The grandstanding fractional wits of the HoC are braying – the BBC no doubt will hand them a megaphone?
I remember some wet nobody MP from Folkestone demanding Mark Zuckerberg appear in person before him and rejecting the FB employees who turned up instead. They're completely deluded.
Righty ex cop spokesman @PeterBleksley tweets I am thrilled and truly humbled to have been asked to give a contemporary twist to a patriotic British classic.
‘Land of Dope and Gory’ Will be performed at the Proms this week.
Having been inspired by the success of, ‘The Vicar of Dibley’ and ‘Father Ted’,
I’m delighted to inform you that my two new sitcoms,
‘The Imam of Islington’
and ‘The Rabbi of Romford’,
will be arriving on your tv screens soon.
I must know well over a hundred pensioners.
None of them are millionaires yet 1 in 4 are millionaires according to lefties.
I don’t believe these figures.
Even if some down south are living in houses that may be worth a million, what are they to do, sell them and buy another house. All the other houses have also gone up in price.
Live in a hotel perhaps.
These things also cost money. At least your own house gives you security.
Does every pensioner own their house. What percentage actually do own their home.
I just can’t believe this 1 in 4 number.
Up here in the North East there’s hardly any houses worth £1 million and any that are mainly belong to footballers and the like.
It would be interesting to have these claims fully explained with facts and figures to show what the actual truth is.
Doh you know how media headlines work
They are often amplification
IT’s actually pensioner households , not each pensioner
Jessica Beard 29 June 2022
Charity calls 10pc rise in state pension ‘unfair’ after new figures reveal how wealthy pensioners are
retirement wealth has ballooned over the last decade, official figures have shown.
The simple truth. All he left out is the 5/6G prison they are building which will keep you locked in your 15-minute gulag. This grid has also been weaponised to track, trace and kill. Think I’m joking? I think it’s time to start taking the swivel-eyed, tinfoil-hat-wearing loonies seriously.
RiC, I was surprised that one of Miliband’s crazy claims was under attack from R4’s More or Less this morning. They did attack the previous Conservative Government as well.
Just browsed for articles on the Trump/Harris debate and was amazed at the continuous list of anti-Trump headlines Google put in front of me. All exlcusively from the news outlets I avoid such as CNN and ABC.
Then – after a lot of scrolling – this one came up where the comment made it all make sense:
Once the free-press is so absolutely broken, the country is in a dark place. History is repeating itself and the rise of the new Nazis is well under way.
‘Harris puts Trump on defensive in fiery debate’
‘Harris digs at Trump over ‘bored’ fans leaving his rallies’
‘Taylor Swift endorses ‘warrior’ Kamala Harris for president’
They have given up any pretence of impartiality because now they know they will get away with it.
You would think the only thing J D Vance ever wrote was a comment about childless cat ladies. No mention of any of his other books, articles or speeches. He is a well educated man and deep thinker about the plight of the American working class, but the MSM would rather you didn’t know about that, just childless cat ladies. Still, haters gotta hate, eh Tay Tay?
Is google guilty of causing deliberate harm and harassment after continuously giving me headlines and links to MSM news outlets that will cause me alarm and distress because of their biased reporting (e.g. Guardian, bBC, CNN etc etc)?
Only the idiots at the BBC can turn a story about the killing of dozens of babies in India because they are girls into a ‘heartwarming victim survivor’ story.
The ongoing murder of many more such babies is totally ignored. The BBC don’t care about that : they just want the ’empathy factor’ and maybe an award at the next incestuous BBC taxpayer-funded event.
One of the many, many things these people do that the BBC ignore when it doesn’t suit their agenda.
So I heard bits of the debate with the childless cat lady and the real US president.
The high point for the feminazi-in-chief was when she started pulling on heart strings about wimmin being banged up for various reasons. Most of these reasons she gave would be criminal acts. Her solution was the extermination of an unborn child without any care or understanding that this was an innocent blameless victim.
As Marky said:
“throw children into a volcano to stop the Gods being angry!”
libmob cosy establishment don’t like social media
Cos it allows a Page 3 model to do the job the media should be doing.
Like exposing Starmer’s ultrahyprocrisy
@LeilaniDowding tweets
This is why @Keir_Starmer wants censorship.
We keep exposing their lies while the Mainstream plays along ….
In May Keir said the “black hole” was 46 billion.
Now he’s pretending he didn’t know there was a black hole until he got in power.
Look what he says about the fuel payments vs what he’s doing now….
It is a UNI PARTY. They all do the same
Video :
Then of course farrrrr right supporters need to be banned
Cos a Britain First supporter/front account tweeted an old Starmer tweet
“The airlines that have removed Israel from their route maps
Chris Leadbeater,
Travel Correspondent
9 March 2017 • 2:02pm”
Of course, it is not only airlines based in the Middle East which have been caught up in this issue. In August 2015, Air France was forced to apologise after passengers noticed that Israel was missing from its in-flight map.
Although that comment got 31 Likes, I am forced to contradict it. Cos I did visit the BBC news site briefly yesterday and there was a 9/11 story right in front of my eyes
..maybe in trending stories or something
That story is dated 1st August 2024.
I try not to see too much news on the tele’ these days. I find myself shouting at the TV and it’s not good for the old blood pressure. Not at my age…
However, I did witness a couple of things; Parliament’s vote to end the winter fuel allowance for pensioners…and the sight of gloating prisoners let out onto our streets…some of whom were whisked away in police vehicles to centrally heated hotels. You know, modern Britain often feels like a Monty Python sketch that’s gone badly wrong…
The constant mantra from the politburo is that our prisons are overcrowded. So…we’re releasing drug dealers, gang members and axe attackers to accommodate upset grannies who put up nasty Tweets following the slaughter of three little girls.
Starmer has previously warned that upwards of 4,000 older people could die if the winter fuel allowance was ended. He’s ended it, knowing the consequences.
And he has backing in the media too! The very same people that think it’s a good idea for our pensioners to die from hypothermia are those that also back our policy of accommodating the dinghy dodgers in four star hotels.
Not at all sure what this picture has to do with the headline but it does highlight one advantage of women doing dirty jobs compared to men:
They stay absolutely immaculate and their clothes always look brand new. I expect the white ones do as well – but we only ever see the black ones.
Same as all those women soldiers we saw ready to fight in Ukraine. Right up until the war started. Then they all disappeared to be replaced by men with big beards.
There were 20.4 Getty Images apperances for every 1,000 black people in Britain.
Oh, sorry. Let me correct that statistic…
black people were 2.2 times as likely to be arrested as white people – there were 20.4 arrests for every 1,000 black people, and 9.4 for every 1,000 white people (Gov.UK, Arrests in the year ending 31 March 2023)
I have always wondered in the UK how they are going to apply the sexual equality act during a period of war. Should the death rate amongst service men rise above the death rate of service women then there would be substantive evidence of the failure to apply the act. No doubt Jolyon would step in at that point and seek judicial review.
Who voted for all this? – complains our ever-excitable Daily Mail.
Only 20% of the eligible electorate is the reply, sotto voce.
The Mail grumbles, on our behalf, about: Starmergeddon… Prisoners soaked with celebratory bubbly as thieves, drug dealers and violent criminals are freed early…
I thought it was Labour’s promise to soak the rich?
