Midweek 24th July 2024

104 days until the US presidential election on 5th November. The BBC will follow the Far Left narrative of the vibrant woman versus the evil white Felon . Anything but The Truth …

meanwhile the BBC annual Report says it is losing 250 000 licences per year – that is 684 less licence fees per day ….

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382 Responses to Midweek 24th July 2024

  1. MarkyMark says:

    Is George Clooney happy now and willing to give money Harris?

    Everyone is happy and George Clooney runs the gov!


  2. G.W.F. says:


  3. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    I can think of 47 families who wished the Manchester Police had dealt with a certain Muslim at Manchester Arena in a similar fashion.


  4. vlad says:

    The YouTube channel below is dedicated to showing what the lying bastards at the BBC will never show you: cultural enrichment at its finest.
    Video after video after video of crime, violence, rioting, sexual harassment etc. by vibrant diverse engineers, doctors and nuclear physicists.



  5. Ian Rushlow says:

    There is a crime in Britain of ‘glorifying terrorism’. Perhaps there should be a similar crime of promoting or glorifying mass migration, multiculturalism or diversity.


  6. Terminal Moraine says:

    Nicky Campbell on R5 had a two-hour phone in on the Manchester airport thing; 90% of callers were aghast, with one woman even in tears. Nicky obliged with lots of his trademark pregnant pauses as if to highlight the gravity of the situation.

    Meanwhile BBC report on the Kent stabber: “Asked to confirm his date of birth and address in court, Mr Esan responded: ‘Why?'”

    You can see his point. Asking personal details is an aggressive line of enquiry that unfairly targets minorities… in his defence this is the sort of background cultural context that’s been engineered by our media for decades. The BBC wouldn’t ever risk a two minute phone-in on the Kent attempted murder, let alone two hours.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      “Asked to confirm his date of birth and address in court, Mr Esan responded: ‘Why?’”

      Q: Does contempt of court apply only to honkies?


  7. Fedup2 says:

    I did chuckle a bit at the Democrat director of the FBI telling the inquiry that Donald Trump may not have been shot .

    They even try to down play an attempt to kill by saying he might have been hit by ‘ fragments’

    As has been seen here recently Trump Derangement Syndrome displays itself in many forms .

    If president trump survives and beats the fix the syndrome will plenty of unstable types over the edge .. …


    • vlad says:

      The FBI is so corrupt and in the pocket of the Democrats.
      The rot may have started some time ago, but Obama supercharged it.


  8. Terminal Moraine says:

    Olympics fun has started.. Morocco fans kicking off because they wouldn’t accept an Argentina equaliser. It caused a 2hr delay:

    “… a number of cups and bottles were then thrown at the celebrating Argentina side […] A number of fans in Morocco colours also ran on to the pitch, with some being escorted off the pitch by stewards”.

    BBC careful there not to call them Moroccan fans… no doubt a large amount were of the petulant Parisian-Moroccan variety rather than African citizens. They can’t bring themselves to include photos so here’s one from another site.




  9. Zephir says:


    Why is this creep still hanging around 7 YEARS after finishing ?

    “The 2020 Election

    While Obama chose to hold off on publicly endorsing a candidate in the 2020 election for several months during the primaries, in April 2020 after his former Vice President Joe Biden emerged as the party leader, Obama shared a video where he commended Biden as a leader and offered his official endorsement. He said, in part, that he admired, “The kind of leadership that’s guided by knowledge and experience, honesty and humility, empathy and grace. That kind of leadership doesn’t just belong in our state capitals and mayors’ offices. It belongs in the White House, and that’s why I’m so proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States.”



    • Fedup2 says:

      They still don’t get it – Obama never left – he put Biden in for his 3rd term and now Karmela for the 4th . Obama completely took over the federal agencies enabling opponents to be dragged into court Or shot …..and fixed the voting system ….


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Looks like the policeman at Manchester airport will arrested and charged by the end of Thursday – unless the CPS decides to just stick his head on a pole to satisfy the ‘community ‘.

    But the airport must be covered in CCTV – so maybe ‘truth ‘ Will out ..

    Third world Muslims are rapidly asserting the dominance in Britain – whilst the British are groomed to cower with ‘empire guilt’…
    77 brigade note to file …


    • MarkyMark says:

      The UK’s most popular baby names of 2023 have been revealed.
      Muhammad held onto the boy’s top spot, while Olivia makes a triumphant return to number one in the girl’s list. Experts at BabyCentre unveiled the lists which includes 100 of the most popular boys and girls names and their spelling variations.12 Dec 2023


      • vlad says:

        They usually cheat and only consider one spelling of Muhammad. If you take into account all the spellings, it’s miles ahead.
        The racial, cultural and religious Replacement is steaming ahead, and is now irreversible.


