Power outage in Paris after their blasphemous freak show. Only the Sacre’ Coeur Basilica remained lit.
God will not be mocked, you degenerate satanic woke perverts (in which I include the BBC of course).
A woman has died while attempting to cross the English Channel on board a “heavily loaded” boat that was “in difficulty”, the French maritime authorities have said.
Officials said that at 04:30 BST, a French patrol boat was on site and some of the people on the overloaded vessel off the coast of Calais requested assistance.
“On the contrary, I think Thomas Jolly did try to intend to celebrate community tolerance. We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offence, we of course are really sorry.”
Jolly told French broadcaster BFM: “The idea was to do a big pagan party linked to the gods of Olympus.
“You’ll never find in my work any desire to mock or denigrate anyone. I wanted a ceremony that brings people together, that reconciles, but also a ceremony that affirms our Republican values of liberty, equality and fraternity.”
The BBC now believes it has the answer to what the demographics of a truly diverse company should look like …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-41265644
Islamic sources on humour
Laughter, fun, and joking are permissible in Islam provided guidelines from the Quran and hadith are followed. For humour to be in accordance with Islam, the joke should not be blasphemous and should be within the limits adab (manners).[1]
“So why is it all right for women to be sexist about MEN?
To be a man in this country is constantly to have to apologise for oneself and to be ever so very careful about every sentence we speak or write which contains any reference at all to members of the opposite sex.
While at the same time, and this is the shame of it, we ourselves are fair game for women. While sexism from men is the outstanding social crime of the modern world, women can say absolutely whatever they like about us.
For make no mistake: sexism is alive and well in this country and applauded in all quarters — as long as it is practised by women. And they are allowed to say the most terrible, terrible things.
Only last week, for example, Jo Brand, the newly crowned Best Female TV Comic at the British Comedy Awards, was on Have I Got News For You and replied to the question
‘What’s your favourite kind of man, Jo?’ by saying: ‘A dead one.’
Oh, how the audience fell about. And the other contestants, all male, chortled away too.
Here’s another of Jo Brand’s (excellent) gags. ‘What’s the way to a man’s heart? Straight through the chest with a kitchen knife!’
It’s not just Brand, it’s all women. ‘What do you call the useless flap of skin attached to a penis?’ they joke. ‘A man!’ they all reply, and clink their chardonnay glasses and chortle till dawn. How on earth did this get to be OK?
I’ll tell you how. It is because pretty much from birth women are schooled by their mothers to deride men. They are sugar and spice, we are slugs and snails.
And the prejudice festers. Harriet Harman says that men caused the banking crisis, and the harridan legions nod their heads. ‘If women ruled the world,’ they cry, ‘there would be no wars.’
What nonsense. Women are far meaner, more brutal, aggressive, small-minded, jealous, petty and venal than any man.
If women ruled the world countries would be invaded because ‘she’s always been jealous of my feet’ and because ‘she looks down on me for going out to work’.
Millions would die, torture would increase. If women ruled the world there would be carnage.
And nor are men, in this female narrative, merely puerile, aggressive and underdeveloped. They are hypochondriacs, too.
‘He’s got a touch of man flu,’ say the womenfolk and titter. But what nonsense is that? It is women who make a big fuss about mild discomfort, not men.
You look at shows like Loose Women and you wonder how on earth they get away with the terrible things they say about men. I went on once and it was horrific. I wanted to die.
No male-hosted show could treat women the way those outsized harpies treat men.”
“‘Loose Women treated me like a piece of meat’ says male guest dropped for ‘refusing to take top off’
Personal trainer Daniel Wheeler sparked a new sexism row after he accused the show of hypocrisy and double standards.
It is not the first time the show, whose panellists include Coleen Nolan, Vicky Pattison and Jane Moore, has been accused of sexism.
It was taken off air last month after Fathers 4 Justice stormed the studio complaining of it persistently denigrating men.”
