Ok – let’s think it through – the democrats will dump biden as late as possible – the convention is on 17th august I think – in Chicago – which is Obama land . Less time for the favoured candidate to be challenged .
A debate between the new candidate and trump ? Don’t know .
Mrs Obama will ‘step forward ‘ and be aclaimed as the nominee –
By then the full poison will be poured on Trump Vance – the assassination attempt was engineered by Trump – links with Russia – the usual stuff – a new court case – Msybd a couple of convictions on the way .
The msm will be remorseless – even more bbc cnn poison …
Nice coloured lady versus evil white man
But trump survives and wins …..
BBC goes into ‘illegitimate mode ‘ turning the US upside down for ‘voting irregularities ‘ which they will find . A theme for 4 years …
Katty and Christian will be back doing the daily poison on bbc 4 – a wholesale msm onslaught for every act president trump does …
Trump will want to do deals over China – Russia – Gaza – whether he succeeds or fails – the msm will declare failure …
As I write this – I just cannot think that’ Obama will let trump survive to November ….unless of course he is certain sure the voting is fixed again
I bet Biden doesn’t run and Trump survives, wins the vote by just enough so they can’t fix it and we see huge riots by the Left.
What odds do I get for that Fed ?
If they do take him out, it will be up-close Oswald style, not long-range Kennedy. A lone asassin allowed into the controlled area with a weapon by the FBI under instruction from Obama. Who thinks he will be escaping by a fire-exit but will also be instantly murdered with extreme predjudice.
Perhaps obama will use an islamist next time – with demands fot overseas action to take attention away from the voting fix – with mrs obama defeating JDVance …
Odds on another public attempt with SS failure ? 3/1 in my book
But of course there are hundreds of imponderables, and we can expect many twists and turns along the way.
One thing is sure: the Democ-rats and their supporters will do absolutely anything do stop Orange Man, from lawfare to warfare. And I mean ANYTHING.
The BBC, of course, will continue its biased reporting, and keep running cover for Biden. Until they’re instructed by the Dems to demolish him when they realise he’s unelectable.
There’s been a lot of talk about banning wood burning stoves which will hit millions of rural homes. It’s on the pretext that the smoke is harmful, it might be in an urban situation but in a rural environment it surely can’t be. A blanket ban would force millions into alternatives like heat pumps. They require a lot of electricity, there are significant energy losses in electrical generation and distribution and the grid will come under huge pressure. (ref Carnot Cycle as cited on here)
I cut and burn my own logs by the way, it’s not free as there are time, transport and fuel costs, it is much cheaper than gas, oil and electricity.
Maitless sneering at Farage for not being in Clacton…
“Disillusioned Labour voters in Rachel Reeves’ Leeds constituency are all asking the same question after she was promoted to Chancellor – how can she sort out the country when she cannot even sort out this place.
Locals in the once proud working class community of Armley say the area has become a no go zone and the MP has done nothing for them in her 14 years in the seat.
Drinkers in the White Horse local pub on Armley Town Street say they have not seen Rachel Reeves in person since she was out canvassing for the 2019 General Election”
“Leeds, the most dangerous major city in West Yorkshire, is among the top 10 most perilous locations out of the county’s 118 towns, villages, and cities. In 2024, Leeds has an overall crime rate of 151 crimes per 1,000 people, contributing significantly to West Yorkshire’s overall rate of 140.2 per 1,000 residents.”
Language that belongs to black and brown people is being weaponised against them in this twisted way to control us. They don’t serve to stop racism by inadvertently being racist towards the very communities who are the victims!
Vile’s outrage bait bimbo has opened a new front.
Lawyers for Ritz are headed to Compton as we speak.
Nels Abbey
BREAKING: Black people are now being arrested and charged for using the N-word in the UK.
In August 2023, two 21-year-old Black women were chatting about a football match on Twitter. One said:
“I’m so pissed off let me get my hands on that fuckin [redacted Black football player’s misspelt name] nigga”.
Even though no one was tagged and the supposed name was not even spelt correctly, five months later the Met Police showed up at her door and summoned her to a station for questioning. She has now been charged under the Malicious Communications Act of 1988. As you would expect, she is utterly petrified.
It should be noted that during questioning the white police officer repeatedly used the N-word to her face and asked why/if she “hated Black people”.
Last edited
10:24 pm · 17 Jul 2024
Its staggering how we have let migrants with zero history in this country, hold positions of power to dictate our daily lives. Windrush and the cotten/woollen mills of the north have a lot yo answer for.
(Er, how many of those from the sub continent came across to work in the coal mines? No, it was corner shops and curry houses for them !)
TOADY Watch #1 – last day for the Bee Lady on the BBC TOADY Programme …
… but she is not disappearing from BBC Radio. She will continue to drain TellyTax from those unwise enough to pay it by presenting a new R4 programme ‘This Natural Life’ while co-presenting ‘Open Country’ when Bald Clare has a race meeting to go to.
I wonder, did Amol, Emma, Justin, Mishal and Nick get Martha a present?
Going present ( gift in American ) a jar of Suffolk honey – deductible as expenses – at least her production company will still have a dividend on top of the bbc pension …
Now let’s talk about poor people …. Bye Martha …but too old for today now
Leftwaffe all over social media yesterday blasting Farage for nothing. He went to the US for a couple of days. “Abandoned Claction”. They all pounced at once with the same complaint.
They have to dream up something trivial like “Nigel has odd socks, the filthy Fascist bar -steward”. Just to sustain their attack.
Lo and behold, the Emily Mantis creature is in The US to give Nigel a spiteful interrogation about what? “I thought you were giving all your time to Clacton now as it’s newest MP”
She has the script.
““Disillusioned Labour voters in Rachel Reeves’ Leeds constituency are all asking the same question after she was promoted to Chancellor – how can she sort out the country when she cannot even sort out this place.”
Our security is on the line, Starmer says, as he pledges renewed ties with Europe
“‘Britain will be a friend and partner to Europe’
published at 11:14
Starmer goes on to say that his government is here to look for “solutions that will actually deliver results” and approach issues with “humanity and a profound respect for international law”.
He says this is why the Rwanda scheme was scrapped, and why “we will never withdraw” from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). He says Churchill was among the chief architects of the convention.
The UK prime minister says that under his leadership, Britain will be a “friend and a partner, ready to work with you… not focused on the differences between us, but on the values that we share”.”
Basically, nothing changes and we welcome the world!
If you wish to leave Germany again after only a short time, you receive 500 EUR financial support (up to 2 months after the asylum decision has been issued). This is a fixed amount, whether you are travelling alone or with your family. The support is independent of your reasons for leaving the country.
Saudi Arabia: Mass Killings of Migrants at Yemen Border
Systematic Abuses of Ethiopians May Amount to Crimes Against Humanity
WHAT AN IDIOT … “Cabinet minister and former postal affairs minister Pat McFadden says politicians were “very reliant” on others telling them the truth as they made decisions about Horizon IT failures” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/ce786npwdgkt
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her
UCAS takes another step in its mission to turn UK universities into mere money machines by scrapping the requirement for would-be students to prove they are intelligent enough to benefit from a university education.
No doubt a Labour initiative who aren’t concerned about quality but quantity in its mission for young supporters.
