Top comments:
This clown must be sacked, he’s doing too much damage.
How can a man with a racial chip on his shoulder and a low IQ be expected to take on such a high office and succeed.
“It suggests Lammy is not cut out for diplomacy”. No, he most certainly is not. The man is an imbecile.
I see these opinions everywhere now. Yet the BBC remain silent. Just look at how they destroyed Conservative politicians over far less yet now they give this racist idiot a free ride.
If they used their ‘Borsi tricks’ on Lammy, he would be gone within a week. But they don’t. Because they are racist and don’t care at all what damage he is doing. The agenda and keeping the Tories out is more important.
We MUST be rid of the BBC before anything can change. It’s just ridiculous how much political power this ‘impartial’ organisation has. They should not have any.
John C. My starter for ten is who said this while being in South Africa and being pressed for an answer on apartheid?
“A great deal of harm is done in the world by politicians commenting on the affairs of a country of which they have no knowledge and putting across judgements which are not sharpened by the necessity of their being held responsible.”
(Enoch Powell)
# me too, 🙂 I used to think the time allowed for corrections – 15 minutes was excessive. Now my broadband is playing up, not so excessive. I am learning to proof read a bit better. Did you know that reversing characters as you type is said to be a sign of great intelligence, a sign of a clever mind?
Like most here, I only dip into the BBC R4 news to collect the main points before exiting rapidly. I would hope that when Russia is squeezed to the pips and decides to send a message by a tactical nuke on Kiev (or elsewhere), the BBC would inform me. I’m afraid I must think again. The last few day I have come to realise that, if it is not in the BBC’s propaganda position on any given item, It may well be that they will not report the event. So the conclusion is, ‘Why did/have the BBC reported any particular item of ‘News’?’ This is now the leading question for all BBC ‘Listeners’.
Muslims, Black knife wielding, Israel, Trans, (the list could go on and on). We know the depth and quality of reporting (or not) on all these topical subjects. The most blatant bias is news items which is not reported is where the BBC neglect to inform AT ALL.
I assume the noise over a dead rapist by the BBC is being done to distract from the corruption of the Red Government . Surely it must be time to dig ‘mo ‘ up …?
It’s very kind of the man who couldn’t pay for his own spectacles, the woman who left school with more babies than exam passes and the one who received over £3,000 for her heating whilst taking £300 off each pensioners to say they wouldn’t take any more money for clothes. I wonder what they will take money for, thus freeing money to be able to spend the money saved elsewhere so they can spend their own money on new clothes.
Another version of two tier law.
A burglar, serving time in prison in 2018 was attacked by another prisoner with a 9 inch blade.
He has just been awarded……are you sitting down……..£5.4 MILLION pounds.
The taxpayer will of course be required by the judge to foot the bill.
They are well above average intelligence . So much so that they well pass the 11+ or get a scholarship to a private ( public ) school .
And there they find they are not special. . They are still more intelligent than most of the others , but they don’t have the popularity of what we might now call the influencers.
Our Gramsci won’t be as athletic as the others and although not ugly not as striking as the popular ones .
The worst bit comes at the school gates where the ‘ it ‘ crowd are collected by mummies Mercedes but dad collects our Gramsci in a Hyundai.
The wrong people are in power / influence.
The system allows the wrong people to be in power/ influence.
Therefore the system should be changed so that our Gramsci is the one with the power and influence .
And so it leads that the biggest overhaul of who should be in charge to a Gramsci is the one who tells them how to get power : Gramsci.The communist.
Subvert the institutions .
The institutions being the civil service, universities, judiciary, teaching, and others – especially the BBC .
I have long realised that within the public lie the uneducated but are very, very bright. We all know one or other of them: they are extremely sharp. I like to think of this as the development of an ‘Animal Cunning’, by necessity. More than acutely, “Street-wise” if you will.
The sort that (sh)would have purposely been sent to negotiate our departure from the EU for example. And many other issues.
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
“When Sir Keir Starmer entered Downing Street in July, the Mail described his apparently emphatic victory as ‘a loveless landslide’.
Yes, he had won a huge majority, but only a fifth of the electorate voted Labour and, in a survey published the day he took power, fewer than one in four thought he would do a good job.
Just how loveless that landslide has turned out to be is revealed in our damning poll today.
Sir Keir’s approval rating, already at a record low for an incoming prime minister, has plummeted 26 points to a dismal -13 per cent.
On every front, the decisions he has made – personal and political – have gone down like a lead balloon. ”
“The results of this poll are more like the start of a divorce petition. And that’s before next month’s Budget, in which Middle England is set to be fleeced.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves should take note that only 40 per cent believe her claim that the last government left an undisclosed £22billion shortfall in the public finances.”
It makes for an ‘unusual ‘ parliament – usually all those new MPs owe some sort of loyalty to the leader who won them the election – see boris – so they give him a lot of slack .
But this doesn’t exist for venal starmer – he didn’t win the election – he was given it – and so were all those reds .as things get even worse the grumbling will get worse too – with stuff like taking bungs sitting there now in the background – yet alone suicidal policies like killing 4000 old people each winter …
The bbc will never turn on the reds but will have a job deflecting from the likes of evil sue gray and the cabal ….
“It is said that when she plans a difficult conversation with colleagues – and apparently that is most days – she likes it to take place in the small garden between No 10 and No 9 Downing Street.
‘It was clearly a very difficult conversation for both of them. Sue Gray was very angry about something. Again.’
it is fury over her high-handed behaviour in Downing Street and beyond that has prompted the leaks about her salary to the BBC. As Chris Mason, the BBC’s respected Political Editor, said: ‘This is what motivated the person who tipped me off. . . And I know from other conversations I have had that this person is far from alone.”
If that time arrives (and its getting closer), they would expect the people to rally round and dismiss/ignore the plethora of ‘Dice & Slice’ laws they introduced over the past 40/50 years. But they, in turn, would expect adherence to the ‘Dice & Slice’ laws to resume if normality was resumed. Conveniently, excused while ‘All hands to the pumps’
I always remember, and I associate the time-line of legislative nonsense when the Dice & Slice principle was conceived with the second of two Occupiers Liability Act’s. The first in 1957 did the biz: you get injured/die on someone else’s property while being legally there. The ‘Dice & Slice’ team then recognised the lacuna in that the first OLA did not cover…….wait for it…….: Trespassers. Hence the 1984 Act of the same name.
If all the Dice & Slice legislation was suddenly transformed in to a tangible solid thing, we would all die immediately by being stifled.
Where is the BBC outrage over the brown chap spitting in the face of a white baby, then shouting that white women shouldn’t give birth?
In that he avoided prison.
And yet we see white women (and mothers) going to prison for dodgy FB posts while upset and emotional.
Well guess what lefty prats? I too shouted a few things at home after the Southport child murders. I’m sure many millions did.
Only for the grace of god did I not go on the internet and rant. I kind of knew not to, with the likes of Starmer in charge.
However, even I’m stunned at how partizan and petty minded he has been.
Yes, Lucy C will almost certainly be sent to prison, despite (in my opinion) mitigating circumstances.
Her own baby died in recent years due to the (alleged) mistakes of a ‘diverse’ doctor.
Did this play a part in her outburst (in which, it seems, she did not directly call for violence)?
No leniency for her. As far as I could tell, as unsavory as her quickly deleted post was, she didn’t seem to be directly calling for violence. It seemed she said she simply didn’t care if anything bad happened to certain people.
Silly thing to post. Not something I would do but. . prison? She hasn’t been sentenced yet, but the judge has already said she can expect a substantial prison sentence.
Is it illegal now to say you don’t care if bad things happen to someone? It seems to be. Well, if your views are politically opposed to the seemingly petty Starmer (or is it Ms Gray?). Say you’d like battery acid thrown in Farage’s face? No problem! Say a few words about boats or kick a police van at a (perceived at least) ‘right wing protest’?
They’ll throw the key away.
Be brown and spit in a white baby’s face and shout aggressively at the terrified mum that white people shouldn’t breed? Tickety boo.
How can anyone say we don’t have a two tier system?
You either must support it because you’re a communist/extreme leftist, or you are completely thick. Or maybe you never read the news, which gets more appealing by the day to be fair.
I think the BBC simply support this situation of two tiered police and justice. They are clearly communists and must be destroyed (as an organisation).
Apparently fick anger Rayner says TTK s popularity will ‘bounce back and people will be better off in 5 years ‘
She is right of course – labour politicians and their partners will be far better off in 5 years . Angie has survived the 2nd house corruption and all those bungs – most of which were ‘declared ‘
Seems that it’s okay to take a bung if it’s declared in the rules you helped draft… same smell from the reds as the sunak dead party … pity this country can never change and will be come even more repressive …
I think this Gray woman now runs the country (into the ground it seems).
