The 14th of July saw the attempted murder of President Trump after an onslaught of hate by the mass media – including the BBC. There might have been one shooter – but a lot of ‘journalists’ had their finger on the trigger . Nothing will change – the BBC will be unable to see its’ culpability . And a lot of the Far Left will be wishing President Trump had been killed .
Start the Week 15th July 2024
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Good stuff – I wonder how america is going to react the next time the enemy try / kill president Trump ….?
Continuing from my post on the previous page regarding the proposed “Devolution Revolution”.
My concern is the lack of democracy for rural areas if National or Metropolitan administrations are given increased powers and regional Control. The large populations of Socialistic voters will ensure regions are govrened by Socialists a significant democratic deficit.
The fact is that rural areas have significantly different needs from urban areas. One example is transport. People in rural areas need private transport, public transport is not an option. Metropolitan administrations are obsessed with charging and controlling private transport. When I go into Manchester there is cheap and even free public transport which I could ends up subsidising but never using.
The Population of wales is 3 million – which is about 7 London boroughs – at the rate the Welsh politicians are changing jobs I reckon in 10 years most Welsh people will have been in the senned..
He’s back
“Not a single woman in DJT’s Detail tonight”
No men on Women’s hour!
World at 1 – for some reason the bbc thinks the coloured labour bloke who has just resigned from something to do with Wales – is more important than the going of the England Manager ….
How does that work -? An England manager who achieved nothing and a wales bloke who did nothing apart from taking a bung ( donation ) ….
Will they put the speed limit up to 35 mph – or maybe 36 mph …?
The Welsh bloke played card of course – well he wouid wouldn’t he ..?
World at 1 – 2
Feltham is a ‘young offenders institute ‘- it seems an inspection found it to be the most violent prison in the country .
Very understandable because feral vermin guilty of very serious violent crimes land up there . There’s not much to be done really – apart from the death penalty for the worst of these children ….
Those who don’t fear their death can go first …
Fedup 3
Naughtie running the democrat propaganda against Trump/ Vance ….
The Vance comment about Islamic Britain isn’t far off the truth is it …. Really hope they win … Vance being a Roman Catholic won’t impress the Islamic BBC either …. The VP contest will be popcorn …
2019 .. Summary
General debate on Sharia law courts in the UK initiated by John Howell MP. The
debate will take place in Westminster Hall on Thursday 2 May at 3pm.
Click to access CDP-2019-0102.pdf
The ISC lists its broader Objectives as to be of assistance to Muslims in the
UK by:
• fostering and encouraging the practice of the Muslim faith according
to the Quran and the Sunnah;
• providing Advice and assistance in the operation of Muslim family
• establishing a bench of scholars to operate as the Islamic Sharia
Council and to make decisions on matters of Muslim family law
referred to it;
• promoting an enlightened practice of the Islamic faith by Muslims
living in the UK;
• to educate the public generally regarding Islam and to dispel negative stereotypes.3
• to educate the public generally regarding Islam and to dispel negative stereotypes.3
• to educate the public generally regarding Islam and to dispel negative stereotypes.3
Vaughn Gething plays the race card in his resignation speech. Having once again proved that Socialism is corrupt he goes on to blame the Assembly for being racist and how Welsh blacks will now have to put up with a white man in control.
Some actual quotes:
“And being able to show underrepresented communities that there is a place for them, for us, is an honour and privilege that will never diminish.”
“I wanted to give power those without a voice”
“To those in Wales who look like me – many of whom I know feel personally bruised and worried by this moment, I know that our country can be better. I know that cannot happen without us. There will – and there must be – a government that looks like the country it serves.”
Well Shirley Bassey hasn’t done too badly !
Presumably he thinks the country’s makeup is the same as that seen in adverts.
Each day this week -at 1.45pm – the bbc reverts to type as enthusiastic supporters of the IRA with a series about the freedom fighters of the H blocks – fighting against the British state . Tails of daring …..
Reminded me of how supportive the BBC has always been of Irish republicanism . I always thought treating them like criminals was a mistake and that execution wouid have been a better way of dealing with them …
Vicky bowen has pleaded not guilty to throwing a milk shake at a politician during the election campaign . Her brief must be seriously after the money for going down that road …
But then the story can be sold to the daily mail can’t it …?
Low fat shake?
Details matter says the Judge!
Sad as it is, the wailing of Jay Slater has begun, with quotes from friends on twitter being read out in news bulletins.
. Why ? I dont these people, so its s pointless exercise, and I have no negative or positive thoughts of the deceased or family and friends. Admittedly I only saw it on GBN, but other channels are equally complicit.
It’s odd isn’t it that on GBN, any news scoop, or interviewing weirdos in the street, are always in Lancashire or Yorkshire . They clearly don’t have reporters covering Buckinghamshire, Sussex Kent, and its as though Norfolk and Suffolk dont exist !
