On the Beeb’s webshite they have yet another alarmist article about climate change giving the U.K. more hot and wet days. I’m betting they hadn’t opened it up for comments, however, as most of them are derisory of the article. One comment says “All I can remember about 2023 was it being one of the worst summers I can think of and certainly not hot,” while another says ” It’s like the reporter forgot we were all there!”
Are the British public finally waking up to all the climate change nonsense that the Beeb shovel at us day after day? Here’s hoping…
Yes, I have, but it doesn’t matter, because under this terrorism legislation I have no right to remain silent.
If I do not answer their questions I am breaking the law.
They then told me I have to give them the pin code to my phone (so they can access it).
I read the literature they gave me, and it said, ‘an examining officer may not ask a question where they have reasonable grounds to believe the answers to the questions would require you to disclose or confirm the identity of a source of journalistic information or disclose information that is subject to legal privilege’.
So, I told them, the top judge responsible for the injunction preventing me from publishing the SILENCED documentary, which I believe triggered this situation, from what I gathered, I’m appealing that case, that information (on my phone) is ‘privileged information’, because that judge fell out with his own dad before my case. And that’s new evidence. So, he should have excused himself from the case, but he didn’t.
Now you want access to my phone, do you? Which has every single bit of my legal stuff on it. Also, not just that, I’m a journalist, and I interview, and I dealt with stuff that involves another investigation, in Telford, into a Labour MP (who has serious allegations of sexual misconduct made against him).
When girls sit down and tell me their stories, they tell me because they don’t trust you, they don’t trust you because you hid the fucking evidence in Rotherham, you let them down in every town and city, and now you want me to give you access to what they have told me in confidence? It’s not happening.
CNN must be gutted that there wasn’t another assassination attempt. That was surely the only reason they just happened to choose to cover the Butler rally, for the first time in over two years.
Trump needs to get rid of the Secret Service and use his own security. A few dozen bouncers would be better than the rubbish he has been given, but I am sure there would be many ex-forces guys who would be happy to help him out..
I watched a few minutes of the Olympics opening ceremony on the BBC. I have a licence but still only watched a little bit. I felt sorry for the athletes standing on the boats getting soaking wet but less so for the performers. I saw a little bit of the pianist getting very wet looking up to heaven. I wasn’t sure if he was rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of him having to play in the rain or appealing to a higher presence to just stop it all. I didn’t appreciate modern dancers in front of a metallic wall contorting themselves into strange poses. What was that about? But the final straw was two young men, dressed in such a way one could only assume they were homosexual, go into a bedroom together and closing the door on the audience. It was unnecessary in the start of the olympics unless the organisers are suggesting that sex becomes an Olympic sport.
I would be more convinced of the sincerity of the organisers’ apology if they cancelled the closing ceremony as an act of contrition. Who knows what else they have in store for us?
Maybe this was already covered at the weekend, but Jeremy Vine tweeted after the first Manchester airport video came out “Now that I have seen this without the blurring it’s clear how absolutely awful that stamp was”. Now the new footage shows the prior attack on the police he’s posted “I shared the first one, so I should be sharing this one too.”
Yes Jeremy, investigative reporters should want to examine new evidence that sheds light on details of a story, especially when few facts are known. Acting like a petulant teenager forced to tidy his bedroom shows you’re only interested in footage that reinforces your agenda.
Broadcasting is hard work when you can’t simply jump on the ‘institutional racism’ bandwagon.
The latest on the home page — “Family of kicked man concerned for hurt officers”. “Mr Yakoob is no longer acting for the family, which has instructed a new lawyer. The family’s new representative said […] the family had ‘real concern for any police officer injured'”.
I hear the unmistakable sound of backtracking all the way from Rochdale, with lawyers and the BBC rapidly changing tack from righteous fury to sympathy.
Notice he is promoting his new “crime” thriller book. Well it worked for another talking head on telly so why not give it a go? After all might as well use your huge exposure to rake a few more bob in!
“Meet the controversial self-described ‘love activist’ who played Jesus in Paris Olympics opening ceremony’s ‘woke Last Supper parody’ as she shares behind-the-scenes details”
“Does this shocking video clear shamed policeman? Now senior cops rally around Manchester officer after video shows man appearing to punch two policewomen to the ground.
A policeman filmed kicking a teenager in the head won widespread backing yesterday after footage emerged of the shocking attack on his colleagues just moments earlier.
One former police and crime commissioner said it was now clear that he had been ‘frankly the hero’ of the situation, while an ex-armed response sergeant said his suspension should now be lifted.
And a serving chief inspector said the three firearms officers had been ‘very composed’ to have ‘left their handguns in their holsters’.
Yesterday former Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner Kevin Hurley it was now clear that the officer – who was himself punched to the floor and grabbed in a chokehold – had been ‘frankly the hero’ of the situation.
‘That one guy saved the situation and actually, frankly, saved his colleagues,’ he told LBC radio.
‘Sometimes you have to do nasty things to people.’ ”
Met Office said June in the UK had been the sunniest ever. Sun in June fills the grains in a cereal crop. I was looking at some barley in the shed today. It rather confirmed my memory of June, rather grey and wet. I think it was cold too. Recollections obviously may vary.
It was shocking how quickly Harris suddenly took over and this might be why.
‘There’s buzz swirling within the Biden camp that the president’s swift endorsement of Kamala Harris was his revenge on prominent party leaders — including Barack Obama — who pressured him to bow out of the race against his will, sources told The Post.’
“It was Joe’s big f–k you,” the source said. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.’”
‘Biden’s endorsement of Harris was “Joe truly knifing Obama and Pelosi in the back for making him stand down,” the Democratic Party source told The Post.’
Well done Joe. Nasty and spiteful right to the end. Doesn’t give a shit about the country.
I also wondered why George Clooney was suddenly all over the news telling Biden to stand down. He’s an actor FFS. Who cares what he thinks.
It turns out he was right in on the plot with Obama and that story was covered by all the usual dozens of websites like a BBC ‘TNI’ agenda piece. Which proves to me beyond any doubt at all how rigged the MSM is now.
There should be some questions as to why it seems the unelected Obama is running the country. But of course there won’t be.
This is the REAL face of the Left and you won’t see this on the BBC. They are 100% part of the same problem.
I guess that version assumes Obama isn’t running the show . On my read he gave Biden as long as possible to front his show but saw what happened in the debate and decided Karmela was the best idiot to put in despite her obvious dumbness …. As is so fashionable – colour and gender wins out over capability ….
I also think Obama has confirmed that the voting system is still sufficiently fixed to ensure he wins steals the office again ….
Another assassination attempt will also help his cause …
I think the spanner in the works was when Joe refused to quit. That report also said they threatened to remove him by the 25th amendment if he didn’t step down.
It’s the stuff of dictatorships. It sickens me when they try to claim that Trump is the threat to democracy. He is the one who can save it.
When Joe said ‘Only God can make him stand down’, he must have been talking about Obama.
What worries me a bit is that Joe still has 6 more months with the full powers of the President. He’s a nasty, spiteful old bugger (like all Lefties) so who knows what he might do : I would say there is still a good chance they will remove him before January.
JohnC – the most sanitary way of removing him would be the ‘medical advice ‘ line – he get sympathy from the dullards plus Karmela gets the oval gig – will they do it before or after the Convention…. I wonder … maybe it will be based on what the real polling says – if the polling is so bad that even the election fix won’t remedy it then maybe Obama will put karmela in the White House after the convention – say the end of august – which gives her a couple of months as the ‘incumbent ‘ ..
