Midweek 31st July 2024

Another thread – like a reset – except that the BBC continues to pump out cover for Islamic murderers and their gangs of supporters .- dump the licence

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593 Responses to Midweek 31st July 2024

  1. vlad says:

    When Trump was recently ‘questioned’ (i.e. savagely attacked) about his alleged racism, the black ‘journalist’ (i.e. militant activist) asked him, among other things: “Is it acceptable language for Republicans to call Kamala Harris a DEI hire?”

    Trump should have replied: “Biden announced beforehand that he would choose a black woman as VP.
    So yes, she is, quite literally, the very definition of a DEI hire, BY BIDEN’S OWN ADMISSION!”

    (The interview – or ambush – was of course heavily edited by the BBC to show Trump in the worst possible light.)


  2. andyjsnape says:

    Two arrested after £100k cash seized in drugs raid

    by Aida Fofana

    Can see why she fits in at the bbc. Although her linkedin profile says she works at the ITV
    Multiplatform journalist at Birmingham Live writing the stories of under-represented communities in Birmingham with a particular focus on Black, women, ex-prisoner and migrant communities.”



  3. Guest Who says:

    One thing lesser hacks resort to is piggybacking others, just in case.


    #ccbgb if one reads on.

    One might have imagined Sopes would be a bit more cautious of late.


  4. MarkyMark says:

    David Aaronovitch

    Presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Briefing Room, author of Voodoo Histories, now Substacking with Notes from the Underground at http://davidaaronovitch.substack.com
    Media & News Companybeside my Macbookdavidaaronovitch.substack.comBorn 8 JulyJoined May 2010
    2,715 Following


  5. Sluff says:

    So. The name of the alleged murderer in Southport is named as Axel Muganwa Rudakubana.

    It sounds suspiciously like another triumph for ‘embracing multiculturalism and celebrating diversity’.
    I trust the socialist race-baiters who set up this concept in the first place will be feeling pleased with themselves.


    • popeye says:

      I really believe that the release of his name was after pressure from the Government to protect their friends in the mosques. “See, he isn’t a Muslim!”


    • BRISSLES says:

      I always liked the name Axel (!)


  6. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Turns 18 in 6 days

    Axel Rudakubana has been named as a judge refused to make an order in respect of his identity


    There are as yet no current mug shots. Just look- at -the- darling- child photos


    • micknotmike says:

      There is a courtroom sketch showing him holding his jumper over his lower face, for whatever reason.
      At the very least that is contempt of court, and the judge should let him know that he would be unable to do that with broken fingers.

      Less controversially, he could have his hands handcuffed behind his back for safety reasons.

      Where is the respect,? After his actions, he still laughs at British law.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I don’t think Axel will have the courage to ‘off ‘ himself – unfortunately . …maybe someone will get to him ….. I have a pragmatic approach to crime / justice – due process can be a curse used to fund wealthy amoral lawyers ….

        This naming of charged people – of any age – has to be examined … and modified …there should be a presumption to name ..


  7. Zephir says:

    This says it all


  8. Zephir says:

    And you will not hear much about this either


  9. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – a Far Left disgrace by the BBC

    Much bandying about of the Far Right tag concerning the widespread ‘disturbances’ in London yesterday and elsewhere in the country. Stephen Yaxley-Lennon was named on the programme. Who? Even the EDL received a mention although I thought that the EDL were a defunct organisation now.


  10. Guest Who says:

    Trouble in Paradise

    BBC bosses are again refusing to do interviews. In fact the Director General has refused interview requests on the BBC Annual Report, the serious allegations at Strictly and now the Huw Edwards scandal. It is utterly bizarre that this public organisation that we all have a stake in is refusing to face questions on its behaviour.

    Timmeh! enjoys quite the wedge, but like the cowboy outfit he heads, appears to feel that being asked questions is not in their remit as they pursue hated ideological foes.

    Remains to be seen how much the payback marker Surkeer afforded them extends.