Angela Rayner: I’m relaxed about the rich… if they pay tax (BBC, October 2022)
So how does Labour differentiate between the rich and their supposed voters and support base ie working people?
Labour leader’s remarks indicate savers, pensioners and private service users could face tax rises… Sir Keir Starmer has suggested that millions of Britons are not covered by his manifesto pledge to “not increase taxes on working people”… All those left out of Starmer’s definition of working people (Telegraph, June 2024) – so you can’t say you weren’t warned.
The Mail’s criticism of the early prison releases continues: One vows he’s now a ‘life-long labour voter’… Another was greeted by friends in a Lamborghini… – that old lag wants to watch out for his hidden stash, our Ms Reeves and her boss evidently regard all savings as ill-gotten gains and will be coming after them this autumn.
As for the sudden up-spike in the probablity you may now meet an ex-convict in a street near you – I guess trust in former Tory law and order policies just didn’t convince.
The Mail’s broadside blast concludes with the crescendo: All on the day Starmer’s MPs voted to axe winter fuel cash for 10million pensioners
As for the lament: Who voted for all this? – one has to counter with… when did we ever get something… anything… for which we voted?
Well, there was Brexit, I hear you cry. Well, that was akin to extracting teeth, was only partially achieved… and now is well on the way to being reversed.
The news cycle moves on. If you thought the media hype around the impending Oasis shows was just a tad over-blown – wait until you check your BBC on the Trump Harris debate.
Or Harris Trump – as the BBC prefers the billing.
Harris puts Trump on defensive in fiery debate
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia
Harris said people leave Trump rallies early “out of exhaustion and boredom”
Do you see what they’re doing there?
Here’s one for the teenagers… I’m reminded of a controversy back in 1978 over the poster from the movie Grease. Olivia Newton-John’s image appeared on the left of the poster under John Travolta’s name – and vice versa. The explantion was that Travolta was the bigger name and he – the bigger box office star – perforce, got top name billing as we read left to right.
We welcome TV Tropes [THE ALL DEVOURING POP-CULTURE WIKI] – in a debut appearance hereabouts to explain the phenomena of the: Misplaced-Names Poster taking the example of the movie Morning Glory (no, this is not more fan service for Beatles and Kinks tribute band Oasis) This film tells the story of an upstart television producer who accepts the challenge of reviving a morning show program with warring co-hosts. Starring Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton.
You look up at the names of the actors, and much to the annoyance of your inner neat freak, the names listed don’t match up with the actors. Why does this happen? Maybe the actor’s contracts stipulate whose name goes in which order (and the actor whose name comes first also has to be prominently in the middle of the poster). It could be that as is the convention for Hollywood posters, the highest paid or top-billed actor is displayed on the poster as the central figure in the image, and all lower-billed actors placed outward; whereas the names of the same actors are arranged in order of prominence from left to right. (TV Tropes)
Or, in the case of the BBC’s news coverage of the US Presidential TV debate, the fact that the name Harris always comes first could simply be BBC bias against Donald Trump.
George Peppard in his role as boss of the A-Team (there’s another one for the teenagaers) enjoyed the catchphase “I love it when a plan comes together!”
And so it is with the BBC as they observe the latest US deep state media manipulation political fix…
Taylor Swift endorses Harris in post signed ‘Childless Cat Lady’… Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris for president moments after the end of Tuesday night’s presidential debate against Donald Trump (Madeline Halpert and – the wonderfully, proposterously surnamed – Ana Faguy, BBC)
Win, lose or draw, Kamala has the Swifty insurance.
I say there’s more than one way to steal an election. More than one way to skin a cat (lady), eh?
There are healthy signs that the Labour Party is not very good at controlling the news agenda – for instance – felons being released and photographed popping corks out side HMP Mohammed isn’t a good look – and someone working for Sue gray our real PM – didn’t spot it
Then there was the vote on killing 4000 old people – again – full blooded socialists voting to kill the old ….. for a lousy £2billion …
Do they want to humanise the great leader ? Not sure – that tool maker thing will stick with him for the next 5 years …
.. his chancellor is a humourless dragon – pixey is pixey – Lammy – enough said … a less than talented cabinet ….
Can we have another election – Reform getting its act together ….
It’s par for the course. I witnessed a convoy of a Roller a Bentley and a Lambo’ meet a guy leaving Doncaster and drive him back to Bradford.
I was visiting a friend, honestly.
9am More Or Less Look at us we are debunking the Pensioners Vs illegal immigrants benefits £6K vs £30K claim”
FFS It’s a very old claim tweeted from 2010 that parliament debunked in 2015
“Members may be contacted by constituents complaining that “illegal immigrants/refugees” in
Britain receive significantly more financial assistance from the Government than UK
pensioners, citing an email.
It alleges that “if you cross the British border illegally you get a job, a driver’s license, pension
card, welfare, credit cards, subsidised rent or a loan to buy a house, free education and free
healthcare.” It also suggests that “illegal immigrants/refugees living in Britain” are entitled to
financial assistance worth up to £29,900 per year, in contrast to pensioners who, it says,
receive only £6,000 a year in benefit.
“As long ago as October 2007 the Refugee Council of Australia advised Australians to ignore
an almost identical email to the one now circulating in the UK, describing it as “blatantly
inaccurate a”
Of illegals cost taxpayers thousands , and have paid nothing in
and will bring in lots of relatives probably
” Jeff September 11, 2024 at 8:22 am
I try not to see too much news on the tele’ these days. I find myself shouting at the TV and it’s not good for the old blood pressure. Not at my age… ” Me too!
” The constant mantra from the politburo is that our prisons are overcrowded. So…we’re releasing drug dealers, gang members and axe attackers to accommodate upset grannies who put up nasty Tweets following the slaughter of three little girls. ”
Thanks to Jeff (and others) on this site, for commenting on the obvious dichotomy of releasing perpetrators of ‘crimes against the person’ – drug dealing, sexual and domestic abuse, physical assault, in order to make room for those committing ‘crimes’ against state ideology; criticism of: mass immigration, trans-ideology, multiculturalism, etc.
Why is this tyranny occurring without a peep from the bBBC, the MSM, and most of the sheeple in this country?
Starmer’s been told to sell himself as someone brave enough to be unpopular by taking tough decisions.
Unpopularism is now a good thing in a leader. It’s far better than populism which reflects the concerns of ordinary people and the inequities foisted upon them by ruling classes. Populism is dangerous for democracy… hence Starmer is doing good by ignoring the concerns of ordinary people.
We all know that TTK is using 1984 as the instruction manual for his Party but there’s also Animal Farm in there.
Think ‘Pensioner’ when reading about ‘Boxer’ the horse.
Radio 2 Headlines at 10am. Quick piece on the Kamala v Donald debate and the BBC slant is Kamala did well and Donald not so … and just to add to their bias , they have a little snippet from a Democrat just to re-iterate to the listeners that Kamala won the debate…… just waiting for the snippet from a Republican now to balance it out ….. nope, still waiting
And then , its time for the Pop Quiz @ 10.30 … out of all the folk that will apply, what’s the chances of the two contestants both being Lesbians who have recently married ……well, it is the BBC so it happened … amazing …. uncanny nack of it have the beeb.
