do it. But the donation gives it away. He just wouldn’t do it if he was a Republican. Which means he is an activist.

    So why does a 20 year old left-wing activist have no social media presence ?.

    This whole event smells bad right from the start. I look forward to see what we get told next. And then seeing how the BBC present it.

    All of this reporting by the BBC sickens me because I know for certain that most of their staff would be celebrating if Trump were dead. They hate him like they hate Farage. But they know that after all the accusations of bias, people like us are watching them very closely.


  12. Zephir says:


    Anyone asking the obvious question ?

    “Now, disturbing anecdotes have emerged from those who knew Crooks dating back to his days at Bethel Park High School.

    Crooks tried out for the school’s rifle team but was turned away because he was a bad shooter, said Frederick Mach, a current captain of the team who was a few years behind Crooks at the school.

    ‘He didn’t just not make the team, he was asked not to come back because how bad of a shot he was, it was considered like, dangerous,’ Myers told ABC News. “


    • G says:


      “Anyone asking the obvious question?”

      BBC? No. No fear ! A classic example of the BBC’s shabby reporting/asking questions to reduce a questioned situation to its bare minimum occurred on the Westminster Hour yesterday evening.

      Those attending MP’s gave their thoughts on the Trump shooting and explained they suffered increasing levels of abuse every day. They had no idea why. The failing BBC did not suggest the obvious Elephant in the Room viz.

      The BBC response should have been: ‘If you do not follow and act on the will of the voters and always be seen to act contrarily or independently (eg Brexit), what can you expect? Why not follow the Manifesto pledges?’


  13. Zephir says:

    The viceral hatred of the nasty far left libtards, two wimmin so far:

    “Biology professor is slammed over sick joke about Trump’s assassination attempt.
    Shoshanna Jacobs is a biology professor at Ontario’s University of Guelph, Jacobs received condemnation after quote-tweeting a video of the shooting.

    Jacobs – a professor of integrative biology – wrote on the social media platform X: ‘When 4 inches really matters’.”


  14. Zephir says:

    “A veteran whose team holds the world record for longest confirmed sniper kill claims Donald Trump’s shooter ‘had help’ as he weighed in on the assassination attempt of former president.

    Dallas Alexander, who spent 14 years in a sniper team for the Canadian military doing close protection for major world leaders including the Canadian prime minister, suggested in a video that the 20-year-old who opened fire at the former president’s rally Saturday night may have had help from the inside.

    ‘I’m very familiar with the layout of these types of things and what the job should be, and yesterday what happened, I have no doubts in my mind that the shooter had help from somewhere within an agency, an organization or the government,’ he said in a video posted to his Instagram and X account.

    ‘The second I saw that aerial photo of what they said happened – it immediately made no sense to me,’ he said.

    ‘You cannot, in broad daylight, get onto a rooftop within, what looked like a couple hundred yards if that [of the president]. You can’t get in that position with a gun when there’s a president speaking.

    ‘It cannot be done,’ Alexander insisted.

    ‘Like, you don’t even have to be a sniper – it’s the most f****** obvious thing, most obvious place in the whole world.

    ‘You could be like a seventh-grader – like “What do we have to do for security?” Well, let’s look at these rooftops that are almost within zeroing range of a rifle,’ he joked.

    ‘So something happened, and I’m not pointing fingers at anyone. It’s just too obvious that this guy had help getting there.

    ‘So whether it’s someone turned a blind eye or it was strategically planned, it had to be planned to a certain level, because events like that, security like that, it’s not a small thing – and that is an obvious place to be.’ ”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Maybe the secret service will get trump killed next time … I bet Obama wouid carry the coffin ..


  15. Fedup2 says:

    One of those ironic interviews – our Justin v a republican politician . Said politician describes the universally far left bias of the U.S. media in demonising President Trump … but he doesn’t mention the BBC in this ….
    Our Justin – of course- being just another culprit – visceral hatred of president trump All . The.Time .
    …… and it seems the inquiry into the failure of the secret service isn’t being done until next Tuesday ? What ?