If that happened the likes of Iran Russia China North Korea might ‘try it on ‘’’ …. …
Elswhere .. I saw that the weekend us tv shows have done ‘sketches ‘ involving Biden ….
I agree : if he’s as full of spite as they say, Obama won’t want Joe holding that kind of power.
I also think Obama and Pelosi have finally endorsed Kamala as a show of unity when in fact behind the scenes there is none.
I would not be surprised at all if they are plotting how they will replace her as nominee once the attention dies down. Their problem is the likes of the BBC are wetting their panties at the prospect of a black woman President. They don’t care how bad she would be.
One solution for the Dem string-pullers would be to have dear Kamala whacked and then fit up some “Far Right” rifle-nut patsy, in order to justify further gun confiscation and demonization of unhappy Republican citizens.
‘Ms Minley, who lives in a house overlooking the park said she could no longer send two of her children, aged eight and 12, to play there because of the trouble.
Instead, they go to other parks “because of all these incidents”.’
‘Ms Minley’ has 6 children in all. No picture of course. Of her or any of the victims.
We all know why. The greatest leftist lie by omission. They don’t want you to know what is REALLY happening to our society as a consequence of their failed multicultural experiment.
Not the BBC
The dead *party prospective leader braverman has got 10 nominations but has decided she doesn’t want to do the ‘leader’ job and withdrawn – leaving – I suppose the place to remainer lefty tukenart …. Starmer and crew must be pleased because braverman was one of the few able to put words together when speaking ….
She write of the denial the dead party is in . Maybe the remain dead party MPs could ask a few million tories why they never voted at all … although that’s party of the problem .
Today Reeve will tell us the false assurances about tax rises were just that – false – and that a shed load of taxes will rise . My bet is on hitting pensioners and increasing the pension age straight away …..
I wouldn’t be surprised if the higher rate of tax had the threshold reduced using the ‘broadest shoulders’ deceit ….
* dead party = blue labour -previously the conservative and unionist party of GB
Maybe the outcome of the US election will decide it . If Trump wins then Reform might need to ‘reshape ‘ and a more profession parliamentary operator bought in – also of course she being a she plus the complexion thing might also nudge things …
The problem for Reform is the sheer force of personality that is Farage … it’s anorak stuff at the moment but a real opposition wouid be useful as conditions deteriorate even further under the reds ….
Woeful Tory legacy – frets the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror: Bitter pill… Desperate GPs in work-to-rule poll to fight for extra cash… GP Katie Bramall-Stainer said action will lead to an NHS “standstill”
GPs can dust off those old Lockdown signs of theirs that read “If you’re feeling ill, go home” and put them back up at the entrances to their surgeries.
It was left-leaning alternative comic Alexei Sayle (there’s one for the teenagers) who once joked how right-on middle-class lefties had co-opted the proletarian language of our now largely defunct manufacturing industries.
Lesbian activist collectives would attend “workshops”. The teachers unions would claim their members toiled away at the “chalkface”. Now our doctors: could take industrial action this week for the first time in 60 years (Mirror)
“Show of hands, brothers and sisters!” voting on whether or not to take industrial action… GPs may limit the number of patients they see… if they vote to back the collective action as expected (‘i’)
Next thing you know, your doctor will be asking if you regularly pass composite motions.
All this industrial talk is rather ironic, don’tcha think, on a day when: Britain out of top 10 manufacturers list… for the first time since the industrial revolution… The country has dropped to 12th- biggest manufacturer… behind the likes of Russia and Taiwan (Telegraph) – how’s them Russia sanctions workin’ out fo’ yer?
Saab boss in defence call… urged Europe to increase its financial support for the region’s defence industry massively (FT)
What’s the problem, just-in-time-delivery of all that Chinese-made stuff not doing the job of winning the Donbas war for the west?
Russia’s advance toward key eastern highway threatens Ukraine’s grip of Donetsk Oblast… Outgunned and outmanned, Ukrainian soldiers struggling to hold the front line in a brutal, months-long Russian siege of Chasiv Yar are increasingly worried about their army’s ability to protect their rear. If key supply lines from the west are cut off and if troops to their south are overrun, they risk being choked (Kyiv Independent)
There has to be something us modern Europeans excel at?
EU diplomats told to cancel embassy parties after busting this year’s budget… ordered to scrap travel plans, cancel parties and postpone work on securing residencies after significantly overshooting their budgets this year, denting the union’s foreign policy arm. The European External Action Service, in effect the bloc’s foreign ministry, has been told to cut €43mn… A clampdown on expenses has already been felt, with cuts to everything from chauffuer driven cars to stationery… (FT)
If Austalian lager firm Foster’s did sports commentary…
Olympics commentator axed over sexist remark (BBC)
S’truth mate, how’d you go? So how’d you make them Sheilas all cranky?
As the 4x100m freestyle relay team were making their way off the pool deck in Paris, Bob Ballard said they were “finishing up”, adding “you know what women are like… hanging around, doing their make up” (Tiffanie Turnbull, BBC News, Sydney) – Oh, the humanity!
You can’t exactly call this news – but the Guardian tops the BBC’s online press line-up again today.
I’m a software engineer and watched the transition of local manpower to ‘outsourcing’ while I was working at BAE SYSTEMS.
Basically outsourcing delegates the difficult management of a job to someone else. The ‘local’ manager is then just responsible for managing another manager. It’s very attractive to companies who have weak staff and I imagine the problem has got exponentially worse with ‘DEI’ directives.
Our IT went from someone in the office who could reset your password immediately if you forgot it to a system where you had to fill in a ‘password reset’ request form and wait half a day for them to do it. And each time was a fixed price of £200 – which was a lot back then.
And of course they made you change your password every month according to ‘their procedures’ and normal words were not allowed. So everyone was always forgetting them.
BAE bought all the equipment but somehow it immediately belonged to the outsourcing company. We could not touch it. We even had to fill in a form and wait to get them to come and move a crappy PC to another desk.
My opinion of the whole outsourcing thing is that costs go up, the quality plummets but for the weak manager in charge, someone else does all the difficult stuff and man-management. And the external company make a fortune while paying their staff peanuts to get monkeys.
This is perfectly explainable when you consider the role of a large corporation is to employ as many people as possible doing pointless things whilst extracting the most money from the mugs paying for the cr*p services on offer. If people are occupied with nonsense their entire lives they don’t have the time to occupy themselves with what is going on and how they are being exploited and enslaved. This would explain why billions are wasted on solutions that can never work. For every large-scale IT project I ever worked on it was clear from the start it would never work in practice. The designs could have been fantastic but inevitably they overlooked the reality of the situation on the ground where countless incompatible systems needed to be somehow integrated into the new system. Identity was and is always an issue as the myriad ways of authenticating/authorizing end-users/business users out there are almost limitless and every system often employs some hack in a protocol that makes it impossible to integrate into the overall solution. However, the trick is to understand that finding a solution is not the real goal. This is especially the case in the public sector where there is no accountability whatsoever. They are all money laundering operations, where large IT consultancies siphon off billions in taxpayer dollars that then wind up back where all of the money ultimately does. In the offshore bank accounts controlled by the banksters.
