Thanks Tomo – why is it that a single person, busy with his harvest can make such an excellent video, and the BBC with all its employees can only make Country File full of messages about climate change, anti-chemical etc without consideration that people need to eat.
the BBC plainly prioritizes their house politics, lefty NGO revolving door politics, race baiting, gender baiting and a raft of emoting points of view from drooling cranks like Monbiot and Packham – against actual reality and honest, balanced reportage.
So, former BBC anchor man, Huw Edwards has been spared jail.
Who’d have thought it?
Some of the images found on his computer showed children between the ages of seven to nine and were “of the most serious kind”. This usually means penetrative sex. Utterly vile and beyond most people’s comprehension.
However, our soft hearted judge did mention that Edward’s reputation was “in tatters” and he has been suffering from “mental anguish.” Bless…
Meanwhile there are scores of people, with formerly pristine records, mothers, grandmothers and carers, who are now in nick for making imflammatory Tweets or dubious Facebook posts.
Jeff, the writing was on the wall at the mention of Magistrates Court. A crime of this heinous standing should have been in front of a legal judge in Crown Court, not some retired member of the community doing a shift on the bench. (My brother has been asked to serve as a Magistrate when he retires and his career has been in health and safety!) So the system is farcical at all levels
tossers like Huw regularly (almost always around Bristol / Wiltshire) get prison if they get to court – special treatment, 2 tier justice for the BBC anointed.
Time, and time again the BBC has been found out.
No other media organization has the magnitude of evil predators it employs then goes on the deny, defend, and cover up.
The BBC is evil.
Do not fund it.
I’ve been busy all day – just looked at the Telegraph online and the attempted Assassination of a U.S. president is already in ‘other news ‘…
I suppose the actual execution of Trump ( inevitable ) might cause a ripple in the news agenda – but the msm will be ready to publish enough dirt to keep comrade Robinson and our Justin pouring vitriol for days ….
BBC tv news 6pm – leading on a newsreader …. But it’s okay – you get a suspended sentence plus the pay he got from the taxpayer ….
So no prison for Huw – approved by TTK – not like people who did not provable harm tapping away on the internet getting 2 years .
There was 9 minutes on this – Rita chakrababtitit did the business ….
No deterrence for paedos – wanna picture of a 10 year old ? Ask Huw …
A perky sounding Sarah smith did an upbeat 4 minutes on the latest attempt by the democrats to facilitate the death of president trump .
This was followed by a piece by the detestable ros Atkins who can’t wait for a successful attack .
I wonder how Obama is going to fix the secret service to be looking the other way next time – this coverage was 5 minutes …
I bet the bbc has got a glorious piece on the life of Donald trump for when the democrats / msm are successful …
Well the perp theme seems to be ‘lone wolf ‘ – loon – no muslim angle – men – so i suppose theyll line up another loon for a ‘spectacular’ – although maybe obama will gix an ‘ attempt ‘ against harris just to take the attention away …
"Lets give Ukraine the military kit, without caveats, so Ukraine can win."@Tobias_Ellwood, urges us to "ignore Putin's threats" and simply "slide the kit across the table" amid discussions on ballistic missiles.
Coincidentally have just been watching an old Ch4 series Code37 Sex Crimes – set in Belgium (excellent), and the story was of a paedo and young boys. No get out of jail card for them, straight to prison. Only in Britain …..
It might be noticed that the ‘judge ‘ in the Huw case seemed more interested in his welfare than sending a sign to other powerful sex offenders that they won’t be punished – won’t do time – in fact Huw keeps all that taxpayers ‘ money ….
Compared to speeches by judges sentencing keyboard warriors To 2 years for free speech ‘crimes ‘ – not much mention of their ‘welfare ‘
It’s a corrupt political court system now – so transparent as to be offensive to justice … in the view of this barrack room lawyer …. 2 tier keir …
After I wrote the above – the mail seems to have latched onto the soft sentence Huw got …
Maybe he ll link up with a paki paedo gang …
Aparently, a film crew are looking for a new Harry Potter face for a TV series next year!
Some wags are predicting that it’ll be a girl, so that makes it Harriet Potter, and the mate bloke will be an actual weasel or some sort of ‘being’, binary, animally or whatever!
An interesting aspect of Edward’s sentencing is the very fact of his fame. I know Judges/Magistrates often sentence as a warning, an example to others. That, after all, is what is happening to the facebook “rioters” etc. So what better warning to other pedophiles to heavily punish Edwards, jail? They would certainly get the message.
You know the man who can’t afford to pay for his own spectacles? I was looking at the pair he was wearing whilst meeting Miss Melonia. One side’s arm was straight and the other was bent. When you don’t pay for things yourself, you don’t respect their possession.
I bet Miss Melonia paid for the very fine pink trouser suit herself.
There are a couple of reasons why the BBC shouldn’t take a stance on any issue…one of course because it is supposed to be an unbiased and neutral reporter, the other is that it is almost always wrong when it picks sides…such as migration, trans, Brexit, Islam and Rotherham, the NHS[it always demanded more money and more doctors…suddenly that was the wrong…reform and no more money, and too many doctors is actually harmful!]…and probably climate…but we’ll all be long dead before that one plays out.
Today it publishes a ‘Indepth’ investigation of HS2 and finds out that it was vastly more expensive, and not a little useless, than, not projected, more ‘spun’.
You may be someone who can remember lots of discussions on Today or 5 Live that trashed any idea that HS2 was going to be vastly expensive and way, way more than we were being told. It didn’t take a genius to guess that…but the BBC spun and spun for HS2…and of course the price soared to almost treble the initial estimate…before the whole house of cards came tumbling down.
Now the BBC reports it was all too expensive and completely unnecessary given that such high speeds were impracticable and unnecessary.
Maybe if the BBC had shown a bit more scepticism and asked a few more searching and rigorous questions decades ago the politicians who wanted this vainglorious legacy would have had to think again when out in the spotlight and made to sweat their answers.
The BBC allowed politicians vanity to overrule common sense and cost this country billions.
Quite possibly the best money saving, and cultural rescue, idea would be to scrap the BBC along with HS2….it is, for many reasons, the most dangerous, and way too powerful, organisation in Britain today.
Don’t get angry about 3 young girls stabbed to death and many others attacked….or indeed about so many killed and injured at a music concert….but do get angry about the Tories….Starmer whips up the hate against the Tories but if you get angry at levels of migration and related crime, kids being murdered, you are the criminal….
‘ People have every right to be angry.
It’s not just because the NHS is so personal to all of us.
