254 Responses to Weekend 27th July – 2024 Olympics

  1. Omega says:

    Roger Gewolb;

    “I want to go to France and find the person who did that and strangle them”.

    Alex Phillips;

    “I think they should bring back the guillotine for that man”.

    All the Jo Brand critics will be feeling similarly outraged…

    Any minute now…


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Doesn’t look like wasim gives his ‘full support ‘ to his police officers … any idea why that might be wasim ?after the top job wasim ?


  3. Guest Who says:

    Luckily, The Vile Show expert has the skinny.

    Unbelievable – these Manchester police officers are utterly incompetent, violent & should be fired. The hypocrisy of those defending the indefensible. Even with the men fighting back, nothing justifies the extrajudicial & excessive use of force by police when NO threat was posed.



  4. Guest Who says:

    They know they are despised.

    Reader: “who attacked who?”
    Weak statement from Canada.

    The bbc version will doubtless be special.


  5. Zephir says:

    It’s amazing how many times the bbc can get the words “appears to show” into an article on criminal muslim behaviour all of a sudden RE new Manchester Airport video.


  6. Zephir says:

    New bbc advert:

    Hey muslims, we’re here for you, defending the indefensible.

    Have you attacked a bunch of Jewish children on a bus ? Don’t worry we’ll lie about it and say they attacked YOU !!!

    Raped some hostages and slaughtered some babies ?

    NO problem, we’ll attack the Jews when they try to get their hostages back.

    Beaten up the police ? rioted ? never mind, we’ve got your back, we’ll ignore it or put it in regional news, if we do report it, it will be the police / government’s fault of course

    Raped thousands of schoolkids ? over and over for years ? IT NEVER HAPPENED or if you get prosecuted, its local news for you…

    anyway they were all slags


    reported by muzzies for muzzies

    Burning down churches ? Christian genocide?

    I’m sorry we didn’t hear that,

    but meanwhile check out our new ” Far Right hotline” next to our “Hamas hotline”, both manned 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    (real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon, don’t ever forget)


  7. Zephir says:

    “Hate cleric with his own ‘army’ raises £3m to create Islamic homeland on Scottish island – as the extremist who already runs military-style training camps bids to build his own school, hospital and mosque and practise sharia law at remote spot.

    A firebrand cleric who has been accused of spreading hate has raised more than £3 million to buy a small British island and turn it into his own Islamic state.

    The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, 45 – who claimed asylum in Britain 20 years ago after fleeing his native Kuwait – and his followers are in advanced talks to buy the remote isle of Torsa, off the west coast of Scotland.

    The extremist scholar, who already runs military-style training camps, hopes his organisation can build its own school, hospital and mosque on the island, where it intends to practise sharia law.

    In a video encouraging supporters to donate towards their £3.5 million target, the cleric says he will negotiate with the Government to allow Muslims ‘from all over the world’ to be given a visa in order for them to live in their new ‘homeland’.”



  8. Zephir says:

    Go woke go broke…

    “Thousands threaten to not watch the Olympics in global switch off with #boycottOlympics trending after Paris 2024 opening ceremony was slammed.

    Thousands of social media users have threatened to boycott the nascent Paris Olympics after its opening ceremony was widely panned on Friday.

    Enraged viewers took to X where #boycottOlympics and #boycottParis2024 were seen trending over the course of the following day.

    In particular, the appearance of a ‘naked blue man’ among a scene likened to the Last Supper angered many watching, especially Christians.

    One wrote: ‘What a disgraceful opening to the 2024 Olympics #BoycottOlympics.’

    Another declared they ‘didn’t even care about the Olympics’ but were now ‘100 per cent boycotting’.

    Scores of X users added to the pile-on, commenting: ‘The opening ceremony was a disgrace and a slap in the face to all Christians #boycottOlympics.

    ‘Are you serious?!? This is blasphemous and God will not be mocked! #BoycottOlympics.

    ‘Why on earth would anyone push so much to offend as many Christians as possible? It’s insane that this kind of “show” even passed proposal stage. #BoycottOlympics.

    ‘Respect Jesus Christ and reject any mockery of Jesus’ Last Supper. Retweet if you stand with #BoycottOlympics.

    ‘The spectacle was despicable, offensive and extremely vile. #BoycottOlympics #BoycottParis2024.

    ‘Will this be the first Olympics that never was? Who will be the first country brave enough to boycott? Fingers crossed #BoycottOlympics.'”



  9. Zephir says:

    Meanwhile, a break from this new dystopian far left world, where everything they touch turns to sh@t and violence.