I suppose that was inevitable- the FE industry is about money . I m just pleased my degrees were completed just before money took over – and as a grown up student doing a full time job the staff were freer in their views about standards dropping than – i think – they would be now
On the upside the internet does enable clever students to research those courses which are not ‘mickey mouse’ …
As 200 migrants float across the busiest channel in the world …
“… there have been 551 asylum claims in Britain from people from other EU countries – like Poland and Spain. All but a handful were turned down – but they cost over £4 million to the British tax payer. So we will end this absurdity ….” – Theresa May – Oct2015 – @25:05
551 Asylum Claims @ £4 million?! (£7,259 per claim)
In the course of my life I have developed five little democratic questions. If one meets a powerful person–Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin or Bill Gates–ask them five questions: “What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you?” If you cannot get rid of the people who govern you, you do not live in a democratic system. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/15/10-of-the-best-tony-benn-quotes-as-picked-by-our-readers
Lucy, maybe they will give Joe the ‘clot shot’ as it is known by some and he will expire in time for Kamala Harris to be beaten by Donald Trump. I know two nonegenarians at my church who were vaccinated up to the eyeballs and ended up in hospital with heart problems. Both survived, especially their time in hospital, and are still self-propelled today.
I’m sure I heard some coloured girl disciple of Obama explaining on PM that Biden would nominate Karmela as his replacement .
There was no mention of anyone else – such as my favourite – Mrs Obama .
The lady interviewed was as upperty or chippy as one might imagine on a worst day and would be dancing around in the event of a successful trump assassination .
Perhaps Biden has been diagnosed with covid because his funding has dried up ….
Keir Starmer has reiterated the UK’s pledge to support Ukraine for “as long as it takes”. Flanked on his right by Volodymyr Zelenskiy he told the 44 European leaders gathered at Blenheim Palace: The task is urgent, because our security is on the line. Every day Ukraine fights to protect not just the Ukrainian people, but the European people.”
MM, that President of Ukraine doesn’t half rack up some CO2 emissions with his travelling. I am surprised the ‘NutsZero’ fanatics among leaders further West put up with it!
I reckon starmer getting on the big stage might have his head turned in the way Blair’s was . … but he was surrounded by European ‘givemes ‘ working on the cost of britainistan rejoining the reichEU now that Heidi is back in charge ….
‘When the ones advocating for a green planet are the ones damaging it, it makes you pause,’ Dave Portnoy tells Fox News
“Barstool Sports President and CEO Dave Portnoy is speaking out after an offshore windmill blade snapped and sent nonbiodegradable fiberglass shards into the water, washing up on Nantucket shores and forcing the town to close its beaches.
On Tuesday, the Nantucket harbormaster announced that six of the Massachusetts town’s beaches would be temporarily closed after pieces of fiberglass washed ashore and said anyone walking the beach should wear footwear to protect themselves from the sharp debris.
Vineyard Wind, a joint venture between foreign entities Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, which built wind farms off the coast of Massachusetts, said Tuesday that a blade from a turbine had snapped and that power production from the turbines was stopped immediately.
The company also said “nearly the entirety of the blade remains affixed to the turbine.” But a photo obtained by Fox News Digital depicts the blade mostly severed from its base.”
Zephir, the UN’s IPCC claim that sulphur hexaflouride is the most global warming gas of all, beating methane emissions by some margin. Unfortunately, SF⁶, is also used in wind turbines.
One heck of a steep dip under ‘Conservative Cameron’.
Parliament is a stage full of actors pretending to be MPs. It needs “Reforming “. Get Nigel Farage and The Reform Party in to flush them out and put the ‘Great’ back into Great Britain.
We are being Invaded !
The BBC are masturbating themselves to exhaustion over the Covid enquiry’s first conclusions.Another chance to criticise the hated Tories.
The government prepared itself for the wrong pandemic ( influenza) and did not have test trace and isolate capability.
How were they supposed to know what pandemic to be prepared for and to test for? The Chinese virus came to light end 19/ early 20. It was rife by March. That’s not a whole lot of time is it?
I hope the remainder of the enquiry is not as politically motivated and wise-after-the-event as this. After this, I’m expecting a recommendation that we should have locked down hard for about three years ‘to save lives’.
Sluff – I’ve only read the headlines – but knew what was coming – I disagree on the ‘ political ‘- they were all just incompetent .
I understand the group think – at the back of the collective mind is the view that ‘this won’t happen now / during my time in the job so why make an effort ? There’s no reward for ME “
And hence Blighty is caught with trousers down
Will anything change ? That is the Real Question – and what is different right now – if we got a proper killer bug – say a new flu bug – arrive out of nowhere ….?
I suspect nothing will change – no one will pay a price …
Eat Out to Help Out fraudster ordered to pay back £110,000
17 October 2023 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-67138652
An ex-councillor has been ordered to repay a quarter of the £434,000 he tried to steal through the government’s Eat Out to Help Out scheme in 2020.
Newly surfaced video leads Tory leadership hopeful Jeremy Hunt to face fresh claims he is a ‘lockdown fanatic’ who would have shutdown UK economy in a bid to emulate China’s zero Covid policy
Former Health Secretary pushed for ‘zero infection and elimination of disease’
He spoke positively of China’s brutal zero-tolerance approach to Covid
But did caveat his statements by saying ‘we shouldn’t go that far in this country’
Marky – the reds wouid have panicked like the blues – and with the current regime change and experience of value has left the building ….. even with Holly valence now a full red theyd panic …. Especially if those most likely to die were in the ‘young ‘ age range as with the 1918 pandemic …
Next time blame the Russians …
Business Insider reports this week that Microsoft has laid off its entire internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team. One laid-off team leader says “DEI programs everywhere are no longer business critical or smart as they were in 2020“. In the flurry of performative wokeism following George Floyd protests…
Microsoft joins Zoom, Google, and Meta in cutting costs on useless woke hires. On the other side of the pond, though, the UK’s gargantuan civil service is starting to offer pay rises for saying inclusive things and expanding the very DEI teams cut by the private sector. Go woke go broke… https://order-order.com/
£58,698 to £65,095 a year Per annum inclusive of Inner London HCAS
North East London is steeped in history and culture, and home to over two million people (and rising). It’s the most diverse area of the UK; and because of that, one of the most exciting and vibrant places to work.
“Microsoft has laid off its entire internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team”. That’s in America though.
What has to be remembered is that Companies in the UK have to comply with Employment, Diversity, Race, Equality and Human Rights law. Just being seen to have a department dealing with those matters puts Employers on the front foot at Employment Tribunals. If an Employer hasn’t complied with the Law a harsh determination will be arrived at costing them a lot of money and bad publicity. To make things clear I’m not in favour of all this guff, I would sooner free things up and get rid of it all. It’s the reason why organisations like the NHS employ them, as far as a Tribunal is concerned the NHS is an Employer just like the rest.
For those looking forward to the Olympics it seems that the EU working time directive will stop ‘gabby ‘ and the bull balding from doing 2 stints on the BBC each day .
I’m sure this terrible news will upset the nation – but to put it on a news website ? Really ?
BTW – has Biden gone yet ? Keep going joe … we need you.. to fail..
