“In lands where shadows cast long and cold,
Brave freedom fighters, their stories unfold,
Under an iron sky, they stand bold,
Against an empire’s grasp, their spirits untold.
Two Tier Keir, the regime’s face,
Divides the people, stifles grace,
Migration reigns in every place,
Yet the fighters’ hearts keep steady pace.
With whispers of hope in the silent night,
They gather in the dim twilight,
For the British they wage their fight,
Against the tyranny’s crushing might.
Their dreams are forged in fires bright,
Of justice, peace, and English right,
Against oppression’s towering height,
They rise like dawn, dispelling night.
Though the path is fraught with pain,
Through storm and strife, wind and rain,
Their cause, a noble, endless claim,
For freedom’s light, they break the chains.
Through the annals of time, their names shall ring,
Songs of valor, the bards will sing,
For the brave who fought, the dawn they bring,
In the hearts of Britons, their legacy will cling.”
Andy Ngô
Shelton, Stoke, England — Another “Muslim patrol” armed with melee weapons have mobilized on the streets to counter right-wing protesters angry over mass migration and alleged two-tier policing.
This is incredible. Catholics and Protestants are quite literally marching shoulder to shoulder in Belfast, Northern Ireland as they demand an end to Mass Immigration.
When these two communities are putting their differences aside and coming together, you know you’ve messed up. pic.twitter.com/L5asPGpQkn
as I mentioned the police say it was not a stabbing, but rather an attack with a blunt instrument
and libmob screaming the first part whilst omitting the second.
Of course I wouldn’t rule out them being imjured accidentally by their own side tossing bricks or something
I’ve been doing lots of research into the loudest gobshites in the climate will kill us all scam…
It is pretty obvious to me that the direction of travel is to validate the existence of many of these people and thus to hand them well-paid careers.
Much of what they claim is either based on their own dodgy data or simply nonsense.
We are being played big-time by these people and it wouldn’t matter except that they will eventually be responsible for ruining many peoples lives.
The bigger players at places such as WEF are happy for these idiots to spew out their garbage because it all helps the globalist to capture control of populations which is actually the real end game.
Just listen to how Starmer responded to BLM back in 2020.As we keep pointing out he has ZERO credibility when it comes to civil disorder after his knee taking! pic.twitter.com/OxOzHKyrpz— UNN (@UnityNewsNet) August 3, 2024
I am so happy the Starmer is reaping the reward for his childish knee-bending policy. The longer he is at the tiller, the more this Country will slide into the shit!
10pm news BBC & MSM doing their normal trick
“10 arrested at Far right rally”
thus deceiving cos often all/some are actually antifa etc.
BBC radio spoke of a number of towns where arrests were made
including Blackburn and then went to a mosque spokeman
And I am like, “stop right there , how can any patriots have been arrested in Blackburn when they all stayed away on police advice due to mosque gangs weielding weapons ?”
So I checked and the only mention of a Blackburn arrest is a video of an Asian lad and police carrying an evidence tube apparently with a machete.
ITV reported it apparently https://www.facebook.com/reel/448294198211168
Two tier stuff
Scottish nationalism = GOOD
… English nationalism = BAD
Angry crowds who are non-white-British
= We must talk to COMMUNITY LEADERS to understand
… Angry crowds who ARE white-British
= No thought of “talk COMMUNITY LEADERS to understand”
rather “They are all FAR RIGHT THUGS, beat them up, lock them up”
Towns with Muslim gangs wielding weapons = police walk on by
.. Patriot crowds with slight rowdy elements, no knives or machetes
= police lash out at all including women
Stew, I saw that acid tweet & I thought it must be either a complete lie. Or (God forbid) The acid attack was real but it was a Muslim on Muslim attack.
I was just searching for info and this came straight up from X:
By a Muslim of course. That is inciting racist hatred more than anything I’ve seen. I wonder if the police will investigate him.
The police released a statement:
‘We are aware of commentary online regarding alleged acid attacks in Middlesbrough today.’
‘Cleveland Police has not, to date, received any formal complaint from any victim or anyone on their behalf.’
‘We did receive limited information from a third party earlier this evening regarding a possible incident in central Middlesbrough’
‘The caller was unfortunately unable to provide exact details of the location, nature of the incident, registration number of any vehicle, or description of any occupants, nevertheless officers did attend the area – with nothing being found and no victim coming forward.’
‘The force has not received notification from medical colleagues of any such incident either therefore our log has been closed, pending receipt of any new information.’
A quick check on acid attacks in the UK brought this:
What is the main cause of acid attacks?
They are often retribution for women’s rejection of men’s sexual advances, and are related to domestic violence, abuse and other “honour”-based violence. Acid attacks remain common in India and the rest of South Asia, despite bans on the sale of acid over the counter.
Seems like they brought it with them and it sounds extremely unlikely to be something any of the protestors I have seen would do. As we keep saying: import third world, get third world.
One of the big lefty disinformation accounts @supertanskiii tweeted
I can’t express the rage I feel reading this.
An Asian taxi driver pulled from his cab,
a Muslim man stabbed in Liverpool, a Muslim woman attacked with acid,
a black man essentially lynched,
another Asian man punched and called a p*ki.
According to the BBC, Starmer and the vile Yvette Cooper anyway.
The BBC are in full-on agenda mode over this. They are using every trick in their book to slur the protestors. It’s turning into our own Jan 06.
The hypocrisy and double standards are off the scale. All they are doing is proving the claims of two-tier policing to be absolutely right. A right-wing uprising is the establishments worst fear : they know they can’t do anything about the immigrant problem so their solution has been to suppress any dissent about it.
‘Many were wondering what any of this has to do with the awful events in Southport on Monday.’
really BBC ?. I expect many more KNOW what is is about. Any evidence for that statement ?. It’s a typical BBC lie by inference without actually stating anything meaningful.
Now this IS of public interest because the man on the left was stabbed to death by the man on the right and who is now at large:
And this one has gone straight to ‘regions’:
Boy, 13, charged with sexual offences https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1343dp14nmo
‘A 13-year-old boy has been charged with multiple sexual offences in Leicester.’
A 13 year old boy was sexually assaulting women whilst armed with a knife !. And the BBC article is as brief as you can get : just 9 lines!. What on Earth has happened in our society for this kind of thing to be happening ?. And the BBC simply don’t care.
