Midweek 31st July 2024

Another thread – like a reset – except that the BBC continues to pump out cover for Islamic murderers and their gangs of supporters .- dump the licence

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593 Responses to Midweek 31st July 2024

  1. Nibor says:

    Sorry if this was mentioned before ,

    But wouldn`t have been great if a police officer had gone in heavy handed and neutralised the child killer by getting him down and stamping on his head ?


    • Doublethinker says:

      I’m shocked that you suggest such a thing. The police have, as every other public has, a duty of care to both victim and suspected perpetrator. If they had intervened with physical force they would have been seen to take sides in public, protecting white girls from a black chap!
      How would that play in the media? Imagine the headline , black boy beaten and kicked by police . No need to inform the public of what the black boy had been doing just prior to police intervention.


  2. MarkyMark says:



  3. MarkyMark says:

    Global Britain: the UK’s soft power advantage
    July 2021


    “It acknowledges that the UK’s soft power advantage is vital to the success of this endeavour.

    At this crucial turning point we offer new insight into the UK’s standing in the eyes of young people around the world.”


    China and Russia stage first joint bomber patrol near Alaska


  4. Ian Rushlow says:

    The BBC gleefully tells us that “Robert the Bruce 3D model (is the) ‘most realistic ever produced'”. Hardly. It depicts him as a standard northern European man, when everyone knows he was actually a black man, just like Henry VIII, Alfred the Great, Owain Glyndŵr and er, Queen Charlotte, along with every other significant character in British history. Shame on you BBC, for not telling the truth about our rich (and exclusively so) African heritage.


    Actually, the article appears to be part of the BBC’s ongoing ‘Scottish/Welsh/Irish Nationalism GOOD, English Nationalism BAD’ series…


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Oh no, another WHITE! to add to Humza Useless’s list.


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        Even “the Lady With the Lamp” Mary Seacole was 3/4 Hwite!


  5. Sluff says:

    Huw Edwards pleaded guilty today to possession of indecent images of children.
    He was arrested at the end of 2023.
    He had stepped down before that. The management surely knew why.
    Yet he was paid in full by the BBC for the whole of that time and even got a pay increase, even if suspended.

    It seems to me the BBC have a lot of questions to answer.
    It goes without saying that they won’t be answering them


    • MarkyMark says:

      Using BBC equipment and Jimmy Savilles camper van in the car park?


      “One woman alleged she was raped by Savile in his caravan in a car park on BBC premises in 1970. She was 22 years old and had just won a beauty contest.”



  6. Foscari says:

    This is a different kind of comment from me. BUT I
    suppose it can be related to Biased BBC.
    The BMX bike cycling events at the Olympics, makes for
    exciting viewing. Nothing wrong with the BBC
    commentators getting excited. BUT when Wing Wang
    Wong is performing double flips, backward triple
    somersaults on her bike. Should we expect the kind
    of commentating from the BBC as we have from
    the Brazilian commentators when BRAZIL score a goal?
    I just switched on when the BBC commentators were having
    their orgasms as Wing wang Wong was cycling. I thought
    that this must be a British cyclist. And that orgasms were in
    order. But am I wrong to think that CHINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is a bit OTT for the BRITISH broadcasting corporation.
    Even though the BRITISH is just an oxymoron, .


    • MarkyMark says:

      Olympics to ban China due to slave trade and education camps?


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      ‘I feel I’m being cheated’ – tearful Gauff argues with officials


      Watch Coco Gauff’s heated argument with officials after the umpire called Donna Vekic’s shot in, despite a line judge calling it out, resulting in the American losing a key point before being knocked out of the women’s singles at Paris 2024.

      FOLLOW LIVE: Olympics – Day Four

      Available to UK users only.

      Olympic Games

      22 hours ago


      This was still prominent on the Olympics pages today, even in a fast-moving Games where there are new stories all the time.

      Note the “22 hours ago”.

      But then it is one of the Beeb’s “faves”…


  7. wwfc says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      All of them! Then we can have equality!


