World at one
They interviewed a ‘pollster ‘ a full on Marxist who claimed the British people liked to be controlled . They like banns . Thr smoking thing will be popular … and he claimed that the programme often gave time to libertarians …. That was the moment my wireless went out the window ….
I think the word ‘freedom ‘ should be banned – along with the concept ….
Perhaps if president trump were to get the office again he might restart talks in the Middle East to get trade with Israel again … in a while … of course …
Can’t think of many who view polls as anything other than a tool to feed credulous or complicit total BS data to serve as grist to their #prasnews propaganda efforts.
Lord Klaus Schwab is planning three “shock events”. However “avatars” will continue to live on after the elite die, and their brains “will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms”.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
Simon Francis, of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, warned that “this has the potential to create a public health emergency which will actually create more pressure on the under-pressure NHS which the Prime Minister says he wants to fix.”
Support the Morning Star
You can’t buy a revolution, but you can support the only daily paper in Britain that’s fighting for one.
The Morning Star is honest about what it represents: the labour movement and working people all over the world.
The rich don’t like us, and they don’t advertise with us. We rely on our community of worldwide readers and friends to hold power to account.
I notice that TTK wants free movement for the under 30’s as part of this deal with Germany.
I was going to say that’s just the start and it would be extended once it’s up and running.
I’ve just seen in the Sun that it’s now under 35’s so it’s being extended before it even happens. The end result would be making free movement for everybody (no borders)
Everything he (TTK) is doing is horrendous for most normal people. When anybody asks when the boats will be stopping his followers say he’s only been in government for what is it, 9 weeks or so yet he has managed to get lots of spiteful things done like robbing pensioners and locking up Facebook posters.
I think he will be the worst PM ever and this Labour government also the worst ever.
Professor Fagin, working out the apogee for the next satellite launch, alongside colleague Dr Artful Dodger, discussing anaesthetic protocol in surgery.
It took them a while, but finally the BBC have addressed the questions surrounding the Lucy Letby conviction.
However, they (as expected) are slyly trying to say she’s obviously guilty.
However, if you read their own article, in summary it is this…(with some paraphrasing and bullshit detection and removal.)
Loads of experts are saying her conviction is bollocks. Even the academic whose paper the prosecution used to convict Letby. He’s now saying ‘Bollocks. That’s not what I meant. Stop twisting what I said. I’ll speak for her defence now.’
Experts on air embolism and isulin overdoses have explanations. The jury weren’t told she wasn’t on duty for at least five deaths. Nobody ever saw her doing anything dodgy. There was leaking sewerage in the roof which could have caused any number of medical emergencies in babies.
I’m not saying she is innocent btw.
Just that the ‘unbiased’ BBC shouldn’t be so obviously against her possible innocence.
Imagine if she was innocent? Imagine going through that?
Hopefully the evidence will be heard in full and these experts allowed to speak and any jury/panel not have important information ommited and told that such information was left out at the first trial.
But the BBC will be doing all they can to keep her in jail, even if they find evidence of her innocence (imo).
No one was able to “prove” anything against her, which by any metric, is truly terrifying if, like me you were arrested and investigated for 6 months on the words, NOTHING more, just the words, of someone else.
Just for clarification, if a partner is on a marriage visa and the relationship breaks down they are required to return back to their home country, UNLESS they can get a successful police prosecution against you, then they can stay.
I was lucky, this person was not. Different agendas at play but the same : not justice driven.
I still suffer from the experience, God only knows what this person is going through.
Home Office police comment to me: “We get a lot of that” so goodness knows how many more are suffering from false accusations.
Indeed. The evidence of ‘she was the only one on duty all the time’ isn’t true for quite a few more incidents.
I do have a family member who is a nurse and she says it scares a few nurses. As in they could be scapegoated and locked up forever. But she did say that she might have done it etc.
Let’s see.
I still think she’s become a political pawn and is screwed (evil honky).
Starmer’s biographer Tom Baldwin says that the PM has removed the picture of Margaret Thatcher from the… Margaret Thatcher room. Who’s going to go up in her place – Arthur Scargill?
Reading the X comments about the end of freedom we are witnessing – so many people know – but are helpless to do anything .
Dissent in the future is going to be dealt with brutally – the political courts are already in place – the judiciary is as sold as the new model army and prosecuting powers – in 5 years time the web will be fully licenced because some 14 year old girl topped herself .
The most unpopular Primeminister EVER and all achieved within two months.
He has vilified the real working class with their opinions on immigration with political trials and instant jail with no bail for those NOT involved in violence or disorder.
He has proven himself a liar over and over again with his manifesto promises and pledges proven to be bullshit.
He has decided to (probably) enact anti smoking legislation.
He continues to blame the previous administration for any actions he takes, despite all economic data being available to his party before the election.
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from 3000 years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Who is in charge of 7000+ pubs in London in 2017?
… wait, Sadiq Khan spoke at the Chicken Cottage Awards in 2012 …
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
There will be no public house, with its pleasant pub garden. There will be no public square. There will be no public discourse. There will, eventually, only be the privacy of the jail cell and the torture chamber – and the one last public joy, of the execution of the heretic.
I disagree – think is we were all in permanent lock down how much that would save the NHS ? It would be back on its feet in months . No human activity would save it …
I’ve got a wiz of an idea, why don’t we repurpose the dingos in Dover and send our pensioners to France at least they will get their WFA there
What’s not to like!!
Just allow nurses to work from home when it’s not their turn to go sick …
I had a team once which was 50% female – we knew from the roster when they’d take there turn to go sick with wimmins ‘ trouble … mysogeny v the truth …
“”Tugendhat pledges legally-binding annual cap on net migration of 100,000″
Do the Tories honestly think we’ll blindly fall for that one?
I am thinking more and more that our country (Britain, not England) will only be able to resist all the crap above from the Welsh, Irish and Scots, our English flag is regularly vilified as far right by the usual racebaiters sucking off the benefits of our country whilst criticising it, but the others , not, the only reason I can think of is we are more passive.
The others, as I have witnessed a few times, especially the Scots, have no problem expressing their tribalism.
“However, we acknowledge that although Yungblud’s team were contacted for comment about complaints from festival goers, these specific points about disability access were not put to them prior to the broadcast. We included some of their response on air at the next opportunity in bulletins but are happy to make clear their full statement and apologise for not doing so previously:”
So Starmer is considering banning smoking in pub outside spaces.
Other than the fact that this will almost certainly kill off most of the side street locals, I would like to know why a bunch of elite anti-smokers have suddenly gained the absolute right to do this nazi shit out of nowhere.
My suggestion is that pubs are given the option. If they want to keep smoking areas they simply put up a big notice at the door saying they have one. That way any nimby type could F off somewhere else if they didn’t like it while smokers could continue in.
But of course we all know this isn’t about protecting non-smokers, it’s about punishing smokers which seems to be Starmers preferred course of action.
Must be his legal shit making him think like this,
It’s good to see the BBC doing great investigative work into the death of a 27-year-old footballer who collapsed during a top-flight game and later died in hospital.
“Izquierdo had no known heart condition before his collapse.”
It must have been climate global boiling, or was he a secret chain smoker? I can’t for the life of me imagine what else could have caused the death of a perfectly healthy 27-year-old.
Despite the tough inheritance, this Government will do everything we can to help vulnerable families.
I had a positive meeting with energy suppliers today about the steps we can take together to support those struggling to pay their bills this winter.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person causes someone to question their sanity, memories, or perception of reality. People who experience gaslighting may feel confused, anxious, or unable to trust themselves.
“I had a positive meeting with energy suppliers today about the steps we can take together to support those struggling to pay their bills this winter.”
Whoever was responsible for this statement is a complete and utter bullshitter, a meeting with no results.
“In an hour and eight minutes of dramatic music and out-of-context news reports, the film tells a fictitious story of a dangerous vaccine killing off swathes of young people – all part of an imagined plot to depopulate the earth.”
I see. It’s good to know the BBC can be relied on for the truth.
Members of the government’s expert committee on vaccination remain largely opposed to extending Covid jabs to younger teenagers, despite politicians having signalled they would like to see a shift in the guidance, the Guardian has been told.
