440 Responses to Midweek 28th August 2024

  1. Scroblene says:


    Just watched a fabulous ‘Frost’ – ‘Another life’!

    By Granada of course, far too good for the state, or the Labour party, – (The political wing of the BBC)…


    • BRISSLES says:

      Mucho congrats Scrobs, on being uno numero and your choice of viewing.


      • Scroblene says:

        It’s a dirty job Brissles, but someone has to do it!

        Daughter has given me her TV, which has a screen the size of a fridge door…

        After two hours of trying to work out who did what on the superb Frost episode, I switched off, then came in here, to see what’s occurring, but noticed that because although the new wide screen meant a much better view, this laptop screen just went double for ages, so that post took about seven or eight minutes…

        And, I’ve had two hoochless days as threatened by my doctor, so it certainly wasn’t down to the alclusion of incohol!

        Weird that…


        • moggiemoo says:

          No, it’s not. It’s the absence of alcohol wot dun it.


          • Scroblene says:

            Mogs, I agree, and so does daughter who laughed uncontrolably just now…


            • Up2snuff says:

              Scrobie, I thought it was – as the driver said to the policeman with a breathalyser: “No Way Officer, I certainly was not driving under the affluence of inkahol.”


              • BRISSLES says:

                Aww snuffy it’s good to have a laugh again on here !


                • Scroblene says:

                  Don’t we all need it Brissles, with the dreadful TTK starting to ruin the country after only fifty days…

                  It was bad enough before, but now, with the BBC at full throttle on general misinformation, we’re in for a tough Autumn!

                  As said on Talk TV earlier, Starmer & Co are just floating their leftiefantasies to see which ones are ‘popular’, and which ones are vote-losers, and then Reeves will be told by the civil serpents what to put in the budget, as she certainly hasn’t a clue yet!


                  • Up2snuff says:

                    Scrobie and Brissles, my broadband has been playing me up. I won’t tell you the name of the ISP but the highly paid CEO has not had the courtesy to reply to my letter written on the last Saturday in July!


                    • Up2snuff says:

                      Scrobie & Brissles, I forgot to thank you for your kind words. This broadband thing is starting to get to me. šŸ™ Sorry its such an old joke.


                • Zephir says:

                  Oh yes what a larf, even the 3rd time ,it just gets better every time

                  two tiered biased bbc ? congrats if only certain persons get first ?

                  NO, that couldn’t possibly happen, what a thought….


  2. Sluff says:

    Did I really read this? Canā€™t find it mentioned by the BBC.
    British pensioners living in the EU are exempt from Rachel Reevesā€™ winter fuel allowance cancellation.
    They will still get it !!!!!!!

    Unbelievable doesnā€™t come close.



    • MarkyMark says:

      ** unless you are in Britain.


      British pensioners to keep winter fuel allowance ā€“ if they live in EU
      Expats on the continent will not be hit by Starmerā€™s cut this year because of Brexit agreement

      Nick Gutteridge,
      Chief Political Correspondent
      27 August 2024 ā€¢ 6:30pm

      Expats living in the European Union plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland are guaranteed the allowance by the Brexit withdrawal agreement.

      The disclosure will add to the controversy over the Chancellorā€™s decision to scrap the payment for all UK residents who are not in receipt of benefits.


  3. Eddy Booth says:

    There seems to be widespread two-tier treatment of people in operation – across the board, not sure what the psychology behind it all is.
    Same as British state pensioners living in some random countries receive inflation increases; while others who moved to different countries don’t.


  4. BRISSLES says:

    Hmmm… OK if you’re in southern Spain sweltering in 30deg heat and trousering a few hundred quid to keep warm, but not OK here freezing in minus degrees with bugger all financial help, not even the price of a hot water bottle.


  5. Deborah says:

    Now every time I see Sir Keir on the tv wearing spectacles, I think, ā€˜there is the man who didnā€™t pay for his own glassesā€™. I bet even the girl or boy working hard as baristas in Costa coffee paid for their own frames. I am making sure with everybody I speak to at the moment that I mention it. Lord Alli having a pass, or someone being parachuted into a civil service job may be worse politically, but people can identify with not paying for your own glasses. What they cannot identify with is spending Ā£2,500 of your own or another personā€™s money on said items.

    I am also, wherever possible, referring to the Left, including this government as ā€˜Far Leftā€™. It is catching on.


    • Sluff says:

      The salary for the DPP was advertised last year as Ā£226000.
      Youā€™d think someone earning at that level could pay for their own spectacles. But apparently they are so poor they have to be paid for as a gift by someone else.
      Anyone for a Winter Spectacles Allowance? It could be paid for by scrapping the Winter Fuel Allowance. Oh, wait.


  6. Zephir says:

    Oh well, look on the bright side…forget Oasis, the Beatles karaoke band:

    World of Sport wrestling star Kendo Nagasaki is back, aged 82, with his signature “Kamikazi Crash” body slam.

    Personally, I can’t wait….


  7. Zephir says:


  8. Zephir says:

    Next, I want to see a rematch of Catweazle vs “Gaylord” Peacock


  9. JohnC says:

    Front page news at the BBC:

    Disabled woman left with bed made for her aged 8

    ‘Mrs Crowe said she hoped that providing Taylor with respite care – and a bed that supports her needs – would allow the other family members to spend time together.’

    Obviously they want the taxpayer to fund it. How can this story possibly be considered an accpetable way to spend the public money which funds the BBC ?. This is not news in any way.

    Meanwhile they don’t even report this story – even though the subject of immigration issues being one of the hot-stopics facing the country today:

    Gang jailed for forging 2,000 marriage documents so migrants could live in UK

    ‘Abraham Alade Olarotimi Onifade, 41, Abayomi Aderinsoye Shodipo, 38, Nosimot Mojisola Gbadamosi, 31, and Adekunle Kabir, 54, made fraudulent EU Settlement Scheme applications for Nigerian nationals between March 2019 and May last year, the Home Office said.’

