Scrobie, I wouldn’t quite go that far “worship at your feet”, but well done Brissles for winning gold and silver on the ninth/tenth day of the Paris Olympics!
You worship where you want, Uppers, being a ‘foot man’, and a ‘leg man’ for that matter, even a …(that’s enough of that Scrobs – Ed), I praise your tact and skills in awarding Brissles that prize!
All becomes clear. The mysterious lack of action by Government regarding illegal immigration, Asian rape gangs, large scale immigration, pro Palestine demonstrations, employment discrimination against whites, woke and LGBT+ nonsense. climate change nonsense. It’s all to create a divided society which can be controlled by Government and their agencies. Smarmer set in motion yesterday, the machinery of oppression, the direction of travel is clear.
I feel very uncomfortable about these riots, they are producing every justification for the government to clamp down on anything even the merest smidge Right of centre. I watched a bit of film at Southport where someone seemed to trigger the trouble. It obviously wasn’t the EDL because apparently they haven’t existed for years. But could it be fifth columnists? At best just for Starmer to appear ‘strong’ at worst giving more reason for Labour to ban free speech.
As I mentionend the other day Deborah, I’m wondering if what’s going on here is an attempt to draw out people on the Right so they can be marked and dealt with later.
They are playing with fire – but I suspect they think they can buy themselves a few years by taking out some of the ringleaders now.
Flotsam, normally if there is a perceived threat to the UK, in this case from a summer of riots, the COBRA process is invoked. On this occasion it was a cosy chat in the cabinet room. The former is a process the latter is Surkeer informing police chiefs of his interpretation of the law in posh surroundings. It is good to know that despite the prisons being overcrowded the CPS/Courts will find extra resources to prosecute the rioters. I would point out that the CPS have missed a few in their time, not least Surjimmi.
BBC running with the red line that demonstrations are the EDL – which doesn’t exist – or ‘they are from outside our community ‘ as if a ‘community ‘ is a solid Morphous thing -when we know things are more complicated . But I suppose it’s what bbc ‘journos ‘ think is the way proles live .
They cannot recognise that the third world is a real threat. And the political class is facilitating the invasion every day … and will do for the forseeable horrible future …
The only ‘community’ which Al Beeb seems to recognise is the Black or Non-White community. That’s why it is almost exclusively represented as being good.
Took a look at bbc news – I’m really sorry – but I don’t give a toss about the Olympics – about medal – yet the BBC seems stuck in a time warp of some sort of false patriotism – maybe it’s because many ‘winners ‘ are of the public school class – I understand that the tedious GB team has a large number of non state school types – but the bbc don’t care this time ….
.. I suppose it will be even worse when the track and field thing gets going and the coloured folk come a ‘glorious fourth ‘ … gongs all round …
… tonight there is no disorder in Sunderland .. nothing is happening … all are happy happy …
It does look like a small shopping centre outpot rather than a huge police station.
2 tweets show the old empty police station .. I’m guessing that one was abandoned then vandalised years ago
Following stories about a shortage of blood for transfusions, the BBC rightly featured a positive response by the Great British public.
A large hospital facility was featured with rows of reclining chairs each with a blood donor. Excellent.
But why amazing?
Because there was not a single BAME person in all the coverage !!!!!
How often does that happen on the BBC? Coverage of anything is usually awash with them.
Of course what is shows is that the BAME ‘community’ is perhaps not quite as ‘community’ focussed as the BBC like to portray. And guess what? There was no comment about it at all. When the BBC agenda is not supported by events…….silence.
That’s why I love my countryside so much – its a BAME free zone. No hijab walking groups, no men wearing crocheted caps and long tunics stood on the bridge gazing at the river, no turbans walking their dogs, and certainly no saris picnicking in the park.- just MY Britain to enjoy while I can, and while it’s still white.
“POOR HUW” said a BBC boss
Dame Elan Closs Stephens The former chair of the BBC publicly thanked disgraced newsreader Huw Edwards for his “huge contribution” despite knowing he had been arrested in November last year.
Join us on the Maes at 14:30 on Saturday 3rd August for
Eisteddfod Lecture, “The Constitutional Future of Wales” with Dr Rowan Williams and Dame Elan Closs Stephens.
Back to two days ago the arrest of the second Southport knifeman does seem to be a big thing
and that seems to have happened before the street violence.
THis Youtuber shows a street filled with cop cars, who then try to stop him filming the face of the knifeman
but he zoomed and got one good photo
The man arrested with a knife nearby the Southport vigil on Tuesday has been identified by Merseyside Police as Jordan Davies
Despite his appearance in the photos and videos, he is not “Arab” or a Muslim”
Another gem from the boy-troll 😂.
Get back to BBC HYS with all the other spiteful 12 year olds who spout dumb rhetoric.
Is English your first language ?.
I missed the new two days ago about Ofcom dropping investigations against Dan Woottoon
So How Edwards GUILTY … media played it down for ages, BBC kept him on
Dan Wootton ..never charged .. police investigations dropped
..wht did his employers and mediaworld
do to him … ?
GBnews sacked him on a tiny pretext, Mail sacked him too
Of course there is a gang that hate hate hate GBnews
so they set up Twitter account to massively troll @GBnews
except they are not good at picking winners ..they side with Huw Edwards and are vehemently against Dan Wootton
Doesn’t the BBC usually find classmates of someone like the person who did the killing in Southport, or their parents etc to say something to the effect that ‘they were always such a good child/wanted to be a vet/an A student/a quiet child. Maybe I missed it on the BBC as I don’t watch anymore.
Ah yes that is the team that shows videos of pur wee bairns in Aaaaaafrikaaaaa to raise money for spending on Wimmins Aid organizations so they can hate men.
Whilst Thomas Crooks, the would be assassin of America’s next president, once appeared in a promotional video for BlackRock. The powers that be have a knack for spotting their Patsies and Manchurian Candidates at an early age and recording them for posterity…?
Starmer should have admitted that these protests didn’t come out of thin air. That people have been provoked for a very long time.
The root cause needs treatment more than the symptoms do.
There is no way to bypass their programming. We can’t communicate our legitimate concerns without traducements. Years of violent crimes and hate-rhetoric directed at British people. And they don’t expect a backlash? Ever?
This comment I saw on the DT sums it up perfectly:
‘They are still not listening. They still don’t get it. It’s not far right extremists who are taking to the streets to protest, it is ordinary British citizens who are fed up with poor government, poor policing and mass immigration. Fed up with two tier policing, and the general woke and anti white sentiments. How has our Britain, which our fathers and grandfathers fought and died to defend, been allowed to disappear and be patriated by third world immigrants. It is not right wing extremism, it is the sentiment of at least 50% of the British population.
Why did they not crack down harder and quickly on the Palestinian protestors or Stop Oil protestors – who have been allowed to act in antagonistic, disruptive and non peaceful ways for months and months. Yet British people taking to the streets to complain are immediately arrested. Yes, it’s two tier policing. Yes, it’s discrimination again the indigenous British population.’
“International concern over Middle East escalation after Hamas leader killing” | BBC News
“Turkey and Pakistan announced a day of mourning on Friday in honour of Ismail Haniyeh, while Hamas has called for “roaring anger marches… from every mosque” to take place after Friday prayers to protest Haniyeh’s killing.”
A day of mourning for BBC too I guess.
A related side note- it’s a common practice in Islamic countries for Muslims to curse their enemies before leaving mosques. In Egypt, Christians try to avoid walking by mosques on Friday evenings because the Muslims often exit all wound up with rage from their cursing sessions.
“This week’s riots are reprehensible but UK’s liberal elite have driven people into arms of far-right
The liberal elite have fuelled the underlying sense that the white working class is treated differently from the rest of the population ”
For how many years has Taffman represented everyones’ concerns on here ?
For how long has he been ignored ?
Who as an MP has been vilified as a racist for representing these concerns ?
