390 Responses to Start the week 29th July 2024

  1. MarkyMark says:

    “22% pay increase for junior doctors, over-riding the pay deal recommended by the independent doctors’ pay review body.
    So what is the point of the pay review body, if doctors can simply go on strike and make it irrelevant?”



    • StewGreen says:

      Same doctors will often now work 4 days instead of 5


    • MarkyMark says:

      Make it 110%? DO IT!


    • Sluff says:

      Meanwhile haven’t the BMA balloted GPs to go on strike or at least work to rule and reduce the number of patients per day.
      The Far Left Marxists are in charge of this trade union.
      Yet no-one is calls it out.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Like i said above, wont notice the difference. We allegedly have 3 GPs serving our large village that will soon be the size of Cambridge, and one of those GPS works permanently from home – which could be local or Aberdeen or Majorca ! Who knows !


    • digg says:

      Labour favour payback time…. Train drivers, council staff, teachers all waiting in the wings for their support payback.


    • Guest Who says:

      Heading home after a long A&E shift at @StGeorgesTrust. I’m so lucky to be part of such a fantastic team.
      Remember, the NHS is there for you whenever you need it, 24/7.


      First came to prominence as an activist Jr. Doc, complains about workload when also an MP and pervasive tv studio gob.


  2. StewGreen says:

    Long BBC newsPR story is up about TR
    “Tommy Robinson leaves UK on eve of court case”

    As usual the critical info is buried near end.

    “The court heard the police officers who had held Yaxley-Lennon had no power to stop him leaving the UK’
    So at Kent Eurotunnel why didn’t they have powers to stop him leaving ?

    Cos the judge who issued an arrest warrant set the date as October
    ie if TR turns up in his court before then the arrest warrant will not be activated.

    Start of article
    On Sunday, the founder of the English Defence League went to the Channel Tunnel terminal at Folkestone, where police officers stopped him under counter-terrorism powers.

    When he allegedly refused to co-operate, he was arrested and held until 10pm before being released on unconditional bail and leaving the country.

    Mr Payter said: “We understand he failed to cooperate with a port stop and search”


  3. MarkyMark says:



    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Is AOC related to Ardern? I think we should told!


      • MarkyMark says:

        Jacinda Ardern appointed trustee of Prince William’s Earthshot Prize. Jacinda Ardern has been appointed a trustee of the Prince of Wales’ prestigious environment award, Kensington Palace has confirmed. Prince William said it was an honour to welcome the former leader of New Zealand to the Earthshot Prize.4 Apr 2023



  4. Guest Who says:

    Last Of The Summer Wine BBC Commissioner reboot?

    Peak District beauty spot sees mass brawl

    Getty not required.


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Pixie to make statement in commons about stabbing ? Dead party to blame after 12 years of …blah blah snore …


  6. Sluff says:

    BBC1 1 pm news
    First headline.
    Tom Daley wins silver medal

    Not mentioned.
    Eventing team win gold medal.

    Clearly a known gay person rates higher up the BBC agenda than ‘middle class toffs’ on horses.

    In other words…..no surprise whatever.


  7. Zephir says:

    “Southport stabbing: ‘One child dead’ and seven people injured after knifeman rampages through a Taylor Swift-themed kids’ dance and yoga workshop in a community space”


  8. Fedup2 says:

    If I recall – the last time Tommy Robinson went on holiday the mail or mirror tracked him down and spoilt it . Maybe this time he has gone somewhere ? To try for political refugee status …?


  9. MarkyMark says:

    Sadiq Khan’s Night Tsar, Amy Lamé, who’s raking in a whopping £132,000 a year, is on “unplanned sick leave” from the GLA. This leave is said to have been going on for at least six weeks with no return in sight. Yet, miraculously, she’s still managing to present her BBC Radio 6 shows every Saturday and Sunday. She’s not exactly lying low—her Instagram is bursting with snaps of her gardening and promoting her BBC show. All this on the taxpayer’s dime…


  10. Zephir says:

    Maybe we should use the same language the biased bbc use for those that oppose bbc enemies ?

    “UK dissident and human rights activist Tommy Robinson arrested by authorities on trumped up charges”


  11. Doublethinker says:

    We must not jump to conclusions about the incident in Southport.

    The man responsible has been detained.