NEW: The Home Office have confirmed to me that last night the Border Force vessel Ranger, returned migrants back to France, after rescuing them in French waters. The FIRST TIME this has EVER happened.
It’s not yet clear if this is a direct change of policy from the Home Office.
We have been ‘taken for Mugs’ for years . How many £ Millions have previous British governments wasted.
We need a tough government that will put Great Britain and its people first!
Oldest trade in the world … “The number of people being reported as potential victims of human trafficking in Scotland has risen to a record high, police have said. In one high profile case last month a gang of four traffickers were convicted of luring victims from China and Thailand, seizing their passports and forcing them to work in brothels.28 Dec 2022”
Boris Johnson dances with ex-Austrian PM as he and Tony Blair enjoy India’s ‘wedding of the century’
The two former Prime Ministers flew to Mumbai with other politicians and celebrities to join the society festivities
It does nt look as though the covid report is going to get much attention . Maybe more people needed to die before anyone is interested – or maybe the old don’t matter – they certainly didn’t matter to Hancock –
I think God will have a special place for him – and the dolt who appointed him – but hunt is mainly responsible …
“The Tories reckon that Labour’s migrant swap scheme with the EU would mean we have to take 100,000 migrants in exchnage for any boat people we want to send back to France. We send them 30,000 say, and they send us 100,000…probably including the 30,000 we just sent them….great deal Sir Keir!”
He’s learnt from the best, it sounds a bit like Gordon Brown’s deal with our gold.
Not the bbc – but read this if you will . There are certain things I cannot tell you – but generally – I’ve had a lot of experience in planning for big events / incidents . Part of this involves being an anorak for previous ‘disasters ‘ – you name it – I’ve read it.
But they all have common themes- one big one is about failure to plan . So organisations – people – think that if you run an exercise on what might happen – either tabletop or ‘real life ‘ – areas of concern will be spotted – reported – acted upon .
This belief is flawed . Findings are easy – recommendations are easy – the covid inquiry has lots of them . But like so many other reports – they ll be filed – those responsible will move on – other stuff gets in the way .
This happens in all sorts of areas . We saw it in the US secret service last week ….although that’s more sinister that incompetence …
The only place I’d be confident about is aviation – where stuff is reported -maction taken . But even there it looks like the FAA is losing power to the woke agenda ( Boeing quality control ) .
So what will change in UK preparedness ? Nothing . The mindset will be – we did our best – we should be getting medals on top of the cabinet office civil contingencies pensions ….
It echoes Prof Alexis Jay’s 2014 report that found 1,400 children in the town were targeted by grooming gangs during the period.
Her report, published in 2014, found at least 1,400 children were subjected to sexual abuse and she detailed how girls as young as 11 were raped, trafficked, abducted, beaten, and intimidated by men predominantly of Pakistani heritage.
Actually low calibre people figure higher than any lack of planning imho.
I looked at the UK CAA during the 2010 Icelandic volcano crisis – what an utter shower of jobs for the boys moronic dimwits … – even the token ex-RAF shiny bum didn’t seem to have actually flown professionally.
Meanwhile, if you every wondered at the time and cost of building Hinckley Point C nuclear kettle – see HERE
I must admit there were many times when listening to middle / upper civil servants and wondering whether anyone had basic common sense rather than speaking management gibberish – going forward – from the get go – baked in –
Tomo – I just write as I find – when I was training to be a pilot ( yawn ) reading the monthly CAA reports on aviation ‘incidents ‘ was very helpful and instructive . No cover ups …. Gave me a lot of support when flying solo ( yawn )
Yes…. my experience of CAA at occasional tech ( avionics / radios / radar) footsoldier level is fairly positive – I was referring / talking about the leadership dictating policy during unexpected events.
It certainly seemed to me that CAA executives were clueless / blithering / rudderless and very publicly shown to be so by a sometime actual professional pilot – one Willie Walsh iirc.
– dozens of BA flights launched for Heathrow in a direct challenge to CAA doesn’t get the credit it’s due.
Advice to ministers came from Sir Patrick Vance, the new science Minister in the Labour government. There were very strange people on the SAGE committee, such as the communist (who owned a Picasso) Susan Michie who was obsessed that Covid gave opportunity for social justice and permanent mask wearing. And it was Patrick Valence who kept inviting Neil Ferguson to do the modelling. Along with Sue Grey were they deliberately undermining a Conservative government?
“Multi-lingual safety resources: Language shouldn’t be a barrier to getting our safety messages out to the diverse communities across the UK and Ireland. We’ve translated safety resources in 19 different languages, to reach as many people as we can with our safety messages. ”
Partnerships for water safety: We are working together with local and community organisations, including the Black Swimming Association, and are looking to work with others, to help spread water safety messages to diverse communities.
Afghan (Dari) / دری
Afghan (Pashto) / پشتو زبان
Arabic / عربي
Chinese (Simplified) / 中国人
Chinese (Traditional) / 中國人
Czech / čeština
French / Français
German / Deutsche
Hungarian / Magyar
Irish / Gaeilge
Italian / Italiano
Latvian / Latvietis
Lithuanian / Lietuvis
Polish / Polski
Portuguese / Português
Romanian / Română
Russian / русский
Spanish / Español
Ukrainian / Український
Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt
Welsh / Cymraeg
“We want to double down on our commitment to Ukraine,” Mr Lammy said, as dragonflies swooped over a tranquil lake and a pair of majestic eagles circled overhead. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cne4wypn23wo
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants {bbc.co.uk aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
… ‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Just following up on the covid report ( yawn ?) a strategy was in place in 2011 to deal with a flu epidemic – but it seems to have not been comprehensive .
Anyway – the strategy was left untouched – although some suggested a ‘refresh’ in 2018 – and again in 2019 – the rest is ‘history ‘ – or to you dear reader – the Chinese virus –
Where does the fault go ? Jeremy Hunt – health sec for 8 ? Years – that’s 8 years ….. and he did zip …
Usualaa Von der lying re-elected…..yes re-elected, to be Empress of Eurotania for five more wonderful years , surely never elected..they mean appointed and rubber stamped in the “election” with only one candidate.
Her version of this nonsense is something or other about “democracy”..blah..blah being under attack ..etc.etc. amusingly in her mind not by running a one horse race but against troublemakers who might point out the total lack of democratic process in this charade
Extremists are at work claiming this isn’t good enough. ..The French gnome Micron thinks this is great and will lead to a “more democratic europe”.
So there it is , she will be setting the policy agenda, political direction and priorities….for the EU, all the time fighting for more democracy.
In other news , the former socialist prime minister of Portugal will head the European council…appointed without the need for any of that voting silliness and the Estonian prime minister will effortlessly glide into his new appointment as EU policy chief.
So who chose and appointed these characters? Any guesses?it can’t be a secret who is on these committees and/or who the other candidates,if any, might be?
But the best is saved for last ..not a mention of Ursula’s difficulty before the European Court earlier this week…well they wouldn’t want to spoil the party would they… Good old BBC well up to the current standard of insight and depth of knowledge.
“The quantity of aluminium phosphide used by Akter was nearly three times the amount recommended by the manufacturer, which said it should be used only in commercial warehouses not homes.”