And he is so young, he’s yet another one who cannot be named ‘for legal reasons’.
As it was on the streets of Leicester, you can be pretty sure he isn’t white.
Meanwhile we are told:
‘People have “the right to feel safe”, Ms Cooper added.’
What a complete f*cking joke that woman is.
It seems the BBC are suppressing stories about BAME sexual assaults and murder now. Exactly why people are angry.
Kemi Badenoch has said something sensible; “we must stop pretending that integration is working”
What a time for Parliament to be breaking up.
Now would be the time for someone in opposition to nail Starmer’s balls to the wall. (pardon the expression, too many American movies in my DVD collection.)
1985 – Batley more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
1985 – Batley more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
I almost laughed out loud at the extreme double standards of the BBC for this one. They normally wet their panties over videos of excessive police violence against protestors – but they are magnificently ignoring them all now.
That’s because in this case the BBC think the protestors deserve it.
Meanwhile Starmer is suddenly insulting and alienating more than half the population with his divisive rhetoric which is simply proving what the protestors are complaining about.
These protest are between Left and Right. The establishments worst nightmare.
Or, if you watch the BBC, between the far-right and counter-protestors.
The comments I’ve seen on social media by the Left are absolutely dripping with hate. They don’t care one bit whether they have a valid reason to take to the streets.
Will massive overpolicing and convictions manage to suppress it ?. Thats the line they are taking.
“Greater Manchester Police (GMP) have said that at around 5.55pm yesterday (Friday, August 2), a man was approached by three men and was assaulted and subjected to a serious sexual assault.
Officers believe this was a targeted attack and there is no risk to the wider public. THAT’S GOOD NEWS!
Police are now looking to speak to three men in relation to this incident, with all three described as black men in their 30s, with black and white scarfs round their necks and of an athletic build.”
Did the victim say they kept saying they only wanted to violate his bottom as it was the best bottom they’d ever seen and they’d never do this to anyone else, ever?
Well, we can all relax then.
I doubt this would be buried by most of the media if three white lads did this to brown Muslim.
Oh. And all those Muslims out on the streets with knives, mouthing off like they own the place?
I think that whenever “Two Tier Keir” prattles about being tough on “far right thugs”…mainly hard-working white people… we should display that infamous photo of him and fag-ash-Lil taking the knee for Black Lives Matter. My God, that still makes my flesh crawl…
We should also remind people that “Tough on Crime” Starmer was head of the Criminal Prosecution Service during the height of the Pakistani Paedo’ scandal, when tens of thousands of underage white girls were groomed, raped and occasionally murdered…and yet there wasn’t a single prosecution of one of these beasts.
Unfortunately for the new government the good weather…and therefore, I suspect, these demonstrations, will continue for the next few weeks. Things are getting really ugly. Mass immigration has been a disaster and the myth of multi-culturalism has been exposed. It’s over.
Jeff ,
Just managed a few minutes of R4 with some Muslim woman jabbering away about her feeling threatened by us Far Far Right inhabitants of this once Great Britain , if they don’t like it here they can always leave 😀 , if only Starmer would realise he’s making it a whole lot worse….or is that his real intention ?
“Tough on Pensioners and Christians ”
Is it time to move to Poland for a better and safer life without illegal migrants ?
Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture is getting ready to bring you 12 unforgettable months of creativity, culture and the arts. See what’s on in 2024 ahead of our full launch in September – and discover how you can get involved. https://bradford2025.co.uk/
A couple of years back, I mentioned the fatwa against Salman Rushdie and received a flurry of lively e-mails. It was Valentine’s Day 1989, you’ll recall, when the Ayatollah Khomeini issued his extraterritorial summary judgment on a British subject, and shortly thereafter large numbers of British Muslims were marching through English cities openly calling for Rushdie to be killed.
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.” http://www.steynonline.com/6296/the-churchill-bust
Another good day for GB… (BBC) – Really? No, don’t laugh… that’s: Another good day for GB as world stars shine – top five stories from Paris – our BBC there with not quite their top online news story, but it is pretty close to it.
As protests against unequal policing, unsafe streets and open borders continue to flair…
Our BBC has discovered, at last, a Prime Minister in Two-Tier Sir Keir with whom it finds itself pretty much in lockstep, politically and temperamentally.
Stiff, snobbish, condescending, feminised, legalistic, managerial, metropolitan, globalist, statist… you name it.
There’s a form of parallel apparent between the BBC’s institutional reluctance to admit the outing of paedophile and pederast stars in its midst – and our liberal establishment’s structural lingering adherence to its devotion to its pet project – mass immigration.
Mr AsI prefers the term hyper-immigration – which describes the speed as well as the huge scale of incoming welcomed by our elites.
“Won’t Get Fooled Again” wrote Pete Townshend back in 1971 (that was a different time, as they tend to say) and yet – despite Jimmy Savile – we see our BBC had learned nothing when it came to the case of Huw Edwards.
BBC Board demands answers from director-general over Edwards scandal (Times) – we sense they’ll soon can one disposable insignificant figurehead (Rishi Sunak, anyone?) and then carry on as usual (anyone remember the BBC’s incurious George Entwistle?)
Even the Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror has the sacrificial scapegoat in their sights: BBC chief should quit over Huw… Under fire BBC’s Tim Davie
It was the French ancien regime that learned nothing and forgot nothing – whereas the BBC certainly learned nothing but: BBC starts removing Huw Edwards from archives (BBC) – and by the way: Children in Need video of Southport suspect removed… It is understood that he was contracted by the BBC for the video through a casting agency… The footage shows the teenager dressed as Doctor Who… He is seen walking out of the Tardis (BBC)
If only our establishment media could get into the Tardis and take themselves back in time: Shamed Huw Edwards faces being stripped of Bafta award (Sunday Express) – well that’s just petty… but how about taking back some of his huge licence-payer-funded salary?
Tim Davie insists it would be ‘nigh on impossible’ for the BBC recoup Huw Edwards’ salary – and the disgraced presenter will be able to retire on £300,000-a-year gold-plated pension… added: ‘When it comes to pay, again, (it’s) legally challenging (to recover) (Daily Mail) – Yeah, thought not. Did I mention legalistic… managerial…?