    But then longer the authorities withhold his name for the greater the suspicion that he is an import, a member of the RoP or possibly a recent convert to Christianity. Of course we will be bombarded with the usual ‘excuse’ , that he has mental issues , or has fallen in with the wrong crowd at the Mosque ( unlikely to be a church) and has been radicalised .

    Anyway we wait to see the next bulletin from the authorities.


    • MarkyMark says:

      What does Coulter’s Law mean?
      Named after a 2015 tweet from provocative conservative political commentator, Ann Coulter, Coulter’s Law states that the longer it takes the news media to identify a mass shooter in the United States, the less likely it is to be a white male.


      • moggiemoo says:

        It it had been a white bloke his CV would, no doubt, have been online in minutes.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Remember the Syrian ‘Christian’ child-stabber in Annecy, France last year? Try and find any info on him since the event, it’s impossible. Apparently the psychiatric evaluation is ongoing.

      There’s more media interest in the bloke with the backpack who tried to fight him off.


  12. Sluff says:

    The race baiters have been saying for years/decades that BAME are under-represented in terms of walking in the countryside.


    Click to access August-2021_Access-to-nature-in-the-English-countryside_research-overview.pdf


    Oh the irony of that last URL.
    Looks like the campaigns have been a huge success.
    The BBC and Far Left must be delighted.

    Personally I’ve never packed a wooden baton in my rucksack for a walk, but there is always something to learn.


  13. Sluff says:

    Stop Press

    Quote from web page

    ‘Former BBC News presenter Huw Edwards has been charged with three counts of making indecent images of children’

    Will the BBC be reclaiming the £400,000 they paid him last year for doing virtually nothing?
    Or are these charges rather neatly arranged to be AFTER he has left the BBC such that he has not had to face gross misconduct charges and summary dismissal?

    I think we should be told.
    But we won’t.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Philip Schofield to write a report on the images – send them quickly.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Sluff, very sad that and it casts a very bad light on the BBC. Much guilt by association!


  14. digg says:

    BBC presenter and news reader charged with making indecent images of children….Meanwhile in the vibrant North some vermin tries to stab loads of little girls to death….

    What a wonderful society the UK is becoming!


  15. Terminal Moraine says:

    Verify still showing no interest in the new Manchester airport footage, after making a big deal of the first part.

    Maybe they’re all too busy forensically assessing Marianna’s latest selfie and geolocating her cleavage.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “shortlisted for Best Host at British Podcast Awards”


      I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task.


      • Docmarooned says:

        The bar for that award must be the lowest ever in existence. Probably mutual back slapping by other non entities.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Why do you hate me?

      How long have you got?


    • Northern Voter says:

      We hate you because :-

      A You work for the Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation
      B Verily you’re a moron
      C You never get anything right, it’s always left


    • tomo says:

      If there is such a thing as a homeopathic level of self awareness, Marianna must be up for yet another award,?


  16. Fedup2 says:

    Twitter is full of the familiar ritual of speculating about the ‘heritage ‘ of the Stockport stabber – I reckon this one will remain unnamed using the ‘mental health ‘ cover so useful to a corrupt state holding back the truth in the name of ‘community cohesion ‘….
    But I really hope I am wrong and that the truth gets out – whatever that might be ….


  17. Zephir says:

    Labour raids pensioners… and warns tax hikes ARE coming: Reeves strips most OAPs of winter fuel payments and signals ‘difficult decisions’ in Budget as she blames Tories for £22bn hole in public finances – but still hands junior doctors 22% pay rise


    • Zephir says:

      How many billions for the Ukraine grifter ?


    • tomo says:

      And shitforbrains Mililband wants to throw £10 billion at lecturing furriners about the evils of “climate” and how more taxes make it cooler/ hotter/wetter/droughtier Yadda, Yadda.

      Provincial plods have I heard been instructed to get really arsey about shotgun certs.

      Some people are going to be denied the opportunity for 3 meals a day, institutional heating and the respect of their peers.


  18. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Former BBC News presenter Huw Edwards has been charged with three counts of making indecent images of children.

    The offences are alleged to have taken place between 2020 and 2022 and relate to 37 images found on WhatsApp on a phone, according to the Metropolitan Police.



  19. Zephir says:

    Junior doctors label Labour’s colossal 22 per cent pay offer ‘abysmal’ and urge fellow medics to continue strikes until they get 35 per cent



  20. friend of yogi bear says:


    Shocking news that poor old Huw Edwards (of all people) has been charged with “indecent images”offences….my god hasnt he suffered enough , what with all that time in hospital being ill and everything!