    • MarkyMark says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      when another white boy or white girl
      dies at the hand of an
      immigrant we might Shake our head we
      might let out a sigh we might even get
      angry for a minute or two and then we go
      on with our lives we offer the family
      thoughts and prayers but nothing ever
      changes ladies and gentlemen what does
      that say about us this is the sign this
      is a response of a society that has
      already given up a society that has
      already accepted its
      defeat but is this true have we given up
      do we really accept the new reality that
      our globalist leaders have in mind for
      us I know one thing for sure and that is
      that if nothing changes if we don’t
      start to seriously fight for our
      continent for our religion for our
      people our countries
      then this time that we live in will go
      down in history as the time in which
      Western Nations no longer had to get
      invaded by hostile armies in order to be
      conquered this time will then go down in
      history as the period in which the
      Invader was actively invited in by a
      corrupt Elite and not only did this
      corrupt Elite invite the enemy in they
      made the native population pay for it to
      when another white boy or white girl
      dies at the hand of an
      immigrant we might Shake our head we
      might let out a sigh we might even get
      angry for a minute or two and then we go
      on with our lives we offer the family
      thoughts and prayers but nothing ever
      changes ladies and gentlemen what does
      that say about us this is the sign this
      is a response of a society that has
      already given up a society that has
      already accepted its
      defeat but is this true have we given up
      do we really accept the new reality that
      our globalist leaders have in mind for
      us I know one thing for sure and that is
      that if nothing changes if we don’t
      start to seriously fight for our
      continent for our religion for our
      people our countries
      then this time that we live in will go
      down in history as the time in which
      Western Nations no longer had to get
      invaded by hostile armies in order to be
      conquered this time will then go down in
      history as the period in which the
      Invader was actively invited in by a
      corrupt Elite and not only did this
      corrupt Elite invite the enemy in they
      made the native population pay for it to



    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I agree with Eva, except that there will be no history in the future. Al-Britani will always have been a muslim state, and the buildings and monuments associated with the past will be destroyed. It is the will of allah.


  8. micknotmike says:

    There’s an interesting comment floating about regarding the Southport troubles:-

    “That lie about ‘the community coming together in Southport ‘ “, implying that it isn’t actually coming together at all.

    When the do-gooders stand around singing “Kumbuya” and lighting those bloody silly tea-light candles. that isn’t the community coming together.

    What you are seeing on the streets now, with the bricks and bottles flying, is a community who have had enough and are most assuredly “Coming together”.

    Incidentally the Times has now spoken of “Russian involvement” in the riots. Give me strength.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Those Russians sure move fast.


    • kingkp says:

      You have to ask yourself a simple question. Who benefits from this event? If you want to survive what is coming you need to remain calm and rational when you analyse every event you see on the media. I mean doubt everything you see until you can verify with your own eyes what happened. You cannot assume any event is real as soon as you see it. There are simply too many examples from the past that tell us to be cautious. Watch, observe, and remember the most important fact. Whatever happened in Southport it was only possible because the criminals in government enabled it and they are responsible for it all. That is the most important fact in this case.


      • NW Ninepence says:

        What the hell has gone wrong ?

        After yet another tragic event and the deaths of three children. Something which unfortunately is becoming more and more frequent. The protest in Southport last night,which unjustifiably went far too far with their violence and criminal damage, will unfortunately also now start to become more and more frequent. There are always those groups who deliberately set out to stir up and cause as much devastation as possible. I’m amazed it hasn’t happened sooner. (Reading the news reports from politicians and the typical news media, the blame all lies with the likes of Farage and the racist far right news outlets.)

        Our politicians who are ever so good at putting out their condemnation and sympathies after every horrific event, yet are still so remote from how it affects ordinary people’s lives in every way. – Until the times come when such incidents begin to effect their lives and the lives of their families in some form or another, then, we will see a great uproar.