Google search for “bbc 100 days”: BBC labels it factual, I would add with a heavy sprinkle of speculation and smirking …
BBC News – 100 Days { 2017} › Factual › Politics
As President Trump takes office, Katty Kay in Washington and Christian Fraser in London report on the events that are shaping the world.
I never saw the 100 days thing but it struck me that if one politician got that treatment they all should – out of fairness .
It’s one of those ‘bias indicators ‘ where anyone looking for evidence will find that the Far Left BBC is just that ….
If I recall it was on bbc 4 at 1900 so the comrades would all be over at C4 …
Verify sets out to debunk JD Vance’s ‘baseless claim’ claim about immigrants eating pets, because Springfield City Commission have apparently told the BBC “there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.”
Here’s a resident at the Springfield City Commission — either his report and others like it aren’t credible or park animals don’t count as pets. Off on a technicality… another thumping victory for Verify’s forensic investigative skills.
"The Haitians are in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them."
A Springfield, OH resident in a city commission meeting called out:
Pensioners – use your free travel and sit in Parliament all day using their FREE heating! Sit in swim bathing costumes!
Thank our overlords!
“Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) in the Commons Chamber is a ticketed event which takes place every Wednesday at 12 noon. Tickets are free of charge and are available only to UK residents, who should contact their Member of Parliament or a Member of the House of Lords.”
The House of Lords is open to visitors. You can watch business in the chamber and select committees for free. You can also tour Parliament as a guest of a member, or as a visitor on Saturdays and in recesses when Parliament is not sitting.
MM, my MP is Rosie Duffield who has had her battles with her Party over transgenderism. I did not see her name on the list of abstainers from the Winter Fuel Payment vote but maybe she ‘paired’ with a Green or Liberal MP. I did hear Rosie speak on R4 on, I think, TWatO but maybe her courage failed her at the last moment. She spoke well and some constituents had already contacted her to express disapproval of the WFP measure. Another Labour MP who is currently suspended for voting against the Labour Whip for the ‘Two Child Benefit Rule’ also had her courage fail her at the last moment.
All the news coming out of Britain is pretty gloomy UP2. Is so depressing. It seems that people are losing their spirit. Comrade Starmer has quite a grip on the country.
The only good news comes from the Cotswolds where an outfit has managed to breed Britian’s’ first Cassowary chick. These birds as you probably know are the most dangerous in the world so that was quite an achievement! In the next couple of years it is hoped to there will be many more. Probably going to be released into the wild in the warmer clime of Kent.
So cheer up!
Yesterday was perhaps not a good day for Sue Greys government ( and her current front man TTK).
The vote to FREEZE the old went through.but she must be concerned by the sight of criminals giving press conferences at the gates of various prisons, as they were released under her government’s early release scheme.
Obviously ,not all were available for comment, choosing to jump into a Bentley ,a Lamborgini or whatever and leave the scene (Milipede must be concerned, no criminals being picked up in “good green” cars) but on any view this is not a good look, as the PR men say. On the bright side for her , there was the convict who announced his early release would mean he would be a “Labour voter for the rest of his life”.
I can’t remember quite what the situation is currently .ln the not so distant past ,it was the case that those in prison lost the right to vote. l have a feeling that the much admired ECHR declared that was some sort of infringement of rights or other, if that is the case , in or out, there’s one voter who will show the rest of us the way to go.. I for one hope he will be a Labour poster boy ,or even candidate come the 2029 election.
You can ‘lobby’ your MP. Just queue up in the security queue then when you are in see the ushers and fill in a small green form with your MPs name. Then you have plenty of time to hang about and warm up waiting for the MP to turn up and there is some comfy green seating.
China to train thousands of overseas law enforcement officers to create ‘more fair’ world order
The forum is part of ongoing efforts by China’s ruling Communist party to position itself as a global security leader. In 2022 China’s leader, Xi Jinping, launched the Global Security Initiative (GSI), which centres China as a facilitator to “improve global security governance … and promote durable peace”.
Reform Leader Nigel Farage blasted the “extraordinary celebratory scenes” as serious criminals walked free to the sound of popping champagne and raucous cheers – all to make room for rioters and those who said “unpleasant things on Facebook.” Farage didn’t hold back, questioning whether Starmer was aware about the public’s growing “anger” over the blatant “two-tier policing and justice system” in this country. The real Leader of the Opposition…
I am pretty sure I saw an article earlier which described the historical situation of midwives in India killing unwanted female babies seen as inferior to male babies and a financial liability by some Indian parents and instead have now switched to providing care.
I am sure Harold Shipman actually provided care to some of his patients from time to time but didn’t really get the same stamp of approval for some reason.
Not on the anti-Semitic BBC due to anti-Semitism against holocaust survivors by the BBC not reporting about Nuremberg 75.
I and the international human rights community, the World Council for Health, the Nuremberg Code Society and holocaust survivors lead by Vera Sharav, demand the immediate release of Dr. Reiner Füellmich, a lawyer and prominent critic of COVID-19 measures, who has been incarcerated by Germany since October 2023. Inalienable rights are fundamental entitlements that cannot be transferred, taken away, or denied to individuals. Freedom from arbitrary detention is an inalienable right. Please stand up for truth and justice and join the call to release Dr Reiner Füellmich immediately. Thank you.
The Home Office (the Department) is the lead government department for crime, the police, drugs policy, immigration and passports, and counter terrorism.
It has four priorities: cut crime; reduce immigration; prevent terrorism; and promote growth by keeping the UK safe.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC R4 were all over the Harris v Trump debate …..
…. and needless to say reckoned that ‘Karmarla’ Harris came out the winner. However, the BBC rubbished the claim, no doubt inadvertently, that former President Trump was a Putin supporter by playing a clip of Trump saying he would visit the leader of one side and then visit the leader of the other side and try to bring peace. The BBC have very short memories. Too much TV makes your brain soft, BBC!
Prior to 2016 the President of North Korea was making threatening noises against the US and against much nearer neighbours such as South Korea. What did President Trump do after he had been officially inaugurated? He visited North Korea and talked to the President of NK and SK and made them shake hands in the DMZ. The BBC forget that former President Trump is a businessman. What do businessmen do? They broker deals.
Foreign Secretary David Lammy defends calling Trump a ‘neo-Nazi sociopath’
David Lammy has sought to temper past remarks he made about Donald Trump, saying he will work with whoever ends up in the White House.
No mention on the Beeb webshite of the £600M of extra support that Lammy has just announced according to that Telegraph article – I’m sure that news will go down well with all the pensioners due to lose their winter heating allowance. The fact that Lammy and Blinken can still travel to Kyiv to attend such conferences shows how much restraint Russia continues to show despite the constant provocations, but the Beeb would never admit that fact either.
“On Tuesday, the government won a vote on its plans to remove winter fuel payments, worth around £200-300, from 10 million pensioners in England and Wales.
The policy is expected to save around £1.3bn in 2024/25 and £1.5bn in following years.
Only one Labour MP voted against the measure, but around 20 others appear to have abstained in protest at the cut.
Outgoing Tory leader Sunak used the weekly PMQs session to demand the government publish an impact assessment of the measure.”
A mum who went on holiday to Ibiza rather than attending her son’s sentencing for his role in riots has been ordered to pay compensation to the victims.
