356 Responses to Midweek 11th September 2024

  1. tomo says:

    Could easily be re-branded as The Department of Room Temperature IQ and Fractional Wits

    Insulting acronym suggestions welcome


    • MarkyMark says:



      Electricity and gas network planning to be brought under one roof, as the new independent National Energy System Operator launches to achieve the clean energy transition
      Set to launch on Tuesday 1 October
      The publicly owned body will support the UK’s energy security, help to keep bills down in the long term and accelerate the government’s clean power mission

      publicly owned body = NO PUBLIC INPUT HA HA HA HAHA H

      There have been 3 consultations on the creation of NESO:

      Proposals for a Future System Operator;
      Future System Operator: second policy consultation and project update;
      National Energy System Operator licences and other impacted licences – statutory consultation 

      The enterprise value of ÂŁ630m that the government has agreed with National Grid to acquire the Electricity System Operator will be subject to customary closing adjustments. The majority of taxpayer costs will be recouped via existing charges on energy bills, which previously would have gone to National Grid.

      HA HA HA HA!
      The majority of taxpayer costs will be recouped via existing charges on energy bills,

      HA HA HAH AH

      The majority of taxpayer costs will be recouped via existing charges on energy bills,

      majority ? HA HA HAH A!


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        Here we go, here we go. The new NESO unit will bring everybody ‘Energy Freedom’ especially to those with SMART meters..

        Freedom is defined in the mad-marxist sense in that the majority should be considered not the individual.

        So to balance the grid if a few subscribers have to have their smart meters turned off remotely to help all the other comrades then so be it. That is the marxist definition of freedom.

        P.S. The ones that are more equal than others will never have their electricity turned off.

        P.P.S Next year the MPs will vote to double their heating allowance bBC Verified Fact.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “UK become a net exported of electricity.” (c) Rishi Sunak


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Mail reports that Russian subs are patrolling near to the coast . Maybe they can do something about the daily invasion as the UK hasnt the guts to do anything …


  3. JohnC says:

    TV host Jay Blades charged with abusive behaviour

    It seems bullies and perverts thrive at the BBC. The BIG question is why – but of course the BBC and Panorama will not go near that one. This must be the shortest article ever.

    Stories like this which manage to break through the ‘BBC investigating itself’ defence layer really do show us what these people are like. I bet only a small percentage ever get past the ‘internal investigation’ stage.


  4. micknotmike says:

    When the bbc were running the story about the rich man’s yacht sinking near sicily (I think). They ran the coverage into the ground, under the atlantic and back up again. I remember commenting that I couldn’t give a toss about it and that it was a “non-story” to block anything of interest being reported. I also commented that it would be steven lawrence next, then climate scares.

    New “In depth” today – “steven lawrence would have been 50 today”. Well fecking whoopee, I meant it as a joke. Hey bbc! report some news!


  5. MarkyMark says:

    Title “TV host Jay Blades charged with abusive behaviour”

    Real title “BBC TV who paid under threat of prison, and you cannot stop paying to heat your house – host Jay Blades charged with abusive (as expected in BBC) behaviour”

    Jay Blades, host of BBC series The Repair Shop, has been charged with engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour.

    The presenter faces one charge and appeared at Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court on Friday.


  6. Eddy Booth says:

    “Jury discharged in Pro-Palestine protest trial”



    “The jury in the trial of four pro-Palestine protesters accused of causing nearly ÂŁ600,000 of damage to a factory has been discharged.
    At the start of the trial the jury was shown CCTV footage of the group using an angle-grinder to cut through a security fence in the early hours of 2 April.

    The group was filmed carrying items including sledgehammers, crowbars, ladders and flags and staging a protest on the roof of the premises.

    The three men and a woman, who were wearing red boiler suits, were then captured on drone footage smashing roof tiles and windows.”

    So all caught red handed, all on camera, but somehow the BRADFORD jury couldn’t reach a verdict…🤔

    “Mr Gao, 20, of Dalton Ellis Hall, Manchester, Mr Shah, 51, of Reedley Road, Burnley, Mr Jones, 30, of Rossett Road, Crosby, and 20-year-old Ms Hamill, of Emu Road, London, have all been bailed ahead of their next appearance.
    All four defendants will face a re-trial at the same court in February 2026.”

    Bail for some , but not for others


  7. tomo says:

    If Labour stuck with the most important issues of the day … or something …


  8. JohnC says:

    UK says Russia spy claims are ‘baseless’ as Putin escalates row over Ukraine weapons

    Of course they do. I don’t trust my own government a whole lot more than I trust Putin these days.