King Charles III’s Car Collection
Aston Martin DB6 Volante MkII. …
Aston Martin V8 Vantage Volante. …
Aston Martin V8 Virage Volante. …
Range Rover / Land Rover. …
Jaguar I-Pace. …
Bentley State Limousine.
5pm news
Apparently uss john Bolton is surfacing again to fire torpedos at president trump . Mr trump ‘seriously ‘ thinking about withdrawing from NATO ….
…. Well he would wouldn’t he ? He has to frighten the krauts and the French and the rest into paying their way instead of being parasites living off US generosity …..
“Just Stop Oil protesters jailed for 21 years over M25 gantry protest carnage.
The climate crusaders have been sentenced after causing traffic carnage by climbing onto M25 gantries in 2022.”
5 years for the one in charge who, it has been reported before, drives a diesel car…..
“Who is Roger Hallam, the man behind Just Stop Oil?”
“last year, MailOnline reported that Hallam had six diesel vehicles on his farm in Wales and had been described as “a prize hypocrite” by a neighbour. ”
“PICTURED: Extinction Rebellion co-founder’s Waitrose shopping trip that saw her branded a ‘hypocrite’ by her own eco-group after it emerged it travelled 17,000 miles from around the globe in non-recycled packaging – and was taken home in her diesel car
Gail Bradbrook racked up more than 17,000 in air miles in her shopping trolley”
Don’t worry LT – we ll cover it up – but I do like the ‘health and safety ‘ excuse that the roof was too steep – that will go well in the 4 hour Oliver stone film and the zebruda film 2 …
Health and safety – roof too steep – bullet to hot
Sloping roof used by assassin ‘too dangerous’ for Secret Service agents
Director admits gunman had been identified as ‘potential person of suspicion’
Joe Barne and Tony Diver
16 July 2024 • 6:37pm
> Sloping roof used by assassin ‘too dangerous’ for Secret Service agents
That is the cover story but they fail to add that the roof the SS shot from to kill the would-be-assassin was MORE slopey. So how come the agents were allowed on that roof?
Lesson learned – if you’ve got your ladder and AR15 – just find a sloped roof overlooking your target – local plod will even give you time to set up , aim and fire before shooting you to prevent you telling who hired you ….
If I was a politician up on the stage and being asked these multiple questions by journalists who start off asking a question then say “and if I may add a second question” before then somehow asking a third or fourth question, I would simply answer the first question and ignore the follow ups.
Maybe I would pick out one of the questions which I want to answer but I wouldn’t answer all of them.
I don’t know about the politicians but I’ve usually forgotten half the questions by the time they finish their ‘ask’
They should ask one question and that’s it.
They can always put their hand up if they want to ask another question.
pug, I intended to write to Suella Braverman and Priti Patel long before now to ask why our Embassies and Consulates abroad do not handle asylum claims from refugees. I remember being in Romania in summer/early autumn 1990 and driving past the German Consulate in Sibiu. There were queues stretching around the block comprised of Romanians who were German speakers and who were seeking short-term work permits to go and work in Germany.
The telegraph has helpfully compiled a series of twitter comments by the now Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary of the kingdom of United istan with reference to President Trump .
I was musing at an encounter between Lammy and President Trump in the Oval Office but then decided that the diplomatic passport Lammy would have being torn up at immigration in Washington and being sent back from where he came ….
I can only think Starmer appointed him as a tick box . He’s not the first coloured foreign sec – I think that went to dolt cleverly …
I wondered if Milliband senior would take the peerage – Cameron style – and become Foreign Sec – since he’s done it before . But then I realised Milliband Senior is still a contender for the top job . Milliband senior might also control junior before we all freeze in winter 2024 …
Members of the Bilderberg group include David Lammy and Jared Kushner, Donald J Trump’s son-in-law. The spats between left and right are simply pantomime to make you believe they despise each other when in fact both Trump and Lammy are probably on Epstein’s list and get along with one another as well as Starmer gets on with Sunak, who are undoubtedly on the list as well.
Lammy was put in as Foreign Secretary to ship in the global south into the UK asap. This will accelerate under von der Leyen, who gets the truth through in her face at the European Parliament by a Polish female MP who has more balls than all of the soccer-watching ‘men’ in the UK put together. I hope she survives. Well worth a watch. https://odysee.com/@Qwinten:b/Lioness-of-Judah-Ministry—Polish-MEP-absolutely-dismantles-EU-Chief-Ursula-von-der-Leyen:c
Lammy, the man who will turbocharge the invasion.
In 2023 over one million new National Insurance Numbers were issued to foreigners.
Foreigners have the right to become magistrates and send nationals of this country to prison for up to one year.
The plan to replace the Indigenous population is now irreversible as Labour will ramp the numbers up over the next five years so they will be in the minority by the next election, assuming elections to the HoC have not been entirely abolished by then. You can put your mortgage on the UK rejoining the EU within the next few years.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyd49dxyxxo “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Ok – let’s think it through – the democrats will dump biden as late as possible – the convention is on 17th august I think – in Chicago – which is Obama land . Less time for the favoured candidate to be challenged .
A debate between the new candidate and trump ? Don’t know .
Mrs Obama will ‘step forward ‘ and be aclaimed as the nominee –
By then the full poison will be poured on Trump Vance – the assassination attempt was engineered by Trump – links with Russia – the usual stuff – a new court case – Msybd a couple of convictions on the way .
The msm will be remorseless – even more bbc cnn poison …
Nice coloured lady versus evil white man
But trump survives and wins …..
BBC goes into ‘illegitimate mode ‘ turning the US upside down for ‘voting irregularities ‘ which they will find . A theme for 4 years …
Katty and Christian will be back doing the daily poison on bbc 4 – a wholesale msm onslaught for every act president trump does …
Trump will want to do deals over China – Russia – Gaza – whether he succeeds or fails – the msm will declare failure …
As I write this – I just cannot think that’ Obama will let trump survive to November ….unless of course he is certain sure the voting is fixed again
I bet Biden doesn’t run and Trump survives, wins the vote by just enough so they can’t fix it and we see huge riots by the Left.
What odds do I get for that Fed ?
If they do take him out, it will be up-close Oswald style, not long-range Kennedy. A lone asassin allowed into the controlled area with a weapon by the FBI under instruction from Obama. Who thinks he will be escaping by a fire-exit but will also be instantly murdered with extreme predjudice.
Perhaps obama will use an islamist next time – with demands fot overseas action to take attention away from the voting fix – with mrs obama defeating JDVance …
Odds on another public attempt with SS failure ? 3/1 in my book
That is certainly one feasible scenario.
But of course there are hundreds of imponderables, and we can expect many twists and turns along the way.
One thing is sure: the Democ-rats and their supporters will do absolutely anything do stop Orange Man, from lawfare to warfare. And I mean ANYTHING.
The BBC, of course, will continue its biased reporting, and keep running cover for Biden. Until they’re instructed by the Dems to demolish him when they realise he’s unelectable.
