Another thread – like a reset – except that the BBC continues to pump out cover for Islamic murderers and their gangs of supporters .- dump the licence
Smarmer’s anger regarding the protests was obvious. What angered him even more was being heckled, “How many more children will die Prime Minister?”
Like Gordon Brown before him Smarmer is very thin skinned and can’t take criticism, hence the rather extreme reaction of setting up a Gestapo to control protest. I assume we are supposed to bow down to the great leader. What an a-hole.
Have a look on the BBC Olympics site, where there’s a selection of very short videos that you can scroll through. Does the BBC actually like a bit of thuggery? I mean, nothing too strong obviously, but something a bit “Black” and “dohwn wid da yoot”? Judge for yourself.
Snoop at the beach
Snoop Dogg really is USA’s biggest fan
Snoop, who was born Camillo Calvin Broadus (spelling may not be 100%) was once convicted for pimping and doubtless enjoyed “smacking up ‘ho’es” in this previous life of his.
Why is this piece of human detritus even on the BBC site?! And why does the BBC v&gin0cr&cy allow it?
A policepeep asking me for help is likeky to get laughed at, they really are disgusting traitors. They now target innocent bystanders instead of criminals. Made your bed? Don’t like it? Tough. I feel sorry for the families of these Gestapo thugs who will suffer.
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
Weird world when a red government is now ordering its’ plod to dust off the tactics used against miners to suppress the same sort of white people …..
Maybe they’ll get to re run orgreave ….
.. it hasn’t taken long for reds to find an excuse to repress unapproved protest …..more fuss made about a wall outside a mosque rather than damage to the cenotaph by Hamas ….
Lowest turnout in UK general election since universal suffrage, report shows
IPPR thinktank finds that only 52% of the British adult population cast their ballots on 4 July 2024
“Labour is set to make Britain’s universities an arm of the state, says Dr David McGrogan. The Education Secretary has set out her plans to make life more comfortable for higher education – at the cost of its freedom.”
Kier Starmer has revealed his total lack of connection with the British Public by announcing he is to go after the angry crowds who were repulsed by the murder of those 3 little girls.
He is trying to minimise the horrific crime by shifting blame to the the protesters.
What an absolute arsehole this twat is!
He is our prime minister so it bodes evil for the future….
He must be dumped, he is a joke!
If he was genuine and had balls he would be going after the reason the poor children were massacred not the people who expressed outrage!
Too difficult and politically stressfull I guess for this chinless cunt who is only interested in going down in history as a UK prime minister. I hope he burns in helI.
I have never in my life before judged anyone so quickly as I judged this twat, he is a false numpty trying to be statesmanlike.
The only comfort I draw from the current shithouse that is the UK government is that we can pretty much rely on Starmer and his minions of lady acolytes to fuck up big time pretty quickly and bring their house of cards down…
I guess the next thing we will have is how the murdering bastard suffered so much at the hands of whitey and how we must grieve for his suffering…and realise that murdering three children and more if he could have done it was to be expected. In other words they were asking for it by being nasty white children so deserved to die.
If any story should be on the main front-page of the BBC news, it should be this.
But it’s nowhere to be seen. Just a local UK story apparently. But this outrageously sexist/misandrist article ‘The sports where women outperform men’ is right up there.
Anyway, here’s the sort of picture everyone else uses:
And here’s the one the BBC use:
I’m still not convinced about his age : he looks about 15 in that pic but the picture seems a lot more than 2 years old.
The agenda is flying around thick and fast for this one. The actual murder of three young girls by stabbing them up close seems to be a distant second priority to demonising the people who protested against how our government and media handled it.
It’s just amazing how everybody wants to keep this story going because it’s the one clear case of a racist murder of a black boy by a group of whites they have.
‘Stephen Lawrence’s body will be returned to the UK from Jamaica 31 years after his racist murder, his mother Doreen Lawrence said.’
Shame on you BBC’s Bethan Bell. You are a liar. You need to learn to keep your typical BBC far-Left activist hatred of non-Lefty white people under control.
I wonder how many murders of white people by black people in Londonistan had racism in their motivation.
We’ll never know. because the BBC sweep them quickly under the carpet.
Thousands of muslims descend on Regent St and surroundings and block roads. Looks as if it was Wednesday 1st August. No mention on later BBC news. Also looks as if the Sharia Police/TFL were not informed beforehand. A total show of strength by the muslims.
Muslim dominance no more, no less. Keep pushing to test what they can get away with, with no push-back. What children get up to. They were left, unhampered to get on with it.
“Islamic March Shuts Down London: More Evidence of Two Tiered Policing?”
Just slipped by without any broadcasting just a hint:
Nb. I seem to remember just before the miners strike in the eighties, no doubt in view of what was to follow, the police were given substantial pay increases. By another name, it is Bribery.
‘More than 200 people from the TV and film industry have signed a letter to the BBC board calling for an urgent investigation into what it called “systemic problems of antisemitism and bias” at the corporation.’