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    The Guardian recognises one of their own – a diversity-obsessed, mid-wit, mediocre managerial failure, running his organisation with a mind more for the benefit and comfort of his staff than its productivity, profligate and wasteful with the rich resources placed at his disposal – inevitably the wagons are circled to protect his job: Fans stand tall ‘I’m gutted but proud – I want Southgate to stay’

    One can only assume that’s a quote from an England football fan who would rather Southgate is kept well away from the top job at the league club he supports.

    Has our Gareth considered a transfer to a top job managing our NHS albion united city trust?

    England captain Harry Kane was out of sorts once more and was substituted on the hour… Kane has looked short of fitness… Skipper Kane earned a share of the Euro 2024 Golden Boot by scoring three goals, but in every other respect the tournament was a major disappointment (BBC) – if anyone deserves the golden boot it’s our Gareth.

    It’s best not to comment on the performance any of the black players for fear of accusations of racism: Media criticised for use of Saka image in England defeat… In an open letter to editors, Kick It Out chief executive Tony Burnett said the media needs to “remember its responsibilities… The words and pictures travel a long way, hitting harder than you might realise” (BBC)

    Oh we realise all right. Approximately 70% of advertising on UK TV now contains black people (Quora)

    Estimates vary of course: The rise of hyper-tokenism. Why do TV shows insist on presenting Britain as far more ‘diverse’ than it actually is? By 2019, 37 per cent of UK TV adverts featured black people, even though only three per cent of the population were black at the time. Since then, hyper-tokenism in TV advertising has become even more pronounced. Most people will have noticed this, though few will have spoken up, for fear of being branded racist. (Spiked)

    While your attention was elsewhere… New York has fallen

    New York or Niu-York is a rural settlement in Toretsk urban hromada, Bakhmut Raion, Donetsk Oblast, eastern Ukraine (thank you Wiki)

    Russian forces advance on town named after New York… Ukraine’s general staff confirmed that fighting had taken place within New York… Russia continues to make incremental gains across the front (Telegraph, 7 July)

    Welsh comic Rob Brydon enjoys the odd bout of competitive banter showcasing his favourite impressions versus comedy colleague Steve Coogan. Coogan will insist his own version of Sean Connery is far closer to the mark than Brydon’s effort. However, Brydon wins out with his trump card, his trademark small man in a box.

    A man has been charged with the murder of two men after human remains were found in London and Bristol. Yostin Andres Mosquera, 34, of Scotts Road, Shepherd’s Bush, was arrested in Bristol in the early hours of Saturday morning… The two victims have now been named as Alberto Alfonso, 62, and Paul Longworth, 71. Mr Longworth and Mr Alfonso had previously been in a relationship and still lived together… Both victims were known to the arrested man, Mr Mosquera, and he had been staying with them at their flat for a short period of time (BBC)

    Expect this strange tale with any consequent questions raised to be wrapped up and put away in a rather short period of time

    More money and staff – so why isn’t the NHS more productive? (BBC)

    I think we may, possibly, have just stumbled on a clue to that little conundrum: Zambia made education free, now classrooms are crammed (BBC)

    Supply free at the point of access + infinite demand = rationing by queuing.


  17. Fedup2 says:

    Red labour has declared today a day of mourning for the failure of president trump to be killed and the woke football team to lose as expected .

    Meanwhile the ‘foreign secretary ‘ Lammy ? Is in Israel telling them the reds are going to recognise Palestine and declare war on Israel if the fight against the ‘Hamas authorities ‘ doesn’t stop .

    BTW – I’ve noticed the BBC use ‘Hamas authorities ‘ in their propaganda news now – reciting claims by Islamic Hamas terrorists like holy writ …


  18. AsISeeIt says:

    Apropos of nothing in particular in the news this past weekend

    Iggy Pop, Lust for Life 1977

    Well, I’m just a modern guy
    Of course, I’ve had it in the ear before
    Been on a lust for life
    ‘Cause of a lust for life

    I’m worth a million in prizes
    With my torture film
    Drive a G.T.O.
    Wear a uniform
    All on a government loan


  19. Fedup2 says:

    All is not well at Sky – which is now owned by Comcast – Sky is firing people as there are falls in numbers watching the woke sky news ….
    From what I’ve seen it’s just the bbc with anti right – anti trump anti brexit rhetoric 24 hours a day … no wonder no one bothers …


    • StewGreen says:

      Sky News slashes freelance budgets as viewing figures slump
      Broadcaster cuts costs as it grapples exodus from traditional TV to streaming rivals

      Sky News has begun to slash its freelance budgets as bosses look to cut costs amid a decline in viewing figures.

