Start the Week 15th July 2024

The 14th of July saw the attempted murder of President Trump after an onslaught of hate by the mass media – including the BBC. There might have been one shooter – but a lot of ‘journalists’ had their finger on the trigger . Nothing will change – the BBC will be unable to see its’ culpability . And a lot of the Far Left will be wishing President Trump had been killed .

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256 Responses to Start the Week 15th July 2024

  1. MarkyMark says:


    “Spiking is already a crime, covered by other pieces of legislation including the 1861 Offences against the Person Act.

    But Labour’s manifesto, alongside the Conservatives’, said creating a new, specific offence would help police better respond to incidents.”

    Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously administer to or cause to be administered to or taken by any other person any poison or other destructive or noxious thing, so as thereby to endanger the life of such person, or so as thereby to inflict upon such person any grievous bodily harm, shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable . . . F1 to be kept in penal servitude for any term not exceeding ten years .


  2. MarkyMark says:

    No 10 berates Chris Packham for ‘irresponsible’ Just Stop Oil comments
    BBC presenter defends climate activists’ right to target MPs’ homes amid debate over politicians’ safety
    This article is more than 4 months old

    Downing Street has criticised the BBC presenter Chris Packham after he defended Just Stop Oil’s right to protest outside the homes of MPs.


  3. Zephir says:

    Perhaps someone could produce a list of all far left journos and activists urging Trump / Farage to be attacked or killed and their home / work addresses ?

    I am sure friends or families of the above two victims would welcome some natural justice.


  4. Zephir says:

    I wonder how much the Derwent Pencil Museum will get ? (yes..really, just for all you pencil fans)

    Proudly declaring:

    “Home of the world’s first pencil!”

    I have never been, ( I have never seen the point )

    am saving this visit for a special occasion and saving up for a pencil tea towel and fridge magnet.


  5. vlad says:

    There’s one aspect of the attempted assassination against Trump that the BBC won’t touch with a barge pole.

    It’s that, for some time, the US Secret Service has been basing its recruitment policy on DEI considerations, rather than ability and merit.

    The head is a girlie called Kimberly Cheatle and, like our own Met, it’s full of wokesters from top to bottom.

    And, in the immortal words of Orange Man himself: “Everything woke turns to shit”.

    Indeed it does, Mr President, indeed it does.


  6. Zephir says:

    Well, move aside Nigel, we present:

    The racist Office for National Statistics……

    “The Office for National Statistics has today, Monday July 15, revealed that the number of people living in England and Wales shot up by 610,000 to 60.9 million between summer 2022 and summer 2023, the largest increase since 1948, 75 years ago, which was driven by a post-war baby boom at the time.

    Immigration to blame as population sees largest rise in 75 years

    The ONS put the the growth largely down to record levels of net migration – 622,000 for the year to June 2023.

    And immigration far outstripped the birth rate in the domestic population, down by 21,900 to 598,400 new births, while new deaths increased by 24,000 to 598,000.”


  7. atlas_shrugged says:

    Have been saying this for years – affirmative action kills people.


    • vlad says:

      Same is true of the US aviation industry, where a lot of accidents have been happening of late.
      Now, I don’t mind the BBC hiring according to DEI for their Mickey Mouse jobs but for real jobs, where lives are at stake – not so much.
      There, DEI = DIE.


  8. Sluff says:

    The England footie team have returned home, landing at Stansted.
    They are looking forward to spending more time with their bank managers and investment consultants.


    • vlad says:

      Useless overpaid w*nkers.

      And that’s not winkers. Or wonkers.


    • BRISSLES says:

      You mean their Agents who will be doing it for them ! Most footballers struggle to speak English or string two sentences together.


      • Sluff says:

        Fair point Brissles.
        We don’t hear much about Marcus Rashford and free school meals these days, do we?


  9. Sluff says:

    A little story about our NHS heroes.
    At the village fete on Saturday there was a tent which was a sort of health and well-being joint enterprise by the NHS and the local council. Well, OK.
    A man out front was trying to attract customers. Height, weight ( thus BMI), blood pressure, advice, and…cholesterol check.