Starmer is the front man.
He seems to spend all of his time in the executive boxes at Arsenal and England football matches or at pop concerts. He’s far too ‘busy’ with this to actually do any work.
All ‘freebies’ of course.
Such gifts could never influence what he suggests to his girlboss.
Hello Scoblene – I think comrade Gray is far more dominant than Mrs Faulkner on Wilson . After all – she managed to manipulate nut nut and his crew into thinking she was moral or honest- when the exact opposite is apparent ….
Hopefully they’ll self destruct – and if it true that the cabinet secretary is to throw in the towel -even more shaky – they’re in the bunker with 5 years to go ….
You’re probably right Fed, back then the MSM was more subservient and it took publications like Private Eye to do the digging! I can’t remember what Richard Baker or Alvar Lidell would have been told to read…!
To think that it’s only taken TTK a few weeks to become even more unpopular than the awful Gordon Brown is an astounding revelation that these new hard-left socialists really are a bad lot!
Self destruction is a great description, but one which Beeboids will avoid of course, as their TV tax relies on them supporting idiots like Fick Ange and the ridiculous Lammy, as well as Mr Piggy himself!
A British poll , with 358700 respondents , puts David Lammy well ahead of Kamala Harris in second place for the award for the most Stupid Politician in the World.
Thankfully , at least at present , Lammy is unknown in the USA and it is rumoured that senior Foreign Office officials , and the British Embassy in Washington are lobbying the Prime Minister to embargo travel to the US by Lammy, to keep him unknown.
Seriously, I have little interest in this Labour government , I know that they will do great harm to our country, but it is impossible to ignore the imbecility of Lammy. He is more than a great national embarrassment, he is a total idiot and in his position that is highly dangerous. But being a high profile DEI hire getting rid of him will not be easy, in fact it makes him more likely to be promoted than sacked.
On the plus side I am beginning to look forward to his next utterance , he is comedy gold.
Double – i think lammy could be good for the UK . It might make more people realise it is now a burnt out third world toilet – the UK is only wanted as an add on to some dumb US war so that the word ‘ coalition’ or ‘allies’ can be used .
Foreign policy should be based on ‘ what does the UK really gain from its efforts / deaths or british soldiers ( see afgee)?
Intriguingly, Lord Alli’s largesse also reached Sue Gray – or at least her family. He gave £10,000 to the Beckenham and Penge constituency party where her son Liam was elected as MP in July.
The Financial Times reported yesterday that concerns had been raised in the run-up to the election that Alli was assisting Gray in the selection of some appointments to the potential Labour government.
Labour insisted he was not ‘formally’ asked about job recommendations but did not deny his involvement.
‘He made himself available and Sue was happy to have someone in the Party who was on her team helping out,’ explained a Labour source.”
“I can disclose that dozens of Spads this month for the first time joined a branch of the FDA, the civil service union in order to fight back against the influence of Gray.
They blame her for slashing their salaries to below the levels they were being paid when they worked for the Labour Party in Opposition. Gray is one of the four-strong committee which sets the pay of political appointees; the other three are civil servants.
One Labour Party official told me: ‘Now we know why salaries were pegged back by Sue Gray. Presumably she needed to cut their pay to release funds for her own bumper salary. This has gone down like a lead balloon.’”
Lol….’Black History’….nearly always fake whether it’s Lammy or Olusoga…..and coincidentally linked by an ever lapdoggy BBC which never corrects them…..
The Black narrative is that Black people invented everything and that racism prevented them doing anything and is behind everything.
Blacktivist on R4 yesterday, didn’t catch his name, but talking about the ‘coconut’ case…clearly extremely racist and prejudicial regardless what the sap of a judge thought…the Black activist pushed the ‘just political satire’ line…it may well be…but it can still be, and was, racist….and verging on dangerous for the target of the racism given that they are presented as race traitors.
The Blacktivist gave the game away, if he hadn’t already, when he said the prosecution was itself racist…cue my eyes rolling. Typical narrative that Blacks cannot live in this country essentially…they must be separate and have their own little Africa.
Spiked has an article right now about this type of narrative…
‘‘Anti-racism’ is tearing Britain apart’ ‘As the Telegraph revealed at the weekend, Stewart wrote on X that the unrest stemmed from a ‘broken education system’ that deemed ‘anti-racist education inappropriate’. She explained: ‘It comes from people questioning “Why we make everything about race” instead of questioning people’s prejudice.’
Those last words illustrate precisely why many people distrust and even detest what passes for ‘anti-racism’ today. Modern anti-racism really does assume that everything is about race and that everyone is prejudiced. ‘
It’s like they think honky stole their blueprints on going to the Moon, cars, trains, planes, harnessing electricity and gas, sanitation, medicine, computers, the internet…
They (the ungrateful anti white ones) should be thanking the honky.
Every bloody day.
Part of me thinks honky should never have shared their inventions.
The reason so many from the third world are trying to get into honkyland ( the Anglosphere in particular) is because there are billions of them looking at their phones and seeing what we have.
They want it too. Can’t blame them.
A few googles and they get info on how to claim ‘asylum’.
Mud hut dwellers on smartphones is not a good idea!
Allegedly bloke down the pub just told me in Minecraft.
This BBC article deserves special mention because of it’s absolute dishonesty of the headline.
This is what they describe as ‘sparking a fire’:
It was a major attack 230 miles North East of Moscow on a huge ammunition dump and the ‘fire it sparked’ was an explosion so large, it registered as an earthquake.
It’s a new way for them to lie : they give an article a dull and insignificant headline to discourage readers from actually checking what happened.
The reason they have done that is because it represents a major escalation in the involvement of the West. We are told it was Ukrainian drones – but there is no way on Earth those small fixed-wing kamikaze planes could get that far and do that kind of damage. It was a very advanced attack which needed proper ‘bunker busting’ missiles and all the counter-measures and jamming needed to get them there safely.
And the astute reader will notice how the Ukranian ‘invasion’ of Russia at Kursk has suddenly and abruptly been dropped. That’s because Russia has now taken back 20% of the land.
And to divert our attention from those facts, the BBC have switched to run stories about Russian losses (no mention of Ukranian losses) and articles like ‘Our husbands didn’t go to war for Ukraine so we can sit around crying’ which describe strong women who ‘ helps others paint now, to try to cope with their grief’.
Meanwhile nobody wants to stop this war. It’s a dangerous time because the whole plan could be ruined if Trump gets back in. No wonder they have tried to assasinate him twice already.
In certain situations I’m the bad guy for suggesting peace talks.
The ‘good’ guys want to keep arming the Ukraine until they win.
I’m no fan of Putin, but he will never entertain such a thing. He’d nuke the Ukraine (and us!) if it looked like he would ‘lose’ due to our weapons being used on them.
He’s in too deep to ever give in. He’s an old man now which makes him even more dangerous.
The fact is that Russia will win in the end ,so it’s time to have talks so Ukraine can remain as independent as possible.
And time to end the insane loss of life on both sides.
Or just keep on with the deaths and billions in aid until there’s a nuclear war.
These warmongers need to wake up before they get themselves (and others) vaporised.
The justification for all of this is that Putin will not stop at Ukraine. They are trying to infer he is the new Hitler.
The biggest giveaway that we are being taken to war on a lie is that nobody dare debunk that ridiculous idea. Putin knows he has no chance against NATO : it would certainly lead to either heavy defeat or nuclear war. In fact the whole reason for the invasion was to STOP NATO taking over Ukraine.
It’s my belief that the whole aim of this war is to contain and weaken Russia because of what they think is going to happen with China in the next 10 years or so. And they are cynically and deliberately using Ukranian blood to do it.
That’s the only reason I can think of why nobody wants to stop it – and if anyone tries, something happens to escalate it.
I remember as a kid when I was an unquestioning supporter of America ( NATO ) … arguing with some one pro Russia . The russian mindset of being a Great Country always under threat from a hostile west – with that ever expanding NATO .
Russia wants a comfort blanket – to be surrounded by controllable states such as Ukraine in case the tanks roll east again ….
All the rest about’ freedom ‘ is waffle . There’s no freedom – as we are seeing …
… but the way things are going – with the west pushing Russia harder and harder – putin will respond ….more than already
Ahh – the days when NATO was indeed a defensive alliance and not an aggressive political tool. I suppose they couldn’t resist using all those soldiers and tanks they had.
It seems they have decided not to announce that they will use the big missiles to attack Russia but are doing it anyway. That way they can deny it.
Putin will know if they did or not for sure. Attacks on targets like this are much more than just a few drones : they are layers of jamming, decoys and real-time intelligence so the expensive hardware gets to its target.