  11. Foscari says:

    This as Fed_Up has written about before is a taboo subject.
    All I will say is that the Bonomo apes relatives of
    Chimpanzees . And to be found in Democratic Congo next
    to Rwanda . The Bonomos are peaceful apes. Who’s principal
    activity is humping. Their cousins in Rwanda the Chimpanzees
    also enjoy humping , but are a hundred times more ferocious
    with their behaviour.
    Perhaps some of you are confused to what I am writing
    about. If you read what the true Homo sapiens
    did to Neanderthal man. You may have more understanding
    in what happened in Southport.
    By the way we in northern Europe still have as much as 2%
    Neanderthal in our genes. Of course you all know that the only
    pure Homo Sapiens still around are from Sub Saharan Africa.
    So before anybody calls the “boy” with Rwandan heritage
    an animal. Remember there are still some very well behaved
    animals . Such as the Bonomos and my Springer spaniel Mimi.
    Who you can read all about if you Google ” OH Mimi I said fetch it.”


  12. Sluff says:

    Anyone watching the ‘women’s’ boxing at the Olympics?

    Check out Imane Khelif from Algeria.
    ‘She’ has no boobs, elevated testosterone levels, throws punches like a man, and was thrown out of last year’s world women’s championships owing to Human Biology factors.
    But in the interests of ‘equality’ she is allowed in the Olympics.
    ‘Her’ opponent in the last bout, an Italian who has boobs and looks like a woman, gave up after 46 seconds.


    Meanwhile, Taiwan’s Lin Yu-ting, who was stripped of a bronze medal at last year’s World Championships after failing a gender eligibility test, fights in Paris on Friday.

    The IOC appears to be so woke and obsessed wit Gender ideology it is prepared to put real women’s lives in danger.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Equality meets reality.

      “Carini, I feel for her absolutely, but you have to feel a little bit for Khelif, she’s stuck in the middle of something here that’s absolutely devastating and it’s not over yet.”


    • Foscari says:

      Sluff- I expect that at the next Olympics, The IOC are going
      to have “mixed gender boxing” The Gold medals will go
      to the most men who wear dresses killing the most women,
      who wear dresses and have a cervix and not a penis .
      I expect the BBC would make this their number one event
      to cover.


    • tomo says:

      Yet again a public body behaves badly – the IOC is made up of people…. I’d wager there’s a bunch of Dr Tedros-alikes there – ’bout time there was some public shaming of individuals?


  13. tomo says:

    The BBC decide what is suitable for them to relay to you….

    They’re going to cherry-pick Starmer’s presser…



  14. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #2 – er, then why did you scrap the Winter Fuel Payment to pensioners, Rachel?

    The Montacutie played an annoying clip of the Chancellor saying “we will all be better off” but did not interrogate her on the programme. Another statistic was bandied about on the programme; that the UK population was getting older by the minute. Now I realise that the WFP to pensioners only enabled the pensioners to pay their winter bill for heat & light and this probably only helped to pay an obscene & excessive salary and bonuses to Chief Executives and the Directors of the power companies.

    I think the Labour Party have got their strategy wrong on this.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
      MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables



    • Guest Who says:

      When is The BBC going to figure that being hostage to Beaker’s Trillions is not going to end well for them.

      Just in the last day we’ve:
      🏗️ Expanded our world leading auction pot for renewables
      ✅ Held the first Clean Energy Mission Board
      💨 Convened the Onshore Wind Taskforce
      All part of delivering on our mission for clean power by 2030, to save families money on their energy bills.

      Just in the last day suggests a Downfall en route soon. Look at the comments.


      • MarkyMark says:

        So he’s made more meetings to arrange more meetings?


        Press release
        Over £1 billion budget for renewable energy auction
        Government announces the largest ever budget for the upcoming Contracts for Difference auction round.

