Another thread – like a reset – except that the BBC continues to pump out cover for Islamic murderers and their gangs of supporters .- dump the licence
I do enjoy seeing the extreme Lefties being shown for what they are. Especially when they are arrogant idiots like ‘guest’s favourite’ Sopel:
He absolutely sums up the kind of reporter who prospers at the BBC. Here is on a soapbax given to him by ITV who are not that far behind the BBC these days:
The list is laughable and sadly predictable:
Owen Jones, Lewis Goodall and of course Emily Maitlis who is possibly the worst of all. The rest are idiots : she is downright nasty.
Another outrageously pro-Hamas article from the nitwit Bowen.
How dare he infer it’s Israels fault that there is no ceasefire ?. Hamas are scuppering every deal because they don’t want one. Their conditions are basically Israel stop the war completely.
Shame on you Bowen. By supporting these terrorists you convince them they will get what they want iof they keepit going long enough.
Which make you no less of a terrorist than they are.
Keep going IDF : finish the job. You will never get the hostages back now unless you take them by force.
Trump accuses Harris of playing the Race card and immediately is accused of being racist for doing it.
This article is another blatant hit-piece of fake outrage from the BBC. And it has appeared on doznes of website simultaneously. Clearly the TNI is going to be used a lot in the anti-Trump campaign.
As usual Trump hit the nail on the head with:
‘”I respect either one,” the Republican said in reference to Harris’ racial identity. “But she obviously doesn’t because she was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person.”‘
Watch how Kamala does EXACTLY that in the upcoming campaign and how the BBC ignore it.
This is a clear sign how desperate they are. We can expect the BBC to push their own red-lines much further out in the coming weeks.
As usual, the BBC have edited the interview to show just the bit that suits their anti-Trump agenda. NONE of the dozens of links which come up from the search show the most truly appalling part of this interview which should be making the headline.
Just watch how ‘ABC News’ conduct this interview. It’s absolutely disgusting.
That interviewer must have been to the ‘Emily Maitliss school of journalism’.
“Kamala is basking in the post-Joe glow – and Trump is panicking… but now MAUREEN CALLAHAN reveals the SIX fatal secrets about Harris’s dirty past, her lies and hypocrisy that she’ll wish you didn’t know.
No.1: Harris owns the border
Despite attempts by the liberal media to claw back Harris’s appointment as Biden’s ‘border czar’, it is indisputably true that she was deputized as such.
‘Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the ‘root causes’ that drive migration’ – that’s a report from Axios dated April 14, 2021.
By the end of this administration, an estimated 10 million migrants will have crossed into the United States illegally.
Among those are potentially hundreds of known terrorists. And then there’s the unknown number of ‘gotaways’ who have evaded border control.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott told Fox News on Monday that Harris has contacted him ‘zero times’ throughout her tenure.
No.2: She has repeatedly vouched for Biden’s physical and cognitive health
Harris has done this for years, insisting as recently as February that ‘we have a very bold and vibrant president in Joe Biden… Our president is in good shape, in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term’.
No.3: She’s an alleged bully
Since taking office as VP, Harris has had a staff turnover rate of almost 92 percent, according to a top government watchdog.
Such churn-and-burn has apparently been a Harris hallmark throughout her two decades in public service.
No.4: Even for a politician, she’s particularly craven
After accusing Biden of backing historically racist policies during a televised June 2019 presidential debate — causing Biden to reportedly say during a commercial break, ‘Well, that was some f***ing bull****’, and forever earning the enmity of Jill Biden — Harris, who dropped out of that race with a 3 percent approval rating, accepted his VP slot.
No.5: Zero foreign policy experience and zero backbone
Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, is Jewish, yet Harris caves to the radicals in her own party, refusing to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wartime address to Congress last week.
No.6: No stated premise or philosophy
‘We’re not going back’ is the emerging Harris slogan, and I will say this – it’s ingenious.
It allows the voter to project whatever meaning they like, and for women, many will surely interpret this as a call to restore reproductive rights in full. Such is the minefield the Trump-Vance ticket must navigate.
That said, Harris has no existential reason for running. She has no record, no real cause to show after four years as VP.”
That might be the case if the MSM was going to bring it up Zephir.
But they won’t. All of that will simply not be mentioned.
Neither will the No1 elephant in the room : how come a man unfit to be President has been the most powerful man on Earth for at least a year in that condition and nobody – particlulary the mainstream media whose job it is to prevent this happening – has said a single word.
The BBC in particular have been editting his videos to hide his true condition from us. That alone should be extremely serious. But as the whole establishment want to stop Trump, it’s been allowed to go on.
Democracy has utterly failed because the MSM have become dominated by left-wing activists and are now some kind of weird collective fascist dictatorship who can decide what to tell us and what to hide without fear of consequences.
I was telling anybody who’d listen the Biden was an often delusional lying thicko to start with – and he was self evidently some considerable way down the slide of dementia prior to his appointment as DNC POTUS candidate for 2020.
I cannot say I’ve been surprised at the media’s antics – I just feel that one is obliged to apply liberal dollops of pragmatic cynicism to *anything* coming out of the sausage machine of news and current affairs as presented in western Anglophone media in particular..
"One note of caution. Be careful who you trust. Take the BBC, for example. When it says it is concerned with truth and accuracy, be aware that this is make-believe. It is concerned only with pushing liberal propaganda. Also, it's full of nonces. So be careful who you trust."
The rank hypocrisy of the BBC never ceases to amaze me.
This was a deliberate attack on civilians with the intent to scare them sufficiently that they all leave the Crimea.
A war crime for sure. Sounds a lot more like terrorism.
But just a few ‘facts only’ lines from the BBC. Then they ramble on about claims from both sides – but only one get’s this treatment:
‘Russia’s defence ministry has now claimed that about 50 foreign “instructors and mercenaries” were killed in the strike, without offering any evidence other than a video of the purported attack.’
So as much evidence as Russia could give then BBC. Now it’s your job to verify the target and do some investigation with your people in Ukraine as to whether it is feasible instead of simply dismissing it. It’s not their job a prove things to news outlets : it’s the job of the news to find out what’s true and what isn’t then report it.
But since the innfestation of our news by left-wing activists, those days are long gone. Any investigations by the BBC these days are ALWAYS to sway the story in favour of their political agenda.
To no-one’s surprise, Big Tech are up to their old tricks again, trying desperately to rig the US election like they did last time.
Google and Facebook have been shown to suppress news of the attempted assassination of Trump.
Searchers who type in “Donald” get directed to Donald Duck, or to Kamala, and that iconic image is being suppressed of Trump, bloodied but not bowed, calling on his followers to fight, fight, fight.
This is NOT a conspiracy theory: Google have admitted it (only when they were caught red handed).
“Murray had pointed out that when you searched Google for Gay Couples, you would see a host of images with gay couples, as expected. When you searched for Black Couples, you would see a host of images with Black couples, again, as expected.
But if you searched for Straight Couples or White Couples or Straight White couples, the results were anything but what you could expect.
Now, Murray’s book was widely read, and one would think that the embarrassment caused by this information would have brought about some search integrity. ”
And the police suddenly find the ability to arrest protesters in London:
for “stepping off the pavement” after standing there watching the hostage rapist supporters climb over our monuments week after week, and displaying antisemitic i.e. racist placards.
This despite widespread outrage over their inability to arrest week after week after week. Yet now they suddenly can, they even tried to arrest a GB news journalist last night.
“I just stood filming it and a few bottles were getting thrown. I saw about four or five arrests and a female officer came towards me and she slapped her cuff on my right hand and pulled it behind my back.”
“Matt Goodwin has argued people have a “right to feel angry” about the “double standards” in policing and lawlessness.
The political guru said people have a right to feel angry about the collapse of borders and mass migration which was never voted for.
Posting on X, Goodwin said: “Millions of Brits have watched double standard policing, lawlessness, the collapse of borders, a mass migration they never voted for, mass grooming, the murder of police, MPs, army & now children, & are then called “far right” when they say anything about it.
“Violence against cops is NEVER justified. But people have a right to feel angry.”
Goodwin described being referred to as “far-right” as a rejection of democracy as the term is often used to describe people who hold extremist views.
He said: “Far right” is a rejection of human rights and democracy.
“Turning up to protest the murder of children & what appears to be another attempted stabbing at the vigil is not “far right”. This term is increasingly meaningless.”
