“Let me be perfectly clear,” said President Biden. “The idea that political violence, look, this is America, and there is no place for semi-assault, automatic weapons in our — well, anyway. In November, we will sort things out at the battle box!”
Biden also stressed the need to cool the temperature of political rhetoric, shortly before declaring that Trump is a racist, fascist dictator who must be stopped at all costs.
Biden expressed confidence that Americans can come together and unify to beat Trump on the ballots, just as long as Trump’s name doesn’t appear on them.
“In America, we do not resort to political violence. That’s not who we are,” said Senator Chuck Schumer. “We let the American people vote, so long as we can dictate who they are allowed to vote for. That’s real freedom.”
The effort to remove Trump from ballots began earlier this year in Colorado and Rhode Island, but Biden has committed to making sure Trump won’t appear on ballots in Canada, Mexico, Egypt, Palestine, or East Germany as well.
Lord frost writing in the DT – he still gets his £361? A day tax free for turning up at the best London club – I’ve cut and pasted it for the record – but he hasn’t the courage to move to the True Conservative Party – Reform – but I suspect they wouldn’t have him
STARTS Labour called its manifesto “Change”. It campaigned for “change”. Yet there was no change of direction in the King’s Speech. Quite the opposite. Insofar as it was a plan for anything, it was to continue transforming Britain into a big government, low-growth, low-energy corporatist state.
That direction of travel has been set at least since the Gordon Brown years. Fourteen years of Tory-led government and Brexit may have given us the powers to get on to a different track, but they were not exercised. Instead, we have moved ever further towards more collectivism and more government control, and nothing we heard from the King or Sir Keir Starmer yesterday alters that.
Indeed, as if to underline it, our new “change” Government has picked up several Bills from its Conservative predecessor, and all bad ones: to ban smoking (a flagship “Conservative” proposal, remember); to create a football regulator; to destroy property rights and wreck the rental market still further; and to put in place “Martyn’s law”, which will make every public space in the country waste time and money with pointless anti-terror risk assessments.
To the extent that we can discern a common thread in the remaining plans, it’s about more regulation and more control.
Labour will control your speech, if you have conservative religious views, or even just reality-based ones, with the ban on conversion therapy. The Employment Rights Bill will roll back trade union reform and give workers even more rights from day one. Fine, unless you are an employer who has to find time and money for all these things. The result will be fewer jobs.
The dreadful Race Equality Bill will load even more cost on to business and give further scope to the perpetually aggrieved. Then there’s the whole panoply of new corporatist bodies: the Industrial Strategy Council; Skills England; the new OBR with its stronger legal status and even stronger powers to put its dead hand on to any attempt to create economic dynamism through free markets.
And there’s more devolution, giving local “leaders” an incentive to outcompete each other in demanding more money from the centre, and encouraging each other through new talking shops like the Council of Nations and Regions with their “local growth plans”. Someone has to pay for all this – and ultimately it will be you.
In other areas, Old Labour peeks through. Louise Haigh, perhaps Labour’s most throwback minister, is set on nationalising the railways without having a clue what to do next, and will just see the new Government blackmailed still further by the transport unions.
The school system is also under threat – hardly surprisingly given the dependence of Labour on the teaching unions. There will be an expert review of the national curriculum (we know where that will lead) and the Children’s Wellbeing Bill – a euphemistic title if ever I heard one – will require all schools to teach it. At a stroke, one of the huge benefits of academy and free school status will be swept away. Labour is renationalising the school system by stealth.
And of course we see the desperation to push on with the maniacal approach to net zero, led by Ed Miliband, perhaps Labour’s battiest minister. We will get Great British Energy, a company whose function no one can convincingly describe, but which certainly doesn’t include producing any energy.
And we have the so-called National Wealth Fund, a plan to borrow money and spend it on dubious projects no one else will fund – sorry, I mean “transformative investments”. We can all play that game. Remortgage your house, spend the money on a holiday, and hey presto!, you have created your own sovereign wealth fund.
Against this background, I suppose we should be grateful for the virtue-signalling proposals that don’t really do anything at all. There’s the Crime and Policing Bill that will make it a crime to assault a shopworker (isn’t it already?) and make stealing goods under £200 illegal (er … ditto). Or there is the Border Security and Asylum Bill that shuffles the bureaucratic deck of cards, talks tough on penalties even though people-traffickers already face life imprisonment, and does so while illegal Channel migrants reach the highest level ever.
The one possible exception to all this is the Planning Bill. As I wrote last week, we badly need to get more houses built where people want them. But the target is unambitious – 300,000 houses a year, the same as the last government’s, which is in reality far too low, especially since Labour has no intention of getting immigration down. Much depends on the detail.
After all, we had compulsory housing targets until 2022, so bringing them back won’t much help unless you sweep away all the grounds for thwarting building, too, and block legal challenges and judicial reviews, a tactic which Labour greeted with horror every time the last government tried it. I worry that the effect of this Bill will be to allow the Government to push through more pointless, indeed actively damaging, wind and solar projects, while making little difference to the housing problem. Let’s see.
Starmer called for us to be “patient”. He’s wise to do so, because there is no chance of most of these measures delivering anything good for the British economy any time soon. Meanwhile, nonsensical Blair-style verbiage will conceal the real direction of travel, which is less dynamism, more corporatism, and even bigger government.
“This King’s Speech returns politics to serious government, returns government to service, and returns service to the interests of working people,” says Starmer. Does anyone have any idea what that actually means?
So this all needs opposing. I can do this in good conscience myself because I have constantly criticised the collectivist direction of travel of the last government, too.
The Conservative Party isn’t going to find it so easy. It is going to have to disavow its approach of the past few years, move on those responsible for it, and discover its conservative principles once again. For opposition isn’t only about complaining. It’s also about explaining. The next Tory leader needs to find the courage to explain why the path we are on is the wrong one, and then set out a better one. If the Conservative Party can’t do that, it is going to become irrelevant, and deserve to.ENDS
the blues are still deluded enough to think pretty patel could be a blue leader …. Just so lost…
Seems as though’ the Leeds community ‘don’t like police cars . Surely the local mp – who happens to be the Chancellor – will tell her ‘community ‘ to be nice to police cars …
No Muslims were harmed in the making of this riot ..
‘Trump ‘can beat anyone’ – with one exception, maybe
published at 20:49
Mike Wendling
Reporting from the convention
I’ve been talking to delegates as they file into the security zone here at the Republican convention. And with rumours continuing to swirl about whether Joe Biden will continue in the race, I want to know if there’s a Democrat that they think might pose a stiffer challenge.
Confidence is sky high here, so it’s tough to get a straight answer. But one name keeps coming up – Michelle Obama.