      The Telegraph has seen evidence that the broadcaster has reduced its use of freelance workers in roles including producers and guest bookers.

      Staff have reported a sharp reduction in the number of shifts available in recent months.

      It comes as Sky News tries to reverse a slump in audience numbers as traditional TV viewing continues its decline.

      Figures seen by The Telegraph show Sky’s The News Hour with Mark Austin has pulled in just 47,000 viewers in recent months


    • Doublethinker says:

      But the BBC doesn’t care . Even ten million fewer people watch its nauseating propaganda masquerading as news, it still get its money.
      Everyone Must Cancel Their DD today. Stop Funding the BBC.


  20. MarkyMark says:

    Biden says the assassination on his vice president Trump is wrong!


  21. MarkyMark says:

    A top Western Education …. “Lammy urges immediate ceasefire during Israel visit”

    MP David Lammy apologises for BBC Pope race ‘innuendo’ claim

    David Lammy was commenting on a BBC Twitter message, which asked “will smoke be black or white?”.

    Mr Lammy, tweeting from the Commons chamber, said the BBC message was “crass and unnecessary”.

    He later apologised after Twitter users pointed out the role played by black and white smoke in announcing the election of a new Pope.


  22. Fedup2 says:

    I just cannot understand how starmer could appoint someone as undiplomatic and dumb as Lammy to be foreign sec …

    All I can think is that he prefers those who are unlikely to be a threat to him – but he fails to realise how dumb the Far Left is – after all – they selected angee as deputy because she’s chippy and got a northern accent … but as thick as mince …


    • StewGreen says:

      “Professor Lammy” actually
      He can’t be thick surely. He passed a UK law degree, then a US one, then had an entire legal career of just 3 years before coming to the London Assembly and then parliament.
      I guess maybe he’s worked as a UK lawyer at same time as being MP.

      Dianne Abbott must have been bright , but she seems to have had a serious brain injury for years.

      Lammy was called to the bar of England and Wales in 1994 at Lincoln’s Inn.
      He went on to study at Harvard University, a Master of Laws degree and graduated in 1997.

      After Harvard, he was employed as an attorney at Howard Rice in California from 1997 to 1998, and with D.J. Freeman from 1998 to 2000.
      He is a visiting *professor* of practice at SOAS


      • Sluff says:

        Has Lammy got a green card?
        I think we should be told.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        I assure you that Lammy’s degree had absolutely nothing to do with Diversity Equality and Inclusion or the notion that there are too many white people in higher education.


      • moggiemoo says:

        The law is an ass. Lammy is a lawyer. Make of that what you will.


      • Deborah says:

        Note it says Lammy ‘went on to study’, not that he passed the qualification. I did a search for it before the general election and failed to find if he received a certificate.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Lammy is the classic diversity hire. Sadly, he is too thick even to realise that. He really thinks he’s good. In reality everything has been handed to him on a plate because he’s black. A white student with his intellect would never have got through the door, much less to Harvard. Yet another tick box candidate.


  23. StewGreen says:

    BBC made a special Euro cup encouragement ident.
    Apparently the Lionesses waving a cup inside Emma’s Cafe.

    But the thing is normally almost all the team are white, yet the majority used in the identity are non-white.
    I thought it was a scene from another country.


  24. AsISeeIt says:

    US President Joe Biden just congratulated Gareth Alcaraz on England’s victory.


  25. StewGreen says:

    People can pay £80 for “kink in the workplace training sessions”
    Says the video.

    In reality Naga is a “crank in the workplace” of many BBC cranks in the workplace.


  26. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I’m hearing the FBI will be doing the investigating into the assassination attempt.

    Isn’t that a bit like Ofcom investigating the bbbc.


  27. Sluff says:

    Thinking about the footie.

