Well the blob is well and truly on holiday – this year it is two tier themed – the reds and their BBC executives are in their villas figuring out how to victimise the British even more … more taxes – more control – more censorship … it’s a happy ship for them . But can I- as volunteer moderator – thank so many people contributing to this site – for their restraint in such ‘challenging ‘ times …cheers . We must continue to witness what is being done to a once Great Country .
Midweek 21st August 2024
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Had to log in again and it is another first.
Should have added that I had inadvertently logged out. What a privilege.
Under Labour we are all winners ***
*** conditions apply. heating allowances stopped. taxes up. no boats stopped. doctors get 22% payrise back dated. taxes to go up due to black hole found. USA and Israel to ignore UK foreign secretary.
Lammy spent years verbally abusing foreign leaders and now nobody wants to talk to him.
Absolutely hilarious.
Apart from the fact he’s the Foreign Secretary, of course.
We are ‘led’ by incompetent fools.
Make no mistake, this will prove to be the worst British government in history.
I used to think preppers were nuts. Well, I’m going to start prepping a bit myself for what’s coming.
These lunatics will bankrupt us within a year or two.
A government of femtards and geniuses like David Lammy.
I wouldn’t give them a job picking fruit.
Obamas to headline day two of the Democratic National Convention
Obama’s thick red line on Syria
22 August 2013
But President Obama clearly has a problem, and will be accused of inaction and dithering.
As pointed out on the ‘start the week ‘ thread TTK still hasn’t got a czar for his ‘border command ‘ – perhaps even the promise of a peerage at the end of it isn’t enough to get someone on board .
The wokes previously known as the Royal Navy have plenty of admirals so maybe one of them will get the gig . Otherwise some quango type – modelling herself on kamela – I’ve never been to the border Harris will step up – working from home – job share with a bit of maternity leave / stress leave …
I’d do the job, but I don’t think Sir Keir would like my methods. Hint: not one boat would be allowed to land in Britain.
Why indeed?
For goodness sake ,“Stop The boats”!
Gedankenexperiment. What would the response of the UK Government be if all the people on the boats were women between the ages of 20 and 35? Just asking for a friend. Is this a misogynistic thought? Can I be locked up for 10 years for terrorism, posing this question? What a sh*thole the UK has become. I believe if there really were a ‘refugee’ problem the vast majority of the ‘refugees’ would be female.
On ITV London News, we hear about a trial with a jury. On trial are members of Extinction Rebellion who trashed monuments in London in 2021!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, ‘Far Right rioters’ are being sentenced to 2-3 years in prison for first offences with no jury and within days of the offence.
The reality of life under Two Tier Kier Jong Un’s rule.
If the court decides to put you on remand it means you’ll go to prison until your trial begins.
If you’re under 18 you’ll be taken to a secure centre for young people, not an adult prison.
You may be put on remand if:
you’ve been convicted of a crime in the past
the court thinks you might not go to your court hearing
the court thinks you might commit a crime while on bail
you have been given bail before and not stuck to the terms
Agree but half the problem is ours are pleading guilty, for some odd reason.
That has been niggling me as well Eddy. Something odd is going on.
What are they doing or threatening these people with to get them to do that ?.
Even the Labour councillor who openly said they should ‘have their throats cut’ did not enter a plea and so will not appear in court until Sep 6th.
If taunting the police got someone 16 months, my expectation of his jail sentence is now absolute minimum 2 years. This is going to be the acid test of how extreme our ‘two tier’ system really is.
Also I see the BBC now have some ‘in depth/ article on the far-right up on the front page. I can’t bring myself to even read it this early in the morning as it I know what I will find. The truth of the matter is that who is now classed as far-right has changed. Just attending a protest against mass immigration qualifies you for that now. I bet that isn’t in their article.
‘Councillor charged with encouraging violent disorder’
“It is alleged that using a microphone you addressed a crowd at an anti-fascist protest and, talking about others you described as ‘disgusting Nazi fascists’, you said ‘we need to cut their throats and get rid of them’.
“The Crown says that those words were capable of encouraging others to commit acts of serious violence, and further that you believed that your words would encourage violence against others.”
Violence ????? – he encouraged them to murder them !!!.
‘Incitement to murder is a serious offense in England and Wales that involves persuading, encouraging, or threatening someone to commit murder.’
How can it not be ‘Incitement to murder’ ?.
And don’t mention the ‘from the river to the sea’ deliberate chant in support of mass genocide against Israelis.
The throat slitter chap has mental issues , or did have them for the ten minutes of his rant and will enter a plea of temporary insanity.
The court will accept his plea and he will be required to see an NHS psychiatrist when one is next available in 2027.
His legal expenses have been paid for by donations from , amongst others, Amnesty International, Hope not Hate , George Soros and the RNLI.
I guess that the state will inform the charged that if they do not plead guilty the tariff will be increased at a trial and they will not be bailed before their appearance. Interesting to see if the ‘slit their throats’ councillor has been bailed. Plenty of other threats no doubt. The loathsome bBC were warbling on about rioters in the North East and West going to prison miles from home because of the overcrowding. Another trick no doubt learnt from the DDR. This is nationally embarrassing but it is amazing how blind the entitled arrogant become.
They are pleading guilty because if they plead not guilty they are remanded into custody with a show trial in 3 years time – they take the 24 months guilty sentence with a ‘promise ‘ of being let out in a year ….
It’s corrupt practice – but that’s ’justice ‘ for you. The lawyers get more cases – more money – the system keeps going – all happy – apart from the victim in the box …
I would like to know the % of not guilty cases … 2%?
They will be hoping for a reduction in their sentence, which I would argue they are not getting. What is the normal tariff for shouting at a police dog, or even a police man? I would wager it is not two years.
Plead guilty now or we’ll lose you into the prison system for a few years before you get a day in court.
Not one effin lawyer I’ve seen is taking a stand on this bollocks
One from the Two Ronnies
Julie Andrews is to appear nude in her next film.
It’s called Mary Popouts.
I’ll get me coat.
“Taxpayers forked out foreign aid for schemes including traditional opera in China.
UK taxpayers have bankrolled projects in countries including Mexico, Malaysia and even China – where British cash paid for an all-female traditional opera – over the last five years, shocking new research has revealed.
The Foreign Office allocates overseas aid via its Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme – but a study published by the Institute for Economic Affairs today suggested money was spent in regions which actually have a higher GDP per capita than some parts of the UK.
The report, entitled Robin Hood in Reverse, authored by IEA Research Fellow Mark Tovey, reveals the richest recipient, Ordos in China, has a GDP per capita of £27,500 – on a par with Swansea and richer than 69 other regions of the UK.
Projects include AI-driven anti-congestion measures for Kuala Lumpur, an opera in Shanghai and a rural crafts exhibition in Shenzhen.
In Mexico City, British taxpayers stumped up for a temporary cycle lane and “financial technology education”.
Thank you. You made me laugh . I had forgotten Alice but I’m thinking that she is at least as relevant to the world we live in as Orwell’s 1984.is.
The UK under Starmer is like an amalgam of 1984, Animal Farm, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, and I’m sure some other novels eg Brave New World and Clockwork Orange.
Any other thoughts about books which sum up our plight anyone ?
Collectively they could be termed The Starmergeddon Collection.
Thanks, I am more and more minded that we are living in Wonderland…have a look at some quotes and you may believe it too….even before breakfast
Remand for rioters, without question:
““No, no!” said the Queen. “Sentence first—verdict afterwards.”
Election time:
“In that direction,” the Cat said, waving its right paw round, “lives a Hatter: and in that direction,” waving the other paw, “lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they’re both mad.”
Thinking of voting ?
It was all very well to say “Drink me,” but the wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry. “No, I’ll look first,” she said, “and see whether it’s marked ‘poison’ or not.”
Brilliant quotes, so relevant to the UK today. You know your Alice well. Nothing about toolmakers I suppose?
Ahh, that must be from lesser known, “Alice in the Berghof”.
Chapter 1 Alice and the flaming wheelie bin
Chapter 2 Alice in Holloway
etc etc
I thought we were living in Monty Pythonland .
Sopes. And friend.
In the small print of a Notice in the paper yesterday.
Remember Stanley Gibbons, the old stamp collecting company?
They went insolvent last year.
The ex employees due pensions from them are told in the said Notice that their pensions will be covered by the Pension Protection Fund.
From first hand experience I know that this will mean a basic pension of 90% of what they were previously due , and that this will rise with inflation but only up to a maximum of 2.5% per annum. Think about that in relation to the inflation level of the last 3 years.
The point is of course that all those ‘underpaid’ people in the public sector have no such worries. Not only are their pensions 100% guaranteed but are fully protected by inflation no matter how high. No prizes for working out the taxpayer foots the bill, including those in the Stanley Gibbons pension scheme.
One of the great injustices which never make it to the BBC news. It’s not going to change under TTK.
Sluff I could not agree more. I cannot ever recall seeing a bBC article explaining the difference between defined contribution and final salary scheme, and then the difference between a private final salary scheme and an unfunded state salaried scheme. The omission is probably on the basis that bBC employees are beneficiaries of a scheme which the private sector can but dream. The bBC should declare their conflict of interest.
I would urge readers of this web site to read up on the UK’s apartheid (two tier) pension system and then start discussing with their MP. This government, like the bBC, will find that it is a matter on which they are significantly conflicted.
I said several years ago that we were heading in the direction of the society in Demolition Man.
Riots show how the UK’s far right has changed (Daniel De Simone, BBC Investigations correspondent – with what our nationalised broadcaster likes to call an InDepth [one word?] piece this morning.)
This is the sort of thing we’re more accustomed to seeing published in the broadsheets of a Sunday wherewe term it a think piece.
Think piece: a piece of writing meant to be thought-provoking and speculative that consists chiefly of background material and personal opinion and analysis (Thank you Merrium-Webster)
Or an Op Ed: a written prose piece that expresses the opinion of an author or entity with no affiliation with the publication’s editorial board. The term is short for “opposite the editorial page”, referring to the practice of newspapers placing op-eds on the opposite side of their editorial page.
Just the sort of a territory where a supposedly politically neutral outfit ought to fear to tread. Far safer simply reporting (and checking) the facts, eh?
Riots show how the UK’s far right has changed – I suppose our Daniel has a point. Why, it seems only yesterday the threat to the UK from the far right looked very different: Rishi Sunak under pressure to deselect Liz Truss for her ‘far-right’ platform appearance (Independent, May 2024)
So we’ve gone from the dread bogeyman of a poundshop Maggie Thatcher absolutely trashing the economy by suggesting we cut 2p off income tax representing our legendary ‘far right’ – fast foward a few months and our Blairite marxist adminstration dropping the Tory branding and at last becoming official – and now it’s a few northern skinheads draped in football flags (and their old mums) out on the street throwing flaming wheelie bins at the cops.
Just in case you were wondering about our Daniel De Simone’s journalistic credentials – here’s our Dan in fine fettle with his variations on a theme: Daniel De Simone is an investigations correspondent for BBC News… His shortlisted pieces are:
*BBC names new suspect in UK’s most notorious racist murder
*The new evidence in the UK’s most notorious racist murder
*How I found the new suspect 30 years on
*Stephen Lawrence suspect said he had killed before in second attack
The Orwell Prizes ‘What I have most wanted to do… is to make political writing into an art’ – all very laudable I’m sure but once again I say the BBC platform wouldn’t be the best place to lodge your political writing. Try the Guardian if you’re that way inclined
As for the George Orwell thing: “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” and the whole Woodward and Bernstein act telling truth to power… this Stephen Lawrence guff is hardly the stuff of smuggled through customs under-the-table revolutionary samizdat reporting – in fact it’s precisely what our government and policing authorities want to here. Lawrence’s old mum has been sitting in the House of Lords since 2013 for goodness sake.
