278 Responses to Weekend 20th July 2024

  1. wwfc says:



  2. BRISSLES says:

    Second – til someone jumps above me, and I end up 14th 🙂


    • Scroblene says:

      Brissles, my gorgeous chum, I’ll stay in the nether regions, just for you, by making myself fourth – so far!

      “Jumping” might be a bit of a challenge, as I’m 77 today…

      But there’s always hope…


      • Up2snuff says:

        Scrobie, Happy Birthday!


        • Fedup2 says:

          Yes – happy birthday scrobs – only 4015 weeks since you were born eh ?


          • BRISSLES says:

            Wow Fed, – seriously impressive if that was mentally calculated !


            • Up2snuff says:

              Brissles, echo that!


              • Up2snuff says:

                Good Morning Britain’s Picture Editor (see top right of wwfc’s post) has a possible serious eyesight problem, Dr Snuffy has diagnosed. The would-be assassins bullet in the right ear, not the left as pictured and the former President raised his right arm with clenched fist. Oooops! ITV need to get their Picture Editor to an optometrist a.s.a.p..

                Post here in a kindness to Brissles! 😉


          • StewGreen says:

            80×52= 4160
            3x 52= 156
            So anyone aged 77 has lived 4,160-156 weeks
            .. 4,004 weeks


      • BRISSLES says:

        Hope you’ve had a good a day as possible Scrobs. Raising a late night tincture to you.


        • Scroblene says:

          Aw thank you, Brissles, Uppers and Fed!

          I’ve already stubbed out a couple of Gin and Its, plus a scoop or two of Rioja, so somnambuliticiousness awaits…

          Yup, Brissles, a lunch with a Daught put the world to rights – thank you for your thoughts, your chat has been fabulous for me!

          Fed and Uppers, Senora O’Blene popped off last week – she’d been so ill, poor darling, and we’re all holding hands at the moment…


        • BRISSLES says:

          I do love you Snuffy


          • Up2snuff says:

            🙂 Well, it is the cricket season, after all. 😉

            I must proof read my posts. ‘Posted here in a kindness to Brissles’ and ‘Shows’ not shoes in my first post re Mina Smallman below.


  3. Scroblene says:


    C’mon Pixie, it’s your job now!

    What are you going to do about it?

    Form a committee, start a charity, get funding for more third-world no-hopers?

    Naaaah, I didn’t think you’d do anything, you never have actually achieved anything have you.


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Yeah – pixie got to answer an ‘urgent question. ‘ in the big house on Monday …. Thanks for all the emergency services running away … community coming together to learn lessons … gonna be an inquiry … wait for the outcome of that in 2026 ….


    • Doublethinker says:

      An excellent example of elite obfuscation . Yesterday Camilla Tominey , Telegraph and GB News, wrote an article in which she said Nigel Farage’s remarks about sub continent politics on the streets of the UK were not helpful. She then pointed out that the vast majority of trouble makers were not from the sub continent but born in Britain! In another article about the Leeds racial riots in the Telegraph there was no mention at all of any racial element . It was only by reading the readers comments ( which were permitted , an oversight probably) that you understood it was Muslims n the rampage.
      There in a nutshell is the state of our MSM even of the bit slightly to the right of the BBC. They will do anything , suppression , lies , use actors etc etc to avoid telling the public the truth about multi racial Britain and the fate that awaits us all.
      There is no doubt that many of the voters don’t really grasp the full horror of what will happen over the next few decades.But they would do if the MSM had done its job over the last three or four decades and if they had we wouldn’t be in the mess that we are all in today. Who would ever have voted for the creation of an Islamic Republic .
      Well I say Republic but I’m sure that Charles and William could be converted to Islam for the sake of community relations.


  5. Lucy Pevensey says:




  6. Lucy Pevensey says:

    To brighten your evening, This is Polish MEP Ewa Hernik- speech from 18 Jul 2024

    Gives von der Leyen a telling-off she deserves.


    • JohnC says:

      She was elected by a democratic vote. The BBC told me.

      They are less forthcoming about how she was the only candidate on offer and was chosen behind closed doors by the other high-ranking leaders.

      A style of democracy the Left would love to impose on everybody. And will do as and when they have the power to do it.

      We are not so far away : all the right-wing threats in the Conservatives were removed by the BBC (+ traitor liberal civil servants leaking them the headlines) long before the election and someone nobody voted for or wanted was forced into the PM’s job. IMHO it was nothing less than a Left-Wing coup.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Looks like the reds are going to ‘scupper ‘ ( where else do you see scupper?) the new fighter jet project which has a number of countries involved .

    The jet – the tempest – has being designed to hit Islamic Hamas targets in Leeds Bradford Luton tower hamlets Rochdale Newham et al … …


  8. Sluff says:

    It’s all been kicking off in Harehills Leeds.
    Another triumph for multiculturalism and open door immigration.
    This time it’s …..errrrr…….the Romanian traveller community!