“I think she could win,” says Kent Mercado, a retired doctor and former congressional candidate from Illinois.
The former First Lady has shown no interest in running, even though rumours that she might be a late-minute replacement for Biden have long circulated on the right.
She’s the one Democrat that seems to spark any political fear at all here.’
Done deal, the covids lie is the Choreographs’ next move – 5 (5.1)..
(Waiter? More clean and dry knickers for the Beeboids please)…
Sir Keir has announced spending £84 million of our money to smash the gangs. So to do this he is spending this money throughout Africa and the Middle East helping people there to get jobs. I just wonder how thinly this money will be spread and how could such a little amount of money spread over an entire continent and some make much difference.
One thing I was absolutely certain of was that if the BBC deemed worthy of front-page, world news : he is black.
And he is.
A headline with no context whatsoever. And of course we only get his side of the story.
In an effort to get his son the ice, Mr Davis said he “lightly tapped” the flight attendant on the arm to get his attention, only to hear him respond, “Don’t hit me!”
Shame on you BBC. You wouldn’t have even reported it if he was white.
The BBC – and the Left in general – are desperate to keep up the racist divide in society because that’s their main weapon to use against the Right. It will never, ever end. Even when it leads to the most blatant of racist discrimination against white (as in all TV and advertisements now as well as the entire BBC output), they shamelessly ignore that and focus on micro-events like this.
This is on a par with their classic “mostly peaceful” with the bloody police downplaying it as well.
A fcking great riot is “disorder” said twice in first few words:
“Bus on fire and police car overturned in Leeds disorder”
A police car was flipped over and a bus set alight during what West Yorkshire Police has described as a “serious disorder incident”.
The force said officers were initially called to reports of a disturbance at an address in Luxor Street at about 17:00 BST, with further “pockets of disorder” then breaking out.”
Meanwhile, elsewhere, where islamic sympathisers are not allowed to lie and obfuscate, the truth is reported:
“Fury as lawless Leeds is left to burn for HOURS as riot police are driven out by thugs: Terrified residents plead with rabble to stop after cop car tipped and bus torched on night of shame – with officers only returning to restore order at 1am”
Child reported injured I believe, then children taken away.
“Locals allege the chaos was linked to local children being taken into care, adding that some people in the community responded by setting fires and ‘throwing stones’.”
Structural or cultural issue – or is it perhaps a psychological difference – if you can handle it edition
You may be aware how Mr AsI is somewhat of a connoisseur of those occasional awkward adjacently juxtaposed mainstream headlines where coincidental hints inform us of rather more than will the contents of the reports themselves. The implications of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.
Bus on fire and police car overturned in Leeds disorder (BBC) Bangladesh issues high security alert as deadly protests escalate (BBC)
Draw your own conclusions – our BBC certainly won’t spell it out for us.
We’ve heard of The Manchurian Candidate but ask yourselves, who voted for this guy?
Zelenskiy to join meeting of Starmer’s cabinet today (Guardian) – other spellings are available although apparently policies other than costly endless proxy war are not: Ursula von der Leyen will serve a second term as president of the European Commission after winning support with promises to boost defence capabilities… pledged to stay the course on Europe’s green transition and in supporting Ukraine if given a second term… She also said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin was “nothing but an appeasement mission” (FT)
Calm down dears…
Celeb victim… Strictly abuse scadal… Graziano’s admission over kick (Mirror)
How I learned the hard way why women like Strictly’s Zara put up with toxic men (the ever-excitable Daily Mail)
You’d have to ask a psychologist, luv.
Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2011 erotic romance novel by British author E.L. James [Erika Mitchell] which follows the deepening relationship between a college graduate, Anastasia Steele, and a young business magnate, Christian Grey. It contains explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving BDSM (bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism). It has been translated into 52 languages and set a record as the fastest-selling paperback of all time in the United Kingdom. Critical reception of the book, however, has tended towards the negative (thank you Wiki)
The trilogy had sold over 150 million copies worldwide by October 2017 – very few of them bought by men, I’ll wager.
Viggo Mortensen Don’t call my new film a feminist western… I’ve just told him I loved his new film, The Dead Don’t Hurt, a gorgeous, female-focused Western that he wrote, directed, produced, scored and starred in. (Alexandra Pollard, Deputy Culture Editor of ‘i’) – I think he just advised you to calm down, luv
Lack of diversity in UK executive pipeline points to slow progress for female CEOs… The 25×25 initiative wants 25 female chief executives in the FTSE 100 by 2025… “Executive gender balance is a great indicator of how robust an organisation’s succession and talent planning is, because women account for almost half the working population,” said Tara Cemlyn-Jones, chief executive of 25×25. She added: “If no woman is getting through to a senior decision-making position, this suggests a structural or cultural issue.” (FT)
Justice secretary seeks to sack legal chief for years of failure that left an inncoent man to rot in prison… Andrew Malkinson – wrongly convicted of rape – was twice refused a chance to appeal by the Criminal Cases Review Commission… The failings show CCRC chair Helen Pitcher is ‘unfit to fulfil her duties’… Ms Mahmood said she would look to fire Ms Pitcher (giveaway Metro)
One of the the most often quoted classic lines from a movie comes from Jack Nicholson’s character in A Few Good Men [1993] when on the witness stand he is challenged for the truth by a defence attorney played by Tom Cruise, and shouts, “You can’t handle the truth!”
Fraser Nelson PM can’t handle Trump’s return (Telegraph)
A personal favourite movie quote of Mr AsI’s comes from Christopher Eccleston in the film Shallow Grave [1994] “No, no, that’s what you paid for it. 500 pounds is what you paid for it. We don’t know how much it cost us yet.”
Border Force takes migrants back to France for the first time… as the Prime Minister says he wants an asylum seeker returns deal with Europe (Telegraph)
“John Lewis chair exit: what went wrong for Sharon White?
A combination of inexperience and several unpopular decisions have contributed to the chair of the John Lewis Partnership announcing her plans to step down after just one term in post”
“Speaker Mike Johnson calls on Secret Service director to resign after assassination attempt on Trump
Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle said “the buck stops with me” but that she won’t resign. ”
I can imagine corrupted institutions like the CCRC putting all their efforts into HR policies insuring the latest brand of sexual pervert it treated equally – allowed part time job sharing working from home with parental and stress leave With ‘support ‘ ….
A couple of months into Sharon White’s leadership at John Lewis, in a newspaper article, she was quoted as blaming her senior management team for their lack of retail experience. Hello. Had she looked in the mirror? And it isn’t good form to blame your underlings (but the civil service excels at it).
And didn’t Sharon White do due diligence? If she thought her team lacked retail experience either she shouldn’t have taken the job or she should have immediately set in place recruitment for the people she thought she wanted.