When it takes something like this to cause anyone to bat an eyelid at BBC bias and racism (which we have been pointing out here for a LONG time), there should be a lot bigger questions being asked. Like WTF are OFCOM supposed to have been doing ?.
What makes me sick about these people is how they still make a huge deal about one racist murder over 30 years ago, but shamelessly practise their own racism without conscience. They are arrogant racist, sexist misandrist activists who seem to think they are so superior, they should be the ones to decide what is right and wrong.
As their fellow socialist Hitler did too of course. Different times lead to different methods – but the mental driving force : that they are ideologically superior and should define the rules for everyone else – is the same. As is the hate and intolerance for those who do not fall into line.
It should do that in any normal time Zephir. But we now live in far from normal times. Every political, governmental and media establishment is now infested with left-wing activists.
So I don’t think now is the time for the Tories to elect a black woman as leader. We need someone who understands the white culture and what the 80% of the population actually want in their ‘normal’ lives. And never voted against Brexit in any way.
If they get that right (like Boris did with Cummin’s arm up his backside), they would win the next election by a landslide.
I’m pretty sure they were instructed not to charge at those protestors and tackle them like they did the white protestors.
And the reason is obvious : other Muslims would consider it an attack on Islam by Infidels and when that happens, they get very nasty in large numbers.
So we appease them. Again. And next time it will be a bit worse.
Two Tier Keir, Pyscho Pixie, The Great Brain Robber Reeves et al, all settling into their new power trips to vast acclaim.
Meanwhile… holding our betters to account…
Thank you @misssamsmith for this cracking clip
These basic errors made by BBC presenters are no longer acceptable. @sharrond62 is oblige ld to correct @CFraserBBC on almost every single point.
Derek Thomas, a London bus driver, was killed in a stabbing in Stoke Newington two nights ago. Has Nigel Farage put out a video statement about ‘questions’ over his death? No. Or that of Anita Rose in Suffolk? No. All killings beg questions. Some are exploited.
“Sir Keir Starmer is warned he is ‘not reading the room’ after unveiling new police crackdown to treat ‘far right thugs’ like football hooligans following chaotic riots on Britain’s streets”
It is also interesting, that once a female is defintively proved incapable of coping one on one with a male in a boxing ring after 46 seconds, a trained boxer, falling to the ground, crying…
in my video posted above RE riots in Leeds do we see so many women police officers in the front line
tick box policing, good luck with that, public safety ? bollox to that
Seems the message went down the line that those precious legal rules we hear so much about can be bent somewhat afterall: Teen, 17, accused of Southport murders named… (BBC)
Well, in a case where it suits the interests of the regime: The judge said he was mindful of “misinformation” that had spread regarding the accused’s identity. (BBC)
Teenage ‘Killer’ Unmasked – announces the giveaway Metro and the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff like that front cover headline for their top pick of our national print titles.
Echoing the line as the first punch in their daily double-whammy press review summary: Southport suspect ‘unmasked’ and Starmer ‘takes on far right’ (BBC)
Speaking of punches…
The Daily Mail finds itself relagated to the far lower reaches of the BBC’s online line-up, just above the ‘and finally’ comic tabloid Daily Star that goes with: We’ll send Noah’s ark to the moon – more space news later
Sucker Punch
Olympics outrage… Watching this gruesome mismatch between a woman and a ‘biological male’ left me fearing wokery will get someone killed By David Jones (Daily Mail)
Couple of points to unpack there… Firstly, your very own news reviewer, Mr AsI, has campaigned hereabouts (if you can call a bit of daily keyboard warriorship a campaign) against female boxing per se, despite our BBC’s keen promotion of that so-called sport.
This isn’t sport, it’s disgusting… Olympics plunged into gender row – the mildly conservative Telegraph as usual gets it half right but doesn’t dare go far enough.
Stop women boxing – trans problem solved. Unless some female-to-male would-be sex-change really wants to go into the ring against some real blokes.
Secondly, the notion that wokery (taken in a broad sense) hasn’t already got someone killed is a bit of a stretch – particularly in light of current events.
In international news – this may signal the beginnings of the negotiations that will pave the way for our retreat from the disasterous policy of our proxy war over Ukraine: Russia in biggest prisoner exchange since cold war (Times)
Meanwhile, Sir Keir gives up a hostage to fortune: Police will join forces to stop summer of riots, vows Starmer (Times) – will our socialist Labour PM really sanction a heavy-handed police clamp down when another ethnic-flavoured riot kicks off? When India play Pakistan at cricket? When the denizens of Brixton, Peckham or Tottenham see some gangster’s arrest as the cue to go extreme shopping?
En Garde!
Of course Starmer doesn’t have curbing the activities of the likes of the street swordsmen of Southend in his sights. He would rather do the gypsy switch of our attention away from the Leeds anti-child protection services riot.