No real leadership – just a limp-wristed deference to legal technicalities.
Speaking of which: …instead of leadership, says our columnist, all we get are shiny new Labour ministers spouting student platitudes. No wonder we are facing a… SUMMER OF DISCONTENT (Mail on Sunday, Sarah Vine)
This cri de cœur was prefaced of course with the proviso: Knuckle-dragging morons – egged on by social media liars hijacking the killing of three little girls – wreak havoc in EIGHT English towns and cities – the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked the Mail on Sunday frontpage as their top pick for their online press line-up.
Speaking of egging on: Protests break out in Manchester for SECOND NIGHT with police station egged and barricaded… a few hundred protesters gathered outside the office of Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham as part of a Stand Up To Racism demonstration, chanting slogans such as “No justice, no peace, no racist police”… Mayor Burnham earlier called for calm (GB News, 26th July) – just some of the recent Two-Tier provocation for the current so-called far-right thuggery, methinks.
Let’s take a breath and indulge in somewhat of a blast from the past – a female celebrity angst report: Adele ‘I didn’t realise how scared I would be’ (Mirror)
Over at the Daily Star Sunday it’s business as usual: Psycho gull horror – and our cherished comic Harry Hill delivers a timely celebrity caution which we hope doesn’t go unheeded: Don’t kiss yer doggy – sorted, respect due.
There’s little to laugh about at the mildly conservative Telegraph: Daniel Hannan Labour’s socialist dystopia awaits – and; ‘I am a woman,’ says gender row boxer – and to cap it all: Matt is away
Two-Tier Sir Keir lackey loyalist Sunday Express megaphones the Number Ten message (as is their wont): Secret agents hunting down far right – not all that secret then, is it?
I think this is that part of one of those old stories where the official says: Read them the Riot Act!
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23 GMT
There was a popular band called Tears for Fears, who did some pretty good stuff in the 1980s. My favourite song by them is ‘Sowing the seeds of love’, but your piece has prompted a new version of ‘Everybody wants to rule the world’…
By ‘Tiers for Keirs’…
(All royalties for this splendid joke are being sent to the Scrobs Home for the Bewildered, Neasden, near Stockport).
I will stick with my theory that the BBC bought a guilty plea from Edwards by giving him the final year bung
They calculated the harm to the BBC of all the facts came out in a trial versus public disquiet ovef huge amounts of tacpayer cash to a rich sex offender ..
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
Our goals are to:
cut crime and the harm it causes, including cyber-crime and serious and organised crime
manage civil emergencies within the remit of the Home Office
protect vulnerable people and communities
reduce terrorism
control migration
provide world-class public services and contribute to prosperity
maximise the benefits of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union
We’ll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song
I’ll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
A change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that’s all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain’t changed
‘Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war
I’ll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again, no, no
I’ll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half-alive
I’ll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do you?
There’s nothing in the street
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye
And the parting on the left
Is now parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight
I’ll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
Don’t get fooled again, no, no
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
“The Chancellor confirmed that junior doctors have been offered an improved pay deal, with a package representing a pay rise of about 22.3 per cent over two years.
The BMA’s junior doctors’ committee has recommended the offer to its members, who will now vote on the deal.
Ms Reeves also announced a 5.5 per cent pay deal for teachers”
““Mercury retrograde is coming back, my darlings.”
Sadicka, an astrologer and spiritual life coach, is telling her 5,000 Instagram followers to watch out for technology issues, trouble communicating with people and even car accidents, ahead of the planet Mercury going into retrograde from 5 August.”
If science suggests Mercury retrograde may not have any bearing on our lives, why do so many people still turn to the stars for answers?
Some studies have linked belief in horoscopes and zodiac signs to “confirmation bias”, the tendency to believe or remember information that aligns with our pre-existing beliefs, and interpret it selectively to support them.
What is so laughable is how they give the ‘counter-protestors’ names like ‘anti-racist’ or ‘anti-fascist’ protestors. They are far-Left activists who will protest about anything.
‘Far-right protestors and anti-racist or anti-fascist counter protestors’ directly states the protestors are racists and fascists without actually saying it. It’s another scumbag Lefty BBC trick.
Even the DT is failing to understand that this is more fundamental than fake news:
“The obscure Russian-linked ‘news’ outlet fuelling violence on Britain’s streets”
As ever comments switched off on these articles.
I don’t think the DT fails to understand this issue. The DT is, I believe joining with Starmer to present a false view of what is happening in this time of crisis. I am very disappointed in them. They are putting forward several articles about the ‘Far Right’ but they are not allowing comments on just about all of them. It reminds me of the time when the comments section was closed about Trump around the time of the disputed election. They continued to print articles showing him in a bad light as per NY times, Guardian, BBC etc. This is proof that that the once mighty Telegraph has gone over to the dark side. Who is left? Half the GB News presenters are referring to the protesters as far right. A big thanks to those that are holding out.
It is quite clear to me that the Labour Government are going to create a totalitarian police state where no dissent will be tolerated. I don’t know if there is any hope to stop it anytime soon.
The current uprising against is not coordinated as anyone can see. Instead is a disorganised, uncontrolled spontaneous reaction by a people who have been lied to for years but have been very patient hoping for better times. It is now obvious that they are being rewarded by being abused and replaced by the detritus of the third world.
I don’t know what is going to happen next. Five Reform MP’s , welcome as they are, cannot make much difference. I’ve argued for proportional representation since I was ten years old but nobody in the UK wanted to know. I can’t see how this vile Labour shower with its totally disproportionate majority can be stopped. I would imagine the current disturbances will peter out in a few weeks and they are not doing a lot of good if they can’t control the criminal elements in their midst.
The utterly disgusting political class now triumphant needs to be brought down from their ivory towers to face the people they have lorded over too long.
Good luck Brits. You have five years of open borders to look forward to. And of course Sharia Law. Its no good saying people should have voted Tory, because that was the direction they were heading anyway. Had they won a majority the Ropers would still be arriving in the same numbers. The takeover is inevitable unless the opposition gets organised. Get your country back and …Deport! Deport! Deport!
The Judge – as the BBC tells us – is Tanya Chutkan.
