461 Responses to Weekend 3rd August 2024

  1. Flotsam says:

    BBC bias clearly on show on our local BBC Radio Stoke. They describe protestors as “Far Right”, they describe a counter protest as anti racist and anti fascist, they interview a “Community Representative” (ie Moslem Imam with a thick Pakistani accent) who condemns the protests. There was no interview of any protestor. There was an unverified rumour that a Moslem gang was going around Stoke armed with knives or swords. The BBC reportage this morning skirted around the issue by not mentioning the knife allegation directly.


  2. AsISeeIt says:

    Two-Tier Times newspaper

    Riots engulf Britain – complains the headline story this Sunday

    4,000 police on standby after shops looted amid clashes with far right – wags the finger

    Courts could sit overnight as ministers promise to deliver swift justice – warns the Times editorial


    The Times subscription advertising copy reads, rather suggestively: Move Country – against an image of a female war correspondent, blue-helmeted, apparenly under fire and in action pose… presumably reporting truth to power from the frontline… Move Mountains – over a backdrop of some angry all-female demonstrators with placard slogans that read: We will not be silenced… Reclaim these streets…

    Life from every angle – proclaims the Times

    Read the best of our journalism: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/
    Subscribe to The Times and The Sunday Times YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_

    Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad’, anyone?


  3. Lazy Cat says:

    BBC are doubling down with their demonisation of angry citizens.

    The antifa communists are ‘anti racist protestors’ (which is code for the good guys, of course.)

    They are traitors. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    We need to stop worrying about the ‘r’ word.

    It’s just a bloody word.

    I don’t consider myself a racist, but if some libtard calls me this I’ll just say ‘Yes, if that’s what you want call me go ahead. So what?’

    If wanting machete wielding gangs deported makes me a racist, go ahead and shout it from the rooftops. I don’t care anymore.

    If wanting non contributing, rapey communities from South Asia who think they own the effing place remigrated makes me far right, project this opinion on the Houses of Parliament. Couldn’t give a monkeys.

    It doesn’t change the fact that I’ve had enough and that I want my country back.

    My grandparents did not risk their lives in WWII for this crap.

    They need to go!


  4. JohnC says:

    Two-Tier BBC headlines:

    ’27 police officers injured during largely peaceful anti-racism protests in London’

    Changes to:
    ‘More than 90 arrests after far-right demonstrations turn violent’

    Elsewhere they are being called ‘Anti-immigration protestors’. Not at the BBC. They are ‘far-right’.

    And the BBC report just tells us what the ‘far-right’ did. Elsewhere we learn ‘turning violent’ does not necessarily mean the ‘far-right’ caused it all as the BBC are inferring.

    From Sky news (of all places):

    ‘In Nottingham, scuffles broke out as opposing groups faced each other in Nottingham’s Market Square with bottles and other items thrown from both sides, and chants of “England till I die” were drowned out by boos from counter-protesters.’

    ‘Meanwhile, in Northern Ireland, fireworks were thrown amid tense exchanges between an anti-Islamic group and an anti-racism rally in Belfast.’

    They even have this picture:
    ‘A fight breaks out between anti-fascists (left) and people protesting in Blackpool’
    Doesn’t look like the ‘far-right’ are starting that fight to me.

    This is a scandalously one-side article from the BBC which has huge lies by omission. Exactly what we have come to expect from these activists.

    And just look at who they have writing it:
    You can be 100% certain this clone did not come up with this web of deceit herself. This article has been dictated by the BBC political commissars.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I used to get a job during the summer holidays as well – mummy and papa must be so proud ( and they work for the bbc you can bet ) …


    • Zephir says:

      there should be a law about trousers


  5. Lazy Cat says:

    The entire ‘system’ is anti white.

    White privilege?

    My arse.


  6. Lazy Cat says:

    What is terrifying the ‘establishment’ (politicians, media, academia, police etc) is the fact that white people are becoming racially conscious.

    I’m not sure why this scares them so much.