        Renewable electricity auction gets largest ever cash pot to support energy security
        £800 million pledged for offshore wind to ensure Britain remains at forefront of technology
        budget to boost renewables investment and help UK replace fossil fuels with cheaper, cleaner, domestic energy in the transition to net zero

        This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Some 340 MPs, including government ministers, have used the parliamentary expenses system to recoup the cost of heating their second homes, it was reported.”


  15. MarkyMark says:

    “My favourite part was the guy gaming with his human friends and feeling lonely, until his magic necklace talks shit about him and he feels better.”


  16. MarkyMark says:

    “The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at Manchester Arena was rescued from Libya by the British military less than three years before committing the attack, it has emerged. Salman Abedi was 19 when he boarded the HMS Enterprise in Tripoli with his brother and more than 200 other British citizens in August 2014.31 Jul 2018″



  17. digg says:

    “Did Social Media fan the flames of the riot in Southport?” asks the BBC….


    So why not “Did a hatred of white people lead the child of an immigrant to kill 3 innocent little white girls in Southport and kill them in just about the most painful and sadistic way possible?”

    The flames of a hatred of white people fanned by the likes of the BBC?

    Plus if the “rioters” were actually non-white the BBC headline would have dropped the words riot and flames and used something along the lines of…. “Did social Media lead to the protest gathering in Southport?”

    The article even tries to tie the blame to X and Musk who we all know the BBC-ites hate with a passion which of course has links to his association with Trump who they hate even more!

    Some of us know exactly what your game is BBC!


  18. Sluff says:

    On the Olympics highlights last night, how nice of the BBC to extensively showcase a BAME American gymnast ahead of a Great Britain gold medal.
    Good to see continuous proof of the BBC woke priorities.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Did the white person hand the medal over to the other persona and pay reparations?


  19. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Oh Dear, 2016


  20. Zephir says:

    Oh dear part 2


    “Partygate, partygate, partygate, partygate, partygate, partygate, ”


    “Huw Edwards suggested a junior colleague could stay over in his BBC-funded hotel suite on the eve of Prince Philip’s funeral and sent a picture of the room including the bed, it was reported today.

    The recent ex-Beeb employee said that the newsreader reached out and said there had been ‘plenty of room’ to stay the night.

    Edwards allegedly urged the unnamed TV worker to join him – but the young producer declined because it would have breached strict Covid-19 restrictions that saw the Queen sat alone at her husband’s funeral in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.”



    • Zephir says:

      “Edwards had texted to say he was ‘staying there overnight then all day Saturday’, adding: ‘If you’re around tomorrow night let me know’.

      The next morning, the day of the funeral, Edwards apparently texted again and said: ‘Missed a good night.

      ‘You could have stayed here.

      ‘We had a nice evening after the show’.”

      The producer asked if there had been a spare room and Edwards replied: ‘Not spare but plenty of room’.

      Married father-of-five Edwards’ first messages started with: ‘Hello beauty’,”


  21. Up2snuff says:

    Really good article by Allister Heath in the Telegraph today about Rachel Reeves plans for the UK. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/07/31/labour-lied-now-tax-middle-england-into-submission/


  22. MarkyMark says:

    “national violent disorder unit“

    HA HA HAHA ! A new quango!



    1400+ raped kids = 0 action

    Over 1,000 children in Telford were sexually exploited, inquiry finds = 0 action

    3 kids killed and protests = new team


    Give people time to grieve.
    The country will not allow understandable fear to curdle into hate.
    Starmer met with police to discuss response to “crime” and “assault on the rule of law“.
    New “national capability across police forces to tackle violent disorder“.
    Shared intelligence and use of “wider facial recognition technology“.
    Pre-emptive action – preventing getting onto trains.

    “The country will not allow understandable fear to curdle into hate”



  23. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC asking Starmer questions now.

    Broken record. “far right, far right, far right, far right”

    Starmer & BBC say people feel unsafe because of misinformation.
    I guess it has nothing to with children actually being murdered.


  24. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Starmer has got this so wrong.