And of course they don’t tell us:
‘Tanya Chutkan was appointed as a district judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia by President Barack Obama after donating thousands of dollars to get him elected’
Nor do they mention:
‘Gaetz’s statement said Chutkan “has inappropriately expressed support for violent protests that occurred in the summer of 2020, all the while handing down multiple tough sentences to non-violent January 6th defendants. Additionally, during a sentencing hearing in October 2022, she inappropriately lamented that President Donald Trump ‘remains free to this day.'”‘
Which I find odd because they never fail to point out when a Judge who finds in favour of Trump is a Republican.
Just more of the BBC’s shameless double standards.
“Set to be erected at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) in Staffordshire, the 13.2m minaret-shaped structure is to be constructed with brick and terracotta sourced from different parts of the UK and inscribed with the stories of Muslim soldiers who fought for the crown.28 Apr 2024”
Stacey Dooley Investigates – My Hometown Fanatics [trailer]
Stacey meets friends – some wearing veils and others who are fully fledged EDL supporters. She goes to the heart of the moslem community, dominated by one of the country’s most extreme moslem groups, meeting both self-proclaimed radicals and those trying to counter them.
Is it all hype? Or is ‘L-town’ such a pick-and-mix of culture that extremists are attracted here like no other town in Britain?
What I find really, really sickening about this whole matter is that, somewhere in the UN Building in New York parties are being held and I hear the chinking of glasses. Why? Simples.
The taxpayers all around the West are footing all the bills for their own abuse / demise whether they like it or not.
UN, WEF, EU all in the club.
The ONLY solution? Stop the tax inflow (somehow). Rest will all come crashing down.
“Saira Khan ‘saddened’ by cruel death threats after revealing she’s no longer a Muslim”
Iran: Woman filmed in hospital challenges cleric
The woman was being filmed by the cleric in a clinic with her hijab around her shoulders as she held her sick baby. Iranian law requires women to wear the Islamic headscarf in public.
I’ve recently been diagnosed with mild Prostate C by the NHS. That was a month or so ago.
My bank has just sent an unsolicited email:
“Hi XYZ,
When you or someone you love has cancer, it can turn your world upside down. That’s why we’ve partnered with Macmillan Cancer Support. If you’re affected by cancer, we’re ready to help.”
No, no, no. My NHS experience has been ongoing for about 18 YEARS. The current state of affairs is that I am likely to die WITH PC Not die ‘of’. Very mild: In fact I joked of the rock-bottom “Gleeson 6” level (‘awarded’), “Is that the best you can do after 18years, I expected, at least a Gleeson 9 or 10”. Frankly, at my age I couldn’t give a sh*t !!
Reporting above, I was more concerned with the connection(?) between my bank and Macmillan Cancer Support.
I hope they’ve done more than a PSA test on you.
Just to be sure.
Good luck to you. Outcomes for PC per person are statistically quite good. The remarkable thing is how many people get it and yet what a small percentage of attention it gets compared with breast cancer……..about which my family unfortunately knows a very great deal.
Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’
This article is more than 8 years old
Local MP says poor standard of English among many women is a barrier to integration, but some say people should be free to speak their own language
Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture is getting ready to bring you 12 unforgettable months of creativity, culture and the arts. See what’s on in 2024 ahead of our full launch in September – and discover how you can get involved. https://bradford2025.co.uk/
Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46% https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67422918
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea… https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1897800687565861081
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe https://dailysceptic.org/2025/03/08/five-years-on-the-uk-refuses-to-learn-the-lessons-of-the-covid-catastrophe/ The US has changed direction…
“In lands where shadows cast long and cold,
Brave freedom fighters, their stories unfold,
Under an iron sky, they stand bold,
Against an empire’s grasp, their spirits untold.
Two Tier Keir, the regime’s face,
Divides the people, stifles grace,
Migration reigns in every place,
Yet the fighters’ hearts keep steady pace.
With whispers of hope in the silent night,
They gather in the dim twilight,
For the British they wage their fight,
Against the tyranny’s crushing might.
Their dreams are forged in fires bright,
Of justice, peace, and English right,
Against oppression’s towering height,
They rise like dawn, dispelling night.
Though the path is fraught with pain,
Through storm and strife, wind and rain,
Their cause, a noble, endless claim,
For freedom’s light, they break the chains.
Through the annals of time, their names shall ring,
Songs of valor, the bards will sing,
For the brave who fought, the dawn they bring,
In the hearts of Britons, their legacy will cling.”
Andy Ngô
Shelton, Stoke, England — Another “Muslim patrol” armed with melee weapons have mobilized on the streets to counter right-wing protesters angry over mass migration and alleged two-tier policing.
Two-tier policing, brought to you by Sadiq Khunt, Keir Starmer and Yvette Cooper, amongst others.
Starmer will ban GBnews even though it’s often heavily compliant with leftwing dogma.
(on the hour news and EXTREME lefty commentators)
Now we can’t be sure Muslims did this. – Not confirmed. But it is a strong possibility and we can’t be sure we’ll ever be told.
as I mentioned the police say it was not a stabbing, but rather an attack with a blunt instrument
and libmob screaming the first part whilst omitting the second.
Of course I wouldn’t rule out them being imjured accidentally by their own side tossing bricks or something
I’ve been doing lots of research into the loudest gobshites in the climate will kill us all scam…
It is pretty obvious to me that the direction of travel is to validate the existence of many of these people and thus to hand them well-paid careers.
Much of what they claim is either based on their own dodgy data or simply nonsense.
We are being played big-time by these people and it wouldn’t matter except that they will eventually be responsible for ruining many peoples lives.
The bigger players at places such as WEF are happy for these idiots to spew out their garbage because it all helps the globalist to capture control of populations which is actually the real end game.
Thinking about the protests in various towns and cities.
All of a sudden, I was reminded of a quote by Tony Blair.
Do you remember it?
Tough on crime.
Tough on the causes of crime.
The government appears deliberately clueless about the second part.
I am simply amazed that not one major UK news outlet has formulated any idea or any question of why certain groups are raging in the streets…
What the fuck do they think is causing this?
These people didn’t just kick off for nothing so why try to obscure the reason?
Get real whether you like it or not!
It’s only racist because certain races keep killing innocent people and that’s not really British is it?
I am so happy the Starmer is reaping the reward for his childish knee-bending policy. The longer he is at the tiller, the more this Country will slide into the shit!
