356 Responses to Midweek 11th September 2024

  1. Guest Who says:

    Nothing in your history to pursue a worthwhile career?

    1. Become an MP
    2. Release #prasnews to the BBC based on your hair
    3. Bingo

    MP feared her Afro hair could hold her career back


  2. Lunchtime Loather says:

    I submitted an Subject Access Request to the BBC in June to find out what information they hold about me personally. I was told it would be delayed as it was “complex”.

    It has just arrived: 235 pages of it! I am currently reminiscing with a glass of red and many chuckles as I read through the last 11 years of my interaction with our beloved national broadcaster.


  3. Guest Who says:

    BBC Verify US is now in full swing, with some of our team based in Washington DC for the next few months.
    Take a look at some of our latest stories

    5 hrs… 3 comments. Go team.

    Here’s one of their stories.

    During the debate Trump repeated a baseless claim that illegal immigrants from Haiti have been eating domestic pets in a small Ohio city.
    @MerlynThomas and @mwendling investigated the origins of the claim

    So… this is all fake?

    Immigrants in America are stealing, sacrificing and eating neighborhood pets like dogs, cats, ducks and geese.
    This Haitian immigrant woman was arrested for eating her neighbor’s pet cat.

    Seems she ‘may’ not be Haitian, and hence this makes it all fine, apparently.

    Go team.


  4. Lazy Cat says:

    What’s with the BBC’s obsession with what Taylor Swift thinks about politics? Or anything, for that matter?

    She was a moderately (at best) Country and Western artist as a young woman. Then a huge pop star.

    Let’s face it, her looks had a lot to do with her success. I doubt ‘shake it off’ would’ve had the same success if she’d have had an arse with two post codes.

    But now? She looks like a worn out old boot lately to me. Now I’m no adonis nowadays, but even if the wife wouldn’t kill me, I don’t think I’d bother even if Ms Swift begged me for the best 20 seconds of her life. Her mouth is tiny too. Very strange looking woman I think.

    I’m sure she’ll lose sleep that I’m not really into her.

    Nice unbiased stuff again by the BBC on the Trump vs Das Right Girlfriend yeehaaw Billy Bob woman.

    They ‘fact check’ Trump only if you notice. Fact checking is the ministry of truth again. You can deny anything by noting a tiny difference in the ‘facts’ if you want to. The pets being eaten by Haitians in America, fir example. Loads of reports from locals, but nothing ‘credible from authorities’ so it’s ‘fake’ lol.

    They don’t say anything (or they weren’t last time I looked) about the ducks in the park having their necks broken and carted off by these savages.

    If Haitans aren’t a problem ‘fact checkers’, I’ve got an idea for you .

    Go and stay in Haiti for a month.


    • Flotsam says:

      Taylor Swift comments……………..very catty!

      The Haitians religion is Voodoo. Ceremonies involving animal sacrifice and possibly consumption are normal. Trump’s assertion is credible.


      • Lazy Cat says:

        I’m just being honest.

        She doesn’t make my pee pee go boing boing anymore, so I don’t see the point in her, if her songs are rubbish.

        Seems like a woke airhead.


        • BRISSLES says:

          You’re not wrong LC

          Compared to the 60s when we had an unbelievable choice of girl singers… Dusty; Lulu, Sandi, STreisand; Dionne, Ella; etc etc and numerous motown girl groups: today’s kids have a choice of one. Twenty years ago there was only Kylie and Robbie Williams and
          few others. Then Adele came along.

          Taylor S was just another singer years ago then
          clearly the marketing men got involved and suddenly she’s a “phenomenon ” and the idol of 12 year olds.

          I’m really glad I was born when I was.


      • MarkyMark says:

        AH – The Swedish Police Authority refers to areas with high crime rates and social exclusion as “vulnerable areas” (Utsatt område). These areas are often characterized by low income, education, and a large immigrant population. Gang violence is a major factor in the increase in crime in Sweden, especially in these vulnerable areas


  5. StewGreen says:

    ITV NewsPR show features the ritual shaming of the witches ..like people who kicked police riot shields
    Names and Photos as if ordered by the government Nudge Unit
    .. They hardly ever do that with grooming gang cases

    Afro Hair Day .. campaign piece as mentioned above
    NibcSmoth ITV


  6. StewGreen says:

    Christopher Hitchens vs Starmer


  7. StewGreen says:

    British MP introduces plan to make “Afro hair” a protected characteristic under anti-discrimination law



    • StewGreen says:

      Stupid MP is Community Noted
      she doesn’t know it’s already against the law

      Discrimination on the basis of Afro hair is already covered by the protected characteristic of race under the Equality Act. G v St Gregory’s Catholic Science College [2011] EWHC 1452 (Admin) found that a policy of banning boys from wearing cornrows was unjustified indirect race

      Right now discrimination based on afro hair will be classed as indirect discrimination and would be capable of being justified in the exceptionally rare case (if one exists) where it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.


