Not even reported by the BBC as I type. Isn’t it amazing how they hold back as long as possible for anything inconvenient to the agenda ?.
Muslim rapes a 14 year old girl after previously being convicted of raping a 13 year old girl gets 5 years in prison.
Yet if you turn up at a protest against mass immigration but break no laws at all, you get 1 year in jail just for turning up.
During the interview in 2021 he told officers he felt “sick” at their questions and denied the crime.
There is a lesson about their character there considering he did it twice. One the BBC choose not to learn because it doesn’t fit the racist anti-Right agenda. But if was OK for the prophet, why should he not have a go as well ?.
THIS is the two-tier racist system we are fed up with. The fact the BBC are willing to suppress this sort of stuff speaks volumes about their massive hypocrisy. They don’t care one bit how many 13 or 14 year old girls get raped if they can’t use it for their far-Left propaganda war.
Just try to imagine the size of the story the BBC would run if it were about far-Right rape-gangs targetting 13 year old BAME girls.
Waleed Ali .. Scunthorpe man says that Comcast Skynews page
“Ali, of Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire, was arrested and interviewed in September 2021 after a woman told Operation Stovewood officers she had been attacked when she was 14 years old and had not reported it before.”
(BTW Dunno why you’d write “Scunthorpe Lincolnshire ”
instead of just Scunthorpe
and anyway the county is called “North Lincolnshire now)
I notice the BBC interviewed a “previous” security officer to an earlier president to seek his views on the matter. BBC sh*t-stirrers intent on muddying the waters as much as possible. No doubt appreciative of the fact that said officer suggested that it was highly likely an, “Inside job” as the shooter was at the next golfing hole in readiness. These Marxists are everywhere. Comb your hair and a Marxist appears on the comb………..
I know nothing about golf but the ‘holes’ are in following sequence are they not? Just sayin.
I don’t think the rifle was an AK, it looks more like an SKS to me. They were dirt cheap in the USA in the period between the end of the USSR and the rise of Putin. No guns can now be imported from Russia.
It is not a sniper rifle, but would have been accurate enough out to about 300 yards. It was another narrow escape for Trump.
The meme guy posted memes deleted them when replies got hatey
and apologised
says he was not guilty of any crime
but was coerced into pleading guilty
then the prosecution broke law by mentioning his previous conviction
thus this time he served one month in jail
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
It’s OK, the suspect is a Republican. And the last one was too. .The Leftie on thr GBNews panel immediately called for gun control in America. I expect all those illegally held guns there will just disappear in a puff of smoke.
BTW I note this 22 May 2018 BBC headline Rotherham child sexual abuse claim ‘made up to boost EDL cause’
… Is that an actual fact ?
it’s a quote as a headline from the accused Khurram Javed’s solicitor about a 2008 event
The next BBC headline 31 May 2018
“Rotherham man jailed for sexual assault on teenage girl”
That is about Khurram Javed
and seems to say he was actually convicted of a 2014 attack against a 16yo
but “cleared” of a 2008 attack against a 13yo
“A former immigration minister has said he “regrets” the former Conservative government’s Stop The Boats rhetoric which he believes was used to inflame this summer’s riots.”
25 July 2024
BBC “The report finds the UK is also seeing a 40% increase in the number of what the Met Office describes as “pleasant” days
– those with temperatures of 20C or more – and has become 9% sunnier over the last few decades.”
.. Stupid idea that a day where for 1 second the thermometer hits 20C is pleasant , but if it hits 19.9C for 10 hours it’s not
… not that there are many of those days recently
More PR + marketing types at UKMO than actual meteorologists – disappointing that they aren’t remunerated on the skill/success of their predictions – really.
Eight people died trying to cross the channel in a rubberised ferry.
Rather less publicised by the BBC is that 800 people made it across in one day on Saturday.
Also on Saturday, The Times noted that a low skill immigrant costs the taxpayer £150,000 in his lifetime. There is thus no nett benefit AT ALL to those in what is left of our country.
Since most of those 800 asylum seekers are not doctors and engineers, and speak little English and have few skills, it is reasonable to presume the nett overall cost to the British taxpayer for the immigrants arriving in just one day will be around £120 million. In one day. If this was repeated on say 200 days a year this would be £24 billion.
Perhaps TTK and Rachel Reeves could do something about this in order to fill the so-called ‘black hole’ in the nation’s finances. But no. Allowing Tory-voting pensioners to freeze to death and locking up people who have the temerity to question open door immigration is clearly more important than stopping the invasion.
Migrant workers in the UK, many in low-paid jobs, are sending £8bn a year to support families in their home countries, says a report from the United Nations’ education agency.
This is often used to help relations in poorer countries to stay in school.
What pees me off are the lefties – yes you Matthew Stadler, telling us how we need migrants because we are an ageing population and we need them to wipe our bums !
So, when the next generation of Windrush onwards, added to the migrants since 1997 get older we’ll need more migrants to wipe their bums, then they too get older and …… the wheel cycle continues of more migrants to wipe ar…s until there are no white people left, just a nation of migrants waiting to wipe the ar..s of the generation ahead of them.
And that is the bigger picture for what lies in the future, but the lefties like Stadler fail to see this.
“Barely literate students with no GCSEs being accepted onto university courses and given thousands of pounds in taxpayer cash they will never pay back.
Whistleblowers have told how courses are accepting students with such poor English that they cannot spell simple words, and who fail to attend classes as soon as they receive their first £4,000 maintenance loan and council tax exemption.
One source at a well-known university said they have seen instances of ‘whole families’ including elderly parents and grandparents enrolling on £9,250-a-year courses after being recruited by staff offering cash bonuses for new students.
FA second academic claimed that one of their students ‘who could barely speak English’ openly discussed how he was using some of his loan to build a home in Romania, while another lecturer in London said there were ‘huge concerns that some people are just scamming the taxpayer.’
‘They take anyone in off the street,’ a separate lecturer warned.”
“Disgraced BBC News presenter Huw Edwards is due back in court at a hearing where he could be sentenced for charges involving indecent images of children”
No bbc, this is your news presenter, above should read
“Our news present Huw Edwards is due back in court”
The corp always tries to distance its self when reporting the many incidents like this
Andy, they tried a ‘damage limitation exercise’ on Saturday, getting lots of their fluffy stuff into so many paragraphs, but at the end, (yes, I did read it), all it was turned out to be yet another softening appproach to evil sods like him especially thos in the dreadful BBC.
Beeboids always get away with so much, from plain leftie bias and poor research and reporting, to really unpleasant employees, however ‘famous’ they claim they are, and when the inevitable sleb shows itself to be a disgusting piece of sh*t, they’ll keep passing the buck until it gets to Davie, who then starts the whole sorry process again.
To have read the piece on Saturday, you’d think that Edwards was just a cuddly old chum to everyone, and while he wanted to be in the lime light all the time, nobody really minded.
Learning the lessons of Savile
5 November 2012
By Nick Robinson
Number 10 is trying to learn from the BBC’s handling of allegations about Jimmy Savile and, in particular, what is now widely seen to have been the mistake of insisting that the serious allegations were best dealt with by the police alone.
I never watched the stuff he did, Brissles, but the box-tickers must be feeling a bit faint these days, watching yet another of their chosen races fall under scrutiny!
Perhaps someone in Verify could start finding out some home truths in their own patch, instead of piddling about with serious matters which are way over their heads!
Andy – tricky day for the BBC – two stories they won’t want to cover – their boy being sentenced – a second attack on the president ….
BTW it must be time for the Obama crew to minimise the latest case as the FBI did last time ….. and some lefty newspaper must be preparing a ‘third time lucky ‘ headline and updating the trump obituary …..
How quick were the BBC to denigrate as ‘unfounded’ Trump’s claims that illegals were eating pet cats and dogs. (Of course they were ‘unfounded’: because none of the lying msm would investigate properly.)
Unfortunately for them, footage is surfacing of exactly that, despite Google and YouTube’s best efforts to scrub such images.
The video clip below is time-stamped to the relevant bit.
‘The meat was for personal use only’: ‘Muslim family celebrating Eid’ who turned their east London garden into a makeshift butchers insist ‘none of the hacked carcasses were sold on’ A family spotted hacking up animal carcasses in their back garden have insisted the meat was for personal use.27 Aug 2018
Writing in the broadcaster’s annual report, the head of factual programmes for Channel 4, Ralph Lee, said: “The level of Islamophobia we encountered with the 4Ramadan season was unexpected, though much of it came from communities that were either very polarised or very undiverse.”