Who has been repeatedly arrested, pepper sprayed in London by police on a day out with his children, jailed on technicalities and attacked time after time for saying the same ?
After grilling the Secret Service, the basic conclusion they are arriving at is that the whole assasination attempt was deliberately enabled by the politically appointed leaders of the Secret Service. They did it for Trump and they did it for Kennnedy (who has since been provided with protection). But of course they can’t say it directly. At least not yet.
Of course they don’t go further to state the obvious – that these leaders must be following the policy directive of their peers. ie Obama.
If this was in the BBC’s agenda crosshairs, they would make a huge story out of this. There are so many damning facts and the Secret Service are simply refusing to answer the most critical of questions because it would incriminate them directly for what they did.
But it was against Trump. So they are absolutely silent. I am 100% certain that the BBC would be happy if the attempt had been successful. We would have had a few days mourning and fake outrage. Then it would be dropped completely.
The press is still being allowed to report street disorder . The red government is presumably preparing more legislation to control the internet as it blames ‘social media ‘ as usual and is now talking about proscribing an organisation which no longer – apparently – exists .
No doubt it will use legislation aimed at countering terrorism- against protesters – but only non approved protesters …. Muslim Hamas supporters and stop oil vermin can carry on .
Two or maybe three tier policing is here . Fortunately the alien state is in a tricky position because it has a limited supply of plod , prisons and finally the army .
Although for a red government to rely on these instruments of oppression make it look pretty bad so early into its stay in government .
The consequences of allowing mass invasion on ordinary people is at last being seen . And I’d day the state has seen nothing yet .
Somewhere from long ago there is a report in the home office saying that unless the invasion is stopped there will be civil disorder . I bet that document is being shredded …
Long hot summer
And the boats keep coming . Over to you pixie – how is your border command …?
The curtain on all the hidden corruption and so-called, “Democracy” is rapidly being drawn aside now. Another week or so of, “Rioting” will turn things upside down.
I disagree – this disorder is trivial compared to what I believe is the future of what used to be our country ….
… I’ve put a bet on Nigel Farage being blamed
And the invasion continues ….
… and in the meantime it looks like the over weather for the next week is warm to hot -nwhich kerps people on the streets …and 77 brigade busy – right guys ?
Have a listen to the BBC radio news – go on – do it . It’s got that lefty ‘mark Easton ‘ who has stirred things up for decades .
He reports that ‘police and Muslim youths ‘defended a mosque in Sunderland – so my quip about plod being the ‘religious police ‘ really is try ….
The BBC really is full ‘state broadcaster ‘ mode – meesh on today even said the plod used water cannon – is this a first on the UK mainland .
You can hear how excited meesh is – she has the hots for banning the ‘edl’ – after all – they don’t want England defended now do they ? They’ve imported millions without the consent of the people and are starting to feel the effect.
Multicultural doesn’t work – the invaders are a direct threat – for instance Rwandans who kill kids
It’s lucky that we live in a free country and people have a right to protest isn’t it ? Or maybe it’s only a free country for some .
BTW – it’s sort of heart warming that all that lefty propaganda about how we are ‘all in it together ‘ turns out not to have worked ….
Further – I bet the BBC will be turning of the Reform party – which do doubt they will want banned . I hope reform has gone on holiday …normally be now some one wouid be demanding parliament be recalled … but for some reason it hasn’t happened … maybe it’s because it’s only 2 days into their expenses paid holidays ….
Remember that Sad Dick Khant scrapped the use of water cannon that BoJo had bought for London. Khant obviously preparing the ground for partial treatment of certain groups.
Mark Easton needs to be careful. If he’s spotted anywhere near the ‘Far Right Thugs’ he’s likely to be taught a lesson. Won’t happen though, I’m sure he will be hiding/reporting behind a police line.
What do you picture when you hear the word “chief constable”? I picture a large man in uniform, a natural leader of men , whose very presence screams ‘authority’ and ‘respect’. What we now seem to have now, when they appear on the tv, are women who are more akin to the slightly unpleasant older woman who won’t give you a refund in the supermarket for the chicken that smells rotten when you got it home.
Meanwhile the decision has obviously been made by the authorities to stoke up trouble. Headlines in the DM that cells have been cleared and solicitors booked. Did they do that for the pro-Hamas demonstrations? Don’t they know it is the two tier policing fuelling the fires? Do they only believe in free speech if it agrees with the Left’s agenda?
Yes, 0700 R4 news – Its (Sunderland) become another “Yaxley-Lennon” Far Right event. Needless to say, Mark Easton their reporter describes the participants as “Far Right”. Mere name calling because that’s all they’ve got. A fact of life, as has been pointed out over the years, “There’s more of us than there is of them”. The Pixie says the “Rioters” will face the full force of the law. The Government is engaging more, “Prosecutors” to process the arrested. And when the police are exhausted an there are no more reserves, what then? Do the ‘Prosecutors’ step out to face the people. I’ll bet not.
I recall it reported that British machine gunners in the Korean War had to flee their positions because they did not have enough spare barrels for the Bren (which had a habit of melting if over used). Rats in a barrel shooting North Koreans. And still the waves kept coming. Sacrificial determined numbers will not be defeated. Remember the Polish Lec Voenca anyone? The Pixie has (as they all do) forgets history.
I reckon a number of things will happen quickly now. Rioting will take place anytime over a 24Hr period. Plod will not cope with that move. The riots will increase and when Plod disappears off the streets the muslims will produce the weapons they have no doubt been accumulating over the years. Then?………….
Yup folks, it is as dire as that.
So much for UN “International Treaties” which the public do not support.
Totally agree with your observation that the authorities are preparing for a fight with the Southport protesters. A total contrast to the Hamas marchers . The police have become agents of oppression, the enemy of the people.
Deb, spot on with your Chief Constable comment. I too want a chap who could take on a street full of spotty thugs with one look, but we get Nora with the naice voice instead.
A former BBC chairwoman had thanked shamed star Huw Edwards for his service while knowing he had been arrested.
Dame Elan Closs Stephens referred to the broadcaster’s former star anchor as ‘poor Huw’ on the Welsh radio programme Beti a’i Phobol.
She admitted that she knew of Edwards’ arrest in her capacity as interim chair of the Corporation but denied being aware of new ‘terrible details’ after the journalist pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children.
Dame Elan thanked Edwards ‘personally’ on the radio programme on July 2 for his ‘huge contribution’ and the ‘skills he has demonstrated’ that she said would help ‘others succeed’.
At the time she added that the saga involving the former News At Ten presenter was ‘a sad story’ and suggested that the Sun ‘had wanted to make the most of the occasion’ in exposing a scandal involving such a high profile star and public figure.
She said: ‘It was obvious that the Sun newspaper was going to make the most of the occasion because poor Huw was so well-known.’
Insisting that the new revelations had come as a shock to her, Dame Elan said she was ‘horrified by it all’, but refused to be drawn into whether she stood by her previous comments in a statement to Newyddion S4C, the BBC reported.
BBC director general Tim Davie said on Thursday that he was aware Edwards had been detained and of the nature of the charges against the presenter last November, but insisted he didn’t know the specifics of the case.
He added that police had requested that information about the case was kept confidential amid the ongoing investigation.
The findings of an internal investigation within the BBC into Edwards’ conduct have yet to be disclosed.
Edwards, who was revealed this week to have been charged in June, admitted to keeping 41 indecent and illegal images of children on his phone, of which seven were the most serious category.
Despite being taken off air in June 2023, the former BBC veteran continued to be paid his £439,000-a-year salary in the months that followed.
This week, Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy called on Edwards to return the £200,000 he is thought to have received since bosses found out about the allegations against him.
One of the nation’s most recognisable television figures, Edwards was face of many high profile national events including election coverage, the King’s Coronation last year and most notably announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022.
Married with five children, Edwards allegedly liked to swap messages with younger men and has been accused of ‘hiding in plain sight’ at the corporation.