    Something for a Sunday


  10. JohnC says:

    Attempted murder arrest after dog walker attack

    “This is a fast-moving investigation, and we are appealing to the local community for any further information which may aid this investigation, though we ask that no speculation be made on social media in regard to this investigation.”

    No need to speculate. When that statement is issued, it’s 99% certain it’s an immigrant. Probaly a fresh one : they seem to do these random murders a lot.

    From the Express:
    ‘Anyone with information that may assist with the inquiry is urged to contact Suffolk police quoting 37/41580/24 via the MIPP portal or call police on 101.’
    Perhaps a description of the suspect would have been useful here. Again, the fact there isn’t one points on one direction.

    If it’s an immigrant, maxi and his new boy-troll will be quiet. If on that rare occasion it does turn out to be whitey, they’ll be telling us how racist we are to even suggest it. That’s the magnitude of their hypocrisy.


  11. Fedup2 says:

    No BBC for me.

    But …. Reading a piece by someone called ‘pritti patel ‘ on ‘why I should be the next conservative leader ‘ – it really was like a c minus 6th form essay . She mentions the word ‘immigration ‘ once – as part of a list …. And made claims about her time as Home Secretary which are just lies .

    I wish that party would go away . The comments – you can imagine – letting millions of vermin into the country – failing to control hostile institutions like the civil service and BBC – and just being incompetent … vote reform next time


    • JohnC says:

      Either the Conservatives find a proper right-wing, white male who understands British culture and the vast majority of the people he is representing or they are finished.

      This is their one chance.

      No more women and no more BAME for the time being. Look where that has taken us.

      Unless another Maggie appears of course – but Priti most certainly isn’t that.

      As an aside, notice how none of the MSM ever have a go at Labour for always picking a white male as their leader. You can’t get a more clear sign of their rank hypocrisy and double standards than that.


  12. Fedup2 says:

    There was a story last weekend of 4 ‘men’ dying when the car they were in crashed into a tree – no other vehicles – no witnesses . All were about 18 . But they were not identified – named until Thursday …. Now why would that be ..? Turns out they were all Eastern Europeans ‘visiting ‘ the UK – it doesn’t say if they turned up in a dinghy … but you can bet . ….


    • Zephir says:

      Currently in gold position for jumping over walls


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Ali Zada says the refugee team – representing more than 100 million displaced people around the world – will send a powerful message of peace, solidarity and inclusion.

      “It’s a team everyone can support,” she said. “We would also like to inspire other refugees and give them hope that one day things will change.””

      “On that day, people from different ethnicities united and wanted to celebrate this victory together. When I saw this, I wanted to do the same and unite my people,” said Ali Zada who is from the Hazara minority – a predominantly Shi’ite community that has long been persecuted.

      “long been persecuted. “by other Islamists?


  13. non-licence payer says:

    I have just seen the BBC fact check of Manchester Airport. Just an observation but it would not be unreasonable to conclude that the start of the on line video which started the furore was clearly heavily edited in respect of timing. The BBC’s highly paid fact checkers only indirectly refer to preceding events. Could I suggest that one male fact checker is removed from operations for failing to make a simple observation?

    On the wider issue there are few winners in this one. Not least the PC is going to have to answer a few questions on the retaliatory kick, but in the wider context I suspect there needs to be a few questions on policing. Why was the PC put in that position in the first place. While all well intentioned the small WPC was taken out in under a second with the second WPC threatening and ultimately deploying the taser. Why was the unit configured 1 x PC, 2 x WPC. Why did the male PC have to take all the risks in these days of equality (and equal pay).

    Taking the incident as a symptom of our current society there are no sustainable winners. Time for a woke up call? (Sp correct!)


    • Non Snowflake says:

      A good point regarding the small WPC. It was similar in a way to the Trump shooting where the small female officer was a total liability and about as much use as a Muslim in a pork factory. We are talking about people’s lives here and these tickbox job opportunities need to stop.


  14. non-licence payer says:

    Triathlon swim training scrapped because of pollution

    “After tests in July, the River Seine was deemed to be clean enough for swimming but heavy rain in the French capital over the past 48 hours has seen the quality diminish.”

    No mention on the BBC webshite that this is precisely the issue faced by UK water companies, for which the BBC criticises because they pay dividends. Do the French water companies pay dividends? No mention.

    As an aside 20% of all spills in England and Wales occur in the one water company which does not pay dividends – Welsh Water. Not a surprise that the BBC omitted Welsh Water from their election coverage.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      The bBC will also never mention that we in the UK are having to splash concrete all over the countryside in order to house our invaders (replacement rates in south 1.6, in north 1.3).

      All of that extra concrete and tarmac just adds to flash flooding.


