“Anjem Choudary is jailed for life: Islamic hate preacher who ran terror cell Al-Muhajiroun and inspired attacks including London Bridge and Fishmongers’ Hall atrocities is locked up for at least 28 years ”
No bloody bbc fact checker for this, eh ? funny that.
So let’s have a look ourselves:
“Claim: The Conservatives made promises even though they knew they didn’t have enough money
REALITY: The single biggest ‘unfunded spending commitment’ supposedly identified by Rachel Reeves was £9.4 bn-worth of above-inflation pay rises for teachers and other public sector workers.
Rishi Sunak’s government made irresponsible commitments to spend money on roads, railways and hospitals. Now those spending promises must be cut back
Reality: Reeves says that the Tories have overspent this year by £1.6 bn on the railways, by £250 m on buses and have failed properly to fund the 40 new hospitals they have promised. Projects to re-open old rail lines will be chopped back and road schemes – including the A303 Stonehenge tunnel and the A27 Arundel bypass in West Sussex – will be cancelled.
Yet a few months ago, Reeves was blasting the Tories for not spending enough on infrastructure.
‘If we want to spur investment, restore economic security and revive growth, then we must get Britain building again,’ she told the Labour Party conference. ‘The single biggest obstacle to building infrastructure, to investment and growth … is the Conservative Party itself.’
“Reeves failed to mention the biggest single reason why government borrowing has been so high in recent years: the worst pandemic in a century, requiring many billions to be pumped into the furlough scheme and other measures to save people from losing their jobs.
Labour supported such spending at the time. Now Reeves wants us to forget about Covid and blame every-thing on Tory mismanagement.”
I wonder if there is a link between the sentencing of the evil Andrem Choudary and the Islamic terrorist attacks currently going on ……. – he got 28 years minimum . I’d have hanged him .
28 years.
Serving 40% of the sentence means just over 11 years.
You think it will not happen?
Wait and see.
On the other hand, any sentence Tommy Robinson (also known as etc.) will be fully served unless they get their wish and he is murdered in prison.
*A must watch is his film ‘Silenced’
See it while you still can before our ‘rulers’ have it removed.
It’s too full of truths for the public be allowed to see it.
“Children radicalised in mosques, 11-year-olds with knives, surging crime rates… The damning verdict of German child refugee charity that says ‘Integration has FAILED. We must STOP admitting asylum seekers’
Staff say the ‘system is not working’ and politicians must act before it is too late”
MPs facing threats to their safety will get extra security, as part of a £31m package to help protect the UK’s democratic processes from disruption, the government has announced. Measures could include the provision of bodyguards for MPs most at risk.28 Feb 2024
£31m package announced to counter threat to MPs’ security
3000 enrichers popped across since Starmer became PM.
Just think how many would have came over if Starmer had not ‘cracked down’ and ‘smashed’ these gangs like he said he would to get the ‘floaters’ numbers down.
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 10 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Let’s hear it the the BBCs Danny sandford – a proper far lefty – he has gone on the airways and described the slaughter in
Dunblane as a ‘mass stabbing ‘ . Ok it was 1996- but dunblane was so…. Horrible .. that even that dolt should know it was an evil man with a pistol …
But the evil man in dunblane shares the evil of that Somali kid ..
At least the killer ( no name ) offed himself to hell afterward …
Danny sandford on wiki
STARTS Sandford was born in 1965-66[1] in Oxford. His family moved to Ethiopia when he was 3 and he received his primary education there at the English School, which had been founded by his grandmother some 20 years earlier.[2] The family returned to the UK after the 1974 Ethiopian revolution and he received his secondary education at Magdalen College School, an independent school for boys in Oxford, and sang as a chorister in the choir of Magdalen College, Oxford.[3] He studied physics and electronics at the University of Southampton, graduating in 1988.[4]
More third rate output from Southampton – Jon Sopel:
“He was educated at Christ’s College, Finchley before graduating with a 2:1 honours degree in politics from University of Southampton.[3] Sopel was the president of the Students’ Union, for the National Organisation of Labour Students during 1982 and 1983.[4]”
Fick ange has told councils to build 1.5 million ‘homes ‘.. why ? The population is falling isn’t it ? Women are not having babies ( apart from third world imports ) – so why the need for so many new homes …
And imagine a council that doesn’t want imported vermin in their area – they are going to delay and delay until the red regime is gone in 5 years – not much will actually get built … but the invasion will carry on ….
genocide – the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
“I really want you to focus on the fact that there are children today alive because of what you did yesterday. That is incredible.”
I’d like to add a few words –
“I really want you to focus on the fact that there are children today dead because of what you and your kind have been allowing at our borders for years. That is incredible.”
Still, a few candles will put everything right.
My worry is that when it kicks off, and it will, the pa4is will have all their armaments stored in the local mosques and will launch an attack against an ill-prepared British population. And what have we got to repel them? It’s a serious question. The people of this country need their population to be prepared, and armed to the teeth. Don’t look to the police or the armed services to help you. I wish I had the answer, but like so many others, all I can do is look on with dread.