  11. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Not enough of course but it’s a start. If only they had listened 30 years ago. Warning annoying AI voice
    It was hard to believe this without seeing…..


  12. digg says:

    Today the BBC, that organisation that used to be our national broadcaster has joined with The Met Office, that organisation that used to be our national weather forecaster to push climate alarmism again.

    The mantra being, if it’s a bit hot, that’s climate change also if it’s cold and wet in summer, that’s also climate change.

    Odd that the BBC are chanting along with the Met Office gobbledygook considering they gave them the boot some years ago when they switched to the EU based Meteo group for their own weather reports ain’t it?

    Perhaps Meteo group are refusing to join the alarmism bandwagon and choose to report the truth without opinion?


  13. Fedup2 says:

    BBC News leads with a paki being subdued before arrest for affray at Manchester airport – police concerned they were after the guns …
    Meanwhile ethnic who allegedly attempted to kill a lieutenant colonel in cold blood gets brief second billing …

    Media coverage is firing up ‘the community ‘ so there may well be more – after the mosque Friday I guess…

    Elsewhere – the 4 men killed when their car hit a tree last weekend have yet to be named … wonder why?


  14. friend of yogi bear says:


    Earlier today I saw some camera coverage of a person on the floor seemingly being kicked in the face and then apparently being stamped on.
    I have to confess my initial reaction was one of surprise…finally I thought the cctv coverage of what has been going on ,year after year , after year , in the strictly come dancing practice rooms…finally the truth is out.
    Now I understand the comment about a dancing programme being like fighting on the Somme ,etc,etc, according to an actress called Amanda Addington, or similar.
    Well you could have knocked me down with a feather when it became clear this was actually a film “allegedly”of an incident at Manchester airport yesterday.

    I won’t make that mistake again…


  15. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Netanyahu speaking in the US congress. BBC newsreader says -“What he called” – ‘the forces of barbarism.’ BBC wouldn’t call violent Jihadis anything like that. BBC man reporting from America does mention that Netanyahu speaks about the hostages. They say Netanyahu is “Trying to point to his accomplishments” One of the freed hostage’s family are in attendance and we see them but…

    BBC Cuts into Netanyahu’s speech to give the domestic terrorists out on the street equal time. We are assured that nearly half of The DemonRats refused to attend Congress. (as a virtue-signalling snub.)

    They cut to “Palestinian”- American congresswoman Rashida Tlaib who holds up a sign reading ‘War Criminal Guilty of Genocide’. They end by having to admit that The Israeli PM had strong support in The US Congress but they sound hopeful that behind the scenes it’s different.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Netanyahu had more to say that BBC probably didn’t like because it’s true.


  16. MarkyMark says:

    Can’t wait … “UK become a net exported of electricity.” (c) Rishi Sunak


  17. tomo says:

    Rascally Rachael’s after your pension



  18. Ian Rushlow says:

    The thugs broke the nose of a policewoman in the initial attack. There are reports, presently unsubstantiated, that one of them went for the firearm of one of the officers. Try something like that in a US airport, or in many other countries, and he would have been shot dead. Moral of the story: if you don’t want a boot in the head, don’t attack the police in a high-risk, high-security environment like an international airport.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Why didn’t the police kneel first?


      Indian man to sue parents for giving birth to him
      7 February 2019


    • Flotsam says:

      If it turns out to be the case that one of them went for an Officer’s gun then the Police should have automatically drawn their guns. As it is they appear to have tried to control the situation with Tasers and other non lethal ‘conventional’ methods. The issue is that in Britain we have lived in a relatively peaceful Country for many years with very rare use of guns by Police or criminals. I think the Police need to think outside of the box and fight fire with fire. Consider what might have happened if one of those Pakistanis had got hold of a gun during that rumpus, he probably would have used it.


  19. Zephir says:

    “Lee Anderson erupts over airport kicking video as he backs Manchester police. The Reform UK Deputy Leader suggested a hardline stance by police would have prevented the Leeds riots.

    Reform UK’s Richard Tice has come out to back the police amid the furore, saying that the footage is in fact “reassuring” rather than “distressing”.

