Another thread – like a reset – except that the BBC continues to pump out cover for Islamic murderers and their gangs of supporters .- dump the licence
“Crowds chanting ‘English till I die’ kick down walls and throw bricks and fireworks outside mosque in Southport near where three girls were killed in knife attack: Riot police deployed as officers warn about ‘incorrect’ ID for attacker circulating online”
Surely the chanting crowd have ‘mental health issues’.
Or is that a justification only used in selected situations for selected perpetrators?
Personally, throwing bricks seems less serious to me than murdering children but in Leftoid wokeland I’m probably wrong.
I think people are just sick of being gaslit by their own government. This was the last straw. They tried to make us think that a “Cardiff man” killed the three girls. Jones? Williams? They cannot pull the wool over our eyes any more. Don’t look back in anger? Don’t think so, chum.
Oh Yes Zephir the Police et al have been instructed to defy anything that may indicate an involvement by a Moslem, yet it now transpires that the loathsome individual of this horrific crime ‘has connections’ so said with those that follow the teachings of Islam-what will the punishment be by the judiciary? Only what it is allowed to do as we are still under the ECHR- Britain has to break away from the ECHR.
This individual is reportedly 17 years old so a life sentence would also a life sentence for the Tax Paying Public-return of Capital Punishment would end that farce.
I heard Bill Cash, the ex Tory Eurosceptic MP on GBNews earlier today. He was deeply unhappy that Smarmer has disbanded the Parliamentary European Scrutiny Committee, a committee that has assessed EU legislation and rules for decades. Bill was absolutely fuming, livid, calling the move undemocratic, “This must be the most shocking thing that I have ever seen in Parliament, it’s outrageous.”
I confess I knew very little of what the Committee did but if Bill is that angry you can be sure that it’s a problem. It’s just one more move by Smarmer to rejoin.
Hizbollah murdering 12 Druze children who lived in Israel. Interesting article on Spiked asking why only demands on Israel not to escalate retaliation, when you could take the view that Hizbollah already had.
Irrespective Israel will bring the whole force of Iran and other co-religious states against them and that could wipe out Israel as we no know it, furthermore it could escalate dangerously into a WAR beyond the middle East.
You have to play smarter than this if you want to take out the controllers. This is exactly what they want as divide and conquer is their modus operandi. It isn’t the Muslims in Southport responsible for this. The blame rests squarely with the politicians. It is the politicians who should be brought before a court of their peers, tried and if found guilty punished accordingly. If you start fighting with the Muslims you will give the politicians the excuse they want to lock you down harder and for good so you never get out of your 15-minute city.
After all, this would never have been possible without a succession of treasonous governments that have left the people of these islands defenseless against the hordes of immigrants now pouring into the country.
weird how they have the riot police, helicopter, and every officer on the ground to protect a mosque, but when its a public bus being set on fire in a street, they just run away and let them get on with it.
Well we, the indigenous Brit, know now full well where we stand in the manner of things. The world of Islam has stolen our Freedom and successive governments are to Blame inc this new lot who are weak, and pathetic, so little we be done to stop the Boats !
The BBC is besotted in sport, in singing the praises of “diverse”
athletes. Be it Tiger Woods in golf . Or at the Olympics with
Simone Biles . To be honest I find this
nauseating . But maybe I should just except that
the BRITISH broadcasting corporation is nothing more
than the perfect example of an oxymoron. And that UK
gold medal winners have to take second place to the
diversity department of the BBC’S box tickers.
Southport stabbings: Man ‘with knife and wearing balaclava arrested’ near vigil
Reports suggest a man “with a knife” has been arrested near a vigil for three schoolgirls stabbed to death in Southport with a heavy police presence at the scene.
Connor has a detailed thread with photos
Starts : People asking, “Why are the protestors in Southport targeting a Mosque”?
During the vigil for the three murdered girls, police arrested a man of Arab appearance, reportedly with a knife, in Southport town centre, on his way to attack the vigil
Far east side of urban Liverpool I think
But same kind of of rock throwing people
11 Feb 2023
“Knowsley: Three arrested after protest at Merseyside asylum seeker hotel
Merseyside Police say missiles ….”
“Riot was sparked by local fury after schoolgirl posted video saying she was sexually harassed”
Suites Hotel
Strange to claim it’s EDL
when it disbanded years ago
Video seems to show some masks youths
And some unmasked throwing stones
.. neither thing is honourable.
Just been watching a bit of film on Going Postal blog as the police van was set on fire. As I watched, a man in a grey t-shirt work his way to the front and then did something that triggered the crowd. I don’t know whether it is crowd behaviour, or whether he had agreed a signal to set things off with those who had to wear a hoodie on a hot day, or even if he was there to ensure there was trouble that could be blamed on the EDL. Unnerving.
I then watched Sir Keir laying flowers. It was so obviously staged for the cameras that there didn’t feel to be any emotion in him. He could have gone and spoken to the heckler who sounded obviously distressed. It wasn’t someone who he would meet at Dave’s and it was beneath him.
The world tonight has a presenter of – I think Shri lankan heritage chatting to a comrade from the Liverpool echo . Seems the bbc had decided to pull out of ‘up north ‘ and leave it to the locals .
Anyway – the comrade when straight for the cause of the trouble as the English Defence League . It seems England doesn’t need defending -even with a Rwandan decides to slaughter young girls …
If plod is too busy being diverse some one needs to step up … right 77 brigade ?
Wednesday is going to ring with ‘far right thugs ‘ and ‘unacceptable behaviour ‘ … but it’s only a taste of what is coming .
If killers are allowed to shelter behind crap laws about not naming the under 18s or during police ‘investigations ‘ then people are going to be even more agree because of the killings themselves …
And it seems a plod got a broken nose defending a mosque – we will be hearing a lot more about that than the Manchester affray last week ,… and those Muslims still haven’t been charged … 2 tier or what .. 77 brigade to file ….
TR video
“yes this is not the right way, but you in the establishment brought this by sending signals , that the groups that do get violent get things their own way”
He quotes the Leeds bus burning
And Manchester airport thugs
Certainly this threat of widespread civil disobedience works elsewhere, notably France and most recently Ireland. Burning buses brings results. Sad but true.
Sammy Woodhouse covered the riot for TR’s media
“I felt the people there thought it was not just about this killigs . But a pattern of cover up
.. some thought the knife man “could” be Muslim”*
“There was strange happening all the internet and phone lines went down, so we couldn’t cover it live or upload”
“There was strange happening all the internet and phone lines went down, so we couldn’t cover it live or upload”
I am quite certain the police have very extensive and very detailed plans of what to do to prevent an inevitable right-wing uprising against the Islamic takeover of our country. Backed up by laws we know nothing about.
Instantly taking down all mobile phone and internet access in the area will be first on the list to prevent news of the riot spreading. I’m sure all mobile phone companies have a specific law on them for this.
They actually tried to blackmail Tommy Robinson to become an undercover spy to keep tabs on what the more extreme right-wing people are doing.
ACC Goss:
“We have already said that the person arrested was born in the UK, and speculation helps nobody at this time.”
Stand alone paragraph written by the BBC:
‘The suspect has no known links to Islam.’
That’s not the usual BBC quote. Thats a direct statement by the BBC themselves.
What does that mean ?. Is it more BBC weasel words or is he not a Muslim at all ?.
It will be a dark day for our country if it turns out this man is not white after this cover up.
Why not just say ‘He is a 17 year old white male.’ and all the speculation will be gone. The fact that they don’t is becoming a more significant issue than who he is. I’ve seen plenty of reports where the suspect is described – but this one is completely locked down. No videos, any interviews on youtube completely avoid mentioning anything at all about the attacker and nobody anywhere gives us a description.
So how has that happened ?. How do they all know when a suspect can be identified and when to keep quiet ?. How come not one news site feels enough responsibility to ther truth to tell us ?.
How has our government managed to assert such complete control ?.
THAT is the issue now for me. They can’t hide the murder of small children – but what HAVE they hidden ?. I’ll bet there are a LOT of murders in the Muslim community we never hear about. And who knows what else ?.
This gives us a glimpse into what ‘multiculturalism’ now means in the UK. It means the coordinated suppression across our entire society of the things our government don’t want us to know. And it’s getting much worse. We are witnessing the evolution of the fascist state for modern times.
JohnC, I agree. There is a lack of information around the Southport killer and this leads to an inevitable distrust of the authorities and may inflame others to demonstrate. It was claimed by the BBC that the Southport killer came to the UK as a six year old, brought by his Rwandan parents.
