254 Responses to Weekend 27th July – 2024 Olympics

  1. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – it looks like Reform have got away with it for the time being

    From Friday. TOADY just carried news of the family of the man who had his head stamped on by a PC at Manchester Airport calling for calm and for an end to demonstrations in the area. No mention of Lee Anderson’s shooting his mouth off. No mention of Lee Anderson’s sacking as Chief Whip of the Reform Party at Westminster.

    Farage appears to be not thinking strategically and appears weak.

    It could cost the Reform Party a lot of votes at the next General Election.


    • kingkp says:

      This is psyops 101. Anyone associated with Reform can now be tarred with the same brush as the dimwit Anderson. The point is I attended marches in London and Manchester during the Covaids period where we witnessed similar attacks on innocent people. You didn’t see it on the BBC of course. The police are a disgrace and not on the side of the civilian population. The fact that pos Anderson can justify kicking someone in the head while they are defenceless should start waking people up to what Reform is all about. Controlled opposition.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        Innocent who? I thought three officers had been assaulted at the airport, including a female PC who suffered a broken nose.


        • Guest Who says:

          This aspect does appear sidelined.

          Seems BBC Eric Morely reporting guidelines are in force.

          Observing from afar, the timeline being outside the remit of the journalistic community is no surprise.


          • Nibor says:

            In Re the Manchester Airport policeman .

            If I’m attacked in a pub by someone dangerous and he slips and falls on the floor , I’m going to want him to stay down there .
            No niceties, no fair play, no rules , I’d drop a paving slab or big fire extinguisher on his head . I’d be worrying about the legal comebacks later .

            It would be an ugly scene .


            • Flotsam says:

              Never kick a man when he’s down, he might get up again.


              • Doublethinker says:

                But if he does get up, particularly if he isn’t British, he might not say , ‘ Thanks old chap for not kicking the shit out of me when I was down just now. Can I buy you a drink and chat through our differences’ ?
                He might , and most third worlders do, think , ‘This chap is weak and I going to give him a good doing’ .
                The Marquess of Queensbury rules aren’t universally accepted.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Lee Anderson was saying what millions think. The conventional niceties of British society can’t cope with millions of third worlders who don’t want to share our cultural norms. They regard restraint as weakness.
      If we continue to treat them as we would expect Brits to be treated they will overwhelm us . Fire must be fought with fire.
      Of course there is zero chance of our idiotic authorities ever doing that and we will continue on our path to becoming a TWSH , third world shit hole.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Double, sure but how does that help Reform win voters to their cause? Anderson shot his mouth off, possibly before he knew all the facts and could have expressed himself much better – after all, he is one of a handful of Reform MPs and is therefore something of a showcase for the Reform Party.

        It has impacted Nigel Farage now, because he as Leader appears to be weak and is obviously not thinking strategically and has no control over his MPs.


        • Doublethinker says:

          A party which thinks like you do, says what it thinks and supports policies that you agree with , will attract your vote. If millions in the country feel threatened by mass immigration and the imposition of third world culture and behaviours on our society , then they will vote for a party which makes it very clear , in words of one syllable, that they will do what it takes to put Britain and its people first.


        • Lucy Pevensey says:

          Snuffy what kind of control do you want?
          Reform isn’t going to win votes by caving in to Muslim & Left wing aggression. The Conservatives fell apart by doing that.

          Putting Mr Anderson on the naughty step was a mistake IMO.
          That is what shows that Reform is weak. They will have to do better than this to keep my vote.

          Muslim aggression has been encouraged. Yet again.


          • Up2snuff says:

            Lucy, I don’t think I’ll vote Reform but I could if they they offered a good manifesto at the next GE. I think they have lost one other poster’s vote on here by the chaotic organisation of a Reform Party event where our poster, sorry cannot remember name and cannot track down the post, had voted for the local candidate for Reform.

            Reform need good organisational skills, tight discipline over unwise comments and to be very strategic in their thinking. The whole of the Lefty world will be out to attack them and especially if they say one word that is racist or misogynistic. They will have an uphill struggle to survive.


  2. wwfc says:

    The most degenerate opening ceremony ever if you ever needed to know pure evil is in charge this is it and John Lennon`s imagine is their anthem


  3. moggiemoo says:

    I believe there is some sports crap going on. I can’t comment on the sport because I have no interest, but I suspect the crap will be woke.


  4. BRISSLES says:

    Um, only seen news snippets of the Ceremony, but it looked like a day out for Soco”s (scene of crime officers) seeing all the white hooded rainwear milling about on boats down the Seine. (I say Seine as in rein – not Sen as in ten)


  5. Sluff says:

    Great example of a classic biased BBC tactic on Toady today. – a leftie masquerading as an ‘independent expert’.

    One of the BBC favourites, Paul Johnson, director of the IFS, was talking about taxation.

    He kept using this phrase in terms , ‘there is a case to increase taxes on ( insert area, thus inheritance, pensions, capital)
    But he never once said ‘ there is case to LOWER taxes on ( Insert area).

    In other words, a clear apologist for big government and high taxes if ever there was one. Treated with reverential kid gloves by the biased, collectivist, statist, Far Left BBC.


    • G says:

      The ‘expert’ engaged to warn the public of forthcoming events………..


  6. Fedup2 says:

    An Irish wax works has’ pulled ‘ a display of ‘the hood ‘ from thunderbirds because it looks too much like sineed o Connor … nothing compares …..😳… sorry …


  7. Zelazek says:

    I previously said I thought the Olympic ceremony was merely boring.
    UPDATE: It’s also disgusting, sick, sordid, French Left merde.