    He told TalkTV: “I’ve only just seen this footage, but based on what I’ve heard and seen this is not distressing, this is reassuring!”

    “The simple answer is that if the police had had to use tasers, which at least two officers if not three clearly had, then there is a serious issue going on.

    “Police officers don’t use tasers unless they are genuinely concerned for the safety of members of public and themselves, and bearing in mind these are weapons-carrying officers, who are there to prevent acts of terrorism, making split-second judgements.

    “They have rightly concluded that safety is the better option. They don’t know if these people have grenades under their bodies!”

    He added the observation that if police had used “some appropriate action last week in Leeds rather than running away, then maybe the riots wouldn’t have been quite so bad”.

    He was backed by fellow Reform UK MP Lee Anderson, who added: “The vast majority of decent Brits would applaud this type of policing. We are sick of the namby pamby approach”.



  20. MarkyMark says:



  21. Fedup2 says:

    Tommy tugenhart – aspirant to the leadership of a dead political party issued campaign literature – someone spotted that if you add the first letter of each line it produces the word ‘turd ‘ – which was his nickname at St Paul’s Westminster ( this but May not be troo)


  22. The Mouse says:

    Well worth watching at least the first 3 minutes.
    (Farage should have used this as Chomsky is a leftie but does know his political history)


  23. StewGreen says:

    On ITV News it’s Special Education Needs day
    Another PR not news thing

    Our ITV pro calendar has this guy on screen
    Prof Jonathan Glazzard 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇦
    Professor of Education for Social Justice

    Tick box ..flags
    “Education for Social Justice” what’s that ?


    • markh says:

      On the rare occasions when I am unfortunate enough to catch the ‘news’ it is just a succession of hard-done-by woe is me stories with hardly any actual informative news content. ITV is as bad , or even worse than, the BBC.


  24. Fedup2 says:

    The end of the world enthusiasts the idea of a joint Chinese Russian air patrol intercepted near Alaska has all the makings of a bright flash …..
    Maybe it’s been a regular ‘thing’ but it’s being reported now ….. boom


  25. MarkyMark says:

    In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.


    The 2021 takeover of Newcastle United F.C. by a consortium of the Saudi Public Investment Fund (PIF), PCP Capital Partners, and the Reuben Brothers was a takeover proceeding that commenced in April 2020 and was successfully concluded in October 2021.


  26. MarkyMark says:

    Some borders are sacred … “Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report Published 21 August 2023”


    “Mustafa Soufia Mohammed says he came under fire at the Saudi-Yemeni border”

    The sea crossing is dangerous enough. More than 24 migrants were reported missing last week after a shipwreck off the coast of Djibouti.

    “The report says it is impossible estimate how many migrants have been killed along the border”

    Migrant routes in Yemen are littered with graves


  27. StewGreen says:

    Local BBC news ‘ooh ooh we’ve got a gotcha against Tice and Lee..they say that cops kicking people in the head is a good thing,
    so we rushed up to Boston.. and stopped people in the street and showed them a brief clip’

    .. There’s no chance the BBC guys explained any context first.


    • Zephir says:

      Held responsible for any subsequest “disorder ” in Boston as a result ?

      Let us hope they are on the receiving end.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Apart from the subsequent tribal riots over the ‘hot?’ Weekend – I reckon when the full account – aided by all sorts of CCTV – is put together the action will have been justified in the circumstances
        But the police officer ( not plod ) doing his duty to protect his colleagues will be hung out to dry and get the full treatment .
        It shows that the Home Secretary post isn’t left alone for long and it’s the first test for Pixie Balls …

        I wonder whether of images of those events will be released -although if there are charges involved we ll need to wait to the end of the court case …


  28. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – he is obviously ‘a hard of thinking’ type ….

    TWatO dwelt endlessly on the Manchester Airport affray and Lee Anderson MP, now for Chief Whip for the Reform Party has shot his mouth off before he knew the full facts of the story and therefore given the Lefty media, especially the BBC, ammunition to use against Reform. That Reform Party are racist and misogynistic! The BBC no doubt will replay the clip of Lee Anderson MP shooting his mouth off endlessly especially at the next General Election. In my view Nigel Farage should sack him as Chief Whip of the Reform Party immediately and would be justified in so doing.

    I understand a woman PC at the airport had her nose broken by a passenger, not necessarily by the man who had his head stamped on by another officer. Facts are still being released so Anderson should be sacked. Anderson could and should have said “In a week, when violence against girls and women has been highlighted, it is shocking that a woman and a serving Police Officer has been attacked in this way.” Lee Anderson could have left it that and would have been well advised to do so.