It would help if both the MSM, especially the BBC, and the authorities were honest and straightforward with information from the outset.
Everyone in Washington knew Joe Biden was senile. At times he couldn’t operate a cell phone. Sen. Mike Lee was there.
(0:00) Obama Kicking Biden Out (8:13) Biden’s Impairment (20:33) Biden’s Scripted Phone Calls (23:17) The Federal Government Is Too Powerful (36:02) The…
This article is the official BBC article informing us that the Muslim hate preacher has been jailed for life. Somehow I think that warranted a headline all of it’s own BBC. Why did you bury it in a generalisation ?.
This bit got my attention:
‘With two wars – Israel-Gaza and Ukraine – being fought in what Ms Weiner calls “a tsunami of disinformation”, she says it is hard for people to understand what is true and what is not – “and that is playing out in the realm of violence”.’
‘People are being “overwhelmed with false narratives” and fed conspiracy theories, she says.’
As someone who searches extensively on the internet trying to find the truth for both of these topics, I can say conclusively that the BBC is as responsible as anyone for feeding these false narratives.
If you only get your news at the BBC, you will think Zelensky and Ukraine are God fearing, honest decent people subjected to unprovoked aggression from an evil dictator. Totally false. There are no good guys in that war. Ukraine is massively corrupt – but you won’t hear the BBC saying it.
And you would also think Hamas do not use civilians as human shields. Nor do they fight from UN refugee camps, hospitals and schools so they can use the pictures of colateral damage of dead children on the BBC to infer it’s Israel who are the monsters.
This is an excellent example of the rank hypocrisy of the BBC who are totally guilty of deliberately provoking this wedge right through the middle of society.
The Left have an ocean of blood on their hands. And they are so consumed by their own groupthink that they do not even realise or even care. They think their agenda justifies it.
Ah, I see they do have a proper one about him which they put much lower down the billing than this one.
I had to scroll down several pages in the ‘UK’ region before I saw it.
‘An Indian teenager is now among a handful of people in the world to survive a rare brain-eating amoeba.’
On what planet is this considered to be front-page world news at the British Broadcasting Corporation ?.
A cynic might think it’s just an excuse to feature people from India and put this big picture on the front page so we ‘all get used to seeing them every day’ as part of the failed multicultural agenda:
They did a similar thing in Dr Who where King Arthurs Court was about 1 in 5 black people. And the writer (I think it was Moffat) actually admitted they deliberately lied for the agenda that time.
I expect the quota luvvies in the drama department have no clue what the Nazis were and what they did.
It’s shame because they might see some similarities with the racism and fascism of the BBC who freely practise racist and sexist discrimination along with the suppression of opinions they don’t like. Like Hitler, their ideology says they need to do it to make a better society in the end.
That is why I consider the BBC to be the worst kind of far-Left activist scum. In the same bucket as Anglea Rayner. They don’t actually care one bit for the truth, ‘right and wrong’ or how many people die.
No , not anything to do with Parliament, but Westminister Magistrates Court……A big day for BBC “talent” Huw Edwards, who we are all pleased to see has returned to health and is fit to be tried. That does pose a question ..Will he enter guilty pleas?
Just imagine all the usual BBC reporters elbowing each other to get the scoop……..Yes imagine it, because it won’t happen ….nothing to see here…no public interest…or, as Sopel says essentially a matter to do with his private life.
Let’s wait with baited breath to see how the most trusted and respected , world class (stop laughing) broadcaster deals with it . “Some people say”, to use a much over used BBC can get good odds at most high street bookies that it will be news hidden amongst other items, a fleeting reference well down the list.( Bets on for how many minutes into a news broadcast and less than 60 seconds duration).
With Parliament going into its long,long summer break ,the story should have “legs” as they say. FAT CHANCE.
Will huw plead guilty ?- or will the dirty facts come out showing what the bbc knew and when ….? So come on Huw – plead not guilty – after all Sopel says you are innocent ….
Will the gallery be full of bbc luvvies expressing their support for Huw …?
London has the largest number of migrants among all regions of the UK, 3,346,000 – or 37% of the UK’s total foreign-born population. In the year ending June 2021, India was – once again – the most common country of birth for migrants (896,000) in the UK.2 Aug 2022
The sooner we quit India and let them run their own affairs, the better. Oh wait, we did that in August 1947…
Interesting fact: the entire European population of British India never rose above 200,000. There are more Indians than that now living in West London.
The suspect in Southport cannot be identified – but the BBC is now saying he is not a Muslim . How do they know ? What else do they know ? Who is telling them ?
The BBC is part of deep state, the blob , as are many parts of the MSM. They are essentially the propaganda arm of the blob and their job is to pacify the people whilst the globalist blob achieve an impregnable position in the UK.
The last thing that the blob want is for the great mass of people to awake from their Footy, Strictly and other TV tripe induced coma and to see the reality on our streets.
Riots such as Southport cannot be the work of a spontaneous outpouring of anger by ordinary otherwise peaceful locals , otherwise people may realise passivity does nothing , taking to the streets does, so they must be portrayed as due to extreme right agitators trying to exploit a tragedy.
I note that in the Telegraph today there are four Southport stories readers comments are not allowed on any of them. The blob wants to portray the killer as someone with a personality disorder , or mental issues and deflect away from his ethnicity and family origin.
Ordinary folk must remain anaesthetised to the truth about mass migration on their way of life and the future of their children. The greatest deception ever attempted.
Double – I agree – but I believe that more and more of these horrors will eventually drag the British out of anaesthesia
– the state and its ‘broadcaster think people are stupid and can be bought off …. But I believe there is a limit and we are getting nearer to a tipping point ….
There are no conventional ‘leaders ‘ with authority to stop what is to happen – each third world attack will ratchet up the response – whatever the BBC says … 77 brigade file …
It’s looking to me like some kind of directive has been given which forbids anyone to publish any information about the ethnicity of who did it. The suppression is just too complete. It’s clearly a legal requirement.
Which is why no comments are allowed. I searched for any videos about it on Youtube – I checked the first two which came up and sure enough, both have comments turned off.
This whole story is starting to stink. It’s usefulness now is to demonstrate just how tightly politically controlled our society has become. We now seem to have our own political police force backed up up by law with a whiff of the gestapo.
New girl has chat with red MP for Southport . ‘All in it together ‘was theme – only authorised anger is allowed – so those who demonstrated last night are ‘far right ‘ and calling – desperately for the country to be England – and not populated by the third world – are unacceptable .
The state lives in fear of such incidents – when the British – English – actually do something – instead of just sitting and accepting mass importation ….
They are going to focus on the suspect’s mental health, are they? They probably won’t ‘focus’ on the fact that many of these attacks – the ones which genuinely are due to mental illness, rather than being religiously or racially motivated – are down to paranoid schizophrenia. They certainly won’t ‘focus’ on the much higher incidence of this condition in certain groups. And if they did, they definitely won’t ‘focus’ on the fact that there a genetic marker which indicates a higher predisposition towards certain forms of paranoid schizophrenia, and that this marker is around 6 times more prevalent in sub-Saharan Africans and up to 9 times more prevalent in West Indians. No, no, no, can’t be so, must be down to racism, the far right, Russian interference, Brexit, Trump, zzzz…zzzz…
STARTS Less than half of Gen Z viewers regularly watch traditional television as the BBC continues to lose young audiences to TikTok and YouTube.
Figures published on Wednesday by Ofcom show that just 48pc of 16 to 24-year-olds watched broadcast TV during an average week last year, down from 76pc in 2018.
It is the latest example of Gen Z viewers, which includes anyone born between 2000 and 2008, ditching live shows in favour of streaming content online.
Children aged between four and 15 are switching off at a similar rate, with just 55pc watching terrestrial compared to 81pc five years ago.
The likes of Disney, Netflix and TikTok are all benefiting from younger viewers’ shift away from live TV, evidencing the radical shift across the industry.
Matt Hill, research and planning director at Thinkbox, the marketing body for commercial TV, said it is “disappointing” that Ofcom is still choosing to focus so heavily on live shows despite it being a category in decline.
He said: “Live TV remains vital, but it’s only one side of TV. On-demand is where TV is rapidly growing – which is why every TV company has been devoting so much energy and investment in developing on-demand services.
“And this strategy is paying off – as Ofcom’s report shows, on-demand TV is growing more than any other type of video, YouTube and TikTok included.”
Ofcom’s research also revealed that viewing on broadcasters’ streaming platforms, such as BBC iPlayer and ITV, grew by almost 30pc last year to 20 minutes per person each day.
However, this was not enough to compensate for the large decline in audiences across traditional TV channels.
TikTok has grown rapidly since its launch in the UK in 2018 and is now used by 22m Britons at least once a month, according to data from SensorTower.
Separate figures from Data.AI showed the average UK smartphone user spent 36 hours and three minutes per month scrolling TikTok videos last month.
Meanwhile, YouTube is continuing to grow in popularity almost two decades after its launch.
Figures show that the average person spent 38 minutes on YouTube every day at the end of last year, compared to 31 minutes at the beginning of 2022.
By contrast, the weekly reach of terrestrial TV fell from 79pc to 75pc last year – the second consecutive year of record decline.
While the drop in viewing is being felt across all age groups, the slump is most dramatic among Gen Z audiences.
In addition to watching traditional TV less frequently, young viewers are also watching for shorter periods of time.
On average, Gen Z viewers watch broadcast TV for just 33 minutes a day – down 16pc year on year.
By contrast, Ofgem found 16 to 24-year olds are spending an hour and 33 minutes each day watching online video platforms such as TikTok and YouTube.
The decline is so acute that many younger viewers have abandoned terrestrial TV altogether, with an estimated 5.3m households only accessing TV via the internet.
Ian Macrae, Ofcom’s director of market intelligence, said: “Gen Z and Alpha [children born between 2008 and 2024] are used to swiping and streaming, not flipping through broadcast TV channels.
“They crave the flexibility, immediacy and choice that on-demand services offer, spending over three hours a day watching video, but only 20 minutes of live TV. It’s no surprise that the traditional TV is fast becoming a device of choice to watch YouTube.”
The decline in viewing figures has prompted soul-searching at broadcasters as bosses try to win back audiences.
The BBC, which lost half a million licence fee payers last year, has increased its focus on British storytelling. All broadcasters, including Channel 4 and ITV, are increasingly investing in their streaming services as viewers move online.
However, Ofcom has warned that terrestrial TV is at a “tipping point”, with a growing risk that older audiences could be left behind by the shift to streaming. Weekly reach among over-65s remains relatively stable at 95pc.
Despite the broader decline, traditional broadcasters also remain the go-to destination for major national and international events.
The BBC’s coverage of the New Year’s Eve fireworks was the most-watched programme last year, attracting an audience of 12.1m.
This was closely followed by the Coronation of the King, while the Eurovision Song Contest was watched by more than 10m people.
England’s defeat to Spain in the Euro 2024 final has been the biggest event of the year so far, with the BBC and ITV drawing a combined audience of more than 15m.ENDS
The bbc is crowing about increases in listeners to the radio. – but as we know – it’s not BBC radio – it’s stations without the lefty propaganda multicultural crap on the whole BBC.
And I think the likes of Netflix and prime are learning that their diversity crap will cost them real money …
The outcome will be a suspended sentence because Huw pleaded guilty, was contrite, suffering stress at the time of the offence and has been deemed to have suffered enough. The blob looks after its own.
On the other hand if someone from the right had committed these offences they would have been hounded from the moment the MSM got the story, found guilty in the court of public opinion by the MSM and at the real trial given the harshest possible sentence.
The blob has the power!
I remember thinking the extreme reaction was slightly odd at the time. Sure he was a bit of a pervert, but we were told nothing illegal happened yet he instantly disappeared into a mental home.
Then he took his full salary right up until the sh1t was going to hit the fan and resigned.
The BBC knew what he had done alright. Like so many others of those shameless, unpleasant hypocrites.
They were happy to keep paying him until they told him he had to resign because of the criminal charges. His only crime in their eyes was that he got caught.
Well, just for a short while today I will forget about the trials and tribulations facing multicultural, 21st century Britain and I’ll travel back in time…or it always feels as though I do…
The brass bands have begun their season in the beautiful cloister gardens at Westminster Abbey. I just love this old English tradition.
The trombones and trumpets will glint in the summer sunshine, old friends will meet up, “Ooh, lovely to see you again, how have you been?” Everyone will be polite and thoroughly English and just for a few blissful hours I will forget about little girls being hacked to death, riots and police being injured and middle-class left-wing pillocks gluing themselves to the tarmac. All that will seem like a bad dream
I’ll sit in the shade of an ancient plane tree, nibble on lemon drizzle cake, drink coffee from my flask and enjoy some rousing marches and a few musical medleys from The Dambusters, The Great Escape and the fabulous, My Fair Lady.
And at the finish we’ll all stand for God Save The King.
Bliss indeed. Transported back fifty years or more to a time when Britain was British and our culture remained intact. As you say a welcome touch of nostalgia.
But we are soon re immersed in the grim reality of 21 st century Britain when we ordinary Brits are despised by our leaders, looked down on by the powerful and even our King embraces our slow extinction by multiculty strangulation.
Experts have warned that enjoying gardens, summer sunshine, lemon drizzle cake – but being opposed to little girls being hacked to death – are indicators of being an extremist and member of the Far Right.
It’s just amazing what the BBC do not report when it doesn’t fit their agenda.
Yet they’ll run multiple articles on stories like this right across the front page:
‘Israeli protesters enter army base after soldiers held over Gaza detainee abuse’
Because it infers the detainees are just victims.
But have a look at the video in that story I linked. The terrorist scum had dug a pit where hostages were going to be kept. For months at least. 1,000 times worse than some soldiers temporarily abusing some terrorists they captured.
But the BBC don’t report it ‘despite’ the fact the IDF DID produce evidence.
It’s the omission of inconvenient but important stories like this which show how biased the BBC is. They don’t give a shit if some innocent civilians were going to be thrown into the darkness of that pit not knowing if they would be murdered at any moment. It would literally drive you insane. It amounts to torture 24 hours per day for months or even years.
I would like Hamas to put Bowen and all the BBC clones producing their pro-hamas propaganda into that pit so they can learn a bit about who they are protecting.
In worrying news for the regime – goldfish memories can last up to a year edition
It has now taken the not inconsiderable resources of the American FBI days and weeks to fathom the motives of the Donald Trump rally shooter: …the bureau is facing challenges with getting into “encrypted messaging applications” used by Thomas Matthew Crooks (The Record, 7 days ago); Cracking a phone’s encryption isn’t always a guarantee for law enforcement, even in potential domestic terrorism cases (Axios Technology, 16th July)
And yet our very own Merseyside plod can rule out terrorism as a motive within a short couple of hours – pull the other one, it’s got Anjem Choudary with a call to prayer on it: Preacher jailed… for life for leading a secret terror organisation for a decade (Times)
The last time one noticed a widely publicised photo of a leader of the Labour party with a wreath clutched in his hands it was: Jeremy Corbyn wreath row explained… wreath-laying ceremony he attended in Tunisia… The Labour leader has said he visited the cemetery to honour innocent people killed in a 1985 Israeli air strike (BBC) – oh, so that was alright then. I’m pleased that’s been clarified – much in the manner of our very own would-be fact-checker Mr Stew Green hereabouts (kudos to him)
I was worried for moment there: Jeremy Corbyn has told MPs investigating accusations of antisemitism in the Labour party that he regrets once calling members of Hamas and Hezbollah “friends”. (Guardian, 2016) – well quite. And I don’t know why I’m still banging on about it like our very own repeats channel news archaeologist hereabouts Mr Marky Mark (kudos to him) – what Prof David Starky is to the Tudors, so he is to dusty old news reports.
But I digressed from the current newspaper review, led astray by the sight of Sir Keir on the frontpage of the Mirror, brandishing his floral tribute in his offical capacity of PM, First Lord of the Treasury and poor sap tasked with attempting to keep the lid on.
The regime playbook is of course well rehearsed at this point… Outrage, cops offer sympathy, reassure the community (communities), flood the district with a brief show of numbers… Cue the vigil, don’t look back in anger, Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya… Canonisation of our innocent everyday folks who happen to have fallen victim. [‘Give me a one in the chat box’ you viewers in 77th Brigade out there if I got all that correct – as they tend to say on one of those YouTube livestreams]
And so it is that the gynaeceum that is our BBC news staff frontpage pickers go for the big-hearted Labour-supporting tabloid Daily Miror as their top of the pops in the online newspaper line-up this morn.
Keep smiling and dancing (Mirror) – no, not Tim Davie’s management message to the scandal engulfed BBC hit show Strictly – this is in fact the banner headline and regime choice of message for us plebs this tinder box hot summer of anger and frustration.
To translate into the scouse vernacluar: “Eh? Eh? Eh? Calm Down, Calm Down…”
A vigil was held in Southport… (Mirror) – well, you could have knocked me down with a feather.
Except things didn’t quite go according to the script this time.
Violence errupts over child killings (Telegraph)
And here we have a rather forlorn and desolate example of our old friend the journalistic ‘despite’: Riot police clash with mob at Southport mosque despite minister’s warning for public to stop stirring discontent (Telegraph)
The authorities can’t say they weren’t warned – and the precident was fairly close to home: Riots errupt in Dublin after children stabbed (Reuters, November 2023)
Meanwhile the official line from the formerly patriotic Times reads as follows: Arrested teenager described as ‘quiet boy’… Twitter/X accounts had earlier spread false claims that the teenage suspect was a Muslim asylum seeker. He was born in Cardiff. (Times) – duly noted.
The authorities find themselves caught in something of a cleft stick here. They like to maintain their under-18 age reporting restrictions – and yet in that dangerous vacuum caused by the absence of information they fret over the inevitable speculation.
Moving quickly on – as I’m sure the regime will want to do.
However: Goldfish memories can last up to a year… an expert has found (Telegraph)
Think of the children
In celeb realtionship news: Huw Edwards, the former BBC broadcaster, who has been charged with making indecent images of children, is said to have split from his wife, Vicky Flind (Times)
Revealed: Jaw-dropping details of England star Kyle Walker’s child maintenance court battle with ex-lover (Daily Mail)
And finally, you’ll rarely ever see a black person read the Guardian and yet that title endeavors to mimic the Harlem Voice with their pick of favourite Olympian to feature frontpage: Simone Biles wins fifth Olympic gold
“Preacher jailed… for life for leading a secret terror organisation for a decade (Times)”
secret? HA HA HA HA!
Applying sharia law in England and Wales: independent review
Independent review by Professor Mona Siddiqui and a review panel of experts into the application of sharia law in England and Wales by sharia councils.
The 9:30am R4 show is about a historic 1969 kidnap and death of a woman the kidnappers mistook for Rupert Murdoch’s wife
The obvious intriguing thing is buried halfway down
The names of the kidnappers
“Arthur Hosein, who owned Rooks Farm, and his younger brother Nizamodeen Hosein, were arrested on 7 February 1970.
.., they were both jailed for life for Mrs McKay’s kidnap and murder.
Nizamodeen was deported to his native Trinidad ”
In the photo they look very Asian
So even then killers were foreign born.
Anna Soubry 59 mins ago didn’t understand that there were foreigner stabby incidents in both Southport and Southend
So accused Lee Anderson of being a thicko who mixed the two places up
Anna Soubry 🇬🇧🏴🇺🇦🇪🇺🖤🤍
@LeeAndersonMP_ is not the sharpest article in the #Reform toolbox – he did a Google search for #Southport & got *Southend*.
He and his motley crew are yet to condemn the attacks on our police and a place of worship in Southport last night.
I wonder why?
Then 21 mins ago
Soubry herself mixed up Southport and Stockport
“Meanwhile, the Southport stabbings have sparked riots outside a mosque, with hundreds throwing bricks, masonry, and fireworks at police officers and Starmer faced a hostile reception while laying flowers at the attack site, met with cries of “You can’t do sh*t!” from the enraged crowd.”
A new trick I noticed during the Leicester fights in 2022 was the media/gov blob starting to shift blame onto outside agents provocateurs who inflame unrest. R5 yesterday evening was pushing this gameplan. Now “Southport MP Patrick Hurley says it’s ‘distressing’ to see people from ‘outside our Southport community attacking our police and local people'”.
Watch out for those fleets of EDL vans patrolling the country looking for hotspots where they can help things kick off. The EDL doesn’t exist, and the vans don’t either, but it’s all about perception.
Media and politicians are trying to force through the worldview that our ‘communities’ are naturally united oases of harmony; any division is only stirred up by outside far-right agitators.
Quite a few have spotted Sopel had nothing to say about the Leeds unrest 10 days ago.
Street violence (Southport) = shameful and odious
Street violence (Leeds) = tumbleweed
Shameful. The idea that the thugs behind this call themselves ‘patriots’ is risible. What they did last night in a town understandably consumed by grief was odious
I seem to recall at the outset of the ‘Rwanda Plan’ that the arrangement included bringing in some Rwandan’s with ill health to treat on the NHS. Could the murderer be a part of that plan when he is inevitably described as possessing, “mental health issues”?
The Olympic organisers decided to feed the athletes on environmentally-friendly food….
It didn’t end well and they are now having to fly in tins of meat and eggs etc. to appease the athletes who are blaming the poor food offered is affecting their performances.
A French Olympic official did a fabulous arse-covering comment draping with lies when forced to appease the athletes.
Why do these lunatics insist on pushing their delusions on everybody else? Who gives them the right?
“There’s more than a little outrage this morning as Sky News and the BBC deploy their usual questionable reporting on killed Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. In Sky correspondent Alex Crawford’s analysis she said he was “a very moderate leader“.”
Imagine my surprise it seems Jonny Sopel has time to post stuff up online about bad behaviour in Southport..
I would have thought he was busy enough holding his friend Huw Edwards hand during a difficult morning down at the Magistrates Court. What a versatile and capable bloke he is.
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics), Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker ( …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
If Soapy was such a good friend of Huw did he know of Huw’s hobby? Or did he even join with Huw on occasion? Guilt by association is so often used by the left and by the BBC that such questions can’t be ignored in 21 st century Britain. I’m sure that Soapy will make a statement to clear his name.
Huw pleading guily x3 is obviously a miscarriage of justice – right mr sopel . I suppose the deal with the bbc was plead guilty – stay silent and get free money
No dirty bbc facts being placed before the public …
Sentence ? I reckon 2 years suspended then a series on C4?
Why don’t the police just say the child murderer had mental problems and was a lone wolf.
It’s worked for the other hundreds of times.
They can add “lessons will be learned” if they really want to hammer home their message (after their ‘our hearts go out to the families etc’ message)
To save time, why don’t they just have one message which they can post for every incident like this so that every time these things happen they can just insert whichever place name and then paste.
Maybe they already do!
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How long had labour been in charge? (not long)
how many terrorist incidents and riots ? (lots)
“Crowds chanting ‘English till I die’ kick down walls and throw bricks and fireworks outside mosque in Southport near where three girls were killed in knife attack: Riot police deployed as officers warn about ‘incorrect’ ID for attacker circulating online”
Surely the chanting crowd have ‘mental health issues’.
Or is that a justification only used in selected situations for selected perpetrators?
Personally, throwing bricks seems less serious to me than murdering children but in Leftoid wokeland I’m probably wrong.
I think people are just sick of being gaslit by their own government. This was the last straw. They tried to make us think that a “Cardiff man” killed the three girls. Jones? Williams? They cannot pull the wool over our eyes any more. Don’t look back in anger? Don’t think so, chum.
” police saying members of the EDL were targeting the mosque”
What ? EDL ?
” defunct in 2023″
Oh Yes Zephir the Police et al have been instructed to defy anything that may indicate an involvement by a Moslem, yet it now transpires that the loathsome individual of this horrific crime ‘has connections’ so said with those that follow the teachings of Islam-what will the punishment be by the judiciary? Only what it is allowed to do as we are still under the ECHR- Britain has to break away from the ECHR.
This individual is reportedly 17 years old so a life sentence would also a life sentence for the Tax Paying Public-return of Capital Punishment would end that farce.
I heard Bill Cash, the ex Tory Eurosceptic MP on GBNews earlier today. He was deeply unhappy that Smarmer has disbanded the Parliamentary European Scrutiny Committee, a committee that has assessed EU legislation and rules for decades. Bill was absolutely fuming, livid, calling the move undemocratic, “This must be the most shocking thing that I have ever seen in Parliament, it’s outrageous.”
I confess I knew very little of what the Committee did but if Bill is that angry you can be sure that it’s a problem. It’s just one more move by Smarmer to rejoin.
I hear Israel has attacked Lebanon, because of harbouring terrorists
Bloody islamists causing chaos around the world
Hizbollah murdering 12 Druze children who lived in Israel. Interesting article on Spiked asking why only demands on Israel not to escalate retaliation, when you could take the view that Hizbollah already had.
Irrespective Israel will bring the whole force of Iran and other co-religious states against them and that could wipe out Israel as we no know it, furthermore it could escalate dangerously into a WAR beyond the middle East.
You have to play smarter than this if you want to take out the controllers. This is exactly what they want as divide and conquer is their modus operandi. It isn’t the Muslims in Southport responsible for this. The blame rests squarely with the politicians. It is the politicians who should be brought before a court of their peers, tried and if found guilty punished accordingly. If you start fighting with the Muslims you will give the politicians the excuse they want to lock you down harder and for good so you never get out of your 15-minute city.
After all, this would never have been possible without a succession of treasonous governments that have left the people of these islands defenseless against the hordes of immigrants now pouring into the country.
weird how they have the riot police, helicopter, and every officer on the ground to protect a mosque, but when its a public bus being set on fire in a street, they just run away and let them get on with it.
The clue is in the community…
Well we, the indigenous Brit, know now full well where we stand in the manner of things. The world of Islam has stolen our Freedom and successive governments are to Blame inc this new lot who are weak, and pathetic, so little we be done to stop the Boats !
The BBC is besotted in sport, in singing the praises of “diverse”
athletes. Be it Tiger Woods in golf . Or at the Olympics with
Simone Biles . To be honest I find this
nauseating . But maybe I should just except that
the BRITISH broadcasting corporation is nothing more
than the perfect example of an oxymoron. And that UK
gold medal winners have to take second place to the
diversity department of the BBC’S box tickers.
All the winners in the swim relay tonight were white so obviously swimming is racist.
Imagine Humza Useless commentating on the 4 x 200m Freestyle:
“Guy, hwite! Dean, hwite! Richards, hwite! Scott, another bloody hwite!”
No “fiery but peaceful” from the bbc tonight.
Not on your Nelly
just wait for the “far right” stories to appear
Telegraph already reporting that the police are blaming EDL and far-right. Disgusting.
The police need to look in the mirror.
Would there be a reflection?
There are a LOT of people now on the streets of Southport….
And now in Southend with machete fighting
bahhh humbug. I can’t get the image to post. Tried 3x
A man with a machete was arrested near the vigil in Southport.
I heard balaclava and a flicknife
Southport stabbings: Man ‘with knife and wearing balaclava arrested’ near vigil
Reports suggest a man “with a knife” has been arrested near a vigil for three schoolgirls stabbed to death in Southport with a heavy police presence at the scene.
Connor has a detailed thread with photos
Starts : People asking, “Why are the protestors in Southport targeting a Mosque”?
During the vigil for the three murdered girls, police arrested a man of Arab appearance, reportedly with a knife, in Southport town centre, on his way to attack the vigil
BtW is that image verified ?
Well he’s Arab looking rather than definitely Muslim
#1 video
It’s in the Daily Record
for some strange reason they blurred the photo a bit
Am I remembering correctly that it was southport where there were protests and riots near an asylum hotel because migrants were accosting local girls?
Far east side of urban Liverpool I think
But same kind of of rock throwing people
11 Feb 2023
“Knowsley: Three arrested after protest at Merseyside asylum seeker hotel
Merseyside Police say missiles ….”
“Riot was sparked by local fury after schoolgirl posted video saying she was sexually harassed”
Suites Hotel
GB news has Violence ERUPTS in Southport with ‘police covered in BLOOD’ outside mosque as riots FLARE
Dan Wootton uses hyperbole
His headline is “Starmer booed out of Southport”
Strange to claim it’s EDL
when it disbanded years ago
Video seems to show some masks youths
And some unmasked throwing stones
.. neither thing is honourable.
Just been watching a bit of film on Going Postal blog as the police van was set on fire. As I watched, a man in a grey t-shirt work his way to the front and then did something that triggered the crowd. I don’t know whether it is crowd behaviour, or whether he had agreed a signal to set things off with those who had to wear a hoodie on a hot day, or even if he was there to ensure there was trouble that could be blamed on the EDL. Unnerving.
I then watched Sir Keir laying flowers. It was so obviously staged for the cameras that there didn’t feel to be any emotion in him. He could have gone and spoken to the heckler who sounded obviously distressed. It wasn’t someone who he would meet at Dave’s and it was beneath him.
Apologies, the self correct changed “Davos” to ‘Dave’s. I wonder if that is AI or programmers trying to keep Davos on a low profile.
Ha ha, ‘Dave’s place’ = the Davos set
Well this set it off:
The world tonight has a presenter of – I think Shri lankan heritage chatting to a comrade from the Liverpool echo . Seems the bbc had decided to pull out of ‘up north ‘ and leave it to the locals .
Anyway – the comrade when straight for the cause of the trouble as the English Defence League . It seems England doesn’t need defending -even with a Rwandan decides to slaughter young girls …
If plod is too busy being diverse some one needs to step up … right 77 brigade ?
Wednesday is going to ring with ‘far right thugs ‘ and ‘unacceptable behaviour ‘ … but it’s only a taste of what is coming .
If killers are allowed to shelter behind crap laws about not naming the under 18s or during police ‘investigations ‘ then people are going to be even more agree because of the killings themselves …
And it seems a plod got a broken nose defending a mosque – we will be hearing a lot more about that than the Manchester affray last week ,… and those Muslims still haven’t been charged … 2 tier or what .. 77 brigade to file ….
TR video
“yes this is not the right way, but you in the establishment brought this by sending signals , that the groups that do get violent get things their own way”
He quotes the Leeds bus burning
And Manchester airport thugs
Tommy is right. We’ve been voting, talking, pleading, writing letters & crying for 26 years. Nothing has penetrated the ideological shield.
Why should it be so difficult to be heard in our own country.
Certainly this threat of widespread civil disobedience works elsewhere, notably France and most recently Ireland. Burning buses brings results. Sad but true.
Sammy Woodhouse covered the riot for TR’s media
“I felt the people there thought it was not just about this killigs . But a pattern of cover up
.. some thought the knife man “could” be Muslim”*
“There was strange happening all the internet and phone lines went down, so we couldn’t cover it live or upload”
Video monologue
* Apparently authorities have put out a statement saying the killer has no connection to Islam
“There was strange happening all the internet and phone lines went down, so we couldn’t cover it live or upload”
I am quite certain the police have very extensive and very detailed plans of what to do to prevent an inevitable right-wing uprising against the Islamic takeover of our country. Backed up by laws we know nothing about.
Instantly taking down all mobile phone and internet access in the area will be first on the list to prevent news of the riot spreading. I’m sure all mobile phone companies have a specific law on them for this.
They actually tried to blackmail Tommy Robinson to become an undercover spy to keep tabs on what the more extreme right-wing people are doing.
This Southport cover up has become ridiculous.
ACC Goss:
“We have already said that the person arrested was born in the UK, and speculation helps nobody at this time.”
Stand alone paragraph written by the BBC:
‘The suspect has no known links to Islam.’
That’s not the usual BBC quote. Thats a direct statement by the BBC themselves.
What does that mean ?. Is it more BBC weasel words or is he not a Muslim at all ?.
It will be a dark day for our country if it turns out this man is not white after this cover up.
Why not just say ‘He is a 17 year old white male.’ and all the speculation will be gone. The fact that they don’t is becoming a more significant issue than who he is. I’ve seen plenty of reports where the suspect is described – but this one is completely locked down. No videos, any interviews on youtube completely avoid mentioning anything at all about the attacker and nobody anywhere gives us a description.
So how has that happened ?. How do they all know when a suspect can be identified and when to keep quiet ?. How come not one news site feels enough responsibility to ther truth to tell us ?.
How has our government managed to assert such complete control ?.
THAT is the issue now for me. They can’t hide the murder of small children – but what HAVE they hidden ?. I’ll bet there are a LOT of murders in the Muslim community we never hear about. And who knows what else ?.
This gives us a glimpse into what ‘multiculturalism’ now means in the UK. It means the coordinated suppression across our entire society of the things our government don’t want us to know. And it’s getting much worse. We are witnessing the evolution of the fascist state for modern times.
JohnC, I agree. There is a lack of information around the Southport killer and this leads to an inevitable distrust of the authorities and may inflame others to demonstrate. It was claimed by the BBC that the Southport killer came to the UK as a six year old, brought by his Rwandan parents.
It would help if both the MSM, especially the BBC, and the authorities were honest and straightforward with information from the outset.
Flip flop Starmer, said that getting rid of the Winter fuel allowance was evil if the Tories did it.
Promise everything, deliver nothing.
and only one in five voted for them
Stew, the BBC on TOADY in the News and News Bulletins are claiming the the Torie’s black hole, or overspend is wot made Labour dun it. 😉
Rise in people fascinated by violence, police warn
This article is the official BBC article informing us that the Muslim hate preacher has been jailed for life. Somehow I think that warranted a headline all of it’s own BBC. Why did you bury it in a generalisation ?.
This bit got my attention:
‘With two wars – Israel-Gaza and Ukraine – being fought in what Ms Weiner calls “a tsunami of disinformation”, she says it is hard for people to understand what is true and what is not – “and that is playing out in the realm of violence”.’
‘People are being “overwhelmed with false narratives” and fed conspiracy theories, she says.’
As someone who searches extensively on the internet trying to find the truth for both of these topics, I can say conclusively that the BBC is as responsible as anyone for feeding these false narratives.
If you only get your news at the BBC, you will think Zelensky and Ukraine are God fearing, honest decent people subjected to unprovoked aggression from an evil dictator. Totally false. There are no good guys in that war. Ukraine is massively corrupt – but you won’t hear the BBC saying it.
And you would also think Hamas do not use civilians as human shields. Nor do they fight from UN refugee camps, hospitals and schools so they can use the pictures of colateral damage of dead children on the BBC to infer it’s Israel who are the monsters.
This is an excellent example of the rank hypocrisy of the BBC who are totally guilty of deliberately provoking this wedge right through the middle of society.
The Left have an ocean of blood on their hands. And they are so consumed by their own groupthink that they do not even realise or even care. They think their agenda justifies it.
Ah, I see they do have a proper one about him which they put much lower down the billing than this one.
I had to scroll down several pages in the ‘UK’ region before I saw it.
India teen is rare survivor of brain-eating amoeba
‘An Indian teenager is now among a handful of people in the world to survive a rare brain-eating amoeba.’
On what planet is this considered to be front-page world news at the British Broadcasting Corporation ?.
A cynic might think it’s just an excuse to feature people from India and put this big picture on the front page so we ‘all get used to seeing them every day’ as part of the failed multicultural agenda:

They did a similar thing in Dr Who where King Arthurs Court was about 1 in 5 black people. And the writer (I think it was Moffat) actually admitted they deliberately lied for the agenda that time.
Hello JohnC
Seem to remember something about a black German officer in Dr Who from WW2 in the bbc world also
PS no thats not a joke, the bbc did do it
I absolutely believe it andy.
I expect the quota luvvies in the drama department have no clue what the Nazis were and what they did.
It’s shame because they might see some similarities with the racism and fascism of the BBC who freely practise racist and sexist discrimination along with the suppression of opinions they don’t like. Like Hitler, their ideology says they need to do it to make a better society in the end.
It ceased to be a beauty spot the moment this rabble appeared.
Mecca is a safe space for Migrants – not non muslims – ha ha haha!
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in Iran after Israel vowed to kill him and others in retaliation for Oct 7 attacks
Everywhere on the BBC:
Israeli strike on Gaza school killed 30 – health ministry
Nowhere on the BBC:
Hamas commander reveals group using children for terror activities
Hamas’ use of human shields in Gaza
Click to access hamas_human_shields.pdf
That is why I consider the BBC to be the worst kind of far-Left activist scum. In the same bucket as Anglea Rayner. They don’t actually care one bit for the truth, ‘right and wrong’ or how many people die.
No , not anything to do with Parliament, but Westminister Magistrates Court……A big day for BBC “talent” Huw Edwards, who we are all pleased to see has returned to health and is fit to be tried. That does pose a question ..Will he enter guilty pleas?
Just imagine all the usual BBC reporters elbowing each other to get the scoop……..Yes imagine it, because it won’t happen ….nothing to see here…no public interest…or, as Sopel says essentially a matter to do with his private life.
Let’s wait with baited breath to see how the most trusted and respected , world class (stop laughing) broadcaster deals with it . “Some people say”, to use a much over used BBC can get good odds at most high street bookies that it will be news hidden amongst other items, a fleeting reference well down the list.( Bets on for how many minutes into a news broadcast and less than 60 seconds duration).
With Parliament going into its long,long summer break ,the story should have “legs” as they say. FAT CHANCE.
Will huw plead guilty ?- or will the dirty facts come out showing what the bbc knew and when ….? So come on Huw – plead not guilty – after all Sopel says you are innocent ….
Will the gallery be full of bbc luvvies expressing their support for Huw …?
Rise in people fascinated by violence, police warn
bbc surely you mean:-
Rise of muslims in the UK, creating a melting pot
2021 Census recording just under four million Muslims, or 6.5% of the total population in the United Kingdom
London has the largest number of migrants among all regions of the UK, 3,346,000 – or 37% of the UK’s total foreign-born population. In the year ending June 2021, India was – once again – the most common country of birth for migrants (896,000) in the UK.2 Aug 2022
The sooner we quit India and let them run their own affairs, the better. Oh wait, we did that in August 1947…
Interesting fact: the entire European population of British India never rose above 200,000. There are more Indians than that now living in West London.
BBC Today in mourning today as the IDF announce successful strikes on enemies of Israel ….
Keep going IDF …
The suspect in Southport cannot be identified – but the BBC is now saying he is not a Muslim . How do they know ? What else do they know ? Who is telling them ?
Fed ,
The BBC is part of deep state, the blob , as are many parts of the MSM. They are essentially the propaganda arm of the blob and their job is to pacify the people whilst the globalist blob achieve an impregnable position in the UK.
The last thing that the blob want is for the great mass of people to awake from their Footy, Strictly and other TV tripe induced coma and to see the reality on our streets.
Riots such as Southport cannot be the work of a spontaneous outpouring of anger by ordinary otherwise peaceful locals , otherwise people may realise passivity does nothing , taking to the streets does, so they must be portrayed as due to extreme right agitators trying to exploit a tragedy.
I note that in the Telegraph today there are four Southport stories readers comments are not allowed on any of them. The blob wants to portray the killer as someone with a personality disorder , or mental issues and deflect away from his ethnicity and family origin.
Ordinary folk must remain anaesthetised to the truth about mass migration on their way of life and the future of their children. The greatest deception ever attempted.
Double – I agree – but I believe that more and more of these horrors will eventually drag the British out of anaesthesia
– the state and its ‘broadcaster think people are stupid and can be bought off …. But I believe there is a limit and we are getting nearer to a tipping point ….
There are no conventional ‘leaders ‘ with authority to stop what is to happen – each third world attack will ratchet up the response – whatever the BBC says … 77 brigade file …
It’s looking to me like some kind of directive has been given which forbids anyone to publish any information about the ethnicity of who did it. The suppression is just too complete. It’s clearly a legal requirement.
Which is why no comments are allowed. I searched for any videos about it on Youtube – I checked the first two which came up and sure enough, both have comments turned off.
This whole story is starting to stink. It’s usefulness now is to demonstrate just how tightly politically controlled our society has become. We now seem to have our own political police force backed up up by law with a whiff of the gestapo.
New girl has chat with red MP for Southport . ‘All in it together ‘was theme – only authorised anger is allowed – so those who demonstrated last night are ‘far right ‘ and calling – desperately for the country to be England – and not populated by the third world – are unacceptable .
The state lives in fear of such incidents – when the British – English – actually do something – instead of just sitting and accepting mass importation ….
Graun decides to pour wibble on troubled waters.
Police searching for motive for Southport stabbings focus on suspect’s mental health
Maybe what the Manchester lad who blew up the Manchester concert of kids had was in the drinking water?
Platitudes, posing and patronising nonsense can actually frustrate even more. Especially if on default template repeat.
They are going to focus on the suspect’s mental health, are they? They probably won’t ‘focus’ on the fact that many of these attacks – the ones which genuinely are due to mental illness, rather than being religiously or racially motivated – are down to paranoid schizophrenia. They certainly won’t ‘focus’ on the much higher incidence of this condition in certain groups. And if they did, they definitely won’t ‘focus’ on the fact that there a genetic marker which indicates a higher predisposition towards certain forms of paranoid schizophrenia, and that this marker is around 6 times more prevalent in sub-Saharan Africans and up to 9 times more prevalent in West Indians. No, no, no, can’t be so, must be down to racism, the far right, Russian interference, Brexit, Trump, zzzz…zzzz…
Less than half of Generation Z watch broadcast TV
A step in the right direction
Never watch current bbc tick box output and wouldn’t watch bbc if they paid me
Andy – yes – here is the story from the DT
STARTS Less than half of Gen Z viewers regularly watch traditional television as the BBC continues to lose young audiences to TikTok and YouTube.
Figures published on Wednesday by Ofcom show that just 48pc of 16 to 24-year-olds watched broadcast TV during an average week last year, down from 76pc in 2018.
It is the latest example of Gen Z viewers, which includes anyone born between 2000 and 2008, ditching live shows in favour of streaming content online.
Children aged between four and 15 are switching off at a similar rate, with just 55pc watching terrestrial compared to 81pc five years ago.
The likes of Disney, Netflix and TikTok are all benefiting from younger viewers’ shift away from live TV, evidencing the radical shift across the industry.
Matt Hill, research and planning director at Thinkbox, the marketing body for commercial TV, said it is “disappointing” that Ofcom is still choosing to focus so heavily on live shows despite it being a category in decline.
He said: “Live TV remains vital, but it’s only one side of TV. On-demand is where TV is rapidly growing – which is why every TV company has been devoting so much energy and investment in developing on-demand services.
“And this strategy is paying off – as Ofcom’s report shows, on-demand TV is growing more than any other type of video, YouTube and TikTok included.”
Ofcom’s research also revealed that viewing on broadcasters’ streaming platforms, such as BBC iPlayer and ITV, grew by almost 30pc last year to 20 minutes per person each day.
However, this was not enough to compensate for the large decline in audiences across traditional TV channels.
TikTok has grown rapidly since its launch in the UK in 2018 and is now used by 22m Britons at least once a month, according to data from SensorTower.
Separate figures from Data.AI showed the average UK smartphone user spent 36 hours and three minutes per month scrolling TikTok videos last month.
Meanwhile, YouTube is continuing to grow in popularity almost two decades after its launch.
Figures show that the average person spent 38 minutes on YouTube every day at the end of last year, compared to 31 minutes at the beginning of 2022.
By contrast, the weekly reach of terrestrial TV fell from 79pc to 75pc last year – the second consecutive year of record decline.
While the drop in viewing is being felt across all age groups, the slump is most dramatic among Gen Z audiences.
In addition to watching traditional TV less frequently, young viewers are also watching for shorter periods of time.
On average, Gen Z viewers watch broadcast TV for just 33 minutes a day – down 16pc year on year.
By contrast, Ofgem found 16 to 24-year olds are spending an hour and 33 minutes each day watching online video platforms such as TikTok and YouTube.
The decline is so acute that many younger viewers have abandoned terrestrial TV altogether, with an estimated 5.3m households only accessing TV via the internet.
Ian Macrae, Ofcom’s director of market intelligence, said: “Gen Z and Alpha [children born between 2008 and 2024] are used to swiping and streaming, not flipping through broadcast TV channels.
“They crave the flexibility, immediacy and choice that on-demand services offer, spending over three hours a day watching video, but only 20 minutes of live TV. It’s no surprise that the traditional TV is fast becoming a device of choice to watch YouTube.”
The decline in viewing figures has prompted soul-searching at broadcasters as bosses try to win back audiences.
The BBC, which lost half a million licence fee payers last year, has increased its focus on British storytelling. All broadcasters, including Channel 4 and ITV, are increasingly investing in their streaming services as viewers move online.
However, Ofcom has warned that terrestrial TV is at a “tipping point”, with a growing risk that older audiences could be left behind by the shift to streaming. Weekly reach among over-65s remains relatively stable at 95pc.
Despite the broader decline, traditional broadcasters also remain the go-to destination for major national and international events.
The BBC’s coverage of the New Year’s Eve fireworks was the most-watched programme last year, attracting an audience of 12.1m.
This was closely followed by the Coronation of the King, while the Eurovision Song Contest was watched by more than 10m people.
England’s defeat to Spain in the Euro 2024 final has been the biggest event of the year so far, with the BBC and ITV drawing a combined audience of more than 15m.ENDS
The bbc is crowing about increases in listeners to the radio. – but as we know – it’s not BBC radio – it’s stations without the lefty propaganda multicultural crap on the whole BBC.
And I think the likes of Netflix and prime are learning that their diversity crap will cost them real money …
The outcome will be a suspended sentence because Huw pleaded guilty, was contrite, suffering stress at the time of the offence and has been deemed to have suffered enough. The blob looks after its own.
On the other hand if someone from the right had committed these offences they would have been hounded from the moment the MSM got the story, found guilty in the court of public opinion by the MSM and at the real trial given the harshest possible sentence.
The blob has the power!
I remember thinking the extreme reaction was slightly odd at the time. Sure he was a bit of a pervert, but we were told nothing illegal happened yet he instantly disappeared into a mental home.
Then he took his full salary right up until the sh1t was going to hit the fan and resigned.
The BBC knew what he had done alright. Like so many others of those shameless, unpleasant hypocrites.
They were happy to keep paying him until they told him he had to resign because of the criminal charges. His only crime in their eyes was that he got caught.
Well, just for a short while today I will forget about the trials and tribulations facing multicultural, 21st century Britain and I’ll travel back in time…or it always feels as though I do…
The brass bands have begun their season in the beautiful cloister gardens at Westminster Abbey. I just love this old English tradition.
The trombones and trumpets will glint in the summer sunshine, old friends will meet up, “Ooh, lovely to see you again, how have you been?” Everyone will be polite and thoroughly English and just for a few blissful hours I will forget about little girls being hacked to death, riots and police being injured and middle-class left-wing pillocks gluing themselves to the tarmac. All that will seem like a bad dream
I’ll sit in the shade of an ancient plane tree, nibble on lemon drizzle cake, drink coffee from my flask and enjoy some rousing marches and a few musical medleys from The Dambusters, The Great Escape and the fabulous, My Fair Lady.
And at the finish we’ll all stand for God Save The King.
Labour to deploy riot police for the sake of other communities.
Have fun!
Bliss indeed. Transported back fifty years or more to a time when Britain was British and our culture remained intact. As you say a welcome touch of nostalgia.
But we are soon re immersed in the grim reality of 21 st century Britain when we ordinary Brits are despised by our leaders, looked down on by the powerful and even our King embraces our slow extinction by multiculty strangulation.
Experts have warned that enjoying gardens, summer sunshine, lemon drizzle cake – but being opposed to little girls being hacked to death – are indicators of being an extremist and member of the Far Right.
Israeli security forces thwart plot to kidnap Israelis in West Bank
It’s just amazing what the BBC do not report when it doesn’t fit their agenda.
Yet they’ll run multiple articles on stories like this right across the front page:
‘Israeli protesters enter army base after soldiers held over Gaza detainee abuse’
Because it infers the detainees are just victims.
But have a look at the video in that story I linked. The terrorist scum had dug a pit where hostages were going to be kept. For months at least. 1,000 times worse than some soldiers temporarily abusing some terrorists they captured.
But the BBC don’t report it ‘despite’ the fact the IDF DID produce evidence.
It’s the omission of inconvenient but important stories like this which show how biased the BBC is. They don’t give a shit if some innocent civilians were going to be thrown into the darkness of that pit not knowing if they would be murdered at any moment. It would literally drive you insane. It amounts to torture 24 hours per day for months or even years.
I would like Hamas to put Bowen and all the BBC clones producing their pro-hamas propaganda into that pit so they can learn a bit about who they are protecting.
In worrying news for the regime – goldfish memories can last up to a year edition
It has now taken the not inconsiderable resources of the American FBI days and weeks to fathom the motives of the Donald Trump rally shooter: …the bureau is facing challenges with getting into “encrypted messaging applications” used by Thomas Matthew Crooks (The Record, 7 days ago); Cracking a phone’s encryption isn’t always a guarantee for law enforcement, even in potential domestic terrorism cases (Axios Technology, 16th July)
And yet our very own Merseyside plod can rule out terrorism as a motive within a short couple of hours – pull the other one, it’s got Anjem Choudary with a call to prayer on it: Preacher jailed… for life for leading a secret terror organisation for a decade (Times)
The last time one noticed a widely publicised photo of a leader of the Labour party with a wreath clutched in his hands it was: Jeremy Corbyn wreath row explained… wreath-laying ceremony he attended in Tunisia… The Labour leader has said he visited the cemetery to honour innocent people killed in a 1985 Israeli air strike (BBC) – oh, so that was alright then. I’m pleased that’s been clarified – much in the manner of our very own would-be fact-checker Mr Stew Green hereabouts (kudos to him)
I was worried for moment there: Jeremy Corbyn has told MPs investigating accusations of antisemitism in the Labour party that he regrets once calling members of Hamas and Hezbollah “friends”. (Guardian, 2016) – well quite. And I don’t know why I’m still banging on about it like our very own repeats channel news archaeologist hereabouts Mr Marky Mark (kudos to him) – what Prof David Starky is to the Tudors, so he is to dusty old news reports.
But I digressed from the current newspaper review, led astray by the sight of Sir Keir on the frontpage of the Mirror, brandishing his floral tribute in his offical capacity of PM, First Lord of the Treasury and poor sap tasked with attempting to keep the lid on.
The regime playbook is of course well rehearsed at this point… Outrage, cops offer sympathy, reassure the community (communities), flood the district with a brief show of numbers… Cue the vigil, don’t look back in anger, Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya… Canonisation of our innocent everyday folks who happen to have fallen victim. [‘Give me a one in the chat box’ you viewers in 77th Brigade out there if I got all that correct – as they tend to say on one of those YouTube livestreams]
And so it is that the gynaeceum that is our BBC news staff frontpage pickers go for the big-hearted Labour-supporting tabloid Daily Miror as their top of the pops in the online newspaper line-up this morn.
Keep smiling and dancing (Mirror) – no, not Tim Davie’s management message to the scandal engulfed BBC hit show Strictly – this is in fact the banner headline and regime choice of message for us plebs this tinder box hot summer of anger and frustration.
To translate into the scouse vernacluar: “Eh? Eh? Eh? Calm Down, Calm Down…”
A vigil was held in Southport… (Mirror) – well, you could have knocked me down with a feather.
Except things didn’t quite go according to the script this time.
Violence errupts over child killings (Telegraph)
And here we have a rather forlorn and desolate example of our old friend the journalistic ‘despite’: Riot police clash with mob at Southport mosque despite minister’s warning for public to stop stirring discontent (Telegraph)
The authorities can’t say they weren’t warned – and the precident was fairly close to home: Riots errupt in Dublin after children stabbed (Reuters, November 2023)
Meanwhile the official line from the formerly patriotic Times reads as follows: Arrested teenager described as ‘quiet boy’… Twitter/X accounts had earlier spread false claims that the teenage suspect was a Muslim asylum seeker. He was born in Cardiff. (Times) – duly noted.
The authorities find themselves caught in something of a cleft stick here. They like to maintain their under-18 age reporting restrictions – and yet in that dangerous vacuum caused by the absence of information they fret over the inevitable speculation.
Moving quickly on – as I’m sure the regime will want to do.
However: Goldfish memories can last up to a year… an expert has found (Telegraph)
Think of the children
In celeb realtionship news: Huw Edwards, the former BBC broadcaster, who has been charged with making indecent images of children, is said to have split from his wife, Vicky Flind (Times)
Revealed: Jaw-dropping details of England star Kyle Walker’s child maintenance court battle with ex-lover (Daily Mail)
And finally, you’ll rarely ever see a black person read the Guardian and yet that title endeavors to mimic the Harlem Voice with their pick of favourite Olympian to feature frontpage: Simone Biles wins fifth Olympic gold
“Preacher jailed… for life for leading a secret terror organisation for a decade (Times)”
secret? HA HA HA HA!
Applying sharia law in England and Wales: independent review
Independent review by Professor Mona Siddiqui and a review panel of experts into the application of sharia law in England and Wales by sharia councils.
The 9:30am R4 show is about a historic 1969 kidnap and death of a woman the kidnappers mistook for Rupert Murdoch’s wife
The obvious intriguing thing is buried halfway down
The names of the kidnappers
“Arthur Hosein, who owned Rooks Farm, and his younger brother Nizamodeen Hosein, were arrested on 7 February 1970.
.., they were both jailed for life for Mrs McKay’s kidnap and murder.
Nizamodeen was deported to his native Trinidad ”
In the photo they look very Asian
So even then killers were foreign born.
“Two Indo-Trinidadian brothers, Arthur and Nizamodeen Hosein, were convicted of her murder and kidnapping in September 1970.”
Anna Soubry 59 mins ago didn’t understand that there were foreigner stabby incidents in both Southport and Southend
So accused Lee Anderson of being a thicko who mixed the two places up
Anna Soubry 🇬🇧🏴🇺🇦🇪🇺🖤🤍
@LeeAndersonMP_ is not the sharpest article in the #Reform toolbox – he did a Google search for #Southport & got *Southend*.
He and his motley crew are yet to condemn the attacks on our police and a place of worship in Southport last night.
I wonder why?
Then 21 mins ago
Soubry herself mixed up Southport and Stockport
#projection is a libmob characteristic
She’s triple wrong cos the Reform Party did condemn Southport riots 3 hours before she tweeted
“Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country”
{ sep2017}
Didn’t Andy Fairweather Lowe write and perform a song that describes her ?
She’s a demented old bag trying to justify her existence, I doubt anybody pays any real attention to anything she says.
Second bottle of red
I expect much more of this.
Full force of the law says Starmer about the rioters but oddly not about the stabbed yet!
Huw Edwards just plead guilty in court
Of being a hero.
Was he just kidding?
“Meanwhile, the Southport stabbings have sparked riots outside a mosque, with hundreds throwing bricks, masonry, and fireworks at police officers and Starmer faced a hostile reception while laying flowers at the attack site, met with cries of “You can’t do sh*t!” from the enraged crowd.”
“Promise everything, deliver nothing”
A new trick I noticed during the Leicester fights in 2022 was the media/gov blob starting to shift blame onto outside agents provocateurs who inflame unrest. R5 yesterday evening was pushing this gameplan. Now “Southport MP Patrick Hurley says it’s ‘distressing’ to see people from ‘outside our Southport community attacking our police and local people'”.
Watch out for those fleets of EDL vans patrolling the country looking for hotspots where they can help things kick off. The EDL doesn’t exist, and the vans don’t either, but it’s all about perception.
Media and politicians are trying to force through the worldview that our ‘communities’ are naturally united oases of harmony; any division is only stirred up by outside far-right agitators.
1400 raped kids = 0 flipped police cars.
1 bacon slice on mosque door = 1 death in prison.
Maybe they’ve confused them with the ‘high tech’ TV detector vans?
Quite a few have spotted Sopel had nothing to say about the Leeds unrest 10 days ago.
Street violence (Southport) = shameful and odious
Street violence (Leeds) = tumbleweed
The Telegraph have this:
‘The 17-year-old boy, whose family moved to Britain from Rwanda, was born in Cardiff and moved to Southport 10 years ago.’
“they must have had lots of money, it wouldn’t have been a cheap rent. This is a lovely estate in a nice part of Cardiff”.
So the plot thickens. Why the extreme secrecy ?.
I seem to recall at the outset of the ‘Rwanda Plan’ that the arrangement included bringing in some Rwandan’s with ill health to treat on the NHS. Could the murderer be a part of that plan when he is inevitably described as possessing, “mental health issues”?
The Olympic organisers decided to feed the athletes on environmentally-friendly food….
It didn’t end well and they are now having to fly in tins of meat and eggs etc. to appease the athletes who are blaming the poor food offered is affecting their performances.
A French Olympic official did a fabulous arse-covering comment draping with lies when forced to appease the athletes.
Why do these lunatics insist on pushing their delusions on everybody else? Who gives them the right?
reality meets fantasy
“There’s more than a little outrage this morning as Sky News and the BBC deploy their usual questionable reporting on killed Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. In Sky correspondent Alex Crawford’s analysis she said he was “a very moderate leader“.”
“a very moderate leader“
“a very moderate leader“
Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji
Imagine my surprise it seems Jonny Sopel has time to post stuff up online about bad behaviour in Southport..
I would have thought he was busy enough holding his friend Huw Edwards hand during a difficult morning down at the Magistrates Court. What a versatile and capable bloke he is.
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker ( …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
Many Thanks.
If Soapy was such a good friend of Huw did he know of Huw’s hobby? Or did he even join with Huw on occasion? Guilt by association is so often used by the left and by the BBC that such questions can’t be ignored in 21 st century Britain. I’m sure that Soapy will make a statement to clear his name.
Huw pleading guily x3 is obviously a miscarriage of justice – right mr sopel . I suppose the deal with the bbc was plead guilty – stay silent and get free money
No dirty bbc facts being placed before the public …
Sentence ? I reckon 2 years suspended then a series on C4?
Why don’t the police just say the child murderer had mental problems and was a lone wolf.
It’s worked for the other hundreds of times.
They can add “lessons will be learned” if they really want to hammer home their message (after their ‘our hearts go out to the families etc’ message)
To save time, why don’t they just have one message which they can post for every incident like this so that every time these things happen they can just insert whichever place name and then paste.
Maybe they already do!
Eg yes the ‘ diminished responsibility gig workd pretty well at the moment…
Sting & Ibrahim Maalouf Inshallah Bataclan Paris 12/11/2016