576 Responses to Midweek 17th July 2024

  1. tomo says:

    Something the BBC will absolutely not tell you…


    • Fedup2 says:

      Nuclear power – Nein danke ( same as here )


      • Up2snuff says:

        Ya Fed, ve need nein (nine) new nuclear power stations here, bitte.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Up2 – I know – but I just can’t see anyone with the will to get on and build them this century . Maybe the blackout s due in 2027 will concentrate feeble minds ….

          I’m gonna republish my stat – china had 1132 coal power stations last year – bet it has 1150 now … burn baby burn


        • G says:


          If you can believe anything, isn’t Surkeer giving himself and his co-communists, the power to override planning objections……………….


          • Fedup2 says:

            I reckon it’s going to one of the biggies which is going to kill off the reds next time round …. On paper is one thing – but when locals really object and take on the State – it will be a different picture .

            In my londonistan borough tower blocks are appearing all over the place – not much land to build on – apart from even higher sky scrappers ….

            .. obviously the ‘infra structure ‘ can’t cope – particularly with roads being closed off by the Nazi cycling Red council …


      • tomo says:

        Given that Miliband no doubt kissed the eco activists / comrades he recruited to the Civil Service when he went back to his old office a few days back ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Fire up Nord Stream 2?

      The Nord Stream 2 pipeline
      Economic, environmental and geopolitical issues
      The EU’s dependence on Russian gas imports shows no signs of lessening. Although the Green Deal
      envisages a carbon-neutral Europe by 2050, natural gas remains a key part of the energy mix as coal
      is phased out and renewable energy is not yet ready to fully take up the slack. EU domestic gas
      production is fast declining, and there is not enough gas at affordable prices from alternative
      suppliers to replace Russian production.


  2. MarkyMark says:



    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Good old Jon Sopel. Stupid is as stupid does. He must have forgotten about Brighton 1984, the worm.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Not a journo any more – just a hysterical anti trump hater – I suppose it’s the company he keeps … I suppose Katty and Christian – 2 further members of that gang went quiet when their dream of murder was almost answered .


  3. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – the Montacutie is positively and publicly glowing over the Labour Government …

    …. but both she and Faisal Islam (he turned up for work today!) made mistakes. Faisal first. He makes the obvious mistake due to poor economic training. Because inflation held steady at 2% for June, as for the previous month of May, he reasoned that inflation will come down soon. No, no, NO! That is not how inflation works, Faisal. Once you have inflation, you always have inflation ina nation’s economy. That is unless you have an equal amount of for an equivalent period of time of negative inflation in a nation’s economy.

    The Montacutie mentioned that the Labour Government was the first for fourteen years. Wrong. It is the first Labour Government for nine years. In addition the Montacutie glow suggested that we will all become rich under the Labour Government but that the Labour Government plan to give more powers to regional Mayors. No, Sarah. That is incorrect. More powers to regional Mayors will be a drain on prosperity and wealth and growth.

    More government = less wealth for those who have the misfortune to live in the constituency of the Mayors.


  4. tomo says:


  5. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    King Charles has cancelled a planned trip to the USA over fears he may be an easy target for an assassination attempt.



  6. Fedup2 says:

    Seems the blues won’t oppose the reds – because they are the same …


  7. MarkyMark says:

    “Government announces child poverty taskforce but faces pressure over benefit cap”


    Taskforce ! Committee! Free tea and holidays!


  8. MarkyMark says:

    Just the one gun?

    “Biden calls for ban on gun used to shoot Trump”


  9. Zephir says:

    “Hamas and other Palestinian factions were joined by Gaza civilians when they committed ‘hundreds’ of war crimes on Israelis including murder and sexual violence during October 7, human rights group finds”



  10. Fedup2 says:

    The Sun carries the end of a murder trial in Manchester ? Where the 2 killers have been identified – named – 13 and 14 year olds who stabbed to death another 14 year old .

    It’s a big moan for me – anyone convicted should be named – what ever age – the law ( justice ) should be open ….