Police urged to step up action amid plans for 19 more far-right protests (Guardian)
On a day when the FT frets over: Medicine’s gender gap puts women in peril
Our BBC says: Edwards, formerly the BBC’s most high-profile newsreader, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to three counts of making indecent images of children – those were in fact indecent images of BOYS
BBC bosses were not aware of the ages of the children in the images. (BBC) – where’s my correction pencil? Did I wear it down to a tiny stub writing in the appropriate term Lockdown for Pandemic time after time in all those mainstream headlines? Ah here we are: BBC bosses were not aware of the ages of the childrenboys in the images – our Beeb’s management of Huw’s behaviour both in and out of office hours apparently operating along the lines of that old former US military policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
US Democrat politician claims election was stolen: Overwhelming evidence Venezuela opposition won election – Blinken (BBC) – well, if anyone knows election fraud when he sees it…
In crucially important Licence Fee news from the BBC: Kenyan feline lovers fret over cat-tax plan… The proposal comes via the Nairobi City County… It would require cat owners in Nairobi to purchase an annual licence – costing 200 Kenyan shillings ($1.50; £1.20) (Basillioh Rukanga, BBC News, Nairobi) – ‘fret over cat-tax plan’ – does Basillioh Rukanga take cues from Mr AsI’s scribblings hereabouts?
And it wouldn’t be our BBC if we weren’t informed: Stephen Lawrence’s body to be returned to the UK (BBC) – and by the way: Mr Lawrence, who was black British and from Plumstead, south-east London, was killed in a racially motivated attack while waiting for a bus in Eltham in April 1993 (BBC)
And it wouldn’t be the sister paper if we weren’t told: Ice sheets 10c above normal in Antartic heatwave (Guardian)
Now Mr AsI is no climatologist but might that possibly have anything to do with?: Expect Auroras, Solar Flares and More Space Weather from the Solar Maximum… Space weather is heating up in our current solar cycle peak (Scientific American)
A disqualifier for me is anyone starting their first sentence with ‘so’…
Our Justin ‘interviewing ‘ some comrade journalist about someone in Russia being ‘freed ‘. The woman had be reaching for the ‘offswitch ‘. Do you notice that the assumption of westerners dumb enough to go to Russia are always assumed not to be spies ? Well I reckon anyone going there is as likely to be a spy as not .
Good to see the Russians know how to deal with journalists . Our Justin was unchallenging and just ‘partying “( ugh) with the yapping woman …..
The meaningless story is a good distraction to the starmer plan for a national unapproved riot squad – whilst Muslims do what they want in that two tiered way ….
Amol has a chat with some imam in Southport – speaks engleesh . No mention of sorrow for the kafirs murdered by the Rwandan – nor those still in hospital – it’s all about the’ Muslim ‘
Amol tried to get this character to say something about the dead and their grieving relative – but you could sense the mind set ….
We know whose side the state and its broadcaster is on …. Right 77 brigade …. ?
The BBC could have killed two birds with one stone.
They should have picked Huw Edwards to do Strictly!!!!!!
PS more seriously the question no-one seems to be asking is why have the BBC sat on the disciplinary findings about Edwards? He was suspended in July 2023. Their argument appears to be that there was no case to answer because the Police decided there was no evidence of criminality.
But as we all know, the criminal standard does not (normally) apply to company disciplinaries. In another field for example, schools are often left by the Police to deal with student behaviour that might be considered criminal, such as smoking cannabis or minor theft.
In other words, Edwards has been protected by the BBC throughout who are claiming technicalities to justify their inaction. He could have been fired for gross misconduct at any time between July and November 2023. Indeed, since they were told by the Police to keep scrum about his arrest, he could have been fired after that date as they had enough to do so without the evidence about the paedo photos.
It’s funny – as someone once listening to ‘today ‘ to be informed – now I can just leave it . If I ‘dip in ‘ to see how’s its treating an event or person I know I will be switching off pretty quick .
And afterward I feel dirty ..
It goes without saying that Starmer must condemn the disturbances seen. It also goes without saying that taking action against the same is a primary part of his remit.
However, such disturbances must be viewed in context. The British have largely remained both passive and silent (silenced), with both government and BBC quick to pile in on their own citizens whilst fuelling or acquiescing to dissent elsewhere. Starmer himself writes letters demanding that the most serious offenders from overseas remain here. The BBC for their part rarely let much time pass without a Stephen Lawrence special or annual reminder. Whilst a disgusting murder, the fact it remains their go to case many years later illustrates the rarity of such an event.
As we saw last week with the airport takedown, the community were quick to anger. The mere scenario of White vs Asian enough for accusations of racism to proliferate without restraint, fuelled incessantly by a looped clip and concerned commentary from a tax funded entity. So if we use that metric and apply it to all the cases where unprovoked attacks and murders have been visited upon the native population, what does that look like and how would the numbers stack up? We have Kriss Donald, and Ross Parker- both cases relegated to local pages by the BBC. Terence Carney recently murdered in a terror attack bya new arrival barely mentioned anywhere. We have a soldier just last week, the murder of Lorraine Cox, Laura Wilson, Lucy Lowe and family, Victoria Agoglia. Just for starters, then we have 10’s of thousands of rapes- proven to have been covered up by the very people paid with our money to keep people safe. Not just once, but over decades and repeated across the entire nation. We see a strange man in religious clothing hacking at women in a supermarket- only saved when the blade snapped off in the victims bag- in and out of the news the same day. What was the motive? I have recorded into the hundreds of similar incidents. Another soldier killed in the last couple of years by a new arrival who had already killed two people in another country. A little girl murdered in a park, this recent atrocity, bombs, plots, random assaults, stabbings and violence.