    Not that the intelligentsia and LeftMob particularly want to spell it out.

    You have to read all the way to the end to find the single mention.
    Classic BBC burying of inconvenient truth.


  9. BRISSLES says:

    Did I mention that Mick Jagger is a year younger than Biden ?


    • JohnC says:

      Then according to the BBC he should have exactly the same mental condition.

      Because apparently it is age related and nothing to do with any disease he might have.

      The fact he has Parkinsons disease is as clear as day. And the BBC will not mention it. Instead they are trying to get him to resign so they never have to.

      If you search for ‘Trump unhinged BBC’, you get dozens of hits. They even did it in an article 3 days ago doing their other trick of dragging an old story into a new one to make it current again.

      If you search for ‘Biden Parkinsons BBC’, the only hits are the recent articles denying he has it (by quoting others of course, the trick they use extensively these days).

      This is the real BBC. Dirty, deceitful and not a single journalistic ethic for reporting the whole truth to be found. They are now 100% left-wing activists.


      • Doublethinker says:

        Can everyone please get right behind dear old Joe. Provided he runs in November he is the man who will put Trump back in the White House . Consequently he deserves our full support.


        • JohnC says:

          And if he does pull out (which he will – but hopefully he hangs on long enough for them to start getting dirty in their desperation to remove him), Kamala for President !!.


          • Doublethinker says:

            Yes she will be President but she might be ‘persuaded’ not seek or accept ( in LBJ words) the nomination. But even just six months of Kamal’s Delphic utterances should be highly memorable and supply comedic gold for years.
            The best thing is for dear old Joe to stubbornly refuse to go and to fight and fight again to retain the nomination.


      • G says:


        As to your last para, doesn’t seem that any of them have even been bothered to link the Worldwide PC issues with the prized…………
        CBDC’s. There, is this a first to make the connection and condemn the loss of cash? I’ll bet many a person yesterday avoided issues by having, at least, the, shortly to become useless, Fiat currency in their pockets.


      • Up2snuff says:

        JohnC, I was wondering whether Joe Biden has Parkinson’s Disease and someone on this Thread posted a pic of Joe descending aircraft steps and walking on the airfield. He doesn’t have a PD gait, arms fixed by the side and shuffling along. I would like to ask Jill or his children “Has the President’s handwriting changed in the last few years?”

        My late mother’s PD was diagnosed by a women Doctor who saw her at a hospital in north London. The first question she fired at my father was “Has your wife’s handwriting changed within the last few years? She had noticed that my mother had entered the room with a shuffling gait, arms by the side. Another elderly friend of mine who had PD also noticed the change in his handwriting but he had because of the PD, a bad spinal curvature so his walk was lop-sided and shuffling anyway.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I suppose if Biden resigns it will be a bit like Nixon with karmela taking over as acting president until the election. ….
          The thought of karmela as president – even as an Obama puppet fills one with wonder ….

          What a thing for America that the first female president is ….. HER !


  10. JohnC says:

    Biden vows to run as more Democrats ask him to drop out

    I’ve noticed how the BBC are not telling us what anybody else thinks about whether Joe should drop out or not in their campaign to make him do so with all the daily headlines.

    They are only quoting Democrats because they will be very kind and not point out what is glaringly obvious. If it were Boris for example, the articles would be full of quotes from Labour and the Lib Dems.
    They ‘get away with it’ because they restrict the scope of the article in the headline. It’s not ‘What do people think …’ it’s ‘What do Democrats think ..’ – thus they only need to include one side of the argument.

    This is another way they lie to us. Maybe I can call this ‘The lie by title restriction’.

    And of course no article at the BBC about Biden would be complete without attacking Trump as well:

    ‘”Donald Trump’s dark vision for the future is not who we are as Americans. Together, as a party and as a country, we can and will defeat him at the ballot box,” he said.’

    What has that got to do with it BBC ?.

    Another by ‘Rachel Looker’ who is proof of how beauty is only skin deep:

    Isn’t it amazing how all these clones – and even the ones who have only been in the job for 4 months like Rachel – can churn out exactly the same format and style of BBC article.

    It’s almost like some central politicial commissars dictate everything they do and say …


    • Scroblene says:

      I’m sure they never write these pieces, John, it’ll be their under-managers in the Agender-Cubicles who write them then let any ex-uni work-exeriencer front it.

      You’ll never see these names as journos on BBC hatchet progs in a month of Sundays! At least we all know that maitless, sopes and twonks like Packham are all pompous leftie idiots, and can be avoided whenever they put their little heads in front of a camera, but we’ll never actually see the shady under-managers, carrying out their instructions from the top floor…


      • JohnC says:

        Absolutely right Scrobs : it’s clear there are a few individuals deciding what news, what agenda and even what very specific wording the entire world is subjected to. Meanwhile they let the clones format the final piece and are used to virtue-signal how many women they employ.

        All the style and stories are far too similar for it be anything else.