    Aha, I thought. Been on Statins for a few years so be interested to know if my cholesterol level is under control.

    Alas. As someone already on medication, I was ineligible for the test.

    In other words this was not about health. It was about box-ticking, getting paid overtime, and getting in some minimum number of punters to make the initiative look sound. If it really been about health, then after several minutes of persuading me to take part, they would have shown they had my best interests at heart and given me a test.

    A damning insight into our nationalised health service.


    • digg says:

      Welcome to the new NHS Sluff. It’s all about perceived godliness of the NHS and FA to do with the patients!


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      I will never forget a big sign outside a local NHS doctors surgery during the lockup that said:

      “Do not come into the surgery if you are ill”

      I guess it should have said: stay home and phone us if you turn blue!


  10. BRISSLES says:

    Stuff, you’re lucky he spoke understandable English. I went for a blood test today at our local germsville, and the only person I conversed with who spoke English English was the amiable pensioner manning the Charity stall !


  11. digg says:

    The Trump thing has confirmed my worst impressions of modern America.

    It’s a land of low-brow idiots run by a bunch of low-brow idiots.

    Let’s keep well away from the shithole it has become!


  12. JohnC says:

    Trump classified documents case dismissed by Florida judge

    Only thing of interest here by the BBC was this line:
    ‘The Trump-appointed Florida judge had recently indefinitely postponed the federal classified documents trial, saying there were significant questions over trial evidence.’

    Never any suggestion that all of these dozens and dozens of charges might be politically motivated and never any mention of who appointed the Judge if it were Biden or Obama.

    This is why I detest these leftist activists so much. They have infested the BBC because of the reach it gives them at public expense. Go join the Guardian where they have to survive on merit and whether people are prepared to pay them for it. I’m sure they visit the site regularly and just scroll past all the begging letters.

    Another one from the bitter creature who was on anti-depressants at 17 – Madeline Halpert


  13. JohnC says:

    This video is all over the internet:

    Video of the assasin on the roof.

    If it suited the BBC’s agenda and they wanted to keep the story current, this would be a front-page, main story video inside a constantly updated ‘Live Update’ feed to keep it current. Instead they have this:
    ‘This video has been removed for rights reasons.’

    It’s not even reported on any of the main topic pages. They have instantly buried it.

    They have more or less dropped the assasination attempt story completely. All those stories are now small subpanes.

    This is exactly how they demonstrate their bias.


  14. Eddy Booth says:

    “Body found in Jay Slater hunt near last phone location”

    Just like Nicola Bully, when the search winds down the body suddenly appears .

    “The 19-year-old was last seen on 17 June, after visiting an Airbnb rented by two people he had been with at a music festival on the island.”

    As usual the BBC refuse to get the basics right,…the 2 older men weren’t at the festival.


    The Guardia Civil said it appeared the person whose body was found had died in a fall


  15. JohnC says:

    Biden urges America to ‘lower temperature’ after Trump shooting

    ‘His short, but forceful, address largely went off without a hitch, amid ongoing scrutiny following a number of high-profile verbal slips.’

    Just watch the video : Joe is focussed intently on the autocue and still manages to slur much of it. Perhaps that was worth a mention BBC.

    I can tell the BBC are in a muddle about Joe now. They want him to be replaced, but they are trying not to damage him too much just in case he does indeed stay in office.

    The one thing I am certain of is that their only motivation is to stop Trump. They would be very happy if Joe was assasinated. It would be fever pitch, front-page for at least a week and guarantee victory. They would make all Republicans into the devil himself. It would be the polar opposite of how they are reporting this attempt on Trump which has basically already been dropped and they are trying to divert attention to the convention.


  16. JohnC says:

    Israeli strike on central Gaza school reportedly kills 22

    That would be a UN run school there BBC and you should have it in the headline because it’s extremely relevant to the story.