Nearly all UK government and oppositions parties' climate policies have been drafted for them by green fake "civil society" organisations such as the @GreenAllianceUK, and are funded by weirdo eco-billionaires's fake philanthropic foundations directly, or via money-go-round.
I posted something on this a while ago, the massive increase, both here and in Sweden which directly correlates to immigration increases.
Our home office do their best to obfuscate but:
“In Sweden, the total number of reported cases of sexual offences increased from 2012 to 2021, before falling somewhat again in 2022. Whereas a total number of over 16,000 sexual offenses were reported in 2013, this had increased to nearly 24,000 by 2023. The highest number of these were cases of sexual harassment, followed by rape. Especially the number of reported cases of rape increased over the period, from 6,000 in 2012 to 9,300 in 2023.”
” A total of 3 039 offenders were included in the analysis. A majority of them were immigrants (n = 1 800; 59.2%) of which a majority (n = 1 451; 47.7%) were born outside of Sweden. “
‘Currently, there are 8,106 male sex offenders in the prisons of England and Wales. Of this group, 81.9% are White; 9.9% are Black/Black British; 5.6% are Asian/Asian British; and 2.2 are Other/mixed (the ethnicity of 0.4% is not recorded).’
Blacks are 3.7% of the population – so statistically they are nearly 3 times as likely to be imprisoned for a sex offence than a white person. Whicvh makes that video 100% racist.
And don’t forget a very large proportion of Muslims will not go to the infidel police about anything like this. They keep this sort of thing in the community and their Sharia law.
Even worse, most of the victims are ethnic. That is intentional, I am increasingly convinced that TPTB are just getting us ready for what things will be like pretty soon.
This is exactly the kinf of article from a typical BBC clone which makes my blood boil.
It’s falling over itself to lay down as much empathy as possible. It’s 1% story, 99% desperate empathy. Full of lines like this:
‘This isn’t the retirement that Mary had dreamed of.’
‘Now, though, the frail 71-year-old spends most of her days and nights in her battered car. Her current view is the public toilet block of a Perth shopping centre.’
‘Mary is not her real name. She does not want people she knows to find out she is living like this.’
What ???. So if you told us her real first name, we would all instantly know who it is ?. Surname maybe, but not first name. The cheapest of cheap tricks by the author.
It’s a disgusting article. Not because of the poor woman in that situation, but the BBC scumbag 100% using it to virtue signal her compassion for the homeless like ‘Mary’.
But what really annoys me about this is how the BBC don’t care one bit about all the homeless here in the UK – especially the servicemen who came back to civilian lives after serving their country without useful skills. The BBC don’t give a shit about them and how they have to live in our cold climate or whether if they lose all hope and kill themselves. Almost all of them will never reach 71.
Here’s the ego-driven clone virtue signalling again pumping breast milk in a toilet while she is working hard. The trouble with that Katy Watson is how you brought someone else in there with you to take the picture. Like you yourself, it’s 100% fake.
Using the term “Far right” is a rejection of human rights and democracy.
“Turning up to protest the murder of children & what appears to be another attempted stabbing at the vigil is not “far right”. This term is increasingly meaningless.”
As expected the MSM are trying to deflect away from the origins and ethnicity of the Southport perpetrator by claiming that the EDL has caused the subsequent protest and unrest, which they term riots. They have also found some of those grieving who are prepared to say that the tragedy has been highjacked by the far right for political purposes.
In the Telegraph after four articles yesterday on which no readers comments were allowed , there is one article today on which comment is allowed. The writer toes the establishment line on the unrest blaming far right elements. The readers take a different view commenting that the unrest on all immigration related matters is felt nation wide and is entirely justified . The comments have been closed , not an unprecedented step but fairly unusual .
Clearly the nationwide reaction is unsettling the establishment. We can certainly expect further repressive measures to be taken against us , the indigenous population. More censorship, more pro immigration propaganda, more arrests and trials on trumped up charges of those in leadership positions such as TR.
The police have become agents of state oppression against their own people. We often make excuses for the rank and file police that they aren’t the problem but that it’s their senior officers who are to blame . I’m afraid that we have to accept that even the rank and file are often willing participants in this state sponsored attack on the people of these Islands.
That’s a very reasoned piece . I was thinking that what the state has done – particularly the dead party – is to produce a deeply unhappy country .
Demonstrations – objections – by those who are so incensed that they’ve taken to the street is good to see .
The problem is that there is so limited ability to challenge the state . Plod wants its overtime so they’ll take the opportunity to arrest easy non Islamic victims .
The obvious two tier policing practice is also a real danger to stability – and it’s only going to get worse – each horror – tragedy is likely to get angry responses from good people seeing the British state only protecting approved third world groups .
The msm will play down what it wants too . I think that footage of a GBnews reporter being arrested and handcuffed for no reason sums things up . Perhaps plod themselves will become targets ( note to file 77 brigade / monitors ).
One of the aggravating factors is lack of disclosures. I ve on and on here about naming anyone charged – the public deserve to know – it’s meant to be their justice system ./ when a horror case comes along – mass killings – or the stabbing of a soldier in uniform – we deserve to know who is accused .
Another branch of the medical mafia is going work to rule – meaning they’ll only be dealing with 25 victims / patients a day. – a third down on ‘the normal ‘ – it’s the self employed GPs ….
I’ve got little regard for GPs – they have systems to ration / prevent the care they are supposed to give – partly through self interest – partly through uncontrolled population explosions
But the reds will cave in and just add it to the tax bill … that laffan curve thing of productivity versus tax must be very close …
Just in case people are trying to look up this very important social effect, it’s called the’ Laffer Curve’ ( just a tiny spelling issue, I am sure, Fedup2)
Zephir ,
We’re missing a trick with protests against the Slaughter of our People…….carry a Palestinian flag ….its todays version of a get out of Jail Free card !
I reckon it was 100% deliberate because they wanted to draw out the more extreme people in that crowd.
Who will now be marked, monitored and given the Tommy Robinson treatment wherever they go.
The objective of our police for this (and for BLM) is to prevent things escalating to violent clashes on the streets. They don’t care how they do it and we can see from places like Pakistan what happens if the Muslims are angered when they think they are doing Allahs business. They think it is right to murder people.
Much, much easier to suppress those people protesting against them.
New girl has to do the 0810 slot … she read out a carefully crafted set of words – smelling of BBC legal department approval about their newly convicted sex predictor huw Edwards . New girl said Today had invited Timmy Davie onto the programme but he had declined . No reason was given .
So they filled the slot with a ‘charity worker ‘ talking about kiddie porn ….so no real discussion about their darling Huw Edwards or anyone in the BBC .
For an organisation which puts so energy into telling its’ victims (taxpayers ) how trustworthy it is – you might think the opposite …
New girl got a dead party chap called Eddie Vassey on – vassey was a typical false conservative who thankfully is no longer an MP . Vassey said next to nothing except that he liked that Lisa nandy – the red culture secretary – to have a chat with Timmy davey …. .. vassey is a mouthpiece for the BBC – no criticism – no outrage … btw vassey is now a peer of course – well he wouid be wouldn’t he ,,,?
BTW – someone in the bbc now has the task of editing out recording with huw Edwards in them – just like Rolf – just like saville …
The Times front page headline this morning informs me that Huw Edwards was in possession of ‘indecent’ images. Oh, such a relief – that poor man – when I had imagined that they were so much worse …
“Huw Edwards ‘messaged lads in the BBC newsroom for drinks for years’: Insider claims corporation bosses may have turned a blind eye to paedophile presenter’s behaviour to ‘protect the star'”
The more the merrier, all for one and one for all edition
Russia linked to fake news that sparked mosque riot – asserts the ever-excitable Daily Mail
A Mail investigation traced the misinformation… – helpful hint – you’ll spot those Ruskie agitators who were so busy stirring up street demos in Southport – and now in Westminster – by obvious signs such as the snow still on their boots. I jest of course – but so do our authorities and our mainstream…
There’s quite clearly an obvious groundswell of British opinion out there more than eager to see ever more mosques built on every street corner up and down the land, to welcome the further spread of islam and diversification and erosion of our native culture and communities, convinced that the police would never dare to operate any two-tier policing policy based on race and more than confident that our children are actually safer the more third world mass migration we invite.
Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya
Labour has paused plans to increase the minimum salary thresholds for the spouses of migrants amid concerns that it could damage the UK’s “economic wellbeing” (Times) – one supposes they’re employing that well-known economic theorem academics have termed “the more the merrier”
Our BBC’s fully onboard: The Mexican women aiding migrants on their perilous journey north (BBC, Will Grant, Central America Correspondent)
Mr AsI has a funny saying he uses to lampoon the utopian leftist one-world multi-culti pipe dream – it’s based on that old cliché – Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes
“I dream of a world where everyone is wearing everyone else’s glasses”
Seems the latest version of the left-leaning globalist ambition is for everyone to be living in everyone else’s native countries.
Team GB’s day of golden drama – the Guardian, Telegraph and giveaway Metro fail to heed Mr AsI’s heart felt plea to stop repeating naff photos of Olympic sports people fake biting their medals – it’s old and tired. Stop it!
The Guardian fears… Fears of escalation after Israel kills leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah – that’s a couple of pages to be torn out of Jeremy Corbyn’s Chirstmas card list.
No such Guardianista fears of escalation here apparently: Ukraine war briefing: First F-16 fighter jets arrive – officials… the US which has also agreed to arm Ukraine’s jets with advanced missiles and bombs… Zelenskiy said Kyiv was “working very hard” to get permission to strike targets deep inside Russian territory with western-supplied weapons (Guardian)
Who knew about Huw? – asks the Daily Mail – I seem to recall it was only due to social media speculation and desperate denials by other TV personalities that: July 12, 2023: Vicky Flind, the wife of Huw Edwards, issued a statement revealing him as the individual involved (The Standard Huw Edwards timeline)
Several BBC presenters, including Gary Lineker, Jeremy Vine, Rylan Clark, and Nicky Campbell, publicly clarified their lack of involvement in the allegations. Taking to social media at the time, Clark said he was filming in Italy for the BBC, writing on X: “Not sure why my names floating about but re that story in the sun – that ain’t me babe.” Whilst Lineker added also on X: “Hate to disappoint the haters but it’s not me.” – the lesson would seem to be clear – official attempts to cover up and shield the indentity tend to lead to a worse outcome.
How’s that not naming the individual involved workin’ out fo’ yer BBC?
Guilty Trusted face of BBC first exposed by Sun admits having paedo video of boy as young as 7 (Sun)
Beeb’s shame (Daily Star)
Mr AsI recalls long before this story broke and at a time he still bought a TV licence and watched BBC news bulletins (it was a different time). He complained hereabouts concerning some BBC bias read by a very orange-looking (he did not adjust his set) over-made up, almost comedy exaggerated Welsh accented Huw. Some fellow hereabouts – one honestly can’t recall the name – considered Mr AsI’s remarks to be rather rude personally to Huw. I say I can instinctively spot a wrong’un.
Our tabloids of course like the term paedo – but could we clarify? Are we in fact talking pederasty?
Back to another voice of the regime, the formerly patriotic Times: Farage denies ‘whipping up’ street riots in Southport
An absolute classic of the denial in response to what I like to call the journalistic genre ‘just asking’ or ‘just putting the idea out there’ form of question – a technique somewhat adjacent to that ‘do you still beat your wife’ question.
The grinding gears of the regime’s post outrage response operation were somewhat slow to go into effect. Perhaps due to the recent advent of Starmer figure-heading the adminsitration.
The familar pieces are at last coming together.
The law suddenly discovers it has a strong arm and starts a clamp-down on opposition: More than 100 arrests as Southport protests spread (BBC)
They’ve handcuffed a GB News reporter outside Downing Street (Twitter/X)
POLICE have been given extra powers following the stabbings in Southport. Section 60 Order in Southport extended after fatal stabbings… Now Merseyside Police have been given additional powers to search suspects in the area. It has been introduced following the disorder witnessed in Southport on Tuesday night and to prevent any further incidents of disorder or criminality. (Wirral Globe)
Quickly switch focus away from the perpetrator and onto some hero survivor: Yoga teacher stabbed as she protected girls in Southport attack (BBC)
Man who tried to save children ‘saddened’ he couldn’t do more (BBC)
Prioritise ‘community cohesion’: Cleaning up Southport’s streets after riot… The BBC’s Will Vernon visits the mosque attacked on Tuesday night in Southport to see the clean-up efforts. (BBC)
Neighbour raises money for looted shopkeeper… Rose Tucker, 32, runs a beauty salon in Southport, opposite a shop that was looted last night. She his now fundraising for the Windsor Mini Mart owner, Chanaka Balasuryla, who says he lost £10,000 of stock, mainly alcohol and cigarettes. (BBC)
Chief Constable Serena Kennedy helps to rebuild a wall outside the mosque (BBC) – because that’s the job of the police. Ange has a housebuilding solution – get the cops to act as brickies
And for the coup de grâce have a victim’s family member condemn the anti-authority protests: Mother of Southport victim condemns violence and defends police (Telegraph)
That’s the way to do it – said Mr Punch
Meanwhile, we’ve heard of the Three Mosqueteers but this is taking things a bit far: Video shows men with machetes fighting in street… showed at least three men brandishing what appeared to be machetes before they and others ran from the scene… armed with weapons fighting in the street in Southend-on-Sea (BBC)
All for one and one for all! As they used to say on that US cop show Hill Street Blues “be careful out there”
Do you not find it touching that there are still people who have faith in the NHS ? Surely the traditional Southend machete fights – leading to ‘life changing injuries ‘ must mean the A and E facilities in Southend are ‘world beating ‘….
… and since the BBC red government is so into destroying the ‘life chances ‘ of children by taxing education – i wonder if they’ll analyse the backgrounds of the GB team …. I some how think rowers and riders didn’t go to the ‘bog standard ‘ comprehensive …
On Toady, Amol ‘Mumbler’ Rajan interviews Frank Skinner. The latter confesses to being keen on social mobility and being a Labour voter.
Rajan confesses also to being very keen on social mobility.
Well, for the record, so am I up to a point but why do we need to know what Rajan thinks? Isn’t he supposed to be impartial, or is this another bit of evidence that predominantly left wing ideals are accepted as the ‘impartial’ norm at the biased BBC?
How can they claim Britain lacks ‘social mobility’?
Britain is the mobility scooter capital of Europe, with more than a quarter of a million on our roads, experts say. Just five years ago there were just 70,000 mobility scooters being used in the UK, the number is now closer to 300,000, according to the British Healthcare Trades Association
According to the report by ClinMed International Library, an estimated 300,000-350,000 mobility scooters were used in the UK in 2017 and this is predicted to be far higher today, with some in the industry predicting there could be upwards of 500,000 scooters in circulation
“E-scooters are classed as motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1988 . Which means the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters including the need to have a licence, insurance and tax.”
MM, I don’t think they are. They can be used on pavements and have to cross roads, so that means no licence, no insurance and no tax. Are you getting muddled up with e-scooters that youngsters use and the mobility scooters that the elderly and infirm use instead of walking?
TOADY Watch #1 – a very good reason to dump the TellyTax
The BBC is in full defensive mode in the news over the sad, self-inflicted, downfall of Huw Edwards. If I recall correctly, (although my memory is increasingly deficient hence a warning here) the D-G must have known about it because the ‘previous incident’ involved a young BBC staffer in the Newsroom. Have I remembered that correctly?
The fact that the BBC paid Huw Edwards an indecent amount of money, including £200,000 after he was suspended, has caused something of an outrage. In fact the 6 a.m. News on TOADY mentioned there are calls for the money to be returned. If you needed an excuse to dump the TellyTax (a.k.a. the TV LIcence Fee) you have one now. Go Netflix or Sky or Amazon or whatever.
The BBC report on a huge new rewilding project by Cornwall Wildlife Trust who are hiring “officers” left right and centre with lottery money I understand.
I notice the bbc news is back on the ‘falsely claimed ‘ language in relation to president trump …. It really does sound – wrong – odd – when they throw ‘falsely claimed ‘ into trump stories .
I don’t think anyone else gets this – and cirtsinly not the UN or its ’ mate – Hamas …
I reckon part of the issue with the discontent and riots lies with the General Election. The triggers of course are the Southport murders, the Manchester Airport fracas etc, but discontent after the election lies behind.
The huge turnout for Reform resulted in a paltry four MP’s, resulting in a feeling of being robbed, disenfranchised by many. Starmer’s Government starts to backtrack on “No plan for increasing” Taxes, plans to allow even more immigrants and assimilate them, signs that Brexit will be reversed.