        They have immense power and are trying to shape the world according to the left-wing, globalist ideology. Probably the biggest reason why the BBC should not be funded by the public.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Isn’t that the girl who gets herself awards for checking approved facts …?


  11. Zephir says:

    RE Leed riot (yes bbc it was a riot)

    libtards are now calling it unrest ffs

    Police are seeking those responsible. It appears that the primary suspects are located in and around Westminster.


    • Guest Who says:

      A separation of time zones and variable weather has given one ample opportunity to view from afar. Not just what has been going on, but how, and how often, covered.

      It is fairly clear all Labour pols see their jobs as being on Twitter, in a tv studio, or tweeting about going to one. When not having the photos taken with the team. Doing sod all.

      The tv part is paying off, as tv media are apparently well and truly on board with anything they are told to report, or not.

      One interesting detail is the slight ruckus in Leeds, and the part played by a green councillor. Varies from starting it through seeing it as a worthy complement to the kicking off CV, to single handedly saving the community from wuffians. Well, a wheelie bin.

      Reminds me of a Graun tvc decades ago about perspectives depending on angles, and timings.

      Unravelling it used to be the job of a genuinely professional, impartial and trustworthy account holding media.

      Good luck with that.

      Anyway, here’s a video from 2018.

      Around 46 minutes she explains what four people going to jail gets you.

      So they got what they wanted. Not that most will know it.


        • Zephir says:

          Packham lies:

          “I’ve just watched what can only be described as judicial thuggery, a total disregard for any mitigation circumstances when it came to sentencing. Disproportionately high sentences given to peaceful climate protesters”

          NOT peaceful, it lead to injuries and harm:

          How many people missed cruical medical appointments ?


          “Prosecutor Jocelyn Ledward KC told the court that a police officer suffered a concussion and bruising after being knocked off his motorbike in traffic caused by one of the protests on November 9th 2022”


          ““As well as disrupting the lives of thousands of people in Surrey, their actions were quite simply dangerous and could have had fatal consequences.

          “I am a firm believer in peaceful protest but when that spills over into co-ordinated criminal activism, then those responsible should face the full force of the law whatever their cause.

          “I shared the anger and frustration the reckless actions of this group caused to many residents in Surrey. People missed vital medical appointments and family funerals while many including doctors and nurses couldn’t get into work. “


    • JohnC says:

      Has any far-Left idiot blamed it on white people being racist yet ?.

      I expect Lammy and Abbot will.


    • G says:


      If you search on the terms:

      Riots in Pakistan;
      Riots in Bangladesh;
      Riots in India.

      Regular events. The all riot at the drop of a hat. You will get a clear sense of where this country is going. The recent Leed & London riots are merely a harbinger of what’s to come shortly.

      Eg. – https://www.crisisgroup.org/327/asia/south-asia/pakistan/new-era-sectarian-violence-pakistan

      Doncha just love the UN Migration Compact and our, not-too-bright elite?


  12. atlas_shrugged says:

    “More than seventeen years ago I wrote about the Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones (ZUS), in France”.


    Now that we have our own ZUS in the UK maybe the humane thing to do would be to offer grants to any whitey who wishes to flee Leeds and then leave them to it. The area would then become our very own no-go zone.

    Crack-heads like Starmer and his girls won’t do this. They will want to pour printed money into the area to quieten the squeaky wheels – so rewarding bad behaviour.


  13. Zephir says:

    Diversity is our stench.


    “Bangladeshis clash on streets of London as rioters hurl missiles at police and smash cars after 10 were killed in anti-government riots in Dhaka.
    Several hundred men were believed to be involved in the disorder
    Extra police will be on duty tonight to prevent a repeat of the violence.



    • G says:


      Yes, wherever you look, its all happening apace now. Wonderful. I just hope that what eventually breaks loose will affect the elite in Parliament first. Fingers crossed.

      Anyway, fed up repeating this but, I still believe that the lunacy can be halted by somehow, turning off the money supply for them to squander. Particularly now when the communists are working assiduously to increase the size and reach of the milking parlour by increasing the pens for the extraction of their ‘milk’ i.e. tax.


  14. AsISeeIt says:

    Was it just the day before yesterday we were singing the praises of a utopian A.I. future?

    Elon Musk told Rishi Sunak on Thursday that artificial intelligence will one day eradicate the need for jobs. (Telegraph, November 2023); AI researchers build ‘future self’ chatbot to inspire wise life choices. Exclusive: Scientists at MIT hope talking to 60-year-old self will shift thinking on health, money and work (Guardian)

    Now suddenly the only thing of interest in the news for the gynaeceum that is our BBC News staff is: ‘Day the world stood still’ and ‘holidays in chaos’ (BBC)

    Wot, no Guardian? Must be a computer error!