Her 12-year-old boy kicked a bus outside a hotel housing asylum seekers in Manchester on 31 July, before joining a mob that targeted a vape shop and threw missiles at a police van on 3 August.
The 30-year-old mother was ordered to pay £1,200 compensation – approximately the same price as her holiday – and attend a six-month parenting course.
pay compensation to the victims.
pay compensation to the victims.
pay compensation to the victims.
“was ordered to pay £300 each to the bus driver, a housing officer at the asylum hotel, an asylum seeker who was on the bus and a member of staff at a looted Sainsbury’s store for the distress caused.”
BBC et al going wild for Harris and rejoicing that she performed better than Trump….allegedly. One notable ‘fact-check’ that you might think the pro-abortion zealots at the BBC would be eager to deploy was when Trump said Walz would allow abortions at any time even right up to just before birth…..hmmm..oddly not a mention…
‘On abortion, Trump defended his handling of the issue, saying that Americans across the spectrum wanted Roe v Wade abortion protections overturned by the Supreme Court – a statement that polling does not support. He struggled to make his position clear and his answer was at times rambling.’
Reason no mention? Could it be because that pretty horrible fact is true….legislation he introduced in his state allows abortion right up to full term….with no legal action against the ‘mother’ nor the people carrying out the abortion.
The BBC knows that is pretty unsavoury and unacceptable to most and so…hide it and ignore it….you can kill a baby right up until 9 months.
A similar situation when Farage spoke during PMQs today… and met with a barrage of jeers and abuse…from all those people who represent us…and thus have shown that they don’t give a damn about what we think.
In the little chat they hold after PMQs the BBC mentioned that Starmer made no comment reference Farage’s ‘rabble rousing’ comments about the riots…now why might that be? We wouldn’t know because the BBC forgot to mention this….
‘Jonathan Hall, KC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, warned of an “information vacuum” after the Southport attack that led to riots across the country, and said that lessons needed to be learned.’
ie Farage was right…no wonder Starmer didn’t want to accuse him of stirring up the riots and the BBC didn’t want to explain things further….they even failed to mention the absue aimed at Farage by just about all MPs by the sound of it….but Guido noticed….
‘Every constituency where Reform came second to Labour will now be memed night and day with their MP hooting, “Not only is my grasp of reality tenuous but I call out my constituents as bigots and racists who should be ashamed of their deplorability!”’
Let’s hope the voters also note that their MPs hate them and their ‘far-right’ views.
The Nagger added in that ‘of course, Farage seemed a bit quiet [no he didn’t] whereas usually ‘he likes to agitate and stir things up’…..hmmm…that’s pretty sneering and dismissive of Farage’s serious and very relevant points….didn’t the BBC have to apologise a while back for saying something similar?
It’s reminiscent of when Owen Jones (40) stated “Russell Brand has endorsed Labour – and the Tories should be worried”.
Russian interference?
““I mean be in no doubt this will rock the entire electoral axis in the States this has just fundamentally changed the race, by I’m going to say pretty much anyone under-40, but maybe it’s anyone under-70, I don’t know, but I think it will look this is undoubtedly huge news.””
Makes you wonder how the BBC’s recruitment policy works when another lefty, and white male, is slotted into the schedules….Chorley may not pack his programme with endless claims that Britain is a nasty racist place as Nigal used to do but he pads it out with pro-Labour propaganda it seems….as Guido notes…
‘Matt Chorley is making waves in his new role presenting BBC 5 Live. His first interview with Prime Minister Starmer unearthed the explosive story that Keir’s daughter was getting a Siberian kitten, and today he was discussing the ins and outs of the benefits of Labour’s new Renters’ Rights Bill. Chorley brought on the director of Generation Rent, Ben Twomey to heap praise on the new policy. Though the top hack forgot to mention the rest of Twomey’s resume…Twomey stood as the Labour candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner in Warwickshire in 2021. He’s also a long-standing member of the Labour Homelessness Campaign. No surprise that the activist was so supportive of Labour’s plan, then…’
Starmer’s daughter is getting a Siberian kitten? Siberia is in Russia, isn’t it? Putin is in charge of Russia, therefore Starmer must be a Russian agent!
Well, hey, it’s just as plausible as the Russiagate hoax which Hillary Clinton, Rachel Madcow and CNN have been promoting for the past 8 years…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
The grandstanding fractional wits of the HoC are braying – the BBC no doubt will hand them a megaphone?
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.
Facebook was where Pakistan could debate religion. Now it’s a tool to punish ‘blasphemers’
Another plea from me: anyone got recommendations for really speedy fibre broad band from an ISP for me?
“French Navy, escorted the boats over the channel and handed them over”
My speech on illegal immigration.
Righty ex cop spokesman @PeterBleksley tweets
I am thrilled and truly humbled to have been asked to give a contemporary twist to a patriotic British classic.
‘Land of Dope and Gory’ Will be performed at the Proms this week.
Having been inspired by the success of, ‘The Vicar of Dibley’ and ‘Father Ted’,
I’m delighted to inform you that my two new sitcoms,
‘The Imam of Islington’
and ‘The Rabbi of Romford’,
will be arriving on your tv screens soon.
OK … if you’ve insomnia issues …. (Starts at 01:30 BST)
The debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is being streamed live by Viva Frei on Rumble – maybe Robert Barnes will be on too ….
I must know well over a hundred pensioners.
None of them are millionaires yet 1 in 4 are millionaires according to lefties.
I don’t believe these figures.
Even if some down south are living in houses that may be worth a million, what are they to do, sell them and buy another house. All the other houses have also gone up in price.
Live in a hotel perhaps.
These things also cost money. At least your own house gives you security.
Does every pensioner own their house. What percentage actually do own their home.
I just can’t believe this 1 in 4 number.
Up here in the North East there’s hardly any houses worth £1 million and any that are mainly belong to footballers and the like.
It would be interesting to have these claims fully explained with facts and figures to show what the actual truth is.
Doh you know how media headlines work
They are often amplification
IT’s actually pensioner households , not each pensioner
Jessica Beard 29 June 2022
Charity calls 10pc rise in state pension ‘unfair’ after new figures reveal how wealthy pensioners are
retirement wealth has ballooned over the last decade, official figures have shown.
More than three million people over the age of 65 live in households with property and pensions wealth worth more than £1m ….
Half of pensioner households are worth £500K
“More than half now live in households with more than £500,000 in assets, up from 25pc in 2008. “
New Lego kit
Starmer video fun
The simple truth. All he left out is the 5/6G prison they are building which will keep you locked in your 15-minute gulag. This grid has also been weaponised to track, trace and kill. Think I’m joking? I think it’s time to start taking the swivel-eyed, tinfoil-hat-wearing loonies seriously.
add solar panels to the sides!
Luckily China has ample coal fired power to rely on. Milipede will leave us with nothing. He’s a modern Rasputin, a mad zealot.
RiC, I was surprised that one of Miliband’s crazy claims was under attack from R4’s More or Less this morning. They did attack the previous Conservative Government as well.
BBC par for the course.
bbc is promoting Harris, and also mentions Trump
Also dont forget to mention that Taylor Swift endorses Harris
Can only imagine the reporting to come out of the “un”biased bbc over the next few weeks/months
Thank God Tay Tay has made my mind up for me.