The immigration issue was largely ignored by the two main parties during the campaign. Many people believe, quite correctly that they have been lied to.
Last night, Merseyside Police announced that a 17-year-old has been charged with the murder of three girls at a dance class in Southport.
How is the community holding together? @itsanitarani speaks to Sarah McEntee from @PoppyLegion and Prof Rachel Calam from @OfficialUoM 🎧⬇️
Who is Anita Rani and these two ‘community’ entities?
@misszing and me on top of the BBC as we launch new series of Good Bad Billionaire. 81 people have more money than 4 billion people. Are they worth it, and how did they do it. Tiger Woods and Google co-founder Sergey Brin first up
R4’s Aaronovitch telling the great unwashed the correct way to react to child murder. So very BBC:
With respect, how do we know the rioters were “angry”? Some of the clips showed men who seemed positively delighted
Hi David. Three children has been murdered. If that is not something to get angry about then what is
Not so much angry as terribly sad for the parents, the grandparents and the murdered and maimed children themselves. And wondering what you can do to protect other children. None of which the rioters were expressing, to say the very least
LESSONS WILL BE LEARNT …. It found thatthe BBC missed opportunities to stop “monstrous” abuse by the presenter and DJ because of a “culture of fear”.
In his lifetime, millions knew Jimmy Savile as an eccentric TV personality. To some, he was Saint Jimmy, who raised £40m for charity. But it has transpired that he was also one of the UK’s most prolific sexual predators.
Savile was one of Britain’s biggest stars, a larger-than-life character who was known for tea-time TV favourites like Top of the Pops and Jim’ll Fix It as well as stints on BBC Radio 1.
At the same time, it later came to light, he was exploiting his status to prey on hundreds of people – girls and boys, men and women, but mostly vulnerable young females.
He assaulted and raped them in television dressing rooms, hospitals, schools, children’s homes and his caravan.
“However, a small number of BBC managers in Manchester had been aware of Hall’s conduct, it said.
Hall, 86, who presented TV show It’s a Knockout, was jailed in 2013 after admitting indecently assaulting 13 girls.”
BBC News quotes Chief Constable of Merseyside Police — “… this remains very much a live investigation and we continue to work with our partners from Lancashire Police and counter-terrorism police in the North West.”
Why? They said within hours it wasn’t being treated as terror-related. Are they just the ones with the good biscuits?
“The Ministry of Love was the really frightening one. There were no windows in it at all. Winston had never been inside the Ministry of Love, nor within half a kilometer of it. It was a place impossible to enter except on official business, and then only by penetrating through a maze of barbed-wire entanglements, steel doors, and hidden machine-guns nests. Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons”
― George Orwell, 1984
There has been some understandable concern about the police reaction to the recent demonstrations, following the slaughter of three children in Southport.
Some are saying the police have been heavy-handed, compared to how they usually behave. Others claim that the police employ a two-tier approach. What ever the truth is, fear not, normal service will be resumed this weekend.
I can guarantee that the pro-Palestinian marchers will be allowed to clamber all over our war memorials, they will chant “From the river to the sea” and the occasional bloke might even unfurl a Swastika.
The police will look the other way, though if any English lad attempts to fly the Union flag, he’ll be immediately taken in for a breach of the peace.
We’ll be told by the BBC how few arrests there were and how peaceful these Palestinians have been compared to those gammon racist thugs…that have just seen three of their youngsters hacked to bits.
“So, we’re three weeks into the New Govt.
Riots in our streets, hundreds of arrests (none for Hamas though)
Children being slaughtered
Mega Taxes promised in next budget, full circle on that promise.
Pensioners being thrown under the bus for winter fuel allowance
Open Borders for illegal and illegal immigration, sorry ‘unusual’ immigration as it’s now called
People attacking the police in Airports and allowed to get away with it.
Killed the North Sea oil Industry
Begging the EU to let us back in
Welcome to 2024”
Just had a look at the markets. Shares down, £ Sterling down, oil price up, gas price up. Wonder what the BBC will say about ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ under a Labour Government?
Let’s run a book on who’ll get this newly created Labour job
Cooper sets out plan to tackle small boat crossings… Work to recruit an “exceptional leader” to head the body will begin… expected to be appointed within weeks (BBC)
Odds on it’s a woman – I can see the headlines now: First female appointed to draw together work of intelligence agencies, police, Immigration Enforcement and Border Force
Odds of 2 to 1 it’ll be an Afro-Caribbean
3 to 1 a muslim
An outside punt would be on Dame Cressida Dick
Come to think of it there’s a veritable gaggle of potential top girl bosses out there
Dame Alison Rose, Dame Sharon White, Paula Vennells CBE and Helen Pitcher OBE to name but four are all looking for work – slight correction: Pitcher reckons she has no intention of resigning from her present post
I notice Merseyside plonk-in-chief Serena Kennedy has launched her bid for the job… Chief Constable Serena Kennedy helps to rebuild a wall outside the mosque (BBC)
As Donald Trump might have put it “Build that wall, luv!”
“Now it’s come to light that two trans women—born male—have been cleared to fight in the female boxing category at the Olympics. Naturally, this has sparked outrage among their competitors. These two boxers were previously disqualified from the world championships for failing gender tests due to having too much testosterone in their bodies, making it unfair for them to compete against women. One female boxer, who faced one of these ‘cleared’ trans athletes in 2022, shared her harrowing experience:
“When I fought her, I felt completely overwhelmed. Her punches hurt like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my 13 years as a boxer, not even when sparring with men. Thank God I got out of the ring safely that day, and it’s a relief that they finally saw sense.””
“On Thursday a male boxer will fight a female boxer while the crowds cheer and the TV audiences watch on.
Sex testing confirms Khelif Imane has male XY chromosomes”
Female boxer yells ‘this is unjust’ and falls to her knees in tears as she quits fight against ‘biologically male’ Olympic opponent after just 46 SECONDS following two powerful punches
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {Jordan Peterson talking to Mark Steyn}
The top of the page shows the headline and the image but the first story below it on the page is- ” Met Police confirms 111 arrests over unrest in capital”
They seem keen to divert the reader’s attention to something else.
wwfc, Lucy & Greencoat, I think some of the misinformation about Axel the perpetrator came from the BBC themselves. Do I recall correctly that the BBC said in the news on the morning after or the following day that Axel came with his parents from Rwanda and not that he was born in Cardiff?
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I do enjoy seeing the extreme Lefties being shown for what they are. Especially when they are arrogant idiots like ‘guest’s favourite’ Sopel:
He absolutely sums up the kind of reporter who prospers at the BBC. Here is on a soapbax given to him by ITV who are not that far behind the BBC these days:
(Apologies if someone already posted it)
How many stars got the Huw Edwards case wrong?
The list is laughable and sadly predictable:
Owen Jones, Lewis Goodall and of course Emily Maitlis who is possibly the worst of all. The rest are idiots : she is downright nasty.
Downing Street
Still concealing the identity “a 17 yr-old boy of Banks Lancashire”.
We are warned off, reporting, commentary or sharing of information.
‘DEI’ right in front of your eyes. Especially her on the right.
Mustn’t judge a book by its cover… but that plodette doesn’t fill me with confidence from the title still….
Bowen: Israel’s killing of Haniyeh deals hammer blow to ceasefire prospects
Another outrageously pro-Hamas article from the nitwit Bowen.
How dare he infer it’s Israels fault that there is no ceasefire ?. Hamas are scuppering every deal because they don’t want one. Their conditions are basically Israel stop the war completely.
Shame on you Bowen. By supporting these terrorists you convince them they will get what they want iof they keepit going long enough.
Which make you no less of a terrorist than they are.
Keep going IDF : finish the job. You will never get the hostages back now unless you take them by force.
‘Is she black or Indian?’: Trump attacks Harris’ racial identity
Trump accuses Harris of playing the Race card and immediately is accused of being racist for doing it.
This article is another blatant hit-piece of fake outrage from the BBC. And it has appeared on doznes of website simultaneously. Clearly the TNI is going to be used a lot in the anti-Trump campaign.
As usual Trump hit the nail on the head with:
‘”I respect either one,” the Republican said in reference to Harris’ racial identity. “But she obviously doesn’t because she was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person.”‘
Watch how Kamala does EXACTLY that in the upcoming campaign and how the BBC ignore it.
This is a clear sign how desperate they are. We can expect the BBC to push their own red-lines much further out in the coming weeks.
