Weekend 24th August 2024

Ah the Bank Holiday Weekend – the end of Summer – when foreign cultures are celebrated by the BBC with uncritical enthusiasm . The annual crime festival called ‘carnival ‘( no “the “) takes centre stage showing how enriched the robberies , rapes and stabbings make Britain. And the boats keep coming …

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271 Responses to Weekend 24th August 2024

  1. pugnazious says:

    BBC quite happy to call the Red Army Faction ‘terrorists’ this morning…surely that’s subjective and adopting someone else’s language….why not call them ‘freedom fighters’ or indeed ‘resisters’ or ‘rebels’?…or indeed maybe call terrorist attacks ‘military operations’…..

    ‘The BBC has been accused of whitewashing Hamas after describing suicide bomb attacks which killed dozens of civilians in Israel as “military operations”.

    The corporation’s Arabic channel last month reported that Mohammed Deif, the Hamas military leader, had launched a string of “military operations” against Israel which culminated on Oct 7.’


  2. pugnazious says:

    Surprising the complete lack of speculation as to the motive of the attacker on the part of the BBC and Guardian…so unlike them….for example remember the Muslim killed up North…immediately it was a racist, Far-Right attack….except of course it wasn’t…another Muslim had committed the murder….and so and so on.

    Can’t say fairer than this…but it maybe premature to claim definitively that this was an Islamist attack…BBC and Guardian are still holding out hope that it was the Far-Right…hence they emphasise the ‘diversity’ angle…maybe some little Hitler hated the gays and foreigners so much he went out to stab them…but then again, ironically, it could be an Islamist for exactly the same reasons….it is amusing to see that the Far-Right and Islamists have so much in common and yet the BBC treats them totally differently…maybe the ‘Far-Right’ Tommy Robinson should get into his tanning salon and black-up a bit….


    • Fedup2 says:

      The bbc has a desperate editorial rule about not mentioning ‘Islamic terrorism’ – in either French case today or the diverse German one last night – being described as a ‘ terror’ attack .

      It’s not – it’s ’terrorist attack’ – and more like an ‘Islamic terrorist attack ‘ – it is what it is from the get go …


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Poor old Soligen in Nord Rhine Westphalen – a dumping ground for the new arrivals.


  3. Flotsam says:

    If Jermaine Jenas had been sending and receiving Pedophile and Gay Porn messages he would have been OK to stay at the BBC.

    He’s been sacked for being a normal man.


  4. Zephir says:

    ” Notting Hill Carnival is ‘ultimate example of two-tier policing’, says ex-inspector. Retired Scotland Yard detective alleges officers are hesitant to make arrests for fear of being called racist.

    Some 7,000 Metropolitan Police officers will be on duty over the annual two-day event this weekend, as more than a million people are expected to descend on Notting Hill.

    Last year there were 275 arrests for a range of offences over the course of the carnival, with eight people stabbed and around 80 officers assaulted.

    However, Mike Neville, a retired Scotland Yard detective chief inspector, alleged that officers are hesitant to make arrests for fear of being called racist.

    The Notting Hill Carnival is a celebration of Afro-Caribbean culture that has grown since its launch in 1966 to become Europe’s biggest street party.

    Branding the carnival “the ultimate in two-tier policing”, Mr Neville said: “If the behaviour of the Notting Hill Carnival was replicated at football matches or any other event it would be banned.”

    He added: “You see people openly smoking drugs, abuse of police officers, dancing with female officers to the point of sexual assault. I challenge anybody to do the same thing on the way to a Millwall football game.”



  5. Zephir says:



  6. Zephir says:

    “The Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, would not comment on claims of two-tier policing.

    But Rick Prior, its chairman, said: “More than 100 of our Metropolitan Police colleagues were assaulted at the Notting Hill Carnival last year… physical assaults as well as being urinated on and spat on. It’s no wonder it’s not an event that many – if any – police officers look forward to working at, year in year out.”

    Susan Hall, the former Conservative London mayoral candidate, said the carnival had become too difficult to police effectively.

    She said: “We now have millions going there to a venue that in my view isn’t appropriate for that many people to attend. It costs an absolute fortune to police, local residents in general are very, very unhappy.”


  7. Lazy Cat says:

    Now we don’t the know the content of the Jenas texts (only over 40s like Jenas still use text I think).

    But what I’d like to know is this:

    Was it:

    1. Jenas being a dirty sex pest and harassing women by sending unwanted, dirty messages, abusing his position?

    2. Jenas being hit on by a lady/ladies at work and he reciprocated by sending some dirty texts? The lass got spooked as she was just leading him on for a ‘laugh’ or he just got the wrong end of the stick?

    3. Him being flirted with and sending naughty texts. Which resulted in a back and forth. In which the lady (or ladies?) seemed to be encouraging him.

    He’s a married man (tsk tsk), but if we’re sacking men for 2 or 3 then almost half of the blokes I know should’ve been sacked from almost every job they’ve ever had.

    And if it is 2 or 3, then why is it only him being fired if this is about professional misconduct? Some employers have contractual obligations about not starting sexual relationships with other employees – not sure if this is legal, but such terms do exist.