  11. tomo says:

    nauseating charade


    • Fedup2 says:

      Nice to see the uni party so happy – they all won …. Rishi can go to LA now …


    • MarkyMark says:

      “good laugh”


      £4.5bn lost to fraud in three COVID schemes as Rishi Sunak’s Eat Out to Help Out scheme recorded 9.5% rate of fraud, HMRC says



    • MarkyMark says:

      Opposition – ha ha ha ha ha ha!


    • G says:

      Had Rich discreetly handed over the baton at this discussion?


  12. tomo says:

    well…. should be easy to prove?


  13. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Everyone hates Trump (Marky Mark- HA HA HA! )




  14. tomo says:

    where’s her broomstick?


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      She’s clearly the new Nostradamus, our Victoria!

      She also seemed to have knowledge of the end of Nordstream 2 ahead of the “event”.


      • kingkp says:

        She doesn’t have to be Nostradamus but reading his works is highly recommended.
        She said it because she wants you to see it. The Demoncrats are being set up for a fall so Trump can be elected in a landslide. This will enable Trump to introduce Agenda47 aka Project 2025 representing the hard swing to the ‘right’ as people get fed up with the LGBTQP+ZX nonsense. Trump will build the wall alright but it isn’t to keep people out it is to keep them in as the next plandemic hits, martial law returns, and preparations are made for the final war, the Leviathan against the Behemoth before the rebuilding of the temple.
        If you want to know what’s coming next, start watching some of those Hollywood films or films that didn’t quite get to the silver screen, such as Gray State.

        Conveniently the director of the film murdered his family and then killed himself – right?
        “And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another red horse: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
        The Covaids hoax was the breaking of the first seal and the arrival of the white horse with a bow of toxins. Apollo is the white horse bearing a bow of poison arrows. Apollo’s arrows always caused disease. The emblem of the WHO contains the rod of Asclepius, the son of Apollo.
        “I swear by Apollo Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.” – the Hippocratic oath.
        Just as Charles pledges his oath to the CoL, so do the voodoo practitioners pledge their allegiance to Apollo, the bearer of poison arrows.
        In the Iliad, Apollo inflicts a plague upon the Archaens using his poisoned arrows.
        The voodoo practitioners are the servants of Apollo.
        The breaking of the second seal shall take peace from the Earth with the arrival of the red horseman.
        The ultimate goal is bio-digital convergence and your total enslavement to the global technotronic state. Democrat/Republican, Tory/Labour they are both sides of the same globalist coin. If you are a Christian you are in for a rocky few years if you make it that far. It won’t be much better for the rest of us either but whatever you do. Don’t pick a side.


        • Lucy Pevensey says:

          It might work for a piece of fiction but Nostradamus in reality was a charlatan who misused Biblical prophecy to make a name for himself.


  15. Charlie Farley says:

    Pug ,
    Is it just me but they don’t look very British ? …….surely they must be illegals having just checked my own skin colour …..and so the replacement continues 😔 , I fear for my Grandchildrens future 😠 😡 👿


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I wonder what “business” they had in Malmo, the crime capital of Sweden? It was very unlucky of them to go on a one day “business trip” and end up riddled with bullets. Must have been a contractual dispute.


  16. BRISSLES says:

    BIDEN has Covid and is self isolating. (or a good excuse to get him out of the public eye)


  17. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Now – The FBI is claiming that they found images of both Trump and Biden + event schedules for both on the shooters pc. The insinuation is that the boy assassin was going to take them both out.

    Does anyone want to buy The Albert Bridge?


  18. tomo says:

    Does anybody pay to watch this stuff?

    If they don’t – who’s picking up the tab?

    I’d wager she wouldn’t interview Russell Brand


    • JohnC says:

      She is the ultimate case of pot calling the kettle black.

      Just look at her face : you can see the unstable personality disorder as her head darts around while she speaks and her hate is crystal clear. I saw similar traits in Pelosi and Anna Soubry when they were expressing their hatred of Trump and Brexit. They were just barely in control.

      I wonder if this vile hypocrite will ask similar questions at a Democrat convention. Plenty will wish Trump did get assasinated and plenty will not think these dozens of prosecutions are political persecution.