As usual, the BBC have edited the interview to show just the bit that suits their anti-Trump agenda. NONE of the dozens of links which come up from the search show the most truly appalling part of this interview which should be making the headline.
Just watch how ‘ABC News’ conduct this interview. It’s absolutely disgusting.
That interviewer must have been to the ‘Emily Maitliss school of journalism’.
“Kamala is basking in the post-Joe glow – and Trump is panicking… but now MAUREEN CALLAHAN reveals the SIX fatal secrets about Harris’s dirty past, her lies and hypocrisy that she’ll wish you didn’t know.
No.1: Harris owns the border
Despite attempts by the liberal media to claw back Harris’s appointment as Biden’s ‘border czar’, it is indisputably true that she was deputized as such.
‘Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the ‘root causes’ that drive migration’ – that’s a report from Axios dated April 14, 2021.
By the end of this administration, an estimated 10 million migrants will have crossed into the United States illegally.
Among those are potentially hundreds of known terrorists. And then there’s the unknown number of ‘gotaways’ who have evaded border control.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott told Fox News on Monday that Harris has contacted him ‘zero times’ throughout her tenure.
No.2: She has repeatedly vouched for Biden’s physical and cognitive health
Harris has done this for years, insisting as recently as February that ‘we have a very bold and vibrant president in Joe Biden… Our president is in good shape, in good health, and is ready to lead in our second term’.
No.3: She’s an alleged bully
Since taking office as VP, Harris has had a staff turnover rate of almost 92 percent, according to a top government watchdog.
Such churn-and-burn has apparently been a Harris hallmark throughout her two decades in public service.
No.4: Even for a politician, she’s particularly craven
After accusing Biden of backing historically racist policies during a televised June 2019 presidential debate — causing Biden to reportedly say during a commercial break, ‘Well, that was some f***ing bull****’, and forever earning the enmity of Jill Biden — Harris, who dropped out of that race with a 3 percent approval rating, accepted his VP slot.
No.5: Zero foreign policy experience and zero backbone
Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, is Jewish, yet Harris caves to the radicals in her own party, refusing to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wartime address to Congress last week.
No.6: No stated premise or philosophy
‘We’re not going back’ is the emerging Harris slogan, and I will say this – it’s ingenious.
It allows the voter to project whatever meaning they like, and for women, many will surely interpret this as a call to restore reproductive rights in full. Such is the minefield the Trump-Vance ticket must navigate.
That said, Harris has no existential reason for running. She has no record, no real cause to show after four years as VP.”
That might be the case if the MSM was going to bring it up Zephir.
But they won’t. All of that will simply not be mentioned.
Neither will the No1 elephant in the room : how come a man unfit to be President has been the most powerful man on Earth for at least a year in that condition and nobody – particlulary the mainstream media whose job it is to prevent this happening – has said a single word.
The BBC in particular have been editting his videos to hide his true condition from us. That alone should be extremely serious. But as the whole establishment want to stop Trump, it’s been allowed to go on.
Democracy has utterly failed because the MSM have become dominated by left-wing activists and are now some kind of weird collective fascist dictatorship who can decide what to tell us and what to hide without fear of consequences.
I was telling anybody who’d listen the Biden was an often delusional lying thicko to start with – and he was self evidently some considerable way down the slide of dementia prior to his appointment as DNC POTUS candidate for 2020.
I cannot say I’ve been surprised at the media’s antics – I just feel that one is obliged to apply liberal dollops of pragmatic cynicism to *anything* coming out of the sausage machine of news and current affairs as presented in western Anglophone media in particular..
Ukrainian attack on ferry kills one in Russian port
The rank hypocrisy of the BBC never ceases to amaze me.
This was a deliberate attack on civilians with the intent to scare them sufficiently that they all leave the Crimea.
A war crime for sure. Sounds a lot more like terrorism.
But just a few ‘facts only’ lines from the BBC. Then they ramble on about claims from both sides – but only one get’s this treatment:
‘Russia’s defence ministry has now claimed that about 50 foreign “instructors and mercenaries” were killed in the strike, without offering any evidence other than a video of the purported attack.’
So as much evidence as Russia could give then BBC. Now it’s your job to verify the target and do some investigation with your people in Ukraine as to whether it is feasible instead of simply dismissing it. It’s not their job a prove things to news outlets : it’s the job of the news to find out what’s true and what isn’t then report it.
But since the innfestation of our news by left-wing activists, those days are long gone. Any investigations by the BBC these days are ALWAYS to sway the story in favour of their political agenda.
To no-one’s surprise, Big Tech are up to their old tricks again, trying desperately to rig the US election like they did last time.
Google and Facebook have been shown to suppress news of the attempted assassination of Trump.
Searchers who type in “Donald” get directed to Donald Duck, or to Kamala, and that iconic image is being suppressed of Trump, bloodied but not bowed, calling on his followers to fight, fight, fight.
This is NOT a conspiracy theory: Google have admitted it (only when they were caught red handed).
“Murray had pointed out that when you searched Google for Gay Couples, you would see a host of images with gay couples, as expected. When you searched for Black Couples, you would see a host of images with Black couples, again, as expected.
But if you searched for Straight Couples or White Couples or Straight White couples, the results were anything but what you could expect.
Now, Murray’s book was widely read, and one would think that the embarrassment caused by this information would have brought about some search integrity. ”
And the police suddenly find the ability to arrest protesters in London:
for “stepping off the pavement” after standing there watching the hostage rapist supporters climb over our monuments week after week, and displaying antisemitic i.e. racist placards.
This despite widespread outrage over their inability to arrest week after week after week. Yet now they suddenly can, they even tried to arrest a GB news journalist last night.
“I just stood filming it and a few bottles were getting thrown. I saw about four or five arrests and a female officer came towards me and she slapped her cuff on my right hand and pulled it behind my back.”
Martin Daubney mistakenly ARRESTED at Downing Street protest – ‘I explained I was a journalist’
“Matt Goodwin has argued people have a “right to feel angry” about the “double standards” in policing and lawlessness.
The political guru said people have a right to feel angry about the collapse of borders and mass migration which was never voted for.
Posting on X, Goodwin said: “Millions of Brits have watched double standard policing, lawlessness, the collapse of borders, a mass migration they never voted for, mass grooming, the murder of police, MPs, army & now children, & are then called “far right” when they say anything about it.
“Violence against cops is NEVER justified. But people have a right to feel angry.”
Goodwin described being referred to as “far-right” as a rejection of democracy as the term is often used to describe people who hold extremist views.
He said: “Far right” is a rejection of human rights and democracy.
“Turning up to protest the murder of children & what appears to be another attempted stabbing at the vigil is not “far right”. This term is increasingly meaningless.”
How the bbc “trains” its so called “journalists” on climate change i.e. in pre conceived policy
“what you must think”
The governments anti sexual harassment videos, where yep, you guess it. All the perpetrators are white men
Hello Zephir
Interesting to know the percentages of these crimes by different heritages
I posted something on this a while ago, the massive increase, both here and in Sweden which directly correlates to immigration increases.
Our home office do their best to obfuscate but:
“In Sweden, the total number of reported cases of sexual offences increased from 2012 to 2021, before falling somewhat again in 2022. Whereas a total number of over 16,000 sexual offenses were reported in 2013, this had increased to nearly 24,000 by 2023. The highest number of these were cases of sexual harassment, followed by rape. Especially the number of reported cases of rape increased over the period, from 6,000 in 2012 to 9,300 in 2023.”
” A total of 3 039 offenders were included in the analysis. A majority of them were immigrants (n = 1 800; 59.2%) of which a majority (n = 1 451; 47.7%) were born outside of Sweden. “
‘Currently, there are 8,106 male sex offenders in the prisons of England and Wales. Of this group, 81.9% are White; 9.9% are Black/Black British; 5.6% are Asian/Asian British; and 2.2 are Other/mixed (the ethnicity of 0.4% is not recorded).’
Blacks are 3.7% of the population – so statistically they are nearly 3 times as likely to be imprisoned for a sex offence than a white person. Whicvh makes that video 100% racist.
And don’t forget a very large proportion of Muslims will not go to the infidel police about anything like this. They keep this sort of thing in the community and their Sharia law.
Even worse, most of the victims are ethnic. That is intentional, I am increasingly convinced that TPTB are just getting us ready for what things will be like pretty soon.
governments anti sexual harassment videos….