I don’t know about the army but the police have already chosen their side and it’s not us. Makes me laugh when they expect us to ‘help them with their enquiries’ when we are the enemy to them. I would no longer piss on one if s/he was on fire, something that’s becoming increasingly likely.
If I recall correctly, the BBC were recently trying to ‘big up’ the Labour Government by stating the pound Sterling was at its strongest for several weeks against the US dollar. Unfortunately the pound Sterling has fallen against the three currencies quoted on the Morningstar (the Morning Star?!!! page) on the BBC website, the US dollar, the Euro and the Yen. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/market-data The pound Sterling has collapsed against the Japanese Yen (a Japanese economy in the doldrums!) as it was well over 206 Yen but is now a shade over 197 Yen. What does that tell you BBC about the Labour Government?
‘The wealthy will be supported by Labour. The vulnerable will not’
Campaigners accuse Chancellor Rachael Reeves of prolonging the era of austerity after heralding in a new raft of cuts
Ms Reeves also announced a 5.5 per cent pay deal for teachers.
National Education Union (NEU) general secretary Daniel Kebede welcomed it as a “necessary first step” in the reversal of the real-terms pay cuts of the last decade, but said there is “still some way to go.”
MM, have Labour blundered in relation to the cutting of Winter Fuel Payments to pensioners? Judging by the way all animals, especially the avian ones, are going at my bird feeder in summer (!) I am wondering whether they know something about Global Warming and Climate Change that we humans, especially those at the BBC (yes, Rowlatt I’m thinking of you!) and that we are going to get some very cold winters in future.
I wonder how long it will take for the BBC to run articles about pensioners freezing to death because they could not afford to pay winter fuel bills thanks to a Labour Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, stopping their Winter Fuel payment. Labour Government has already made ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ worse.
The really big question: is it a General Election loser?
Do you seriously imagine that the MSM would tell you about deaths of pensioners? Even if it was millions of them? They’d be so happy about the freeing up of properties for the invaders. I’m not really cynical, honest.
“Influencer went to the West Bank to see if Palestinians support Hamas – he almost didn’t make it out alive.
‘I’ve never had anything like this happen in my entire career,’ Zach Sage Fox says.
Comedian and social media influencer Zach Sage Fox traveled to the West Bank to see if Palestinian people truly support the Hamas terror group. He almost didn’t make it out alive.
Fox, who went viral earlier this year when his “Gaza Graduation” video featured anti-Israel protesters in New York City struggling to correctly answer basic questions about the Israel-Hamas war, has been on a crusade to educate his followers since the terror attacks of October 7. He recently brought his popular man-on-the-street style interviews to the West Bank, a contentious territory that Palestinians hope to establish as an independent state along with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
Fox, a “loud and proud” Jewish American, was in Israel to create content when a member of his production team offered him the opportunity to enter the West Bank alongside a Muslim producer and cameraman. Fox knew it could be a dangerous project but was interested because American journalists are rarely able to secure unfettered access to Palestinians.
“Israelis are literally not allowed into Palestine; they’re not allowed into the West Bank. However, I’m not Israeli, I’m an American Jew, and it doesn’t say ‘Jew’ on my passport. So, I was told, ‘As long as you don’t say you’re Jewish, you know, they’re not going to kill you on the spot,’” Fox told Fox News Digital.
“I really looked in the mirror that night and I said, ‘I think I could pass for Italian,’” Fox continued. “I’m going to take the risk.”
To get ready for the daring trip, Fox removed his signature flair, such as jewelry and nail polish, and wore the most “masculine” outfit he had. He didn’t tell most of his friends and family back in America about his plans, explaining that they would likely have talked him out of it.
During the journey, Fox told anyone who asked he was an Italian American and was able to cross the border into the West Bank without issue, which he felt was “kind of shocking.”
Fox began his time in the West Bank with a prearranged interview with a man who was described to him by his Muslim producer as a “very smart and civil,” “somewhat moderate” thinker who holds a Master’s degree and speaks good English. They sat down at a coffee shop in Ramallah, the Palestinian “capital” located near Jerusalem.
The man denied that “innocent Israelis” were killed during the attacks of October 7, expressed support for Hamas and suggested rape never occurred during the barbaric attacks.
“I realized quickly, if this is someone being presented to me as one of the more educated people, I might be in for a real shock,” Fox said.
Then he hit the streets to find locals and recorded a series of spontaneous interviews while walking around Ramallah. But Fox said “things got very contentious very quick” once he hit the streets.
“It was like one after another, massive love and support for Hamas,” Fox said.
“I was specifically looking for younger people thinking, OK, someone here is not going to support Hamas. And they all do,” he continued. “It really ranged from sympathy to actual love and admiration for Hamas…. I thought I would find at least some people who were not diehard Hamas supporters, and I couldn’t find one.”
Fox found several people walking West Bank streets who were quick to express support for the Hamas terror group and declared Israeli hostages should not be released. He said things grew particularly dicey when he tried to interview a woman whose hair was fully covered.