Sorry, somehow during editing the word order got changed
The time of the release tweet was 12:15am
I can now confirm that Tommy has actually been released, he is on bail, and the police have taken his phone.
I want thank everyone (as does Tommy) who have been out protesting for him today, it absolutely made a difference.
Tommy has asked me to upload the conversation he had with his ex wife while he was detained for terror related offences.
We will be able to update you all tomorrow
That’s the conversation I posted last night.
His website has no new update yet.
At 8:22am his account posted a thankyou video
However it’s not new
It’s the Paul Thorpe video from a few hours ago
Instead of this fluffy report, maybe bbc interview president Khan on knife crime, its his watch!?? Khan never gets involved in knife crime and seems to be teflon
“Police rally behind cop sidelined after Manchester Airport violence – as armed colleagues lay down their guns in solidarity and family of ‘kicked victim’ say they have ‘real concerns’ for injured officers”
I’m not a great fan of Tommy Robinson – but it says something that the Islamic religious police used Terrorist Act powers to arrest him and his mobile phone .
I’m sure the Islamic security service would have access to all his communications as they assess him as a threat to their state – as – maybe – with users of this site ( right 77 ?) .
Anyway a decision was made by someone in their Islamic police to further harass him – presumably to Gauge the level of support he has – as well as do their ‘thing ‘ of sending out a warning to any other dissenters .
They must be plotting to get him back into belmarsh so that the Muslim prison officers / prisoners can get him properly next time …
Guardian today lists around 12 dead party ex MPs who set up ‘consultancy ‘ companies during their time of being kicked out of office – including one who put up a £8000 bet against himself( how much did he get back ?) .
The guardian points out that such actions are illegal – but all those ‘consultants ‘ did not respond to questions ….
We can be sure that even if these characters had never been MPs they’d have set up hugely profitable consultancy companies exploiting their superior intelligence and wisdom … and not any useful network acquired in their role as MPs ….
Philip Hammond’s consultancy firm made almost £1m in profit
This article is more than 1 year old
Filings cover period ex-chancellor worked for controversial clients including Saudi government
That’s just one of those stupid Chinese clickbait Youtube videos
where they steal an online article and read it out
Save your time and read the article
I posted it 12 hours ago last night in my comment at the top of the page.
BTW The video was not even up to date when it was published 2 hours ago
as TR had been released 8 hours before that
I hope all those people trying to stoke a George Floyd-style race war in the UK now feel deeply ashamed.
It was very obvious the viral clip only showed a tiny fraction of what went on.
Our sympathy here should be with the police.
I was right.
@TiceRichard was right.
@LeeAndersonMP_ was right.
1 the first video account of event gets traction without reservation
2 those claiming to be victims maybe criminals avoiding their culpability
3 there tends to be more than one version of events
4 the fall back is that plod is wrong
5 neither senior politicians or police can be expected to keep their counsel
6 the state is frightened of Muslim mobs
7 there is a 2 tier justice system – if there wasn’t those carrying out unlawful assaults would already be in court..
8 a police officer kicking a criminal in the head can be lawful in grave circumstances – such as if he feared his target had stolen a police firearm …but that might land up being for a jury – sadly .
9 those who deserve medals don’t always get them
10 not sure Muslims should be allowed in the police
11 the BBC will always support the Muslim version because it is subverted by Islam
I think if that was a US airport those Muslims would be dead now
BBC Rich List 2024: £79 million bill for BBC bigwigs
‘Analysis of the BBC’s annual report and accounts puts the total pay bill for senior BBC staff at an estimated £79 million, with £39 million being paid to on-air talent, and £40 million paid to backroom bosses. This includes 88 named senior executives with salaries over £178,000, a significant increase from the 67 in 2022-23. The number of on-air talent with salaries over £178,000 fell by one. A total of 447 staff at the BBC, including backroom bosses and on-air talent, earn over £100,000.
The 56 senior executives receiving over £178,000 in both 2023-24 and 2022-23 saw an average pay rise of £9,536 from the previous year, while the 57 ‘on-air talents’ in this category saw an average pay rise of £5,895 from the previous year. The median salary across the BBC was £52,397 in 2023-24, 8 this is 50 per cent more than median earnings across the UK which was £34,963 in the year ending April 2023.
The highest paid executive in 2023-24 was Tim Davie, the director general, who received total remuneration of £527,000, including salary and benefits. The highest paid on-air ‘talent’ in 2023-24 was Gary Lineker, with a £1,352,500 salary, the same as what he received in 2022-23.
The news comes as the BBC reveals that the number of TV licences purchased fell by half a million year-on-year.’
Also appeared on GB News; (TAXPAYERS ALLIANCE); ‘Joanna Marchong, our investigations campaign manager, couldn’t have put it better when she spoke to GB News: “Any decent member of society will be disgusted by the thuggish behaviour of TV Licensing. Fee payers who make innocent mistakes are needlessly being dragged through the courts and made to feel like criminals, just to prop up an outdated funding model for the BBC. It’s time to axe the TV tax once and for all and leave Auntie to stand on her own two feet.”
Time to DEFUND the BBC. But we all know Labour are Not going to do that. Its biggest cheerleader, and they don’t have to pay for it as free advertising. Pure propaganda for over 40 years, state run broadcaster (as Elon Musk correctly identified), this year had not changed. It is the hidden state within a state.
Philip 2 I went to check the BBC accounts. I always keep a tab on their average salary costs (as a rule of thumb the average salary cost is 2.5-3 times the average UK wage cost). Their accounts are a disgrace. After 15 mins of looking I could not find the information that I want, information that a normal plc must present.
‘Oh look there is a squirrel’ is the best description of their accounts.
Some 20+ years ago I was stuck in a remote location with little in English to read beyond old newspapers and a copy of the BBC annual report. I can’t remember where it came from – but characteristically expensive graphic content on “not cheap” glossy paper stayed with me.
After pooring over that report for weeks and applying some relative arithmetic to the broken out costs listed – I came to the conclusion that the BBC was an exercise in peculation and fraud.
The BBC ‘Fact Checked’ the Tories within hours of them claiming Labour’s tax rises during the election. The BBC ‘Fatuous Checked’ the initial online clip of the Manchester Airport incident within hours of the video being available. Last week Rachel Reeves disclosed the £20bn ‘hole’ in government spend. Any fact check – nah nothing to see here. Bias by omission.
I’ve got great news for Rachel Reeves…who worked at the Bank of England….so must know something! Obviously..
Anyway she apparently has discovered a black hole ( well let’s resist all sorts of untoward comments) in the finances of GB. That was hidden ..some doubt expressed by the left leaning I.F.S. that she couldnt have known and not in the O.B.R.. most recent reports. Perhaps Rachel was too busy to read that one. But let’s be clear we can trust Rachel because she once worked at the Bank of England.
The good news is despite not working for the Bank of England , l have found the money..
4bn …..sent to Ukraine in armaments , that continue to postpone peace talks.
9bn ( 3yr cost) housing and feeding illegal channel crossers
11.5bn cash to 3rd world for climate change assistance ( no audit trail or monitoring needed).
Job done.. What a lark this numbers business is..nowhere near as difficult as l thought.
The British Army describes it as “non-expert, short-range, anti-tank missile that rapidly knocks out any main battle tank in just one shot by striking it from above.” While not cheap, at around £20,000 per unit, NLAW costs significantly less than the longer-ranged, more complex Javelin [estimated at around £70,000 per …19 Jan 2022
‘Listen, don’t mention the Lockdown. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it all right.’