And I now shop for as little as possible at Waitrose. Fruit and vegetables are better at Tescos. Cheese and butter are better and cheaper at M&S. I get meat at the butchers and fish at the fishmongers.
Mens Doubles on TOADY with JustRemainIn and Nick, the Wimbledon Tennis effect can be long lasting but not as long when I was much younger. TOADY brought me news that there has been rioting in Leeds because Rachel has not made them rich enough and fast enough. We are all going to be rich, Major Bellend and his Chancellor have said so. Patience, good people of Leeds, patience. It will take some time. People will get rich, the wind farmers and the solar panel famers first but the rest of us will have to wait a bit longer.
If it’s Rachel reeves constituency we should feel sorry for her because she has to go north to her constituency this week end – obviously a place she never wants to be – perhaps Maitliss can ask her the ‘clacton question ‘ about why she doesn’t spend more time in her constituency ….
Comrade Sarah smith – with her permanent sneer at President Trump …. ‘Reporting on the Republican convention ‘ ….. or. Maybe just throwing verbal acid at mr trump …
Since the far left seem to be experts on Hitler and the Nazis when choosing to debate with those of differing views, maybe they should study where “appeasement” got us in the 1930’s
RE when dealing with rioting, gang raping visitors.
Note to the police and marxist councillors and council officers also.
Depressing – looks like the democrats are waiting for the Republican conference to end before dumping Biden … come on … he’s not that old … and he doesn’t fall over that often … and he can sort of read an autocue … 4 more years …. Get well soon joe …
BBC news reports that a ‘show trial ‘ in Russia involving an American journalist is coming to an end . But surely the term ‘show trial ‘ is now devalued now that the US uses them to try to destroy Republican presidents ….
The US ‘justice ‘ system certainly fell off the moral high ground …
Sometimes you read an article on the BBC and so much doesn’t make sense because of things omitted or twisted that at the end of it, you don’t believe a word they are telling you to be the whole truth.
For example, the BBC report:
‘Law enforcement sources have told US media that the gunman had conducted online searches into a major depressive disorder and the Democratic National Convention scheduled for August.’
Elsewhere I learn the official statement was:
‘.. searched on his phone for the dates of the former president’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and for dates of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago’
The BBC are deliberately trying to infer he maybe wanted to assasinate Biden and thus the Democrats are not involved in any way.
And is it even feasible he planned to assasinate someone at a convention ?. They are held indoors – surely a rally is far more practical ?.
Sorry but the timing for it is far, far too convenient. All the legal attempts to stop Trump have failed, he IS the Republican Nominee and is leading the polls because Joes dementia is now open season as they start infighting to make him quit. And I include the BBC in that group.
So after all those things are going wrong for Obama, a) someone tries to assasinate Trump and b) the secret service protection utterly failed.
Really ?.
Not to mention how we all predicted they would try this if everything else failed.
If he was indeed someone recruited for the job, whatever he did in the week or two before the act is totally irrelevant because he was part of a bigger plan. Luckily the BBC are quite prepared to infer anything convenient as fact.
“EDL Birmingham protest: Bottles thrown at police.
Four people have been arrested after bottles were thrown at police during an English Defence League (EDL) protest in Birmingham city centre.”
“London protests: Met condemns ‘extreme violence’ of far-right”
“Images of 10 people the Met want to find after violence broke out at a “Free Tommy Robinson” demonstration in central London have been released.”
“Tommy Robinson: Twenty charged after violence at demonstration. Twenty people have been charged after violence broke out during a Tommy Robinson campaign event.
Missiles were thrown and police vehicles damaged”
I understand a neurologist with apparent expertise in this area has said dementia is permanent but Parkinsons comes and goes which fits with Bidens behaviour, as he has occasional lucid moments.
we’re a way beyond that – Biden was ga-ga 4+ years ago and the cabal actually running things have had the enthusiastic support of MSM omission + lies all the way along…
I listened to ‘Today’ on R4 from about 08:10 to 09:00. No mention of the Leeds violence, even in the headline summary ~ 08:30. It was finally reported in the short news at 9 am but no mention of Muslims.
Offshore Wind Turbines Could Mess With Ships’ Radar Signals
A new study finds that turbines can muddle ships’ navigational systems, obscuring the location of smaller boats or creating misleading images on radar screens.
NANTUCKET – The federal government has ordered the Vineyard Wind farm to shut down until further notice because of a turbine blade failure this weekend.
Several beaches were closed on Tuesday while crews worked to clean up “large floating debris and fiberglass shards” from the broken wind turbine blade off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. A total of six south shore Nantucket beaches were closed to swimming due to debris that washed ashore.
The accounts for Kincardine, the UK’s second floating offshore windfarm are out, and we now know that it cost £398million to build, or £8m/MW. That’s ten times the capital cost of a gas-turbine, but delivering only half as much power, and then intermittently.
Just an observation really – but yesterday saw a blockbuster report on the failure of the blues to prepare Blighty for a pandemic ….
… and today has the review of the failure of the CCRC to properly handle the miscarriage of justice – a rape – which left an innocent man in prison for another 10 years – he was on ‘today ‘ – he still has nt had any money from the state that locked him up ….
My point is – does anyone read these detailed reports ? Does anything get done ?
I thought it telling that the CCRC has refused to be interviewed after publication of the report … public accountability eh ?
( an easy politics win for the reds if they choose to do it )
Looks like IT systems all over the world are being attacked.
Flights, banking, Stock Exchanges and as per the BBC, customers cannot pay via card in Gails Coffee Shop chain. Oh no ….. and Sky News off line …. ha ha
Just goes to show, this clammer to be all digital , CASH IS STILL KING.
Sara Smith the BBC USA mouthpiece needs urgent Medical Help.
She has one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome ever witnessed and that is saying something with the likes of Sopel and Zurcher in the mix.
She simply cannot just report without throwing a snide remark about Trump in. Pathetic.
Widely reported that his speech last night was more subdued and used a lot softer rhetoric and less divisive but Ms Smith now on Radio 2, had to tell us that he went off script about several things and even brought Hannibal Lecter into this speech … WFT is she on ???
The riot is said to have started as a protest against a child being taken away by social services. One resident lamented:
“If innocent babies are harmed and social services did nothing, they would be accused of not doing their jobs. So they have acted, and this is the outcome. It is disgusting.”
Labour councillor Salma Arif had to urge residents to stay indoors last night as the disorder unfolded. Britain under Labour…
Former cabinet minister Sajid Javid campaigned for the memorial to the estimated 750,000 Muslims who fought in both world wars fighting for Britain. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA
These memorials should have nothing to do with muslims. At the time of WW1 and WW2 there were only Indian soldiers. There are already monuments to Indian soldiers. Near Southampton there was a hospital for them.