10pm news BBC & MSM doing their normal trick
“10 arrested at Far right rally”
thus deceiving cos often all/some are actually antifa etc.
BBC radio spoke of a number of towns where arrests were made
including Blackburn and then went to a mosque spokeman
And I am like, “stop right there , how can any patriots have been arrested in Blackburn when they all stayed away on police advice due to mosque gangs weielding weapons ?”
So I checked and the only mention of a Blackburn arrest is a video of an Asian lad and police carrying an evidence tube apparently with a machete.
ITV reported it apparently
The absolute bar stewards!
Two tier stuff
Scottish nationalism = GOOD
… English nationalism = BAD
Angry crowds who are non-white-British
= We must talk to COMMUNITY LEADERS to understand
… Angry crowds who ARE white-British
= No thought of “talk COMMUNITY LEADERS to understand”
rather “They are all FAR RIGHT THUGS, beat them up, lock them up”
Towns with Muslim gangs wielding weapons = police walk on by
.. Patriot crowds with slight rowdy elements, no knives or machetes
= police lash out at all including women
Oh and Manchester airport Muslim brother beating up police
= no charges
Oh quite a percentage of the Muslim crowds were masked
this is ILLEGAL at a demonstration
very few of the anti establishment protesters were masked
Who stirs up HATE and division by spreading rumours on Twitter ?
Seems like the man from HATEY not HOPEY
And now The Labour MP for Calder Valley
has joined in spreading the unsubstantiated rumour
that has been denied by the police.
Stew, I saw that acid tweet & I thought it must be either a complete lie. Or (God forbid) The acid attack was real but it was a Muslim on Muslim attack.
I was just searching for info and this came straight up from X:
By a Muslim of course. That is inciting racist hatred more than anything I’ve seen. I wonder if the police will investigate him.
The police released a statement:
‘We are aware of commentary online regarding alleged acid attacks in Middlesbrough today.’
‘Cleveland Police has not, to date, received any formal complaint from any victim or anyone on their behalf.’
‘We did receive limited information from a third party earlier this evening regarding a possible incident in central Middlesbrough’
‘The caller was unfortunately unable to provide exact details of the location, nature of the incident, registration number of any vehicle, or description of any occupants, nevertheless officers did attend the area – with nothing being found and no victim coming forward.’
‘The force has not received notification from medical colleagues of any such incident either therefore our log has been closed, pending receipt of any new information.’
A quick check on acid attacks in the UK brought this:
What is the main cause of acid attacks?
They are often retribution for women’s rejection of men’s sexual advances, and are related to domestic violence, abuse and other “honour”-based violence. Acid attacks remain common in India and the rest of South Asia, despite bans on the sale of acid over the counter.
Seems like they brought it with them and it sounds extremely unlikely to be something any of the protestors I have seen would do. As we keep saying: import third world, get third world.
One of the big lefty disinformation accounts @supertanskiii tweeted
PM backs police to keep streets safe from ‘extremists’
So we’re all officially far-right extremeists now
According to the BBC, Starmer and the vile Yvette Cooper anyway.
The BBC are in full-on agenda mode over this. They are using every trick in their book to slur the protestors. It’s turning into our own Jan 06.
The hypocrisy and double standards are off the scale. All they are doing is proving the claims of two-tier policing to be absolutely right. A right-wing uprising is the establishments worst fear : they know they can’t do anything about the immigrant problem so their solution has been to suppress any dissent about it.
‘Many were wondering what any of this has to do with the awful events in Southport on Monday.’
really BBC ?. I expect many more KNOW what is is about. Any evidence for that statement ?. It’s a typical BBC lie by inference without actually stating anything meaningful.
Meanwhile, not even reported by the BBC (which illustrates exactly what people are angry about):
‘Police hunt suspect over murder of ‘true gentleman’ bus driver in Stoke Newington’
Now this IS of public interest because the man on the left was stabbed to death by the man on the right and who is now at large:
And this one has gone straight to ‘regions’:
Boy, 13, charged with sexual offences
‘A 13-year-old boy has been charged with multiple sexual offences in Leicester.’
A 13 year old boy was sexually assaulting women whilst armed with a knife !. And the BBC article is as brief as you can get : just 9 lines!. What on Earth has happened in our society for this kind of thing to be happening ?. And the BBC simply don’t care.
And he is so young, he’s yet another one who cannot be named ‘for legal reasons’.
As it was on the streets of Leicester, you can be pretty sure he isn’t white.
Meanwhile we are told:
‘People have “the right to feel safe”, Ms Cooper added.’
What a complete f*cking joke that woman is.
It seems the BBC are suppressing stories about BAME sexual assaults and murder now. Exactly why people are angry.
Kemi Badenoch has said something sensible; “we must stop pretending that integration is working”
What a time for Parliament to be breaking up.
Now would be the time for someone in opposition to nail Starmer’s balls to the wall. (pardon the expression, too many American movies in my DVD collection.)
That’s a thought. I’m gonna dig out my old DVD player and plug it in for decent entertainment. All the rest is grim.
Looking forward to re-watching Bergerac etc…………
So what is this adversarial UK government going to do with that army they’ve been sponsoring all over the land in army barracks and hotels?
Now we have the “muslim defence league” forming up
all of a sudden they have coaches bussing them around and weapons
within hours
funny that, how’s that integration working then ?
1985 – Batley more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
1985 – Batley more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
A test. Will Two-tier ban them like the EDL……………….
We watch and wait.
Two men charged over alleged Russia-linked arson plot
Amazing : two men just being charged with arson make the headlines at the BBC. Black people being found guilty of murder do not.
Watch: Police officer attacked in Liverpool riots
I almost laughed out loud at the extreme double standards of the BBC for this one. They normally wet their panties over videos of excessive police violence against protestors – but they are magnificently ignoring them all now.
That’s because in this case the BBC think the protestors deserve it.
Meanwhile Starmer is suddenly insulting and alienating more than half the population with his divisive rhetoric which is simply proving what the protestors are complaining about.
These protest are between Left and Right. The establishments worst nightmare.
Or, if you watch the BBC, between the far-right and counter-protestors.
The comments I’ve seen on social media by the Left are absolutely dripping with hate. They don’t care one bit whether they have a valid reason to take to the streets.
Will massive overpolicing and convictions manage to suppress it ?. Thats the line they are taking.
Have the bbc worn out their keyboards yet with “far right”
Kier Starmer
Olympic gold for shortest honeymoon on record.
And he managed it without invading Poland
Don’t worry, Cooper’s in charge
“the adults are back in charge”
How’s that working for you then ?
Hamas are our friends (c) Corbyn and Starmer
Don’t worry, it was “targeted”. Nothing to see here. Man raped by three men wearing the same scarf?
Bloody brilliant police response:
“One man was is said to have been wearing jeans and another wearing trousers with pockets on. ”
That’s narrowed it down then
“Greater Manchester Police (GMP) have said that at around 5.55pm yesterday (Friday, August 2), a man was approached by three men and was assaulted and subjected to a serious sexual assault.
Officers believe this was a targeted attack and there is no risk to the wider public. THAT’S GOOD NEWS!
Police are now looking to speak to three men in relation to this incident, with all three described as black men in their 30s, with black and white scarfs round their necks and of an athletic build.”
How do they know it was targeted?
Did the victim say they kept saying they only wanted to violate his bottom as it was the best bottom they’d ever seen and they’d never do this to anyone else, ever?
Well, we can all relax then.
I doubt this would be buried by most of the media if three white lads did this to brown Muslim.
Oh. And all those Muslims out on the streets with knives, mouthing off like they own the place?
They ALL need to go.
I think that whenever “Two Tier Keir” prattles about being tough on “far right thugs”…mainly hard-working white people… we should display that infamous photo of him and fag-ash-Lil taking the knee for Black Lives Matter. My God, that still makes my flesh crawl…
We should also remind people that “Tough on Crime” Starmer was head of the Criminal Prosecution Service during the height of the Pakistani Paedo’ scandal, when tens of thousands of underage white girls were groomed, raped and occasionally murdered…and yet there wasn’t a single prosecution of one of these beasts.
Unfortunately for the new government the good weather…and therefore, I suspect, these demonstrations, will continue for the next few weeks. Things are getting really ugly. Mass immigration has been a disaster and the myth of multi-culturalism has been exposed. It’s over.
We want our country back…
What this Two-tier? The same Two-tier? Surely not.
“Ten years ago, a special law was passed to protect Keir Starmer’s pension from being taxed”
Hey Presto…………
“The Pensions Increase (Pension Scheme for Keir Starmer QC) Regulations 2013
You are here:
UK Statutory Instruments2013 No. 2588Regulation 1”
Jeff ,
Just managed a few minutes of R4 with some Muslim woman jabbering away about her feeling threatened by us Far Far Right inhabitants of this once Great Britain , if they don’t like it here they can always leave 😀 , if only Starmer would realise he’s making it a whole lot worse….or is that his real intention ?
“Tough on Pensioners and Christians ”
Is it time to move to Poland for a better and safer life without illegal migrants ?
Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture is getting ready to bring you 12 unforgettable months of creativity, culture and the arts. See what’s on in 2024 ahead of our full launch in September – and discover how you can get involved.
A couple of years back, I mentioned the fatwa against Salman Rushdie and received a flurry of lively e-mails. It was Valentine’s Day 1989, you’ll recall, when the Ayatollah Khomeini issued his extraterritorial summary judgment on a British subject, and shortly thereafter large numbers of British Muslims were marching through English cities openly calling for Rushdie to be killed.
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
Reading them the Riot Act edition
Another good day for GB… (BBC) – Really? No, don’t laugh… that’s: Another good day for GB as world stars shine – top five stories from Paris – our BBC there with not quite their top online news story, but it is pretty close to it.
As protests against unequal policing, unsafe streets and open borders continue to flair…
Our BBC has discovered, at last, a Prime Minister in Two-Tier Sir Keir with whom it finds itself pretty much in lockstep, politically and temperamentally.
Stiff, snobbish, condescending, feminised, legalistic, managerial, metropolitan, globalist, statist… you name it.
There’s a form of parallel apparent between the BBC’s institutional reluctance to admit the outing of paedophile and pederast stars in its midst – and our liberal establishment’s structural lingering adherence to its devotion to its pet project – mass immigration.
Mr AsI prefers the term hyper-immigration – which describes the speed as well as the huge scale of incoming welcomed by our elites.
“Won’t Get Fooled Again” wrote Pete Townshend back in 1971 (that was a different time, as they tend to say) and yet – despite Jimmy Savile – we see our BBC had learned nothing when it came to the case of Huw Edwards.
BBC Board demands answers from director-general over Edwards scandal (Times) – we sense they’ll soon can one disposable insignificant figurehead (Rishi Sunak, anyone?) and then carry on as usual (anyone remember the BBC’s incurious George Entwistle?)
Even the Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror has the sacrificial scapegoat in their sights: BBC chief should quit over Huw… Under fire BBC’s Tim Davie
It was the French ancien regime that learned nothing and forgot nothing – whereas the BBC certainly learned nothing but: BBC starts removing Huw Edwards from archives (BBC) – and by the way: Children in Need video of Southport suspect removed… It is understood that he was contracted by the BBC for the video through a casting agency… The footage shows the teenager dressed as Doctor Who… He is seen walking out of the Tardis (BBC)
If only our establishment media could get into the Tardis and take themselves back in time: Shamed Huw Edwards faces being stripped of Bafta award (Sunday Express) – well that’s just petty… but how about taking back some of his huge licence-payer-funded salary?
Tim Davie insists it would be ‘nigh on impossible’ for the BBC recoup Huw Edwards’ salary – and the disgraced presenter will be able to retire on £300,000-a-year gold-plated pension… added: ‘When it comes to pay, again, (it’s) legally challenging (to recover) (Daily Mail) – Yeah, thought not. Did I mention legalistic… managerial…?
No real leadership – just a limp-wristed deference to legal technicalities.
Speaking of which: …instead of leadership, says our columnist, all we get are shiny new Labour ministers spouting student platitudes. No wonder we are facing a… SUMMER OF DISCONTENT (Mail on Sunday, Sarah Vine)
This cri de cœur was prefaced of course with the proviso: Knuckle-dragging morons – egged on by social media liars hijacking the killing of three little girls – wreak havoc in EIGHT English towns and cities – the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff liked the Mail on Sunday frontpage as their top pick for their online press line-up.