        They constantly tell us that to avoid division and distrust that we should all listen to, respect, and debate opinions from others and yet THEY do the total opposite. .They are the ones making promises and then do the complete opposite They are the ones creating the division then wonder why there are so many wanting to fight back.

        This is Britain – and the government’s job is to keep it’s citizens safe and protect it’s borders, again,- they do the complete opposite We have been a welcoming country for legal migration – but when in Rome…… We have a government that doesn’t care, just like the last one.

        However, I sense a new oncoming of ordinary, working class. British citizens becoming evermore despondent and angry with how our totally oblivious governing bodies are contributing to and creating the problem that occur everyday.

        All on this site will be well aware of the above, but I now feel that after the years of continuous lies and the brainwashing from our MPs and the likes of the bBC – I am now apparently, what THEY would consider to be, FAR RIGHT :- So be it …. Just sick of the unfairness and division they’ve created re ; Culture, Age, Class, Sex, Prosperity, Education etc. etc. etc. in a once great ‘Britain’

        Sorry, – Rant over after yet another awful day reading the news – I am only glad that I am getting on in years and will hopefully be long gone when the inevitable happens in this country.


  9. Fedup2 says:

    So the bloke who was the face of the BBC for the most grave of events and occasions turns out to enjoy sexual pictures of young kids .
    With plenty of BBC big guns defending his ‘innocence “.

    I’m sure that the vast majority – maybe every one – would never have guessed or even suspected him – unlike James saville who always had ‘something ‘ about him ….

    Will the bbc now do a documentary about one of their own ? As a warning to others ?
    How long will it be before the bosses of huw Edwards speak about him – now that the legal ‘restraints ‘ are coming off ….?
    Will his victims give their account – now that we are deprived of details of the court case because of the guilty plea. ?
    Will mr Edwards name other names in the BBC – or will colleagues like the discredited Sopel talk about their involvement ?

    Perhaps the BBC will rely on ‘events ‘ to take attention away from their number one boy and his enormous pay packet ….


    • MarkyMark says:



      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        Wouldn’t holly risk puncturing the absurd protective plastic?

        Oh, sorry, you mean Holly! I’ll get me coat.


    • Lunchtime Loather says:

      I suggest Clive Myrie to play Edwards because (a) he’ll know how to act the part, (b) he looks nothing like Edwards (as is usual in BBC documentaries), and (c) he is black. Should work well.


  10. MarkyMark says:

    “If the hair is blue, there is nothing you can do.”

    ‘Children Will Report Parents for Hate Speech’. 1/4 of Children Believe Churchill is a Fictional Man


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      ‘Grain Hoarding’ will be next on the mad-marxists little list:



      • MarkyMark says:

        “His story, dated to 1932, is that of a 13-year-old boy who denounced his father to the authorities and was in turn killed by his family. His story was a subject of reading, songs, plays, a symphonic poem, a full-length opera, and six biographies. His politicized and mythologized story was used to encourage Soviet Bloc children to also inform on their parents.[1]”


      • MarkyMark says:

        Atlas – Net Zero – Climate change – we have arrived

        “In 1940, Lysenko became director of the Institute of Genetics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, and he used his political influence and power to suppress dissenting opinions and discredit, marginalize, and imprison his critics, elevating his anti-Mendelian theories to state-sanctioned doctrine.[7][8]”


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        Atlas, the 3rd seal of the apocalypse – the black horseman, is just that. A famine caused by an excessive price increase of staple food. While luxury goods remain undamaged.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      In Orwell’s “1984”, Winston Smith’s neighbour Parsons was reported to Thinkpol (= the Thought Police, in ‘Oldspeak’) by his own child, who had heard Parsons muttering in his sleep that he hated Big Brother.

      The gullible and brainwashed Parsons consoled himself with the thought that he had, at least, brought up the little nipper in the right spirit.

      So, nothing new under the sun.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Go for the kids …


        Mama Ru presides as fabulous queens aim to be the UK’s next Drag Race superstar. Who will dazzle the celeb judges and the amazing Michelle Visage? Join the party, squirrel friends!