    Especially after we were assured by all and sundry that he had done NOTHING illegal….

    This is dreadful , such a lovely man and part of such a trusted organisation..

    Seriously though….

    Let’s hope the BBC pursue this story with the sort of vigour it deserves, goodness knows it may even push the “Strictly come dancing was worse than working on the Burma railway” story that is gripping the nation onto the inside pages.

    I can just imagine well into August BBC “top talent” Nick Robinson on day 25 of the story announcing “This is the story that just won’t go away”.



  21. StewGreen says:

    “today the BBC rushed out a programme about protest and policing”
    false, the series started last week.

    I expect the prog chose to focus on historic black protest
    because that would be clear of ongoing court cases.
    but then the first prog did feature people from XR/JSO

    “BBC Home Affairs Editor Mark Easton, with the help of former Police Assistant Commissioner Rob Beckley, tells the story of policing protest in the UK from Peterloo to the present – and beyond.”
    Produced by Simon Hollis, A Brook Lapping production


    • StewGreen says:

      @Pug you moved the goalpost, but that is OK
      So your new premise was the prog was suddenly cobbled together after the July 18th judgement against the XR folk.

      Well I wonder cos the first tweet promoting the series was on July 21st.It does appear that July 16th newspapers did list the prog
      So it does seem the prog as on the cards slightly before the verdict. But there is very little mention of it before the verdict came out

      Now the media show on The Media Show on 24 July
      had the strapline “the ethics of undercover journalism, covering climate issues & climate protests”
      So that did choose that to coincide with the verdict.

      JSO did put the entire prog on their YouTube channel on Mon 22nd. which is surely a breach of BBC copyright
      And lends credence to your theory that BBC and XR work together,


  22. MarkyMark says:



  23. Zephir says:

    Hows that DEI going ?

    “Air Canada flight from Morocco is CANCELED over flight attendant’s crazed meltdown at passenger’s ‘very reasonable request’.

    Footage of Air Canada flight AC73 has gone viral showing the altercation between the airline employee and the female passenger who requested the blanket, as reported by CTV News.

    The flight attendant allegedly tried to remove the passenger from the plane and threatened to call the police before other passengers threatened to deplane in solidarity.

    The airline employee is heard saying: ‘You will behave or we will get off!’ ”



    • Fedup2 says:

      Oh pug – you shouldn’t have – a favourite of mine …. And I’m flying in 48 hours – I’ll have the beef …


    • G says:

      Brilliant vid !!

      It reminds me of the first time if flew American Airlines. Similar mannered rude cabin crew. When the meal comes round, the extremely harshly shouted instruction was loudly, “Putcha flap down (the fold-away table)”. The person in the seat ahead responded with such haste and vigour to the loud order that when the arm rest was put in the vertical position, the ash tray flew out and emptied its content on me behind…………………

      Those were the days…………


  24. MarkyMark says:

    BBC does not report the news – it generates it – Huw Edwards and Strickly!



  25. Fedup2 says:

    Excellent news – Labour to freeze pensioners to death this winter – but if you are benefits – here you are – free borrowed taxpayers ‘ money – so you can afford the Netflix and Sky ….

    Budget 30 October ….


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Fuel-poor pensioners to flee UK in rubber boats for warmer climate?


    • G says:

      Difference between those receiving the State Pension and those additionally on Pension Credit. Means testing on the latter. No doubt Labour seeking to put more people on Pension Credit so they know how much money they have?


  26. Lucy Pevensey says:



  27. Fedup2 says:

    Plod saying it’s okay Stockport wasn’t terrorism – and even better the kid arrested is 17 – so need to name him ……


    • WiganCookie says:

      It is Southport where the terrorising took place. Both up north I suppose.


  28. Fedup2 says:

    EG – if that is true – I wonder if Lee Anderson will name him using parliamentary privilege – or will they true to keep him silent .
    Will any msm name him ?

    In the circumstances he must be named .


  29. digg says:

    New Oxfam TV commercial having an obvious “go” at populism, nationalism and by default the “Far Right” and anyone anti-immigration.

    Stinks of Soros through and through!


    • tomo says:

      Oxfam ? – I thought they had shriveled away.

      – are they still over half funded by their civil service + quango chums / cronies who lavish shedloads of public money on them?