    They blame Putin for ‘escalating the row over weapons’ but what the BBC are magnificently omitting to tell us is that when a Stormshadow is launched, it’s not the Ukrainians who target it – it’s us. So what this means is that the British government designate the target in Russia and program it into the missile. All Ukraine do is drop it from the aeroplane. We do everything else. That’s why Putin is saying it amounts to direct involvement to make war on Russia.

    And we know it is – that’s why it’s such a big deal.

    What it does tell me is how desperate things are in Ukraine now. Note how the story of Ukraine trying to take Kursk has been suddenly dropped. That’s because Russia have started the counteroffensive and are driving them out.


  9. vlad says:

    Big news story, one might have thought:

    “Grooming Gang JAILED For Over 100 Years”

    So what do the BBC do? Why, they hide it away under South Yorkshire, of course, until they can discreetly drop it entirely.



    • JohnC says:

      I can’t even begin to imagine how big the BBC would make that story if it were some kind of right-wing group grroming and raping Muslim girls.
      It would go on for weeks. All the misandrists and anti-white racists would join in and laws would be changed.

      It just proves how the BBC don’t give a shit about who does what to anyone if they can’t use it for their far-Left agenda.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      At first you would think 106 years prison between them is double plus good but in today’s world that really means 41 years.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Grooming Gang JAILED For Over 100 Years” – 1 year for every groomer aka rapist aka terrorist aka Jihadi warrior?


    • MarkyMark says:

      No room in prison so sent home to Pakistan – but with UK benefits!


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      One story that never seems to be told is what were the family circumstances of the victims. In this case one was an 11 year-old. What were the parents doing when she was being passed around like a pass-the-parcel?

      I suspect that many of these girls had no parents in the sense that they were in care. If this is the case then care should really be defined as ‘harm’.

      If these girls were in ‘harm’, and some as young as 11, then why were the social workers not prosecuted also. They social workers cannot possible have been caring for the victims.


  10. Eddy Booth says:



  11. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    It looks like they are trying to stop Nigel from working on GB News.
    They say he cannot spend enough time in Clacton if he has his 3 x 1 hour shows.

    My MP is Bridget Phillipson.
    Secretary of State for Education.
    I wonder if her ‘second job’ as S of S for Ed. takes up more than 3 hours per week.
    Does she spend more time in her constituency here in Sunderland than Nigel does in Clacton

    The only fair thing to do is for her to resign from this Cabinet job if she thinks MP’s shouldn’t have second jobs.

    We all know the real reason for this carry on and it’s not the second job reason they are hiding behind.


  12. Eddy Booth says:

    “A man has admitted posting social media messages designed to stir up racial hared as riots hit the UK.”


    “Ehsan Hussain, from Birmingham, has been warned to expect a substantial custodial sentence.
    Hussain was remanded in custody for sentencing at crown court on Friday.”

    Well it’s looking like Ehsan also known as Chris Nolan – part of the far right Kweer Stalin warned us all about- didn’t appear today.
    Wild guess : a mental health card was found neatly tucked in his back pocket, and we now has a long delay for a pre sentencing report…


  13. Guest Who says:

    The BBC is an equal opportunity offender, but Climate, Trump and Gaza have to be top 3.


    “This article from August 2023 exemplifies just how poor the BBC’s journalism has become regarding climate and energy”


  14. BRISSLES says:

    Oh dear BBC another of you’re favourites you’ve pushed front and centre has let you down

    Given his own local travel shows, teamed him up with icons Judy Dench and David Jason, been on reality shows and given the hosting job of one of the most popular shows on the channel. Perfect opportunity now to ditch Jay Blades and give the lovely Will Kirk the job.

    There must be a lot of heads in hands around the table. But you won’t learn will you.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:


      You forgot to say that Jay Blades can drip paint down a chair leg better than anyone. He is the Michelangelo of dripping paint down chair legs, an art form of his own creation.


      • BRISSLES says:

        I know, he first appeared on Money for Nothing and it went from there. Never liked the guy , the artisans on RS should have all the accolades not him.


  15. digg says:

    If anyone had told me 10 years or so ago that we would have a government who release convicted villians, thugs and drug dealers etc. to make room for people who protested against the government I would not have believed it.

    Yet here we are…… what a third rate circus this new Labour Government really is and appropriately led by a total clown in my opinion.

    I now await the first innocent citizen topped by one of these early release boys which is almost guaranteed to happen in due course. Let’s just hope it’s a pensioner for the new Governments sake hey!


  16. Guest Who says:

    BBC TDS bottle blonde. And chums.


    It’s time to show
    my side of the Atlantic!!! We are joining
    in Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff and London. Can’t wait. Come and join us (oh and become a Founding Member of
    for exclusive insights from Anthony and me…)


  17. non-licence payer says:


    On the ‘ead ‘ed up.


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