It’s because some of these failings are literally life and death.
That’s not just a source of fear and anxiety…
It’s leading to thousands of avoidable deaths….
And that phrase avoidable deaths should always be chilling.
That’s people’s loved ones who could have been saved. ‘
Yep…..could save so many by controlling immigration….it’s literally life and death….but don’t get angry.
‘After Manchester: it’s time for anger’ ‘The great fear of both officialdom and the media class in the wake of terror attacks is that the volatile masses will turn wild and hateful. This is why every attack is followed by warnings of an ‘Islamophobic backlash’ and heightened policing of speech on Twitter and gatherings in public: because what they fundamentally fear is public passion, our passion. They want us passive, empathetic, upset, not angry, active, questioning. They prefer us as a lonely crowd of dutiful, disconnected mourners rather than a real collective of citizens demanding to know why our fellow citizens died and how we might prevent others from dying. We should stop playing the role they’ve allotted us.
Stop and think about how strange it is, how perverse it is, that more than 20 of our citizens have been butchered and we are basically saying: ‘Everyone calm down. Love is the answer.’ Where’s the rage? If the massacre of children and their parents on a fun night out doesn’t make you feel rage, nothing will. The terrorist has defeated you. You are dead already.’
DAVID MARCUS: Just like that, the Left has normalized assassination attempts
Second attempt on Trump’s life draws a yawn from media, and that should scare us all.
We all know that if such an attempt had been made on Vice President Kamala Harris’ life, the games would not only have been cut away for the news, they’d likely have been suspended. But this is about more than media bias, it’s about social callousness.
I see Huw Edwards is the face of the news oncemore.
His image appearing in just about every national news title. The news is that he won’t be doing any ‘bird’
I’ll quote the Daily Star for its brevity, pithiness and reference to his repeat offending employer: Beeb perv’s prison let-off
One can but smile at the prissiness of the Guardian, keen to give full attribution to the mug shot photograph of Huw that is repeated throughout other press titles without the apparent need for further comment: Huw Edwards in the custody photograph taken after his arrest in November (Photocredit: Metropolitan Police/PA Media) – Plod links up with the Paparazzi? What next… Getty Images to be superseded by Sweeney Images?
Anger as paedophile Edwards avoids jail – complains the Telegraph – ‘Reputation in tatters’ over child abuse images – the Daily Express takes its banner headline quote from the bench – let Mr AsI do one of his little edit jobbies…
Anger as paedophilepederast Edwards avoids jail and ‘Reputation in tatters’ over childboys abuse images
Do by all means correct me if I’m wrong but this is what we’ve been led to believe about our Huw’s predelections, isn’t it?
Let’s not completely wipe the male sex from the language as well as wiping it from the culture…
Just one male male author on Booker shortlist… Sarah Collins, one of the Booker judges said: “Coming off the back of a year with three Pauls, it’s time for the Paulettes and Paulinas” (Telegraph) – and there was me thinking this prize was judged on literary merit rather than some vague notion of equity based on the indentity of the authors. One can but note the elevated sense of diversity espoused by our Sarah Collins – Paulettes and Paulines would so easily trip off the tongue – but Paulinas has that added vibrant exotic twist to it.
On the subject of books, I read quite a lot and in the last few years, every single one has changed to make all the lead characters women. And they are complex and brilliant. They outwit the men (who are portrayed as bumbling, primitive idiots) at every turn.
I just started one of the later ‘Shetland’ books. Perez was conveniently staying at home after his GF died so the head of the Shetland force is a woman and the ‘expert’ detective sent in is – you guessed it – a young woman on her first case in charge.
And – like the women assistants in Vera – she is brilliant. She outwits and out-thinks the male policeman helping her at every turn. We even get his insights into how brilliant he thinks she is. And she even outmatches Perez himself when they discuss the case.
I tried hard to read it but it just got worse and worse. She got better and the policeman turned into an idiot who needed to be corrected every other sentence.
So I’ve switched to an earlier book where Perez is still acceptable and I’m trying that.
I remember reading a few years ago how authors were instructed by publishers as to what their content must include otherwise they would not accept the book. It was the usual woke madness like ‘xxx characters must be women, any group of more than 3 must include a woman’ and stuff like that.
This is world of the Left. Their ideology is more important than anything else. That’s why the whole world is turning to shit. Will this madness end before they end up destroying Western civilisation as we know it ?. I’m beginning to think not.
Christine Lagarde has been found guilty of negligence in approving a massive payout of taxpayers’ money to controversial French businessman Bernard Tapie but avoided a jail sentence.
I read this article just to see how the BBC describe the politics of the assasin ans whether they draw any correlation to a SECOND assasination attempt and the hatred we have been witnessing against Trump by the MSM ever since he became president.
And of course they don’t. We know he made many donations to the Democrats recently but the BBC avoid giving us any clue to the fact he is an active Democrat supporter. All they say is:
‘While his motive for allegedly planning to target Trump has not been revealed, the suspect had said in the past on social media that he voted for the Republican in 2016 before souring on him.’
What a whopping lie by omission.
It’s evidence enough about who are the ones filled with hate. It’s the shameless, ethically barren, monstrous hypocrite Leftists. And the BBC are up there with the worst of them hiding behind their weasel words and the devious ways they have to lie without accountability.
We voted to stop our way of life being destroyed by the Globalists.
A fact the Left (and particularly the BBC) have ignored 100% because they don’t have any counter-arguments. Cameron and Osborne admitted that after they lost the vote.
Unfortunately we have been betrayed since then and the Tories have just paid the price for it. Now the BBC are doing their level best to get us back on the EU gravy train.
I did wonder when I saw the negative Brexit report, whether this is something to do with the closer relation Starmer wants on his recent visit to Germany
It’s the BBC doing their drip-drip-drip conditioning of the public andy. A little nudge here and there to gradually shift what people think to be in line with what the BBC want them to think.
This is the biggest problem with the BBC IMHO : they have taken it upon themselves to try and change the whole world to how they think it should be. Like Hitler did but in a very subtle way.
I think it’s actually the main reason they protect the Muslims as they do. They will not alienate them because then they can’t get inside their society to plant the seeds to change them to be like us. It’s utterly misguided : they’ve been doing it for decades and things are worse than ever. Meanwhile the vast majority of us have to suffer the racist discrimination of them doing it.
Florida’s Health Department Advises Against New COVID-19 Booster Shot:
Regarding these vaccine dangers the bulletin listed:
prolonged circulation of mRNA and spike protein in some vaccine recipients.
increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections.
increased risk of autoimmune disease after vaccination.