      I saw plenty of people on social media claiming Trump should be jailed regardless just because he deserves it. I don’t believe a single person said he wasn’t convicted, but plenty will say he was wrongly convicted by the actions of a Democrat judge.

      She’s clearly not handling the sudden shift of politics to the Right very well.


    • Scroblene says:

      Is anyone like me in wanting to get into that ‘studio’, and kick over that loungey designer chair Sopel slobs about in, like a third rate sleazy club manager hiring new topless ‘staff’?

      And a few smacks around that smug physog wouldn’t go amiss either…

      She’s just a useless tart nowadays. Tomo, we’re right to try and find out, (yawn), when we have less time!


      • tomo says:

        Given New Agents aren’t whinging about their remuneration – somebody’s shelling out a lot of dosh for those twerps and the associated production team.


    • tomo says:


      • MarkyMark says:

        Wait till she interviews ANjhem Choudary!
        “So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him (Cameron & UK Law). So he (David Cameron & UK Law) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary



    • MarkyMark says:

      I’d wager the BBC buy it as part of a subscription.

      “Does anybody pay to watch this stuff?” – tomo


  19. tomo says:

    They don’t strike me as likely Sweden tourists – business mission gone pear shaped?


  20. tomo says:

    Vorsprung Durch Teknik – or not, maybe…



  21. JohnC says:

    Biden tests positive for Covid, White House says

    How incredibly convenient. No gaffs from the sickbed.
    Anyone believe it ?.

    ‘The president also said, for the first time, that he would consider dropping out of the race if any of his doctors said he had a “medical condition”.’

    It’s all so obvious, it’s pathetic. One thing is for sure : any reason given for him dropping out will not be his dementia because that opens up a whole other can of worms about how it got this far before they noticed. The cat only got out of the bag because of the debate when he couldn’t remember his lines. Not a murmur about it before then.


    • Scroblene says:

      Sorry John, saw this later but see above…

      (ps, Was that you on ‘Grandad’s’ site recently)?


      • JohnC says:

        Not sure what site you mean Scrobs, but I don’t think so.

        I don’t go to many ‘social’ places on the internet because they are so full of activist idiots who just post poison (like maxi). I check facebook in case my friends have anything to say and that’s enough for me.


  22. Guest Who says:

    Could the selectively exasperated bottle blonde middle aged BBC harpie baton be passing on?

    Wow. @MartineBBC seriously believes Hezbollah is attacking Israel out of “concern for the sheer number of Palestinian civilians that have died”. 🤣 What a joke. @yaakovkatz very patient!


  23. Guest Who says:

    Mother says what?

    This post replaces an earlier version in order to update a headline that more accurately represents the article

    Verified in what, months?

    Trust them.


  24. Guest Who says:

    Biden getting Covid could help him win in November?

    I still wear my ManFlu ‘98 medal each year at the Cenotaph


    • JohnC says:

      Helps him win by stopping people hear him talk.

      As long as it’s close, they can fix it again.


      • Guest Who says:

        The Ed Effect.

        His ratings improved the less he was seen or heard.

        This is a man who was deemed worse than Cameron.


  25. JohnC says:

    Right-wing media figures blame women in Secret Service and ‘DEI’ for security failure in Trump shooting

    First the headline is another CNN lie where they are warping the truth to make a headline they can attack. They are not being blamed for the shooting, they are being blamed for being absolutely useless after it happened. It’s a direct attack on people being hired for ideological reasons instead of being the best for the job. As the dire standard of BBC output these days testifies.

    This is all over the leftist MSM. Not the state of the Secret Service but what misogynists right-wing males are for suggesting the women in the team were not fit to be in that position. The wokies on social media are in meltdown and in true lefty fashion, they are attacking the messenger because they can’t fight the message.

    When I first saw it, it struck me immediately that the woman was worse than useless. No way she should have been in that team. Here’s the video. I was surprised how hard it was to find a video with this part in it now. It seems none of the MSM want to show me it.

    What is most ridiculous is that the clearest target in the whole group as they start moving is Trumps head !. If another sniper was waiting, he was on a plate as he could not move.

    And watch after they get him in the car, two women ‘stand guard’ at the front and they look like startled rabbits. Then as the one on the left walks away, watch her try to put her gun back in it’s holster.