– are all made by advertising agencies
I’m with Bill Hicks on that….
The ad agencies have also moved to ringfence their stanglehold on mindcrushing popular TV
17 attacks in 48 hours, not reported, police in Essex standing around watching machete fight
The Mexican women aiding migrants on their perilous journey north
How nice, the “un”biased bbc likes this. Well it would, it has no problem being overrun by illegals
#stop the boats
Will Grant hasn’t – as far as I can see – been reporting on the Darien Gap.
Typical BBC agenda tactics.
The newest victims of Australia’s homelessness crisis
This is exactly the kinf of article from a typical BBC clone which makes my blood boil.
It’s falling over itself to lay down as much empathy as possible. It’s 1% story, 99% desperate empathy. Full of lines like this:
‘This isn’t the retirement that Mary had dreamed of.’
‘Now, though, the frail 71-year-old spends most of her days and nights in her battered car. Her current view is the public toilet block of a Perth shopping centre.’
‘Mary is not her real name. She does not want people she knows to find out she is living like this.’
What ???. So if you told us her real first name, we would all instantly know who it is ?. Surname maybe, but not first name. The cheapest of cheap tricks by the author.
It’s a disgusting article. Not because of the poor woman in that situation, but the BBC scumbag 100% using it to virtue signal her compassion for the homeless like ‘Mary’.
But what really annoys me about this is how the BBC don’t care one bit about all the homeless here in the UK – especially the servicemen who came back to civilian lives after serving their country without useful skills. The BBC don’t give a shit about them and how they have to live in our cold climate or whether if they lose all hope and kill themselves. Almost all of them will never reach 71.
Here’s the ego-driven clone virtue signalling again pumping breast milk in a toilet while she is working hard. The trouble with that Katy Watson is how you brought someone else in there with you to take the picture. Like you yourself, it’s 100% fake.
Using the term “Far right” is a rejection of human rights and democracy.
“Turning up to protest the murder of children & what appears to be another attempted stabbing at the vigil is not “far right”. This term is increasingly meaningless.”
As expected the MSM are trying to deflect away from the origins and ethnicity of the Southport perpetrator by claiming that the EDL has caused the subsequent protest and unrest, which they term riots. They have also found some of those grieving who are prepared to say that the tragedy has been highjacked by the far right for political purposes.
In the Telegraph after four articles yesterday on which no readers comments were allowed , there is one article today on which comment is allowed. The writer toes the establishment line on the unrest blaming far right elements. The readers take a different view commenting that the unrest on all immigration related matters is felt nation wide and is entirely justified . The comments have been closed , not an unprecedented step but fairly unusual .
Clearly the nationwide reaction is unsettling the establishment. We can certainly expect further repressive measures to be taken against us , the indigenous population. More censorship, more pro immigration propaganda, more arrests and trials on trumped up charges of those in leadership positions such as TR.
The police have become agents of state oppression against their own people. We often make excuses for the rank and file police that they aren’t the problem but that it’s their senior officers who are to blame . I’m afraid that we have to accept that even the rank and file are often willing participants in this state sponsored attack on the people of these Islands.
bbc headline:-
The BBC faces questions over why it did not sack Edwards
The headline, this sounds like they are referring to someone else
NO ITS YOU, you are facing questions as you should, again and again
Remember J Saville etc
That’s a very reasoned piece . I was thinking that what the state has done – particularly the dead party – is to produce a deeply unhappy country .
Demonstrations – objections – by those who are so incensed that they’ve taken to the street is good to see .
The problem is that there is so limited ability to challenge the state . Plod wants its overtime so they’ll take the opportunity to arrest easy non Islamic victims .
The obvious two tier policing practice is also a real danger to stability – and it’s only going to get worse – each horror – tragedy is likely to get angry responses from good people seeing the British state only protecting approved third world groups .
The msm will play down what it wants too . I think that footage of a GBnews reporter being arrested and handcuffed for no reason sums things up . Perhaps plod themselves will become targets ( note to file 77 brigade / monitors ).
One of the aggravating factors is lack of disclosures. I ve on and on here about naming anyone charged – the public deserve to know – it’s meant to be their justice system ./ when a horror case comes along – mass killings – or the stabbing of a soldier in uniform – we deserve to know who is accused .
Another branch of the medical mafia is going work to rule – meaning they’ll only be dealing with 25 victims / patients a day. – a third down on ‘the normal ‘ – it’s the self employed GPs ….
I’ve got little regard for GPs – they have systems to ration / prevent the care they are supposed to give – partly through self interest – partly through uncontrolled population explosions
But the reds will cave in and just add it to the tax bill … that laffan curve thing of productivity versus tax must be very close …
I though fresh supplies of GPs were crossing the channel every day?
Just in case people are trying to look up this very important social effect, it’s called the’ Laffer Curve’ ( just a tiny spelling issue, I am sure, Fedup2)
Zephir ,
We’re missing a trick with protests against the Slaughter of our People…….carry a Palestinian flag ….its todays version of a get out of Jail Free card !
Watch this, I make no apologies for a second showing, absolutely disgusting
I reckon it was 100% deliberate because they wanted to draw out the more extreme people in that crowd.
Who will now be marked, monitored and given the Tommy Robinson treatment wherever they go.
The objective of our police for this (and for BLM) is to prevent things escalating to violent clashes on the streets. They don’t care how they do it and we can see from places like Pakistan what happens if the Muslims are angered when they think they are doing Allahs business. They think it is right to murder people.
Much, much easier to suppress those people protesting against them.
Starmer’s boot boys.
Or should I say kudos to Putin’s misinformation agents – a fine piece of fake footage of British cops victimising British people.
New girl has to do the 0810 slot … she read out a carefully crafted set of words – smelling of BBC legal department approval about their newly convicted sex predictor huw Edwards . New girl said Today had invited Timmy Davie onto the programme but he had declined . No reason was given .
So they filled the slot with a ‘charity worker ‘ talking about kiddie porn ….so no real discussion about their darling Huw Edwards or anyone in the BBC .
For an organisation which puts so energy into telling its’ victims (taxpayers ) how trustworthy it is – you might think the opposite …
New girl got a dead party chap called Eddie Vassey on – vassey was a typical false conservative who thankfully is no longer an MP . Vassey said next to nothing except that he liked that Lisa nandy – the red culture secretary – to have a chat with Timmy davey …. .. vassey is a mouthpiece for the BBC – no criticism – no outrage … btw vassey is now a peer of course – well he wouid be wouldn’t he ,,,?
BTW – someone in the bbc now has the task of editing out recording with huw Edwards in them – just like Rolf – just like saville …
The Times front page headline this morning informs me that Huw Edwards was in possession of ‘indecent’ images. Oh, such a relief – that poor man – when I had imagined that they were so much worse …
Here’s an early contender for best joke of the day.
The mayor of Liverpool has suggested that the religion of the alleged Southport knife man is irrelevant.
Told you it was a good ‘un.
Presumably Labour trying to shore up its voting base after all those voting losses at the election due to ‘independents’.
BBC pervert club latest:
“Huw Edwards ‘messaged lads in the BBC newsroom for drinks for years’: Insider claims corporation bosses may have turned a blind eye to paedophile presenter’s behaviour to ‘protect the star'”
The more the merrier, all for one and one for all edition
Russia linked to fake news that sparked mosque riot – asserts the ever-excitable Daily Mail
A Mail investigation traced the misinformation… – helpful hint – you’ll spot those Ruskie agitators who were so busy stirring up street demos in Southport – and now in Westminster – by obvious signs such as the snow still on their boots. I jest of course – but so do our authorities and our mainstream…
There’s quite clearly an obvious groundswell of British opinion out there more than eager to see ever more mosques built on every street corner up and down the land, to welcome the further spread of islam and diversification and erosion of our native culture and communities, convinced that the police would never dare to operate any two-tier policing policy based on race and more than confident that our children are actually safer the more third world mass migration we invite.
Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya
Labour has paused plans to increase the minimum salary thresholds for the spouses of migrants amid concerns that it could damage the UK’s “economic wellbeing” (Times) – one supposes they’re employing that well-known economic theorem academics have termed “the more the merrier”
Our BBC’s fully onboard: The Mexican women aiding migrants on their perilous journey north (BBC, Will Grant, Central America Correspondent)
Mr AsI has a funny saying he uses to lampoon the utopian leftist one-world multi-culti pipe dream – it’s based on that old cliché – Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes
“I dream of a world where everyone is wearing everyone else’s glasses”
Seems the latest version of the left-leaning globalist ambition is for everyone to be living in everyone else’s native countries.