“This Palestinian man comes up, and he starts screaming in Arabic, and my translator and producer tells me he’s very upset,” Fox said.
Fox recalled the man yelling “something about modesty,” and that females shouldn’t speak for all Palestinians. Fox attempted to ignore the man, but he only grew more agitated and started calling additional Palestinian men for support.
“They start screaming in Arabic, and I’m still just trying to be professional and go on and interview people. Eventually, my producer tells me he’s threatening to hurt us if we don’t delete the footage. I’ve never had anything like this happen in my entire career… never, no one threatened violence,” Fox said.
“Then that violence turned into death threats very quickly,” Fox added, noting that he initially pushed back and refused to delete the footage. “The Arabic started getting louder, more men started coming.”
Fox said he’s probably “crazy,” and wanted to continue to stand his ground, but pivoted when his Muslim cameraman said he was terrified for his life.
“Eventually I cave because my cameraman tells me they’re threatening to kill us… we deleted a bunch of the footage in front of him,” he said.
“Then my producer and my cameraman grab my arm, we run to the car, and it was a pretty eye-opening experience,” he continued. “We really bolted out of Palestine… luckily they didn’t chase us to the car.”
Fox enlisted a team of IT specialists who were able to recover some of the footage, and every interview that was salvaged made the viral “Wild West Bank” video. He lost some valuable footage but said he’s “happy to be out of there alive” and is thrilled he recovered enough footage to make an impact.
“Wild West Bank” has been viewed over 4.7 million times on X alone.
Fox noted that many Jewish people don’t refer to the West Bank as “Palestine,” but he decided to use that moniker in his video and subsequent conversations about it for “kumbaya purposes.”
“Obviously there’s a land that Palestinians are living in, and the dream would be that there’s a two-state solution, at least for me. However, once I got there, I realized that dream seems further than ever,” Fox said.
Last month, the Department of State urged Americans to avoid the West Bank because of “terrorism and civil unrest.”
“Southport stabbings: Keir Starmer heckled as furious local asks ‘how many more children?’
More than one person shouted: “How many more Starmer? When are you going to do something?”
A Hamas supporter (or Palestine supporter, same thing) deliberately walks into and through the patriots rally WITH POLICE ESCORT in order to provoke a reaction. When he gets it, the police are very quick and very heavy handed, with media conveniently there to record the arrests.
The whole thing looks like a set-up.
Bad policing or collusion? I would say both.
So, gradually the truth is getting out: first we were told he was born in Cardiff – a proper Taffy, then? Well, not exactly: now we learn his family came from Africa.
Liberals probably think that makes it better. Actually it makes it worse: it shows that diversity and assimilation aren’t working, when even second and third generations continue to behave like savages.
Can someone please make it stop ! I’m referring to all the outside reporters asking puerile questions of anyone they can get in front of their mic in Stockport.
It’s all about “the community coming together …..” like they’re reading from a well rehearsed script. Then they ask someone – anyone how they’re feeling. Ffs, what else can they say but “shock”, but on these reporters gaily go, what are your thoughts, what did you feel, how are the community feeling. Its embarrassing to listen to.
I’m sick of all the politicians and various others like police, fire and ambulance chiefs being shown on tv all of them coming out with the same things.
Our hearts go out etc.
I’d like to thank etc.
All of them repeating the same speech, virtue signalling to show how much they care yet saying nothing of substance.
I don’t believe any of them. They show a sad face and speak in low tones to show how much they are affected.
They are the ones who caused this and they are the ones who could stop this but they don’t want to.
‘I don’t believe any of them. They show a sad face and speak in low tones to show how much they are affected.’
The idea of believing a politician is likely to result in hysterical laughter.
” News – 26 July 2024 14:46
Met sets out policing operation ahead of protests and other events.
There will be a visible policing presence in central London on Saturday with a number of events, including protests, due to take place.
Around 1,000 officers will be on duty supporting the policing operation with the majority of resources directed at the following three events:
Conditions have been imposed under the Public Order Act on the two protest marches with the aim of preventing serious disruption. They are detailed at the bottom of this page.
“Our first priority is to keep the peace to ensure that those exercising their right to lawful protest can do so safely. We have proactively used our powers under the Public Order Act to manage the timings and routes of marches and assemblies, ensuring that the groups are kept apart. Officers will intervene decisively to deal with any breaches of those conditions, prevent crime, and to respond to any other incidents.
“Everyone has a right to feel safe and be safe in London. Those who abuse the right to protest in an effort to unlawfully intimidate others or to use hate speech can expect to face police action.
Participants in the protest organised by Stand Up To Racism must not commence their procession until 1.30pm or until otherwise directed to by a police officer.
Anyone participating in the protest must not deviate from the route shown in the map below.
Anyone participating in the subsequent assembly in Whitehall must remain in the area shown on the map below. It must finish by 4pm
Apparently – according to Mrs balls and mr cleverly – 2 politicians who garner enormous …. Respect ? We shouldn’t engage in online speculation about the murder of three small girls and the wounding of many others ….