    These two are so out of control and running on adrenalin, they could have shot anybody or nobody.

    What I have noticed about all the attacks against anyone criticising the Secret Service and it’s woke leader is that NONE of them show the video as their evidence.

    I feel sorry for those women. Like Marianna and the other BBC clones, they were given a job they are not competent to do for sexist reasons and now they are getting the flak for it. When in reality the blame lies entirely with whoever put their boss in her job.

    This sums up the Left 100% for me. Their ideology destroys everything it infects. They simply cannot relate to the real world. Which is why so many of them can’t do simple things like check the oil in their car.


  26. Zephir says:

    “Two asylum seekers who robbed a reveller of his £25,000 gold Rolex in London’s West End walk free from court. Yousef Garef and Amin Abdelkadar targeted Kris Smith at 2am in Soho last July”



  27. Zephir says:

    “Labour to fast-track plans to grant 90,000 Rwandan assigned migrants asylum on day a small boat overturned in the channel killing one person”



  28. Zephir says:

    “Jordanian asylum seeker, 27, who assaulted a police officer after drunkenly pestering female joggers is spared community service as ‘he does not speak English and would require an interpreter’

    He pleaded guilty to the charges at Poole Magistrates’ Court yesterday. Mustafa Al Mbaidin was fined £26 for assaulting an emergency worker”



  29. Zephir says:

    “Boss of media group awarded £40million in Covid contracts is still in his job despite being convicted of three sex assaults against staff last year.

    Mohammed Kashif Khokhar maintains his innocence despite the guilty verdicts”



  30. Zephir says:

    “Six men aged between 21 and 43 from a suspected grooming gang are charged with dozens of sex offences against underage girls
    Men also charged with rape, supply of Class A drugs and sharing photos of child.
    odrin Dura, 25, Leonard Paun, 22, Stefan Ciuraru, 21, Bogdan Gugiuman, 43, Klaudio Aleksiu, 27, and Ionut Mihai, 27 are all accused of committing offences against six females under the age of 18.

    The offences, including counts of rape, sexual activity with minors, distributing photos of a child and supplying Class A drugs, are all alleged to have been carried out in Gateshead, Newcastle.

    Dura, of Ripon Street, Bensham, has been charged with 17 offences including eight counts of rape, four counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of attempted rape.

    He has also been charged with one count of assault by penetration, one count of arranging or facilitating commission of a child sex offence as well as one count of supplying a Class A drug and one count of blackmail.”



    • Charlie Farley says:

      If Starmer got involved in this Case with all his ‘expertise’ they will be given Community Service and compensation for being arrested as he’s worried about the Prisons being overcrowded !
      Still avoiding Biased BBC and with no Licence everyday is almost bearable apart from Liebour in Government .


    • Fedup2 says:

      Are they Jonny Turk Muslims as opposed to the usual pakis ?


      • Zephir says:

        Jonny Romanians over here thanks to “free movement”


        • taffman says:

          Over here thank’s to the failure of the Tory Government’s defence of our borders .
          Remeber their motto, “Stop the boats”?


  31. Charlie Farley says:

    Not BBC…..Returning Home on a Ferry last weekend and overheard a conversation about huge quantities of Drugs coming into the UK hidden in Halal meat ……apparently it doesn’t get inspected by Customs very well because they don’t want to upset the new Community !


    • JohnC says:

      Halal meat should be in a specially segregated section of the supermarket because it is banned by every civilised rule of slaughter. It has been allowed purely as a religious exemption.

      Better still, ban it. I for one would not buy it if I knew what it was.

      Where are the animal rights activists at the BBC for this one ?. If we get front page articles because a bag of kitten was left by the roadside, surely people slitting the throats of millions of live, unstunned animals should.


  32. JohnC says:

    Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks spotted in now-pulled BlackRock advert

    The Ties That Bind: BlackRock and Biden

    BlackRock poised to replace Goldman Sachs inside the White House
    President-elect Joe Biden is raising eyebrows with chatter that he’s poised to name two executives from BlackRock — the asset-management colossus headed by billionaire Larry Fink, with more than $7 trillion in holdings — for top posts on his economic team.’