  30. Fedup2 says:

    The stabber’ name has made it onto twitter – with added ‘Allah Akbar ‘call as he did his stabbing . The failure of the state to be honest is now filled by such ‘facts ‘ whether true or not ….
    Maybe he’ll get a paki lawyer from Manchester who is looking for another high publicity case …


  31. Deborah says:

    I was thinking about all those waspie women who gave in their notice before checking when they could collect their pension. They are now probably poorer by the winter fuel allowance they will not be receiving. I hope the BBC produces several pieces highlighting the poverty these women now find themselves in due to this Labour government.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Deb, Ive always wondered where these waspie women were when the info for extended pension date was publicised. I clearly remember the publicity “push” in the mid to late 90s informing women who were born from 1951 of the changed retirement date. It struck a chord because i remember thinking i was lucky – being born in 1948.
      So though its tough for these ladies they really should have taken more notice of the news at the time, then they could have called Work & Pensions to get an indication of what they were due and act accordingly..


  32. vlad says:

    The BBC and the police say the stabbing in Southport is not thought to be terror-related. So, probably terror-related then.


  33. vlad says:



    • digg says:

      I have no words that would be acceptable on this site!

      What the hell do these sub-humans have to do to get bad publicity from the people who should be, and are paid and elected to prevent this?


    • G says:

      I agree, the murder and mayhem carried out by these primitives is not, “Terror-related”.

      It is surely, Religion related more accurately. You only have to understand the passages in “the religion of peace’s” handbook to see why they hate.


  34. vlad says:

    Laurence Fox seems to know – or thinks he knows – that the stabber was “diverse” and “undocumented” and on an MI6 watch list.
    Time will tell… maybe.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ali Al-Shakati -17- is the person named on twitter as the murderer – arrived Uk in a dinghy in 2023 …

      There will be many more killings …. Sink the boats

      The urgent question to pixie in the commons on Tuesday might make Mrs balls realise how short her career is going to be ….


      • digg says:

        Only 11 children after all, we have a lot more to spare, it must be balanced against the poor 20,000 we have given a new home to this year alone!


        • digg says:

          Somewhere some mothers are trying to explain to their injured children why a very “unhappy” man came into their school and knifed them……

          Don’t worry dears, we will make sure he gets the right medical and legal attention, we think he was rather unhappy and didn’t really mean to stick a knife into you so thoughts and prayers for his treatment!

          After all he only killed one of you so he can’t be all that bad!

          That’s about it!

          Perhaps “Sir” Kier Starmer could work out the defence for this poor suffering chap so that he doesn’t have to suffer more than necessary, I understand he is good at that and built a career on it!

          I wanted to add cunt Starmer but thought better of it.

          Oh dear, I did it anyway!


          • Fedup2 says:

            The fury on X really is something . I think it will increase when the children killed and injured are identified .
            Nothing will happen – this time . But the day will come when the general population translate words into action …. And if the British state is so dysfunctional that it cannot control our border – and deal with invader vermin – then ordinary people will .

            Gonna be a bloody future . 77 brigade to note …


            • kingkp says:

              Well, they knew this would happen and have ploughed on regardless. This is worse than simply malfeasance in office. This is treason and we know what the penalty for treason should be. At some point, the dozy millions out there are going to have to wake up and smell the coffee. The Politburo wants them and their children replaced or dead. They don’t care which.


              • G says:

                Recall, I have repeatedly asked Reform to name legislation that they would wish to repeal. For years, NO response to those requests.

                Repeal the Human Rights Act and reverse the Death Penalty for Treason. This act alone would disqualify the UK from the Euro Court of Human Rights. There, ‘job done’. Then we could get to work, properly.


          • digg says:

            Ditching the Rwanda plan on day one is really working out well for Dur Starmer!

            I have no words to describe my fury at his incompetence and showboating using innocent lives as chips in his sleazy self ingratiating game!

            He should go now if their was any justice, however the Labour Party don’t do justice do they?


  35. Zephir says:

    Not fit to be part of a civilised society and still they arrive

    and what do they do ? vilify and arrest the one person who calls this out


  36. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Jon Sopel, took 5-min off from bashing Trump to give Hugh Edwards a character reference.

    (Marky Mark) HA! HA! HA!



  37. digg says:

    Anyone else caught the drift of the Nationwide TV commercials. They have a main character who’s a Nigel Farage lookalike who is despised by all the other BAME staff and the latest version pokes vicious fun at older people in Golf clubs.