MailOnline has contacted BBC for comment. END
some are asking that the sex offender gives his final salary back to the tax payer . But it’s probably been spent on ‘Young friends ‘- right Huw …. ? You can trust the bbc …
Um, anyone any suggestions what I can do with a poster from 1964 advertising Paul Raven and his group at our local dance hall. I’ve got lots of others from that time as well, but would anyone buy this particular one ?
My friends stepdaughter was in Mike Flowers Pops backing singers and they were supporting Mr Glitter on a UK tour. They said then the guy was a complete tw@t. And as it turns out, he’s a dirty pervert child molestor too.
But that doesn’t change how good a couple of his records were. I have this one in a compilation set for my car and always crank it up a bit when it comes on.
Well, whether he was “at it” back in 64 is a matter for conjecture, but the glam rock era was yet to be born, and i remembet Raven just looked looked like the rest of us in our 60s gear, – without the eye makeup and wild wig.
The recent Spiked podcast when Brendan O’Neil interviews Toby Young of the Free Speech Union is a brilliant summary of where we are as a country and why we got in this mess. I urge you to watch it.
More riots , more claims by the authorities that they are the work of the mythical far right , more threats from the authorities to punish participants harshly. Soon the authorities will start to punish those not involved but who seem to them likely to have been sympathetic to the reason why there are protests.
This government is the most repressive ever as they try to force their multiculty policy down our throats. The ruling elite have known for years that they are sitting on a volcano of their own creation. They know that sooner or later the indigenous population will start to take direct action to oppose mass migration. They fear that we are close to that eruption, hence the heavy handed repression.
But why are still stoking the fire by continuing mass migration at record levels? They must be confident that they can handle the situation. Perhaps they really do believe their own propaganda , that mass immigration is of great benefit and integration is going well with just a few minor blemishes. Or perhaps they have a whole raft of repressive measures ready . I bet conditions in their re education camps aren’t as good as those for the illegal migrants?
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
It’s obvious that the Dems decided to make “weird” their attack against Vance, and suddenly all the news networks (Democrat propaganda outlets) were echoing weird weird weird.
Almost as if they’d been told to by their Democrat masters.
Tony Blair thought there was a right wing plot about it .
It’s funny how Labour antagonise the working class then think they are led by the right .
Perhaps if Labour would go back to its roots and stood up for the workers instead of listening to university lecturers and the like it would be a more honest party and be the ordinary people’s choice .
Labour gave up on the working class in 1968, when the dockers marched for Enoch Powell. They decided to import a new set of voters from the third world. The project has been a huge success. For them.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss… only worse edition
The formerly Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express this morning tugs a forelock for the new master, Two-Tier Sir Keir
Britain cannot let rioting thugs win (Express)
What would constitute a win in present circumstances we wonder… some form of curb on mass immigration? We can’t be having that.
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked the Express for their top pick of all today’s national headlines in their online press line-up.
The phraseology employed there to describe frustrated lower class English people presently taking to the streets has a certain appropriate metropolitan globalist elite ring to it, don’t you think: ‘Rioting thugs’ and affordable homes ‘stand empty’ – echoes the BBC’s header for their national press headlines round-up.
While we’re bandying about all those quote marks – you can read more about supposedly ‘affordable homes’ later.
Meanwhile, in further surprising alinement between BBC instincts, outlook and thinking and those at the Express, that title gushes: Glorious Gold Rush… Team GB in dreamland after THREE more Olympic victories
Do you want to tell them or should I?
Frankly, being nowadays only moderately interested in sport, and with a vestige of lingering interest in GB-branded national achievement (despite Gareth Southgate) one couldn’t in all honesty really give a monkey’s flying hoot over: Bryony Page won gold in trampolining yesterday, the first Olympic title for Team GB in the sport. She hopes to join Cirque du Soleil (Times)
Good luck to her and all that. She makes a modestly attractive frontpage feature pic for the Times but it ain’t exactly Bobby Moore picking up the Jules Rimet Trophy or Roger Bannister breaking the four minute mile in grainy black and white.
Olympic Gold Rush – enthuses the Guardian :Team GB win gold in team showjumping, trampolining and rowing
Posh sports, anyone?
Bus burning, cop car over-turning and brick throwing. Police 100-yard reverse dash, chief constable show-ponying, and rowing back on anonymity rules. Now we’d win a clutch of medals were those sports to be introduced into the modern Olympics.
Riot police on standby as far right plans wave of protests across UK – frets the left-leaning i weekend – under the somewhat sinister deep state inspired heading: Policy
Let’s just pause to consider for a moment, who’s better at planning stuff – a few skin-headed ‘far-right’ street ‘rioting thugs’ with bogies hanging out of their noses – or our ruling elite globalist regime?
I know the Tories (remember them?) seemed somewhat incompetent and self-defeating in their actions – but perhaps that was simply part of the plan.
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
Gaius Julius Caesar didn’t want to believe in conspiracies – and just look what happened to him. Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
Stabbing suspect was star for BBC Children in Need… A video unearthed by the Mail shows Axel Rudakubana, then aged 11 and dressed as Doctor Who, urging the nation to get involved with fundraising… in front of Tardis (Daily Mail)
I say this is unfortunate coincidence. Given the vast number of black individuals desperately sought out to be portrayed in mainstream media and advertsing it was almsot inevitable the Southport murder suspect would have had some photo call somewhere along the line. I’m almost surprised there isn’t a pic of him on a DFS Sofa or getting a mortgage from the Halifax. Getty Images will no doubt be an absolute treasure trove of archive pictures of this individual.
Badenoch: We need a better plan for integration (Telegraph) – I don’t know about Badenoch – I’d vote for Baden-Powell.
Tell us about these ‘affordable homes’
Thousands of ‘affordable’ homes stand empty despite housing crisis – prostests the left-leaning i weekend
Nice incidence of the over-used journalistic ‘despite’ there. Mr AsI would contend that it’s getting about as old and trite as pics of Olympic medal winners biting their medals.
New homes built under Britain’s ‘affordable housing’ rules remain empty because housing associations do not have the funds to buy them… (i weekend) – well, they ain’t bloody affordable then, are they?
Entire developments are also delayed as potential buyers pull out due to budget squeeze… – the left-leaning i weekend would appear to dearly wish to buck the market. Meanwhile in the real world just naming a thing ‘affordable’ quite obviously doesn’t get it manufactured and sold for next to nothing.
Jean-Luc Picard, of the revamped post-Kirk Star Ship Enterprise, may have enjoyed the catchphrase “Make it so” but I’m afraid leftist wishful thinking economics is a sci-fi fantasy. Expect to hear more such tosh as ‘affordable’ this and ‘affordable’ that from our keen on growth continuity-Hunt chancellor Rachel Reeves.
US jobs alarm drives global sell-off… Japan, UK and Europe slide (FT); Global stock markets dive after US shock (Telegraph); Traders are betting the Federal Reserve will be forced to respond to a weakening economy with rapid rate cuts (FT)
“Tora Tora Tora” was the Japanese code expression for the signal to begin the attack on Pearl Harbour.
“Borrow borrow borrow” seems as though it will be the order for western governments, including ours.
Was reading this to see who hilled these people and immediately noticed how the BBC were telling me all about how many deaths there were but curiously vague about who killed them.
It sparked enough interest to keep me reading and what do you know ? – look what I saw near the end:
‘On Thursday, it banned the country’s main Islamist party – Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing, Islami Chhatra Shibir – which it claimed was behind some of the violence.’
‘”We have evidence that they have participated in the killings and in the destruction of government and private properties,” Anisul Huq, Bagladesh’s law minister, told the BBC.’
Like a bad smell, the religion of peace turns up again and people die. And the BBC are very, very careful not to say who is supposed to have killed who. Which ALWAYS means they are protecting the Muslims using their lies by inference and lies by omission.
The BBC’s stance on the kerfuffles (if the BBC can use biased language so can I) in various towns and cities after the slaughter of little white girls, is a disgrace.
