Joe Biden will now become a saint in the eyes of the Far Left BBC – with President Trump cast as a Demon – even more so than before. The Far left will be praying for a successful attack on President Trump and his running mate . The script is written .
Start the Week 22 July 2024
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Love it !
I demand a recount!
Congrats, Lucy.
Well done, triples all round?
It’s because you’re worth it Lucy!
Have a tincture on me…
So Kamala has it then ?
The chance of Kamala Harris being elected President is proportional to the number of Female supremacists voting in the US Election.
Something to go with losing the donations if they choose someone else – donations have to go back to do person and then paid out again.
So entirely as predicted, Joe – who only they other day was telling us that there was no chance he would pull out – has pulled out. Lesson to learn is that you can’t trust a word he says. Though of the two, only Trump is a liar at the BBC.
The ‘new headline every day’ trick has worked again.
Only 4 months ago the BBC were running the headline ‘Biden healthy, vigorous and fit for job, says doctor’ and in a very supportive report with the ‘happy tone’ we are told :
‘The medical review included “an extremely detailed neurologic exam” that found no signs of neurological disorders like a stroke or Parkinson’s disease.’
But of course the Left have no shame. So the BBC won’t be asking any questions about their own conduct in getting to this stage. Nor will they ask any questions about how such an examination could result in such a report which is so obviously fake.
Now the BBC will want Kamala Harris in the job. Not because she is the best candidate but because she is a BAME woman. They don’t care one bit what effect of an idiot in charge will have in the real world during these times of darkness. That’s how the idiotic leftist activist mindset works.
I just checked their news page to see how far I got before they mentioned her name. It is all over it. Her name appears 7 times.
I hope she is the nominee because it will guarantee victory for Trump. Unfortunately my next prediction is that she won’t be. The people behind the scenes who live in the real world will see to that. ‘Democracy’ has nothing to do with The Democrat party.
Great Britain will need all the steel it can get for its armour plating. Why is our government giving it away to foreign producers?
Conspiracy theories swirl about geo-engineering, but could it help save the planet?
No need to read the article. When a BBC idiot runs an agenda headline like this with a question, the answer is almost always ‘No – but the BBC wish it was yes’.
Another rambling nonsense piece by a BBC ‘weather presenter’ (why is he writing science article like this ?) who repeats any claims from academics seeking funding as if they are virtual facts.
You can always spot the funding articles because they always have enough detail about who said something so you could get in touch with them if you wanted.
And of course the scientist they picture saving the world is a BAME woman.
More of the same complete rubbish from another BBC idiot who doesn’t even realise.
Tomorrow’s going to be “fun”
Looks like “Joe” didn’t tell anybody and didn’t use POTUS headed “paper”
The attempt to assassinate Trump having failed, there was no way forward. Sleepy Joe had to go. I wonder when they will tell him he has decided to pull out of the race? I recommend they bring him a big bowl of raspberry ripple, to soften the blow.
Rob – it’s US National Ice Cream Day… you knew that?
I figured this video was amusing to put here:
But to my absolute astonishment, several lefty fact-checkers have actually fact-checked it to make sure we all know it’s fake !!.
And almost all the online videos have been taken down !!.
This is what modern fascism is all about.
If Pelosi was in the van we can assume he got a Rocket
Precisely Rob : it cannot be coincidence that all these events (including attempting to assasinate Trump) have happened in an entirely predictable sequence.
I would love to know what has happened behind the scenes to get Joe to quit. You can be sure ‘honour’ has nothing to do with it.
People in charge of what is ‘news’ in the MSM are generally not idiots like the BBC clones. They know it too – and they are all happy to go along with it and pretend nothing is wrong.
What worries me is what happens when the options run out and they are truly desperate. Let’s say they get a new candidate in and they are trailing in all the polls near to election time. Do they gear up for the biggest election-fraud of all time ?. Try to assasinate him again ?. Start a war with Russia ?.
The “signature” on Sleepy Joe’s letter does not look like his recent signatures. I honestly wonder if he knows he has stepped down? When Johnson stepped down in 1968 he made a nationwide address from the Oval Office. With Sleepy Joe, we get a tweet and a fake signature.
Meanwhile, he is “recovering from covid”. Who knew covid was still a thing? He only had six jabs after all. I think his health might take a turn for the worse in the next few days. Just sayin’.