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines present a risk of subclinical and clinical myocarditis and other cardiovascular conditions among otherwise healthy individuals.
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with an increased risk of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with an increased risk of autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis.
Throughout the pandemic, studies across geographic regions found that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are associated with negative effectiveness after four to six months. As efficacy waned, studies showed that COVID-19 vaccinated individuals developed an increased risk for infection.
Elevated levels of mRNA and spike protein from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine persist among some individuals for an indefinite period, which may carry health risks.
Potential DNA integration from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients.
There is unknown risk of potential adverse impacts with each additional dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; currently individuals may have received five to seven doses (and counting) of this vaccine over a 3-year period.
I’ve got to stop beginning my morning with GB News. That gormless bint, Isabel Webster, is doing my bleedin’ head in…
This morning we had the usual conversation about the dinghy dodgers, with two talking heads taking part, one sympathetic, the other not.
Well heeled Isabel chimed in with the classic, “No one complains about the 200,000 Ukrainians we have taken in. Is this because of the colour of their skin?” Oh dear, just so tediously predictable.
No, it’s because the Ukrainians coming here will be 90% women and children fleeing a war zone. Those being taxied across the channel will be 90% young men fleeing…France…
Some of these young men have been placed in schools, only for it to be later discovered that they’re in their mid to late twenties. These schools will invariably be in white working class areas, so nothing for you to fret about, Isabel.
We’re finding accommodation for these people while refusing to help heat the homes of our elderly and vulnerable. The PM has already told us that upwards of 4,000 pensioners will perish this winter due to axing the heating allowance.
Meanwhile, Abdul and his mates are having three Halal meals a day in a centrally heated 4 star hotel.
Oh, the Establishment do look after their own, don’t they?
Huw Edwards won’t do jail time despite downloading and sharing the worst kind of child porn.
Meanwhile, the police will come a-knocking if a patriot sends a hurty tweet or happens to be present at a demo. And a sanctimonious judge will apply maximum sentencing.
All filmed, to ramp up the humiliation and terrorise others. Who’s the real terrorist in all that, m’lud?
When I saw this clip the word ‘Plonker’ came to mind. Can’t think why.
Then a poem by the Melbourne poet Michael Leunig came to mind. It is called ‘Jetski Person’ and it sums up my, and many others attitude, towards the machines.
It was written many years ago and I’m using my memory as best I can. It was written about all users and not Mr Ed Davey of course, but I rather feel it suits the occasion.
Jet Ski Person, selfish Fink,
May your silly Jet ski sink.
May you hit a pile of rocks
Oh hoonish summer coastal pox.
Noisy, oily, dickhead fool,
On your loathsome leisure tool,
Give us all a jolly lark
And sink beside a hungry shark.
Scream as in its fangs you go,
Your last attention seeking show,
While we onshore will all join in
With “Three cheers for the dorsal fin”.
“Birmingham-based Aston University Business School cover the three-year period after the Brexit trade deal was signed in 2020.”
So ‘economists’ as in a far left university department…
Looking at the less than normal Covid period, but not mentioning that.
“The value of UK goods exports to the EU sank 27% and imported goods by 32%, according to the report, compared with what it predicts would have happened without Brexit.”
So they are reporting that trade sank compared to their predicted model..
Next level pseudoscience.
‘Really, really difficult’
Mary Quicke of Quicke’s Cheeses in Devon told the BBC that she found it “really, really difficult to deal with all the regulatory burdens”.
She said that she used to supply four customers directly in the EU but “we had to give them away to somebody else”.
That, or perhaps like the rest of cheese sellers in Britain she got really , really greedy with the price, and European customers aren’t interested anymore.
Diane Abbott’s son ‘had crystal meth delivered to her £1.2million home and chased her with scissors claiming to have a gun in his dressing gown pocket’, court hears
James Abbott-Thompson was high on a cocktail of drugs when he started ‘threatening his mother with violence’. He then went on a drug-induced rampage, attacking nine police officers, doctors, nurses and security guards at various hospitals.
BBC round up of the rest of the dinosaur media, eg:
‘Daily Mail. The paper’s topline on (sic) focuses on Edwards telling a paedophile that a folder of child abuse images was “amazing”.’
Non seem to ready to call Edwards himself a pedo.
I’m not gay but my boyfriend is – line of thought ?
Outrage about lack of porridge, but non question why paedophile crime, apparently doesn’t attract a hefty fine, or even any fine.
He went to the building on November 29 to see a member of staff but became angry after being told they were not there.
Police were called and Mr Abbott-Thompson was asked to leave, but instead he spat in the face of Police Constable Stefan Aqua before punching him in the face. He then tried to punch a second police officer, before grabbing his hand and biting his left thumb.
He also smashed a glass plaque and assaulted a third man during the incident.
At Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Mr Abbott-Thompson admitted threatening behaviour, criminal damage, assault by beating and two counts of assaulting a police officer. He will be sentenced on April 8.
This article has an exceptionally long second half which ‘explains’ to us in great detail why the suspended sentence was correct.
It’s totally obvious that they have done this because of all the comparisons with the protestor jail sentences.
But they have completely avoided defending – or even explaining – those sentences. This is the absolute key argument people have : why did people get jailed for facebook posts or just turning up to a protest when Huw stays at home ?. It’s politically and racially motivated two-tier justice. The stuff of 3rd world shitholes. And the BBC are 100% complicit.
I think the reason why they all wento jail is obvious : it was a directive straight from the government. When a Judge says ‘I acknowledge you did nothing wrong but I have to send you to jail’ to a political protestor, alarms bells really do start ringing. And when the BBC don’t go anywhere near it in an article like this, they ring even louder. The Democrats got away with it after Jan 06 because of the corrupt MSM and Labour are doing the same.
Cameron ‘stigmatising Muslim women’ with English language policy
This article is more than 8 years old
Shadow home secretary, Andy Burnham, says ‘clumsy and simplistic approach’ could end up stoking extremism
David Cameron has been accused of stigmatising Muslim women after he announced plans to help them learn English and warned that migrant spouses who fail language tests may have to leave the UK.
A Doctor Who episode featuring Edwards’ voice has already been removed from iPlayer.
A mural of the former newsreader in the presenter’s home village of Llangennech, Carmarthenshire has also been removed.
Cardiff council has also removed a plaque honouring Edwards at Cardiff Castle.