    Pictures of England supporters show overwhelmingly white people, although there are a few Afro-Caribbeans as well to be fair. It can only be a matter of time before the equality police will be on to this.

    Does the immense support for England (not the GB or UK ) represent a sort of last ditch defence of our culture by the white predominantly working class? Most other cultural demonstrations of this kind are frowned on if not outlawed by the BBCGuardianista wokes for being wayycist. But this one we can still get away with, so perhaps subliminally many people do.

    I wonder if there are any photos of street scenes in various places such as Birmingham, Tower Hamlets, Rochdale, Oldham, Leicester, taken at 9 pm last night to see to what extent certain communities were supporting the country in which they reside? If so they won’t be shown on the BBC, that’s a given.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:


      As you say, certain demographics reside in this country. That’s all they do. Britain is just a place to live and get nice social benefits, although the two child benefit cap is a bit of a drag if you’ve got nine kids.


  28. Fedup2 says:

    Sluff – the Glasgow Scots were happy ….


    • Sluff says:

      Yeah, we saw the game on ITV. Ally McCoist (Scotland) and Roy Keane (Ireland) as pundits????? What was all that about?
      Diversity, inclusion and equality gone stark raving mad.


  29. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – another cosy chat with the BBC and a Labour Government Minister

    Well there’s a thing! Emma Barnett has a very cosy chat with Lisa Nandy MP for Wigan. Personal note: I always hear the late Eddie Waring’s voice in my head when anyone says “Wigan”. That was back in the day when the BBC employed proper sports commentators. Many things were revealed in Emma’s chat with MP Lisa not least that Lisa and Sir Keir were at the footie final last night – free tickets and travel on expenses? – and were sat behind Prince Wlliam. We also know that Lisa Nandy did not over-indulge on any free alcohol at the VIP Bar.

    Also revealed was the news that although the BBC Licence Fee has been guaranteed by the new Labour Government, subject to Charter Review, but the Labour Government is considering mutualising the BBC. There are many ways to do this but mutualising can be another word for ‘Conservative style’ ‘privatisation’ ! Eeeeek. Emma Barnett did not ask what that meant for the BBC. Is she really a Journalist or an Interviewer or a complete and utter waste of space and drain on the TellyTax-payer’s income?


  30. Jeff says:

    I’m feeling a little guilty about my response to England’s latest soccer defeat. I’m English, I’m a working-class patriot, but actually, truth to tell, I’m quite relieved…

    Football hasn’t been the same for me since they invited politics into the game. It should never have happened…all the pathetic, virtue signalling taking the knee for BLM. It made my flesh crawl and my stomach turn.

    You see, without a shadow of a doubt, had our team been successful, the race hustling grifters, like Diane Abbott, would have been all over it. She’s already stuck her fat face above the parapet, praising the diversity of the team and admonishing Reform voters. God, these people are so tiresome.

    A couple of years ago I was at a mate’s house and we were watching the football on Sky Sports. It was excruciating. I had to ask him to turn it off. We were lectured about Black Lives Matter, stamping out racism and celebrating diversity. FFS, I just wanted to watch the match, not listen to some gobshite lecturing me.

    Then they had a piece about a cricketer who, about 20 years ago, FFS, may have said something rude to an Asian cricketer. After that a young athlete appeared to continue the torrent of wokism, telling us what language was acceptable these days. I think this sprog was so young he hadn’t even developed acne, but felt secure enough in his puerile opinions to lecture the rest of us.

    So today, I’m slightly ambivalent about the result. I’d like England to win for all the England fans and to make up for the decades of disappointment, but…

    You just know the O’Briens, the Abbotts, the bloody BBC and the equally ghastly Sky Sports would hijack that happy moment to promote their own political perversions.

    So, overall, Spain 2 England 1 and my response is



    • Fedup2 says:

      Having suffered almost all those games i knew Spain win . All my bets come in £20 up !

      I dont recognise the England team as the national side -its a woke mix with a lefty manager . When they started taking the knee that was it .

      The commentary isnt commentary much anymore . Sometimes i count the seconds between 2 talking about approved stuff and actually saying whats going on . 5 live it awful for this .

      I still havnt got a TV so it used 2G on the internet . But i missed out on all the tears ..