    Depicting a headless Marie Antoinette was tasteless and gruesome. But the drag queen parody of the Last Supper was deliberately provocative, unnecessarily insulting. and irrelevant to sport. Mon dieu, it’s agenda, agenda, agenda all the time in every sphere of life with these mentally ill perverts and their woke promoters in the media.

    They have alienated half the people in France and many others throughout the world with this vile show. Looking forward to seeing what the visitor numbers – and the viewing numbers – will be like after this.


    • JohnC says:

      I mentioned yesterday Zelazek, this is all more than just left-wing activists : it is a deliberate effort by the Left to force division in society. They want people who are disgusted by it to stand up and say so – so the Left can call them racists/homphobics/misogynysts/Islamophobes or whatever and stoke up all the other left-inclined idiots (especially the naiive youngsters under 20) into hating the Right.

      I suspect they have a vague end-game where the Right are banished by a left-wing revolution and socialism will reign supreme and the world will be a loving place.

      Except of course history shows us quite the opposite. If they do get power but the people they hate will not disappear, that’s when they decide that they must help them disappear. Eventually the whole thing collapses in a heap of hate, fear and blood.

      And we begin the loop again. After a couple of generations – when it’s all forgotten – they start again. Like they have now. And we are not all that far away from another civil war. Where will it buckaroo first ? – the USA if Trump wins ?. In the EU ?.

      I won’t happen here in the UK. We now basically live under a new style of Fascism enabled by social media and the internet and spearheaded by the BBC. What they have done to the Tory party is evidence of that. The tipping point was when they got away with removing a PM – who won the election by a landslide – over something utterly trivial.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Z, the Pope before the last 2 – Pope John Paul (the Polish one) declared France and Belgium to be a mission field for the RC church, in other words, he considered both countries to be well on the way to atheism. France has legislated that they are a secular nation and are proud of the fact!

        Northern Europe has an incredible history of Christianity leading to all sorts of improvements in science, engineering and prosperity together with the spread of the Christian Good News aound the world but now we see all that being thrown away.

        Nick Robinson is emitting CO2 again this morning and brodacsting on TOADY from Ipswich. There are residents and farmers protesting about the pylons that will be needed to connect the offshore wind farms to the National Grid. Nick interviewed a spokesman for the National Grid who mentioned 2030 a lot.

        I expect a World Government to be put in place in 2030 and it will not have a Conservative hue, rather the opposite. The ‘Olivet Discourse’ in the Bible is interesting: it is contained in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Some of the prophecies were fulfilled almost immediately (ie.AD 70), some not so quickly and others are yet to be fulfilled.


        • Zelazek says:


          You touch upon the fundamental problem at the root of all our troubles: Our loss of belief.

          I see it as a larger problem than just the indigenous European population turning away from the Christian religion. We seem to have lost confidence in Western Christian culture generally. Logic and scientific reasoning do not reign as they once did. When an academic can claim that e=mc² is a sexist equation, then the degeneracy is all too apparent.

          I keenly feel the problem personally. I regret to say that I have lost my Christian faith. In the Olivet Discourse, to which you refer, Jesus clearly expects all his prophecies to come to pass within the lifetime of his listeners (“this generation”). Some have obviously not, and the fact that some did come true, especially regarding the destruction of the temple in 70CE, suggests that the Gospel was written after that event. For that and many other similar reasons, I believe that most of the Bible is a fabrication and that Jesus is a purely literary creation.

          Yet I still have enormous respect for the Western tradition (which goes as far back as Ancient Greece) and which, I agree with you, is responsible for all our art, our science, our civilisation, and even our sense of ourselves. I still love and value our Christian heritage even if I’ve personally lost my religious faith. I hate to see it mocked by degenerates as it was in that awful ceremony.

          But there is a gap in our culture now. What is going to fill the vacuum once filled by Christianity? I don’t know. I hope it isn’t Islam. I don’t think there will ever be a revival of Christianity in Europe. I fear we will just descend into even greater decadence and eventual civilisational collapse.

          So I am now conscious of something important missing both in myself and in my culture. We need some new kind of faith in ourselves. Perhaps one based on reason and pride in our past. Because one thing I do know is that individuals and cultures only thrive when they have self-confidence.


          • Fedup2 says:

            I’ll have to remember that I’m praying to a ‘literary creation ‘ At mass on Sunday …
            I recall Tony Benn once saying that going to church on Sunday has been replaced by going to the DIY shop ( not a ‘store ‘) … materialism is an easy surrogate – as is green crap .
            You might need to find a ‘new faith ‘ – maybe ‘strictly ‘ – but some people don’t …. I think people will return to the church when the war comes … if there’s anyone left of course….
            The Muslims have the discipline of their medieval false creed which puts them at an advantage – part of which is to destroy the non believers of course….

            I won’t be offended by your description of the book upon western civilisation has been based for 2024 years as a fabrication – the devil is good at using souls …


            • Zelazek says:

              You are trivialising what I said, Fed.


              • Fedup2 says:

                I won’t engage with your view . Read what I said how you wish to … one day you might need God . He will be waiting .


          • Lucy Pevensey says:


            In our day we have come to use the word ‘generation’ in a very narrow sense. People grouped in relation to time only. Not that we use ‘generation’ incorrectly but the word had more than one meaning in the Greek of Jesus’ day.