Didn’t Labour want it longer and harder? (Yes … we were well and truly screwed.)
‘In the FIRST year of the pandemic, from April 2020 to 2021, it [the government] borrowed £299bn, the highest figure since records began in 1946.’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52663523
I have just spoken to Tommy (he is still without a phone).
He has asked me to thank every single one of you for your support and well wishes.
He will continue to fight for you,
he will continue to fight for our freedoms,
he will continue to fight for our rights,
he will continue to fight for our country no matter what.
Dear leader Stasi Starmer and his comrades have bitten off way more than they can chew.
Together we are stronger,
together we will take our country back.
Radio 4, 13:25 circa: the Montacutie and TWATO 0rg&$m1ng over BBC fave Tom Daley’s Olympic silver medal for diving. They even mentioned he was diving in sync with a partner; generous of them! The usual narrative about his “sons” and how iconic he is, now 30 years old, role model, etc.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that “We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people.” The only regional power to welcome the result was the Cuban dictatorship, congratulating Maduro and promising Cuba would “stand by the Bolivarian and Chavista Revolution…”
“I went to to Cuba in the early 1990s when there was a great economic difficulties in that country and I found a country that was egalitarian with a fantastic health service… in my view it was a brave island that stood against a regime that for 50 years would not trade with it and would not let other countries trade with it too.”
Just Stop Oil eco idiots trying to unleash ‘summer of chaos’ by blocking Gatwick Airport departure gate are arrested
– as ‘pathetic’ stunt is mercilessly mocked after passengers simply stepped over them
via https://dailym.ai/ios
I only hope Reform is in a position to win when this pathetic Labour government crashes. I think it will be sooner rather than later. I give them one power cut.
Bribe, simple as that, however the massive armies of public sector ‘workers” will be in the queue following this and it will all end in huge income tax rises for the rest of us.
It will be done incrementally in the hope that gullible tax-payers will not tumble to the fact that a Labour controlled UK will sacrifice private-sector employees to appease the union fat cats.
“Tommy Robinson has allegedly *fled* the UK after his arrest over the weekend, prompting a judge to issue a warrant for his arrest.”
AFAIK Last night they arrested him at a border charged him and bailed him.
If he’s left the country on holiday ..that looks like him merely continuing his journey.
Surely Border Force know
People say his earlier video said he was taking his kids on holiday.
His org stated that the court case today had been postponed.
Twitter pushes me a viral twet with 58K Likes that seems to mock a CNN reporter’s hypocrisy
I check ..#1 the tweets are from 2020
#2 The tweet relies on cutting off the last part of the headline
““Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival,
*but other researchers have doubts*.” July 3, 2020
Papers making a big deal of airline passengers ignoring Just Stop Oil cretins and stepping over them.
Now I’m sure if I tried to block customers entering for instance any of the big supermarkets, a couple of black uniformed security guards would probably whisk me away in no time. So what the hell is wrong with the airport security staff for hell’s sake. These lunatics should have been hauled off within minutes of sitting their arses down surely if only in the interests of safety and security let alone for trying to damage the airlines operating efficiency and the comfort of it’s paying passengers.
Personally I would also follow up with a rapid court appearance followed by some jail time for illegal obstruction.
As an aside, looking at the photos of the idiots, there is a common crazed look to them. It’s like a sickness with these self-indulgent middle-class idiots trying to play God.
A major incident in Southport involving a man on a stabbing spree.
There are reports of a number of people injured, including children.
#2 “15 people at a nursery – including small children – stabbed in attack in Southport.
At least one dead.”
Hart St
Regarding the mass stabbings in Stockport, a man has been detained.
I don’t think anyone is sure if there are any fatalities, but it seems as though the assailant both targeted and injured a number of children. The nastiest of any crime.
One piece of good news. It seems that the stabber was arrested and taken into custody without him being injured in any way. No one punched or kicked him. He was arrested, given a cup of tea and an halal sandwich. Thank heavens. I don’t think I could stomach any more liberal hand wringing.
Both the police and media are being extremely coy about giving any reason for this unwarranted attack.
Meanwhile, in London, Tommy Robinson has been charged with terrorist offences…
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diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Sorry just getting in touch with my inner bBC feminist.
On the Beeb’s webshite they have yet another alarmist article about climate change giving the U.K. more hot and wet days. I’m betting they hadn’t opened it up for comments, however, as most of them are derisory of the article. One comment says “All I can remember about 2023 was it being one of the worst summers I can think of and certainly not hot,” while another says ” It’s like the reporter forgot we were all there!”
Are the British public finally waking up to all the climate change nonsense that the Beeb shovel at us day after day? Here’s hoping…
Published on Fri 25th ..so comments were open for a short time
then they shut comments cos it’s the weekend
TR’s website quotes new telephone conversation https://www.urbanscoop.news/tommy-charged-for-terrorism/
says Part 2 will follow
Main part of Part 1
Have you got a solicitor there?
Yes, I have, but it doesn’t matter, because under this terrorism legislation I have no right to remain silent.
If I do not answer their questions I am breaking the law.
They then told me I have to give them the pin code to my phone (so they can access it).
I read the literature they gave me, and it said, ‘an examining officer may not ask a question where they have reasonable grounds to believe the answers to the questions would require you to disclose or confirm the identity of a source of journalistic information or disclose information that is subject to legal privilege’.
So, I told them, the top judge responsible for the injunction preventing me from publishing the SILENCED documentary, which I believe triggered this situation, from what I gathered, I’m appealing that case, that information (on my phone) is ‘privileged information’, because that judge fell out with his own dad before my case. And that’s new evidence. So, he should have excused himself from the case, but he didn’t.
Now you want access to my phone, do you? Which has every single bit of my legal stuff on it. Also, not just that, I’m a journalist, and I interview, and I dealt with stuff that involves another investigation, in Telford, into a Labour MP (who has serious allegations of sexual misconduct made against him).
When girls sit down and tell me their stories, they tell me because they don’t trust you, they don’t trust you because you hid the fucking evidence in Rotherham, you let them down in every town and city, and now you want me to give you access to what they have told me in confidence? It’s not happening.
They have charged me for terrorism.
BBC don’t have a news operation, they just have a NewsPR operation
Note the loaded headline
“Family of kicked man concerned for hurt officers”
Don’t see any news item about TR’s arrest
Do see 3 articles about black people
Trump’s Minnesota rally televised on CNN. The bottom of the screen reads;
Disclaimer, this video may contain potential allegations that might contradict or are not confirmed by CNN News.
CNN must be gutted that there wasn’t another assassination attempt. That was surely the only reason they just happened to choose to cover the Butler rally, for the first time in over two years.
Trump needs to get rid of the Secret Service and use his own security. A few dozen bouncers would be better than the rubbish he has been given, but I am sure there would be many ex-forces guys who would be happy to help him out..
I watched a few minutes of the Olympics opening ceremony on the BBC. I have a licence but still only watched a little bit. I felt sorry for the athletes standing on the boats getting soaking wet but less so for the performers. I saw a little bit of the pianist getting very wet looking up to heaven. I wasn’t sure if he was rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of him having to play in the rain or appealing to a higher presence to just stop it all. I didn’t appreciate modern dancers in front of a metallic wall contorting themselves into strange poses. What was that about? But the final straw was two young men, dressed in such a way one could only assume they were homosexual, go into a bedroom together and closing the door on the audience. It was unnecessary in the start of the olympics unless the organisers are suggesting that sex becomes an Olympic sport.