      • StewGreen says:


        Kids may be getting stabbed in the street, pensioners may be freezing to death,
        newly freed criminals may be looting their way across the country,
        but have you considered the real problem is “Afro hair discrimination”?

        He got twice as many likes as the MP


    • MarkyMark says:

      We all demand afro hair for equal rights? OH wait! HA HA HA HAH


    • BRISSLES says:

      Well the only fuzzy wuzzy hair I see is on mixed race and I can’t see any of them getting their collar felt – toooooo risky.


    • tomo says:

      are there any tattooed MPs?


  8. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – it is incredible the BBC waste!

    Apparently the ‘noxious Naughtie’ has flown across the Atlantic, just to make a programme or two about the upcoming Presidential Election. The BBC already have Sarah Smith, daughter of the late Labour Party Leader John, in place as North America Editor. Could she not have made the programmes instead of James Naughtie?

    The BBC: completely wasteful!


    • StewGreen says:

      Ros Atkins went too
      @BBCRosAtkins Sep 8
      2Bound for Washington DC. Looking forward to contributing to the BBC’s coverage of the US election – not least,
      the TV debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on Tuesday.
      Will be posting regular videos on US politics @BBCNews in the coming weeks.”

      Sending a team ogf “BBC Fact Checkers” = “Fact Spinners” = propagandists


      • Guest Who says:

        One for Verify?

        “Well, since I work in the Ohio city that is presently all over the news, I suppose a few words are in order. (When I type in the city name, Facebook seems to be blocking it.)

        For those of you not following, two local Catholic charities have contracted with the federal government to relocate “refugees.” (I use quotes, because the local Haitians themselves are telling folks they were recruited for work.) This is publicly disputed, but the evidence is overwhelming. Regardless, at present, 20k Haitians now live in an Ohio town of 60k residents.

        The results are predictable, and I can confirm the stories are true.

        Traffic accidents involving Haitian drivers has skyrocketed – property damage, hit and runs, and more. One kid was killed when a driver slammed into a school bus filled with kids.

        Petty crime is out of control. Stores are locking down merchandise due to rampant theft. Driving without a license is ubiquitous.

        The schools are chaotic. The local district has had to spend north of $300k on translators. I spoke with a teacher who said there is not nearly enough room in the existing buildings.

        The real estate market is also crazy. A friend of mine in real estate said that most of the Haitian families have banks cards from somewhere with $20k ear-marked for buying homes. The market was already tight, but now the prices are soaring.

        Don’t get me started on the hospitals.

        And, yes, the stories about Haitians killing and eating neighborhood cats and ducks from local parks is true.

        I know situations like this are complicated politically and culturally, but what I get most frustrated about is when people call this kind of policy compassionate.

        There is not an ounce of compassion in this situation for either the immigrants nor the citizens. The citizens are being ignored, and the immigrants are being manipulated by deep pockets somewhere.

        It benefits the politically connected elites and business class, and nobody else.” From a pastor friend in Springfield OH

        Here’s the other cheek.

        Republicans dismayed by Trump’s ‘bad’ and ‘unprepared’ debate performance

        There are a few comments, pointing out he was dumb to ‘debate’ an msm as rigged as it is here.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Stew, I seem to recall Ros Atkins is the new LA Correspondent for the BBC despite the fact that the BBC have a Technology Correspondent in LA/Silicon Valley already. Incredible over-manning at the BBC and waste on airfares not counting the CO2 emissions that the BBC claim are damaging the planet!


        • StewGreen says:

          Up2snuff, No Emma Vardy (@EmmaVardyTV) is LA Correspondent at BBC News.
          Flying ??
          BBC doesn’t care about CO2 ..they have the BBC Breakfast guy there with her in LA
          .. https://x.com/EmmaVardyTV/status/1833952219013730608

          Ros Atkins is BBC News Analysis Editor


          • Up2snuff says:

            Stew, you are right. Put it down to my unreliable memory due to old age. It was Emma Vardy who took her hubby off to live in the lap of luxury on a BBC salary. BBC flying? But they tell us not to, it harms the planet irrespective of space travel and its emissions which the BBC get so excited about.



  9. Peter Sausages says:

    Would love to see Trump beat Harris in the American election,the horrific biased lefty wokey BBC will be so upset go Donald !


  10. Guest Who says:

    BBC’s Chorley Fails to Mention Supporter of Renters’ Rights Bill is Labour Activist

    Been here before?


  11. Fedup2 says:

    Mail reports one of Starmers released prisoners instantly re arrested for serious offences … one for you Sue Gray.

    How can a political party that has been fighting to be the government for 12 years be so inept ….?


  12. MarkyMark says:

    from order-order.com


  13. Philip_2 says:

    The ‘conservative Michael Moore’ taking on the ‘crazy’ diversity industry

    In his new film, satirist and podcaster Matt Walsh goes undercover to ask the question: Am I Racist? His answers may surprise you..