    And later in the article they play their usual trick of quoting someone else when they know 100% it;s a complete lie:

    Another resident said his family had been living at the school for six months because UN facilities were supposed to be safe.
    “There are no armed men and no reason to strike schools this way,” he added. “The dead and injured people are mainly women and children staying at this school.”
    Yet another Gazan who speaks very good Englsih and just happens to say exactly what the BBC want him to say for their agenda.
    I am 100% certain the BBC have written this ‘quote’ themselves. Probably very heavily edited from something more vague.
    I am also 100% certain that UN school has Hamas terrorists in it. And I’m also certain the BBC know it too.

    The author – David Gritten – is called out for his many lies benefitting Hamas here:


  17. Zephir says:

    Great video:

    “even just after 48 hours you couldn’t wait, with your lies”

    Donald Trump Jr. spars with MSNBC reporter on convention floor: ‘I expect nothing less from you clowns’

    Donald Trump Jr. told an MSNBC reporter to “get out of here” during a tense on-air exchange at the Republican National Convention Monday after he was asked about the former president’s immigration policies.

    Trump Jr. and his brother Eric were approached for an interview by MSNBC’s Jacob Soboroff on the floor of the RNC convention in Milwaukee, Wisc., where their father, former President Trump, officially became the GOP nominee just two days after surviving an assassination attempt.

    Trump Jr., touted his father’s accomplishments during his four years in office before rejecting Soboroffs’ question about former President Trump being “a divisive figure.” Trump Jr. blamed the media for creating “divisiveness” around him.

    “They lied about Russia, Russia collusion, they said he was a traitor, they went after him in every which way possible,” Trump Jr. said. “If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world rather than the disaster that we’re living right now, I think you’d do everyone in the country a big favor.”


    • JohnC says:

      MSNBC seem to have become the new CNN as the benchmark in left-wing bias.

      I have noticed a lot of the BBC reporters I have checked have MSN on their CV’s.

      I wonder what the story behind it is.


  18. Zephir says:

    “It’s also worth reflecting that Americans’ view of the role of violence in their society has subtly changed. Traditionally, Americans viewed it as freedom’s collateral damage. When it comes to gun control, debate has centred on the question of whether liberty is worth the inevitable price in blood. Now, amid endless drug warfare and uncontrolled immigration, many conservatives have concluded that the whole liberal system is founded on depravity. That in a society lacking in tough laws or moral strictures, violence has become an end in itself.

    And Britain shares much in common with America. If anything, our economic decline is even more urgent because we are unable to spend well beyond our means to bankroll public services and defence. Frustration at the technocratic elite’s complacent attitude to chaos – from its inability to police the border to its “regretful” early release of drug dealers, burglars and muggers – is also growing.

    Like it or not, we are entering the era of “gangster conservatism”, defined by charismatic “change” leaders that are unapologetic about upsetting elites and breaking the rules. Sceptics can try to refine, guide and soften the impact, but they should not delude themselves. The world has changed. Trumpism may prove an unstoppable force.”


  19. Zephir says:



  20. Zephir says:

    Consulted the Met Office for today’s weather yesterday and got the following:

    “‘St Swithin’s Day if thou dost rain, for forty days it will remain, St Swithin’s Day if thou be fair, for forty days will rain na mair.'”


  21. JohnC says:

    Biden defends calling Trump a threat to democracy

    Is there anything in this world which is more blatant, rank hypocrisy than Biden saying they are doing everything in their power to stop Trump standing in a free and fair election because they ‘want to protect democracy’ ?.

    And is there any greater example of disgusting double-standards than him not being charged with some kind of treason and incitement to murder by saying “time to put Trump in a bullseye” ?.

    It’s 100 times more clear than what Trump said on Jan 06. Where are these pathetic media activists demanding justice now ?.

    And will Marianna be bringing us tales of the internet scum who are celebrating this heinous act by the Democrats on social media ?. The ones saying it’s a shame the shooter missed.

    Of course she won’t. Because she is part of that same slime from the swamp. We’ll get to see what they are really like if Trump wins – both on social media and on the streets. Violent, nasty scum.