What makes the female so much deadlier than the male? With assists from Fran Lebowitz, Nora Ephron, and a recent Stanford-medical-school study, the author investigates the reasons for the humor gap https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2007/01/hitchens200701
Not only does Mad Emperor Miliband have no clothes, his entire entourage have net zero garments. We have the blind leading the blind, advised by clueless cronies who do not have the faintest idea about energy, engineering or the commercial world. They simply don’t know what they don’t know and are totally ill-equipped to challenge the tendentious twaddle put before them. […] This is how we get plans for energy that halve per capita energy use by 2050 and nobody bats an eyelid. The entire energy policy establishment is broken.
The biographies of DESNZ ministers and senior civil servants are reproduced below.
“‘We had solar panels installed on our roof… suddenly we were at risk of LOSING our homes’: Distraught pensioners who signed up with firm run by ex-football boss on promise of ‘free energy’ were sued for £320k after complaining on Facebook”
“Since the start of 2014, the Financial Ombudsman Service has upheld 58 complaints about A Shade Greener. A spokeswoman for the ombudsman said the number was not ‘necessarily indicative of good or bad practice’.
Ofgem is aware of consumers’ claims and is working with DESNZ and other bodies on a series of investigations into them. Ofgem is also in touch with ASG.
Freedom of Information requests show that since April last year, at least 22 MPs have complained to DESNZ about A Shade Greener.”
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Winston Smith toes the Party line, rewriting history to satisfy the demands of the Ministry of Truth.
Now then. I’ve spent years in and around West Africa – on an errand to my nearby Asda 10 mins before closing time in the car park, near the entrance, there was a very loud Nigerian sat an a nearly new Land Rover Discovery sound system blarin’, shouting into a phone.
If in Lagos – the sort I’d *definitely* treat with caution …
I know South Africa has been chucking out Nigerian crooks…. seems provincial England is a new playground.
Mustn’t judge a book by its cover – but by’eck I know what I was looking at there.
For sure it wasn’t Met Police
My guess is Border Force or some special police group stopped him a passport control and falsely used terrorism laws to ask him to unlock his phone
Then since he refused like you would
they can charge and detain him for breach of terrorism laws.
No mention either of Hizbollah firing a rocket onto a football field, or Hamas firing rockets from the school. But “Israel” appears in both headlines, striking and occupying. pic.twitter.com/efs3Y5iYw2
TWoTWeeee Watch #1 – give him a good ol’ bashin’ Jonny
US Politics was covered with Jonny Dymond’s usual inimitable style promoting Kamal Harris at her Soriety House reunion and getting no end of US ‘commentators’ to rubbish former President Donald Trump. One of the so-called expert ‘commentators’ actually managed Hilary Clinton’s failed bid to win the DNC nomination in, I think, 2008 so she wasn’t biased at all!
LBC has been reduced (seems there is a lower media level) to ‘reporting’ that U.K., voters, known for their electoral wisdom, are going to vote for Ms. Harris.
Some pointing out in quite the #ccbgb a key fact to the home of O’Brien and fellow champagne socialist gobs that there is one small, wafer thin problem.
I want to know if any journalist is trying to establish if all the victims were girls and women. Has this question been asked, and why are they still being described as children and adults. Are we afraid to identity extreme male violence against females?
BBC, so no journalistic skills available.
The purpose of that mask on the bloke also unclear.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea… https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1897800687565861081
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe https://dailysceptic.org/2025/03/08/five-years-on-the-uk-refuses-to-learn-the-lessons-of-the-covid-catastrophe/ The US has changed direction…
Power outage in Paris after their blasphemous freak show. Only the Sacre’ Coeur Basilica remained lit.
God will not be mocked, you degenerate satanic woke perverts (in which I include the BBC of course).
Please let that be true ….
It was lit up because it was on fire?
@Fedup2 – It’s true, it’s in the main Parisian newspaper.
“Panne de courant : une partie de Paris plongée dans le noir samedi soir”
A woman has died while attempting to cross the English Channel on board a “heavily loaded” boat that was “in difficulty”, the French maritime authorities have said.
Officials said that at 04:30 BST, a French patrol boat was on site and some of the people on the overloaded vessel off the coast of Calais requested assistance.
“Olympic chiefs ‘sorry’ opening ceremony caused offence”
“On the contrary, I think Thomas Jolly did try to intend to celebrate community tolerance. We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offence, we of course are really sorry.”