    ‘Matt Walsh has been described as the Right-wing Michael Moore, a satirical filmmaker who invites people to walk into a trap of their own construction. In his latest movie, Am I Racist? – disguised as a liberal with a man bun – he persuades a white woman to hand $30 in cash over to a black man to atone for “400 years of oppression”.

    He’s cut through on several culture war issues because he combines unapologetic conservatism with top-level sarcasm. When Disney cast a woman of colour to play Ariel in its remake of The Little Mermaid, Walsh argued that if one wanted to be truly accurate, the underwater maiden should be not pale but “translucent”, having “no pigmentation whatsoever… She should be totally pale and skeletal where you can see her skull through her face. And that would actually be a version of The Little Mermaid that I would watch.”

    * CNN felt obliged to run a piece calling his comments “racially charged” and unscientific, adding “mermaids would probably have a specific type of pigmentation that allowed for both a deep sea and shallow water existence’.


    This brings us to the question of why conservatives have taken so long to do what Daily Wire is doing: why have Left-wing comedians been allowed to dominate the field of political satire?

    MOVIE TRAILER: Worth a watch!

    Note: about the awful biased CNN* (as bad or even worse than the BBC, if that were possible!)
    Which is deeply terminally ‘WOKE’ and Left-wing US ‘DEMOCRAT’ being totally aligned. BBC routinely copy the CNN ‘news’ format of hysterics and recycle it for the UK. (CNN is a public service broadcaster not unlike the BBC, CNN staff include former BBC ‘DG’ Mark Thompson who became the CNN chief executive who has since put all his efforts into ensuring Trump does not get re-elected). Mark Thompson was also famous for avoiding UK parliamentary questions about Jimmy Saville. He’s been there ever since….

    And we all know about the lack of BBC comedians!


  14. vlad says:

    “Islamic Leaders Call For ARREST Of Tommy Robinson”

    And very soon they’ll get their way as their influence grows and sharia law gets closer every day.

    Aided and abetted by the evil BBC of course.


  15. Althepalerp says:

    Seen something today I’ve never seen before.
    I parked up in Hopwood park services M42 Birmingham, and taking up a parking space.. . was.. . . a preying Muslim (A man of course)


    • MarkyMark says:

      It is thought that the mistake was a relic from the old mosque so villagers may have been praying in the wrong direction for many more years. The faith says that prayers should be directed towards the Kaaba which sits at the centre of Islam’s most sacred site in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.19 Oct 2018


    • StewGreen says:

      I still think that Far Right comments with spelling mistakes
      are actually made by government provocateurs
      I have difficulty in believing a guy prays in an actual parking space
      Secondly it’s a free country
      You can hardly condemn him
      and not condemn a woman who prays outside abortion clinics.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        I still think that Far Right comments with spelling mistakes are actually made by government provocateurs

        This is a technique which has been used by the left/liberals/provocateurs for at least half a century. During the 1970s, there was a spate of incidents on US university campuses in which a ‘liberal’ academic would be attacked (though never any witnesses), and have a placard placed around his neck or even a word or short phrase carved on his skin. This would always be a mis-spelling, such as ‘negger lover’. The idea is to show that the ‘Far Right’ are both violent and illiterate/stupid. In most, if not all instances, these ‘attacks’ were later shown to be self-inflicted or bogus.

        Here’s a more recent variant of a bogus ‘hate attack’ intending to discredit President Trump and Republicans:



  16. MarkyMark says:

    “Riddle me this,
    We spent £bns and locked the country down for 2 years to protect mostly the elderly 🤔

    Only for 2 years later 2TK to come along and knock them all off from the cold within months of being elected, in order to pay off the unions 🤔”

    order-order.com comment


  17. vlad says:

    BBC to squander £80 million of your money (not mine) on a ‘diversity drive’.

    I don’t wish to be rude, but anyone still paying the extortion tax is a moron and a traitor to this country.


  18. MarkyMark says:

    How Labour will reconnect Britain:
    Unshakeable commitment to NATO and our nuclear deterrent
    Standing up for our armed forces and veterans
    New trade agreements
    Britain leading a Clean Power Alliance
    Modernise international development


    At home, Conservative attacks on our globally respected institutions – universities, courts and the BBC – have undermined our soft power, traditionally a source of great strength, and diminished our influence.

    This failure on the international stage has cost the British people. We are less secure, with families exposed to high energy bills and food prices as a result.


    Jeremy Corbyn would like to see Nato ‘ultimately disband’

    Corbyn said the decision not to readmit him as a Labour MP was a “wrong, totally unjustified decision” by Labour leader Keir Starmer.

    Defending our security also means protecting the British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies, including the Falklands and Gibraltar. Labour will always defend their sovereignty and right to self-determination.

    Defending our security also means protecting the British Overseas Territories ** NOT UK BORDERS! HA HA HA HAH AHHAH AH !