Lee said he had personally received hundreds of emails complaining about the broadcast after he defended it in an article for the Radio Times, in which he said it would “act as a nationwide Tannoy system” and a provocation to viewers “in the very real sense of the word”.
“I think people would assume that if you audited a factory in the UK it would all be perfect because it’s the UK, and if you audited a factory in China then it might not be, but actually that’s not necessarily the case.
“In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) by George Orwell, the Two Minutes Hate is the daily period during which members of the Outer and Inner Party of Oceania must watch a film depicting Emmanuel Goldstein, the principal enemy of the state, and his followers, the Brotherhood, and loudly voice their hatred for the enemy and then their love for Big Brother.[1]”
I wondered where our good friend’s name came from – thank you!
I did find ‘The road to Wigan Pier’ a great read though, and can’t pick up a glass of orange squash without recalling him describing the elite lefties of the day as ‘fruit-juice drinkers’!
“Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
“We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. ”
“Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer”
Not right to say only women have a cervix,
this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face
When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the nation with his plan to repel them. However, in the middle of the address, he breaks down, demanding the troops simply follow their consciences instead. Most of the troops immediately desert their posts and join the civilians as they flee north, and the south is quickly overrun by the migrants. Some of the last troops to stand their ground take refuge in a small village, along with Calguès, an old man who has chosen to remain at his home, and Hamadura, a Westernized Indian who is terrified of his “filthy, brutish” countrymen and prides himself on having more in common with whites than Indians. The troops in this village, a total of nineteen Frenchmen and one Indian, surrounded by what they deem “occupied territory”, remain the last defense of Western values and “Free France” against the immigrants.
You couldn’t mock up a proper mobility ramp into 10 Downing Street could you?
I am outraged that any self respecting one-legged lesbian Albanian has to hop into the scum far-left thugs home in order to wail and gnash about how much of a victim they are.
It will need at least two new walls, hand-rails, and a turn through 90 degrees.
This kind of ramp was constructed at a local police station near me and it took them 2 years to build. It was completed just before they knocked the police station down and sold the land off for housing.
I am surprised that none of the scum far-left thugs have sued for altitude sickness going up those steps. The Daleks should definitely sue.
Why can’t millionaire Starmers buy their own clothes? demands the Daily Mail earning that title relegation to the lower reaches of the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff’s online print press frontpage line-up.
That’s deep down in the news doldrums where our giveaway ad sheet the Metro wishes Prince Harry a happy birthday: Many Harry Returns? 40th birthday message an olive branch… and where the Labour-supporting Mirror likewise finds no political stories to rock their boat this morning: Royal peace gesture… King, Wills and Kate wish Prince a happy birthday
Gosh, I wonder what big political news lines the left-leaners wish to swerve today?
Bizarrely, apparently apropos of nothing in particular, the Google machine’s pop up: Thought-provoking stories – attempts to garner my attention this morning with: What if nature had a voice in legislation? A ‘planetary parliament’ could give it one.
The Planetary Democrats, a European legal association, wants to create a global parliament that would represent the interests of the nonhuman world. (Grist – ‘climate news that’s always paywall free’)
Grist is almost entirely funded by grants, including from major left-of-center grantmaking nonprofits like the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Miami Foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… an online-only environmentalist magazine that supports left-of-center policy viewpoints. (Influence Watch)
Grist, you know like grist to the mill, “all this free publicity was grist to his mill” as Oxford Languages dictionary explains.
Meanwhile, in the news – well, I’ll be… just looky here: UK to get first special envoy for nature… Move is part of effort to put Britain at centre of tackling climate crisis (Guardian)
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff pick Donald Trump- and Keir Starmer-themed news stories out from the saw dust and prizes tombola tub that is the news of the day lucky dip: Trump ‘assassination attempt’ and Starmer heads for Italy (BBC)
Trump assassination as a headline is sexy enough but Starmer’s travel plans read like a boring old timey court report column. The actual Starmer news story this cycle is of course: Starmer’s wife had £5,000 of clothes paid by donor (Times) – but of course if you’re runing defence for the Labour government, as our BBC tend to do…
Seems there’s assassination attempts and there’s shades of assassination attempts.
Our Ros Atkins (BBC) this morning still reckons it’s: …the apparent Trump assasination attempt
The Times despite print deadlines confirms: Trump targeted again in attempted assassination
One recalls that 1980s satirical sketch show Not The Nine o’Clock News and Rowan Atkinson playing a spokesman at the Tory Party Conference teeing off his speech (to rapturous edited in footage of applause) with “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m a golfer…”
And still yet today the mildly conservative Telegraph frowns on the audacity of the would-be assassin over this aspect of the attack: Trump ‘targeted by gunman’ on his golf course
I mean, taking a few pot shots while the candidate is on the stump at one of his rallies is one thing… but shooting at a chap whilst he’s out on the fairway? On the back nine?
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper plays it down and do we perhaps detect a note of mild regret: Trump safe after shots fired ‘in his vicinity’ at his Florida golf course
The Guardian likewise ain’t too bothered: Trump safe after shots fired near his golf course
I’m always impressed how after certain terror and assassination outrages our authorities can very rapidly attribute motives: Suspect in apparent Trump assassination attempt was pro-Ukraine activist (BBC) – and others, not so much.
The Daily Express, no longer boldly ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ on their masthead exhibits rather more concern than our left-leaning titles: Trump rushed to safety after agents shoot at ‘would-be assassin’
Whether it be due to print deadlines or disinterest the Democrat-supporting FT goes with: Harris maintains post-debate lead over Trump on economy, says poll – I’ve heard of anthropomorphising animals – the fondly lamented Johnny Morris used to give voice to his fury friends for the BBC (there’s one for the teenagers) and in a world where the UK gets a special envoy for nature and Google promotes a global parliament that would represent the interests of the nonhuman world… I guess it’s no big leap to regard inanimate disembodied opinion polls as conversational interlocutors capable of telling us stuff to which we ought to listen.
With friends like Lammy, our Sir Keir don’t need enemies: PM ‘lacks taxpayer funding for clothes’… Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria accepted donations towards clothing because there are no taxpayer funds to cover UK leaders’ wardrobe costs, David Lammy has said (Telegraph)
BBC Bitesize Shakespeare: A rhyming couplet at the end of a scene signifies to the audience that the scene is about to change
Quick calm down dear, and I’m outta here.
My friends track their husbands by phone app (The formerly serious Times)
“With friends like Lammy, our Sir Keir don’t need enemies: PM ‘lacks taxpayer funding for clothes’… Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria accepted donations towards clothing because there are no taxpayer funds to cover UK leaders’ wardrobe costs, David Lammy has said (Telegraph)
The telegraph has chosen not to cover the attempted murder of president trump – instead it is running features on the rules of golf – and whether being killed on the 9th hole disqualifies a player – 5 day serial – the above may be false news .
The Guardian will now want golfing banned because it’s not green …
I’m guessing that your ‘ros takins’ ‘apparent ‘ line will be extended to all people the bbc don’t like …. As in the ‘apparent killing of the future president ‘….
Just as an aside, the delightfully funny Michael Green once wrote that while playing golf with his friend on a course near the Norfolk coast, Askew hit a ball into a tidal creek off the ocean, and promptly lifted the ball claiming that The North Sea was classed as ‘Casual Water’!
(I don’t know what this has to do with President Trump, but there has to be some sort of connection, or my warped mind wouldn’t have made the comment)…
I loved his books. Met him once at a book signing in Leicester and he told me that if I ever came across a copy of The Art of Coarse Moving to make sure he received it. I did actually find this book some years later but sadly he’d gone by then. Lovely bloke.
After the second assassination attempt on Trump, will all those who have ‘jokingly’ called for his killing on the BBC now be tried for incitement to murder?
The BBC emphasizing the Trump would-be assassin is a supporter of Ukraine, thereby framing that Trump is pro Russian.
They could easily just say he is staunch democrat.
‘It also appears Routh, while he was living in Hawaii, made several small contributions to the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue, including 19 payments in 2019 and 2020’
Same as the last one.
The only thing you can trust about things like this is where someone is prepared to put their money. Not mentioned in the BBC report of course.
The real issue here is the hate being generated against the Right the the MSM. They won’t go near that one either. After their week-long headlines about right-wing protestors buying eggs, they are as guilty as anybody.
“After another weekend of record-high Channel boat crossings, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper was asked (not by her husband this time) on BBC Breakfast when Labour would bring down the number of illegal (or as Labour calls it, “irregular”) Channel migrant crossings. She couldn’t answer the question…”
New Border Security Commander appointed as Prime Minister’s European reset continues in Italy
Martin Hewitt CBE QPM has been appointed to lead the UK’s new Border Security Command – marking a significant step forward in the fight against illegal migration and criminal smuggling gangs.
“His ability to bring together policing, law enforcement, intelligence agencies and government bodies in response to major security threats was key to his appointment. His leadership was most visibly demonstrated in managing the UK’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, coordinating policing efforts. ”
The policing of Covid was a disaster. Thousands of UK citizens banged up and charged for non-offences. IMHO this man should be behind bars along with other criminals such as Matt Hancock.
Sally Nugent just about managed not to squirm as
her Breakfasr show on the BBC did another feature on the
“infamous” Dambusters raid in 1943. This time it was not
called infamous. BUT of course one of the plethora of
anarchist Marxist editors at the BBC made sure that we were
told that German civilians were killed., poor sods. Mr anarchist ,
Marxist 40,000 UK civilians were killed by the Nazis in
bombing raids on the UK. And the f***ing Germans started
the war !!
But to be fair to the BBC. Although we saw a clip from the
Dambuster’s film starring Richard Todd as Guy Gibson VC.
We didn’t see him calling for his black Labrador N***er.
Which I’m pretty sure what the “infamous” was really all about.
The poor dog was runover at the time of the raid. And was
buried at RAF Scampton. The home base for the Dambuster
The woke powers . decided that when Scampton was
being used to house asylum seekers . That the poor dog
should be dug up , not to offend them. Thankfully the
locals , put a stop to that.
A spokesman for the RAF said: “As part of an ongoing review of its historical assets, the RAF have replaced the gravestone of Guy Gibson’s dog at RAF Scampton. The new gravestone tells the story of Guy Gibson’s dog, but its name has been removed.”17 Jul 2020
Working with the RAF
From inviting the public to explore the history of space operations to improving the air quality of the future, we’re working with the Royal Air Force to service society.
Aiming for Net Zero
Climate change is a problem we all face, touching on every aspect of society.
For the RAF, tasked with protecting the nation’s security, climate change creates humanitarian crises that threaten peace and global stability. That’s why it has set a target to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2040.
The Ministry of Defence contributes around 50% of all government carbon emissions, so the RAF has a huge challenge ahead.
DROP NET ZERO BOMBS TO SAVE THE PLANET …. The Ministry of Defence contributes around 50% of all government carbon emissions, so the RAF has a huge challenge ahead.
A friend told me (ex RAF) that the location of “Ns” grave has been lost in the general confusion of moving offices and him not having a headstone to start off with. Originally he was buried outside by Guy Gibsons office but after so many years no one can remember where. Which is how he should stay undisturbed.
Remember to stop paying the pensioners their winter fuel – HA HA HA HAH “Married couple and Labour Cabinet ministers Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper were accused in September 2007 of exploiting the Commons’ allowances system in order to pay for a £655,000 house in London.”
A spokesman for the RAF said: “As part of an ongoing review of its historical assets, the RAF have replaced the gravestone of Guy Gibson’s dog at RAF Scampton. The new gravestone tells the story of Guy Gibson’s dog, but its name has been removed.”17 Jul 2020
1. This code of practice is designed to assist police officers and staff (see Annex 2) in England and Wales in making decisions about the recording and retention of personal data[footnote 1] relating to non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs).
ensure police officers and staff understand how free speech considerations should be taken into account when deciding whether to record an NCHI and whether to include personal data in the record;
7. Non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs) are recorded by the police to collect information on ‘hate incidents’ that could escalate into more serious harm or indicate heightened community tensions, but which do not constitute a criminal offence.
The Jihadis Next Door
This programme from 2016 films with, and challenges the behaviour and motivations of, a new wave of extremists in the UK, including Abu Rumaysah who’s suspected of appearing in an Isis execution video
Zurcher (AKA Odo) chooses not to mention Corey Comperatore (dead), David Dutch ( shot in the liver and chest) and James Copenhaver.
The propagandists swimming in the fermenting spitoon of BBC North America reporting are just so infused with TDS and bereft of any human empathy it’s embarrassing.
Amess was knighted in the 2015 New Year Honours for political and public service. On 15 October 2021, Amess was murdered at a constituency surgery in Leigh-on-Sea by Ali Harbi Ali. Southend was granted city status as a memorial to Amess in 2022.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
Like many of the women inspired by the protests, Alef posted a photo on social media revealing her hair flowing freely in public. It was a simple act of solidarity with the movement against the forced wearing of the hijab.
“I didn’t really care enough to hide who I am or where the photo was taken,” she said. “I wanted to say, ‘we exist’.”
But the picture was seen by the authorities, which were trying to crush the protests, and Alef was arrested.
Naga (real name: Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah) and a PR woman getting in a muddle over how much Huw’s child abuse incriminates his previous employer.
PR woman thinks that one important marker of gaining professional distance is the BBC pursuing Edwards to pay back wages. Phew that should be the end of the story thank goodness. Both manage to avoid any discussion of how peculiar it is that the culture of a state broadcaster has accommodated so many high profile paedophiles over the decades.
But then the BBC are well trained to ignore culture if it’s one that doesn’t suit their agenda.
6 months suspended prison sentence for Edwards – what a travesty.
A woman writes a few inappropriate words on social and gets a custodial sentence, but download images of kiddies in a sexual positions and its clearly ok to get away with it. Disgusting.
JohnC, the BBC are paid far too much by the taxpayer, which means they are able to offer incredible salaries to those the BBC deem ‘worth it’. Cut the Licence Fee in half and Huw Edwards would not have been able to to give £1500 to a stranger.
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
communities, increase their confidence and increase positive
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social
£54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will provide supplementary education to young
people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
communication skills and confidence
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will deliver educational support for disabled
Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
children and young people will gain academic skills,
confidence and improve their physical well-being.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
“The Trabant was a small car produced in the former East German communist state, the German Democratic Republic (DDR), from 1957 to 1991. The Trabant was a basic, inexpensive car that was essential for transportation in the DDR, where Western vehicles were not permitted to be imported. The Trabant became a symbol of the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and the stagnant economy of the DDR. ”
“Victoria Starmer appears unbothered by the ongoing party frock scandal as she makes her debut at a London Fashion Week show today, gracing the front row of the Edeline Lee runway. Outside Millbank Tower, she was spotted wearing a £1,200 jacket, along with a custom-made polka dot dress, presumably from the same pricey brand. Who covered the cost of this ensemble?”
2017 … But we don’t need borders. All are welcome. Let me help these budding reporters ‘7:30pm ITV prog Breaking into Britain’ …
Fake passports for Isil terrorists ‘found in Greek refugee camps’ {telegraph aug2016}
EU’s passport fraud ‘epidemic’ { jan2017}
Refugee crisis and Paris attacks put spotlight on Europe’s free-for-all. Greece and Italy trouble US officials the most.
Europol, the EU’s law enforcement agency, said criminal gangs have been investing more in the production of fake documents since they spotted a business opportunity in the migrant crisis.
With the support of Europol, 16 persons suspected of forgery of documents on a large scale and the smuggling of irregular migrants have been arrested in Greece, and 3 in the Czech Republic.
The fees for the forged documents ranged from EUR 100 to EUR 3 000 per piece depending on the quality, type and country of issue. The documents forged by these two criminal groups included passports, national ID cards, Schengen visas, driving licences, asylum seeker’s registration cards and residence permits.
The first one was composed of Bangladeshi nationals (‘Criminal Group A’) and the second one of Sudanese nationals (‘Criminal Group B’). Investigations revealed that the Criminal Group A sent via courier services at least 126 parcels containing travel documents, and Criminal Group B 431 parcels over the course of the last year only.