    Maybe they think we’ll start opening gas chambers?

    Obviously, this will not happen.

    We just want our country back. The country our ancestors fought for back in WWII.

    They didn’t fight for us to live in a third world multi culti hellhole, in which their next generations could become a demonised group at the hands of foreigners.


    • Nico says:

      Lisa Nancy appeared yesterday on Olympics coverage. Interviewer who was mixed race said it was a “big problem” that she didn’t see more people like her on the team. Nandy was quick to vehemently agree.
      There are many instances where I don’t see enough people that look like me- on my own high street for a start, or in the 100 metres, in adverts, or my local council. Would Nandy agree this was a “big problem”, or would I receive a performative label and sent for reeducation?


      • Fedup2 says:

        The start of the 100 meters run looks like an identity parade ……. Nice to see such obvious ‘looks like me ‘ racism ….


      • JohnC says:

        There are PLENTY of high streets in the UK where I would not see enough people like me.

        And ALL the high-streets in the country they originated from where I wouldn’t see ANYBODY like me.

        The thing which annoys me most of all of this is how the Left seem to think it’s fine for BAME to be racist.


  7. MarkyMark says:

    Using white man’s magic motorcycle!

    “‘ Ms Joy’s greatest adventure took place this year when, at the age of 32, she became the first documented black African woman to travel solo from East to West Africa on a motorcycle.”


  8. MarkyMark says:




    • StewGreen says:

      Good point : the establishment let of people who violently seized public statues and tossed them in the river


  9. MarkyMark says:

    Maybe he can become a boxer and beat women? in the latest Olympics!


  10. MarkyMark says:

    Video: IRAM RAMZAN: Why footage of Angela Rayner grovelling for votes from a room full of Muslim men – with hardly a woman to be seen – shows Labour is pandering to misogyny
    Leaked footage of Labour’s Angela Rayner shows her ‘pleading’ for votes in a Muslim meeting in Ashton-under-Lyne.

    Share this video: Video: Labour’s Angela Rayner ‘pleading’ for votes at Muslim meeting



  11. MarkyMark says:

    “Diana Johnson: There is Space in Jail for Rioters”




    “We all know that from ‘the river to the sea Palestine will be free’ – where the population of Israel is 10 million, of which 8 million almost are Jewish people, means a land free of Jewish people,” Mr Goldstein told Mr Morgan.

    “It can mean nothing else – it is a genocidal message.

    “The fact that it is being encouraged by the leadership of those rallies, creates hate, creates incitement.”


  12. MarkyMark says:

    “BBC starts removing Huw Edwards from archives”

    A Doctor Who episode featuring Edwards’ voice has already been removed from iPlayer.


    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. AND THE BBC DID NOTHING WRONG.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984



    • Mrs Kitty says:

      This is why I buy DVDs, they can remove and alter anything streamed but if you buy immediately before the PC hits you have the original version. I also have the Dambusters with the dogs correct name.


  13. StewGreen says:

    TV celebrity calms the Community … not


  14. StewGreen says:

    A tiny number or fringe accounts claim a woman will come forward to police saying she felt “a burning sensation on her legs” after a liquid was allegedly thrown .. one guy

    Meanwhile the papers an hour ago published the police statement from 22:52 last night
    saying they looked hard for first hand evidence of an acid attack near the Yellow Rose pub, but never found any.

    .. https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/police-issue-statement-regarding-alleged-29673752


  15. MarkyMark says:

    “According to Humanists UK, this week saw around two-fifths (40 per cent) of MPs choose to take a secular affirmation instead of a religious oath to God. This included Sir Keir Starmer, who was said to have become the first Prime Minister since Ramsay MacDonald in 1924 to take the non-religious affirmation.11 Jul 2024”

    “Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”

    A – The purpose of the Code
    The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to:
    a) build a common understanding of what behaviour and attitudes the House wishes
    to promote or considers unacceptable;
    b) ensure the openness and accountability essential to the proper functioning of a
    representative democracy;
    c) protect and enhance the reputation of the House of Commons, in order that the
    public can have justifiable confidence in it;
    d) ensure all Members can and do speak and act without fear or favour; and
    e) give clarity for Members and the public about the rules of conduct which underpin
    these standards, which are expected of all Members in undertaking their duties.