Just browsed for articles on the Trump/Harris debate and was amazed at the continuous list of anti-Trump headlines Google put in front of me. All exlcusively from the news outlets I avoid such as CNN and ABC.
Then – after a lot of scrolling – this one came up where the comment made it all make sense:
Once the free-press is so absolutely broken, the country is in a dark place. History is repeating itself and the rise of the new Nazis is well under way.
Hello JohnC
Imagine the constant negative “reporting” the bbc will do if Trump is elected and how about the wonderful news is Harris is!
The three headlines on the BBC front page:
‘Harris puts Trump on defensive in fiery debate’
‘Harris digs at Trump over ‘bored’ fans leaving his rallies’
‘Taylor Swift endorses ‘warrior’ Kamala Harris for president’
They have given up any pretence of impartiality because now they know they will get away with it.
Who cares about Taylor Swift endorsement …
You’ll never guess.
One childless cat lady endorses another.
Meow, meow, meow
You would think the only thing J D Vance ever wrote was a comment about childless cat ladies. No mention of any of his other books, articles or speeches. He is a well educated man and deep thinker about the plight of the American working class, but the MSM would rather you didn’t know about that, just childless cat ladies. Still, haters gotta hate, eh Tay Tay?
“Wow. Wow. Wow”
From the same people who brought you ‘Biden beats Trump in debate’ less than 3 months ago…
Is google guilty of causing deliberate harm and harassment after continuously giving me headlines and links to MSM news outlets that will cause me alarm and distress because of their biased reporting (e.g. Guardian, bBC, CNN etc etc)?
Moderators only check Trump and not Harris.
Nothing being reported on the bbc of the Germans closing their borders.
Guess the bbc will have to report it when its mainstream news on other outlets
Unbiased my r’s
Its there , but you guessed it, a BIAS BBC slant on it …. so easy to see their take on things isnt it …. pathetic
“Neighbours criticise German move to extend border controls” is the BBC headline
Hi Doobster78
Managed to find it, but buried already in the Europe / News
The midwives who stopped murdering girls and started saving them
Only the idiots at the BBC can turn a story about the killing of dozens of babies in India because they are girls into a ‘heartwarming victim survivor’ story.
The ongoing murder of many more such babies is totally ignored. The BBC don’t care about that : they just want the ’empathy factor’ and maybe an award at the next incestuous BBC taxpayer-funded event.
One of the many, many things these people do that the BBC ignore when it doesn’t suit their agenda.
No arrests? rapist says he will un-rape all his victims!
So I heard bits of the debate with the childless cat lady and the real US president.
The high point for the feminazi-in-chief was when she started pulling on heart strings about wimmin being banged up for various reasons. Most of these reasons she gave would be criminal acts. Her solution was the extermination of an unborn child without any care or understanding that this was an innocent blameless victim.
As Marky said:
“throw children into a volcano to stop the Gods being angry!”
“childless cat lady” shouldn’t be an insult
People can be childless and like cats.
And still be a good part of society.
libmob cosy establishment don’t like social media
Cos it allows a Page 3 model to do the job the media should be doing.
Like exposing Starmer’s ultrahyprocrisy
@LeilaniDowding tweets
This is why @Keir_Starmer wants censorship.
We keep exposing their lies while the Mainstream plays along ….
In May Keir said the “black hole” was 46 billion.
Now he’s pretending he didn’t know there was a black hole until he got in power.
Look what he says about the fuel payments vs what he’s doing now….
It is a UNI PARTY. They all do the same
Video :
Then of course farrrrr right supporters need to be banned
Cos a Britain First supporter/front account tweeted an old Starmer tweet
I’m guessing he means that pensioners who’ve already died of hypothermia won’t have to face this dilemma.
Again this year the bbc webshte hasn’t mentioned 9/11
I guess they dont want to upset the muslims!
What a country we have become, who would of thought the “British” Broadcasting Corp would turn against its own
Remove the offending words!
“The airlines that have removed Israel from their route maps
Chris Leadbeater,
Travel Correspondent
9 March 2017 • 2:02pm”
Of course, it is not only airlines based in the Middle East which have been caught up in this issue. In August 2015, Air France was forced to apologise after passengers noticed that Israel was missing from its in-flight map.
Although that comment got 31 Likes, I am forced to contradict it. Cos I did visit the BBC news site briefly yesterday and there was a 9/11 story right in front of my eyes
..maybe in trending stories or something
That story is dated 1st August 2024.
I try not to see too much news on the tele’ these days. I find myself shouting at the TV and it’s not good for the old blood pressure. Not at my age…
However, I did witness a couple of things; Parliament’s vote to end the winter fuel allowance for pensioners…and the sight of gloating prisoners let out onto our streets…some of whom were whisked away in police vehicles to centrally heated hotels. You know, modern Britain often feels like a Monty Python sketch that’s gone badly wrong…
The constant mantra from the politburo is that our prisons are overcrowded. So…we’re releasing drug dealers, gang members and axe attackers to accommodate upset grannies who put up nasty Tweets following the slaughter of three little girls.
Starmer has previously warned that upwards of 4,000 older people could die if the winter fuel allowance was ended. He’s ended it, knowing the consequences.
And he has backing in the media too! The very same people that think it’s a good idea for our pensioners to die from hypothermia are those that also back our policy of accommodating the dinghy dodgers in four star hotels.
Be kind…
UK economy fails to grow for second month in a row
Not at all sure what this picture has to do with the headline but it does highlight one advantage of women doing dirty jobs compared to men:

They stay absolutely immaculate and their clothes always look brand new. I expect the white ones do as well – but we only ever see the black ones.
Same as all those women soldiers we saw ready to fight in Ukraine. Right up until the war started. Then they all disappeared to be replaced by men with big beards.
It’s a chop shop, opened by Mr Rashford to keep his people busy, when the’re not shoplifting to order.
Despite Getty doing a roaring trade?
There were 20.4 Getty Images apperances for every 1,000 black people in Britain.
Oh, sorry. Let me correct that statistic…
black people were 2.2 times as likely to be arrested as white people – there were 20.4 arrests for every 1,000 black people, and 9.4 for every 1,000 white people (Gov.UK, Arrests in the year ending 31 March 2023)
I have always wondered in the UK how they are going to apply the sexual equality act during a period of war. Should the death rate amongst service men rise above the death rate of service women then there would be substantive evidence of the failure to apply the act. No doubt Jolyon would step in at that point and seek judicial review.
Who voted for all this? – complains our ever-excitable Daily Mail.
Only 20% of the eligible electorate is the reply, sotto voce.
The Mail grumbles, on our behalf, about: Starmergeddon… Prisoners soaked with celebratory bubbly as thieves, drug dealers and violent criminals are freed early…
I thought it was Labour’s promise to soak the rich?
Angela Rayner: I’m relaxed about the rich… if they pay tax (BBC, October 2022)
So how does Labour differentiate between the rich and their supposed voters and support base ie working people?
Labour leader’s remarks indicate savers, pensioners and private service users could face tax rises… Sir Keir Starmer has suggested that millions of Britons are not covered by his manifesto pledge to “not increase taxes on working people”… All those left out of Starmer’s definition of working people (Telegraph, June 2024) – so you can’t say you weren’t warned.