For some unknown reason, as Scrobs’ bewildered mind often whizzes off in a strange direction, (especially at 5.00am), the line, ‘When the kissing had to stop’ entered from an area about the left-hand side of the pantry door…
So as the laptop is always on, a quick Google found this…
Has anyone read it?
I have to think that back then, probably with Lord Reith’s influence still bearing down on the BBC, it may well have been controversial, but there doesn’t seem to be a DVD or similar, of the story…
Wonder if they might do one now?
I love that site link ! I have read quite a few..
And my sympathies with your loss, hope you are OK
Kind regards
Thank you Zeps.
Hope to hear from the Coroner today! So much to do still!
I see the BBC has already gone full-on Kamala Harris this morning, we’re about to be treated to weeks of this now!
Sorry if you eating your breakfast, but the bbc wanted to inform us of this!
‘I wanted my clitoris back’ – FGM survivor opts for reconstructive surgery
Right ! who took the clitoris ?
Come on ! Hold your hand up, who took it, where is it ?
No one’s going home until she gets it back….
We’ve got all day you know.
Is this something some Araldite and a clothes peg can resolve, presuming it is still in a remote corner of the operating theatre?
Still trying to make the world a better place I see, one shitpost at a time.
Teaching Union bod on BBC News tells us that the teachers pay rise “cannot come from existing Government resources” as they are dried up so what exactly was he saying.
You guessed it…. Higher taxes and thus lower take home pay for everyone who is not a teacher despite the fact that teachers pay is reckoned to be already above the National average with millions getting nowhere near what teachers already get.
NHS next I guess! After all they are both staffed by overwhelmingly Labour voters.
Soon to be followed by local authorities, civil service etc. etc,
So, if you work for any private Company it’s not great news
Don’t forget the pension contributions. They never mention that do they? A 5.5% pay rise means even more money has to be found to fund their pensions. The Ponzi scheme has got to go under at some point.
How will the BBC treat Karmela ? Well it avoided the mental state of Biden for years . So the gaffes of Karmela will be ignored ? Certainly the internet is full of her insanity . But will the msm have to deal with it ?
As I write our Justin has popped up to tell us he knew about Biden all the while – at least from February 2024 ….
No one is going to ask the msm -how come you missed the fact that your president has been ga ga for – 2 weeks …? Maybe that’s the job of the republicans in the absence of a biased corrupt press …
Funny how all on here knew it for years.
How dare the US call other countries corrupt or lacking democracy.
That goes for the bbc liars too, it’s now claimed his incapacity was “hidden from the press” yeh right.
What happened to investigative journalism ?
Or rather, seeing what is in front of your face, that the rest of the world can see, even Bin Laden, years ago, thousands of miles away in a cave who wanted to assassinate Obama but keep the incompetent Biden FFS.
Strange that Americans have a taste for coverups – since watergate – yet no one is asking about the cover up of bidens condition . But I repeat what I’ve said here before – there is a big danger for the Left – media – that in digging into bidens ‘ mental state going back to 2020 – some one might really lift the stone used to bury the election theft . Something that just can’t happen now ….
And it’s another reason why I think president trump wont make it to November …. And when it happens … the msm will look away again – in fact they’ll send a blind reporter to tell us what he sees ….
They are all blind when it suites.
I hear Spring is peddling her own brand of misinformation again.
NOW, all of a sudden they all realise…..
“Biden failed and failed… all the way to the top! Obama said ‘don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** up’ and Bin Laden predicted he’d ‘lead the US into crisis’ but none of that mattered as Joe thrived despite tragedies and ENDLESS gaffes.
In May 2010, Osama bin Laden wrote a secret letter ordering his lieutenants to assassinate President Barack Obama — but not, crucially, Joe Biden, America’s vice president, who would take charge in the event of Obama’s death.
‘Biden,’ declared the world’s then-most wanted man, ‘is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis.’
History had other plans. A year later, Obama had Bin Laden killed — a move opposed, funnily enough, by Joe Biden”
Yes, with your complicity
Meanwhile – in londonistan – another drive by killing …
Rape gangs in every city…silence
Black on black, and on white murders every week …silence
Mad, incompetent man nominally in charge of the US…silence
Islamic ghettoes around the UK with their own laws and riots if the police interfere…silence
Impact of illegal immigrants on housing and health sevices…silence
Sex crimes of illegal immigrants…silence
the list goes on and on and on
I wrote earlier how I thought the ‘grown ups’ would not let Kamala be the President because it is simply ridiculous.