    It’s relentless lefty ridicule pantomime which the left have twisted into a fine art.

    The message is hate your father and grandfather and you will be doing our mission to convert society into an amorphous nasty self-centred yoof blob.

    I hope they crash and burn as they deserve it!

    What the hell do these companies expect to gain from this cow-towing to sneering biased twats?


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      I haven’t seen that one digg. But my viewing is limited to on-demand & Youtube.


    • tomo says:


      The ad agencies drive the corporate drones.

      Every time – the name of the agency should be front + centre.


  38. Lucy Pevensey says:



  39. Jeff says:

    Now…according to “sources”… the child killer in Stockport has been named as Ali-Al-Shakati (a nice traditional old English name) and was one of the many thousands of unchecked boat people that were ferried here last year. Well, blow me down…

    He’s also supposed to be on an MI6 watchlist, along with about 20,000 others.

    If this turns out to be true…and I think it will…then Nigel and co need to ask some extremely serious questions on Wednesday.

    This tragedy was so clearly going to happen, you didn’t need to be Mystic Meg to predict it…it was bloody obvious. Because of the incompetence and cowardice of our political elite two British children are dead. Their families will never recover.

    Meanwhile, our trusted police and our always reliable and honest mainstream media are refusing to name the suspect or to discuss the reasons for this utter carnage…other than to say, “It doesn’t seem to be terror related.”
    No, of course it’s not. The thought never crossed our mind.

    Utter b@ll@cks…


    • Fedup2 says:

      When they use the words ‘it’s not terrorist related ‘ what they are admitting is that it’s not Islamic terrorism – when in this case – they are telling lies – if attacking kids in a school and stabbing two ten year olds to death isn’t terror related – when committed by an Islamic third world vermin – then what is ?

      The msm is going to be on best behaviour with this one . Tuesday will have the ‘ all in it together ‘ stuff – the teddy bears – candles – flowers – messages – royalty turning up – United religious leaders – starmer and pixey – cops shedding tears – the whole circus ritual to distract from reality –

      Some event will be concocted to make people forget by Thursday …..

      And Repeat ….


      • JohnC says:

        ‘not terror related’ is a specially worded, devious way to avoid calling it what it is. Terrorism. Invented by the Left to try and cover up the consequences of their agenda and stop the indigenous population getting upset by the carnage they have caused.

        More often than not, the term means it means it was a Muslim motivated by Islam murdering innocent non-Muslims in the name of his God. It’s an act of terrorism by any civilised definition of the word. But the BBC refuse to use it.

        It means it wasn’t done by a global terrorist group like ISIS. That’s it. If the guy doesn’t have emails from them on his computer and is not carrying anything linked to them, it’s ‘not terror related’.

        But this only applies to Muslims. A white guy driving a van who swerves left to hit a queue of Muslims outside a Mosque is indeed a terror attack.

        Finsbury Park terror attack: ‘Dad was happy 24/7’

        The BBC even gave it the full ‘mournful piano music’ video treatment to remember it after 5 years:

        How many of the dozens of Muslim terrorist murders get remembered after 5 years ?. And this one is pure BBC picking the scab to make the story current again – not some event they are reporting on.

        It’s these outrageous double-standards rooted in anti-white racism at the BBC which make my blood boil. But not as much as the fact these scum are allowed to get away with using public money to do it.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      It’s being reported (unconfirmed) that he is “from” Wales. They always try to deflect responsibility
      with words like “Homegrown”

      Just think of him as a Welsh bloke, Ali-Rhys-Jones-Shakati.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      “It doesn’t seem to be terror related.”

      I wonder if the wet-police have tried that line on the parents who went to pick their children up from the stab-fest.

      If we have a home secretary with any balls those 20,000 on the terror watch list would be on a plane back to where they came from on Wednesday.


    • tomo says:

      MI6 will blame MI5 who will blame Home Office, who will blame Border Force and the Church of England will blame you.


      • G says:


        Steady on there !! Including the Home Office while they surreptitiously go about their business by legislating against any item that can be used in Self-defence. Surely not…………

        See where their detailed legislation on Knife Crime has got us.

        Time for a legal ‘Carry Permit’.