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.23 Jun 2020
BBC bosses sold archive footage to Netflix show on disgraced Jimmy Savile for £80,000… with cash going to Children In Need. The BBC sold archive footage of Jimmy Savile to the producers of a.17 Apr 2022
BBC archives pay BBC Children in Need for attacks on children!
And make it sound like they are doing good.
In what coould be described as rubbing their noses in it, the wife of the scum far-left thug Mrs Lady Der Starmer attends in the front row a fashion show:
The Mail on Sunday claim the T-shirts, worn by politicians – such as Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Harriet Harman – proclaiming their feminist credentials, are made by female workers being paid just 62p an hour.
Have you seen the trailer for ‘Douglas Is Cancelled’ ?.
The ‘comedy’ is Douglas admitting he’s a sexist and his friend calling him a misogynist. They banter it back and forth in true slapstick style.
The latest IMDB review scores are 2,4,10,9,8,3,4 which indicates beyond doubt it’s another wokefest.
‘The main character, played by Karen Gilan was a bit of a sociopath. Obsessed with Hugh Bonneville from a young age, she blackmails her way into the position after putting up with the sexual advances of the producer. We are meant to believe she is a strong independent woman – yet attends an interview in a hotel room and destroys the life of a man who tried to help her multiple times.’
The midwives rescued at least five newborn girls from families who wanted them killed or had already abandoned them. One child died, but Anila arranged for the other four to be sent to Bihar’s capital, Patna, to an NGO which organised their adoption.7 days ago
They had been identified by a non-governmental organisation as being behind the murder of baby girls in the district of Katihar where, under pressure from the newborns’ parents, they were killing them by feeding them chemicals or simply wringing their necks.
Name of donor: Sovereign Sustainability and Development
Address of donor: 10 Bloomsbury Way, (Office 2.14), Holborn, London WC1A 2SL
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Travel (£421.40), accommodation (£524.79) and food (£210.14), total value £1,156.33
Destination of visit: Geneva, Switzerland
Comrade Angela is a keen equestrian – always on a very high horse – together with her peer comrade sister ….. the reds finding how enjoyable opposition was compared to real life. But the opportunity for bungs must be so much betterer …
David Lammy has delivered his first major speech as Foreign Secretary… on climate change. Lammy declared the “climate emergency” the “most profound and universal source of global disorder”, posing a “more fundamental” threat to the world than terrorism or autocrats.
Payment: £5,100 for speaking at a Black History Month event on 13 October 2023.
Received on: 21 November 2023. Hours: 4 hrs including preparation.
Ultimate payer: Microsoft UK, Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1WG
(Registered 21 November 2023)
Payment: £5,100 for speaking at a Black History Month event on 24 October 2023.
Received on: 6 December 2023. Hours: 4 hrs including preparation.
Ultimate payer: Proskauer Rose (law firm), 110 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AY
(Registered 15 December 2023)
Payment: £5,100 for speaking at a Black History Month event on 9 November 2023.
Received on: 18 December 2023. Hours: 4 hrs including preparation.
Ultimate payer: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (law firm), 100 Bishopsgate, London EC2P 2SR
(Registered 3 January 2024)
Name of donor: Conservation International do Brasil
Address of donor: Avenida Rio Branco n. 131, 8th floor, Rio De Janeiro
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): For me and a member of staff, flights, accommodation, food, transport, translator,
life insurance and medical support,
value £24,739.36
Destination of visit: Brazil
Dates of visit: 14 August 2023 to 18 August 2023
Purpose of visit: Bilateral meetings and visit to Amazon region.
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thanks Tomo – why is it that a single person, busy with his harvest can make such an excellent video, and the BBC with all its employees can only make Country File full of messages about climate change, anti-chemical etc without consideration that people need to eat.
the BBC plainly prioritizes their house politics, lefty NGO revolving door politics, race baiting, gender baiting and a raft of emoting points of view from drooling cranks like Monbiot and Packham – against actual reality and honest, balanced reportage.
So, former BBC anchor man, Huw Edwards has been spared jail.
Who’d have thought it?
Some of the images found on his computer showed children between the ages of seven to nine and were “of the most serious kind”. This usually means penetrative sex. Utterly vile and beyond most people’s comprehension.
However, our soft hearted judge did mention that Edward’s reputation was “in tatters” and he has been suffering from “mental anguish.” Bless…
Meanwhile there are scores of people, with formerly pristine records, mothers, grandmothers and carers, who are now in nick for making imflammatory Tweets or dubious Facebook posts.
A two tier justice system?
Nah, course not…
Jeff, the writing was on the wall at the mention of Magistrates Court. A crime of this heinous standing should have been in front of a legal judge in Crown Court, not some retired member of the community doing a shift on the bench. (My brother has been asked to serve as a Magistrate when he retires and his career has been in health and safety!) So the system is farcical at all levels
“spared” ?
– let off by timorous / fellow traveller “judge”?
tossers like Huw regularly (almost always around Bristol / Wiltshire) get prison if they get to court – special treatment, 2 tier justice for the BBC anointed.
Time, and time again the BBC has been found out.
No other media organization has the magnitude of evil predators it employs then goes on the deny, defend, and cover up.
The BBC is evil.
Do not fund it.
Hey Dems, stop trying to kill Trump, it only makes him more popular.
I’ve been busy all day – just looked at the Telegraph online and the attempted Assassination of a U.S. president is already in ‘other news ‘…
I suppose the actual execution of Trump ( inevitable ) might cause a ripple in the news agenda – but the msm will be ready to publish enough dirt to keep comrade Robinson and our Justin pouring vitriol for days ….
BBC tv news 6pm – leading on a newsreader …. But it’s okay – you get a suspended sentence plus the pay he got from the taxpayer ….
So no prison for Huw – approved by TTK – not like people who did not provable harm tapping away on the internet getting 2 years .
There was 9 minutes on this – Rita chakrababtitit did the business ….
No deterrence for paedos – wanna picture of a 10 year old ? Ask Huw …
BBC News 2
A perky sounding Sarah smith did an upbeat 4 minutes on the latest attempt by the democrats to facilitate the death of president trump .
This was followed by a piece by the detestable ros Atkins who can’t wait for a successful attack .
I wonder how Obama is going to fix the secret service to be looking the other way next time – this coverage was 5 minutes …
I bet the bbc has got a glorious piece on the life of Donald trump for when the democrats / msm are successful …
Have you got any thoughts on what might constitute any possible “October Surprise” before the upcoming US elections?