There’s an American conservative meme which is often deployed to describe a biased tactic of the prevailing left-leaning pro-Democratic media.
Republicans Pounce
Wiki explains: …journalists downplay controversies and potentially negative stories about Democrats, liberals, and progressives by emphasizing the Republican or conservative response, rather than the negative aspects of the stories themselves… The phrase “Republicans pounce” (sometimes “conservatives pounce”)
After Harvard University president Claudine Gay resigned in the wake of plagiarism allegations, the Associated Press’ headline called plagiarism a “new conservative weapon against colleges”. Conservatives criticized the AP’s coverage as a case of media bias. Washington Examiner editor Quin Hillyer called the AP’s story a “perfect example” of the “Republicans pounce” phenomenon
And so it is this side of the pond with our BBC’s Daniel De Simone: The murders in Southport of Elsie Dot Stancombe, Alice da Silva Aguiar and Bebe King were seized upon by extremists, who exploited the tragedy to promote their own hatreds and agendas.
Oh dear. What a (Orwell) prize example of the pounce meme. And does this tactic do the profession of journalism a favour?
Republicans Pounce on the Liberal Media… The most recent Gallup poll about trust in the mainstream media, released in July, found confidence in newspapers and television news at all-time lows. “Just 16% of U.S. adults now say they have ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in newspapers and 11% in television news,” Gallup reported. “Both readings are down five percentage points since last year.” Writing in New York magazine, David Freedlander attempted to explain “why Republicans stopped talking to the press.” He heard from GOP strategists who told him, “I just don’t even see what the point is anymore. . . . We know reporters always disagreed with the Republican Party, but it used to be you thought you could get a fair shake. Now every reporter, and every outlet, is just chasing resistance rage-clicks.” (Christine Rosen, Commentary Magazine opining in an honestly titled Op-Ed piece)
Our Dan puts me mind of piano virtuoso and politician Paderewski
Not because he hits all the right notes: Online lies and misinformation inflamed the situation… some far-right figures…mainly target Muslims. – but sometimes those right notes are in the wrong order – as Eric Morecambe once told André Previn (there’s one for the teenagers)
But more since our Dan’s boilerplate, Starmer (2TK) approved official speak simply begs for the sort of mocking mimicry deployed by comic actor Windsor Davies, in character as Battery Sergeant Major Shut Up, in response to ‘La Di Da’ Gunner Graham’s (aka Paderewski) excuses intoned in ‘Hu-niveristy Hed-ucated’ accents.
Somewhere between 90 and 100 people have been murdered in the UK by islamic terrorists.
Our Dan frets over the one muslim death (by heart attack) vaguely related to the far right: Darren Osborne, who killed Makram Ali during the 2017 Finsbury Park van attack… The incident was formally declared a terrorist attack by the judge, Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb – the conventions of rhetoric would call that the appeal to authority fallacy – the use of an expert’s opinion to back up an argument. Instead of justifying one’s claim, a person cites an authority figure supposedly qualified to make reliable claims about the topic at hand.
Prosecutors and police can formally link violent disorder to terrorism – if you say so, Dan.
Since there’s a complete absence of the main issue in play in our Dan’s op-ed – mass immigration… let’s see how Labour plans to house all the ‘huddled masses yearning to breathe free’
Reeves plans above inflation rise in social rents to boost housebuilding… Promise of CPI plus 1%… for the next decade… Guaranteeing higher rents will delight housing associations but could worsen the cost of living for millions of tenants and land the government with a much higher benefits bill (FT)
I suppose – in a way – the use of ‘hard ‘ ‘extreme ‘ ‘far’ right is just a smokescreen to deflect dissenters from the main ‘far left malady ‘ …
Distortion of the truth – token acknowledgment of a ‘tragedy ‘ – such as Southport . The journo doesn’t really care about dead girls – they are mean to his ambition . Same with lawyers – judges – plod – politicians – self interest is king – screw the truth …
So we end up with cheesed off punters at the mercy of a truly hostile ‘justice ‘ system ….
If there were to be more disorder and the TTK model army went into action arresting even more – what would happen ? Free up more convicts – lower the standards of crime ? Let Muslim terrorists back into the ‘care ‘of their community …?
I’m sure the Muslims in the home office are working on this …
AsISeeIt, you are made of sterner stuff than me. I could only make the first few lines of Daniel de Simone’s demonstration of entitlement and arrogance.
Couple who joined Hartlepool riot after bingo session jailed for violent disorder
Steven Mailen and Ryan Sheers ended up ‘at the very forefront of the mob’ on July 31
Albert Tait
8 August 2024 • 9:56pm
Three men guilty of raping girls in Plymouth
Nearly missed this one as it is so far down the UK news page. No doubt it will be gone altogether shortly.
How on Earth can the BBC justify giving this story such low billing ?. Organised rape by groups of men against multiple women is a hundred times more serious than one man raping a woman in private. This is not a warped individual, it’s a whole society thinking it’s OK to do it.
Here they are:

The brevity of this article considering it’s magnitude is absolutely shameful even for hypocrites like the BBC who run misandrist articles on a regular basis. It demonstrates the most extreme of double standards.
It demonstrates just how brazen the BBC are in applying their bias and agenda now. They know nobody can touch them as they are well protected by OFCOM and TTK.
It makes me laugh when the Left call on GB News to be banned for things which really aren’t that important but breached one of the OFCOM rules which do nothing to prevent REAL bias like the BBC has. Despite being the only one with a mandate to be impartial.
Surely by reporting this at all the BBC is breaching one of its ‘own rules . ? We are being enriched by diversity . These men are of rich mixed heritage and their presence in the UK should be celebrated .
We should sympathise with their difficulty of adapting to British customs such as not raping children . It’s an easy mistake to make ..
So why send them to prison ? They will be occupying valuable space set aside for prisoners sent down for speaking their beliefs on social media – a horrible crime which we should all condemn ……
Real big trouble coming ( I should state that this is a prediction and not a threat by me to challenge the TTK State , its’ institutions or personal ( ok 77 brigade )) .