Speaking of egging on: Protests break out in Manchester for SECOND NIGHT with police station egged and barricaded… a few hundred protesters gathered outside the office of Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham as part of a Stand Up To Racism demonstration, chanting slogans such as “No justice, no peace, no racist police”… Mayor Burnham earlier called for calm (GB News, 26th July) – just some of the recent Two-Tier provocation for the current so-called far-right thuggery, methinks.
Let’s take a breath and indulge in somewhat of a blast from the past – a female celebrity angst report: Adele ‘I didn’t realise how scared I would be’ (Mirror)
Over at the Daily Star Sunday it’s business as usual: Psycho gull horror – and our cherished comic Harry Hill delivers a timely celebrity caution which we hope doesn’t go unheeded: Don’t kiss yer doggy – sorted, respect due.
There’s little to laugh about at the mildly conservative Telegraph: Daniel Hannan Labour’s socialist dystopia awaits – and; ‘I am a woman,’ says gender row boxer – and to cap it all: Matt is away
Two-Tier Sir Keir lackey loyalist Sunday Express megaphones the Number Ten message (as is their wont): Secret agents hunting down far right – not all that secret then, is it?
I think this is that part of one of those old stories where the official says: Read them the Riot Act!
“Secret agents hunting down far right ”
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23 GMT
Great report as usual AsI!
There was a popular band called Tears for Fears, who did some pretty good stuff in the 1980s. My favourite song by them is ‘Sowing the seeds of love’, but your piece has prompted a new version of ‘Everybody wants to rule the world’…
By ‘Tiers for Keirs’…
(All royalties for this splendid joke are being sent to the Scrobs Home for the Bewildered, Neasden, near Stockport).
I will stick with my theory that the BBC bought a guilty plea from Edwards by giving him the final year bung
They calculated the harm to the BBC of all the facts came out in a trial versus public disquiet ovef huge amounts of tacpayer cash to a rich sex offender ..
The main problem here is, they are looting Shoezone FFS
Go for Waitrose, that’ll get Starmer to recall Parliament
No more free range, dolphin friendy, nuclear free falafel wraps, oh… the horror
If they stopped Netflix maybe more people would look out the window?
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
Our goals are to:
cut crime and the harm it causes, including cyber-crime and serious and organised crime
manage civil emergencies within the remit of the Home Office
protect vulnerable people and communities
reduce terrorism
control migration
provide world-class public services and contribute to prosperity
maximise the benefits of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union
asiseeit thank you for the reminder
Two-Tier Sir Keir’s honeymoon, eh?
Well, given Rishi’s sudden surprise resignation – because that’s what it amounted to – Sir Keir’s honeymoon certainly came ‘sooner’
And it’s certainly been ‘harder’
But will it now continue ‘longer’?
Won’t Get Fooled Again
Song by The Who
We’ll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song
I’ll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
A change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that’s all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain’t changed
‘Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war
I’ll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again, no, no
I’ll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half-alive
I’ll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do you?
There’s nothing in the street
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye
And the parting on the left
Is now parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight
I’ll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
Don’t get fooled again, no, no
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
src https://image.vuukle.com/732358b4-7e7d-4660-a3fd-82708115a3bc-16725469-d8c4-4603-a340-435a77d8bc32
from order-order.com
Why not a 50% pay rise for everyone? End poverty!
“The Chancellor confirmed that junior doctors have been offered an improved pay deal, with a package representing a pay rise of about 22.3 per cent over two years.
The BMA’s junior doctors’ committee has recommended the offer to its members, who will now vote on the deal.
Ms Reeves also announced a 5.5 per cent pay deal for teachers”
It’s the same old story: Tories make money, then the Socialists spend it. (Some would say, squander it.)
“Tories make money” – take less off you than they could and hide those reductions elsewhere.
BBC NEWS … 3.5bn …
““Mercury retrograde is coming back, my darlings.”
Sadicka, an astrologer and spiritual life coach, is telling her 5,000 Instagram followers to watch out for technology issues, trouble communicating with people and even car accidents, ahead of the planet Mercury going into retrograde from 5 August.”
If science suggests Mercury retrograde may not have any bearing on our lives, why do so many people still turn to the stars for answers?
Some studies have linked belief in horoscopes and zodiac signs to “confirmation bias”, the tendency to believe or remember information that aligns with our pre-existing beliefs, and interpret it selectively to support them.
Bbc reports on the “far right” riots.
But then the bbc mentions ” the police kept different protectors a part”
Thought this was only Far Right?
What is so laughable is how they give the ‘counter-protestors’ names like ‘anti-racist’ or ‘anti-fascist’ protestors. They are far-Left activists who will protest about anything.
‘Far-right protestors and anti-racist or anti-fascist counter protestors’ directly states the protestors are racists and fascists without actually saying it. It’s another scumbag Lefty BBC trick.
The far left agitators should be given their real names.
Even the DT is failing to understand that this is more fundamental than fake news:
“The obscure Russian-linked ‘news’ outlet fuelling violence on Britain’s streets”
As ever comments switched off on these articles.
So Russia are worried about UK immigration and trying to stop it?
I don’t think the DT fails to understand this issue. The DT is, I believe joining with Starmer to present a false view of what is happening in this time of crisis. I am very disappointed in them. They are putting forward several articles about the ‘Far Right’ but they are not allowing comments on just about all of them. It reminds me of the time when the comments section was closed about Trump around the time of the disputed election. They continued to print articles showing him in a bad light as per NY times, Guardian, BBC etc. This is proof that that the once mighty Telegraph has gone over to the dark side. Who is left? Half the GB News presenters are referring to the protesters as far right. A big thanks to those that are holding out.
It is quite clear to me that the Labour Government are going to create a totalitarian police state where no dissent will be tolerated. I don’t know if there is any hope to stop it anytime soon.
The current uprising against is not coordinated as anyone can see. Instead is a disorganised, uncontrolled spontaneous reaction by a people who have been lied to for years but have been very patient hoping for better times. It is now obvious that they are being rewarded by being abused and replaced by the detritus of the third world.