    • Docmarooned says:

      Hear hear Jeff. I echo your sentiments. I have given up with TV football in the main. Fed up with being lectured to by woke DIE idiots. The female commentators are mostly diabolical. I now switch channels to get it off. Smug overpaid gits. That said I do like the ITV4 show on Saturday nights with the review of the lower leagues.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Me too. We are entering the African Cup of Nations next time. We have plenty of eligible players and might win it.
      Honestly this England side doesn’t represent my country but sadly it does represent the country that I now live in. If that makes sense.


  31. Althepalerp says:

    Soon the BBC will be asking “Is it time we had the first Black manager of England?”


  32. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – oh, that is a BIG ooops!

    In her cosy chat with Lisa Nandy, Emma Barnett did pose one useful question: President Biden has called for peace in politics after the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Unfortunately David Lammy, the new Foreign Secretary, tweeted in the past that “President Trump is a misogynistic, neo-Nazi, racist” and Lisa Nandy brushed that off with a “We have all done or said something bad in the past.” Emma was satisfied with that and didn’t press Lisa on what she had said or done in the past or whether David Lammy was a suitable person to be Foreign Secretary. Especially as David Lammy might have to meet and have dealings with the newly-elected President Trump after November’s US Presidential Election.

    I wonder how many letters of complaint Sir Keir as Prime Minister will receive about the appointment of David Lammy as Foreign Secretary?


  33. MarkyMark says:

    “Meanwhile, Sadiq Khan was spotted in the Royal Box for the Men’s Final at Wimbledon – along with Labour MP chum Stephanie Peacock. One rule for Labour…”

    ……………. EVERYTHING IS FREE FOR MPS ……………..

    Name of donor: Channel Four Television Company Ltd
    Address of donor: 124 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2TX
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Ticket for the BAFTAs, including pre-reception, ceremony and dinner, value £1,521
    Date received: 19 February 2023
    Date accepted: 19 February 2023


  34. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #3 – that is interesting to know, be careful what you say, listeners have ears ……

    Lisa Nandy as Minister ‘for fun’ (she now is responsible for the Dept of Culture, Media & Sport) has visited the BBC’s other HQ at Salford Quays. While there Lisa was excited to meet a Twitterer known as, I think, Hacker T Dog as she is a big fan of his or her. We were not told as to whether ‘Hacker T Dog’ is a BBC employee. He or she could merely have been visiting the BBC. But it was let slip that ‘Hacker T Dog’ re-tweets Lisa Nandy’s tweets.

    Those who live by their tweets ……

    Is there further evidence there of a cosy relationship between the BBC and the Labour Party and its MPs?


  35. Up2snuff says:

    I had a dream last night. It was actually repeated – funny that – it wasn’t something the BBC would approve of although they seem to like repeats! I think, I must have been in a supermarket or somewhere public just after, I assume, the 2029 General Election. I was hearing a voice saying the Labour Party have been reduced to just 60 seats. Nice dream!

    Repeated when I fell asleep again. I wonder how many seats the conservative party or the Reform Party had won. Unfortunately, I did not receive detailed results in either of the two dreams.


    • moggiemoo says:

      You were spared the Islam Party winning 500 seats with 139% of the vote.


  36. Terminal Moraine says:

    Zurcher’s worried the Trump shooting will be used for political spin, because apparently the attack “plays into several themes the Trump campaign was already planning […] The first is that it could provide a boost to the politics of grievance and persecution that have been a central focus of his rally speeches and social media posts.”

    MSM are falling over themselves pretending they wouldn’t use an attempt on Biden’s life as rocket fuel for their agenda. There’d be 10,000 doomsday articles about ‘democracy under threat’ and calls to ban everything from guns to baseball caps to gatherings of more than 6 white people in one place. The response to Trump’s assassination attempt has been extraordinarily measured in the conservative press.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Ex-CNN and NYT journo tries to peddle the line that everyone’s getting along just fine outside of the political hitjobs and nasty division on social media.