    The girls at the computer terminals over there at the BBC admire the (Labour-supporting) Mirror for their top spot in their print press frontpage line-up this morning: Day the world stood still – “Klaatu barada nikto!” (there’s one for the sci-fi nerds)

    Global IT outage throws travel, payments and health into chaos… Microsoft users paralysed… Fix likely to take days (FT)

    Is Mr AsI the only luddite in the village? He prefers the reference to that Little Britain catchphrase in the headline on the cover of i weekend: Computer says no…

    Perhaps his favourite take appears in the Daily Mail: Global I.T. meltdown shows peril of going cashless – kudos to Sam Greenhill, Chief reporter.

    Anyone for digital I.D.s?

    The Great Enabler: Transforming the Future of Britain’s Public Services Through Digital Identity (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change)

    Digitised health records?

    Labour reveals plan to digitise NHS personal child health records. Parents and NHS would be able to monitor vaccinations and checkups through digital version of ‘red book’ (Guardian)

    One of the biggest-ever IT outages… prevaricates the usually statistically sound FT – scarcely in the spirit of Ross and Norris McWhirter.

    Meanwhile, there’s no such equivocation for our record breaker BBC, always ready on hand with their thermometer, tape measure and abacus: UK’s hottest day of the year so far… Temperatures must reach a certain level on three consecutive days to meet the Met Office definition of a heatwave – at times like these one likes to bear in mind the fact that even at the north pole there’s a warmest day every year – although perhaps that would be a day not to be described as the ‘hottest’

    Here comes (and goes…) summer! (Express)

    Speaking of meltdowns: Digital Meltdown (Mirror) New Strictly row… Anton may face probe (Mirror) – one can almost sense Julian nudge Sandy over that saucy innuendo – there’s one for the teenagers.

    Just as the only name worthy of publishing from the Jeffrey Epstein little black book was Princely, so the only search on the Pennsylvania Trump rally shooter’s computer worthy of mention is likewise Royal and Princesly: ROYAL SHOCK: Trump shooter downloaded photos of Kate (Mail) – well, he was just an adolescent young lad and we all like a bit of posh.

    Our mainstream do seem to expose their possession of something of a one-track mind: Digital pandemic (Mail); How on earth did ‘digital pandemic’ paralyse the world? (Express)

    Our mate Matt in the Telegraph channels the very spirit of vintage cartoon strip classic Andy Capp, late of the Daily Mirror, with his skit of a chap sitting comfortably at home in his armchair as his missus berates him: “You’ve been replaced by new technology. They’ve developed a computer that doesn’t work”

    Is all our news to be cut and paste computerised these days? Let’s not dwell on the summer riots in Leeds and Whitechapel, overturned police cars, burned out buses and Bangladeshi in-fighting: Broken Windows puns the Daily Star

    The jokey blokey Daily Star echoes that Little Britain homage gag: Computer says no – and even pictures David Walliams frontpage in drag character as the gloomy-looking bespectacled Karen at her terminal.

    Paula Vennells… Helen Pitcher… anyone?

    Quick calm down dear and we’re out of here

    From the formerly serious Times: Laura Kenny ‘I wanted a baby more than a gold medal’ – just a minute luv, I’ll have to adjust the podium.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The more complex systems get the more serious are the consequences when things go wrong . One person might have caused all those computer failures costing billlions ….

      … and to hear some smug millennial crying over his business because it doesn’t take cash was … a pleasure …. If it can go wrong – one day it will go wrong – …on the broadcast front 0 it’s a pity only failed – but saying that if the bbc failed the nuclear boats might have launched because ‘the archers ‘ didn’t show up …


  15. Zephir says:

    I had the electric fan on in the bedroom last night and, half asleep, listening to the fan and feeling the air wafting….

    I suddenly thought of the perfect solution to keep windfarms going when there was no wind….

    An adjacent electric fan farm. Safe for birds, small and compact, whats not to like ?

    I am now working on keeping solar panels topped up when its cloudy… JML do a great LED light, and probably do a discount for bulk purchases. Same for Duracell.

    I get some great ideas when half asleep, this ones a winner considering the British weather.

    Just think of the boom for jobs and the economy, or maybe they are all made in China, never mind.


  16. JohnC says:

    If missiles threaten this Ukrainian festival, the music keeps playing

    Complete and utter nonsense article from the BBC. It’s so far from the real world, I question how this person every got the job.

    ‘With all those people in one place, a potential air attack is a huge concern.’
    ‘Vlad says the solution has been the brand new venue – two stages erected in the car park of a Kyiv shopping centre.’
    “It gives us a shelter which can fit more than 100,000 people,” says Vlad.
    “There will be more than enough space to get everyone evacuated quickly — and we’re talking minutes.”

    How much warning do they think they are going to get ?. And in what way is a shopping centre a good shelter from a missile ?. It will hit with no warning and if they are inside, it will bring the roof down on them. It’s not World War 2 bombers with 10 minutes warning FFS.

    Here’s who wrote it – and who clearly is every bit a stupid as he looks. I presume he had COVID here …

    Their best option is to hold it in clear view and make sure they don’t look like a military gathering. Russia are fighting a serious war. They are not terrorists like Hamas who the BBC love so dearly. They will only bomb it if they have a reason to.