        We have to spill the tea, but this time, there’s no shade. Drag is enjoying one of its most popular periods in herstory.

        Drag is a fascinating, complex world packed with surprises and social history. In 2017, Time magazine named RuPaul as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. If that’s not serving up sickening realness, we really don’t know what is.


  11. Althepalerp says:

    The BBC is home for perverts.
    Close the thing down.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
      “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”


  12. wwfc says:

    More enrichment


  13. MarkyMark says:

    We are responsible for:

    working on the problems caused by illegal drug use
    shaping the alcohol strategy, policy and licensing conditions
    keeping the United Kingdom safe from the threat of terrorism
    reducing and preventing crime, and ensuring people feel safe in their homes and communities
    securing the UK border and controlling immigration
    considering applications to enter and stay in the UK
    issuing passports and visas
    supporting visible, responsible and accountable policing by empowering the public and freeing up the police to fight crime
    fire prevention and rescue



  14. MarkyMark says:

    Our goals are to:

    cut crime and the harm it causes, including cyber-crime and serious and organised crime
    manage civil emergencies within the remit of the Home Office
    protect vulnerable people and communities
    reduce terrorism
    control migration
    provide world-class public services and contribute to prosperity
    maximise the benefits of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union



  15. wronged says:



  16. MarkyMark says:

    “Reeves announced a 3% increase in the top rate of the energy profits levy — a.k.a. the North Sea windfall tax—bringing it to a staggering 78% and stretching its tenure to 2030. On top of that, she’s stripping away the investment allowances. This policy will carve out a £5-7 billion gap in the national accounts as the regime loses £2.2-6.2 billion in annual income, while still bearing the £2-3 billion yearly cost of decommissioning existing projects. Reeves, naturally, is happy to blame the Tories for the black hole in the books, yet conveniently sidesteps the fact that she’s busy digging a fresh one…”



  17. MarkyMark says:

    Huw Edwards

    Sir Norman Fry Compilation – Little Britain


  18. Fedup2 says:

    If there is an ‘energy gap ‘ in 2027 as is predicted – I wonder if the reds will get away with blaming the blues? I doubt it if the reality is rationing – with blackout similar to the Heath era …

    .. but on the upside – get a view of the night sky without street lights – or any lights .

    Another upside for people long after us – is that the oil will still be there – ready for more enlightened people to exploit – maybe with a ‘sovereign wealth fund ‘… but by then i suppose an emir will be in number 10 Mohammed street …


  19. MarkyMark says:

    NO BBC report on TAXES GOING UP (except for BBC presenters) HA HA HA HAH A


  20. MarkyMark says:

    7 June – Investors are already getting out of Labour-landslide Britain


    A scramble to pull money from UK equities is not quite the vote of confidence the Opposition hoped for


  21. wwfc says:

    Even More enrichment


    • G says:

      The police watching on. Armed police should have been detached to shoot them. No Questions asked.


  22. BRISSLES says:

    Harris ….BBC
    King ……..BBC

    next …


    • Philip_2 says:

      There does seem to be a connection to all of the above, one of them had an international arrest warrant out for him for molesting small boys. He was the head of BBC radio 2 for some reason. It could have been a Chris Denning, but with so much talent to choose from, the BBC has a hard choice to make. BBC DEI Diversity scheme in tatters.
      Who can replace such BBC talent! Can we afford it even?


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Clement Freud … BBC.


  23. G says:

    I watched a video on YT last evening. I confess to not having watched anything like it before. It was a simple expose of the ‘Climate’ lies and more: the background to Arthur Scargill and the events in the 1980’s. This is highly recommended:

    Lord Mockton –

    A better guide to the Big Con, you will not find.


    • Philip_2 says:

      Lord Monckton was not taken in. He later helped launch the GWPF which strongly opposed the Climate claims being made at the time and still are a vocal opposition. They also publish peer reviewed papers that indicate the Climate Change (so called) ‘consensus’ never existed and is a total hoax*. Pushed by the IPCC and WEF in its UN AGENDA 21 strategy for population control and Wealth re distribution. All nonsense but we are now living in it. Soon to be broke as a nation.