In that context, it can hardly be claimed anyone is flying off the handle here. Nobody could expect such dereliction of primary duties, or deliberate betrayal to never solicit a response. They have wilfully ignored the wishes of the public, ‘rubbed our noses in it” alright, championed and given succour to those that do us harm, gaslit, betrayed, covered up, whilst using our money to extend charity to others they deny to us. The disgust is overdue, Starmer can swivel.
1400 raped kids = 0 mosques burnt.
1 bacon strip on mosque door = 1 death in prison
“The British have largely remained both passive and silent (silenced), with both government and BBC quick to pile in on their own citizens whilst fuelling or acquiescing to dissent elsewhere.”
OT – there are no comments allowed on the DT letters page today – I read them every day to gauge the general opinions, which are at the moment mostly outrage, and anticipating a National kickback. Censorship in action? Or just mods on holiday??
“Now Davie has admitted that disgraced Huw will likely get to keep his £300,000-a-year gold-plated pension, funded by taxpayers and those forced to fork out the £169.50 licence fee. ”
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Last night many on the TR side were appealing for calm
they got it, people stood around not chanting just there
And what happened ?
F’ck calm I hope it does not rain
Just imagine…three black children knifed by a white guy in the US or UK
our countries will still be burning in every city, with the backing of the bbc.. for weeks on end
And Kamala Marxist airhead would be whining, “This isn’t going to stop … this isn’t going to stop, nor should it.”
This isn’t going to stop unless we get a black woman with a history of bullying staff (92% staff turnover)
who lied to the country for YEARS that Biden was fit
who shagged her way to the the top
into power because she is black then asian then black then a wimmin FFS
Smarmer’s anger regarding the protests was obvious. What angered him even more was being heckled, “How many more children will die Prime Minister?”
Like Gordon Brown before him Smarmer is very thin skinned and can’t take criticism, hence the rather extreme reaction of setting up a Gestapo to control protest. I assume we are supposed to bow down to the great leader. What an a-hole.
He lied to the country during the election to get into power
His ministers lied to the country in the election to get into power
illegitimate government
bbc silence
Have a look on the BBC Olympics site, where there’s a selection of very short videos that you can scroll through. Does the BBC actually like a bit of thuggery? I mean, nothing too strong obviously, but something a bit “Black” and “dohwn wid da yoot”? Judge for yourself.
Snoop at the beach
Snoop Dogg really is USA’s biggest fan
Snoop, who was born Camillo Calvin Broadus (spelling may not be 100%) was once convicted for pimping and doubtless enjoyed “smacking up ‘ho’es” in this previous life of his.
Why is this piece of human detritus even on the BBC site?! And why does the BBC v&gin0cr&cy allow it?
Snoop Lion Opens Up About His Pimp Past
“It was never about the money; it was about the fascination”
3.5billion news agency … “BBC not aware of ‘deeply disturbing’ specifics, says Davie”
The BBC director general told correspondent David Sillito he thought it was right not to have sacked Edwards after his arrest in November.
The Day Today – WAR!
Thank god – Andy ‘hate the English ‘ Murray lost – now go count your money in Monaco or wherever
Buy a tshirt to help him on
The First Class Mohammedan Citizens of London
A policepeep asking me for help is likeky to get laughed at, they really are disgusting traitors. They now target innocent bystanders instead of criminals. Made your bed? Don’t like it? Tough. I feel sorry for the families of these Gestapo thugs who will suffer.
“From Downing Street today.
No riot police.
No dogs.
No kettling.
No arrests.
Britain’s two-tier system is plain to see.”
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
Weird world when a red government is now ordering its’ plod to dust off the tactics used against miners to suppress the same sort of white people …..
Maybe they’ll get to re run orgreave ….
.. it hasn’t taken long for reds to find an excuse to repress unapproved protest …..more fuss made about a wall outside a mosque rather than damage to the cenotaph by Hamas ….
Hezbollah leader says conflict with Israel in ‘new phase’ after killings
Hezbollah are still our friends (c) Jeremy Cobyn with Keir Starmer
Lowest turnout in UK general election since universal suffrage, report shows
IPPR thinktank finds that only 52% of the British adult population cast their ballots on 4 July 2024
Sadly FedUp2, I fear a civil war is not too far away.
It is the politicians who are to blame
My wife and I (with dog) are on a march on Saturday at Portsmouth
We had enough a long time ago
Respect! I’m impressed, well done and stay safe.
