151 Responses to Weekend 21st September 2024

  1. vlad says:

    Noisome Newsom (Democrat destroyer of California) tried to ban memes he disapproves of, such as one mocking Kamala. Luckily, Musk stepped in and made it go viral.


  2. Zephir says:

    Even worse….

    “Jill Biden sparks huge backlash by leading White House cabinet meeting: ‘Who is running the country?’

    Political commentator also posted about the First Lady kicking off the meeting, posting: ‘Jill Biden is kicking off the first cabinet meeting the White House has had in almost a year and we’re expected to act like this is normal.'”



  3. MarkyMark says:




  4. MarkyMark says:

    “He said his government was “turning that on its head” and that the introduction of “planning passports” would “put rocket boosters under housebuilding”.”




  5. Zephir says:

    “Sir Shameless is at it AGAIN! Hours after Wardrobegate erupted, PM and Sue Gray enjoy Spurs freebie with lobbyist who backed hated breakaway football super league and advises tax-avoiding tech giants”



  6. Flotsam says:

    Smarmer DPP and Savile

    Apparently Smarmer himself wasn’t the reviewing authority for a possible Savile prosecution. A later investigation criticised the actions of both the CPS and the police in their handling of the situation. It did not suggest that Mr Starmer was personally involved in the decisions made. The Labour party told us it could not comment on individual cases and the CPS said that records relating to the decision not to charge Savile were not kept, which the service said is in line with its data retention policy. So the records were shredded, (I suppose Smarmer learnt from Bliar to shred anything sensitive or possibly the other way round.)

    So, to reiterate, Smarmer claims he wasn’t involved, perhaps kept his distance more like. Savile was one of the most prominent people in Britain and the BBC, so please pull the other one, he knew all about it and just as he did with the Pakistani rape gangs, turned the other way.

    Smarmer is a disgrace, the biggest liar ever to be PM.


    • tomo says:


      there’s simply no way he wasn’t involved and consulted.

      On the record, in a minuted meeting – he’d be a Sue Gray … – notorious for swerving on the record stuff.


  7. tomo says:


  8. Flotsam says:

    Waheed Alli has been spreading his favours around both the PM and members of the Cabinet.
    Anyone notice Alli is a Muslim? Can we expect more leniency on Muslim invaders, Criminals and illegal workers?


  9. tomo says:


  10. micknotmike says:

    You know how sometimes once you see something, you can’t “un-see” it?

    starmer has taken to wearing glasses instead of contacts, apparently in order to convey a sort of statesmanlike gravitas.

    Now take a moment to look at a few Dilbert comic strips. Then look at starmer. Same guy, I’m sure of it.

    Dilbert has pretty much disappeared from the media, apparently due to his creator, Scot Adams, being found guilty of uttering commonsense statements.


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