Jolly told French broadcaster BFM: “The idea was to do a big pagan party linked to the gods of Olympus.
“You’ll never find in my work any desire to mock or denigrate anyone. I wanted a ceremony that brings people together, that reconciles, but also a ceremony that affirms our Republican values of liberty, equality and fraternity.”
The BBC now believes it has the answer to what the demographics of a truly diverse company should look like …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
“The mission I have given myself is to put thought back into circulation, as I feel like every static thought produces violence: wars, terrorist attacks, homophobia, racism…”
How about 14% Reform voters and 52% Brexit supporters?
FFS get a life time…
“Olympic Games commentator REMOVED from Paris coverage after making sexist remark about Australia’s female swimmers.
Ballard said: ‘Well, the women just finishing up. You know what women are like… hanging around, doing their make-up.’ ”
Islamic sources on humour
Laughter, fun, and joking are permissible in Islam provided guidelines from the Quran and hadith are followed. For humour to be in accordance with Islam, the joke should not be blasphemous and should be within the limits adab (manners).[1]
“So why is it all right for women to be sexist about MEN?
To be a man in this country is constantly to have to apologise for oneself and to be ever so very careful about every sentence we speak or write which contains any reference at all to members of the opposite sex.
While at the same time, and this is the shame of it, we ourselves are fair game for women. While sexism from men is the outstanding social crime of the modern world, women can say absolutely whatever they like about us.
For make no mistake: sexism is alive and well in this country and applauded in all quarters — as long as it is practised by women. And they are allowed to say the most terrible, terrible things.
Only last week, for example, Jo Brand, the newly crowned Best Female TV Comic at the British Comedy Awards, was on Have I Got News For You and replied to the question
‘What’s your favourite kind of man, Jo?’ by saying: ‘A dead one.’
Oh, how the audience fell about. And the other contestants, all male, chortled away too.
Here’s another of Jo Brand’s (excellent) gags. ‘What’s the way to a man’s heart? Straight through the chest with a kitchen knife!’
It’s not just Brand, it’s all women. ‘What do you call the useless flap of skin attached to a penis?’ they joke. ‘A man!’ they all reply, and clink their chardonnay glasses and chortle till dawn. How on earth did this get to be OK?
I’ll tell you how. It is because pretty much from birth women are schooled by their mothers to deride men. They are sugar and spice, we are slugs and snails.
And the prejudice festers. Harriet Harman says that men caused the banking crisis, and the harridan legions nod their heads. ‘If women ruled the world,’ they cry, ‘there would be no wars.’
What nonsense. Women are far meaner, more brutal, aggressive, small-minded, jealous, petty and venal than any man.
If women ruled the world countries would be invaded because ‘she’s always been jealous of my feet’ and because ‘she looks down on me for going out to work’.
Millions would die, torture would increase. If women ruled the world there would be carnage.
And nor are men, in this female narrative, merely puerile, aggressive and underdeveloped. They are hypochondriacs, too.
‘He’s got a touch of man flu,’ say the womenfolk and titter. But what nonsense is that? It is women who make a big fuss about mild discomfort, not men.
You look at shows like Loose Women and you wonder how on earth they get away with the terrible things they say about men. I went on once and it was horrific. I wanted to die.
No male-hosted show could treat women the way those outsized harpies treat men.”
“‘Loose Women treated me like a piece of meat’ says male guest dropped for ‘refusing to take top off’
Personal trainer Daniel Wheeler sparked a new sexism row after he accused the show of hypocrisy and double standards.
It is not the first time the show, whose panellists include Coleen Nolan, Vicky Pattison and Jane Moore, has been accused of sexism.
It was taken off air last month after Fathers 4 Justice stormed the studio complaining of it persistently denigrating men.”
What makes the female so much deadlier than the male? With assists from Fran Lebowitz, Nora Ephron, and a recent Stanford-medical-school study, the author investigates the reasons for the humor gap
Not only does Mad Emperor Miliband have no clothes, his entire entourage have net zero garments. We have the blind leading the blind, advised by clueless cronies who do not have the faintest idea about energy, engineering or the commercial world. They simply don’t know what they don’t know and are totally ill-equipped to challenge the tendentious twaddle put before them. […] This is how we get plans for energy that halve per capita energy use by 2050 and nobody bats an eyelid. The entire energy policy establishment is broken.