  19. MarkyMark says:

    A Taliban government spokesman has said that a new edict which gives the Taliba’s morality police increased powers is in accordance with Islamic Sharia law.

    Hamdullah Fitrat told the BBC’s Yogita Limaye that they were trying to resolve the issue of female education in the country, where girls have been barred from the classroom.


    The independent review into
    the application of sharia law
    in England and Wales

    Presented to Parliament
    by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
    by Command of Her Majesty
    February 2018

    Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf


  20. StewGreen says:

    We know West Midlands police, make up laws on the spot to arrest people
    ..because at the end of the video they apologise for doing so
    .. https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1833782151650635944


    • MarkyMark says:

      Should ask to phone police station to ensure he want be raped.



    • MarkyMark says:


      Introductory Text

      Collapse -Part 1 Offences
      Encouragement etc. of terrorism

      1.Encouragement of terrorism

      2.Dissemination of terrorist publications

      3.Application of ss. 1 and 2 to internet activity etc.

      4.Giving of notices under s. 3

      Preparation of terrorist acts and terrorist training

      5.Preparation of terrorist acts

      6.Training for terrorism

      7.Powers of forfeiture in respect of offences under s. 6

      8.Attendance at a place used for terrorist training

      Offences involving radioactive devices and materials and nuclear facilities and sites

      9.Making and possession of devices or materials

      10.Misuse of devices or material and misuse and damage of facilities

      11.Terrorist threats relating to devices, materials or facilities

      12.Trespassing etc. on nuclear sites

      Increases of penalties

      13.Maximum penalty for possessing for terrorist purposes

      14.Maximum penalty for certain offences relating to nuclear material

      15.Maximum penalty for contravening notice relating to encrypted information

      Incidental provisions about offences

      16.Preparatory hearings in terrorism cases

      17.Commission of offences abroad

      18.Liability of company directors etc.

      19.Consents to prosecutions

      Interpretation of Part 1

      20.Interpretation of Part 1

      Collapse -Part 2 Miscellaneous provisions
      Proscription of terrorist organisations

      21.Grounds of proscription

      22.Name changes by proscribed organisations

      Detention of terrorist suspects

      23.Extension of period of detention of terrorist suspects

      24.Grounds for extending detention

      25.Expiry or renewal of extended maximum detention period

      Searches etc.

      26.All premises warrants: England and Wales and Northern Ireland

      27.All premises warrants: Scotland

      28.Search, seizure and forfeiture of terrorist publications

      29.Power to search vehicles under Schedule 7 to the Terrorism Act 2000

      30.Extension to internal waters of authorisations to stop and search

      Other investigatory powers

      31.Amendment of the Intelligence Services Act 1994

      32.Interception warrants

      33.Disclosure notices for the purposes of terrorist investigations

      Definition of terrorism etc.

      34.Amendment of the definition of “terrorism” etc.

      Other amendments

      35.Applications for extended detention of seized cash

      Collapse -Part 3 Supplemental provisions
      36.Review of terrorism legislation

      37.Consequential amendments and repeals


      39.Short title, commencement and extent


      Expand +SCHEDULE 1Convention offences
      Expand +SCHEDULE 2Seizure and forfeiture of terrorist publications
      Expand +SCHEDULE 3Repeals


    • Loobyloo says:

      I’m so glad there are people like that who will push back


  21. MarkyMark says:

    means a police officer executes their duty independently, without fear or favour. With the Office of Constable comes personal accountability and responsibility for the protection of life and property, the prevention and detection of crime, the maintenance of law and order and the detection and prosecution of offenders.


    without fear or favour
    without fear or favour
    without fear or favour
    without fear or favour


  22. MarkyMark says:

    The Bill of Rights 1689 is an iron gall ink manuscript on parchment. It is an original Act of the English Parliament and has been in the custody of Parliament since its creation. The Bill firmly established the principles of frequent parliaments, free elections and freedom of speech within Parliament – known today as Parliamentary Privilege. It also includes no right of taxation without Parliament’s agreement, freedom from government interference, the right of petition and just treatment of people by courts.

    freedom of speech
    freedom of speech
    freedom of speech
    freedom of speech
    freedom of speech


  23. StewGreen says:

    The starting point for public frustration after Southport attack was that the authorities chose to deliberately suppress info
    .. The actual terrorism czar has said
    Long tweet https://x.com/kelvmackenzie/status/1833205768872673590