            We are all aware that usage and definitions change over time because we can see that in our own experience. Some meaning can be lost in translation from one language to another and 2000 years is a long time.

            In Jesus’ day, ‘Generation’ – was used for group of people but not always a group of people existing together at one time. Words can have 2 meanings but in this case we have dropped one.

            A ‘generation’ could mean – all the people of say, a century or one physical lifetime. (as we use it)
            A generation could also mean, one’s progeny, all the offspring descended from one man or one family.

            Here is the Greek word used by Jesus in Matthew 24 –
            γενεά (genea)

            The Greek lexicon definition;
            birth; hence, progeny; a generation of mankind, a generation, a step in a genealogy, a generation, an interval of time, an age; in NT- course of life, in respect of its events, interests, or character.

            Please don’t give up. Jesus spoke several times about his return, don’t throw in the towel over one verse.

            Sorry for going on a bit. (Not BBC!)
            I think I can dig up a link for a deeper study on the ‘generation’ if you would like it.


  8. Foscari says:

    We may not see Michael Johnson or even Rebecca
    Adlington being pundits on the BBC’S coverage of
    the Olympics again. At least Sir Chris Hoy didn’t have to
    sit through the over four hour bore fest.
    By the end of the ceremony both Johnson and Adlington
    could only just about control their feelings about what they just
    had to endure .
    If you turned on at around 22.20 after nearly 4 hours to
    hear Celine Dion sing and then see the lighting of the balloon.
    It would of given you some satisfaction. The only other
    salvation being if you fell asleep at 18.00 and woke up at 22.20.
    It wasn’t a question of “Singing in the rain.” More like being
    bored to tears in the rain. Anyway as Michael Johnson
    said ” Why was Coco Gauff holding the USA flag ?”
    Claire Balding had an expression of shock on her face.


    • Foscari says:

      Listen- Maybe I am being too facetious. We didn’t see
      Zinedine Zidane headbutt anybody. Lia Thomas was not
      the USA flag standard bearer. And the Yemini, Syrian, Iraq,
      Lebanon, Palestinian, Iranian boats didn’t launch attack drones
      against the Israeli boat.
      Probably the folk who won the lottery were those
      whose trains were cancelled due to the arson. And
      were fortunate not to get to the opening ceremony. From
      which they probably would of finished up with pneumonia.
      Also I didn’t see anybody on the Chinese boat taking enhancing
      performance drugs . As their boat went by. BUT I could of well
      fallen into a deep sleep by the time theit boat went by.


  9. Sluff says:

    When and why did the BBC become firm advocates of scrapping the two-child- only child benefit policy?
    They are trawling around looking for families with lots of children, often single mothers and living on other benefits. They were at it again today, applauding the SNP in Scotland where there is a special payment available from the third child onwards.

    The tone of voice and carefully selected examples of hardship leave the viewer in no doubt as to the bias of the Far Left BBC.


    • JohnC says:

      The MAJOR beneficiaries of this are of course Muslims who breed like rabbits once they get here.

      ‘The share of families with three or more children varies from 14% in White British families to 41% in Pakistani families and 38% in Bangladeshi families.’

      Imagine how many that will be if they realise they wil get paid for it. The displacement will accelerate rapidly.

      Perhaps a graph of how soon the Muslim population might reach critical mass (eg to have >50% of councils controlled by Muslims) would be in order by some academic to show the difference between having the cap and not having it.

      You won’t see that on the BBC or in any of the arguments of course.


    • G says:


      “When and why did the BBC become firm advocates of scrapping the two-child- only child benefit policy?”

      Racist BBC:

      Benefit invaders who breed like…………..


    • atlas_shrugged says:


      > When and why did the BBC become firm advocates of scrapping the two-child- only child benefit policy?

      This is all about degrading and demoralising the working population. The bBC promote policies that impoverish working parents such that they cannot afford children, whilst spaffing welfare at idle non-working parents so they can afford more children.

      Once demoralisation and apathy have been achieved then the great reset can come in to ‘save the day’.


  10. StewGreen says:

    British journalism is alive and well
    .. No of course not

    As I check for local events I looked at the local paper online
    It’s useless one, done by people who live 100 miles away cutting and pasting PR into 600 regional newspapers at a time.
    Run by Reach plc (which is the Daily Mirror)
    A the top of the page is a banner of stories
    One is

    BBC TV Licence detector vans are out on streets and could fine households £1,520

    Is that news ? Of course not, it’s PR for BBC licence collecting dept

    If you Google you find the article is being syndicated through dozens of local news sites
    (only 3 tweets have tweeted such articles)
    One place to read it https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/bbc-tv-licence-detector-vans-9439890

    Someone should tell John Carne ..so he can put up a video mocking the articles.


    • JohnC says:

      What happened to the radar dish on top of the ‘detector vans’ ?.
      That statement alone is a complete lie. They can’t detect anything. There was once a rumour they could detect a CRT screen working but no chance with modern flatscreens.

      Plus they have no power to enter your home. So they can’t do anything except intimidate people. Especially old people living on their own.

      The BBC calling these ‘detector vans’ is a lie intended to be used with records of who doesn’t have a license to intimidate people on their doorstep. Why are they allowed to do it ?.

      People should be told to not even answer the door to these people. Not a chance on Earth they will ever get the search warrant they need to come in.


    • Guest Who says:

      Our locals are staffed by BBC ‘Local Democracy’ reporters.

      And it shows.

      No one buys them.


    • tomo says:

      Reach plc are actually the grimmest nooze outfit out there – they are going to fail big time, the death spiral is well underway – complete with desperate grasping editorial content.

      Good riddance – here’s hoping that Newsquest and the ghastly Press Association follow Reach down the crapper.


      • moggiemoo says:

        They’ve made trying to read the news on a tablet utterly impossible with 1000 adverts all clamouring for space before the article you want to read loads. By that time I’ve lost interest and often can’t even remember what it was about.


  11. JohnC says:

    I have to laugh at the blatant desperation by the MSM to cover up of who is behind the arson attacks in France.

    The BBC are desperately trying to infer it’s Russia but from everything I’ve seen around the net, the far-Left seem most likely followed by the Muslims.

    How dreadfully inconvenient. From recent experience, just imagine how many times we would have seen ‘far-Right’ in there if the BBC could link it to them.

    ‘Mr Darmanin said this month that 3,570 people had been barred from the Games, including people seen as security risks as well as “dozens of radical individuals close to Islamist, ultra-left and ultra-right circles”.’

    I wonder what the split is between those groups : 49%,49%,2% ?.

    Of course we don’t get any background information of why the French far-Left might be doing it or what else they have done. Instead it’s the usual BBC trick of focussing on after the event, not before it.


  12. tomo says:

    New health initiative


  13. tomo says:


  14. Doublethinker says:

    I have often posted that intellectuals such as Douglas Murray rail against Wokism and the disintegration of western society brought about by thirty years of mass migration but that they are unwilling to support those such as Trump or Le Pen who are determined to actually do something about it.
    Well today I am pleased to say that Douglas has written in the Spectator an article which casts Trump in a positive light as a man of action who will indeed do something about it! No snide comments , no sneering at Trump’s rough edges just the realisation that when you desperately need a tough guy to clear the bandits out of the town you can’t be too choosy who you hire.
    At last the penny has dropped , writing brilliant articles or using logic and facts to make liberal globalists look like foolish children on TV debates , doesn’t , by itself, stop the Woke steam roller from crushing us. You need action and people who have the determination, courage and leadership to mobilise the millions of the silent majority against this madness. The intellectuals contribution is to provide ammunition , arguments and policy, and to cover the sheriff’s back whilst he get on with the job.
    Douglas has finally recognised that for all his faults Trump is the man to clean up the town.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Choices are running out as is time.


      Nearly there – can I suggest a De-radicalisation Program for all Terrorists .. young, old, male and female …

      A De-radicalisation Program for all Terrorists ….
      9am Breakfast with different Religion – today we start with one of the 4000 available
      11am Snacks with Mark Steyn – “Is this man worried for nothing? He can sing as well!”
      1pm Dinner with Douglas Murray – “Some people think he has a point, and is not Alt-Right at all (notice that Alt-Left is hardly mentioned on BBC – found an article here)”
      3pm Tea with Thomas Paine – his thoughts during the Revolutions and readings from “The Age of Reason”.
      4pm Biscuits with David Starky – Histories – how countries have developed, the good and bad bits kept in
      5pm Join Thomas Sowell in a session of “Compared to What?”
      9pm Tea and cookies with Carl Sagan – see what else is out there in the real world…
      10pm Viewing the world through telescopes and microscopes – germs can kill and are real
      11pm To bed with the soft voice of Christopher Hitchens whispering into your ear … same again tomorrow



  15. Zephir says:

    FFS the msm are at it again

    Anyone with eyes and ears working over the last couple of weeks know who the threat is in this country.

    “Tommy Robinson march in London puts 1,000 police on standby over fears of violence”



  16. Zephir says:

    HERE is one of the threats of violence:

    “A march organised by Stand Up To Racism and other groups is scheduled to set off from Russell Square, ending in Whitehall where a counter rally will take place.”


  17. AsISeeIt says:

    Puzzles & Games Bumper Quiz – promises the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff top pick for their online press review, the left-leaning i weekend

    Which sounds rather fitting as our BBC ponders: Who could have attacked France’s high-speed rail?

    This is of course: La Farce! Despite massive Olympics security, arson attacks on rail network bring France to standstill… as torrential rain puts damper on the opening ceremony (Daily Mail) – nice instance of the deployment of the old journalistic ‘despite’ there

    Après le déluge, moi…?

    Celine Dion makes stirring comeback at Olympics… It was Dion’s first live performance in four years, and came a year and a half after she revealed a diagnosis of Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS). (BBC) – that’s a new one on me

    But back to that French Kimberly Cheatle-style security lapse…

    Hunt for Olympic saboteurs as fans face days of chaos – regrets our BBC’s top press pick i weekend

    The Times is in little doubt as to the likely suspects: Left-wing militants and Russia among suspects

    Our mildly conservative Telegraph narrows it down to: Far-Left suspected of Olympic sabotage – but can’t help itself going a bit neocon forever-war on us: amid speculation of Kremlin involvement

    But what on earth could have upset Putin about this happy-clappy, pan-national, one-world, put away the politics, forget our differences, ceasefire, kiss and make up, let’s just play sport grandiose festival of friendship?

    Once again, Russia is technically banned from appearing at the Olympic Games… Yet once again, Russian athletes will compete under a different name − a handful of them, at least… Russian and Belarusian flags, national anthems and uniforms will be absent from the Paris Games… Though Russia’s previous ban was for its state-sponsored doping efforts, this punishment was levied by the International Olympic Committee following its invasion of Ukraine (USA Today sports) – well, our trade and especially our energy sanctions have seriously backfired on us – so maybe if we threaten to take away our bat and ball until they promise to play nice?

    But who would want to ruin the plans of hundreds of thousands of French travellers and disrupt the start of the Olympic Games? – frets our BBC

    France has fallen victim in recent years to a wave of deadly jihadist attacks, but none resemble the acts of sabotage inflicted on the rail network. Friday’s incidents caused misery for hundreds of thousands of travellers, but no bloodshed. (BBC) – ooops, might have said a bit too much there… moving quickly on…

    Suspicion will inevitably fall on Russia… Only this week, a Russian was arrested in Paris on suspicion of planning to organise acts of “destabilisation, interference and spying” (BBC) – case closed then?

    Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said… 3,570 people had been barred from the Games, including people seen as security risks as well as “dozens of radical individuals close to Islamist, ultra-left and ultra-right circles” (BBC) – I thought we’d eventually get to a name-check for the ‘far-right’.

    …whoever was behind the sabotage knew exactly where to cause maximum disruption. Russia might not have that kind of reach in rural France (BBC)

    Gosh, pehaps it was the La Résistance… the Maquis?

    The head of state-owned rail company SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou, said the saboteurs had focused on intersections that would have caused the most serious impact. (BBC) – I’m surprised the railway chief didn’t blame the ‘wrong type’ of Frenchmen – as in wrong type of leaves, wrong type of snow, etc.

    Oh la la! The formerly serious newspaper of record, now female interest Times: Emily in Paris star Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu at 61… Oh la la! Men are scared of me

    Calm down luv. Calme-toi chérie

    Fun with flags

    Union japes… Flagbearers Helen Glover and Tom Daley lark about on Seine last night (Daily Mirror); … recreate the famous Titanic scene (Telegraph); Lady Gaga performs at the Olympic opening ceremony (FT) – all sounds a bit too gay for me, I’m afraid.

    Meanwhile, BBC favourite the Guardian, takes a day off from the hard job of topping the list of national press frontpages at our nationalised broadcaster’s online news site: Millions of public sector workers set for pay rise… Before the election, Reeves had refused to say whether public sector workers would get a pay rise… The cost of giving pay rises to public sector workers has not been fully budgeted for in current spending plans, but the money will have to be found…

    Britain conned! Massive tax raid on way (Daily Express)

    Let the games begin (Guardian) – indeed.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Are those public sector pay rises just ways of recirculating money as more get tapped into the 40% band ?

      And – surely – it’s likely to be a disincentive to working longer hours as the income tax bites ?

      And then once the upper rate is hit tax free savings drop from £1000 to £500 … although I suspect isas and tax free savings are liking to take a kicking when reeve looks for money for red projects …


  18. Zephir says:

    “Pride” march as well today, hmmm

    Lego Gaza special edition :



    • Fedup2 says:

      I’ve seen an image in one of the papers of a perverted version of the Last Supper at the Olympics opening ( please don’t put it up ) …
      Why cause deep offence like that? Is the an Islam ‘skit ‘ with a queer Mohammed and a small boy / girl ? What is that doing in a sports event ?
      I’m sure French Christians were less than impressed too ..


  19. StewGreen says:

    Radio Humberside news is heavily promoting today’s Hull Pride and saying this year Trans is the special theme.

    14 hours ago and 1 hour ago they tweeted this

    BBC Humberside @RadioHumberside
    “We’ve got a long way to go”

    Felix tell us what the Pride in #Hull event means to the trans community.

    They got 5 likes and 1 like

    One hour ago a reply quickly generated 5 Likes
    Be who you want, no one cares
    just stop forcing this trans message on everyone.
    Literally everywhere,
    it’s getting boring and a bit weird.

    Basically the public have stopped interacting with their news tweets
    Whilst at the same time sports discussions continue as normal
    So that they make up 95% of the talk these days


  20. G says:


    You are in a large local store early one morning. Cruising with your trolley, which you do, you spot the first black person amongst the floor staff.

    You do your shopping and head for the checkouts of which there are eight in total. One manned only. Joining that queue which is five or so deep and others form behind you. Tannoy: “We are opening till seven, please queue at till seven”. The race starts and I am ahead of about four others. I lay out my goods on the conveyor awaiting the arrival of a checkout assistant. One behind me does the same. Belt full. The black person arrives and heads directly to checkout EIGHT, passing those including me at seven. Alone, she keys her security code into checkout and sits there waiting for custom. The look of amazement behind me is a sight to behold. She glances at the rather long queue at seven and beckons them to reform at till eight………………

    Me, as defacto leader of this pack, (since I am first in queue seven). Says with loud voice, “NO – till seven it is”. She then quits eight and resumes opening up till seven.

    Can I be classed as a racist? (‘tune into next weeks exiting episode’).

    What is is with these black people, instinctively/intuitively going against the obvious ‘grain’.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Being someone who notices everything – I’ve managed to ‘groom ‘ myself not to be attentive at checkouts . I’ve noticed they bring out the worst in too many people – so I make a conscious effort to use the queue time doing other stuff … for the avoidance of stress caused by so many factors ….

      This came after I observed a tracksuit traitor trash offer to fight an elderly man who must have said something like ‘queue jumper ‘ being 6’4” and at that time pretty fit I sort of intervened…. Trash didn’t want to fight me …. But that was the last time ….