      Not many are buying it (documents show Stelter’s got some explaining to do…)


  37. MarkyMark says:

    Basket of deplorables!
    Let’s tone the language down?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Maybe the BBC should stand for the presidency -the bbc mouthpiece seems to think he has a ‘position ‘ over the affairs of a foreign country ..that character would have done well in the nazi regime …


  38. Up2snuff says:

    A wonderful picture posted from Pounce – late of this parish – showing Sir Keir Starmer in military kit: Go to the oldest post.


  39. MarkyMark says:



  40. Zephir says:

    Scum media:

    “Sky News edits headline after taking heat for ‘blaming’ Trump for assassination attempt.

    Musician Winston Marshall posted on X that Sky News is “the winner for the most disgraceful, disgusting MSM headline” in the wake of the assassination attempt on Trump.

    “Straight to blaming the victim,” Marshall wrote.

    Sky News eventually changed the headline to “US politics is laced with malevolence and division – it needs a reset,” but the original headline remained in the story’s URL.”


    • Up2snuff says:

      Zephir, Murdoch group are trying to play both sides. In the UK MSM, the Sun Newspaper switched its allegiance to the Labour Party for the 2024 GE and it seems like Sky News, run by a Murdoch scion, is trying to do the same. Don’t know who runs Sky but it must be someone in the Murdoch family.

      Pathetically the BBC appear to believe the Sun newspaper backs the Conservative Party and almost constantly omits the Sun from its newspaper front page photographs but strangely includes it in the BBC’s Blog.


  41. Zephir says:

    Scum media 2

    “David Aaronovitch plays the victim after his ‘murder Trump’ tweet”


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      “Great minds …” and all that, Zephir; I was just about to cut and paste this section (by Niall McCrae):

      “As Nigel Farage reminded GB News viewers, the metropolitan media made no fuss when BBC presenter Jo Brand suggested that the Brexit Party leader of the time be doused not in milkshake but battery acid. Brand kept her job too.

      It’s all right if they do it. Anyone of conservative or traditional Christian beliefs wishing a political opponent dead would be accused of hate crime. Their words would be cast as dangerous and an affront to democracy. People have been arrested simply for standing in silent contemplation outside abortion clinics, or for daubing the message ‘All Lives Matter’ in response to the divisive BLM campaign. People are forced out of jobs and made social pariahs merely for raising concerns about illegal immigration.

      But if you’re in the elite media club you can write or say whatever you want. The impact is obvious: a licence is given to the ‘liberal-left’ to attack political enemies, whether with caramel milkshakes in Clacton, or sniper’s bullets at a Trump rally.

      This would be a good time for the BBC, Ofcom and the media establishment to act, if they want to retain any credibility, and sanction and shun the murderous tweeter.”


      In order to “retain” credibility, you do need to make sure you have it in the first place!


  42. Sluff says:

    Proof that the new Labour government is not left wing enough for the Far Left BBC.
    There is apparently a new crisis. The ‘Child Health Crisis’.

    The BBC is keen to tell us that the SNP are launching a bid to scrap the 2 child max. Child benefit cap, and hope some ( left wing) Labour rebels will support them.

    First we have a story from Sheffield where loads of kids are having milk teeth extractions due to decay. Apparently families are so poor that the parents cannot teach their children to clean their teeth. It appears that a government initiative is required and some schools are having to give teeth brushing lessons.

    Next up the BBC interview ‘Rachel’ who has 5 kids but ostensibly no husband. She bemoans that she gets £1500 child benefit only for each of her first two children.

    The BBC cannot bring themselves to ask why such parents are feckless, ignorant, stupid. Yet clever enough to tug the BBC heartstrings into advocating that more taxpayers money should be diverted to them.

    But maybe the whole story is just a very long BBC advert. Because ‘Child Health Crisis’ has its own programme on the BBC tonight.

    Pretty execrable whichever way you look at it.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      After the first two, Rachel must have worked out where kids come from. If she likes it so much, she’ll just have to pay for them herself.


  43. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Now that ed milligram appears to have the go ahead to cover the Countryside in bird shredders I wonder if our foxes will take advantage.

    Will each one be marking their own shredder and wait for lunch to drop.
    Can you picture fields of these shredders, each with a fox waiting below.