The BBC couldn’t ‘verify’ my ringpiece.
It seems anyone upset at these murders by another non white on white kids is ‘far right’
It seems our police force put on full riot gear for ‘kerfuffling’ whites but get on their knees for non whites, or even cave in to their demands when they riot over children being taken into care.
There is a two tier policing system in this country. And while I used to say that most coppers don’t go along with this and I’ll always support them… sorry. That is over for me now. If they had any dignity and fairness about them they would quit.
I couldn’t look myself in the mirror after kneeling for ‘kerfuffling’ BLM blacks (and upper/middle class ‘communist’ white twits) and then start crushing concerned white skulls for less.
Do I agree with the rioting? No, it’s counter productive for whites because we are now clearly second class citizens. It will make things worse for us.
But I understand it. We are being constantly gaslit and abused. We are having our kids killed and what do our ‘leaders’ do?
They put out some very strong statements about the protesters feeling ‘the full force of the law’ and talk about restricting what freedom is left (not much now). The opposite with BLM, muslims and Roma gypsies, of course. They need to always consult ‘community leaders’ and not wear riot gear. What a joke.
After Southport? Not a word about protecting nurseries, schools or kids clubs from their murderous policies if you didn’t notice, just strong angry words from Starmer and his anti white attack dog, Cooper.
They (and other MPs and our joke of a media) just don’t want to admit they were wrong flooding this country with those incompatible with us.
Instead of rioting a better plan would be a mass strike by whites (and any non whites who support us).
And I agree with those that say it’s about time whites had their own ‘community leaders’ too.
And perhaps stop all immigration from countries (ethnic origins are important , sorry it’s bloody obvious to me now) with high murder/rape stats. Like most of the MENA region, for example.
And it’s time to look at remigration too.
I do think that the government don’t realise how wrong they are by doubling down on being anti white after this attack though.
Excellent maiden post Lazy Cat ! Welcome. If youve “lurked” long enough on here, you”ll know there is a bit of sport as to getting pole position on this site, all good fun as we try to second guess Fed’s time frame for starting a new thread.
Looking forward to hosting the first Future of Energy Security Summit in the UK next year alongside @fbirol
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Did they doorstep outside his home address ? Surely the evidence of his wrongdoing should be sent to the authorities and BBC . One for Lisa Nandy – although the BBC will escape by saying he is not a BBC employee – he is a ‘production company ‘….
The Far Left BBC are going full-on anti ‘Far Right’. On Toady this morning it was absolutely blatant.
I love the hypocrisy about the ‘full force of the law’ which was totally absent when Left wing causes were concerned, from pro Hamas demos to Just Stop Oil
I also love the accusations of Far Right racism, conveniently forgetting the huge election votes, some successful, in favour of candidates supporting fellow Muslims in a territory thousands of miles away.
The BBC name checked HopeNotHate as an ‘anti racist’ organisation- I would call them a pro mass immigration organisation myself.
But once again the centre right are stupid. By stoking up violence (totally unacceptable if somewhat understandable) they just play straight into the hands of the Far Left. So much so that the idea mentioned above of fifth columnists at work is entirely plausible.
Complete and utter 100% empathy non-news article by the BBC whose sole purpose is to push the narrative that everyone in Gaza is an innocent victim.
This very lengthy article is not news in any way whatsoever and represents a new record for how low the BBC will stoop to shape the narrative.
They are not the victims here ‘Paul Adams’ of the BBC. Israel is. Why aren’t you writing about what the hostages are going through ?. It will be a hundred times worse than ‘Asmaa’s’ experience.
Of course Asmaa write her perfect English in exactly the right style to fit in with the overall sickly style Paul is using. What are the chances of that ?.
Zero. Paul has written them himself based loosely on what she has told him. Paul is another shameless BBC liar.
Here he is.
‘He was born in Lebanon in 1961, where his father served as Middle East correspondent for The Guardian.’
Did BBC verify the libmob rampant conspiracy theories against Dan Wootton ?
I just went to Twitter and did this search Huw “dan wootton” BylineTimes
.. You can see hundreds maybe thousands of tweets saying Dan Wootton is the baddie
and Huw Edwards is the goodie
Yet the real case is the opposite way.
BylineTimes looks like a scurrilous libmob disinformation blog.
Here woke supremacist Lily Allen got 8,200 Likes for retweeting their false narratives
MailOnline and The Sun Hid Serious Dan Wootton Claims – While Attacking Huw Edwards and the BBC – Byline Times
96,000 votes now. Rereading the article it refers to an “exclusive Telegraph reader poll” . It could be historic and unassociated with the specific poll in the article. I cannot recall the number who complete the Telegraph polls – not sure if 96,000 is normal. In my view it would be unethical to re-open an old poll.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
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StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
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Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
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Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Wahaaaaaay ! Goody goody gumdrops !
Blast, I was tapping away, then got timed out. (in a sulk now. Not playing anymore)
Brissles, you are magnificent!
You have the command of this site which surpasses all us feeble males!
You have the intellect, probity and appeal to all of us weak alphas, who worship at your feet!
And you also have a rather nice antique sideboard which is worth quite a few quid at auction…
Come back and play again – please!
Scrobie, I wouldn’t quite go that far “worship at your feet”, but well done Brissles for winning gold and silver on the ninth/tenth day of the Paris Olympics!
You worship where you want, Uppers, being a ‘foot man’, and a ‘leg man’ for that matter, even a …(that’s enough of that Scrobs – Ed), I praise your tact and skills in awarding Brissles that prize!
Er – what is it?
All becomes clear. The mysterious lack of action by Government regarding illegal immigration, Asian rape gangs, large scale immigration, pro Palestine demonstrations, employment discrimination against whites, woke and LGBT+ nonsense. climate change nonsense. It’s all to create a divided society which can be controlled by Government and their agencies. Smarmer set in motion yesterday, the machinery of oppression, the direction of travel is clear.
I feel very uncomfortable about these riots, they are producing every justification for the government to clamp down on anything even the merest smidge Right of centre. I watched a bit of film at Southport where someone seemed to trigger the trouble. It obviously wasn’t the EDL because apparently they haven’t existed for years. But could it be fifth columnists? At best just for Starmer to appear ‘strong’ at worst giving more reason for Labour to ban free speech.
The all-time classic is when the Left say they are protecting democracy by stopping someone they don’t agree with being able to run in the election.
No doubt the assasination attempt was to ‘protect democracy’ as well.
How dumb do you have to be to believe that ?.
As I mentionend the other day Deborah, I’m wondering if what’s going on here is an attempt to draw out people on the Right so they can be marked and dealt with later.
They are playing with fire – but I suspect they think they can buy themselves a few years by taking out some of the ringleaders now.
Debs, good post!
Flotsam, normally if there is a perceived threat to the UK, in this case from a summer of riots, the COBRA process is invoked. On this occasion it was a cosy chat in the cabinet room. The former is a process the latter is Surkeer informing police chiefs of his interpretation of the law in posh surroundings. It is good to know that despite the prisons being overcrowded the CPS/Courts will find extra resources to prosecute the rioters. I would point out that the CPS have missed a few in their time, not least Surjimmi.
I was subbed before I could dab it in.
BBC running with the red line that demonstrations are the EDL – which doesn’t exist – or ‘they are from outside our community ‘ as if a ‘community ‘ is a solid Morphous thing -when we know things are more complicated . But I suppose it’s what bbc ‘journos ‘ think is the way proles live .
They cannot recognise that the third world is a real threat. And the political class is facilitating the invasion every day … and will do for the forseeable horrible future …
The only ‘community’ which Al Beeb seems to recognise is the Black or Non-White community. That’s why it is almost exclusively represented as being good.
“Mostly Peaceful”………..