    Meanwhile I learn that the Ukranian ‘base’ where they crossed the river in the South which the BBC made such a big story about during the failed offensive has been squashed and the 1,000 Ukranian troops have simply vanished (= dead). No mention of that on the BBC of course.


    • Zephir says:

      @ John C

      I just hope this band isn’t playing…


      • JohnC says:

        I enjoyed that right up to the point he started singing.


        • Zephir says:

          But, what kind of idiot accepts without question that 100 000 people will evacuate in an orderly fashion within minutes ?

          A bbc idiot obviously

          It takes hours under any circumstance, and under the described circumstances many would be crushed in the panic.

          I’ll keep clear of Kyiv Poundland that weekend.


  17. JohnC says:

    It seems to be ‘Lunacy and Ukraine’ day today.

    Here’s that creepy outgoing head of NATO:

    Europe must brace for decade of Ukraine war – Nato chief

    ‘Speaking to the BBC, Jens Stoltenberg said the “paradox” of the war in Ukraine is the longer the western military alliance commits to fighting the war, the faster a resolution will be reached.’

    What complete nonsense. If the West stopped supplying arms tomorrow, the war would be over in a matter of weeks.

    “The time to stand up for freedom and democracy is now and the place is Ukraine.”
    No it isn’t. The man is a lunatic.

    Give Russia half as a buffer zone and/or make a firm committment that Ukraine will not join NATO. That’s the only way this is going to end.

    Publicly saying they will join as soon as the war is over is for one single purpose : to keep it going. All bets are off if Trump wins.

    This is a dangerous time when NATO (under the direction of the USA) may try to escalate it so Trump can’t stop it.


  18. Guest Who says:

    She’s blonde, she’s an MP, she knows what needs not mentioning.,,,




  19. Fedup2 says:

    Not the bbc

    I sort of didn’t realise / care that their parliament is still running . Yesterday YouTube suggested I watch kemi badenoch taking apart fick angee over the need to build more houses for the 10 million ‘arrivals ‘
    With poor angie sitting there badenoch laid out what red labour is about to go through with ‘planning ‘ – it was a joy to watch – with badenoch free of the constraints lefty civil servants and spads impose on ministers – so she let angee have it ….
    It was about 20 minutes – but it was as near to comedy as we get these sad days …

    No BBC for me – I’m getting ready to not watch the Olympics …


    • Zephir says:

      @F2 RE Olympics

      Some Middle East country will win, anyone who can run, jump or swim is aready in Marseille and Paris.

      UK immmigrants will ensure Syria and Afghanistan will clean up in the rowing and surfing.

      I just regret bus and fridge ignition is not yet accepted as a sport, they’d be in the medals for sure alongside Romania.

      And I predict clean sweep in formation pick pocketing for the latter again.


    • atlas_shrugged says:


      You are right. Great video to watch where angie gets schooled:


      • Fedup2 says:

        Atlas – thanks – I bet poor angee s head was spinning after that one – the faces of her gang tried their best to ‘not care ‘ but I detected an expression of anxiety amongst them ….


      • JohnC says:

        The reason Angie has never spoken to you in 7 years Kemi is because she thinks you are scum.

        Amazing what goes under the carpet when the Left do it. It is the job of the ‘free press’ to make sure such people don’t hold positions of high office. They failed once again, as did Starmer in his first test of whether he was fit to be PM.


        • Fedup2 says:

          JohnC – let’s face it – the mess in Blighty is so big that even the most competent government wouid have trouble getting anywhere in the first term – even without those nasty unexpected ‘events ‘ like the whole IT closing down ( next time ?)

          So with a wretched cabinet that starmer has the disappointment / disillusion being felt in – say 2028 – is gonna be something –
          Particularly if increasing taxes tanks the economy even more …..
          Farage and others have mentioned in passing that the ingredients are in place for the sort of economic failure seen in the 1970s when a British government had to go to the IMF with a begging bowl and had to produce a list of benefits cuts and public sector cuts . ….
          Ugh …


          • JohnC says:

            I agree on the cabinet Fed : I despair at what damage they are going to do. We have the racist idiot Lammy as Foreign secretary, we have Starmer who is devoid of personality and is going to make us the doormat of Europe and we have a thick, arrogant deputy PM who actively and openly hates the Right. Add to that Blair is back sniffing around and trying to get involved.

            One thing is for certain : the BBC is so full of left-wing activists now and they have so much power, we cannot possibly start to recover until their wings are clipped.


      • non-licence payer says:

        The juxtaposition of Ange’s face and those of the front bench to her left betrays the dawning realisation that policy based on narrative is doomed to fail.

        Five years of well earned popcorn coming up.


  20. Foscari says:

    One sport I never really understood is golf. Every year
    there is I believe an event called the ” British Open”
    The BBC used to cover the four days live for
    many years. BUT I can understand why they don’t do
    this anymore.
    It’s because so far as the BBC is concerned there is only one
    golfer competing , TIGER WOODS. What I cant understand
    if he is the only one competing . Why doesn’t he make the
    cut. after two rounds?


