278 Responses to Weekend 20th July 2024

  1. Zephir says:

    “Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s ‘panic’ laid bare over bombshell new documentary. The documentary for Germany’s ZDF network will delve into Meghan Markle’s life before Prince Harry, according to reports.”

    “But the German documentary may probe Meghan’s presence on the Hollywood party scene before her entry into royal life”

    Oh yes, “party” girl indeed.

    “The upcoming programme from Ulrike Grunewal is said to focus on the Duchess of Sussex’s past, with reports Meghan fearing what might emerge.”



  2. Zephir says:

    “Meghan Markle exposé documentary delayed over ‘concerns about her past’
    EXCLUSIVE: The documentary about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has been put on hold until details about Meghan’s past can be checked and verified.”



  3. Zephir says:

    Nice day for a trip in a yacht


  4. Up2snuff says:

    Post-TWoTWee watch # and it was mostly wee directed from the racist BBC at former President Trump

    Nomia Iqbal was the presenter for pouring as much ordure on former President Trump’s head as possible in 30 minutes. Nomia was looking at how the African American vote would line up for the former President. Basically the BBC are terrified that Donald Trump will win in November. The racist and sexist BBC mention that African American women will mostly stay with the Democratic Party but that African American men see Donald Trump as something of a role model and are more willing to switch their votes to the Republican Party.

    I can only speak of knowledge of a member of the Chinese community who is very Republican, along with his wife of French/European origin, who will probably both vote for the former President. Both of my friends are Evangelical Christians and a quote from them after 2020: “We are happy to leave the results in God’s hands.”


  5. Flotsam says:

    I learn from our BBC local radio/Radio 5Live, on some Sunday Religious slot, that Smarmer is an atheist. I can think of other words beginning with A that would properly describe Smarmer,


    • digg says:

      I understand Smarmer was a Marxist in his younger days so no surprise he’s an atheist as well really.

      Probably still a closet Marxist into the bargain!

      Nice to have such an upstanding leader building democracy representing our Country!

      Plus it explains the taking the knee nonsense which in my eyes is more a gesture of moral surrender and capitulation rather than an expression of solidarity.


    • moggiemoo says:

      I have 2 that begin with a C.


  6. MarkyMark says:

    Biden says his vice president Trump is to take his place!


    “This cannot be true, our new Prime Minister, Sir Kieth Spanner only said, about two weeks ago, he had a long meeting with President Biden and he was fully compos mentis .” Comment

    Kamala Harris mocked for ‘rambling’ speech about ‘passage of time’


    • Fedup2 says:

      Marky – beat me to it – that’s really bad news – why couldn’t he have held on longer ….. so will he stay in office holding onto that nuclear button …. ?

      The interns running the BBC on Sunday will have to call in thr marcist grown ups …


      • MarkyMark says:


        He wanders aimlessly, discovering the outside world for the first time. An African-American youth points a knife at him; Chance ineffectually tries to click him out of existence with a TV remote control. Passing by a TV shop, Chance sees himself captured by a video camera in the shop window. Entranced, he steps backward off the sidewalk and is struck by a limousine chauffeuring Eve Rand, the glamorous and much younger wife of elderly business mogul Ben Rand. When she asks him his name she mishears “Chance, the gardener” as “Chauncey Gardiner”.

        Chauncey’s manners are old-fashioned and courtly, and he wears expensively-tailored but outmoded 1930s clothes he took from his former employer’s attic. When Ben meets him he takes “Chauncey” for an upper-class, highly-educated businessman fallen on hard times. Ben admires him, finding him direct, wise and insightful.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Fedup2 – it’s like we are living in some comedy where the script writers have given up.


  7. MarkyMark says:

    Biden the forever President Dictator to leave office after fighting to stay dictator for 4 more years.



  8. MarkyMark says:

    Michelle Obama Tells Students She’s Their ‘Forever First Lady’ in College Speech


    ‘Forever First Lady’ = you have no say in it!