I saw a big cat running across a field just outside Knebworth, whilst on a train to London.
Funnily enough, I later found the following, the other side of those woods was:
How one man’s crusade from a ramshackle sanctuary in Welwyn Garden City is helping the endangered cats of the Himalayas
So it’s crucial Terry’s long-term plans for the Sikkim reserve go ahead. But he’s never prepared to compromise, and that means keeping his Welwyn centre private – viewers will be disappointed to learn that members of the public cannot pay to visit. But one visitor does drop by every February when the females are in heat.
Amazingly, Terry says it’s another big cat. ‘We’ve seen leopard tracks outside the cages three years running,’ he says. ‘Somewhere around here, probably hunting rabbits and lambs, there’s a leopard – not one of ours!’
‘Three male teenage suspects were arrested in connection with the foiled attacks, allegedly inspired by the Islamic State group.’
Just delaying the inevitable. Nobody is doing anything to tackle the root cause.
Those here on the Right who were enraged enough by these non-stop murders by Muslims of anyone they could get their blade into – including children – to take to the streets have all been put in jail for 2 years or so to keep them out of the way.
We can learn a lot from watching how the BBC (and the Left in general) try to protect these people and hide the stories of their atrocities, terrorism and violence to preserve them as ‘victims’ for use as weapons against the Right. It takes a special kind of ideological monster to do that.
JohnC – I wonder how the bbc would have dealt with a successful attack on a swiftly concert – with dead kids and mums by the dozen ?
Would there have been even more candles and flowers than usual ? Or would the non effective security forces get the blame ? It will happen again – inevitable after Manchester
It’s a holy war treated as ‘mental cases ‘….
Chilling moment boy, 17, stalks schoolgirl Holly Newton, 15, before stabbing her to death down an alley.
The obsessed teenager left her with 36 injuries after stabbing her 12 times, slashing her 19 times, and causing five ‘defensive’ injuries in a frenzy which snapped the knife.
He also stabbed her boyfriend, a 16-year-old boy, before members of the public tried to intervene.
Zephir -every one of those cases where the murderer is granted secrecy of identity really cheeses me . There should be a public price to pay – including the kids ‘Family – if there is one .
There should be a burden to publish unless the defence proves harm by doing so .
The judge should have to explain the reason why identity was withheld . That should be the case in every trial of a 10 year old or older …
The victim deserves it .
Members of the government’s expert committee on vaccination remain largely opposed to extending Covid jabs to younger teenagers, despite politicians having signalled they would like to see a shift in the guidance, the Guardian has been told.
This is peak Guardian: ✅ Open hatred for the working class ✅ Tubby middle-aged joyless non-binary gimp with a face like a slapped arse ✅ Policing of others' enjoyment ✅ Cultural elitism ✅ Offence archaeology
— Leo Kearse – on YouTube & Saturday Night Showdown (@LeoKearse) August 29, 2024
DT reports londonistan tube drivers threatening to strike because £70 000 basic isn’t enough . Good luck – maybe you can get it to £100 000 basic for a 3 day week … with 100 days holiday plus package …
What's going on in Brazil is very simple. Alexandre de Moraes, a judge, is a tyrant who knows he is above the law. He can do anything he wants, to anyone and anything, and there's nothing anyone can do about it because the media and the establishment are completely under his…
“What’s going on in Brazil is very simple. Alexandre de Moraes, a judge, is a tyrant who knows he is above the law. He can do anything he wants, to anyone and anything, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it because the media and the establishment are completely under his thumb.
Brazil is not a free country and he means to silence anyone — namely Elon Musk — who challenges him. All that’s left now is for the people to rise up over this tyranny, or live beneath it.”
Venezuela, as deified by Corbyn and his acolytes (remind anyone of somewhere else closer to home ?):
“The Nicolás Maduro government and its security forces are responsible for extrajudicial executions and short-term forced disappearances and have jailed opponents, prosecuted civilians in military courts, tortured detainees, and cracked down on protesters. They used a state of emergency implemented in response to Covid-19 as a pretext to intensify their control over the population. The lack of judicial independence contributed to impunity for these crimes. Judicial authorities have participated or been complicit in the abuses.