    And no surprise whatsoever to see what who wrote it looks like:
    Whay are they always women ?. This is what you get as a result of years of sexist discrimination.


  22. JohnC says:

    The secret service say the control of the area the shooter used was given to state police. So I checked who the Governor of Pensylvania is and sure enough he’s a Democrat.

    And here he is giving an update for the shooting. Just look at this scumbag : he’s 100% fake. I wouldn’t trust this schmuck as far as I could throw him. He’s even faking pretending to hold back the tears. Exactly the kind of person someone like Biden would use.

    I wonder who’s decison that was.


  23. Fedup2 says:

    Today watch

    A piece about ‘election intimidation ‘ …. Apparently there is a red inquiry about ‘intimidation ‘ …. But guess which part of the ‘community ‘ didn’t get a mention …..?( clue – it’s not the ‘right’)

    Red and blue has imported 3rd world rubbish which has no tradition with us – so it’s only going to get worse …..

    The inquiry will find the cause is ‘the hard far extreme ‘ right and the truth will be suppressed .

    Individual cases – such as Stella Creasey – called a baby killer because of her enthusiasm for killing babies through easier abortion will be used – as will the Farage attacks …. But the big threat – Islam – will be suppressed …

    And all those discussing this with comrade Robinson sign up to this – as does the bbc of course ….


  24. JohnC says:

    UK’s most violent jail is young offenders’ where 80% of inmates are of ethnic minority

    Here’s a story you won’t see on the BBC. Not in line with the agenda at all. So they hide it from us. Even though it is absolutely significant for our society.

    Omission – the most dirty way to lie. And the BBC do it all the time.


  25. JohnC says:

    Silly me – I can’t seem to find this story on the BBC either.
    TikTok terrorist jailed for encouraging violence and sharing IS propaganda

    Again, it must be there somewhere because it is an important indicator of what’s wrong in our society. It’s not some lone nutter.


  26. Zephir says:

    “Insider reveals how Secret Service ‘really screwed up’ BEFORE Trump assassination bid and role women DEI hires played to put lives at risk.

    ‘It’s possible to have a tough female out there who doing her job, just like you have males out there who may not be capable of doing their jobs. It’s just that, during this particular event, there were questionable actions on the part of some agents, including some females agents, that raises one’s eyebrows.’

    He spoke of a roughly 5ft 5in female agent correctly ‘using her body to protect’ Trump from any further gunfire — but was just too short to be able to stop bullets hitting someone as tall as the former president.

    ‘It looked more like that he was protecting her than she was protecting him,’ said Gray.

    He also referred to widely-shared footage of a female agent as she struggled to holster her weapon after Trump had been bundled into a black vehicle.

    ‘It certainly was something that raised my eyebrows,’ said Gray, now an academic at the University of New Haven.

    ‘I am a former firearms instructor … and that shows to me that person lacked the skills to be out there at that time.'”


    • Fedup2 says:

      The public hearing – which is not likely to be until next Tuesday !? Will cover up the failings . I reckon presidents trumps allies will be asked to ‘go easy ‘ on the Secret Service – which might well do a better job aiding and abetting the next murder attempt
      The Obama federal establishment will be doing anything to stop President Trump getting into the White House .
      If he does – which I doubt – the Obama democrats will continue to try and kill him as well as challenge the legitimacy of the vote .

      They will continue back to back law fare – with only the Supreme Court protecting mr trumps ‘ back – the rest of the judicial system is largely subverted …. As is happening here …
      I still think the count will be fixed again ….


      • Zephir says:

        The diversity angle reminds me of the fire brigade fitness tests, 300 people worked down to around 10 after all day fitness tasks…

        Now gone because they want more wimmin

        If that is not putting lives at risk…..?

        “Important Note: Many fire and rescue services have changed the physical tests over the past few years and there now appears to be no set standard. Although at the time of writing this article, many have returned to the original tests as detailed above. Its also worthy to note that many fire and rescue services now carry out “Taster Days” which allow you to go along and have a go at some of the above tests. Some fire and rescue services have actually only recruited from those who have attended, so worth getting yourself booked on one if offered.”