    It’s all the far right he is coming out with.

    I would say he has made the situation worse.
    The patriots and normal people will be angry for being blamed because they (rightly) feel the politicians, media and police are all against them.

    He has totally misread the mood of the population.

    He chose questions from all the media there except from GB News.


    • Zephir says:

      Well, the far right as any journalist or MP with an iota of education should know, are anti democracy.

      The indigenous population in this country have been demanding of our elected representatives, for YEARS now, to curb illegal immigration and what have they done ?


      So, by definition, THEY are the far right fascists.

      So when the Muslim mayor and Starmers stormtroopers get paid back in full, as they will, in return for arresting pensioners, journalists and other innocents standing on the pavement doing nothing, whilst allowing muslims to run riot in London week after week after week, and standing there watching..

      don’t give us any faux sympathy for them


    • Deborah says:

      I only listened to about 3 minutes of Starmer and if I was one of those people at Southport I would be angrier than ever.

      If, instead of using Southport as a photo opportunity, Starmer and the Chief Constable with their garage flowers, had gone and spoken to the people who had gathered there, he might have been able to show empathy and diffused the situation. But the woke mob always get it wrong. I am sure I wasn’t the only person to cringe when the Chief Constable spoke saying as a ‘nana’ she understood the hurt. Not very professional was it? If she had said ‘as a grandmother…..’ but Chief Constables aren’t what they were.


  25. Zephir says:

    Labout racebaiting gobsh@tes, it’s all coming home to roost:

    “LONDON — The U.S. will “remember” a host of highly-charged statements made about Donald Trump by Britain’s new top diplomat, former U.S. Ambassador Woody Johnson warned.

    David Lammy, the U.K.’s new Labour foreign secretary, previously branded Trump a “neo-Nazi sympathizing sociopath” in 2018. He’s described Trump as a “dangerous clown” and “a racist KKK and Nazi sympathizer” — and once vowed to oppose a visit to the U.K. by the then-president.

    But Lammy has since embarked on a charm offensive with U.S. Republicans and Trump’s allies, in preparation for a possible second Trump presidency. He has met and stressed common ground with J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate.

    But Johnson, the U.S. ambassador to the U.K. under Trump, told the Spectator magazine that Americans won’t forget Lammy’s earlier remarks.

    “I think people will remember all those comments,” Johnson told the magazine.

    “It’s a question of how do you recover from them. That was not a wise comment,” he added, referencing the ‘neo-Nazi’ quote. ”



    • G says:


      “Another beauty”


    • non-licence payer says:

      There will be more on Lammy yet. He is the first nail in Starmer’s political coffin. Target date for Starmer’s political funeral is July 2026.

      Potentially the problem for Starmer was the Labour Party’s desire for white male leaders and perhaps Lammy was Starmer’s idea of counteracting the lack of EDI.


  26. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC currently asking Starmer questions

    They are blaming social media (misinformation) for the riots, they take no responsibility themselves (as usual). It sounds like they are gunning for our internet freedom.

    Elon Musk won’t be able to help us keep free speech on X if our government simply ban certain platforms in the UK.

    Now guardian is smearing Nigel Farage.


  27. Zephir says:

    Early Democrats attempts to fix the election, shipping them in across the southern border and around the US:

    “Ohio purging hundreds of noncitizens from state voter rolls amid 2024 election audit.
    Ohio officials say more illegal voter purges may come before Election Day.

    The audit uncovered 499 individuals who were registered to vote but were not U.S. citizens. The removals announced Thursday include individuals who confirmed their noncitizen status to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. That data was then paired with the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) database, which also confirmed them to be noncitizens.”



  28. Zephir says:



  29. MarkyMark says:

    Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report
    Published 21 August 2023



    • G says:


      From my personal memory, admittedly from some years ago, Koreans were contracted to be border guards. North or South I cannot say.