… France, Paraguay and Spain… trafficking of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation … Moreover, documents seized confirmed that the criminal network had been operating for over 5 years. { jun2016}
– Notice the language of ‘irregular migrants’ (not quite undocumented, not illegal)
– The number of documents is not shown. I found a EuroPol report in the past that said something like 250K fake, blank passports in Iraq were found – will try and find it again.
I wonder if the BBC have even the remotest inclination that these women post these things on social media because the BBC pick them up and make big stories about them.
When in reality, the only possible outcome is that these women are arrested and beaten. But it gives the BBC feminists and misandrists a big ego boost as they virtue signal about how good they are and how bad men are.
But not Muslim men. They are never singled out because that breaks a different agenda. Meanwhile plenty of women here live under the same sort of oppression : every single one wearing a full-face burka for example. But the BBC will never attack those living here because they are all protected to be used as victims in the BBC’s war against the Right.
The Left have multiple-layers of double-standards and hypocrisy. And they are totally shameless about it.
Why don’t those, who are charged with things like shouting at a police dog, posting an offensive meme, chanting or even just being near a riot, just say they have mental issues.
It’s a get out of jail card which appears to work every time although it’s only the lefties and luvvies favourites who use it.
It’s like when politicians, when caught fiddling expenses say, “it’s an error” and they get away with it.
Or the lefty media who, when caught out telling lies and misinformation, print a small sized correction hidden somewhere at the back under the pile cream advert.
All this two tier stuff benefits the left EVERY TIME. Never the Right.
How does someone who's from North Carolina and lives in Hawaii know where to be in Florida, at the exact location, at the exact golf course, where Trump made a last minute decision to play golf?
Remarkable how much and how fast we get to know about Ryan Wesley Routh…and that he is a fanatical Ukraine supporter…apparently the major factor that we must know…as the BBC leads with that damning fact.
Wonder why the BBC is so insistent on emphasising the Ukraine angle. Could it be that they are desperately trying to steer us away from a democrat supporting shooter and trying to say this is purely because of Trump’s supposed reluctance to support Ukraine? The BBC desperately trying to avoid any link to the Democrats?
For a long time they avoided mentioning that he was a democrat donor [in fact still avoid that] and that he was a democrat voter…they now mention that…if way, way down the page….you might think this would be top of the page and of a great deal of interest…
‘What are his political affiliations?’
‘CBS reported Mr Routh voted Democratic and in person during the party’s 2024 primary in North Carolina, according to the state’s Board of Elections.’
The Mail was reporting it last night…
‘The man who allegedly planned to assassinate Donald Trump went from voting for him in 2016 to donating to Democrats in 2020, to four years later calling him a ‘threat to democracy’ and claiming he’d ‘be glad when’ Trump’s gone. ‘
We are of course now being spun the ‘mental health’ line…a sure giveaway he was a democrat supporter and they want to dodge that, er, bullet.
Oh and yeah…not the ‘2nd’ assassination attempt…it’s the third….a British man had a go in 2016.
Of course we could start pointing fingers and suggesting that the media’s demonisation of Trump has encouraged this type of thing…making it appear legitimate…how many times can you call a man ‘a threat to democracy’, amongst so many other slurs, before someone takes the hint?
Another Trump assassination attempt and the BBC try to distract us from the real political motivation of the ‘assassin’ by blaming Trump’s stance on Ukraine rather than the demonisation of Trump by the Dems and allied Media.
And the winter fuel allowance debacle….remarkable how the BBC is constantly pushing stoires of pensioners who just don’t want or need the payment..and anyway lots don’t claim it…so it’s not needed! What’s all the fuss about?
And Huw Edwards…BBC choking on their own tongues as they twist themselves in knots trying to both say how awful it all is whilst saying there’s nothing to see here really…it’s all a big mistake. For a long time the line was that Edwards was ‘sent’ the material and so nothing to do with him guv…but now we hear that it went on for years and he was an active participant agreeing to receive this stuff rather than it just mysteriously turning up in his inbox. Lol…laugh at the judgement that he didn’t pay for it…the sender sent stuff over then asked for ‘gifts’ to be sent to him…ie money. With naivety like that every scammer on earth must be looking with interest at that judge and seeking out his phone number.
BBC asked earlier if America is heading towards a much more violent and polarised political landscape.
That’ll be the America which had years of BLM rioting, burning down police stations, shooting coppers, Republicans being shot, Antifa hijacking cities and setting up their own mini-state…..all peaceful there eh?
Odd how the BBC just missed all that violence….all history stopped on Jan 6 apparently…nothing before, nothing after.
And just how did SpringtimeforHitler miss the biggest disinformation plot possibly ever in terms of success? ie the Russia hoax where the Democrat Party, 90% of the Media including our own, peddled a lie that was fed to them by Russian intelligence…and they knew that. How has BBC Verfiy missed that one?
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
And to start the week I have an observation which sums up perfectly where we are now:
Man jailed 21 years on from raping 14-year-old girl in alley – after victim came forward to Rotherham sex abuse probe
Not even reported by the BBC as I type. Isn’t it amazing how they hold back as long as possible for anything inconvenient to the agenda ?.
Muslim rapes a 14 year old girl after previously being convicted of raping a 13 year old girl gets 5 years in prison.
Yet if you turn up at a protest against mass immigration but break no laws at all, you get 1 year in jail just for turning up.
During the interview in 2021 he told officers he felt “sick” at their questions and denied the crime.
There is a lesson about their character there considering he did it twice. One the BBC choose not to learn because it doesn’t fit the racist anti-Right agenda. But if was OK for the prophet, why should he not have a go as well ?.
THIS is the two-tier racist system we are fed up with. The fact the BBC are willing to suppress this sort of stuff speaks volumes about their massive hypocrisy. They don’t care one bit how many 13 or 14 year old girls get raped if they can’t use it for their far-Left propaganda war.
Just try to imagine the size of the story the BBC would run if it were about far-Right rape-gangs targetting 13 year old BAME girls.
Waleed Ali .. Scunthorpe man says that Comcast Skynews page
“Ali, of Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire, was arrested and interviewed in September 2021 after a woman told Operation Stovewood officers she had been attacked when she was 14 years old and had not reported it before.”
(BTW Dunno why you’d write “Scunthorpe Lincolnshire ”
instead of just Scunthorpe
and anyway the county is called “North Lincolnshire now)
Trump safe and person in custody after gunshots at golf course
The Telegraph headline is:
Donald Trump latest: Former president scrambled to safety after shots fired on his golf course and AK-47 recovered
Second attempt to assasinate him.
But the Right are the bad guys aren’t they ?.
I despise the hypocrisy and ethics of the Left.
Mind you, I would never pick an AK47 unless you wanted to hit a barn door less then 25 yards away.
Stand by for another extremely significant story to be dropped very quickly by the corrupt MSM.
I strongly suspect this is a consequence of the non-stop hate speech by the MSM against Trump we have been witnessing since he became president.
But that will never be mentioned by the MSM because as we all know by now, it’s only wrong when they can blame the Right.
I notice the BBC interviewed a “previous” security officer to an earlier president to seek his views on the matter. BBC sh*t-stirrers intent on muddying the waters as much as possible. No doubt appreciative of the fact that said officer suggested that it was highly likely an, “Inside job” as the shooter was at the next golfing hole in readiness. These Marxists are everywhere. Comb your hair and a Marxist appears on the comb………..
I know nothing about golf but the ‘holes’ are in following sequence are they not? Just sayin.
I don’t think the rifle was an AK, it looks more like an SKS to me. They were dirt cheap in the USA in the period between the end of the USSR and the rise of Putin. No guns can now be imported from Russia.
It is not a sniper rifle, but would have been accurate enough out to about 300 yards. It was another narrow escape for Trump.
The meme guy posted memes deleted them when replies got hatey
and apologised
says he was not guilty of any crime
but was coerced into pleading guilty
then the prosecution broke law by mentioning his previous conviction
thus this time he served one month in jail
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
They have a suspect in custody for the Trump assassination attempt.
I wonder how long he has left.
The left cannot let him talk.
It’s OK, the suspect is a Republican. And the last one was too. .The Leftie on thr GBNews panel immediately called for gun control in America. I expect all those illegally held guns there will just disappear in a puff of smoke.