  21. StewGreen says:

    21 hours ago they tweeted this non news
    A story that’s being revamped to promote Pride
    cos it’s not new news


  22. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Has anybody worked out the year when we become an Islamic Country. When they have more than 50% of the population.

    With breeding and enriching it must be coming and the locals just sit watching strictly.

    Our politicians really have messed up big time and they are causing the end for us just like the Aboriginee’s and Red Indians.


    • Fedup2 says:

      EG – the major cities – must be about 10 years time – then the spread to bigger towns during the next 10 years – so maybe about 2040 – 2050 ….
      White flight might accelerate this though .

      I guess it’s the sort of ‘thing ‘ no one in the State dare look at as the State is rapidly infiltrated and controlled by Islam – including – of course – the ‘intelligence community ‘- right 77 brigade ?


    • Foscari says:

      Manny- At the most four generations. 4times 4 times 4 times 4=
      256 as opposed to 1 times 2 times 1 times 2=4 It’s as
      sure as night follows day.


    • JohnC says:

      Whatever the last estimate was, halve it if they remove the 2 child benefit cap as all the Lefties are demanding.

      They will be having litters of 6 and more because it means more free cash.


    • moggiemoo says:

      We’re already an islamic country. Look how the ‘authorities’ bend over backwards to justify anything they do. That’s if they can’t cover it up. And then insisting that everything has to be done to fit in with their beliefs, not the majority’s. If something goes wrong the ‘peacefuls’ come out mob handed and threaten everybody.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Moggie – that’s a very fair point …. I suppose there will be point when serious disorder breaks out – whether it will be localised to certain city areas or towns is difficult to assess –

        And the disorder I refer to is far worse than we have seen so far …. How the ‘state ‘ Will contain it is …. Questionable … however much propaganda the State Broadcaster puts out – and it may not be between just white British and Muslims – other groups might be cheesed off too .. right 77 Brigade ( note to file )


        • Zephir says:

          It will end with troops on certain streets I am sure.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Zephir – you are assuming – there are troops – and they are not Muslim troops …


            • G says:

              Many/most ‘troops’ will have parents, siblings and other relatives who they will think of first……………….


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      It’s certainly a bleak outlook.

      I’m glad I will not be here to see it but I feel sorry for the next generations. They don’t deserve the politicians that we currently have.

      Grasping at straws, I wonder if Reform could stop it or at least slow it down and hope that sanity returns.
      Are we hoping that Nigel will save the Country.
      I can’t see the ‘conservatives’ doing anything about it.
      Cleverly or Tugendhat anybody?
      Nobody else will want to do anything.
      Can’t they see what’s happening and how it’s going to affect the future.

      If they look at the red squirrels, once, our top squirrel but since the grey squirrel arrived it is being eradicated. Theres a lesson there and it’s happening now.


  23. StewGreen says:

    Yesterday the Hull based BBC radio station wrote a complete news story about the main area in Hull and got the name wrong.


    They covered their tracks by stealth editing the online article.


  24. Zephir says:

    I see the far left wokes in France think it great fun to take the piss out of Christianity with drag “queens” at the Last Supper.

    And take the piss out of the execution of Marie Antoinette.

    “several dozen headless Marie Antoinettes appeared in a riff on the nation’s history. Images of the performer, who sang with her seemingly severed head in her lap”

    Now, why didn’t they have a drag queen playing mohammed ? or take the piss out of Saddam being hanged ?


  25. Zephir says:

    And, of course like most woke mobs, thick as shit and useless at their jobs, the sound was crap like Glastonbury, :

    “And it wasn’t just the performances during the ceremony which saw technical gaffes. As the long line of boats filled with athletes made its way down the Seine, an embarrassing moment saw South Korea labelled North Korea by the announcers”

    “The error sparked displeased reactions in South Korea, a global cultural and technological powerhouse that is technically still at war with the nuclear-armed and impoverished North.

    South Korea’s sports ministry said in a statement it ‘expresses regret’ over the ‘announcement during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics, where the South Korean delegation was introduced as the North Korean team’.

    Second vice sports minister Jang Mi-ran, a 2008 Olympic weightlifting champion, has asked for a meeting with IOC chief Thomas Bach to discuss the matter, it added.

    The sports ministry has also asked the foreign ministry to ‘deliver a strong protest to the French side’ over the issue, the statement said.

    South Korea’s National Olympic Committee plans to meet with the Paris Olympics Organising Committee and the IOC to voice their protest, request measures to prevent a recurrence, and send an official letter of protest under the name of the head of its delegation, the sports ministry said.”


  26. Zephir says:

    “Christians including Elon Musk have slammed the Paris Olympics opening ceremony for an apparent parody of the Last Supper as technical hitches and rain-drenched performers meant only Canadian singer Celine Dion could save it.

    With critics branding the four-hour show as the ‘worst ever’, viewers reported poor audio.Another embarrassing gaffe saw the Olympic flag raised upside down.”


    • Mrs Kitty says:

      Obviously the Paris Olympics starting as they mean to go on, I guessed it was going to be a woke fest so just watched clips on YouTube. So glad I did I was laughing so much I had to keep running to the loo ( it’s my age ). Perhaps 🤔 the events will be better with all the seats full ……ok I made that last bit up. It’s like watching a car crash between people you hate the agony of which one you hope survives.


  27. Zephir says:

    Christian riots on the streets ?

    burning cars and looting ?