  30. Fedup2 says:

    Pug – looks like as time passes green cards’ decision to ‘go in july’ rather than October – looks more and more insane – but at least his kids will get to start their new term in California – which is more important than the government of Britain …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Will Rishi buy a gun to protect his family?
      Or just live in a gated community?


  31. MarkyMark says:

    “..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}



  32. Eddy Booth says:

    Stephen Lawrence hasn’t been in the news recently, so lets dig him up and fly him back from Jamaica to be reburied in the Uk.
    Of course the Baroness Lawrence will find something to moan about, and it’s not the carbon footprint.
    She said “images of her son’s grave had appeared on social media after his body was exhumed, which had caused the family “distress”.
    The Lawrence family laid the 18-year-old to rest overseas because they felt “he would not be at peace in this country”.

    “Stephen Lawrence’s body to be returned to the UK”



  33. Fedup2 says:

    Looks like starmer is declaring war on British people protesting about being invaded . He is forming a national police force ( is it a command ) so that various constabularies can travel around beating up locals – using the miner method ..

    BBC loves it .

    Off switch


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Only BBC & The Grauniad asked questions.

      If it was me, I might have asked – Could all the institutional & societal hate toward “white people” and the rampant black supremacism, the kneeling, the reparations demands and the “far-right”, “racist” rhetoric be a contributory factor to the murders themselves & the violence that followed?

      I mean could false narratives and racist teachings breed resentment in black children?

      Does anyone (Lammy?) in government or the media-mafia care to take a bit of responsibility for promoting these ideas?


    • kingkp says:

      Mentioning the Kalergi plan or the replacement of the Indigenous population agenda which is openly published on the Politburo’s websites and the UN will be criminalised. Why do you think they emptied the prisons? They need more space for the indigenous population.
      “The publication of draft legislation which would tighten security at venues is “one massive step in the right direction”, the mother of a Manchester Arena bombing victim has said.”
      More police control of our lives. Meanwhile, Richard D. Hall is prevented from presenting ANY evidence in his defense at the Royal Courts of Justice.
      Hoax claims ‘will not be tolerated’ – bomb survivor.
      So if I question the veracity of a supposed mass killing/bombing I will be prosecuted? Interesting.
      People need to start waking up to what is going on. Question everything you see on the BBC et. al.


      • Up2snuff says:

        kingkp, “and the UN will be criminalised”; the UN is already criminalised for what it is doing in Gaza! Or was that a typo from you and you intended to write UK?


  34. Zephir says:

    Police praying for rain tonight according to the Metro paper

    Sod em, the lot of them, they have lost any respect, especially from pensioners arrested for the first time in their lives yesterday.

    And video after video clearly show them relishing their abuse of power in London.

    We were ignored again today by Downing Street, not one single recognition of the 85% indigenous communities’ concerns..the real victims in all this

    Vitims of gang rapes, street robberies, mass shoplifting, knife crimes, sexual assaults, muggings, GBH and murder.


  35. Zephir says:


  36. Zephir says:


  37. Doublethinker says:

    Starmer announces a new wave of oppression against the indigenous population.


  38. Zephir says:


    • Zephir says:

      From the above, an education:

      Rotherham, 3.7 % muslim population, 1400 raped English children,

      The police, local authority, social services. all knew.

      Nothing done, until exposed by the EDL activism


  39. Flotsam says:

    Smarmer’s been studying Stalin’s methods.


  40. Sluff says:

    Guess what?
    The alleged Southport murderer has an autistic spectrum disorder
    So that’s all right then. It’s all the fault of schools, social services and the NHS.

    Leftoid wokeland can breathe a sigh of relief.


  41. digg says:

    I read that Starmer has ordered the Police to set up a National Coordinated Force to deal with those “he” considers troublemakers in our society.

    Pretty much telling Police Force commanders that he is far more capable of running police operations then they are.

    Also, something like this has been tried before in another society in another age…


    In my view you have to think very, very carefully before you organise wholesale police units to home in on proscribed segments of society however troublesome you may personally believe them to be.