    Amazing what the head BBC commissar considers to be news these days. Or should I say it’s amazing what he decides to suppress. The HUGE story here is how they were able to get away with it. How many similar scams exist ?.

    Every time I check elsewhere about immigration stories, I always find something like this where the BBC have hidden it. They are now worthless as an actual news source. If a topic doesn’t suit their agenda, they simply don’t report it.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘Disabled woman left with bed made for her aged 8… This is not news in any way.’

      Plus there was yesterday’s: ‘Tanni Grey-Thompson forced to ‘crawl off’ train’

      Paralympics, innit…!

      News stories created and delivered to order, as and when required, from your BBC.


  10. Doublethinker says:

    To every pensioner who has lost the winter fuel payment I remind them that they can always save Ā£170 by not paying for a TV licence.


  11. Fedup2 says:

    Funny isnā€™t it ?the borrowed taxpayers ā€˜ money is there – but the regime chooses what to spend it on . In this case the priority is not pensioners in the winter – but overseas give aways or green crap .
    I wonder how these people sit in a room thinking ā€˜thatā€™s a great idea ā€˜? There is alway a little bit in me which is optimistic . But already the reds have proved to be just as inept in governing as the blues were .

    And the fault lies with those blues who didnā€™t have the courage to vote Reform and stayed at home allowing TTK power until 2029 ..

    I was wondering what will happen if Reform fails ? Will another party of the right come along ? Are is Britain destined to decline as the state monster grows using more and more borrowed cash and taxes ā€¦?

    BTW – in my thoughtful mood – I did something I never do – I read the guardian editorial on TTK and his dismal garden speech . The G
    Is less than complementary about the whole thing ā€¦

    In my mind I see a regime run by Sue gray – her track record shouts dishonesty , deceit , downright nastiness – and I think the themes of the red regime will come from her . She is the Bormann to the red hitler – with the bbc being Goebells and ginger scum being the inept Himler . I couldnā€™t think of a Speer equivalent as he got things done – which the red regime wonā€™t be doing ..


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, I voted Reform and think it was a wasted vote.


      • Fedup2 says:

        There was no choice – those who didnā€™t vote are to blame . If reform fails next time the right will really splinter . The blue party is dead and must remain so – there will be no improvement in the Uk by 2029 – we are on the way to a truly failed socialist state .

        Reform if the only remedy ā€¦. Otherwise ā€¦. Leave


  12. pugnazious says:

    Andrew Neil….

    ‘ANDREW NEIL: A brazen mixture of flannel, flummery and falsehood. Starmer has no blueprint for fixing Britain.’

    A savage takedown of Starmer…..and yet if you listened to the BBC you’d think it was a great speech that just told it as it is….despite the fact that it was full of lies and half-truths.

    And Labour’s ‘cronyism’? Not just ‘passes for glasses’ or handing civil service jobs to political stooges…it’s also handing over billions to Labour’s friends and paymasters in the unions…

    ‘Taxes are not about to be raised to invest in new world-class infrastructure, essential for higher growth. You will be stumping up to feed the insatiable appetite of Labourā€™s client base in the public sector. Nice work if youā€™re part of it, not so nice if youā€™re footing the bill. ‘



    • Fedup2 says:

      Pity it is pay walled ā€¦


      • MarkyMark says:

        Keir Starmer claims the condition of the nation is so utterly grim that it will take Labour ten years to ā€˜fix the foundationsā€™ (the latest buzz phrase emanating from 10 Downing Street). Fair enough. Thereā€™s certainly a lot wrong with Britain, some of it the fault of the last Tory government, some of it common to most major western societies.

        Thereā€™s only one rather formidable problem. Starmer has nothing remotely resembling a blueprint for fixing Britain. He did not offer one during the election. Nor did he unveil one during todayā€™s remarks from the Downing Street Rose Garden, which was largely a regurgitation of his dullish stump speech delivered countless times during the campaign.

        Somebody should tell him the election is over. Time to stop talking and start doing, even governing.

        Exactly why he thought it necessary to address the nation with this set-piece speech is hard to discern. Of course it was designed to soften us up for the huge tax rises coming down the pike in the October 30 Budget, pinning the blame for them on the Tories. But weā€™re already braced for the extra taxes Labour denied it would ever introduce during the election, and weā€™ve long got the message that the Government wants us to believe itā€™s the fault of the Tories. All incoming governments blame their predecessors for being ā€˜forcedā€™ to make painful early U-turns.


        Starmer began yesterday by insisting that higher economic growth was still at the heart of the Labour project. But that has already crashed and burned on take-off. Long-term investments, such as a new supercomputer for artificial intelligence at Edinburgh University, are being sacrificed to finance short-term expediency and popularity, such as public-sector pay rises.

        Taxes are not about to be raised to invest in new world-class infrastructure, essential for higher growth. You will be stumping up to feed the insatiable appetite of Labourā€™s client base in the public sector. Nice work if youā€™re part of it, not so nice if youā€™re footing the bill. That rumbling you can hear emanating from your wallet or purse is the sound of money preparing to be dragooned to the Treasuryā€™s coffers. Youā€™re unlikely to see it again.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Marky – if thatā€™s the Brillo view – thanks . I , too , wondered what that speech was for ā€¦ there really was nothing new there .

          The only way of controlling the economy is to cut borrowing – but starting to reduce the size of the State -which is continuing to expand .

          No one has the courage or nouse to do it. So more and more money will be needed to service national debt .
          Where does that money come from – either borrow more like a loser transferring debt from one card or another – or raise taxes and push more workers out of work because itā€™s not worth the effort ā€¦.