  15. tomo says:



  16. tomo says:

    Nice, sunny July Sunday morning



    • Sluff says:

      In my opinion it is counterproductive to use fake stories when the real ones do the job just as well.

      Smiths have not made meters for over two decades!!!!!

      The danger of the approach is that at a later date, true stories are labelled fake by opponents.

      Wind is indeed a superb 2.6% of our total electricity production at the time of writing.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Maybe we can all have two kitchens as a backup?


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      In NL (where I have just been) during times of surplus solar power companies get CHARGED to deliver their solar power to the grid.

      The result is that on sunny weekends companies just simply switch off their solar panels in order not to be charged.


      Spain too also charges if you deliver solar power to the grid. What a barking world.

      Pity we can’t charge the bBC with ‘a lying tax’. Another one of my dreams I guess.


  17. Zephir says:

    The bbc love outrage don’t they ?

    “Outrage over death of Yemeni child bride, 8, on wedding night.

    SANAA, Yemen — Yemeni authorities are investigating the death of an eight-year-old girl from internal bleeding on her wedding night and will prosecute those responsible, the government said on Friday, a case that has rekindled international outrage over child brides.

    Yemeni rights campaigner Arwa Othman said earlier this week that the girl, identified as Rawan, died after intercourse that ruptured her uterus following her wedding to a man five times her age. Residents in the town of Meedi in Hajjah province in northwestern Yemen confirmed the incident.

    Othman said no action had been taken against the man.”



    • MarkyMark says:

      “Outrage over death of Yemeni child bride, 8, on wedding night.”

      Eddie Izzard introduces us to Raghad and her story of living in conflict in Yemen.


  18. Zephir says:



  19. Zephir says:

    Police carefully waiting until they outnumber


  20. Foscari says:

    ” Listen up everybody BIG BROTHER is giving you
    a directive. You know that we at the diversity department at
    the BBC are directing the imaging on the internet pages
    of the BBC, on the Olympics .It’s to be done exactly the same as we
    use imaging for public interest features, such as the cost of
    living crisis. Such as utility bills, supermarket prices, etc etc.
    We use the imaging from Getty’s who employ next to none
    Caucasian male advertising models. I want the same
    approach for the Olympics. ” ” Big Brother say a British male
    wins a gold medal. Should we feature this? “Only if
    somebody like Simone Biles is not competing that day.
    I will make it simple. Just treat the Olympics as we do with Tiger
    Woods at the Open Golf.”



  21. Sluff says:

    BBC bias reveals itself all too well in the choice of stories it decides to feature.

    On Toady on Sunday we therefore had a ‘Olympic’ related story about a female Muslim footballer. In France they have banned to hijab in certain public situations and playing football is one of them. She cannot wear her hijab and play football. So she has moved to Saudi Arabia. This warrants a story according to the BBC.

    Next up. Karmela Harris (ex Hindu, now baptist (I think), and her husband (Jewish) is given the full-on reverential treatment with an interview (hagiography?) with one of her friends. The aim is all-too-clearly, May openly, to put her in a good light juxtaposed with Trump.

    The Far Left woke BBC agenda pretending to be news


  22. Guest Who says:

    BBC Brekky just did. In that very BbC way they have.

    Meanwhile, in other news…




  23. MarkyMark says:

    ‘It [France] felt the right thing to do was to mock the Christian faith.

    ‘Now a question I would pose, and we all know the answer to it, would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way. Would they ever have dreamed mocking in this gross and public way, a scene from the Qu’ran. And as I say we all know the answer.




    • Fedup2 says:

      Do you know – I really hoped no one would put that image up on this site . I find it deeply offensive ….and although I’m told to forgive … I find that very difficult to do . …I’m sure those involved will get the future they deserve .➕


  24. MarkyMark says:

    “… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”


  25. Doughboy says:


    The BBC don’t mention this in their Review of the “fantastic “opening ceremony

    Église catholique en France
    Replying to @Eglisecatho
    Paris Games Opening ceremony : press release from the French Bishops’ Conference and @holygames2024 👇🏻



  26. MarkyMark says:

    There was “no justification” for a police officer to act this way, he said, adding that the context was “irrelevant”.


    Security guard avoided Manchester Arena bomber ‘for fear of being called racist’
    This article is more than 3 years old
    Kyle Lawler had a ‘bad feeling’ about Salman Abedi but ‘did not have anything to justify that’


    Kyle Lawler said he was stood 10 or 15ft away from Abedi, who had been reported to security by a member of the public who thought he looked “dodgy”.


  27. MarkyMark says:



    • moggiemoo says:

      Hypocrites. The ‘tory’ response was spoken with a forked tongue and followed by 2 fingers.