Deborah – has the Olympics morphed into the euro song contest – a haven for queers and that ‘camp ‘ cancer ?
Actually I think I know the answer …
WASNT there a tv programme once called Eurotrash ? Perhaps it was those Producers who concocted the opening ceremony.
I would be more convinced of the sincerity of the organisers’ apology if they cancelled the closing ceremony as an act of contrition. Who knows what else they have in store for us?
Soros cash at work?
Well they have put breakdancing in so sex is a woke possiblity. Not heterosex though – probably an alphabet version.
Maybe this was already covered at the weekend, but Jeremy Vine tweeted after the first Manchester airport video came out “Now that I have seen this without the blurring it’s clear how absolutely awful that stamp was”. Now the new footage shows the prior attack on the police he’s posted “I shared the first one, so I should be sharing this one too.”
Yes Jeremy, investigative reporters should want to examine new evidence that sheds light on details of a story, especially when few facts are known. Acting like a petulant teenager forced to tidy his bedroom shows you’re only interested in footage that reinforces your agenda.
Broadcasting is hard work when you can’t simply jump on the ‘institutional racism’ bandwagon.
The latest on the home page — “Family of kicked man concerned for hurt officers”. “Mr Yakoob is no longer acting for the family, which has instructed a new lawyer. The family’s new representative said […] the family had ‘real concern for any police officer injured'”.
I hear the unmistakable sound of backtracking all the way from Rochdale, with lawyers and the BBC rapidly changing tack from righteous fury to sympathy.
(Sorry Stew just saw you posted the same)
Notice he is promoting his new “crime” thriller book. Well it worked for another talking head on telly so why not give it a go? After all might as well use your huge exposure to rake a few more bob in!
The countryside is no longer racist ! watch them, they’ve arrived…..
“Moment huge brawl erupts at Dovedale stepping stones beauty spot as people hurl large sticks at each other”
My favourite comment on that story: “It looks like the opening scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey. “
Sorry, just saw this… jet lag.
Last Supper ? who ate all the pies?
Jesus wept…
“Meet the controversial self-described ‘love activist’ who played Jesus in Paris Olympics opening ceremony’s ‘woke Last Supper parody’ as she shares behind-the-scenes details”
What species is that… walrus?
Wot no fag?
Muslims continue to make themselves pariahs of the world
“Does this shocking video clear shamed policeman? Now senior cops rally around Manchester officer after video shows man appearing to punch two policewomen to the ground.
A policeman filmed kicking a teenager in the head won widespread backing yesterday after footage emerged of the shocking attack on his colleagues just moments earlier.
One former police and crime commissioner said it was now clear that he had been ‘frankly the hero’ of the situation, while an ex-armed response sergeant said his suspension should now be lifted.
And a serving chief inspector said the three firearms officers had been ‘very composed’ to have ‘left their handguns in their holsters’.
Yesterday former Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner Kevin Hurley it was now clear that the officer – who was himself punched to the floor and grabbed in a chokehold – had been ‘frankly the hero’ of the situation.
‘That one guy saved the situation and actually, frankly, saved his colleagues,’ he told LBC radio.
‘Sometimes you have to do nasty things to people.’ ”
Met Office said June in the UK had been the sunniest ever. Sun in June fills the grains in a cereal crop. I was looking at some barley in the shed today. It rather confirmed my memory of June, rather grey and wet. I think it was cold too. Recollections obviously may vary.
This cheered me up:
Biden camp suggests president quickly endorsed Kamala Harris to defy Barack Obama
It was shocking how quickly Harris suddenly took over and this might be why.
‘There’s buzz swirling within the Biden camp that the president’s swift endorsement of Kamala Harris was his revenge on prominent party leaders — including Barack Obama — who pressured him to bow out of the race against his will, sources told The Post.’
“It was Joe’s big f–k you,” the source said. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.’”
‘Biden’s endorsement of Harris was “Joe truly knifing Obama and Pelosi in the back for making him stand down,” the Democratic Party source told The Post.’
Well done Joe. Nasty and spiteful right to the end. Doesn’t give a shit about the country.
I also wondered why George Clooney was suddenly all over the news telling Biden to stand down. He’s an actor FFS. Who cares what he thinks.
It turns out he was right in on the plot with Obama and that story was covered by all the usual dozens of websites like a BBC ‘TNI’ agenda piece. Which proves to me beyond any doubt at all how rigged the MSM is now.
There should be some questions as to why it seems the unelected Obama is running the country. But of course there won’t be.
This is the REAL face of the Left and you won’t see this on the BBC. They are 100% part of the same problem.
I guess that version assumes Obama isn’t running the show . On my read he gave Biden as long as possible to front his show but saw what happened in the debate and decided Karmela was the best idiot to put in despite her obvious dumbness …. As is so fashionable – colour and gender wins out over capability ….
I also think Obama has confirmed that the voting system is still sufficiently fixed to ensure he wins steals the office again ….
Another assassination attempt will also help his cause …
I think the spanner in the works was when Joe refused to quit. That report also said they threatened to remove him by the 25th amendment if he didn’t step down.
It’s the stuff of dictatorships. It sickens me when they try to claim that Trump is the threat to democracy. He is the one who can save it.
When Joe said ‘Only God can make him stand down’, he must have been talking about Obama.
What worries me a bit is that Joe still has 6 more months with the full powers of the President. He’s a nasty, spiteful old bugger (like all Lefties) so who knows what he might do : I would say there is still a good chance they will remove him before January.
JohnC – the most sanitary way of removing him would be the ‘medical advice ‘ line – he get sympathy from the dullards plus Karmela gets the oval gig – will they do it before or after the Convention…. I wonder … maybe it will be based on what the real polling says – if the polling is so bad that even the election fix won’t remedy it then maybe Obama will put karmela in the White House after the convention – say the end of august – which gives her a couple of months as the ‘incumbent ‘ ..
If that happened the likes of Iran Russia China North Korea might ‘try it on ‘’’ …. …
Elswhere .. I saw that the weekend us tv shows have done ‘sketches ‘ involving Biden ….
I agree : if he’s as full of spite as they say, Obama won’t want Joe holding that kind of power.
I also think Obama and Pelosi have finally endorsed Kamala as a show of unity when in fact behind the scenes there is none.
I would not be surprised at all if they are plotting how they will replace her as nominee once the attention dies down. Their problem is the likes of the BBC are wetting their panties at the prospect of a black woman President. They don’t care how bad she would be.
One solution for the Dem string-pullers would be to have dear Kamala whacked and then fit up some “Far Right” rifle-nut patsy, in order to justify further gun confiscation and demonization of unhappy Republican citizens.
Front page world news (according to the BBC):
‘The ‘upside-down’ sex life of a rare Indian frog revealed’
‘Robert Downey Jr to return to Marvel as Doctor Doom’
And this story which is far more significant for society as a whole:
‘Man stabbed to death and two hurt in park fight’
‘Ms Minley, who lives in a house overlooking the park said she could no longer send two of her children, aged eight and 12, to play there because of the trouble.
Instead, they go to other parks “because of all these incidents”.’
‘Ms Minley’ has 6 children in all. No picture of course. Of her or any of the victims.