    If the man who had his head stamped on attacked the woman PC it would be surprising, because he or a member of his family is said to be a serving Officer with Manchester Police. If he is Asian, Lee Anderson could and should have said “I can understand the PC who has been suspended would be enraged by the breaking of a female colleague’s nose but that does not justify his actions against a BAME person.”

    Now the Reform Pary has been brought into considerable disrepute as others highlight above.

    Nigel Farage, as Leader of the Reform Party, to act swiftly?


  29. popeye says:

    Not the BBC but this will delight them no doubt. My son, who’s a Reform member, and his wife invited me to an inaugural evening of the local Reform branch. I did vote Reform and was more than happy to go along and offer my assistance as an experienced organiser and manager. The evening was a disaster, a total lack of organisation and communication; the only thing achieved was that the sandwiches were eaten. We were not told what was to happen, who was speaking, and what plans there were for the future or anything else. After an hour my son said he was leaving in disgust. I couldn’t do that without having my say. I stood up, addressed the meeting and launched into a diatribe about the poor organisation, how I’d voted Conservative for 60 years except for this year and how I’d hoped to see the Reform Party as the solution to the country’s problems. But this was totally amateurish. I appreciate that it’s a young party, but this was organised by the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, for whom I’d voted, and if most constituencies have this sort of representation I’m afraid Reform have no chance. I fear for my Country.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      I’ve heard similar stories from other Reform supporters. It’s a dreadful shame, because Reform seem to be the only hope we have as a nation.

      Farage, Tice, Anderson et al. all seem genuine, and are clearly motivated, but they’re only a handful of individuals, and the cards are heavily stacked against them in the rigged game that is British politics.


    • Up2snuff says:

      popeye, I agree. The Reform Party have now disgraced themselves through Lee Anderson’s comments, and if Farage does not act swiftly to sack him, I will possibly/probably not vote for Reform again.

      I fear for my country, too, especially after the remark’s of the new Chief of the Armed Forces today or yesterday.


      • kingkp says:

        The war is a foregone conclusion. It is the fulfillment of prophecy. The West is going down. Of course, it can be averted but that would require the people to change their way of thinking and waking up to the perilous situation they find themselves in. This is not going to happen. They will go along with the next plandemic. They will go along with whatever the criminals in Westminster tell them to do. Ultimately we are seeing karma playing out.


  30. harry142857 says:

    Police 2024. Look at the guy in the background.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Is this some sort of exercise which has got into the public domain . ? Is there a context to putting it up on this site ?

      142857- kindly explain why we should be looking at this and what it means ?


  31. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – yer’ avin’ a laugh Justin Rowlatt

    TOADY were banging the man-made Global Warming & Climate Change drum today as was Farming Today beforehand. The Met Office has collected their one brain cell together and announced that last year was hot and that this year is even hotter! Justin Rowlatt, as the BBC’s Climate Editor, was only too pleased to endorse the work of the Met Office. The Met Office and Justin Rowlatt have obviously not noticed the cold, wet, winter, the cold, wet spring and the cold, wet early summer.

    What planet are the UK’s Met Office on?


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:


      As in, “speaking out of ~ ~”


    • Deborah says:

      Someone on GBNews this morning claiming that green energy is the cheapest form and whoever was interviewing him didn’t ask if it was cheapest because of subsidies paid by taxpayers.


      • StewGreen says:

        Green electricity you mean, is NOT cheap
        … It’s just something libmob say in the “tell a lie often enough” way

        When the world gas market went crazy .. electricity produced from gas did blip up.
        Occasional spurts may have been more expensive than what wind/solar suppliers were paid
        But one of the main reasons UK gas prices went crazy was UK green policy
        Secondly the cost of green energy to the consumer includes significant other grid costs , not just the money paid to the solar/wind corps


  32. Up2snuff says:

    The BBC have been in support of the new Government by claiming that since they took office the £ Sterling has reached a new high against the $ dollar. The £ Sterling has since weakened against the dollar, against the Euro but against the Japanese Yen it is now dropped below 200 Yen to one £ Sterling. The Yen has been weakening as the Japanese economy is in the doldrums and has been for sometime. The oil price is up but the good news is that the gas price has fallen. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/market-data


  33. Philip_2 says:

    What the BBC’s biggest stars really earn – and why it may surprise you!
    Note: The likes of Michael McIntyre and Graham Norton don’t have their salaries published in the BBC’s annual report as they have PRIVATE companies working for the BBC….