          None of the above stuff can be done in one term – and the consequences of cutting the state is more strikes by Bolshevik public sector unions ā€¦

          Meanwhile up goes the population and all that goes with it .


          • MarkyMark says:

            ā€œConsider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to itā€™s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 ā€¦ if any party wishing to get into power doesnā€™t address this they are committing political suicideā€¦.@10:30ā€³ {youtube ā€“ Douglas Murray ā€“ oct2015}



  13. Zephir says:

    Biased bbc exclusive:

    Starmer backstage prior to the Rose Garden speech.



  14. Zephir says:

    It may not be the most significant dishonesty or lie that Stamer has undertaken, but all part and parcel of lying Starmer and the electorate:

    Why did he rarely, if ever, wear glasses in the election campaign, when all pictures post election show he clearly needs them at all times ?

    It MUST have been advice from spin doctors to make him more attractive / electable to voters by hiding his true appearance. No other explanation really, is there ?


    • moggiemoo says:

      And yet he still manages to look like a junior accountant that was trained in maths by Dianne Abbott.


  15. Jeff says:

    So, the Notting Hell Carnage is over for another year and now the long clear up and the endless deflections and excuses can begin.

    “There were over a million people, there’s bound to be a bit of crime.”…”It brings lot of money to the capital”…”It’s a celebration of London’s vibrant diversity”. And so on…

    This is one of those events where the authorities take a very softly , softly approach. Marijuana and mugging are part and parcel of the Caribbean lifestyle…just synonymous with high spirits. And you can just imagine what would happen to a white, working class bloke if he dared doing that vulgar “twerking” with a female police officer as he was queuing for a football match or enjoying a St George’s Day celebration. His feet wouldn’t touch the ground.

    I’m also off to a music event today, the last brass band of the summer in the beautiful grounds of Westminster Abbey. I won’t be packing a knife or rolling a spliff and (hopefully) I won’t get into a brawl.

    It’s going to be a fine day and I’m going to indulge myself. I’ll have a slice of lemon drizzle cake and I might enjoy a glass or two of nicely chilled Chardonnay. If we’re lucky the band will give us some old favourites; The Dambusters…The Great Escape…and a medley from My Fair Lady.

    And what ever happens, I won’t be twerking…


    • Zephir says:

      I will be thinking of you when they tell you it’s brass band diversity day with a selection of anti colonialism brass pieces, and only fried chicken, no drizzle cake today.



    • MarkyMark says:

      ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL … “Iā€™m also off to a music event today, the last brass band of the summer in the beautiful grounds of Westminster Abbey. I wonā€™t be packing a knife or rolling a spliff and (hopefully) I wonā€™t get into a brawl.”


    • Sluff says:

      Whatever you do, donā€™t shout out any hurty words about illegal asylum seekers. Youā€™ll be banged up for 2-3 years the very next day.
      Much safer to just carry a knifeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    Reach for the stars edition

    You join us on a morning when the jokey blokey tabloid Daily Star boldly goes (as they used to say on Star Trek) with: Fewer boring stories than all the other papers combined

    That’s the audacious claim of the Star’s trademark frontpage Thought for the day.

    One has to admire a title with the chutzpah sufficient to nail their editorial colours to their own masthead, so to speak.

    There was a time when the Daily Express for months professed itself: United with the people of Ukraine – but it bugged out for some reason (let us never forget).

    Now we are presented with a vague, platitudinous, 2TK Starmer-like proposition at the Express masthead: Campaigning for a better Britain

    Speaking of which… our ‘Should’ve gone to Specsavers’ Sir Keir’s extra-Parliamentary, pre-scripted and leaked to the press, quasi-Presidential ramblings in the rose garden are neatly and succinctly dismissed by the Star with the minor cover page headline: Things can only get worser

    Sometimes the tabloidese bad English rather suits the situation.

    Suits… is punning on 2TK’s new suits of course: Keir Starmer Defends Giving No10 Pass To Labour Donor Who Gave Him Ā£20,000 For Suits And Glasses… embroiled in a cronyism row after it emerged Lord Alli… (Huffpost)

    We tend to recall the old advertising slogan ‘Man at C&A’… Man at… See an Alli?

    There’s no such Ā£20,000 largess on offer for us mere plebs: Win Ā£250 of supermarket vouchers… Terms and conditions apply (Star) – that’s just fifty quid more than you could shoplift with impunity these days.

    Rip off? Definately Maybe (Star) you can’t say the entertainment sector aren’t doing their bit to bring back Blairite Cool Britannia as our top Beatles tribute band book Wembley for their pension hedge come back performance. With winter fuel allowance gone perhaps we’ll see more pensioners clad in hooded parkers this year. Mad for it.

    The Daily Star likes to draw from a rather shallow pool of subject matter for their top stories. There’s a form of modern bestiary at play with beavers, potty-mouthed parrots, gay penguins, psycho seagulls, mystic mogs, ghostly doggies with a bark from the dead… but the favourite go-to pick of the bunch are ETs.

    100% legit space boffin’s… (Star) – you know, the sort of people the likes of the Guardian or our BBC would tend to credit as truth speakers of THE SCIENCE – well they certainly did to justify that failed policy of Lockdown. Then it was all a game of Simon Says…

    Simon Says – handshakes were replaced with elbow bumps and ā€˜air hugsā€™

    Simon Says – black & yellow crime scene tape on every other urinal in the gents

    Simon says – two metres apart at the airport check-in, get on the plane packed like sardines

    Simon Says – you can meet indoors in a bubble of up to 6 people, or more if everyone present is from 2 households. (‘cos 6 is a magic scientific number – except when it’s 2 households added together, obviously)

    Itā€™s hard to believe we ever tolerated the rules and quirks of Covid times, but a host of Telegraph readers have not forgotten (Telegraph, August 2022)

    If only there were some officially constituted, judge-led, official inquiry that could look into all that. With generous government funding and instructions to deliver its report to the Starmer adminstration ‘sooner, harder and for longer’?