Took a look at bbc news – I’m really sorry – but I don’t give a toss about the Olympics – about medal – yet the BBC seems stuck in a time warp of some sort of false patriotism – maybe it’s because many ‘winners ‘ are of the public school class – I understand that the tedious GB team has a large number of non state school types – but the bbc don’t care this time ….
.. I suppose it will be even worse when the track and field thing gets going and the coloured folk come a ‘glorious fourth ‘ … gongs all round …
… tonight there is no disorder in Sunderland .. nothing is happening … all are happy happy …
GBnews is showing crowds and a burnt out Central Sunderland police station..
Dunno if it’s agent provocateurs
or some complicated reaction to two tier policing and media bias.
Didn’t similar direct action previously happen in Ireland ?
It does look like a small shopping centre outpot rather than a huge police station.
2 tweets show the old empty police station .. I’m guessing that one was abandoned then vandalised years ago
Amazing scenes on BBC news tonight.
Following stories about a shortage of blood for transfusions, the BBC rightly featured a positive response by the Great British public.
A large hospital facility was featured with rows of reclining chairs each with a blood donor. Excellent.
But why amazing?
Because there was not a single BAME person in all the coverage !!!!!
How often does that happen on the BBC? Coverage of anything is usually awash with them.
Of course what is shows is that the BAME ‘community’ is perhaps not quite as ‘community’ focussed as the BBC like to portray. And guess what? There was no comment about it at all. When the BBC agenda is not supported by events…….silence.
That’s why I love my countryside so much – its a BAME free zone. No hijab walking groups, no men wearing crocheted caps and long tunics stood on the bridge gazing at the river, no turbans walking their dogs, and certainly no saris picnicking in the park.- just MY Britain to enjoy while I can, and while it’s still white.
You wish.
Muslim Hikers! heard it all now. Like the Suffolk Mountain Rescue Group.
Brissles ! You mustn’t give them ideas.
“POOR HUW” said a BBC boss
Dame Elan Closs Stephens The former chair of the BBC publicly thanked disgraced newsreader Huw Edwards for his “huge contribution” despite knowing he had been arrested in November last year.
She also referred to him as “poor Huw” on Welsh-language radio programme Beti a’i Phobo … somewherein the 56m audio
“📢Attending the @eisteddfod ?
Join us on the Maes at 14:30 on Saturday 3rd August for
Eisteddfod Lecture, “The Constitutional Future of Wales” with Dr Rowan Williams and Dame Elan Closs Stephens.
Back to two days ago the arrest of the second Southport knifeman does seem to be a big thing
and that seems to have happened before the street violence.
THis Youtuber shows a street filled with cop cars, who then try to stop him filming the face of the knifeman
but he zoomed and got one good photo
The man arrested with a knife nearby the Southport vigil on Tuesday has been identified by Merseyside Police as Jordan Davies
Despite his appearance in the photos and videos, he is not “Arab” or a Muslim”
Yes he does have loads of tattoos
Yebbut, from the Jordan to the sea.
Guido commenter
Just think, while the state was interviewing Tommy about terrorism, someone was planning to murder our children in Southport.”
A tortured attempt to defend the far right thugs currently attacking the police and rioting in the streets.
Another gem from the boy-troll 😂.
Get back to BBC HYS with all the other spiteful 12 year olds who spout dumb rhetoric.
Is English your first language ?.
I missed the new two days ago about Ofcom dropping investigations against Dan Woottoon
So How Edwards GUILTY … media played it down for ages, BBC kept him on
Dan Wootton ..never charged .. police investigations dropped
..wht did his employers and mediaworld
do to him … ?
GBnews sacked him on a tiny pretext, Mail sacked him too
Of course there is a gang that hate hate hate GBnews
so they set up Twitter account to massively troll @GBnews
except they are not good at picking winners ..they side with Huw Edwards and are vehemently against Dan Wootton
I love the positioning of, “…..yet….” Read quickly?
BBC reporting at its best?
Davie kept banging on about not having the ‘specifics’.
What the hell is ‘non-specific’ about the bloke having stuff, which the police determined as the worst category of child porn, on his phone?
Beeboids, desperately still trying to deny their complete incompetence – or it’s another example of their arrogance.
Not reported by the BBC of course:
Axel Rudakubana stars as Doctor Who in BBC Children in Need promo
Good old BBC. They always seem to crop up like a bad smell when things like this happen.
I still think there is something fishy about this which we aren’t being told.
The “now deleted” segment “in 2018”
That’s 6 years ago so he was 11 or 12
Yes – and I would guess he was at least 14.
Doesn’t the BBC usually find classmates of someone like the person who did the killing in Southport, or their parents etc to say something to the effect that ‘they were always such a good child/wanted to be a vet/an A student/a quiet child. Maybe I missed it on the BBC as I don’t watch anymore.
Children in Need? Thinks …
Ah yes that is the team that shows videos of pur wee bairns in Aaaaaafrikaaaaa to raise money for spending on Wimmins Aid organizations so they can hate men.
Never Ever Trust what they tell you on the bBC.
Whilst Thomas Crooks, the would be assassin of America’s next president, once appeared in a promotional video for BlackRock. The powers that be have a knack for spotting their Patsies and Manchurian Candidates at an early age and recording them for posterity…?
Starmer should have admitted that these protests didn’t come out of thin air. That people have been provoked for a very long time.
The root cause needs treatment more than the symptoms do.
There is no way to bypass their programming. We can’t communicate our legitimate concerns without traducements. Years of violent crimes and hate-rhetoric directed at British people. And they don’t expect a backlash? Ever?
This comment I saw on the DT sums it up perfectly:
‘They are still not listening. They still don’t get it. It’s not far right extremists who are taking to the streets to protest, it is ordinary British citizens who are fed up with poor government, poor policing and mass immigration. Fed up with two tier policing, and the general woke and anti white sentiments. How has our Britain, which our fathers and grandfathers fought and died to defend, been allowed to disappear and be patriated by third world immigrants. It is not right wing extremism, it is the sentiment of at least 50% of the British population.
Why did they not crack down harder and quickly on the Palestinian protestors or Stop Oil protestors – who have been allowed to act in antagonistic, disruptive and non peaceful ways for months and months. Yet British people taking to the streets to complain are immediately arrested. Yes, it’s two tier policing. Yes, it’s discrimination again the indigenous British population.’
“Those who do not listen to reasonable men whilst they have the choice, will be forced to listen to unreasonable men when they do not”
That stupid, arrogant Sky journalist woman sums up exactly why I now despise them so much.
Sly are Al Beeb’s b’stard twin.
“International concern over Middle East escalation after Hamas leader killing” | BBC News
“Turkey and Pakistan announced a day of mourning on Friday in honour of Ismail Haniyeh, while Hamas has called for “roaring anger marches… from every mosque” to take place after Friday prayers to protest Haniyeh’s killing.”
A day of mourning for BBC too I guess.
A related side note- it’s a common practice in Islamic countries for Muslims to curse their enemies before leaving mosques. In Egypt, Christians try to avoid walking by mosques on Friday evenings because the Muslims often exit all wound up with rage from their cursing sessions.
This is called stating the bloody obvious
“This week’s riots are reprehensible but UK’s liberal elite have driven people into arms of far-right
The liberal elite have fuelled the underlying sense that the white working class is treated differently from the rest of the population ”
Not the first time Angela’s been on her knees. I hear Kamala is pretty good at it too.
Location, location, location
we get it,
For how many years has Taffman represented everyones’ concerns on here ?
For how long has he been ignored ?
Who as an MP has been vilified as a racist for representing these concerns ?
Who has been repeatedly arrested, pepper sprayed in London by police on a day out with his children, jailed on technicalities and attacked time after time for saying the same ?
De facto Treason, treasonous acts hidden/covered over by legislation and International Treaties.
Just had this on in the background and it was very interesting.
BREAKING NEWS: GOP Senators Eviscerate Secret Service, FBI Over Trump Assassination Attempt
After grilling the Secret Service, the basic conclusion they are arriving at is that the whole assasination attempt was deliberately enabled by the politically appointed leaders of the Secret Service. They did it for Trump and they did it for Kennnedy (who has since been provided with protection). But of course they can’t say it directly. At least not yet.