But I guess I’ll be moved the ‘protective custody ‘( internment ) list …
It doesn’t appear the court case was quite as urgent a priority as some more recent ones that the BBC have featured on a daily basis.
But then again, non Christian non whiteys who rape young girls has never been much of a priority for the state apparatus.
Want a laugh?
We’re looking for brilliant Senior Journalists at @BBCNewsnight – for anyone currently at the BBC and interested in applying, please do get in touch for more information about the roles
@ Doublethinker:
H G Wells, “The Sleeper Awakes”
The Sleeper Awakes is an 1899 dystopian science fiction novel by English writer H. G. Wells, about a man who sleeps for 203 years, waking up in a completely transformed late 21st to early 22nd century London in which he has become the richest man in the world. The main character awakes to see his dreams realised, and the future revealed to him in all its horrors and malformities.
Graham, an Englishman living in London in 1897, takes drugs which cause insomnia and falls into a coma. He wakes up in 2100. He later learns that he has inherited huge wealth and that his money has been put into a trust. Over the years, the trustees, the “White Council”, have used his wealth to establish a vast political and economic world order.
When Graham wakes, he is disoriented. The people around him had not expected him to wake up, and are alarmed. Word spreads that the “Sleeper” has awakened. A mob gathers around the building and demands to see the fabled Sleeper. The people around Graham will not answer his questions. They place Graham under house arrest. Graham learns that he is the legal owner and master of most of the world.
Rebels led by Ostrog help Graham to escape. They say that the people need Graham’s leadership to rise against the White Council. Unconvinced, but unwilling to remain a prisoner, Graham goes with them. Graham arrives at a massive hall where the workers have gathered to prepare for the revolution. They march against the White Council but are soon attacked by the state police. In the confusion, Graham is separated from the revolutionaries. He meets an old man who tells him the story of the Sleeper – the White Council invested his wealth to buy the industries and political entities of half the world, establishing a plutocracy and sweeping away parliament and the monarchy. The Sleeper is just a figurehead. The old man thinks that the Sleeper is a made-up figure used to brainwash the population.
Graham meets Ostrog, who says that the rebels have won and that the people are demanding that the Sleeper should rule. Ostrog retains power while Graham becomes his puppet ruler. Graham gets interested in aeroplanes and learns how to fly. He sees from the air that no-one lives in the country or small towns any more, all agriculture being run like industry; and that there are now only four huge cities in Britain, all powered by huge wind-mills. His carefree life ends when Helen Wotton tells him that, for the lower class, the revolution has changed nothing. Graham questions Ostrog who admits that the lower classes are still dominated and exploited, but he defends the system. It emerges that Ostrog only wanted to take power for himself and has used the revolution and Graham to do so.
Ostrog admits that in other cities the workers have continued to rebel even after the fall of the White Council. Ostrog has used a black African police force to get the workers back in line. Graham is furious and demands that Ostrog keep his police out of London. Ostrog agrees. Graham decides to examine this new society for himself.
Graham visits London in disguise to see how the workers live. Their lives are ghastly. Unskilled workers toil in factories, paid in food for each day’s work, with no job security. They speak a dialect so strong that Graham cannot understand them. Industrial diseases are rife. Workers wear uniforms of different colour according to their trade. The family unit no longer exists and children are cared for in huge institutions. Lives are dominated by “babble machines” which spread news and “pleasure cities” where unspecified joys are available. “Euthanasy” is considered normal.
Graham learns that Ostrog has ordered his troops to London. Graham confronts Ostrog, who tries to arrest Graham. The workers rise up again and help Graham to escape. He meets Helen and learns that it was she who told the public about Ostrog’s treachery. Graham leads the liberation of London.
Ostrog escapes and joins his troops who are flying to London. His men still hold a few airports. The workers find anti-aircraft guns, but they need time to set them up. The revolutionaries have only one aircraft; Graham gives away all of his wealth to the rebels and proceeds to fly the one aircraft against the invaders, bringing some of them down. The revolutionaries get the anti-aircraft guns working and start to shoot down the invaders. Graham finally attacks Ostrog’s aeroplane but fails, and his aeroplane crashes into the ground.
“The family unit no longer exists and children are cared for in huge institutions. Lives are dominated by “babble machines” which spread news and “pleasure cities” where unspecified joys are available. “Euthanasy” is considered normal.”
bbc babble machine, plus Love Island, Strictly Come Dancing…assisted dying, pro abortion, etc etc
That one certainly qualifies for inclusion in The Starmergeddon Collection. A chilling look at where we are in 2024 yet written in 1903 !
I hope that War of the Worlds isn’t as good a prediction!
The puppet masters show their faces….
Barack and Michelle Obama electrify Democrats but warn of tight race
“EXCLUSIVE: Trouble in paradise? Scowling Barack Obama inspects the construction of his new multimillion-dollar Hawaii mansion and controversial sea wall which his neighbors fear will erode the beachline
Construction appears to be well underway on Barack Obama’s Hawaii beachfront compound”
Reform or civil war:
“Referred to by one writer as ‘crime and no punishment’, reference was made at that time by the Justice Secretary with the quintessentially English name of Shaban Mahmood to the ‘inevitable’ overcrowding by September. Conspiracy theories ought to be avoided, but I cannot be alone in thinking that the Government was preparing for August 3rd.”
“The fact that prisons are being cleared and that fewer potential criminals are being sent there on remand means that legal eagle Sir Kier Starmer and his associates have already adjudged that those arrested in the wake of August 3rd are guilty. Our Government has become judge, jury and executioner of anyone who has the audacity to express their opposition to the main plank of their policy to bring the U.K. to its financial, social and cultural knees – that of unrestricted immigration.
Predictions are dangerous, but this present situation in which we find ourselves cannot continue. Elon Musk’s claims of civil war may be exaggerated; it is to be hoped that they are, and that he is doing nothing to encourage that. But Starmer, for whom very few voted in the first place, has alienated most voters now. We may not be lucky enough to see an early General Election. Labour will not make the same mistake as Theresa May and put their lack of popularity to the test. The Conservatives (remember them?) seem to have left the building.