      *A total hoax….
      Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has come out and said the whole nonsense of Climate Change caused exclusively by CO2 is an absolute HOAX. Anyone who has ever studied physics cannot possibly conclude otherwise.


  24. BRISSLES says:

    Just finished watching The Turkish Detective – a BBC drama. Hmmmm, call me cynical, but mediocrally good though it was, it was a series that could easily have been The Spanish / Austrian / German Detective, but no, it was done with the backdrop and therefore family life of Islam. Was it created and commissioned to show a wider audience that basically Islam is ok ?., but the characters had accents that ranged from oh gawd blimey London to mid America … in Istanbul! Methinks there is a bit of brain washing going on, similar to showing mixed relationships on the ads.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “If Europe continues this way (banned Turkish officials from campaigning in Germany & Netherlands), no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets,” Mr Erdogan told journalists in Ankara. {independent.co.uk 22mar2017} – or be safe in their own homes, he could have added!


    • Northern Voter says:

      The books from which the series were made were written by Barbara Nadel The books themselves are really quite good, that is until the Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation got their hands on them. Just police thrillers in a different country and culture.


    • Scroblene says:

      Best idea is not watch any of this stuff, Brissles!

      I paid around £25 for a cheapo DVD player, and spent all the saved TV tax money on a big collection of DVDs from the days when TV programmes were pretty good!

      I still have hours of series to watch, when the evenings draw in…!


  25. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Christchurch Park in Ipswich at about 8.10pm on Monday;

    A man, in his 20s suffered, serious stab wounds and was rushed to hospital with potentially life-changing injuries, a Suffolk police spokesman confirmed.

    Following an investigation, a 48-year-old (Welsh?) man was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of assault causing grievous bodily harm.




    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:


      Haven’t seen any Taffman posts recently.
      What’s he been up to?


  26. Square-Eyed says:

    Television Programmes We’re Never Likely to See

    No 1: The Blair Legacy

    A thoroughgoing investigation into the principles, policies and effects of the Blair Government, 1997-2007, and work of the Tony Blair Sports Foundation, the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, Tony Blair Associates, the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative and the Tony Blair Institute, 2007-present. Cui bono?


  27. MarkyMark says:

    The Reckoning PART II – starring Huw Edwards
    Factual drama examining the crimes of Jimmy Savile & Huw Edwards, with testimony from survivors.
    Series 1: Episode 1 (59 mins)



  28. tomo says:

    Have Max Headroom and that prat been seen together in the same room?


  29. Zephir says:

    BBC admits it KNEW Huw Edwards had been arrested on suspicious of serious offences last November – but kept paying his £479,000-a-year salary until he resigned in April



    • MarkyMark says:

      Pay £139 to keep a pedophile in the life they’ve become accustomed to.


    • Flotsam says:

      The BBC and Edwards have done a deal, the BBC have bought Edwards silence. They kept paying him with our money when there was no need to in exchange for Edwards not spilling the beans on the others.


  30. SpinningReith says:

    Not BBC, but it’s the thought that counts…
    On GB News, Martin Daubney has just introduced ‘a beautiful black lad’ to talk about knife crime.
    I didn’t bother.
    The ‘beautiful’ white lads are probably rioting somewhere.


  31. wronged says:



  32. BRISSLES says:

    Beautiful black lad banged out the usual platitudes why his kind carry knives, saying it had been going on for decades. Yes, and so has the cry that “there’s nothing for young kids to do” – in the 50s it was teddy boys and flick knives, 60s it was mods and rockers squaring up in Margate, and in the decades ever since. In fact there has been endless attempts at youth clubs (my own dad ran one in the 60s), sporting and otherwise , but if the mindset in the kid is not one to engage then its an uphill struggle. Today though we’re in a different ballgame, drugs and knife gangs need a harder clamp down, and not a softly softly approach.