  9. MarkyMark says:

    Keir Starmer says Joe Biden ‘on really good form’ 11 July 2024

    Did Joe Biden Bet on when he’d stop being President? HA HA HA HA HA HAH! Just like the Tories!


  10. harry142857 says:

    Election winner latest.
    Trump – 1.62
    Harris – 3.6
    Newsome – 36.0
    Obama – 38.0
    Whitmer – 55.0
    Clinton – 60.0.
    150/1 bar.


  11. Fedup2 says:

    Harry – I really doubt Obama will allow President Trump to survive until November – either physically or politically . I guess the democrats will come up with another ‘crime ‘ to deflect away the momentum trump / Vance have .

    And Obama has 3 months to make sure the voting is suitably corrupted to ensure a democrat win ….

    The corrupted federal state in the US has so much to lose to have a Trump presidency – maybe they’ll ask the British or French to organise the deed to get some distance ….

    Tuesday sees Biden meeting Bibi – as well as the first public reporting from the secret service … blimey …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Michelle Obama to win soon “He/She has 99.15% of the vote so far”


      “He has previously said only the “Lord Almighty” could make him withdraw, but then later said he would consider withdrawing if he had a health condition.”



      Rwandan President Paul Kagame is on course to extend his 24-year rule by another five years in a landslide victory, with most of the votes counted from Monday’s election.

      He has 99.15% of the vote so far, with about 79% of ballots counted, partial results announced by the electoral commission show.



  12. MarkyMark says:

    Dirty Harry on feminism and women’s quotas

    “Harry cared about the human cost. The board cared about their figures. Nothing changes”


    • moggiemoo says:

      I bet you can only imagine the confidence I have in the abilities of these, er, political heavyweights. Between them, I suspect they could spell a difficult word. ‘Incompetence’ perhaps.


  13. tomo says:


  14. MarkyMark says:

    Kamala Harris attacks Joe Biden’s record on race in Democratic debate

    Comment “She was Indian and joe was racist
    Last year 2019. Now she’s black and Joe’s not racist year 2020.”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Let’s get this right then – in the space of – what – 3 weeks – the president of the USA has gone from ‘perfectly ok ‘ to unfit for office ….
      The MSM see no issue with this sudden revelation – but I was thinking of going back through the archive of this site to see when comments about his mental deficiency started …

      … anyway – I hope President Trump maintains a silence for a while – to enable the democrats fight each other in the run up to the convention in Obama land in 3 weeks time …


      • MarkyMark says:

        “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
        ― George Orwell, 1984



      • moggiemoo says:

        I don’t see a problem. Then again, I don’t read newspapers. Or watch the news. So I have no idea what shit they dispense.


  15. Zephir says:

    Has to be Cackling Harris, £264 million pledged to Biden, with £240 million cash on hand in June and she is on the same ticket, any other candidate and the money has to be returned.

    “Federal candidates can make unlimited transfers of their funds to the national party, so Biden could leave all the money with the Democratic Party, which can then spend the money on the new nominee.

    But the campaign cannot just transfer the money directly to the nominee, as there is a $2,000 limit per candidate per election. Rather than give the money directly to a campaign, it would have to be refunded to the original donors, who would then have to give it to the candidate.

    The one person who would not face the same hurdles as a replacement nominee is Harris.

    Campaign finance law allows her to share the campaign committee with Biden because the president and vice president run together as one ticket, so her name is already authorized.”


  16. Zephir says:

    “Republicans insisted on Sunday that if President Biden is not fit to run for president in 2024, he must also resign from the job right now – and immediately went on the attack of Vice President Kamala Harris.

    In a statement on Sunday afternoon, Joe Biden announced he would not be running at the top of the Democratic ticket in November. He endorsed Harris to take his spot.

    ‘If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough,’ Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., wrote on X.