        • Zephir says:

          “Fire chiefs have made the ‘ladder lifting’ tests that all new recruits must go through easier to allow more women and less-strong men into the service.

          Previously, potential firefighters had to extend a 100kg ladder by themselves in 20 seconds to qualify.

          However, now they are only required to life a 30kg weight over their head.

          Strenuous runs, where candidates had to complete increasing fast sprints in what’s known as a ‘beep test,’ have also been scrapped, along with having to carry a 12 stone person 100 yards in less than a minute.”


          • Lucy Pevensey says:


            How can anyone not see that a woke fire brigade is dangerous?
            I wonder if they might reconsider if enough of the public write to the Fire Brigade Commissioner.


            • Zephir says:

              I doubt it, one would probably get called right wing or worse.


            • Ian Rushlow says:

              The authorities can see it, but they just don’t care. Decisions are taken on a purely ideological basis, without regard to practicality, consequences or reality. The aim is not to save lives or property, the goals are exclusively political and the institutions – fire service, police, health, education, military, any of them – are simply platforms to support The Great Leap Forward and the Glorious Socialist Future.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I don’t think the female agent was struggling to holster her pistol. It looks like she was using something called an “inside the waistband” holster. In trying to draw her pistol, she pulled the holster out with the gun in it. She was then trying to put the gun, in the holster, back inside the waistband of her trousers, before seeming to give up.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I’d be worried about shooting myself in the leg …. Especially if there was no safety on the pistol …
        77 brigade – what you reckon ….

        Really doesn’t look very impressive for the best of the best secret service …maybe she was on work experience ..


  27. Flotsam says:

    What is notable for me is Smarmer’s silence regarding Trump’s attempted assassination.
    Smarmer is Britain’s PM, given our ‘Special relationship’ with America and the likelihood of Trump becoming President one might have thought he would have said something.


    • JohnC says:

      The man is so utterly spineless and pathetic, I strongly suspect he is keeping quiet so he doesn’t upset the people who voted for him.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Starmer is probably feeling very disappointed and disillusioned. He would have received a discreet briefing whilst in Washington for the NATO meeting about what was planned for Trump, but it didn’t go according to plan.


  28. AsISeeIt says:

    Business as usual from the Uniparty: Starmer shelves legal restrictions on foreign workers… amid the biggest rise in the population for at least 75 years (Telegraph)

    Chinese-style therapeutic state technocracy, with a snobbish British paternalist twist: Labour’s new health advisor… [Paul] Corrigan, a verteran of the Blair government who has described himself as a Marxist, also said that Sir Keir Starmer should force every Whitehall department to take account of whether their policies make people healthier to stop a tidal wave of illness that would otherwise “overwhelm” the NHS (Telegraph)

    Gosh, now where have we heard that threat of an “overwhelmed” NHS deployed once before to justify all manner of nonsensical state dictats against our freedoms?

    Does the ever-excitable Daily Mail perhaps give us a clue as to the justification for our next medicalised clamp down: Now doctors told to lecture us on climate change… The Royal College of Physicians yesterday issued… ‘green toolkit’… tells doctors to use their status as ‘trusted members of the community’ to raise the topic in consultations and ‘repeat it often’

    In some positive psychological news, our previously afflicted Labour PM appears to be getting over his Trump Derangement Syndrome: Keir Starmer overruled his advisors… following assassination attempt… Personal call was new Prime Minister’s idea… British Ambassador is tasked with building links between Trump team and Labour Government (‘i’)

    It’s a pity the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper just can’t seem to shake off its own over long lingering bout of hypochondriacal coronaphobia: Fears of covid spike after fall in jabs (‘i’)

    We must believe The Science – however far-fetched the claims and however far the claims run against our common sense: Not just a hole in the moon Space cave could become lunar base, say scientists (Guardian)

    Alternatively to another medicalised threat, has the formerly peace-loving lefty Guardian pinpointed the next puffed-up emergency set to be unleashed upon us: UK faces defence threat from ‘deadly quartet’

    That’ll be Russia, China, Iran and North Korea

    You have to smile: George Robertson, a former Nato secretary general, said the UK had to be prepared to take on all four if necessary (Guardian) – one refers to that old playground taunt ‘you and who’s army?’