Team GB’s day of golden drama – the Guardian, Telegraph and giveaway Metro fail to heed Mr AsI’s heart felt plea to stop repeating naff photos of Olympic sports people fake biting their medals – it’s old and tired. Stop it!
The Guardian fears… Fears of escalation after Israel kills leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah – that’s a couple of pages to be torn out of Jeremy Corbyn’s Chirstmas card list.
No such Guardianista fears of escalation here apparently: Ukraine war briefing: First F-16 fighter jets arrive – officials… the US which has also agreed to arm Ukraine’s jets with advanced missiles and bombs… Zelenskiy said Kyiv was “working very hard” to get permission to strike targets deep inside Russian territory with western-supplied weapons (Guardian)
Who knew about Huw? – asks the Daily Mail – I seem to recall it was only due to social media speculation and desperate denials by other TV personalities that: July 12, 2023: Vicky Flind, the wife of Huw Edwards, issued a statement revealing him as the individual involved (The Standard Huw Edwards timeline)
Several BBC presenters, including Gary Lineker, Jeremy Vine, Rylan Clark, and Nicky Campbell, publicly clarified their lack of involvement in the allegations. Taking to social media at the time, Clark said he was filming in Italy for the BBC, writing on X: “Not sure why my names floating about but re that story in the sun – that ain’t me babe.” Whilst Lineker added also on X: “Hate to disappoint the haters but it’s not me.” – the lesson would seem to be clear – official attempts to cover up and shield the indentity tend to lead to a worse outcome.
How’s that not naming the individual involved workin’ out fo’ yer BBC?
Guilty Trusted face of BBC first exposed by Sun admits having paedo video of boy as young as 7 (Sun)
Beeb’s shame (Daily Star)
Mr AsI recalls long before this story broke and at a time he still bought a TV licence and watched BBC news bulletins (it was a different time). He complained hereabouts concerning some BBC bias read by a very orange-looking (he did not adjust his set) over-made up, almost comedy exaggerated Welsh accented Huw. Some fellow hereabouts – one honestly can’t recall the name – considered Mr AsI’s remarks to be rather rude personally to Huw. I say I can instinctively spot a wrong’un.
Our tabloids of course like the term paedo – but could we clarify? Are we in fact talking pederasty?
Back to another voice of the regime, the formerly patriotic Times: Farage denies ‘whipping up’ street riots in Southport
An absolute classic of the denial in response to what I like to call the journalistic genre ‘just asking’ or ‘just putting the idea out there’ form of question – a technique somewhat adjacent to that ‘do you still beat your wife’ question.
The grinding gears of the regime’s post outrage response operation were somewhat slow to go into effect. Perhaps due to the recent advent of Starmer figure-heading the adminsitration.
The familar pieces are at last coming together.
The law suddenly discovers it has a strong arm and starts a clamp-down on opposition: More than 100 arrests as Southport protests spread (BBC)
They’ve handcuffed a GB News reporter outside Downing Street (Twitter/X)
POLICE have been given extra powers following the stabbings in Southport. Section 60 Order in Southport extended after fatal stabbings… Now Merseyside Police have been given additional powers to search suspects in the area. It has been introduced following the disorder witnessed in Southport on Tuesday night and to prevent any further incidents of disorder or criminality. (Wirral Globe)
Quickly switch focus away from the perpetrator and onto some hero survivor: Yoga teacher stabbed as she protected girls in Southport attack (BBC)
Man who tried to save children ‘saddened’ he couldn’t do more (BBC)
Prioritise ‘community cohesion’: Cleaning up Southport’s streets after riot… The BBC’s Will Vernon visits the mosque attacked on Tuesday night in Southport to see the clean-up efforts. (BBC)
Neighbour raises money for looted shopkeeper… Rose Tucker, 32, runs a beauty salon in Southport, opposite a shop that was looted last night. She his now fundraising for the Windsor Mini Mart owner, Chanaka Balasuryla, who says he lost £10,000 of stock, mainly alcohol and cigarettes. (BBC)
Chief Constable Serena Kennedy helps to rebuild a wall outside the mosque (BBC) – because that’s the job of the police. Ange has a housebuilding solution – get the cops to act as brickies
And for the coup de grâce have a victim’s family member condemn the anti-authority protests: Mother of Southport victim condemns violence and defends police (Telegraph)
That’s the way to do it – said Mr Punch
Meanwhile, we’ve heard of the Three Mosqueteers but this is taking things a bit far: Video shows men with machetes fighting in street… showed at least three men brandishing what appeared to be machetes before they and others ran from the scene… armed with weapons fighting in the street in Southend-on-Sea (BBC)
All for one and one for all! As they used to say on that US cop show Hill Street Blues “be careful out there”
Do you not find it touching that there are still people who have faith in the NHS ? Surely the traditional Southend machete fights – leading to ‘life changing injuries ‘ must mean the A and E facilities in Southend are ‘world beating ‘….
… and since the BBC red government is so into destroying the ‘life chances ‘ of children by taxing education – i wonder if they’ll analyse the backgrounds of the GB team …. I some how think rowers and riders didn’t go to the ‘bog standard ‘ comprehensive …
On Toady, Amol ‘Mumbler’ Rajan interviews Frank Skinner. The latter confesses to being keen on social mobility and being a Labour voter.
Rajan confesses also to being very keen on social mobility.
Well, for the record, so am I up to a point but why do we need to know what Rajan thinks? Isn’t he supposed to be impartial, or is this another bit of evidence that predominantly left wing ideals are accepted as the ‘impartial’ norm at the biased BBC?
“social mobility” – everyone can migrate to Africa and turn it white?
How can they claim Britain lacks ‘social mobility’?
Britain is the mobility scooter capital of Europe, with more than a quarter of a million on our roads, experts say. Just five years ago there were just 70,000 mobility scooters being used in the UK, the number is now closer to 300,000, according to the British Healthcare Trades Association
According to the report by ClinMed International Library, an estimated 300,000-350,000 mobility scooters were used in the UK in 2017 and this is predicted to be far higher today, with some in the industry predicting there could be upwards of 500,000 scooters in circulation
“E-scooters are classed as motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1988 . Which means the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters including the need to have a licence, insurance and tax.”
MM, I don’t think they are. They can be used on pavements and have to cross roads, so that means no licence, no insurance and no tax. Are you getting muddled up with e-scooters that youngsters use and the mobility scooters that the elderly and infirm use instead of walking?
from comment
Brilliant graphic. I sent this to a friend who replied:
You are not the only one with a new Kier – we all have one for the next five years.
There is zero chance he will last 5 years.
TOADY Watch #1 – a very good reason to dump the TellyTax
The BBC is in full defensive mode in the news over the sad, self-inflicted, downfall of Huw Edwards. If I recall correctly, (although my memory is increasingly deficient hence a warning here) the D-G must have known about it because the ‘previous incident’ involved a young BBC staffer in the Newsroom. Have I remembered that correctly?
The fact that the BBC paid Huw Edwards an indecent amount of money, including £200,000 after he was suspended, has caused something of an outrage. In fact the 6 a.m. News on TOADY mentioned there are calls for the money to be returned. If you needed an excuse to dump the TellyTax (a.k.a. the TV LIcence Fee) you have one now. Go Netflix or Sky or Amazon or whatever.
Seems appropriate that the statue created by Pedophile sculptor Eric Gill adorns the entrance to BBC HQ.
The BBC report on a huge new rewilding project by Cornwall Wildlife Trust who are hiring “officers” left right and centre with lottery money I understand.
Awkwardly they have named the project …
“From Tor to Shore”….
…..which is a bit reminiscent of recent chants in our streets concerning rivers and seas…..
I just hope this project doesn’t result in less accessibility to the Countryside for everyone except project staff which is often the outcome.
I notice the bbc news is back on the ‘falsely claimed ‘ language in relation to president trump …. It really does sound – wrong – odd – when they throw ‘falsely claimed ‘ into trump stories .
I don’t think anyone else gets this – and cirtsinly not the UN or its ’ mate – Hamas …
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
I reckon part of the issue with the discontent and riots lies with the General Election. The triggers of course are the Southport murders, the Manchester Airport fracas etc, but discontent after the election lies behind.