    But we digress – so that we never forget what the likes of Kier Starmer and for that matter the Daily Express have said in the past.

    Where were we? Ah yes…

    The star’s align… the wait is over! …one of the most anticipated music reunions of all time is confirmed after Noel and Liam Gallagher… (giveaway Metro) – no not that…

    Think real stars

    ET invaders would wipe us all out (Star) – that’s ET not EU: …scheme that could give young EU citizens the right to work in the UK for the first time since Brexit (Times)

    Mr AsI distinctly recalls pre-Bexit his grubby spawn (affectionate nickname for his kids) talking about a new girl and a boy arriving in their school classes for the new term all the way from Norway and Holland. On asking their names he was told “Fatima and Ali”

    Beautiful Norwegian and Dutch names – to paraphase Al Murray in comic character as the Pub Landlord

    100% legit space boffin’s red alert on slightly worrying intergalactic alien war (Star) – why can’t we all just get along and live in peace together? There’s plenty of room in the galaxy afterall.

    Earthbound star… The actress Sigourney Weaver, known for her roles in the Alien and Avatar franchises, arriving yesterday at the Venice Internation Film Festival (Times)

    Nasa’s decision to avoid using Boeing ‘s Starliner… risks a human toll on the astronauts… If, as planned… Elon Musk’s Space X they will have been there eight months (FT)


    • Zephir says:


      Suggest you keep away from Hertfordshire if you fancy a “spree”:

      “Myth of Ā£200 shoplifting limit busted by Herts PCC:

      The “myth” that police wonā€™t prosecute shoplifting of goods under Ā£200 has been busted by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire.

      PCC Jonathan Ash-Edwards asked Herts Chief Constable Charlie Hall about the misconception during his new monthly public webinar ‘Accountability and Performance’ meetings.
      He raised the topic as he was concerned public confidence in the Constabularyā€™s ability to tackle the crime was being damaged by the belief that thieves could get away with stealing lower value goods.
      The Herts Commissioner was given a categorical assurance there was no lower limit for the police to investigate shoplifting. Evidence presented in the meeting also showed that all of the last ten shoplifting cases Hertfordshire Constabulary sent for prosecution were for values under Ā£200 ā€” with four being below Ā£50.

      During the meeting, Mr Ash-Edwards said: ā€œA really common public view around shoplifting is that policing doesn’t investigate and doesn’t deal with it if the value is under Ā£200 of value.

      “Is that the case in Hertfordshire or is that a public myth?ā€

      Chief Constable Hall replied: ā€œIt is a complete public myth and is categorically not true. We have no policy around a Ā£200 limit and we’re not going to. ”



      • Fedup2 says:

        This is not bbc and might ramble .

        The auto checkouts fascinate me . Iā€™m on a motor scooter so must limit the volume I buy . So everything goes into my rucksack .

        I go to the auto thing . Very often – I get the check thing . Normally itā€™s 5 or 7 items . A couple of times itā€™s the whole bag ā€¦
        Thereā€™s no room to do this . Once when required to empty everything – asked for somewhere to do it. The manager took me to the shopliftersā€™ room . I suddenly saw I had security with me . This really peed me off – I knew Iā€™d put everything on the smartshop .

        I queried why security was there ā€¦ I didnā€™t get an answer . I upturned the bag . I walked out .

        Tip – if you are stealing stuff – put the smallest most valuable stuff at the bottom of the bag ā€¦.. that day i fell out with mr sainsburys .

        The losses incurred in this mad scheme must more than equal the cost of tills ā€¦


        • tomo says:

          Sainsburys have the most prominent scooritee in my neck of the woods.

          Expect ID checks, watchtowers + searchlights


          • Fedup2 says:

            When I asked for a bit of privacy for the search I saw that the shoplifters room was wire for both sound and vision – I left out the bit in my story where a jar of sauce accidentally fell on the floor and smashed ā€¦ I felt so pleased ā€¦.remember it well ā€¦.

            If I were so minded – Iā€™d join the rest ripping into supermarket profits ā€¦


        • atlas_shrugged says:

          On the rare occasion I visit a supermarket I always look for a manned-till that is manned by a man. It is my one-man affirmative action scheme.

          Are there any manned-by-a-man tills left in supermarkets these days?


          • moggiemoo says:

            I had one the other day although it’s been a good while since the last one.


  17. Sluff says:

    Shock! Hold the presses!
    The BBC comes all over impartial !!!!!!!!

    On Toady this morning they dragged on a spokesperson from the Citizens Advice Bureau to talk about the scrapping of the pensioner winter fuel allowance.

    Was there outrage? No.
    A denunciation of the government? Nope.
    A discussion about the eat or heat choice? No.
    A rentagob on auto-rant? Nope.
    Apoplectic fits of derision about the policy? No.

    Amazingly the CAB woman just went on about the need for targeted help and for the winter fuel allowance to be part of the greater social benefits and not just aimed at the elderly. She all but meekly accepted the direction of the government policy.

    Can you for a microsecond imagine the BBC to have arranged this treatment and coverage if it had been ā€˜evil Toryā€™ policy? No. I canā€™t either.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Is cab by any chance funded by the government ? I blame the wealthy mouths like Alan sugar complaining about getting the money – people who wonā€™t claim that credit thing and are just abovd the benefits threshold will sufferā€¦


      • moggiemoo says:

        My wife encouraged her friend to claim and she now gets about Ā£15pw but, as my wife pointed out, she now qualifies for all sorts of free stuff.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Moggie – thatā€™s good news – just a shame so many donā€™t claim pensioner credit ā€¦


  18. MarkyMark says:

    “Social workers ‘must be taught’ to spot controlling behaviour”


    Why ‘nudge’?
    It is called ā€˜nudgeā€™ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory ā€“ but can be influenced by ā€œchoice architectureā€ into making better choices in their own interests.