Of course they don’t go further to state the obvious – that these leaders must be following the policy directive of their peers. ie Obama.
If this was in the BBC’s agenda crosshairs, they would make a huge story out of this. There are so many damning facts and the Secret Service are simply refusing to answer the most critical of questions because it would incriminate them directly for what they did.
But it was against Trump. So they are absolutely silent. I am 100% certain that the BBC would be happy if the attempt had been successful. We would have had a few days mourning and fake outrage. Then it would be dropped completely.
That’s the Left for you.
They are violent to us
What do they expect in return ?
The press is still being allowed to report street disorder . The red government is presumably preparing more legislation to control the internet as it blames ‘social media ‘ as usual and is now talking about proscribing an organisation which no longer – apparently – exists .
No doubt it will use legislation aimed at countering terrorism- against protesters – but only non approved protesters …. Muslim Hamas supporters and stop oil vermin can carry on .
Two or maybe three tier policing is here . Fortunately the alien state is in a tricky position because it has a limited supply of plod , prisons and finally the army .
Although for a red government to rely on these instruments of oppression make it look pretty bad so early into its stay in government .
The consequences of allowing mass invasion on ordinary people is at last being seen . And I’d day the state has seen nothing yet .
Somewhere from long ago there is a report in the home office saying that unless the invasion is stopped there will be civil disorder . I bet that document is being shredded …
Long hot summer
And the boats keep coming . Over to you pixie – how is your border command …?
The curtain on all the hidden corruption and so-called, “Democracy” is rapidly being drawn aside now. Another week or so of, “Rioting” will turn things upside down.
I disagree – this disorder is trivial compared to what I believe is the future of what used to be our country ….
… I’ve put a bet on Nigel Farage being blamed
And the invasion continues ….
… and in the meantime it looks like the over weather for the next week is warm to hot -nwhich kerps people on the streets …and 77 brigade busy – right guys ?
Have a listen to the BBC radio news – go on – do it . It’s got that lefty ‘mark Easton ‘ who has stirred things up for decades .
He reports that ‘police and Muslim youths ‘defended a mosque in Sunderland – so my quip about plod being the ‘religious police ‘ really is try ….
The BBC really is full ‘state broadcaster ‘ mode – meesh on today even said the plod used water cannon – is this a first on the UK mainland .
You can hear how excited meesh is – she has the hots for banning the ‘edl’ – after all – they don’t want England defended now do they ? They’ve imported millions without the consent of the people and are starting to feel the effect.
Multicultural doesn’t work – the invaders are a direct threat – for instance Rwandans who kill kids
It’s lucky that we live in a free country and people have a right to protest isn’t it ? Or maybe it’s only a free country for some .
BTW – it’s sort of heart warming that all that lefty propaganda about how we are ‘all in it together ‘ turns out not to have worked ….
Further – I bet the BBC will be turning of the Reform party – which do doubt they will want banned . I hope reform has gone on holiday …normally be now some one wouid be demanding parliament be recalled … but for some reason it hasn’t happened … maybe it’s because it’s only 2 days into their expenses paid holidays ….
Remember that Sad Dick Khant scrapped the use of water cannon that BoJo had bought for London. Khant obviously preparing the ground for partial treatment of certain groups.
Mark Easton needs to be careful. If he’s spotted anywhere near the ‘Far Right Thugs’ he’s likely to be taught a lesson. Won’t happen though, I’m sure he will be hiding/reporting behind a police line.
What do you picture when you hear the word “chief constable”? I picture a large man in uniform, a natural leader of men , whose very presence screams ‘authority’ and ‘respect’. What we now seem to have now, when they appear on the tv, are women who are more akin to the slightly unpleasant older woman who won’t give you a refund in the supermarket for the chicken that smells rotten when you got it home.
Meanwhile the decision has obviously been made by the authorities to stoke up trouble. Headlines in the DM that cells have been cleared and solicitors booked. Did they do that for the pro-Hamas demonstrations? Don’t they know it is the two tier policing fuelling the fires? Do they only believe in free speech if it agrees with the Left’s agenda?
Good morning to other Surkeers, Far Right’s.
Yes, 0700 R4 news – Its (Sunderland) become another “Yaxley-Lennon” Far Right event. Needless to say, Mark Easton their reporter describes the participants as “Far Right”. Mere name calling because that’s all they’ve got. A fact of life, as has been pointed out over the years, “There’s more of us than there is of them”. The Pixie says the “Rioters” will face the full force of the law. The Government is engaging more, “Prosecutors” to process the arrested. And when the police are exhausted an there are no more reserves, what then? Do the ‘Prosecutors’ step out to face the people. I’ll bet not.
I recall it reported that British machine gunners in the Korean War had to flee their positions because they did not have enough spare barrels for the Bren (which had a habit of melting if over used). Rats in a barrel shooting North Koreans. And still the waves kept coming. Sacrificial determined numbers will not be defeated. Remember the Polish Lec Voenca anyone? The Pixie has (as they all do) forgets history.
I reckon a number of things will happen quickly now. Rioting will take place anytime over a 24Hr period. Plod will not cope with that move. The riots will increase and when Plod disappears off the streets the muslims will produce the weapons they have no doubt been accumulating over the years. Then?………….
Yup folks, it is as dire as that.
So much for UN “International Treaties” which the public do not support.
Totally agree with your observation that the authorities are preparing for a fight with the Southport protesters. A total contrast to the Hamas marchers . The police have become agents of oppression, the enemy of the people.
And a pay increase to boot…………..
Deb, spot on with your Chief Constable comment. I too want a chap who could take on a street full of spotty thugs with one look, but we get Nora with the naice voice instead.
Huw Edwards
From the Daily Mail – ‘poor huw’
A former BBC chairwoman had thanked shamed star Huw Edwards for his service while knowing he had been arrested.
Dame Elan Closs Stephens referred to the broadcaster’s former star anchor as ‘poor Huw’ on the Welsh radio programme Beti a’i Phobol.
She admitted that she knew of Edwards’ arrest in her capacity as interim chair of the Corporation but denied being aware of new ‘terrible details’ after the journalist pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children.
Dame Elan thanked Edwards ‘personally’ on the radio programme on July 2 for his ‘huge contribution’ and the ‘skills he has demonstrated’ that she said would help ‘others succeed’.
At the time she added that the saga involving the former News At Ten presenter was ‘a sad story’ and suggested that the Sun ‘had wanted to make the most of the occasion’ in exposing a scandal involving such a high profile star and public figure.
She said: ‘It was obvious that the Sun newspaper was going to make the most of the occasion because poor Huw was so well-known.’
Insisting that the new revelations had come as a shock to her, Dame Elan said she was ‘horrified by it all’, but refused to be drawn into whether she stood by her previous comments in a statement to Newyddion S4C, the BBC reported.
BBC director general Tim Davie said on Thursday that he was aware Edwards had been detained and of the nature of the charges against the presenter last November, but insisted he didn’t know the specifics of the case.
He added that police had requested that information about the case was kept confidential amid the ongoing investigation.
The findings of an internal investigation within the BBC into Edwards’ conduct have yet to be disclosed.
Edwards, who was revealed this week to have been charged in June, admitted to keeping 41 indecent and illegal images of children on his phone, of which seven were the most serious category.
Despite being taken off air in June 2023, the former BBC veteran continued to be paid his £439,000-a-year salary in the months that followed.
This week, Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy called on Edwards to return the £200,000 he is thought to have received since bosses found out about the allegations against him.
One of the nation’s most recognisable television figures, Edwards was face of many high profile national events including election coverage, the King’s Coronation last year and most notably announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022.
Married with five children, Edwards allegedly liked to swap messages with younger men and has been accused of ‘hiding in plain sight’ at the corporation.
MailOnline has contacted BBC for comment. END
some are asking that the sex offender gives his final salary back to the tax payer . But it’s probably been spent on ‘Young friends ‘- right Huw …. ? You can trust the bbc …
Does the beeb attract paedophiles or does it turn regular guys into paedophiles… and then protect them?
Either way, time to Ban the Beeb.
Thank you, for your huge contribution
Um, anyone any suggestions what I can do with a poster from 1964 advertising Paul Raven and his group at our local dance hall. I’ve got lots of others from that time as well, but would anyone buy this particular one ?
BBC might be interested. They could frame it and hang it outside Broadcasting House, next to the statue by Eric Gill.
Nice one Ian. Will give it some consideration.
My friends stepdaughter was in Mike Flowers Pops backing singers and they were supporting Mr Glitter on a UK tour. They said then the guy was a complete tw@t. And as it turns out, he’s a dirty pervert child molestor too.
But that doesn’t change how good a couple of his records were. I have this one in a compilation set for my car and always crank it up a bit when it comes on.
Maybe try this next time, the clues in the title
Well, whether he was “at it” back in 64 is a matter for conjecture, but the glam rock era was yet to be born, and i remembet Raven just looked looked like the rest of us in our 60s gear, – without the eye makeup and wild wig.
And like Kamala, can convert to being Black.
Easy, innit!!
The recent Spiked podcast when Brendan O’Neil interviews Toby Young of the Free Speech Union is a brilliant summary of where we are as a country and why we got in this mess. I urge you to watch it.
More riots , more claims by the authorities that they are the work of the mythical far right , more threats from the authorities to punish participants harshly. Soon the authorities will start to punish those not involved but who seem to them likely to have been sympathetic to the reason why there are protests.
This government is the most repressive ever as they try to force their multiculty policy down our throats. The ruling elite have known for years that they are sitting on a volcano of their own creation. They know that sooner or later the indigenous population will start to take direct action to oppose mass migration. They fear that we are close to that eruption, hence the heavy handed repression.
But why are still stoking the fire by continuing mass migration at record levels? They must be confident that they can handle the situation. Perhaps they really do believe their own propaganda , that mass immigration is of great benefit and integration is going well with just a few minor blemishes. Or perhaps they have a whole raft of repressive measures ready . I bet conditions in their re education camps aren’t as good as those for the illegal migrants?
Just think if we were a part of a European armed force………
Von Leyen’s Express?
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
It’s obvious that the Dems decided to make “weird” their attack against Vance, and suddenly all the news networks (Democrat propaganda outlets) were echoing weird weird weird.
Almost as if they’d been told to by their Democrat masters.
Guardian journalists love the word ‘bizarre’. They use it over and over for anything they don’t like.
‘Pseudo intellectual’ is another one.
Doesn’t matter if the guy has a PhD.
If he’s not a card carrying commie that’s his label.
Yes, J D Vance is a well educated, patriotic, happily married man and father. How Weird!
One might think the catroon is not reality ..
Swipe left! Swipe left!
It’s a bit like the fuel protests of 2000 .
Tony Blair thought there was a right wing plot about it .
It’s funny how Labour antagonise the working class then think they are led by the right .
Perhaps if Labour would go back to its roots and stood up for the workers instead of listening to university lecturers and the like it would be a more honest party and be the ordinary people’s choice .
Labour gave up on the working class in 1968, when the dockers marched for Enoch Powell. They decided to import a new set of voters from the third world. The project has been a huge success. For them.
Forget the F15s the russians would manage us with a sad Disney cartoon
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss… only worse edition
The formerly Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express this morning tugs a forelock for the new master, Two-Tier Sir Keir
Britain cannot let rioting thugs win (Express)
What would constitute a win in present circumstances we wonder… some form of curb on mass immigration? We can’t be having that.
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked the Express for their top pick of all today’s national headlines in their online press line-up.
The phraseology employed there to describe frustrated lower class English people presently taking to the streets has a certain appropriate metropolitan globalist elite ring to it, don’t you think: ‘Rioting thugs’ and affordable homes ‘stand empty’ – echoes the BBC’s header for their national press headlines round-up.
While we’re bandying about all those quote marks – you can read more about supposedly ‘affordable homes’ later.
Meanwhile, in further surprising alinement between BBC instincts, outlook and thinking and those at the Express, that title gushes: Glorious Gold Rush… Team GB in dreamland after THREE more Olympic victories
Do you want to tell them or should I?
Frankly, being nowadays only moderately interested in sport, and with a vestige of lingering interest in GB-branded national achievement (despite Gareth Southgate) one couldn’t in all honesty really give a monkey’s flying hoot over: Bryony Page won gold in trampolining yesterday, the first Olympic title for Team GB in the sport. She hopes to join Cirque du Soleil (Times)
Good luck to her and all that. She makes a modestly attractive frontpage feature pic for the Times but it ain’t exactly Bobby Moore picking up the Jules Rimet Trophy or Roger Bannister breaking the four minute mile in grainy black and white.
Olympic Gold Rush – enthuses the Guardian :Team GB win gold in team showjumping, trampolining and rowing
Posh sports, anyone?
Bus burning, cop car over-turning and brick throwing. Police 100-yard reverse dash, chief constable show-ponying, and rowing back on anonymity rules. Now we’d win a clutch of medals were those sports to be introduced into the modern Olympics.
Riot police on standby as far right plans wave of protests across UK – frets the left-leaning i weekend – under the somewhat sinister deep state inspired heading: Policy
Let’s just pause to consider for a moment, who’s better at planning stuff – a few skin-headed ‘far-right’ street ‘rioting thugs’ with bogies hanging out of their noses – or our ruling elite globalist regime?
I know the Tories (remember them?) seemed somewhat incompetent and self-defeating in their actions – but perhaps that was simply part of the plan.
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
Gaius Julius Caesar didn’t want to believe in conspiracies – and just look what happened to him. Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
Stabbing suspect was star for BBC Children in Need… A video unearthed by the Mail shows Axel Rudakubana, then aged 11 and dressed as Doctor Who, urging the nation to get involved with fundraising… in front of Tardis (Daily Mail)
I say this is unfortunate coincidence. Given the vast number of black individuals desperately sought out to be portrayed in mainstream media and advertsing it was almsot inevitable the Southport murder suspect would have had some photo call somewhere along the line. I’m almost surprised there isn’t a pic of him on a DFS Sofa or getting a mortgage from the Halifax. Getty Images will no doubt be an absolute treasure trove of archive pictures of this individual.
Badenoch: We need a better plan for integration (Telegraph) – I don’t know about Badenoch – I’d vote for Baden-Powell.
Tell us about these ‘affordable homes’
Thousands of ‘affordable’ homes stand empty despite housing crisis – prostests the left-leaning i weekend
Nice incidence of the over-used journalistic ‘despite’ there. Mr AsI would contend that it’s getting about as old and trite as pics of Olympic medal winners biting their medals.
New homes built under Britain’s ‘affordable housing’ rules remain empty because housing associations do not have the funds to buy them… (i weekend) – well, they ain’t bloody affordable then, are they?
Entire developments are also delayed as potential buyers pull out due to budget squeeze… – the left-leaning i weekend would appear to dearly wish to buck the market. Meanwhile in the real world just naming a thing ‘affordable’ quite obviously doesn’t get it manufactured and sold for next to nothing.
Jean-Luc Picard, of the revamped post-Kirk Star Ship Enterprise, may have enjoyed the catchphrase “Make it so” but I’m afraid leftist wishful thinking economics is a sci-fi fantasy. Expect to hear more such tosh as ‘affordable’ this and ‘affordable’ that from our keen on growth continuity-Hunt chancellor Rachel Reeves.
US jobs alarm drives global sell-off… Japan, UK and Europe slide (FT); Global stock markets dive after US shock (Telegraph); Traders are betting the Federal Reserve will be forced to respond to a weakening economy with rapid rate cuts (FT)
“Tora Tora Tora” was the Japanese code expression for the signal to begin the attack on Pearl Harbour.