The ragheads screeching for muslim memorials would have some credibility if they were asking for monuments also for: Buddhists, Sikhs, and Hindus.
Nothing to do with the child and everything to do with white Infidels interfering in an Islamic community.
The root of this is racist hate. You can be sure nobody in our media will say it because THEY would be called racists by the Muslims and the Left would criticise them because it is ‘unhelpful’.
Starmer will make some statement which means nothing at all just in case he might offend somebody.
News story
Independent review into sharia law launched
An independent review into the application of sharia law in England and Wales has been launched by Home Secretary Theresa May today.
@tomo – That’s exactly what it is: newly occupied territory. And every new mosque, every new madrasah, every green flag, every Palestinian flag, every muslim council, every muslim councillor, mayor or MP, every niqab, every hijab, every law or directive restricting legitimate criticism of the Religion of War, reinforces that occupation.
Diversity is our …. oh wait …. “In August and September 2022, Leicester, England, saw a period of religious and ethnic tension between predominately British Hindus and British Muslims of South Asian origin.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me that the attempt on Trump’s life failed to make it to the front pages of our esteemed press, which instead were full of our useless failures in Berlin.
Is footie really more important than an epoch defining assassination? Or is it that our ‘legacy’ media still don’t want to give Trump the oxygen of publicity by showing that iconic image of him standing defiant?
Even the so-called conservative press continue to be extremely sniffy towards Orange Man. For example, it wasn’t rare to read articles equating him with the truly awful Biden, asking questions like “is this the best America can do: a dementia sufferer against a convicted felon?”
Vlad – lucky america is a foreign country and that British people cannot vote there isn’t it ? Sometimes it sounds like the BBC is more interested in the US than the UK – but there again there are so many unapproved issues in the UK it’s understandable ….
vlad, I am 100% certain that if Trump had been killed, a majority of BBC staff would be secretly pleased. Though they would only admit it to close friends in private at the coffee machine.
China has asserted that the Volt Typhoon gang, which Five Eyes nations accuse of being a Beijing-backed attacker that targets critical infrastructure, was in fact made up by the US intelligence community.
Why doesn’t
apply the same scrutiny to other MPs in actual power and not one who isn’t even in a position of power and whose friend was literally almost murdered on live TV by an assassin’s bullet?? They seem really rattled
has a friend in DJT.
Rachel Reeves to visit Leeds firery protests and join in?
I wonder if any of these enterprising Africans will use Kier’s (our) £84 million to start up a business…maybe making rubber inflatable dinghy’s for a growing market.
Britain spends £500,000 a year to keep Channel migrants’ boats piled up in a car park in case the ‘owner’ comes forward to claim them – and now plans to build a £2MILLION processing facility in Dover
India keeps global crude prices affordable by buying oil from Russia, India’s energy minister said. “If we start buying more of the Middle Eastern oil, the oil price will not be at $75 or $76. It will be $150,” he told CNBC’s Sri Jegarajah on the sidelines of the India Energy Week conference in Goa.8 Feb 2024
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
“Let me be perfectly clear,” said President Biden. “The idea that political violence, look, this is America, and there is no place for semi-assault, automatic weapons in our — well, anyway. In November, we will sort things out at the battle box!”
Biden also stressed the need to cool the temperature of political rhetoric, shortly before declaring that Trump is a racist, fascist dictator who must be stopped at all costs.
Biden expressed confidence that Americans can come together and unify to beat Trump on the ballots, just as long as Trump’s name doesn’t appear on them.
“In America, we do not resort to political violence. That’s not who we are,” said Senator Chuck Schumer. “We let the American people vote, so long as we can dictate who they are allowed to vote for. That’s real freedom.”
The effort to remove Trump from ballots began earlier this year in Colorado and Rhode Island, but Biden has committed to making sure Trump won’t appear on ballots in Canada, Mexico, Egypt, Palestine, or East Germany as well.
From The Babylon Bee
Lord frost writing in the DT – he still gets his £361? A day tax free for turning up at the best London club – I’ve cut and pasted it for the record – but he hasn’t the courage to move to the True Conservative Party – Reform – but I suspect they wouldn’t have him
STARTS Labour called its manifesto “Change”. It campaigned for “change”. Yet there was no change of direction in the King’s Speech. Quite the opposite. Insofar as it was a plan for anything, it was to continue transforming Britain into a big government, low-growth, low-energy corporatist state.
That direction of travel has been set at least since the Gordon Brown years. Fourteen years of Tory-led government and Brexit may have given us the powers to get on to a different track, but they were not exercised. Instead, we have moved ever further towards more collectivism and more government control, and nothing we heard from the King or Sir Keir Starmer yesterday alters that.
Indeed, as if to underline it, our new “change” Government has picked up several Bills from its Conservative predecessor, and all bad ones: to ban smoking (a flagship “Conservative” proposal, remember); to create a football regulator; to destroy property rights and wreck the rental market still further; and to put in place “Martyn’s law”, which will make every public space in the country waste time and money with pointless anti-terror risk assessments.
To the extent that we can discern a common thread in the remaining plans, it’s about more regulation and more control.
Labour will control your speech, if you have conservative religious views, or even just reality-based ones, with the ban on conversion therapy. The Employment Rights Bill will roll back trade union reform and give workers even more rights from day one. Fine, unless you are an employer who has to find time and money for all these things. The result will be fewer jobs.
The dreadful Race Equality Bill will load even more cost on to business and give further scope to the perpetually aggrieved. Then there’s the whole panoply of new corporatist bodies: the Industrial Strategy Council; Skills England; the new OBR with its stronger legal status and even stronger powers to put its dead hand on to any attempt to create economic dynamism through free markets.
And there’s more devolution, giving local “leaders” an incentive to outcompete each other in demanding more money from the centre, and encouraging each other through new talking shops like the Council of Nations and Regions with their “local growth plans”. Someone has to pay for all this – and ultimately it will be you.
In other areas, Old Labour peeks through. Louise Haigh, perhaps Labour’s most throwback minister, is set on nationalising the railways without having a clue what to do next, and will just see the new Government blackmailed still further by the transport unions.
The school system is also under threat – hardly surprisingly given the dependence of Labour on the teaching unions. There will be an expert review of the national curriculum (we know where that will lead) and the Children’s Wellbeing Bill – a euphemistic title if ever I heard one – will require all schools to teach it. At a stroke, one of the huge benefits of academy and free school status will be swept away. Labour is renationalising the school system by stealth.