  40. Fedup2 says:

    Meanwhile a Kurd called Brwa Shorsh, 24 is on trial after throwing a complete stranger onto the Victoria line at Oxford Circus …. It doesn’t say if the turd – sorry Kurd -arrived in the UK by dinghy …
    If you don’t know the Vicky line now runs a train about every 2 minutes .. the victim was dragged off the line just in time ….
    Import the third world – get death …


  41. Doobster78 says:

    The whole world with access to the internet seems to know the name of the scum who killed those kiddies in Southport.

    There’s an awful lot of well established accounts stating he came over in a dingy in 2023 , placed in Cardiff and then found his way up North and was know to all the agencies you’d expect to know scum like that

    Just now on BBC , Judith Moritz stated he was born in Cardiff , clearly trying to make out it’s not an immigrant issue , bollocks Judith . BBC on the appeasement trail already.

    If it turns out he’s not Cardiff born and bread , questions should be asked of Judith .


    • Fedup2 says:

      Do you notice how the Left go quiet when one of their imports goes on a killing spree – ? In 12 hours time they’ll have some ‘hate crime ‘ to condemn because someone torched the killers ‘ home ( if it has one ) …
      I’m certain this will go down as a mental case – no charge – just ‘jog on ‘ as I understand is the street speak …


  42. digg says:

    I read that my winter fuel entitlement is scrapped, meanwhile junior doctors earning more per year than I have ever earned are to get a 25% salary hike……


    Labour…. Really?


    • G says:


      See my post above: but no restrictions for Pension Creditors as I understand it. So, bare your heart and disclose all your savings before being perhaps told that you don’t qualify.


  43. Deborah says:

    Twice today I have heard senior Tories (the last one was Sir Jake Berry on GBNews) that the Conservatives lost 60 seats to Liberals and 5 to Reform. Both then emphasised that elections are won from the centre. The could have equally looked at the number of votes of the Conservatives and Reform combined. They might come to a different conclusion.


  44. digg says:

    There is something very wrong and bad with some Muslims mixing with Western society and the sooner the powers that be in the West accept it and take measures to deal with it the better for everyone.

    Sweden led the carnage and Germany and France are not far behind. Now it’s the UK’s turn.

    Driven by uncontrolled immigration thanks to certain pressure groups.


  45. atlas_shrugged says:

    Looks like the UK is not the only country experiencing this stab-fest horror. Here is China [edit this was in 2023]:


    Der Stasi Starmer it is time to send the Royal Marines to stop the boats.


  46. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Grrrrrrr! 🤬

    And whose needs are being discussed in parliament?

    Laura Kyeke-Smith. Labour MP for Aylesbury.

    Wants measures put in place so that illegals who are granted asylum don’t end up homeless.


  47. dover68 says:

    Have seen & heard this a few times. Latest Muslim atrocity was in Southport, Merseyside, not Stockport.
    Sorry to be pedantic…


  48. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Does anyone know who this one is?



    • Terminal Moraine says:

      That’s Carla Denyer, co-leader of Green Party. Just won Bristol Central in the election.


  49. BRISSLES says:

    Ive heard that this “17 year old” who committed the stabbing atrocities, has a full beard – now he’s either 27 or a trans man (converted woman) on male hormones.


  50. JohnC says:

    Tommy Robinson leaves UK on eve of court case

    ‘A senior judge has issued an arrest warrant for far-right campaigner Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – better known by his alias Tommy Robinson – after learning he has left the country on the eve of a major legal case against him.’

    Oh my God. Tommy has become a fugitive!.

    It’s even worse:
    ‘Yaxley-Lennon left the UK by a Eurotunnel train on Sunday night, despite having been arrested by Kent Police under counter-terrorism powers.’

    ‘Despite’ BBC ?. What has that politically motivated arrest got to do with it ?. The fact you don’t elaborate further to explain why shows that sentence for what it is : simple smearing.

    The BBC have made a HUGE story out of this. Is there a manhunt with Interpol underway ?.

    ‘Mr Justice Johnson has ordered the warrant not to be carried out “until early October” to give Yaxley-Lennon time to confirm he would attend the next hearing voluntarily.’

    So it’s a non-story then. Just the Judge trying to make sure he does turn up at some point.

    What a truly terrible piece of politically biased journalism from the BBC which makes their hatred of him crystal clear.

    And a quick search of ‘Tommy Robinson leaves UK on eve of court case’ shows it appeared on dozens of websites simultaneously. The BBC’s TNI in action again.

    The BBC are out of control now. Shame on you OFCOM.