We shouldn’t name the killer – in fact we’ve got the name of the unnamed killer wrong ( maybe he really is a ‘Mohammed “) and we are now told he was born in bongo bongo land – and not Cardiff – as plod lied the first time …
I wonder if balls and starmer were invited to go to the scene ? To see and smell the blood drying in a class room ….
But at least someone had the decency to heckle starmer as he did his theatrics at a shrine …
The political class have created a country where we are speculating each week about some third world killer who plod won’t name ….. Red labour will probably ‘clamp down ‘on the likes of us as the carnage repeats …
BTW – re carnage – the chap stabbed at Seven Sisters tube a couple of days ago died …. A foreigner has been charged with murder … I wonder if balls and starmer are going to take flowers to that murder scene …. ?
Why would they? Until these bastards get to suffer the same odds of being stabbed, blown up, mutilated as little girls do, they will do nothing. Stop the protection they demand or give the same to all of us. Even better, rid the land of the people that hate us, bleed us dry, and use our 5th columnists against us. Yes BBC, I’m talking about you and your left wing friends.
The latest name on X is Axel Muganwa Redakubana…. There’s a bit more detail about him now – although the source of the identification is known. If he is 17 and is charged – his name will be made public when he hits 18….
This secrecy is so out of date and long before the internet …
Mail says innocent huw has split from his TV producer wife and moved out – presumably he has moved in with his mate Sopel who is so eager to describe Huw as ‘innocent ‘ just like jimmy Saville /
And be sure that Huw will return the tax payers pay rise he got for doing nothing lest year …
Forgotten your blouse Rachel? Or are you trying to ‘do a Kuenssberg’?
Another new name at the BBC Mitchell Labiak; the BBC do spend Licence Fee taxpayers’ money like water. Cancel your Licence now! There are similarities with this new Labour Government, spending money like water and making 10 million pensioners suffer the cold next winter. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx02zdd92zdo
Back to the BBC. Since 2023, the BBC apparently has recruited Mitchell Labiak, Sean Farrington and Felicity Hannah to report on business. The Business Editor, Simon Jack hardly shows his face at BH or on the web-site although sometimes co-presents the TOADY Programme. Jack is not as hard-working as Robert Peston was when he was at the BBC. Then there’s Faisal Islam another often absent member of the BBC’s staff. The DG could get rid of a lot of these wasters, including Lineker, which would help to balance the BBC’s budget.
I’ve put a new thread up . You know that lie about ‘the community coming together in Southport ‘ ? Well the state will have to change the script because a fair number of the population have decided to express their anger on the street …
As I write it seems plod is defending the local mosque … perhaps the locals know something we can only guess at ….
Thanks for all the comments – in a way it’s really sad that there are so many . Rest in peace kids ….. ➕
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Some good news.
“Anjem Choudary is jailed for life: Islamic hate preacher who ran terror cell Al-Muhajiroun and inspired attacks including London Bridge and Fishmongers’ Hall atrocities is locked up for at least 28 years ”
> is locked up for at least 28 years
Which will cost the UK maybe £28M. Could Rwanda or China do it for cheaper?
Prisons full – house arrest with free wifi and 8 wives on benefits!
And, at long last, another one who’s got away with far too much
“Judge issues arrest warrant for Katie Price as she fails to attend court for bankruptcy hearing – ‘after flying to Turkey for more surgery’
No bloody bbc fact checker for this, eh ? funny that.
So let’s have a look ourselves:
“Claim: The Conservatives made promises even though they knew they didn’t have enough money
REALITY: The single biggest ‘unfunded spending commitment’ supposedly identified by Rachel Reeves was £9.4 bn-worth of above-inflation pay rises for teachers and other public sector workers.
Rishi Sunak’s government made irresponsible commitments to spend money on roads, railways and hospitals. Now those spending promises must be cut back
Reality: Reeves says that the Tories have overspent this year by £1.6 bn on the railways, by £250 m on buses and have failed properly to fund the 40 new hospitals they have promised. Projects to re-open old rail lines will be chopped back and road schemes – including the A303 Stonehenge tunnel and the A27 Arundel bypass in West Sussex – will be cancelled.
Yet a few months ago, Reeves was blasting the Tories for not spending enough on infrastructure.
‘If we want to spur investment, restore economic security and revive growth, then we must get Britain building again,’ she told the Labour Party conference. ‘The single biggest obstacle to building infrastructure, to investment and growth … is the Conservative Party itself.’
“Reeves failed to mention the biggest single reason why government borrowing has been so high in recent years: the worst pandemic in a century, requiring many billions to be pumped into the furlough scheme and other measures to save people from losing their jobs.
Labour supported such spending at the time. Now Reeves wants us to forget about Covid and blame every-thing on Tory mismanagement.”
I wonder if there is a link between the sentencing of the evil Andrem Choudary and the Islamic terrorist attacks currently going on ……. – he got 28 years minimum . I’d have hanged him .
28 years.
Serving 40% of the sentence means just over 11 years.
You think it will not happen?
Wait and see.
On the other hand, any sentence Tommy Robinson (also known as etc.) will be fully served unless they get their wish and he is murdered in prison.
*A must watch is his film ‘Silenced’
See it while you still can before our ‘rulers’ have it removed.
It’s too full of truths for the public be allowed to see it.
28 years is the minimum tariff on a life sentence. Thus he really must serve at least 28 years. Good news on a day which is otherwise bleak.
They’ll find a way.
My worry is about the empty heads he will radicalise inside.
I have it backed up in 3 different places just in case. Everyone who can should save copies of certain things.
“Children radicalised in mosques, 11-year-olds with knives, surging crime rates… The damning verdict of German child refugee charity that says ‘Integration has FAILED. We must STOP admitting asylum seekers’
Staff say the ‘system is not working’ and politicians must act before it is too late”
“The 32-year-old added: ‘The politicians talk and talk and turn a blind eye to the problems. It will escalate and there will be a big bang.'”
MPs facing threats to their safety will get extra security, as part of a £31m package to help protect the UK’s democratic processes from disruption, the government has announced. Measures could include the provision of bodyguards for MPs most at risk.28 Feb 2024
£31m package announced to counter threat to MPs’ security
“Staff say the ‘system is not working’ and politicians must act before it is too late””
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’
3000 enrichers popped across since Starmer became PM.
Just think how many would have came over if Starmer had not ‘cracked down’ and ‘smashed’ these gangs like he said he would to get the ‘floaters’ numbers down.
£91,000 wage and £250k “expenses” plus a £3400 heating allowance and yet ….
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 10 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Let’s hear it the the BBCs Danny sandford – a proper far lefty – he has gone on the airways and described the slaughter in
Dunblane as a ‘mass stabbing ‘ . Ok it was 1996- but dunblane was so…. Horrible .. that even that dolt should know it was an evil man with a pistol …
But the evil man in dunblane shares the evil of that Somali kid ..
At least the killer ( no name ) offed himself to hell afterward …
Danny sandford on wiki
STARTS Sandford was born in 1965-66[1] in Oxford. His family moved to Ethiopia when he was 3 and he received his primary education there at the English School, which had been founded by his grandmother some 20 years earlier.[2] The family returned to the UK after the 1974 Ethiopian revolution and he received his secondary education at Magdalen College School, an independent school for boys in Oxford, and sang as a chorister in the choir of Magdalen College, Oxford.[3] He studied physics and electronics at the University of Southampton, graduating in 1988.[4]
Driving through Dunblane last week I had dark thoughts about the 100 year records thing…..
It’s something they never talk about. I wonder what Lord Roberts thinks about it? No-one ever asks him.
RiC, why Lord Roberts? He is long dead.
More third rate output from Southampton – Jon Sopel:
“He was educated at Christ’s College, Finchley before graduating with a 2:1 honours degree in politics from University of Southampton.[3] Sopel was the president of the Students’ Union, for the National Organisation of Labour Students during 1982 and 1983.[4]”
Fick ange has told councils to build 1.5 million ‘homes ‘.. why ? The population is falling isn’t it ? Women are not having babies ( apart from third world imports ) – so why the need for so many new homes …
And imagine a council that doesn’t want imported vermin in their area – they are going to delay and delay until the red regime is gone in 5 years – not much will actually get built … but the invasion will carry on ….
In 2022, 30.3% of all live births in England and Wales were to non-UK-born women, up from 28.8% of all live births in 2021.17 Aug 2023
So if it all kicks off in Venezuela – how is president Biden gonna decide what to do ? After all – the government are far left ‘friends ‘…
“Stop The Boats” !
Parliament is in need of reform .
Next time, Vote for Reform…….. https://www.reformparty.uk
Holy crap….
Women on top – breaking glass ceilings – basket of deplorables.
While ghouls prowled the streets feasting on the dead, an army of Goths waited for their kinsmen to open the gates. The 410 Sack of Rome soon began.
Lord it’s white kamela
(c) I’ve never seen so many white women says Channel 4’s John Snow
genocide – the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Starmer has visited Southport, saying –
“I really want you to focus on the fact that there are children today alive because of what you did yesterday. That is incredible.”
I’d like to add a few words –
“I really want you to focus on the fact that there are children today dead because of what you and your kind have been allowing at our borders for years. That is incredible.”
Still, a few candles will put everything right.
My worry is that when it kicks off, and it will, the pa4is will have all their armaments stored in the local mosques and will launch an attack against an ill-prepared British population. And what have we got to repel them? It’s a serious question. The people of this country need their population to be prepared, and armed to the teeth. Don’t look to the police or the armed services to help you. I wish I had the answer, but like so many others, all I can do is look on with dread.
A confrontation between two groups of people at a Derbyshire beauty spot is being investigated by police.