We all know why. The greatest leftist lie by omission. They don’t want you to know what is REALLY happening to our society as a consequence of their failed multicultural experiment.
Oops. my point of course was that the second article was buried straight into ‘regions’ so we don’t see it.
Not the BBC
The dead *party prospective leader braverman has got 10 nominations but has decided she doesn’t want to do the ‘leader’ job and withdrawn – leaving – I suppose the place to remainer lefty tukenart …. Starmer and crew must be pleased because braverman was one of the few able to put words together when speaking ….
She write of the denial the dead party is in . Maybe the remain dead party MPs could ask a few million tories why they never voted at all … although that’s party of the problem .
Today Reeve will tell us the false assurances about tax rises were just that – false – and that a shed load of taxes will rise . My bet is on hitting pensioners and increasing the pension age straight away …..
I wouldn’t be surprised if the higher rate of tax had the threshold reduced using the ‘broadest shoulders’ deceit ….
* dead party = blue labour -previously the conservative and unionist party of GB
I wonder if she plans to jump ship.
It’s astonishing what poor quality Tories are left in the ranks since the BBC decimated them with the ‘live update’ campaigns.
Maybe the outcome of the US election will decide it . If Trump wins then Reform might need to ‘reshape ‘ and a more profession parliamentary operator bought in – also of course she being a she plus the complexion thing might also nudge things …
The problem for Reform is the sheer force of personality that is Farage … it’s anorak stuff at the moment but a real opposition wouid be useful as conditions deteriorate even further under the reds ….
Woeful Tory legacy – frets the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror: Bitter pill… Desperate GPs in work-to-rule poll to fight for extra cash… GP Katie Bramall-Stainer said action will lead to an NHS “standstill”
GPs can dust off those old Lockdown signs of theirs that read “If you’re feeling ill, go home” and put them back up at the entrances to their surgeries.
It was left-leaning alternative comic Alexei Sayle (there’s one for the teenagers) who once joked how right-on middle-class lefties had co-opted the proletarian language of our now largely defunct manufacturing industries.
Lesbian activist collectives would attend “workshops”. The teachers unions would claim their members toiled away at the “chalkface”. Now our doctors: could take industrial action this week for the first time in 60 years (Mirror)
“Show of hands, brothers and sisters!” voting on whether or not to take industrial action… GPs may limit the number of patients they see… if they vote to back the collective action as expected (‘i’)
Next thing you know, your doctor will be asking if you regularly pass composite motions.
All this industrial talk is rather ironic, don’tcha think, on a day when: Britain out of top 10 manufacturers list… for the first time since the industrial revolution… The country has dropped to 12th- biggest manufacturer… behind the likes of Russia and Taiwan (Telegraph) – how’s them Russia sanctions workin’ out fo’ yer?
Saab boss in defence call… urged Europe to increase its financial support for the region’s defence industry massively (FT)
What’s the problem, just-in-time-delivery of all that Chinese-made stuff not doing the job of winning the Donbas war for the west?
Russia’s advance toward key eastern highway threatens Ukraine’s grip of Donetsk Oblast… Outgunned and outmanned, Ukrainian soldiers struggling to hold the front line in a brutal, months-long Russian siege of Chasiv Yar are increasingly worried about their army’s ability to protect their rear. If key supply lines from the west are cut off and if troops to their south are overrun, they risk being choked (Kyiv Independent)
There has to be something us modern Europeans excel at?
EU diplomats told to cancel embassy parties after busting this year’s budget… ordered to scrap travel plans, cancel parties and postpone work on securing residencies after significantly overshooting their budgets this year, denting the union’s foreign policy arm. The European External Action Service, in effect the bloc’s foreign ministry, has been told to cut €43mn… A clampdown on expenses has already been felt, with cuts to everything from chauffuer driven cars to stationery… (FT)
If Austalian lager firm Foster’s did sports commentary…
Olympics commentator axed over sexist remark (BBC)
S’truth mate, how’d you go? So how’d you make them Sheilas all cranky?
As the 4x100m freestyle relay team were making their way off the pool deck in Paris, Bob Ballard said they were “finishing up”, adding “you know what women are like… hanging around, doing their make up” (Tiffanie Turnbull, BBC News, Sydney) – Oh, the humanity!
You can’t exactly call this news – but the Guardian tops the BBC’s online press line-up again today.
The incompetence of the public sector needs dealing with – the BBC are no strangers to similar f-ups.
What’s the betting the IT contracts for developing the software were outsourced to one of the exploding number of “tech” outfits in India?
I am in the software development business and my inbox is swamped by stuff from India and Pakistan.
I have only engaged with a couple of these and the results bombed each time!
I’m a software engineer and watched the transition of local manpower to ‘outsourcing’ while I was working at BAE SYSTEMS.
Basically outsourcing delegates the difficult management of a job to someone else. The ‘local’ manager is then just responsible for managing another manager. It’s very attractive to companies who have weak staff and I imagine the problem has got exponentially worse with ‘DEI’ directives.
Our IT went from someone in the office who could reset your password immediately if you forgot it to a system where you had to fill in a ‘password reset’ request form and wait half a day for them to do it. And each time was a fixed price of £200 – which was a lot back then.
And of course they made you change your password every month according to ‘their procedures’ and normal words were not allowed. So everyone was always forgetting them.
BAE bought all the equipment but somehow it immediately belonged to the outsourcing company. We could not touch it. We even had to fill in a form and wait to get them to come and move a crappy PC to another desk.
My opinion of the whole outsourcing thing is that costs go up, the quality plummets but for the weak manager in charge, someone else does all the difficult stuff and man-management. And the external company make a fortune while paying their staff peanuts to get monkeys.
This is perfectly explainable when you consider the role of a large corporation is to employ as many people as possible doing pointless things whilst extracting the most money from the mugs paying for the cr*p services on offer. If people are occupied with nonsense their entire lives they don’t have the time to occupy themselves with what is going on and how they are being exploited and enslaved. This would explain why billions are wasted on solutions that can never work. For every large-scale IT project I ever worked on it was clear from the start it would never work in practice. The designs could have been fantastic but inevitably they overlooked the reality of the situation on the ground where countless incompatible systems needed to be somehow integrated into the new system. Identity was and is always an issue as the myriad ways of authenticating/authorizing end-users/business users out there are almost limitless and every system often employs some hack in a protocol that makes it impossible to integrate into the overall solution. However, the trick is to understand that finding a solution is not the real goal. This is especially the case in the public sector where there is no accountability whatsoever. They are all money laundering operations, where large IT consultancies siphon off billions in taxpayer dollars that then wind up back where all of the money ultimately does. In the offshore bank accounts controlled by the banksters.
TR was released over night on bail
The time of the release tweet was 12:15am
I can now confirm that Tommy has actually been released, he is on bail, and the police have taken his phone.
I want thank everyone (as does Tommy) who have been out protesting for him today, it absolutely made a difference.
At 8:22am his account posted a thankyou video
However it’s not new
It’s the Paul Thorpe video from a few hours ago
Tommy has asked me to upload the conversation he had with his ex wife while he was detained for terror related offences.
We will be able to update you all tomorrow
That’s the conversation I posted last night.
His website has no new update yet.
Sorry, somehow during editing the word order got changed
The time of the release tweet was 12:15am
That’s the conversation I posted last night.
His website has no new update yet.
At 8:22am his account posted a thankyou video
However it’s not new
It’s the Paul Thorpe video from a few hours ago
COVID in Australia cafe owners finally vindicated.