    • moggiemoo says:

      Yes. Yes, I can. Animals are intelligent, it won’t take them long to discover a reliable source of food. I use the word reliable in the loosest sense when it comes to wind.


      • Sluff says:

        Finding the food may be harder than you think.
        Millipede wants to cover the fields with solar panels.
        The crops that can’t be grown as a result will need to be imported.
        So …solar panels imported from China and more food imports too.
        What was that about growing the economy?


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          Solar panels which last about 20 years and cannot be recycled. What did we do to deserve this genius?


  44. MarkyMark says:

    When asked at today’s Downing Street briefing about the PM’s massive jet use, his spokesman merely said that the government is “committed to delivering value for money to the taxpayer“. Leaders of a G7 country should obviously use their own planes – Labour disagreed in opposition and made it a constant populist point of attack on the government…


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      > about the PM’s massive jet use

      And how does the lazy toe rag get from No 10 to the houses of parliament – in two armoured Chelsea Tractors?

      Why does he not walk – Cluck Cluck.


  45. MarkyMark says:


    Ed Miliband on the Electric Car Revolution but He Admits He Doesn’t Own One | Good Morning Britain


  46. Up2snuff says:

    The BBC have been crowing that ‘the markets’ like the present Labour Government. Hmmmnn. I’m not so sure. Shares are down, both the FTSE 100 and 250. £sterling is down against the Euro and the Yen but is show a 0.12% gain against the $ but the signs are that the US dollar is busted out of sight.


    • MarkyMark says:

      We can all get Chinese money for free … “Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’. Amy Gibbons Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23 GMT”


  47. MarkyMark says:

    Pay wall …

    His first pronouncements as foreign secretary stress change: ‘a reset on Europe, a reset on our relationships with the global south, and a reset on climate’. We will have not only resets but ‘gear shifts’, whatever that might mean: ‘gear shifts on European security and on global security, given all the problems that we’re seeing in the Middle East’. It is very Starmerist to treat change as a destination rather than a journey.

    His overriding priority, as he falls in line with the mantra of the new administration, is growth. ‘I want to centre our foreign policy on British growth.’ His levers in this area are limited: trade agreements are the preserve of Jonathan Reynolds at Business and Trade, while the new chancellor, Rachel Reeves, will hold the reins on ‘securonomics’. But he may feel that a box has been ticked by saying it


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      I’m looking forward to David “Mastermind” Lammy’s book on Henry IX; you know the one, the king before Henry VII.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The Spectator article fails to mention his strong links with the Soros family. For those unaware, the phrase ‘global south’ is a racist dog whistle term meaning any non-White country. Yes, there are far more Chinese and Indians and their countries are also in the Northern hemisphere, but you’re supposed to think of sub-Saharan Africans when you hear the phrase.


  48. MarkyMark says:

    Britain’s Labour government has declared war on NIMBYs
    The battle is likely to define its success


    Wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham wins four-year battle to stop plans to build 5,200 homes on acres of ancient woodland near his home
    Controversial plans were earmarked near Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, Hampshire
    Eastleigh Borough Council says it will remove the scheme from its Local Plan
    Mr Packham was a fundamental part of the campaign against ‘eco-vandalism’

    PUBLISHED: 10:59, 5 May 2020 | UPDATED: 11:23, 5 May 2020


  49. MarkyMark says:

    China’s trade surplus through the first half of the year was USD 434.9bn, which represents an increase from 2023’s USD 400.7bn levels over the same period. As for 2Q24, the trade surplus settles at USD 252.6bn, up from USD 219.8bn.3 days ago's%20trade%20surplus%20through%20the,up%20from%20USD%20219.8bn.
    trade surplus
    “the amount by which the value of a country’s exports exceeds the cost of its imports.”

    The UK generally imports more than it exports meaning that it runs a trade deficit. A deficit of £187 billion on trade in goods was partly offset by a surplus of £153 billion on trade in services in 2023. The overall trade deficit was £33 billion in 2023.4 days ago


    As of 2023, the United States had a trade deficit of about 773 billion U.S. dollars. The U.S. trade deficit has increased since 2009, peaking in 2022.5 Jul 2024


    In 2022, Germany’s trade surplus amounted to around 86.83 billion U.S. dollars.