A United Nations Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) identified patterns of violations and crimes that were part of a widespread and systematic course of conduct that it concluded amounted to crimes against humanity. In November 2021, International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan announced his decision to open an investigation into possible crimes against humanity committed in Venezuela.
Venezuela is facing a severe humanitarian emergency, with millions unable to access basic healthcare and adequate nutrition.”
Now it’s claimed an American patriot missile got the American F16.
“An F-16 in Ukraine was shot down by a Patriot complex of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, claims Maryana Bezuglaya, citing her own sources.
The Rada deputy stated that this happened due to a lack of coordination between units. According to her, the reports indicate that the pilot lost control.”
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
World at one
They interviewed a ‘pollster ‘ a full on Marxist who claimed the British people liked to be controlled . They like banns . Thr smoking thing will be popular … and he claimed that the programme often gave time to libertarians …. That was the moment my wireless went out the window ….
I think the word ‘freedom ‘ should be banned – along with the concept ….
SOON COMRADE … SOON … Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy
6 July 2022
Arabs are losing faith in democracy to deliver economic stability across the Middle East and North Africa, according to a major new survey.
Nearly 23,000 people were interviewed across nine countries and the Palestinian territories for BBC News Arabic by the Arab Barometer network.
Most agreed with the statement that an economy is weak under a democracy.
Perhaps if president trump were to get the office again he might restart talks in the Middle East to get trade with Israel again … in a while … of course …
Can’t think of many who view polls as anything other than a tool to feed credulous or complicit total BS data to serve as grist to their #prasnews propaganda efforts.
The BBC will be one such.
“I asked it to ‘write me five songs about bisexual dilemmas’, or ‘being an immigrant child’, and it gave me ideas that I would have never thought of.”
Lord Klaus Schwab is planning three “shock events”. However “avatars” will continue to live on after the elite die, and their brains “will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms”.
Oooh. ooh, bbc stand up comedian, forget ripping jokes off AI, here’s some for you:
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
Hang on!! Now let me think, where else have I seen that haircut?…..
Could it be? ….
Next, the facial hair, always a good indicator of a dictator, I find.
Simon Francis, of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, warned that “this has the potential to create a public health emergency which will actually create more pressure on the under-pressure NHS which the Prime Minister says he wants to fix.”
Support the Morning Star
You can’t buy a revolution, but you can support the only daily paper in Britain that’s fighting for one.
The Morning Star is honest about what it represents: the labour movement and working people all over the world.
The rich don’t like us, and they don’t advertise with us. We rely on our community of worldwide readers and friends to hold power to account.
I notice that TTK wants free movement for the under 30’s as part of this deal with Germany.
I was going to say that’s just the start and it would be extended once it’s up and running.
I’ve just seen in the Sun that it’s now under 35’s so it’s being extended before it even happens. The end result would be making free movement for everybody (no borders)
Everything he (TTK) is doing is horrendous for most normal people. When anybody asks when the boats will be stopping his followers say he’s only been in government for what is it, 9 weeks or so yet he has managed to get lots of spiteful things done like robbing pensioners and locking up Facebook posters.
I think he will be the worst PM ever and this Labour government also the worst ever.
EU freedom of movement in actuality, doctors and rocket engineers arrive:
Professor Fagin, working out the apogee for the next satellite launch, alongside colleague Dr Artful Dodger, discussing anaesthetic protocol in surgery.
Why I, along with most, treat the liberal MSM as an utter joke:
Voter enthusiasm surges after Kamala Harris enters race, poll finds; VP to give first interview since launching campaign
Next… a Sopes/Strumpet reunion TNI special?
“If you were one of the characters from Friends, who would you be?”: We’re thinking Monica, she’s SUCH a boss.
Are you team Edward or team Jacob?: The platform we all need to know.
“You’re, like, so amazing. Sorry, I guess that wasn’t a question.”: But it’s SO true.
“Where did you come up with your brilliant idea to build a border wall?”: It just came out of nowhere!