    Calm down dear

    Charli’s angels Why women are proud to be ‘brats’ this summer (Guardian)

    The mildly conservative Telegraph carries a rather more staid lifestyle fashion feature: Cardigans vs blazers

    Meanwhile, the tentative old Torygraph refers obliquely to the love that once upon a time dared not speak its name: Suitcase killing suspect lived with victims

    The inimitably fanciable Chrissie Hynde of rock band The Pretenders once warned us

    It’s a thin line between love and hate

    Our achingly right-on compliant BBC and police jointly and in collaboration beclown themselves with the wording of this report on the case: Evidence in the investigation so far has not pointed to a homophobic motive, the Met Police said, but it had been classified as a hate crime under national guidelines… “Officers have worked with the pan-London LGBTQ+ Independent Advisory Group (IAG) since the identity of the two victims and their sexuality was established. (BBC)

    Let’s cross our fingers in the hope that this turns out to be one of those non-hate double murder and dismemberment cases (allegedly)

    From the clownishness of our national guidlines to the stark reality of our national gridlines

    And before we depart this semi-science-fictional parallel universe that is our mainstrean media – as I like to say…

    How’s that Net Zero workin’ out fo’ yer?

    UK ‘will be forced to rely on gas for years’… National Grid has said (Telegraph)


    • Fedup2 says:

      Asiseeit – what ? Another defence review ? I wonder what was wrong with the last one ?

      As a civvy – I have to be careful writing about things military because certain readers take umbridge …. But I believe in saving taxpayers cash and don’t believe the UK has a place in the world now – and should look after itself first . So no ‘projecting power ‘ no getting involved in other peoples ‘ wars –

      No sending British boys to die for nothing – afgee –

      But no doubt the review will concentrate on diversity and green crap ..whilst the real threat to the UK is growing within …..

      What say you 77 brigade – or are you so lost as to think free thinkers on this site are a threat ?


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Mr AsI couldn’t agree more. Armchair neo-cons hereabouts are welcome to try to take an umbridge too far


    • Docmarooned says:

      George Robertson eh! Puffed up little shit who always thought he was important. I remember he caused my plane from Brussels to Edinburgh years back to be delayed as he was running late. Inconvenienced everyone but no apology. He was a VIP. Obnoxious little turd.


  29. MarkyMark says:

    Biden says he thanks God that his Vice President Trump survived!


    • tomo says:

      Having listened to Biden’s broadcast in its entirety I’m forced to think they didn’t entirely discard the first version blaming Trump for his own demise.

      Utterly shit it were – replete with too many flubs to itemise.


  30. MarkyMark says:

    14 years in opposition – and all Starmer can do is create a committee to ask what needs to be done – HA H AHA – 14 years of opposition to find an answer – and the answer is a Quango!

    “Government launches ‘root and branch’ defence review”

    “aims to deliver its findings in the first half of 2025” HA HA HA HAH AH AHHAH HA HA!


    British Army ‘would run out of ammunition in just 10 days’ if war broke out


  31. G says:

    Our Marxist State Broadcaster, tongue in cheek, declared that, on appeal, the court has thrown out the charges against our hero for the documents he rightly and legally stored in Mar-a-Lago.

    Remember all the troops with guns? What a joke Biden and his rotten, corrupt, mob of gangsters is.

    Well, it seems that right thinking people, everywhere, are slowly rising above the Communist/Marxist threats to the Western World.

    After the BBC’s update on the Treason charges, they resumed their mantra about Biden’s poor state of mental health. As I pointed out yesterday, it is such a newsworthy item that the BBC cannot avoid it or file it away dishonestly in, “Regions”. Being the Marxists the BBC is, they automatically refer to Biden’s personal denials. That’s despite most if not all the US media accepting Bidens state of health.