The huge turnout for Reform resulted in a paltry four MP’s, resulting in a feeling of being robbed, disenfranchised by many. Starmer’s Government starts to backtrack on “No plan for increasing” Taxes, plans to allow even more immigrants and assimilate them, signs that Brexit will be reversed.
The immigration issue was largely ignored by the two main parties during the campaign. Many people believe, quite correctly that they have been lied to.
This 👇🏿is the problem
Last night, Merseyside Police announced that a 17-year-old has been charged with the murder of three girls at a dance class in Southport.
How is the community holding together? @itsanitarani speaks to Sarah McEntee from @PoppyLegion and Prof Rachel Calam from @OfficialUoM 🎧⬇️
Who is Anita Rani and these two ‘community’ entities?
Ms. Zing, of Vice. The Oriental answer to Champion?
@misszing and me on top of the BBC as we launch new series of Good Bad Billionaire. 81 people have more money than 4 billion people. Are they worth it, and how did they do it. Tiger Woods and Google co-founder Sergey Brin first up
Two clown shows in one.
Gary linker? Huw Edwards? HA HA HA HA!
R4’s Aaronovitch telling the great unwashed the correct way to react to child murder. So very BBC:
With respect, how do we know the rioters were “angry”? Some of the clips showed men who seemed positively delighted
Hi David. Three children has been murdered. If that is not something to get angry about then what is
Not so much angry as terribly sad for the parents, the grandparents and the murdered and maimed children themselves. And wondering what you can do to protect other children. None of which the rioters were expressing, to say the very least
Fat ex NUS president Aaronovitch is an Oxygen thief.
Italy opens
controversialSOLUTION migrant centre in Albania
Labour process all migrants to get rid of backlog! Empty the prisons!
LESSONS WILL BE LEARNT …. It found thatthe BBC missed opportunities to stop “monstrous” abuse by the presenter and DJ because of a “culture of fear”.
In his lifetime, millions knew Jimmy Savile as an eccentric TV personality. To some, he was Saint Jimmy, who raised £40m for charity. But it has transpired that he was also one of the UK’s most prolific sexual predators.
Savile was one of Britain’s biggest stars, a larger-than-life character who was known for tea-time TV favourites like Top of the Pops and Jim’ll Fix It as well as stints on BBC Radio 1.
At the same time, it later came to light, he was exploiting his status to prey on hundreds of people – girls and boys, men and women, but mostly vulnerable young females.
He assaulted and raped them in television dressing rooms, hospitals, schools, children’s homes and his caravan.
LESSONS WILL BE “”In reality he was a sickening and prolific sexual abuser who repeatedly exploited the trust of a nation for his own vile purposes.””
History repeats?
“However, a small number of BBC managers in Manchester had been aware of Hall’s conduct, it said.
Hall, 86, who presented TV show It’s a Knockout, was jailed in 2013 after admitting indecently assaulting 13 girls.”
BBC News quotes Chief Constable of Merseyside Police — “… this remains very much a live investigation and we continue to work with our partners from Lancashire Police and counter-terrorism police in the North West.”
Why? They said within hours it wasn’t being treated as terror-related. Are they just the ones with the good biscuits?
“The Ministry of Love was the really frightening one. There were no windows in it at all. Winston had never been inside the Ministry of Love, nor within half a kilometer of it. It was a place impossible to enter except on official business, and then only by penetrating through a maze of barbed-wire entanglements, steel doors, and hidden machine-guns nests. Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons”
― George Orwell, 1984
No, no, no. You don’t understand. The attack itself WASN’T terror-related, but obviously anyone protesting about it is CLEARLY a potential terrorist.
There has been some understandable concern about the police reaction to the recent demonstrations, following the slaughter of three children in Southport.
Some are saying the police have been heavy-handed, compared to how they usually behave. Others claim that the police employ a two-tier approach. What ever the truth is, fear not, normal service will be resumed this weekend.
I can guarantee that the pro-Palestinian marchers will be allowed to clamber all over our war memorials, they will chant “From the river to the sea” and the occasional bloke might even unfurl a Swastika.
The police will look the other way, though if any English lad attempts to fly the Union flag, he’ll be immediately taken in for a breach of the peace.
We’ll be told by the BBC how few arrests there were and how peaceful these Palestinians have been compared to those gammon racist thugs…that have just seen three of their youngsters hacked to bits.
Normal service will have been resumed…
100 police protect 1 boat from the far right …
“So, we’re three weeks into the New Govt.
Riots in our streets, hundreds of arrests (none for Hamas though)
Children being slaughtered
Mega Taxes promised in next budget, full circle on that promise.
Pensioners being thrown under the bus for winter fuel allowance
Open Borders for illegal and illegal immigration, sorry ‘unusual’ immigration as it’s now called
People attacking the police in Airports and allowed to get away with it.
Killed the North Sea oil Industry
Begging the EU to let us back in
Welcome to 2024”
Just had a look at the markets. Shares down, £ Sterling down, oil price up, gas price up. Wonder what the BBC will say about ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ under a Labour Government?
Tumbleweed ……
Let’s run a book on who’ll get this newly created Labour job
Cooper sets out plan to tackle small boat crossings… Work to recruit an “exceptional leader” to head the body will begin… expected to be appointed within weeks (BBC)
Odds on it’s a woman – I can see the headlines now: First female appointed to draw together work of intelligence agencies, police, Immigration Enforcement and Border Force
Odds of 2 to 1 it’ll be an Afro-Caribbean
3 to 1 a muslim
An outside punt would be on Dame Cressida Dick
Come to think of it there’s a veritable gaggle of potential top girl bosses out there
Dame Alison Rose, Dame Sharon White, Paula Vennells CBE and Helen Pitcher OBE to name but four are all looking for work – slight correction: Pitcher reckons she has no intention of resigning from her present post
I notice Merseyside plonk-in-chief Serena Kennedy has launched her bid for the job… Chief Constable Serena Kennedy helps to rebuild a wall outside the mosque (BBC)
As Donald Trump might have put it “Build that wall, luv!”
> this newly created Labour job
Anna Soubry would be ‘perfect’.
Equality for all … we are all equal ….
“Now it’s come to light that two trans women—born male—have been cleared to fight in the female boxing category at the Olympics. Naturally, this has sparked outrage among their competitors. These two boxers were previously disqualified from the world championships for failing gender tests due to having too much testosterone in their bodies, making it unfair for them to compete against women. One female boxer, who faced one of these ‘cleared’ trans athletes in 2022, shared her harrowing experience:
“When I fought her, I felt completely overwhelmed. Her punches hurt like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my 13 years as a boxer, not even when sparring with men. Thank God I got out of the ring safely that day, and it’s a relief that they finally saw sense.””
“On Thursday a male boxer will fight a female boxer while the crowds cheer and the TV audiences watch on.
Sex testing confirms Khelif Imane has male XY chromosomes”
Looks like Aldershot too… the MP has received the “outsiders” directive from HQ.
Outsiders dividing our community who object to outsiders enriching our community is a strange take, but I expect we will see much more of this.
Female boxer yells ‘this is unjust’ and falls to her knees in tears as she quits fight against ‘biologically male’ Olympic opponent after just 46 SECONDS following two powerful punches
King Charles has won 17 Gold Medals at the Olympic Games.
Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer
26 September 2021
Yes Zephir. Still the pathetic MSM call this revolting male thug “she”. Needs prosecuted for criminal harm. Disgraceful.
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {Jordan Peterson talking to Mark Steyn}
I see they’ve named the Welshman who killed the children in Southport.
Hi Emmanuel
You bet me to it.
I can hear the review now…
lessons will be learnt!
A History of mental illness!
No wonder people are angry
The BBC seem to know a lot about the animal today
Reverse hijab?
We can now report that the 17-year-old charged with three counts of murder is Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, born 7 August 2006.
MM, good head of hair there, as a young child Axel was almost bald.
The top of the page shows the headline and the image but the first story below it on the page is- ” Met Police confirms 111 arrests over unrest in capital”
They seem keen to divert the reader’s attention to something else.
Our rulers are more upset about the riots than the murders that ignited them.
wwfc, Lucy & Greencoat, I think some of the misinformation about Axel the perpetrator came from the BBC themselves. Do I recall correctly that the BBC said in the news on the morning after or the following day that Axel came with his parents from Rwanda and not that he was born in Cardiff?
A lot of desperate backpedalling going on about “Jones, the knife”.
And “Edwards, the pea dough”, too.