Mobile phone footage shows sticks being waved and punches thrown at the stepping stones in Dovedale.
I don’t know about the army but the police have already chosen their side and it’s not us. Makes me laugh when they expect us to ‘help them with their enquiries’ when we are the enemy to them. I would no longer piss on one if s/he was on fire, something that’s becoming increasingly likely.
If I recall correctly, the BBC were recently trying to ‘big up’ the Labour Government by stating the pound Sterling was at its strongest for several weeks against the US dollar. Unfortunately the pound Sterling has fallen against the three currencies quoted on the Morningstar (the Morning Star?!!! page) on the BBC website, the US dollar, the Euro and the Yen. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/market-data The pound Sterling has collapsed against the Japanese Yen (a Japanese economy in the doldrums!) as it was well over 206 Yen but is now a shade over 197 Yen. What does that tell you BBC about the Labour Government?
‘The wealthy will be supported by Labour. The vulnerable will not’
Campaigners accuse Chancellor Rachael Reeves of prolonging the era of austerity after heralding in a new raft of cuts
Ms Reeves also announced a 5.5 per cent pay deal for teachers.
National Education Union (NEU) general secretary Daniel Kebede welcomed it as a “necessary first step” in the reversal of the real-terms pay cuts of the last decade, but said there is “still some way to go.”
MM, have Labour blundered in relation to the cutting of Winter Fuel Payments to pensioners? Judging by the way all animals, especially the avian ones, are going at my bird feeder in summer (!) I am wondering whether they know something about Global Warming and Climate Change that we humans, especially those at the BBC (yes, Rowlatt I’m thinking of you!) and that we are going to get some very cold winters in future.
I wonder how long it will take for the BBC to run articles about pensioners freezing to death because they could not afford to pay winter fuel bills thanks to a Labour Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, stopping their Winter Fuel payment. Labour Government has already made ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ worse.
The really big question: is it a General Election loser?
Do you seriously imagine that the MSM would tell you about deaths of pensioners? Even if it was millions of them? They’d be so happy about the freeing up of properties for the invaders. I’m not really cynical, honest.
A visit to the zoo (and they’re over here too) :
“Influencer went to the West Bank to see if Palestinians support Hamas – he almost didn’t make it out alive.
‘I’ve never had anything like this happen in my entire career,’ Zach Sage Fox says.
Comedian and social media influencer Zach Sage Fox traveled to the West Bank to see if Palestinian people truly support the Hamas terror group. He almost didn’t make it out alive.
Fox, who went viral earlier this year when his “Gaza Graduation” video featured anti-Israel protesters in New York City struggling to correctly answer basic questions about the Israel-Hamas war, has been on a crusade to educate his followers since the terror attacks of October 7. He recently brought his popular man-on-the-street style interviews to the West Bank, a contentious territory that Palestinians hope to establish as an independent state along with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
Fox, a “loud and proud” Jewish American, was in Israel to create content when a member of his production team offered him the opportunity to enter the West Bank alongside a Muslim producer and cameraman. Fox knew it could be a dangerous project but was interested because American journalists are rarely able to secure unfettered access to Palestinians.
“Israelis are literally not allowed into Palestine; they’re not allowed into the West Bank. However, I’m not Israeli, I’m an American Jew, and it doesn’t say ‘Jew’ on my passport. So, I was told, ‘As long as you don’t say you’re Jewish, you know, they’re not going to kill you on the spot,’” Fox told Fox News Digital.
“I really looked in the mirror that night and I said, ‘I think I could pass for Italian,’” Fox continued. “I’m going to take the risk.”
To get ready for the daring trip, Fox removed his signature flair, such as jewelry and nail polish, and wore the most “masculine” outfit he had. He didn’t tell most of his friends and family back in America about his plans, explaining that they would likely have talked him out of it.
During the journey, Fox told anyone who asked he was an Italian American and was able to cross the border into the West Bank without issue, which he felt was “kind of shocking.”
Fox began his time in the West Bank with a prearranged interview with a man who was described to him by his Muslim producer as a “very smart and civil,” “somewhat moderate” thinker who holds a Master’s degree and speaks good English. They sat down at a coffee shop in Ramallah, the Palestinian “capital” located near Jerusalem.
The man denied that “innocent Israelis” were killed during the attacks of October 7, expressed support for Hamas and suggested rape never occurred during the barbaric attacks.
“I realized quickly, if this is someone being presented to me as one of the more educated people, I might be in for a real shock,” Fox said.
Then he hit the streets to find locals and recorded a series of spontaneous interviews while walking around Ramallah. But Fox said “things got very contentious very quick” once he hit the streets.
“It was like one after another, massive love and support for Hamas,” Fox said.
“I was specifically looking for younger people thinking, OK, someone here is not going to support Hamas. And they all do,” he continued. “It really ranged from sympathy to actual love and admiration for Hamas…. I thought I would find at least some people who were not diehard Hamas supporters, and I couldn’t find one.”