“She also laid out plans to make it easier to build on low-quality green belt land that will be reclassified as “grey belt”.”
low-quality green belt land HA HA HAHA!
low-quality green belt land HA HA HA HAH!
Comment “blowing up a pipeline leaking oil into oceans … Nice one !”
All I can say is utter twats!
“Labour is set to make Britain’s universities an arm of the state, says Dr David McGrogan. The Education Secretary has set out her plans to make life more comfortable for higher education – at the cost of its freedom.”
Kier Starmer has revealed his total lack of connection with the British Public by announcing he is to go after the angry crowds who were repulsed by the murder of those 3 little girls.
He is trying to minimise the horrific crime by shifting blame to the the protesters.
What an absolute arsehole this twat is!
He is our prime minister so it bodes evil for the future….
He must be dumped, he is a joke!
If he was genuine and had balls he would be going after the reason the poor children were massacred not the people who expressed outrage!
Too difficult and politically stressfull I guess for this chinless cunt who is only interested in going down in history as a UK prime minister. I hope he burns in helI.
I have never in my life before judged anyone so quickly as I judged this twat, he is a false numpty trying to be statesmanlike.
The only comfort I draw from the current shithouse that is the UK government is that we can pretty much rely on Starmer and his minions of lady acolytes to fuck up big time pretty quickly and bring their house of cards down…
If the present Labour government were a cricket team, you would say that they have a very long “tail”, as far as batting is concerned.
I guess the next thing we will have is how the murdering bastard suffered so much at the hands of whitey and how we must grieve for his suffering…and realise that murdering three children and more if he could have done it was to be expected. In other words they were asking for it by being nasty white children so deserved to die.
Welcome to new Labour!
BBC main web page. Our National broadcaster
Sir Keir Stasi ( our national leader) made a controversial speech to the nation.
Nowhere on the page
No mention of it anywhere. Old news everywhere from abroad, earlier news from Southport. Nothing
Maybe even the BBC lefties found it embarrassing.
Teen, 17, accused of Southport murders named
If any story should be on the main front-page of the BBC news, it should be this.
But it’s nowhere to be seen. Just a local UK story apparently. But this outrageously sexist/misandrist article ‘The sports where women outperform men’ is right up there.
Anyway, here’s the sort of picture everyone else uses:

And here’s the one the BBC use:

I’m still not convinced about his age : he looks about 15 in that pic but the picture seems a lot more than 2 years old.
Also I found this while searching around:
Does he look 7 years old to you ?.
From what I’ve seen, I would put him around 22.
The agenda is flying around thick and fast for this one. The actual murder of three young girls by stabbing them up close seems to be a distant second priority to demonising the people who protested against how our government and media handled it.
JohnC, difficult to say whether you can rely on that dated photograph or not. As ever time will tell.
Agreed, but it just has that grainy look of an old cellphone camera shot. The new ones are always much sharper.
And I’ve never seen a case like this before where someone is clearly identified but we are only shown old pictures !.
Just too many unusual things about this from start to finish.
Stephen Lawrence’s body to be returned to the UK
It’s just amazing how everybody wants to keep this story going because it’s the one clear case of a racist murder of a black boy by a group of whites they have.
‘Stephen Lawrence’s body will be returned to the UK from Jamaica 31 years after his racist murder, his mother Doreen Lawrence said.’
So his mother actually said that did they BBC ?.
Here’s a less-extreme (but still extreme enough) article of what she actually said:
Shame on you BBC’s Bethan Bell. You are a liar. You need to learn to keep your typical BBC far-Left activist hatred of non-Lefty white people under control.

I wonder how many murders of white people by black people in Londonistan had racism in their motivation.
We’ll never know. because the BBC sweep them quickly under the carpet.
Meanwhile not reported by the BBC:
‘Man guilty of killing Yahye Ahmed outside Holloway cafe in broad daylight’
Where this black man:

Took a baseball bat to attack this Muslim and was murdered by being stabbed 5 times with a knife he was carrying just for that occasion:

And the BBC don’t want us to know. They don’t care how many people get murdered if they can’t use them to accuse whites of being racist.
Another example of the BBC activist’s warped priorities.
Good Morning fellow (Far?) Right-Wing Thugs.
Thousands of muslims descend on Regent St and surroundings and block roads. Looks as if it was Wednesday 1st August. No mention on later BBC news. Also looks as if the Sharia Police/TFL were not informed beforehand. A total show of strength by the muslims.
Muslim dominance no more, no less. Keep pushing to test what they can get away with, with no push-back. What children get up to. They were left, unhampered to get on with it.
“Islamic March Shuts Down London: More Evidence of Two Tiered Policing?”
Just slipped by without any broadcasting just a hint:
Nb. I seem to remember just before the miners strike in the eighties, no doubt in view of what was to follow, the police were given substantial pay increases. By another name, it is Bribery.
30.07.24 –
Armed Forces awarded largest pay increase in decades to ‘renew nation’s contract with those who serve’.
29.07.24 –
The stage is being set. Tin hat time. What next? Crowd around No.10 and demand the Government step down for alternative muslim control…………….