Our only hope is Reform, who must do what they can to coalesce the other minority parties with similar views – principally on immigration – around them and sweep the board at the next opportunity. To do otherwise will be a dereliction of duty.”
I’m just stopping by before I head off to the lovely cloistered gardens at Westminster Abbey and the delightful brass band. I’m not sure who’s playing…and in all honesty I don’t much mind, it’s the occasion that I so enjoy…
I always feel as though I’ve hopped aboard a time machine and visited a beautiful country that I once use to know and love; England.
Everybody will be polite and civil. There will be orderly queues for coffee and cake and ripples of applause after every number and at the finale we will all stand for the national anthem. It is all just so nice.
I always sit in the dappled shade of a magnificent old plane tree, take lots of photos and try to capture this very fleeting scene. It’s just an ephemeral glimpse of a once beautiful, free and harmonious country that seems to be disappearing before our very eyes, like some hideous cultural conjuring trick.
Oh…and for all fellow “music lovers”… don’t forget this weekend it’s the Notting Hill Carnival. Much loved by the BBC, our politicians and our friendly, completely impartial, dancing policemen and women.
I’ve got a feeling that lot won’t be standing for the national anthem…
Look what you are missing …
Have fun.
Very similar to the feeling my wife and I get when we visit private gardens open to the public under the National Garden Scheme all the proceeds going to charities chosen by the garden’s owner, almost always worthy local ones, never the RNLI and the like.
Each year we visit half a dozen or more gardens and there are a few hundred folks at each , the gardens are usually several acres or several smaller adjacent gardens open together.Tea and home made cakes always supplied .
We have been doing this for years and hardly ever seen any ‘New Britons’ at the gardens. For a couple of hours you can forget reality and imagine the last thirty years haven’t happened.
Over 550 volunteers support the opening of National Garden Scheme gardens each year. From serving teas to promoting the gardens and manning the gate, there are lots of ways to get involved. And, as Naman Chaudhary explains, it couldn’t be more fun.
The web site , my first ever visit to it, shows the obligatory number of ethnics, but they never visit the gardens that I go to.
@ Doublethinker
“Very similar to the feeling my wife and I get when we visit private gardens open to the public under the National Garden Scheme”
Sorry, at first I thought you were referring to the picture above.
I was wondering what goes on at these garden shows…..are we all missing something ? are police helmets required or can we arrive in mufti ?
“Some qualified good news for residents of London’s W10 and 11 returning to their homes after this year’s Notting Hill Carnival. Westminster council have generously offered to clear their gardens of festival clutter for free! Unfortunately, those returning to an outdoor latrine where their garden flat was are excluded. If that’s your lot, get on the Marigolds. Shit happens.
That sentiment, expressed in various degrees of sophistry, seems to be the default response to anyone who questions the sacred right of the Carnival to take place, whatever the toll in human waste, garbage, incivility or violence. On social media, the reactions to 275 arrests and 75 assaults on police over West London’s three days of bacchanalian excess divide along familiar lines. Supporters of the event point out that this is one of Europe’s largest street festivals with an estimated 2m people attending. Armchair statisticians speak of an acceptable level of risk when compared with other events like Leeds or Reading festivals with higher violence rates per capita. Why, they wonder, is this Afro-Caribbean focused community street party, born out of solidarity against racism in the 60s, singled out for special attention?
Claims of racist motivation are stoutly rejected by most detractors from this point of view. Carnival is unique in that it takes place on city streets, not through controlled perimeters. This means that imported trouble is almost inevitable, and we’ve all been shocked by the video imagery of a man rampaging through the streets armed with a zombie knife. There are other disquieting videos circulating that appear to show the meek, almost complicit, behaviour of Met police officers being squirted with unknown liquid, urinated on and, in one example, what looks like a sexual assault being committed against a male officer by a twerking reveller. ”
Zephir – it’s an opportunity for the TTK new model army to try its ‘ tactics on thr coloured folk … although some how I suspect there will be more running away and simulated sex than plod taking on the raw aggression of … them …
Diversity is our strength.
I have been offline for a few days.
Has Comical Lammy stopped any wars?
Has Robin Reeves reduced any taxes?
Has Starmer Stop-The-Boats stopped any?
Has Pixie nationalised any more kids from the Romanian Caravan Club?
England is in good hands – the grown ups are in charge and the bBC execs are all in Tuscany.
Wot no photo and address?
Wearing a balaclava because he is an introvert!
For some reason this ‘lovely lad’ just does not seem to be on the same conveyor belt as the ‘others’. Is that because it is 2TK justice?
bBC to verify.
“When 27-year-old design student Tom Benjamin Sedbury was caught with five knives at a counter-protest in Walthamstow last Wednesday (August 7) he told officers he was on his way to swap them for a bike. “
The slavering and fawning of the BBC over the Democratic Convention (which is in a foreign country by the way, not the auk) is so vomit-inducing it is bordering on the fetishistic.
BBC 100 days plus 100+ days monitoring Trump.
BBC 0 days monitoring Biden.
** conditions apply. Only power that is not wanted held to account.
Beyond farce. Sopes and Goodall especially cringe. Of course the rehabilitated Mad Al is back in the frame. Even Brillo has allowed his TDS to prevail.
Anyone replying on UK msm would have no idea.
The US is going get in a ton of Hope! and no future like the UK got a ton of Change! and zero mandate idiocy.
Have you heard about the absolutely laughable, pathetic, new ‘initiatives’ by Yvette Cooper to cope with and deport illegal asylum seekers who have had their cases rejected?
Even the BBC seemed incredulous on Toady this morning.
100 new ‘intelligence’ officers. Wow!
290 new beds in detention centres. Wow!
650,000 nett immigration. That’s what I call wow!!!