    “Social workers ‘must be taught’ to spot

    can be influenced by ā€œchoice architectureā€ into making better choices in their own interests.

    “Social workers ‘must be taught’ to spot

    can be influenced by ā€œchoice architectureā€ into making better choices in their own interests.


  19. MarkyMark says:

    Did he text his friends whilst doing this …
    “Huw Edwards travels around Wales to find out how people’s identities have been shaped by the turbulent events of the past decade and by the challenges that the country currently faces.”



  20. Sluff says:

    Maybe the government could sort out the supposed financial black hole by sending all the illegal asylum seekers straight back where they came from. They could decide cases within 24 hours of arrival, just like they could with those ā€˜far right riotersā€™. Couldnā€™t they?

    Think of the billions of savings. Hotel bills, detention centres, education, English translation, English teaching, housing, healthcare, job training, mosque building.

    And then no need to make poor elderly people freeze during the winter – many of whom vote Tory btw.
    Pretty simple really. Except of course that flooding the country with potential voters has been Labour policy since 1997. It just never quite made it in writing to their election manifesto.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Britain spent an estimated Ā£500,000 in the past year storing boats used by migrants to cross the Channel. The government has to keep hold of the small boats for 12 months to give the owner the opportunity to claim them – despite no one coming forward to collect one in the past year.7 Aug 2021


      • tomo says:


        I’d love to see a breakdown of that…

        Back in the noughties HM Customs “lost” a bunch of seized vehicles …


  21. MarkyMark says:

    “Labour is continuing its clamp down on free speech. Yvette Cooper has reversed the Toriesā€™ decision last year to stop police recording so many ā€œnon-crime hate incidentsā€ as it was a waste of police time. Under the Tories police were restricted to recording incidents which posed a real risk of escalating into ā€œsignificantā€ harmā€¦”



    1765 ā€¦. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish oneā€™s thoughts is a citizenā€™s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking ā€¦That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. ā€“ Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765

    2018 ā€¦ In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY ā€“ UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018


  22. taffman says:

    Message to Sir Keir & the BBC :we voted to leave the EU and do not want to return there .


    • MarkyMark says:



  23. tomo says:


  24. Fedup2 says:

    Apparently there are things called ā€˜podcasts ā€˜ . The DT has a piece about ex bbc types now using their names putting out sponsored podcasts to make even more money – here is the piece

    STARTS With podcasting being more freeform and less disciplined than Radio 4, some of the top hosts have developed verbal mannerisms that reveal more about them than they perhaps realise. When Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall left the BBC in 2022 to front The News Agents, the lure was the chance to rip off the straitjacket of impartiality. With the freedom to speak as they find, each presenter has seized the day in ways that say something uniquely about them.

    Having buttoned his lip for decades in newsrooms, Sopel has embraced the opportunity to swear like the most potty-mouthed fishwife. He audibly and massively enjoys turning the air blue. ā€œHave you ever dared to tell Emily Maitlis to f–k off?ā€ he gleefully asked Goodall last week, when Maitlis was on holiday.

    The congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene did precisely that in an interview with Maitlis about Donald Trump in March. The lexical shift is subtler in Maitlis. She still asks probing questions with all her usual vigour. Itā€™s when she ventures into an opinion that hesitancy creeps in. Her every third thought is nervously prefixed with the words, ā€œI guessā€¦ā€ What that involuntary buzz phrase tells us is that the DNA of BBC balance dies hard.

    And then there is Goodall. On the face of it, he is the George Harrison of the outfit, whom fewer fans scream for. The reality is that his steamroller prolixity and dazzling confidence make him the podcastā€™s dominant noise. His habit is to check if listeners (and colleagues?) are keeping up by means of a teacherly tic that he may have no idea heā€™s doing.

    As The News Agents reported from last weekā€™s Democrat National Congress in Chicago, this was him on Kamala Harris: ā€œI think last night you saw in [Tim] Walzā€™s speech why she picked him, right? He is Mr Midwest, right? Theyā€™ve got two history-making elements to the Harris presidency, right? There is a slight paradox with her, right, in the sense that this is the thing that she would never have wanted in many ways, right?ā€ Once heard, never unheard.

    An even purer form of Chinese water torture was laid on by The Rest Is Politics, whose two presenters spent just the one episode together at the DNC. For half of it they sat in a quiet room while Alastair Campbell (who mispronounced ā€œKamalaā€) explained everything that heā€™d read on the plane about the manifesto produced by conservative think tank Project 2025.

    Rory Stewart listened and, every two seconds in that prim staccato of his, said ā€œyuhā€¦ yuhā€¦ yuhā€¦ yuhā€¦ yuhā€¦ yuhā€¦ yuhā€¦ yuhā€¦ā€ It sounded glaringly odd and perhaps reveals that Stewart, whose custom is to tell Campbell what he finds interesting, is uncomfortable when relegated to a passive sounding board. Youā€™d never get any of this on Radio 4, but podcasts are conversational and have many hours to fill, so producers presumably donā€™t have the bandwidth to rein the mannerisms in.

    You can let them grate or you can go with the flow, as with Dominic ā€œsort ofā€ Sandbrook and Tom ā€œkind ofā€ Holland. The two Rest Is History boys have, no doubt unconsciously, developed one construction that they both use all the time, and itā€™s delightful. Theyā€™ll summarise something that happened in a place and a period ā€“ rape and pillage, for example, then add ā€œand all that stuff/all that kind of thingā€. ā€œEdward III fights the Hundred Yearsā€™ War, wins lots of battles, all of this,ā€ riffed Sandbrook in this weekā€™s excellent (as usual) 488th episode.