I remember when the UN were peacekeepers (underlined three times in red) with Dag Hammersjkold and his successor going into war zones to broker a peace deal with the warring parties. Did anyone hear the BBC on R4 the morning following the night of the Harris:Trump debate. Trump was saying on TOADY, iirc, that he would go to Kiev and go to Moss Cow (as the American dialect goes) and broker a peace deal. The former President is a businessman first and foremost. UN, you listening?
Are You Being Served edition – or the Curse of the Mummies
The gynaeceum that is our BBC has opened their Xmas hamper from Harrods early and are merrily relishing some long-term steeped pickled preserved treats for their audience to marinade in…
Mohamed Al Fayed: How culture of fear at Harrods stopped women coming forward (BBC News) Fulham ‘protected’ women’s players from Al Fayed (BBC, Sport) What we learned from Fayed sex abuse press conference (BBC) Watch: Al Fayed Predator at Harrods (BBC) Fayed was ‘a monster enabled by Harrods’, says lawyer (BBC) It feels good to change Fayed’s legacy, says survivor (BBC)
While the male of our species is more physically aggressive, the female will channel her aggressive instincts toward reputational destruction, gossip and innuendo being employed as weapons. (Prof Jordan Peterson)
Like Israeli high command picking their moment to push the button on the Hizbollah self-destruct pagers, so our BBC now further embarrased by their man Huw Edwards getting off with a slapped wrist this week, suddenly blows up the Al Fayed story.
Naturally, the sex scandal news waters being sufficiently chummed our hungry sharks of the tabloid press oblidge: Rapist ‘preyed on hundreds’ Fayed was like Savile, Epstein AND Weinstein – a very rare appearance in the gynaeceum that is BBC News staff’s print press online line-up for the red top rag that is The Sun – rare as spotting a Great White off the coast of Dover.
Let Mr AsI write a suitable epitaph for the Egyptian shopkeeper… and apparent Curse of the Mummies
“After I’m gone there’s no need for an allegedly”
Tycoon sex abuse scandal… Al Fayed was a monster (Mirror)
For those who admire a neat segueway – John Lewis is never knowingly undersold and Marks and Sparks maintains a 35 day returns policy
Labour U-turn on freebies (Times) I took free clothes too, admits Chancellor (Telegraph) Reeves and Raynor admit THEY got free clothes too (Daily Mail) Declarations from Rayner and Reeves worsen Labour’s wardrobe malfunction (FT)
Labour is back: Starmer vows ‘government of service’ as he takes power (France 24, 5th July 2024)
Are You Being Served? (Here’s one for the teenagers)
Ground floor: social justice puffery
Stationery and leather goods
Wigs and haberdashery
Eye-wear and Covid tests
Going up
First floor: prison sentences for Twitter posts
Gents’ ready-made suits
Shirts, socks, ties, hats
Underwear and shoes
Going up
Second floor: carpet bombing Russia
Travel goods and beddings
High tax and soft sentences for perverts
Restaurant and teas
Going down
Cue Young Mr Grace “You’ve all done very well!”
Angela Rayner, the deputy prime minister, joined the King at Dumfries House… to discuss violence (Times)
South Carolina executes first inmate in 13 years… Owens, 46, was found guilty by a jury of killing shop worker Irene Graves during an armed robbery in Greenville in 1997… The day after he was found guilty, he killed his cellmate in jail, reports CNN… Owens shot and killed Graves after she failed to open a safe below the counter, according to testimony… At the time of her death, Graves was a 41-year-old single mother of three… “Freddie has maintained his innocence since day one,” his mother, Dora Mason, said (BBC) – you guessed it, he’s black.
Move over Top Gear Meet Supercar Blondie (Times) – calm down dear.
Speaking of the Curse of the Mummies… which we were earlier
Exclusive Tasha ‘I won’t fall victim to the curse of Strictly (Sun)
Exclusive Enders Jamie: Strictly curse won’t get me (Mirror)
And remember folks, do draw your own conclusions and don’t believe everything they give you to read, will you.
If it is legal / legitimate activity to take bungs – why stop doing it ?thankfully the damage is already done – with the great leader truly making a spectacle of himself .
But it is so dumb . How would anyone convince themselves that it is okay to take those bribes and Joe publics ‘ instinctive knowledge of right or wrong isn’t going to be activated .
I know lawyers are amoral and venal – but even starmer must have seen it?
Construction giant collapse sees 2,200 jobs cut… Some 2,200 workers have been made redundant with immediate effect… after the UK operations of the international construction giant ISG collapsed into administration (BBC)
Not to worry: Education secretary begins push to recruit 6,500 new teachers (BBC) – Oh, and there’s this vacancy just been filled: Ex-police chief to lead efforts to tackle small boats (BBC)
It’s about time politicians and leaders of utility were put in prison if found to be overspending on vanity projects, taking bungs and blatant corruption.
We’ve seen large councils going bust due to massive overspends on woke payouts and mismanagement.
About time these jokers were put in cells.
I’d do the same too for politicians who get elected on false promises cough cough.
What I think is wrong about the proposed bailout of Thames Water is that all water bills will be raised. I’m assuming they mean literally all England and Wales bills whether supplied by Thames Water or not. It looks like what will be, in effect, a Tax, a Tax on people not living in the wealthy Southeast. What is demonstrated by this farrago is a complete failure of regulation and a failure of a public service being provided by a supposedly private company. It’s astonishing that a failing company has been paying bonuses and dividends while running up huge liabilities. I thought Directors were jailed for that.
Flotsam – all true – but again in the Thames Water case – the use of ‘regulators ‘ – who they are – what they are mandated to do – arises .
There is rot in regulators – whether it be OFWAT – BBCOCOM … they are of great use to politicians to avoid getting their hands dirty ….
And again I think there is that cosy corruption of all ‘in ‘ the industry – but like those tax inspectors who retire from HMRC and go straight to accountancy thieves ( companys) work work on tax avoidance schemes .
With Thames Water – the idea that all taxpayers land up stumping up through taxes will be just more pain … and that little more pushing toward recession …..
However – I read yeasterday that there is a lot of saving going on by those with disposable income …. People are building up reserves for the coming storm .
I’m willing to bet the saving allowance will be reduced – maybe from £1000 to £500 at basic rate – with – maybe ISAs being restricted too .
But if Thames goes under – will there be blame ? No ….
Do you think it is right that MPs can use expenses to buy air pods (headphones) at £158.99 when UK MPs are given a handsome wage which increases each year (2010 £65,738 to 2021 £81,932) ?
14/01/2020 Office Costs Airpods with wireless charging case Equipment – purchase (Other office equipment) £158.99
But you wrote to Fintan Slye to ask him how to deliver clean power by 2030, because you don't know how. Fintan wrote back asking for a definition of a decarbonised grid by 2030. Blind leading the blind to an unknown destination.
Welcome to the words now used in nonsense. I’ve just come across, “Soundscapes”. New Welsh legislation contained in the “Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Act 2024”.
I’ve just searched my local authority (they are under a legislative duty to map out “Soundscapes”). Nothing, Zilch, Maffi. Seems its not caught up to them yet. I guess they’re advertising the positions and budgets for the Council Tax payers to finance. Then there’s the Diversity & Inclusion, Health and Safety mob to increase their numbers to cope. I do hope we reach the Nirvana they are all searching for soon, before I’m made bankrupt.
This propaganda exercise, promoted by the BBC, is designed to condition the public ready for permanent road closures. The policy will be dramatically expanded over the next few years and is a key element of the wider assault on people's mobility.
A more accurate description for Londonistan would be World Rolex Watch-Free day as thieving gangs on bikes would have the freedom of the city streets to ply their evil trade.
How on earth is she still getting away with it? She’s the least qualified person in history. Daffy Duck would make a better presidential candidate. Anyone who still intends to vote for her should see a psychiatrist.
Green Party investigates councillor who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ after election and said Palestinians should ‘fight back’
6 May 2024, 17:14 | Updated: 6 May 2024, 17:36
"The primal interest of the US,what we fought the wars for centuries-World War I,World War II,& the Cold War-was the relationship between Germany & Russia. Because united,they are the only power that can threaten us,& our interest was to make sure that didn't happen." -Friedman-
the patient’s preferred spoken language (including dialect)
the patient’s preferred written language (including their level of literacy or health literacy in their preferred language)
whether the patient requires an interpreter
Just had a quick look at the Beeb’s webshite to see how the cricket’s started this morning and was somewhat bemused by the fifth story on the page – “Sciver-Brunts announce they are having a baby.”
Women’s cricket – give me a break.
Apparently a couple of England’s women cricketers are a genuine couple, having gotten married in 2022 – and now one of them is pregnant.
Having perused the whole article I noticed one jarring omission – no mention of the father. Or should that be the donor?