Sluff – the border force must be searching the ‘files ‘ looking for willing volunteers to be ‘deported’. There must be plenty fed up with Blighty and willing to take a bunge to get deported ….
It’s probably a win for pixie as the blue lot probably did no deports last year or any other ….
Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.14 Dec 2017
15 December 2017
The government’s 300,000-home-a-year national housebuilding target for England is based on a 2016 analysis that assumed net migration would run at about 170,500 per year, with around 72,250 new migrant households formed every year.
28 Nov 2023
original https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/2048/cpsprodpb/848f/live/3609dfe0-18ec-11ef-baa7-25d483663b8e.png
King Charles visited Southport yesterday to pay respects to the victims of the recent attack there. There is a photo of the visit in the Telegraph today and an article about the visit. He sympathised with the affected families and also spoke with the Imam of the local mosque and said how terrible it must have been to have his Mosque with the protesters outside.
I think that this tells us a lot about the gulf between the UK establishment and the public. Has he ever been to Batley, or Rotherham or Telford etc etc etc etc?
Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
By Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail
Published: 23:28, 23 February 2018 | Updated: 10:04, 24 February 2018
The ‘no comments allowed ‘ feature on a story suggests the editors know that there are things people want to say – but cannot be allowed to … which in the end leads to the Elon Musk prediction of the future of britainistan …
You can place bets about those stories for which comments are banned …
Has Steve Laws applied to be the new Border Control Czar?
… would make a great reality comedy show. I would give my eye teeth to see the faces of the interview panel.
I don’t think many boats would even dream of trying to cross if he had that job.
Without being too graphic, my wild imagination is conjuring up images of machine gun turrets and new 24/7 operational runways being built for his new airline, ‘Air Remigration’.
Just awful of course. Terrible. Diversity is our strength.
By coincidence, the latest Quora (Quran Spellcheck initially) on my feed.
Different circumstances clearly.
That’d be almost up there with Howard Marks applying to be Drug Czar
– if you’re not familiar with Mr Nice’s application letters to The Home Office – you’re missing out. Oxford edcated – fit right in with the top civil servants – he would’ve….
Yes, I read the book, interesting to say the least…
Me too, also did “An Evening with Mr Nice”
Crikey the BBC aren’t even pretending not to be biased.
The two main headlines today are:
1. Barack and Michelle Obama electrify crowds but warn of tight race .
2. Obamas mock Trump over ‘black jobs’ and crowd sizes.
I’m not sure electrocuting the audience is legal either. Shouldn’t they BBC be put in the gulag with the far right bin pushing grannies for ‘disinformation’?
I’m still shocked that nobody in the legal profession is taking on the kangaroo court nonsense. Or even opposition parties (the useless Tories have missed an open goal again by agreeing with absolutely everything TTK says and does)
It is clear that everyone (more or less) being put on remand with no bail must have come from someone. I wonder who? I wonder who is putting that pressure on the new 24/7 political courts (with no jury and bail, and with excessive sentencing?)
It’s almost as if it’s …. political or something?
It was a judge who said this. Even for just being a bystander.
If it was just the one judge being so draconian and heavy handed, I could get it. But all of them?
You’d have to be as thick as fuck not to see that they’re being told to do this.
If Amnesty were worth anything, they’d be on the government’s arse over it. So would the ECHR, UN or whatever.
But they’re all woke arseholes so they’re knackered.
By the way. Spreading ‘false information ‘ is not a criminal offense. If so, Starmer promising winter fuel payments before the election or saying how much he values freedom of speech should get him banged up too, shouldn’t it?
If you knowingly spread harmful information that is different. For example, if Mr Turd, whose wife left him for Mr Bloggs, knowingly posted false information on social media, that Mr Bloggs who lives at number 27 Twatville Road, is a massive nonce, so let’s go get him everyone…that would (rightfully) get you a prison sentence. Regardless if a mob turned up at the house or not.
It is not…reading a few rumours which you, as an honest mistake, took as the truth, and then posted online.
Half of those jailed should’ve challenged the verdicts. A jury would acquit a few if it went to crown court (isn’t this what happens if they plead not guilty – can somebody enlighten me on this?)
Across all topics, what the MSM serves up is seldom what one can glean by looking beyond.
Hence, though I do glance at Hamas News via JezBo, Crawford, etc… one also comes across..
Maybe this is why civilians (and hostages) sadly are in range of pinpoint attacks of firing points?
Maybe that is why Newsnight might replace that ex military chap with Springster’s cousin who was once in the CCF at Uni?
Did they dump mark urban – one of the old school communicators at the BBC -ex RTR so new a bit about the military – to be replaced by some dizzy swiftey aged 22…?
They all got called into number 10 by comrade gray and had their fortunes read – she probably got their security file out if needed – so they’ve conspired to victims dissenters using the Chinese / Hong Kong method …. With TTK saying you’ve got me for 5 years so you’d better kow tow …
> A jury would acquit a few if it went to crown court (isn’t this what happens if they plead not guilty – can somebody enlighten me on this?)
Unless the case is of special interest to the scum lawyer brigade e.g. Tony B. Liar in which case it is:
Show Trial Time!
Take the case of Norfolk farmer Tony Martin the victim of hundreds of robberies and who defended his own home from thieves inside his home at night. So what is the procedure to take-down years of common case-law that allow self-defence:
1) Select a town full of liberal bed-wetters such as Norwich
2) A jury can easily be screened to ensure they have the correct thinking.
3) Make the court seating only available to approved types with a ticket only application issued by a londonistan home office address.
4) Only issue tickets to approved media such as the BBC and to members of the Caravan Club
5) Provide clear steerage to the judge and defence and opposition barristers (if you know what is good for your career …).
6) Allow the Caravan Club to switch on oscar deserving performances with wailing and gnashing of teeth as soon as they enter court.
7) Make maximum use of props for serial thieves – such as walking sticks to elicit sympathy from the jury.
8) Station special officers at the court door to screen out interested observers who may tell the truth – such as me.