But I’ve just been watching a few things on the internet as now I’m not so sure. The Democrats changed dozens of rules for the Primaries so nobody could challenge Biden. The BBC never told us of course, but it is an absolute scandal what they did.
And the reason is that Obama and his associates want someone in the White House who they can control. They don’t want a strong figure who makes his own decisions.
I am already a bit suspicious about how much the BBC are pushing Kamala and this explains it. They are all part of the same far-Left globalist group. I suspect they’ve been given a nudge to support her.
… and right on cue the BBC are back on the ‘live updates’ headlines:
‘Top Democrats throw support behind Harris after Biden exits race’
There is nothing ‘democratic’ whatsoever going on here.
And I think there are funding rules which favour Harris against other challengers – my bet on Mrs Obama is looking shakey .. I might lose a pound .
But how will the msm package karmela – sticking her in front of an American flag and trying to make her sound ‘presidential ‘ isn’t going to make it . All those YouTube clips of her version of derangement are there to see …
But people see what they want to see – or are told to see – but even the most competent democrat contender must know they are in with a chance against her ….?
But then the question comes – ‘Mrs Harris – when did you first know Joe was ga ga ?- why didn’t you do something about it ? Or are you too thick / corrupt to have done your duty ?
Yes, to carry on the good work, we have Dover they have the southern border:
1. Under Joe Biden, America is facing the worst border crisis in our history.
2. President Biden has undermined America’s border security and the integrity of our immigration
system at every turn.
3. Biden’s border policies are creating a growing national security crisis, and threatening the safety of
Americans across the country.
A. America is facing a historic crisis at its southern border under President Biden.
Under Biden’s immigration policies, illegal border crossings have soared to all-time highs.
• In Fiscal Year 2021 alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection experienced 1.7 million encounters
with aliens at the southern border, the highest number ever recorded in a single year.
• That number does not include people who evaded border patrol officers.
o According to the internal Border Patrol estimates from January through August of 2021, more
than 273,000 migrants avoided apprehension and entered our country illegally.
o These are new records.
Fiscal Year 2022 is already sharply outpacing 2021’s record-breaking numbers.
• U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz anticipates in the next few days, the U.S. will hit one million
encounters with migrants attempting to illegally cross our Southern border since October 1.
• That’s one million encounters in the last six months, outpacing last year’s record-breaking numbers.
• Last month, CBP encountered nearly 165,000 illegal immigrants at the border.
o That was the highest total for February in the Department of Homeland Security’s history.
• For the last 12 months in a row, there have been over 150,000 encounters at the Southern border;
eight of which broke records.
Afghanistan – Gaza – Ukraine ….
To little too late:
“This man has no business staying in the most consequential job on the planet. He has no business with access to the nuclear codes. He needs to resign immediately, turn the keys over to Kamala, and prep for what should be an in-depth investigation into the cover-up regarding his health and cognitive decline.
Shame on the Obamas, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, and every lawmaker who knew the truth and kept quiet.
Shame on every journalist who had face time with the President and refused to break the biggest political scandal since Watergate.
And shame on the Democrats if they try to keep Joe in the Oval. He shouldn’t be there one more day. Who in the White House press pool will finally confront this corrupt administration?”
Meesh interviews a clone coloured democrat congressman who worked in the white house upto last year . It was painful – the lies just mounted up ..
Meesh asked what harris had achieved ? Answer – waffle about doing her day job .. the border … ? .. er … ‘ underlying principles ‘ or some nonsense ..,.
I only dip into “Today “ occasionally now – but i picked up an air of something., something like someone caught shoplifting and trying to get out of it or instantly regretting they were ruined over a stolrn tin of beans .,,
And the word ‘ cover up ‘ was used ….