Just had a quick look at farcebook and it thrust a cartoon of a king firing arrows at a wall and someone drawing circles around them so they all look like bullseyes.
The comic-genius author had put ‘Elon Musk’ on the back of the King.
So I decided to check the comments and sure enough they were the same spiteful schoolboy idiots who used to comment on BBC HYS until their job was done and the Tories destroyed.
But I noticed a comment which said ‘This has really brought out the Musk fanboys’ but I did not see a single comment supporting Musk. And when I clicked to see ‘all comments’, I most certainly didn’t. I was still getting filtered comments. I couldn’t find ‘Musk fanboys’ at all.
So this is how it works on social media now. And another sign of just how far we have gone down the road for the suppression of unwanted opinions.
AKA fascism if you use it’s original definition. But not the news one because that specifically says it’s only the far-Right. Such as Hitler the socialist.
“Keir Starmer ‘in the pocket of millionaires’, says Diane Abbott”
I miss Diane Abbott … so here we go … “Abbott speaks out on school row: Diane Abbott has been critical of colleagues’ school choices. Labour MP Diane Abbott has said sending her son to a £10,000-a-year private school instead of a comprehensive is “indefensible”. { oct2003}”
Diane Abbott’s son ‘had crystal meth delivered to her £1.2million home and chased her with scissors claiming to have a gun in his dressing gown pocket’, court hears
I was horrified to see Crowder and Co. openly laughing at those Hezbollah terrorists – sorry, heroic freedom fighters – getting blown to bits. So horrified was I that I had to watch it a second time, and then a third to check my eyes hadn’t deceived me. I’m sure the good people on this site will be equally horrified.
Trigger warning: in the words of Crowder, “I warn you that what you’re about to watch is… a lot of fun”.
‘Katy Bradshaw, an electrician in Gloucestershire who was the only woman on her training course, said: “I was the only one to pass first time with distinction in my class, every other lad failed.’
So every single other person on her course failed but she passed with distinction ??. And all of them males ?.
I call that a big fat lie BBC. Or the course itself had something extremely fishy going on which you aren’t telling us.
‘”Currently the trade industry is one of the worst for bias and sexism,” said co-founder, Anna Moynihan.’
‘This gender bias led them to realise how underrepresented women were in the trades, which are 96% male in the UK.’
I almost laughed out loud at the bare-facred hypocrisy of the BBC for putting something like that in an article considering the racist and sexist discrimination rife in the entire broadcasting industry today.
How many white males are been discriminated against because of their sex and race when the jobs are being given to women and BAME far in excess of their numbers in society ?. Watch any advert or BBC program to find out.
Her keeper had left the gate open when she was startled by a lawnmower and ran away. So the keeper looked around, followed some tracks and there she was.
That’s it.
And it took two of them to write it. Here’s the lead:
I was lucky in that I got an early Astra Zeneca Sars Cov 2 (Covid 19 vaccine) in January 2021. My wife was working as a vaccinator at a local surgery. There was ‘overage’, the little bit extra that pharmaceutical manufacturers have to put in liquid containers to ensure that there is no short dosage, so I was able to agree not to waste vaccine and get on with it! Remember how important it was at the time to get vaccinated against this novel virus (or so the government told us – I am not saying they were wrong!
Exactly two weeks after I had the vaccine I went for a walk around the locality. We were only allowed to see one friend. We were in lock-down. It was a very, very cold Wednesday in February. On getting back from the walk I sat in front of the log fire in the evening after eating, as was usual in the winter. I noticed that the soles of my feet were feeling quite numb, like chilblains…
You can guess where this is heading:
Dave the chicken man came to deliver a fresh chicken, as he did every fortnight. My money was upstairs. I had to apologise, saying that I didn’t have the strength in my legs to climb the stairs. He could see that something was wrong. He went away without being paid…
It got worse:
Christine left me at the hospital entrance and I had to see her drive away, not knowing that I wouldn’t see her again for nearly six weeks. We had not been apart before that for more than a week…
And worse:
I couldn’t close my eyes to sleep. The left one stayed constantly open… I didn’t realise until much later that this was all down to paralysis of the muscles in my face. Eventually one of the nurses realised that my eye wasn’t closing so taped it shut and administered eye drops to stop my cornea drying up and getting damaged…
Do you know when events happen which are unconnected yet connected ? Try football matches .
The number of footballers / ex footballers dying – with that 1 minute clapping before the game seems every week now – men in their 30s 40s just dying …. No one talks about cause – and I don’t know if these ‘unexplained deaths ‘ are caused by Chinese virus vaccines ….
Reeves defends claiming energy expenses and insists winter fuel cuts right move
The Government is facing further questions about the decision to limit how many pensioners can claim winter fuel payments.
By Helen Corbett
Wednesday 11 September 2024 13:48
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 10 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Maybe we are toppling statues before they are erected….
“‘Absolutely hideous’: new London sculpture of Oscar Wilde condemned by his grandson
Gloomy segmented head of famed playwright fails to convey his wit and brilliance, says Merlin Holland”
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Come to daddy … my starter for 10 …
David Lammy has cost Britain a crucial ally against Putin
The Foreign Secretary’s blunders prove he isn’t cut out for serious diplomacy
Top comments:
This clown must be sacked, he’s doing too much damage.
How can a man with a racial chip on his shoulder and a low IQ be expected to take on such a high office and succeed.
“It suggests Lammy is not cut out for diplomacy”. No, he most certainly is not. The man is an imbecile.
I see these opinions everywhere now. Yet the BBC remain silent. Just look at how they destroyed Conservative politicians over far less yet now they give this racist idiot a free ride.
If they used their ‘Borsi tricks’ on Lammy, he would be gone within a week. But they don’t. Because they are racist and don’t care at all what damage he is doing. The agenda and keeping the Tories out is more important.
We MUST be rid of the BBC before anything can change. It’s just ridiculous how much political power this ‘impartial’ organisation has. They should not have any.
John C. My starter for ten is who said this while being in South Africa and being pressed for an answer on apartheid?
“A great deal of harm is done in the world by politicians commenting on the affairs of a country of which they have no knowledge and putting across judgements which are not sharpened by the necessity of their being held responsible.”
(Enoch Powell)
Lammy on Celebrity ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ could be a short segment.
Tarant: Helllooo and welcome to who wants to be a millionaire! Let’s meet our first contestant.
What’s your name?
Lammy: Well Chris, I’ve had a great night…
‘Borsi tricks’, John C? Is that a typo for ‘Boris tricks’?
lol, yes.
It seems every post I type has at least one mandatory typo which I don’t spot before the edit tyme runs out. Then I spot it immediately.
# me too, 🙂 I used to think the time allowed for corrections – 15 minutes was excessive. Now my broadband is playing up, not so excessive. I am learning to proof read a bit better. Did you know that reversing characters as you type is said to be a sign of great intelligence, a sign of a clever mind?
Like most here, I only dip into the BBC R4 news to collect the main points before exiting rapidly. I would hope that when Russia is squeezed to the pips and decides to send a message by a tactical nuke on Kiev (or elsewhere), the BBC would inform me. I’m afraid I must think again. The last few day I have come to realise that, if it is not in the BBC’s propaganda position on any given item, It may well be that they will not report the event. So the conclusion is, ‘Why did/have the BBC reported any particular item of ‘News’?’ This is now the leading question for all BBC ‘Listeners’.
Muslims, Black knife wielding, Israel, Trans, (the list could go on and on). We know the depth and quality of reporting (or not) on all these topical subjects. The most blatant bias is news items which is not reported is where the BBC neglect to inform AT ALL.
PM will no longer accept donations for clothes
How very noble of him. Of course he hasn’t done it because it was wrong, he has done it because he got caught.
A story about corruption But you would never guess it from the pic the BBC chose to accompany the article:
What a lovely man he looks to be.And definitely not a staged publicity shot : all those smiles are most definitely genuine.
What a refreshing change to all those terrible pictures the BBC gave us of Trump and Farage.
PM will no longer accept donations for clothes
That’s a shame, I’ve got some old pants and socks I was planning to send him.
Only a matter of time until they have photos of him looking concerned over a baby incubator.
Should be sacked but won’t be.
He’s done far worse mind. Definitely didn’t influence the courts and jidges cough cough definitely not putting political opponents in prison ahem.
“Hideously White”…………..
Some would say.
I assume the noise over a dead rapist by the BBC is being done to distract from the corruption of the Red Government . Surely it must be time to dig ‘mo ‘ up …?
The BBC fawned over him for ages with the Diana and Dodi stuff I recall.
Would it surprise anyone if it was revealed that he was treated like royalty by the BBC?
Sex case (alleged)?
He’d fit right in.