    same with the CCTV footage at Manchester airport. It should have been released immediately to counter false narrative that the police officer acted unreasonably.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Jonathan Hall is the terrorist watchdog and a KC and he has effectively said in a bombshell speech that the reason for the summer riots was due to the people not told the background of the Southport killings or the accused.
      Basically he blames Starmer and his CPS chums for creating a climate of secrecy and Harris said voids are filled. Either nationwide riots.
      He also nails the lie put out by the Prime Minister that people should not speculate online as it could prejudice the case.
      Instead Hall urged the judicial arms of government, the police, the public prosecutors, to brief the media.
      Had Starmer done do, he implied, the riots would not have happened .
      What he said is a must read and it’s clear Starmer has made a very big mistake which will hang round his neck for years.
      Hall, the independent reviewer of terrorist legislation, said ; “When matters of high importance happen in the public mind, as far as possible, the police, government and media should level with them.
      “ Those institutions will not continue to have the trust that they have had if there is a general sense that things are being hidden which is what the conspiracy theorists depend on”.
      Hall said there was “huge, huge interest” in the killings of those three little girls and people quite reasonably wanted to know as much as possible about the massacre.
      So all the effing politicians with the exception of Farage tried to stop the public from knowing what happened.
      It wasn’t prurience, there was a right to know. Was the killer an Islamist. Could your child be next?
      All reasonable questions, denied by Starmer who said don’t ask or you too may get a knock on the door.
      Farage should get stuck right into Starmer on this issue. Those riots are at Starmer’s door.”


  24. MarkyMark says:

    Trump says they are eating the cats and dogs…..”‘The meat was for personal use only’: ‘Muslim family celebrating Eid’ who turned their east London garden into a makeshift butchers insist ‘none of the hacked carcasses were sold on'”


  25. StewGreen says:

    Dan Wootton show about how street demo people get caught up in hooliganism
    and are then coerced into pleading guilty, when they are often NOT guilty of the actual offence they’ve been charged with
    .. https://youtu.be/bvl4F3RMvUg


  26. Deborah says:

    I have just seen photos on the Daily Mail website of today’s TV awards. I think Holly Willoughby still looks pretty but she doesn’t appear to have changed in the last 10 years. But the photos of Cat Deeley, Davina Macall and others show what can happen, and it isn’t good. I don’t believe in role models, people should do what they want, but for those woke souls who believe tv ‘stars’ are good role models for young women, the whole lot should be scratched from the tv.


    • BRISSLES says:

      I’ve just read that some reality TV person called Stacey Solomon has won an award at the TV back slapping bash. Its tripe like this that makes me just watch streaming channels now. The programmes on all the terrestrials are only made for those with the intelligence of the Sun and Star readership.


  27. StewGreen says:

    projection i a libmob characteristic
    So on R4 Media Show .. whilst they all shouted .. “yeh those righties are all shills for evil Trump, and Russia paid,
    and Russia rigged the last election”
    what was obvious was that almost all that applied to them
    They BBC libmob were shilling heavily Kamala,
    they rigged the last election by suppressing the Hunter Biden story .. among may other tricks

    Yes they were shilling heavily Kamala during the show
    Dunno if Russia pays them
    Wouldn’t surprise me if Soros does


  28. StewGreen says:



  29. tomo says:


    • Flotsam says:

      She’s a replicant or possibly a lizard.

      If you can bear to watch her, she has the strangest delivery and demeanor.


      • tomo says:

        the strangest delivery and demeanor is often an indicator that the deliverer is uncomfortable in that they know little of what they’re speaking about.

        Par for the wretched course this lot are on.


  30. tomo says:


  31. tomo says:


  32. JohnC says:

    Soaring cost of King’s Guards’ real fur bearskin caps revealed

    WTF is this doing as headline news on the BBC I wondered.

    Then I saw:
    ‘The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) group are against using real fur in principle, but they say it is also now a financial as well as an ethical issue, with £1m spent on fur caps in recent years.’

    And all became clear. More liberal idiot activism.

    Once again they are abusing their immense budget taken under threat of prison from the British public to try and force their own ideology on everybody.

    If the bears are killed just to make hats then I might agree. If the hats are using the skin after they were killed for other reasons then I see nothing wrong.

    And – as usual – after buckets of empathy and misleading, emotive quotations, the truth is hidden right at the end of the article:
    ‘However, the MOD says all of the fur it uses comes from legal and licensed hunts from the regulated Canadian market, and that bears are not “hunted to order” to make the caps.’
    And that’s all we are told. I wonder why the BBC did not investigate and elaborate on that point.

    It’s open season now at the BBC. We are once again under the control of the far-Left. And we all know how that ALWAYS ends : the country is ruined.


  33. JohnC says:

    Ros Atkins on… Were the Trump-Harris debate moderators unfair?

    Anybody got the stomach to watch this from ‘Ros’ and ‘BBC Verify’ ?.

    As happens increasingly often these days, I haven’t. I guarantee it will avoid the complaints it can’t disprove and the summary will be ‘No they weren’t.’

    If anybody can actually stand to watch the BBC at their most biased, let us know what Ros says.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      I haven’t the stomach to watch any BBC output; fortunately, there is no actual need to, given that it is 100% predictable. However, I’m guessing the propaganda you refer to does not mention that the Disney executive in charge of ABC News, upon which the (managed) debate was shown, is Dana Walden. Who just happens to be a major supporter of the Democrat Party and a close personal friend of Kamala Harris for over 30 years. So much so that she’s even credited with Harris’ marriage:

      “In many ways, Dana and Matt are responsible for my marriage,” Ms Harris said at a 2022 Democratic fundraiser at the Waldens’ home in the well-heeled Los Angeles suburb of Brentwood.