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast” – the Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass
Meanwhile, our BBC this morning would have us accept the truth of this multi-clause statement prior to consumption of our breckie: “Thanks to [Biden], transatlantic cooperation is close, Nato is strong and the USA is a good and reliable partner for us. His decision not to run again deserves recognition,” Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz posted on X (BBC)
1. Transatlantic cooperation: …visible, dangerous and growing divergence between European and U.S. perceptions of security, threats, global interests, and definitions of collective defense. And, this growing divergence of views on threat assessment has been reinforced and exacerbated by the even faster growing gap between the U.S. and Europe in military capabilities (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: The Transatlantic Relationship: Problems and Prospects, 2002) – mind you, a handy (coincidental?) by-product of the Ukraine war has been to scare (some) Europeans back into the clutches of the US State Department.
2. Nato is strong: Behind Nato’s defensive ‘shield’ lies weakness and division. Ukraine will pay the price… Biden remains infuriatingly vague about long-term outcomes… Daydreaming of EU strategic autonomy, France’s Emmanuel Macron prefers talk to action. Germany’s Olaf Scholz epitomises dither and delay… Cynically self-serving attempts by Turkey’s troublemaker president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to sabotage Finland and Sweden’s membership applications also undermine a united front… Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s sanctions-busting prime minister, often seems to bat for the other side (Guardian, June 2022)
3. The USA is a good and reliable partner for us: to lighten the mood somewhat one is inclined here to quote that tv soccer pundit the dour ex-defender Alan Hansen’s poignant quip to Gary Lineker concerning Tottenham Hotspur’s trophy prospects: “They always let you down”
To wit: the US has let us down over Suez
The US has – when the going got tough – let down:
South Vietnam
4. His decision not to run again: ‘His’ decision, really? Biden needs to ‘seriously consider’ dropping out from election, Obama tells allies (Telegraph, 18th July)
5. Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Who cares? Few follow EU leaders (on Twitter) New study finds none of the bloc’s figures crack the list of the top 10 most-followed leaders. (Politico)
6. posted on X: The U.S president [Doanld Trump] is also among a very small group of world leaders who are personally active on their own Twitter accounts (Twiplomacy Study, 2018)
Well that’s sixish prospective whoppers for us to digest in advance of our cornflakes.
We turn to the print press for deserts
Democrat endorses vice-president, Kamala Harris, to take his place (Guardian) – the gynaeceum which is BBC news staff liked the Gruan for their top pick of the nation’s papers this morning. Well there’s a turn up for the books.
One suspects the BBC, Guardianistas and Democrat media friends over the pond don’t honestly really believe their own Kamala hype: How the Democrats will go about choosing a replacement (Guardian) – I hear there’s some difficulty involving rules about switching existing Biden-raised election funds to an alternative candidate – although I’m sure any existing rules can happily be fudged by the left.
And as we’ve come to realise this is not at all about having a fit and healthy mentally capable incumbent US President, commander-in-chief and leader of the western world… oh no… this is just about beating Donald Trump: This sets the stage for a completely different sort of election in November (Guardian)
Victoria Pendleton ‘I loved feeling like a superhero’ (Guardian) – calm down, luv
Biden has left enough time for Democrats to unify around Harris or another nominee (The anyone but Trump tendency exemplified and made manifest for us by the globalist FT)
The pink paper which the boss reads so as to check the share price of his corporation frets: Why American labour cannot be counted on to vote for the Democrats (FT)
Why a union president crossed partisan lines for a starring role at Trump’s RNC… Sean O’Brien, president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, delivered a stemwinder of a speech in prime time. He called former President Donald Trump a “tough S.O.B.” (CNN) – Sean O’Brien… S.O.B. – you couldn’t make it up
Former BBC Radio 4 stalwart shows his colours – and they sure ain’t Republican red: America will pay a price for stubborn Biden by James Naughtie (‘i’)
The junior poundshop Guardian which is our youth-interest left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper sees a straw in the wind and desperately clutches for it: Tables turn – with Trump now the older man (‘i’)
Our BBC zenana (look it up) may relegate this tabloid frontpage to the deep depths of the also rans in their online press line-up running order, however, the jokey blokey Daily Star is typically concise and to the point: Sleepy Joe: It’s time for a nap! Prez heading off to bed after endless cock-ups
Asiseeit – so all those claims by republicans that biden wasnt fit turn out to be true – and not the misinformation the BBC claimed … silence from the verify department for a while methinks….