Compensation …..€….. fortunately other countries are not infected with the entitlement some low life British are , they should be grateful they found the body and got it back …
Eating posh locally opposite BBC towers. in London
Food: by Tanya Gold – writing in the Spectator. (June 2024)
‘The Langham is a Victorian Gothic hotel opposite the BBC in Portland Place. It’s an odd place: haunted house near the wreckage of Newsnight. Perhaps I think this because the last time I came here I interviewed Jeremy Paxman about his ghosts: when he was anxious he banged the wall.,. It’s a vast, dimly lit silver space. The lights are long and slender, like giant earrings. Palms wobble. A palm court is a Victorian conceit; the Titanic also had one. I wonder if they were here for Napoleon Ill, Guy Burgess, or Sherlock Holmes. I wonder how they stay alive in darkness.
It’s a hard thing to dress, a windowless room….
Later, when l explore downstairs more vast, windowless spaces, alarming carpets, and chairs no one would sit in -I find a small exhibition dedicated to the Langham, in the style of the town museum once found everywhere under Soviet rule…. Nearby I find a painting of a woman proudly walking a goose….
Even so, this is an uneasy place…. The food is uneven, and it is all so sombre. Laughing isn’t exactly banned, but it feels like it, and that is enough’.
(comment) methinks;
If your ever invited to a posh lunch at the BBC, that is what to expect. I did not mention the praised mashed Potato. Its a new program on BBC 3 that is humourless, dark and entry is by expense account. Show your TV license on the way out. It pays for everything, your money, their local cafe.
Its a different ‘world’ – at the local BBC canteen!
BBC Deputy Director goes to Paris and stays at Eiffel Hotel and spends 51 pence on expenses in feb2017 … mystery and intrigue! Nurses struggling with food banks? Fair?
Graham Ellis – 51 pence
BBC Expenses
Germany with Russia invade Europe.
Germany ignore Russia, Russia turns on Germany.
Germany use Russian Gas to help Russia invade Ukraine.
Germany keep using gas until pipeline explodes.
then …
“The southern German town of Wiesbaden, known for spas and hot springs, will now serve as a site of NATO’s efforts to support the Ukrainian military. There, NATO has launched a new command centre to plan, coordinate, and arrange the delivery of security assistance for Ukraine.1 day ago”
Starmer can’t stand Rayner. He has tried to demote her before and failed. He can’t sack her because she was elected as the deputy leader. He is a North London lefty lawyer, she is a northern exile from the cast of Shameless. They have nothing in common.
Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, recently published a startling opinion, advocating for more immigration as an inescapable reality to which European citizens should just adapt without any further discussion.
MM and pug, I remember migration from south to north being the subject of a TV documentary way back in, I think, 1984 long before Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change had become the obsessions they are now.
Raspail has said his inspiration came while at the French Riviera in 1971, as he was looking out at the Mediterranean.
What if they were to come? I did not know who “they” were, but it seemed inevitable to me that the numberless disinherited people of the South would, like a tidal wave, set sail one day for this opulent shore, our fortunate country’s wide-gaping frontier.[13]
TWatO Watch #1 – much BBC hand wringing over Vaughan Gething’s resignation
The BBC make the claim that he was the first ‘black leader’ of any Government anywhere. I think that is an incorrect claim unless the BBC are being racist over Rishi Sunak being of Indian heritage.
Another example of the BBC being racist?
Or the BBC hating everything the Conservative Party do?
First Jewish PM
First female PM
First black PM
Breaking new barriers –
“A Coldstream Guardsman who was the first to wear a turban during Trooping the Colour is understood to have tested positive for cocaine. Charanpreet Singh Lall, 22, from Leicester, registered “high levels” of the Class A drug during a random test at Victoria Barracks, Windsor.25 Sept 2018″
First Conservative Tory?
The BBC report also quotes somebody called James Murray (no, me neither) who is apparently the Exchequer Secretary: “I don’t know what he was driving at in that comment, to be honest. I mean, in Britain, we’re very proud of our diversity.”
Who is this mysterious “we” he refers to? Is this claim backed up by empirical evidence? I’ve yet to come across any normal person who is ‘proud of our diversity’. It might be the case that the country has been made artificially diverse or is temporarily diverse. One might say that diversity means you can now be robbed, raped or murdered by someone from another community, or have easier access to foreign rent boys or prostitutes if you’re a politician, but it’s difficult to see why this should be a source of pride.
Okay, I’m sorry about this, but I have to break some rather worrying meteorological news…you see, I’ve just seen the weather forecast and it’s looking grim…
For the next few days, indeed until the weekend, we’re going to be drenched in almost endless sunshine. Yes, I know, it’s a dreadful prospect. How are we going to cope?
Apparently, the heat will increase daily, reaching a staggering 29 degrees Celsius by Friday…that’s about mid-eighties in old money…sorry, I’m ancient and have trouble with these newfangled methods…
I’ve little doubt that the BBC weather maps will be a terrifying blood red and we’ll have regular warnings about topping up with Factor 50 and reminders to make sure we have a bottle of refreshing water about our person…cos you know how stupid we all are.