    Click to access 1083.pdf

    b) ensure the openness and accountability essential to the proper functioning of a representative democracy;
    “Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”

    “Davos or Westminster?” Starmer: “Davos”


  16. StewGreen says:

    There a large number of Labour supporting accounts
    that in the bio brag they “HATE”
    .. phrases like “hate tories”, “hate Brexit”

    projection is a libmob characteristic


    • MarkyMark says:

      Hate is a crime!

      “2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Stew – I’m trying to remember the science fiction book from long ago ( Huxley ?) where the population was given ‘soma ‘? To neutralise emotions ….
      Can only be time before the put an ‘anti hate’ drug into water to control the “far right ‘….?


  17. MarkyMark says:

    POLICE- Update regarding UK riots.


  18. MarkyMark says:




  19. StewGreen says:

    9:14am Labour MP retracts his tweet claiming far right threw acid at a Muslim woman

    That’s almost 12 hours after his original tweet at 21:27


    • Guest Who says:

      Plus all the usually suspect race baiters before him.

      He at least removed, they mostly got on their high horses with BBC approved ‘it’s something they might do* anyway’ ©️BBC News.

      *it’s not, but stupid giving others ideas.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Josh been on the G and T ?


  20. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Can’t the politicians see that the protesting and ‘rioting’ going on with the car fires etc is happening because the population have noticed that doing this works.

    The enrichers will storm a police station or whatever and create a huge amount of trouble with their big crowd of protestors until they get their way and they always do get their own way.

    It’s dawned on the locals that violence gets you results and they are now copying what the enrichers do.

    It’s true some are taking advantage and nicking stuff from shops but where did they see this behaviour happening in the first place.
    Lots of them looting shops and running off with flat screen tvs, trainers and the like with nobody stopping them.

    *This will happen to shoplifting as there are no consequences and you are allowed to help yourself with stuff up to £200 each shop you enter.

    Unless the police are told to enforce the law on both sides and not just the right wing this will keep on escalating.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Josh Fenton-Glynn MP
      Labour MP for Calder Valley. Mediocre fell runner.
      Calder valleyjoshfentonglynn.co.ukJoined October 2012
      4,676 Following


    • MarkyMark says:

      CNN Mocked for Calling Kenosha Riots ‘Fiery but Mostly Peaceful Protests’



    • Guest Who says:

      Further to my last, the calibre of politician now, especially tweeting by knee jerk, rivals a mean girl squad in a remedial kindergarten.

      Noticed? Some mentors, like Mad Al, were actually pointing it out.

      Plus the police had enjoyed a pass for a long time before they lost all notion of consent for the unique form of policing they have been practicing under the orders of the ivory tower political masters and helicoptered DEI and/or common purpose superiors in bunkers and fortified gated communities for too long.


  21. MarkyMark says:

    Last month Tweedale was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Bradford in recognition of a career which has ‘helped people through trade unionism’ and also ‘her diversity and equality work’.


    Transgender civil servant sparks uproar after colleagues complain that she wears ‘fetish gear’ including fishnet tights, low-cut corsets and chokers into the office


  22. Althepalerp says:

    If Russia invaded would they treat us better?
    No mass immigration.
    No net zero
    No LGBT in our schools
    No nonsense policing


  23. Doughboy says:

    Doubt you will see this on BBC


    • MarkyMark says:

      Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
      Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
      His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
      Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
      By Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

      Published: 23:28, 23 February 2018 | Updated: 10:04, 24 February 2018


      Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture is getting ready to bring you 12 unforgettable months of creativity, culture and the arts. See what’s on in 2024 ahead of our full launch in September – and discover how you can get involved.