    If it’s (1) then sure, get rid of the dirty bugger.

    Although had she been 7 and not 37 or whatever, he’d probably have his fellow BBC presenters feeling sorry for him and demanding he be left alone until he got ‘better’.



    • tomo says:


      Quite possibly a deflection from Huw and the harbouring of a menagerie of pervs and deviants for decades.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Perhaps he was a ‘volume ‘ type who ‘hits on ‘ 20 hoping to get his get over one … how’s the wife and kids ?


  8. tomo says:


  9. Richard Pinder says:

    Emergency Warning To Trump Regarding Ongoing Deep State Coup: https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1823085161509970286


  10. JohnC says:

    Notting Hill Carnival is ‘ultimate example of two-tier policing’, says ex-inspector
    Retired Scotland Yard detective alleges officers are hesitant to make arrests for fear of being called racist

    Can’t seem to find this EXTREMELY relevant story on the BBC for some reason.
    Maybe it’s because they are the ones who are the first to start throwing the racist label around and don’t like people pointing it out.
    The recent ‘stop and search’ article is evidence enough.

    I wonder how many stabbings there will be this year. I have no idea. The only thing I am certain about is that if by some miracle the BBC do tell me, it will be buried deep in the middle of some article telling me how wonderful it was.


  11. tomo says:


    • G says:

      Can’t work it out yet but any accolade from a member of the Soros clan is deeply suspicious.


  12. Fedup2 says:

    If you like – you can read between the lines of the latest stabbing murders .

    For instance

    ‘Far Right ‘ doesn’t get a look in
    ‘Terror attack ‘ gets a mention
    There is no description of the ‘assailant ‘ yet alone a name
    Islamic terrorism isn’t mentioned
    Cutting throats is mentioned .
    There are no images
    there are few eye witness reports

    The above adds up to the usual censorship – state ordered – so as not to get a ‘reaction. ‘ from normal angry people ….

    It cannot be long before these attacks are not reported at all …certainly in the UK – which I reckon is now more censored and contained and controlled than anywhere else … right 77 brigade …
    Am I due a phone call invite for a ‘chat ‘ ? Or will the door just come in at 5am ….?


  13. tomo says:


    • Lazy Cat says:

      This will continue until we, as a people, grow a pair and start actually saying what the problem is, instead of dancing around it so as not to offend.

      Although we have to dance around it don’t we ,because it’s probably illegal not to.

      Let me put it this way.

      It’s not a problem honkies can ever fix.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Which country and which city did this brutal stabbing happen?


    • Jeff says:

      And they sound like such intelligent and well educated chaps…

      With Britain’s two tier policing, the poor sod who has been stabbed by this sub-human filth, will probably be arrested for a racially aggravated hate crime.

      That is if he survives…


  14. tomo says:

    The Gurdian correspondents are just a joke.

    Total la-la land.

    Not a single mention of how the power is delivered to shore



    • Zephir says:

      Worthless, lying socialist sh@t.

      What about a second vote ?


      • G says:


        All we’ve now got is a petition. If that exceeds Liebours minimal share of the election vote…………………..


  15. Zephir says:

    “ISIS claims responsibility for Germany terror attack which killed three people after knifeman ‘said ‘I’m going to stab everyone” before ‘targeting victims’ necks’ ”



    • Fedup2 says:

      They’ll be knocking down doors early in the morning of ‘far right criminals ‘ on the strength of that …. Move on … nothing to see … couldn’t happen in Britain ….


      • Zephir says:

        Another stabbigrant, ours will be soon be at what they do best in Notting Hill no doubt.

        They even use taxpayers money to ship pensioners out for the weekend rather than just ban the bloody thing.

        As a one time rock promoter, our local council cancelled a series of concerts after ONE old pensioner complained about a soundcheck whenn the stage door was accidently left open.

        Yet, thousands of police and council officer resources, multiple stabbings and assaults every bloody year, muggings, thefts, shoplifting, sexual assaults, urinating and defecating in public, and still it goes on:

        “More than 20 Kensington and Chelsea residents will be heading to the coast as part of a council scheme to provide them “respite” during the Notting Hill Carnival weekend.

        Since 2017 the local authority has partnered with the charity Age UK since 2017 to offer the break to older residents.”



  16. Zephir says:

    BBC is blasted for describing Hamas suicide bomb attacks that killed 80 civilians aged 13 to 83 as ‘military operations’



  17. Zephir says:

    “The deluded Cult of Kamala is now blindly worshipping a vacuous, policy-free and utterly inept leader. But, says MAUREEN CALLAHAN, this might just be the rocket fuel Trump sorely needed.

    As parties go, this one was glitzy, slick, star-studded and electric.

    It was also terrifying.

    By the time Kamala Harris took the stage at the DNC on Thursday evening, we had been told by the Obamas, Oprah, the Clintons, Hollywood and Harris herself that there is no one better to be the next American president, because…

    After a week of this, I still can’t tell you. After a week of the mainstream media insisting the same, I’m at a loss.

    I doubt I’m alone.