.. However the Deep state had used trial by media to close their business.
So now they don’t have a thriving main street business they have a smaller backstreet one
bbc reports on:-
Mayor still hopes to bring WrestleMania to London
Instead of this fluffy report, maybe bbc interview president Khan on knife crime, its his watch!?? Khan never gets involved in knife crime and seems to be teflon
Police investigate footage after Armagh victory
‘Disgraceful display’
I guess if they had been waving LGBTQZFKFFFIFIFFJFJF+ flags the bbc would have been favourable
“Police rally behind cop sidelined after Manchester Airport violence – as armed colleagues lay down their guns in solidarity and family of ‘kicked victim’ say they have ‘real concerns’ for injured officers”
Stick fight breaks out between hikers after dad tried to cross stepping stones with pram
author image
Noora Mykkanen
Published Jul 29, 2024, 7:05am
I’m not a great fan of Tommy Robinson – but it says something that the Islamic religious police used Terrorist Act powers to arrest him and his mobile phone .
I’m sure the Islamic security service would have access to all his communications as they assess him as a threat to their state – as – maybe – with users of this site ( right 77 ?) .
Anyway a decision was made by someone in their Islamic police to further harass him – presumably to Gauge the level of support he has – as well as do their ‘thing ‘ of sending out a warning to any other dissenters .
They must be plotting to get him back into belmarsh so that the Muslim prison officers / prisoners can get him properly next time …
If Tommy wore a hijab and LGBT sticker?
Guardian today lists around 12 dead party ex MPs who set up ‘consultancy ‘ companies during their time of being kicked out of office – including one who put up a £8000 bet against himself( how much did he get back ?) .
The guardian points out that such actions are illegal – but all those ‘consultants ‘ did not respond to questions ….
We can be sure that even if these characters had never been MPs they’d have set up hugely profitable consultancy companies exploiting their superior intelligence and wisdom … and not any useful network acquired in their role as MPs ….
Philip Hammond’s consultancy firm made almost £1m in profit
This article is more than 1 year old
Filings cover period ex-chancellor worked for controversial clients including Saudi government
Boris Johnson receives £2.5m sum as advance for speeches
“Where I will be happy to mislead, misdirect and misinform you as per or usual arrangement”
Nest time any tossers at the bbc complain about North Korea or Russia, show them this:
That’s just one of those stupid Chinese clickbait Youtube videos
where they steal an online article and read it out
Save your time and read the article
I posted it 12 hours ago last night in my comment at the top of the page.
BTW The video was not even up to date when it was published 2 hours ago
as TR had been released 8 hours before that
Wind your neck in
If everyone complained about repeated or similat posts this site would be full
I am not complaining about you or repeated posts,
rather I gave a factual complaint about that particular video ,
stupid Chinese clickbait Youtube videos
and f-ing GOOGLE / Alphabet do nothing about the vids but allow stupid gadget Chinese adverts run against the stupid videos.
maddening it is
Dan Wootton got 30,000 Likes or this
Security guard avoided Manchester Arena bomber ‘for fear of being called racist’
It’s just a game …. “‘I’m afraid there is no money.’ The letter I will regret for ever”
This article is more than 9 years oldLiam Byrne
Featuring our new home secretary getting in touch with her inner fascist.
Hard times for poor old England.
No surprise that George Galloway rushed to call the fighting Manchester Airport boys “victims”
Norman Brennan tweets that the IOPC looks like a circus in its statement that appears to treat the thuggish family as huge victims
The only account that promoted the Catherine Bates statement was the Muslim lobby group TellMama
Just as well the muslim sympathising bastard was booted out at the election. At least we do not have to hear his drivel in parliament.
There’s a lot to be learnt from Manchester
1 the first video account of event gets traction without reservation
2 those claiming to be victims maybe criminals avoiding their culpability
3 there tends to be more than one version of events
4 the fall back is that plod is wrong
5 neither senior politicians or police can be expected to keep their counsel
6 the state is frightened of Muslim mobs
7 there is a 2 tier justice system – if there wasn’t those carrying out unlawful assaults would already be in court..
8 a police officer kicking a criminal in the head can be lawful in grave circumstances – such as if he feared his target had stolen a police firearm …but that might land up being for a jury – sadly .
9 those who deserve medals don’t always get them
10 not sure Muslims should be allowed in the police
11 the BBC will always support the Muslim version because it is subverted by Islam
I think if that was a US airport those Muslims would be dead now
George Galloway when he met Saddam Hussein
Shows how deeply infiltrated the police is.
George travels with a soap box ….
“…..hurl large sticks at each other’. Where’d they get the large sticks from?
That’s of course assuming they didn’t arrive carrying ‘large sticks’………………….
Better than knives I spose.
Looking at the photo it seems countryfile was right about the racist countryside.
BBC Rich List 2024: £79 million bill for BBC bigwigs
‘Analysis of the BBC’s annual report and accounts puts the total pay bill for senior BBC staff at an estimated £79 million, with £39 million being paid to on-air talent, and £40 million paid to backroom bosses. This includes 88 named senior executives with salaries over £178,000, a significant increase from the 67 in 2022-23. The number of on-air talent with salaries over £178,000 fell by one. A total of 447 staff at the BBC, including backroom bosses and on-air talent, earn over £100,000.
The 56 senior executives receiving over £178,000 in both 2023-24 and 2022-23 saw an average pay rise of £9,536 from the previous year, while the 57 ‘on-air talents’ in this category saw an average pay rise of £5,895 from the previous year. The median salary across the BBC was £52,397 in 2023-24, 8 this is 50 per cent more than median earnings across the UK which was £34,963 in the year ending April 2023.
The highest paid executive in 2023-24 was Tim Davie, the director general, who received total remuneration of £527,000, including salary and benefits. The highest paid on-air ‘talent’ in 2023-24 was Gary Lineker, with a £1,352,500 salary, the same as what he received in 2022-23.
The news comes as the BBC reveals that the number of TV licences purchased fell by half a million year-on-year.’
Also appeared on GB News; (TAXPAYERS ALLIANCE);
‘Joanna Marchong, our investigations campaign manager, couldn’t have put it better when she spoke to GB News: “Any decent member of society will be disgusted by the thuggish behaviour of TV Licensing. Fee payers who make innocent mistakes are needlessly being dragged through the courts and made to feel like criminals, just to prop up an outdated funding model for the BBC. It’s time to axe the TV tax once and for all and leave Auntie to stand on her own two feet.”
Time to DEFUND the BBC. But we all know Labour are Not going to do that. Its biggest cheerleader, and they don’t have to pay for it as free advertising. Pure propaganda for over 40 years, state run broadcaster (as Elon Musk correctly identified), this year had not changed. It is the hidden state within a state.
Philip 2 I went to check the BBC accounts. I always keep a tab on their average salary costs (as a rule of thumb the average salary cost is 2.5-3 times the average UK wage cost). Their accounts are a disgrace. After 15 mins of looking I could not find the information that I want, information that a normal plc must present.
‘Oh look there is a squirrel’ is the best description of their accounts.
Some 20+ years ago I was stuck in a remote location with little in English to read beyond old newspapers and a copy of the BBC annual report. I can’t remember where it came from – but characteristically expensive graphic content on “not cheap” glossy paper stayed with me.