    ‘The BBC doesn’t have to report their salaries because the above stars trade as limited companies or appear in shows made by independent production companies, including Strictly Come Dancing’s home BBC Studios (limited). In both cases, the BBC pays a fee to the company which includes a presenter fee, but the company chooses how to distribute that cash’
    “Honestly, I don’t tend to push clients to the BBC,” said one comedy talent manager. “Comedians always risk getting fired very publicly by a corporation that loves to apologise and the presenter fees are generally lower than Channel 4 or ITV.”

    If a comic or presenter turns up on a pre-existing BBC format, he explains – such as Romesh Ranganathan on The Weakest Link – they’ll have a buyout contract or, at best, an equity contract which limits their earnings to the per show fee.

    “You would be surprised by the names on buyout contracts who are just getting £30k per show,” he explains. “Channel 4, that’s £40-50k and ITV can go far higher. If it’s a BBC equity contract then after a certain number of repeats and sales, 17 per cent of the extra money is split between those on an equity contract, but for a light entertainment show repeats payments are very unlikely. I can’t see Romesh in any BBC shows that he devised. He’ll be on around £350,000 for the Weakest Link, the same for Misadventures which has just ended.” So, not bad but no Lineker.”
    ‘As for Alexander Armstrong? The BBC pays independent production companies between £20,000 and £130,000 per episode for a daytime entertainment show. ‘

    ‘He speculates that Richard Osman and Armstrong would be on £20,000 per episode, possibly less. Osman has reduced his appearances but was involved in devising the format so would earn from overseas sales and production fees. With recent seasons running to 55 episodes, however, £20,000 a pop means trousering a cool £1.1 million for Armstrong. ‘


    *** But it is quite hard working for the BBC. (Avoiding tax is the biggest problem they all have)***.

    Charlie Stayt, the BBC Breakfast presenter, has avoided bankruptcy after agreeing to pay off a tax bill of about £190,000.

    ‘The presenter is among the BBC’s highest-paid news presenters, earning up to £194,999 last year for hosting the breakfast programme alongside Naga Munchetty.

    He and his wife are directors of Stayt Limited which lists the nature of its business as television programming and broadcasting activities.

    He is not the first BBC presenter to have run into difficulties with HMRC.

    Gary Lineker won his £5 million tax battle in March, while Adrian Chiles’s £1.7 million case is still ongoing after 10 years’.



  34. Nibor says:

    I just heard that the copper who kicked the violent fellow then ‘ WENT ON’ to pepper spray another suspect .

    So there was violence . He neutralised the violent fellow so he could assist in another area of violence . Deserves a medal .


    • digg says:

      I think he reacted as he did because he was disgusted and angered to see a female colleague smashed in the face by a paki bastard, To me a perfectly understandable if fiery response.

      He will now pay the price demanded by the blind and out of touch cunts who occupy high places.

      This will end in total capitulation to these shitty third worlders who work our UK justice system.

      It works in Pakistan so why not here? Just call your local Islama-a-mob every time one of yours gets in trouble.


  35. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – Ed Miliband MP, the most expensive Energy Secretary evvah?

    This morning sees the launch of GB Energy. The PM and Ed Miliband, Energy Secretary, are behind this madness which sees Rachel Reeves cough up £8.3bn to State fund it all. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crglp32zzw2o . Ed Minibrain reckons it will make the energy of this country ‘secure’ and household’s bills for energy cheaper “but not immediately”. Ed Minibrain has obviously not heard of the ‘Contracts for Difference’ that the windpower generators extract from energy bill payers.

    Paul Homewood has a good article about this here: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-climate-scaremongers-ed-zeros-mania-will-cost-us-a-trillion/


    • Flotsam says:

      What a plonker Milliband is, I utterly despair of Britain’s energy policies being run by morons. These idiots are scientifically and technically illiterate as well as financially illiterate. Some of them may have stepped into a factory for a photo shoot or TV opportunity but none of them understand business or the need for cheap and reliable energy. None of them understand engineering.
      We’re on the road to mass poverty.

      ICI (now INEOS) at Runcorn seem to have had the foresight to build their own gas powered power station in the 1990’s to power their chemical plant there. They must have had a premonition of the stupidity to come.



  36. Nibor says:

    Why does the new Labour government want us to be energy secure but not food secure ?