The Mail’s criticism of the early prison releases continues: One vows he’s now a ‘life-long labour voter’… Another was greeted by friends in a Lamborghini… – that old lag wants to watch out for his hidden stash, our Ms Reeves and her boss evidently regard all savings as ill-gotten gains and will be coming after them this autumn.
As for the sudden up-spike in the probablity you may now meet an ex-convict in a street near you – I guess trust in former Tory law and order policies just didn’t convince.
The Mail’s broadside blast concludes with the crescendo: All on the day Starmer’s MPs voted to axe winter fuel cash for 10million pensioners
As for the lament: Who voted for all this? – one has to counter with… when did we ever get something… anything… for which we voted?
Well, there was Brexit, I hear you cry. Well, that was akin to extracting teeth, was only partially achieved… and now is well on the way to being reversed.
The news cycle moves on. If you thought the media hype around the impending Oasis shows was just a tad over-blown – wait until you check your BBC on the Trump Harris debate.
Or Harris Trump – as the BBC prefers the billing.
Harris puts Trump on defensive in fiery debate
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia
Harris said people leave Trump rallies early “out of exhaustion and boredom”
Do you see what they’re doing there?
Here’s one for the teenagers… I’m reminded of a controversy back in 1978 over the poster from the movie Grease. Olivia Newton-John’s image appeared on the left of the poster under John Travolta’s name – and vice versa. The explantion was that Travolta was the bigger name and he – the bigger box office star – perforce, got top name billing as we read left to right.
We welcome TV Tropes [THE ALL DEVOURING POP-CULTURE WIKI] – in a debut appearance hereabouts to explain the phenomena of the: Misplaced-Names Poster taking the example of the movie Morning Glory (no, this is not more fan service for Beatles and Kinks tribute band Oasis) This film tells the story of an upstart television producer who accepts the challenge of reviving a morning show program with warring co-hosts. Starring Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton.
You look up at the names of the actors, and much to the annoyance of your inner neat freak, the names listed don’t match up with the actors. Why does this happen? Maybe the actor’s contracts stipulate whose name goes in which order (and the actor whose name comes first also has to be prominently in the middle of the poster). It could be that as is the convention for Hollywood posters, the highest paid or top-billed actor is displayed on the poster as the central figure in the image, and all lower-billed actors placed outward; whereas the names of the same actors are arranged in order of prominence from left to right. (TV Tropes)
Or, in the case of the BBC’s news coverage of the US Presidential TV debate, the fact that the name Harris always comes first could simply be BBC bias against Donald Trump.
George Peppard in his role as boss of the A-Team (there’s another one for the teenagaers) enjoyed the catchphase “I love it when a plan comes together!”
And so it is with the BBC as they observe the latest US deep state media manipulation political fix…
Taylor Swift endorses Harris in post signed ‘Childless Cat Lady’… Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris for president moments after the end of Tuesday night’s presidential debate against Donald Trump (Madeline Halpert and – the wonderfully, proposterously surnamed – Ana Faguy, BBC)
Win, lose or draw, Kamala has the Swifty insurance.
I say there’s more than one way to steal an election. More than one way to skin a cat (lady), eh?
There are healthy signs that the Labour Party is not very good at controlling the news agenda – for instance – felons being released and photographed popping corks out side HMP Mohammed isn’t a good look – and someone working for Sue gray our real PM – didn’t spot it
Then there was the vote on killing 4000 old people – again – full blooded socialists voting to kill the old ….. for a lousy £2billion …
Do they want to humanise the great leader ? Not sure – that tool maker thing will stick with him for the next 5 years …
.. his chancellor is a humourless dragon – pixey is pixey – Lammy – enough said … a less than talented cabinet ….
Can we have another election – Reform getting its act together ….
Ex-BBC producer John Mair comments on the recent report on 1,500 breaches of their editorial balance & bias against Israel.
Except he has not read it.
Starmer could make him DPM
Only one Labour MP voted against ending the winter fuel allowance for pensioners…and the others were actually cheering…
“Scenes of rapture in the House”.
They do know that we can see this, don’t they?
Perhaps they just don’t care…
Turn the heating off in Parliament!
They think people forget … and unfortunately many do …
They rely on it!
Mao did more good than harm (c) Diane Abbott
Hamas are our friends (c) Jeremy Corbyn
Davos, not West Minister (c) Keir Starmer
Someone reported that a released felon was driven away from the Prison gates in a Lamborghini
It’s par for the course. I witnessed a convoy of a Roller a Bentley and a Lambo’ meet a guy leaving Doncaster and drive him back to Bradford.
I was visiting a friend, honestly.
Djaber Benallaoua says he is a ‘lifelong Labour voter’ after being released
“Taylor Swift endorses Harris in post signed ‘Childless Cat Lady’”
Is this Russian / Voter interference?
Is this Russian / Voter interference?
As opposed to, say, NATO and CIA interference?
“Angela Rayner: I’m relaxed about the rich… if they pay tax (BBC, October 2022)”
22 billion black hole – anyone seen the details?
Hello MarkyMark
The illegals arriving daily have
New Labour members!
BBC lies & fakery: editing and manipulating Trump “sunlight and bleach” press briefing
#StealthEditing is usual for #BiasedBBC
.@megynkelly nails it 🔨
Bum. Now I have to watch it.
Though the Sopes, Strumpet, Larry ‘reports’ suggest things erred on the fixed.
But Trump as a leader should resist being taunted into getting angry.
Watch the first 2024 presidential debate between Harris and Trump
9am More Or Less Look at us we are debunking the Pensioners Vs illegal immigrants benefits £6K vs £30K claim”
FFS It’s a very old claim tweeted from 2010 that parliament debunked in 2015
“Members may be contacted by constituents complaining that “illegal immigrants/refugees” in
Britain receive significantly more financial assistance from the Government than UK
pensioners, citing an email.
It alleges that “if you cross the British border illegally you get a job, a driver’s license, pension
card, welfare, credit cards, subsidised rent or a loan to buy a house, free education and free
healthcare.” It also suggests that “illegal immigrants/refugees living in Britain” are entitled to
financial assistance worth up to £29,900 per year, in contrast to pensioners who, it says,
receive only £6,000 a year in benefit.
“As long ago as October 2007 the Refugee Council of Australia advised Australians to ignore
an almost identical email to the one now circulating in the UK, describing it as “blatantly
inaccurate a”
Of illegals cost taxpayers thousands , and have paid nothing in
and will bring in lots of relatives probably
” Jeff September 11, 2024 at 8:22 am
I try not to see too much news on the tele’ these days. I find myself shouting at the TV and it’s not good for the old blood pressure. Not at my age… ” Me too!
” The constant mantra from the politburo is that our prisons are overcrowded. So…we’re releasing drug dealers, gang members and axe attackers to accommodate upset grannies who put up nasty Tweets following the slaughter of three little girls. ”
Thanks to Jeff (and others) on this site, for commenting on the obvious dichotomy of releasing perpetrators of ‘crimes against the person’ – drug dealing, sexual and domestic abuse, physical assault, in order to make room for those committing ‘crimes’ against state ideology; criticism of: mass immigration, trans-ideology, multiculturalism, etc.
Why is this tyranny occurring without a peep from the bBBC, the MSM, and most of the sheeple in this country?