    • Zephir says:

      I’d love to see the bbc if Trump entered and won.

      Probably get arrested for anomalies on his scorecard though or wearing the wrong coloured tank top.


    • Docmarooned says:

      Indeed Foscari. I used to like watching the golf but like Wimbledon and the football the MSM and particularly the atrocious bBBC have ruined it as enjoyment now. These sports are now infested with woke lefty crap and the new breed of mostly screeching clueless Springster type clones has rendered them unwatchable. If I do happen to come across any sport I simply turn the volume to off. I do however love the coverage of the tour de france and the baseball.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Ahem, Foscari, there is no ‘British Open’. It is the Open Championship.


  21. Guest Who says:

    Tell me you have abandoned journalism to become rainbow cult activists without telling me you have abandoned journalism to become rainbow cult activists.

    If Rachel has not assigned a task force by sundown…


  22. JohnC says:

    The mountain area where Jay Slater search ended

    Good God, just how much further can the BBC’s output degrade due to staff not up to the job ?.

    This video is positioned so we can be shown the last phone mast (the BBC believe) to receive the signal from his phone.

    And the presenter is just weird. Not normal at all. Like just about all of them now.

    But the big elephant in the room is that they are STILL trying to protect this young man as the victim to soak up empathy when everyone else is telling me he was probably a thief who stole a £12K Rolex from someone who throws scumbags off cliffs for doing things like that.


    • Zephir says:

      And a machete attack over here, lovable rogue eh ?

      I cannot fathom why some missing are given the full treatment of press obsession day after bleeding day (Nicola Bully) and yet others completely disregarded,

      “Why are tourists going missing in Tenerife? As the hunt for teenager Jay Slater continues – the mystery over the other Brits who never returned home and how 11 other people have vanished on the party island in six months alone”

      “Jay joins a long list of Brits and other tourists who have vanished on Tenerife over the years – many last seen in the vibrant Playa de las Americas resort. ”



    • tomo says:

      BBC producers, reporters and editors have victimhood exploitation running through them like “BLACKPOOL” through a stick of seaside rock. It’s beyond tiresome – today’s web shite landing page is totally suffused with it – it’s as chronic as it is putrid.


  23. Guest Who says:

    When you see this sort of thing in the BBC front page, or anywhere on the website, consider not even opening it any more. They check the numbers all the time. Somewhere there’s a record of drag stories doing great because of hate clicks. I’m not even linking.

    Somewhere in the cubicle gardens a tiny brown foot stamps.


  24. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – (new) publicist at work???

    The BBC have decided to resurrect the Rev Mina Smallman (a.k.a. the Bishop of Dover?) who forgives her daughters’ killers but not the police who shared images of the dead bodies. Kinda ironic, then, that the BBC article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9r319dzkz3o shoes the murdered girls taking a selfie together. Strangest thing but why do I feel a ‘Doreen Lawrence moment’ coming on …… ?


    • Up2snuff says:

      Follow up to the above post: the PCs jailed for sharing pictures of Mina Smallman’s daughters both appear to be white. Mina Smallman wouldn’t be racist would she?

      Correction: the retired Rev. Smallman according to Wiki is not and has never been the Bishop of Dover. That faulty information came to me, if I recall correctly, via the BBC some years ago.


    • Zelazek says:

      For a long time now, I have felt there is a strange realignment of moral values taking place in our narcissistic world.

      This kind of story of parents who “forgive” their children’s murderers is becoming more common. This would be bizarre to people in past ages.

      Some years ago I believed that “restorative justice” was an enlightened way forward. But I came to see it as a mirage that didn’t do victims’ families any long term good.

      But the idea persisted that forgiving is a good thing and a thing that good people do. And while harbouring grudges over trivial things isn’t a good idea for your own peace of mind and for getting back on good terms with your neighbour, forgiving a metaphysically evil crime like murder is an affront to the victim and a devaluing of the victim’s life.

      When you forgive your daughters’ killer but not the cops who shared photos of the bodies, your morality has become monstrously distorted. This is the warped woke mentality that is pathologically fixated on images. The self-image and how virtuous you appear to the world becomes more important than your children’s lives. The sharing of images of the bodies becomes a greater crime than the actual murder of the children.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Being a not very good Christian I find stuff like ‘restorative justice ‘ just lefty tosh . I’ve had many an argument with lefties who like the idea of some 14 year old feral burglar meeting the victims and saying ‘sorry ‘.

        In a nice world this would be good – in the real world i d want the kid pulped and thrown in s sewer prison …

        But metro morality is weird – it’s justifiable to screw thousands of lives up by blocking motor ways – I’d just shoot them – whereas bad words will end a career

        And the situation of ‘hate ‘ and ‘offence ‘ seem to be morphing beyond madness …


      • micknotmike says:

        Afternoon Zel,

        Easy to explain. Presumably the murderers don’t have a bottomless pit of money, whereas the police have any amount.