After pooring over that report for weeks and applying some relative arithmetic to the broken out costs listed – I came to the conclusion that the BBC was an exercise in peculation and fraud.
The BBC ‘Fact Checked’ the Tories within hours of them claiming Labour’s tax rises during the election. The BBC ‘Fatuous Checked’ the initial online clip of the Manchester Airport incident within hours of the video being available. Last week Rachel Reeves disclosed the £20bn ‘hole’ in government spend. Any fact check – nah nothing to see here. Bias by omission.
I’ve got great news for Rachel Reeves…who worked at the Bank of England….so must know something! Obviously..
Anyway she apparently has discovered a black hole ( well let’s resist all sorts of untoward comments) in the finances of GB. That was hidden ..some doubt expressed by the left leaning I.F.S. that she couldnt have known and not in the O.B.R.. most recent reports. Perhaps Rachel was too busy to read that one. But let’s be clear we can trust Rachel because she once worked at the Bank of England.
The good news is despite not working for the Bank of England , l have found the money..
4bn …..sent to Ukraine in armaments , that continue to postpone peace talks.
9bn ( 3yr cost) housing and feeding illegal channel crossers
11.5bn cash to 3rd world for climate change assistance ( no audit trail or monitoring needed).
Job done.. What a lark this numbers business is..nowhere near as difficult as l thought.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
The British Army describes it as “non-expert, short-range, anti-tank missile that rapidly knocks out any main battle tank in just one shot by striking it from above.” While not cheap, at around £20,000 per unit, NLAW costs significantly less than the longer-ranged, more complex Javelin [estimated at around £70,000 per …19 Jan 2022
‘Listen, don’t mention the Lockdown. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it all right.’
Didn’t Labour want it longer and harder? (Yes … we were well and truly screwed.)
‘In the FIRST year of the pandemic, from April 2020 to 2021, it [the government] borrowed £299bn, the highest figure since records began in 1946.’
The TR acount has just tweeted again
3 teachers in Batley ask if it is safe to come out and go back the schools?
It will never be safe. It took 40 years, but they still got Rushdie. Islam is organized violence.
@elonmusk tweet Jul 27
Unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right, Christianity will perish
3 teachers in Batley ask if it is safe to come out and go back the schools and teach about freedom of speech? Rishi ignored this one.
BBC News (UK) July 21
Couple found dead after trying to cross Atlantic
Anything missing there ?
They were greendream cultists who attempted to cross the Atlantic without fossil fuels
Their bodies were found on a liferaft in the same territory they left from.
After a week there is no explanation as to what screwed there boat . It could have been the weather or collision with a big ship etc.
Macron to be removed from office for killing migrants and not stopping them or given them tickets for the olympics?
Radio 4, 13:25 circa: the Montacutie and TWATO 0rg&$m1ng over BBC fave Tom Daley’s Olympic silver medal for diving. They even mentioned he was diving in sync with a partner; generous of them! The usual narrative about his “sons” and how iconic he is, now 30 years old, role model, etc.
Synchronised sodomy …
Was the womb invited to the diving?
Another win for Darwin
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that “We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people.” The only regional power to welcome the result was the Cuban dictatorship, congratulating Maduro and promising Cuba would “stand by the Bolivarian and Chavista Revolution…”
Emily Thornberry’s Lavish Praise For Communist Cuban Regime
“I went to to Cuba in the early 1990s when there was a great economic difficulties in that country and I found a country that was egalitarian with a fantastic health service… in my view it was a brave island that stood against a regime that for 50 years would not trade with it and would not let other countries trade with it too.”
Just Stop Oil eco idiots trying to unleash ‘summer of chaos’ by blocking Gatwick Airport departure gate are arrested
– as ‘pathetic’ stunt is mercilessly mocked after passengers simply stepped over them
via https://dailym.ai/ios
video : https://x.com/FFS_WhatNow/status/1817838070407766371
Tickle them all!
“The government has reportedly offered junior doctors a 20% pay rise at an estimated cost of £1bn a year.” GBnews
I only hope Reform is in a position to win when this pathetic Labour government crashes. I think it will be sooner rather than later. I give them one power cut.
Bribe, simple as that, however the massive armies of public sector ‘workers” will be in the queue following this and it will all end in huge income tax rises for the rest of us.
It will be done incrementally in the hope that gullible tax-payers will not tumble to the fact that a Labour controlled UK will sacrifice private-sector employees to appease the union fat cats.
Digg – the medical mafia will want even more Money as the 40% tax rate will hit them .. also other medical £ professionals£ will want the same ….
GBnews giving the Deepstate narrative
“Tommy Robinson has allegedly *fled* the UK after his arrest over the weekend, prompting a judge to issue a warrant for his arrest.”
AFAIK Last night they arrested him at a border charged him and bailed him.
If he’s left the country on holiday ..that looks like him merely continuing his journey.
Surely Border Force know
People say his earlier video said he was taking his kids on holiday.
His org stated that the court case today had been postponed.
Labour is going to stop shoplifting ..yeh right
@YvetteCooperMP Jul 28
Shoplifting & street crime are soaring yet there are far fewer neighbourhood police on streets – legacy of 14 Tory years.
Labour will rebuild neighbourhood policing with new powers to crackdown on antisocial behaviour in our town centres & communities.
Man arrested over suspected French railway vandalism
An “ultra-left militant” was arrested in …
Never thought I ever hear the likes of the bbc condemn the left! Its only the Right that are wrong, so to speak
Twitter pushes me a viral twet with 58K Likes that seems to mock a CNN reporter’s hypocrisy
I check ..#1 the tweets are from 2020
#2 The tweet relies on cutting off the last part of the headline
““Study finds hydroxychloroquine may have boosted survival,
*but other researchers have doubts*.” July 3, 2020
Papers making a big deal of airline passengers ignoring Just Stop Oil cretins and stepping over them.
Now I’m sure if I tried to block customers entering for instance any of the big supermarkets, a couple of black uniformed security guards would probably whisk me away in no time. So what the hell is wrong with the airport security staff for hell’s sake. These lunatics should have been hauled off within minutes of sitting their arses down surely if only in the interests of safety and security let alone for trying to damage the airlines operating efficiency and the comfort of it’s paying passengers.
Personally I would also follow up with a rapid court appearance followed by some jail time for illegal obstruction.
As an aside, looking at the photos of the idiots, there is a common crazed look to them. It’s like a sickness with these self-indulgent middle-class idiots trying to play God.
Trying to stop me getting in to do my shopping will result in me stepping on your face as I climb over.
A major incident in Southport involving a man on a stabbing spree.
There are reports of a number of people injured, including children.
#2 “15 people at a nursery – including small children – stabbed in attack in Southport.
At least one dead.”
Hart St
clarified to say “dance class”
BBC page was late and short
Echo reporter is tweeting eyewitness info now
Regarding the mass stabbings in Stockport, a man has been detained.
I don’t think anyone is sure if there are any fatalities, but it seems as though the assailant both targeted and injured a number of children. The nastiest of any crime.
One piece of good news. It seems that the stabber was arrested and taken into custody without him being injured in any way. No one punched or kicked him. He was arrested, given a cup of tea and an halal sandwich. Thank heavens. I don’t think I could stomach any more liberal hand wringing.
Both the police and media are being extremely coy about giving any reason for this unwarranted attack.
Meanwhile, in London, Tommy Robinson has been charged with terrorist offences…
Ban schools to end the violence?