    Itā€™s an inclusive shorthand that addresses listeners as intelligent equals. The most knowing verbal quirk is ā€“ or was ā€“ to be found in The Rest Is Entertainment, which covers all bases from showbiz froth to geopolitics. For months now its gallopingly articulate hosts Marina Hyde and Richard Osman seem to have colluded in a prank by omitting a crucial consonant in adverts that they are contractually obliged to read out.

    ā€œThis episode is bought to you byā€¦ā€ they say with a straight face, as if satirically thumbing a nose at commercial paymasters. Recently advertisers appear to have changed their scripts to thwart this hilarity. Once the podcast starts, count how many times Osman says ā€œby the wayā€ per episode. Encyclopaedic knowledge tumbles out of him so fast that itā€™s as if his sentences have to retrieve stray facts before they get left behind.

    It was a low count this week as they covered problems at the celebrity video service Cameo and Hollywoodā€™s craven relationship with China. He said it only once, and Hyde twice, these things being catching. On Thursdays, they host a cheerful questions-and-answers edition before promising to be back after the weekend. ā€œSee you next Tuesday,ā€ they both say in a twinkling pay-off that slyly manages to out-filth Jon Sopel.ENDs

    I donā€™t know if Sopel sex pest mate huw is going to do ā€˜tips for grooming teenagers ā€˜ā€¦


  25. atlas_shrugged says:

    Der Starmer off to do a modern day Molotov-Ribbentrop pact with Deutschland.

    Germany will want to get rid of their ‘under-30’ stabimgrents on to poor old blighty.

    This would be a good deal if in return we could send them our: judges, lawyers, social workers, mayor of Londonistan, and failed politicians.


  26. Zephir says:

    Emily Maitlis hits out at ā€˜APPALLINGā€™ coverage of Huw Edwards scandal

    “Poor man is in hospital” FFS


  27. MarkyMark says:

    ā€œHannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ā€˜Once something canā€™t be said, youā€™re already in a tyranny.ā€™ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyrannyā€


    Labour will order police to record anti-Semitic and Islamophobic non-hate crime incidents
    Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper says this plan would enable officers to identify and track individuals who might pose a threat

    Charles Hymas,
    Home Affairs Editor
    12 March 2024 ā€¢ 9:00pm


    She believes there needs to be a zero-tolerance approach to ensure that anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim hatred that falls short of criminality is recorded by the police, including the perpetratorsā€™ names.

    falls short of criminality is recorded by the police, including the perpetratorsā€™ names

    falls short of criminality is recorded by the police, including the perpetratorsā€™ names

    falls short of criminality is recorded by the police, including the perpetratorsā€™ names


  28. Zephir says:

    “Emily Maitlis must ā€œpublicly repent and apologiseā€ for supporting Huw Edwards, says Calvin Robinson”


  29. Zephir says:

    Notting Hill EXPOSES ‘two-tier Keir’ as footage shows carnival-goers URINATE in people’s gardens


  30. MarkyMark says:

    Dame Sara Khan was appointed by the Prime Minister as the governmentā€™s Independent Adviser for Social Cohesion and Resilience in March 2021. She was tasked with producing an independent Review with recommendations to build resilience against extremism, understand its impact, and better support its victims. The Khan Review, ā€œThreats to Social Cohesion and Democratic Resilienceā€, was published in March 2024.

    Dame Sara Khan has published her independent review into social cohesion and resilience with recommendations to build cohesion and strengthen democratic resilience.



    Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf

    The independent review into
    the application of sharia law
    in England and Wales
    Presented to Parliament
    by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
    by Command of Her Majesty
    February 2018


  31. MarkyMark says:

    Since December 2015, a trustee of the Diane Abbott Foundation, which works to excel and improve education. This is an unpaid role.
    (Registered 26 October 2016)




  32. MarkyMark says:


    Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022

    Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.

    Theresa May, Former UK PM earned Ā£1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show

    Barry Gardiner defends donations worth Ā£500,000 from Chinese agent

    Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid Ā£400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.

    Boris Johnson earns Ā£315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States

    Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)

    Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to Ā£20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV

    Keir Starmer Ā£18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.

    Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value Ā£15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines

    Jeremy Hunt Ā£10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)

    Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of Ā£5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables

    MPs to get Ā£2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year

    Philip Hammond accepts Ā£2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts


  33. Zephir says:

    The Khan Review: executive summary, key findings and recommendations

    Victims of freedom-restricting harassment suffer devastating impacts yet are often not treated as victims or offered the support they need. The impact on the religious studies teacher at Batley Grammar School provides a harrowing example.

    As an in-depth victim case study and for the first time since the incident occurred, we reviewed the case of the religious studies (RS) teacher at Batley Grammar School who was forced into hiding in March 2021 following accusations of blasphemy. Having delivered an educational lesson on promoting fundamental British values, he faced an online and offline campaign of intimidation and abuse. Threats and harassment included incitement to violence against both him and his family.

    This incident came just 6 months after the beheading of the schoolteacher Samuel Paty in Paris. We evidence the short and long-term trauma and impact the incident had on him; compounded by the lack of support and care by local agencies. This included feeling incredibly distressed and suicidal and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite being cleared of any malicious intent by an independent investigation two months later, our review of his case demonstrates that he was not considered a victim of crime, he was not entitled to, nor did he receive any of the provisions set out in the Victims Code. In failing to understand the seriousness of the incident, he was let down by all the agencies involved, most notably Kirklees Council, West Yorkshire Police and the Batley Multi Academy Trust.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “A seven-year-old Sudanese boy has defended his British teacher, who stands accused of insulting Islam’s prophet, saying that he had suggested calling the class teddy bear Muhammad because it was his own name.