    ‘If Joe Biden ends his reelection campaign, how can he justify remaining President?’ questioned newly-nominated VP candidate Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio.”


  17. MarkyMark says:

    ~Notwithstanding the biggest story of the week, the biggest story of our time is that the entirety of western civilisation is sliding off the cliff, and very fast. From The Daily Mail:

    Riot thugs torch bus and wreck police car on night of shame in Leeds: Residents are told to stay indoors as huge mob tears through streets following stand-off with dozens of officers

    Leeds is apparently the UK’s second most populous municipal borough, and this was in the Harehills district of the city. If “Harehills” rings a vague bell with our non-English readers, that’s because it turned up on these pages just two months ago:

    Here is the winning candidate for the Green Party, which I had hitherto thought was something to do with Michael E Mann and global warming, giving his victory speech in Gipton and Harehills:

    ‘We will not be silenced. We will raise the voice of Gaza. We will raise the voice of Palestine. Allahu Akbar!’

    Allahu Akbar: It’s not just for diving under the table to anymore.



    • Zephir says:

      Today’s news for all muslims supporting their favourite rapists:

      “Horrific details of sexual torture inflicted by Hamas on October 7 victims are revealed in new Sheryl Sandberg documentary… as sisters of missing hostage beg for her release.

      Horrific details of sexual torture carried out by Hamas on October 7 are revealed in a new documentary, with the sisters of one female hostage begging for her release.

      The 60-minute film ‘Screams Before Silence,’ created by Israeli production company Kastina Communications, and presented by Sheryl Sandberg was shown at the Southampton Arts Center Wednesday night.

      The film shines a light on the atrocities and sexual violence against women and girls – specifically to those who deny they occurred.

      Amit Soussana was held hostage for 55 days, and the first person to publicly say she was sexually abused in captivity, The New York Times reported.

      She said her ‘instinct was just to fight,’ when 10 men surrounded her. ‘I wanted to show them that I’m strong that they are not going to take me so easily.’

      After the film, many appeared visibly shaken by the savagery”



      • MarkyMark says:

        “specifically to those who deny they occurred”

        (c) Hamas are our Friends – nearly PM for UK Jeremy Corbyn


  18. Zephir says:

    Has Trump been reading comments on here ?

    ” In an interview with Fox News Digital, Trump said Biden is ‘not fit to serve’ and asks ‘Who is going to be running the country for the next five months?’

    Former President Trump said President Biden “was not fit to run for president” and is not — and “never was” fit to serve.

    The Republican presidential nominee was reacting to Biden’s stunning announcement Sunday afternoon that he is suspending his re-election campaign.

    “He is the worst president in the history of our country,” Trump told Fox News Digital in a phone interview Sunday afternoon. “There has never been a president so bad.”

    Trump also posted on his Truth Social Sunday afternoon, writing, “Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve — And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement.”

    Trump said that “all those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t.”

    “Now, look what he’s done to our Country, with millions of people coming across our Border, totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists,” he wrote. “We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly.”



  19. tomo says:


    • Zephir says:

      “Look !”

      “It’s a big digger !”


      • Fedup2 says:

        I’ve put up a new thread . But a last thought on this one – the msm has been totally dishonest in not challenging the failure of Biden over his 4 years of holding press conferences or interviews or public unscripted appearances because his people knew he was unfit .
        No one has come out to say it before now – because of the re election campaign he was forced to have minimal public exposure .

        No one is saying ‘who has been running the country’? No onevis asking ‘how long has Biden been incapable ?

        How can the collective media not admit what it has done ?


      • Ronone1 says:

        Are you sure you meant to say “digger”


  20. tomo says:

    So… Joe’s got a deal then…


  21. Londoner says:

    So two of the BBCs greatest Anglophobes Huw Edwards and Gary Lineker are amongst the top three highest paid presenters of that benighted organisation and Edwards hasn’t even worked since earlier last year. This is our money being wasted on people who make no secret of hating the English people.