        Forgiving the killers is one thing, but lots and lots of cash is another.

        It’s referred to as the “S. Lawrence money making scheme”.

        His alleged killers more than likely weren’t rich, whereas the police will always cough up to keep the peace.

        The family of the druggie in Tenerife are trying to get more money for an industrial-scale pissup, sorry a dignified funeral for their boy. I imagine that a lot of the money they have received is funding lawyers working out who they can sue. Unfortunately the British police offered to help their Spanish colleagues and were told they wouldn’t be needed. That well is dry, so no big payouts there.

        As I’ve got older I ‘ve found it always comes down to money. Once I realised that, a whole lot of world events become easier to understand.


  25. BRISSLES says:

    YORKSHIRE – God’s own country. But now we ask which God ? Shouldn’t the mantra now be the song by Cher … Gypsies Tramps and Thieves …..


  26. Fedup2 says:

    Lets hear it for Elijah Gookol-Mely 18 – convicted of a stabbing murder in londonistan yesterday – the victim – 17 and white was pushed into a canal after being stabbed
    The judge recommended a minimum 20 .,,


  27. StewGreen says:

    Haven’t dipped into the BBC bubbleword for a while
    Today local Radio staffers are excitedly banging on about going to Miriam Margoyles shows
    .. I find her super bigoted and hatey

    Radio4 has a bloke ? banging on about how great the TRANS world is
    “LGBTQ Life in Weimar Germany”

    Next it’s Alexi Sayle .. another red in the BBC bed.


  28. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC wouldn’t be ‘talking up’ the new Government because it is Labour?

    Now relegated to the archive here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business?page=2 the BBC have had this prominently displayed on their Business Page for the last two days. Unfortunately, the Markets do not think as much of the Labour Government as the BBC appear to do, with shares down and the currency (£Sterling) up one day and down the next. In overnight trading elsewhere (UK exchanges are closed for the weekend) £Sterling has shown some tiny gains. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/market-data


  29. harry142857 says:

    Police update regarding the Leeds disturbance.


    • MarkyMark says:

      1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765

      2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018


  30. tomo says:

    JSO jail terms…

    Dale Vince funded Just Stop Oil with £340,000+ (of larcenously acquired subsidy funds from YOU)

    – most people would be OK with him getting a custodial for that.


  31. tomo says:

    Your taxes at work….


  32. Docmarooned says:

    Are you now going to taxed on your identity as I can see no reason for employing morons to this role. Still the smarmy liar Starmer will do anything to raise cash.


  33. Zephir says:

    Anyone know when the Paris Olympic looters’ relay starts ?

    Does it kick off at the Chanel or Versace store this year ?

    We have a strong team recently seen training in the Hackney Tesco booze section, worth a little flutter.


  34. Fedup2 says:

    From our own correspondent

    The bbc has a blind reporter called Gary o Donahue – .he has been around for a while . For the bbc – he is better than most ..I recall the bbc tried to rip him off for a ‘scoop’ trying to give it to a favoured minority .
    As a result he got the US job . He was at the attempt to murder president trump . But there I really wonder . What is the use of some blind as an eye witness ?

    He delivered a piece on correspondent – a sort of account of what he heard – yes – ok – sympathy with blind people – dreadful – but surely there is a limit? But like that idiot Gardner in his wheel chair for ever moaning the world doesn’t revolve around him …


    • Zephir says:

      They should have interviewed his labrador.

      He would likely give bbc friendly opinions:

      “what do you think of Donald Trump and the Republicans ?”



      • MarkyMark says:

        Dog assassins?

        “Joe Biden says he broke foot tripping after shower when he pulled dog’s tail
        By Social Links forSteven Nelson
        Published Dec. 3, 2020
        Updated Dec. 4, 2020, 9:10 a.m. ET”


  35. BRISSLES says:

    (Apropos Leeds) Ah, dear old Pixie prattling on about “community feeling safe on the streets, and are coming tigether ….” er, note to Pixie, look at the tv pictures, the numbers on the streets WAS the whole community dear !


  36. JohnC says:

    Israeli PM blocks hospital for sick Gaza children in Israel

    Just another damning BBC headline against Jews which is backed up by a very flimsy story trying desperately to blame Israel for being nasty to children.

    But go to read it and you get this big picture right at the top:

    NOTHING whatsoever to do with the story. Just a picture of two children with two big empty containers. I say empty because if they had anything in them, those children could not carry them. It’s a most ridiculous picture – I suspect we are supposed to think they are going looking for water to survive or something.

    But the elephant with us here as always is : what was a photographer doing in that position to take that picture and neither child is looking at him ?.

    100% staged. More fake images being used by the BBC for their agenda.

    They would argue with the excuse the Left have for everything dishonest they do : it’s OK because the ends justify the means.

    Hitler said the same thing. As did Stalin. And pol pot. And many others throughout history. They are already on that road. Now it’s just a question of degree.