BTW I note this 22 May 2018 BBC headline
Rotherham child sexual abuse claim ‘made up to boost EDL cause’
… Is that an actual fact ?
it’s a quote as a headline from the accused Khurram Javed’s solicitor about a 2008 event
The next BBC headline 31 May 2018
“Rotherham man jailed for sexual assault on teenage girl”
That is about Khurram Javed
and seems to say he was actually convicted of a 2014 attack against a 16yo
but “cleared” of a 2008 attack against a 13yo
BBC News very gloomy that Trump has survived another attack – the briefest coverage before a Euro flood story – brexit to blame ….
While the BBC OMITS some stories,
it super-AMPLIFIES others
eg this super long article
“I regret my party’s Stop The Boats slogan, says Tory peer”
.. fits the libmob narrative of course
“A former immigration minister has said he “regrets” the former Conservative government’s Stop The Boats rhetoric which he believes was used to inflame this summer’s riots.”
25 July 2024
BBC “The report finds the UK is also seeing a 40% increase in the number of what the Met Office describes as “pleasant” days
– those with temperatures of 20C or more – and has become 9% sunnier over the last few decades.”
.. Stupid idea that a day where for 1 second the thermometer hits 20C is pleasant , but if it hits 19.9C for 10 hours it’s not
… not that there are many of those days recently
BBC got slaughtered in the comments
More PR + marketing types at UKMO than actual meteorologists – disappointing that they aren’t remunerated on the skill/success of their predictions – really.
Eight people died trying to cross the channel in a rubberised ferry.
Rather less publicised by the BBC is that 800 people made it across in one day on Saturday.
Also on Saturday, The Times noted that a low skill immigrant costs the taxpayer £150,000 in his lifetime. There is thus no nett benefit AT ALL to those in what is left of our country.
Since most of those 800 asylum seekers are not doctors and engineers, and speak little English and have few skills, it is reasonable to presume the nett overall cost to the British taxpayer for the immigrants arriving in just one day will be around £120 million. In one day. If this was repeated on say 200 days a year this would be £24 billion.
Perhaps TTK and Rachel Reeves could do something about this in order to fill the so-called ‘black hole’ in the nation’s finances. But no. Allowing Tory-voting pensioners to freeze to death and locking up people who have the temerity to question open door immigration is clearly more important than stopping the invasion.
Migrant workers send home £8bn to families
20 November 2018
Migrant workers in the UK, many in low-paid jobs, are sending £8bn a year to support families in their home countries, says a report from the United Nations’ education agency.
This is often used to help relations in poorer countries to stay in school.
What pees me off are the lefties – yes you Matthew Stadler, telling us how we need migrants because we are an ageing population and we need them to wipe our bums !
So, when the next generation of Windrush onwards, added to the migrants since 1997 get older we’ll need more migrants to wipe their bums, then they too get older and …… the wheel cycle continues of more migrants to wipe ar…s until there are no white people left, just a nation of migrants waiting to wipe the ar..s of the generation ahead of them.
And that is the bigger picture for what lies in the future, but the lefties like Stadler fail to see this.
A Poozi Scheme
“Barely literate students with no GCSEs being accepted onto university courses and given thousands of pounds in taxpayer cash they will never pay back.
Whistleblowers have told how courses are accepting students with such poor English that they cannot spell simple words, and who fail to attend classes as soon as they receive their first £4,000 maintenance loan and council tax exemption.
One source at a well-known university said they have seen instances of ‘whole families’ including elderly parents and grandparents enrolling on £9,250-a-year courses after being recruited by staff offering cash bonuses for new students.
FA second academic claimed that one of their students ‘who could barely speak English’ openly discussed how he was using some of his loan to build a home in Romania, while another lecturer in London said there were ‘huge concerns that some people are just scamming the taxpayer.’
‘They take anyone in off the street,’ a separate lecturer warned.”
“Whistleblowers have told how courses are accepting students with such poor English that they cannot spell simple words,…”
No problem with the word, ‘Benefits’ I’m sure.
Huw Edwards due in court for sentencing hearing
“Disgraced BBC News presenter Huw Edwards is due back in court at a hearing where he could be sentenced for charges involving indecent images of children”
No bbc, this is your news presenter, above should read
“Our news present Huw Edwards is due back in court”
The corp always tries to distance its self when reporting the many incidents like this
Andy, they tried a ‘damage limitation exercise’ on Saturday, getting lots of their fluffy stuff into so many paragraphs, but at the end, (yes, I did read it), all it was turned out to be yet another softening appproach to evil sods like him especially thos in the dreadful BBC.
Beeboids always get away with so much, from plain leftie bias and poor research and reporting, to really unpleasant employees, however ‘famous’ they claim they are, and when the inevitable sleb shows itself to be a disgusting piece of sh*t, they’ll keep passing the buck until it gets to Davie, who then starts the whole sorry process again.
To have read the piece on Saturday, you’d think that Edwards was just a cuddly old chum to everyone, and while he wanted to be in the lime light all the time, nobody really minded.
But they all knew what he really was.
Learning the lessons of Savile
5 November 2012
By Nick Robinson
Number 10 is trying to learn from the BBC’s handling of allegations about Jimmy Savile and, in particular, what is now widely seen to have been the mistake of insisting that the serious allegations were best dealt with by the police alone.
Scrobs, and now the private life of their other poster boy,, Jay Blades is unravelling to reveal a (allegedly) nasty piece of work.
More wringing of hands and head holding at Beeb Towers ?
I never watched the stuff he did, Brissles, but the box-tickers must be feeling a bit faint these days, watching yet another of their chosen races fall under scrutiny!
Perhaps someone in Verify could start finding out some home truths in their own patch, instead of piddling about with serious matters which are way over their heads!
Andy – tricky day for the BBC – two stories they won’t want to cover – their boy being sentenced – a second attack on the president ….
BTW it must be time for the Obama crew to minimise the latest case as the FBI did last time ….. and some lefty newspaper must be preparing a ‘third time lucky ‘ headline and updating the trump obituary …..
How quick were the BBC to denigrate as ‘unfounded’ Trump’s claims that illegals were eating pet cats and dogs. (Of course they were ‘unfounded’: because none of the lying msm would investigate properly.)
Unfortunately for them, footage is surfacing of exactly that, despite Google and YouTube’s best efforts to scrub such images.
The video clip below is time-stamped to the relevant bit.
‘The meat was for personal use only’: ‘Muslim family celebrating Eid’ who turned their east London garden into a makeshift butchers insist ‘none of the hacked carcasses were sold on’ A family spotted hacking up animal carcasses in their back garden have insisted the meat was for personal use.27 Aug 2018
Inside Gangland London: ‘Worshipping Satan and African voodoo rituals keep us out of prison’
By Lewis DeanLewis Dean
Published 25 September 2015, 3:40 PM BST
Writing in the broadcaster’s annual report, the head of factual programmes for Channel 4, Ralph Lee, said: “The level of Islamophobia we encountered with the 4Ramadan season was unexpected, though much of it came from communities that were either very polarised or very undiverse.”
Lee said he had personally received hundreds of emails complaining about the broadcast after he defended it in an article for the Radio Times, in which he said it would “act as a nationwide Tannoy system” and a provocation to viewers “in the very real sense of the word”.
The world needs Trump
BBC on the defence …… “Who pays for the clothing of world leaders and their spouses?”
Samantha Cameron: Chinese factories can be better than British ‘sweat shops’
Cameron said her fashion label Cefinn is manufactured in China because British factories failed the audit
“I think people would assume that if you audited a factory in the UK it would all be perfect because it’s the UK, and if you audited a factory in China then it might not be, but actually that’s not necessarily the case.
“Davey Denies That LibDems Are Soft on Labour, Then Praises Labour”
“In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) by George Orwell, the Two Minutes Hate is the daily period during which members of the Outer and Inner Party of Oceania must watch a film depicting Emmanuel Goldstein, the principal enemy of the state, and his followers, the Brotherhood, and loudly voice their hatred for the enemy and then their love for Big Brother.[1]”
I wondered where our good friend’s name came from – thank you!
I did find ‘The road to Wigan Pier’ a great read though, and can’t pick up a glass of orange squash without recalling him describing the elite lefties of the day as ‘fruit-juice drinkers’!
Scroblene – I suppose it would be “bug eater” for today’s menu!
MM, Ha ha ha!
I’ll check my local Waitrose for Vegan Insect Alternatives…
Takecare … “Man shocked to find huge moth alive inside ‘bargain’ Waitrose watercress”
“Starmer to discuss migrant boat crossings with Meloni in Italy”
“Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer
“We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. ”
“Labour conference: Not right to say only women have a cervix, says Starmer”
Not right to say only women have a cervix,
this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face
Italy deputy PM faces possible jail time for blocking migrant boat
Imagine if PM’s are held to account for what they do to their own people?
When the migrants pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, the French president orders troops to the south and addresses the nation with his plan to repel them. However, in the middle of the address, he breaks down, demanding the troops simply follow their consciences instead. Most of the troops immediately desert their posts and join the civilians as they flee north, and the south is quickly overrun by the migrants. Some of the last troops to stand their ground take refuge in a small village, along with Calguès, an old man who has chosen to remain at his home, and Hamadura, a Westernized Indian who is terrified of his “filthy, brutish” countrymen and prides himself on having more in common with whites than Indians. The troops in this village, a total of nineteen Frenchmen and one Indian, surrounded by what they deem “occupied territory”, remain the last defense of Western values and “Free France” against the immigrants.
You couldn’t mock up a proper mobility ramp into 10 Downing Street could you?
I am outraged that any self respecting one-legged lesbian Albanian has to hop into the scum far-left thugs home in order to wail and gnash about how much of a victim they are.
It will need at least two new walls, hand-rails, and a turn through 90 degrees.
This kind of ramp was constructed at a local police station near me and it took them 2 years to build. It was completed just before they knocked the police station down and sold the land off for housing.
I am surprised that none of the scum far-left thugs have sued for altitude sickness going up those steps. The Daleks should definitely sue.
Thanks Marky. The Daleks will be happy with this new access information.
I wonder if they do requests?
BBC’s 2024 “Children in Need” Campaign – stop paying the BBC to end the payment to perverse people.
Assassin’s creed edition
Why can’t millionaire Starmers buy their own clothes? demands the Daily Mail earning that title relegation to the lower reaches of the gynaeceum that is BBC news staff’s online print press frontpage line-up.
That’s deep down in the news doldrums where our giveaway ad sheet the Metro wishes Prince Harry a happy birthday: Many Harry Returns? 40th birthday message an olive branch… and where the Labour-supporting Mirror likewise finds no political stories to rock their boat this morning: Royal peace gesture… King, Wills and Kate wish Prince a happy birthday
Gosh, I wonder what big political news lines the left-leaners wish to swerve today?
Bizarrely, apparently apropos of nothing in particular, the Google machine’s pop up: Thought-provoking stories – attempts to garner my attention this morning with: What if nature had a voice in legislation? A ‘planetary parliament’ could give it one.
The Planetary Democrats, a European legal association, wants to create a global parliament that would represent the interests of the nonhuman world. (Grist – ‘climate news that’s always paywall free’)
Grist is almost entirely funded by grants, including from major left-of-center grantmaking nonprofits like the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Miami Foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… an online-only environmentalist magazine that supports left-of-center policy viewpoints. (Influence Watch)
Grist, you know like grist to the mill, “all this free publicity was grist to his mill” as Oxford Languages dictionary explains.
Meanwhile, in the news – well, I’ll be… just looky here: UK to get first special envoy for nature… Move is part of effort to put Britain at centre of tackling climate crisis (Guardian)
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff pick Donald Trump- and Keir Starmer-themed news stories out from the saw dust and prizes tombola tub that is the news of the day lucky dip: Trump ‘assassination attempt’ and Starmer heads for Italy (BBC)
Trump assassination as a headline is sexy enough but Starmer’s travel plans read like a boring old timey court report column. The actual Starmer news story this cycle is of course: Starmer’s wife had £5,000 of clothes paid by donor (Times) – but of course if you’re runing defence for the Labour government, as our BBC tend to do…
Seems there’s assassination attempts and there’s shades of assassination attempts.
Our Ros Atkins (BBC) this morning still reckons it’s: …the apparent Trump assasination attempt
The Times despite print deadlines confirms: Trump targeted again in attempted assassination
One recalls that 1980s satirical sketch show Not The Nine o’Clock News and Rowan Atkinson playing a spokesman at the Tory Party Conference teeing off his speech (to rapturous edited in footage of applause) with “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m a golfer…”
And still yet today the mildly conservative Telegraph frowns on the audacity of the would-be assassin over this aspect of the attack: Trump ‘targeted by gunman’ on his golf course
I mean, taking a few pot shots while the candidate is on the stump at one of his rallies is one thing… but shooting at a chap whilst he’s out on the fairway? On the back nine?
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper plays it down and do we perhaps detect a note of mild regret: Trump safe after shots fired ‘in his vicinity’ at his Florida golf course
The Guardian likewise ain’t too bothered: Trump safe after shots fired near his golf course
I’m always impressed how after certain terror and assassination outrages our authorities can very rapidly attribute motives: Suspect in apparent Trump assassination attempt was pro-Ukraine activist (BBC) – and others, not so much.
The Daily Express, no longer boldly ‘United with the people of Ukraine’ on their masthead exhibits rather more concern than our left-leaning titles: Trump rushed to safety after agents shoot at ‘would-be assassin’
Whether it be due to print deadlines or disinterest the Democrat-supporting FT goes with: Harris maintains post-debate lead over Trump on economy, says poll – I’ve heard of anthropomorphising animals – the fondly lamented Johnny Morris used to give voice to his fury friends for the BBC (there’s one for the teenagers) and in a world where the UK gets a special envoy for nature and Google promotes a global parliament that would represent the interests of the nonhuman world… I guess it’s no big leap to regard inanimate disembodied opinion polls as conversational interlocutors capable of telling us stuff to which we ought to listen.
With friends like Lammy, our Sir Keir don’t need enemies: PM ‘lacks taxpayer funding for clothes’… Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria accepted donations towards clothing because there are no taxpayer funds to cover UK leaders’ wardrobe costs, David Lammy has said (Telegraph)
BBC Bitesize Shakespeare: A rhyming couplet at the end of a scene signifies to the audience that the scene is about to change
Quick calm down dear, and I’m outta here.
My friends track their husbands by phone app (The formerly serious Times)
“With friends like Lammy, our Sir Keir don’t need enemies: PM ‘lacks taxpayer funding for clothes’… Sir Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria accepted donations towards clothing because there are no taxpayer funds to cover UK leaders’ wardrobe costs, David Lammy has said (Telegraph)
The telegraph has chosen not to cover the attempted murder of president trump – instead it is running features on the rules of golf – and whether being killed on the 9th hole disqualifies a player – 5 day serial – the above may be false news .
The Guardian will now want golfing banned because it’s not green …
I’m guessing that your ‘ros takins’ ‘apparent ‘ line will be extended to all people the bbc don’t like …. As in the ‘apparent killing of the future president ‘….
Ha ha ha!
Just as an aside, the delightfully funny Michael Green once wrote that while playing golf with his friend on a course near the Norfolk coast, Askew hit a ball into a tidal creek off the ocean, and promptly lifted the ball claiming that The North Sea was classed as ‘Casual Water’!
(I don’t know what this has to do with President Trump, but there has to be some sort of connection, or my warped mind wouldn’t have made the comment)…
I loved his books. Met him once at a book signing in Leicester and he told me that if I ever came across a copy of The Art of Coarse Moving to make sure he received it. I did actually find this book some years later but sadly he’d gone by then. Lovely bloke.
I remember that seeing – and borrowing – that book from Rye Library years ago, Marky, but not since then…
It’s as rare as ‘Don’t Print My Name Upside Down’, which was all about life a cub reporter, in hilarious situations!
After the second assassination attempt on Trump, will all those who have ‘jokingly’ called for his killing on the BBC now be tried for incitement to murder?
Of course not, but they damn well should.
Well, our Ros in America is providing a summary based on his awesome local knowledge on par with Springster. Plus still enjoying the jolly?
Meanwhile, what could have inspired this?
MM, who is that? Is it Zelensky?
The BBC emphasizing the Trump would-be assassin is a supporter of Ukraine, thereby framing that Trump is pro Russian.
They could easily just say he is staunch democrat.
” would-be assassin is a supporter of Ukraine” Mental Lone Wolf with no connection to Ukraine or Democrats?