There’s been a lot of talk about banning wood burning stoves which will hit millions of rural homes. It’s on the pretext that the smoke is harmful, it might be in an urban situation but in a rural environment it surely can’t be. A blanket ban would force millions into alternatives like heat pumps. They require a lot of electricity, there are significant energy losses in electrical generation and distribution and the grid will come under huge pressure. (ref Carnot Cycle as cited on here)
I cut and burn my own logs by the way, it’s not free as there are time, transport and fuel costs, it is much cheaper than gas, oil and electricity.
Maitless sneering at Farage for not being in Clacton…
“Disillusioned Labour voters in Rachel Reeves’ Leeds constituency are all asking the same question after she was promoted to Chancellor – how can she sort out the country when she cannot even sort out this place.
Locals in the once proud working class community of Armley say the area has become a no go zone and the MP has done nothing for them in her 14 years in the seat.
Drinkers in the White Horse local pub on Armley Town Street say they have not seen Rachel Reeves in person since she was out canvassing for the 2019 General Election”
She’s going to “rebuild Britain” is this her template ?
“Leeds, the most dangerous major city in West Yorkshire, is among the top 10 most perilous locations out of the county’s 118 towns, villages, and cities. In 2024, Leeds has an overall crime rate of 151 crimes per 1,000 people, contributing significantly to West Yorkshire’s overall rate of 140.2 per 1,000 residents.”
Leeds house closed down after drug users formed queues outside
9 February 2022
Any scientists out there? You might find this interesting.
The same could be said of the BBC, naturally.
Sopes has been prodded.
He, Beff, Kay and The Ch4 blonde all vote for her in the award go round, and she can add another.
Speaking of ccbgb…
Language that belongs to black and brown people is being weaponised against them in this twisted way to control us. They don’t serve to stop racism by inadvertently being racist towards the very communities who are the victims!
Vile’s outrage bait bimbo has opened a new front.
Lawyers for Ritz are headed to Compton as we speak.
Nels Abbey
BREAKING: Black people are now being arrested and charged for using the N-word in the UK.
In August 2023, two 21-year-old Black women were chatting about a football match on Twitter. One said:
“I’m so pissed off let me get my hands on that fuckin [redacted Black football player’s misspelt name] nigga”.
Even though no one was tagged and the supposed name was not even spelt correctly, five months later the Met Police showed up at her door and summoned her to a station for questioning. She has now been charged under the Malicious Communications Act of 1988. As you would expect, she is utterly petrified.
It should be noted that during questioning the white police officer repeatedly used the N-word to her face and asked why/if she “hated Black people”.
Last edited
10:24 pm · 17 Jul 2024
Its staggering how we have let migrants with zero history in this country, hold positions of power to dictate our daily lives. Windrush and the cotten/woollen mills of the north have a lot yo answer for.
(Er, how many of those from the sub continent came across to work in the coal mines? No, it was corner shops and curry houses for them !)
TOADY Watch #1 – last day for the Bee Lady on the BBC TOADY Programme …
… but she is not disappearing from BBC Radio. She will continue to drain TellyTax from those unwise enough to pay it by presenting a new R4 programme ‘This Natural Life’ while co-presenting ‘Open Country’ when Bald Clare has a race meeting to go to.
I wonder, did Amol, Emma, Justin, Mishal and Nick get Martha a present?
Going present ( gift in American ) a jar of Suffolk honey – deductible as expenses – at least her production company will still have a dividend on top of the bbc pension …
Now let’s talk about poor people …. Bye Martha …but too old for today now
Leftwaffe all over social media yesterday blasting Farage for nothing. He went to the US for a couple of days. “Abandoned Claction”. They all pounced at once with the same complaint.
They have to dream up something trivial like “Nigel has odd socks, the filthy Fascist bar -steward”. Just to sustain their attack.
Lo and behold, the Emily Mantis creature is in The US to give Nigel a spiteful interrogation about what? “I thought you were giving all your time to Clacton now as it’s newest MP”
She has the script.
““Disillusioned Labour voters in Rachel Reeves’ Leeds constituency are all asking the same question after she was promoted to Chancellor – how can she sort out the country when she cannot even sort out this place.”
– from above comments
I went to prison so you won’t have to:
Dr Peter Navarro delivers fiery speech at RNC 2024. He could be talking about the UK.
bbc reports..
Our security is on the line, Starmer says, as he pledges renewed ties with Europe
“‘Britain will be a friend and partner to Europe’
published at 11:14
Starmer goes on to say that his government is here to look for “solutions that will actually deliver results” and approach issues with “humanity and a profound respect for international law”.
He says this is why the Rwanda scheme was scrapped, and why “we will never withdraw” from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). He says Churchill was among the chief architects of the convention.
The UK prime minister says that under his leadership, Britain will be a “friend and a partner, ready to work with you… not focused on the differences between us, but on the values that we share”.”
Basically, nothing changes and we welcome the world!
If you wish to leave Germany again after only a short time, you receive 500 EUR financial support (up to 2 months after the asylum decision has been issued). This is a fixed amount, whether you are travelling alone or with your family. The support is independent of your reasons for leaving the country.
Saudi Arabia: Mass Killings of Migrants at Yemen Border
Systematic Abuses of Ethiopians May Amount to Crimes Against Humanity
MM, Egypt has been a persecutor of Ethiopians in the past. Some have been of Jewish origin going way back in time.
WHAT AN IDIOT … “Cabinet minister and former postal affairs minister Pat McFadden says politicians were “very reliant” on others telling them the truth as they made decisions about Horizon IT failures”
Diane Abbott has accused the Government’s political violence tsar of trying to “demonise” pro-Palestinian activists by warning that MPs faced intimidation from them.
On a side note, is a Hijab a costume?
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
She walks away from fellow Tube passenger after he asked what she meant while filming her
He blocked Diane Abbot from standing for Labour at the last Election. Smarmer soon backed down after pressure from the Left of the Party.
Smarmer. A man of firm conviction………not.
Flotsam, I agree. Major Bellend of the Royal Toolmaker Corps does not have the courage of his convictions.
UCAS takes another step in its mission to turn UK universities into mere money machines by scrapping the requirement for would-be students to prove they are intelligent enough to benefit from a university education.
No doubt a Labour initiative who aren’t concerned about quality but quantity in its mission for young supporters.
The rest of the Western World’s universities must be laughing their socks off as they watch the UK race to the bottom.
Children’s reading standards ‘a lottery’ in Wales
I suppose that was inevitable- the FE industry is about money . I m just pleased my degrees were completed just before money took over – and as a grown up student doing a full time job the staff were freer in their views about standards dropping than – i think – they would be now
On the upside the internet does enable clever students to research those courses which are not ‘mickey mouse’ …
Fed, you can learn on-line. Biased BBC provides a real education about what is wrong with the BBC. 🙂
As 200 migrants float across the busiest channel in the world …
“… there have been 551 asylum claims in Britain from people from other EU countries – like Poland and Spain. All but a handful were turned down – but they cost over £4 million to the British tax payer. So we will end this absurdity ….” – Theresa May – Oct2015 – @25:05
551 Asylum Claims @ £4 million?! (£7,259 per claim)
Asylum from Poland and Spain??????
“Ursula von der Leyen secures five more years in top EU job”
In the course of my life I have developed five little democratic questions. If one meets a powerful person–Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin or Bill Gates–ask them five questions: “What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you?” If you cannot get rid of the people who govern you, you do not live in a democratic system.