It’s very kind of the man who couldn’t pay for his own spectacles, the woman who left school with more babies than exam passes and the one who received over £3,000 for her heating whilst taking £300 off each pensioners to say they wouldn’t take any more money for clothes. I wonder what they will take money for, thus freeing money to be able to spend the money saved elsewhere so they can spend their own money on new clothes.
I’ve been to TKmaxx
Another version of two tier law.
A burglar, serving time in prison in 2018 was attacked by another prisoner with a 9 inch blade.
He has just been awarded……are you sitting down……..£5.4 MILLION pounds.
The taxpayer will of course be required by the judge to foot the bill.
Your typical Gramscian .
Let me posit who he/she is
They are well above average intelligence . So much so that they well pass the 11+ or get a scholarship to a private ( public ) school .
And there they find they are not special. . They are still more intelligent than most of the others , but they don’t have the popularity of what we might now call the influencers.
Our Gramsci won’t be as athletic as the others and although not ugly not as striking as the popular ones .
The worst bit comes at the school gates where the ‘ it ‘ crowd are collected by mummies Mercedes but dad collects our Gramsci in a Hyundai.
The wrong people are in power / influence.
The system allows the wrong people to be in power/ influence.
Therefore the system should be changed so that our Gramsci is the one with the power and influence .
And so it leads that the biggest overhaul of who should be in charge to a Gramsci is the one who tells them how to get power : Gramsci.The communist.
Subvert the institutions .
The institutions being the civil service, universities, judiciary, teaching, and others – especially the BBC .
I have long realised that within the public lie the uneducated but are very, very bright. We all know one or other of them: they are extremely sharp. I like to think of this as the development of an ‘Animal Cunning’, by necessity. More than acutely, “Street-wise” if you will.
The sort that (sh)would have purposely been sent to negotiate our departure from the EU for example. And many other issues.
They’re talking about America …. but all too easy to apply to the rest of the Anglosphere.
“The person who was considered a liability (Harris) is suddenly like George Washington”
You can’t expect the American people not to become cynical……
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
“When Sir Keir Starmer entered Downing Street in July, the Mail described his apparently emphatic victory as ‘a loveless landslide’.
Yes, he had won a huge majority, but only a fifth of the electorate voted Labour and, in a survey published the day he took power, fewer than one in four thought he would do a good job.
Just how loveless that landslide has turned out to be is revealed in our damning poll today.
Sir Keir’s approval rating, already at a record low for an incoming prime minister, has plummeted 26 points to a dismal -13 per cent.
On every front, the decisions he has made – personal and political – have gone down like a lead balloon. ”
“The results of this poll are more like the start of a divorce petition. And that’s before next month’s Budget, in which Middle England is set to be fleeced.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves should take note that only 40 per cent believe her claim that the last government left an undisclosed £22billion shortfall in the public finances.”
It makes for an ‘unusual ‘ parliament – usually all those new MPs owe some sort of loyalty to the leader who won them the election – see boris – so they give him a lot of slack .
But this doesn’t exist for venal starmer – he didn’t win the election – he was given it – and so were all those reds .as things get even worse the grumbling will get worse too – with stuff like taking bungs sitting there now in the background – yet alone suicidal policies like killing 4000 old people each winter …
The bbc will never turn on the reds but will have a job deflecting from the likes of evil sue gray and the cabal ….
Yes, interesting that Grey thing… the unelected new dictator that effectively got rid of a sitting Primeminister:
“Angry words in the garden. Then Sue Gray stomped off with a face like thunder. Photos that reveal depth of the acrimony in Downing Street:
They show Gray locked in tense talks with Michael Bourke, the Principal Private Secretary to Cabinet Secretary Sir Simon Case.
The most senior civil servant in the land, Case is embroiled in an acrimonious turf war with Gray, who wants him to leave Downing Street.”
“It is said that when she plans a difficult conversation with colleagues – and apparently that is most days – she likes it to take place in the small garden between No 10 and No 9 Downing Street.
‘It was clearly a very difficult conversation for both of them. Sue Gray was very angry about something. Again.’
it is fury over her high-handed behaviour in Downing Street and beyond that has prompted the leaks about her salary to the BBC. As Chris Mason, the BBC’s respected Political Editor, said: ‘This is what motivated the person who tipped me off. . . And I know from other conversations I have had that this person is far from alone.”
‘Our husbands didn’t go to war for Ukraine so we can sit around crying’
bBC headline today. Cannot they see the absolute sexism of this headline and content. Normal hypocritical bBC.
As an aside I still do not understand how the sexual equality act will be effected in the UK during a time of war.
Women sit around and cry and draw art …. ‘Our husbands didn’t go to war for Ukraine so we can sit around crying’
“……during a time of war..”
If that time arrives (and its getting closer), they would expect the people to rally round and dismiss/ignore the plethora of ‘Dice & Slice’ laws they introduced over the past 40/50 years. But they, in turn, would expect adherence to the ‘Dice & Slice’ laws to resume if normality was resumed. Conveniently, excused while ‘All hands to the pumps’
I always remember, and I associate the time-line of legislative nonsense when the Dice & Slice principle was conceived with the second of two Occupiers Liability Act’s. The first in 1957 did the biz: you get injured/die on someone else’s property while being legally there. The ‘Dice & Slice’ team then recognised the lacuna in that the first OLA did not cover…….wait for it…….: Trespassers. Hence the 1984 Act of the same name.
If all the Dice & Slice legislation was suddenly transformed in to a tangible solid thing, we would all die immediately by being stifled.
Where is the BBC outrage over the brown chap spitting in the face of a white baby, then shouting that white women shouldn’t give birth?
In that he avoided prison.
And yet we see white women (and mothers) going to prison for dodgy FB posts while upset and emotional.
Well guess what lefty prats? I too shouted a few things at home after the Southport child murders. I’m sure many millions did.
Only for the grace of god did I not go on the internet and rant. I kind of knew not to, with the likes of Starmer in charge.
However, even I’m stunned at how partizan and petty minded he has been.
Yes, Lucy C will almost certainly be sent to prison, despite (in my opinion) mitigating circumstances.
Her own baby died in recent years due to the (alleged) mistakes of a ‘diverse’ doctor.
Did this play a part in her outburst (in which, it seems, she did not directly call for violence)?
No leniency for her. As far as I could tell, as unsavory as her quickly deleted post was, she didn’t seem to be directly calling for violence. It seemed she said she simply didn’t care if anything bad happened to certain people.
Silly thing to post. Not something I would do but. . prison? She hasn’t been sentenced yet, but the judge has already said she can expect a substantial prison sentence.
Is it illegal now to say you don’t care if bad things happen to someone? It seems to be. Well, if your views are politically opposed to the seemingly petty Starmer (or is it Ms Gray?). Say you’d like battery acid thrown in Farage’s face? No problem! Say a few words about boats or kick a police van at a (perceived at least) ‘right wing protest’?
They’ll throw the key away.
Be brown and spit in a white baby’s face and shout aggressively at the terrified mum that white people shouldn’t breed? Tickety boo.
How can anyone say we don’t have a two tier system?
You either must support it because you’re a communist/extreme leftist, or you are completely thick. Or maybe you never read the news, which gets more appealing by the day to be fair.
I think the BBC simply support this situation of two tiered police and justice. They are clearly communists and must be destroyed (as an organisation).
Apparently fick anger Rayner says TTK s popularity will ‘bounce back and people will be better off in 5 years ‘
She is right of course – labour politicians and their partners will be far better off in 5 years . Angie has survived the 2nd house corruption and all those bungs – most of which were ‘declared ‘
Seems that it’s okay to take a bung if it’s declared in the rules you helped draft… same smell from the reds as the sunak dead party … pity this country can never change and will be come even more repressive …
Funny how marxists and the far left in general are so effective at feathering their own nests and live in extreme comfort and security.
Indeed. Lenin and Stalin didn’t worry about their bills.
Morning Fed
I think this Gray woman now runs the country (into the ground it seems).
Starmer is the front man.
He seems to spend all of his time in the executive boxes at Arsenal and England football matches or at pop concerts. He’s far too ‘busy’ with this to actually do any work.
All ‘freebies’ of course.
Such gifts could never influence what he suggests to his girlboss.
Anyone here remember Lady Forkbender, who ran Wilson’s government for years?
Shades of methinks!
Hello Scoblene – I think comrade Gray is far more dominant than Mrs Faulkner on Wilson . After all – she managed to manipulate nut nut and his crew into thinking she was moral or honest- when the exact opposite is apparent ….
Hopefully they’ll self destruct – and if it true that the cabinet secretary is to throw in the towel -even more shaky – they’re in the bunker with 5 years to go ….