  37. tomo says:

    Given the BBC’s customary focus on things EU / Brussels one might expect this might’ve rated a piece?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “European Court of Justice says that Pfizer is liable for damage if its covid vaccine is defective.

      On Wednesday, the European Court of Justice ruled that the European Commission was wrong to conceal details of its multi-billion euro deals for covid vaccines.

      Ursula von der Leyen was already under scrutiny for allegedly keeping secret and deleting text messages with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla over vaccine purchases in a controversy dubbed “Deletegate.” Wednesday’s court ruling is separate to that case.

      Apart from the obvious negative impact this is likely to have on von der Leyen’s bid for a second term as the President of the European Commission, the Court also stated that Pfizer is liable for damages if its covid vaccine is defective.”



      • kingkp says:

        I’d say it did the job it was designed for so it is far from defective. Climate change ‘denier’ and former Physics professor at Toronto University Denis Rancourt has crunched the numbers for all-cause mortality and according to him, the Pfizer and Moderna injections had killed 30.9 million worldwide by the end of 2022.
        The conclusion to one of his studies reads
        “We are compelled to state that the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the Covid period, via assaults on populations, harmful medical interventions, and COVID-19 vaccine rollouts.
        We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.”
        His work is impressive. If you wish to download the report it is available here


  38. MarkyMark says:

    from order-order.com


  39. MarkyMark says:



  40. tomo says:

    I think Brillo is way too kind to Miliband.


  41. MarkyMark says:

    We already have a Nationalised Railway – we just don’t talk about it.

    Government direct subsidy of the railways is around £5 billion per year, an increase of over 200% since privatisation.

    Correct. The five year average to 2017/18 was about three times more than the five years to 1991/92, before privatisation. Large projects like HS2 and Crossrail have affected this amount.




  42. MarkyMark says:


    “Name of donor: SJM Concerts
    Address of donor: St Matthews, Liverpool Road, Manchester M3 4NQ
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Four tickets with hospitality to a Coldplay Concert at the Etihad Stadium, Manchester, value £698”


  43. MarkyMark says:

    “It’s all in the book, they read it all the time.”

    “We sat here in a bunker, good for everyone to hear the truth.”

    Homeland s5e1 Quinn tells it like it is in Syria

    A Green Party candidate shouted “Allahu Akbar!” after being elected to Leeds city council, while his supporters unfurled a Palestinian flag behind him. Mothin Ali, who won the Gipton and Harehills seat with 3,070 votes, said his election to the council was a “win for the people of Gaza”.4 May 2024


  44. MarkyMark says:



  45. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC Lying about RAF Scampton


    • MarkyMark says:

      Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered.



  46. vlad says:

    More diverse enrichment, this time in East London.

    How will the BBC spin it, I wonder, or will they just ignore it?

    “Disorder in Bangladeshi Community”


    • MarkyMark says:

      1985 …

      1985 ….

      Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.

      I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Trains are cultural appropriation .. ha ha ha


      • moggiemoo says:

        That looks like the train that comes past several times a day in Leicester. It’s heading north.


    • G says:


      “More diverse enrichment, this time in East London.”…..”“Disorder in Bangladeshi Community””

      I learnt late yesterday that the rioting took place because a police officer had shot a Bangladeshi IN BANGLADESH !

      Forget all the academic / media discussions / debates over reasons of race, place of birth and all the other distractions. Fact is that the UK and England in this instance, is seen, not as a safe haven but an indistinguishable from Bangladesh place to live.

      “Multiculturalism”? If you wanted a reason to condemn multiculturalism, you would not find a better reason that this.


    • G says:


      I know you are jesting but if Colonialism had continued to a positive conclusion, these people would not need to “flee” their countries of origin to find alleged, “Safe Havens”. They could have shared in their own developed country and economy and all the rest of a civilised country. That’s the only reason Colonialism failed.

      Rhodesia anyone?…………..

      The West is now paying the penalty for failure to complete the project.

      Problem is, Reverse Colonialism is at work: The so-called “Immigrants” are now applying their own Colonialism to the West, difference being that is not improvement it will be destroying as the levels of savagery increase.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The mother of two women who were murdered says she has forgiven their killer, but not two police officers who took photos of their bodies.”



  47. MarkyMark says:

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984



  48. Deborah says:

    Scrobs, saw your post earlier about the passing of the Senora but I was out and I wanted to post properly. My condolences. No doubt no one could have looked after her better.


    • Scroblene says:

      Debs, thank you.

      I’ve often posted about her and her views, because she was so straight and to the point, which saved me from trying to write my gibberish!

      I’m on my own now, so will have to try to write stuff so much better!


      • Fedup2 says:

        Scroblene – i am so sorry about the passing of the Senora. There will be more prayers from me . Condolences once again .


        • Up2snuff says:

          Just logged in after lunch and am so sorry to hear of the passing of Senora O’blene. The mightiest consolation to you and the family from heaven, Scrobie.