For the next few days TV and radio stations will be infested with climate hysterics warning us about the coming catastrophe and we’ll discover that at runway one at Heathrow Airport it got very warm indeed.
Still, don’t be disheartened. Maintain a stiff upper lip, keep cool and we’ll get through this.
Oh, it looks like it’s pissing down by Sunday.
10. Don’t debate the science. HJA HA HA HA HAHA HA HAHA HA!
Click to access rcp-green-physician-toolkit.pdf
Yesterday I drove from Fraserburgh to Bath – 500 miles – every.damn.trafficinforoadsign had “Yellow Rain Warning”
I’m thinking “they (UKMO) are actually pissing on us”
The Spectator reveals Starmer’s new big plan to halt illegal immigration…
In a nutshell it involves the UK accepting 100,000 “Asylum Seekers” from the EU with any more than that being sent back into Europe!
So under this plan the UK allows a hell of a lot more to enter the UK by branding them as legal to stop the current tens of thousands arriving on rubber boats!
Only Labour could come up with a crazy idea like that!
It plays right into the hands of their masters in the EU!
Rename migrants as MPs – then we get an extra 100000 MPs on expenses!
HA HA HA! Die so the planet can live!
“There are simple things all physicians can do to
help slow the pace of climate change and adapt
to its effects. ”
Think twice: Before making a request,
consider if the test is essential.
Click to access rcp-green-physician-toolkit.pdf
While physicians have a role to play in
mitigating and adapting to the health effects of
climate change, we need system-wide efforts to
be prioritised in the NHS and beyond.
Here are some tips from the World Health
1. Keep your message simple and repeat
it often
Talk about climate change during extreme weather events HA HA HA HAH A HAH AHA HA!
10. Don’t debate the science. HJA HA HA HA HAHA HA HAHA HA!
America has the ” Squad ” as islamist as they come.
Dan Bongino specialist subject: US Secret Service…..
Hey BBC lurkers – we see what you’re up to.
More assassination stuff – on point on the day, unfortunately subscriber only until today – also an explanation of how the execrable shit Baldwin walks away from shooting a woman dead…
3pm Radio4 The repeat already a prog from March called the Gatekeepers
started with the narrative that social media companies had to make big changes after the 2016 US was stolen by Russia.
The name Cambridge Analytical was thrown around.
I switched off so I don’t know if they corrected that tosh.
Sure Facebook had legal cases to do with Cambridge Analytica but that was no proof they swung election
Rather they found a trick to harvest secondary folks data , and then made out their big database was magic, when actually it wasn’t.
BTW Despite claims about Brexit PR spending anomalies, investigation found no Russian connection.
R4 are tossers – tried listening on a long drive yesterday – almost had to pull over to find a wall to punch.
I’d wager globalist goons in Eire gubbermint have dramatically upgraded their security?
I wonder if her home has good security …
Daily Mail reporting that the Iranians were behind the Trump assassination attempt. The ‘intel’ was received weeks ago. I would have thought then that security would have been better. The comments could be going better.
Sarah Smith is becoming my bête noir. She is clearly revolted by Trump supporters and calls the audience at the Republican Convention “these people” and “the church of Trump”. Then she has the nerve to say JD Vance indulges in “casual insults”, although his obviously joky comment (that the first Islamist country to get the bomb might be the UK) drew a laugh from me.
You can see the Trump Derangement Syndrome oozing out of her .
Completely Biased and unprofessional, but it is the BBC so ……
Was he joking or does he know something you don’t? Deagel is a branch of US military intelligence. They pulled this data from their website in 2021 when too many swivel-eyed conspiracy loons were calling out the Covaids hoax and wondering how much truth there was to their predictions and what role the ‘injections’ might play.
“’s infamous 2025 population forecast was removed from their website in April 2021 but the content was reproduced by Nobul Art for reference purposes.”
As you can see all Western countries get obliterated as far as the population of these countries is concerned.
By 2025 they forecast the UK population at 14.5 million a reduction of 77 percent. Curiously Boris Johnson’s father was once asked what the ideal population for the UK was – 15 million he replied.
Inevitable that it takes a foreigner to point out to people what a lot of readers / contributors to this site Know – that bit by bit power is moving toward the ‘hard ‘ islamists – whether it be city mayors or their religious police or their MPs …. Our futures are being made more dangerous by the week ….
77 brigade to not community tension indicators and the Fedup monitoring file – ok guys …
Without a TV – I’m watching far more YouTube than ever . Today was a piece by Tucker Carlson at the convention about the selection of the running mate for President Trump . He mentioned – in passing – that donors had been putting pressure on him to select from a list who were not supporters . He withstood this ( Niki Haley ) and selected his own guy . I suppose his experience with the snake Pence gave the Donald enough wisdom not to appoint a A hole traitor …
BBC4 now BBC Two – Britain’s Forgotten Slave Owners
a repeat of Olusoga’s 2015 show
Is he talking about Viking or Roman or Barbary slave owners ?
Nope ..
The programme page links to 4 other programmes which have the word “black” in their title