      The proportion of people who identify as Christian fell from 46% in 2011 to 33.4% in 2021. Nearly one-third (30.5%) of the District’s population identified themselves as Muslim – an increase of 5.8 percentage points since 2011. Just over one-fifth of the District’s population stated that they had no religion.


    • Doublethinker says:

      If all priests had his views and courage I might be persuaded to attend church again.


    • vlad says:

      “Doubt you will see this on BBC” – It’s rare to see it in the Church of Woke, too.
      He won’t be getting any promotion, that’s for sure.


  24. Fedup2 says:

    The vicar will be in trouble with his bishop … she won’t be happy …brave man …


  25. Fedup2 says:

    I reckon the most serious threat the British government faces is the prospect of the 2 sides in Northern Ireland getting fed up with being invaded . I don’t know what the situation is there but I reckon the threshold for serious objection to being invaded is far lower than in the mainland ….

    .. the DT is carrying the story that Starmer is going on his holidays tomorrow . Let’s hope he does … the mandate of his government is paper thin – despite the ‘accidental ‘ huge majority – although there is no substantial opposition labour looks frail in the face of fed up English people seeing the towns and cities used as third world dumps …..

    …I’d dearly like to see parliament recalled – nothing will be achieved apart from a lot of hot air – but it will be not a good look for a new regime …
    ..which is why we won’t see demands for a recall either from politicians or the now tame – democrat like – media ….

    We are all ‘far right ‘….


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes – all that death blood and suffering – and now Eire isn’t Eire any more ….


  26. MarkyMark says:



  27. MarkyMark says:



  28. MarkyMark says:

    Sam Smith portrait unveiled at London gallery



  29. MarkyMark says:

    £117m to protect UK mosques and Muslim schools from hate attacks Published 11 March


    £31m committed to protect democratic process


    £0m for kids at dance schools.



  30. Fedup2 says:

    Ah yes
    World at one – bbc parroting the far left government line about protests …. Eddie Stourton reciting the approved lines – they even went to a mosque and found an English speaker moaning about feeling ‘unsafe ‘ – welcome to the cloud

    Then they dug up one neil basu real name – Anil Kanti Basu a retired far left ex senior tick box plod to yap the approved lines ~ he explains that the state has settled on the term ‘extreme right ‘ as opposed to ‘far right ‘…but you could hear in Basu s voice the desire of lefty coloured plod like him that he’d ban the `right wing ‘ – only the approved is approved …

    It looks like there will be more protests – the weather continues to look nice and warm – perhaps plod have a limited source of riot plod as most are on the twitter watch reading comments like this one …together with 77 brigade – you guys must be pretty tired by now …

    Onwards with the 2 tier policing …..and the boats keep coming ….

    PS – the show ended with some crude Goebells style ‘all in it together ‘ far left clean up crap …. Laughable …


  31. MarkyMark says:

    “An asylum seeker who assaulted a female police officer cannot do community service because he can’t speak English and needs an interpreter, a court heard.

    Jordanian national Mustafa Al Mbaidin would need a full-time translator with him if he were to do a period of unpaid work which would raise ‘issues’ with the health and safety at work laws, his lawyer argued.

    Instead the 27-year-old was fined £26 for the offence of assaulting an emergency worker which he will pay at a rate of £2 a month.”

    order-order.com comment


  32. G says:

    Neil Basu 1300 news just: No, refer to “Extreme Far Right”.

    If I have been on the borderline hitherto, I have fully moved over. Can I get a badge somewhere? “Extreme Far Right”?

    I now feel proud………….


    • Fedup2 says:

      Real name Anil Kanti Basu is you don’t mind – applying the TR test …


      • MarkyMark says:



        • Fedup2 says:

          Just going back to world at one – the question of balance – plenty of clever types – lord someone – the extremist czar – some lefty social worker on various shades of grey / Right and a retired plod mouthpiece….
          But no one even remotely explaining ‘the street ‘….
          No mention of the invasion – no mention of ECHR – no mention that the invasion is the major public issue – and thankfully no mention of Reform or Mr Farage MP ….