Anyway – back to strictly or squirrels
The issue isn’t about age, it’s about mental ability. There is nothing wrong with Trump on that score, his age is not an issue.
The BBC reports words of wisdom from two of Labour’s rare grown-ups and from David Lammy. They ‘warn’ that if Labour does not deliver then people will turn to populist politicians. Which rather begs the question of how do we describe the likes of Reeves, Streeting and Lammy? Unpopulists, perhaps? Surely anyone who isn’t a populist i.e. doing what the electorate want, shouldn’t be in politics at all?
‘a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.
“he ran as a populist on an anticorruption platform”‘
I am constantly bemused at how the Left have tried very hard to make this one of their ‘nasty’ labels by using it repeatedly against the Right.
The opposite of course are people who don’t give a shit about ordinary people. Their ideological agenda and defeating the Right are far, far more important than peoples lives. Which sums the BBC up perfectly for me.
populist = what people want.
un-populist = what people get.
“We want to double down on our commitment to Ukraine,” Mr Lammy said, as dragonflies swooped over a tranquil lake and a pair of majestic eagles circled overhead.
as dragonflies swooped over a tranquil lake
a pair of majestic eagles circled overhead.
I think the BBC are holding back with their praise for Kamala. The UK Establishment have not yet been informed as to whom the the US deep state have chosen for the election fix. When they do, the BBC will jump in support.
I have listened to the BBC today programme this morning , out of curiosity to see how they are dealing with the Joe Biden “event ” last night.
Much to my amusement the tone is very much a deployment of the Ed Davey defence….( during his evidence to the post office enquiry Ed pulled faces and declared “l was lied to”).. listening to the chat between Justin and mischell, the conclusion is clearly that the Whitehouse has cunningly misled just about everybody and seemingly there has been a problem with “poor old loverly “Joe for some time..and nobody , but nobody knew.How on earth could this have happened. Enough …time to turn that crap off.
Coming not very soon …an enquiry into why so few people listen to BBC output…that could be a real laugh..maybe worth a full 30mins comedy slot..
BBC – where Jimmy Saville remained undetected by a 3.5 billion new agency.
Hideously black…………
Amongst all the shock and surprise that there might possibly be a problem with ” Good old Joe”, we must remember Keir Starmers assessment “Joe Biden is fine” following his meeting, an actual face to face with Joe…..yes, Keir says” Joe’s fine”, given this was only a few days ago, surely Keir needs to explain how he got that so wrong…just a thought.
Strangely neither the BBC or the Labour party have ever seen any of the thousands of hours of “Biden stuff ” on YouTube over the last 4 years.
I have a suspicion that the failed organic carrot farming revolutionary and his M25 blocking chums are about to be the beneficiaries of another Starmer knee taking ?
Can’t have innocents locked up you know… overfilled prisons etc.
Smarmer obviously thought Biden was fine as his benchmark is his Cabinet, Rayner, Lammy etc.
Jim Davidson’s video about Leeds riots is in my YouTube feed
Now on R4 Ian Hislop repeat
He’s saying that Trump is the liar
No mention of the continuous lie from Biden that he is strong and fit and ready to take office in 2025
Hislop’s credibility these days is at homeopathic dilution?
Hislop is a vile sneering toad.
Hislop gets paid big money by the BBC. He’ll never bite the hand that feeds him.
TOADY Watch #1 – Trump, convicted felon vs Harris, State
PersecutorProsecutorBBC are clutching at straws in the hope former President Trump will be defeated by Kamala Harris. Polls apparently are undecided between the pick of the two Presidential candidates. Therefore the BBC hope that Donald Trump’s conviction is enough to decide the issue.
Strange then, that VEEP Kamala Harris, former State Prosecutor for California, is famous for her ‘word salads’ ie. speaking gobblegedook in the best Professor Stanley Unwin tradition. I always thought lawyers were meant to be good with words.
Kamala might well usefully serve as a useful idiot. The people around her will be able to use her for their own purposes.
Flotsam, true, very true.
Nolan was still going on about “pussy grabbing” last night. They cannot get over their TDS, ever.
“BBC failed to defend me during Tory witch-hunt, says Lewis Goodall” )yes, in involves Robbie Gibb)
Al defends BBC chums in classic a Graun lucid manner
Cheap paintings now?
“A Gallery Sells Hunter Bidens. The White House Says It Won’t Know Who’s Buying.