They have to make room for the Tax evaders as well. They need the money.
Starmer’s been told to sell himself as someone brave enough to be unpopular by taking tough decisions.
Unpopularism is now a good thing in a leader. It’s far better than populism which reflects the concerns of ordinary people and the inequities foisted upon them by ruling classes. Populism is dangerous for democracy… hence Starmer is doing good by ignoring the concerns of ordinary people.
It all makes sense if you invert everything.
We all know that TTK is using 1984 as the instruction manual for his Party but there’s also Animal Farm in there.
Think ‘Pensioner’ when reading about ‘Boxer’ the horse.
Radio 2 Headlines at 10am. Quick piece on the Kamala v Donald debate and the BBC slant is Kamala did well and Donald not so … and just to add to their bias , they have a little snippet from a Democrat just to re-iterate to the listeners that Kamala won the debate…… just waiting for the snippet from a Republican now to balance it out ….. nope, still waiting
And then , its time for the Pop Quiz @ 10.30 … out of all the folk that will apply, what’s the chances of the two contestants both being Lesbians who have recently married ……well, it is the BBC so it happened … amazing …. uncanny nack of it have the beeb.
2017 …
Google search for “bbc 100 days”: BBC labels it factual, I would add with a heavy sprinkle of speculation and smirking …
BBC News – 100 Days { 2017} › Factual › Politics
As President Trump takes office, Katty Kay in Washington and Christian Fraser in London report on the events that are shaping the world.
I never saw the 100 days thing but it struck me that if one politician got that treatment they all should – out of fairness .
It’s one of those ‘bias indicators ‘ where anyone looking for evidence will find that the Far Left BBC is just that ….
If I recall it was on bbc 4 at 1900 so the comrades would all be over at C4 …
Verify sets out to debunk JD Vance’s ‘baseless claim’ claim about immigrants eating pets, because Springfield City Commission have apparently told the BBC “there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.”
Here’s a resident at the Springfield City Commission — either his report and others like it aren’t credible or park animals don’t count as pets. Off on a technicality… another thumping victory for Verify’s forensic investigative skills.
Venezuelan president’s plan to beat hunger: breed rabbits – and eat them
Pensioners – use your free travel and sit in Parliament all day using their FREE heating! Sit in swim bathing costumes!
Thank our overlords!
“Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) in the Commons Chamber is a ticketed event which takes place every Wednesday at 12 noon. Tickets are free of charge and are available only to UK residents, who should contact their Member of Parliament or a Member of the House of Lords.”
The House of Lords is open to visitors. You can watch business in the chamber and select committees for free. You can also tour Parliament as a guest of a member, or as a visitor on Saturdays and in recesses when Parliament is not sitting.
MM, my MP is Rosie Duffield who has had her battles with her Party over transgenderism. I did not see her name on the list of abstainers from the Winter Fuel Payment vote but maybe she ‘paired’ with a Green or Liberal MP. I did hear Rosie speak on R4 on, I think, TWatO but maybe her courage failed her at the last moment. She spoke well and some constituents had already contacted her to express disapproval of the WFP measure. Another Labour MP who is currently suspended for voting against the Labour Whip for the ‘Two Child Benefit Rule’ also had her courage fail her at the last moment.
All the news coming out of Britain is pretty gloomy UP2. Is so depressing. It seems that people are losing their spirit. Comrade Starmer has quite a grip on the country.
The only good news comes from the Cotswolds where an outfit has managed to breed Britian’s’ first Cassowary chick. These birds as you probably know are the most dangerous in the world so that was quite an achievement! In the next couple of years it is hoped to there will be many more. Probably going to be released into the wild in the warmer clime of Kent.
So cheer up!
if it saves just one life ………….”Winter fuel pay decision ‘brutal’ and could lead to deaths, says Labour MP”
‘It’s not good’: New royal statue divides opinion
A statue to make the Queen and Prince Philip look like two simpletons who are not sure where they are.
No mention of what it cost of course.
And of course the BBC interview Alejandro from London with his two friends from El Salvador:

This is the BBC saying ‘f*ck you’ to white British people. Again.
Watch these warm people in their warm building snug as a bug.
Wednesday 11 September 2024 Meeting started at 11.33am
Yesterday was perhaps not a good day for Sue Greys government ( and her current front man TTK).
The vote to FREEZE the old went through.but she must be concerned by the sight of criminals giving press conferences at the gates of various prisons, as they were released under her government’s early release scheme.
Obviously ,not all were available for comment, choosing to jump into a Bentley ,a Lamborgini or whatever and leave the scene (Milipede must be concerned, no criminals being picked up in “good green” cars) but on any view this is not a good look, as the PR men say. On the bright side for her , there was the convict who announced his early release would mean he would be a “Labour voter for the rest of his life”.
I can’t remember quite what the situation is currently .ln the not so distant past ,it was the case that those in prison lost the right to vote. l have a feeling that the much admired ECHR declared that was some sort of infringement of rights or other, if that is the case , in or out, there’s one voter who will show the rest of us the way to go.. I for one hope he will be a Labour poster boy ,or even candidate come the 2029 election.
“On the bright side for her , there was the convict who announced his early release would mean he would be a “Labour voter for the rest of his life”.”
“We will lower bills by using GB Energy”
Lots of warm seats in this house – maybe 2 million pensioners should visit them …
MM, Yer gotta get an invite from your MP first.
Pensioners could gather en-masse quietly protesting outside Parliament as they rub their hands over coal fired braziers.
You can ‘lobby’ your MP. Just queue up in the security queue then when you are in see the ushers and fill in a small green form with your MPs name. Then you have plenty of time to hang about and warm up waiting for the MP to turn up and there is some comfy green seating.
‘more fair’ world
China to train thousands of overseas law enforcement officers to create ‘more fair’ world order
The forum is part of ongoing efforts by China’s ruling Communist party to position itself as a global security leader. In 2022 China’s leader, Xi Jinping, launched the Global Security Initiative (GSI), which centres China as a facilitator to “improve global security governance … and promote durable peace”.
Reform Leader Nigel Farage blasted the “extraordinary celebratory scenes” as serious criminals walked free to the sound of popping champagne and raucous cheers – all to make room for rioters and those who said “unpleasant things on Facebook.” Farage didn’t hold back, questioning whether Starmer was aware about the public’s growing “anger” over the blatant “two-tier policing and justice system” in this country. The real Leader of the Opposition…
I am pretty sure I saw an article earlier which described the historical situation of midwives in India killing unwanted female babies seen as inferior to male babies and a financial liability by some Indian parents and instead have now switched to providing care.
Just found the link again…
I am sure Harold Shipman actually provided care to some of his patients from time to time but didn’t really get the same stamp of approval for some reason.
Lilly Allen says those who died would have died of British Colonialism anyway!
LOL but its all true
Not on the anti-Semitic BBC due to anti-Semitism against holocaust survivors by the BBC not reporting about Nuremberg 75.
I and the international human rights community, the World Council for Health, the Nuremberg Code Society and holocaust survivors lead by Vera Sharav, demand the immediate release of Dr. Reiner Füellmich, a lawyer and prominent critic of COVID-19 measures, who has been incarcerated by Germany since October 2023. Inalienable rights are fundamental entitlements that cannot be transferred, taken away, or denied to individuals. Freedom from arbitrary detention is an inalienable right. Please stand up for truth and justice and join the call to release Dr Reiner Füellmich immediately. Thank you.