Well the perp theme seems to be ‘lone wolf ‘ – loon – no muslim angle – men – so i suppose theyll line up another loon for a ‘spectacular’ – although maybe obama will gix an ‘ attempt ‘ against harris just to take the attention away …
Gwen Walz – wife of stolen valor creep Tim, Kamala’s running mate – an “educator” apparently – I’d bet the students have given her several nicknames
Send him to Donbas
650 MPS to go to the front line – lead by David Lammy to fire the first rockets.
Blimey…reckon I could afford to buy my own glasses at those prices…and have money left over to buy the wife a nice dress.
The vegan option sounds appealing…hairshirt equivalent I suppose.
Who is to play Huw Edwards in the BBC ITC C4 drama ?
Idris ? Ms Streep ? …
Probably Michael Sheen – he’s Welsh and has a cv full of famous names he’s characterised – the latest being Prince Andrew.
Brissles – yes it must be … but it will be a channel 4 job because the BBC will want it to go away until the next time …
Meanwhile tonight Huw is unpacking the pictures he was taking into prison in his bag …
Coincidentally have just been watching an old Ch4 series Code37 Sex Crimes – set in Belgium (excellent), and the story was of a paedo and young boys. No get out of jail card for them, straight to prison. Only in Britain …..
It might be noticed that the ‘judge ‘ in the Huw case seemed more interested in his welfare than sending a sign to other powerful sex offenders that they won’t be punished – won’t do time – in fact Huw keeps all that taxpayers ‘ money ….
Compared to speeches by judges sentencing keyboard warriors To 2 years for free speech ‘crimes ‘ – not much mention of their ‘welfare ‘
It’s a corrupt political court system now – so transparent as to be offensive to justice … in the view of this barrack room lawyer …. 2 tier keir …
After I wrote the above – the mail seems to have latched onto the soft sentence Huw got …
Maybe he ll link up with a paki paedo gang …
Aparently, a film crew are looking for a new Harry Potter face for a TV series next year!
Some wags are predicting that it’ll be a girl, so that makes it Harriet Potter, and the mate bloke will be an actual weasel or some sort of ‘being’, binary, animally or whatever!
The comments could get much worse…
Kamala Harris got community noted in real-time.
Meanwhile Sopes and Strumpet are still trying to counter the Springfield cat story from their high chairs.
Edwards looks a right state! eyes bags looking gigantic, orange man tan gone, hopefully he’ll do the right thing and put himself out of his misery.
BBC should do a documentary on how seemingly normal family man ends up a limp wristed nonce .
‘Two Tier Keir’….that’s never going to die is it? Maybe should be TTP…taking the piss.
An interesting aspect of Edward’s sentencing is the very fact of his fame. I know Judges/Magistrates often sentence as a warning, an example to others. That, after all, is what is happening to the facebook “rioters” etc. So what better warning to other pedophiles to heavily punish Edwards, jail? They would certainly get the message.
Let’s hope someone appeals against the leniency of the sentence – it won’t go anywhere of course but it keeps the light shining on the BBC ….
The problem is the other pedo who sent Edwards the material, had already got given a suspended prison sentence himself.
You know the man who can’t afford to pay for his own spectacles? I was looking at the pair he was wearing whilst meeting Miss Melonia. One side’s arm was straight and the other was bent. When you don’t pay for things yourself, you don’t respect their possession.
I bet Miss Melonia paid for the very fine pink trouser suit herself.
There are a couple of reasons why the BBC shouldn’t take a stance on any issue…one of course because it is supposed to be an unbiased and neutral reporter, the other is that it is almost always wrong when it picks sides…such as migration, trans, Brexit, Islam and Rotherham, the NHS[it always demanded more money and more doctors…suddenly that was the wrong…reform and no more money, and too many doctors is actually harmful!]…and probably climate…but we’ll all be long dead before that one plays out.
Today it publishes a ‘Indepth’ investigation of HS2 and finds out that it was vastly more expensive, and not a little useless, than, not projected, more ‘spun’.
You may be someone who can remember lots of discussions on Today or 5 Live that trashed any idea that HS2 was going to be vastly expensive and way, way more than we were being told. It didn’t take a genius to guess that…but the BBC spun and spun for HS2…and of course the price soared to almost treble the initial estimate…before the whole house of cards came tumbling down.
Now the BBC reports it was all too expensive and completely unnecessary given that such high speeds were impracticable and unnecessary.
Maybe if the BBC had shown a bit more scepticism and asked a few more searching and rigorous questions decades ago the politicians who wanted this vainglorious legacy would have had to think again when out in the spotlight and made to sweat their answers.
The BBC allowed politicians vanity to overrule common sense and cost this country billions.
Quite possibly the best money saving, and cultural rescue, idea would be to scrap the BBC along with HS2….it is, for many reasons, the most dangerous, and way too powerful, organisation in Britain today.
Why do you lot pay your Tv Tax ?
Rude and crude but…or maybe butt…..
Don’t get angry about 3 young girls stabbed to death and many others attacked….or indeed about so many killed and injured at a music concert….but do get angry about the Tories….Starmer whips up the hate against the Tories but if you get angry at levels of migration and related crime, kids being murdered, you are the criminal….
‘ People have every right to be angry.
It’s not just because the NHS is so personal to all of us.
It’s because some of these failings are literally life and death.
That’s not just a source of fear and anxiety…
It’s leading to thousands of avoidable deaths….
And that phrase avoidable deaths should always be chilling.
That’s people’s loved ones who could have been saved. ‘
Yep…..could save so many by controlling immigration….it’s literally life and death….but don’t get angry.
‘After Manchester: it’s time for anger’
‘The great fear of both officialdom and the media class in the wake of terror attacks is that the volatile masses will turn wild and hateful. This is why every attack is followed by warnings of an ‘Islamophobic backlash’ and heightened policing of speech on Twitter and gatherings in public: because what they fundamentally fear is public passion, our passion. They want us passive, empathetic, upset, not angry, active, questioning. They prefer us as a lonely crowd of dutiful, disconnected mourners rather than a real collective of citizens demanding to know why our fellow citizens died and how we might prevent others from dying. We should stop playing the role they’ve allotted us.
Stop and think about how strange it is, how perverse it is, that more than 20 of our citizens have been butchered and we are basically saying: ‘Everyone calm down. Love is the answer.’ Where’s the rage? If the massacre of children and their parents on a fun night out doesn’t make you feel rage, nothing will. The terrorist has defeated you. You are dead already.’
Hamas – don’t look back in anger?
DAVID MARCUS: Just like that, the Left has normalized assassination attempts
Second attempt on Trump’s life draws a yawn from media, and that should scare us all.