And of course we see the desperation to push on with the maniacal approach to net zero, led by Ed Miliband, perhaps Labour’s battiest minister. We will get Great British Energy, a company whose function no one can convincingly describe, but which certainly doesn’t include producing any energy.
And we have the so-called National Wealth Fund, a plan to borrow money and spend it on dubious projects no one else will fund – sorry, I mean “transformative investments”. We can all play that game. Remortgage your house, spend the money on a holiday, and hey presto!, you have created your own sovereign wealth fund.
Against this background, I suppose we should be grateful for the virtue-signalling proposals that don’t really do anything at all. There’s the Crime and Policing Bill that will make it a crime to assault a shopworker (isn’t it already?) and make stealing goods under £200 illegal (er … ditto). Or there is the Border Security and Asylum Bill that shuffles the bureaucratic deck of cards, talks tough on penalties even though people-traffickers already face life imprisonment, and does so while illegal Channel migrants reach the highest level ever.
The one possible exception to all this is the Planning Bill. As I wrote last week, we badly need to get more houses built where people want them. But the target is unambitious – 300,000 houses a year, the same as the last government’s, which is in reality far too low, especially since Labour has no intention of getting immigration down. Much depends on the detail.
After all, we had compulsory housing targets until 2022, so bringing them back won’t much help unless you sweep away all the grounds for thwarting building, too, and block legal challenges and judicial reviews, a tactic which Labour greeted with horror every time the last government tried it. I worry that the effect of this Bill will be to allow the Government to push through more pointless, indeed actively damaging, wind and solar projects, while making little difference to the housing problem. Let’s see.
Starmer called for us to be “patient”. He’s wise to do so, because there is no chance of most of these measures delivering anything good for the British economy any time soon. Meanwhile, nonsensical Blair-style verbiage will conceal the real direction of travel, which is less dynamism, more corporatism, and even bigger government.
“This King’s Speech returns politics to serious government, returns government to service, and returns service to the interests of working people,” says Starmer. Does anyone have any idea what that actually means?
So this all needs opposing. I can do this in good conscience myself because I have constantly criticised the collectivist direction of travel of the last government, too.
The Conservative Party isn’t going to find it so easy. It is going to have to disavow its approach of the past few years, move on those responsible for it, and discover its conservative principles once again. For opposition isn’t only about complaining. It’s also about explaining. The next Tory leader needs to find the courage to explain why the path we are on is the wrong one, and then set out a better one. If the Conservative Party can’t do that, it is going to become irrelevant, and deserve to.ENDS
the blues are still deluded enough to think pretty patel could be a blue leader …. Just so lost…
Mainly peaceful though….
Seems as though’ the Leeds community ‘don’t like police cars . Surely the local mp – who happens to be the Chancellor – will tell her ‘community ‘ to be nice to police cars …
No Muslims were harmed in the making of this riot ..
Fast forward to the video. All Muslims. No mention of the fact by anyone.
Searched for the coverage on the BBC.
I really do wonder what these left-wing idiots think the end game for all of this is going to be.
Their ideology says the Muslims finally feel equal and integrate into society to become like us. Reality all over the world says the exact opposite.
Meanwhile Starmer is touring Europe offering to be everybodies doormat.
What did I say…
Awful arch leftie Beeboid, scringeing as usuaL…
‘Trump ‘can beat anyone’ – with one exception, maybe
published at 20:49
Mike Wendling
Reporting from the convention
I’ve been talking to delegates as they file into the security zone here at the Republican convention. And with rumours continuing to swirl about whether Joe Biden will continue in the race, I want to know if there’s a Democrat that they think might pose a stiffer challenge.
Confidence is sky high here, so it’s tough to get a straight answer. But one name keeps coming up – Michelle Obama.
“I think she could win,” says Kent Mercado, a retired doctor and former congressional candidate from Illinois.
The former First Lady has shown no interest in running, even though rumours that she might be a late-minute replacement for Biden have long circulated on the right.
She’s the one Democrat that seems to spark any political fear at all here.’
Done deal, the covids lie is the Choreographs’ next move – 5 (5.1)..
(Waiter? More clean and dry knickers for the Beeboids please)…
Sir Keir has announced spending £84 million of our money to smash the gangs. So to do this he is spending this money throughout Africa and the Middle East helping people there to get jobs. I just wonder how thinly this money will be spread and how could such a little amount of money spread over an entire continent and some make much difference.
More moronic twerps dispatched to lecture the ignorant natives on climate change and biodiversity then.
Money from poor people in rich countries handed out to rich people in poor countries.
The people in a Western country speak in an attempt to defend their country and the powers that be tell them to fuck off…
So we now see our police forces taking action against its own citizens for trying to protect its own heritage.
Ah, but, he did have a Lobby pleasing cuddle wiv Starperson.
The BBC report on the rioting in Leeds explains absolutely nothing.
Usually that can mean only one thing: migrants and / or muslims are involved.
The BBC lies often and on many subjects by:
(1) Omission, and if this fails …
(2) Distortion, and if that fails …
(3) Outright lying.
“The politics of the sub-continent are playing out on the streets of Leeds”
Nigel Farage telling it like it really is!
So foreigner thugs go out and tip over a cop car, and fire up a bus.
Welcome to Strummer’s new immigration policies – well, that’s not what the Beebods will tell you of course.
Oh no…
Some idiot Labour MP trying to ring fence the thing.
No wonder if she is a BBC journalist
Soon to be but one of 20,000.
Super Bowl winner ‘wrongly handcuffed’ on United flight
One thing I was absolutely certain of was that if the BBC deemed worthy of front-page, world news : he is black.
And he is.
A headline with no context whatsoever. And of course we only get his side of the story.
In an effort to get his son the ice, Mr Davis said he “lightly tapped” the flight attendant on the arm to get his attention, only to hear him respond, “Don’t hit me!”
Shame on you BBC. You wouldn’t have even reported it if he was white.
The BBC – and the Left in general – are desperate to keep up the racist divide in society because that’s their main weapon to use against the Right. It will never, ever end. Even when it leads to the most blatant of racist discrimination against white (as in all TV and advertisements now as well as the entire BBC output), they shamelessly ignore that and focus on micro-events like this.
This is on a par with their classic “mostly peaceful” with the bloody police downplaying it as well.
A fcking great riot is “disorder” said twice in first few words:
“Bus on fire and police car overturned in Leeds disorder”
A police car was flipped over and a bus set alight during what West Yorkshire Police has described as a “serious disorder incident”.
The force said officers were initially called to reports of a disturbance at an address in Luxor Street at about 17:00 BST, with further “pockets of disorder” then breaking out.”
“Bus destroyed and police car flipped in Leeds disorder”
Labour’s Rachel Reeves holds seat in Leeds West
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
noun: disorder
a state of confusion.