    We just witnessed not so much a convention as a coronation. This entire production, created to sell a product named Kamala, was utterly Orwellian.

    Had you awoken from a coma, or alighted from Mars, you’d have no idea that Harris, just months ago, was considered the Democratic party’s biggest liability: Unserious, unprepared, unlikable.”



  18. Zephir says:

    I thought the Starmer brown shirts had come for me a while ago with the noise in the other room.

    It was a robin, God known how it got in, the window was closed. Took half an hour to get him out, now, according to the interweb:

    Either things are going to change for the better or I’m going to snuff it very soon.

    Maybe both, considering this Godforsaken country, they are not mutually exclusive in my opinion.

    Apparently some elderly people of celtic origin will not even have pictures of birds in the house, especially robins, which must make Xmas difficult for the postman.

    He was a cute little thing though, maybe came to tell me the fat balls and seed hanging outside are running low.


  19. BRISSLES says:

    Postmen used to be called Robins. Just thought I’d throw that in, before someone else did.


    • Zephir says:

      Well I suppose I am just lucky that my postman doesn’t climb in through a window and jump around the house headbutting the closed window and perching on the bookshelf.

      And sod the dawn chorus, no postman until at least after lunch nowadays, but maybe he’s why the fatballs and seed are disappearing so fast.

      I will wait and check next week, one trace of sunflower seed on his chin and that’s it for him.


    • StewGreen says:

      2004 Channel4 made a programme about Robbing postmen
      Saying there was an epidemic of theft from workers… seemed to be black agency staff.
      However the Royal Mail rebuttal was quite strong and they got Channel4 to admit they had faked bits of the prog, and that they hadn’t happened in real life.


  20. Zephir says:

    When are they going to stop the continual lies about asylum seekers and refugees ?

    These are predators, cowardly predators who pick on the unarmed and vulnerable.

    “Germany terror attack: Police arrest second suspect after raiding refugee shelter in Solingen as ISIS claims responsibility for knifeman rampage which killed three people”



  21. StewGreen says:

    Interesting Twitter thread
    Libmob have created this idea that there is this monster called “far right”
    Trouble is this monster is a story in their heads rather than real world
    Daniel De Simone is the guy who pushes this BBC propaganda in his BBC article something like “The Changing Face of The Far Right”
    BBC put him on a podcast
    #1 the PR tweet got just 6 likes
    #2 Daniel uses the weird tautology “extremely far right”
    #3 The reply tweet calls out his hypocrisy


  22. tomo says:

    It would be interesting to see how much per capita ….


    • vlad says:

      The only hate crime was Khunt’s hateful comments against Trump and the hateful balloon mockery he allowed.


  23. tomo says:


    • StewGreen says:

      That 3 week old video from Simon Webb seems sloppy
      It’s not new news , it came up a year ago.The special rule doesn’t just apply to Starmer but rather all DPPs and some other top civil servants from that time.
      The government response seems to be that some job titles pensions had fallen out of kilter with similar top civil servants pensions
      So instead of increasing the pension a scheme was thought up where certain jobs got a tax free pension. But the system required a new act of parliament for each person it applied to.
      Starmer then said he would repeal such schemes
      But then seemed to backtrack


      • pugnazious says:

        It’s relevant as it’s now news again..and not as if Webb doesn’t know it was old news…’10 years ago’…and yes, it was specifically for Starmer…‘In his first Budget, in March 2023, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the abolition of the pensions lifetime allowance – which made the special exemption for Sir Keir obsolete.’

        Pensions Increase (Pension Scheme For Keir Starmer QC) Regulation 2013



      • tomo says:

        Ice skates in hell before that (Statutory Instrument)act gets repealed.

        Why did they feel the need to put Starmer’s name on it?


  24. Foscari says:

    ” BIG BROTHER here at the Diversity department at the BBC
    we have control over the National News contents. What should we
    lead on the 10PM news this evening ? The collateral damage
    in Germany, The Notting Hill Carnival. Or the USA space station?
    The USA space station is numero uno. Don’t make much
    of what’s happened in Germany. Maybe some of the locals
    singing Kumbaya will suffice. “


  25. StewGreen says:

    Starmer’s narrative that social media posts are dangerous cos people take everything literally and seriously is way out of the real world
    ..There are millions of OUTRAGE videos where the cameraman just films and doesn’t intervene
    Why’s that ?
    ..cos the scene is STAGED

    Britain First put up the black guy w@nks in Starbucks video.
    They deliberately omit the context that it’s from 2022
    And the guy is a CLICKBAIT merchant
    who usually plays the part of outrageous baddie characters


  26. atlas_shrugged says:

    Things can only get worse week…

    So the far left thug Der Starmer has announced that there will be a staged presentation on Tuesday in the Rose Garden in front of fawning working class peasants.

