8 Responses to Weekend 21st September 2024

  1. JohnC says:

    Come to daddy … my starter for 10 …

    David Lammy has cost Britain a crucial ally against Putin
    The Foreign Secretary’s blunders prove he isn’t cut out for serious diplomacy

    Top comments:
    This clown must be sacked, he’s doing too much damage.
    How can a man with a racial chip on his shoulder and a low IQ be expected to take on such a high office and succeed.
    “It suggests Lammy is not cut out for diplomacy”. No, he most certainly is not. The man is an imbecile.

    I see these opinions everywhere now. Yet the BBC remain silent. Just look at how they destroyed Conservative politicians over far less yet now they give this racist idiot a free ride.

    If they used their ‘Borsi tricks’ on Lammy, he would be gone within a week. But they don’t. Because they are racist and don’t care at all what damage he is doing. The agenda and keeping the Tories out is more important.

    We MUST be rid of the BBC before anything can change. It’s just ridiculous how much political power this ‘impartial’ organisation has. They should not have any.


  2. JohnC says:

    PM will no longer accept donations for clothes

    How very noble of him. Of course he hasn’t done it because it was wrong, he has done it because he got caught.

    A story about corruption But you would never guess it from the pic the BBC chose to accompany the article:


    What a lovely man he looks to be.And definitely not a staged publicity shot : all those smiles are most definitely genuine.

    What a refreshing change to all those terrible pictures the BBC gave us of Trump and Farage.


  3. Fedup2 says:

    I assume the noise over a dead rapist by the BBC is being done to distract from the corruption of the Red Government . Surely it must be time to dig ‘mo ‘ up …?


  4. Deborah says:

    It’s very kind of the man who couldn’t pay for his own spectacles, the woman who left school with more babies than exam passes and the one who received over £3,000 for her heating whilst taking £300 off each pensioners to say they wouldn’t take any more money for clothes. I wonder what they will take money for, thus freeing money to be able to spend the money saved elsewhere so they can spend their own money on new clothes.


  5. Sluff says:

    Another version of two tier law.
    A burglar, serving time in prison in 2018 was attacked by another prisoner with a 9 inch blade.
    He has just been awarded……are you sitting down……..£5.4 MILLION pounds.
    The taxpayer will of course be required by the judge to foot the bill.


  6. Nibor says:

    Your typical Gramscian .

    Let me posit who he/she is

    They are well above average intelligence . So much so that they well pass the 11+ or get a scholarship to a private ( public ) school .
    And there they find they are not special. . They are still more intelligent than most of the others , but they don’t have the popularity of what we might now call the influencers.
    Our Gramsci won’t be as athletic as the others and although not ugly not as striking as the popular ones .
    The worst bit comes at the school gates where the ‘ it ‘ crowd are collected by mummies Mercedes but dad collects our Gramsci in a Hyundai.
    The wrong people are in power / influence.
    The system allows the wrong people to be in power/ influence.
    Therefore the system should be changed so that our Gramsci is the one with the power and influence .
    And so it leads that the biggest overhaul of who should be in charge to a Gramsci is the one who tells them how to get power : Gramsci.The communist.
    Subvert the institutions .
    The institutions being the civil service, universities, judiciary, teaching, and others – especially the BBC .


  7. tomo says:

    They’re talking about America …. but all too easy to apply to the rest of the Anglosphere.


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