We all know that if such an attempt had been made on Vice President Kamala Harris’ life, the games would not only have been cut away for the news, they’d likely have been suspended. But this is about more than media bias, it’s about social callousness.
UK rioters – BBC to look at the families and why they rioted? NOPE! Lock them up and focus on why Islam needs more money.
Diane Abbott: Starmer treated me as a ‘non person’
bbc does pamper to her,
Abbott the racist, give it a rest
Diane Abbott walks away after she’s asked to explain Jewish ‘costume’ comment
Education is important ….
Diane Abbott’s son ‘had crystal meth delivered to her £1.2million home and chased her with scissors claiming to have a gun in his dressing gown pocket’, court hears
I see Huw Edwards is the face of the news oncemore.
His image appearing in just about every national news title. The news is that he won’t be doing any ‘bird’
I’ll quote the Daily Star for its brevity, pithiness and reference to his repeat offending employer: Beeb perv’s prison let-off
One can but smile at the prissiness of the Guardian, keen to give full attribution to the mug shot photograph of Huw that is repeated throughout other press titles without the apparent need for further comment: Huw Edwards in the custody photograph taken after his arrest in November (Photocredit: Metropolitan Police/PA Media) – Plod links up with the Paparazzi? What next… Getty Images to be superseded by Sweeney Images?
Anger as paedophile Edwards avoids jail – complains the Telegraph – ‘Reputation in tatters’ over child abuse images – the Daily Express takes its banner headline quote from the bench – let Mr AsI do one of his little edit jobbies…
Anger as
paedophilepederast Edwards avoids jail and ‘Reputation in tatters’ overchildboys abuse imagesDo by all means correct me if I’m wrong but this is what we’ve been led to believe about our Huw’s predelections, isn’t it?
Let’s not completely wipe the male sex from the language as well as wiping it from the culture…
Just one male male author on Booker shortlist… Sarah Collins, one of the Booker judges said: “Coming off the back of a year with three Pauls, it’s time for the Paulettes and Paulinas” (Telegraph) – and there was me thinking this prize was judged on literary merit rather than some vague notion of equity based on the indentity of the authors. One can but note the elevated sense of diversity espoused by our Sarah Collins – Paulettes and Paulines would so easily trip off the tongue – but Paulinas has that added vibrant exotic twist to it.
On the subject of books, I read quite a lot and in the last few years, every single one has changed to make all the lead characters women. And they are complex and brilliant. They outwit the men (who are portrayed as bumbling, primitive idiots) at every turn.
I just started one of the later ‘Shetland’ books. Perez was conveniently staying at home after his GF died so the head of the Shetland force is a woman and the ‘expert’ detective sent in is – you guessed it – a young woman on her first case in charge.
And – like the women assistants in Vera – she is brilliant. She outwits and out-thinks the male policeman helping her at every turn. We even get his insights into how brilliant he thinks she is. And she even outmatches Perez himself when they discuss the case.
I tried hard to read it but it just got worse and worse. She got better and the policeman turned into an idiot who needed to be corrected every other sentence.
So I’ve switched to an earlier book where Perez is still acceptable and I’m trying that.
I remember reading a few years ago how authors were instructed by publishers as to what their content must include otherwise they would not accept the book. It was the usual woke madness like ‘xxx characters must be women, any group of more than 3 must include a woman’ and stuff like that.
This is world of the Left. Their ideology is more important than anything else. That’s why the whole world is turning to shit. Will this madness end before they end up destroying Western civilisation as we know it ?. I’m beginning to think not.
Christine Lagarde avoids jail, keeps job after guilty verdict in negligence trial
avoids jail keeps job
avoids jail
keeps job
avoids jail keeps job
Christine Lagarde has been found guilty of negligence in approving a massive payout of taxpayers’ money to controversial French businessman Bernard Tapie but avoided a jail sentence.
Gunman lurked for hours before Trump’s last-minute game of golf
I read this article just to see how the BBC describe the politics of the assasin ans whether they draw any correlation to a SECOND assasination attempt and the hatred we have been witnessing against Trump by the MSM ever since he became president.
And of course they don’t. We know he made many donations to the Democrats recently but the BBC avoid giving us any clue to the fact he is an active Democrat supporter. All they say is:
‘While his motive for allegedly planning to target Trump has not been revealed, the suspect had said in the past on social media that he voted for the Republican in 2016 before souring on him.’
What a whopping lie by omission.
It’s evidence enough about who are the ones filled with hate. It’s the shameless, ethically barren, monstrous hypocrite Leftists. And the BBC are up there with the worst of them hiding behind their weasel words and the devious ways they have to lie without accountability.
Speaking of people filled with hate here is a labour MP:
bbc finds more negative reporting on Brexit
Brexit deal impact in UK is worsening, warn economists
Will the bbc ever find a positive, but we all know they exist!
Nobody voted for Brexit for the economy.
We voted to stop our way of life being destroyed by the Globalists.
A fact the Left (and particularly the BBC) have ignored 100% because they don’t have any counter-arguments. Cameron and Osborne admitted that after they lost the vote.
Unfortunately we have been betrayed since then and the Tories have just paid the price for it. Now the BBC are doing their level best to get us back on the EU gravy train.
Hello John C
I did wonder when I saw the negative Brexit report, whether this is something to do with the closer relation Starmer wants on his recent visit to Germany
It’s the BBC doing their drip-drip-drip conditioning of the public andy. A little nudge here and there to gradually shift what people think to be in line with what the BBC want them to think.
This is the biggest problem with the BBC IMHO : they have taken it upon themselves to try and change the whole world to how they think it should be. Like Hitler did but in a very subtle way.
I think it’s actually the main reason they protect the Muslims as they do. They will not alienate them because then they can’t get inside their society to plant the seeds to change them to be like us. It’s utterly misguided : they’ve been doing it for decades and things are worse than ever. Meanwhile the vast majority of us have to suffer the racist discrimination of them doing it.
Drip drip conditioning reports, the bbc have been doing that for the upcoming budget, to condition us, so we already know
PS 22% is okay for junior doctors thou
Florida’s Health Department Advises Against New COVID-19 Booster Shot:
Regarding these vaccine dangers the bulletin listed:
prolonged circulation of mRNA and spike protein in some vaccine recipients.
increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections.
increased risk of autoimmune disease after vaccination.
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines present a risk of subclinical and clinical myocarditis and other cardiovascular conditions among otherwise healthy individuals.
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with an increased risk of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be associated with an increased risk of autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis.