  28. vlad says:

    The BBC must be very disappointed that the new footage of Manchester airport undermines their attempt to whip up the kicking into a new George Floyd situation.

    Never mind, Beeb, better luck next time.


  29. Sluff says:

    Another example of the careful choices and selectivity in the news of our world leading, entitlement heavy, impartial state broadcaster.

    And now, over for more wall-to-wall coverage of an American gymnast who happens to be non-white….

    Olympics 2024: Day two – Biles in gymnastics action


  30. tomo says:

    Easy to see that the BBC have had their instructions – Kamala is the second coming…


    • Zephir says:

      How Kamala transformed from a renowned workplace bully to a babbling ignorant idiot


  31. tomo says:

    Sponsored by Alcoa


  32. tomo says:

    well, the BBC are well inured to promoting rubbish comedy – maybe they can hybridise with Mrs Brown’s Boys?


    • Fedup2 says:

      President trump need not do attack adds – just lift all that word salad stuff off of you tube – mind you – Americans are so stupid they’ll probably think she makes yellow school bus sense ….

      And if she wins – we ll know with certainly that Obama has fixed the voting system permanently ….


      • tomo says:

        “Americans are so stupid”?

        – I look around the UK and feel that the Yanks have not cornered the stupid market – at all….


    • tomo says:


  33. Zephir says:

    The inconvenient truth:

    Gazans at it again.

    “‘I was raped, two held me down, there was spitting, screaming… I was a Jewish doll to them, to do whatever they wanted’: Male victim of October 7 describes horrific gang rape by Hamas and how they slaughtered people around him

    WARNING: Contains graphic descriptions of rape and violence”



  34. tomo says:

    Magic money tree etcetera – gawd…. they are stupid.


  35. Zephir says:

    “BBC bosses accused of lobbying for £1bn rise in licence fee funds.

    Director General Tim Davie added: ‘Below inflationary licence fee settlements have chipped away at our income over many years and have put serious pressure on our finances’.

    But the same report also detailed the salary figures for the BBC’s biggest stars, including Match Of The Day presenter Gary Lineker, who at £1.35 million is the top earner.

    Tory MP Sir Alec Shelbrooke last night urged the BBC to ‘cut its cloth’ according to the funding available – not lobby for more.

    Last night Sir Alec said: ‘At a time when licence fee payers are struggling with cost-of-living pressures, you have to admire the BBC’s cheek for tacitly lobbying for a £1 billion-a-year increase.

    ‘But in the week when ‘Auntie’ revealed its annual list of eye-wateringly high salaries, it really does take the biscuit.'”



  36. Zephir says:

    “The BBC is advertising for a ‘head of wellbeing’ on a £110,000 salary amid controversies such as the Strictly bullying row.

    Candidates for the role, which offers working from home, would ideally be ‘a leading light in mental health with a proven track record of creating impactful wellbeing programmes’.”


  37. tomo says:

    and… here we go again…. weirdly the BBC aren’t front + centre with the reporting on this …

    Vindictive top plods + Khant behind it?


    • Zephir says:

      MET has denied any involvement



    • tomo says:

      this the film?


      • MarkyMark says:

        Lucy Brown

        Self-employed counterintelligence officer. Featured in: Rolling Stone, NME, Vogue, Evening Standard, Daily Mail, ITV, Sunday Times, VICE and the good old BBC.
        EducationLondonjohnnydeppisawifebeater.comJoined January 2024
        5,171 Following

        the good old BBC.
        the good old BBC.
        the good old BBC.
        the good old BBC.

        Justice For Amber Heard


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        re tomo’s video post above.

        It’s worth watching Tommy’s video all the way through.
        It’s powerful stuff.

        It confirms what many of us think about the whole dirty lot, the msm, politicians, lawyers and the like.

        I can’t understand how anybody watching the film can find anything at all wrong with Tommy and it makes you feel ashamed of our rulers and what they are doing to this man.


  38. MarkyMark says:

    Are Tommy Robinson NHRN and Anjhem Choudary NHRN joined at birth – both seem to get arrested when the politicians need to look active.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      The establishment need to satiate their MPD (Malicious Personality Disorder). Unfortunately there is a problem with the prisons being full. However now that Julian Assange has been freed there is now a cell vacancy.

      Listen to Dick the Butcher – Shakespeare was right.