      Police arrested Gillian Gibbons, 54, on Sunday after complaints by parents that she had acted blasphemously in allowing the toy to be called Muhammad. ”


      An English mother, who had a child in one of the other classes in Unity, said: “I was just gobsmacked. And when I talked about it to colleagues who were Muslims, they felt the same. They were amazed.


  34. Zephir says:

    There was a considerable lack of leadership by the agencies named above. They should have issued clear messages that threats, harassment and abuse would not be tolerated under any circumstances. Nor was there any clear condemnation of those engaged in such behaviour who were creating an intimidatory and threatening climate. There was a disproportionate concern for not causing offence to the religious sensibilities of those who, unaware of the facts, chose to engage in intimidation and harassment. There also appeared to be a poor understanding of cohesion, where appeasing the protestors to secure the end of the protests ā€“ at the expense of the religious studies teacher ā€“ appeared to be the priority. Such an approach would arguably undermine cohesion in the long-term as it appears to appease and encourage those who create an intimidating environment to enforce their beliefs, irrespective of the rights of others.

    We heard of more cases of self-appointed ā€˜community faith leadersā€™ aggressively interfering in everyday teaching at some schools in Batley and creating a climate of fear. This appears to suggest there is a wider cultural problem in the area that is not being adequately addressed.

    We also heard of similar examples in other schools across the country and do not believe schools are given adequate support, guidance and training on how to mitigate and manage such incidents. There is a clear need for institutions to defend and support teaching staff who experience freedom-restricting harassment.


  35. Zephir says:

    Two tier, from the above government report:

    “Nor was there any clear condemnation of those engaged in such behaviour who were creating an intimidatory and threatening climate. There was a disproportionate concern for not causing offence to the religious sensibilities of those who, unaware of the facts, chose to engage in intimidation and harassment”

    “self-appointed ā€˜community faith leadersā€™ aggressively interfering in everyday teaching at some schools in Batley and creating a climate of fear. This appears to suggest there is a wider cultural problem in the area that is not being adequately addressed.”

    “similar examples in other schools across the country and do not believe schools are given adequate support, guidance and training on how to mitigate and manage such incidents.”

    “appeasing the protestors to secure the end of the protests ā€“ at the expense of the religious studies teacher ā€“ appeared to be the priority”


    • MarkyMark says:

      UK extremists ā€˜funded by small donationsā€™, says report (by uk gov) {bbc jul2017}
      ā€œIslamist extremist organisations (what is the definition or list of these?) in the UK receive hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, in the form of small, anonymous British-based donations, a long-awaited report has concludedā€¦.At no point does the summary refer to Saudi Arabia or any other country that has been accused of funding extremism in the UK.ā€


      ā€œIt claims (BBC Panorama) to have found 5,000 Muslim schoolchildren being taught that some Jews are transformed into pigs and apes and that the penalty for gay sex is execution. Some textbooks are said to teach the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves. A spokesman for the programme said the pupils, aged six to 18, attend a network of more than 40 weekend schools across the country which teach the Saudi national curriculum to Muslim children.ā€ ā€“ {guardian nov2010}

      Remember when the BBC actually chased the story ā€¦
      ā€œā€¦birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}ā€ @8:33
      ā€œā€¦ the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}ā€ @22:13


  36. JohnC says:

    At least nine Palestinians killed as Israel raids West Bank cities

    Another ludicrously lop-sided ‘live feed’ from the BBC. Check full of everything they can infer against Israel and omitting anything which shows the Palestinians as terrorists.

    Full of mini-headlines such as:
    UN condemns Israeli military operation in West Bank
    ‘The UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) has condemned the Israeli security force’s “increasingly military response” in the occupied West Bank.’
    Nothing condemning terrorism of course. Because the OHCHR are a racist, left-wing activist joke. Just like the whole UN which is now a discredited laughing stock in the real world. But not at the BBC though because the BBC are just the same.

    ‘Red Crescent says Israeli forces ‘storm medical point’
    ‘In a post on X, the humanitarian organisation adds the troops “detained the teams, and cut off all communication with them”.

    Tha would be because the IDF think some of them might be terrorists BBC. Just like they are in every other hospital.

    Brought to you by:
    Her anti-semitism is so bad, there is a full page of her outrageous reporting here:

    Why is nearly every BBC ‘reporter’ female these days ?.


  37. MarkyMark says:

    š“š”šž š“ššš± ššØšžš¦
    Tax his land, tax his wage,

    Tax his bed in which he lays.

    Tax his tractor, tax his mule,

    Teach him taxes is the rule.

    Tax his cow, tax his goat,

    Tax his pants, tax his coat.

    Tax his ties, tax his shirts,

    Tax his work, tax his dirt.

    Tax his chew, tax his smoke,

    Teach him taxes are no joke.

    Tax his car, tax his grass,

    Tax the roads he must pass.

    Tax his food, tax his drink,

    Tax him if he tries to think.

    Tax his sodas, tax his beers,

    If he cries, tax his tears.

    Tax his bills, tax his gas,

    Tax his notes, tax his cash.

    Tax him good and let him know

    That after taxes, he has no dough.

    If he hollers, tax him more,

    Tax him until heā€™s good and sore.

    Tax his coffin, tax his grave,

    Tax the sod in which he lays.