Disorder – Man has a cervix?
Meanwhile, elsewhere, where islamic sympathisers are not allowed to lie and obfuscate, the truth is reported:
“Fury as lawless Leeds is left to burn for HOURS as riot police are driven out by thugs: Terrified residents plead with rabble to stop after cop car tipped and bus torched on night of shame – with officers only returning to restore order at 1am”
Maybe ‘rabble and disorderly’ is a new Labour plan/bill/Rayner brane phart?
Though I recall ‘rabble’ was deemed very non u in the hands of the wrong kind of politician once by the Ostricharti.
“Rabble and Disorderly”
Great name for a company, or shop, selling zombie knives and associated paraphernalia.
So our police ran away, (should be the headline).
They are only any good, like the muslims, when they outnumber, ( as I am acutely aware, very brave when five on one).
And as white English protesters in London also know only too well.
I have some questions about what ignited Leeds i.e. the initial incident and not the subsequent riot.
Times Radio reporting: ‘Police’ went to visit a house with ‘agency workers’ and ‘children’.
Were these ‘agency workers’ Romanian?
Were these ‘children’ the 5 children of a Romanian family at this address?
Why were the ‘Police’ visiting this address, was it to remove the children of a family after a tip-off from gestapo at Social Services?
Was there an initial incident that kicked this off, such as a baby being dropped on its head and then taken to hospital?
Could it be that we need to get government the hell out of family life, because government only makes things worse.
Child reported injured I believe, then children taken away.
“Locals allege the chaos was linked to local children being taken into care, adding that some people in the community responded by setting fires and ‘throwing stones’.”
I see Del Boy is still around, RE Only Fools and Horses London riot:
Bloody Beirut comes to England.
Or rather, Egypt:
“reports of a disturbance at an address in Luxor Street”
Structural or cultural issue – or is it perhaps a psychological difference – if you can handle it edition
You may be aware how Mr AsI is somewhat of a connoisseur of those occasional awkward adjacently juxtaposed mainstream headlines where coincidental hints inform us of rather more than will the contents of the reports themselves. The implications of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.
Bus on fire and police car overturned in Leeds disorder (BBC)
Bangladesh issues high security alert as deadly protests escalate (BBC)
Draw your own conclusions – our BBC certainly won’t spell it out for us.
We’ve heard of The Manchurian Candidate but ask yourselves, who voted for this guy?
Zelenskiy to join meeting of Starmer’s cabinet today (Guardian) – other spellings are available although apparently policies other than costly endless proxy war are not: Ursula von der Leyen will serve a second term as president of the European Commission after winning support with promises to boost defence capabilities… pledged to stay the course on Europe’s green transition and in supporting Ukraine if given a second term… She also said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin was “nothing but an appeasement mission” (FT)
Calm down dears…
Celeb victim… Strictly abuse scadal… Graziano’s admission over kick (Mirror)
How I learned the hard way why women like Strictly’s Zara put up with toxic men (the ever-excitable Daily Mail)
You’d have to ask a psychologist, luv.
Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2011 erotic romance novel by British author E.L. James [Erika Mitchell] which follows the deepening relationship between a college graduate, Anastasia Steele, and a young business magnate, Christian Grey. It contains explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving BDSM (bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism). It has been translated into 52 languages and set a record as the fastest-selling paperback of all time in the United Kingdom. Critical reception of the book, however, has tended towards the negative (thank you Wiki)
The trilogy had sold over 150 million copies worldwide by October 2017 – very few of them bought by men, I’ll wager.
Viggo Mortensen Don’t call my new film a feminist western… I’ve just told him I loved his new film, The Dead Don’t Hurt, a gorgeous, female-focused Western that he wrote, directed, produced, scored and starred in. (Alexandra Pollard, Deputy Culture Editor of ‘i’) – I think he just advised you to calm down, luv
Lack of diversity in UK executive pipeline points to slow progress for female CEOs… The 25×25 initiative wants 25 female chief executives in the FTSE 100 by 2025… “Executive gender balance is a great indicator of how robust an organisation’s succession and talent planning is, because women account for almost half the working population,” said Tara Cemlyn-Jones, chief executive of 25×25. She added: “If no woman is getting through to a senior decision-making position, this suggests a structural or cultural issue.” (FT)
Justice secretary seeks to sack legal chief for years of failure that left an inncoent man to rot in prison… Andrew Malkinson – wrongly convicted of rape – was twice refused a chance to appeal by the Criminal Cases Review Commission… The failings show CCRC chair Helen Pitcher is ‘unfit to fulfil her duties’… Ms Mahmood said she would look to fire Ms Pitcher (giveaway Metro)
One of the the most often quoted classic lines from a movie comes from Jack Nicholson’s character in A Few Good Men [1993] when on the witness stand he is challenged for the truth by a defence attorney played by Tom Cruise, and shouts, “You can’t handle the truth!”
Fraser Nelson PM can’t handle Trump’s return (Telegraph)
A personal favourite movie quote of Mr AsI’s comes from Christopher Eccleston in the film Shallow Grave [1994] “No, no, that’s what you paid for it. 500 pounds is what you paid for it. We don’t know how much it cost us yet.”
Border Force takes migrants back to France for the first time… as the Prime Minister says he wants an asylum seeker returns deal with Europe (Telegraph)
A pretty lengthening list of incompetent women ‘leaders ‘
Cressie Dick
Now the head of the CCRC
the bbc for ever crowing about the first woman to do this or that – but competence matters more than ‘gender ‘….
“John Lewis chair exit: what went wrong for Sharon White?
A combination of inexperience and several unpopular decisions have contributed to the chair of the John Lewis Partnership announcing her plans to step down after just one term in post”
“Speaker Mike Johnson calls on Secret Service director to resign after assassination attempt on Trump
Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle said “the buck stops with me” but that she won’t resign. ”
I can imagine corrupted institutions like the CCRC putting all their efforts into HR policies insuring the latest brand of sexual pervert it treated equally – allowed part time job sharing working from home with parental and stress leave With ‘support ‘ ….
.. meanwhile the actual job can wait ….
A couple of months into Sharon White’s leadership at John Lewis, in a newspaper article, she was quoted as blaming her senior management team for their lack of retail experience. Hello. Had she looked in the mirror? And it isn’t good form to blame your underlings (but the civil service excels at it).
And didn’t Sharon White do due diligence? If she thought her team lacked retail experience either she shouldn’t have taken the job or she should have immediately set in place recruitment for the people she thought she wanted.
And I now shop for as little as possible at Waitrose. Fruit and vegetables are better at Tescos. Cheese and butter are better and cheaper at M&S. I get meat at the butchers and fish at the fishmongers.
TOADY Watch #1 – rioting in Leeds?