TV industry letter accuses BBC of antisemitism
‘More than 200 people from the TV and film industry have signed a letter to the BBC board calling for an urgent investigation into what it called “systemic problems of antisemitism and bias” at the corporation.’
When it takes something like this to cause anyone to bat an eyelid at BBC bias and racism (which we have been pointing out here for a LONG time), there should be a lot bigger questions being asked. Like WTF are OFCOM supposed to have been doing ?.
What makes me sick about these people is how they still make a huge deal about one racist murder over 30 years ago, but shamelessly practise their own racism without conscience. They are arrogant racist, sexist misandrist activists who seem to think they are so superior, they should be the ones to decide what is right and wrong.
As their fellow socialist Hitler did too of course. Different times lead to different methods – but the mental driving force : that they are ideologically superior and should define the rules for everyone else – is the same. As is the hate and intolerance for those who do not fall into line.
Good morning JohnC
Always enjoy reading your comments, and spot on. You make more sense than the likes of the bbc ever does
Just read this on the bbc and was about to comment
“he generalised eveyone with concerns, every single person a thug”
“Starmer blames far right for Southport riots”
Hang on a second didn’t the BBC describe Sunak as far right. Arrest the man.
Message to Starmer
suddenly putting on a pair of glasses, after the election, doesn’t make you a statesman.
Vilifying 85% of the population as thugs has lost you any chance of re-election
It should do that in any normal time Zephir. But we now live in far from normal times. Every political, governmental and media establishment is now infested with left-wing activists.
So I don’t think now is the time for the Tories to elect a black woman as leader. We need someone who understands the white culture and what the 80% of the population actually want in their ‘normal’ lives. And never voted against Brexit in any way.
If they get that right (like Boris did with Cummin’s arm up his backside), they would win the next election by a landslide.
Cowards who ran away in Leeds
Tomo, yes we are seeing it in action these last few days
Cowards who ran away in Leeds
I’m pretty sure they were instructed not to charge at those protestors and tackle them like they did the white protestors.
And the reason is obvious : other Muslims would consider it an attack on Islam by Infidels and when that happens, they get very nasty in large numbers.
So we appease them. Again. And next time it will be a bit worse.
Can’t they just kneel?
Interesting morning.
Two Tier Keir, Pyscho Pixie, The Great Brain Robber Reeves et al, all settling into their new power trips to vast acclaim.
Meanwhile… holding our betters to account…
Thank you @misssamsmith for this cracking clip
These basic errors made by BBC presenters are no longer acceptable. @sharrond62 is oblige ld to correct @CFraserBBC on almost every single point.
Foghorn jumps in Labour’s trench and digs deeper.
Derek Thomas, a London bus driver, was killed in a stabbing in Stoke Newington two nights ago. Has Nigel Farage put out a video statement about ‘questions’ over his death? No. Or that of Anita Rose in Suffolk? No. All killings beg questions. Some are exploited.
“Sir Keir Starmer is warned he is ‘not reading the room’ after unveiling new police crackdown to treat ‘far right thugs’ like football hooligans following chaotic riots on Britain’s streets”
More like he h locked the door and turned the showers on.
@ Guest Who
It is also interesting, that once a female is defintively proved incapable of coping one on one with a male in a boxing ring after 46 seconds, a trained boxer, falling to the ground, crying…
in my video posted above RE riots in Leeds do we see so many women police officers in the front line
tick box policing, good luck with that, public safety ? bollox to that
Don’t ask, don’t tell edition
Seems the message went down the line that those precious legal rules we hear so much about can be bent somewhat afterall: Teen, 17, accused of Southport murders named… (BBC)
Well, in a case where it suits the interests of the regime: The judge said he was mindful of “misinformation” that had spread regarding the accused’s identity. (BBC)
Teenage ‘Killer’ Unmasked – announces the giveaway Metro and the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff like that front cover headline for their top pick of our national print titles.
Echoing the line as the first punch in their daily double-whammy press review summary: Southport suspect ‘unmasked’ and Starmer ‘takes on far right’ (BBC)
Speaking of punches…
The Daily Mail finds itself relagated to the far lower reaches of the BBC’s online line-up, just above the ‘and finally’ comic tabloid Daily Star that goes with: We’ll send Noah’s ark to the moon – more space news later
Sucker Punch
Olympics outrage… Watching this gruesome mismatch between a woman and a ‘biological male’ left me fearing wokery will get someone killed By David Jones (Daily Mail)
Couple of points to unpack there… Firstly, your very own news reviewer, Mr AsI, has campaigned hereabouts (if you can call a bit of daily keyboard warriorship a campaign) against female boxing per se, despite our BBC’s keen promotion of that so-called sport.
This isn’t sport, it’s disgusting… Olympics plunged into gender row – the mildly conservative Telegraph as usual gets it half right but doesn’t dare go far enough.
Stop women boxing – trans problem solved. Unless some female-to-male would-be sex-change really wants to go into the ring against some real blokes.