The biographies of DESNZ ministers and senior civil servants are reproduced below.
ALL done via government “grants”
“‘We had solar panels installed on our roof… suddenly we were at risk of LOSING our homes’: Distraught pensioners who signed up with firm run by ex-football boss on promise of ‘free energy’ were sued for £320k after complaining on Facebook”
“Since the start of 2014, the Financial Ombudsman Service has upheld 58 complaints about A Shade Greener. A spokeswoman for the ombudsman said the number was not ‘necessarily indicative of good or bad practice’.
Ofgem is aware of consumers’ claims and is working with DESNZ and other bodies on a series of investigations into them. Ofgem is also in touch with ASG.
Freedom of Information requests show that since April last year, at least 22 MPs have complained to DESNZ about A Shade Greener.”
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Winston Smith toes the Party line, rewriting history to satisfy the demands of the Ministry of Truth.
Now then. I’ve spent years in and around West Africa – on an errand to my nearby Asda 10 mins before closing time in the car park, near the entrance, there was a very loud Nigerian sat an a nearly new Land Rover Discovery sound system blarin’, shouting into a phone.
If in Lagos – the sort I’d *definitely* treat with caution …
I know South Africa has been chucking out Nigerian crooks…. seems provincial England is a new playground.
Mustn’t judge a book by its cover – but by’eck I know what I was looking at there.
Tommy Robinson in court tomorrow, 9AM Royal Courts of…..Justice hmmm, we will see…
For sure it wasn’t Met Police
My guess is Border Force or some special police group stopped him a passport control and falsely used terrorism laws to ask him to unlock his phone
Then since he refused like you would
they can charge and detain him for breach of terrorism laws.
Barrister expresses support
but his other tweetss ay he won’t go on TV , cos he doesn’t discuss politics in public
Loaded headlines used in BBC bias against Israel
Loaded vs. ‘No mentions’.
The BBC: mass stabbings are rare, so let’s not dwell on the Southport horror. Not sure this would be their line if the perpetrator was white.
Plus Rachel not exactly convincing on her spin lines, the BBC is struggling a bit on what and how to ‘report’.
But at least the adults are in charge.
Omission is the greatest lie.
BBC ex employer
TWoTWeeee Watch #1 – give him a good ol’ bashin’ Jonny
US Politics was covered with Jonny Dymond’s usual inimitable style promoting Kamal Harris at her Soriety House reunion and getting no end of US ‘commentators’ to rubbish former President Donald Trump. One of the so-called expert ‘commentators’ actually managed Hilary Clinton’s failed bid to win the DNC nomination in, I think, 2008 so she wasn’t biased at all!
LBC has been reduced (seems there is a lower media level) to ‘reporting’ that U.K., voters, known for their electoral wisdom, are going to vote for Ms. Harris.
Some pointing out in quite the #ccbgb a key fact to the home of O’Brien and fellow champagne socialist gobs that there is one small, wafer thin problem.
new thread will be along soon
Meanwhile see York City begging for forgiveness for accidentally retweeting the BadMan
I want to know if any journalist is trying to establish if all the victims were girls and women. Has this question been asked, and why are they still being described as children and adults. Are we afraid to identity extreme male violence against females?
BBC, so no journalistic skills available.
The purpose of that mask on the bloke also unclear.
First… the media.
Then lawyers.
SQ got snotty about my emotional support Komodo Dragon getting out of the overhead cabinet I had reserved for him… them. Needed the space as pregnant.
Emailing @bbcnews now.
“Promise everything, deliver nothing”
Reeves Calls Hunt a Liar While Hinting at Tax Hikes She Promised Wouldn’t Come
Israeli protesters enter army base after soldiers held over Gaza detainee abuse
Far right, tick
Far right, tick
Far right
As we know the bbc does not like the far right
far-right x 4
Police look (insert mental health here) for Southport stabbing motive with two children killed and six critical