“What do you think about feminism? Do you like it?”: Very tough, but fair question.
“Is it difficult being a woman in politics? Same question for you, Vice President Harris.”: Finally, a moment for Tim Walz to get some attention.
“Are you brat? Or ARE. YOU. BRAT?”: It’s a trick question. She’s obviously BRAT.
“Your opponent is basically Hitler. Can you tell us why that’s bad?”: The hard-hitting questions we’ve all come to expect from CNN.
“Would you rather fight 10 duck-sized Trumps or one Trump-sized duck?”: Sources say Kamala will lean toward fighting the single giant duck.
“Can we please, please hear that adorable laugh again?”: Journalism at its finest.
Kamala Harris gave an interview?
yeah – and I’m a banana
It took them a while, but finally the BBC have addressed the questions surrounding the Lucy Letby conviction.
However, they (as expected) are slyly trying to say she’s obviously guilty.
However, if you read their own article, in summary it is this…(with some paraphrasing and bullshit detection and removal.)
Loads of experts are saying her conviction is bollocks. Even the academic whose paper the prosecution used to convict Letby. He’s now saying ‘Bollocks. That’s not what I meant. Stop twisting what I said. I’ll speak for her defence now.’
Experts on air embolism and isulin overdoses have explanations. The jury weren’t told she wasn’t on duty for at least five deaths. Nobody ever saw her doing anything dodgy. There was leaking sewerage in the roof which could have caused any number of medical emergencies in babies.
I’m not saying she is innocent btw.
Just that the ‘unbiased’ BBC shouldn’t be so obviously against her possible innocence.
Imagine if she was innocent? Imagine going through that?
Hopefully the evidence will be heard in full and these experts allowed to speak and any jury/panel not have important information ommited and told that such information was left out at the first trial.
But the BBC will be doing all they can to keep her in jail, even if they find evidence of her innocence (imo).
No one was able to “prove” anything against her, which by any metric, is truly terrifying if, like me you were arrested and investigated for 6 months on the words, NOTHING more, just the words, of someone else.
Just for clarification, if a partner is on a marriage visa and the relationship breaks down they are required to return back to their home country, UNLESS they can get a successful police prosecution against you, then they can stay.
I was lucky, this person was not. Different agendas at play but the same : not justice driven.
I still suffer from the experience, God only knows what this person is going through.
Home Office police comment to me: “We get a lot of that” so goodness knows how many more are suffering from false accusations.
Indeed. The evidence of ‘she was the only one on duty all the time’ isn’t true for quite a few more incidents.
I do have a family member who is a nurse and she says it scares a few nurses. As in they could be scapegoated and locked up forever. But she did say that she might have done it etc.
Let’s see.
I still think she’s become a political pawn and is screwed (evil honky).
Many qualified people are questioning this conviction, qualified in law and statistics.
One (of many) reasons I don’t pay any attention to bbc unqualified kidults who lie on their CV.
Bbc pupils
There was a time when media impartial expertise could be a real help when a case is complex and febrile.
No longer.
It can now be assumed the BBc exists merely to put a PR sheen on any establishment desired outcome.
It does seem that way, long gone are the days of investigative journalism driven by personal and professional integrity.
Starmer’s biographer Tom Baldwin says that the PM has removed the picture of Margaret Thatcher from the… Margaret Thatcher room. Who’s going to go up in her place – Arthur Scargill?
Boris Johnson is wrong to claim that the vanishing Churchill bust symbolizes Obama’s antipathy towards Britain – it was never Obama’s statue to give away. But the White House’s initial claim that the bust was still in the Oval Office was also a convenient spin on the facts.
Not to excuse it, but such a reminder of all he is not or could ever be is likely a bit of a downer.
A few other rooms in No.10 could easily be accorded his name after a scrub to get Paul Brand’s footprints off the seat.
Starmer rates a biographer – FFS !!
Chapter bloody one or rather maybe, the preface:
Where’s marky ?
Hovers over keyboard … worries it might be hate if I click like!
Reading the X comments about the end of freedom we are witnessing – so many people know – but are helpless to do anything .