  37. JohnC says:

    Family of man kicked by police left ‘traumatised’

    According to their solictor of course. Where did they get him from ?. ‘No win no fee’ scumbags perhaps ?. His name is Akhmed Yakoob.

    So the BBC are laying this story on as thick as they can. Because they want to keep the racist divide in this country as wide as possible to polarise people into siding either Left or Right. You can’t manuafcture a political revolution without a war. So they are forcing it every chance they get.

    They don’t report this of course:
    Don’t use video of officer kicking man at Manchester Airport for political purposes, says mayor

    And as with Floyd, they are only reporting what the police did. Not the events which led to them doing it.

    So while the BBC do their best to destroy our society by inciting racist hate at every opportunity, stories like this – which are FAR FAR more significant to the general public get buried straight into ‘regions’:
    Boy charged with murder of Pharrell Garcia, 15

    Here’s why:

    And the boy who murdered him ?
    ‘The suspect, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been charged with murder and remanded in custody.’

    THIS is a clear sign of what is seriously wrong with our society. 15 year old boys stabbing other 15 year old boys to death in the street and the story is buried. The BBC don’t care one bit how many young blacks get murdered when other blacks do it. We just get one brief ‘facts only’ article and the story is gone. Because they can’t use it to fuel the racist divide.

    That makes the BBC the sickest racists of all in my book. And the worst thing is that I suspect the vast majority of them are too dumb to even realise. They exist in a bizarre groupthink bubble.

    The BBC are far-Left activist scum. They are actively trying to destroy our society.


  38. JohnC says:

    Goodness me : now the BBC got rid of the Tories and can relax, the headlines are full of complete left-wing agenda tripe !. Such as:

    ‘How decline of Indian vultures led to 500,000 human deaths’

    ‘How a sketch blossomed into Pakistan’s first Ghibli-style animation’

    ‘The tiny Indian village claiming Kamala Harris as its own’

    ‘From Olympic braids to sunsets: Africa’s top shots’

    ‘Radcliffe apologises for wishing convicted rapist luck’
    Not good – but front page news BBC ?.

    It seems the BBC has two modes : one which is dedicated to attacking and discrediting anyone who does not follow their agenda and the second which is feeding people mindless drivel to those who do to make sure they don’t know or think about about any of the real issues which are consequences of that same agenda.


    • Scroblene says:

      Haah – John!

      You speak my mind!

      Just as I was wondering what to do when I got here just now, a thought came into this ol’ grey head…

      The Beeb is now in the early stages of erectile disfunction!

      It has nothing to smear normal conservative British citizens with, it needs the oxygen of Labour’s crackpot ideas, but there aren’t that many, except for the stupid Ed Miliband’s squawks about a business scam far above his intellect, and now the TV taxpayer’s money is being spent on twaddle and dross!

      The limpics will help them for a couple of weeks, but after that, it’ll be ‘Phew what a drencher’, or ‘iguana bites dog’ stories!


      • Fedup2 says:

        Hello Scroblene – I hope you are ok ….

        …. As for the Olympics ( not for me ) I wonder if viewers realise that the coverage is apparently more ‘limited’ than usual because a subscription outfit has got the rights to quite a bit of output?
        I bet there will the usual lefties demanding more money be spent on the BBC so that it can ‘compete’ with subscription operations …
        But even the BBC knows it’s likely to come a sad fourth in such an event .

        I’ve decided to go News free for a while as I don’t want to get angry listening to paki apologisers ….


        • Scroblene says:

          Morning Fed!

          I’m fine thank you! All getting sorted now!

          I’ll be ignoring the limpics, (wasn’t he a Libdem bloke once), and concentrate on gardening, which is the best game on the planet!

          I think going ‘news-free’ for your reasons is an admirable stance, and I reckon I’ll join you!


      • JohnC says:

        A new one up there Scrobs:

        ‘Aniston criticises JD Vance’s ‘childless cat ladies’ comment’

        Honestly BBC, don’t you realise that nobody gives a f*ck except misandrists like you.


  39. Zephir says:

    Go to any other country and start a fight with an armed officer at an airport and see what happens.


  40. Jeff says:

    I’ve had quite a strong sense of deja-vu in recent days…

    Firstly, we had the unarmed soldier being stabbed on the streets of our once green and pleasant land, by some hideous, sub-human third worlder. Ye gods, have you seen that brute. This creature shouldn’t be sharing our streets, it should be in a zoo.