    Death threats to organisers ?

    Nope, only one set of savages that do that


    • tomo says:


      the cowardice of those ostensibly employed to preserve some semblance of public order is just epic.

      If you don’t set a sensible line and defend it robustly – annihilation is the end result with the final result being the survivors eating each other.

      Why no public debate on where the line should be ? – is it cowardice and self interest / incompetence of public employees – do the woke lefties (for it is them , no doubt) think that they will be in charge at the end?


  28. StewGreen says:

    I see a pro Palestine marcher celebrating that the police have given her her “Apartheid Israel” banner bank and said NFA
    6 months after keeping her under arrest for 13 hours
    video : https://x.com/NabeelaAkh/status/1816974838063636530

    Well her sign is free speech
    She does have thegore to make out her fellow protesters are always peaceful
    when the whole point is violence by them is often caught on camera
    And the police seem to take little action.


  29. StewGreen says:

    At minute 23 of today’s video from Trafalgar Square TR talks about theday being a celebration, open to all races, where as one part he will be showing his new documentary about the British judiciary
    .. The sound is not great
    .. https://youtu.be/VQvTh2fi0GI


  30. wwfc says:

    London live stream


  31. micknotmike says:

    I was scooting through the bbc website earlier and turned to the “war in Ukraine” page. I’ve recently noticed something about it. There are no articles about the war in Ukraine.

    There is a big feature about the soon-to-be-shot -down F16s, with a nice picture of former president zelensky sitting top-gun style in a cockpit. Talk about not looking the part. If he wanted to look even more ridiculous he should have worn a pride t shirt.

    also :-
    zelensky – “Trump would be hard work”. The Donald won’t even take time to meet you, pal.
    “my 40 minutes with zelensky” – chris mason (Who he?)
    “Hungary stripped of eu meeting”
    “Fined for wearing yellow and blue shoes”

    You would expect the page to mention that Ukraine is losing an estimated 2000 troops a day on the front line; some barely into their teens.

    But no, and the Ukraine page is still pushing those bloody poofs.


  32. Zephir says:

    “Paris Olympics: Furious young Aussie says what most wouldn’t dare about opening ceremony stunt that mocked one of the West’s most sacred images.

    A young Australian has hit out at the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony, declaring it disrespected 2.4 billion Christians and was a ‘sign the West has fallen’.

    Journalist and entrepreneur Carla Efstratiou took aim at a part of the ceremony which showed what appeared to be a nod to the iconic Leonardo da Vinci painting ‘The Last Supper’ but with people in drag costumes standing in for some positions.

    A furious Ms Efstratiou said the controversial scene proved how it has become acceptable to mock Christianity – but other religions are strictly off-limits for parody.

    ‘The West has officially fallen,’ Ms Efstratiou said in a video shared to social media.

    ‘Way to just insult 2.4 billion Christians around the world. Maybe I’m not artsy enough but all I see here is a mockery of Christianity.’

    ‘The Last Supper with Jesus and the 12 apostles and they seem to have recreated it very poorly with drag queens.’

    Ms Efstratiou claimed the organisers ‘would never dare do this about Islam’.”



  33. tomo says:

    Weekend Front Page


    Are the BBC *that* credulous and dense or is it that they reckon you all are?

    I wonder what the Beeboids pay YouTube for that?


  34. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    In case you missed it, the picture of the WPC with the broken nose.
    I don’t think the msm are keen to show it.



  35. vlad says:

    The Olympic organisers openly mocked Christian symbolism with their freak show of an opening ceremony. (I doubt they’d have mocked the Religion of Peass in the same way.)

    I am therefore delighted France suffered a catastrophic attack on her transport infrastructure and wish the whole grotesque extravaganza nothing but failure and calamity.



    • kingkp says:

      The Olympic organisers? Now who would that be do you think? Perhaps you may want to look up and read ‘The Lament of Hermes to Asclepius’?
      They despise Christianity and Christians and they are no longer hiding it. Have you noticed how depraved the Catholic and protestant denominations have become? They have infiltrated every layer of every Christian institution on the planet.
      “A high priestess channels the powers of Apollo as she lights the Olympic flames”
      Apollo’s son Asclepius plays a prominent role in their religion. He is the bearer of the ‘rod of Asclepius’ that features prominently in the emblem of the WHO.
      The pale horse of the apocalypse carrying the Olympic flag

      The Covaids heralded the breaking of the first seal. This was signified by the pale horse with blood running loose in the streets of London earlier this year and the pale horse and rider carrying the flag above.
      The breaking of the second seal is at hand.
      The strikes on the French railways are the prelude.


      • vlad says:

        That’s all a bit occult for my understanding, but here’s Taylor Marshall’s take on it.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        Wild, unrelated speculation doesn’t help anyone to understand Biblical prophecy. It just becomes an object of mockery. Horses loose in London have nothing to do with The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ. Please stop it.


        • Zephir says:

          You certainly won’t find three wise men or a virgin in London nowadays.


  36. Northern Voter says:

    bBc + Olympics = Dross!

    Here in Northern France, our local supermarket Super U, is offloading official Olympic t shirts 50% off ,and have been doing so for the last two weeks!


  37. Zephir says:

    And, as so many postulated, watch the bloody animals.

    “Shocking new footage reveals what really triggered Manchester Airport violence that saw with police officer ‘kick and stamp on man’s head’.



    • Non Snowflake says:

      And the story appears to have vanished off the BBC webshite main page.