‘It also appears Routh, while he was living in Hawaii, made several small contributions to the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue, including 19 payments in 2019 and 2020’
Same as the last one.
The only thing you can trust about things like this is where someone is prepared to put their money. Not mentioned in the BBC report of course.
The real issue here is the hate being generated against the Right the the MSM. They won’t go near that one either. After their week-long headlines about right-wing protestors buying eggs, they are as guilty as anybody.
Save your Grandma this winter – cancel their TV license and heat their room!
“After another weekend of record-high Channel boat crossings, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper was asked (not by her husband this time) on BBC Breakfast when Labour would bring down the number of illegal (or as Labour calls it, “irregular”) Channel migrant crossings. She couldn’t answer the question…”
New Border Security Commander appointed as Prime Minister’s European reset continues in Italy
Martin Hewitt CBE QPM has been appointed to lead the UK’s new Border Security Command – marking a significant step forward in the fight against illegal migration and criminal smuggling gangs.
“marking a significant step forward in the fight against illegal migration and criminal smuggling gangs.” = appointing someone! HA HA HA HAH AHH A
“marking a significant step forward in the fight against illegal migration and criminal smuggling gangs.” = appointing someone! HA HA HA HAH AHH A
“His ability to bring together policing, law enforcement, intelligence agencies and government bodies in response to major security threats was key to his appointment. His leadership was most visibly demonstrated in managing the UK’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, coordinating policing efforts. ”
The policing of Covid was a disaster. Thousands of UK citizens banged up and charged for non-offences. IMHO this man should be behind bars along with other criminals such as Matt Hancock.
Sally Nugent just about managed not to squirm as
her Breakfasr show on the BBC did another feature on the
“infamous” Dambusters raid in 1943. This time it was not
called infamous. BUT of course one of the plethora of
anarchist Marxist editors at the BBC made sure that we were
told that German civilians were killed., poor sods. Mr anarchist ,
Marxist 40,000 UK civilians were killed by the Nazis in
bombing raids on the UK. And the f***ing Germans started
the war !!
But to be fair to the BBC. Although we saw a clip from the
Dambuster’s film starring Richard Todd as Guy Gibson VC.
We didn’t see him calling for his black Labrador N***er.
Which I’m pretty sure what the “infamous” was really all about.
The poor dog was runover at the time of the raid. And was
buried at RAF Scampton. The home base for the Dambuster
The woke powers . decided that when Scampton was
being used to house asylum seekers . That the poor dog
should be dug up , not to offend them. Thankfully the
locals , put a stop to that.
Does the dog have a gravestone?
A spokesman for the RAF said: “As part of an ongoing review of its historical assets, the RAF have replaced the gravestone of Guy Gibson’s dog at RAF Scampton. The new gravestone tells the story of Guy Gibson’s dog, but its name has been removed.”17 Jul 2020
Its about time the RAF “grew a backbone” in the tradition and spirit of those that fought The ‘Battle of Britain’.
Working with the RAF
From inviting the public to explore the history of space operations to improving the air quality of the future, we’re working with the Royal Air Force to service society.
Aiming for Net Zero
Climate change is a problem we all face, touching on every aspect of society.
For the RAF, tasked with protecting the nation’s security, climate change creates humanitarian crises that threaten peace and global stability. That’s why it has set a target to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2040.
The Ministry of Defence contributes around 50% of all government carbon emissions, so the RAF has a huge challenge ahead.,Aiming%20for%20Net%20Zero,Zero%20carbon%20emissions%20by%202040.
DROP NET ZERO BOMBS TO SAVE THE PLANET …. The Ministry of Defence contributes around 50% of all government carbon emissions, so the RAF has a huge challenge ahead.
A friend told me (ex RAF) that the location of “Ns” grave has been lost in the general confusion of moving offices and him not having a headstone to start off with. Originally he was buried outside by Guy Gibsons office but after so many years no one can remember where. Which is how he should stay undisturbed.
Remember to stop paying the pensioners their winter fuel – HA HA HA HAH “Married couple and Labour Cabinet ministers Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper were accused in September 2007 of exploiting the Commons’ allowances system in order to pay for a £655,000 house in London.”
A spokesman for the RAF said: “As part of an ongoing review of its historical assets, the RAF have replaced the gravestone of Guy Gibson’s dog at RAF Scampton. The new gravestone tells the story of Guy Gibson’s dog, but its name has been removed.”17 Jul 2020
2024 … “non-crime”
1. This code of practice is designed to assist police officers and staff (see Annex 2) in England and Wales in making decisions about the recording and retention of personal data[footnote 1] relating to non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs).
ensure police officers and staff understand how free speech considerations should be taken into account when deciding whether to record an NCHI and whether to include personal data in the record;
7. Non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs) are recorded by the police to collect information on ‘hate incidents’ that could escalate into more serious harm or indicate heightened community tensions, but which do not constitute a criminal offence.
The Jihadis Next Door
This programme from 2016 films with, and challenges the behaviour and motivations of, a new wave of extremists in the UK, including Abu Rumaysah who’s suspected of appearing in an Isis execution video
Zurcher (AKA Odo) chooses not to mention Corey Comperatore (dead), David Dutch ( shot in the liver and chest) and James Copenhaver.
The propagandists swimming in the fermenting spitoon of BBC North America reporting are just so infused with TDS and bereft of any human empathy it’s embarrassing.
Hello tomo
A bit like knife crime on president khans watch (becomes the new norm)
bbc should investigate why teflon khan is NEVER held accountable
Amess was knighted in the 2015 New Year Honours for political and public service. On 15 October 2021, Amess was murdered at a constituency surgery in Leigh-on-Sea by Ali Harbi Ali. Southend was granted city status as a memorial to Amess in 2022.
WHO approves mpox vaccine for babies without clinical trials
I guess this is what happens when you put a former mad-marxist terrorist in charge of global health.
bbc reports on:-
‘Lashed for a social media photo’ in Iran
“how their online activity has been spied on by the authorities, leading to arrests, threats and beatings”
Similar to the UK then with starmers police force
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
“no memory of viewing any of the images”.
Like many of the women inspired by the protests, Alef posted a photo on social media revealing her hair flowing freely in public. It was a simple act of solidarity with the movement against the forced wearing of the hijab.
“I didn’t really care enough to hide who I am or where the photo was taken,” she said. “I wanted to say, ‘we exist’.”
But the picture was seen by the authorities, which were trying to crush the protests, and Alef was arrested.
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
Published 4 August 2019
Smethwick sculpture to celebrate women who wear hijabs
19 September 2023
‘Huw Edwards given six-month suspended jail sentence for child abuse image offences’
BBC presenter paying for images of child abuse : 6 months suspended.
Just being at an anti-immigration protest. No laws broken. 12 months in jail.
Two-Tier politically-driven justice at it’s finest. Complete farce.
How many more are you hiding BBC ?.
6 months reduce to 1 week.
R5 just now —
Naga (real name: Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah) and a PR woman getting in a muddle over how much Huw’s child abuse incriminates his previous employer.
PR woman thinks that one important marker of gaining professional distance is the BBC pursuing Edwards to pay back wages. Phew that should be the end of the story thank goodness. Both manage to avoid any discussion of how peculiar it is that the culture of a state broadcaster has accommodated so many high profile paedophiles over the decades.
But then the BBC are well trained to ignore culture if it’s one that doesn’t suit their agenda.
6 months suspended prison sentence for Edwards – what a travesty.
A woman writes a few inappropriate words on social and gets a custodial sentence, but download images of kiddies in a sexual positions and its clearly ok to get away with it. Disgusting.
It’s much worse than that Brissles:
He actually paid for the pictures – which is directly funding people to make more of them.
JohnC, the BBC are paid far too much by the taxpayer, which means they are able to offer incredible salaries to those the BBC deem ‘worth it’. Cut the Licence Fee in half and Huw Edwards would not have been able to to give £1500 to a stranger.
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
communities, increase their confidence and increase positive
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social
£54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will provide supplementary education to young
people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
communication skills and confidence
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will deliver educational support for disabled
Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
children and young people will gain academic skills,
confidence and improve their physical well-being.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
Click to access CN0187_Grants_Listings_London_and_South_East_England.pdf
‘Every penny goes to children in need’.
The charity ‘Children in Need’ that is. Set up by the BBC themselves. Not actual ‘children in need’.