    Will he lead off with cheerful old English folk tunes about how to beat poverty by getting a sugar daddy like Lord Ali to buy all your specs, and suits:

    My eyes are blind I can not see
    I have not bought my specs for me
    I have not bought my specs for me

    Perhaps it could be:
    I never promised you a rose garden …

    Maybe other cheerful OAP mugging ditties such as:
    You gotta pick a pocket or two …


    • Doublethinker says:

      Another word has been banned from the Lexicon of words available to those readers who wish to comment on Telegraph articles . The new word is TOOL . This word cannot appear in any comment under an article concerning the Prime Minister, despite him boasting about being a son of a maker of such!


  27. atlas_shrugged says:

    Would any of the crack-heads in Ed Milibands team like to explain that while the wholesale price of electricity has been hovering near to 5p /kWh for the last year then they need to put the price up in October with the retail price already at over ten times the wholesale price?

    Could we get bBC Verify on the case.

    Rip Off Britain.


  28. JohnC says:

    Germany attack: Police arrest suspected knifeman

    Who would have though such a bland headline leads to a story of a Muslim terrorist horrifically murdering 3 random people by hacking and stabbing at their throats and necks.
    Not that the BBC use the word ‘Muslim’ or ‘terrorist’ in the article of course.

    It’s almost like they don’t want you to read it. And if you do, they don’t want you to know who did it. Just imagine what a different article it would be if he were a far-right whitey. Just look at all these headlines:

    These are the gross double-standards we have come to expect from the two-tier BBC who we are forced to fund. Who gave them that mandate ?.


  29. Zephir says:

    Starmer and the riots (due to not naming the stabber)

    “iss der Tories innit”

    Starmer and tax rises (Due to uncontrolled immigration, furlough etc demanded by labour during pandemic and due to massive wage rises to Labour doners)

    “iss der Tories innit”


  30. Zephir says:

    ” Labour can’t hide from its own complicity in imposing lockdown

    Public inquiries are devalued when they are used by political parties to seek advantage, especially at this point in the electoral cycle ”

    When the first lockdown began in March 2020, there was no word of complaint from either Labour or the SNP. Similarly, when we were told to stay indoors, to avoid going to work, to wear a mask in public, there was close to unanimous political support for such measures. Arguably, Labour was more enthusiastic about lockdowns than the government was; its initial political instinct was to support the teachers’ unions when they demanded to be allowed to stay at home for even longer, rather than going to work to help children catch up on the work they had missed.”



  31. Zephir says:

    Erm…Oh yeh…iss der Tories innit:

    “‘Public at risk’ from Labour plan to let thousands of prisoners out of jail early. Probation officers warn they haven’t had the time they need to keep the public safe.

    Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood told probation chiefs they would get eight weeks to prepare offender management plans to ensure they are safely returned to the outside world with no threat to the public.

    But with the first batch to walk free in 15 days’ time, they claim the information came four weeks too late and while many officials were away on holiday.

    Robert Jenrick, former Home Office Minister, slammed the early release scheme as “deeply irresponsible and frankly dangerous”. He said the Government should instead free up space in jails by deporting foreign criminals currently in prison.

    Up to 5,500 inmates will be released in two waves, on September 10 and October 22”



  32. Fedup2 says:

    BBC News
    The bbc – state – is desperate to avoid the German slaughter now that it is apparent that the killer is an Islamic terrorist from Syria – pretending to be a ‘refugee ‘.

    I’m sure the ‘lone Wolf nut job’ excuse will be used – along with the usual ‘known to the authorities ‘ . It doesn’t make the victims undead or uninjured . This evil event will be gone by lunchtime …

    Meanwhile smiling coloured faces will be the main news with a ‘peaceful ‘ Notting Hill riot – an old girl making a parachute jump and a coloured woman becoming ;thr kings musician – so tick box …

    …. And on Tuesday – TTK Two Tier Keir starts the election campaign for 2029 telling us it’s gonna get bad – but not for £doctors £ £railways workers £ £the public sector £ …

    Does TTK think there will be civil unrest ?real this time – not the easy stuff from 2 weeks ago ? Or is it a coming recession triggered by oil prices rises , wage inflation , higher taxes – higher interest rates – all needed to keep his awful welfare dependency going ?

    The swamp has another weeks’ holiday – then it returns to pee on the British people …


    • Doublethinker says:

      The terror murders took place at a diversity , pride festival . I wonder what the Queers for Palestine spokesperson has to say?


  33. AsISeeIt says:

    Thousands of prisoners to be released in September… Shabana Mahmood warned of the “total collapse” of the prison system and a “total breakdown of law and order” without urgent action to ease prison overcrowding. – so reported our BBC last month.

    Wait a minute, the prison system apparently ‘overwhelmed’, that sure reminds this reader of something…

    …feeling overwhelmed; constantly worrying; being forgetful. Changes in behaviour. being irritable and snappy; sleeping too much or too little; eating too much or… (NHS, Get help with stress) – no not that, this…

    During the covid-19 pandemic the NHS’s usual ICU capacity was substantially exceeded, and this was accompanied by negative effects on patient care and the physical and mental health of NHS staff (Medical trades union the BMJ.com)

    Well, I was thinking more about the welfare of the patients rather than the payroll vote but hey-ho.