  34. pugnazious says:

    The huge lie that the BBC has propagated…that the NHS was starved of funds in the last 14 years…shown to be a huge lie….by Labour as well…

    ‘Lord Darzi describes [the 2010s] as “the most austere decade since the NHS was founded”. ‘

    Not so ‘austere’ it would seem….from a BBC chart today….


    Not only that but what is proposed is reform not more money….hmmm…isn’t that what the Tories proposed and was poo-pooed by the BBC et al?


  35. AsISeeIt says:

    PM ‘in denial’ over winter fuel deaths – protests the Daily Express
    Winter fuel cut could cost Labour in 25 marginal seats (Left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper)
    Tax payers fork out for Chancellor’s heating bill (Daily Star)

    To which our Sir Keir will surely plead “Can we change the subject please?”

    And so it came to pass…

    BBC news top online headline this morning: NHS must reform or die, warns Starmer after report on health service failings

    The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff forsake their regular two story double whammy newspaper review header and instead go for two swipes at the same target where a single shot would normally suffice: ‘Biggest NHS reform’ coming after ‘damning’ report

    And one can hear that damning report echo down through the press headlines with hardly a dissenting title puting it front and centreof the news…

    NHS does less despite record funding – the mildly conservative Telegraph weighs in with a classic journalistic ‘despite’ – our BBC gynaeceum can tolerate that as their top pick for their online press line-up to somewhat balance their bias stats against the Gruan and one can but surmise our Sir Keir’s NHS reforms prescription (since he’s strapped for cash) will be… mildly conservative…

    Questions remain over how Labour will fund its pledge to reform NHS – ponders the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper.

    More treatment in community via nurses, GPs and phramacists likely – or so the ‘i’ speculates.

    I wonder who’s going to break it to our GPs that their workload needs to increase? Pharmacists? What pharmacists…?

    In the future – do we really envisage we will be popping into Boots the chemist for the friendly neighbourhood pharmacist to have a quick shufty at our stiff neck – while we’re in the high street on our way back from drawing some cash from the bank and before toddling along to the pub?

    Banks, chemists and pubs lead High Street closures… On average 18 chemists, 16 pubs and nine banks shut down every week between January and June… Chemists led the closures as Boots axed shops and the Lloyds Pharmacy chain disappeared altogether. (BBC)

    Spawned in the punk era new wave persistent and reliable Mancunian journeymen The Fall celebrated their Mr Pharmacist in garage band style back in 1986

    Mr. Pharmacist
    Can you help me out today
    In your usual lovely way
    Oh Mr. Pharmacist I insist
    That you give me some of that vitamin C
    Mr. Pharmacist

    Dear Pharmacist use your mind
    You better stock me up for the wintertime
    Mr. Pharmacist

    Is Starmer really ready for war with Russia? – cautions the ‘i’.

    Pardon moo… We’re losing the war on cow guffs – observes the Star in reference to another supposed conflict somewhat less far afield.

    The trouble with cows… Are these the UK’s most dangerous animals? (Guardian)

    I reckon Putin’s battle-hardened mass profesional troops, now benefitting from first-hand combat experience in the lastest technological warfare will represent rather more of a challenge than a few Frisians – Daisy, Clarabelle and Buttercup who, let’s not forget – came off worse last time they came up against the UK State and its experts…

    Imperial College epidemiologist Neil Ferguson was behind the disputed research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle. (Columbia University, 2020)

    Or perhaps as a true blue British patriot your money is still on our diversity targeting, transgender-compliant, islamic prayermat-in-every-kitbag, strapped for cash, Tommies and Tinas…?

    Soaring cost of King’s Guards’ real fur bearskin caps revealed (BBC)

    There was a Soviet-era joke Muscovites used to tell one another whenever there was some consumer goods shortage or infrastructure failure such as electricty powercuts or a telephone line outage – “It’s gone on a rocket”, they would mutter in response to the State’s prioritising obsession with the space race.

    Seems we’re preparing for similar infrastructure failures: Data centres as vital as NHS and power grid, government says… It means they would get extra government support during a major incident, such as a cyber attack, an IT outage or extreme weather, in order to minimise disruption. (BBC)

    Meanwhile… will we soon be muttering, sotto voce, for fear of 2TK’s thought police “It’s gone on a rocket” ?

    Kyiv ‘hopeful’ of UK-US deal to strike Russia with Storm Shaddow missiles (‘i’)
    Lammy warns Iran over Ukraine meddling (Telegraph)
    New missiles for Putin add to long-range strike calls (Times)

    1940 Blitz Britain had the likes of Forces Sweetheart Dame Vera Lynn and Our Gracie the Lancashire Lass Gracie Fields to raise our flagging morale.