Hunter Biden’s works are being offered for as much as $500,000 apiece; his art dealer said he would follow ethics guidelines that the Biden administration helped to develop.”
“ethics guidelines that the Biden administration helped to develop”
I thought , after a few trips into provincial cities and large towns across the land over the last few months that this stacks up solidly….
Add in the stabbings / shootings / riots etc., etc
Just put it on the bills…. It’s a kind of circular economy thing isn’t it?
When are we going to see directors and managers individually fined?
This afternoon / early evening is going to be filled with Biden “fun” as Democrats wake up and react to
Jill’sJoes’s weekend antics.Broadcasting House cubicles are braced
It’s starting
Popcorn …. I see the democrats have started to refer to president Trump as a ‘felon ‘ – which is a reminder that Biden Obama has been running serial political show trials against president trump using the democrat department of justice – democrat prosecutors . Judges , juries , jurisdictions …
President trump must have a very long target list ….
Woman screams as Donald Trump is sworn in as President
Now you get it!
The traffic is oneway!
TOADY Watch #2 – BBC appear to be in panic mode over Labour Govt. failure!
Shirley not? Labour Govt. failure? After all the BBC have told us about
fourteen yearsnine years of Conservative Government failure! The BBC repeated the lie endlessly and appeared to encourage Labour Party MPs to take up the BBC’s mantra. Everything will be wonderful under a Labour Government for the next five years. And Keir Starmer has been planning Labour’s General Election victory in 2029!Even so, the TOADY Programme this morning issued a stern warning along with warnings from Government Ministers this weekend. If Labour fail ‘the people’ the electorate will turn to populist parties of the Far Right and Right and of the Far Left and Left. I thought Labour’s big majority was a GE ‘turn Leftwards’ but then what do I know?
What amazed me about Syria was how one minute they were freedom fighters taking on the evil regime to bring democracy to everybody in the region then when Russia arrived the MSM suddenly lost interest and it was simply dropped from the news.
Meanwhile all those ‘rebels’ they had been egging on (along with all the ISIS members we weren’t told about when it was hip) got slaughtered. And the BBC didn’t care. It wasn’t agenda any more.
How much blood is on their hands for that one ?.
Same with all the feminist activists the BBC encouraged in Afghanistan. Disappeared without trace. I wonder what happened to those girls after the BBC put a target on their backs.
“Turkish Ministry of Defense: 7 militants were neutralized in the north of Syria and Iraq
Quite : they dealt with ISIS in the only way you can deal with Muslim terrorists. They exterminated them. No ‘Guantanmo Bays’ for the Left to get them released. They were erased and removed as a threat.
Unfortunately, that also meant thousands of people near them got blown up as well. If the Russians knew ISIS were in a village, they parked their rocket launchers a few km away and destroyed the entire place.
The sad part is that all those good Muslims who the BBC encouraged thought the West was on their side got buried in the rubble with them.
The BBC have so much blood on their hands through their efforts at global social engineering. And from what I can see, the net result in every case has been death on an epic scale.
Maybe I want to claim asylum myself….
Rwandan President Paul Kagame is on course to extend his 24-year rule by another five years in a landslide victory, with most of the votes counted from Monday’s election.
He has 99.15% of the vote so far, with about 79% of ballots counted, partial results announced by the electoral commission show.
‘The Far left will be praying for a successful attack on President Trump and his running mate’.
Odd, because the assassination attempt, by one of Trump’s own, was widely condemned by every Democrat politician. Trump on the other hand has spent his entire political career inciting and celebrating violence against others, including his political opponents. But then Trump supporters only pretend they have principles, they sold out everything they ever claimed to hold dear.
You should get that TDS looked at mate, a rupture would be messy.
lol – I think the Obama would have been even more ‘condemning ‘ if their boy had managed to kill president trump as well as others …
And Kik – go away and work out how Obama has almost succeeded in his third term and is conspiring for a fourth … but it’s nice to hear from a victim of rabid TDS here ‘ and I got a bite “🤪
lmao, but he donated his money to the Democrats.
Many left-wing activists register as Republicans so they can get into events and try to sabotage votes.
You should get yourself a mirror before talking of anyone elses principles. Oh, and it helps to have a clue what you are talking about before making an arse of yourself on a forum.