Fox found several people walking West Bank streets who were quick to express support for the Hamas terror group and declared Israeli hostages should not be released. He said things grew particularly dicey when he tried to interview a woman whose hair was fully covered.
“This Palestinian man comes up, and he starts screaming in Arabic, and my translator and producer tells me he’s very upset,” Fox said.
Fox recalled the man yelling “something about modesty,” and that females shouldn’t speak for all Palestinians. Fox attempted to ignore the man, but he only grew more agitated and started calling additional Palestinian men for support.
“They start screaming in Arabic, and I’m still just trying to be professional and go on and interview people. Eventually, my producer tells me he’s threatening to hurt us if we don’t delete the footage. I’ve never had anything like this happen in my entire career… never, no one threatened violence,” Fox said.
“Then that violence turned into death threats very quickly,” Fox added, noting that he initially pushed back and refused to delete the footage. “The Arabic started getting louder, more men started coming.”
Fox said he’s probably “crazy,” and wanted to continue to stand his ground, but pivoted when his Muslim cameraman said he was terrified for his life.
“Eventually I cave because my cameraman tells me they’re threatening to kill us… we deleted a bunch of the footage in front of him,” he said.
“Then my producer and my cameraman grab my arm, we run to the car, and it was a pretty eye-opening experience,” he continued. “We really bolted out of Palestine… luckily they didn’t chase us to the car.”
Fox enlisted a team of IT specialists who were able to recover some of the footage, and every interview that was salvaged made the viral “Wild West Bank” video. He lost some valuable footage but said he’s “happy to be out of there alive” and is thrilled he recovered enough footage to make an impact.
“Wild West Bank” has been viewed over 4.7 million times on X alone.
Fox noted that many Jewish people don’t refer to the West Bank as “Palestine,” but he decided to use that moniker in his video and subsequent conversations about it for “kumbaya purposes.”
“Obviously there’s a land that Palestinians are living in, and the dream would be that there’s a two-state solution, at least for me. However, once I got there, I realized that dream seems further than ever,” Fox said.
Last month, the Department of State urged Americans to avoid the West Bank because of “terrorism and civil unrest.”
Zephir, is ” a “loud and proud” Jewish American a euphemism?
Hopefully the fight back has started:
“Southport stabbings: Keir Starmer heckled as furious local asks ‘how many more children?’
More than one person shouted: “How many more Starmer? When are you going to do something?”
Arrogant ex BBC socialists addressing the plebs.
Cringing but pretty standard now.
Yes, when one of their own is into child porn it’s a “nuance”.
“Everyone has inappropriate relations.”..sickening the lengths they go is it not.
Jut imagine if it was Farage, Robinson etc etc.
A Hamas supporter (or Palestine supporter, same thing) deliberately walks into and through the patriots rally WITH POLICE ESCORT in order to provoke a reaction. When he gets it, the police are very quick and very heavy handed, with media conveniently there to record the arrests.
The whole thing looks like a set-up.
Bad policing or collusion? I would say both.
BBC 6 pm news reports the parents of the alleged murderer in Southport moved over from Rwanda.
Hearing the BBC state this, it sounded like it was on a legal par with Europeans moving here as part of EU rules.
It wasn’t. We let them in. No doubt the government of the day and Home Office made their passage as easy as possible.
The result is now revealed.
So, gradually the truth is getting out: first we were told he was born in Cardiff – a proper Taffy, then? Well, not exactly: now we learn his family came from Africa.
Liberals probably think that makes it better. Actually it makes it worse: it shows that diversity and assimilation aren’t working, when even second and third generations continue to behave like savages.
vlad, did I see here that the young lad shouted “Allahu Akbar” before knifing his first child victim. Is that correct? Had he converted to Islam?
I haven’t seen confirmation of that anywhere, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
Can someone please make it stop ! I’m referring to all the outside reporters asking puerile questions of anyone they can get in front of their mic in Stockport.
It’s all about “the community coming together …..” like they’re reading from a well rehearsed script. Then they ask someone – anyone how they’re feeling. Ffs, what else can they say but “shock”, but on these reporters gaily go, what are your thoughts, what did you feel, how are the community feeling. Its embarrassing to listen to.
The one thing they’re not asking is: can you describe the stabber?
MSM will milk the grief for another day and then go find another ‘scene ‘ … repeat …
I’m sick of all the politicians and various others like police, fire and ambulance chiefs being shown on tv all of them coming out with the same things.
Our hearts go out etc.
I’d like to thank etc.
All of them repeating the same speech, virtue signalling to show how much they care yet saying nothing of substance.
I don’t believe any of them. They show a sad face and speak in low tones to show how much they are affected.
They are the ones who caused this and they are the ones who could stop this but they don’t want to.
You can almost hear their inner voice of these politicians saying: “I am being paid to do this.”
Faux-grief, faux-action
rinse and repeat …
Stop the boats you effing morons. 20,000 on terrorist watch list to get instantly deported on a ‘night of the long-flights’.
‘I don’t believe any of them. They show a sad face and speak in low tones to show how much they are affected.’