    Plus, there is the suspicion of a counter argument to the assertion covid overwhelmed our NHS

    Boris Johnson was right to say the NHS was not overwhelmed… The triviality-obsessed Covid Inquiry has today been having fun with Dominic Cummings’s emails and finding rude words he used about colleagues. Trying to draw anything substantial from this is hard but one line did jump out at me: Boris Johnson saying ‘I no longer buy all this NHS overwhelmed stuff’. The inquiry should be asking: was he right? (Fraser Nelson, Spectator, October 2023) – If only there were some officially constituted, well-funded, judge-led, public inquiry to look into that – as I like to say.

    It was October 2020. The Prime Minister messaged Lee Cain, his press chief, to talk about Covid deaths: “I must say I have been slightly rocked by some of the data on Covid fatalities. The median age is 82-81 for men and 85 for women. That is above life expectancy. So get COVID and live longer. Hardly anyone under 60 goes into hospital (4 per cent) and of those virtually all survive. And I no longer buy all this NHS is overwhelmed stuff.”

    Point being when our NHS was reportedly overwhelmed (and I phrase it that way due to our mainstream press uniformly buying into the notion of NHS overwhelmedness) suddenly there was a cure found..

    The NHS Nightingale Hospital London was the first of the NHS Nightingale Hospitals, temporary hospitals set up by NHS England for the COVID-19 pandemic – thank you Wiki.

    Despite scepticism: Was building the NHS Nightingale hospitals worth the money? Florence Nightingale received seven unexpected tributes in the 200th-anniversary year of her birth. In late March 2020, as concerns grew that Covid-19 would overwhelm the NHS’s critical care capacity, emergency NHS ‘Nightingale’ hospitals sprung up from Exeter to Sunderland with the aim of supporting the NHS to cope with surging number of people with Covid-19… But over summer 2020, one issue came to define the narrative around the Nightingales – quite simply, they were not seeing many patients… And now, one year after they were built, many of the facilities are either being decommissioned or repurposed as mass vaccination centres or diagnostic centres. (The wonderfully named Siva Anandaciva [An And Deceiver?], writing for the The King’s Fund, May 2021) – if only there were some officially constituted, well-funded, judge-led… oh, you know the rest

    Back to our present prisons overwhelmedness…

    Ladies and gentlemen, if we could honour our Florence Nightingale our most famous of nurses… then how about our most famous (albeit fictional) old lag, convict, inmate, felon, jailbird…

    May I respectfully suggest this idea to our PM, 2TK, and his Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Shabana Mahmood…

    Instant pop-up prefabricated temporary canvas-tented “Norman Stanley Fletcher” prisons.

    Sited at Morrisons and or Sainsburys supermarket car parks up and down the land.

    Sorted, respect due. The job’s a good’un.

    Let’s have no more Sunday Express banner headlines: Public ‘at risk’ over prison release plan

    No more: For Leah.. Never again… Parents of murdered teen fight to get sex predators off the streets (Sunday People)

    Afterall, if we’ve apparently already got sufficient resources in the system for: Kirstie’s fury as social services probe her son’s interrail trip… a social worker contacted the TV presenter to inform her that a file had been opened after child protection concerns were raised… the social worker demanded to know what ‘safeguards’ had been put in place when she allowed… her 15-year-old son to go Interrailing across Europe… Ms Allsopp branded the council’s actions ‘Orwellian’ (Mail on Sunday)

    Mind you, it can be rather dangerous on the continent at present…

    Germany attack: Police arrest suspected knifeman (BBC) – Germany attack…? Really, BBC? Last time that was the big headline was around September 1939 and the victim was Poland.

    French police arrest synagogue blast suspect (BBC) – what are we to do with these exploding synagogues?

    Jews targeted? Perhaps our mainstream media are actually onto something with all their extreme far-right warnings?

    Or, perhaps not…

    The Islamic State group on Saturday claimed responsibility for the attack. It did not immediately provide any evidence and it was not clear how close any relationship with the attacker was. (BBC) – our national broadcaster stepping on eggshells with their attribution of blame there, despite the ISIS confession of guilt. Isn’t it enough that muslim extremist groups are in favour of such attacks? Or are we still wedded to these pervasive lone wolf mentally unbalanced theories?

    The explosion was caused by two cars which were set alight outside. Police sources told French media that one of the vehicles contained a hidden gas canister. The suspect – who was reportedly carrying a Palestinian flag – also set fire to several entrance doors of the synagogue. President Emmanuel Macron said the incident was “a terrorist act” (BBC) – not much doubt there then.

    Left-wing politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon called it an “intolerable crime”, while the far-right National Rally’s Jordan Bardella said it was “a criminal and antisemitic act”.

    Far-right condemn antisemitism… there’s a glitch in the matrix there somewhere, eh BBC?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Asiseeit – no mention of the footy pundit … disappointing …. People are not stupid – they see the regular way the msm gives a free pass to Islamic mass murder – won’t go near it – presumably orders from the Home Office – OFCOM – so when outsiders like Elon pop up with some Facts the panic button of attacking the messenger gets going ..

      I wonder if there will be ‘technical issues ‘ with X the next time there is disorder – the next killing of babies by a local man from Cardiff ….?