    The formerly patriotic Times in a sudden fit of gung ho this morning – presumably to raise spirits or to raise something – features a big frontpage pic of that gay favourite the male ballet troupe: The cast of Sir Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake at St James’s Park

    Call me unpatriotic but I’m still with Putin’s Bolshoi girls when I need to raise the tone, so to speak.

    And we close with: ‘One of Britain’s worst miscarriages of justice’ (giveaway freebie Metro) – You guessed it, he’s black.


  36. Jeff says:

    I have only seen extracts from the Trump / Harris TV debate, hosted by the incredibly biased ABC network. However, what I have seen is very reminiscent of what the BBC did…and always do…to Nigel Farage…

    Prior to the recent election they had Nigel on stage, hosted by lefty posh bird, Fiona Bruce and being grilled by (what we’re always told is the average man and woman on the street) but is in fact made up of former BBC producers, greenies, luvvies, trannies and commies. I’ve got to say, these people aren’t typical on my street. Mind you, in Islington…

    Just prior to Nigel’s inquisition they had on the Green candidate, who had received an embarrassing blancmange of softball questions with lots of vociferous applause and that girly whooping that seems exclusive to these liberal types. “Please, Mr Green, how are we going to pay for 300 million solar panels?”…”Oh, we’ll tax the rich.”…”What a wonderful answer. You are marvelous!”

    Then Nigel came out and the tone was decidedly frosty and the poisonous questions began, handled with relish by plummy Fiona.
    “Why are your supporters so horribly racist?” asked the first tubby little bloke…who was later revealed to be on side and one of “them”. It carried on pretty much in that vein from then on.

    There had been no such questions for the Greenie, who only weeks before had council candidates screaming “Allahu Akbar” and shouting, “We’re coming to get you.”

    ABC is the BBC with a different accent. The media are not impartial.

    If you’re Trump and you’ve been invited to debate on ABC, or you’re Nigel and you’re on the BBC, it’s like a football team going to Old Trafford to take on Manchester United. There’s a hostile crowd of 70,000…you’re three nil down before kick off…

    And the referee is Sir Alex Ferguson…


  37. friend of yogi bear says:


    More bad news I’m afraid…

    The much discussed £22bn black hole in the Govt budget has become even more of a story.
    We all know that the OBR nor the IFS knew anything about this supposed black hole ,despite open access to the Govt accounts/books,etc, but having apparently “found” this £ 22bn hole Rachel (i worked for the Bank of England) Reeves is seemingly a bit shy, reluctant to tell us, the mere public ,any details of where the black hole actually is ?
    A Freedom of Information Act request regarding these details has been denied. Yes denied..!

    Why?…… what’s the big secret when it’s all “Sue Greys” Government want to talk about. You might think they would want nothing more than to give us the details.

    Some suspiciously minded people might think that Labour are doing something devious…could that possibly be true?… Ho-hum.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “A Freedom of Information Act request regarding these details has been denied. Yes denied..!”


      Public finances are worse than Labour expected before entering government, with the Treasury identifying a £22 billion shortfall this year.

      The IFS says many of the challenges Labour outlined this week were “entirely predictable”, and during the election campaign the think tank said that a new government would likely see a shortfall of £10-£20 billion by 2028/29. But it has since said the financial pressures do “genuinely appear to be greater than could be discerned from the outside”.


      On Monday, Ms Reeves said some of the reasons for the “£22 billion hole in the public finances now” were overspends on the asylum system and the transport budget, as well as the impact of inflation on departmental budgets generally, as outlined by the Treasury.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘having apparently “found” this £ 22bn hole Rachel (i worked for the Bank of England) Reeves is seemingly a bit shy, reluctant to tell us, the mere public ,any details of where the black hole actually is ?

      ‘On Monday, Ms Reeves said some of the reasons for the “£22 billion hole in the public finances now” were overspends on the asylum system and the transport budget, as well as the impact of inflation on departmental budgets generally, as outlined by the Treasury.’

      Stephen Hawking eventually squared the two ideas in 1974, showing that black holes could have entropy and emit radiation over very long timescales if their quantum effects were taken into account. (Cornell University)


  38. MarkyMark says:

    The evaluation aims to enhance the UK’s sustainable growth in Tanzania and improve the planning, implementation, and monitoring of a whole of government partnership development approach. Maximum budget £120,000.



  39. MarkyMark says:

    Crisis UK Aid Match Total raised including UK Aid Match
    UK Aid Match has increased the impact of a number of the Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC’s) recent appeals, helping to provide immediate support to countries facing large-scale humanitarian disasters.