Contact the German Embassy:
Sign this new Petition:
The Home Office (the Department) is the lead government department for crime, the police, drugs policy, immigration and passports, and counter terrorism.
It has four priorities: cut crime; reduce immigration; prevent terrorism; and promote growth by keeping the UK safe.
Click to access Home-Office-Short-Guide1.pdf
keeping the UK safe
keeping the UK safe
keeping the UK safe
keeping the UK safe
keeping the UK safe
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC R4 were all over the Harris v Trump debate …..
…. and needless to say reckoned that ‘Karmarla’ Harris came out the winner. However, the BBC rubbished the claim, no doubt inadvertently, that former President Trump was a Putin supporter by playing a clip of Trump saying he would visit the leader of one side and then visit the leader of the other side and try to bring peace. The BBC have very short memories. Too much TV makes your brain soft, BBC!
Prior to 2016 the President of North Korea was making threatening noises against the US and against much nearer neighbours such as South Korea. What did President Trump do after he had been officially inaugurated? He visited North Korea and talked to the President of NK and SK and made them shake hands in the DMZ. The BBC forget that former President Trump is a businessman. What do businessmen do? They broker deals.
Trump-haters declare Harris won the debate
Foreign Secretary David Lammy defends calling Trump a ‘neo-Nazi sociopath’
David Lammy has sought to temper past remarks he made about Donald Trump, saying he will work with whoever ends up in the White House.
Faye Brown
Political reporter @fayebrownSky
Thursday 18 July 2024 08:33, UK
Volodymyr Zelensky has called on Britain and America to make a “strong decision” by letting him use long-range missiles deep in Russian land.
The Ukrainian President made the public call at a conference on Crimea for international leaders being held in Kyiv on Wednesday.
The conference was attended by David Lammy, the Foreign Secretary, and Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, who are visiting the city together.
No mention on the Beeb webshite of the £600M of extra support that Lammy has just announced according to that Telegraph article – I’m sure that news will go down well with all the pensioners due to lose their winter heating allowance. The fact that Lammy and Blinken can still travel to Kyiv to attend such conferences shows how much restraint Russia continues to show despite the constant provocations, but the Beeb would never admit that fact either.
“On Tuesday, the government won a vote on its plans to remove winter fuel payments, worth around £200-300, from 10 million pensioners in England and Wales.
The policy is expected to save around £1.3bn in 2024/25 and £1.5bn in following years.
Only one Labour MP voted against the measure, but around 20 others appear to have abstained in protest at the cut.
Outgoing Tory leader Sunak used the weekly PMQs session to demand the government publish an impact assessment of the measure.”
Strictly dancer addresses abuse accusations…
A mum who went on holiday to Ibiza rather than attending her son’s sentencing for his role in riots has been ordered to pay compensation to the victims.
Her 12-year-old boy kicked a bus outside a hotel housing asylum seekers in Manchester on 31 July, before joining a mob that targeted a vape shop and threw missiles at a police van on 3 August.
The 30-year-old mother was ordered to pay £1,200 compensation – approximately the same price as her holiday – and attend a six-month parenting course.
pay compensation to the victims.
pay compensation to the victims.
pay compensation to the victims.
“was ordered to pay £300 each to the bus driver, a housing officer at the asylum hotel, an asylum seeker who was on the bus and a member of staff at a looted Sainsbury’s store for the distress caused.”
BBC et al going wild for Harris and rejoicing that she performed better than Trump….allegedly. One notable ‘fact-check’ that you might think the pro-abortion zealots at the BBC would be eager to deploy was when Trump said Walz would allow abortions at any time even right up to just before birth…..hmmm..oddly not a mention…
‘On abortion, Trump defended his handling of the issue, saying that Americans across the spectrum wanted Roe v Wade abortion protections overturned by the Supreme Court – a statement that polling does not support. He struggled to make his position clear and his answer was at times rambling.’
Reason no mention? Could it be because that pretty horrible fact is true….legislation he introduced in his state allows abortion right up to full term….with no legal action against the ‘mother’ nor the people carrying out the abortion.
The BBC knows that is pretty unsavoury and unacceptable to most and so…hide it and ignore it….you can kill a baby right up until 9 months.
A similar situation when Farage spoke during PMQs today… and met with a barrage of jeers and abuse…from all those people who represent us…and thus have shown that they don’t give a damn about what we think.
In the little chat they hold after PMQs the BBC mentioned that Starmer made no comment reference Farage’s ‘rabble rousing’ comments about the riots…now why might that be? We wouldn’t know because the BBC forgot to mention this….
‘Jonathan Hall, KC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, warned of an “information vacuum” after the Southport attack that led to riots across the country, and said that lessons needed to be learned.’
ie Farage was right…no wonder Starmer didn’t want to accuse him of stirring up the riots and the BBC didn’t want to explain things further….they even failed to mention the absue aimed at Farage by just about all MPs by the sound of it….but Guido noticed….
‘Every constituency where Reform came second to Labour will now be memed night and day with their MP hooting, “Not only is my grasp of reality tenuous but I call out my constituents as bigots and racists who should be ashamed of their deplorability!”’
Let’s hope the voters also note that their MPs hate them and their ‘far-right’ views.
The Nagger added in that ‘of course, Farage seemed a bit quiet [no he didn’t] whereas usually ‘he likes to agitate and stir things up’…..hmmm…that’s pretty sneering and dismissive of Farage’s serious and very relevant points….didn’t the BBC have to apologise a while back for saying something similar?
It’s reminiscent of when Owen Jones (40) stated “Russell Brand has endorsed Labour – and the Tories should be worried”.
Russian interference?
““I mean be in no doubt this will rock the entire electoral axis in the States this has just fundamentally changed the race, by I’m going to say pretty much anyone under-40, but maybe it’s anyone under-70, I don’t know, but I think it will look this is undoubtedly huge news.””
Makes you wonder how the BBC’s recruitment policy works when another lefty, and white male, is slotted into the schedules….Chorley may not pack his programme with endless claims that Britain is a nasty racist place as Nigal used to do but he pads it out with pro-Labour propaganda it seems….as Guido notes…
‘Matt Chorley is making waves in his new role presenting BBC 5 Live. His first interview with Prime Minister Starmer unearthed the explosive story that Keir’s daughter was getting a Siberian kitten, and today he was discussing the ins and outs of the benefits of Labour’s new Renters’ Rights Bill. Chorley brought on the director of Generation Rent, Ben Twomey to heap praise on the new policy. Though the top hack forgot to mention the rest of Twomey’s resume…Twomey stood as the Labour candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner in Warwickshire in 2021. He’s also a long-standing member of the Labour Homelessness Campaign. No surprise that the activist was so supportive of Labour’s plan, then…’
‘Top hack’….lol
Starmer’s daughter is getting a Siberian kitten? Siberia is in Russia, isn’t it? Putin is in charge of Russia, therefore Starmer must be a Russian agent!
Well, hey, it’s just as plausible as the Russiagate hoax which Hillary Clinton, Rachel Madcow and CNN have been promoting for the past 8 years…