The idea of believing a politician is likely to result in hysterical laughter.
RE Vlad: (police lies)
” News – 26 July 2024 14:46
Met sets out policing operation ahead of protests and other events.
There will be a visible policing presence in central London on Saturday with a number of events, including protests, due to take place.
Around 1,000 officers will be on duty supporting the policing operation with the majority of resources directed at the following three events:
Conditions have been imposed under the Public Order Act on the two protest marches with the aim of preventing serious disruption. They are detailed at the bottom of this page.
“Our first priority is to keep the peace to ensure that those exercising their right to lawful protest can do so safely. We have proactively used our powers under the Public Order Act to manage the timings and routes of marches and assemblies, ensuring that the groups are kept apart. Officers will intervene decisively to deal with any breaches of those conditions, prevent crime, and to respond to any other incidents.
“Everyone has a right to feel safe and be safe in London. Those who abuse the right to protest in an effort to unlawfully intimidate others or to use hate speech can expect to face police action.
Participants in the protest organised by Stand Up To Racism must not commence their procession until 1.30pm or until otherwise directed to by a police officer.
Anyone participating in the protest must not deviate from the route shown in the map below.
Anyone participating in the subsequent assembly in Whitehall must remain in the area shown on the map below. It must finish by 4pm
“ensuring that the groups are kept apart”: BS
“Anyone participating in the protest must not deviate from the route”: BS
We have video proof (above).
Pariahs of the civilised world, wherever they go whatever they do:
“Shocking moment pro-Palestine yobs scream ‘Heil Hitler’ and make Nazi salutes during Israel’s Olympic football match”
“Moment Turkey’s President Erdogan SLAPS a child on the face for not kissing his hand when he held it out on stage”
Apparently – according to Mrs balls and mr cleverly – 2 politicians who garner enormous …. Respect ? We shouldn’t engage in online speculation about the murder of three small girls and the wounding of many others ….
We shouldn’t name the killer – in fact we’ve got the name of the unnamed killer wrong ( maybe he really is a ‘Mohammed “) and we are now told he was born in bongo bongo land – and not Cardiff – as plod lied the first time …
I wonder if balls and starmer were invited to go to the scene ? To see and smell the blood drying in a class room ….
But at least someone had the decency to heckle starmer as he did his theatrics at a shrine …
The political class have created a country where we are speculating each week about some third world killer who plod won’t name ….. Red labour will probably ‘clamp down ‘on the likes of us as the carnage repeats …
BTW – re carnage – the chap stabbed at Seven Sisters tube a couple of days ago died …. A foreigner has been charged with murder … I wonder if balls and starmer are going to take flowers to that murder scene …. ?
Why would they? Until these bastards get to suffer the same odds of being stabbed, blown up, mutilated as little girls do, they will do nothing. Stop the protection they demand or give the same to all of us. Even better, rid the land of the people that hate us, bleed us dry, and use our 5th columnists against us. Yes BBC, I’m talking about you and your left wing friends.
Kicking off in Southport , about time imo . This has been coming .
You cannot make this shit up from lefty Paul Brand ITV
We saw a young girl crying in the crowd. Police have been concerned about far right protests in response to yesterday’s stabbing.
Far Right , just f off Paul , right now you absolute bell end
That’s terrible language, you missed out c**t.
The latest name on X is Axel Muganwa Redakubana…. There’s a bit more detail about him now – although the source of the identification is known. If he is 17 and is charged – his name will be made public when he hits 18….
This secrecy is so out of date and long before the internet …
Mail says innocent huw has split from his TV producer wife and moved out – presumably he has moved in with his mate Sopel who is so eager to describe Huw as ‘innocent ‘ just like jimmy Saville /
And be sure that Huw will return the tax payers pay rise he got for doing nothing lest year …
Forgotten your blouse Rachel? Or are you trying to ‘do a Kuenssberg’?
Another new name at the BBC Mitchell Labiak; the BBC do spend Licence Fee taxpayers’ money like water. Cancel your Licence now! There are similarities with this new Labour Government, spending money like water and making 10 million pensioners suffer the cold next winter. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx02zdd92zdo
Back to the BBC. Since 2023, the BBC apparently has recruited Mitchell Labiak, Sean Farrington and Felicity Hannah to report on business. The Business Editor, Simon Jack hardly shows his face at BH or on the web-site although sometimes co-presents the TOADY Programme. Jack is not as hard-working as Robert Peston was when he was at the BBC. Then there’s Faisal Islam another often absent member of the BBC’s staff. The DG could get rid of a lot of these wasters, including Lineker, which would help to balance the BBC’s budget.
I’ve put a new thread up . You know that lie about ‘the community coming together in Southport ‘ ? Well the state will have to change the script because a fair number of the population have decided to express their anger on the street …
As I write it seems plod is defending the local mosque … perhaps the locals know something we can only guess at ….
Thanks for all the comments – in a way it’s really sad that there are so many . Rest in peace kids ….. ➕