You’re probably right Fed, back then the MSM was more subservient and it took publications like Private Eye to do the digging! I can’t remember what Richard Baker or Alvar Lidell would have been told to read…!
To think that it’s only taken TTK a few weeks to become even more unpopular than the awful Gordon Brown is an astounding revelation that these new hard-left socialists really are a bad lot!
Self destruction is a great description, but one which Beeboids will avoid of course, as their TV tax relies on them supporting idiots like Fick Ange and the ridiculous Lammy, as well as Mr Piggy himself!
New Nationwide Poll
A British poll , with 358700 respondents , puts David Lammy well ahead of Kamala Harris in second place for the award for the most Stupid Politician in the World.
Thankfully , at least at present , Lammy is unknown in the USA and it is rumoured that senior Foreign Office officials , and the British Embassy in Washington are lobbying the Prime Minister to embargo travel to the US by Lammy, to keep him unknown.
Seriously, I have little interest in this Labour government , I know that they will do great harm to our country, but it is impossible to ignore the imbecility of Lammy. He is more than a great national embarrassment, he is a total idiot and in his position that is highly dangerous. But being a high profile DEI hire getting rid of him will not be easy, in fact it makes him more likely to be promoted than sacked.
On the plus side I am beginning to look forward to his next utterance , he is comedy gold.
I own shoes that have a higher IQ than Lammy.
Can you imagine the ‘cobra ‘ ? Mind blowing ….
So does Diane Abbott, LC!
The left foot doesn’t know what – er – the left foot is doing…
Double – i think lammy could be good for the UK . It might make more people realise it is now a burnt out third world toilet – the UK is only wanted as an add on to some dumb US war so that the word ‘ coalition’ or ‘allies’ can be used .
Foreign policy should be based on ‘ what does the UK really gain from its efforts / deaths or british soldiers ( see afgee)?
This, is even bloody worse:
Intriguingly, Lord Alli’s largesse also reached Sue Gray – or at least her family. He gave £10,000 to the Beckenham and Penge constituency party where her son Liam was elected as MP in July.
The Financial Times reported yesterday that concerns had been raised in the run-up to the election that Alli was assisting Gray in the selection of some appointments to the potential Labour government.
Labour insisted he was not ‘formally’ asked about job recommendations but did not deny his involvement.
‘He made himself available and Sue was happy to have someone in the Party who was on her team helping out,’ explained a Labour source.”
“I can disclose that dozens of Spads this month for the first time joined a branch of the FDA, the civil service union in order to fight back against the influence of Gray.
They blame her for slashing their salaries to below the levels they were being paid when they worked for the Labour Party in Opposition. Gray is one of the four-strong committee which sets the pay of political appointees; the other three are civil servants.
One Labour Party official told me: ‘Now we know why salaries were pegged back by Sue Gray. Presumably she needed to cut their pay to release funds for her own bumper salary. This has gone down like a lead balloon.’”
Lol….’Black History’….nearly always fake whether it’s Lammy or Olusoga…..and coincidentally linked by an ever lapdoggy BBC which never corrects them…..
The Black narrative is that Black people invented everything and that racism prevented them doing anything and is behind everything.
Blacktivist on R4 yesterday, didn’t catch his name, but talking about the ‘coconut’ case…clearly extremely racist and prejudicial regardless what the sap of a judge thought…the Black activist pushed the ‘just political satire’ line…it may well be…but it can still be, and was, racist….and verging on dangerous for the target of the racism given that they are presented as race traitors.
The Blacktivist gave the game away, if he hadn’t already, when he said the prosecution was itself racist…cue my eyes rolling. Typical narrative that Blacks cannot live in this country essentially…they must be separate and have their own little Africa.
Spiked has an article right now about this type of narrative…
‘‘Anti-racism’ is tearing Britain apart’
‘As the Telegraph revealed at the weekend, Stewart wrote on X that the unrest stemmed from a ‘broken education system’ that deemed ‘anti-racist education inappropriate’. She explained: ‘It comes from people questioning “Why we make everything about race” instead of questioning people’s prejudice.’
Those last words illustrate precisely why many people distrust and even detest what passes for ‘anti-racism’ today. Modern anti-racism really does assume that everything is about race and that everyone is prejudiced. ‘
It’s like they think honky stole their blueprints on going to the Moon, cars, trains, planes, harnessing electricity and gas, sanitation, medicine, computers, the internet…
They (the ungrateful anti white ones) should be thanking the honky.
Every bloody day.
Part of me thinks honky should never have shared their inventions.
The reason so many from the third world are trying to get into honkyland ( the Anglosphere in particular) is because there are billions of them looking at their phones and seeing what we have.
They want it too. Can’t blame them.
A few googles and they get info on how to claim ‘asylum’.
Mud hut dwellers on smartphones is not a good idea!
Allegedly bloke down the pub just told me in Minecraft.
Give it a few years it’ll be in the schoolbooks with the caption, ‘Nelson Mandela 1965’.
An Indian cartoon about the Indian moon mission:
Ukraine drone attack in Russia sparks fire
This BBC article deserves special mention because of it’s absolute dishonesty of the headline.
This is what they describe as ‘sparking a fire’:
It was a major attack 230 miles North East of Moscow on a huge ammunition dump and the ‘fire it sparked’ was an explosion so large, it registered as an earthquake.
It’s a new way for them to lie : they give an article a dull and insignificant headline to discourage readers from actually checking what happened.
The reason they have done that is because it represents a major escalation in the involvement of the West. We are told it was Ukrainian drones – but there is no way on Earth those small fixed-wing kamikaze planes could get that far and do that kind of damage. It was a very advanced attack which needed proper ‘bunker busting’ missiles and all the counter-measures and jamming needed to get them there safely.
And the astute reader will notice how the Ukranian ‘invasion’ of Russia at Kursk has suddenly and abruptly been dropped. That’s because Russia has now taken back 20% of the land.
And to divert our attention from those facts, the BBC have switched to run stories about Russian losses (no mention of Ukranian losses) and articles like ‘Our husbands didn’t go to war for Ukraine so we can sit around crying’ which describe strong women who ‘ helps others paint now, to try to cope with their grief’.
Meanwhile nobody wants to stop this war. It’s a dangerous time because the whole plan could be ruined if Trump gets back in. No wonder they have tried to assasinate him twice already.
In certain situations I’m the bad guy for suggesting peace talks.
The ‘good’ guys want to keep arming the Ukraine until they win.
I’m no fan of Putin, but he will never entertain such a thing. He’d nuke the Ukraine (and us!) if it looked like he would ‘lose’ due to our weapons being used on them.
He’s in too deep to ever give in. He’s an old man now which makes him even more dangerous.
The fact is that Russia will win in the end ,so it’s time to have talks so Ukraine can remain as independent as possible.
And time to end the insane loss of life on both sides.
Or just keep on with the deaths and billions in aid until there’s a nuclear war.
These warmongers need to wake up before they get themselves (and others) vaporised.
I agree.
The justification for all of this is that Putin will not stop at Ukraine. They are trying to infer he is the new Hitler.
The biggest giveaway that we are being taken to war on a lie is that nobody dare debunk that ridiculous idea. Putin knows he has no chance against NATO : it would certainly lead to either heavy defeat or nuclear war. In fact the whole reason for the invasion was to STOP NATO taking over Ukraine.
It’s my belief that the whole aim of this war is to contain and weaken Russia because of what they think is going to happen with China in the next 10 years or so. And they are cynically and deliberately using Ukranian blood to do it.
That’s the only reason I can think of why nobody wants to stop it – and if anyone tries, something happens to escalate it.
I remember as a kid when I was an unquestioning supporter of America ( NATO ) … arguing with some one pro Russia . The russian mindset of being a Great Country always under threat from a hostile west – with that ever expanding NATO .
Russia wants a comfort blanket – to be surrounded by controllable states such as Ukraine in case the tanks roll east again ….
All the rest about’ freedom ‘ is waffle . There’s no freedom – as we are seeing …
… but the way things are going – with the west pushing Russia harder and harder – putin will respond ….more than already
Ahh – the days when NATO was indeed a defensive alliance and not an aggressive political tool. I suppose they couldn’t resist using all those soldiers and tanks they had.
It seems they have decided not to announce that they will use the big missiles to attack Russia but are doing it anyway. That way they can deny it.
Putin will know if they did or not for sure. Attacks on targets like this are much more than just a few drones : they are layers of jamming, decoys and real-time intelligence so the expensive hardware gets to its target.
I remember when the UN were peacekeepers (underlined three times in red) with Dag Hammersjkold and his successor going into war zones to broker a peace deal with the warring parties. Did anyone hear the BBC on R4 the morning following the night of the Harris:Trump debate. Trump was saying on TOADY, iirc, that he would go to Kiev and go to Moss Cow (as the American dialect goes) and broker a peace deal. The former President is a businessman first and foremost. UN, you listening?