Joe Biden recovering from Covid is similar to Donald Trump surviving an assassination attempt.
Lefties Loosing It
Lucy, maybe they will give Joe the ‘clot shot’ as it is known by some and he will expire in time for Kamala Harris to be beaten by Donald Trump. I know two nonegenarians at my church who were vaccinated up to the eyeballs and ended up in hospital with heart problems. Both survived, especially their time in hospital, and are still self-propelled today.
I’m sure I heard some coloured girl disciple of Obama explaining on PM that Biden would nominate Karmela as his replacement .
There was no mention of anyone else – such as my favourite – Mrs Obama .
The lady interviewed was as upperty or chippy as one might imagine on a worst day and would be dancing around in the event of a successful trump assassination .
Perhaps Biden has been diagnosed with covid because his funding has dried up ….
Keir Starmer has reiterated the UK’s pledge to support Ukraine for “as long as it takes”. Flanked on his right by Volodymyr Zelenskiy he told the 44 European leaders gathered at Blenheim Palace: The task is urgent, because our security is on the line. Every day Ukraine fights to protect not just the Ukrainian people, but the European people.”
Number of asylum-seeking children arriving rises by 87%
MM, that President of Ukraine doesn’t half rack up some CO2 emissions with his travelling. I am surprised the ‘NutsZero’ fanatics among leaders further West put up with it!
I reckon starmer getting on the big stage might have his head turned in the way Blair’s was . … but he was surrounded by European ‘givemes ‘ working on the cost of britainistan rejoining the reichEU now that Heidi is back in charge ….
Well, well, I bet the birds were celebrating…
‘When the ones advocating for a green planet are the ones damaging it, it makes you pause,’ Dave Portnoy tells Fox News
“Barstool Sports President and CEO Dave Portnoy is speaking out after an offshore windmill blade snapped and sent nonbiodegradable fiberglass shards into the water, washing up on Nantucket shores and forcing the town to close its beaches.
On Tuesday, the Nantucket harbormaster announced that six of the Massachusetts town’s beaches would be temporarily closed after pieces of fiberglass washed ashore and said anyone walking the beach should wear footwear to protect themselves from the sharp debris.
Vineyard Wind, a joint venture between foreign entities Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, which built wind farms off the coast of Massachusetts, said Tuesday that a blade from a turbine had snapped and that power production from the turbines was stopped immediately.
The company also said “nearly the entirety of the blade remains affixed to the turbine.” But a photo obtained by Fox News Digital depicts the blade mostly severed from its base.”
Zephir, the UN’s IPCC claim that sulphur hexaflouride is the most global warming gas of all, beating methane emissions by some margin. Unfortunately, SF⁶, is also used in wind turbines.
I think that is a very big OOOOOPS!
CNN’s Van Jones concedes ‘a bullet couldn’t stop Trump’ but a ‘virus just stopped Biden’
Another illegal drowns – and it seems – hopefully taken back to France along with the rest …. Maybe giant wave machines are needed ….
One heck of a steep dip under ‘Conservative Cameron’.
Parliament is a stage full of actors pretending to be MPs. It needs “Reforming “. Get Nigel Farage and The Reform Party in to flush them out and put the ‘Great’ back into Great Britain.
We are being Invaded !
Caretaker gov who take and don’t care.
Yeah, but we must have a shit load of dinghies available.
The BBC are masturbating themselves to exhaustion over the Covid enquiry’s first conclusions.Another chance to criticise the hated Tories.
The government prepared itself for the wrong pandemic ( influenza) and did not have test trace and isolate capability.
How were they supposed to know what pandemic to be prepared for and to test for? The Chinese virus came to light end 19/ early 20. It was rife by March. That’s not a whole lot of time is it?
I hope the remainder of the enquiry is not as politically motivated and wise-after-the-event as this. After this, I’m expecting a recommendation that we should have locked down hard for about three years ‘to save lives’.
Sluff – I’ve only read the headlines – but knew what was coming – I disagree on the ‘ political ‘- they were all just incompetent .
I understand the group think – at the back of the collective mind is the view that ‘this won’t happen now / during my time in the job so why make an effort ? There’s no reward for ME “
And hence Blighty is caught with trousers down
Will anything change ? That is the Real Question – and what is different right now – if we got a proper killer bug – say a new flu bug – arrive out of nowhere ….?
I suspect nothing will change – no one will pay a price …
Eat Out to Help Out fraudster ordered to pay back £110,000
17 October 2023
An ex-councillor has been ordered to repay a quarter of the £434,000 he tried to steal through the government’s Eat Out to Help Out scheme in 2020.
His name? Mohammed Ikram.
What would Labour have done?
Newly surfaced video leads Tory leadership hopeful Jeremy Hunt to face fresh claims he is a ‘lockdown fanatic’ who would have shutdown UK economy in a bid to emulate China’s zero Covid policy
Former Health Secretary pushed for ‘zero infection and elimination of disease’
He spoke positively of China’s brutal zero-tolerance approach to Covid
But did caveat his statements by saying ‘we shouldn’t go that far in this country’
Marky – the reds wouid have panicked like the blues – and with the current regime change and experience of value has left the building ….. even with Holly valence now a full red theyd panic …. Especially if those most likely to die were in the ‘young ‘ age range as with the 1918 pandemic …
Next time blame the Russians …
1 migrant in 2 MPS out.
Business Insider reports this week that Microsoft has laid off its entire internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team. One laid-off team leader says “DEI programs everywhere are no longer business critical or smart as they were in 2020“. In the flurry of performative wokeism following George Floyd protests…
Microsoft joins Zoom, Google, and Meta in cutting costs on useless woke hires. On the other side of the pond, though, the UK’s gargantuan civil service is starting to offer pay rises for saying inclusive things and expanding the very DEI teams cut by the private sector. Go woke go broke…
‘Business critical ‘…. Really ?
£58,698 to £65,095 a year Per annum inclusive of Inner London HCAS
North East London is steeped in history and culture, and home to over two million people (and rising). It’s the most diverse area of the UK; and because of that, one of the most exciting and vibrant places to work.
“Microsoft has laid off its entire internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team”. That’s in America though.
What has to be remembered is that Companies in the UK have to comply with Employment, Diversity, Race, Equality and Human Rights law. Just being seen to have a department dealing with those matters puts Employers on the front foot at Employment Tribunals. If an Employer hasn’t complied with the Law a harsh determination will be arrived at costing them a lot of money and bad publicity. To make things clear I’m not in favour of all this guff, I would sooner free things up and get rid of it all. It’s the reason why organisations like the NHS employ them, as far as a Tribunal is concerned the NHS is an Employer just like the rest.
For those looking forward to the Olympics it seems that the EU working time directive will stop ‘gabby ‘ and the bull balding from doing 2 stints on the BBC each day .
I’m sure this terrible news will upset the nation – but to put it on a news website ? Really ?
BTW – has Biden gone yet ? Keep going joe … we need you.. to fail..
Hope your all sitting down, talk about stating the bloody obvious:-
Hamas and other groups committed war crimes on 7 October, says HRW
It really needed HRW to find this????