    Now this could be interesting. I don’t believe in coincidences like this, especially as the BBC have chosen not to report it.


  33. Fedup2 says:

    BBC News

    The dead red leaders ‘ daughter comrade Sarah smith delivers a sneer – disguised as a report – on JDVance being nominated as VP – she describes him as an attack dog .

    Having apparently grown up ‘hard ‘ joining the USMC – doesn’t get bbc approval – the idea of a deputy president having a military background these days in not approved either .

    Maybe the bbc will has him even more than President Trump .

    If trump beats the Obama election theft gang – I just hope he has a plan to destroy the democrat monster in the Federal state ..


  34. Fedup2 says:

    The Obama plan to dump Biden is in full swing – will Obama use covid to kill him ? Or arrange a democrat assassination attempt ?
    Obama has decided it’s too higher risk to put Biden into the public space and reverted to the bunker strategy used in the 2020 election theft .

    Good old Sarah smith and some foreign bbc type called Iqbal always reference the ‘unfounded ‘ election theft claim – which should alert anyone to the conspiracy .

    I hope some effort is made to find how the theft was done – although I suspect Obama had it really well planned .

    My bet that Mrs Obama will be the unopposed candidate is looking good – the democratic convention in 1 month away – I wonder if they’ll be wearing black .?


  35. tomo says:

    Sly trying to outBBC the BBC


  36. andyjsnape says:

    bbc reports on:-
    Biden tests positive for Covid, White House says

    “The illness comes as he faces increasing pressure to step aside because of his age.” – its because he is no longer upto the job.

    Sky Australia have been showing videos for years of how Biden is coping/not coping


    • tomo says:

      Remember – Biden spent the 2020 election in his basement


    • JohnC says:

      … and of course andy the statement ‘because of his age’ is a 100% BBC lie.

      Nothing to do with his age.


  37. tomo says:

    Remember – Starmer et al got less votes than Corbyn

    80% of the population did not vote Labour


    • tomo says:


      • MarkyMark says:

        Lucky we have Rishi as opposition! H AH AH HA

        Merkel made catastrophic mistake over open door to refugees, says Trump
        This article is more than 7 years old
        US president-elect tells German newspaper Bild that chancellor was wrong ‘letting all these illegals into the country’


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think legalising illegals was on the list of labour ‘policy’s’ from about 4 weeks ago here .

        Their solution to problems appears to be ‘legalise the problem ‘ – illegals – freeing prisoners – it’s all got the makings of a real mess far sooner than the 3 years I anticipated .
        I reckon the ‘new homes ‘ will turn out to be prefabs or military bases sold off in the defence review….
        I think the reds might outsource the army to a PFI …


      • G says:

        Fake news, fake news, fake news?

        All white……………..


  38. Althepalerp says:

    Question for the BBC to ask Starmer:
    Prime minister, you say you are committed to give Ukraine £3 Billion a year in aid for as long as it takes. Given that Trump is favorite to win in November and he says he will end the war. Will you now commit to divert that £3 Billion to ending the 2 child benefit cap that will cost a mere £2.2 Billion?
    Elect Trump to end Child Poverty in the UK.


  39. tomo says:


  40. AsISeeIt says:

    Alert goes out that a deadly menace could be lurking off our beaches edition

    Admittedly we all enjoy a trip down memory lane, a nostalgic blast from the past. But this is taking things a bit far…

    Biden tests positive for Covid, White House says (BBC)

    First Covid inquiry report to show UK plan failures (BBC)

    We know Sir Keir likes it sooner, harder and for longer… but does he enjoy it all over again?

    So what about this rebranded version of the Uniparty… what’s their plans for us then?

    Keir Starmer uses first king’s speech to lambast ‘snake oil of populism’ (Guardian) – so what are his policies then… unpopulism?

    Technically speaking, it tends to be termed managerialism. As in Gareth Southgate perhaps?