“Most residents now home after WW2 Ards bomb explosion”
DT reports the Thai ? PM ? Giving a reporter a slap for a bad question . Perhaps he will start a fashion amongst the msm baiting Reform politicians ….
” Giving a reporter a slap for a bad question” = misandry
“Care Forum Wales (CFW) is concerned about a tightening of immigration rules in March that make it more difficult for people who move to the UK to work in the care sector to bring their families with them.”
to bring their families with them.
to bring their families with them.
to bring their families with them.
to bring their families with them.
One care home said a lack of local interest in care sector jobs meant it had to rely on foreign workers.
lack of local interest
lack of local interest
lack of local interest
Harming the public – one Ofcnut rulling at a time:
Norman Fenton takes apart the deranged ruling by Judge Judith Farbey formally of Doughty Chambers (the same one 2TK was at – cough cough).
This was about the Judicial Review by Mark Steyn of the OfCnut ruling against him.
The punishment is the delay.
Loss of job.
“While there is again some age confounding in what Mark said about the case rates, there is no dispute that the UKHSA data shows that covid case rates are much higher (generally at least 3 times higher) in all age categories (except the under 18s) in the boosted (3 doses) compared to the unvaccinated. This is shown in Figure 2.”
” Young girl stabbed in Dorset
Two arrested after girl, reported to be eight, taken to hospital with injuries not believed to be life-threatening ”
“Baptist church leader, 64, fighting for his life after stabbing rampage which left his wife dead”
Why not 10 years minimum for possession of knife in public ?
Now, here’s an interesting event in the annals of British “justice”…
Two young “lads” who stole a £25,000 Rolex watch have been allowed to walk free. Hang on, it gets worse.
These two charmers, one’s called Yousef Garef and the other is Amin Abdelkadar…so not natives, are asylum seekers…and guess what..not only are they free men, they’re also staying in Blighty. Well, of course they are.
I mean, we wouldn’t want to send these blokes back to the shit-holes they came from, would we?
Meanwhile, Two Tier Keir is emptying prisons of rapists and axe attackers to lock up pensioners for posting unpleasant Facebook messages.
Soviet Starmer’s Britain…
10 years minimum for possession of grey tracksuit bottoms in public may also have a similar deterrent effect I think.
‘Treated like an animal’ – officers say Met racism getting worse
My God ! – just look at how extreme the racism is in the Met. This is what Met BAME consider being treated like an animal:
‘“You make fun of a black person’s hair and you’re sent on what they call ‘learning through reflection”
Here’s the compaint from the PC involved:
“It’s not exactly a harsh penalty for racist comments and doesn’t send a ‘no tolerance’ message.”
And if you think that is outrageous racism, look at this complaint:
“I was asked if I had onions for dinner last night,” one South Asian officer said. “They were laughing, implying I smell of curry. They just make it so hard for us.”
Racist racist racist. It could drive a man to suicide. And if those two extreme examples are not enough, how about this:
‘Another officer said they got “funny looks because of my appearance”.’
What’s clear to me about this article is that the BBC have interviewed and pushed these people to say anything they can which could be construed as racist with the sole intent of writing this article.
And those pathetic points are the best they got. It’s an absolute disgrace.
And here is the pathetic creature which wrote it:

No prizes for guessing how this obviously anti-white racist BBC employee got her job.
Well, without revealing the ethnicity of folk, I can honestly say I have worked with a few people in the past who did smell of a cross between onions that have gone bad, BO and shite. Male and female. In fact, the females could actually be worse.
To the point you’d hold your breath walking near them. I’d avoid them (not because I’m a far right thug) but because of the smell.
And I haven’t said the ethnicity or nationality so ner ner ner ner ner, bigots.
I lived in a condo with an Indian couple living in the opposite room once.
And the whole corridor often stank of curry. It’s a fact. Why is it racist to say it ?.
Once upon a time I would have tended toward defending plod . Not no more after they signed up so enthusiastically to two tier policing ….
Can I opt out of funding them and hire private plod instead …
Same here.
I had great sympathy with those police officers brutally attacked at Manchester Airport.
Well I’m not laughing about it or anything like that, but yeah. Sorry.
Couldn’t give a toss.
‘Just following orders’ or ‘protecting my pension’ is no excuse anymore either.
If they were told to eat live babies would they do they too?
The line has to be drawn somewhere.
Personally, if I were a copper, my conscience would’ve made me quit after recent events vs BLM etc.
“Met Office storm advice warns households to “securely fasten doors and windows” as high winds with gusts of up to 70mph look set to lash the nation later this week. It advises in high winds to “stay indoors as much as possible” and if going out to “try not to walk or shelter close to buildings and trees.”
Well, thank goodness for the Met Office and their invaluable advice I say.
So lucky I read that in time.
There was me planning some second storey window cleaning while checking the roof tiles and fitting a new TV aerial without a harness……and sorting out that tree that needs the top branches pruning back.
Looks like a jigsaw puzzle for me now.
I may phone them and ask their advice on potential hang gliding and abseiling risks, as it’s something I was considering this Friday night if there’s nothing much on the telly.
Must be climate change.
If you stop eating beef and get a smart meter, pay double for your electricity and gas, spend 40k on a leccy car that has no sell on value, then the wind won’t be as strong.
True story.
It’s no to an electric car after watching what happens to the cars in Scalectrics.
Every time there’s a bloody corner, they’re death traps.
And they give the cat a nervous breakdown.
Zephir, strange that there are no 30mph winds on the BBC Weather on the web-site provided by Meteo. Those who sail dinghys know that 30mph winds (30 knot winds) certainly do exist.
Yes, Meghan must be thanking her lucky stars she changed career just in time…
most likely would have been in one of the cabins
If I had the sort of money that would allow me access to yacht girls, she wouldn’t have got a glance from me.
YouTube now suggests I watch congressional hearings into the appointment of Biden nominated federal judges …. It’s appalling – Kennedy and Cruz rip apart thick wouid be democrat judges who evade giving answers .
We worry about the UK . But what is happening there is just as bad … soros financed to undermine the U.S. ..