    2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal £5 million active
    2022 Pakistan Floods Appeal £5 million active
    2022 Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal £25 million active
    2021 Afghanistan Crisis Appeal £10 million £50 million
    2020 Coronavirus Appeal £10 million £62 million
    2019 Cyclone Idai Appeal £4 million £43 million
    2018 Indonesia Tsunami Appeal £2 million £29 million
    2017 Rohingya Crisis Appeal £5 million £30 million
    2017 East Africa Crisis Appeal £10 million £66 million
    2017 Yemen Crisis Appeal £5 million £30 million
    2015 Nepal Earthquake Appeal £5 million £87 million
    2014 Ebola Crisis Appeal £5 million £37 million
    2014 Gaza Crisis Appeal £2 million £19 million
    2013 Philippines Typhoon Appeal



  40. MarkyMark says:

    ICF China Green Finance technical assistance
    The BEIS International Climate Fund (ICF) has launched a £2 million call for technical assistance activities in green finance in China.


    Value of funding:
    £100,001 to £500,000


  41. andyjsnape says:

    ‘We eat on the floor’: Inside the guesthouse where everyone is homeless

    I started by wondering which country this was, with:-


    Mr Smith or Jones ?

    Romel seems to be a regular, also the bbc is using her here also


  42. StewGreen says:

    NHS report writer Lord Darzi segment used in news report, he says “Our amazing staff”
    Him using sycophancy like that, doesn’t indicate that the report will be sound.


  43. The Mouse says:

    StewGreen, I think Lord Darz may be referring to some of the amazing bad ones. Mmmmmm. Second thoughts, he is a sycophantic arse


  44. MarkyMark says:

    The Bill of Rights 1689 is an iron gall ink manuscript on parchment. It is an original Act of the English Parliament and has been in the custody of Parliament since its creation. The Bill firmly established the principles of frequent parliaments, free elections and freedom of speech within Parliament (NOT OUTSIDE – WE ARE NOT ALL EQUAL) – known today as Parliamentary Privilege. It also includes no right of taxation without Parliament’s agreement, freedom from government interference, the right of petition and just treatment of people by courts.


  45. MarkyMark says:

    How much UK aid has been spent in China since 2009?
    From 2009 to 2021, UK bilateral aid to China totalled £537 million. During this period, spending was highest in 2009, at £75 million.

    Aid was focused on priorities such as economic prosperity, climate change, and human rights. IN CHINA! HA HA HAH A! COAL POWER STATIONS AND LOCKING UP JOUNRALISTS! HA HA HAHAHA!



  46. Doobster78 says:

    Not BBC but still MSM and that Lefty activist Paul Brand. This is on ITV tonight.

    Still blaming the fictional ” Far Right” they just don’t get it do they !!!!!

    The Summer Riots: Burning Britain
    “After the worst far right violence in recent memory, the programme looks back at the breakdown in law and order on our streets this summer following the fatal stabbings of three girls in Southport. Over the course of a week, hundreds of people targeted ethnic minority communities and attacked the police, but why? Paul Brand examines the consequences when online rumours and misinformation collide with real world events”


    • MarkyMark says:

      In April 1994, tensions between the Hutu-controlled government and Tutsi rebels led to genocide in Rwanda, where corruption and bribes between politicians were routine. Paul Rusesabagina, manager of the Belgian-owned Hôtel des Mille Collines, is Hutu, but his wife Tatiana is Tutsi. Their marriage is a source of friction with Hutu extremists, including Georges Rutaganda, a goods supplier to the hotel who is also the local leader of Interahamwe, a brutal Hutu militia.



    • StewGreen says:

      The “show me the bodies” rule applies in deciding hard
      .. from the riots there are no dead bodies, no raped bodies, no acid burned bodies.. a couple of people had burnt cars , some corporate shop owners suffered damage
      And minor psycholgical impact on cops etc.

      compare that to grooming gang effects


  47. MarkyMark says:

    The Prime Minister then started on his “10-year plan” to reform the NHS, a matter of “life and death”. He went on to say reform does not mean it will no longer be free, or mean pumping more money into the service, stating “no more money until reform”.


    IT WAS NEVER FREE … does not mean it will no longer be free … LIAR

    IT WAS NEVER FREE … does not mean it will no longer be free … LIAR

    What is the NHS budget? Public funding for health services in England comes from Department of Health and Social Care’s budget. The Department’s spending in 2022/23 was £181.7 billion. The vast majority of this spending (94.6%, or £171.8 billion) was on day-to-day items such as staff salaries and medicines.


  48. G says:

    If the Winter Fuel Allowance goes alongwith the Single Persons Allowance on the Council Tax, I will be totally convinced that, continuing on from the last Government, the Government of TTK, is determined to kill and/or starve to death as many Pensioners as they can.


  49. MarkyMark says:



  50. MarkyMark says:

    “UK national debt is on course to treble over the next half a century due to several pressures, according to the government’s official forecaster.

    Those pressures include an ageing population, climate change, and rising geopolitical tensions, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) said in a report.”


    ageing population – freeze in winter due to climate change and war in Ukraine.


    • popeye says:

      They never mention unlimited immigration of course, especially about pressure on hospitals, GPs, housing, crime, road traffic, social services, schools, and unwatchable BBC programmes!

      It’s all us oldies to blame 🙁


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