Who then take out 6 million for their average salary of £40K+ and then pass the rest on in accordance with the BBC agenda.
Is this inciting hate?
Does she work for BBC North America?
“The Trabant was a small car produced in the former East German communist state, the German Democratic Republic (DDR), from 1957 to 1991. The Trabant was a basic, inexpensive car that was essential for transportation in the DDR, where Western vehicles were not permitted to be imported. The Trabant became a symbol of the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and the stagnant economy of the DDR. ”
“Victoria Starmer appears unbothered by the ongoing party frock scandal as she makes her debut at a London Fashion Week show today, gracing the front row of the Edeline Lee runway. Outside Millbank Tower, she was spotted wearing a £1,200 jacket, along with a custom-made polka dot dress, presumably from the same pricey brand. Who covered the cost of this ensemble?”
Pay more to keep the BBC alive!
2017 … But we don’t need borders. All are welcome. Let me help these budding reporters ‘7:30pm ITV prog Breaking into Britain’ …
Fake passports for Isil terrorists ‘found in Greek refugee camps’ {telegraph aug2016}
EU’s passport fraud ‘epidemic’ { jan2017}
Refugee crisis and Paris attacks put spotlight on Europe’s free-for-all. Greece and Italy trouble US officials the most.
Europol, the EU’s law enforcement agency, said criminal gangs have been investing more in the production of fake documents since they spotted a business opportunity in the migrant crisis.
With the support of Europol, 16 persons suspected of forgery of documents on a large scale and the smuggling of irregular migrants have been arrested in Greece, and 3 in the Czech Republic.
The fees for the forged documents ranged from EUR 100 to EUR 3 000 per piece depending on the quality, type and country of issue. The documents forged by these two criminal groups included passports, national ID cards, Schengen visas, driving licences, asylum seeker’s registration cards and residence permits.
The first one was composed of Bangladeshi nationals (‘Criminal Group A’) and the second one of Sudanese nationals (‘Criminal Group B’). Investigations revealed that the Criminal Group A sent via courier services at least 126 parcels containing travel documents, and Criminal Group B 431 parcels over the course of the last year only.
… France, Paraguay and Spain… trafficking of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation … Moreover, documents seized confirmed that the criminal network had been operating for over 5 years. { jun2016}
– Notice the language of ‘irregular migrants’ (not quite undocumented, not illegal)
– The number of documents is not shown. I found a EuroPol report in the past that said something like 250K fake, blank passports in Iraq were found – will try and find it again.
‘Lashed for a social media photo’ in Iran
I wonder if the BBC have even the remotest inclination that these women post these things on social media because the BBC pick them up and make big stories about them.
When in reality, the only possible outcome is that these women are arrested and beaten. But it gives the BBC feminists and misandrists a big ego boost as they virtue signal about how good they are and how bad men are.
But not Muslim men. They are never singled out because that breaks a different agenda. Meanwhile plenty of women here live under the same sort of oppression : every single one wearing a full-face burka for example. But the BBC will never attack those living here because they are all protected to be used as victims in the BBC’s war against the Right.
The Left have multiple-layers of double-standards and hypocrisy. And they are totally shameless about it.
Why don’t those, who are charged with things like shouting at a police dog, posting an offensive meme, chanting or even just being near a riot, just say they have mental issues.
It’s a get out of jail card which appears to work every time although it’s only the lefties and luvvies favourites who use it.
It’s like when politicians, when caught fiddling expenses say, “it’s an error” and they get away with it.
Or the lefty media who, when caught out telling lies and misinformation, print a small sized correction hidden somewhere at the back under the pile cream advert.
All this two tier stuff benefits the left EVERY TIME. Never the Right.
TWATO Radio 4
They brought in a professor to expound her theories about political violence in the USA .
Apparently the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is the fault of Donald Trump . And Christians .
A far right racist islamophobe asks questions…..
Remarkable how much and how fast we get to know about Ryan Wesley Routh…and that he is a fanatical Ukraine supporter…apparently the major factor that we must know…as the BBC leads with that damning fact.
Wonder why the BBC is so insistent on emphasising the Ukraine angle. Could it be that they are desperately trying to steer us away from a democrat supporting shooter and trying to say this is purely because of Trump’s supposed reluctance to support Ukraine? The BBC desperately trying to avoid any link to the Democrats?
For a long time they avoided mentioning that he was a democrat donor [in fact still avoid that] and that he was a democrat voter…they now mention that…if way, way down the page….you might think this would be top of the page and of a great deal of interest…
‘What are his political affiliations?’
‘CBS reported Mr Routh voted Democratic and in person during the party’s 2024 primary in North Carolina, according to the state’s Board of Elections.’
The Mail was reporting it last night…
‘The man who allegedly planned to assassinate Donald Trump went from voting for him in 2016 to donating to Democrats in 2020, to four years later calling him a ‘threat to democracy’ and claiming he’d ‘be glad when’ Trump’s gone. ‘
We are of course now being spun the ‘mental health’ line…a sure giveaway he was a democrat supporter and they want to dodge that, er, bullet.
Oh and yeah…not the ‘2nd’ assassination attempt…it’s the third….a British man had a go in 2016.
Of course we could start pointing fingers and suggesting that the media’s demonisation of Trump has encouraged this type of thing…making it appear legitimate…how many times can you call a man ‘a threat to democracy’, amongst so many other slurs, before someone takes the hint?
BBC’s finger was on that trigger.
Play it down chaps!
Another Trump assassination attempt and the BBC try to distract us from the real political motivation of the ‘assassin’ by blaming Trump’s stance on Ukraine rather than the demonisation of Trump by the Dems and allied Media.
And the winter fuel allowance debacle….remarkable how the BBC is constantly pushing stoires of pensioners who just don’t want or need the payment..and anyway lots don’t claim it…so it’s not needed! What’s all the fuss about?
And Huw Edwards…BBC choking on their own tongues as they twist themselves in knots trying to both say how awful it all is whilst saying there’s nothing to see here really…it’s all a big mistake. For a long time the line was that Edwards was ‘sent’ the material and so nothing to do with him guv…but now we hear that it went on for years and he was an active participant agreeing to receive this stuff rather than it just mysteriously turning up in his inbox. Lol…laugh at the judgement that he didn’t pay for it…the sender sent stuff over then asked for ‘gifts’ to be sent to him…ie money. With naivety like that every scammer on earth must be looking with interest at that judge and seeking out his phone number.
He wasn’t just ‘sent it’, he actively sought it out and procured it, nothing else makes any sense.
How did Edwards know who to buy that kind of material from, and who approached whom?
It’s not something you’d see advertised on Ebay, I’m sure.
I can’t speak for others, but if someone offered me something like that, I’d forward it straight to the police to deal with.
Seems to me, ‘poor old Huw’ has been up to his fat little neck in this for some time, and rather more actively involved than has been let on.
Why the lenient sentence? I don’t see how anyone can claim he’s not a threat to young boys, given what’s already happened.
BBC asked earlier if America is heading towards a much more violent and polarised political landscape.
That’ll be the America which had years of BLM rioting, burning down police stations, shooting coppers, Republicans being shot, Antifa hijacking cities and setting up their own mini-state…..all peaceful there eh?
Odd how the BBC just missed all that violence….all history stopped on Jan 6 apparently…nothing before, nothing after.
And just how did SpringtimeforHitler miss the biggest disinformation plot possibly ever in terms of success? ie the Russia hoax where the Democrat Party, 90% of the Media including our own, peddled a lie that was fed to them by Russian intelligence…and they knew that. How has BBC Verfiy missed that one?
I had four days left to live, says Daisy Cooper
Obviously the headline is essentially a lie because she is still here but written with deliberate words so it isn’t. Very typical of BBC wordsmiths.
So I wondered what the point of such low-grade clickbait could be. There’s always some agenda buried in it.
It starts with a whole bucketload of pointless, irrelevant empathy about how much she says she suffered. Why might she be making such a meal of it ?.
Here’s why. In a paragraph all of it’s own.
‘She accused the previous Conservative government of having brought the NHS “to its knees”.’
Another extremely dirty BBC trick to sway your opinion by loading the article with empathy before feeding you the propaganda.
No author given for this for some reason. I think we can guess with 90% certainty it was another of those quota female clones.