    • Zephir says:

      They have just poked the hornets nest, well done for picking on the wrong people.


    • kingkp says:

      Indeed. This is what lies behind the Southport psyop. Problem, reaction, solution. It’s very simple to pull off when the entire nation is simply incapable of understanding the scale of the lie

      This is about setting up infrastructure to control the indigenous population when it begins to dawn on them what is going on.


    • tomo says:

      Starmer’s the troublemaker – and he needs reminding of the fact that only 1 in 5 voted for Labour.


  42. Zephir says:

    “I’m a Barrister of England and Wales.
    Videos for educational guidance only, Always seek advice before taking action. ”


  43. Zephir says:

    Video evidence of police arresting innocent people at random in London last night. Then boasting:

    “thank you for the pay rise”


  44. Zephir says:



  45. Zephir says:



  46. Zephir says:



  47. Zephir says:

    Compare and contrast:

    “Climbing a war memorial is ‘unfortunate’ but not illegal, Met chief says after pro-Palestinian protesters were not arrested

    Sir Mark Rowley, the Met Police Commissioner, said footage showing demonstrators climbing on the Royal Artillery Memorial in Hyde Park Corner was “unfortunate” and “inflammatory in certain ways”.



  48. Fedup2 says:

    I wonder if individual plod is aware of what they are becoming ( or become ?) they are now an alien political – religious outfit using force against those red politicians do not agree.

    Labour now wants to persecute the white working class who are rightly truly worried – frightened – about huge numbers of third world threats – such as vermin Axel and the monster from last week and who ever comes next. I know I shouldn’t say it – but I’d rather it be a politician or journo – with skin in the game rather than a 7, 8 , 9 year old British child ….

    When that happens – the blob notices … otherwise – it couldn’t give a damn …77 brigade – another for your file on me …


    • MarkyMark says:

      SOON IN UK ….. Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
      In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.

      About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.



  49. Zephir says:

    They have alienated the indigenous population, not thugs, but pensioners and women, arrested for the first time in their lives.

    They paraded an arab in front of the Tommy Robinson gathering waving a Palestinian flag, in breach of their OWN guidelines to separate.

    This will go down in history as us versus them, they have chosen sides.

    They are all now basically cowards that only act when they outnumber, like their favoured religion

    So be it, they have no idea yet, what they have created, a civil war.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Agreed. So, the question now becomes: is this (a) merely clumsy stupidity, antagonizing the majority, whose consent they need to do policing? Or is it (b) deliberate, ordered from on high, to turn the indigenous population against them, in order that they, the police, will then crack down hard on the people as the mass-migration multi-culti disaster reaches its inevitable conclusion?


      • Zephir says:

        How bloody stupid would you have to be to arrest pensioners standing on a street doing nothing ?


        • Fedup2 says:

          Easy target easy overtime ..


          • Zephir says:

            Yes, happened to me last year

            5 of the bastards against me, one of them just loving it grabbing my arm with a grin on his face, even a wpc had to say just leave him alone

            last EVER time I help police in any way shape or form


            • atlas_shrugged says:

              Der Stasi Starmer’s press conference was exactly as I predicted. Blaming ‘thugs’ and the ‘far right’. He also announced a series of chilling crackdowns and installation of technology for spying on us: facial recognition etc.

              Note all this spying technology such as CCTV, facial recognition, finger printing etc is never to keep us safe. Hatun a Christian religious preacher was stabbed in the neck at speakers Corner in Hyde Park in broad daylight and her vicious ‘thug’ and ‘muslim attacker’ was never tracked down. This despite Londonistan having the highest concentration of CCTV cameras in the world.

              These Oxbridge thugs who goose step over us causing havoc wherever they tred have a massive human failing. They have no ability to listen. Their input capability is just not there.

              None of them feel any responsibility for their own failings and for allowing the massive inward invasion of people who hate the British.


  50. wwfc says: