I have been warning for so long that the plan was to allow unchecked numbers of people from other cultures and religions into the West – mostly adult young men – and then instigate trigger events to create (un)civil war between them and the indigenous culture. We are now there in a classic divide and rule in which two ‘sides’ manipulated by the same force are brought into conflict to create chaos and mayhem to (1) justify fascist laws; (2) generate widespread fear and anger; and (3) have the ‘sides’ so focused on fighting each other that they don’t see the strings attached to both held by the same hand.
Both ‘sides’ are being played by a hidden hand via puppet governments with mass immigration that has transformed Western cities with the incoming cultures. This has been coldly calculated for decades and especially since the Blair era which set out to culturally change Britain in a way that was irreversible. The focus should be directed at those in political power and their masters in the shadows who have made this happen and go on doing so.
Cultures from other lands need to respect the culture they enter and not, as some do, seek to usurp it and impose their own. If you go on doing that then (un)civil war is inevitable.
Both ‘sides’ have been put in this situation by a Cult that hates them. Whether white or brown you are all just human trash to the Cult. We have to find common ground and realise that we are being played off against each other for an agenda that involves the fascist control of all of us. Both sides need to realise there is a common foe and find common cause in responding to that. If we don’t, we have seen nothing yet.David Icke
This is correct. But you have to be clued in to their modus operandi which includes the frequent use of false flags to get each group at one another’s throats. The Muslims are not the problem. For example Southport. Does it not occur to anyone that this may be staged? When you start to investigate these events you realize the initial crime is quickly forgotten and NO ONE follows up and investigates what happened. Think Tommy Mair. What they want is exactly what is happening. They want people to riot to give themselves the excuse to bring in their fascist state asap. People need to wise up fast but I’m afraid there aren’t enough people who realise what has been going on. They are going to hit us with another plandemic soon and I won’t be surprised if the idiots go along with it once more.
The folk who realised what has been going on with e.g. the plandemic and now the riots are often independent thinkers and loners. Because they think independently and alone they tend not to be very ‘clubable’.
This is perhaps the disadvantage of independent thought. It is the opposite of group think and means they are cursed to make their warnings to an empty audience.
There are also examples of independent thinkers who are able to attract large audiences e.g. David Ikke.
Agreed. But if you were sat down opposite a randomly selected black or muslim for the purpose of discussion/debate, how do you think your argument would go?
Has Sopel said he is leaving ‘journalism / telling lies ‘? Yet – or distracting from his huge judgement failure / aiding abetting a paedo – by attacking President Trump / Farage / Tommy Robinson …. ? Or do we only hear …. Silence …
Some BBC drone on her moral high horse over election theft in
Venezuela . As I listened to her sobbing over repression I suddenly realised she could substitute UK for Venezuela .
Yesterday the red government told us ‘we are watching you ‘. People like Tommy Robinson are being blamed even though they have fled the country and may well try to get political asylum somewhere to avoid targeting by the British state – a dissident UK passport holder – who many would be killed by Islam as plod look the other way …
I never thought that reports about the third world wouid so much like here – in this foreign land …
BTW – if this site suddenly disappears you’ll know the British state is going full nazi in its ‘suppression of dissent …. And I know what I am saying when comparing their behaviour to the national socialist regime and its’ propaganda methods …
I and many others have voiced various reasons why we are seeing riots after the Southport stabbings. A further issue is Smarmer’s attitude towards Brexit. After the positive Brexit vote, Smarmer attempted to derail the implementation, he was partially successful. He not only extended a diluted the process but was continuously calling for a second Referendum. His interference also ensured that others like Gina Miller and the Supreme Court thought they could interfere with Democracy.
Smarmer is very much an Islington man. His culture is London Metropolitan based and very distant from the North.
His attitude to problems is adversarial, it’s his legal training. He’s used to being on one side of an argument and whatever he’s arguing for being the truth even if it’s a pack of lies. The real World isn’t like that. The man will be an utter disaster for Britain.
That was a US case
Las Vegas “Jonathon Lewis was beaten to death by a mob of black teens.
4 murderers have accepted a plea deal of voluntary manslaughter that will move their cases to juvenile court where their records will be sealed. ” (and they will be not kept in prison after age 21)
“Four other cases are already in the adult court system. They have a jury trial date set for Aug.19. ”
“Another teen’s case remains open.”
Imagine if the perps were white and the victim was black.
Not BBC but Daily Telegraph. I used to really enjoy this paper. But it keeps going on about the Far right at the moment. It is a huge lie and they know it. But they have decided to run with it.
My Sub will not be renewed.
“Spain: Two Brutal Beheadings in Valencia Within 30 Hours Leave Community in Shock” (Video)
August 3, 2024 In Spanish. Difficult to find anything about this in UK press.
One site says
“Three people have been murdered in 72 hours in and around the city of Valencia with all victims having their throats slit.
Two men, one believed to be an Algerian national and another described as Black, fled after eyewitnesses saw them attack the first victim, a 40-year-old man, with a knife. His body was left nearly decapitated on a tram line.
A second male victim was found beheaded in Carcaixent, just south of Valencia, on Thursday night.
Now, a third separate victim, a 57-year-old woman, has been found at home in Cuenca, around a two-hour drive west of the city. The murder is very similar with multiple stab wounds to the neck and her throat slit.”
Yes but Cuenca is 200Km away from Valencia
also Spanish paper says “It seems that it was her son-in-law who allegedly stabbed her”
Case 1 : Not Algerian ..new Spanish news says
“A 31-year-old man with a criminal record for assaulting a police officer has just been arrested in Valencia. He has been accused of decapitating a man who was found dead less than 48 hours ago. The police have managed to arrest him and he is currently the only suspect in this brutal murder.”
born in Valencia they say
“Love triangle” https://www.cuatro.com/en-boca-de-todos/20240802/detenido-decapitador-valencia-antecedentes-violentamente_18_013170894.html
Case #2 : “The victim is a 42-year-old man from Bulgaria”
Looking at the bbc news front page I noticed that the main article is concerned with the Sunderland rioters not being local to the town. The events of the last few days have shown what the British people are capable of when pushed too far.
To the right or this pane is an article about the 9/11 terrorist plotters plea deal. This serves to remind the reader exactly what moslems are capable of.
An unintentional comparison, but maybe the bbc intend it as some sort of warning?
I’m sure there may have been a few ‘outsiders’
This doesn’t seem to be an issue with BLM, JSO, Muslims or statue downer protesters (communists) though.
WGAF if Dave and his mate Bob traveled up from Doncaster to peacefully take part in a protest?
I did watch part of a Livestream from Sunderland last night.
They all seemed to sound like Wearside Jack to me on that video.
I bet the police won’t have as much trouble banging that lot up though.
Just to clarify I don’t pay for the BBC the other half does (she’s a tennis fan and wants it for Wimbledon.)
God help her.
She’s had the Olympics on from time to time. She’s wary putting it on around me after that satanic opening ceremony that the BBC seemed to love. Might as well have played the theme to ‘The Omen’, sacrificed some goats and smeared the blood on some transgender types, while they rogered themselves with crucifixes.
But punditry and commentary isn’t what it used to be I see.
I’ve just heard Micheal Johnson refer to an Olympic 100m sprinter as ‘fast’ and ‘quick’ when asked for his views.
Well, she’ll be buggered if she isn’t, Micheal! (should have been the correct response).
200k+ I heard they’re paying him for such ‘insights’.
Is this a script or what? Outsiders. Every news outlet is making sure we know that locals are not protesting in their own towns. It’s those “far right” thuggos from Narnia.
Honestly. Aren’t we supposed to be one global community without borders? Migrants from Somalia are welcome in Kent right? Thousands of them.
But suddenly 25 English people from Gateshead can be classed as outsiders in Sunderland.
To be British – English – demonstrating about the destruction of your country now makes you ‘ far right ‘ according to the Telegraph – Mail – and the other msm wanting be approved by red labour …. Ugly isn’t it ?
I’m afraid The Times has gone down the same route with everyone now lazily named ‘Far Right’ if you are concerned that this country is turning into a Caliphate .
Lots of leaders in the online version fussing about the all these Hitler’s running around the street, completely turning a blind eye to horrors of grooming gangs and unopposed machete gangs / ‘mentally ill ‘ youths roaming high streets which are fast turning into no go areas.
No conversation by the chattering classes in the London legacy media about the real issues staring them in the face.
Comments ‘turned off’ on all articles relating to uncontrolled mass Islamist immigration….ignorant cowards!
“Divided kingdom: Protests in Manchester, Belfast, Portsmouth, Hull, Stoke and Leeds from opposing groups in the wake of Southport horror show just how close Tinderbox Britain is to the edge of chaos”
Last I heard 10 people have been arrested here in Sunderland.
I hope they will state where they come from.
My guess is that they will all be local and there will be no addresses from far away.
Of course, if this is the case it will be hidden.
If they find someone who has travelled a distance we will no doubt hear about it as soon as they can get it out.
The police station that was burnt out.
The pictures you see show the shop to the left burnt out. The police place is also fire damaged.
The police station is an office about the size of your local fish and chip shop with a counter inside.
I’ve walked past it many times and I’ve never seen anybody in it. No police or citizens ever.
It’s still wrong that it was burnt out but it’s a room and not Sunderland City Central Police Station.
As you would expect, all our talking heads are saying the same thing (far right wing thugs etc)
The young person at the centre of the original allegations against Huw Edwards has now said he feels “groomed” by the broadcaster.
BBC bosses sold archive footage to Netflix show on disgraced Jimmy Savile for £80,000… with cash going to Children In Need. The BBC sold archive footage of Jimmy Savile to the producers of a Netflix documentary and donated the fee of around £80,000 to its children’s charity.17 Apr 2022
Orbán thinks Starmer is a terrorist.
“Hungary’s PM Orbán says open borders equal terrorism and crime, which is why he’s against the EU’s new migration plan”.
Hungary’s PM Orbán says open borders equal terrorism and crime, which is why he’s against the EU’s new migration plan. pic.twitter.com/BJxUovwHkL
“Violence explodes in Manchester as simmering tensions erupt in protests around the UK as riot police guard Belfast while Leeds, Stoke, Liverpool and Hull demos threaten more chaos”
Yeah – recall parliament – 4 days after they all went on their hols …. Why haven’t reform or the dead party called for it yet
( answer – self interest ) …. Not that it matters a spit …
Plod riot buses will charging about the country using the starmer plan ..
Mixed race james lyons tweeted @namethattunein1 I was banned from tik tok for showing Tommy Robinson ,
British 🇬🇧 patriotic festival ! on the 27th of July .
These are some of the videos they found offensive and had hateful content?
You can’t be British 🇬🇧 in Britain 🇬🇧?
But you can share TransIslamic videos?
.. https://x.com/namethattunein1/status/1817866599166054748
A measured response by Two Tier Keir and his clown show should have been to:
1. instantly say he will formulate a plan to guard nurseries , schools and playgroups from such attacks.
2. Travel to Southport and spend time talking with the locals. And to listen to them. Not just turn up for a photo opportunity, ignore the ‘plebs’ and quickly get back in his van to London. Those were really bad optics and wound quite a few up.
3. Admit the failings in policing and to make sure everyone, no matter what creed or colour, is treated equally when protests turn violent (or not in some cases).Either everyone gets kid gloves or their skulls crushed.
4. Plead with citizens not to riot and instead wait until a plan is formulated to combat inequalities within the law. Then to look into not allowing migration from nations that are more likely to give us such atrocities .
5. To announce a review of the death penalty and to give this POS, 17 or not, the electric chair.
Not one car on fire.
He did the opposite so he should be honest with himself and self reflect.
Huge amount of reporting about the Algerian he/she boxer who punches like a bloke and looks like a bloke. This reminded of a time a few decades ago when Fatima Whitbread rose to prominence in the javelin world, – many voiced their opinion that “shes not female, thats a bloke !”. Blow me down, there she was this morning on GBNews ! and still ……..
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – so that is why there are no prison places ….
1. Continual criminality from a certain segment of the population
2. A crazy sentencing regime that has now been abolished
3. Although IPP sentences have been abolished, they have not been retrospectively abolished for those originally sentenced to them by a Judge.
You know how the biggest threat of terrorism is ‘The Far Right ‘? – yeah – well in my local east londonistan paper website is this –
Shafi Saleem, 35, was sentenced today (July 31) at the Old Bailey to nine years’ imprisonment with a year on license for sharing Daesh, or Islamic State, propaganda footage of suicide bombings.
Saleem, who posted the footage on his social media feed, holds two previous terror-related convictions.….
I don’t know if this made it to the BBC local news – I didn’t see it anywhere else …
Mr Saleem was arrested a while ago at Heathrow returning from Pakistan …. It doesn’t look as though mr Saleem is going to stop supporting Islamic terrorism any time soon – and by getting 9 years he’ll probably only do 3 years … next time … a suicide bomber …
Interesting that the same people at the BBC who were very indulgent and understanding when the leftists, BLM and Antifa sacked American cities, setting fire to cars, buildings and attacking the police, are throwing their hands up in horror now that the ‘far-right’ (ie fed-up citizens) are starting to do the same here.
Oh dear! Egg on face time.
The alleged Southport murderer appeared in a 2018 BBC Children in Need video!!!
Credit to those who spotted it. The BBC have now taken it down. Even the Grauniad noticed.
Try as I might to work out why the BBC would want to feature such a person for a Children in Need video in the first place, I just cannot fathom it out. Maybe it was to do with a pro-immigration, pro-multicultural agenda, but I’m only guessing.
He didn’t seem to be that much ‘in need’.
He looked a right boring c**t so he put some glasses on. Now he looks like a right boring c**t in glasses. Flipflop is apparently still his middle name and I bet his arse crack don’t half hurt from sitting on that fence. I just wish it was electrified.
pug, it was also EU expansion eastwards that was a ‘trigger’ to Russia. Baroness Cathy Ashton as an EU Commissioner for something or other, went to Maidan Square to dangle bags of Euros before the pre-Zelensky corrupt President’s eyes.
Some reports (unverified but I have seen some video) of Muslims walking through Stoke City centre armed with samurai swords. Not a copper in sight, of course.
And I hear of two stabbings in Manchester (Muslim on white.)
Don’t expect to hear too much about such things if they are true.
Some double standards being applied as to what constitutes a riot
If a few people in a huge crowd throw bricks or start 1 or 2 fires
that’s not a riot.
Local newswas almost all claiming there are FAR RIGHT in Hull rioting
.. video did show that most people were peace. . Some shots showed the inside of a small bin was on fire and someone had thrown a brick or 2 at the migrant hotel.
Indeed. Riots are like the ones we saw with BLM. In the USA, they caused billions of dollars worth of damage and had whole cities locked down and on fire.
It is not a few naughty teens/scrotes (from what I saw on YT anyway) chucking a few rocks at coppers or setting a single car on fire.
It’s assault of a police officer and criminal damage.
Still serious, granted, but to call some of these incidents ‘riots’ is a bit of a reach.
When videos show men after an apparent hammer attack it’s a bit weird of Hope Not Hate’s Nick Lowles & Joe Mulhall to tweet
This is important.
X is awash with rumours of two protesters being stabbed in Stoke by local Muslims
– this is NOT true
I spot one apparent police tweet saying the men are OK
The police statement
“no stabbings have been reported to police, despite videos fuelling speculation on social media.
We can confirm that two men were injured after being hit by a blunt object that was thrown.
Their injuries are not thought to be serious and both have been taken to hospital for treatment.
Four men have been arrested in connection with the disorder and are currently in custody for questioning.”
What I heard was the stabbings were in Manchester and in Stoke someone shot video of muskins marching through town with massive swords.
I have no idea if any of this is true, but it’s out there.
I wonder if HNH are deliberately ‘confusing’ the two incidents (after someone did online). Might be another typical lefty ‘fact check’. As in knowingly not saying what may have happened.
But yes, it could all be BS, granted. Time will tell.
Not that, if true, the BBC will ever tell you, of course!
The world is a stage and everything is scripted. I suggest you look up ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ available for free on the internet.
What you are seeing makes sense once you have read it though it is difficult to stomach. According to this document the war to take complete control of the planet began in earnest in 1948. Here’s a taster.
“Since energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods, and services and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. To maintain our position, we must have absolute first knowledge of the science of control over all economic factors and the first experience in engineering the world economy.
To achieve such sovereignty, we must at least achieve this one end: that the public will not make either the logical or mathematical connection between economics and the other energy sciences or learn to apply such knowledge. This is becoming increasingly difficult to control because more and more businesses are making demands upon their computer programmers to create and apply mathematical models for the management of those businesses.
It is only a matter of time before the new breed of private programmers/economists will catch on to the far-reaching implications of the work begun at Harvard in 1948. The speed with which they can communicate their warning to the public will largely depend upon how effective we have been at controlling the media, subverting education, and keeping the public distracted with matters of no real importance.
Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.
1. Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in the total destruction of the living earth.
2. Take control of the world by the use of economic “silent weapons” in the form of “quiet warfare” and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide. The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point, it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth. They do not care enough about economic science to learn why they have not been able to avoid war despite religious morality, and their religious or self-gratifying refusal to deal with earthly problems renders the solution to the earthly problem unreachable to them. It is left to those few who are truly willing to think and survive as the fittest to survive, to solve the problem for themselves as the few who really care. Otherwise, exposure to the silent weapon would destroy our only hope of preserving the seed of the future true humanity.”
In the same week we learn that the BBC once hosted the young Southport ‘suspect’ Axel Rudakubana dressed as Doctor Who, and that sanctimonious Huw Edwards was the worst kind of paedophile.
It would be unfair to blame the BBC for every pervert, terrorist and maniac who appeared on their shows… but this is war, and all’s fair in love and war.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the Southport killer. went to the BBC as a boy , then became the victim of a BBC groper/groomer and thus became a bit screwed up in the head.
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
How about an episode of ‘Hardtalk’ where someone like Farage grills Maitlis on her sympathetic, holier than thou stance over Huw?
I bet you’ll never see that.
I have been warning for so long that the plan was to allow unchecked numbers of people from other cultures and religions into the West – mostly adult young men – and then instigate trigger events to create (un)civil war between them and the indigenous culture. We are now there in a classic divide and rule in which two ‘sides’ manipulated by the same force are brought into conflict to create chaos and mayhem to (1) justify fascist laws; (2) generate widespread fear and anger; and (3) have the ‘sides’ so focused on fighting each other that they don’t see the strings attached to both held by the same hand.
Both ‘sides’ are being played by a hidden hand via puppet governments with mass immigration that has transformed Western cities with the incoming cultures. This has been coldly calculated for decades and especially since the Blair era which set out to culturally change Britain in a way that was irreversible. The focus should be directed at those in political power and their masters in the shadows who have made this happen and go on doing so.
Cultures from other lands need to respect the culture they enter and not, as some do, seek to usurp it and impose their own. If you go on doing that then (un)civil war is inevitable.
Both ‘sides’ have been put in this situation by a Cult that hates them. Whether white or brown you are all just human trash to the Cult. We have to find common ground and realise that we are being played off against each other for an agenda that involves the fascist control of all of us. Both sides need to realise there is a common foe and find common cause in responding to that. If we don’t, we have seen nothing yet.David Icke
This is correct. But you have to be clued in to their modus operandi which includes the frequent use of false flags to get each group at one another’s throats. The Muslims are not the problem. For example Southport. Does it not occur to anyone that this may be staged? When you start to investigate these events you realize the initial crime is quickly forgotten and NO ONE follows up and investigates what happened. Think Tommy Mair. What they want is exactly what is happening. They want people to riot to give themselves the excuse to bring in their fascist state asap. People need to wise up fast but I’m afraid there aren’t enough people who realise what has been going on. They are going to hit us with another plandemic soon and I won’t be surprised if the idiots go along with it once more.
“Does it not occur to anyone that this may be staged ?”
em. no There are 9 sets of parents who know it wasn’t “staged”
The Thomas Mair case does seem different, with lots of things that don’t add up.
The folk who realised what has been going on with e.g. the plandemic and now the riots are often independent thinkers and loners. Because they think independently and alone they tend not to be very ‘clubable’.
This is perhaps the disadvantage of independent thought. It is the opposite of group think and means they are cursed to make their warnings to an empty audience.
There are also examples of independent thinkers who are able to attract large audiences e.g. David Ikke.
Agreed. But if you were sat down opposite a randomly selected black or muslim for the purpose of discussion/debate, how do you think your argument would go?
During covid?
See for bbc wanker in spades
Has Sopel said he is leaving ‘journalism / telling lies ‘? Yet – or distracting from his huge judgement failure / aiding abetting a paedo – by attacking President Trump / Farage / Tommy Robinson …. ? Or do we only hear …. Silence …
I like squirels, except when they pick a fight with my cat
From our own correspondent
Some BBC drone on her moral high horse over election theft in
Venezuela . As I listened to her sobbing over repression I suddenly realised she could substitute UK for Venezuela .
Yesterday the red government told us ‘we are watching you ‘. People like Tommy Robinson are being blamed even though they have fled the country and may well try to get political asylum somewhere to avoid targeting by the British state – a dissident UK passport holder – who many would be killed by Islam as plod look the other way …
I never thought that reports about the third world wouid so much like here – in this foreign land …
BTW – if this site suddenly disappears you’ll know the British state is going full nazi in its ‘suppression of dissent …. And I know what I am saying when comparing their behaviour to the national socialist regime and its’ propaganda methods …
@F2 you have read the room
All on here be careful, as many others are doing,
they are out for you
Don’t choose to debate in their language, you’ve lost already
Tommy Robinson: human rights activist, UK dissident, arrested by the UK regime.
there you go, fixed it for you bbc
Above : video I posted, @ 3 minutes, “people often feel morally scolded by the bbc”
Riots, a further opinion.
I and many others have voiced various reasons why we are seeing riots after the Southport stabbings. A further issue is Smarmer’s attitude towards Brexit. After the positive Brexit vote, Smarmer attempted to derail the implementation, he was partially successful. He not only extended a diluted the process but was continuously calling for a second Referendum. His interference also ensured that others like Gina Miller and the Supreme Court thought they could interfere with Democracy.
Smarmer is very much an Islington man. His culture is London Metropolitan based and very distant from the North.
His attitude to problems is adversarial, it’s his legal training. He’s used to being on one side of an argument and whatever he’s arguing for being the truth even if it’s a pack of lies. The real World isn’t like that. The man will be an utter disaster for Britain.
With no disrespect to the above
Two words to summarise:
Liar, cheat
What could people possibly be upset about that would make them turn to violence?
That was a US case
Las Vegas “Jonathon Lewis was beaten to death by a mob of black teens.
4 murderers have accepted a plea deal of voluntary manslaughter that will move their cases to juvenile court where their records will be sealed. ” (and they will be not kept in prison after age 21)
“Four other cases are already in the adult court system. They have a jury trial date set for Aug.19. ”
“Another teen’s case remains open.”
Imagine if the perps were white and the victim was black.
The man will be an utter disaster for Britain.
Not in least part because he has utterly shit judgement.
Regurgitation of progressive hackneyed boilerplate Guardian tripe doesn’t improve any estimate of his skillset.
Not up to the job, and seemingly unable to grasp realities…..
I give him 6 months.
It’s like Mr Bean is in charge.
Not BBC but Daily Telegraph. I used to really enjoy this paper. But it keeps going on about the Far right at the moment. It is a huge lie and they know it. But they have decided to run with it.
My Sub will not be renewed.
“Spain: Two Brutal Beheadings in Valencia Within 30 Hours Leave Community in Shock” (Video)
August 3, 2024 In Spanish. Difficult to find anything about this in UK press.
UK – bodies in a suit case – much more green and litter friendly.
One site says
“Three people have been murdered in 72 hours in and around the city of Valencia with all victims having their throats slit.
Two men, one believed to be an Algerian national and another described as Black, fled after eyewitnesses saw them attack the first victim, a 40-year-old man, with a knife. His body was left nearly decapitated on a tram line.
A second male victim was found beheaded in Carcaixent, just south of Valencia, on Thursday night.
Now, a third separate victim, a 57-year-old woman, has been found at home in Cuenca, around a two-hour drive west of the city. The murder is very similar with multiple stab wounds to the neck and her throat slit.”
Yes but Cuenca is 200Km away from Valencia
also Spanish paper says “It seems that it was her son-in-law who allegedly stabbed her”
Case 1 : Not Algerian ..new Spanish news says
“A 31-year-old man with a criminal record for assaulting a police officer has just been arrested in Valencia. He has been accused of decapitating a man who was found dead less than 48 hours ago. The police have managed to arrest him and he is currently the only suspect in this brutal murder.”
born in Valencia they say
“Love triangle”
Case #2 : “The victim is a 42-year-old man from Bulgaria”
Well, irony can be pretty ironic at times :-
Looking at the bbc news front page I noticed that the main article is concerned with the Sunderland rioters not being local to the town. The events of the last few days have shown what the British people are capable of when pushed too far.
To the right or this pane is an article about the 9/11 terrorist plotters plea deal. This serves to remind the reader exactly what moslems are capable of.
An unintentional comparison, but maybe the bbc intend it as some sort of warning?
I’m sure there may have been a few ‘outsiders’
This doesn’t seem to be an issue with BLM, JSO, Muslims or statue downer protesters (communists) though.
WGAF if Dave and his mate Bob traveled up from Doncaster to peacefully take part in a protest?
I did watch part of a Livestream from Sunderland last night.
They all seemed to sound like Wearside Jack to me on that video.
I bet the police won’t have as much trouble banging that lot up though.
Just to clarify I don’t pay for the BBC the other half does (she’s a tennis fan and wants it for Wimbledon.)
God help her.
She’s had the Olympics on from time to time. She’s wary putting it on around me after that satanic opening ceremony that the BBC seemed to love. Might as well have played the theme to ‘The Omen’, sacrificed some goats and smeared the blood on some transgender types, while they rogered themselves with crucifixes.
But punditry and commentary isn’t what it used to be I see.
I’ve just heard Micheal Johnson refer to an Olympic 100m sprinter as ‘fast’ and ‘quick’ when asked for his views.
Well, she’ll be buggered if she isn’t, Micheal! (should have been the correct response).
200k+ I heard they’re paying him for such ‘insights’.
Lazy – it crossed my mind out I thought it too rude to ask about the licence ….
Oh she has to pay for it. I refuse to put anything towards it.
Wimbledon? Olympics? BBC? Have you considered a divorce? Or a hitman?
TOADY Watch #1 – it was Far Right, Far RIght this morning that they went full circle to the Far Left!
I had to switch off a couple of times in protest. Bias Bias Bias from the BBC!
Is this a script or what? Outsiders. Every news outlet is making sure we know that locals are not protesting in their own towns. It’s those “far right” thuggos from Narnia.
Honestly. Aren’t we supposed to be one global community without borders? Migrants from Somalia are welcome in Kent right? Thousands of them.
But suddenly 25 English people from Gateshead can be classed as outsiders in Sunderland.
To be British – English – demonstrating about the destruction of your country now makes you ‘ far right ‘ according to the Telegraph – Mail – and the other msm wanting be approved by red labour …. Ugly isn’t it ?
I’m afraid The Times has gone down the same route with everyone now lazily named ‘Far Right’ if you are concerned that this country is turning into a Caliphate .
Lots of leaders in the online version fussing about the all these Hitler’s running around the street, completely turning a blind eye to horrors of grooming gangs and unopposed machete gangs / ‘mentally ill ‘ youths roaming high streets which are fast turning into no go areas.
No conversation by the chattering classes in the London legacy media about the real issues staring them in the face.
Comments ‘turned off’ on all articles relating to uncontrolled mass Islamist immigration….ignorant cowards!
“Divided kingdom: Protests in Manchester, Belfast, Portsmouth, Hull, Stoke and Leeds from opposing groups in the wake of Southport horror show just how close Tinderbox Britain is to the edge of chaos”
BBC showcasing their Violent Antifa colleagues
Last I heard 10 people have been arrested here in Sunderland.
I hope they will state where they come from.
My guess is that they will all be local and there will be no addresses from far away.
Of course, if this is the case it will be hidden.
If they find someone who has travelled a distance we will no doubt hear about it as soon as they can get it out.
The police station that was burnt out.
The pictures you see show the shop to the left burnt out. The police place is also fire damaged.
The police station is an office about the size of your local fish and chip shop with a counter inside.
I’ve walked past it many times and I’ve never seen anybody in it. No police or citizens ever.
It’s still wrong that it was burnt out but it’s a room and not Sunderland City Central Police Station.
As you would expect, all our talking heads are saying the same thing (far right wing thugs etc)
The young person at the centre of the original allegations against Huw Edwards has now said he feels “groomed” by the broadcaster.
BBC bosses sold archive footage to Netflix show on disgraced Jimmy Savile for £80,000… with cash going to Children In Need. The BBC sold archive footage of Jimmy Savile to the producers of a Netflix documentary and donated the fee of around £80,000 to its children’s charity.17 Apr 2022
Orbán thinks Starmer is a terrorist.
“Hungary’s PM Orbán says open borders equal terrorism and crime, which is why he’s against the EU’s new migration plan”.
“Violence explodes in Manchester as simmering tensions erupt in protests around the UK as riot police guard Belfast while Leeds, Stoke, Liverpool and Hull demos threaten more chaos”
Yeah – recall parliament – 4 days after they all went on their hols …. Why haven’t reform or the dead party called for it yet
( answer – self interest ) …. Not that it matters a spit …
Plod riot buses will charging about the country using the starmer plan ..
Taffman has got his response
no one listened, to his polite requests, no one listened, to the hundreds of thousands
in a so called democracy…
Anglo Saxon and celtic democracy in action tonight
TV and Film Industry Call for Anti-Semitism Investigation of the BBC: https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/tv-and-film-industry-call-for-antisemitism-investigation-at-bbc-5698533
More than 200 people, including numerous former BBC employees signed a letter saying they had ‘lost faith’ in the national UK’s broadcaster.
Culture Secretary Asks BBC If It Can Recover Money From Huw Edwards: https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/culture-secretary-asks-bbc-if-it-can-recover-money-from-huw-edwards-5698445
TikTok has banned searching on “Tommy Robinson”
but the videos still show up if you misspell it
#OrwellianBritain #StarmersStasi
Stewie, Did you try Yaxley-Lennon?
Mixed race james lyons tweeted @namethattunein1
I was banned from tik tok for showing Tommy Robinson ,
British 🇬🇧 patriotic festival ! on the 27th of July .
These are some of the videos they found offensive and had hateful content?
You can’t be British 🇬🇧 in Britain 🇬🇧?
But you can share TransIslamic videos?
.. https://x.com/namethattunein1/status/1817866599166054748
Ever get the feeling you are a second class citizen?
TR’s tweets mention that there are masked Muslims in various cities like Blackburn
(in that town white protesters didn’t turn up on advice)
You can guarantee loads of them will be ‘tooled up’.
Will the cops search them?
State of it.
What a country.
I wonder if they all used (gasp) social media to organise? Although yesterday was Friday. Friday prayers etc.
But of course, it’s only bad when honkies collectivise!
Honkies! Ha ha.
You speak jive 🙂
Das riigh, sista!
A measured response by Two Tier Keir and his clown show should have been to:
1. instantly say he will formulate a plan to guard nurseries , schools and playgroups from such attacks.
2. Travel to Southport and spend time talking with the locals. And to listen to them. Not just turn up for a photo opportunity, ignore the ‘plebs’ and quickly get back in his van to London. Those were really bad optics and wound quite a few up.
3. Admit the failings in policing and to make sure everyone, no matter what creed or colour, is treated equally when protests turn violent (or not in some cases).Either everyone gets kid gloves or their skulls crushed.
4. Plead with citizens not to riot and instead wait until a plan is formulated to combat inequalities within the law. Then to look into not allowing migration from nations that are more likely to give us such atrocities .
5. To announce a review of the death penalty and to give this POS, 17 or not, the electric chair.
Not one car on fire.
He did the opposite so he should be honest with himself and self reflect.
Ha I just came to post that new #TwoTierKeir hashtag
Great minds…
Sadly, not in government.
Huge amount of reporting about the Algerian he/she boxer who punches like a bloke and looks like a bloke. This reminded of a time a few decades ago when Fatima Whitbread rose to prominence in the javelin world, – many voiced their opinion that “shes not female, thats a bloke !”. Blow me down, there she was this morning on GBNews ! and still ……..
Indeed. The BBC are saying there is ‘no question’ that this boxer is a female. Was brought up female and all that.
Well, this boxer has XY chromosomes by all accounts.
I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt and thought, ‘I wonder what this individual looks like.’
Well, he looks like a tough steelworker who smokes 40 woodbines a day and downs 4 pints of mild during his lunch break down the Dog and Duck.
If that’s a lass I’m a pineapple.
Female my arse.
‘Verify’ that you bellends.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – so that is why there are no prison places ….
1. Continual criminality from a certain segment of the population
2. A crazy sentencing regime that has now been abolished
3. Although IPP sentences have been abolished, they have not been retrospectively abolished for those originally sentenced to them by a Judge.
You know how the biggest threat of terrorism is ‘The Far Right ‘? – yeah – well in my local east londonistan paper website is this –
Shafi Saleem, 35, was sentenced today (July 31) at the Old Bailey to nine years’ imprisonment with a year on license for sharing Daesh, or Islamic State, propaganda footage of suicide bombings.
Saleem, who posted the footage on his social media feed, holds two previous terror-related convictions.….
I don’t know if this made it to the BBC local news – I didn’t see it anywhere else …
Mr Saleem was arrested a while ago at Heathrow returning from Pakistan …. It doesn’t look as though mr Saleem is going to stop supporting Islamic terrorism any time soon – and by getting 9 years he’ll probably only do 3 years … next time … a suicide bomber …
Interesting that the same people at the BBC who were very indulgent and understanding when the leftists, BLM and Antifa sacked American cities, setting fire to cars, buildings and attacking the police, are throwing their hands up in horror now that the ‘far-right’ (ie fed-up citizens) are starting to do the same here.
Oh dear! Egg on face time.
The alleged Southport murderer appeared in a 2018 BBC Children in Need video!!!
Credit to those who spotted it. The BBC have now taken it down. Even the Grauniad noticed.
Try as I might to work out why the BBC would want to feature such a person for a Children in Need video in the first place, I just cannot fathom it out. Maybe it was to do with a pro-immigration, pro-multicultural agenda, but I’m only guessing.
He didn’t seem to be that much ‘in need’.
It’s mental how this POS was in a BBC video and the Trump shooter was in a Blackrock video.
I reckon it is just a big coincidence. Strange though, granted. I bet the conspiracy types are having a field day. Be like Christmas.
But I reckon it’s just a pertinent lesson for the BBC (and others) that diversity hiring can come back to bite you in the arse.
What about the plethora of black actors now intensely/increasingly floating across our screens?: hidden within in plain sight no doubt.
Kier puts on a pair of glasses
you still don’t see it
He looked a right boring c**t so he put some glasses on. Now he looks like a right boring c**t in glasses. Flipflop is apparently still his middle name and I bet his arse crack don’t half hurt from sitting on that fence. I just wish it was electrified.
pug, it was also EU expansion eastwards that was a ‘trigger’ to Russia. Baroness Cathy Ashton as an EU Commissioner for something or other, went to Maidan Square to dangle bags of Euros before the pre-Zelensky corrupt President’s eyes.
All forgetting that Putin’s Playbook shows a history of propensity to invade those countries around him at the drop of a hat.
Does this one hear the call to prayer echoing around his housing estate every day ?
Why weren’t the ragheads outside Downing st beaten by the TSG just like the whiteys were the other day.
Just standing around was enough justification as proven by the handcuffing of Martin Daubney – the journalist.
No fear or favour – ho ho ho.
Some reports (unverified but I have seen some video) of Muslims walking through Stoke City centre armed with samurai swords. Not a copper in sight, of course.
And I hear of two stabbings in Manchester (Muslim on white.)
Don’t expect to hear too much about such things if they are true.
Some double standards being applied as to what constitutes a riot
If a few people in a huge crowd throw bricks or start 1 or 2 fires
that’s not a riot.
Local newswas almost all claiming there are FAR RIGHT in Hull rioting
.. video did show that most people were peace. . Some shots showed the inside of a small bin was on fire and someone had thrown a brick or 2 at the migrant hotel.
Indeed. Riots are like the ones we saw with BLM. In the USA, they caused billions of dollars worth of damage and had whole cities locked down and on fire.
It is not a few naughty teens/scrotes (from what I saw on YT anyway) chucking a few rocks at coppers or setting a single car on fire.
It’s assault of a police officer and criminal damage.
Still serious, granted, but to call some of these incidents ‘riots’ is a bit of a reach.
BBC does take sides and favour one side
It’s clear from headlines
eg back in 2020
The BBC and denizens of leafy shires can’t understand why some people are running amok up North.
Maybe this example of one of the ways incomers have added vibrancy to the land might help them figure out possible motives!
Not reported anywhere on the BBC, Guardian etc. etc.
When videos show men after an apparent hammer attack it’s a bit weird of Hope Not Hate’s Nick Lowles & Joe Mulhall to tweet
This is important.
X is awash with rumours of two protesters being stabbed in Stoke by local Muslims
– this is NOT true
I spot one apparent police tweet saying the men are OK
The police statement
“no stabbings have been reported to police, despite videos fuelling speculation on social media.
We can confirm that two men were injured after being hit by a blunt object that was thrown.
Their injuries are not thought to be serious and both have been taken to hospital for treatment.
Four men have been arrested in connection with the disorder and are currently in custody for questioning.”
What I heard was the stabbings were in Manchester and in Stoke someone shot video of muskins marching through town with massive swords.
I have no idea if any of this is true, but it’s out there.
I wonder if HNH are deliberately ‘confusing’ the two incidents (after someone did online). Might be another typical lefty ‘fact check’. As in knowingly not saying what may have happened.
But yes, it could all be BS, granted. Time will tell.
Not that, if true, the BBC will ever tell you, of course!
LC ..twitter doesn’t mention any proper stabbings at demos
A couple claim a migrant was stabbed in Hull.. but show no evidence .
Chers SG
police asking Muslims to put down weapons.
There we go again.
Asking bloody permission. Absolutely pathetic.
I’m sure this ‘two tier policing’ is just a conspiracy theory though.
Not in riot gear too, I notice.
They just won’t learn, will they?
I’d be up for a month long ‘white strike’ (non whites who agree could join in solidarity).
Stock up and get ready I says…
Let’s see how these buggers survive without the white man.
Many of you here suspected this might be coming. But you are all crazy conspiracy theorists.
The world is a stage and everything is scripted. I suggest you look up ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ available for free on the internet.
What you are seeing makes sense once you have read it though it is difficult to stomach. According to this document the war to take complete control of the planet began in earnest in 1948. Here’s a taster.
“Since energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods, and services and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. To maintain our position, we must have absolute first knowledge of the science of control over all economic factors and the first experience in engineering the world economy.
To achieve such sovereignty, we must at least achieve this one end: that the public will not make either the logical or mathematical connection between economics and the other energy sciences or learn to apply such knowledge. This is becoming increasingly difficult to control because more and more businesses are making demands upon their computer programmers to create and apply mathematical models for the management of those businesses.
It is only a matter of time before the new breed of private programmers/economists will catch on to the far-reaching implications of the work begun at Harvard in 1948. The speed with which they can communicate their warning to the public will largely depend upon how effective we have been at controlling the media, subverting education, and keeping the public distracted with matters of no real importance.
Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.
1. Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in the total destruction of the living earth.
2. Take control of the world by the use of economic “silent weapons” in the form of “quiet warfare” and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide. The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point, it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth. They do not care enough about economic science to learn why they have not been able to avoid war despite religious morality, and their religious or self-gratifying refusal to deal with earthly problems renders the solution to the earthly problem unreachable to them. It is left to those few who are truly willing to think and survive as the fittest to survive, to solve the problem for themselves as the few who really care. Otherwise, exposure to the silent weapon would destroy our only hope of preserving the seed of the future true humanity.”
FFS Jon Sopel is on ITV on The Chase
.. item started with a scripted sneer at Trump
Any questions about Huw ?
“A pinch yourself moment: ‘this is the Situation Room….connecting you to Air Force One’”
NEW: No 10 has released a clip of Keir Starmer’s call with US President Joe Biden last night
Biden: “Congratulations, what a hell of a victory!”
That’s a shame. I used to enjoy The Chase but no more for me.
In the same week we learn that the BBC once hosted the young Southport ‘suspect’ Axel Rudakubana dressed as Doctor Who, and that sanctimonious Huw Edwards was the worst kind of paedophile.
It would be unfair to blame the BBC for every pervert, terrorist and maniac who appeared on their shows… but this is war, and all’s fair in love and war.
Tis more forehead than boy.
That’s cos he was a future nuclear physicist with big brains.
That will shortly contain the, “Mental Illness”.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the Southport killer. went to the BBC as a boy , then became the victim of a BBC groper/groomer and thus became a bit screwed up in the head.
Tommy Robinson is angry. I wonder if the BBC will be asking him for his views on the recent demonstrations? They’d learn a thing or two.