    Will the BBC end its Marxist cover “with a bang”. Simply collapsing sometime overnight? I don’t think so, they are so devoted to the Far, far Left Marxist/Communist doctrine that the punishment they will receive over the years is currently like, ‘water of a ducks back’ but it is certainly eroding them. Long may that continue until the end.


    • tomo says:

      Zurcher et al’s piece on the Mar-a -Lago lawfare documents prosecution fail is farcical.

      It took me two gos to read it straight through. This sort of stuff might’ve been standard fare in mid 1930s Germany?


    • Fedup2 says:

      G – it’s going to get a lot worse after the charter is renewed in 3 years time – The minister for fun – ms Nandi is of lammy level intelligence – hence starmer giving her the job …. So BBCOFCOM will continue to look to destroy non approved broadcasters and give the bbc free rein to hate …. And … if president trump does return – they’ll be on the 100 days again …..


  32. atlas_shrugged says:

    Donald Trump’s vice-presidential pick, JD Vance, said the UK could become the first “truly Islamist country that will get a nuclear weapon” after Labour won the election, it can be revealed.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Why not – Captain Mohammed on board HMS Islam might well launch at tel aviv … maybe 10 years from now


  33. Fedup2 says:

    I thought I’d save the assassination inquiry a bit of time – so these are the findings

    1 lack of clear coms
    2 lack of liaison between local and Fed security
    3 failure to identify risk points ( roof )
    4 failure to respond when killer spotted
    5 failure to call it in
    6 failure of security team to respond quickly
    7 failure of security team to control their weapons
    8 failure of FBI to investigate fully
    9 failure of training
    10 forgetting the past

    11 failure to kill trump – maybe next time …


    • MarkyMark says:

      12 . Due to Brexit.


    • tomo says:


      there’s a wider issue with Biden critics / challengers – Elon Musk has apparently had two attempts to kill him in the last year….

      The RFK Junior situation….


    • JohnC says:

      I thought it could not be possible that such an outrageous security error could a deliberate act by the secret service. It is just unthinkable.

      Then I learnt that building was supposed to be watched by state police. And the governor is an extremely fake looking Democrat who I would not trust one inch.

      That then opens up a whole new set of questions. All of which are not going to be asked. It was with some difficulty that I found out who IS the chief of police and it’s Christopher Paris who was indeed appointed by said governor just over a year ago.


    • JohnC says:

      You’re overcomplicating it Fed.

      The lesson is: if you don’t want the Left to hate you so much they try to murder you, don’t disagree with them.

      Hence it’s Trumps own fault.

      We should have learned the lesson by now. Ideology allows you to murder and believe you are doing the right thing.
      ‘Michael Mann writes that communist party members were “ideologically driven, believing that in order to create a new socialist society, they must lead in socialist zeal. Killings were often popular, the rank-and-file as keen to exceed killing quotas as production quotas’


  34. MarkyMark says:

    9 February 1. Major questions raised about the president’s memory

    2. Biden stored classified documents next to a dog bed

    3. Biden thought Obama was making a major mistake with Afghanistan surge

    4. Contrast drawn with evasive Trump

    5. It was reasonable for Biden to keep some classified diaries

    The report found that the president’s memory “appeared to have significant limitations”.


  35. Zephir says:


    “Speaking last week at the National Conservatism Conference (NatCom), Vance, a 39-year-old senator from the Midwest, sensationally declared Britain had become the first nuclear-touting ‘Islamist state’ under a Labour government.”


  36. Flotsam says:

    Rayner’s “Devolution Revolution”, what will it mean?
    More money and power to the corrupt Socialist Metropolitan areas and their Mayors. I haven’t seen the proposals but wouldn’t be surprised if the Metropolitan areas are expanded to cover regions. eg Greater Londonistan becomes Greater Greater Londonistan to incorporate Surrey, Hertfordshire, Essex etc. Greater Manchester to incorporate Cheshire and Lancashire, you get the idea. It will give the existing Metropolitan areas access to more money, road charging opportunities and building land. With the Metropolitan areas becoming radicalised Islamic mini states it will help spread the message.