UK Gov commit genocide against it’s own population! (c) HRW
NEW: The Home Office have confirmed to me that last night the Border Force vessel Ranger, returned migrants back to France, after rescuing them in French waters. The FIRST TIME this has EVER happened.
It’s not yet clear if this is a direct change of policy from the Home Office.
We have been ‘taken for Mugs’ for years . How many £ Millions have previous British governments wasted.
We need a tough government that will put Great Britain and its people first!
Oldest trade in the world … “The number of people being reported as potential victims of human trafficking in Scotland has risen to a record high, police have said. In one high profile case last month a gang of four traffickers were convicted of luring victims from China and Thailand, seizing their passports and forcing them to work in brothels.28 Dec 2022”
Government (AND OPPOSITION) ‘failed its citizens’ on Covid by planning for wrong pandemic, report finds
Boris Johnson dances with ex-Austrian PM as he and Tony Blair enjoy India’s ‘wedding of the century’
The two former Prime Ministers flew to Mumbai with other politicians and celebrities to join the society festivities
George Johnson
13 July 2024 • 5:42pm
Wonder how much they got paid for ‘consultancy ‘ work – huge profits from selling on Russian oil to Europe …
WEF at its best
Seems likely – we should be told…?
Boris Johnson received £276,130 plus expenses for US speech
It does nt look as though the covid report is going to get much attention . Maybe more people needed to die before anyone is interested – or maybe the old don’t matter – they certainly didn’t matter to Hancock –
I think God will have a special place for him – and the dolt who appointed him – but hunt is mainly responsible …
“The Tories reckon that Labour’s migrant swap scheme with the EU would mean we have to take 100,000 migrants in exchnage for any boat people we want to send back to France. We send them 30,000 say, and they send us 100,000…probably including the 30,000 we just sent them….great deal Sir Keir!”
He’s learnt from the best, it sounds a bit like Gordon Brown’s deal with our gold.
It could be worse. We could get 100k plus the 30k we sent back. In fact, that’ll be the way it will work.
Not the bbc – but read this if you will . There are certain things I cannot tell you – but generally – I’ve had a lot of experience in planning for big events / incidents . Part of this involves being an anorak for previous ‘disasters ‘ – you name it – I’ve read it.
But they all have common themes- one big one is about failure to plan . So organisations – people – think that if you run an exercise on what might happen – either tabletop or ‘real life ‘ – areas of concern will be spotted – reported – acted upon .
This belief is flawed . Findings are easy – recommendations are easy – the covid inquiry has lots of them . But like so many other reports – they ll be filed – those responsible will move on – other stuff gets in the way .
This happens in all sorts of areas . We saw it in the US secret service last week ….although that’s more sinister that incompetence …
The only place I’d be confident about is aviation – where stuff is reported -maction taken . But even there it looks like the FAA is losing power to the woke agenda ( Boeing quality control ) .
So what will change in UK preparedness ? Nothing . The mindset will be – we did our best – we should be getting medals on top of the cabinet office civil contingencies pensions ….
Now back to Biden ….
Rotherham abuse scandal: How we got here
22 June 2022
It echoes Prof Alexis Jay’s 2014 report that found 1,400 children in the town were targeted by grooming gangs during the period.
Her report, published in 2014, found at least 1,400 children were subjected to sexual abuse and she detailed how girls as young as 11 were raped, trafficked, abducted, beaten, and intimidated by men predominantly of Pakistani heritage.
No more new investigations in Rotherham child abuse inquiry
28 November 2023
Children as young as 11 were raped, trafficked, abducted, beaten, and intimidated, predominantly by men of Pakistani heritage, it said.
Actually low calibre people figure higher than any lack of planning imho.
I looked at the UK CAA during the 2010 Icelandic volcano crisis – what an utter shower of jobs for the boys moronic dimwits … – even the token ex-RAF shiny bum didn’t seem to have actually flown professionally.
Meanwhile, if you every wondered at the time and cost of building Hinckley Point C nuclear kettle – see HERE
I had a brief flutter around the meetings – dispiriting stuff it is …. imho – and I’ve done lots of meetings…
I must admit there were many times when listening to middle / upper civil servants and wondering whether anyone had basic common sense rather than speaking management gibberish – going forward – from the get go – baked in –
“Why did the French go into it (European Union) then?”
“To protect their inefficient farmers from commercial competition.”
“That certainly doesn’t apply to the Germans?”
“No,no,no. They went in it (EU) to cleanse themselves of genocide and reapply themselves for admission to the human race.”
Yes Minister explains the EEC (EU)
Samurai sword, medieval mace?
Tomo – I just write as I find – when I was training to be a pilot ( yawn ) reading the monthly CAA reports on aviation ‘incidents ‘ was very helpful and instructive . No cover ups …. Gave me a lot of support when flying solo ( yawn )
Yes…. my experience of CAA at occasional tech ( avionics / radios / radar) footsoldier level is fairly positive – I was referring / talking about the leadership dictating policy during unexpected events.
It certainly seemed to me that CAA executives were clueless / blithering / rudderless and very publicly shown to be so by a sometime actual professional pilot – one Willie Walsh iirc.
– dozens of BA flights launched for Heathrow in a direct challenge to CAA doesn’t get the credit it’s due.
Advice to ministers came from Sir Patrick Vance, the new science Minister in the Labour government. There were very strange people on the SAGE committee, such as the communist (who owned a Picasso) Susan Michie who was obsessed that Covid gave opportunity for social justice and permanent mask wearing. And it was Patrick Valence who kept inviting Neil Ferguson to do the modelling. Along with Sue Grey were they deliberately undermining a Conservative government?
“Multi-lingual safety resources: Language shouldn’t be a barrier to getting our safety messages out to the diverse communities across the UK and Ireland. We’ve translated safety resources in 19 different languages, to reach as many people as we can with our safety messages. ”
Partnerships for water safety: We are working together with local and community organisations, including the Black Swimming Association, and are looking to work with others, to help spread water safety messages to diverse communities.
Afghan (Dari) / دری
Afghan (Pashto) / پشتو زبان
Arabic / عربي
Chinese (Simplified) / 中国人
Chinese (Traditional) / 中國人
Czech / čeština
French / Français
German / Deutsche
Hungarian / Magyar
Irish / Gaeilge
Italian / Italiano
Latvian / Latvietis
Lithuanian / Lietuvis
Polish / Polski
Portuguese / Português
Romanian / Română
Russian / русский
Spanish / Español
Ukrainian / Український
Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt
Welsh / Cymraeg
“This was apparently too dangerous to the yacht club before. Presumably seas are calmer and water is less wet under a labour government”
comment order-order.com
“We want to double down on our commitment to Ukraine,” Mr Lammy said, as dragonflies swooped over a tranquil lake and a pair of majestic eagles circled overhead.
“No silver bullet on small boats migration, Macron says at European leaders’ summit”
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants {bbc.co.uk aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Why no photo?
Jesmin Akter gets suspended two-year sentence as judge notes she has been ‘overwhelmed by crippling guilt’

Just following up on the covid report ( yawn ?) a strategy was in place in 2011 to deal with a flu epidemic – but it seems to have not been comprehensive .