    Extra power for the unions ++ Rights to work from home ++ Anti-strkie law scrapped ++ More diversity monitoring… How will these new burdens on firms help growth? – asks the Daily Mail

    Don’t worry about it. Exponential population growth will boost our GDP

    Small boat arrivals… 14th July 2024… Boats arrived 7… Migrants arrived 427… Boats arrived in uncontrolled landings 0 (Gov.UK) – in other words they’ve apparently got complete control of the situation.

    That’s an average of over 60 per boat – they’re not so small then, eh?

    For journalists: – if they should happen to be interested (mind you, taking an interest and a momentary glance at the immigration statistics seems to have saved Donald Trump’s life the other day): A Home Office spokesperson said: “We all want to see an end to dangerous small boat crossings, which are undermining border security and putting lives at risk. “The new Government is taking steps to boost our border security, setting up a new Border Security Command…

    Sometimes you have to smile at their sheer brass-necked effrontery: The failures and weaknesses in the UK’s pandemic preparations are expected to be laid out in the first report published by the Covid inquiry… Mr Hunt told the inquiry the UK should have been paying more attention to Asian countries… Those countries suppressed the initial wave of Covid more effectively, by rolling out targeted test, trace and quarantine systems and establishing border controls. (BBC)

    Labour do not intend to cap any immigration routes but state that they intend to link immigration and skills policy more closely (Blake Morgan is a full service law firm with offices across the UK… ‘Relevant Realistic Solutions’)

    If a country’s population increases, it pushes GDP up, because with more people, more money will be spent. But individuals within that country might not be getting richer. They may be getting poorer on average, even while GDP goes up… But despite its limitations, GDP is still the most widely-used measure for most government decisions and international comparisons (thank you, BBC. And by the way, Getty Images have excelled themselves illustrating this report from 6 days ago by BBC Business, doing what they do best)

    Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.

    The problem for the US Democrats is that Joe Biden’s obvious senility bodes badly against his ability to beat Trump in the election race. However, if they admit to his incapacity now how can he be presumed to continue for months as US commander-in-chief?

    US media report that both Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Majority Leader Hakeem Jefferies – the top two Democrats in the US Congress – separately met Mr Biden privately and expressed deep concern that his candidacy could negatively impact other House and Senate races… Ms Jean-Pierre said the president planned to isolate at his home in Delaware while carrying out “all of his duties fully”… his press secretary, said the US president was vaccinated and boosted. He has tested positive for Covid twice before – doesn’t say much for the effectiveness of those vaccines, eh?

    And if you believe any part of the above stuff and nonsense… we’re also winning the Ukraine war, the climate is rapidly warming due to man’s activity, and Labour puts growth and planning at heart of promise to ‘fix’ the UK (Guardian)

    BBC hack places herself firmly in the Andy Murray camp of support for anyone and absolutely anything but England: English? I’m a Lancastrian first by Victoria Derbyshire (‘i’) – I guess the clue wasn’t in her name then?

    I was born, lucky me
    In a land that I love
    Though I am poor, I am free
    When I grow I shall fight
    For this land I shall die
    Let her sun never set
    Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, ‘toria

    Written by: Ray Davies, performed by The Kinks, 1969

    Kick them out?

    Chelsea’s Wesley Fofana accuses teammate Enzo Fernandez of ‘uninhibited racism’… internal disciplinary procedure after Fernandez posted a video of Argentina players chanting on social media… The chants are reported to have been sung by some supporters after Argentina beat France on penalties in the final of the World Cup in 2022 (Independent)

    And finally

    Baroness Hallett, who is chairing the public inquiry, will set out her findings at lunchtime. Her report will cover the state of the healthcare system, stockpiles of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the planning that was in place. (BBC)

    As avid news watchers of late will be all too well aware – anything could happen in the next half-hour… there’s one for the teenagers

    Terror of the killer STINGRAYS… Typical. First spell of hot weather for ages – and we get an alert that deadly stingrays could lurk near our beaches (Daily Star)


  41. taffman says:

    “A new migrant deal”
    IMHO , it’s a ‘Smoke and mirrors’ job and mission creep to get us back into the EU .
    Who voted Liebour? Should have voted Reform.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.



      Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?




  42. Sluff says:

    The Toady whingeometer went to 100% this morning.
    And as an example of blank cheque public spending it was right up there.