Secondly, the notion that wokery (taken in a broad sense) hasn’t already got someone killed is a bit of a stretch – particularly in light of current events.
In international news – this may signal the beginnings of the negotiations that will pave the way for our retreat from the disasterous policy of our proxy war over Ukraine: Russia in biggest prisoner exchange since cold war (Times)
Meanwhile, Sir Keir gives up a hostage to fortune: Police will join forces to stop summer of riots, vows Starmer (Times) – will our socialist Labour PM really sanction a heavy-handed police clamp down when another ethnic-flavoured riot kicks off? When India play Pakistan at cricket? When the denizens of Brixton, Peckham or Tottenham see some gangster’s arrest as the cue to go extreme shopping?
En Garde!
Of course Starmer doesn’t have curbing the activities of the likes of the street swordsmen of Southend in his sights. He would rather do the gypsy switch of our attention away from the Leeds anti-child protection services riot.
Police urged to step up action amid plans for 19 more far-right protests (Guardian)
On a day when the FT frets over: Medicine’s gender gap puts women in peril
Our BBC says: Edwards, formerly the BBC’s most high-profile newsreader, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to three counts of making indecent images of children – those were in fact indecent images of BOYS
BBC bosses were not aware of the ages of the children in the images. (BBC) – where’s my correction pencil? Did I wear it down to a tiny stub writing in the appropriate term Lockdown for
Pandemictime after time in all those mainstream headlines? Ah here we are: BBC bosses were not aware of the ages of thechildrenboys in the images – our Beeb’s management of Huw’s behaviour both in and out of office hours apparently operating along the lines of that old former US military policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”US Democrat politician claims election was stolen: Overwhelming evidence Venezuela opposition won election – Blinken (BBC) – well, if anyone knows election fraud when he sees it…
In crucially important Licence Fee news from the BBC: Kenyan feline lovers fret over cat-tax plan… The proposal comes via the Nairobi City County… It would require cat owners in Nairobi to purchase an annual licence – costing 200 Kenyan shillings ($1.50; £1.20) (Basillioh Rukanga, BBC News, Nairobi) – ‘fret over cat-tax plan’ – does Basillioh Rukanga take cues from Mr AsI’s scribblings hereabouts?
And it wouldn’t be our BBC if we weren’t informed: Stephen Lawrence’s body to be returned to the UK (BBC) – and by the way: Mr Lawrence, who was black British and from Plumstead, south-east London, was killed in a racially motivated attack while waiting for a bus in Eltham in April 1993 (BBC)
And it wouldn’t be the sister paper if we weren’t told: Ice sheets 10c above normal in Antartic heatwave (Guardian)
Now Mr AsI is no climatologist but might that possibly have anything to do with?: Expect Auroras, Solar Flares and More Space Weather from the Solar Maximum… Space weather is heating up in our current solar cycle peak (Scientific American)
bbc reports:-
‘You’re stuck with me for another 90 days’: Biden
What Biden actually said was
“Where am I, and who are you” then walks off
All that’s missing from the 2024 Paris Olympic Perverts
Games. Is Huw Edwards presenting it for the BBC.
.. and a tribute to J Saville
The msm is rapidly turning into the human centipede.
Anyone, and I mean anyone, that uses the phrase “you know” repeatedly
is not worth listening to (no, I don’t bloody know that is why we are asking you )
they have no confidence in the veracity of their opinion or argument, it is a desperate attempt to get the questioner onside
A disqualifier for me is anyone starting their first sentence with ‘so’…
Our Justin ‘interviewing ‘ some comrade journalist about someone in Russia being ‘freed ‘. The woman had be reaching for the ‘offswitch ‘. Do you notice that the assumption of westerners dumb enough to go to Russia are always assumed not to be spies ? Well I reckon anyone going there is as likely to be a spy as not .
Good to see the Russians know how to deal with journalists . Our Justin was unchallenging and just ‘partying “( ugh) with the yapping woman …..
The meaningless story is a good distraction to the starmer plan for a national unapproved riot squad – whilst Muslims do what they want in that two tiered way ….
talks to Channel 4 News’s
amid controversy surrounding the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing show.
He secured an exclusive interview with contestant Amanda Abbington about her experiences on the programme.
The Media Show | Listen on BBC Sounds”
Just now waiting for Spring, no doubt slashing on her lipstick and firming up her tits
getting ready to lie to the nation
and warning mummy and daddy to get the fridge ready for a new certificate about online hate exposed
“BBC Disinformation Correspondent Marianna Spring Accused Of Lying On Her Resume”
Someone posted a colour chart used by the riot police
Amol has a chat with some imam in Southport – speaks engleesh . No mention of sorrow for the kafirs murdered by the Rwandan – nor those still in hospital – it’s all about the’ Muslim ‘
Amol tried to get this character to say something about the dead and their grieving relative – but you could sense the mind set ….
We know whose side the state and its broadcaster is on …. Right 77 brigade …. ?
I have seen a similar tactic as exposed above from the “riot police” who run away from muslims
An (ex) school friend of mine was a part of the Met used in the miners strikes.