    Then after a violent incident at an airport, where a policewoman was brutally attacked by a bunch of Muzzie men and had her nose fractured in three places, an ugly mob of Muzzies descended on the local station and chanted “Black Lives Matter”. Though, to be frank, to me it sounded more like Black Lies Matter. Is that what they call a Freudian slip?

    Meanwhile, the mainstream media, true to form, have all but forgotten the poor army officer fighting for his life and are concentrating almost exclusively on the “racist attack” on the “innocent Muslims”.

    Oh…and this weekend in London there is to be a patriotic march, led by Tommy Robinson. I’ve little doubt that far-left anarchist thugs will try to disrupt this get together. These “anti-fascists” will undoubtedly have taken part in the endless anti-Israel demos, where there are chants of “From the river to the sea”, when we have seen our war memorials covered in graffiti and Swastikas have been openly displayed.

    But in the eyes of the BBC these are the good guys.

    Just like old times…


  41. Flotsam says:

    So Rachel Reeves and Labour have suddenly discovered a £20Bn black hole in the finances which will mean extra taxation. Does she mean the previous Government was about to run the deficit with their budget and policies? Or does she mean that her own Government are about to run up a deficit with their policies? The money tree is bare but Labour keep spending, the public sector have the begging bowl out.

    On a technical point, this “hole” would have been flagged up by the OBR if it already existed?


  42. AsISeeIt says:

    Game on for Team GB – insists the mildly conservative Daily Telegraph as its frontpage feature photo depicts the charming and classy fair delight of our latest home-grown ingénue: Katie Boulter, the Team GB tennis star, trains at Roland-Garros Stadium, Paris, before the official opening of the Olympic Games today

    A million British fans are heading to the Paris Olympics – claims the freebie ad sheet the Metrospending £4billion to spur Team GB to a record medal haul at the games.

    Not at the Guardian they’re not. You may never see an actual black person read the Gruan but that doesn’t prevent that title’s increasing tendency to impersonate the Harlem Voice

    There’s no demure smiling Team GB English rose for their frontpage feature photo, where the preference is for: The US gymnast Simon Biles (Guardian photocredit Getty Images)

    The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked the Guardian for their top pick of the day’s national title cover pages to present to us online.

    The BBC’s double whammy headline for their press review gloomily reads: Potential ‘autumn tax raid’ after ‘£20bn hole in public finances’ – yet perhaps it ought instead to have read: Bread and Circuses?

    As for the baguette side of that recipe, the Parisian table d’hôte menu apparently ain’t what it’s cracked up to be: Athletes revolt over ‘raw meat’ (Telegraph); Not an oeuf: Athletes report eggs shortage in Olympic village (BBC); Team GB race to fly in their own chef after Paris food boycott (Times)

    So much for the Bread and Circuses. Over there at the Daily Express it’s more a case of Those who are about to die, salute you!

    Esther’s ‘heart lifted at hope of dying in favourite place’

    That’s life (that’s life)
    That’s life and I can’t deny it…

    I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet
    A pawn and a king
    I’ve been up and down and over and out
    And I know one thing
    Each time I find myself layin’
    Flat on my face
    I just pick myself up and get
    Back in the race

    [That’s Life, sung by Frank Sinatra and our Esther in puppet mode for the push toward aclimatising us to the normalisation of euthenasia]

    Turns out the therapeutic state isn’t all it’s cracked up to be: Operations at risk amid blood shortage… NHS trusts have been told to restrict use of O type blood (Telegraph)

    “It may be just a smear to you mate, but that’s life and death to some poor wretch!” – there’s one for the teenagers.

    Isabel Oakeshott – with some justification – asks: Who voted for tethered bottle caps? (Telegraph)

    Likewise The Standard: Why do plastic bottles have such annoying caps now? …the EU has introduced a policy which has quietly ruined plastic bottles. As part of their effort to drive down single use plastic waste, drinks bottles will come with attached lids. “Tethered caps”, as they are known, have been floating around Europe for the last couple of years and will be mandatory by summer, to ensure that both bottle and lid are recycled. You might think Brexit would give us the luxury of loose caps, but we’re getting them too because most companies aren’t going to make different bottles for different parts of Europe. So much for freeing ourselves from the shackles of bureaucracy

    Not that if we had Remained it would have made any difference either – or indeed whether our ‘Team GB’ Euro MEP representatives in Brussels had voted yay or nay. Even in the smallest, apparently least consequential minutiae of our daily life, democracy is a sham and far greater forces are at work to shape our lives to their will.