Mens Doubles on TOADY with JustRemainIn and Nick, the Wimbledon Tennis effect can be long lasting but not as long when I was much younger. TOADY brought me news that there has been rioting in Leeds because Rachel has not made them rich enough and fast enough. We are all going to be rich, Major Bellend and his Chancellor have said so. Patience, good people of Leeds, patience. It will take some time. People will get rich, the wind farmers and the solar panel famers first but the rest of us will have to wait a bit longer.
If it’s Rachel reeves constituency we should feel sorry for her because she has to go north to her constituency this week end – obviously a place she never wants to be – perhaps Maitliss can ask her the ‘clacton question ‘ about why she doesn’t spend more time in her constituency ….
Much much more to come ….
Comrade Sarah smith – with her permanent sneer at President Trump …. ‘Reporting on the Republican convention ‘ ….. or. Maybe just throwing verbal acid at mr trump …
Since the far left seem to be experts on Hitler and the Nazis when choosing to debate with those of differing views, maybe they should study where “appeasement” got us in the 1930’s
RE when dealing with rioting, gang raping visitors.
Note to the police and marxist councillors and council officers also.
RE Up2 “wind and solar farmers”
How long to they take to grow, what do you feed them ?
Can the farmers shoot dogs if they worry the panels ?
I am sure the word “farm” is carefully chosen, rather than what is, in reality, a bloody industrial estate.
Always careful language from BBC on wind / solar
– never mention subsidy
– never mention capacity factor
Would you pay double for a light switch that only works less than 2 days a week?
Top notch BBC reporting from Leeds.
A police car “flipped”over and caught fire….code for police car overturned and set alight.
A bus caught fire….bus set on fire.
World class comedy/satire?
Yes, “caught fire” lying when the evidence is in front of their bloody faces
bbc verify, please note “asian” with lighter:
It’s not arson – it’s a vigil – if they bother to ‘bring him to justice ‘ maybe he ll get a ‘community sentence ‘… I wonder where he left his dinghy ?
“fleeing war and persecution”
anyone still buying that line, apart from sex starved middle aged marxist wimmin ?
Depressing – looks like the democrats are waiting for the Republican conference to end before dumping Biden … come on … he’s not that old … and he doesn’t fall over that often … and he can sort of read an autocue … 4 more years …. Get well soon joe …
So, by extension, no more “riot police” ?
Only “disorder police” ?
To address issues such as self igniting buses and wobbly police cars tipping over.
BBC news reports that a ‘show trial ‘ in Russia involving an American journalist is coming to an end . But surely the term ‘show trial ‘ is now devalued now that the US uses them to try to destroy Republican presidents ….
The US ‘justice ‘ system certainly fell off the moral high ground …
Father of Trump gunman called police about son before attack
Sometimes you read an article on the BBC and so much doesn’t make sense because of things omitted or twisted that at the end of it, you don’t believe a word they are telling you to be the whole truth.
For example, the BBC report:
‘Law enforcement sources have told US media that the gunman had conducted online searches into a major depressive disorder and the Democratic National Convention scheduled for August.’
Elsewhere I learn the official statement was:
‘.. searched on his phone for the dates of the former president’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and for dates of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago’
The BBC are deliberately trying to infer he maybe wanted to assasinate Biden and thus the Democrats are not involved in any way.
And is it even feasible he planned to assasinate someone at a convention ?. They are held indoors – surely a rally is far more practical ?.
Sorry but the timing for it is far, far too convenient. All the legal attempts to stop Trump have failed, he IS the Republican Nominee and is leading the polls because Joes dementia is now open season as they start infighting to make him quit. And I include the BBC in that group.
So after all those things are going wrong for Obama, a) someone tries to assasinate Trump and b) the secret service protection utterly failed.
Really ?.
Not to mention how we all predicted they would try this if everything else failed.
If he was indeed someone recruited for the job, whatever he did in the week or two before the act is totally irrelevant because he was part of a bigger plan. Luckily the BBC are quite prepared to infer anything convenient as fact.
bbc suddenly recognises violence when it suites:
“EDL Birmingham protest: Bottles thrown at police.
Four people have been arrested after bottles were thrown at police during an English Defence League (EDL) protest in Birmingham city centre.”
“London protests: Met condemns ‘extreme violence’ of far-right”
“Images of 10 people the Met want to find after violence broke out at a “Free Tommy Robinson” demonstration in central London have been released.”
“Tommy Robinson: Twenty charged after violence at demonstration. Twenty people have been charged after violence broke out during a Tommy Robinson campaign event.
Missiles were thrown and police vehicles damaged”
etc etc etc ad nauseam
Appropos of not much, but anyway:
RE Biden,
I understand a neurologist with apparent expertise in this area has said dementia is permanent but Parkinsons comes and goes which fits with Bidens behaviour, as he has occasional lucid moments.
we’re a way beyond that – Biden was ga-ga 4+ years ago and the cabal actually running things have had the enthusiastic support of MSM omission + lies all the way along…
Give him the big red button!
Prayers in the streets blocking traffic should get the Just Stop Oil treatment?
Rachel Reeves of LEEDS!
Got to love the BBC , these Leeds riots will be hell for them , their beloved religion of peace causing more trouble.
Checked the BBC Facebook page, not a sausage . Nil , zilch about it .
However , you can read all about Marcus Rashford being caught speeding .
Massive riots and Muslim men running amok in uk city , nah , not interested
I listened to ‘Today’ on R4 from about 08:10 to 09:00. No mention of the Leeds violence, even in the headline summary ~ 08:30. It was finally reported in the short news at 9 am but no mention of Muslims.
RE tomo, I had a look at Montford, interesting :
No need for Russia to have ballistic missiles anymore.
A catapault and some ball bearings, or a machine gun and there goes the UK electricity….
Offshore Wind Turbines Could Mess With Ships’ Radar Signals
A new study finds that turbines can muddle ships’ navigational systems, obscuring the location of smaller boats or creating misleading images on radar screens.
NANTUCKET – The federal government has ordered the Vineyard Wind farm to shut down until further notice because of a turbine blade failure this weekend.
Several beaches were closed on Tuesday while crews worked to clean up “large floating debris and fiberglass shards” from the broken wind turbine blade off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. A total of six south shore Nantucket beaches were closed to swimming due to debris that washed ashore.
The accounts for Kincardine, the UK’s second floating offshore windfarm are out, and we now know that it cost £398million to build, or £8m/MW. That’s ten times the capital cost of a gas-turbine, but delivering only half as much power, and then intermittently.
Wind output in the evening peak will be 0.5GW, or 1% of demand.
The government’s plan is to double the amount of wind on the grid, so in a future lull, it will deliver 2% of demand.