  39. Zephir says:

    The film they don’t want you to see (our Syrian poster boy not being what he seems, apparently, far far from what he is portrayed to be, apparently, according to teachers and other victims, see below)

    from 8 min 30 seconds TR explains the corruption going on, including, he claims, paying of the teachers for their silence and closing the school, and rehousing one complainant in a muslim area, who are all made aware :


  40. Zephir says:

    More unfortunate facts hidden:


  41. Fedup2 says:

    I wonder if he has been arrested under some civil arrest warrant for contempt with an appearance on Monday …?

    Lawrence Fox has twittered about a ‘demo’ Sunday afternoon outside number 10 Mohammed street …. Will give plod an opportunity to take out white protesters instead of giving tea to Hamas or green vermin ..


  42. Zephir says:

    The gift that just keeps, erm, taking:

    “Britain’s biggest benefit fraud gang who stole £54m of taxpayers’ cash given £2m legal aid
    The five members of the gang, originally from Bulgaria, made thousands of false claims to fund a lavish lifestyle.”



    • tomo says:

      She starts an offender work experience at the Home Office Tomorrow, after they offered better package than DWP?


  43. Zephir says:

    “odorova was released from jail in June having already served 18 months of her three-year sentence on remand”


  44. Zephir says:

    “Flag-waving protesters chant ‘release Tommy now’ outside Downing Street after ‘arrest under anti-terror laws'”



  45. Richard Pinder says:

    Did you know that if you Google “assassination attempt on trum” it says “assassination attempt on truman”


  46. StewGreen says:

    If you are fanatical supporter of Kamala
    The bbc will put you on air

    Every moment I switch on , they are promoting her

    eg R4 Pick of the week hagiography
    So switched over to local radio
    where it was Dotun bigging her up.


    • Scroblene says:

      I honestly cannot understand why such an idiot is calling to be the next president of one of the most powerful countries on the planet.

      God Almighty! What a shower they have over there, thinking that a glove-puppet like this amazingly stupid and lightweight, pocket-edition-nobody, could supposedly be in the White House one day!

      Whatever happened to the Yanks?

      Maybe they like coming in late to the party…?

      They usually do, waiting for ‘the money’.


      • MarkyMark says:

        The pool of talent is shallow – Diane Abbott mother of the house.

        “At the general election held on 4 July 2024, Abbott retained her seat as Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington and became Mother of the House as the longest continuously serving female MP.”


  47. MarkyMark says:


    National Trust asks volunteers to wear rainbow face paint and glitter for Pride

    The National Trust said all requests to participate in Pride are optional. In 2017, it was forced to U-turn on an instruction that those working at Felbrigg Hall in Norfolk who refused to wear rainbow lanyards and badges had to take on backroom roles.



  48. Zephir says:

    “Andy Burnham fuels fresh BBC Breakfast backlash for ‘car crash’ Manchester Airport police interview.

    Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, joined BBC Breakfast to discuss the footage, describing it as an “extremely difficult situation” and expressing hope that the two ongoing investigations can be concluded so we can “draw a line” under the incident.

    However, many viewers quickly took to social media to criticise the Mayor and the discussion. One viewer vented on X: “Burnham can’t even backpedal with any sort of competency. Car crash interview”

    A third viewer commented: “Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester explaining that we live in a world where ‘people see only a fragment, they rush to judgement’ completely forgetting that he was one of the people he speaks of.”



  49. MarkyMark says:

    RAF squadron drops ‘Crusaders’ nickname after complaint it is offensive to Muslims
    A review of historic terminology is ongoing and it is understood there may be further changes

    By Connor Stringer,
    Senior reporter
    28 July 2024 • 1:59pm


    It was announced in February 2009 that Middlesex changed their limited overs name from the Middlesex Crusaders, to the Middlesex Panthers, following complaints made by Muslim and Jewish communities.


    An issue of a religious nature arose in 2005 in the United Kingdom when Burger King introduced a new prepackaged ice cream product; the label of the product included a silhouette of the ice cream that when rotated on its side bore a resemblance to the Islamic inscription for God, Allah (الله).


    Five Whitehall buildings held by wealthy businessmen now operating under Sharia rules
    Properties leased on condition that they cannot host any activities not sanctioned by sharia


    “The historic Admiralty House and four other Whitehall buildings are now operating in accordance with some sharia rules – including a ban on alcohol – after they were used as part of an Islamic bond scheme.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Surely it’s about time that all those macho names for military things be dropped ? Royal Air Force – become royal air service – preditor drone becomes – happy search drone – typhoon becomes ‘strong wind fighter ‘ … some one bored could make a list …


      • Zephir says:

        McDonnell Douglas F-15 Nuthatch ?


      • MarkyMark says:

        Army = Invaders bringing new meal options.

        Royal Navy = Protecting other peoples borders first.

        UK MP = expenses filling person with 500K from china!