I don’t know what is going to happen next. Five Reform MP’s , welcome as they are, cannot make much difference. I’ve argued for proportional representation since I was ten years old but nobody in the UK wanted to know. I can’t see how this vile Labour shower with its totally disproportionate majority can be stopped. I would imagine the current disturbances will peter out in a few weeks and they are not doing a lot of good if they can’t control the criminal elements in their midst.
The utterly disgusting political class now triumphant needs to be brought down from their ivory towers to face the people they have lorded over too long.
Good luck Brits. You have five years of open borders to look forward to. And of course Sharia Law. Its no good saying people should have voted Tory, because that was the direction they were heading anyway. Had they won a majority the Ropers would still be arriving in the same numbers. The takeover is inevitable unless the opposition gets organised. Get your country back and …Deport! Deport! Deport!
WE DEMAND EQALITY IN 100M WOMEN’S RACE – we demand white males to par take to address this in balance.
Judge rejects Trump effort to dismiss 2020 election interference case
The Judge – as the BBC tells us – is Tanya Chutkan.
And of course they don’t tell us:
‘Tanya Chutkan was appointed as a district judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia by President Barack Obama after donating thousands of dollars to get him elected’
Nor do they mention:
‘Gaetz’s statement said Chutkan “has inappropriately expressed support for violent protests that occurred in the summer of 2020, all the while handing down multiple tough sentences to non-violent January 6th defendants. Additionally, during a sentencing hearing in October 2022, she inappropriately lamented that President Donald Trump ‘remains free to this day.'”‘
Which I find odd because they never fail to point out when a Judge who finds in favour of Trump is a Republican.
Just more of the BBC’s shameless double standards.
Hmm, labour have found a budget defecit…
They will not change us … “Fatimah says having a modest swimwear round would be a “game changer””
They will not change us
“Set to be erected at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) in Staffordshire, the 13.2m minaret-shaped structure is to be constructed with brick and terracotta sourced from different parts of the UK and inscribed with the stories of Muslim soldiers who fought for the crown.28 Apr 2024”
minaret-shaped structure
memorial sketch https://e3.365dm.com/24/04/1600×900/skynews-memorial-muslim_6536081.jpg?20240428071627
I believe that was the spark that created the EDL and the police protected the muslims then as well.
WiFi problems prevented me from adding that my comment was for the Royal Anglians march.
“British police go to hell”
Stacey Dooley Investigates – My Hometown Fanatics [trailer]
Stacey meets friends – some wearing veils and others who are fully fledged EDL supporters. She goes to the heart of the moslem community, dominated by one of the country’s most extreme moslem groups, meeting both self-proclaimed radicals and those trying to counter them.
Is it all hype? Or is ‘L-town’ such a pick-and-mix of culture that extremists are attracted here like no other town in Britain?
What I find really, really sickening about this whole matter is that, somewhere in the UN Building in New York parties are being held and I hear the chinking of glasses. Why? Simples.
The taxpayers all around the West are footing all the bills for their own abuse / demise whether they like it or not.
UN, WEF, EU all in the club.
The ONLY solution? Stop the tax inflow (somehow). Rest will all come crashing down.
I already told you:
go for Waitrose
Seems the poor love leapfrogged the crocodile menu list.
“Saira Khan ‘saddened’ by cruel death threats after revealing she’s no longer a Muslim”
Iran: Woman filmed in hospital challenges cleric
The woman was being filmed by the cleric in a clinic with her hijab around her shoulders as she held her sick baby. Iranian law requires women to wear the Islamic headscarf in public.
Thursday 14 March 2024 14:04, UK
As I use Twitter as a cross sectional measure of media and politics I often notice certain trends.
Currently senior Labour, who usually use it every five minutes to push wibble, are oddly absent.
Junior Labour, activists and the msm are filling the void with remarkably template efforts, but few are buying.
If anyone halfway impartial sticks their head over the parapet, they are suppressed and/or censored.
The racist proxies hired by the msm as one degree of separation heat over light gobs are having a field day.
Sopes is still a blithering idiot.
One small BBC comment earlier?
“The police are being exhausted” Slipped out…………
The uncomfordable truth is out
Off the subject.
I’ve recently been diagnosed with mild Prostate C by the NHS. That was a month or so ago.
My bank has just sent an unsolicited email:
“Hi XYZ,
When you or someone you love has cancer, it can turn your world upside down. That’s why we’ve partnered with Macmillan Cancer Support. If you’re affected by cancer, we’re ready to help.”
Very very sorry to hear that . I hope you get quick treatment. The lack of national screening is a scandal – whatever the excuse .
Im in a high risk group so have had to rely on private testing .
Please let us know how you are getting on . I ll add you to the ‘prayer list !”
I think i get letters from prostate cancer UK each month as well those bank letters you mention …
G, Not at all. I’ve had 2 major operations and other treatments with numerous visits to hospitals for outpatient appts.
Every time I have an appt, I get unsolicited spam emails. Within 48hrs. Who knows what other allegedly confidential information they sell.
I do hope you can overcome the cancer.
No, no, no. My NHS experience has been ongoing for about 18 YEARS. The current state of affairs is that I am likely to die WITH PC Not die ‘of’. Very mild: In fact I joked of the rock-bottom “Gleeson 6” level (‘awarded’), “Is that the best you can do after 18years, I expected, at least a Gleeson 9 or 10”. Frankly, at my age I couldn’t give a sh*t !!
Reporting above, I was more concerned with the connection(?) between my bank and Macmillan Cancer Support.
But thanks all the same guys. & now Lucy
I hope they’ve done more than a PSA test on you.
Just to be sure.
Good luck to you. Outcomes for PC per person are statistically quite good. The remarkable thing is how many people get it and yet what a small percentage of attention it gets compared with breast cancer……..about which my family unfortunately knows a very great deal.
G, I shook hands with someone this morning at Church who had had cancer of the prostate and survived. He looked the ‘picture of good health’ to me.
I, too, wish you well and hope the NHS will be at the top of their game for you.
BBC, another “Englishman”?
Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’
This article is more than 8 years old
Local MP says poor standard of English among many women is a barrier to integration, but some say people should be free to speak their own language
Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture is getting ready to bring you 12 unforgettable months of creativity, culture and the arts. See what’s on in 2024 ahead of our full launch in September – and discover how you can get involved.
Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%