    Put these words upon his tomb,

    ā€œTaxes drove me to my doom!ā€

    And when heā€™s gone, we wonā€™t relax,

    Weā€™ll still be after the inheritance tax


    • Fedup2 says:

      Letā€™s hear it for Shakiel Thibou, 20, of Masbro Road in West Kensington,..who has been charged with attempted murder at the Notting Hill riot ā€¦ his brother has been charged with violent disorder possession of a stun gun and assault on an emergency worker – good old carribean culture ā€¦very vibrant


    • Fedup2 says:

      Lennon and McCartney ā€¦


  38. Flotsam says:

    Smarmer wants a new deal with the EU, reset ties with the EU etc so he goes to conduct a negotiation with the German Chancellor…………………….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Labour New deal


      Keir Starmer has promised that a Labour Government will write this plan into law within 100 days of taking office.

      It includes the following commitments:

      Labour will strengthen rights at work for all workers, from day one on the job.
      Labour will end fire and rehire.
      Labour will make work more family-friendly, and make it easier to balance work with home, community and family life.
      Labour will ban zero-hours contracts and ensure everyone has the right to regular hours they can rely on.
      Labour will strengthen trade union rights, raising pay and conditions.
      Labour will bring in Fair Pay Agreements to drive up pay and conditions for all workers, using sectoral collective bargaining.



  39. MarkyMark says:



  40. MarkyMark says:

    “Starmer expressed sympathy for the German people following the attack in Solingen on Friday, in which three people were killed”

    attack **
    killed ***


    *** due to gov policy


  41. MarkyMark says:

    “Thames Water says it needs 59% bill rise to survive”

    “The state-owned China Investment Company (CIC), which has global assets worth some Ā£1.1trn, including a stake in Heathrow airport and UK gas networks, holds an 8.7 per cent share of Thames Water, while a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund holds 9.9 per cent.29 Mar 2024″


  42. MarkyMark says:

    “Reset with Europe does not mean reversing Brexit – Starmer”
    Reset? What does reset mean?

    reset verb
    “set again or differently.”


  43. MarkyMark says:

    Two-tier Keir- I promise to make you poorer.


    • StewGreen says:

      Marky I’m in an NHS building and that doesn’t show on my screen
      Seems YouTube is banned by the NHS wifi

      I’m trying to cheer a patient by showing her Coronation St elisodes but ITV is banned too
      Tik Tok is available and there are clips


  44. Fedup2 says:

    Presumably mr chamberlain /TTK will return to London airport with a piece of paper from Herr ā€¦ er ā€¦ confirming the UK will not be invaded by the reichEU ā€¦. Operation sealion has been in operation for a number of years with the EU navy propelling hundreds of invaders every day without resistance ā€¦

    .. London and other major cities have been taken without resistance ā€¦
    Peace in our time sez TTK


  45. kingkp says:

    Is Southport already forgotten? What a surprise. Problem, reaction, solution. Works like a charm. How convenient it should happen just after Starmer became PM.


  46. micknotmike says:

    Hello bias my old friend,

    I was scooting through the bbc items regarding the upcoming election debates. Apparently it was biden who asked for microphones to be muted when it is not the participants turn to speak. Trump was against it, but has warmed to the idea and would like the same rule to be in place at the next debate.

    The democrats are against this and the bbc explain that they want Trump to be able to rudely interrupt to show the world how nasty he is. The whole article is completely biased to explain why he wants the microphones muted. No mention of why harris would want the mics to be hot at all times. I can tell you why she wants them live. Its so she can cackle and shriek every time Trump speaks, then when he fights back she can play the race card (What race is she this week, by the way?)

    Trump did an excellent job with the muted mics, which forced him to listen and take time to formulate his replies. The democrats don’t want him looking good. I stayed up late for the Trump/biden debate, and I’m so glad I did. No way the democrats could spin that.

    If he can get her flustered and losing her cool, it will be an edge of the seat electoral suicide.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Mick – really cannot see the debate taking place – Biden Obama used the covid excuse a couple of times – she may go for the monkeypox ā€¦. Sept 10 I think itā€™s listed for


  47. vlad says:

    The BBC don’t like Telegram – the free-speech messaging service – for obvious reasons. So, of course, they’re delighted to post on their Home page that “Telegram repeatedly refuses to join child protection schemes”.

    Mmm, can anyone think of another large media outlet that repeatedly fails to protect children?



    • tomo says:


  48. JohnC says:

    Starmer: Reset with EU will not reverse Brexit

    … and here we go again.

    After a quiet period of sensible-ish comments with a ration of about 3:1 in fvaour of the Right, all of a suddent Bam! – the troll farm are engaged again and we get:

    Take this semi-literate nonsense:
    ‘Brexit is a failed policy that continues to damage the British economy on a daily basis. I imagine someone will say I’m deluded. Most will agree with me though because our standard of living has gone down.’
    324 upticks, 125 downticks.


  49. StewGreen says:

    The picture MSM news gives us is akin to a Hollywood Set version, the “Potemkin village”
    Not real world reality.

    BBC are the world leaders in this


  50. JohnC says:

    Man who threw items at Farage gets suspended term

    ‘Greally, of Dansbrook Drive, previously pleaded guilty to a charge of using threatening, abusive, insulting words and behaviour with intent to cause fear.’

    ‘CCTV played to the court showed Greally, who was wearing a red hoody, picking the items from a construction area and throwing them.’

    ‘Josh Greally, 28, was sentenced to six weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months, after a district judge said the offence was serious enough to merit a jail term, but there was a ā€œrealistic prospect of rehabilitationā€.’

    Mother-of-six jailed for throwing brick at police
    2 years jail.

    Man who threw brick at police during riot jailed
    2 years and 2 months in jail.

    These is the disgraceful two-tier justice system the Left have created now their infestation of our public bodies is complete.


    • StewGreen says:

      Yes but it’s OK when the victims are JEWS RIGHTIES

      Cos righties like Farage, Tommy, Trump are sub-human aren’t they ?

      I call it HATE by projection
      First they see their political opposition as sub-human
      And then give themselves licence to DEHUMANISE them and be hatey towards them