  34. pugnazious says:

    Awww…poor lad.

    Times Radio presenter just asking ‘what condition’ the mass murderer was in as he was arrested in Germany….just tone of question immediately raised suspicion as to why ask the question…seemed very out of place and inappropriate. The answer was that the poor fellow had been out in the rain all night, he was looking confused and bedraggled….oh yeah…he still had some blood on him from all those people he murdered or attempted to murder…poor lad. Are we seeing an attempt to nuance the murders and go down the mental health route again and get a bit of sympathy for a Muslim killer?

    One thing they did mention was that he was a Syrian asylum seeker….as did the Guardian…or at least a Syrian…

    ‘Early on Sunday, Duesseldorf police and prosecutors said in a joint statement that the suspect in custody was a 26-year-old Syrian man who had turned himself in.’

    The BBC merely mentions that someone was arrested near a refugee centre…

    ‘Earlier police said a man was detained at a refugee centre close to the site of the attack.’

    And of course no mention of the word ‘terror’ in the report….


    Ironically though there is ‘terror’ mentioned on the page…just a link to another story…about a white man in South Africa…

    ‘The man who unleashed a reign of terror is unmasked’


    Would you ever have such a series on a Muslim terrorist? One that’s deliberately shaped and positioned to condemn a whole community or race as this series is….white people, Apartheid, terror…all linked…all guilty….all part of a system of terror. The BBC (and Establishment] immeidately move to disassociate Islam and the Muslim community from any terrorist act ‘done in their name’ and indeed move the ‘guilt’ onto the non-Muslims….we mustn’t get angry, there musn’t be a backlash…and anyway it’s all our fault…we drove these poor old Muslims to do such terrible acts as we treat them so badly.

    The very definition of gaslighting us….you might think there are terrorist attacks by Muslims but you’d be mistaken.


  35. pugnazious says:

    I just caught the end of this story on ‘Sunday’ on R4 about the Pew Research Center’s report on migration…..you are all mistaken…you think Muslims are flooding your country…nah…wrong…it’s Christians and Jews…

    ‘The Religious Composition of the World’s Migrants’
    ‘Christians are the largest migrant group, but Jews are most likely to have migrated’

    …Which is a bit deceptive….Jews ‘most likely to have migrated’…..and yet they make up 1% of migrants…Pew bases it on percentages…Jews make up 0.2% of world population thus 1% means more of their population migrates as a percentage. But that’s a very misleading headline…you suspect deliberately so as they try to downplay Muslim migration…and more importantly its effect on countries Muslims move to.

    Christians make up 47% of migrants…but that’s mostly Christian Mexicans and South Americans moving to the US. Muslims make up 29% of migrants. The Mexicans have at least much in common with Americans but Muslims have little in common when they move to Western or Westernised non-Muslim countries and have very powerful impact on the countries they go to.

    Thus a report that fails to take into account such impacts, the social and geopolitical impacts of mass Muslim migration to non-Muslim countries, is dishonest when it tries to suggest because there are relatively fewer Muslim migrants than say Christians [or Jews lol] there is no need for concern…there’s no problem at all which is pretty much what we heard on Sunday today.


  36. vlad says:

    The film The Lives of Others depicts life under the Stasi in Communist East Germany. People were terrified of saying anything that would cause them to fall foul of the dreaded secret police which spied extensively on the population and would impose draconian reprisals for ‘wrongthink’.

    A bit like Starmer’s Stasi’s, then.

    The first few minutes give you the flavour.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Thanks, I look forward to watching the entire film.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Times radio had an interview with an old B. Liar aid called McTernnan. He would have fitted right in to the above film about the stasi. The bile he poured out about the recent protesters was off the scale.

      Is the MSM digging up the rotting corpses of these crazed B. Liar advisors by way of circling the wagons around the new failing cardboard PM puppet?


      • vlad says:

        They have a visceral hatred of populist movements, and, I suspect, fear. Like the ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ in the US fear Trump. And rightly so, as he would end their grip over the population, and their hegemony over the mind of the nation.


  37. digg says:

    What has to be remembers is that politicians of all persuasions do not inhabit the real World. They live in a bubble of like-minded politicians so they only ever hear the Party mantra reflected back at them. From this you can surmise that TTK and Sunak for that matter are probably not that interested in hearing from Joe Public, being much more concerned what others in their political tribes are saying and doing in order to hold there positions in the party.

    This inevitably leads to a pack mentality, think Animal Farm by Orwell as an example.

    Happily, Joe Public still does get a chance every five years or so to dump a bucket of reality on them all. Well, for the time being anyway until they decide that Democracy is dangerous (for them!) and needs to be outlawed.

    I am amazed at the pace that this is playing out and pretty much throughout the Western World. For instance you only have to look at the shenanigans in the USA with politicians using every trick in the legal book rather than being good leaders to grasp and hold on to power.

    Germany and France for instance are both going down this what smells to me a repressive, policing the public route.

    The knee-jerk, rapid trial and punishment of protesters with what woukd appear to be very scanty defence for instance has eerie similarities to the Jan 6 debacle in the USA by the Dems. Incredible that this happened under the watch of a professional lawyer too!