    The subject was IVF. Long gone are those words from Chariots of Fire. ‘You can’t take out what God didn’t put in’. These days everyone has the right and entitlement to expect everything.

    So a man was bemoaning poor NHS (taxpayer) provided IVF.
    He can’t afford private treatment and can’t get it on the NHS.

    But that’s not quite it because the BBC have selected a rather special case to get our empathy. Let’s see dear reader if they have succeeded.

    He is either married or has a female partner. So far, so good.
    She already has a child from a previous relationship.
    He is paralysed from the waste down.
    His house has been specially adapted for him. He even has a lift which was needed because he had not been upstairs in his house for months!!!!!!!
    Because he needs an adapted house, they cannot move house to a region which has better IVF availability.

    Do you need hankies yet?
    I don’t, but I do need blood pressure tablets after this unremitting assault on my taxes.


  43. tomo says:

    Of course UK farmer opinions are haram to the BBC who’re much more on the halal side of things…

    Clarkson needs to stir things more.


  44. MarkyMark says:

    Hamas and at least four other Palestinian armed groups committed numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity against civilians during the 7 October attack on southern Israel, the campaign group Human Rights Watch says.

    A new report accuses the hundreds of gunmen who breached the Gaza border fence of violations including deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians, wilful killing of persons in custody, sexual and gender-based violence, hostage-taking, mutilation of bodies and looting.

    It also found the killing of civilians and hostage-taking were “central aims of the planned attack” and not an “afterthought”.

    Hamas angrily rejected what it called HRW’s “lies” and demanded an apology.

    Hamas? Who are these people?


  45. tomo says:

    fwits in Labour, one from a smorgasbord of ignorance +idiocy


    • MarkyMark says:

      So as Gamesa executives see it, they made the right bet by coming to China. And they insist that they have no regrets about having trained more than 500 Chinese machinery companies as a cost of playing by Beijing’s rules — even if those rules have sometimes flouted international trade law. It is simply the table stakes of playing in the biggest game going.

      “If we would not have done it, someone else would have done it,” said Jorge Calvet, Gamesa’s chairman and chief executive.


  46. Fedup2 says:

    When it comes it – I can’t see the newly elected president trump habing much time for a minor Islamic state like the UK …..
    Limited trade deal which principally helps the US but otherwise why bother ? He ll have an enemy regime through his presidency ….
    As for Farage – why talk to Maitliss at all ? She doesn’t deserve attention – although her enthusiasm for Clacton must only be suppressed by her love of jaywick – happy childhood memories of an east London holiday … sigh


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      I liked it when you and others used to employ the form “Maitli$$”. She is physically and morally grotesque.


  47. JohnC says:

    Ursula von der Leyen faces crunch vote on top Europe job

    And here we have the BBC tgrying to imply that the EU is indeed democratic.

    The fact is that nobody except ‘EU Leaders’ had any say whatsoever about who would be in this election with a single candidate. And we are not told who they are. Which means the BBC don’t want to talk about it.

    So far from any democratic election, it is a simple vote to confirm the choice already made. And make no mistake, those doing the voting will be bribed/blackmailed/bullied until the agree to vote as directed.

    ‘Speaking at the G7 late last week, Macron, who is one of the key brokers in the top jobs deal …’
    There is your EU democracy. One step short of a dictatorship. A pig wearing lipstick.


  48. MarkyMark says:

    ‘German aid to Ukraine will be cut to 4 billion euros ($4.35 billion) in 2025 from around 8 billion euros in 2024, according to a draft of the 2025 budget seen by Reuters.’


    Germany’s trade surplus rose to EUR 24.9 billion in May 2024 from a marginally revised EUR 22.2 billion in April, surpassing forecasts of EUR 21.1 billion. It was the largest trade surplus since January, as exports fell less than imports.


  49. friend of yogi bear says:


    Remember that the other aspect of German funding is the money it gives Putin for all that Russian oil it imports(albeit via Indian middlemen),billions of euros..


    • Greencoat says:

      It’s called ‘chimping out’.


      • tomo says:

        Any comparison of Labour politicians to baboons, chimps or monkeys is profoundly unfair at best – to the wild apes?