Dissent in the future is going to be dealt with brutally – the political courts are already in place – the judiciary is as sold as the new model army and prosecuting powers – in 5 years time the web will be fully licenced because some 14 year old girl topped herself .
The most unpopular Primeminister EVER and all achieved within two months.
He has vilified the real working class with their opinions on immigration with political trials and instant jail with no bail for those NOT involved in violence or disorder.
He has proven himself a liar over and over again with his manifesto promises and pledges proven to be bullshit.
He has decided to (probably) enact anti smoking legislation.
He continues to blame the previous administration for any actions he takes, despite all economic data being available to his party before the election.
Presumably when the outside smoking ban comes in their Westminster will be exempted ….
Keep going IDF .
Stop and search to stop knife possession ? no way….so here is the person who enables people being stabbed in London.
“Sadiq Khan: ‘I’d do everything in my power to cut stop and search’
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. { aug2015}”
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from 3000 years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Who is in charge of 7000+ pubs in London in 2017?
… wait, Sadiq Khan spoke at the Chicken Cottage Awards in 2012 …
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012)!
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive discrimination for Muslims! {}
… my head is spinning …
Khant’s got a nickable watch there ?
I disagree – think is we were all in permanent lock down how much that would save the NHS ? It would be back on its feet in months . No human activity would save it …
Free internet?
I’ve got a wiz of an idea, why don’t we repurpose the dingos in Dover and send our pensioners to France at least they will get their WFA there
What’s not to like!!
As I was saying about nurses being worried about the Letby conviction.
Just allow nurses to work from home when it’s not their turn to go sick …
I had a team once which was 50% female – we knew from the roster when they’d take there turn to go sick with wimmins ‘ trouble … mysogeny v the truth …
Oh don’t get me started on that F2, male boss, female sick “wimmins problems” no problem no questions asked.
More women required in the upper echelons ?
A) why should possession of female parts require that ?
B) personal experience (40 years) the most nastiest bullying I have seen, over and over : women and workplace gang culture
I see the bbc have found loads of people? who want to ban smoking outside . Bbc in full support of Starmers new authoritarian ban
Starmers “private parts” must be getting numb from the amount of bbc tongues
“Holding power to account, we NEVER hear that on the bbc since the last election.
Funny that.
Luckily enough, I like squirrels and tumbleweed
(my cat hates squirels , but luckily she doesn’t watch the bbc, just youtube videos of dogs getting run over)
Someone on x ASLEF why has the Gloucester match been abandoned ?
The answer – because starmer had banned cricket .
What an achievement being in power 55? Days
How come the bBC are not honking on like a stuck car horn about the safety and effectiveness of the WALES 20mph speed limits – NOT.
The below video is not Wales but shows that some people should never ever be allowed behind the wheel of a car. Insurance fobs anyone?
News report here, the other report above was not related:
3 dead. One driver and two pedestrians.
Make it 0 mph!
“”Tugendhat pledges legally-binding annual cap on net migration of 100,000″
Do the Tories honestly think we’ll blindly fall for that one?
I am thinking more and more that our country (Britain, not England) will only be able to resist all the crap above from the Welsh, Irish and Scots, our English flag is regularly vilified as far right by the usual racebaiters sucking off the benefits of our country whilst criticising it, but the others , not, the only reason I can think of is we are more passive.
The others, as I have witnessed a few times, especially the Scots, have no problem expressing their tribalism.
Not allowed if you are English.
African flag good.
UK flag bad.
EU flag good.
LGBT flag good.
English flag bad.
Wheres the far right, bbc and others ? show us
If you ask me, I can show you the far left, and muslim extremists and their violence, why can’t you do the same ?
I ask again, where is this mythical far right ?
If you had one ounce of integrity, you would have to admit, it does not exist.
You have no integrity or morals because you keep telling lies. Compounded with working for an organisation that:
A) demands more taxpayers money on various crap projects whilst bbc employees operate tax avoidance shcemes
B) demands a license fee for anyone that even does not want to hear your lies yet owns a tv
“However, we acknowledge that although Yungblud’s team were contacted for comment about complaints from festival goers, these specific points about disability access were not put to them prior to the broadcast. We included some of their response on air at the next opportunity in bulletins but are happy to make clear their full statement and apologise for not doing so previously:”
So Starmer is considering banning smoking in pub outside spaces.