“Borrow borrow borrow” seems as though it will be the order for western governments, including ours.
Dozens of children killed in Bangladesh protests – Unicef
Was reading this to see who hilled these people and immediately noticed how the BBC were telling me all about how many deaths there were but curiously vague about who killed them.
It sparked enough interest to keep me reading and what do you know ? – look what I saw near the end:
‘On Thursday, it banned the country’s main Islamist party – Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing, Islami Chhatra Shibir – which it claimed was behind some of the violence.’
‘”We have evidence that they have participated in the killings and in the destruction of government and private properties,” Anisul Huq, Bagladesh’s law minister, told the BBC.’
Like a bad smell, the religion of peace turns up again and people die. And the BBC are very, very careful not to say who is supposed to have killed who. Which ALWAYS means they are protecting the Muslims using their lies by inference and lies by omission.
Some people are saying “crass” – I’d have to agree.
First time poster here after lurking for a while.
The BBC’s stance on the kerfuffles (if the BBC can use biased language so can I) in various towns and cities after the slaughter of little white girls, is a disgrace.
The BBC couldn’t ‘verify’ my ringpiece.
It seems anyone upset at these murders by another non white on white kids is ‘far right’
It seems our police force put on full riot gear for ‘kerfuffling’ whites but get on their knees for non whites, or even cave in to their demands when they riot over children being taken into care.
There is a two tier policing system in this country. And while I used to say that most coppers don’t go along with this and I’ll always support them… sorry. That is over for me now. If they had any dignity and fairness about them they would quit.
I couldn’t look myself in the mirror after kneeling for ‘kerfuffling’ BLM blacks (and upper/middle class ‘communist’ white twits) and then start crushing concerned white skulls for less.
Do I agree with the rioting? No, it’s counter productive for whites because we are now clearly second class citizens. It will make things worse for us.
But I understand it. We are being constantly gaslit and abused. We are having our kids killed and what do our ‘leaders’ do?
They put out some very strong statements about the protesters feeling ‘the full force of the law’ and talk about restricting what freedom is left (not much now). The opposite with BLM, muslims and Roma gypsies, of course. They need to always consult ‘community leaders’ and not wear riot gear. What a joke.
After Southport? Not a word about protecting nurseries, schools or kids clubs from their murderous policies if you didn’t notice, just strong angry words from Starmer and his anti white attack dog, Cooper.
They (and other MPs and our joke of a media) just don’t want to admit they were wrong flooding this country with those incompatible with us.
Instead of rioting a better plan would be a mass strike by whites (and any non whites who support us).
And I agree with those that say it’s about time whites had their own ‘community leaders’ too.
And perhaps stop all immigration from countries (ethnic origins are important , sorry it’s bloody obvious to me now) with high murder/rape stats. Like most of the MENA region, for example.
And it’s time to look at remigration too.
I do think that the government don’t realise how wrong they are by doubling down on being anti white after this attack though.
People really have had enough.
Anyway rant over vegetable rights and peace etc.
Welcome aboard Lazy – as you may have read – we have a long fight to deal with the Far Left anti British BBC ….
Thanks Fedup2
Excellent maiden post Lazy Cat ! Welcome. If youve “lurked” long enough on here, you”ll know there is a bit of sport as to getting pole position on this site, all good fun as we try to second guess Fed’s time frame for starting a new thread.
That’s a name to worry posters on here in the current climate, I’d have thought?
The name I’d like to have used would have been edited to be
****ed off ….cheers
Ah they meant you lol.
Thick as, innit?
The suspense….
Vine – OK when I do it.
Did they doorstep outside his home address ? Surely the evidence of his wrongdoing should be sent to the authorities and BBC . One for Lisa Nandy – although the BBC will escape by saying he is not a BBC employee – he is a ‘production company ‘….
And we all know what he produces steaming piles of, don’t we?
Jelly Vine Productions :
In breach of the 1872 Highways Act.
No doubt he will be subject to ‘the full force of the law’
The Far Left BBC are going full-on anti ‘Far Right’. On Toady this morning it was absolutely blatant.
I love the hypocrisy about the ‘full force of the law’ which was totally absent when Left wing causes were concerned, from pro Hamas demos to Just Stop Oil
I also love the accusations of Far Right racism, conveniently forgetting the huge election votes, some successful, in favour of candidates supporting fellow Muslims in a territory thousands of miles away.
The BBC name checked HopeNotHate as an ‘anti racist’ organisation- I would call them a pro mass immigration organisation myself.
But once again the centre right are stupid. By stoking up violence (totally unacceptable if somewhat understandable) they just play straight into the hands of the Far Left. So much so that the idea mentioned above of fifth columnists at work is entirely plausible.
‘Still alive’ – graduate Asmaa’s texts to BBC from the ruins of Gaza
Complete and utter 100% empathy non-news article by the BBC whose sole purpose is to push the narrative that everyone in Gaza is an innocent victim.
This very lengthy article is not news in any way whatsoever and represents a new record for how low the BBC will stoop to shape the narrative.
They are not the victims here ‘Paul Adams’ of the BBC. Israel is. Why aren’t you writing about what the hostages are going through ?. It will be a hundred times worse than ‘Asmaa’s’ experience.
Of course Asmaa write her perfect English in exactly the right style to fit in with the overall sickly style Paul is using. What are the chances of that ?.
Zero. Paul has written them himself based loosely on what she has told him. Paul is another shameless BBC liar.
Here he is.

‘He was born in Lebanon in 1961, where his father served as Middle East correspondent for The Guardian.’
Agh yes – the colonials / empire worriors turning on their country of ‘origin ‘ – very bbc – very civil service – very ..politician ….
I see BBC ‘Verify’ were noting how ‘the far right’ perpetuate myths about ‘elites’ covering up and being complicit in child abuse.
Well, didn’t various high ranking officials cover up or refuse to act against grooming gangs for fear of being called a name? Not a myth at all then.
And it’s a bit rich the BBC getting all preachy on this topic anyway.
Huw know what I mean? Jingle Jangle.
By the way, it seems (after reading their articles) that BBC Verify is a few spotty lefty students and ‘peaceful’ types.
Did BBC verify the libmob rampant conspiracy theories against Dan Wootton ?
I just went to Twitter and did this search Huw “dan wootton” BylineTimes
.. You can see hundreds maybe thousands of tweets saying Dan Wootton is the baddie
and Huw Edwards is the goodie
Yet the real case is the opposite way.
BylineTimes looks like a scurrilous libmob disinformation blog.
Here woke supremacist Lily Allen got 8,200 Likes for retweeting their false narratives
Their own story got 8.4K Likes
Lefties will condone anything one of their own does, it seems.
It’s a good job Fred and Rose weren’t around today as well known lefty types.
Lily’s tweet might read, ‘Fred did my garden wall and did a great job. Rose also cooked a mean flan. This smearing of their good names is a disgrace.
Those bodies under the patio?
They just needed educating. But Tory cuts put paid to that.’
Lily Allen sparks outrage by claiming Rochdale grooming gang victims ‘would have been raped or abused by somebody else at some point’
I’m surprised not a jot.
Should the licence fee be scrapped?
A DT poll today. 91,000 voted 91% in favour.
I wonder what the poll result would be on charging the BBC and it’s leading mouthpieces with crimes against the British peoples?
I’m not sure if that actual poll was done today
cos when I search twitter it quotes a Telegraph Poll from March 2023 which got 91% too
Todays unpaywalled page
It does quote a huge sample size ..but I wonder if it’s the same poll continued 1 year later
96,000 votes now. Rereading the article it refers to an “exclusive Telegraph reader poll” . It could be historic and unassociated with the specific poll in the article. I cannot recall the number who complete the Telegraph polls – not sure if 96,000 is normal. In my view it would be unethical to re-open an old poll.