  38. StewGreen says:

    8:45am Radio4 …9 minutes of HATE towards Trump

    AL Kennedy sees Trump as HATEY & authoritarian
    So her 9 minute segment on @BBCRadio4 was the usual sneering HATE towards US Republicans
    her PROJECTION as she gaslit us

    In the UK we see Starmer is a super-liar authoritarian
    misusing justice system for politics
    Sudden draconian practices
    She doesn’t even notice
    As ever they DO what they ACCUSE others of


  39. atlas_shrugged says:

    In no surprise this news is on various channels:

    The owner of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has just been arrested in France for failing to censor the truth on his application.

    The EU regime is exposing nobody but themselves.


    • Fedup2 says:

      He should have come to a free country like .. Er … Britain … no chance of getting banged up on remand for 36 months or 24 months for guilty plea for some nonsense internet thing … is there now …. ?

      As of Sunday morning Elon is still on the case …


  40. StewGreen says:

    It’s astounding, surely most people understand not to take Twitter and social media posts at face value, due to the amount of sh!t posting
    This morning on Twitter the popular Alex Pleiadian account is deliberately DISINFORMING
    Spreading an old Aug 4 post about a stabbing in Stirling
    But saying it just happened.

    The same old post that someone had attached incendiary line “allegedly Muslim”
    prompting dozens of righty accounts like TR’s to relay it.
    Only for the Scottish press to have a field day mocking TR as for once the police immediately named perp as white


  41. vlad says:

    While most news outlets are referring to Solingen, where the stabbings occurred, as a ‘festival of diversity’, the BBC are calling it a celebration of its history.

    Perhaps they’re too embarrassed by the irony of a diverse stabbing frenzy at a festival of diversity?



  42. pugnazious says:


    ‘Islamist terrorism is the most significant terrorist threat to the UK by volume.’

    Some uncomfortable truths as the BBC et al try to spin the lie that Far-Right terrorism is the real threat….but then again that in itself is a response to Islamic terror….so in fact Islamic terror is a threat on two levels…one, the attacks they actually conduct and two, the counter-attacks by the Far-Right in response.

    And oh the irony as the BBC reports…

    ‘A United Nations committee has urged the Northern Ireland Executive to “adopt robust measures to prevent and combat paramilitary racist violence and intimidation against ethnic minorities and migrants in Northern Ireland”.’

    The same BBC that gloried in the IRA ‘resistance’ and used the threat of further IRA attacks if there was a ‘hard border’ to try and stop Brexit….the IRA was, is, a racist terror organisation…but the BBC, the Irish government, the EU, were all prepared to ‘mobilise’ them in their campaign to stop Brexit.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Fisk is on the case speaking from the front line of Oxfordshire – he’s the frank Gardner of GBnews – hot air repeating what is on X
      Notice how he refers to the ‘extreme Right ‘ – there is no ‘extreme right’ – just those who are unapproved ….

      … I was thinking about TTK -two tier kier and his plod . Plod does no favours to itself describing the biggest terrorist threat is the ‘far right ‘ – why lie ? We know the truth – they’ll dig out a tick box senior plod who happens to be a Muslim to tell us the lie …

      It’s lucky Muslim terrorists can’t get into the UK because are a secure island …


  43. friend of yogi bear says:


    Our brave….no, very brave p.m. starmer has made the difficult decision to let us know things are going to get worse ( nothing to do with his policies of course) because of the “hidden” black hole 22bn£ worth. AND don’t worry it’s so awful you will be spared the details..

    Well Mr Starmer, let’s suppose for a moment that some of us are grown ups and tell us ..who found the black hole? where was it hiding? ..how could it have been hidden? Given Starmer was talking about a 60bn £ hole in finances in P.M. questions to SUNAK back in April , just how does this add up.

    The other big favour he could do is tell us ,just how he plans to make it worse, or should I say what are his plans to make it better. Will it include his recent promise, when in opposition to FREEZE fuel bills ( Jeremy Vine , phone in show, if you want the reference)
    Because l think a lot of very cold pensioners will know all about “his”freezing by the time he has finished.

    Still it’s not all bad , think all his party funders, like the Unions , have nothing to fear, those £70,000 p.a.train drivers sat in a heated cab all day and then back to a warm home.

    You were so right brave Keir, about somethings, such as, there is too much division in this country,

    Thanks so much for trying to end it.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Any time a Chancellor wants an excuse to raise taxes they can use the Reeves method of saying “There’s a £*billion black hole I’ve found”
      Nobody can give an argument against it as the details are very vague.

      Wouldn’t it be fun if Nigel was voted in at the next GE and he published all the data used by Labour and conservatives to justify the ever higher tax take.


  44. digg says:

    Eye-opening edition of “Shoplifters at war” or something this morning.

    They rolled on an “expert” young lady probably straight out of a uni humanity course who said amongst other things…

    The most prolific offenders are the “career-shoplifters” who see getting caught as a “career” problem.

    No it’s not it’s punishment for crime!