Throughout the pandemic, studies across geographic regions found that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are associated with negative effectiveness after four to six months. As efficacy waned, studies showed that COVID-19 vaccinated individuals developed an increased risk for infection.
Elevated levels of mRNA and spike protein from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine persist among some individuals for an indefinite period, which may carry health risks.
Potential DNA integration from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines pose unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients.
There is unknown risk of potential adverse impacts with each additional dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; currently individuals may have received five to seven doses (and counting) of this vaccine over a 3-year period.
Covid: Boris Johnson says getting a jab is an ‘invaluable present’
I’ve got to stop beginning my morning with GB News. That gormless bint, Isabel Webster, is doing my bleedin’ head in…
This morning we had the usual conversation about the dinghy dodgers, with two talking heads taking part, one sympathetic, the other not.
Well heeled Isabel chimed in with the classic, “No one complains about the 200,000 Ukrainians we have taken in. Is this because of the colour of their skin?” Oh dear, just so tediously predictable.
No, it’s because the Ukrainians coming here will be 90% women and children fleeing a war zone. Those being taxied across the channel will be 90% young men fleeing…France…
Some of these young men have been placed in schools, only for it to be later discovered that they’re in their mid to late twenties. These schools will invariably be in white working class areas, so nothing for you to fret about, Isabel.
We’re finding accommodation for these people while refusing to help heat the homes of our elderly and vulnerable. The PM has already told us that upwards of 4,000 pensioners will perish this winter due to axing the heating allowance.
Meanwhile, Abdul and his mates are having three Halal meals a day in a centrally heated 4 star hotel.
We need you on the show as a guest Jeff !
The Calm Before the Storm
An old man in USAnia pontificates:
Thanks for sharing The Gates of Vienna, before Khan’s Cops and Starmer’s Stasi’s ban it.
Oh, the Establishment do look after their own, don’t they?
Huw Edwards won’t do jail time despite downloading and sharing the worst kind of child porn.
Meanwhile, the police will come a-knocking if a patriot sends a hurty tweet or happens to be present at a demo. And a sanctimonious judge will apply maximum sentencing.
All filmed, to ramp up the humiliation and terrorise others. Who’s the real terrorist in all that, m’lud?
When I saw this clip the word ‘Plonker’ came to mind. Can’t think why.
Then a poem by the Melbourne poet Michael Leunig came to mind. It is called ‘Jetski Person’ and it sums up my, and many others attitude, towards the machines.
It was written many years ago and I’m using my memory as best I can. It was written about all users and not Mr Ed Davey of course, but I rather feel it suits the occasion.
Jet Ski Person, selfish Fink,
May your silly Jet ski sink.
May you hit a pile of rocks
Oh hoonish summer coastal pox.
Noisy, oily, dickhead fool,
On your loathsome leisure tool,
Give us all a jolly lark
And sink beside a hungry shark.
Scream as in its fangs you go,
Your last attention seeking show,
While we onshore will all join in
With “Three cheers for the dorsal fin”.
“Brexit deal impact in UK is worsening, warn economists”
“Birmingham-based Aston University Business School cover the three-year period after the Brexit trade deal was signed in 2020.”
So ‘economists’ as in a far left university department…
Looking at the less than normal Covid period, but not mentioning that.
“The value of UK goods exports to the EU sank 27% and imported goods by 32%, according to the report, compared with what it predicts would have happened without Brexit.”
So they are reporting that trade sank compared to their predicted model..
Next level pseudoscience.
‘Really, really difficult’
Mary Quicke of Quicke’s Cheeses in Devon told the BBC that she found it “really, really difficult to deal with all the regulatory burdens”.
She said that she used to supply four customers directly in the EU but “we had to give them away to somebody else”.
That, or perhaps like the rest of cheese sellers in Britain she got really , really greedy with the price, and European customers aren’t interested anymore.
It’s because of NHS austerity … no crystalmeth ….
Diane Abbott’s son ‘had crystal meth delivered to her £1.2million home and chased her with scissors claiming to have a gun in his dressing gown pocket’, court hears
James Abbott-Thompson was high on a cocktail of drugs when he started ‘threatening his mother with violence’. He then went on a drug-induced rampage, attacking nine police officers, doctors, nurses and security guards at various hospitals.
‘Huw Edwards’ shame’ and ‘reputation in tatters’
BBC round up of the rest of the dinosaur media, eg:
‘Daily Mail. The paper’s topline on (sic) focuses on Edwards telling a paedophile that a folder of child abuse images was “amazing”.’
Non seem to ready to call Edwards himself a pedo.
I’m not gay but my boyfriend is – line of thought ?
Outrage about lack of porridge, but non question why paedophile crime, apparently doesn’t attract a hefty fine, or even any fine.
BBC to make Netflix series – how I was trapped in a million dollar studio
Diane Abbott’s son admits assaulting two police officers
The son of the Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has admitted spitting at one police officer and biting another after being refused entry to a government building in central London last November.
He went to the building on November 29 to see a member of staff but became angry after being told they were not there.
Police were called and Mr Abbott-Thompson was asked to leave, but instead he spat in the face of Police Constable Stefan Aqua before punching him in the face. He then tried to punch a second police officer, before grabbing his hand and biting his left thumb.
He also smashed a glass plaque and assaulted a third man during the incident.
At Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Mr Abbott-Thompson admitted threatening behaviour, criminal damage, assault by beating and two counts of assaulting a police officer. He will be sentenced on April 8.
Four key takeaways from Huw Edwards’ sentencing
This article has an exceptionally long second half which ‘explains’ to us in great detail why the suspended sentence was correct.
It’s totally obvious that they have done this because of all the comparisons with the protestor jail sentences.
But they have completely avoided defending – or even explaining – those sentences. This is the absolute key argument people have : why did people get jailed for facebook posts or just turning up to a protest when Huw stays at home ?. It’s politically and racially motivated two-tier justice. The stuff of 3rd world shitholes. And the BBC are 100% complicit.
I think the reason why they all wento jail is obvious : it was a directive straight from the government. When a Judge says ‘I acknowledge you did nothing wrong but I have to send you to jail’ to a political protestor, alarms bells really do start ringing. And when the BBC don’t go anywhere near it in an article like this, they ring even louder. The Democrats got away with it after Jan 06 because of the corrupt MSM and Labour are doing the same.