    Future of 1p and 2p pieces in doubt after Treasury orders no new coins. Treasury expected not to place order with Royal Mint in coming years (Guardian)

    Despite: Why pennies are priceless by Lucy Mangan… Pennies are just right for a child’s hand, the tuppences’ weight and substance giving them a worth that far outstrips the mere face value (‘i’) – I’m tempted for a moment to institute a new feature entitled – You tell ’em luv. But something tells me – just like our NHS is short of blood – I’m likely to be short of regular content.

    This – as advertised – was a mere seven day wonder: I was a Trad Wife (for a week) Harriet Walker… There’s a darker side, says Harriet Walker (The formerly serious, now female interest Times)

    So tell us, what’s the problem with ‘Tradwifery’?

    Sian Norris (Bristol-based writer and feminist activist) explains: It is a subculture with its roots firmly in the far right – I guessed as much.

    Further more: a subculture built on white baby challenges, natalism, and the normalisation of male superiority, with violent consequences.

    Whereas, adolescent male frustration, hyper-immigration and a feminised society has led us to…?

    Knife victim. Friends of Lieutenant Colonel Mark Teeton and his wife, Ellen, have paid tribute to the couple after he was stabbed repeatedly near Brompton Barracks in Kent… suspect in court (Times); Harry’s just made his most outrageous and sanctimoneous claim to date! (Daily Mail, Jan Moir); ‘Mob rule’ warning over Manchester policing protest (Telegraph); The One Where Jennifer Anniston Gives A Staunch Defence Of Cat Ladies (Daily Star)

    That’ll be this Jennifer Aniston: Jennifer Aniston’s Dating History: From Brad Pitt and John Mayer to Justin Theroux and More (Yahoo entertainment)


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The One Where Jennifer Anniston Gives A Staunch Defence Of Cat Ladies ” – political dig at Trump hidden behind cats and supports Democrates.


  43. atlas_shrugged says:

    Mein Gott

    Times Radio banging on all night about the Manchester ‘Constable Savage’. Who knew?

    Not one squeak about the Manchester WPC with a broken nose or the stabbed Gillingham Army Officer.

    Clearly I need to go and block the main train line near my house until this bias can get corrected.


    • JohnC says:

      These are the reasons I do not trust the MSM whatsoever now.

      They are an absolute disgrace to every ethic they pretend to have.

      They are the worst kind of scum : they don’t give a shit who dies or how horribly. It’s all about their left-wing activist agenda.


    • MarkyMark says:

      3 teachers hiding in Batley ask if it is safe to come out yet?


  44. atlas_shrugged says:

    French TGV rail network disrupted overnight by deliberate sabotage:


    Operation Gladio 2.0?


  45. MarkyMark says:

    Keep voting… hard and often … c4318e5c-ff26-463e-83e3-1b1398dfdcc3-41e699d9-206f-4521-881c-d6d431a19f02


  46. MarkyMark says:

    “The new government will suggest its predecessor left various crucial public services unfunded in areas from public pay to prisons.”


    Free the prisoners! Empty the hospitals onto the streets! Give everyone 1 million pounds! GO FOR IT!


  47. MarkyMark says:

    Monday 8th January 2018: BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast, 3 January 2018

    During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.



  48. Doobster78 says:

    The lawyer for these Manchester Airport thugs is loving his 15 minutes of fame, a proper wide boy .

    He is now saying it was an attempted assassination. Yep , you read that right, attempted assassination, what a grade A bell end he is .


    • MarkyMark says:



    • Flotsam says:

      I noticed the thugs Solicitor had a very heavy Asian accent, he couldn’t have been in Britain very long. How would he qualify to be a Solicitor in Britain so quickly?


  49. MarkyMark says:

    “Protests break out in Manchester for SECOND NIGHT with police station egged and barricaded”


    Nothing on BBC?




    • MarkyMark says:

      A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”


    • Flotsam says:

      Rochdale was of course a major centre for Asian white child rape gangs.


  50. MarkyMark says:

    “Germany’s ambassador to the UK, Miguel Berger, has come out saying that London and Brussels should ink a massive security pact, encompassing everything from farming regulations to the Erasmus student exchange programme.”



    This isn’t just idle chat. Foreign Secretary David Lammy has already said that Starmer’s proposed UK-EU defence pact should cover pandemics, migration, critical minerals, and decarbonisation.


    Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