As they were bussed in they waved £20 notes to the miners who had no income.
as I showed above, they said “thanks for the pay rise”
There is no empathy or sympathy for these kinds of people when they feel the wrath of the British public.
Does make me wonder what they’d do if all their home addresses turned up online like they did with psni RUC …
BBC knew severity of Huw Edwards allegations, says chief.. bbc reports.
But headling should be
We knew severity of Huw Edwards allegations – its you bbc, making out its someone else and distancing yourself
The BBC could have killed two birds with one stone.
They should have picked Huw Edwards to do Strictly!!!!!!
PS more seriously the question no-one seems to be asking is why have the BBC sat on the disciplinary findings about Edwards? He was suspended in July 2023. Their argument appears to be that there was no case to answer because the Police decided there was no evidence of criminality.
But as we all know, the criminal standard does not (normally) apply to company disciplinaries. In another field for example, schools are often left by the Police to deal with student behaviour that might be considered criminal, such as smoking cannabis or minor theft.
In other words, Edwards has been protected by the BBC throughout who are claiming technicalities to justify their inaction. He could have been fired for gross misconduct at any time between July and November 2023. Indeed, since they were told by the Police to keep scrum about his arrest, he could have been fired after that date as they had enough to do so without the evidence about the paedo photos.
Truly appalling.
Miliband Minor needs to go back to skule
It’s funny – as someone once listening to ‘today ‘ to be informed – now I can just leave it . If I ‘dip in ‘ to see how’s its treating an event or person I know I will be switching off pretty quick .
And afterward I feel dirty ..
“Today” is now unlistenable
Child abuse ?
Room full of children – no adults.
Austerity for the old!
22% pay for the NHS!
TV industry letter accuses BBC of antisemitism
Again headline should read:-
TV industry letter accuses us of antisemitism
bbc again its you, not someone else your talking about!
BBC ask BBC for reply but waiting for BBC to answer questions on BBC.
It goes without saying that Starmer must condemn the disturbances seen. It also goes without saying that taking action against the same is a primary part of his remit.
However, such disturbances must be viewed in context. The British have largely remained both passive and silent (silenced), with both government and BBC quick to pile in on their own citizens whilst fuelling or acquiescing to dissent elsewhere. Starmer himself writes letters demanding that the most serious offenders from overseas remain here. The BBC for their part rarely let much time pass without a Stephen Lawrence special or annual reminder. Whilst a disgusting murder, the fact it remains their go to case many years later illustrates the rarity of such an event.
As we saw last week with the airport takedown, the community were quick to anger. The mere scenario of White vs Asian enough for accusations of racism to proliferate without restraint, fuelled incessantly by a looped clip and concerned commentary from a tax funded entity. So if we use that metric and apply it to all the cases where unprovoked attacks and murders have been visited upon the native population, what does that look like and how would the numbers stack up? We have Kriss Donald, and Ross Parker- both cases relegated to local pages by the BBC. Terence Carney recently murdered in a terror attack bya new arrival barely mentioned anywhere. We have a soldier just last week, the murder of Lorraine Cox, Laura Wilson, Lucy Lowe and family, Victoria Agoglia. Just for starters, then we have 10’s of thousands of rapes- proven to have been covered up by the very people paid with our money to keep people safe. Not just once, but over decades and repeated across the entire nation. We see a strange man in religious clothing hacking at women in a supermarket- only saved when the blade snapped off in the victims bag- in and out of the news the same day. What was the motive? I have recorded into the hundreds of similar incidents. Another soldier killed in the last couple of years by a new arrival who had already killed two people in another country. A little girl murdered in a park, this recent atrocity, bombs, plots, random assaults, stabbings and violence.
In that context, it can hardly be claimed anyone is flying off the handle here. Nobody could expect such dereliction of primary duties, or deliberate betrayal to never solicit a response. They have wilfully ignored the wishes of the public, ‘rubbed our noses in it” alright, championed and given succour to those that do us harm, gaslit, betrayed, covered up, whilst using our money to extend charity to others they deny to us. The disgust is overdue, Starmer can swivel.
1400 raped kids = 0 mosques burnt.
1 bacon strip on mosque door = 1 death in prison
“The British have largely remained both passive and silent (silenced), with both government and BBC quick to pile in on their own citizens whilst fuelling or acquiescing to dissent elsewhere.”
OT – there are no comments allowed on the DT letters page today – I read them every day to gauge the general opinions, which are at the moment mostly outrage, and anticipating a National kickback. Censorship in action? Or just mods on holiday??
censorship…. taboo topic – don’t go there….
ten-shun! – heads in sand, now!
You can vote by cancelling your TV license.
“Now Davie has admitted that disgraced Huw will likely get to keep his £300,000-a-year gold-plated pension, funded by taxpayers and those forced to fork out the £169.50 licence fee. ”
Who else knew about BBC Huw?
5 year committee – free tea and biscuits – findings will be implemented and turned into a Netflix series.