  33. friend of yogi bear says:


    The rumours have started already, or to use a favoured BBC line “Some people are saying” that there is further news concerning BBC “talent” Huw Edwards, it seems most reasonable people realise he has suffered and suffered and suffered enough recently, but mindful of a duty of care and knowing that he had been arrested in November ,the worlds most trusted broadcaster ,still managed to give him a pay rise, yes a pay rise and despite not having all that bother of going to work, a decent rise too …£40,000 not bad eh! on Top of his £430,000. How thoughtless when he is already subject to a degree of scorn. However there is possibly, potentially, some good news…….so keep reading.

    Anyway the rumour, which surely can’t be true ,is that to help him with his mental health and to battle his low self esteem, Huw has been offered a place to join the cast of “strictly come dancing”for the new season starting in September….well in good BBC style such a move might, just might boost the viewing figures.
    However l struggle to believe this , as I foresee a few difficulties. The main one being , Huw may not be able to honour the contract, unless of course the rehearsals each week and indeed his Saturday night performance, sequins and all could come direct from the exercise yard at HMP Wormwood Scrubs. Then again that could be yet another BBC triumph on the inclusivity front.

    I for one can’t think there is any truth in such nonsense but thats the trouble with using that favoured line, “some people say”.


  34. tomo says:


  35. wronged says:

    Notwithstanding the condescending tone of her voice. Yvette Cooper today provided proof to me that she is a nasty bitch.

    Despite the multicultural problems in Britain she withheld increases to the the 29k financial threshold for people entering our country on a family visa. The net result is that more immigrants will be able to enter the country. Thereby lessening to all the availability of access to the NHS, housing, degraded transport, jobs, etc

    What a kick in the teeth to the British people.
    Really nasty uncaring bitch


  36. BRISSLES says:

    I take utter satisfaction in knowing that my vote did not help to put them in power, and those that did will have to live with their consciences and maybe regret, at what theyve done.


    • Flotsam says:

      I think we should have a second vote. Smarmer was always suggesting second votes as the first one was wrong.


      • tomo says:


  37. vlad says:

    Some light relief… or not so light.



  38. Lucy Pevensey says:



  39. Zephir says:

    Distinct lack of a certain rubber titted ex arithmetist bemoaning an uncaring government attacking the vulnerable in last few weeks……


  40. Zephir says:

    Moment Kurdish migrant tries to kill stranger at random by pushing him onto Tube tracks at Oxford Circus Underground Station – as he is found guilty of attempted murder



    • BRISSLES says:

      According to some reports the Kurd is homeless, so is this a new tack ? Commit a serious crime so a prison term is delivered – result ! A bed, 3 Square meals a day and medical care …. for free !


  41. Zephir says:

    “Southport protests latest: Far right mob clash with riot police near Downing Street and Cenotaph”


  42. Zephir says:


  43. Zephir says:

    “Stop the Boats”
    CCGB no one is buying the far right media lies


  44. G.W.F. says:



  45. Zephir says:


  46. StewGreen says:

    3 week old tweet from Soubry


    • JohnC says:

      Ahh Anna. Who has a place in my memory because of her head jerking with hate while she spoke about Brexiteers. An honour shared with Pelosi talking about Trump and Maitliss talking about Republicans in general.

      Possibly the second biggest fraud the Conservative party has had in recent years. Bercow being top of course. Two greedy scumbags only in it for themselves.

      I see from Bercow:
      ‘Bercow broke the pledge he made in 2012 not to take his speaker’s pension until he is 65 years old. In 2021 he revealed he started taking the pension when he left the office’

      Reminds me of the other Labour brawler John Prescott who:
      ‘Lord Prescott was elevated to the peerage in 2010, despite reportedly having once said: “I don’t want to be a member of the House of Lords. I will not accept it.”‘

      You can always trust the Left to let their greed trump their hypocrisy and lies.