The US MSM are all over this guy…. smearing away
Just an observation really – but yesterday saw a blockbuster report on the failure of the blues to prepare Blighty for a pandemic ….
… and today has the review of the failure of the CCRC to properly handle the miscarriage of justice – a rape – which left an innocent man in prison for another 10 years – he was on ‘today ‘ – he still has nt had any money from the state that locked him up ….
My point is – does anyone read these detailed reports ? Does anything get done ?
I thought it telling that the CCRC has refused to be interviewed after publication of the report … public accountability eh ?
( an easy politics win for the reds if they choose to do it )
Looks like IT systems all over the world are being attacked.
Flights, banking, Stock Exchanges and as per the BBC, customers cannot pay via card in Gails Coffee Shop chain. Oh no ….. and Sky News off line …. ha ha
Just goes to show, this clammer to be all digital , CASH IS STILL KING.
China laugh and build 10 more power stations and store their gold under their bed.
Sara Smith the BBC USA mouthpiece needs urgent Medical Help.
She has one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome ever witnessed and that is saying something with the likes of Sopel and Zurcher in the mix.
She simply cannot just report without throwing a snide remark about Trump in. Pathetic.
Widely reported that his speech last night was more subdued and used a lot softer rhetoric and less divisive but Ms Smith now on Radio 2, had to tell us that he went off script about several things and even brought Hannibal Lecter into this speech … WFT is she on ???
Why do these lefty scumbags go to the RNC?
The riot is said to have started as a protest against a child being taken away by social services. One resident lamented:
“If innocent babies are harmed and social services did nothing, they would be accused of not doing their jobs. So they have acted, and this is the outcome. It is disgusting.”
Labour councillor Salma Arif had to urge residents to stay indoors last night as the disorder unfolded. Britain under Labour…
1400 raped kids = 0 buses flipped
Tory MPs criticise plans for memorial to Muslim soldiers who died in world wars
Former cabinet minister Sajid Javid campaigned for the memorial to the estimated 750,000 Muslims who fought in both world wars fighting for Britain. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA
These memorials should have nothing to do with muslims. At the time of WW1 and WW2 there were only Indian soldiers. There are already monuments to Indian soldiers. Near Southampton there was a hospital for them.
The ragheads screeching for muslim memorials would have some credibility if they were asking for monuments also for: Buddhists, Sikhs, and Hindus.
Nothing to do with the child and everything to do with white Infidels interfering in an Islamic community.
The root of this is racist hate. You can be sure nobody in our media will say it because THEY would be called racists by the Muslims and the Left would criticise them because it is ‘unhelpful’.
Starmer will make some statement which means nothing at all just in case he might offend somebody.
Welcome to modern Britain.
News story
Independent review into sharia law launched
An independent review into the application of sharia law in England and Wales has been launched by Home Secretary Theresa May today.
Home Office and The Rt Hon Theresa May
There doesn’t need to be war, our governments are giving the country to the enemy without even
a murmur.
@tomo – That’s exactly what it is: newly occupied territory. And every new mosque, every new madrasah, every green flag, every Palestinian flag, every muslim council, every muslim councillor, mayor or MP, every niqab, every hijab, every law or directive restricting legitimate criticism of the Religion of War, reinforces that occupation.
Tory party = 0 action.
Labour in power = all the action.
Diversity is our …. oh wait …. “In August and September 2022, Leicester, England, saw a period of religious and ethnic tension between predominately British Hindus and British Muslims of South Asian origin.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me that the attempt on Trump’s life failed to make it to the front pages of our esteemed press, which instead were full of our useless failures in Berlin.
Is footie really more important than an epoch defining assassination? Or is it that our ‘legacy’ media still don’t want to give Trump the oxygen of publicity by showing that iconic image of him standing defiant?
Even the so-called conservative press continue to be extremely sniffy towards Orange Man. For example, it wasn’t rare to read articles equating him with the truly awful Biden, asking questions like “is this the best America can do: a dementia sufferer against a convicted felon?”
Vlad – lucky america is a foreign country and that British people cannot vote there isn’t it ? Sometimes it sounds like the BBC is more interested in the US than the UK – but there again there are so many unapproved issues in the UK it’s understandable ….
no foreign influence – special relationship –

vlad, I am 100% certain that if Trump had been killed, a majority of BBC staff would be secretly pleased. Though they would only admit it to close friends in private at the coffee machine.
BBC news mentions in passing another drowned illegal being shipped back to France …..
Did they fly back with Macron?
Propaganda will be restored soon….
“The BBC’s channel for children and teenagers, CBBC, has been down since earlier this morning.
The channel has a message which reads: “Sorry! Something’s gone wrong.
“While we fix it, please go to BBC iPlayer.”
BBC channels including BBC One and CBeebies are still on air.
Other broadcasters including ITV and Channel 4 have not been affected, but Sky News has been unable to broadcast.”
China has asserted that the Volt Typhoon gang, which Five Eyes nations accuse of being a Beijing-backed attacker that targets critical infrastructure, was in fact made up by the US intelligence community.
Why doesn’t
apply the same scrutiny to other MPs in actual power and not one who isn’t even in a position of power and whose friend was literally almost murdered on live TV by an assassin’s bullet?? They seem really rattled
has a friend in DJT.
Rachel Reeves to visit Leeds firery protests and join in?
Some finger wagging is in order in Leeds
Meanwhile in London….
Shi’ite Muslims in Kabul cut themselves with swords at Shia festival after Taliban takes control
Well, it’s a start.
So Leeds burns for hours and the BBC failed to get any photos of these involved?
Usual, usual!
I wonder if any of these enterprising Africans will use Kier’s (our) £84 million to start up a business…maybe making rubber inflatable dinghy’s for a growing market.
You can, I feel, be confident that no effective audit or performance reporting will be emplaced.
In fact it would seem that detail of targeted spending isn’t suitable for the perusal of those footing the bill!
Britain spends £500,000 a year to keep Channel migrants’ boats piled up in a car park in case the ‘owner’ comes forward to claim them – and now plans to build a £2MILLION processing facility in Dover
Another fruitcake ex newsnight twerp fawning over Starmer
India keeps global crude prices affordable by buying oil from Russia, India’s energy minister said. “If we start buying more of the Middle Eastern oil, the oil price will not be at $75 or $76. It will be $150,” he told CNBC’s Sri Jegarajah on the sidelines of the India Energy Week conference in Goa.8 Feb 2024
Will he be on the navy destroyer? HA HA HA HA!
Shouldn’t the UK and IT’S interests be at the heart of his agenda ?.
Just asking for a friend.
Starmer is proving himself to be the most pathetic weasel I suspected he was.