    She then went in to say that many of these top-level shoplifters, some of whom make thousands of pounds a day in stolen goods would rather give it up if they could get well-paid jobs!

    No they bloody well wouldn’t! They wouldn’t get anyway near that sort of “income”.

    This is so typical of woolly lefty thinking by a so called professional that it really illustrates why so many criminals happily continue to steal what they want as getting caught probably means a good talking to and some career advice from a twenty something pen-pusher.


  45. friend of yogi bear says:


    Let’s not give up hope just yet. Certain newspapers announce today that “A team of officials” within 10 Downing street are deciding how to tell the public…that’s us! ….the news when, Larry the cat dies ( Larry is a cat who catches vermin in 10 Downing street) Spoilt for choice , lucky cat..etc..etc. Hope they get it right with the announcement when it comes, my health may depend on it.


  46. Fedup2 says:

    I love those propaganda stories about plucky law enforcement seizing ‘£40 million worth ‘ of drugs in a daring operation . Meanwhile £80 million of drugs quietly makes it through ….


  47. Fedup2 says:

    One of those bbc ‘omission ‘ stories . A man was stabbed at Southwark station last Thursday . A man was arrested and charged with GBH . His ( alleged ) victim died today . But guess what? The bbc report the death – but doesn’t mention the name of the alleged murderer – I checked –

    it is Raakeem Miles … wonder why they left the name out …


  48. G says:

    TTK – “It’s going to get worse before it gets better”.

    A 50% lie. Why not start economising TTK? Rather leave it as:

    “It’s going to get worse”.


  49. Fedup2 says:

    It seems the Islamic terrorist attack on Israel today led to a missile strike on a chicken coop . I’m afraid the pictures are too awful to put on this site … glad I’ve only just heard this because I had air fried chicken for lunch ….

    Thoughts and prayers with Israeli chickens …


  50. micknotmike says:

    A story on the bbc caught my eye; it’s not particularly about bias, rather that it made me realise how things have changed, particularly about neighbours snitching on you in starmers britain.

    Kirstie Allsop (A newsreader i think) has been reported to social services for allowing her 15 year old son to go interrailing in europe with his 16 year old chum.

    I was a trainspotter when younger (Sorry but there it is) and I was reminiscing with my old mum about a solo trip I made to Edinburgh from our home in Burton on Trent. I left home at 4am, cycled to the station, caught the train and arrived in Edinburgh around noon. Left at 6:30pm ish, back to Burton around 1am. Home around 2am. It was pointed out to me that I was just twelve at the time. Interrailed round Europe three times and the furthest we got on the train was Casablanca.
    I weep for the youth of today who will never stretch their wings in this way today. My parents would be on crimewatch at the very least.

    Young girls today have to stay out of danger by cruising around the streets with their ethnic mates and sleeping above kebab shops. No social services visits for them.
    There won’t be any young boys left soon at the rate they are killing each other.


    • BRISSLES says:

      My brother too used to go on train spotting benders all day with his mates, .. he was 12.

      When I was 12 in 1960 I had the responsibility to dress, feed and take to school my younger brothers, while Mum had one of her nervous breakdowns, and Dad went to work ! It made me grow up fast, and left no lasting trauma – it did though put me off having kids !!!


      • digg says:

        I also did the train spotting thing Brissles, it was all steam stuff then. I actually recall that we got so well known by the drivers on local routes we were sometimes allowed to join them on the footplate for short runs up to the next station and back.

        It really was another World! But what a World!


    • Fedup2 says:

      Mick – I think the lady is ‘of the right ‘ so some far left nazi has found a mechanism to repress her – with the nazis in social services more than happy to take on someone respectable as opposed to the usual chav welfare addict they deal with ….

      Very 2024 Britain – but a lesson in not disclosing information to the public arena – particularly for those of the ‘right ‘ ….


    • digg says:

      When in my all-boys Grammar School in the early 1960’s. I joined the Cadet Force Army Section at the school at age 13. Within weeks of joining I was sent on an “Initiative” test which involved getting the signature of The Commander in Chief of Edinburgh Castle, bearing in mind my school was in Staffordshire and I was only allowed to take a maximum of five shillings with me. (That’s 25p in toy town money for youngsters out there).

      So it was thumbing a lift all the way there and back mainly with the help of truck-drivers, through the night on some very dark and lonely roads approaching Scotland!

      A few weeks later I was enrolled for “Camp” (before it was a certain kind of gent!).

      The pick-up in an army truck was 7am Saturday morning so at Friday evening cadet assembly we were all issued with our fully functional .303 rifles to take home with us. I sat with mine across my knees on the bus home from school to my village!

      At camp in North Wales we were loaded into a covered army truck one day and driven into the middle of nowhere in the Welsh mountains with each cadet chucked off the truck at intervals with a map marked with a Red Cross on the coast where we would find food, and a compass. Of course not knowing where on the map we actually were!

      25 miles or so later, zig-zagging across moorland, mountains and lakes I arrived at the destination a bit weary to say the least.

      Utterly unimaginable for so many reasons now but I do think I grew up pretty quickly and gained a lifetime of self-confidence.