          Omission is the pointer to the state of mind of the BBC – British state – which is so foreign these days – right 77 brigade…


  33. MarkyMark says:

    Woah! 4 days and nothing has happened in China according to the BBC – must be no islamic slaves in re education shops or new nuclear power stations being opening – China is at peace.

    City of cafes: Shanghai’s love affair with coffee


  34. NW Ninepence says:

    In Express today –

    Fury as Winston Churchill portrait to be ‘contextualised’ with racism and slavery note

    A portrait of Winston Churchill is going to be hung alongside context of his links to ‘racism, slavery and colonialism’.


  35. Lucy Pevensey says:

    A Palestinian terrorist carried out a stabbing Attack in Holon near Tel Aviv in Central Israel.

    At least 3 people were injured including an 80 year old man who is in Serious Condition.

    The terrorist was eliminated.

    That is how it is done.

    In the video you can see, from a distance an armed copper checking the park area for any further possible threat.


  36. non-licence payer says:

    The Archmarxist of Canterbury is normally very quick to comment on political issues. Aside from reinforcing two-tiered keir’s position on Hamas, he could not be bothered to comment on the moral cowardice of those depicting the last supper at the opening of the Olympics. Just wondering if he might comment on the recent unrest within territorial waters.


  37. tomo says:

    What , if anthing does this ghastly Marxist princeling parasite do for the dosh?


  38. tomo says:

    She’s a national treasure?


  39. tomo says:

    Ange in charge….


  40. Fedup2 says:

    YouTube has a sense of humour – it sent me ‘starmergeddon ‘- complete with darleks – you will be exterminated ….

    … leave Angee in charge to screw it up – maybe a few dead – to get her to get back in her box and resign … clever move by the starmer spads – must be time for a ‘prime ministerial broadcast ‘… or maybe not – less that 20% voted for him …


  41. Althepalerp says:

    Race Riots
    I do wonder why it hasn’t happed before.


    • MarkyMark says:


      The Government department, headed up by Boris Johnson, offered all employees the chance to wear a hijab for part of their day to mark the worldwide event on February 1. In an internal memo, the Foreign Office said that the headscarf is worn by some women who see it as representing “liberation, respect and security”.8 Feb 2018


  42. Fedup2 says:

    Al – think it’s just a taste of things to come …. I always get the time scale wrong …. When I say ‘years ‘ it becomes ‘months ‘ …..
    Apparently the riot plod are getting Fedup with all the overtime and getting tired …. Maybe the twitter police will have to be redeployed ….


  43. tomo says:



    • kingkp says:

      Germany is bad alright but I wouldn’t travel to NZ ever again as they have just updated their pandemic plan. Yes, those so-called ‘pandemics’ that used to come around every one hundred years will start to appear more frequently due to man-made Global Climate Change Boiling.
      Page 133.
      “Special powers
      Special powers are authorized by the Minister of Health or by an epidemic notice or apply where an emergency has been declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002”.
      A little further on we discover
      “The power to prescribe preventive treatment allows a medical officer of health, in respect of any person who has been isolated or quarantined, to require people to remain where they are isolated or quarantined until they have been medically examined and found to be free from infectious disease, and until they have undergone such preventive treatment as the medical officer of health prescribes (section 70(1)(h)).
      Section 71A states that a member of the police may do anything reasonably necessary (including the use of force) to help a medical officer of health or any person authorized by the medical officer of health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under sections 70 or 71”
      So once they have quarantined you they can inject you with any substance they choose using force if required. Thank god we live in democracies and we’re not ruled by tyrants.


      • moggiemoo says:

        I do wish I could believe that last sentence.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Thank god we live in democracies and we’re not ruled by tyrants.”