  37. tomo says:


  38. tomo says:


  39. tomo says:

    Should be a campaign ad


  40. tomo says:

    That steely eyed investigative reporter Marianna is not going to be top propaganda dog for long….



  41. tomo says:

    Well, after Pride, BLM and smoking stuff – yet another thing for the NHS to plaster ambulances and major hospital walls with ?



    • Ian Rushlow says:

      After waiting 45 minutes on the phone, having called on the dot at 8:00am only to hear a pre-recorded message (“You are two hundred and fifty-sixth in the queue”), I am informed by a woman who clearly served as a guard in a female Nazi concentration camp during a previous life, that “there are no more appointments available today”. “But… I want to find out more about climate change” I say…

      “We can offer you an immediate appointment” she replies.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Tablets to stop farting?
      Kill the pet dog to save the planet?
      Buy for plastic from China to end the war in Ukraine?


  42. tomo says:


  43. wwfc says:

    Long but a very good watch


  44. tomo says:

    The larcenous cnut should’ve walked earlier – somehow plod isn’t I reckon going to look at his finances – Is Vaughn’s hand out of the cookie jar then?.

    Says a lot about the godawful git that he was godawful Drakeford’s anointed one …

    Shutter the devolved assemblies – they’re a menace.


  45. tomo says:

    could be … about as effective as Lammy as Foreign Secretary.


  46. Fedup2 says:

    So where you when you found out that the woke footy manager had quit? He managed to turn some of the best english players into boring tired husks – getting his team to a final by accident …


  47. Terminal Moraine says:

    Lots of consternation from the media scribblers (can’t really call them journalists) over JD Vance for those comments.

    Including Sopel… author of the book “Strangeland: How Britain Stopped Making Sense”. But the strangeness increasingly infecting our land won’t have anything to do with the “rules based international” order I’m sure.


    • MarkyMark says:

      About 20% of weapons sent to Kiev end up on black market – Russia’s UN mission
      Dmitry Polyansky said that some of the weapons supplied to Kiev are “in the darknet, which means that it is available to anyone”

      The official added that there is plenty of evidence that Ukrainian officials “sell off humanitarian aid.”

      The official also said the US seeks to capitalize on the conflict in Ukraine, as arms manufacturers had raised prices for Kiev.


  48. atlas_shrugged says:

    > for every 1kWh of electricity to run the pump

    And remember folks that for every 1kWh of energy to run the heat pump then 2kWh of waste energy are being chucked up the cooling tower in a conventional power station (gas, nuclear power, biomass etc).

    See the Carnot Cycle for more info.


  49. Terminal Moraine says:

    Marianna’s still hankering for Musk:

    “I’ve been investigating how conspiracy theories and hate dominated social feeds after assassination attempt on Trump. Millions of views for evidence-free speculation. Pushed to X users and went mainstream.”

    She says the BBC contacted X and they’ve not got back to her. Long may that continue.


    • MarkyMark says:

      2021 ….

      Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),

      As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.

      Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.

      ‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’

      CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.

      CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.

      CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.

      CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.

      CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.

      CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.

      CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …

      CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …

      CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19 

      Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.



      • Philip_2 says:

        Thanks Mark. it quite along list. Amazingly BBC ‘truth’ VERIFY unit fails to pick up on any of them. And they never apologise “ON AIR”, which other broadcaster are required to do, which is odd.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Should have to be lead story when they apologize and kneel to the Gods!


  50. MarkyMark says:

    “must never give in to others who don’t believe in our values”.’


    Islamic rules are incompatible with British laws, claims Archbishop of Canterbury
    ISLAMIC rules are incompatible with British laws which have developed over 500 years and sharia law should never become part of the British legal system, the Archbishop of Canterbury has declared.
    05:39, Sat, Feb 24, 2018 | UPDATED: 14:31, Sat, Feb 24, 2018