I didn’t hear any apologies. Just scripted lines. Using new lies to cover old lies. That method is wearing too thin. And Trump still isn’t the villain you like to spin him as.

The alleged shooter was not one of Trump’s own, what a stupid statement. He had registered as a Republican to vote in their primaries, for Niki Haley, I should think.
Kikuchiyo, the would-be Trump assassin had switched his allegiance from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party some while back. Did you not hear that he had donated to ‘Progressive causes’?
Miliband Junior is an idiot – you knew…
– but – it’s spelled out in the thread here in bold caps,.
Biden has endorsed Harris. What happens next?
By Madeline Halpert, bbc news
According to her linkedin profile “I’m a passionate storyteller with experience reporting on a wide range of topics including elections, politics, government, business and health.”
Being a passionate storyteller she fits right in at the bbc
She’s the bitter little oik with TDS who was on anti-depressants at 17.
As you say, perfect for the BBC.
Biden is unfit to president but remains one until January – and is fit enough to nominate a successor …. Or maybe just leave it to Obama ….im still rooting for Michelle … paddy power won’t let me cash out yet …
Look on the bright side : Trump will win by even more if she is the candidate.
I see Trump is now demanding the next debate is hosted by Fox. THAT will be worth watching. Her performance will be worse than Joes.
I have a feeling Obama doesn’t want to use his wife like they used Biden. The man is leaving without a shred of dignity left.
Sadiq Khan is now demanding a jaw-dropping £25 billion from the new Labour government to cover the promises he made to secure his re-election. Despite already enjoying a hefty £21 billion annual budget, the London Mayor is not shy about asking for more from taxpayers to fulfil his manifesto pledges. Unfunded promises are a Labour trait…
And now, over to the Oval Office for the latest statement from Joe Biden.
I need to use the toilet.
I thought that’s what his trousers were for?
The good news for Trump is that he should be safe from assassination attempts for the next few weeks because the democrats will be thinking they could still win (fix) the election with a new candidate.
Judging by the ‘qualities ‘ karmela has – can you imagine what her vice president would be like ? Maybe it’s that one who got voted in despite not being able to speech due to a brain injury … ….. bit like Biden really I suppose …
“The Russians and the Chinese must be laughing their effin balls off !”- COMMENT
‘America’s DIANE ABBOTT!’ Serious GAFFES bring Kamala Harris’s fitness for office into question
Teachers? Medical mafia ? Council ? Civil service ? HR managers ?
Calormen Narnia
I wonder how much cycling they do in Perm?
(Record winter low temperature minus 4C)
Utterly pathetic virtue signalling brain dead morons!
Take away all fossil fueled transport in Oxford
– then let them virtue signal away.
Let them lead the population to the sunny uplands where the larks tweet.
A few weeks back, we were interviewing for a senior position and we got onto the issue of managing teams.
This candidate suddenly, unexpectedly said something like ‘ I really really love to read through the personal files of new reports. It’s the first thing I do’. It took us rather aback.
We didn’t give him the job.
I mention this because I googled Karmella Harris bloopers, and prominent is the fact that in her words, ‘I really really love Venn Diagrams’. Yes. Really.
Bizarre doesn’t really cover it.
The Saturday night live sketch with her word guru seems to have made yanks notice her . I bet ‘veep’ gets re runs in the run up to any ‘debate ‘ …. But I can’t see obamas people letting her anywhere near an even without autocue ….
The bbc reporting is so up Kamala Harris’s r’s.
What is it with the likes of the bbc, Kamala = Perfect, Trump = Negative reporting
“We want to double down on our commitment to Ukraine,” Mr Lammy said, as dragonflies swooped over a tranquil lake and a pair of majestic eagles circled overhead.
as dragonflies swooped over a tranquil lake
a pair of majestic eagles circled overhead.
Labour’s penchant for high taxes has sent shivers down the spines of British business owners, prompting a flurry of sales as they scramble to escape the looming tax storm. Research from Lubbock Fine reveals a staggering 71% surge in mergers and acquisitions as business owners race to sell up. They fear Rachel Reeves’ imminent budget will tighten the tax noose around entrepreneurs with potential increases in capital gains tax…
“UK become a net exported of electricity.” (c) Rishi Sunak