Other than the fact that this will almost certainly kill off most of the side street locals, I would like to know why a bunch of elite anti-smokers have suddenly gained the absolute right to do this nazi shit out of nowhere.
My suggestion is that pubs are given the option. If they want to keep smoking areas they simply put up a big notice at the door saying they have one. That way any nimby type could F off somewhere else if they didn’t like it while smokers could continue in.
But of course we all know this isn’t about protecting non-smokers, it’s about punishing smokers which seems to be Starmers preferred course of action.
Must be his legal shit making him think like this,
It’s good to see the BBC doing great investigative work into the death of a 27-year-old footballer who collapsed during a top-flight game and later died in hospital.
“Izquierdo had no known heart condition before his collapse.”
It must have been climate global boiling, or was he a secret chain smoker? I can’t for the life of me imagine what else could have caused the death of a perfectly healthy 27-year-old.
Brexit worries?
I saw a bigfoot in Uruguay
Despite the tough inheritance, this Government will do everything we can to help vulnerable families.
I had a positive meeting with energy suppliers today about the steps we can take together to support those struggling to pay their bills this winter.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person causes someone to question their sanity, memories, or perception of reality. People who experience gaslighting may feel confused, anxious, or unable to trust themselves.
“I had a positive meeting with energy suppliers today about the steps we can take together to support those struggling to pay their bills this winter.”
Whoever was responsible for this statement is a complete and utter bullshitter, a meeting with no results.
steps = more meetings in warm rooms!
“In an hour and eight minutes of dramatic music and out-of-context news reports, the film tells a fictitious story of a dangerous vaccine killing off swathes of young people – all part of an imagined plot to depopulate the earth.”
I see. It’s good to know the BBC can be relied on for the truth.
Exclusive: Members of government’s expert committee disagree HERITICS ANTI-VACERS with politicians and Jonathan Van-Tam
Sat 7 Aug 2021 07.00 BST
Members of the government’s expert committee on vaccination remain largely opposed to extending Covid jabs to younger teenagers, despite politicians having signalled they would like to see a shift in the guidance, the Guardian has been told.
I saw a big cat running across a field just outside Knebworth, whilst on a train to London.
Funnily enough, I later found the following, the other side of those woods was:
How one man’s crusade from a ramshackle sanctuary in Welwyn Garden City is helping the endangered cats of the Himalayas
So it’s crucial Terry’s long-term plans for the Sikkim reserve go ahead. But he’s never prepared to compromise, and that means keeping his Welwyn centre private – viewers will be disappointed to learn that members of the public cannot pay to visit. But one visitor does drop by every February when the females are in heat.
Amazingly, Terry says it’s another big cat. ‘We’ve seen leopard tracks outside the cages three years running,’ he says. ‘Somewhere around here, probably hunting rabbits and lambs, there’s a leopard – not one of ours!’
CIA says Swift concert plotters planned to kill ‘a huge number’
‘Three male teenage suspects were arrested in connection with the foiled attacks, allegedly inspired by the Islamic State group.’
Just delaying the inevitable. Nobody is doing anything to tackle the root cause.
Those here on the Right who were enraged enough by these non-stop murders by Muslims of anyone they could get their blade into – including children – to take to the streets have all been put in jail for 2 years or so to keep them out of the way.
We can learn a lot from watching how the BBC (and the Left in general) try to protect these people and hide the stories of their atrocities, terrorism and violence to preserve them as ‘victims’ for use as weapons against the Right. It takes a special kind of ideological monster to do that.
Ban concerts to save lives!
Here’s my list:
Starting with Cold bloody Play and Taylor whats her name:
JohnC – I wonder how the bbc would have dealt with a successful attack on a swiftly concert – with dead kids and mums by the dozen ?
Would there have been even more candles and flowers than usual ? Or would the non effective security forces get the blame ? It will happen again – inevitable after Manchester
It’s a holy war treated as ‘mental cases ‘….