Victorious Leeds Green Party councillor shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ after ‘win for Gaza’
Mothin Ali said his election was a ‘win for the people of Gaza’ amid signs Muslims are voting on different issues from rest of electorate
Cameron ‘stigmatising Muslim women’ with English language policy
This article is more than 8 years old
Shadow home secretary, Andy Burnham, says ‘clumsy and simplistic approach’ could end up stoking extremism
David Cameron has been accused of stigmatising Muslim women after he announced plans to help them learn English and warned that migrant spouses who fail language tests may have to leave the UK.
History will be rewritten – the BBC did NO wrong! HA HA HA
“BBC starts removing Huw Edwards from archives”
A Doctor Who episode featuring Edwards’ voice has already been removed from iPlayer.
A mural of the former newsreader in the presenter’s home village of Llangennech, Carmarthenshire has also been removed.
Cardiff council has also removed a plaque honouring Edwards at Cardiff Castle.
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.23 Jun 2020
Re above with bbc removing Huw Edwards episodes
The bbc quote “It is starting with family and entertainment content on iPlayer, according to the Observer, external which first reported on the move.”
Surely bbc you would know, and not need a 3rd party (the observer) to tell you???
BBC interview BBC about BBC then BBC write report to explain why BBC did no wrong in the BBC funded BBC report by the BBC.
BBC bosses sold archive footage to Netflix show on disgraced Jimmy Savile for £80,000… with cash going to Children In Need. The BBC sold archive footage of Jimmy Savile to the producers of a.17 Apr 2022
BBC archives pay BBC Children in Need for attacks on children!
And make it sound like they are doing good.
So many references to Orwell – Ot’s by the hour not the day – huw is to become a non person …. But that sentence was very TTK …
She is a dedicated follower of fashion.
Oh yes she is, oh yes she is …
In what coould be described as rubbing their noses in it, the wife of the scum far-left thug Mrs Lady Der Starmer attends in the front row a fashion show:
Feminist T-shirts worn by politicians allegedly made in sweatshop conditions
The Mail on Sunday claim the T-shirts, worn by politicians – such as Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Harriet Harman – proclaiming their feminist credentials, are made by female workers being paid just 62p an hour.
Have you seen the trailer for ‘Douglas Is Cancelled’ ?.
The ‘comedy’ is Douglas admitting he’s a sexist and his friend calling him a misogynist. They banter it back and forth in true slapstick style.
The latest IMDB review scores are 2,4,10,9,8,3,4 which indicates beyond doubt it’s another wokefest.
‘The main character, played by Karen Gilan was a bit of a sociopath. Obsessed with Hugh Bonneville from a young age, she blackmails her way into the position after putting up with the sexual advances of the producer. We are meant to believe she is a strong independent woman – yet attends an interview in a hotel room and destroys the life of a man who tried to help her multiple times.’
The midwives rescued at least five newborn girls from families who wanted them killed or had already abandoned them. One child died, but Anila arranged for the other four to be sent to Bihar’s capital, Patna, to an NGO which organised their adoption.7 days ago
They had been identified by a non-governmental organisation as being behind the murder of baby girls in the district of Katihar where, under pressure from the newborns’ parents, they were killing them by feeding them chemicals or simply wringing their necks.
Have you seen the trailer for ‘
Douglas Is CancelledJK Rowling – she who cannot be named in the Trans Community’ ?.“Mrs Sunak “Never” Accepted Freebies As Lady Vic Splashes Front Pages”
Akshata Murty may have avoided up to £20m in tax with non-dom status
Akshata Murty to get almost £6.7m in Infosys dividends
This article is more than 1 year old
Income of Rishi Sunak’s wife from Indian tech firm to reach £13m for financial year
Infosys enjoyed a boom in UK government invoices in 2023
Linked to the prime minister’s wife, the Indian firm achieves contract wins in open and fair process
Angry Eagle Snaps at Questioning over Starmer Donor Scandal
Name of donor: Sovereign Sustainability and Development
Address of donor: 10 Bloomsbury Way, (Office 2.14), Holborn, London WC1A 2SL
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Travel (£421.40), accommodation (£524.79) and food (£210.14), total value £1,156.33
Destination of visit: Geneva, Switzerland
You know that the pool of talent is shallow when a discredited apparatchik goon like Angela Eagle gets a gig as Border Security Minister.
This lot are going to f-up massively aren’t they?
Comrade Angela is a keen equestrian – always on a very high horse – together with her peer comrade sister ….. the reds finding how enjoyable opposition was compared to real life. But the opportunity for bungs must be so much betterer …
‘I am a rapist’, admits husband in French mass rape trial
It’s simply amazing the difference in BBC reporting when whitey does it !!.
From another of the BBC’s finest:

The BBC are racists. Period.
from comments
BBC director celebrates Huw Edwards verdict…
Note To Police: This is comedy, not hate – difference is hard to know.
“Higher tuition fees and direct government funding are needed to halt a growing deficit in England, a group of 141 UK universities says.”
Nick Clegg apologises for tuition fees pledge
This article is more than 12 years old
Liberal Democrat leader apologises for making ‘a promise we were not absolutely sure we could deliver’
Nick Clegg promoted to top Facebook role
This article is more than 2 years old
Former Lib Dem leader becomes president of global affairs
Mark Zuckerberg to reduce his own role in policy decisions
David Lammy has delivered his first major speech as Foreign Secretary… on climate change. Lammy declared the “climate emergency” the “most profound and universal source of global disorder”, posing a “more fundamental” threat to the world than terrorism or autocrats.
Payment: £5,100 for speaking at a Black History Month event on 13 October 2023.
Received on: 21 November 2023. Hours: 4 hrs including preparation.
Ultimate payer: Microsoft UK, Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1WG
(Registered 21 November 2023)
Payment: £5,100 for speaking at a Black History Month event on 24 October 2023.
Received on: 6 December 2023. Hours: 4 hrs including preparation.
Ultimate payer: Proskauer Rose (law firm), 110 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AY
(Registered 15 December 2023)
Payment: £5,100 for speaking at a Black History Month event on 9 November 2023.
Received on: 18 December 2023. Hours: 4 hrs including preparation.
Ultimate payer: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (law firm), 100 Bishopsgate, London EC2P 2SR
(Registered 3 January 2024)
Name of donor: Conservation International do Brasil
Address of donor: Avenida Rio Branco n. 131, 8th floor, Rio De Janeiro
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): For me and a member of staff, flights, accommodation, food, transport, translator,
life insurance and medical support,
value £24,739.36
Destination of visit: Brazil
Dates of visit: 14 August 2023 to 18 August 2023
Purpose of visit: Bilateral meetings and visit to Amazon region.
Nobody’s trying to knock off Biden or the cackling witch …