  47. Philip_2 says:

    The BBC has admitted it knew Huw Edwards had been arrested last November for “serious offences” but continued to employ him for five months.

    Edwards, 62, the former leading BBC presenter, did not leave the BBC until he resigned in April, and was the corporation’s highest paid journalist last year.

    On Wednesday, he appeared at Westminster magistrates’ court and pleaded guilty to possessing indecent images of children, including one as young as seven years old.
    Edwards admitted to having 41 indecent images, seven of which are category A, the most serious.

    Internal note sent to BBC staff
    An internal note sent to BBC staff, co-signed by senior management, said they were “appalled” by Huw Edwards’ conviction. The note added: “Some of you may feel shocked and saddened by this news and some of you will have worked closely with Huw Edwards over the years”.

    “Many of you will be working on this story, and we want to thank you for your professionalism in carrying on with your jobs in difficult circumstances”.
    The note ended saying if staff had “been affected in any way by today’s news please do make full use of our wellbeing resources”, which include the “free, confidential employee assistance programme and the BBC’s peer support network”

    Offences happened while Edwards was BBC frontman
    Huw Edwards was a fixture on the BBC at the same time he was accessing indecent images of children as young as seven.
    A court heard he was involved in an online chat with an adult man on WhatsApp between December 2020 and August 2021, who sent him 377 sexual images, of which 41 were indecent images of children.
    During that period, he fronted coverage of the funeral of the late Duke Of Edinburgh on April 17 2021.
    He also fronted a programme from Windsor Castle the night before the funeral, called HRH The Duke of Edinburgh Remembered.
    He remained on air until July 2023, leading the corporation’s coverage of the late Queen’s platinum jubilee, her death and her funeral, as well as the coronation of King Charles.

    The court heard that Edwards had been involved in online chat with an adult man on WhatsApp between Dec 2020 and Aug 2021, who sent him 377 sexual images, of which 41 were indecent images of children.
    The indecent images that were sent included seven Category A, the worst, 12 Category B, and 22 Category C.
    Of the Category A images, the estimated age of most of the children was between 13 and 15, but one was aged between seven and nine, the court was told.

    The former BBC presenter Huw Edwards has pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children.


    And goodnight from us all here at BBC studios.


  48. Zephir says:



  49. atlas_shrugged says:

    Hartlepool kicking off now.

    “Suddenly every thing seems … normal?”
    Anna Soubry


  50. Lucy Pevensey says:

    ITV & The Sun have released a few seconds of CCTV which they say is the Southport killer prior to killing the girls. Identity protected.


    • JohnC says:

      So why have they gone to all the effort to blur out his head I wonder ?.

      I’ve seen plenty of CCTV pictures of suspects where they didn’t.

      This story has inadvertently become all about the control of our state over what we get to see – particularly when specific violent minority groups are concerned. The extent of their total control is quite shocking.

      This is what ‘multicultural society’ means in the REAL world. Not the ‘happy eutopia where everyone is equal’ the naive socialist idiots believe.


      • JohnC says:

        Just been watching a video from a Ukraine war commentator briefly address this attack (which he calls ‘Lessons in insanity’).

        The FIRST thing he said was that they do not believe this man is only 17. They have said that so they can legally suppress any information about him being published.

        That absolutely fits in with the bizarre secrecy around this case.

        He ends with ‘At what point is the citizenry of the United Kingdom going to rise up and end this’.

        Clearly he is not aware how massively over-policed ANYTHING by the Right is over here. Any hint of right-wing activity is put down by a vastly disproportionate response. I remember those protestors at the Gaza protests being outnumbered by police and kettled into a small area while the protest went past.

        They can control groups of a few dozen. They can’t control tens of thousands of Immigrants who don;t care about our laws and Far-Left yobs who are driven by simple hate of the Right.

        Their only priority is to stop a confrontation. Right and wrong don’t come into it. That will contain the pressure for now but will only serve to make the final explosion far more violent.

        ‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.’