Watch: Huge explosion at Russian arms depot
How interesting.
Ther BBC have now covered this same story in an entirely different perspective.
Obviously they got a memo from the office of the commissars that the narrative has changed.
Are You Being Served edition – or the Curse of the Mummies
The gynaeceum that is our BBC has opened their Xmas hamper from Harrods early and are merrily relishing some long-term steeped pickled preserved treats for their audience to marinade in…
Mohamed Al Fayed: How culture of fear at Harrods stopped women coming forward (BBC News)
Fulham ‘protected’ women’s players from Al Fayed (BBC, Sport)
What we learned from Fayed sex abuse press conference (BBC)
Watch: Al Fayed Predator at Harrods (BBC)
Fayed was ‘a monster enabled by Harrods’, says lawyer (BBC)
It feels good to change Fayed’s legacy, says survivor (BBC)
While the male of our species is more physically aggressive, the female will channel her aggressive instincts toward reputational destruction, gossip and innuendo being employed as weapons. (Prof Jordan Peterson)
Like Israeli high command picking their moment to push the button on the Hizbollah self-destruct pagers, so our BBC now further embarrased by their man Huw Edwards getting off with a slapped wrist this week, suddenly blows up the Al Fayed story.
Naturally, the sex scandal news waters being sufficiently chummed our hungry sharks of the tabloid press oblidge: Rapist ‘preyed on hundreds’ Fayed was like Savile, Epstein AND Weinstein – a very rare appearance in the gynaeceum that is BBC News staff’s print press online line-up for the red top rag that is The Sun – rare as spotting a Great White off the coast of Dover.
Let Mr AsI write a suitable epitaph for the Egyptian shopkeeper… and apparent Curse of the Mummies
“After I’m gone there’s no need for an allegedly”
Tycoon sex abuse scandal… Al Fayed was a monster (Mirror)
For those who admire a neat segueway – John Lewis is never knowingly undersold and Marks and Sparks maintains a 35 day returns policy
Labour U-turn on freebies (Times)
I took free clothes too, admits Chancellor (Telegraph)
Reeves and Raynor admit THEY got free clothes too (Daily Mail)
Declarations from Rayner and Reeves worsen Labour’s wardrobe malfunction (FT)
Labour is back: Starmer vows ‘government of service’ as he takes power (France 24, 5th July 2024)
Are You Being Served? (Here’s one for the teenagers)
Ground floor: social justice puffery
Stationery and leather goods
Wigs and haberdashery
Eye-wear and Covid tests
Going up
First floor: prison sentences for Twitter posts
Gents’ ready-made suits
Shirts, socks, ties, hats
Underwear and shoes
Going up
Second floor: carpet bombing Russia
Travel goods and beddings
High tax and soft sentences for perverts
Restaurant and teas
Going down
Cue Young Mr Grace “You’ve all done very well!”
Angela Rayner, the deputy prime minister, joined the King at Dumfries House… to discuss violence (Times)
South Carolina executes first inmate in 13 years… Owens, 46, was found guilty by a jury of killing shop worker Irene Graves during an armed robbery in Greenville in 1997… The day after he was found guilty, he killed his cellmate in jail, reports CNN… Owens shot and killed Graves after she failed to open a safe below the counter, according to testimony… At the time of her death, Graves was a 41-year-old single mother of three… “Freddie has maintained his innocence since day one,” his mother, Dora Mason, said (BBC) – you guessed it, he’s black.
Move over Top Gear Meet Supercar Blondie (Times) – calm down dear.
Speaking of the Curse of the Mummies… which we were earlier
Exclusive Tasha ‘I won’t fall victim to the curse of Strictly (Sun)
Exclusive Enders Jamie: Strictly curse won’t get me (Mirror)
And remember folks, do draw your own conclusions and don’t believe everything they give you to read, will you.
If it is legal / legitimate activity to take bungs – why stop doing it ?thankfully the damage is already done – with the great leader truly making a spectacle of himself .
But it is so dumb . How would anyone convince themselves that it is okay to take those bribes and Joe publics ‘ instinctive knowledge of right or wrong isn’t going to be activated .
I know lawyers are amoral and venal – but even starmer must have seen it?
Lawyers are parasites. So like mosquitoes they view one blood vein just as good as another. It is what they do.
Dick the Butcher: 2 Henry VI, IV, ii.
Construction giant collapse sees 2,200 jobs cut… Some 2,200 workers have been made redundant with immediate effect… after the UK operations of the international construction giant ISG collapsed into administration (BBC)
Not to worry: Education secretary begins push to recruit 6,500 new teachers (BBC) – Oh, and there’s this vacancy just been filled: Ex-police chief to lead efforts to tackle small boats (BBC)
They reckon if Thames water fails it could cost the state £3 billion …
It’s about time politicians and leaders of utility were put in prison if found to be overspending on vanity projects, taking bungs and blatant corruption.
We’ve seen large councils going bust due to massive overspends on woke payouts and mismanagement.
About time these jokers were put in cells.
I’d do the same too for politicians who get elected on false promises cough cough.
What I think is wrong about the proposed bailout of Thames Water is that all water bills will be raised. I’m assuming they mean literally all England and Wales bills whether supplied by Thames Water or not. It looks like what will be, in effect, a Tax, a Tax on people not living in the wealthy Southeast. What is demonstrated by this farrago is a complete failure of regulation and a failure of a public service being provided by a supposedly private company. It’s astonishing that a failing company has been paying bonuses and dividends while running up huge liabilities. I thought Directors were jailed for that.
At the very least, those at the top getting the large dividends should be the ones paying first.
I don’t care if it means they have to sell their homes.
The biggest problem is lefty councils and utilities will be hiring more for ‘box tickers’ rather than on merit for the too jobs
The more this happens the more councils/utility companies will fail.
Why don’t we all just start paying our employers for the privilege of going to work from now and have done with it?
We can go back to hunter gathering to feed ourselves.
As long as the mouthy female diversity hires get all the top 200k a year jobs, it’s a price worth paying, right kids?
There’s a word …
That’s what a whole load of *protected* “public bodies” are up to – across much of the quasi public sector.
Flotsam – all true – but again in the Thames Water case – the use of ‘regulators ‘ – who they are – what they are mandated to do – arises .
There is rot in regulators – whether it be OFWAT – BBCOCOM … they are of great use to politicians to avoid getting their hands dirty ….
And again I think there is that cosy corruption of all ‘in ‘ the industry – but like those tax inspectors who retire from HMRC and go straight to accountancy thieves ( companys) work work on tax avoidance schemes .
With Thames Water – the idea that all taxpayers land up stumping up through taxes will be just more pain … and that little more pushing toward recession …..
However – I read yeasterday that there is a lot of saving going on by those with disposable income …. People are building up reserves for the coming storm .
I’m willing to bet the saving allowance will be reduced – maybe from £1000 to £500 at basic rate – with – maybe ISAs being restricted too .
But if Thames goes under – will there be blame ? No ….
Labour really has hit the ground running in the corruption stakes – make the blues look sheepish …
Dear Darren Henry,
Do you think it is right that MPs can use expenses to buy air pods (headphones) at £158.99 when UK MPs are given a handsome wage which increases each year (2010 £65,738 to 2021 £81,932) ?
14/01/2020 Office Costs Airpods with wireless charging case Equipment – purchase (Other office equipment) £158.99!/mp/421
Yours sincerely
As an older man I find myself oscillating between the two terms:
Lady Whiplash
Bag Lady
(can’t decide)
Oh Hattie – a life long chip …
We should burn more PPE?
Cheap energy!
Welcome to the words now used in nonsense. I’ve just come across, “Soundscapes”. New Welsh legislation contained in the “Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Act 2024”.
I’ve just searched my local authority (they are under a legislative duty to map out “Soundscapes”). Nothing, Zilch, Maffi. Seems its not caught up to them yet. I guess they’re advertising the positions and budgets for the Council Tax payers to finance. Then there’s the Diversity & Inclusion, Health and Safety mob to increase their numbers to cope. I do hope we reach the Nirvana they are all searching for soon, before I’m made bankrupt.
“BREAKING: The White House just held its first cabinet meeting in 11 months. Jill Biden sat at the head of the table”
first cabinet meeting in 11 months – SO USA HAS NO GOVERNMENT? HA HA HA HA HAHA!
A more accurate description for Londonistan would be World Rolex Watch-Free day as thieving gangs on bikes would have the freedom of the city streets to ply their evil trade.
World Hijab FREE day? HA HA HA HA HAH A!
Isn’t that in direct conflict to, ‘Road Charging’………………
There’s a lot of talk that P.Diddy’s incarceration in the USA has much to do with a certain Mr. Obamah who attended Diddy’s parties with Mike….