Anyway – the strategy was left untouched – although some suggested a ‘refresh’ in 2018 – and again in 2019 – the rest is ‘history ‘ – or to you dear reader – the Chinese virus –
Where does the fault go ? Jeremy Hunt – health sec for 8 ? Years – that’s 8 years ….. and he did zip …
OUTSTANDING BBC….. (a new low)
The “world class” BBC, does it again ..
Usualaa Von der lying re-elected…..yes re-elected, to be Empress of Eurotania for five more wonderful years , surely never elected..they mean appointed and rubber stamped in the “election” with only one candidate.
Her version of this nonsense is something or other about “democracy”..blah..blah being under attack ..etc.etc. amusingly in her mind not by running a one horse race but against troublemakers who might point out the total lack of democratic process in this charade
Extremists are at work claiming this isn’t good enough. ..The French gnome Micron thinks this is great and will lead to a “more democratic europe”.
So there it is , she will be setting the policy agenda, political direction and priorities….for the EU, all the time fighting for more democracy.
In other news , the former socialist prime minister of Portugal will head the European council…appointed without the need for any of that voting silliness and the Estonian prime minister will effortlessly glide into his new appointment as EU policy chief.
So who chose and appointed these characters? Any guesses?it can’t be a secret who is on these committees and/or who the other candidates,if any, might be?
But the best is saved for last ..not a mention of Ursula’s difficulty before the European Court earlier this week…well they wouldn’t want to spoil the party would they… Good old BBC well up to the current standard of insight and depth of knowledge.
The benefits of immigration ………..
“The quantity of aluminium phosphide used by Akter was nearly three times the amount recommended by the manufacturer, which said it should be used only in commercial warehouses not homes.”
“Plenty of laughs with the King during reception”
King Charles III’s Car Collection
Aston Martin DB6 Volante MkII. …
Aston Martin V8 Vantage Volante. …
Aston Martin V8 Virage Volante. …
Range Rover / Land Rover. …
Jaguar I-Pace. …
Bentley State Limousine.
5pm news
Apparently uss john Bolton is surfacing again to fire torpedos at president trump . Mr trump ‘seriously ‘ thinking about withdrawing from NATO ….
…. Well he would wouldn’t he ? He has to frighten the krauts and the French and the rest into paying their way instead of being parasites living off US generosity …..
At long, long last…
“Just Stop Oil protesters jailed for 21 years over M25 gantry protest carnage.
The climate crusaders have been sentenced after causing traffic carnage by climbing onto M25 gantries in 2022.”
5 years for the one in charge who, it has been reported before, drives a diesel car…..
Be out by Christmas
Oops, we posted at the same time.
“Who is Roger Hallam, the man behind Just Stop Oil?”
“last year, MailOnline reported that Hallam had six diesel vehicles on his farm in Wales and had been described as “a prize hypocrite” by a neighbour. ”
“PICTURED: Extinction Rebellion co-founder’s Waitrose shopping trip that saw her branded a ‘hypocrite’ by her own eco-group after it emerged it travelled 17,000 miles from around the globe in non-recycled packaging – and was taken home in her diesel car
Gail Bradbrook racked up more than 17,000 in air miles in her shopping trolley”
Where’s Columbo when we need him?
Or did Obama and his corrupt FBI have him terminated as well?
Don’t worry LT – we ll cover it up – but I do like the ‘health and safety ‘ excuse that the roof was too steep – that will go well in the 4 hour Oliver stone film and the zebruda film 2 …
Health and safety – roof too steep – bullet to hot
Sloping roof used by assassin ‘too dangerous’ for Secret Service agents
Director admits gunman had been identified as ‘potential person of suspicion’
Joe Barne and Tony Diver
16 July 2024 • 6:37pm
“I do plan to stay on,” Cheatle said.
The U.S. Secret Service has received support from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in the wake of the shooting, who said he has “100 percent” confidence in the Secret Service.
“100 percent” *
** only when roofs are flat and not like roofs.
> Sloping roof used by assassin ‘too dangerous’ for Secret Service agents
That is the cover story but they fail to add that the roof the SS shot from to kill the would-be-assassin was MORE slopey. So how come the agents were allowed on that roof?
Here’s hoping the ghastly Mayorkas gets a comeuppance – for he is surely due one big one.
Just found that on order-order.com! HA!
Lesson learned – if you’ve got your ladder and AR15 – just find a sloped roof overlooking your target – local plod will even give you time to set up , aim and fire before shooting you to prevent you telling who hired you ….
Grassy nolls are so 1963 …
“£84m going to Africa and Middle East”
What a waste of our money!
Stop the boats by ‘force’, not by ‘silver bullets’.
£84 Million!
Spend it on defending our borders!
If I was a politician up on the stage and being asked these multiple questions by journalists who start off asking a question then say “and if I may add a second question” before then somehow asking a third or fourth question, I would simply answer the first question and ignore the follow ups.
Maybe I would pick out one of the questions which I want to answer but I wouldn’t answer all of them.
I don’t know about the politicians but I’ve usually forgotten half the questions by the time they finish their ‘ask’
They should ask one question and that’s it.
They can always put their hand up if they want to ask another question.
Q”Mr Biden mr Biden – what’s your name ?”A “er….”
pug, I intended to write to Suella Braverman and Priti Patel long before now to ask why our Embassies and Consulates abroad do not handle asylum claims from refugees. I remember being in Romania in summer/early autumn 1990 and driving past the German Consulate in Sibiu. There were queues stretching around the block comprised of Romanians who were German speakers and who were seeking short-term work permits to go and work in Germany.
Jeesh… madman…
I wonder how many power cuts he’ll endure. Yeah, of course, none. That’s for us plebs.
The telegraph has helpfully compiled a series of twitter comments by the now Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary of the kingdom of United istan with reference to President Trump .
I was musing at an encounter between Lammy and President Trump in the Oval Office but then decided that the diplomatic passport Lammy would have being torn up at immigration in Washington and being sent back from where he came ….
I can only think Starmer appointed him as a tick box . He’s not the first coloured foreign sec – I think that went to dolt cleverly …
I wondered if Milliband senior would take the peerage – Cameron style – and become Foreign Sec – since he’s done it before . But then I realised Milliband Senior is still a contender for the top job . Milliband senior might also control junior before we all freeze in winter 2024 …
Members of the Bilderberg group include David Lammy and Jared Kushner, Donald J Trump’s son-in-law. The spats between left and right are simply pantomime to make you believe they despise each other when in fact both Trump and Lammy are probably on Epstein’s list and get along with one another as well as Starmer gets on with Sunak, who are undoubtedly on the list as well.
Lammy was put in as Foreign Secretary to ship in the global south into the UK asap. This will accelerate under von der Leyen, who gets the truth through in her face at the European Parliament by a Polish female MP who has more balls than all of the soccer-watching ‘men’ in the UK put together. I hope she survives. Well worth a watch.
Lammy, the man who will turbocharge the invasion.
In 2023 over one million new National Insurance Numbers were issued to foreigners.
Foreigners have the right to become magistrates and send nationals of this country to prison for up to one year.
The plan to replace the Indigenous population is now irreversible as Labour will ramp the numbers up over the next five years so they will be in the minority by the next election, assuming elections to the HoC have not been entirely abolished by then. You can put your mortgage on the UK rejoining the EU within the next few years.