Muzzies have no morality or shame
BBC was keen to report on the the first six F16s delivered to Ukraine.
Not too keen to report ones already gone along with Ukrainian’s top pilot..
Stabbing of the day report:
Chilling moment boy, 17, stalks schoolgirl Holly Newton, 15, before stabbing her to death down an alley.
The obsessed teenager left her with 36 injuries after stabbing her 12 times, slashing her 19 times, and causing five ‘defensive’ injuries in a frenzy which snapped the knife.
He also stabbed her boyfriend, a 16-year-old boy, before members of the public tried to intervene.
Zephir -every one of those cases where the murderer is granted secrecy of identity really cheeses me . There should be a public price to pay – including the kids ‘Family – if there is one .
There should be a burden to publish unless the defence proves harm by doing so .
The judge should have to explain the reason why identity was withheld . That should be the case in every trial of a 10 year old or older …
The victim deserves it .
F2 stopping stop and search, go figure
I was in Steveage today three of the bastards put masks on in broad daylight and invaded a shop
In khans racist world they would be innocent
everyone was phoning the police
Suicide rates in England and Wales soar to their highest in more than 20 years – with males still making up three in four tragedies
In TTK land it’s not a crime – truly bad times coming as the selective enforcement of law by the new model army is recognised by the invaders ….
People will apply their own laws in the end ….with plod being an enemy …
Close the suicide gender GAP!
Shit call, bad judgement, unfit for the job
– but you knew that, eh?
Members of the government’s expert committee on vaccination remain largely opposed to extending Covid jabs to younger teenagers, despite politicians having signalled they would like to see a shift in the guidance, the Guardian has been told.
Der Starmer has childrens blood on his hands.
Sorry, but I can’t handle trying to listen to this bloke.
Off switch every time, drives me mad.
If you wish to hear an erudite person, try this :
Yeah – does me too …
DT reports londonistan tube drivers threatening to strike because £70 000 basic isn’t enough . Good luck – maybe you can get it to £100 000 basic for a 3 day week … with 100 days holiday plus package …
Who’s going to be the UK’s Alexandre de Moraes?
Starmer’s going to need one , ain’t ee?
“What’s going on in Brazil is very simple. Alexandre de Moraes, a judge, is a tyrant who knows he is above the law. He can do anything he wants, to anyone and anything, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it because the media and the establishment are completely under his thumb.
Brazil is not a free country and he means to silence anyone — namely Elon Musk — who challenges him. All that’s left now is for the people to rise up over this tyranny, or live beneath it.”
@ Tomo
Venezuela, as deified by Corbyn and his acolytes (remind anyone of somewhere else closer to home ?):
“The Nicolás Maduro government and its security forces are responsible for extrajudicial executions and short-term forced disappearances and have jailed opponents, prosecuted civilians in military courts, tortured detainees, and cracked down on protesters. They used a state of emergency implemented in response to Covid-19 as a pretext to intensify their control over the population. The lack of judicial independence contributed to impunity for these crimes. Judicial authorities have participated or been complicit in the abuses.
A United Nations Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) identified patterns of violations and crimes that were part of a widespread and systematic course of conduct that it concluded amounted to crimes against humanity. In November 2021, International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan announced his decision to open an investigation into possible crimes against humanity committed in Venezuela.
Venezuela is facing a severe humanitarian emergency, with millions unable to access basic healthcare and adequate nutrition.”
Maduro had a sing-along regular weekend TV program when he replaced Hugo Chavez as El Presidente – it were proper bizarre.
Can you imagine TTK gurning sternly at the lens and tickling the ivories weekly late Sunday afternoon like a strange reincarnation of Les Dawson?
Those refusing to join in will be jailed.
Now it’s claimed an American patriot missile got the American F16.
“An F-16 in Ukraine was shot down by a Patriot complex of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, claims Maryana Bezuglaya, citing her own sources.
The Rada deputy stated that this happened due to a lack of coordination between units. According to her, the reports indicate that the pilot lost control.”
Keir to bring back all migrants from Germany as part of the NEW TRADE DEAL… HA HA HA HAHA

What’s the soap for?