        3 hide in Batley
        Rishi was selected not elected.
        Corbyn was almost our first Anti semitic Hamas are our fiends PM


  44. MarkyMark says:

    Starmer gets tough as he guarantees far-right thugs ‘will regret’ mob violence
    The prime minister has told far right thugs that they ‘will regret’ their actions as he promises swift retribution for civil unrest and riots



  45. Ian Rushlow says:

    “Within half an hour after the protest started peacefully, about 250-300 people – most with faces covered with black face masks or balaclavas – charged towards Bolton Town Hall. They began shouting “Allahu Akbar” – or God is greatest – as they arrived at one side of the town hall where a separate group had gathered waving England flags. Police officers kitted out in full riot gear, with batons raised, were swiftly joined by a line of horses. At one point, amid a further cry of “Allahu Akbar”, some began throwing eggs at police officers – before then charging around streets in the town centre.

    From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c0jqjxe8d1yt scroll down to 16:19 entry

    Is this the sort of ‘far right thuggery’ that Starmer (WEF member and Woodentop) is referring to? Or are some forms of thuggery permitted e.g. those committed by the Police, state-approved actors such as Antifa, and colonist-settlers?


  46. MarkyMark says:

    From TR:

    2005 Central London bombings, 52 dead, No, riots, only outrage, no change.

    2013 Lee Rigby hacked to death by two terrorists. No riots, only outrage, no change.

    2017 Westminster attack, No riots, only outrage, no change.

    2017 Manchester Arena bombing, No riots, only outrage, no change.

    2017 London Bridge attack, No riots, only outrage. no change.

    2019 London Bridge stabbing, No riots, only outrage, no change.

    2020 Reading multiple stabbings, three dead, No riots, only outrage, no change.

    2021 Liverpool Women’s hospital bombing, No riots, only outrage, no change.

    2021 Murder of Sir David Amess MP, No riots, only outrage, no change.

    2024 Kent- Army officer stabbed outside his home.

    Southport 3 children butchered to death.

    The working class have had enough of the ineptitude and total disregard for its people by those in charge.

    from order-order.com comment


    • NW Ninepence says:

      In part of the video I watched where Starmer announced his ‘Violent Disorder Units’? he stated “people in this country have a right to be safe” ….. and …. “on behalf of the British people who expect their values and their security to be upheld we will take all necessary action to keep our streets safe.”.

      If he and the previous government, for the past two decades or more, had truly believed that – and enforced that, – WE WOULDN’T BE IN THE BLOODY MESS WE’RE IN NOW, WOULD WE ?


  47. MarkyMark says:

    Kier Starmer – “You are all deplorable!” HA HA HA

    Anti-immigrant riots to ‘SPREAD to small towns’ as Britain gears up for summer of RAGE



  48. MarkyMark says:

    Harry and Meghan discuss ‘protecting’ their children

    The couple are expected to highlight the importance of safeguarding young people online during their official visit to Colombia later this month.


    Revealed: Harry and Meghan have taken four of their own security guards to Nigeria – but their hosts will be footing the bill for an ‘unprecedented military presence’ in one of the world’s most dangerous countries


    Official advice from the UK government is to avoid ‘all but essential travel’ to parts of Nigeria which has a murder rate of 34 per 100,000 people (the UK Is just over one) and is prone to kidnappings.


  49. MarkyMark says:

    A message from Prime Minister, Keir Starmer
    I’d like to say a heartfelt thank you for the support you gave us on Thursday 4 July.

    A mandate like this comes with great responsibility. I promise you this: Labour will govern for the whole country. We will put the chaos of the last 14 years behind us, turn the page and start to rebuild.

    Change begins right here.



  50. MarkyMark says:

    ” London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.

    The epilogue reveals that the story was written in the last holdout of the Western world, Switzerland, but international pressure from the new governments, isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders, along with internal pro-migrant elements, force it to capitulate as well. Mere hours from the border opening, the author dedicates the book to his grandchildren, in the hopes they will grow up in a world where they will not be ashamed of him for writing such a book.”