      • Zephir says:

        Finally time, like with fick Angies council houses…to “move on” no doubt

        Time to revisit partygate no doubt


  38. Zephir says:

    “GMP issue appeal for witnesses to three incidents before events caught on viral Manchester Airport video.
    The force have detailed more information about their investigation into the events that led up to the widely shared clip

    in a statement issued this evening (Saturday) they outlined more details about these incidents as part of a public appeal. They said the first incident they are looking into is an

    ‘altercation between passengers’ from Qatar Airways flight QR023, from Doha to Manchester, which arrived at 7.20pm.

    “The altercation may have taken place during the flight or afterwards in the T2 baggage hall” they said,. They are also probing a “violent disturbance involving members of the public in the T2 Starbucks” at at approximately 8.22pm

    This was then followed by “the assault of three police officers which occurred in the T2 car park pay point area at 8.28pm” they said. “This resulted in the three officers receiving head injuries, including a broken nose” they added.”


  39. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Sorry, I can’t get these X posts to show up on the site anymore.

    Some CCTV of Mohammeds beating police at Manchester airport.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Manchester Evening News have it.

      Police injured
      Policeman suspended
      Lee Anderson demoted.

      Violent Muslim criminal milking it for all it’s worth with the help of MSM


    • tomo says:

      just put twitter instead of x



  40. Zephir says:

    Cognitive dissonance at the bbc, their feminists watching two wpc get the sh@t knocked out of them by a bunch of males

    but they are muslims, who can do NO wrong at the bbc

    sparks flying out of their purple hair no doubt as they try and process it.

    don’t care how professional the police are meant to be, many would react and do the same after watching that.

    Expect bbc to go full Vicky Pollard:

    yeh but

    yeh but

    yeh but


  41. tomo says:

    This staged photo stuff is getting tiresome.



    • Zephir says:

      Caption competition ?

      “how many of these manifesto pledges can we cross out now ?”


      • Doublethinker says:

        Is there anything a simpler than this Finance for Dummies ? It’s a bit advanced for absolute beginners.


  42. Fedup2 says:

    When the body cameras and All the airport CCTV have been examined the CPS will have to decide on ‘charges ‘ – affray – resisting arrest – assault – obstruction – must be on the list ….

    But will it be in the public interest to prosecute – that – I think is where the local mp and Home Secretary and ‘justice minister ‘ come in …
    ….its a test for the red government …. Personally I reckon they’ll just behead the pc who put the head kick in …. The Muslim should count himself lucky he didn’t get shotted ….
    Armed police are trained not to get in a position to have their gun taken from them …


  43. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Zephir & Pug,

    I apologise. You had both already posted about the emergence of the new Manchester Airport clip when I came along posting videos.

    I thought it was important that the scene was seen (pun) so I barged in without examining the few previous posts. I overdid it.


    • Zephir says:

      No probs Lucy, it’s important that we all see how these violent nasty people manipulated the media and how partisan and prejudiced their fellow muslims, including those at our national unbiased broadcaster are.

      I would not be surprised the police deliberately delayed it to flush out the usual troublemakers and show them for what they are.


  44. Fedup2 says:

    The real life – not twitter – consequences of the bbc peddling ‘hate ‘ deserves a serious BBCOFCOM kicking – but it won’t happen – the clue is in the name …. Opportunist vermin like George Galloway has been crowing his support on social media ‘support for the family ‘ without reference – of course to the injured police officers dong their security duty in an airport .

    The pc who did the head kick used his judgement – he was wearing trainers – if he’d drawn a steel baton one of those animals might well have tried to get it from him …..

    If he needs a defence lawyer – that lawyer will have a field day in those circumstances ….


  45. Flotsam says:

    Looking at that video one of those men might
    be a trained fighter.

    What isn’t clear is why the the Police intervened in the first place.


  46. Nibor says:

    Two types of fight .

    Boxing in re Muhammad Ali versus George Foreman.

    The two agree for the championship. They don’t hate each other , it’s sport , there’s respect , both earn very well out of it .
    There’s spectators at the ring , television viewers around the world , nobody feels threatened by the fight , families ( including children ) sit together on the sofa to watch the art of boxing .

    Then there’s the kick off at a pub , shopping mall , airport.


    • Zephir says:

      And there’s my cat and a squirrel in the garden.

      I had not cut the grass for a while. One minute the cat’s head appeared above the grass then a squrrels’s head at different points around the garden, then a squrrel tail moving at around 20 mph followed by a cat tail.

      Fascinating afternoon.


  47. StewGreen says:

    I see some are saying one of the Sikhs at the patriot rally is a fraud
    Harman Singh Kapoor by his own admission came in illegally by boat, then got asylum
    ” This is not that London where I came 27 years ago after running from Muslim country because of religious prosecution and took shelter here
    Today I’m again there from where I ran from”


  48. Zephir says:

    Religion of peace at it again


  49. Zephir says:


    • taffman says:

      Import the third world and you will then “Get the Third World”.
      Deport them!


  50. Fedup2 says:

    Being not close to the ‘msm’ at the moment wouid I think that the TR demonstration was- peaceful – well conducted – and without the attendance of a single MP ? – and that the emirs ‘ religious police didn’t get stuck in as usual ….?

    BTW – wasn’t it something to see Irish and English flags together ? I think the Irish are even more Fedup up than us ..


    • Zephir says:

      Wrong, no, they waited until they outnumbered them , then off with the pepper spray