He’s going to get Epsteined….
It’s abundantly clear that Coombs arrest and no bail was sanctioned by somebody high up keen to get the videos….
1 minute 57 seconds of mindless rambling … and she got an applause – but yanks are even thicker than the British electorate ….
As observed earlier:
“The person who was considered a liability (Harris) is suddenly like George Washington”
You can’t expect the American people not to become cynical……
nah… not much to choose I reckon.
British snobs do like to riff on the idea though….
Be like Lammy after Starmer’s job
Labour working class? HA HA HA HA HAHA!
No more William Warwicks for me, then.
And the community idiot is the community idiot.
all 3?
Saudi Arabia TV mocks Biden’s cognitive decline in ‘hilarious’ comedy skit
Two days ago, a man armed with long knives rampaged through Rotterdam shouting Allahu Akbar, killing one and seriously wounding at least one other.
As far as I can see there is absolutely nothing about it on the BBC news website.
The bias grows more blatant by the day.
Footnote: the ever-so tolerant Dutch authorities are ‘keeping an open mind’ as to whether it was a terrorist attack. I could save them a lot of time.
Green Party investigates councillor who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ after election and said Palestinians should ‘fight back’
6 May 2024, 17:14 | Updated: 6 May 2024, 17:36
Was it available in braile?
Likely Swahili and Urdu too
Language interpreting and translation: migrant health guide
Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners.
It is important to record in the patient’s health record and other associated patient administrative systems:
the patient’s preferred spoken language (including dialect)
the patient’s preferred written language (including their level of literacy or health literacy in their preferred language)
whether the patient requires an interpreter
Just had a quick look at the Beeb’s webshite to see how the cricket’s started this morning and was somewhat bemused by the fifth story on the page – “Sciver-Brunts announce they are having a baby.”
Women’s cricket – give me a break.
Apparently a couple of England’s women cricketers are a genuine couple, having gotten married in 2022 – and now one of them is pregnant.
Having perused the whole article I noticed one jarring omission – no mention of the father. Or should that be the donor?
Removal of men is complete – Misandry!
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).
Just had a quick look at farcebook and it thrust a cartoon of a king firing arrows at a wall and someone drawing circles around them so they all look like bullseyes.
The comic-genius author had put ‘Elon Musk’ on the back of the King.
So I decided to check the comments and sure enough they were the same spiteful schoolboy idiots who used to comment on BBC HYS until their job was done and the Tories destroyed.
But I noticed a comment which said ‘This has really brought out the Musk fanboys’ but I did not see a single comment supporting Musk. And when I clicked to see ‘all comments’, I most certainly didn’t. I was still getting filtered comments. I couldn’t find ‘Musk fanboys’ at all.
So this is how it works on social media now. And another sign of just how far we have gone down the road for the suppression of unwanted opinions.
AKA fascism if you use it’s original definition. But not the news one because that specifically says it’s only the far-Right. Such as Hitler the socialist.
Keir Starmer ‘in the pocket of millionaires’, says Diane Abbott
Good God, two-left feet Abbot said something I agree with.
What a shame it’s only because she is full of spite after she got punished for being a racist and forgot it’s only allowed for white British people.
Still – always nice to see the Left eat itself.
“Keir Starmer ‘in the pocket of millionaires’, says Diane Abbott”
I miss Diane Abbott … so here we go … “Abbott speaks out on school row: Diane Abbott has been critical of colleagues’ school choices. Labour MP Diane Abbott has said sending her son to a £10,000-a-year private school instead of a comprehensive is “indefensible”. { oct2003}”
Diane Abbott’s son ‘had crystal meth delivered to her £1.2million home and chased her with scissors claiming to have a gun in his dressing gown pocket’, court hears
I was horrified to see Crowder and Co. openly laughing at those Hezbollah terrorists – sorry, heroic freedom fighters – getting blown to bits. So horrified was I that I had to watch it a second time, and then a third to check my eyes hadn’t deceived me. I’m sure the good people on this site will be equally horrified.
Trigger warning: in the words of Crowder, “I warn you that what you’re about to watch is… a lot of fun”.
‘Tradeswomen paid less amid appalling sexism’
The misandry is strong in this one.
‘Katy Bradshaw, an electrician in Gloucestershire who was the only woman on her training course, said: “I was the only one to pass first time with distinction in my class, every other lad failed.’
So every single other person on her course failed but she passed with distinction ??. And all of them males ?.
I call that a big fat lie BBC. Or the course itself had something extremely fishy going on which you aren’t telling us.
‘”Currently the trade industry is one of the worst for bias and sexism,” said co-founder, Anna Moynihan.’
‘This gender bias led them to realise how underrepresented women were in the trades, which are 96% male in the UK.’
I almost laughed out loud at the bare-facred hypocrisy of the BBC for putting something like that in an article considering the racist and sexist discrimination rife in the entire broadcasting industry today.
How many white males are been discriminated against because of their sex and race when the jobs are being given to women and BAME far in excess of their numbers in society ?. Watch any advert or BBC program to find out.
From yet another BBC narcississt clone:

Listening to the radio in the car yesterday, every advert, black mans voice.
Thass raht
Front page news at the BBC :
Escaped Cinnamon ‘fled after being startled by mower’
I kid you not, this is the story:
Her keeper had left the gate open when she was startled by a lawnmower and ran away. So the keeper looked around, followed some tracks and there she was.
That’s it.
And it took two of them to write it. Here’s the lead:
Problem: A convicted foreign murderer can not be deported because this would not be good for his mental health a judge rules.
Solution: Deport the judge as an enemy of the Realm
Once again the BBC have a chance to be a public service and help catch someone in a current police search:
Man ‘spat at and racially abused’ woman on Jubiliee line, say British Transport Police
Anyone who recognises him is asked to contact BTP by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40, quoting reference 144 of 7/9/24.
But they have ignored it like so many others. And the reason is the same. Here he is:
Because in BBC land, only right-wing white British males are racist.
I know y’all know
Mark Steyn describes the grim toll from the covid experimental gene therapies:
I was lucky in that I got an early Astra Zeneca Sars Cov 2 (Covid 19 vaccine) in January 2021. My wife was working as a vaccinator at a local surgery. There was ‘overage’, the little bit extra that pharmaceutical manufacturers have to put in liquid containers to ensure that there is no short dosage, so I was able to agree not to waste vaccine and get on with it! Remember how important it was at the time to get vaccinated against this novel virus (or so the government told us – I am not saying they were wrong!
Exactly two weeks after I had the vaccine I went for a walk around the locality. We were only allowed to see one friend. We were in lock-down. It was a very, very cold Wednesday in February. On getting back from the walk I sat in front of the log fire in the evening after eating, as was usual in the winter. I noticed that the soles of my feet were feeling quite numb, like chilblains…
You can guess where this is heading:
Dave the chicken man came to deliver a fresh chicken, as he did every fortnight. My money was upstairs. I had to apologise, saying that I didn’t have the strength in my legs to climb the stairs. He could see that something was wrong. He went away without being paid…
It got worse:
Christine left me at the hospital entrance and I had to see her drive away, not knowing that I wouldn’t see her again for nearly six weeks. We had not been apart before that for more than a week…
And worse:
I couldn’t close my eyes to sleep. The left one stayed constantly open… I didn’t realise until much later that this was all down to paralysis of the muscles in my face. Eventually one of the nurses realised that my eye wasn’t closing so taped it shut and administered eye drops to stop my cornea drying up and getting damaged…
The husband of a BBC presenter who died due to complications from the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine says taking legal action is his only option.
Lisa Shaw, 44, who worked for BBC Radio Newcastle, died in May 2021 a week after her first jab.
Gareth Eve said despite trying to “engage with the government, MPs and three prime ministers” no-one had “reached out” in return.
The Department of Health said all vaccines had “undergone robust trials”.
Do you know when events happen which are unconnected yet connected ? Try football matches .
The number of footballers / ex footballers dying – with that 1 minute clapping before the game seems every week now – men in their 30s 40s just dying …. No one talks about cause – and I don’t know if these ‘unexplained deaths ‘ are caused by Chinese virus vaccines ….
I’m not going to search- bet the Gurdian are on it
Reeves defends claiming energy expenses and insists winter fuel cuts right move
The Government is facing further questions about the decision to limit how many pensioners can claim winter fuel payments.
By Helen Corbett
Wednesday 11 September 2024 13:48
Armature ….
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 10 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Maybe we are toppling statues before they are erected….
“‘Absolutely hideous’: new London sculpture of Oscar Wilde condemned by his grandson
Gloomy segmented head of famed playwright fails to convey his wit and brilliance, says Merlin Holland”