Worth a look:
Watching this stuff it’s like ‘institutional ignorance ‘- with tick box appointees on high wages having no knowledge of their job … quite something …
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC going so ‘big’ on the Democratic Convention in the USA
New name on me, Emma Vardy, has flown across the Atlantic – never mind the CO2 emissions – to report on the Democratic Convention. Never mind the fact that JustRemainIn Webb has joined BBC North America Editor, Sarah Smith, to do the same job. The thought occurs, is Emma Vardy Sarah’s assistant? Perhaps she was in the US already? Update: Emma Vardy (Mrs Adams, she has a husband) is the Los Angeles correspondent for the BBC. Never mind the fact that the BBC have a LA correspondent AND a ‘Silicon Valley’ correspondent already, that is nothing to the BBC who are happy to waste Licence Fee monies.
Anyway, there was lots of woopin’ and hollerin’ as Barak Obama spoke and the BBC were keen to point out that he dismissed former President Trump as ‘weird’ or something like that. The BBC were, basically, cheerleading for Kamala Harris. Nauseating!
I’ll have to ask again, what has bloody Obama got to do with anything nowadays ? (officially, of course)
Who gives a flying F what he thinks about anything ? or his wife.
“Who gives a flying F what he thinks about anything ? or his wife.”
The BBC does?
Zephir, Barak Obama was the USA’s last Democratic President who was any good.
And despite all the “Trump is a racist” London protests:
“Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President”
I hope Trump makes a joke like, “Well, might be weird, but at least i haven’t got dead bodies washing up outside my house.”
Not the BBC
Reform’s Lee Anderson has tweeted a copy of his letter to Yvette Cooper, wondering if the Home Office haven’t actually commited contempt of court.
The media seem to be ignoring this. Obviously.
I have no idea how genuine all this is, so treat this information as speculative (not illegal btw).
But he might have a good case if you read it.
Although clicking the link might get you 20 years for being critical of Cooper, which is probably terrorism now.
Thank you for the report – it’s one of the many reasons I’m bbc free now …
I mentioned earlier how the democrat / soros nominated federal judges dodge scrutiny by sharp republicans .
One was asked how he had prepared – he admitted having been prepared by White House ( Obama Biden ) counsel using questions the White House thought Kennedy or Cruz wouid use .
The questions are set to a strict time . The judicial candidates say ‘ thank you very much for the question senator Kennedy – for every question – using up maybe 5 seconds each time . I think the session is 5 minutes each committee member – so you could burn a minute just on that …
The schooling these soros candidates receiving not answering must be pretty deep – and very corrupt … not a good look for a judge …
I …. wonder if the Harris postal votes have been counted yet ..?
The anti-livestock loonies seem to be having a bit of an attack again across the main-stream media. (funny how this stuff hits all the news outlets at the same time!).
This is typical in the Guardian by George Monbiot….
The arguments they use are spurious to say the least…”livestock farming uses too much land which could be used for re-wilding….methane…. global warming…..etc. etc.”
I would not wish anyone to be obliged to eat meat products if they had for instance moral reasons for not doing so but at the same time this is quite simply a personal viewpoint and does not give them the right to try to dictate what everyone else is allowed to do and use unprovable statement to force the issue, even to the point of legislating meat out of the food chain which is effectively what they are attempting to do.
My wife works in a local up-market food store and over the years I have watched the launch, crash and burn of various producers of meat-free products and it seems to me that most people don’t buy them because they are generally poor substitutes for the real thing!
It feels like the meat-free brigade have realised that people just do not want to eat the unpalatable lab-grow alternatives so they are turning to legislating meat out of the way.
The same thing is being tried in the car market, fossil v electric.
In a nutshell, if you can’t persuade people to switch, just try to ban the competition so people have no choice. A dictators paradise!
The staggering hypocrisy of people like Bill Gates who got very, very, very rich helping to flood the World with electronic devices and then joins the “we must start to eat bugs etc.” brigade is astounding.
I have never seen the attraction of lettuce sausages and sirloin of celery myself, but each to their own I suppose.
Cucumber Wellington anyone ?
Went to a mate’s BBQ about 2 years ago. He’s ok but his wife is a woke hippie type. Harmless enough. I tried a burger and said “What is that?”
She started cooing about it being plant based and ‘just like the real thing’.
I’d had a few by then and I said something like, “Just like the real thing? Tastes like arse to me.”
Not my finest moment.
“Tastes like arse to me”
The correct response to that is:
There sir, you have the advantage of me”
Anyway, you should try a South African barbecue, it’s like I imagine after the comet hit the dinosaurs, carcasses everywhere, and if you ask for salad they send you over to the chicken table.
Regarding Bill Gates and his products, he should be a bloody expert on bugs.
Frank Carson, News at Ten…
If he wants people to eat bugs let him set an example. He can start with pubic lice in knob cheese, on a cracker.
Father-of-three jailed for Southport police van attack
‘Describing the 38-year-old’s attack with a lump of concrete, a judge said it was “as bad a case as I have seen so far”.’
‘Liverpool Crown Court was played police body camera footage showing Moran hitting the vehicle’s window three times with the piece of concrete.’
The concrete wasn’t sufficiently large to break the window.
That’s it. What sentence do you think for that ?. 50 hours community service ?. With 12 month suspended sentence ?.
Nope : 3 years in jail.
Just browsing I discover that some who did this:

‘Between 1am and 7am on 4 December 2023, the victim, a woman aged in her thirties attended an event with Allison at Ascot racecourse.’
‘Allison became agitated at the event and became aggressive towards the victim.’
‘On leaving the event, Allison continued his anger at the victim.’
‘They stayed in a car together for around seven hours, and during this period, Allison became violent, strangling, head-butting and punching the victim, who made multiple attempts to leave the car.’
So he held her and abused her for 7 hours until someone saw them.
That only got 2 years.
Here’s Allison:
So don’t anyone try to tell me we don’t have a racist two-tier legal system in the UK now.